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Abstract and Figures

When we fall asleep, consciousness fades yet the brain remains active. Why is this so? To investigate whether changes in cortical information transmission play a role, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation together with high-density electroencephalography and asked how the activation of one cortical area (the premotor area) is transmitted to the rest of the brain. During quiet wakefulness, an initial response (approximately 15 milliseconds) at the stimulation site was followed by a sequence of waves that moved to connected cortical areas several centimeters away. During non-rapid eye movement sleep, the initial response was stronger but was rapidly extinguished and did not propagate beyond the stimulation site. Thus, the fading of consciousness during certain stages of sleep may be related to a breakdown in cortical effective connectivity.
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patients_ lesions overlap (15). Our findings are
similar to those obtained in nonhuman primates.
Monkeys showed persistent signs of neglect after
unilateral section of the white matter between the
fundus of the intraparietal sulcus and the lateral
ventricle (24). The greater effect of subcortical
inactivation, as compared to cortical inactivation,
is consistent with the idea that symmetrical space
processing requires the integrity of a parietal-
frontal network (1, 15). Damage to restricted
regions of the white matter can cause the dys-
function of large-scale neurocognitive networks.
Accordingtoaninfluentialmodel(1), signs of left
neglect result from impairment of a right-
hemisphere network, including prefrontal, parie-
tal, and cingulate components. The parietal
component of the network could be especially
important for the perceptual salience of extra-
personal objects, whereas the frontal component
might be implicated in the production of an
appropriate response to behaviorally relevant
stimuli (1), in the online retention of spatial
information (1, 25), or in the focusing of attention
on salient items through reciprocal connections to
more posterior regions (20).
Models of line bisection postulate a compe-
tition between the relative salience of the two
lateral segments (6). The bisection mark is drawn
at the point of subjective equality between the
two segments (5). Bisection-related tasks acti-
vate the IPL in humans (26). Transcranial
magnetic stimulation over the right posterior
parietal cortex, but not over the STG, was found
to bias the comparison of the lengths of the
component segments of pretransected lines in a
direction coherent with rightward shifts in line
bisection (27). In the monkey, regions adjacent
to the intraparietal sulcus, such as the lateral
intraparietal area, are related to visual perceptu-
al salience (11) and can reinforce the stimulus
attentional priority (10). Parietal inactivation
may thus bias the perceptual decision by mod-
ulating the salience of the line segments (6).
The assessment of spatial cognition during
intraoperative stimulation offers the double op-
portunity of preserving spatial processing
functions during brain surgery and of pinpoint-
ing the neurocognitive systems devoted to spa-
tial processing in humans. Spatial awareness is
dependent not only on the cortical areas of the
temporal-parietal junction, but also on a larger
parietal-frontal network communicating via the
superior occipitofrontal fasciculus.
References and Notes
1. M. M. Mesulam, Philos. Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B
354, 1325 (1999).
2. P. Azouvi et al., J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 73,
160 (2002).
3. P. Bartolomeo, S. Chokron, Neurosci. Biobehav. Rev.
26, 217 (2002).
4. T. Schenkenberg, D. C. Bradford, E. T. Ajax, Neurology
30, 509 (1980).
5. J. C. Marshall, P. W. Halligan, Cognit. Neuropsychol.
7, 107 (1990).
6. B. Anderson, Brain 119, 841 (1996).
7. G. Vallar, Neuroimage 14, S52 (2001).
8. D. J. Mort et al., Brain 126, 1986 (2003).
9. M. Corbetta, G. L. Shulman, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 3,
201 (2002).
10. J. W. Bisley, M. E. Goldberg, Science 299, 81 (2003).
11. J. P. Gottlieb, M. Kusunoki, M. E. Goldberg, Nature
391, 481 (1998).
12. H. O. Karnath, M. Fruhmann Berger, W. Kuker, C.
Rorden, Cereb. Cortex 14, 1164 (2004).
13. A. D. Milner, M. A. Goodale, The Visual Brain in Action
(Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford, 1995).
14. H. O. Karnath, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2, 568 (2001).
15. F. Doricchi, F. Tomaiuolo, Neuroreport 14, 2239 (2003).
16. H. Duffau et al., Brain 128, 797 (2005).
17. CAL and SB attended clinical observation because of
epileptic seizures. They showed no abnormality on
preoperative neurological and neuropsychological ex-
amination, consistent with the slowly infiltrative
character of low-grade gliomas, whose clinical presen-
tation rarely includes signs of focal brain disease other
than epilepsy. In particular, there were no signs of
neglect on paper-and-pencil tests (table S1). Intra-
operative electrical stimulation was well tolerated, and
the patients reported no abnormal visual sensations.
They bisected horizontal lines with their left, dominant
hand during brain surgery (28). Eight healthy left-
handed subjects (mean age, 31 years; SD, 5.3; range, 26
to 38) served as controls. They performed 30 line bi-
sections each, with the same test material and in a body
position similar to that of the patients. Our patients’
baseline performance was well within the range of the
controls’ performance (mean T SD, 0.28 T 2.39 mm) as
well as that of 10 strongly left-handed normal
individuals tested in another study (29)(meanT SD,
–1.50 T 3.66 mm). In an unselected population of 204
patients with right brain damage (2), 5 of the 10
patients with the strongest left-handedness deviated
rightward on 20-cm lines as compared to controls (29),
a frequency of impairment similar to that showed by
right-handed patients (2).
18. M. Catani, R. J. Howard, S. Pajevic, D. K. Jones,
Neuroimage 17, 77 (2002).
19. The neurosurgeon stopped the resection after stimu-
lation of the region labeled as 42 (Fig. 2A). As a
consequence, region 42 corresponded to the deepest
point on the floor of the rostral-superior part of the
surgical cavity, and was thus easily identified on
postoperative anatomical MRI scans. The white
matter tract underlying region 42 was identified by
overlapping the MRI scans with the DTI scans (fig.
S1) (Fig. 2, C and D).
20. M. Petrides, D. N. Pandya, in Principles of Frontal
Lobe Function, D. T. Stuss, R. T. Knight, Eds. (Oxford
Univ. Press, Oxford, 2002), pp. 31–50.
21. The superior occipitofrontal fasciculus is a poorly
known long association pathway. It terminates
rostrally in the lateral prefrontal cortex of the
inferior and middle frontal gyri (18). Its caudal
terminations are less known (18, 30), but despite its
name, derived from early descriptions (31), the superior
occipitofrontal fasciculus seems to terminate caudally
in the superior parietal gyrus (18)andinthe
intraparietal sulcus [(30), p. 367].
22. We used line bisection because it is an easy task for
patients to perform and allows repeated assessments
in the time scale required by intraoperative testing.
Bisection of centrally presented 20-cm lines corre-
lates positively and significantly with cancellation
tests and is a good predictor of clinical neglect as
assessed by standardized scales (2, 28).
