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A case-control study of serious autoimmune adverse events following hepatitis B immunization

Taylor & Francis
  • Institute of Chronic Illnesses
  • Institute of Chronic Illnesses


Hepatitis B infection is one of the most important causes of acute and chronic liver disease. During the 1980s, genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccines (HBVs) were introduced in the United States. A large-series of serious autoimmune conditions have been reported following HBVs, despite the fact that HBVs have been reported to be "generally well-tolerated." A case-control epidemiological study was conducted to evaluate serious autoimmune adverse events prospectively reported to the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) database following HBVs, in comparison to an age, sex, and vaccine year matched unexposed tetanus-containing vaccine (TCV) group for conditions that have been previously identified on an a priori basis from case-reports. Adults receiving HBV had significantly increased odds ratios (OR) for multiple sclerosis (OR = 5.2, p < 0.0003, 95% Confidence Interval (CI) = 1.9 - 20), optic neuritis (OR = 14, p < 0.0002, 95% CI = 2.3 - 560), vasculitis (OR = 2.6, p < 0.04, 95% CI = 1.03 - 8.7), arthritis (OR = 2.01, p < 0.0003, 95% CI = 1.3 - 3.1), alopecia (OR = 7.2, p < 0.0001, 95% CI = 3.2 - 20), lupus erythematosus (OR = 9.1, p < 0.0001, 95% CI = 2.3 - 76), rheumatoid arthritis (OR = 18, p < 0.0001, 95% CI = 3.1 - 740), and thrombocytopenia (OR = 2.3, p < 0.04, 95% CI = 1.02 - 6.2) in comparison to the TCV group. Minimal confounding or systematic error was observed. Despite the negative findings of the present study regarding the rare serious adverse effects of HBVs, it is clear that HBV does, indeed, offer significant benefits, but it is also clear that chances of exposure to hepatitis B virus in adults is largely life-style dependent. Adults should make an informed consent decision, weighing the risks and benefits of HBV, as to whether or not to be immunized.
A case-control study of serious autoimmune adverse events following
hepatitis B immunization
MedCon, Inc., Silver Spring, MD 20905, USA, and
The Genetic Centers of America, Silver Spring, MD 20905, USA
(Received 14 February 2005; accepted 22 April 2005)
Hepatitis B infection is one of the most important causes of acute and chronic liver disease. During the 1980s, genetically
engineered hepatitis B vaccines (HBVs) were introduced in the United States. A large-series of serious autoimmune
conditions have been reported following HBVs, despite the fact that HBVs have been reported to be “generally well-
tolerated.” A case-control epidemiological study was conducted to evaluate serious autoimmune adverse events prospectively
reported to the vaccine adverse events reporting system (VAERS) database following HBVs, in comparison to an age, sex, and
vaccine year matched unexposed tetanus-containing vaccine (TCV) group for conditions that have been previously identified
on an a priori basis from case-reports. Adults receiving HBV had significantly increased odds ratios (OR) for multiple
sclerosis (OR ¼5:2;p,0:0003;95% Confidence Interval ðCIÞ¼1:9220), optic neuritis (OR ¼14;p,0:0002;
95% CI ¼2:32560), vasculitis (OR ¼2:6;p,0:04;95% CI ¼1:03 28:7), arthritis (OR ¼2:01;p,0:0003;95%
CI ¼1:323:1), alopecia (OR ¼7:2;p,0:0001;95% CI ¼3:2220), lupus erythematosus (OR ¼9:1;p,0:0001, 95%
CI ¼2:3276), rheumatoid arthritis (OR ¼18;p,0:0001, 95% CI ¼3:12740), and thrombocytopenia (OR ¼2:3;
p,0:04;95% CI ¼1:02 26:2) in comparison to the TCV group. Minimal confounding or systematic error was observed.
Despite the negative findings of the present study regarding the rare serious adverse effects of HBVs, it is clear that HBV does,
indeed, offer significant benefits, but it is also clear that chances of exposure to hepatitis B virus in adults is largely life-style
dependent. Adults should make an informed consent decision, weighing the risks and benefits of HBV, as to whether or not to
be immunized.
Keywords: Aluminum, autoimmunity, HBsAg, thimerosal, yeast
Hepatitis B is one of the most important infectious
causes of acute and chronic liver disease in the United
States and worldwide [1]. Each year prior to the
introduction of universal childhood vaccination in the
United States [2], approximately 3,00,000 people in
the United States acquired new hepatitis B virus
infection; 25,000 were reported with acute hepatitis;
and between 18,000 and 30,000 people became
hepatitis B virus carriers at risk of chronic liver disease,
including chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis, and primary
hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC). In addition, between
4000 and 5000 people died annually due to hepatitis B
infection, and the centers for disease control
and prevention (CDC) estimated that the direct costs
of hepatitis B infection exceeded $500 million
annually [3,4].
Genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccines (HBVs)
were developed and licensed during the 1980s in the
United States. These vaccines are most commonly
produced by inserting the gene for the Hepatitis B
surface Antigen (HBsAg) into the yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae. Following growth of the yeast, vaccine is
ISSN 0891-6934 print/ISSN 1607-842X online q2005 Taylor & Francis Group Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/08916930500144484
David Geier has been a consultant in vaccine cases before the no-fault National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NIVCP) and in
civil litigation.
Dr Mark Geier has been a consultant and expert witness in vaccine cases before the no-fault NVCIP and in civil litigation.
Correspondence: M. R. Geier, President, The Genetic Centers of America, 14 Redgate Ct., Silver Spring, MD 20905, USA.
Tel: 1 301 989 0548. Fax: 1 301 989 1543. E-mail:
Autoimmunity, June 2005; 38(4): 295–301
prepared by lysing the yeast to free HBsAg particles,
which are separated from yeast components by
biochemical and biophysical methods. Two recombi-
nant HBVs produced in yeast (Merck, Recombivax;
GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Energix) are available in
the United States and many countries worldwide [5,6].
