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Ferulic Acid Stabilizes a Solution of Vitamins C and E and Doubles its Photoprotection of Skin


Abstract and Figures

Ferulic acid is a potent ubiquitous plant antioxidant. Its incorporation into a topical solution of 15%l-ascorbic acid and 1%alpha-tocopherol improved chemical stability of the vitamins (C+E) and doubled photoprotection to solar-simulated irradiation of skin from 4-fold to approximately 8-fold as measured by both erythema and sunburn cell formation. Inhibition of apoptosis was associated with reduced induction of caspase-3 and caspase-7. This antioxidant formulation efficiently reduced thymine dimer formation. This combination of pure natural low molecular weight antioxidants provides meaningful synergistic protection against oxidative stress in skin and should be useful for protection against photoaging and skin cancer.
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See related Commentaries on pages v and xii
Ferulic Acid Stabilizes a Solution of Vitamins C and E and Doubles
its Photoprotection of Skin
Fu-Hsiung Lin,
Jing-Yi Lin,wRavindra D. Gupta,
Joshua A. Tournas,
James A. Burch,
M. Angelica
Nancy A. Monteiro-Riviere,zJames M. Grichnik,
Jan Zielinski,yand Sheldon R. Pinnell
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, USA; wChang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; zNorth Carolina State University, Raleigh,
North Carolina, USA; yZielinski Research, San Diego, California, USA
Ferulic acid is a potent ubiquitous plant antioxidant. Its incorporation into a topical solution of 15% L-ascorbic acid
and 1% a-tocopherol improved chemical stability of the vitamins (CþE) and doubled photoprotection to solar-
simulated irradiation of skin from 4-fold to approximately 8-fold as measured by both erythema and sunburn cell
formation. Inhibition of apoptosis was associated with reduced induction of caspase-3 and caspase-7. This anti-
oxidant formulation efficiently reduced thymine dimer formation. This combination of pure natural low molecular
weight antioxidants provides meaningful synergistic protection against oxidative stress in skin and should be
useful for protection against photoaging and skin cancer.
Key words: antioxidant/ferulic acid/photoprotection/vitamin C/vitamin E
J Invest Dermatol 125:826 –832, 2005
Ultraviolet (UV) radiation generates oxidative stress in skin
creating photodamage. Mechanistically, a photon of radia-
tion interacts with trans-urocanic acid in skin generating
singlet oxygen (Hanson and Simon, 1998). This reaction
occurs maximally at about 345 nm. Singlet oxygen can
generate the entire oxygen free radical cascade with oxi-
dation of nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids, resulting in skin
cancer and photoaging changes. The body deals with oxi-
dative stress by employing a series of low molecular weight
antioxidants that neutralize the reactive oxygen species
before they can produce oxidative changes in tissues
(Podda and Grundmann-Kollmann, 2001). In skin the pre-
dominant antioxidant is vitamin C; vitamin C protects the
fluids of the body (Shindo et al, 1994). The lipid phase in-
cluding cell membranes and stratum corneum is protected
by vitamin E (Thiele, 2001). Plants make vitamins E and C to
protect themselves from sunlight (Smirnoff et al, 2001; Mu-
nne-Bosch and Alegre, 2002). Most animals make vitamin C
but humans have lost this ability; a necessary gene is mu-
tated (Nishikimi et al, 1994). Therefore, humans typically get
vitamins C and E from diet and/or vitamin supplements.
Body controls related to absorption, metabolism, and dis-
tribution, however, limit the amounts that can eventually be
delivered into skin (Herrera and Barbas, 2001; Padayatty
et al, 2003). Moreover, when these vitamins neutralize oxi-
dative stress in skin, they are used up (Darr et al, 1992). With
daily oral supplements of 3 g vitamin C and 2 g vitamin E,
protection against photodamage in skin is increased ap-
proximately 1.5 times; either vitamin alone is ineffective
(Fuchs and Kern, 1998).
New formulation methods make it possible to augment
protection in skin against photodamage using topical vita-
mins C and E, achieving significantly greater protection than
ever was possible by ingestion. We have previously re-
ported that a stable aqueous solution of 15% vitamin C
(L-ascorbic acid) and 1% vitamin E (a-tocopherol) when
applied topically to skin can provide 4-fold photoprotection
for skin (Lin et al, 2003). The solution must be formulated at
a pH of 3.5 or lower for the vitamin C to be absorbed into
skin: at this pH the vitamin C is protonated and the molecule
is uncharged (Pinnell et al, 2001). The formulation concen-
trations were maximized for percutaneous absorption. Fif-
teen percent L-ascorbic acid saturates skin in 3 d; its tissue
half life is about 4 d (Pinnell et al, 2001). Once inside skin it
cannot be removed by washing or rubbing. Vitamins C and
E interact synergistically to protect each other and increase
overall effectiveness (Pinnell et al, 2001).