23. C. Rorden, M. Fruhmann Berger, H.-O. Karnath, Cognit.
Brain Res., published online 19 February 2005 (10.1016/
24. D. Gaffan, J. Hornak, Brain 120, 1647 (1997).
25. M. Husain, C. Rorden, Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 4, 26 (2003).
26. G. R. Fink, J. C. Marshall, P. H. Weiss, I. Toni, K. Zilles,
Neuropsychologia 40, 119 (2002).
27. A. Ellison, I. Schindler, L. L. Pattison, A. D. Milner,
Brain 127, 2307 (2004).
28. See supporting data on Science Online.
29. M. Rousseaux et al., Rev. Neurol. (Paris) 157, 1385
30. R. Nieuwenhuys, J. Voogd, C. van Huijzen, The Human
Central Nervous System: A Synopsis and Atlas (Springer-
Verlag, New York, 1988).
31. M. J. De
jerine, Anatomie des Centres Nerveux (Rueff,
Paris, 1895).
32. J. R. Crawford, P. H. Garthwaite, Neuropsychologia
40, 1196 (2002).
33. We thank the patients for their cooperation; P. Gatignol
for help with intraoperative testing; J. Chiras and the
Department of Neuroradiology of the Salpe
re Hos-
pital for MRI acquisitions; S. Kinkingnehun, C. Delmaire,
J. B. Pochon, L. Thivard, and the staff of BrainVISA
software for technical support for image analysis; and P.
Azouvi and the members of the Groupe d’Etude sur la
ducation et l’Evaluation de la Ne
gligence (GEREN) for
permission to use data from GEREN studies (2, 29).
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
SOM Text
Tables S1 and S2
Figs. S1 and S2
17 June 2005; accepted 26 August 2005
Breakdown of Cortical Effective
Connectivity During Sleep
Marcello Massimini,
Fabio Ferrarelli,
Reto Huber,
Steve K. Esser,
Harpreet Singh,
Giulio Tononi
When we fall asleep, consciousness fades yet the brain remains active. Why is
this so? To investigate whether changes in cortical information transmission
play a role, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation together with high-
density electroencephalography and asked how the activation of one cortical
area (the premotor area) is transmitted to the rest of the brain. During quiet
wakefulness, an initial response (È15 milliseconds) at the stimulation site was
followed by a sequence of waves that moved to connected cortical areas
several centimeters away. During non–rapid eye movement sleep, the initial
response was stronger but was rapidly extinguished and did not propagate
beyond the stimulation site. Thus, the fading of consciousness during certain
stages of sleep may be related to a breakdown in cortical effective connectivity.
When awakened early in the night from non–
rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, people
often report little or no conscious experience
(1). It was first thought that this fading of con-
sciousness was due to the brain shutting down.
However, although brain metabolism is re-
duced, the thalamocortical system remains ac-
tive, with mean firing rates close to those that
occur during quiet wakefulness (2). Moreover,
coherent or synchronized activity continues to
be detected among distant cortical areas (3–5),
and sensory signals still reach the cerebral cor-
tex (6). Why, then, does consciousness fade?
Recently we have proposed that conscious-
ness depends critically not so much on firing
rates, synchronization at specific frequency
bands, or sensory input per se, but rather on the
brain_s ability to integrate information, which is
contingent on the effective connectivity among
functionally specialized regions of the thalamo-
cortical system (7). Effective connectivity re-
fers to the ability of a set of neuronal groups
to causally affect the firing of other neuronal
groups within a system (8). The fading of con-
sciousness during NREM sleep episodes early in
the night, evidenced by short or blank reports of
cognitive activity upon awakening (1), would
then be associated with an impairment of cor-
tical effective connectivity.
To test this prediction, we used a combination
of navigated transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS) and high-density electroencephalography
(HD-EEG) to measure the brain response to the
direct perturbation of a chosen cortical region
noninvasively and with good spatiotemporal
resolution (9, 10). Using TMS/EEG to investi-
gate critical differences in the functioning of the
waking and sleeping brain offers several advan-
tages. Unlike sensory stimulation, direct cortical
stimulation does not activate the reticular
formation and bypasses the thalamic gate. Thus,
it directly probes the ability of cortical areas to
interact, unconfounded by peripheral effects.
Also, since study subjects reported that they
were not aware of the TMS pulse, neural
responses are not contaminated by reactions
that may result from becoming aware of the
stimulation. Most important, the combination of
TMS and HD-EEG dissociates effective con-
nectivity (causal interactions) from functional
connectivity Etemporal correlations (8)^.
Using a 60-channel TMS-compatible EEG
amplifier, we recorded TMS-evoked brain
responses while six subjects, lying with eyes
closed on a reclining chair, progressed from
wakefulness to NREM sleep. By means of mag-
netic resonance image (MRI)–guided estimation
of the electric field induced on the surface of the
brain (Fig. 1A), we targeted TMS to the rostral
portion of the right premotor cortex. This is an
area with extensive corticocortical connections
that can be conveniently stimulated without
eliciting muscle artifacts. Stimuli were de-
livered at random intervals (between 2 and
2.3 s) with intensity below the motor threshold
(90%), resulting in a maximum electric field at
the cortical target of between 75 and 84 V/m.
We took special care to reduce the amount of
auditory and somatosensory stimulation asso-
ciated with each TMS pulse (11).
As shown in Fig. 1B, TMS did not interfere
conspicuously with ongoing wake or sleep
EEG patterns nor did it cause visible artifacts.
However, TMS elicited a time-locked re-
sponse that was visible on a single-trial basis
Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, 6001 Research Park Boulevard, Madison, WI
53719, USA.
Department of Clinical Sciences, Univer-
sity of Milan, via G. B. Grassi 74, Milan 20157, Italy.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
Fig. 1. Navigated
brain stimulation and
EEG recordings during
TMS. (A) The esti-
mated electric field
induced by TMS on
the cortical surface in
one subject is color-
coded. The red area
indicates the location
of the maximal elec-
tric field strength (in
this case, 81 V/m) and
corresponds to the co-
ordinates of the rostral
premotor cortex, as
identified on the three
orthogonal projections
of the subject’s MRI.
The brown pins repre-
sent the digitized elec-
trodes. (B)Multichannel
EEG recorded during
wakefulness and NREM
sleep while TMS
(red) was delivered.
Fig. 2. Changes in the TMS-evoked response during shifts in the state of vigilance. (A) Single trials
recorded from one channel located under the stimulator while the subject (the same as in Fig. 1)
transitioned from wakefulness through stage 1 to NREM sleep. Single-trial EEG data (filtered from 4 to
100 Hz) are color-coded for voltage. (B)AveragedTMS-evokedresponses(filteredfrom1to100Hz)
obtained during the three states of vigilance. The horizontal pink bands indicate the significance level
(3 SD from the mean prestimulus voltage).
and that changed markedly from wakefulness
to sleep. Figure 2A displays the single-trial
responses recorded from one electrode located
under the stimulator during a transition from
wakefulness through stage 1 to NREM (stages
2 and 3) sleep (in the same subject as in Fig.