HBV has been reported to be “generally well-
tolerated.” Despite the fact that HBV has been
reported to be ‘generally well-tolerated,’ a large-series
of serious autoimmune adverse events (SAAEs) has
been reported in the scientific literature following
hepatitis B vaccination [7 –10]. Case-repor ts of SAAEs
following HBV have generally been reported in adult
vaccine recipients with an initial onset of symptoms
from several days to several weeks following immuniz-
ation and, in many instances, mirror the extrahepatic
manifestations experienced by patients with hepatitis B
virus infection [7 11].
The purpose of this case-control epidemiological
study was to evaluate the potential risk for SAAEs
reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting
System (VAERS) database, following HBVs in
comparison to a matched vaccine control group for
adverse events that had been previously identified, on
an a priori basis, from case-reports that were reported
following immunization.
The VAERS database
The VAERS is an epidemiological database that has
been maintained by the CDC since 1990 as a
surveillance tool to evaluate vaccine safety. Specific
adverse events following vaccination are required to be
reported to this database as mandated by law. The
VAERS Working Group of the CDC has previously
reported that less than 5% of the total adverse events
reported to VAERS are reported by parents [12]. The
VAERS Working Group of the CDC and the food and
drug administration (FDA) analyze and publish
epidemiologic studies based upon analyses of VAERS.
They note that VAERS is simple to use, flexible by
design, and the data are available in a timely fashion, but
warn that the potential limitations may include
systematic error due to underreporting, erroneous
reporting, frequent multiple exposures, multiple out-
comes and lack of precise denominators [12].
Analysis methods
The VAERS was analyzed using a case-control
epidemiological methodology whilst employing a
Bradford Hill criteria [13] framework to assess
observed associations. SAAEs reported following
HBVs to the VAERS database, including: Multiple
sclerosis (MS) (Costart Code ¼Sclerosis Mult), optic
neuritis (ON) (Costart Code ¼Neuritis Optic),
vasculitis (Costart Code ¼Vasculitis), alopecia (Cost-
art Code ¼Alopecia), arthritis (Costart Code ¼
Arthritis), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (Costart Code ¼
Arthritis Rheumat), lupus erythematosus (LE) (Cost-
art Code ¼LE Synd), and thrombocytopenia (Costart
Code ¼Thrombocytopenia) were evaluated. Descrip-
tions of these adverse events were based upon those
reporting them and coded by VAERS technical staff
into defined symptom fields contained in each report.
The reports analyzed were prospectively reported from
the US following vaccines administered from January
1, 1990 through May 25, 2004, and had to specify the
sex of the vaccine recipient, the age of the vaccine
recipient (only reports among those 7 year s-old or older
were included), the year the vaccine was administered,
and to indicate that only one type of vaccine was
administered. As an unexposed group, adverse events
reported to VAERS following tetanus toxoid-contain-
ing vaccines (with the above mentioned conditions)
were evaluated.
In conducting the present study, the online public
access VAERS was analyzed for prospective reports, of
adverse events reported to VAERS, from July 7, 1990
through May 28, 2004. In this study of VAERS, adverse
event reports that specified a specific outcome of interest
(cases) in the exposed HBV group and in the unexposed
tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine group were ident-
ified. The cases were then matched to control adverse
event reports in VAERS based upon sex (male or
female), age(within 1 year), and vaccine administration
year (within 1 year). A control adverse event report, as
identified in VAERS, did not have the outcome of
interest under study. Additionally, at least one control
was required to be matched for every case, in order for
the case to be included in the present study.
Control outcomes
In order to determine if confounding or systematic
error were present in the VAERS data examined,
a series of control outcomes were examined in VAERS.
In this study, control outcomes were selected on a
priority basis, so that they should not be associated with
the exposed or unexposed groups, and the control
outcomes were also selected so that they should provide
information regarding the health statuses of each of the
exposed and unexposed groups examined. The control
outcomes examined in VAERS, included: Urinary tract
infection (Costart Code ¼Infect Urin Tract), medi-
cation error (Costart Code ¼Med Error), cerebrovas-
cular disease (Costart Code ¼Cerebrovascular
Accid), death, and cardiovascular disease (Costart
Code ¼Cardiovasc Dis).
In this assessment of VAERS, the validity of the
Costart Codes for the SAAEs analyzed, following
HBVs were examined. This assessment was under-
taken by manually evaluating the consistency between
the VAERS symptom text (examined for direct
D. A. Geier & M. A. Geier296
mention of or for direct mention of symptoms that
were thought to be consistent with, the outcome under
study) and the Costart Code for each type of SAAE
analyzed, following HBVs. As a result of this manual
review of the VAERS reports, the percent validity of
the Costart Codes analyzed in the VAERS database,
with the clinical experience of the patient, was
assessed (percent validity ¼total number of VAERS
report symptom texts consistent with the Costart
Code examined for a specific outcome/total number of
VAERS Costart Codes for a specific outcome).
Statistical methods
The premise of equality between the groups examined
forms the basis of the null hypothesis employed in the
present study. Odds ratios (OR), 95% OR Confidence
Intervals (CI) for reported adverse events, and
p-values, were determined from 2 £2 contingency
tables employed in the present study. The statistical
package in StatsDirect
(Version 2.4.1) was utilized,
and the nominal Fisher’s exact test statistic was used to
determine statistical significance. In order for stat istical
significance testing to be performed for an outcome,
there had be at least a total of 10 outcomes identified in
VAERS. A two-sided p-value ,0.05 was considered
statistically significant.