In an attempt to improve the stability of this solution of
vitamins C and E, we explored the effectiveness of a series of
known low molecular weight antioxidants that are available in
chemically pure form. Chemical stability was determined after
1moat451C. We have learned that addition of ferulic acid, a
ubiquitous plant antioxidant, provided stability of more than
90% for L-ascorbic acid and 100% for a-tocopherol (Zielinski
and Pinnell, 2004). A concentration of 0.5% gave the best
combination of formulation stability and effectiveness.
We were surprised to find that in addition to improving
stability, adding 0.5% ferulic acid to the solution of 15% L-
ascorbic acid and 1% a-tocopherol doubled photoprotec-
tion when applied topically to skin from 4- to 8-fold. In this
article, we detail these photoprotection experiments, show
reduction in thymine dimer formation generated by UV ra-
diation and demonstrate reduction of apoptosis in keratin-
ocytes with lowered caspase-3 and caspase-7 generation.
This work was done in Durham, North Carolina, USA.
Abbreviations: MED, minimal erythema dose; UV, ultraviolet
Copyright r2005 by The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Inc.
Antioxidant protection factor is designed to reflect relative
photoprotection to solar-simulated radiation provided by
daily topical applications of the solution for 4 consecutive
days. Both 0.5% ferulic acid alone and 15% L-ascorbic acid
þ1% a-tocopherol together provided about 4-fold protec-
tion (Fig 1a,b). Similar photoprotection has been previously
reported for 15% L-ascorbic acid þ1% a-tocopherol (Lin
et al, 2003). The combination of 15% L-ascorbic acid, 1% a-
tocopherol, 0.5% ferulic acid provided approximately 8-fold
protection and was statistically different than ferulic acid
alone or the combination of vitamins C and E (Fig 1a,b).
These observations were confirmed by colorimetric meas-
urements of erythema (Fig 1c) and sunburn cell counts (Fig
1d). Colorimetric measurements of combination of vitamins
C, E, and ferulic acid were statistically different from control
and vehicle at all minimal erythema dose (MED) tested; dif-
ferent from ferulic acid alone at 2 ,6, and 8 MED;
and different from combination vitamins C þEat4and
6MED. Sunburn cell counts of combination of vitamins C,
E, and ferulic acid were statistically different from control
and vehicle at all MED tested and different from ferulic acid
alone as well as from the combination of vitamins C þEat
2,4,6, and 8 MED.
In an effort to explore the mechanism of apoptosis in
these experiments, western blots were carried out to de-
termine levels of caspase-3 and its downstream effector,
caspase-7. Figure 2areveals protection by antioxidant so-
lutions of activation of caspase-3 by 4 and 8 MED of
solar-simulated radiation. Figure 2bshows relative quanti-
fication of antioxidant protection of solar-simulated radia-
tion. With 8 MED of irradiation, protection of vitamin C, E,
and ferulic acid is almost complete and is better than
vitamin C and E or ferulic acid alone. Figure 2cshows
activation of caspase-7 by 4 and 8 MED of solar-sim-
ulated radiation and protection by antioxidant solutions.
Figure 2dshows relative antioxidant protection, which is
Figure 1
Photoprotection by topical antioxidant formulations. Skin was pretreated with vehicle, 0.5% ferulic acid, 15% vitamin C and 1% vitamin E, 15%
vitamin C and 1% vitamin E, and 0.5% ferulic acid and irradiated with solar-simulated radiation 2 to 10 minimal erythema dose (MED) at
2MED intervals. Evaluation was carried out 1 d later. (a) Visual erythema of photoprotection provided by antioxidant solutions. (b) Antioxidant
protection factor of antioxidant formulations.
po0.01 vs 0.5% ferulic acid and 15% C þ1% E (n ¼6). (c) Colorimeter measurements of pho-
toprotection by antioxidant solutions.
po0.05 vs control and vehicle,
po0.05 vs 0.5% ferulic acid,
po0.05 vs 15% C þ1% E (n¼6). (d)
Sunburn cell measurements of photoprotection by antioxidant solutions.
po0.01 vs control and vehicle,
po0.01 vs 0.5% ferulic acid and 15%
Cþ1% E (n ¼6).
