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Explanations Versus Applications: The Explanatory Power of Valuable Beliefs


Abstract and Figures

People hold beliefs that vary not only in their perceived truth, but also in their value to the believer--their meaning, relevance, and importance. We argue that a belief's value is determined, at least in part, by its explanatory power. Highly valuable beliefs are those that can uniquely explain and organize a diverse set of observations. Less valuable beliefs, in contrast, are those that can be explained by other observations, or that explain and organize few observations. The results of three experiments are consistent with these hypotheses. These experiments demonstrate that applying either scientific or religious beliefs to explain other observations increases the perceived value of those beliefs, whereas generating explanations for the existence of beliefs decreases their perceived value. Discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for people's resistance to explaining their own beliefs, for the perceived value of science and religion, and for culture wars between people holding opposing beliefs.
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Research Article
Explanations Versus
The Explanatory Power of Valuable Beliefs
Jesse Preston
and Nicholas Epley
Harvard University and
University of Chicago
ABSTRACT—People hold beliefs that vary not only in their
perceived truth, but also in their value to the believer—
their meaning, relevance, and importance. We argue that
a belief’s value is determined, at least in part, by its ex-
planatory power. Highly valuable beliefs are those that
can uniquely explain and organize a diverse set of observa-
tions. Less valuable beliefs, in contrast, are those that can
be explained by other observations, or that explain and
organize few observations. The results of three experi-
ments are consistent with these hypotheses. These experi-
ments demonstrate that applying either scientific or
religious beliefs to explain other observations increases the
perceived value of those beliefs, whereas generating ex-
planations for the existence of beliefs decreases their per-
ceived value. Discussion focuses on the implications of
these findings for people’s resistance to explaining their
own beliefs, for the perceived value of science and religion,
and for culture wars between people holding opposing
Beliefs are propositions held to be true, and the average person
holds more beliefs than anyone would care to count. But not all
of these beliefs are equally valuable. Some—such as belief in
God—are vigorously defended when called into question,
whereas others—such as the belief that it will rain tomorrow—
are not. And some—such as those of Democrats versus Re-
publicans—create intense cultural conflicts between believers,
whereas others—such as those of dog lovers versus cat lovers—
do not. Valuable beliefs are those that are personally meaning-
ful, relevant, and important to people in their daily lives, and the
research we report here investigates one important mechanism
by which beliefs become valuable.
To be sure, beliefs are valued for a variety of reasons: for emo-
tional comfort (Lerner, 1980), self-expression (Prentice, 1987), ego
defense (Katz, 1960), and behavior regulation (Greenwald, 1989),
among others (Eagly & Chaiken, 1998). Perhaps a belief’s most
basic instrumental function, however, is to serve as an explanation
for one’s observations. Belief in free will, for instance, explains
one’s own and other people’s actions (Wegner, 2002). Belief in
right-wing conspiracies explains presidential impeachments. And
religious beliefs explain the origin of the universe and life after
death. Many of the beliefs people possess are in some sense causal
explanations that organize their observations and reduce com-
plexity (e.g., life exists because of God), thereby providing ex-
pectations for the future (Berlyne, 1960; Gilbert, 1991; Heider,
1958) and reducing the anxiety associated with uncertainty (Or-
tony, Clore, & Collins, 1988). To the extent that beliefs serve as
explanations for one’s observations, their value should be a func-
tion of their explanatory power.
The idea that beliefs serve as explanations is certainly not new
(e.g., Allport, 1935; Frazer, 1890/1923; Thagard, 1989). How-
ever, unlike previous functional accounts of belief, our account
suggests that it is not simply the perceived truth of a belief that is
influenced by its explanatory power, but its perceived value—its
meaning, importance, and personal relevance—as well. As
people apply a belief to explain more observations, the value of
that belief should increase. Applying a belief to other observa-
tions positions it as a first cause in a sequence of events, and
unites different effects together through a mutual cause. The
belief in love as a critical ingredient in romantic relationships,
for example, can explain a spouse’s steadfast monogamy, lifelong
devotion, and tender laughter at one’s bad jokes. With each new
application, belief in the importance, meaningfulness, and
personal relevance of love should increase. We therefore predict
that applying a belief to explain one’s observations should
increase its perceived value.
Address correspondence to Nicholas Epley, University of Chicago,
5807 S. Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, IL 60637, e-mail:epley@chicagogsb.
edu, or to Jesse Preston, e-mail:
826 Volume 16—Number 10Copyright r2005 American Psychological Society
Perhaps more important, the flip side of this argument is that
explanatory power diminishes if the belief is itself explained by
other beliefs. Love for one’s spouse, for instance, can be ex-
plained by physical attraction, perceived similarity, and the
formal commitment that comes with marriage. Now all of the
beliefs that could previously be explained by love can be ex-
plained by other, more basic, beliefs. Thus, explaining a belief
also positions it in a causal sequence, but relegates the focal
belief to a secondary or mediating status that may make the focal
belief seem less important, meaningful, and relevant (Penne-
baker, 1990, 1997; Wilson, Gilbert, & Centerbar, 2003; Wort-
man, Silver, & Kessler, 1993). We therefore predict that
explaining a belief will cause it to lose some of its unique ex-
planatory power, and therefore lose some of its meaning, im-
portance, and relevance as well.