In Table I is a summary of SAAEs reported to
VAERS following HBVs. It was determined that MS
(female/male ratio ¼4.1),ON(female/male
ratio ¼4.3), vasculitis (female/male ratio ¼2.2),
arthritis (female/male ratio ¼3.0), RA (female/male
ratio ¼4.3), alopecia (female/male ratio ¼5.3), and
LE (female/male ratio ¼6.8) were predominantly
reported in females, to the VAERS database,
following HBVs, whereas thrombocytopenia
(female/male ratio ¼1.2) was reported more simi-
larly among males and females to VAERS following
HBVs. The SAAEs examined in VAERS were
reported primarily among adult HBV recipients
(median age range ¼24– 39 years 2old), and the
initial onset of symptoms occurred within fairly
close temporal association to HBV administration
(median onset range ¼3 19 days). It was also
observed that among those experiencing SAAEs
following HBVs, as were reported to VAERS,
resulted in a significant number of disabilities,
especially among those with MS (48% disabled),
ON (32% disabled), RA (46% disabled), LE (34%
disabled). As part of the present assessment of the
validity of the actual VAERS symptom text in
comparison to the Costart Code for each condition
examined, it was determined that there was a good
correspondence between the two fields within
VAERS ( ^60% validity for each type of SAAE
outcome examined in VAERS).
Table II presents the results of the case-control
epidemiological study for SAAEs reported in the
HBV exposed group in comparison to the tetanus-
containing vaccine (TCV) unexposed group. It was
observed that there were significant increased
odds ratios following HBVs, in comparison to
TCVs, for the following SAAE outcomes in
VAERS, including: MS (OR ¼5:2;p,0:0003;
95% CI ¼1:9220), ON (OR ¼14;p,0:0002;
95% CI ¼2:32560), vasculitis (OR ¼2:6;p,
0:04;95% CI ¼1:03 28:7), arthritis (OR ¼2:01;
p,0:0003;95% CI ¼1:323:1), alopecia
(OR ¼7:2;p,0:0001;95% CI ¼3:2216), LE
(OR ¼9:1;p,0:0001;95% CI ¼2:3276), RA
(OR ¼18;p,0:0001;95% CI ¼3:12740), and
thrombocytopenia (OR ¼2:3;p,0:04;95%
CI ¼1:04 25:2).
The results of the case-control epidemiological study
for control adverse events, reported to VAERS,
following HBVs, in comparison to those following
TCVs, are summarized in Table III. It was observed
that following HBVs, in comparison to immunization
with TCVs, the following control adverse events were
reported similarly to VAERS, including: Urinary tract
infection (OR ¼1:04;p¼1:0;95% CI ¼0:4322:9),
Table I. A summary of the serious autoimmune adverse events reported following hepatitis B vaccination to the VAERS database.
Type of adverse event [% Validity]*
Number of
female reports
Number of
male reports
Median age
Median onset of
symptoms (days)
Multiple sclerosis [64%] 49 12 4.1 35 19 48
Optic neuritis [85%] 35 11 3.2 35 15 32
Vasculitis [67%] 27 12 2.2 27 7 5.1
[80%] 152 50 3.0 39 3 15
Rheumatoid Arthritis [68%] 43 10 4.3 36 11 46
[90%] 91 17 5.3 29 14 9.2
Lupus Erythematosus [60%] 41 6 6.8 31 11 34
Thrombocytopenia [73%] 26 22 1.2 24 9 14
*Percent validity ¼total number of VAERS report symptom texts consistent with the Costart Code examined for a specific outcome / total
number of VAERS Costart Code for a specific outcome.
A sample of 50 VAERS reports with the outcome under study were analyzed to
determine the percent validity.
Hepatitis B 297
medication error (OR ¼1:2;p¼0:78;95%
CI ¼0:35 24:40), death (OR ¼1:4;p¼0:45;95%
CI ¼0:62 24:0), cerebrovascular disease
(OR ¼1:2;p¼1:0;95% CI ¼0:30 26:8), and car-
diovascular disease (OR ¼1:1;p¼1:0;95%
CI ¼0:44 23:5).
This case-control epidemiological study showed that
HBV administration to adults was associated with an
increased risk of SAAEs. The initial onset of symptoms
occurred within several weeks following immunization,
and many patients experiencing SAAEs sustained
This study used a novel technique to evaluate SAAEs
following HBVs in VAERS similar to that used by the
CDC in a recent study [14]. The technique allows
the identification of a significant population that had
experienced SAAEs, with an initial onset of symptoms
that occurred in reasonably close temporal association
with immunization. The technique also minimizes
Table II. An assessment of the odds ratio for serious autoimmune adverse events reported to the VAERS database following hepatitis B
vaccines in comparison to TCVs.
Type of Adverse Event Number of Cases Number of Controls Odds Ratio p-value 95% Confidence Interval
Multiple Sclerosis
Hepatitis B Vaccines 61 1,188 5.2 ,0.0003 1.9–20
Tetanus-containing vaccines 4 403
Optic Neuritis
Hepatitis B Vaccines 46 887 14 ,0.0002 2.3–560
Tetanus-containing vaccines 1 265
Hepatitis B Vaccines 39 781 2.6 ,0.04 1.03– 8.7
Tetanus-containing vaccines 5 266
Hepatitis B Vaccines 202 3,410 2.01 ,0.0003 1.3–3.1
Tetanus-containing vaccines 30 1,016
Hepatitis B Vaccines 108 1,473 7.2 ,0.0001 3.2– 20
Tetanus-containing vaccines 6 591
Lupus Erythematosus
Hepatitis B Vaccines 47 782 9.1 ,0.0001 2.3– 76
Tetanus-containing vaccines 2 302
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hepatitis B Vaccines 53 963 18 ,0.0001 3.1–740
Tetanus-containing vaccines 1 334
Hepatitis B Vaccines 48 712 2.3 ,0.04 1.02– 6.2
Tetanus-containing vaccines 7 241
The Fisher’s exact test statistic was employed to determine statistical significance.
Table III. An assessment of the odds ratio for control adverse events reported to the VAERS database following hepatitis B vaccines in
comparison to TCVs.
