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The effect of compressed air massage on skin blood flow and temperature



Compressed air massage is a new treatment modality that uses air under pressure to massage skin and muscle. It is claimed to improve skin blood flow but this has not been verified. Several pilot studies were undertaken to determine the effects of compressed air massage on skin blood flow and temperature. Skin blood flow (SBF), measured using laser Doppler fluxmetry and skin temperature was recorded under several different situations: (i) treatment, at 1 Bar pressure using a single-hole (5-mm) applicator head, for 1 min at each of several sites on the right and left lower legs, with SBF measured on the dorsum of the left foot; (ii) at the same treatment pressure, SBF was measured over the left tibialis anterior when treatment was performed at different distances from the probe; (iii) SBF and skin temperature of the lower leg were measured with treatment at 0 or 1 Bar for 45 min, using two different applicator heads; (iv) SBF was measured on the dorsum of the foot of 10 subjects with treatment for 1 min at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 Bar using three different applicator heads. (i) SBF of the left foot was not altered by treatment of the right leg or chest, but was significantly increased during treatment of the left sole and first web, p < 0.0001. (ii) SBF over the tibialis anterior was increased when treatment was 5 cm from the probe, p < 0.0001, but not when 10 cm away. iii) SBF was significantly elevated throughout the 45-min treatments at 1 Bar and returned to normal within 1 min of stopping treatment. Skin temperature fell by 6.8 degrees C and 4.3 degrees C after 45-min treatments at 1 Bar, and slight rewarming occurred within 15 min. At 0 Bar, no change in SBF or temperature was noted. (iv) A near-linear increase in SBF was noted with increasing treatment pressure for two of the three applicator heads. Compressed air massage causes an immediate increase in SBF, and an immediate fall in SBF when treatment is stopped. The effect appears to be locally and not centrally mediated and is related to the pressure used. Treatment cools the skin for at least 15 min after a 45-min treatment.
Aim: Compressed air massage is a new treatment modal-
ity that uses air under pressure to massage skin and
muscle. It is claimed to improve skin blood flow but
this has not been verified. Several pilot studies were
undertaken to determine the effects of compressed air
massage on skin blood flow and temperature.
Methods: Skin blood flow (SBF), measured using laser
Doppler fluxmetry and skin temperature was recorded
under several different situations: (i) treatment, at 1 Bar
pressure using a single-hole (5-mm) applicator head, for
1 min at each of several sites on the right and left
lower legs, with SBF measured on the dorsum of the
left foot; (ii) at the same treatment pressure, SBF was
measured over the left tibialis anterior when treatment
was performed at different distances from the probe;
(iii) SBF and skin temperature of the lower leg were
measured with treatment at 0 or 1 Bar for 45 min, using
two different applicator heads; (iv) SBF was measured
on the dorsum of the foot of 10 subjects with treatment
for 1 min at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2 Bar using three different
applicator heads.
Results: (i) SBF of the left foot was not altered by
treatment of the right leg or chest, but was significantly
increased during treatment of the left sole and first
web, p < 0.0001. (ii) SBF over the tibialis anterior was
increased when treatment was 5 cm from the probe,
p < 0.0001, but not when 10 cm away. (iii) SBF was
significantly elevated throughout the 45-min treatments
at 1 Bar and returned to normal within 1 min of stopping
treatment. Skin temperature fell by 6.8°C and 4.3°C
after 45-min treatments at 1 Bar, and slight rewarming
occurred within 15 min. At 0 Bar, no change in SBF
or temperature was noted. (iv) A near-linear increase in
SBF was noted with increasing treatment pressure for
two of the three applicator heads.
Conclusion: Compressed air massage causes an immedi-
ate increase in SBF, and an immediate fall in SBF when
treatment is stopped. The effect appears to be locally
and not centrally mediated and is related to the pressure
used. Treatment cools the skin for at least 15 min after
a 45-min treatment.
Cardiovasc J South Afr 2005; 16: 215–219.
Compressed air massage is a new treatment modality that
has recently been developed in South Africa. Its use has
been aggressively marketed nationally and internationally.