1). Figure 2B shows the averages calculated
from the single trials collected in these three
vigilance states. During wakefulness, TMS
induced a sustained response made of recurrent
waves of activity. Specifically, a sequence of
time-locked high-frequency (20 to 35 Hz)
oscillations occurred in the first 100 ms and
components that persisted until 300 ms. As
soon as the subjects transitioned into stage 1
sleep, the TMS-evoked response grew stronger
at early latencies but became shorter in
duration: The amplitude of the initial compo-
nents increased by 50 to 85% between 0 and
40 ms, whereas the subsequent waves were
markedly dampened and fell below prestimu-
lus noise levels (3 SD from the prestimulus
baseline mean) within the first 150 to 200 ms.
With the onset of NREM sleep, the brain
response to TMS changed markedly. The ini-
tial wave doubled in amplitude and lasted
longer. After this large wave, no further TMS-
locked activity could be detected, except for a
slight negative rebound between 80 and 140
ms. Specifically, fast waves, still visible during
stage 1, were completely obliterated, and all
TMS-evoked activity had ceased by 150 ms.
To better characterize the underlying neural
events, we calculated the spatiotemporal dy-
namics of the currents induced by TMS in the
cerebral cortex. We digitized and coregistered
electrode positions to each subject_sMRI,and
we constructed a realistic head model. We then
estimated current density on the cortical sur-
face by using the weighted minimum norm
least-squares method (11). Figure 3 shows the
average responses recorded from all channels
during wakefulness and NREM sleep in the
same subject shown in Figs. 1 and 2. At early
latencies, during both wakefulness and NREM
sleep, TMS induced a clear dipolar voltage
configuration that was centered under the coil
and corresponded to maximum cortical activa-
tion in ipsilateral area 6. During wakefulness,
this initial response was followed for about
300 ms by multiple waves of activity asso-
ciated with rapidly changing configurations of
scalp potentials. Current maxima shifted over
time from the stimulation target to contra-
lateral area 6, bilateral area 9, contralateral
area 8, and ipsilateral area 7. The rostral
premotor cortex has extensive transcallosal
connections (12) and is linked to prefrontal
areas (13). Thus, during wakefulness, the
perturbation of the rostral premotor cortex
was followed by spatially and temporally dif-
ferentiated patterns of activation that appeared
to propagate along its anatomical connections.
In striking contrast, during NREM sleep the
location of maximum current density remained
confined to the stimulated area.
As shown in Fig. 4, this breakdown in
effective connectivity during sleep was evident
and reproducible in all six subjects. We
estimated current density whenever the global
power of the evoked field was higher (96SD)
than mean prestimulus levels and plotted the
location of the strongest TMS-evoked activa-
tiononeachsubject_s cortical surface, color-
coded according to its latency (11). During
wakefulness, the site of maximum activation
moved back and forth among premotor and
prefrontal areas in both hemispheres and, in
some subjects, it also involved the motor and
posterior parietal cortex. During NREM sleep,
by contrast, the activity evoked by TMS did not
propagate in space and time in any of the
subjects. In two subjects, we were also able to
stimulate the parietal cortex (area 5), and we
found a similar impairment of intracortical in-
formation transmission during NREM sleep
(fig. S2). Thus, although TMS during sleep
elicits an initial response that is even stronger
than during wakefulness, this response remains
localized, does not propagate to connected
Fig. 3. Spatiotemporal dynamics of scalp voltages and cortical currents evoked by TMS during
wakefulness and sleep. (A and A¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ) Averaged TMS-evoked potentials recorded at all electrodes,
superimposed in a butterfly diagram (black traces; the horizontal red line indicates the average
reference), for the same subject as in Figs. 1 and 2. The time of TMS is marked by a vertical red bar.
The red portions of the traces indicate the times at which TMS induced a significant response (see
supporting online material for calculation details). Source modeling was performed at the local maxima
of field power within periods of significant activity. (B and B¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ) Three-dimensional contour voltage maps
(red, positive; blue, negative; step 0 0.6 mVforwakefulnessand1mVforNREMsleep).(C and C¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ )
Corresponding current density distributions plotted on the cortical surface. At each time point, the
results of the L2 Norm (see methods) were auto-scaled and thresholded at 80% to highlight maximum
current sources (CDR, current density reconstruction).
brain regions, dissipates rapidly, lacks high-
frequency components, and is stereotypical
regardless of stimulation site.
Various mechanisms could account for the
enhancement of early TMS-EEG responses in
sleep, including a stronger driving force in
hyperpolarized postsynaptic neurons (14), an
increased discharge synchrony of cortical pop-
ulations (15), a reduction in synaptic depression
(16, 17), and thalamic bursting triggered by
the TMS-induced corticothalamic volley (18).
These mechanisms may also produce the en-
hancement of cortical components of visual,
auditory, and somatosensory evoked potentials
that has been reported during NREM sleep (6).
What causes the dramatic breakdown in
cortical effective connectivity during sleep?
During NREM sleep, cortical neurons are de-
polarized and fire tonically just as in quiet
wakefulness, but these depolarized up-states
are interrupted by short hyperpolarized down-
states when neurons remain silent (19). The
transition from up- to down-states appears to
be due to depolarization-dependent potassium
currents that increase with the amount of prior
activation (19). Perhaps because of this bi-
stability of cortical networks during NREM
sleep (16, 17), any local activation, whether
occurring spontaneously or induced by TMS,
will eventually trigger a local down-state that
prevents further propagation of activity. Al-
ternatively, the block may occur in the thal-
amus, whose neurons, when hyperpolarized,
fire a single burst in response to corticotha-
lamic volleys and then enter a prolonged in-
hibitory rebound (20). Finally, there may be
sleep-related changes in the balance between
excitation and inhibition (21), as suggested by
paired-pulse TMS studies (22).
Whatever the precise mechanisms, they are
most likely engaged by the progressive reduc-
tion of the firing of diffuse neuromodulatory
systems that occurs when we fall asleep (23).
Indeed, the blockade of intracortical signaling
did not begin suddenly, and the spatiotemporal
pattern of cortical activation during stage 1
sleep was intermediate between those of wake-
fulness and NREM sleep (fig. S3). Specifically,
during stage 1 sleep, the TMS-evoked response
propagated from the right premotor cortex to
the homotopic contralateral site within the first
few tens of milliseconds; however, this initial
activation was not sustained nor did it reach
prefrontal or parietal areas.
By using a combination of TMS and HD-
EEG, we have found evidence for a breakdown
of transcallosal and long-range effective con-
nectivity during NREM sleep. This breakdown
in the ability of cortical areas to interact ef-
fectively contrasts with the persistence or in-
crease in interhemispheric and interareal
broadband coherence that can be observed in
EEG studies of sleep (3, 24). Thus, an impair-
ment in the ability to integrate information
among specialized thalamocortical modules—a
proposed theoretical requirement for conscious-
ness (7)—may underlie the fading of con-
sciousness in NREM sleep early in the night.