Type of adverse event Number of cases Number of controls Odds ratio p-value 95% Confidence interval
Urinary Tract Infection
Hepatitis B Vaccines 26 734 1.04 1.0 0.43– 2.9
Tetanus-containing vaccines 7 206
Medication Error
Hepatitis B Vaccines 8 39 1.2 0.78 0.354.4
Tetanus-containing vaccines 7 42
Hepatitis B Vaccines 36 460 1.4 0.45 0.62–4.0
Tetanus-containing vaccines 7 131
Cerebrovascular Disease
Hepatitis B Vaccines 11 185 1.2 1.0 0.30– 6.8
Tetanus-containing vaccines 3 60
Cardiovascular Disease
Hepatitis B Vaccines 22 438 1.1 1.0 0.44– 3.5
Tetanus-containing vaccines 6 136
The Fisher’s exact test statistic was employed to determine statistical significance.
D. A. Geier & M. A. Geier298
potential systematic error/confounding associated with
vaccine administration. There are social and medical
attributes associated with both avoidance or delay of
vaccination and an increased risk of adverse events, and
studies that fail to control adequately for such
systematic error/confounding factors are likely to
underestimate the risks of adverse events attributable
to vaccination [15].
In a case-control study it is necessary to ensure that
there are similar demographics among both the
exposed and unexposed populations (i.e. differences
in the populations may account for systematic
error/confounding that tend to skew results, and result
in false-positive or negative findings). To ensure that
the exposed and unexposed populations examined in
VAERS were similar, only individuals receiving either a
HBV or TCV who reported an adverse event report to
VAERS were analyzed (i.e. this was the entrance
criteria for the present study). Inherently, submission
of an adverse event report to VAERS, in either the HBV
exposed or the tetanus toxoid-containing unexposed
groups, should occur at a similar frequency, and not
introduce systematic error/confounders towards one
vaccine or another. Further controls were employed in
evaluating the HBV exposed and the TCV unexposed
groups, by matching every case identified with controls
for age, sex, and date of vaccine administration. Finally,
control adverse events were employed to evaluate the
specificity of adverse event reporting and the general
health status of the exposed and unexposed groups
examined in VAERS.
In this study, chance significant associations
between HBV administration and SAAEs were
minimized. First, SAAEs were chosen to be epide-
miologically evaluated in VAERS on an a priori basis
because they had been previously reported as case-
reports, in the scientific literature, which were
associated with HBVs. Second, since only a limited
number of specific SAAEs were evaluated in the
present study (i.e. only a total of eight SAAEs were
examined, and only a total 13 adverse events
examined), and since a p-value ,0:05 was considered
significant (one in 20 outcomes would be expected to
found significant by chance), therefore, one would
expect that less than one of the types of SAAEs
examined in the present assessment of VAERS, would
by chance, be found to be significantly associated with
HBVs. Third, a series of different types of SAAEs were
examined, in VAERS, involving different systems in
the body. All eight types of SAAEs examined in
VAERS were significantly associated with HBV. This
consistency of observation across multiple types of
SAAEs argues against the present observations
resulting from a mere chance statistical association,
or even a simple reporting bias stemming from a
presumed association between HBVs and a given
outcome that resulted in an over reporting of a single
type of adverse event.
The present case-control assessment of VAERS
shows that very specific adverse affects were attribu-
table to HBVs. HBV was associated with an increased
risk of SAAEs, and potential systematic error or
confounding were found to be minimal in VAERS.
The results of the present study appear to be
biologically plausible. Many of the SAAEs reported
following HBVs are consistent with the extrahepatic
manifestations, generally believed to be immune-
mediated [11], that have been associated with
hepatitis B virus infection. These include: Thrombo-
cytopenia, arthralgias, arthritis, weakness, nephritis,
pulmonary disease, and generalized vasculitis. Cesur
et al. evaluated the prevalence of extrahepatic
manifestations in patients with chronic hepatitis B
virus infection. Among the outcomes evaluated in the
present study, they observed that 1% had systematic
lupus, 1% had RA and 22% had anemia [16].
Pennesi et al. described a case-report of positive
re-challenge for glomerulonephritis following HBV,
in which a renal biopsy demonstrated mesangial
proliferative glomerulonephritis with IgA deposits,
similar to what has been described in natural hepatitis
B virus-related glomerulonephritis [17]. Additionally,
Poirriez has reported that there maybe antigenic
community between HBV components and some
auto-antibodies produced in rare patients with an
autoimmune disease discovered in temporal associ-
ation with HBVs. Poirriez described a case of a 12-
year-old girl who developed transverse myelitis 2
months after a HBV. Later, high titers of antinuclear
antibodies (ANAs) were found, and a diagnosis of
neurolupus was established. The serum was then
mixed with various concentrations of HBV. The
ANAs were totally absorbed by the highest concen-
tration of vaccine, but not by the lowest. Anti-HBsAg
specific antibodies were absorbed by all concen-
trations of vaccine [18].
Furthermore, in addition to the potentially
immune-active epitopes in the HBsAg, recombinant
HBVs contain other extraneous antigenically active
components such as aluminum (vaccine adjuvant),
mercury (thimerosal - approximately 50% mercury by
weight, added as a vaccine preservative), and yeast
(,5% residual from vaccine production) that may
work synergistically to induce autoimmune phenom-
ena in genetically-susceptible vaccine recipients. The
role of immunization in the mosaic of autoimmunity
has been reviewed [19,20].
Ravel et al. have reported that even though the
mechanisms of autoimmunity are ill-elucidated, the
role of pre-existing risk factors including genetic
predisposition and environmental factors is largely
accepted [21]. Female lupus-prone mice adminis-
tered HBV plus mercuric chloride developed
marked increase in serum IgG levels, and a slight
increase in ANA levels. The authors concluded that
vaccination could enhance the risk of autoimmunity
Hepatitis B 299
in genetically-susceptible individuals when exposed
to certain environmental chemicals.