virtually complete by vitamins C, E and ferulic acid. Figure 3
shows immunohistochemistry of activation of caspase-3 by
4MED of solar-simulated light. Activation occurs in both
epidermis and dermis (Fig 3ac); in epidermis, activation is
particularly strong in the basal layer. Ferulic acid alone (3b)
and vitamins C þE (3c) provide partial protection but vita-
mins C, E, and ferulic acid (3d) provides virtually complete
We have previously demonstrated that topical vitamins
CþE could prevent UV-induced thymine dimer formation
(Lin et al, 2003). In order to determine whether the addition
of ferulic acid augmented this protection, we investigated
the relative dose–response protection of these formulations
(Fig 4). With 4 MED of solar-simulated irradiation, both
control and vehicle-treated skin showed virtually uniform
nuclear fluorescence in both epidermis and papillary dermis
(Fig 4a). After 4 MED, ferulic acid-treated skin was still
positive in approximately 25% of both epidermis and de-
rmis (data not shown). As previously reported, vitamins
CþE almost completely protected skin irradiated with
4MED (data not shown). After 8 MED, ferulic acid-
treated skin was about one third positive (Fig 4b) and
vitamin C þE-treated skin was about 15% positive and
fluorescence was less intense (Fig 4c). Skin treated with
vitamins C, E, and ferulic acid was completely negative
(Fig 4d).
Ferulic acid not only provides increased stability to a so-
lution of vitamins C þE, but also adds a substantial
synergistic photoprotection, essentially doubling its
efficacy. Moreover it provides additional protection against
thymine dimer formation that should prove useful for pre-
vention of skin cancer. These studies support the hypoth-
eses that UV radiation produces apoptosis by triggering the
caspase cascade in both epidermis and dermis, and topical
vitamins C, E, and ferulic acid can protect against caspase
Ferulic acid is a potent phenolic antioxidant found ubiq-
uitously and at high concentrations in plants (Graf, 1992;
Rice-Evans et al, 1996; Ou and Kwok, 2004). It serves to
cross-link polysaccharides and proteins during lignin cell
wall synthesis (Wallace and Fry, 1994; Mathew and Abra-
ham, 2004) and may be important for the health effects of
bran; corn bran contains 3.1% ferulic acid (Mathew and
Abraham, 2004). It is abundant in the diet and has low tox-
icity (Ou and Kwok, 2004; Zhao et al, 2004). Ferulic acid is a
potent antioxidant with synergistic interactions with ascor-
bic acid (Trombino et al, 2004). It readily forms a resonance
stabilized phenoxy radical which accounts for its potent
antioxidant potential (Graf, 1992). Ferulic acid protected
membranes from lipid peroxidation and neutralized alkoxyl
and peroxyl radicals (Trombino et al, 2004). It protected
against iron-induced oxidative damage (Hynes and O’Coin-
ceanainn, 2004). Ferulic acid scavenged hydroxyl radical
(Ogiwara et al, 2002; Wenk et al, 2004), nitric oxide (Wenk
et al, 2004), peroxynitrite (Pannala et al, 1998; Dinis et al,
2002), and superoxide radical (Kaul and Khanduja, 1999;
Kikuzaki et al, 2002). It was antimutagenic (Yamada and
Tomita, 1996; Ferguson et al, 2003), protected against
menadione-induced oxidative DNA damage (Burdette et al,
2002) and demonstrated anticarcinogenic effects in animal
Figure 2
Activation of caspase-3 and ca-
spase-7 by solar-simulated irra-
diation and relative protection
by antioxidant formulations. Skin
was pretreated with vehicle, 0.5%
ferulic acid, 15% vitamin C and 1%
vitamin E, 15% vitamin C and
1% vitamin E, and 0.5% ferulic
acid and exposed to 4 and 8
minimal erythema dose (MED).
Levels of of caspase-3, caspase-
7, and a-tubulin were determined
after 24 h. Relative caspase-3 or
caspase-7 levels corrected for
a-tubulin are presented (n ¼3).
(a) Western blot of caspase-3 after
4and 8 MED and relative
antioxidant protection. (b) Densito-
metric levels of caspase-3 and rel-
ative antioxidant protection (n ¼3).