It will be important to see whether cortical
effective connectivity recovers in part during
late-night sleep, especially during REM sleep, a
time at which conscious reports become long
and vivid (1). More generally, probing the
brain_s effective connectivity directly may
prove useful in pharmacologically induced un-
consciousness and in several psychiatric and
neurological conditions in which consciousness
is affected and neural interactivity may be com-
promised above and beyond neural activity and
neural synchrony (25).
References and Notes
1. R. Stickgold, A. Malia, R. Fosse, R. Propper, J. A. Hobson,
Sleep 24, 171 (2001).
2. M. Steriade, I. Timofeev, F. Grenier, J. Neurophysiol.
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3. P. Achermann, A. A. Borbely, Neuroscience 85, 1195
4. M. Steriade, D. A. McCormick, T. J. Sejnowski, Science
262, 679 (1993).
5. Gamma activity and synchrony, which have been viewed
as possible correlates of consciousness (26–28), were
found to be low in NREM sleep in one study (29).
However, they were equally low in REM sleep, when
conscious experience is usually vivid, and they can be
high during anesthesia (30). Moreover, intracellular
recordings show that gamma activity persists during
NREM sleep (31), and other studies report that gamma
coherence is a local phenomenon that does not change
between wakefulness and sleep (32). Large-scale
synchrony in the alpha and theta bands may also
correlate with conscious perception during wakefulness
(33), but synchrony in these frequency bands actually
increases during NREM sleep (3, 34).
6. R. Kakigi et al., Sleep Med. 4, 493 (2003).
7. G. Tononi, BioMed Central Neurosci. 5, 42 (2004).
8. L. Lee, L. M. Harrison, A. Mechelli, Neuroimage 19,
457 (2003).
9. R. J. Ilmoniemi et al., Neuroreport 8, 3537 (1997).
10. A change in transcallosal responsiveness between
wakefulness and sleep was observed in an experi-
ment employing electrical stimulation of the corpus
callosum and extracellualar cortical recordings in
monkeys [figure 8.19 in (35)]. Changes in TMS-
evoked motor responses during sleep and after
awakenings from different stages of sleep have also
been reported (36, 37).
11. Materials and methods are available as supporting
material on Science Online.
12. B. Marconi, A. Genovesio, S. Giannetti, M. Molinari, R.
Caminiti, Eur. J. Neurosci. 18, 775 (2003).
13. N. Picard, P. L. Strick, Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 11, 663
14. R. N. Sachdev, F. F. Ebner, C. J. Wilson, J. Neurophysiol.
92, 3511 (2004).
15. F. Worgotter et al., Nature 396, 165 (1998).
16. M. Bazhenov, I. Timofeev, M. Steriade, T. J. Sejnowski,
J. Neurosci. 22, 8691 (2002).
17. S. Hill, G. Tononi, J. Neurophysiol. 93, 1671 (2005).
18. A. Destexhe, D. Contreras, M. Steriade, J. Neurophysiol.
79, 999 (1998).
19. M. V. Sanchez-Vives, D. A. McCormick, Nat. Neurosci.
3, 1027 (2000).
20. C. Pedroarena, R. Llinas, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
94, 724 (1997).
21. M. Steriade, J. Hobson, Prog. Neurobiol. 6, 155
22. F. Salih et al., J. Physiol. 565, 695 (2005).
23. M. Steriade, Prog. Brain Res. 145, 179 (2004).
24. G. Dumermuth, D. Lehmann, Eur. Neurol. 20, 429
Fig. 4. Spatiotemporal
cortical current maps
during wakefulness
and NREM sleep in all
six subjects. Black
traces represent the
global mean field pow-
ers, and the horizontal
yellow lines indicate
significance levels.
For each significant
time sample, max-
imum current sources
were plotted and color-
coded according to
their latency of activa-
tion (light blue, 0 ms;
red, 300 ms). The yel-
low cross marks the
TMS target on the
cortical surface.
25. S. Laureys, A. M. Owen, N. D. Schiff, Lancet Neurol. 3,
537 (2004).
26. F. Crick, C. Koch, Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant.
Biol. 55, 953 (1990).
27. R. Llinas, U. Ribary, D. Contreras, C. Pedroarena, Philos.
Trans. R. Soc. London Ser. B 353, 1841 (1998).
28. A. K. Engel, W. Singer, Trends Cogn. Sci. 5,16
29. J. L. Cantero, M. Atienza, J. R. Madsen, R. Stickgold,
Neuroimage 22, 1271 (2004).
30. C. H. Vanderwolf, Brain Res. 855, 217 (2000).
31. M. Steriade, D. Contreras, F. Amzica, I. Timofeev, J.
Neurosci. 16, 2788 (1996).
32. T. H. Bullock et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92,
11568 (1995).
33. A. von Stein, C. Chiang, P. Konig, Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. U.S.A. 97, 14748 (2000).
34. R. B. Duckrow, H. P. Zaveri, Clin. Neurophysiol. 116,
1088 (2005).
35. M. Steriade, M. Desche
nes, P. Wyzinski, J. P. Halle
Basic Sleep Mechanisms, O. Petre-Quadens, J. Schlag,
Eds. (Academic Press, New York, 1974), pp. 144–200.
36. M. Bertini et al., J. Sleep Res. 13, 31 (2004).
37. P. Grosse, R. Khatami, F. Salih, A. Kuhn, B. U. Meyer,
Neurology 59, 1988 (2002).
38. We thank A. Alexander, C. Cirelli, S. Hill, and B.
Riedner for their help. Supported by the National
Sleep Foundation (Pickwick Fellowship) and by the
National Alliance for Schizophrenia and Depression.
Supporting Online Material
Materials and Methods
Figs. S1 to S3
References and Notes
11 July 2005; accepted 29 August 2005
Receptor Types 2 and 3
Mediate Exocrine Secretion
Underlying Energy Metabolism
Akira Futatsugi,
Takeshi Nakamura,
Maki K. Yamada,
Etsuko Ebisui,
Kyoko Nakamura,
Keiko Uchida,
Tetsuya Kitaguchi,
Hiromi Takahashi-Iwanaga,
Tetsuo Noda,
Jun Aruga,
Katsuhiko Mikoshiba
Type 2 and type 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP
R2 and IP
R3) are
intracellular calcium-release channels whose physiological roles are unknown.
We show exocrine dysfunction in IP
R2 and IP
R3 double knock-out mice, which
caused difficulties in nutrient digestion. Severely impaired calcium signaling in
acinar cells of the salivary glands and the pancreas in the double mutants
ascribed the secretion deficits to a lack of intracellular calcium release. Despite a
normal caloric intake, the double mutants were hypoglycemic and lean. These
results reveal IP
R2 and IP
R3 as key molecules in exocrine physiology
underlying energy metabolism and animal growth.
Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP
are intracellular Ca
release channels located
on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that
mediate Ca
mobilization from the ER to
the cytoplasm in response to the binding of a
second messenger, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate
)(1). IP
-induced Ca
release is triggered
by various external stimuli, and most non-
excitable cells use this mechanism as the
primary Ca
signaling pathway. IP
Rs are
therefore thought to have important physiolog-
ical roles in various cell types and tissues (2).