Several epidemiological studies have investigated the
potential link between HBVand an increased risk of MS
or demyelinating diseases [22– 28]. Most found no
consistent association between HBV and MS, but some
had methodological limitations [29]. The present
study is consistent with the observations made by
Hernan et al. on the risk of MS following recombinant
HBV [29]. The authors observed an increased risk of
MS (OR ¼3:1;95% CI ¼1:526:3) following HBVs
compared to no vaccination, consistent with our
observation (OR ¼5:2;95% CI ¼1:9220) for MS
following HBV. The authors concluded HBV is
associated with an increased risk of MS. Additionally,
other studies have also observed significant increased
risks for autoimmune disorders such as lupus, Graves’
disease, and sudden onset Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
(CFS) following HBVs [30,31], compatible with the
results for SAAEs observed in the present study.
We have reported in previous assessments of
VAERS that incidence rates of reported adverse
events following HBV in comparison to other adult
vaccine groups were significantly increased for
arthritic, gastrointestinal, immunological, and neuro-
logical adverse events [8]. In addition, we have
previously reported on case-reports of positive re-
challenge or significant exacerbation of symptoms for
SAAEs following HBVs, and even similar adverse
outcomes in identical twins following HBVs [9].
In conclusion, the present study, in conjunction
with emerging biological plausibility, case-reports,
case-series, positive re-challenge or significant exacer-
bation of symptom reports, and population epide-
miological studies, suggests that adult HBV is
associated with a significant increased risk for serious
autoimmune disorders. It is apparent that HBV can
induce adverse outcomes similar to the extrahepatic
manifestations of hepatitis B virus infection, albeit at a
much reduced frequency. The mechanism for HBV to
break self-tolerance, and induce SAAEs, appears to
involve the synergistic interaction between the
immunological stimulatory components of the immu-
nization (including: The HBsAg, aluminum adjuvant,
mercury preservative, and residual yeast proteins) in a
genetically-susceptible vaccine recipient, within fairly
close temporal association with vaccine adminis-
tration. Clearly, HBV offers significant benefits,
however, the chances of exposure to hepatitis B virus
in adults, is largely, life-style dependent. Therefore,
adult vaccine recipients need to make an informed
consent decision with their physicians, weighing the
risks and benefits of HBV, and reaching an informed
consent decision as to whether or not to be
immunized. In the United States, those rare vaccine
recipients that are adversely affected by HBV should
report their conditions to VAERS, so that more
information made be gleaned about the safety profile
of HBV, and should be advised that they may be
eligible for compensation from the no-fault National
vaccine injury compensation program (NVICP).
We wish to thank Lisa Sykes for her help in revising
and editing our manuscript.
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Hepatitis B 301
... There were seven studies of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine [17-19, 28, 34-36], four studies of hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine [33,[37][38][39], two influenza vaccine [31,32], two coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine [16,27], one zoster vaccine [30], one AVA vaccine [29], one mentioned HPV, HSV and HBV vaccine [37], one mentioned any vaccines (including influenza, DTPP) [31], and one no mentioned the type of vaccine [39] explored the association between a history of vaccination and the risk of SLE [31,37,39]. The pooling analysis showed that a history of HBV vaccination is significant associated with an increased risk of SLE [OR = 2. ...
... In the included 12 studies, there were five studies mentioned HPV vaccine [28,[34][35][36][37], two of influenza vaccine [31,32], and four mentioned HBV vaccination [33,[37][38][39], and subgroup analyses showed HBV vaccination was significantly linked to an increased risk of SLE, whereas HPV vaccine and influenza vaccine slightly related to the risk of SLE. ...
... The polling analysis showed no obvious association between vaccinations and the risk of SLE in our study, which differed from the previous review. The previous study included 12 studies with 8,732,085 participants [28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39], while our study included 17 studies with 45,067,349 individuals. We added five studies with an increase of 36,335,264 people providing a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between vaccinations and risk of SLE [16][17][18][19]27]. ...
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Objective This meta-analysis aims to explore the potential link between vaccines and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Methods We systematically searched PubMed, Cochrane Library, and Embase for observational studies from inception to September 3, 2023, using medical subject headings (MeSH) and keywords. Study quality was assessed using the NOS scale. Statistical analyses were conducted using STATA software (version 14.0). Publication bias was evaluated using funnel plots and Egger’s regression. Results The meta-analysis incorporated 17 studies, encompassing 45,067,349 individuals with follow-up periods ranging from 0.5 to 2 years. The pooled analysis revealed no significant association between vaccinations and an increased risk of SLE [OR = 1.14, 95% CI (0.86–1.52), I² = 78.1%, P = 0.348]. Subgroup analyses indicated that HBV vaccination was significantly associated with an elevated risk of SLE [OR =2.11, 95% CI (1.11-4.00), I² = 63.3%, P = 0.02], HPV vaccination was slightly associated with an increased risk of SLE [OR = 1.43, 95% CI (0.88–2.31), I² = 72.4%, P = 0.148], influenza vaccination showed no association with an increased risk of SLE [OR = 0.96, 95% CI (0.82–1.12), I² = 0.0%, P = 0.559], and COVID-19 vaccine was marginally associated with a decreased risk of SLE [OR = 0.44, 95% CI (0.18–1.21), I² = 91.3%, P = 0.118]. Conclusions This study suggests that vaccinations are not linked to an increased risk of SLE. Our meta-analysis results provide valuable insights, alleviating concerns about SLE risk post-vaccination and supporting further vaccine development efforts.
... Adjuvants, which are often combined with vaccines to enhance immunogenic activity, have been implicated in the development of uveitis in animal models [93]. Other autoimmune diseases, including multiple sclerosis and dermatomyositis, have been reported after hepatitis B vaccination, with a potential role in the molecular mimicry between retinal pigment epithelial protein and hepatitis B surface antigen [94][95][96][97][98]. A case report concerning the development of APMPPE after immunization with a recombinant hepatitis B virus vaccine suggested that the hepatitis B surface antigen may trigger immune-mediated retinal pigment epithelium disruption or choroidal vascular occlusion [29]. ...