Notice that this example about love refers to the perceived
importance of love in a relationship, not to whether or not one is
actually loved in one’s own relationship, thus demonstrating that
the perceived value of a belief can be quite independent of its
perceived truth. A person may hold two beliefs to be equally
true, but can still value one belief over the other. In addition,
both applications of a belief and explanations for a belief can
provide evidence consistent with the validity of a belief. Indeed,
previous research has found that both explanations and appli-
cations of a belief can increase the extent to which that belief is
perceived to be a ‘‘good’’ explanation (Read & Marcus-Newhall,
1993). Our predictions about the perceived value of a belief,
then, are not dependent on altering the perceived truth or va-
lidity of a belief.
We tested our hypotheses in three experiments. In each,
participants considered either a novel or an existing belief and
were asked to focus on either applications of that belief (i.e.,
observations that the belief could explain) or explanations for
that belief (i.e., observations or underlying causes that could
explain the existence of the belief). We predicted that partici-
pants asked to apply beliefs would find them to be more valu-
able—that is, more meaningful, important, and personally
relevant—than participants asked to explain beliefs.
Participants in Study 1 were presented with one of two novel
scientific beliefs that are familiar to most psychologists but would
be considerably less so to the participants: (a) that people prefer
similarity in relationship partners or (b) that people with high self-
esteem are more likely to be aggressive than people with low self-
esteem. Participants in the applications condition were then asked
to apply their provided belief to other observations (i.e., to think of
observations that their belief could explain). Participants in the
explanations condition, in contrast, were asked to think of obser-
vations that could explain the belief (i.e., why people prefer sim-
ilarity, or why self-esteem might be linked to aggression).
Participants in a control condition neither applied nor explained
the provided belief. We expected that participants in the appli-
cations condition, compared with those in the control condition,
would rate their assigned belief as more valuable—more impor-
tant, meaningful, and relevant to society—whereas participants in
the explanations condition would rate their belief as less valuable
than would those in the control condition.
Study 1 also tested our secondary prediction that the per-
ceived value of a belief can vary somewhat independently of its
perceived truth. We tested this prediction by asking participants
to indicate the likelihood that the target belief was correct.
Interested travelers in a Boston, MA, train station (N5171)
received a questionnaire describing one of two beliefs. One
group (n573) read about the widely documented relationship
between similarity and attraction (Berscheid & Reis, 1998):
Psychologists have argued that, whether choosing friends or fall-
ing in love, we are most attracted to people whose traits are similar
to our own. There seems to be wisdom in the old saying, ‘‘Birds of a
feather flock together.’’ (Myers, 1994, p. 18)
Another group (n598) read about the documented rela-
tionship between self-esteem and aggression (Baumeister,
Smart, & Boden, 1996):
Although intuition suggests that people who are depressed or low
in self-esteem are more likely to be violent or aggressive towards
others, some research demonstrates exactly the opposite. In fact,
people who are high in self-esteem are more likely to be aggressive
toward other people.
All participants were then randomly assigned to one of three
conditions. Those in the applications condition were asked to list
as many ‘‘implications or observations that this research finding
would explain.’’ Those in the explanations condition were asked to
list as many reasons ‘‘why this finding could come about.’’ Par-
ticipants in the control condition received no writing instructions.
All participants then reported the likelihood that the finding
was correct, using a scale ranging from 0% to 100%. Participants
then rated the perceived value of the finding. Specifically, they
indicated how important, meaningful, and personally relevant the
finding appeared to them, as well as how likely the finding was to
have an impact on society. All value ratings were made on 11-
point scales ranging from 0 (not at all) to 10 (a great deal). Finally,
participants rated the difficulty of the task on an 11-point scale
ranging from 0 (extremely easy) to 10 (extremely difficult).
Results and Discussion
The difficulty people experience when generating information is
often used as a cue for its validity (e.g., Schwarz, 1998), but
Volume 16—Number 10 827
Jesse Preston and Nicholas Epley
between-condition differences in difficulty cannot account for
our predicted effects as the difficulty ratings were inconsistent
with our predictions. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
on perceived difficulty yielded a marginally significant effect of
condition, F(2, 172) 52.82, p5.06, d50.27, with participants
in the control condition (who were asked to do the least) per-
ceiving the task as less difficult (M51.43) than those in the
applications (M52.54) or explanations (M52.12) condition.
These latter two conditions did not differ from each other, t<1.
To test our main hypothesis about explanatory power, we cre-
ated a single composite measure by averaging across the four
dependent measures (a5.85). As predicted, a 2 (scenario:
similarity vs. self-esteem) !3 (condition: explanations vs. control
vs. applications) ANOVA on this composite measure yielded a
main effect for condition, F(2, 169) 58.99, p<.001, Z
There was no main effect of the particular scenario and no in-
teraction between scenario and condition. As can be seen in Table
1, participants in the applications condition found their assigned
belief to be the most valuable, whereas those in the explanations
condition found their assigned belief to be the least valuable,
linear contrast F(1, 174) 519.71, p<.001, d50.67.