Three subtypes of IP
Rs, derived from three
distinct genes, have been identified in mam-
mals (3). Type 1 IP
R1) is predominant-
ly expressed in brain tissue and plays a critical
role in the regulation of motor and learning
systems (4–7 ). The other two subtypes, type 2
and 3 IP
Rs (IP
R2 and IP
R3), are expressed
in various tissues and cell lines (8–11); how-
ever, the importance of these subtypes in vivo
has been difficult to assess because of their co-
expression in tissues and the lack of selective
inhibitors. In this study, we examined mice
lacking both IP
R2 and IP
R3 and observed
defects in the digestive system resulting from
the lack of Ca
signaling in exocrine tissues.
In such exocrine tissues, secretagogue-induced
increases in intracellular Ca
tion (ECa
) trigger the secretion of enzymes
or water by acting on the Ca
exocytotic machinery or ion channels, respec-
tively (12–16 ). A crucial physiological role of
Rs in exocrine Ca
signaling was demon-
strated (15, 17 ); however, the relative impor-
tance of the three different IP
R subtypes has
been unclear.
We generated mice lacking either IP
R2 or
R3 by disrupting the corresponding genes
within their first coding exons (figs. S1A and
S1B). The single-gene mutants were viable
and showed no distinct abnormalities in ap-
pearance, at least for several months after
birth. Mutant mice lacking both of these IP
subtypes were also viable during the embry-
onic period. Immunoblot analysis of the sub-
mandibular glands and the pancreas, where
R2 and IP
R3 are expressed (fig. S1C),
showed that expression of IP
R2 and IP
was abolished in the mutants (Fig. 1A). At
birth, the appearance of double homozygotes
was indistinguishable from that of nonhomo-
zygous littermates, but double homozygotes
had gained less body weight after birth. After
the weaning period, around postnatal day 20
(P20), the homozygotes began losing weight
We suspected that an incapability of the
double mutants to eat dry food after weaning
might have caused body weight loss and even-
tual death. Indeed, double mutants did not
consume dry food at all. When the double
mutants were fed wet mash food beginning at
P20, they consumed this type of food and
survived thereafter. Body weight increases of
the double mutants, however, were still smaller
than those of nondouble mutant littermates
equally fed with wet mash food (Fig. 1C).
Interestingly, despite their reduced body
weights, the double mutants consumed no less
wet mash food than did the control mice (Fig.
2A and fig. S2A). The double mutants also
took as much milk as did control mice when
they were fed milk instead of wet mash food
after weaning (fig. S2B). Thus, the caloric
intake of the IP
mutants appeared to be slightly greater than
that of the control mice. In addition, the
amount of feces produced by adult mice fed
wet mash food was higher in the double
mutants (Fig. 2B). The total amount of proteins
and lipids in the feces were higher in the
double mutants (Fig. 2C and fig. S2C).
Furthermore, blood glucose concentrations
were significantly lower in the double mutants
(86.1 T 5.3 mg/dl, n 0 11) than those in control
mice (156.1 T 6.5 mg/dl, n 0 14). Altogether,
these results suggest that digestive system
dysfunction causes the malnutrition phenotype
of the double mutants. Actually, when the
double mutants were fed a predigested diet
containing glucose and amino acids for a
week, they gained weight (1.7 T 0.7 g, n 0
8), whereas those fed wet mash food did not
(–0.5 T 0.3 g, n 0 5).
Because the lethal double mutant pheno-
type was partially rescued by macerating the
food with water, we hypothesized that the
double mutants might be deficient in saliva
production. We therefore examined saliva secre-
tion in adult mice stimulated by subcutaneous
Calcium Oscillation, International Cooperative Re-
search Project, Japan Science and Technology Agency,
Tokyo 108-0071, Japan.
Laboratory for Developmental
Neurobiology, Brain Development Research Group,
Brain Science Institute, RIKEN, Saitama 351-0198,
Division of Molecular Neurobiology, Institute
of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 108-
8639, Japan.
Department of Anatomy, School of
Medicine, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8638,
Department of Cell Biology, Japanese Founda-
tion for Cancer Research, Cancer Institute, Tokyo 170-
8455, Japan.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed.
E-mail: (A.F.); mikosiba@ (K.M.)
... The temporal regression analysis revealed that greater decreases in sigma and low beta (11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19) power over time during the awake period were associated with higher N3% across the night (Figure 8). This suggests that individuals who exhibit consistent increases in cortical downregulation during wakefulness may experience more slow-wave sleep, aligning with findings that efficient pre-sleep deactivation is crucial for deeper sleep (Massimini et al. 2005). During N2, increases in delta power over time were strongly correlated with higher N3%, further emphasizing the role of delta activity in promoting slow-wave sleep over time (Tononi and Cirelli 2006). ...
... The negative correlation between low delta power (0.1-0.5 Hz) during N2 and both N3% and total sleep duration (TST) is another surprising finding. Delta activity has long been considered essential for the restorative processes of sleep, particularly during N3 (Achermann and Borbély 1997); (Massimini et al. 2005), but its role during N2 is less understood. Our results suggest that excessive low-frequency power in N2 may hinder deeper sleep stages, potentially disrupting the balance between early-stage sleep and subsequent slow-wave sleep. ...
Sleep is a fundamental physiological process critical to cognitive function, memory consolidation, emotional regulation, and overall health. This study investigates the relationship between EEG spectral power dynamics and key sleep metrics, including percentage of N3, biological age, percentage of REM, and total sleep time (TST). Using high-resolution spectral analysis, we examine how power across multiple frequency bands (0.1–50 Hz) evolves temporally across sleep stages and influences sleep architecture. Our results reveal an inverse relationship between high-frequency power (sigma, beta, and gamma) during the N1 and N2 stages and the subsequent percentage of N3, suggesting that excessive low-frequency power in N2 may disrupt the smooth progression into deep sleep. Additionally, we identify a negative correlation between low delta power (0.1–0.5 Hz) during N2 and both percentages of N3 and TST, challenging traditional views on the role of delta activity in sleep regulation. These findings advance the understanding of how brain activity across frequencies modulates sleep depth and duration, with implications for addressing age-related sleep declines.
... In fact, higher order cognitive processing (including intentions to move/willed actions, the logic of mental activity, and the inductive reasoning) recognize mainly prefrontal areas, the ACC and the MCC as critical nodes [47]. To this extent, it may be proposed that, during DoA episodes, both the heterogeneous presence of local sleep/wake activities throughout different brain areas and also the breakdown of cortical connectivity typical of deep sleep [50], prevent the possibility to reach an integrated functional connectivity. Under this perspective, these disorders, currently collected under the label of disorders of arousal, more than an impairment of the arousal process per se, seem more specifically concerned by a difficulty to reach a complete awareness and, with that, consciousness. ...