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The association between vaccines and ocular disorders has attracted significant attention in scientific research. Numerous mainstream vaccines are associated with a range of uveitis types, including anterior, intermediate, and posterior uveitis. Additionally, they are associated with distinct ocular diseases such as multifocal choroiditis, Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada (VKH) disease, acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy (APMPPE), and multiple evanescent white dot syndrome (MEWDS). These ocular conditions are often transient, with a vast majority of patients experiencing improvement after steroid intervention. To date, numerous cases of vaccine-induced uveitis have been reported. This study analyzed the correlation between antiviral vaccines, including the hepatitis B virus (HBV), human papillomavirus (HPV), measles–mumps–rubella (MMR), varicella zoster virus (VZV), and influenza vaccines, and different manifestations of uveitis. This is the first comprehensive study to offer a detailed analysis of uveitis types induced by antiviral vaccines. Through an extensive database search, we found a particularly strong link between influenza vaccines, followed by VZV and HPV vaccines. While anterior uveitis is common, conditions such as APMPPE, MEWDS, and VKH are particularly notable and merit careful consideration in clinical practice. Corticosteroid treatment was effective; however, half of the observed patients did not achieve full recovery, indicating potentially prolonged effects of the vaccine.
... The highest frequencies of ADAEs associated with HEP vaccines, expressed as a percentage of common adverse events, include multiple sclerosis (1.18%), arthritis (0.73%), rheumatoid arthritis (0.43%), alopecia (0.40%), optic neuritis (0.35%), vasculitis (0.32%), systemic lupus erythematosus (0.31%), GBS (0.29%), eczema (0.27%), uveitis (0.27%), chronic fatigue syndrome (0.14%), and more (Table S1). Furthermore, there have been case reports of multiple autoimmune diseases following HPV immunization [40] , encompassing conditions such as arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis [41,42] , alopecia [43] , optic neuritis [44,45] , vasculitis [46,47] , systemic lupus erythematosus [48] , and GBS [49] . In addition, there was a previous report suggesting a potential association between the hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis [50] , although it was subsequently found to have a strong family history of multiple sclerosis, with an overrepresentation of the HLA-DR2 antigen (as reviewed in Pordeus et al. [51] ). ...
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Severe adverse events, including autoimmune diseases, have been noted in some individuals following vaccination. It is still unknown whether a subset of these autoimmune disease adverse events (ADAE) is triggered by the immunization and is not background chance occurrences. Only a small fraction of adverse events experienced by vaccinees has been reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database. In this study, ADAEs within VAERS are examined. The frequency of autoimmune disease adverse reactions reported immediately following vaccination was compared to the background population adverse event frequency. The frequency of immediate-onset autoimmune diseases, extracted from VAERS, arisen after vaccination was found to exceed the expected background occurrences. Vaccinees who receive a second COVID-19 mRNA vaccination dose 3 weeks after the first dose appear to experience an increased number of ADAE. Furthermore, human papillomavirus (HPV), hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines exhibit distinctive patterns of associations with autoimmune diseases. The potential role of vaccine aluminum adjuvant, included in these vaccines, cannot be ruled out as contributing to ADAE. VAERS data illustrate immediate onset correlations for multiple autoimmune diseases across various vaccines. Autoimmune diseases immediate temporal onset associations that occur following COVID-19 mRNA and adenoviral vaccinations are predicted to occur with similar frequencies for all mRNA and adenoviral vaccines and therapeutics. Taken together, removal of aluminum adjuvants from HPV, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B vaccines, among others, should be considered in the effort to reduce the occurrence of immediate-onset autoimmune diseases.
... The prevalence has significant regional variability ranging between 0.57 and 3.8%, and the incidence appears to be higher in children/adolescents. Limited data exist to indicate whether gender is a risk factor [14,15]. Vaccinations have previously been suggested as a possible trigger for immune-mediated alopecia, such as hepatitis B, herpes zoster, quadrivalent HPV, influenza, and Japanese encephalitis vaccines [14,[16][17][18][19]. ...
Background: The clinical characteristics and pathomechanism for immune-mediated alopecia following COVID-19 vaccinations are not clearly characterized. Objective: We investigated the causality and immune mechanism of COVID-19 vaccines-related alopecia areata (AA). Study design: 27 new-onset of AA patients after COVID-19 vaccinations and 106 vaccines-tolerant individuals were enrolled from multiple medical centers for analysis. Results: The antinuclear antibody, total IgE, granulysin, and PARC/CCL18 as well as peripheral eosinophil count were significantly elevated in the patients with COVID-19 vaccines-related AA compared with those in the tolerant individuals (P = 2.03 × 10-5-0.039). In vitro lymphocyte activation test revealed that granulysin, granzyme B, and IFN-γ released from the T cells of COVID-19 vaccines-related AA patients could be significantly increased by COVID-19 vaccine excipients (polyethylene glycol 2000 and polysorbate 80) or spike protein (P = 0.002-0.04). Conclusions: Spike protein and excipients of COVID-19 vaccines could trigger T cell-mediated cytotoxicity, which contributes to the pathogenesis of immune-mediated alopecia associated with COVID-19 vaccines.
... Hernán et al. [22] found that patients with multiple sclerosis were three times more likely to have been vaccinated against hepatitis B within three years before the date of first symptoms when compared to controls who were not vaccinated (OR = 3.1). Geier and Geier [23] found that recipients of hepatitis B vaccination were five times more likely to develop multiple sclerosis when compared to controls (OR = 5.2), and had higher rates of arthritis, optic neuritis, lupus, vasculitis, and thrombocytopenia. ...