Anecdotal reports suggest that treatment may improve
peripheral circulation and neuropathic symptoms in diabetic
patients. There have also been claims of enhanced healing
of diabetic and other peripheral ulcers. It is not clear
whether the peripheral ulcers were venous, arterial or due
to pressure. Compressed air massage has also been used
for sports massage, where it provides an easy-to-administer,
cooling massage. Although it is used commercially, there
are no clinical data available on its safety and efficacy.
Compressed air massage can be likened to putting air
into the tyre of a car. Instead of the compressed air going
into the tyre, it is directed onto the skin and used to massage
skin and subcutaneous tissues. The apparatus consists of
an electrically driven air compressor, two reservoir tanks,
The effect of compressed air massage on skin
blood flow and temperature
Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Department of Physiotherapy, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of KwaZulu-Natal
SUNIL MAHARAJ, B.Paed.Sc., B.Ed., B.Sc. (Physio),
M.Med.Sc. (Sports Med.)
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of KwaZulu-Natal
The authors have no financial or other interest in any of the
companies whose equipment was used in this study.
Cardiovascular Topics
medical air filters, a pressure regulator valve, pressure
tubing and several different applicator heads. Compressed
air at pressures of 4 to 7 Bar passes from the compressor
into the first reservoir tank, where the air is filtered to
remove any particulate matter. A regulator valve controls
the pressure at which compressed air is released from
the first reservoir tank into the second tank, and sub-
sequently, through compression hosing to an applicator
head. Treatment involves gently massaging the skin with
a metal applicator head and the stream of compressed
air that passes through the applicator head supplements
the massage. The applicator heads differ in the number,
size and position of the holes through which the air passes.
Air pressure for treatment ranges from 1 to 2 Bar, and
additional pressure may be applied to the skin by the
therapist pushing the applicator head down on the skin
during the massage.
Possible proposed mechanisms of action of compressed
air massage include: (i) direct stimulation of local skin blood
flow; (ii) an intermittent positive pressure treatment effect
reducing superficial oedema, with subsequent improved
cellular oxygenation due to reduced oxygen diffusion
distance; (iii) skin cooling during treatment with reflex
vasodilatation and improved blood flow on rewarming;
(iv) localised tissue damage inducing an inflammatory
response; and (v) a localised hyperbaric oxygen effect in
the dermal cells.
To date, the only publications on the use of compressed
air massage report on the effect of massage on skeletal
muscle fibre and capillary morphology, and morphometry
in animal models.1,2 There have been no studies on the
potential risks associated with this treatment and its possible
mode of action has not been investigated. The aim of this
series of pilot studies was to investigate the effect of com-
pressed air massage on skin blood flow and skin temperature
in healthy subjects using laser Doppler fluxmetry.
The work was undertaken with the approval of the Ethics
Committee of the University of Natal Medical School, and
written informed consent was obtained from the subjects. All
subjects studied were non-diabetic, non-smokers, who were
asymptomatic of peripheral vascular disease. Compressed
air massage was performed with the subject lying supine
and all subjects were acclimatised to the ambient room
temperature of 20 to 21°C for 15 min before treatment.
Study 1. Acute effects of treatment on skin blood
Four male volunteers aged 28 to 47 years were studied. An
unheated laser Doppler fluxmetry probe (LDF) (Vasomedics)
and a thermocouple temperature probe (Yellow Springs
Instrument Co. Inc Precision 4400 and a YSI 4000A
thermometer) were attached to the mid-dorsum of the
left foot of the subjects. Compressed air massage was
applied for 1 min at 1 Bar pressure, using a single-hole
(5-mm) applicator head at each of five sites on the left leg.