Perceived correctness of the belief did not show the same
pattern, also as predicted. As can be seen in Table 1, there were
no differences in the perceived correctness across conditions (F
<1). A 2 (scenario) !3 (condition) !2 (measure: correctness
vs. value) ANOVA conducted on standardized values of cor-
rectness and value yielded only the predicted three-way inter-
action, F(2, 165) 59.01, p<.001, Z
Understanding other people’s thoughts and beliefs is a central
feature of nearly all social interaction, and such understanding
influences people’s behavior and attitudes toward one another.
To the extent that the explanatory utility of a belief is used as a
guide for determining the value of one’s own beliefs, so too
should it be used as a guide when making inferences about other
people’s beliefs. A long line of research, however, suggests that
such social judgments tend to be egocentrically biased (Nick-
erson, 1999), and people are therefore likely to use their own
perceived value of a belief as an intuitive guide to others’ per-
ceived value. In order to highlight the role of explanatory power
in predicting other people’s beliefs without possible contami-
nation from egocentric biases, we asked participants in Study 2
to make inferences about a belief that none were likely to find
even remotely valuable. Specifically, participants in Study 2
were asked to consider the extent to which the ancient Greeks
valued their belief in the mythological god Poseidon, the god of
the sea. As in Study 1, we expected that participants led to focus
on applications would rate the belief as most valuable, whereas
those led to focus on explanations would rate it as least valuable.
Interested travelers (N547) in a Boston, MA, train station
received a short paragraph about Poseidon:
In Greek Mythology, each god or goddess governed a specific part
of the world, or represented a specific part of life that the ancient
Greeks experienced. The sea was believed to be the realm of the
god Poseidon.
Participants randomly assigned to the applications condition
were then asked to list observations in the daily life of the Greeks
that Poseidon could explain, whereas those assigned to the ex-
planations condition were asked to list ‘‘observations that the
average Greek citizen believed could explain Poseidon’s be-
havior.’’ Participants in a control condition received no writing
Ratings of Value and Correctness in Study 1 and Study 2
Predicted linear
Belief and measure Explanations Control Applications t d
Similarity and attraction
Correctness 62.4 62.0 61.3 "0.21 .05
Total value 4.64 5.13 5.93 2.3
Self-esteem and aggression
Correctness 53.3 49.4 52.2 "0.19 .04
Total value 3.80 4.81 5.81 3.86
Greeks’ belief in Poseidon
Total value 5.51 6.48 7.36 2.97
Note. Correctness was rated on a 101-point scale ranging from 0 to 100. Totalvalue is the average across ratings of value, which were
made on 11-point scales ranging from 0 (not at all) to 11 (extremely).
p<. 01.
Degrees of freedom differ for analyses of correctness and value because some
participants failed to respond to the correctness item.
828 Volume 16—Number 10
Explanatory Power
On the next page, participants were asked how important
Poseidon was to the ancient Greeks, how relevant Poseidon was
to the ancient Greeks, and how meaningful Poseidon was to the
average Greek citizen, using separate 11-point scales ranging
from 0 (not at all) to 10 (a great deal).
Results and Discussion
Our main prediction was that participants in the applications
condition would rate the belief in Poseidon as most valuable to
the ancient Greeks and that participants in the explanations
condition would list Poseidon as least valuable. A one-way
ANOVA on the overall composite measure of value (a5.79)
confirmed this prediction, F(2, 44) 54.45, p<.05, d50.64
(see Table 1). The perceived value of Poseidon increased as
people considered applications of the belief, and decreased as
people considered explanations for the belief.
Although the results of Study 1 and Study 2 are consistent
with our hypotheses, in neither study did we try to influence
the perceived value of an existing belief, nor did either study
investigate beliefs that are generally considered to be especial-
ly valuable. In Study 3, we sought to do just that.
Few beliefs are more valuable to people than their religious
beliefs. Wars are fought in defense of such beliefs, communities
and nations are organized around religious institutions, and
personal identities are often defined by the presence or absence
of religious affiliations. Study 3 investigated whether people’s
religious beliefs could be influenced by highlighting the ex-
planatory power of their God concepts. Much as in Study 2,
participants were asked either to apply their concept of God to
explain other observations (applications condition) or to con-
sider observations that could explain God’s behavior (explana-
tions condition).
In addition, Study 3 manipulated explanatory utility by al-
tering not only the observations participants were led to con-
sider, but also the number of observations they were asked to
generate. All else being equal, the more observations a belief
can explain, the more valuable it should appear to be. Con-
versely, the more a belief can be readily explained by other
observations, the less valuable it should appear to be. To in-
vestigate whether such effects would be observed with people’s
own religious beliefs, we asked participants in Study 3 to gen-
erate either 3 or 10 applications that God could explain, or 3 or
10 observations that could explain God’s behavior. We predicted
that increasing the explanatory power of God would increase the
perceived value of participants’ religious beliefs.
Because the vast majority of participants held Judeo-Chris-
tian beliefs, many were likely to see explaining God as ex-
ceedingly difficult (and perhaps somewhat inappropriate). In
this religious tradition, God is perceived to operate autono-
mously without being influenced by the natural world, and God’s
behavior is therefore uncaused in the traditional sense. Con-
sistent with this possibility, a pretest (n533) measuring the
perceived difficulty of the four conditions revealed a significant
main effect of the kind of observations listed (explanations vs.
applications), but no effect of the number of observations listed.