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Introduction: In 2011, using 2009 data, we published a study demonstrating that among the most highly developed nations, those requiring the most vaccine doses for their infants tended to have the least favorable infant mortality rates (r = 0.70, p < .0001). Twelve years later, we replicated our original study using 2019 data. Linear regression analysis corroborated the positive trend reported in our initial paper (r = 0.45; p < .002). Herein, we broaden our analyses to consider the effect of vaccines on neonatal and under age five mortality rates. Objective: We performed several investigations to explore potential relationships between the number of early childhood vaccine doses required by nations and their neonatal, infant, and under age five mortality rates. Methods: In this ecological study, we conducted linear regression analyses of neonatal, infant, and under age five vaccine doses required by nations and their neonatal, infant, and under age five mortality rates. All analyses were based on 2019 and 2021 data. We also stratified nations by the number of neonatal vaccine doses required and conducted a one-way ANOVA test and a post hoc Tukey-Kramer test to determine if there were statistically significant differences in the group mean neonatal, infant, and under age five mortality rates of nations that administered zero, one, or two neonatal vaccine doses. Results: Linear regression analyses of neonatal vaccine doses required by nations in our 2021 dataset yielded statistically significant positive correlations to rates of neonatal mortality (r = 0.34, p = .017), infant mortality (r = 0.46, p = .0008), and under age five mortality (r = 0.48, p = .0004). Similar results were reported using 2019 data. Utilizing 2021 data, a post hoc Tukey-Kramer test indicated a statistically significant pairwise difference between the mean neonatal mortality rates, mean infant mortality rates, and mean under age five mortality rates of nations requiring zero vs. two neonatal vaccine doses. There was a statistically significant difference of 1.28 deaths per 1000 live births (p < .002) between the mean infant mortality rates among nations that did not give their neonates any vaccine doses and those that required two vaccine doses. Using 2019 and 2021 data, 17 of 18 analyses (12 bivariate linear regressions and six ANOVA and Tukey-Kramer tests) achieved statistical significance and corroborated the findings reported in our original study of a positive association between the number of vaccine doses required by developed nations and their infant mortality rates. Conclusions: There are statistically significant positive correlations between mortality rates of developed nations and the number of early childhood vaccine doses that are routinely given. Further investigations of the hypotheses generated by this study are recommended to confirm that current vaccination schedules are achieving their intended objectives.
... The "probable" relation to ITP was also observed with the influenza vaccine [25] and in case-control analysis, this vaccine was associated with a statistically significant 4-fold risk increase [17]. Moreover, in a case-control epidemiological study in HBV-vaccinated subjects, several autoimmune adverse events were observed, including thrombocytopenia with an odds ratio of 2.3 [26]. For other traditional vaccines, the association with ITP was mainly reported through case reports. ...
We present here a 65-year-old male patient known for immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) and fluctuating platelet count who experienced a severe exacerbation of thrombocytopenia following BNT162b2 COVID-19 vaccination. One month after the second dose he presented petechiae and asthenia with isolated thrombocytopenia (platelet count: 3 x 109/L). He recovered after a 4-day course of intravenous corticosteroid treatment and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy. Eight months later his platelet count was within the normal ranges and he received a booster dose of vaccine after pre-medication with prednisone. Eight days later his platelet count dropped to 29 x 109/L but he remained asymptomatic. He received a rescue treatment with prednisone followed by rituximab over 4 weeks allowing progressive improvement. Our case suggests a strong association between COVID-19 vaccination and the exacerbation of ITP.
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Background Few studies documented the potential association between vaccination and the risk of central demyelination (CD). Specifically, anti-hepatitis B and anti-human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines have been the subject of distrust with regard to their implication to trigger CD. Methods From a systematic national registry, patients with first signs of CD (cases) were identified and documented for their exposure to vaccination up to 24 months before the first signs occurred. This exposure was compared to that of a representative sample of general practice patients without a history of CD, randomly selected from a national registry (referents). CD cases were 2:1 matched on age, sex, index date (ID), and region of residence. Vaccines against influenza, HPV, hepatitis B and diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis–poliomyelitis–haemophilus (DTPPHae) were considered. Associations between vaccination and CD were assessed using multivariate conditional logistic regressions, controlled for confounding factors. Findings 564 CD cases were matched to 1,128 randomly selected referents (age range: 2–79 years old). Overall, 123 (22%) CD cases and 320 (28%) referents had received at least one vaccine within 24 months before ID. Adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for any vaccination were 0.69, 95% confidence interval (CI) [0.54–0.88] with respect to any CD first signs, 0.68 [0.51–0.90] for myelitis and 0.70 [0.42–1.17] for optic neuritis. Adjusted ORs for any CD first signs were 1.02 [0.71–1.47] for influenza vaccine (administered in 9.6% of cases and 10.4% of referents) and 0.72 [0.53–0.99] for DTPPHae vaccine (administered in 10.8% of cases and 14.5% of referents). Vaccines against hepatitis B and HPV were only administered in 1.1% and 1.2% of cases and in 2.9% and 3.2% of referents respectively, which statistically explained the point estimates < 1 (ORs of 0.39 [0.16–0.94] and of 0.32 [0.13–0.80]). Interpretation No increased risk of CD incidence was observed amongst vaccinated patients. Lower rates of vaccination against hepatitis B and HPV observed in patients with CD compared to referents may be due to the reluctance of physicians to vaccinate patients considered at risk of CD.
Infectious diseases are commonly implicated as potential initiators of autoimmune diseases (ADs) and represent the most commonly known factor in the development of autoimmunity in susceptible individuals. Epidemiological data and animal studies on multiple ADs suggest that molecular mimicry is one of the likely mechanisms for the loss of peripheral tolerance and the development of clinical disease. Besides molecular mimicry, other mechanisms such as defects in central tolerance, nonspecific bystander activation, epitope-determinant spreading, and/or constant antigenic stimuli, may also contribute for breach of tolerance and to the development of ADs. Linear peptide homology is not the only mechanism by which molecular mimicry is established. Peptide modeling (i.e., 3D structure), molecular docking analyses, and affinity estimation for HLAs are emerging as critical strategies when studying the links of molecular mimicry in the development of autoimmunity. In the current pandemic, several reports have confirmed an influence of SARS-CoV-2 on subsequent autoimmunity. Bioinformatic and experimental evidence support the potential role of molecular mimicry. Peptide dimensional analysis requires more research and will be increasingly important for designing and distributing vaccines and better understanding the role of environmental factors related to autoimmunity.