(c) Western blot of caspase-7 after
4and 8 MED and relative
antioxidant protection. (d) Densito-
metric levels of caspase-7 and rel-
ative antioxidant protection (n ¼3).
models of pulmonary (Lesca, 1983) and colon carcinoma
(Kawabata et al, 2000; Wargovich et al, 2000). Topical
application inhibited 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-ace-
tate (TPA)-induced ornithine decarboxylase activity and de-
creased TPA-induced skin tumor formation (Huang et al,
1988). Topical application of ferulic acid inhibited UVB-in-
duced erythema (Saija et al, 2000). In a mouse model of
multiple sclerosis, oral ferulic acid had a striking effect on
syncytin-mediated inflammation and death of oligodendro-
cytes induced by redox reactants (Antony et al, 2004).
Ferulic acid absorbs UV radiation with an absorption max-
imum at 307 nm (log e¼4.19) (Graf, 1992). Theoretically this
absorption could result in a sunscreen effect providing top-
ical protection against UV radiation. Our studies revealed no
evidence of a dose–response effect to support a sunscreen
mechanism (Fig 5).
The mechanism of ferulic acid’s stabilizing effect on vi-
tamins C and E is unknown. It would not be expected to
directly protect these vitamins since its redox potential
(0.595) is appreciably higher than vitamin C (0.282) or vita-
min E (0.48) (Lu and Liu, 2002). Since it provides protection
against vitamin C degradation, it may preferentially interact
with pro-oxidative intermediates, or serve as a sacrificial
substrate. It is also possible that its interactions may be
enhanced at the low pH of the formulation. Ferulic acid’s
effect on photoprotection is most likely related to its anti-
oxidant activity. It had no appreciable effect on ascorbic
acid absorption (data not shown).
Ferulic acid augments the protection of vitamins C þE
previously demonstrated to prevent UV-induced thymine
dimer formation when applied topically to skin (Lin et al,
2003). A recent study of actinic keratoses and squamous
cell carcinomas of skin using laser capture microdissection
reveals 8-oxo guanine mutations in the basal germinative
layer and thymine dimer mutations at suprabasal locations
(Agar et al, 2004). The results support the hypothesis that
UVA-induced oxidative DNA modifications are responsible
for the carcinogenic mutations in stem cells and UVB-in-
duced mutations promote the carcinogenic process. The
hypothesis fits with the superficial penetration of UVB and
the deeper penetration of UVA into skin. Although we have
not yet been able to measure the effect of antioxidants on
UV-induced 8-oxo guanine formation, protection would be
predicted. The demonstrated protection of topical applica-
tion of vitamins C, E, and ferulic acid against UV-induced
thymine dimer formation supports its use for the prevention
of skin cancer.
Recent studies substantiating the shortcomings of sun-
screen protection support the need for a different approach
Figure 3
Immunochemistry of activated caspase-3 after solar-simulated ir-
radiation. Skin was pretreated with 0.5% ferulic acid, 15% vitamin C
and 1% vitamin E, or 15% vitamin C and 1% vitamin E, and 0.5%
ferulic acid and exposed to 4 minimal erythema dose. After 24 h
formalin-fixed tissues were stained with antibodies to activated ca-
spase-3. (a) Vehicle-treated irradiated skin; (b) 0.5% ferulic acid-treated
irradiated skin. (c): 15% vitamin C and 1% vitamin E-treated irradiated
skin; (d) 15% vitamin C and 1% vitamin E, and 0.5% ferulic acid-treated
irradiated skin.
Figure 4
Immunochemistry of thymine dimers after solar-simulated irradi-
ation. Skin was pretreated with vehicle, 0.5% ferulic acid, 15% vitamin
C and 1% vitamin E, or 15% vitamin C and 1% vitamin E, and 0.5%
ferulic acid and exposed to 4 or 8 minimal erythema dose (MED).
After 24 h formalin-fixed tissues were stained with antibodies to thy-
mine dimers. (a) Vehicle-treated skin after 4 MED; (b) 0.5% ferulic
acid-treated skin after 8 MED; (c) 15% C and 1% vitamin E-treated
skin after 8 MED; (d) 15% vitamin C and 1% vitamin E, and 0.5%
ferulic acid-treated skin after 8 MED.
to photoprotection. Sun protection factor is measured at 2
mg per cm
, yet in actual use, sunscreen application is only
0.4–0.5 mg per cm
(Wulf et al, 1997; Autier et al, 2001).
Since SPF is an exponential measurement, at reduced lev-
els, relative photoprotection of any sunscreen is no more
than 3–4-fold. In addition, SPF is a measurement of UVB
only and reveals nothing about UVA photoprotection,
protection necessary to protect against oxidative stress.