Listing observations that could explain God’s behavior was
perceived to be more difficult (M56.61) than applying God as
an explanation for other observations (M54.75), F(1, 29) 5
4.71, p5.04. To the extent that God cannot be readily ex-
plained, the belief in God may be relatively immune to a de-
crease in value. Nevertheless, we retained these conditions to
maintain symmetry with the previous experiments.
Eighty interested Harvard undergraduates received a ques-
tionnaire informing them that this study was investigating peo-
ple’s religious beliefs. Those in the applications condition were
then asked to list either 3 or 10 observations that God can ex-
plain, whereas those in the explanations condition were asked to
list either 3 or 10 observations that can explain God’s behavior.
Participants who considered themselves atheists were asked to
list observations that a believer would likely make. When fin-
ished, participants answered four questions about their religious
beliefs: ‘‘What is the general importance of God in your life?’’
‘‘How important is God to you on a daily basis?’’ ‘‘How confident
are you that God exists?’’ and ‘‘To what extent do you feel you
have a personal relationship with God?’’ All responses were
made on 11-point scales ranging from 0 (not at all) to 10 (ex-
tremely). One final question asked participants to rate their faith
in God compared with the faith of the average Harvard student,
on a scale ranging from "5 (much weaker) to 5 (much stronger).
Results and Discussion
Twenty-three of the 80 participants considered themselves
atheists, which approximates the ratio in the Harvard popula-
tion. We excluded these participants, but including them does
not alter the significance levels of any of the following analyses.
To test our hypotheses, we first converted responses to the final
comparative faith question from a scale from "5 to 15 to a scale
from 0 to 10 by adding 5 to each response, thereby matching the
scales for the other items. We then created a composite measure
of belief in God by averaging together all five items (a5.98). A
2 (number of observations: 3 vs. 10) !2 (condition: explanations
vs. applications) between-participants ANOVA on this com-
posite score revealed a significant main effect of condition, F(1,
53) 58.06, p<.01, Z
5.13, indicating greater belief in the
applications condition than in the explanations condition.
Neither the main effect of number nor the two-way interaction
between condition and number was significant.
The pattern of means shown in Figure 1 suggests that the
number of items listed amplified the effects of the applications
Volume 16—Number 10 829
Jesse Preston and Nicholas Epley
condition, resulting in a substantial increase in reported belief
in God among participants asked to list 10 observations that God
could explain. Indeed, a follow-up contrast indicated that belief
was significantly higher in this condition than in the others, t(53)
52.67, p5.01, d50.77. There was not a reciprocal decrease
in belief as the number of explanations increased. This finding is
not especially surprising as most of our participants did not
believe that God’s actions could be explained by much at all. In
fact, none of the participants asked to list 10 explanations were
able to do so, and participants in this condition listed only an
average of 4.2 explanations—barely more than in the 3-expla-
nations condition. There was no difference in belief in God
between the 10-explanations and the 3-explanations conditions,
it appears, simply because participants were unable to generate
10 explanations for God’s behavior, and the experimental ma-
nipulation was therefore unsuccessful. In fact, the difficulty of
explaining God’s behavior may partially account for the ex-
tremely high value of belief in God. God is easy to apply but
difficult to explain.
Beliefs held with confidence may vary considerably in their
perceived value to the believer, and the results of these three
experiments suggest that one important component of a belief ’s
value is its explanatory power. Those beliefs that can be broadly
applied to explain a variety of observations are considered to be
more meaningful, important, and personally relevant than those
that can be applied more narrowly. Whether considering novel
beliefs, other people’s beliefs, or their own cherished religious
beliefs, participants found beliefs to be more valuable when they
were led to apply their beliefs as explanations for other obser-
vations. In contrast, those beliefs that can readily be explained
by other observations seem to lose some of their explanatory
power, and therefore their perceived value. In both Studies 1 and
2, participants who considered observations that could explain a
belief found that belief to be less valuable than those who did not
consider such explanations.
To be sure, explanatory power is not the only mechanism
through which beliefs derive their value. For instance, the
perceived difficulty of generating applications or explanations
may well moderate the perceived importance of the belief. Al-
though we did not find that perceived difficulty could explain the
results of the present experiments, substantial evidence sug-
gests that a controlled manipulation of perceived difficulty
would moderate the value of a belief (Schwarz, 1998). Also,
variability in the importance of functional versus symbolic
sources of value may moderate the importance of explanatory
power. Functional sources of value—like explanatory power—
may be especially important when people are motivated to
possess accurate beliefs, whereas symbolic sources of value
such as self-expression may be relatively more important when
people are motivated to possess socially desirable beliefs. The
present research is therefore not intended to supplant existing
functional accounts of beliefs, but rather to expand on them by
demonstrating an additional, and we believe critically impor-
tant, source of a belief’s value.
We believe that, in addition to shedding new light on the
determinants of a belief’s value, these results have important
implications for persuasion. Like the marketer who points out
the unique functionality of his or her favored gadget that can
both slice and dice, so should influence peddlers advertise the
unique and wide variety of observations that their favored be-
liefs can uniquely explain. Attempts to explain those beliefs, of
course, should be left to their opponents.