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Population-based studies can provide important evidence on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines. Using data from the United Kingdom, here we compare observed rates of thrombosis and thrombocytopenia following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 and infection with SARS-CoV-2 with background (expected) rates in the general population. First and second dose cohorts for ChAdOx1 or BNT162b2 between 8 December 2020 and 2 May 2021 in the United Kingdom were identified. A further cohort consisted of people with no prior COVID-19 vaccination who were infected with SARS-Cov-2 identified by a first positive PCR test between 1 September 2020 and 2 May 2021. The fourth general population cohort for background rates included those people in the database as of 1 January 2017. In total, we included 3,768,517 ChAdOx1 and 1,832,841 BNT162b2 vaccinees, 401,691 people infected with SARS-CoV-2, and 9,414,403 people from the general population. An increased risk of venous thromboembolism was seen after first dose of ChAdOx1 (standardized incidence ratio: 1.12 [95% CI: 1.05 to 1.20]), BNT162b2 (1.12 [1.03 to 1.21]), and positive PCR test (7.27 [6.86 to 7.72]). Rates of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis were higher than otherwise expected after first dose of ChAdOx1 (4.14 [2.54 to 6.76]) and a SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive test (3.74 [1.56 to 8.98]). Rates of arterial thromboembolism after vaccination were no higher than expected but were increased after a SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive test (1.39 [1.21 to 1.61]). Rates of venous thromboembolism with thrombocytopenia were higher than expected after a SARS-CoV-2 PCR positive test (5.76 [3.19 to 10.40]).
Abstract To identify the possible triggering events of CFS, we collected data on 1546 CFS patients and 309 excluded fatigued patients. Using extensive present and past medical history and lab reports as close as possible to the date of onset, an attempt was made to identify the agents that could play a role in the disease process. Significant differences were found between the events at onset, between the Fukuda or Holmes definitions and a sudden as distinct from a gradual onset. We further found a series of subgroups of events that occurred at onset of CFS. Each of these onset event clusters was associated with an infectious event, blood transfusion or hepatitis B vaccination. In a large percentage of our study group an infectious event was combined with a non-infectious event. In summary, we can conclude that a number of different stressors and consequent immunological and neuroendocrinological changes can contribute to the onset of CFS.
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and its complications are global health problems. Approximately 400 million people are chronic HBV carriers worldwide. The spectrum of chronic HBV infection ranges from asymptomatic hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) carrier state to chronic hepatitis with progression to cirrhosis and end-stage liver disease. It is estimated that 15% to 40% of people with chronic HBV will progress to cirrhosis. Several extrahepatic syndromes are associated with chronic HBV infection. These syndromes contribute significantly to morbidity and mortality. The mechanism of extrahepatic syndromes seen with chronic viral hepatitis appears to be immune-mediated. including deposition of circulating immune complexes, induction of local immune complex formation by viral antigens, reaction with tissue antigens by viral-induced autoantibodies, or a direct viral reaction to extrahepatic tissue sites. Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a rare, but serious, systemic complication of chronic HBV infection affecting the small- and medium-sized vessels. PAN ultimately involves multiple organ systems, some with devastating consequences, though the hepatic manifestations are often more mild. HBV-associated glomerulonephritis (GN) occurs mainly in children, predominantly males, in HBV endemic areas of the world. In children, GN is usually self-limited with only rare progression to renal failure. In adults, course of GN may be more relentless, progressing slowly to renal failure. A serum-sickness like "arthritis-dermatitis" prodrome is also seen in some patients acquiring HBV infection. The joint and skin manifestations are varied, but the syndrome spontaneously resolves after the onset of clinical hepatitis without significant sequelae. Occasionally, the arthritis following the acute prodromal infection may persist; however, joint destruction is rare. The association between HBV and mixed essential cryoglobulinemia remains controversial. Finally, skin manifestations of HBV infection typically present as palpable purpura. Though papular acrodermatitis of childhood has been reported to be caused by chronic HBV, this association remains controversial.
Several social and medical attributes are associated with both avoidance or delay of vaccination and an increased risk of adverse events such as sudden infant death syndrome or childhood encephalopathy. Studies that fail to control adequately for such confounding factors are likely to underestimate the risks of adverse events attributable to vaccination. This paper reviews the literature on studies of severe adverse events after the administration of pertussis antigen-containing vaccines, with particular attention to the measures taken by different investigators to avoid this problem. Most published studies have reported a deficit of sudden infant death syndrome among vaccinees, which may reflect confounding in their study designs. An expression is derived to explore the extent of underestimation that may be introduced in such studies, under different sets of conditions. Confounding of this sort is a general problem for studies of adverse reactions to prophylactic interventions, as they may be withheld from some individuals precisely because they are already at high risk of the adverse event.
Any attempt to control or eradicate hepatitis B on a global scale requires the availability of large quantities of effective, safe and affordable hepatitis B vaccine. The drawbacks of the first generation of plasma-derived vaccines--poor acceptance, relatively high cost, limited availability--have led to the search for alternative means of producing hepatitis B vaccines. This article reviews the development and production of a yeast-derived vaccine based on recombinant DNA technology and discusses potency, stability and potential availability for use in the implementation of vaccination programmes.
The synthesis of the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAG) in cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its subsequent isolation, purification and analysis is described. The final, purified HBsAg particle exhibits close structural and biochemical similarities to particles derived from the plasma of chronically infected humans. Particles of yeast and human origin have been found, by chimpanzee efficacy studies and by various in vitro analyses, to be immunologically equivalent. The antigenic expression of a determinant-specific epitopes, as measured by antibody binding to synthetic peptides, has also been shown to be equivalent.