Indeed a recent study of three high SPF broad-screen sun-
screens revealed that at 2 mg per cm
application, UVA-
induced free radical formation was reduced only 55% with
even worse protection when application levels were de-
creased (Haywood et al, 2003). Sunscreens are designed to
be shields for the skin, protecting the skin by absorbing
harmful UV radiation. Since they work at the surface of the
skin, they are easily removed by washing or rubbing. Anti-
oxidants, in contrast, are designed to work not only at the
skin’s surface but also inside skin. Following topical appli-
cation, once the skin is saturated with L-ascorbic acid, it
remains with a half-life of about 4 d (Pinnell et al, 2001).
Approximately one third of UVA-induced oxidative stress in
skin occurs at the surface of skin (Ou-Yang et al, 2004).
Vitamin E is delivered to the surface of skin through sebum
to protect the stratum corneum from this oxidative insult
(Thiele, 2001). Direct topical application of antioxidants
would be expected to facilitate this protection. Using both a
properly formulated topical combination antioxidant prod-
uct containing vitamins C and E with ferulic acid, and also
a broad-spectrum sunscreen, would be expected to pro-
vide optimal photoprotection. Since they work by different
mechanisms, they should be supplemental (Darr et al,
Materials and Methods
L-ascorbic acid, DL-a-tocopherol, and
ferulic acid were pur-
chased from Sigma (St Louis, Missouri). Aqueous solutions were
prepared in a vehicle containing diethylene glycol monoethyl ether,
1,2-propanediol, Brij-35, and phenoxyethanol at pH 3.
Treatment and irradiation procedure The experimental design
has previously been published in detail (Lin
et al
, 2003). Experi-
ments were performed on weanling white Yorkshire pigs in accord
with the guidelines prepared by the Committee on Care and Use of
Laboratory Animals of the Institute of Laboratory Resources, Na-
tional Research Council (National Institutes of Health, publication
No. 86–23, revised 1996). Unless otherwise noted, 500 mL aliquots
of vehicle; 0.5%
ferulic acid; 15% L-ascorbic acid, 1% DL-a-
tocopherol, and 15% L-ascorbic acid, 1% DL-a-tocopherol, 0.5%
ferulic acid were applied to patches of back skin (7.5 10
cm) daily for 4 d. A 1000 W solar simulator (Lightning Cure 200,
Hamamatsu, Japan) fitted with a WG295 Schott filter to eliminate
wavelengths less than 295 nm delivered UV radiation to the skin’s
surface through a liquid light guide at an intensity of 5 mW per cm
of UVB and about 40 mW per cm
of UVA as measured by a
radiometer (IL1700, International Light, Newburyport, Mississippi).
MED was determined as the lowest dose resulting in erythema with
perceptible borders (40 mJ per cm
of UVB). Each patch was given
solar-simulated irradiation in triplicate from 2 to 10 MED at
2MED intervals. Evaluation was carried out 24 h later.
Evaluation of antioxidant protection factor, erythema, and
sunburn cells Antioxidant protection factor was calculated as the
ratio of the MED in antioxidant-treated skin in comparison with
untreated skin. Erythema was measured by colorimeter evaluation
in the ‘‘a’’ mode (ColorMouse Too, Color Savvy Systems Ltd,
Springboro, Ohio) of 8 12 in enlargements of skin photographs.
Each spot and adjacent unirradiated skin was measured in trip-
licate. The difference between irradiated and unirradiated skin
determined the erythema. Sunburn cells were determined in for-
malin-fixed 8 mm punch biopsy sections stained with hematoxylin
and eosin. When irradiation damage was extensive, the number 35
sunburn cells per mm were used as an upper limit.
Evaluation of caspase-3 and caspase-7 For western blotting,
cell protein was extracted from freeze-fractured skin in a solution
containing 1% NP-40%, 1% sodium deoxycholate, 0.3% SDS,
0.15 M NaCl, 2 mM EDTA, 50 mM sodium fluoride, 10 mM sodium
phosphate, pH 7.2, and a pre-formed protease inhibitor mixture
(Sigma). Protein extract (50 mg) mixed with mercaptoethanol and
SDS-PAGE sample buffer was heated at 1001C for 5 min, and
separated on 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel, electrotransferred to
PVDF membrane (Millipore, Bedford, Massachusetts), blocked in
TBS (100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, and 150 mM NaCl) containing 0.1%
Tween-20% and 5% milk for 1 h at room temperature and incu-
bated with primary antibody: rabbit anti-human cleaved caspase-
3, or cleaved caspase-7 diluted 1:1000 (Cell Signaling Technology,
Beverly, Massachusetts) overnight at 41C. After reaction with
horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG, immuno-
complexes were visualized using ECL (Amersham Pharmacia
Figure 5
Effect of dosage on photoprotection provided by vitamins C, E,
and ferulic acid. Skin was pretreated by 75, 150, and 250 mL of 15%
vitamin C, 1% vitamin E, and 0.5% ferulic acid and irradiated with
solar-simulated radiation 1 to 5 minimal erythema dose (MED) at
1MED intervals. Evaluation was carried out 1 d later. (a) Colorimeter
measurements of photoprotection by vitamins C, E, and ferulic acid
(n ¼3). (b) Sunburn cell measurements of photoprotection by vitamins
C, E, and ferulic acid (n ¼3).