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Objective Disorders of arousal (DoA) are characterized by an intermediate state between wakefulness and deep sleep, leading to incomplete awakenings from NREM sleep. Multimodal studies have shown subtle neurophysiologic alterations even during wakefulness in DoA. The aim of this study was to explore the brain functional connectivity in DoA and the metabolic profile of the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex, given its pivotal role in cognitive and emotional processing. Methods Fifteen consecutive patients with DoA (9 males, mean age 26.3 ± 7.7) and 15 age‐ and sex‐matched healthy controls (8 males, mean age 25.8 ± 3.6) were enrolled. All participants underwent a protocol including sleep and psychological evaluation scales and multimodal brain MRI with resting‐state functional MRI and 1H‐MR spectroscopy. Results The independent component analysis disclosed an altered resting‐state functional connectivity (FC) in the patients' sensory motor network, with a higher connectivity strength in opercular cortex, precuneus, occipital pole, and lingual gyrus. The seed‐based analysis revealed a decreased FC between posterior cingulate cortex (PCC) and several cerebral areas. Finally, spectroscopic imaging revealed a reduced content of glutamine in the PCC (p < 0.001). Interpretation The increased connectivity in the sensory‐motor network of DoA patients could constitute a “facilitatory medium” enhancing motor circuit activation, while the connectivity and metabolic alterations of PCC might represent a trait functional feature, contributing to a dysfunctional arousal process and the difficulty to reach a complete awareness during DoA episodes. In addition, these alterations at rest might be related to daytime impairment reported by patients, requiring new strategies for DoA management.
... Further, these characteristics may also explain why we lose conscious processing to external stimuli during sleep, that is, in the 'sentinel processing mode'. Previous research showed that during conscious wakefulness, the response to a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) pulse initiates a long-range pattern of cortical activation (Massimini et al., 2009;Massimini et al., 2005;Sarasso et al., 2014). However, during N3 sleep, as well as general anaesthesia, such a TMS pulse gave rise to a stereotypical high-amplitude response, with a waveform echoing the ERPs we found here (cf. Figure 2; also see Arzi et al., 2021). ...
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During sleep, the human brain transitions to a ‘sentinel processing mode’, enabling the continued processing of environmental stimuli despite the absence of consciousness. Going beyond prior research, we employed advanced information-theoretic analyses, including mutual information (MI) and co-information (co-I), alongside event-related potential (ERP) and temporal generalization analyses (TGA), to characterize auditory prediction error processing across wakefulness and sleep. We hypothesized that a shared neural code would be present across sleep stages, with deeper sleep being associated with reduced information content and increased information redundancy. To investigate this, twenty-nine young healthy participants were exposed to an auditory ‘local-global’ oddball paradigm during wakefulness and continued during an 8-hour sleep opportunity monitored via polysomnography. We focused on ‘local’ mismatch responses to a deviating fifth tone following four standard tones. ERP analyses showed that prediction error processing continued throughout all sleep stages (N1-N3, REM). Mutual information analyses revealed a substantial reduction in the amount of encoded prediction error information during sleep, although ERP amplitudes increased with deeper NREM sleep. In addition, co-information analyses showed that neural dynamics became increasingly redundant with increasing sleep depth. Temporal generalisation analyses revealed a largely shared neural code between N2 and N3 sleep, although it differed between wakefulness and sleep. Here, we showed how the neural code of the ‘sentinel processing mode’ changes from wake to light to deep sleep and REM, characterised by more redundant and less rich neural information in the human cortex as consciousness wanes. This altered stimulus processing reveals how neural information changes with the changes of consciousness states as we traverse the night.
... Second, for the sake of consistency, all our investigations were done in awake animals and patients. Sleep stages are known to influence both seizure risk (Ng and Pavlova, 2013), response to stimulation (Massimini et al., 2005) and passive markers (Wilkat, Rings, and Lehnertz, 2019). However, in patients with epilepsy, this influence seems to be negligible compared to the underlying cycles of cortical excitability (Maturana et al., 2020). ...
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The sudden emergence of dangerous seizures is the defining feature of epilepsy, but how and when the brain changes dynamics remain enigmatic. In the formalism of dynamical systems theory, seizure onset can be described as a critical transition between two alternative states: interictal and ictal. My PhD research aims at study- ing these transitions, specifically by examining the concept of resilience, which, in the present context, refers to a system’s ability to withstand perturbations without changing its state. It has been proposed that both the development of epilepsy and the emergence of seizures are a result of respectively a chronic and then transitory loss of resilience. Importantly, until the point of failure, changes in the system’s resilience will have minimal impact on its observable state. By monitoring a sys- tem’s reaction to minor perturbations, it has been theorized that changes in resilience could nevertheless be detected. In this study, we combined theoretical, experimen- tal and clinical approaches to test this hypothesis, and to develop methodologies to delineate the landscape of physiological and pathological cortical excitability, in- cluding quantifications of seizure thresholds. By using a mathematical model of seizures, and optogenetics stimulations in mice and intracranial electrical stimulations in patients with epilepsy, we were able to demonstrate how small perturbations can be used to gauge cortical stability and how larger perturbations can overcome cortical resilience in a measurable way, resulting in self-sustained seizures. Both phenomena were closely correlated and influenced by the underlying level of cortical excitability, which was tightly modulated in vivo through pharmacological intervention on the GABA-A receptor. Additionally, us- ing a machine-learning approach on EEG snapshots, we confirmed that active and passive markers can be used to decode momentary states of cortical excitability and therefore the latent seizure resilience. Ultimately, this research helps to improve our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of seizure onsets and to develop new methods for predicting and preventing seizures.
... Furthermore, while young adults reduce both delta and theta SW, the elderly reduce only theta SW during sleep. Disruptions in this balance, at least in the elderly [82], may ultimately impact on sleep consolidation and lead to disruptions in the continuity of cognitive processes [81,[83][84][85][86]. ...
The aim of the present study is to investigate differences in brain networks modulation during the pre- and post-sleep onset period, both within and between two groups of young and older individuals. Thirty-six healthy elderly and 40 young subjects participated. EEG signals were recorded during pre- and post-sleep onset periods and functional connectivity analysis, specifically focusing on the small world (SW) index, applied to EEG data (i.e., frequency bands) was examined. Significant differences in SW values were found between the pre-sleep and post-sleep onset phases in both young and older groups, with a reduction in the SW index in the theta band common to both groups. Additionally, an increase in the SW index in the beta band was exclusive to the elderly group during the post-sleep onset period, while an increase in the sigma band was exclusive to the young group. Furthermore, differences between the young and elderly groups were found during both phases, including a decrease in the SW index within the delta band, an increment in the sigma and beta bands in the elderly compared to the young group during the pre-sleep onset period, and a notable absence of sigma band modulation in the elderly group during the post-sleep onset condition. These findings provide insights into age-related changes in sleep-related brain network dynamics and their potential impact on sleep quality and cognitive functions, prompting interventions aimed at supporting healthy aging and addressing age-related cognitive decline.