Although we know of no research in the persuasion literature
that has tested the persuasive appeal of applications versus
explanations, we cannot help noticing that our predictions often
seem confirmed in scientific discourse. People attempting to
praise one’s research often do so by highlighting its wide array of
applications, whereas those attempting to belittle one’s research
do so by highlighting the host of existing mechanisms that could
explain one’s findings. What is more, higher levels of analysis
within scientific discourse often appear—rightly or wrongly—to
lose some of their appeal with the arrival of more basic levels of
analyses. Broadly speaking, for example, sociology can be ex-
plained by the mechanisms of social psychology, social psy-
chology can be explained by the mechanisms of cognitive
psychology, and all perhaps eventually will be explained by
Fig. 1. Mean perceived value of belief in God as a function of experi-
mental condition and number of observations in Study 3.
830 Volume 16—Number 10
Explanatory Power
neuroscience. Part of the appeal, then, of these lower levels of
analysis may be due to their apparent ability to explain higher-
level phenomena. Of course, whether lower levels of analyses
really ought to devalue higher levels of analyses is a functional
issue that depends on what, exactly, one is trying to predict or
We also believe these experiments can help account for
people’s resistance to explanations for their cherished beliefs.
Those of religious faith, for example, seem threatened when
scientific explanations—such as evolution—are offered for
observations otherwise explained by religious concepts or when
psychological concepts are used to explain religious belief it-
self. Even if these explanations do not impinge on the core tenets
of a religious ideology, they may nevertheless seem to devalue
religious beliefs, and lead to an intense resistance to such ex-
planations. Indeed, the history of science and religion is replete
with examples of such resistance. In some cases, it may be so
intense that believers wish to avoid the search for underlying
explanations altogether. Senator William Proxmire, for example,
justified giving one of his ‘‘Golden Fleece Awards’’ to Ellen
Berscheid and Elaine Hatfield for their research on love by
stating, ‘‘I don’t want the answer. I believe that 200 million other
Americans want to leave some things in life a mystery’’ (cited in
Hatfield & Walster, 1978, p. viii). Explanations for cherished
beliefs can devalue those beliefs to such an extent that people
may prefer to stop further understanding altogether. The results
reported here may therefore shed explanatory light on culture
wars that are likely to develop between groups who hold op-
posing beliefs, and thereby join the growing body of research
investigating how cultural beliefs and practices arise from basic
psychological processes (Gilbert, Brown, Pinel, & Wilson, 2000;
Heath, Bell, & Sternberg, 2001; Lyons & Kashima, 2001;
Schaller & Crandall, 2004).
Finally, this research suggests that the ultimately valuable
belief (a) explains everything and (b) is explained by nothing.
Few beliefs can manage this feat, but those associated with
science and religion are the most common contenders. We think
it is no accident that Western theology has historically depicted
God as the ‘‘unmoved First Mover.’’ Both science and religion
seek primary causes that can explain higher-level observations,
albeit through different methods. It is of little surprise, given our
findings, that believers in science and believers in religion so
often come into direct conflict. What these experiments suggest
is that at least some of this conflict can be attributed to the
psychological mechanisms that create valuable beliefs. What
these valuable beliefs share, our research suggests, is not simply
their perceived truth, but their power as explanations.
Acknowledgments—This research was supported by grants
from the National Science Foundation (SES0241544) and the
James S. Kemper Foundation Faculty Research Fund awarded
to Nicholas Epley. We thank Andrew Fichte, Samantha Frank-
lin, Nicholas Josefowitz, Richard Lonsdorf, Erin Rapien, Aram
Seo, and Audrey Tse for assistance conducting these experi-
ments; Daniel Wegner for advice during the course of this re-
search; and Richard Eibach, Chip Heath, and Zakary Tormala
for helpful comments on a previous draft.
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832 Volume 16—Number 10
Explanatory Power
... Consequently, individuals tend to be selective in their exploration of explanations, with only certain events prompting them to question "why does this happen?" and rarely regard plausible (scientific or religious) explanations emerging from these observations as equally valuable (Lombrozo & Liquin, 2023;Preston & Epley, 2005). Consequently, they may value science more than religion (or vice versa; Preston & Epley, 2005). ...
... and rarely regard plausible (scientific or religious) explanations emerging from these observations as equally valuable (Lombrozo & Liquin, 2023;Preston & Epley, 2005). Consequently, they may value science more than religion (or vice versa; Preston & Epley, 2005). Thus, cognitive processes underlying scientific and religious beliefs may be akin to a hydraulic (i.e., a "trade-off") system, where selecting one type of explanation comes at the cost of undermining its counterpart (Preston & Epley, 2009;Sharp et al., 2022). ...
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Science and religion are influential social forces, and their interplay has been subject to many public and scholarly debates. The present article addresses how people mentally conceptualize the relationship between science and religion and how these conceptualizations can be systematized. To that end, we provide a comprehensive, integrative review of the pertinent literature. Moreover, we discuss how cognitive (in particular, epistemic beliefs) and motivational factors (in particular, epistemic needs, identity, and moral beliefs), as well as personality and contextual factors (e.g., rearing practices and cross-cultural exposure), are related to these mental conceptualizations. And finally, we provide a flowchart detailing the psychological processes leading to these mental conceptualizations. A comprehensive understanding of how individuals perceive the science–religion relationship is interesting in and of itself and practically relevant for managing societal challenges, such as science denial.