Biotech, Piscataway, New Jersey). For internal control, the blots
were stripped and reprobed with anti-atubulin monoclonal anti-
body (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa Cruz, California). Densi-
tometry was performed using Kodak ID image analysis software
(Kodak, Rochester, New York).
Formalin-fixed skin was prepared for caspase-3 or caspase-7
immunocytochemistry by following manufacturer’s protocol. Brief-
ly, sections were deparaffinized/hydrated, heated in 10 mM sodium
citrate buffer (pH 6) for antigen unmasking, incubated in 1% hy-
drogen peroxide, followed by incubation with 5% horse serum.
Sections were incubated with primary antibody solution (1:200 di-
lution) overnight at 41C, followed by biotin-labeled anti-rabbit IgG
secondary antibody according to ABC biotin/avidin method (Vector
Laboratories, Burlingame, California). Finally, sections were incu-
bated in peroxidase substrate solution (DAB, Vector Laboratories),
and counterstained with hematotoxylin.
Evaluation of thymine dimers The procedure was modified from
the method described by Mitchell
et al
(2001). Briefly, sections
were deparaffined/rehydrated and washed with phosphate-buff-
ered saline (PBS), denatured in 0.1 N NaOH/70% EtOH for 5 min,
dehydrated in EtOH, air dried, and incubated with protease XXV
(Labvision, Fremont, California) at 371C for 7 min. After washing
with PBS, sections were blocked with 5% goat serum for 20 min,
washed, incubated with anti-thymine dimer, clone KTM53 diluted
1:200 (Kamiya Biomedical Company, Seattle, Washington) at 371C
for 1 h, followed by anti-mouse IgG conjugated with fluorescein
isothiocyanate diluted 1:200 at 371C for 30 min. Sections were
visualized using Olympus BX41fluorescence microscope coupled
with a Q-Fire camera.
Statistics Results are expressed as mean SD. The p-values
were calculated by two-tailed Student’s
This research was supported in part by NIH Grant R43CA83538. This
research was presented in part as posters at the 65th Annual Meeting
of the Society of Investigative Dermatology, Providence, Rhode Island
4/28-5/1 2004. Thanks to Doren Madey, PhD for help in preparation of
the manuscript. Sheldon Pinnell is a consultant for SkinCeuticals, Gar-
land, Texas. Jan Zielinski, PhD is president of Zielinski Laboratory, San
Diego, California.
DOI: 10.1111/j.0022-202X.2005.23768.x
Manuscript received January 7, 2005; revised February 10, 2005;
accepted for publication February 15, 2005
Address correspondence to: Sheldon R. Pinnell, MD, The J. Lamar
Callaway Professor Emeritus of Dermatology, Duke University, Box
3135 Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710,
USA. Email:,
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... Retinoide hemmen die Kollagenase-Synthese und fördern die Kollagenproduktion [3]. In Studien konnte auch der anti-oxidative Effekt von Vitamin C und E, kombiniert mit Ferulic-Säure oder der Effekt von Grüntee gezeigt werden [4]. Solche Kombinationen finden Verwendung in Kosmetika. ...
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Die Hände verraten das wahre Alter – so sagt man. In der Tat zeigen sie meist die ausgeprägtesten Symptome der sog. extrinsischen Hautalterung, auch Photoaging genannt. Zur Prävention von Lichtschäden ist konsequenter Sonnenschutz unerlässlich. Weisen die Hände bereits Anzeichen lichtgealterter Haut auf, bieten sich verschiedene Therapien wie beispielsweise Laser, Filler oder Topika an. Diese können isoliert oder kombiniert eingesetzt werden und zeigen gute Ergebnisse.