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La estimulación magnética transcraneal (TMS, por sus siglas en ingles) y su forma repetitiva (rTMS, por sus siglas en inglés) son herramientas no invasivas utilizadas para modificar la excitabilidad de la corteza cerebral y sus circuitos subyacentes a partir de estímulos eléctricos, utilizando campos electromagnéticos generados por una bobina sobre el cuero cabelludo. Actualmente, la TMS de pulso simple se ha consolidado como una técnica esencial para la investigación en neurociencias, mientras que la rTMS, gracias a su capacidad para inducir neuromodulación sostenida, ha expandido las finalidades de la técnica en diagnóstico, demostrado también su utilidad en la terapéutica de diversas patologías neurológicas y psiquiátricas.La transición de ser una herramienta experimental a una técnica diagnóstica y terapéutica establecida, ha permitido que miles de pacientes se beneficien anualmente de su capacidad para el tratamiento de diversa sintomatología o su capacidad de mapear áreas cerebrales críticas antes de intervenciones quirúrgicas, entre otras aplicaciones.Proponemos aquí una serie de revisiones para ofrecer una síntesis rigurosa y actualizada sobre el uso de TMS, no solo en las patologías y síntomas en los que se aplica, sino también profundizando en las bases neurobiológicas que respaldan estas indicacionesEn este artículo se abordan los fundamentos físicos y neurofisiológicos de TMS, con especial énfasis en los parámetros de estimulación que determinan su eficacia, así como las principales modalidades e indicaciones utilizadas tanto en investigación como en la práctica clínica. Se explorarán además los mecanismos subyacentes que explican los efectos de la TMS en la excitabilidad cortical y en las redes neuronales funcionales.
In the years following publication of the DSM-5, the field of psychiatry has seen vigorous debate between the DSM’s more traditional, diagnosis-oriented approach and the NIMH’s more biological, dimension-based RDoC approach. Charney & Nestler’s Neurobiology of Mental Illness is an authoritative foundation for translating information from the laboratory to clinical treatment, and this edition extends beyond its reference function to acknowledge and examine the controversies and thoughts on the future of psychiatric diagnosis. In this wider context, this book provides information from numerous levels of analysis including molecular biology and genetics, cellular physiology, neuroanatomy, neuropharmacology, epidemiology, and behavior. Section I, which reviews the methods used to examine the biological basis of mental illness in animal and cell models and in humans, has been expanded to reflect important technical advances in complex genetics, epigenetics, stem cell biology, optogenetics, neural circuit functioning, cognitive neuroscience, and brain imaging. These established and emerging methodologies offer groundbreaking advances in our ability to study the brain and breakthroughs in our therapeutic toolkit. Sections II through VII cover the neurobiology and genetics of major psychiatric disorders: psychoses, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, dementias, and disorders of childhood onset. Also covered within these sections is a summary of current therapeutic approaches for these illnesses as well as the ways in which research advances are now guiding the search for new treatments. The last section, Section VIII, focuses on diagnostic schemes for mental illness. This includes an overview of the unique challenges that remain in diagnosing these disorders given our still limited knowledge of disease etiology and pathophysiology. The section then provides reviews of DSM-5 and RDoC. Also included are chapters on future efforts toward precision and computational psychiatry, which promise to someday align diagnosis with underlying biological abnormalities.
Human consciousness emerges over time. From the moment of conception, a process of neurodevelopment and complexification begins, generating and supporting a neuroelectric field that can be quantified by computational methods from dynamical systems theory. In the early embryo, genetically driven cellular processes are mediated by endogenous electromagnetic fields and intrinsic electrical fields produced by migrating neurons. In the ambient cellular environment, these interactions influence each other, impacting neural migration. The emergence of Theory of Mind, often considered a hallmark of conscious awareness, is accompanied by increasing neural connectivity, neuroelectric field complexity, and more integrated information processing. Neurodegeneration in old age and the often-associated decline in conscious awareness correlate closely with changes in the dynamical complexity of the neuroelectric field. Monitoring trajectories of the neuroelectric field and its complexity changes through the lifespan presents a developmental perspective and empirical correlation for studying the emergence and decline of human consciousness.
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Slow-wave activity (SWA) is a hallmark of the loss of consciousness in non-REM sleep and anesthesia. The mechanistic underpinnings of SWA, and its evolution when transitioning towards the conscious brain state is poorly understood. We address this topic by recording multi-area and laminar activity in posterior parietal (PPC) and primary visual (V1) cortices of mice spontaneously awakening from isoflurane anesthesia. Spectral power is stronger in PPC (especially in superficial layers) during deep unconsciousness, but stronger in V1 when awakening. Rostro-caudal (feedback-like) propagation of SWA also shows state-dependent modulation, particularly in layer 5. The excitability of layer 2/3 neurons, hindered at high isoflurane, recovers during awakening, when V1 and the feedforward pathway reacquire a strong role. Detailing the hierarchical and laminar properties of spontaneous traveling oscillations, we provide evidence that SWA is a multiscale phenomenon. Explicating the functional role of these processes is critical to understand the neuronal mechanisms of consciousness.
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In this first intracellular study of neocortical activities during waking and sleep states, we hypothesized that synaptic activities during natural states of vigilance have a decisive impact on the observed electrophysiological properties of neurons that were previously studied under anesthesia or in brain slices. We investigated the incidence of different firing patterns in neocortical neurons of awake cats, the relation between membrane potential fluctuations and firing rates, and the input resistance during all states of vigilance. In awake animals, the neurons displaying fast-spiking firing patterns were more numerous, whereas the incidence of neurons with intrinsically bursting patterns was much lower than in our previous experiments conducted on the intact-cortex or isolated cortical slabs of anesthetized cats. Although cortical neurons displayed prolonged hyperpolarizing phases during slow-wave sleep, the firing rates during the depolarizing phases of the slow sleep oscillation was as high during these epochs as during waking and rapid-eye-movement sleep. Maximum firing rates, exceeding those of regular-spiking neurons, were reached by conventional fast-spiking neurons during both waking and sleep states, and by fast-rhythmic-bursting neurons during waking. The input resistance was more stable and it increased during quiet wakefulness, compared with sleep states. As waking is associated with high synaptic activity, we explain this result by a higher release of activating neuromodulators, which produce an increase in the input resistance of cortical neurons. In view of the high firing rates in the functionally disconnected state of slow-wave sleep, we suggest that neocortical neurons are engaged in processing internally generated signals
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Sleep is characterized by synchronized events in billions of synaptically coupled neurons in thalamocortical systems. The activation of a series of neuromodulatory transmitter systems during awakening blocks low-frequency oscillations, induces fast rhythms, and allows the brain to recover full responsiveness. Analysis of cortical and thalamic networks at many levels, from molecules to single neurons to large neuronal assemblies, with a variety of techniques, ranging from intracellular recordings in vivo and in vitro to computer simulations, is beginning to yield insights into the mechanisms of the generation, modulation, and function of brain oscillations.