... That said, science possesses some unique attributes that particularly lend itself to experiences of spirituality. Science and religion share a common explanatory function for that lends itself to creating meaning (Preston & Epley, 2005). Other kinds of experiences (like art) might also have transcendent moments of awe or gratitude but may not fulfill existential functions. ...
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Scientists often refer to spiritual experiences with science. This research addresses this unique component of science attitudes-spirituality of science: feelings of meaning, awe, and connection derived through scientific ideas. Three studies (N = 1,197) examined individual differences in Spirituality of Science (SoS) and its benefits for well-being, meaning, and learning. Spirituality of Science was related to belief in science, but unlike other science attitudes, spirituality of science was also associated with trait awe and general spirituality (Study 1). spirituality of science also predicted meaning in life and emotional well-being in a group of atheists and agnostics, showing that scientific sources of spirituality can provide similar psychological benefits as religious spirituality (Study 2). Finally, Spirituality of Science predicted stronger engagement and recall of scientific information (Study 3). Results provide support for an experience of spirituality related to science, with benefits for meaning, well-being, and learning.
... The experience of spirituality is often recognized as an epistemology with high clarity, certainty, and certainty (Genia, 1991;James, 1988). The explanations included in such experiences are associated with positive emotions and meaningful feelings (Gopnik, 1998;Preston & Epley, 2005), which help resolve existential uncertainty (Laurin et al., 2008;Valdesolo & Graham, 2014). They address anxiety and worry (Inzlicht & Tullet, 2010) and ...
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This study is a structural equation modeling study. It has investigated the effect of literary tourism during the Covid-19 virus pandemic on tourists' behavioral goals through the attitude of mental norms. The present study is a one-section survey. The statistical population of this study includes all tourists who visited the cultural and spiritual sites of Shiraz, like Hafez and Saadi tombs. Literary tourism is a concept that praises the culture and heritage of a destination. The concept is to go to locations worldwide highlighted in some non/fictional novels. They can fascinate new tourists, increase the number of domestic travelers, and promote tourism destinations. Because the sample size is unknown through Cochran's formula with a 95% confidence level, 384 people were selected by the available sampling method. They answered the questionnaire about the effect of literary tourism during the Covid-19 virus pandemic on tourists' behavioral goals. The collected data were analyzed by using Amos software and SPSS. Confirmatory factor analysis, the reliability and validity of the contract measurement model, Cronbach's alpha results (above 0.7), and composite reliability (greater than 0.7) for the reliability and mean of the extracted variance (greater than 0.5) were confirmed. The structural equation model was used to test research hypotheses and the relationships between research variables (spiritual factors, behavioral purpose). The results showed that spiritual variables, in general, have a positive effect on the behavioral goal of tourists through the attitude of tourists' mental norms. This attitude was also recognized as a significant mediator between spiritual perception and behavioral goals. The findings of this study indicate that literary tourism has a positive, significant effect on increasing re-visit tourism destinations through attitude, mental norms, and perceived behavioral control.
... The knowledge acquired through the spiritual experience is often recognized as an epistemology, with high clarity, confidence and certainty, rather than the doubt (Genia, 1991;James, 1988). The explanations included in such experiences are associated with the positive feelings and sense of meaningfulness (Gopnik, 1998;Preston & Epley, 2005), which helps resolve the existential uncertainty (Laurin et al., 2008;Valdesolo & Graham, 2014), protect against anxiety and concerns (Inzlicht & Tullet, 2010), and provide answers to the unanswered questions for the science (Preston & Epley, 2009). In religion terminology, blessing is the infusion of something with holiness, spiritual redemption, spiritual salvation or divine will. ...
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This paper studies a theoretical model of moderated mediation in which religious learning assists as an intervening mechanism that explains the moderated relationships between brand image and the dimensions of travel benefits (tranquility and health). The study also considers the four dimensions of direct effects of a spiritual experience including (Sense of bliss, Elimination of the life concerns, Emotional involvement and Interaction). The results of the study of 384 religious tourists provide support for this integrated model across the dimensions of travel benefits. Furthermore, the results of the studies conducted on the domestic tourists verify this integrated model along with the dimensions of the religious travel advantages. The moderating effect of the religious learning is expected to have a positive impact of the brand image on the religious travel benefits as this learning strengthens the positive linkage. Additionally, the spiritual experiences enhance the positive effect of the religious travel benefits through the brand image. The present findings also indicate that the Religious travel benefit have direct effects on health and tranquility Variables via Brand image and religious learning. A model is implemented here in order to measure the strength of the findings and it is argued how this moderated mediation pattern could be shown using the empirical evidence of the religious beliefs concentrated on the various religious experiences of the tourists.