... FA derivatives can be used for skin whitening care or freckle removal treatments, strongly inhibiting the formation of melanin and inhibiting tyrosinase activity [61]. Moreover, The incorporation of ferulic acid into a topical solution containing 15% L-ascorbic acid and 1% α-tocopherol improves the chemical stability of vitamins (C+E), manifested in an increase in the photoprotection of the skin from 4 to about 8 times when the sun simulates irradiating it [62]. ...
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Ferulic acid is a ubiquitous ingredient in cereals, vegetables, fruits and Chinese herbal medicines. Due to the ferulic phenolic nucleus coupled to an extended side chain, it readily forms a resonant-stable phenoxy radical, which explains its potent antioxidant potential. In addition, it also plays an important role in anti-cancer, pro-angiogenesis, anti-thrombosis, neuroprotection, food preservation, anti-aging, and improving the antioxidant performance of livestock and poultry. This review provides a comprehensive summary of the structure, mechanism of antioxidation, application status, molecular mechanism of pharmacological activity, existing problems, and application prospects of ferulic acid and its derivatives. The aim is to establish a theoretical foundation for the utilization of ferulic acid in medicine, food, cosmetics, livestock, and poultry.
... It is widely applied in the cosmetic industry to protect skin from UV-induced damage [21,22]. Adding FA to the mixture containing ascorbic acid and tocopherol improved the chemical stability of these vitamins and enhanced skin photoprotection under solar-simulated irradiation [23]. ...
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Ferulic acid is a widespread phenolic compound that occurs in seeds and leaves, both in its free form and conjugated to polysaccharides, carbohydrates, glycoproteins and lignins in the plant cell walls. It exhibits various biological activities, like antioxidant, anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antimicrobial, and antiviral activity, and it modulates enzyme activity. Given these wide potential health benefits, ferulic acid has attracted considerable research interest and may be considered a biomolecule with strong prospects as a functional food ingredient. Great attempts have been made to enhance its extraction process and recovery from natural matrices and agro-industrial wastes for its various applications relating to human health and nutrition. This review presents the recently available information on the extraction methods for quantifying ferulic acid in different samples, along with its bioavailability and stability in processing foods and biological activities.
Management of the signs of facial aging and other cosmetic skin problems have greatly evolved in the past years. People are also seeking to improve their well‐being and global skin appearance, and when they consider using cosmetic procedures, they expect natural and long‐lasting aesthetic results. Combined dermocosmetic approaches that address the signs of facial aging at all levels are increasingly being used by dermatologists to meet patient expectations while ensuring their safety. Minimally invasive and reversible procedures that can be performed in only one session are popular approaches for skin restructuring and volumizing as they are flexible, rapid and less burdensome for patients. These interventions can achieve even better outcomes when they are combined with cosmeceuticals as pre‐ or post‐procedural adjuvants to prepare the skin, accelerate recovery and sustain results. The use of topical dermocosmetics is also recommended as part of the daily skin care routine to improve skin quality and help maintain skin barrier function. This review thus outlines the most commonly used combined multilevel anti‐aging strategies, which start by addressing the deepest skin layers and then the more superficial signs of skin aging. Examples of multi‐active cosmeceuticals and skin delivery enhancing systems are also presented, together with examples of the use of dermocosmetics as supportive care for aesthetic procedures, to provide insights into current applications of dermocosmetic products.
Background Ablative fractional CO 2 laser is widely used to address various skin problems, but the treatment often leads to adverse effects such as erythema, dyspigmentation, and extended recovery periods, negatively impacting patients' quality of life. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a topical skincare regimen containing both CE Ferulic serum and Resveratrol BE night serum following fractional CO 2 laser treatment in Chinese population. Methods In this randomized, investigator‐blinded, split‐face, controlled trial, individuals aged 18–65 undergoing ablative CO 2 laser treatment were randomly assigned to apply CE Ferulic plus resveratrol BE serum (CEF‐RBE) to either side of face and normal saline (NS) to the other, for 14 consecutive days. The primary endpoint was erythema index (EI) on day 14, with key secondary endpoints including scabbing detachment time, percentage changes in EI and melanin index (MI), skin hydration, transepidermal water loss, skin sebum content, oedema, and overall subject satisfaction. Results The study included 51 patients, of whom 29 (56.9%) were female, with a mean (SD) age of 29.8 (5.39) years. On day 14, the CEF‐RBE side exhibited significantly lower EI than the NS side (308.9 vs. 325.3, p = 0.034). The median (IQR) time (days) for complete scabbing detachment at the CEF‐RBE side was 6.0 (5.0–8.0) compared to 6.5 (5.0–9.0) at NS side ( p = 0.018). Additionally, the CEF‐RBE side showed a 7.4% decrease in MI from baseline to day 14, while the NS side experienced a 0.2% increase (Δ = −7.6%, p = 0.044). Throughout the 14‐day follow‐up, the CEF‐RBE side consistently displayed higher skin hydration than the NS side. Conclusions The study highlighted the benefits of incorporating CEF‐RBE following laser treatment in reducing erythema and hyperpigmentation, promoting wound healing, and maintaining skin hydration, although limitations such as contamination and adherence issues should be considered.