MOTOR and visual cortices of normal volunteers were activated by transcranial magnetic stimulation. The electrical brain activity resulting from the brief electromagnetic pulse was recorded with high-resolution electroencephalography (HR-EEG) and located using inversion algorithms. The stimulation of the left sensorimotor hand area elicited an immediate response at the stimulated site. The activation had spread to adjacent ipsilateral motor areas within 5-10 ms and to homologous regions in the opposite hemisphere within 20 ms. Similar activation patterns were generated by magnetic stimulation of the visual cortex. This new non-invasive method provides direct information about cortical reactivity and area-to-area neuronal connections.
Theories of binding have recently come into the focus of the consciousness debate. In this review, we discuss the potential relevance of temporal binding mechanisms for sensory awareness. Specifically, we suggest that neural synchrony with a precision in the millisecond range may be crucial for conscious processing, and may be involved in arousal, perceptual integration, attentional selection and working memory. Recent evidence from both animal and human studies demonstrates that specific changes in neuronal synchrony occur during all of these processes and that they are distinguished by the emergence of fast oscillations with frequencies in the gamma-range.
When the brain goes from wakefulness to sleep, cortical neurons begin to undergo slow oscillations in their membrane potential that are synchronized by thalamocortical circuits and reflected in EEG slow waves. To provide a self-consistent account of the transition from wakefulness to sleep and of the generation of sleep slow waves, we have constructed a large-scale computer model that encompasses portions of two visual areas and associated thalamic and reticular thalamic nuclei. Thousands of model neurons, incorporating several intrinsic currents, are interconnected with millions of thalamocortical, corticothalamic, and both intra- and interareal corticocortical connections. In the waking mode, the model exhibits irregular spontaneous firing and selective responses to visual stimuli. In the sleep mode, neuromodulatory changes lead to slow oscillations that closely resemble those observed in vivo and in vitro. A systematic exploration of the effects of intrinsic currents and network parameters on the initiation, maintenance, and termination of slow oscillations shows the following. 1) An increase in potassium leak conductances is sufficient to trigger the transition from wakefulness to sleep. 2) The activation of persistent sodium currents is sufficient to initiate the up-state of the slow oscillation. 3) A combination of intrinsic and synaptic currents is sufficient to maintain the up-state. 4) Depolarization-activated potassium currents and synaptic depression terminate the up-state. 5) Corticocortical connections synchronize the slow oscillation. The model is the first to integrate intrinsic neuronal properties with detailed thalamocortical anatomy and reproduce neural activity patterns in both wakefulness and sleep, thereby providing a powerful tool to investigate the role of sleep in information transmission and plasticity.
The pontine brain stem hypothesis of desynchronized sleep generation has been tested with cellular methods confirming its three principal tenets:Ascending activation is apparent in the increased discharge of almost every forebrain neuronal population that has been studied. The precise synaptic mechanisms mediating this net excitation have not been elucidated but tonic postsynaptic facilitation is likely to underlie EEG desynchronization while presynaptic inhibition and phasic postsynaptic facilitation are probably involved in PGO wave generation.Descending inhibition of spinal reflex activity has been documented and analyzed in detail. Indirect, but strong evidence favors the operation of tonic postsynaptic inhibition, phasic postsynaptic excitation and presynaptic inhibition in the genesis of atonia, muscle twitches, and phasic sensory changes respectively.Pontine control of some of these events has been strengthened by the satisfaction of criteria for executive neurones by the giant cells of the pontine reticular formation (FTG). These neurones may be directly responsible for phasic events including the REMs, muscle twitches, and PGO waves. They may be indirectly responsible for EEG desynchronization through recruitment of more rostral reticular elements. They are probably not responsible for the atonia which is more likely mediated by their more caudal medullary reticular congeners.The mechanism of periodic activation of the executive neurones in the FTG may be that of reciprocal interaction with other pontine level-setting elements for which the best candidates are those neurones in the locus coeruleus and dorsal raphé nucleus having activity curves reciprocal to those of the FTG. A precise neurophysiological and mathematical model of reciprocal interaction is described.The reciprocal interaction hypothesis of desynchronized sleep control finds independent confirmation in a vast array of pharmacological data on sleep. In particular, the following tenets of the hypothesis are supported:The executive elements of the pontine brain stem control system include the giant cells of the reticular formation (FTG). These cells are cholinoceptive and cholinergic. They excite postsynaptic follower elements including each other. When cholinergically activated, the FTG neurones cholinergically generated desynchronized sleep events including EEG desynchronization, eye movements, PGO and other phasic events. Drugs which enchance cholinergic synaptic transmission, especially when injected into the giant cell fields, enchance descynchronized sleep. By contrast, anticholinergic compounds suppress desynchronized sleep. Cholinergic agents may also show suppress desynchronized sleep when injected into the presumed level setting neuronal pools of the dorsal raphé nucleus (DRN) and locus coeruleus (LC).The level-setting elements for the FTG include cells in the DRN and LC. These cells may be aminergic and aminoceptive, inhibiting their postsynaptic followers including each other. When activated, they suppress desynchronized sleep events especially atonia and PGO activity. Drugs which enchance aminergic synaptic transmission tend to suppress desynchronized sleep. Antiaminergic agents tend to enhance desynchronized sleep. Aminergic drugs should suppress desynchronized sleep when injected into the pool of generator neurones in the FTG.The reciprocal interaction hypothesis thus orders an otherwise confusing pharmacological literature and gives rise to new and testable hypotheses of sleep-cycle regulation. The combination of chronic microelectrode recording and microinjection techniques may thus result in a precise cellular neuropharmacology of those reticular systems long thought to regulate sleep and other vegetative phenomena.
Excerpt We have recently published a paper entitled Towards a Neurobiological Theory of Consciousness (Crick and Koch 1990) that outlined a sketch of such a theory. Our aim was not to produce as complete a theory of consciousness as possible but to indicate promising lines of experimental work, mainly neurobiological, that might lead eventually toward a solution of the problem. We made the plausible assumption that all forms of consciousness (e.g., seeing, thinking, and pain) employ, at bottom, rather similar mechanisms and that if one form were understood, it would be much easier to tackle the others. We then made the personal choice of the mammalian visual system as the most promising one for an experimental attack. This choice means that fascinating aspects of the subject, such as volition, intentionality, and self-consciousness, to say nothing of the problem of qualia, have had to be left on one side. We have also...
All-night spectral power and coherence analysis of six channels of EEG data from 6 healthy volunteers was performed. Integrated power and integrated coherence for the frequency bands of 0.1-7 and 7-12 Hz in 20 s epochs was plotted over the entire nights. Power and coherence increased with deepening slow wave sleep. With the onset of REM periods, power expectedly decreased, whereas coherence showed a further increase or maintained levels. With post-REM phase awakenings, power showed further reductions, and coherence decreased. The REM coherence results were most pronounced in interhemispheric right to left parietal comparisons (recorded vs. a Cz reference) in the 0.1-7 Hz band. It is hypothesized that the high interhemispheric coherence facilitates or reflects right-left transfer of information.