This research investigated whether ideological attitudes (beliefs about religion, social justice) are central to the self-concept. Participants rated ideological attitudes as more self-defining than relevant attitudes (about family, hometown), even though were liked equally (Study 1). Ideological attitudes were as self-defining as attitudes that were personally meaningful, even though the latter were liked more and more psychologically valuable (Study 2). In Study 3, participants reported that if they changed their ideological attitudes or their moral traits (honesty, generosity), they would see themselves as a different person more than if they changed their attitudes about relevant attitudes and their perceptual abilities (hearing, pain tolerance). These studies underscore the important role of ideological attitudes to the self-concept.
People often find simple explanations more satisfying than complex ones. Across seven preregistered experiments, we provide evidence that this simplicity preference is not specific to explanations and may instead arises from a broader tendency to prefer completing goals in efficient ways. In each experiment, participants (total N=2820) learned of simple and complex methods for producing an outcome, and judged which was more appealing—either as an explanation why the outcome happened, or as a process for producing it. Participants showed similar preferences across judgments. They preferred simple methods as explanations and processes in tasks with no statistical information about the reliability or pervasiveness of causal elements. But when this statistical information was provided, preferences for simple causes often diminished and reversed in both kinds of judgments. Together, these findings suggest that people may assess explanations much in the same ways they assess methods for completing goals, and that both kinds of judgments depend on the same cognitive mechanisms.
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Milk bioactivity refers to the specific health effects of milk components beyond nutrition. The science of milk bioactivity involves the systematic study of these components and their health effects, as verified by empirical data, controlled experiments, and logical arguments. Conversely, ’faith in milk bioactivity’ can be defined as personal opinion, meaning, value, trust, and hope for health effects that are beyond investigation by natural, social, or human sciences. Faith can be strictly secular, but also influenced by spirituality or religion. The aim of this paper is to show that scientific knowledge is frequently supplemented with faith convictions to establish personal and public understanding of milk bioactivity. Mammalian milk is an immensely complex fluid containing myriad proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and micronutrients with multiple functions across species, genetics, ages, environments, and cultures. Human health includes not only physical health, but also social, mental, and spiritual health, requiring widely different fields of science to prove the relevance, safety, and efficacy of milk interventions. These complex relationships between milk feeding and health outcomes prevent firm conclusions based on science and logic alone. Current beliefs in and understanding of the value of breast milk, colostrum, infant formula, or isolated milk proteins (e.g., immunoglobulins, α-lactalbumin, lactoferrin, and growth factors) show that both science and faith contribute to understand, stimulate, or restrict the use of milk bioactivity. The benefits of breastfeeding for infants are beyond doubt, but the strong beliefs in its health effects rely not only on science, and mechanisms are unclear. Likewise, fear of, or trust in, infant formula may rely on both science and faith. Knowledge from science safeguards individuals and society against ‘milk bioactivity superstition’. Conversely, wisdom from faith-based convictions may protect science from unrealistic ‘milk bioactivity scientism’. Honesty and transparency about the potentials and limitations of both scientific knowledge and faith convictions are important when informing individuals and society about the nutritious and bioactive qualities of milk.
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Humans are capable explainers and lay people tend to share the same explanatory virtues held in high regard by philosophers and scientists. However, a recent line of studies found a striking deviation from normativity in lay people’s explanations, termed the “narrow latent scope bias”. When competing explanations with identical a priori probabilities fit observed evidence equally well – but differ in the number of unobserved pieces of evidence they predict (latent scope) – reasoners seem to prefer explanations that predict fewer unobserved pieces of evidence (narrow latent scope). This tendency has been described as a robust explanatory reasoning bias. The present paper empirically demonstrates across six experiments (N = 2200) that this bias is less robust than has been claimed, and influenced by nuanced pragmatic inferences on the side of participants. Pragmatic factors shown to influence the bias are assumptions about how easily an unobserved piece of evidence should have been observed if it was present (“feature diagnosability”), and the formulation of the test question being asked. Across studies, genuine narrow latent scope biases resulting from fallacious reasoning were found only in a fraction of participants. It is also demonstrated that the magnitude of the bias depends on response options: it is stronger if participants are forced to commit an error, but at best weak if they are allowed to give the correct answer.
The present research examines the effect of holistic-analytic thinking style on causal responsibility. Across seven studies (N = 4,103), participants' thinking style was either measured or manipulated. Then, the valence or number of consequences varied in several scenarios involving a cause-consequence relationship. As a dependent measure, participants indicated the degree of responsibility attributed to the cause mentioned in each scenario. The results revealed that holistic (vs. analytic) participants assigned more responsibility to the cause when the consequences presented were a combination of positive and negative outcomes (vs. univalent), and when multiple (vs. single) consequences were triggered in the scenario. To explore the explanatory factor for these results, a final study manipulated the complexity of the consequences, along with the number. The results of this research suggested that holistic (vs. analytic) individuals consider the degree of complexity of consequences to establish causal attribution.