Objetivo: Identificar na literatura científica ensaios biológicos, in vitro, sobre a ação antimicrobiana do ácido ferúlico (FA). Métodos: O presente estudo trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, especialmente na base de dados PUBMED. Optou-se por realizar um estudo no período dos últimos 5 anos por conta das atualizações sobre a temática abordada. Resultados: Foram identificados um total de 682 nas base de dados, perfazendo uma amostra final de 09 trabalhos para a construção deste artigo. Atualmente as pesquisas no campo desenvolvimento de novos antimicrobianos com FA estão voltados a área de biomateriais. Sabe-se que o biomaterial que vem sendo mais utilizado nos estudos é a quitosana. Nesta revisão, 66,6% dos artigos selecionados contemplaram o uso de biofilmes e conjugados de FA e quitosana. As análises microbiológicas incluíram testes de concentração inibitória mínima e bactericida mínima. Foi possível verificar que o FA quando associado a quitosana apresenta melhor ação frente às cepas microbianas testadas. Considerações finais: O FA conjugado com a quitosana mostrou potenciais perspectivas de aplicação. No entanto, se faz necessário, mais pesquisas no âmbito multidisciplinar para o desenvolvimento de antimicrobianos e antibacterianos, que atualmente, são uma ameaça crescente à saúde global.
Tocopherols and tocotrienols, which differ only in the degree of saturation of their hydrophobic prenyl side chains, are lipid-soluble molecules that have a number of functions in plants. Synthesized from homogentisic acid and isopentenyl diphosphate in the plastid envelope, tocopherols and tocotrienols are essential to maintain membrane integrity. α-Tocopherol is the major form found in green parts of plants, while tocotrienols are mostly found in seeds. These compounds are antioxidants, thus they protect the plant from oxygen toxicity. Tocopherols and tocotrienols scavenge lipid peroxy radicals, thereby preventing the propagation of lipid peroxidation in membranes, and the ensuing products tocopheroxyl and tocotrienoxyl radicals, respectively, are recycled back to tocopherols and tocotrienols by the concerted action of other antioxidants. Furthermore, tocopherols and tocotrienols protect lipids and other membrane components by physically quenching and reacting chemically with singlet oxygen. The scavenging of singlet oxygen by α-tocopherol in chloroplasts results in the formation of, among other products, α-tocopherol quinone, a known contributor to cyclic electron transport in thylakoid membranes, therefore providing photoprotection for chloroplasts. Moreover, given that α-tocopherol increases membrane rigidity, its concentration, together with that of the other membrane components, might be regulated to afford adequate fluidity for membrane function. Furthermore, α-tocopherol may affect intracellular signaling in plant cells. The effects of this compound in intracellular signaling may be either direct, by interacting with key components of the signaling cascade, or indirect, through the prevention of lipid peroxidation or the scavenging of singlet oxygen. In the latter case, α-tocopherol may regulate the concentration of reactive oxygen species and plant hormones, such as jasmonic acid, within the cell, which control both the growth and development of plants, and also plant response to stress.
As the outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum (SC) is continuously exposed to an oxidative environment, including air pollutants, ultraviolet radiation, chemical oxidants, and aerobic microorganisms. Human SC reveals characteristic antioxidant and protein oxidation gradients with increasing antioxidant depletion and protein oxidation towards the outer layers. SC antioxidants, lipids, and proteins are oxidatively modified upon treatments with ultraviolet A/ultraviolet B, ozone, and benzoyl peroxide. α-Tocopherol represents the predominating SC antioxidant with respect to its concentration and its unique susceptibility to the various oxidative challenges tested. In sites rich in sebaceous glands, α-tocopherol is physiologically delivered to the surface via secretion of sebum. Oxidative damage in the human SC represents an early pathophysiological event preceding barrier disruption and inflammation in environmentally challenged skin. Furthermore, oxidative gradients in SC proteins may have implications for the process of desquamation in human skin.