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Latent scope bias is a bias that arises when humans estimate how probable a causal explanation is. This bias is a tendency to underestimate the probability of explanations with latent scope, the set of unobserved events that may or may not be occurring. Previous studies proposed the "inferred evidence" account, in which the bias occurs because we underestimate the probability that the unobserved event is occurring and reason based on this probability using the Bayesian rule. However, no studies have examined whether humans estimate the probability of explanations based on the Bayesian rule. Therefore, the present study examined how humans estimate the probability of explanations under uncertainty using Bayesian cognitive modeling. Specifically, participants read two explanations with different latent scopes and responded to one of them with a probability of 0% to 100%. The results obtained indicate the following two points: First, humans estimate the probability of explanations based on the Bayesian rule, which supports the inferred evidence account. Second, there are individual differences in the occurrence of latent scope bias.
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Conventional wisdom has regarded low self-esteem as an important cause of violence, but the opposite view is theoretically viable. An interdisciplinary review of evidence about aggression, crime, and violence contradicted the view that low self-esteem is an important cause. Instead, violence appears to be most commonly a result of threatened egotism—that is, highly favorable views of self that are disputed by some person or circumstance. Inflated, unstable, or tentative beliefs in the self’s superiority may be most prone to encountering threats and hence to causing violence. The mediating process may involve directing anger outward as a way of avoiding a downward revision of the self-concept.
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This article explores how much memes like urban legends succeed on the basis of informational selection (i.e., truth or a moral lesson) and emotional selection (i.e., the ability to evoke emotions like anger, fear, or disgust). The article focuses on disgust because its elicitors have been precisely described. In Study 1, with controls for informational factors like truth, people were more willing to pass along stories that elicited stronger disgust. Study 2 randomly sampled legends and created versions that varied in disgust; people preferred to pass along versions that produced the highest level of disgust. Study 3 coded legends for specific story motifs that produce disgust (e.g., ingestion of a contaminated substance) and found that legends that contained more disgust motifs were distributed more widely on urban legend Web sites. The conclusion discusses implications of emotional selection for the social marketplace of ideas.
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Conventional wisdom has regarded low self-esteem as an important cause of violence, but the opposite view is theoretically viable. An interdisciplinary review of evidence about aggression, crime, and violence contradicted the view that low self-esteem is an important cause. Instead, violence appears to be most commonly a result of threatened egotism--that is, highly favorable views of self that are disputed by some person or circumstance. Inflated, unstable, or tentative beliefs in the self's superiority may be most prone to encountering threats and hence to causing violence. The mediating process may involve directing anger outward as a way of avoiding a downward revision of the self-concept.
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To communicate effectively, people must have a reasonably accurate idea about what specific other people know. An obvious starting point for building a model of what another knows is what one oneself knows, or thinks one knows. This article reviews evidence that people impute their own knowledge to others and that, although this serves them well in general, they often do so uncritically, with the result of erroneously assuming that other people have the same knowledge. Overimputation of one's own knowledge can contribute to communication difficulties. Corrective approaches are considered. A conceptualization of where own-knowledge imputation fits in the process of developing models of other people's knowledge is proposed.
A collection of carefully selected contributions to behavioral economics from some of the leading international scholars in the field. Designed to fully complement Volume One, topics covered include preferences, behavioral game theory, motivated mental states and emotions and decision making.
A novel contribution to the age-old debate about free will versus determinism. Do we consciously cause our actions, or do they happen to us? Philosophers, psychologists, neuroscientists, theologians, and lawyers have long debated the existence of free will versus determinism. In this book Daniel Wegner offers a novel understanding of the issue. Like actions, he argues, the feeling of conscious will is created by the mind and brain. Yet if psychological and neural mechanisms are responsible for all human behavior, how could we have conscious will? The feeling of conscious will, Wegner shows, helps us to appreciate and remember our authorship of the things our minds and bodies do. Yes, we feel that we consciously will our actions, Wegner says, but at the same time, our actions happen to us. Although conscious will is an illusion, it serves as a guide to understanding ourselves and to developing a sense of responsibility and morality. Approaching conscious will as a topic of psychological study, Wegner examines the issue from a variety of angles. He looks at illusions of the will—those cases where people feel that they are willing an act that they are not doing or, conversely, are not willing an act that they in fact are doing. He explores conscious will in hypnosis, Ouija board spelling, automatic writing, and facilitated communication, as well as in such phenomena as spirit possession, dissociative identity disorder, and trance channeling. The result is a book that sidesteps endless debates to focus, more fruitfully, on the impact on our lives of the illusion of conscious will.
1. Introduction The study of emotion Types of evidence for theories of emotion Some goals for a cognitive theory of emotion 2. Structure of the theory The organisation of emotion types Basic emotions Some implications of the emotions-as-valenced-reactions claim 3. The cognitive psychology of appraisal The appraisal structure Central intensity variables 4. The intensity of emotions Global variables Local variables Variable-values, variable-weights, and emotion thresholds 5. Reactions to events: I. The well-being emotions Loss emotions and fine-grained analyses The fortunes-of-others emotions Self-pity and related states 6. Reactions to events: II. The prospect-based emotions Shock and pleasant surprise Some interrelationships between prospect-based emotions Suspense, resignation, hopelessness, and other related states 7. Reactions to agents The attribution emotions Gratitude, anger, and some other compound emotions 8. Reactions to objects The attraction emotions Fine-grained analyses and emotion sequences 9. The boundaries of the theory Emotion words and cross-cultural issues Emotion experiences and unconscious emotions Coping and the function of emotions Computational tractability.