Treatment sites were: (i) the posterior aspect of the calf,
10 cm distal to the joint line; (ii) the anterior compart-
ment of the leg, 10 cm distal to the joint line; (iii) the
mid-sole of the foot; and (iv) the first web space on the
dorsum of the foot, 5 cm from the probes. The applicator
head was placed lightly on the skin and the head was
moved around in a circular motion over a diameter area of
approximately 3 to 4 cm, except at the level of the first
web space of the foot. There it was applied with the long
axis of the applicator head transverse to the long axis
of the foot, so as to maintain a distance of approximately
5 cm from the probes on the dorsum of the foot. Measure-
ments of skin blood flow, in arbitrary units (au), and skin
temperature were made after 60 seconds of treatment at
each site. The LDF was set to average readings over 10
The process was repeated with the probes on the left
foot, but treating the right leg and an area on the anterior
chest wall 5 cm below the left clavicle in the mid-clavicular
Study 2. Acute effects of treatment on skin blood
flow, probe placed over a large muscle
In study 1, the LDF and temperature probes were placed
on skin over tendons and bone on the mid-dorsum of the
foot. In this study of another four volunteers, the effect
of treatment on skin blood flow was investigated with the
probes positioned over a large muscle. The rationale was
that the applied air pressure would alter the pressure in
the muscle compartment and this might elicit a different
response. The probes were placed on the skin over the
tibialis anterior muscle at a site 10 cm distal to the left knee
joint line, and 2 cm lateral to the tibial margin. Treatment
was applied to the left leg at 1 Bar for 1 min, with the 5-mm
single-hole applicator head at each of the following sites:
(i) the sole of the foot; (ii) the mid-dorsum of the foot; (iii)
the posterior calf at the level of the probes; (iv) 10 cm,
and (v) 5 cm distal to the probes over the lateral lower leg.
Measurements were taken as before.
Study 3. Effect of 45-min treatment on skin blood
Five male subjects were studied on three separate occasions.
The laser Doppler and temperature probes were attached
to the mid-dorsum of the foot and baseline readings were
obtained. Treatment consisted of 45 min of massage of the
foot with the single-hole or multiple small-hole applicator
head at an air pressure of 1 Bar on the first two visits, and
on the third visit, to serve as a control, with the multiple
small-hole applicator head with no air passing through the
applicator head. Measurements of skin blood flow and skin
temperature were made every 5 min during treatment and
every min for 15 min thereafter. The first measurement,
after 5 min of treatment, was made with the treatment on the
dorsum of the foot adjacent to the probes. All subsequent
measurements were made while the applicator head was on
the skin and at least 5 cm away from the probes at the
following sites, the sole, heel, medial arch and over the
dorsal web spaces.
Study 4. The effect of different air pressures on
skin blood flow
Skin blood flow was measured in 10 volunteers with the
laser Doppler probe placed on the dorsum of the foot.
Treatment was undertaken at pressures of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and
2.0 Bar for 1 min, with each of the single-hole, three-hole
and multiple small-hole applicator heads. Treatment was
over an area 5 to 7 cm away from the LDF probe. To serve
as a control, and to determine the possible effect of massage
with the applicator head on skin blood flow, each subject
underwent a further treatment consisting of massage with
an applicator head with no compressed air passing through
the applicator. Steady-state resting values of skin blood
flow were obtained for at least 5 min before the next air
pressure was used.
Statistical methods
Results were expressed as the mean and one standard devia-
tion, with 95% confidence intervals. Repeated-measures
analysis of variance with post hoc testing using the Tukey-
Kramer test was performed when repeated tests were under-
taken at different sites or at different times on each subject.
Two-factor analysis of variance was used to compare the
mean values obtained with different applicator heads at
different times or application pressures. Alpha was set at
5%. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad
Prism version 4.00 for Windows, GraphPad Software, San
Diego, California, USA.
Study 1. Acute effects of treatment on skin blood
Blood flow and skin temperature measured on the dorsum of
the foot were not affected by treatment of the opposite leg or
the anterior chest wall. With the probes on the foot, resting
blood flow was 2.8 ± 1.3 (95% CI: 0.7–4.95) arbitrary
units (au) and treatment over the anterior and posterior
compartments of the leg did not affect foot blood flow.
Blood flow was increased with treatment of the sole, 18.0
± 7.2 (95% CI: 6.5–29.5) au, and the first web space, 27.1
± 8.7 (95% CI: 15.4–38.1) au (repeated-measures ANOVA,
p < 0.0001). Post hoc testing using the Tukey-Kramer
multiple comparisons test showed significant increases in
blood flow with treatment of the sole and the first web
space (p < 0.001) and between the sole and the first web
space (p < 0.05) (Fig. 1).
Study 2. Acute effects of treatment on skin blood
flow, probe placed over a large muscle
With the probes placed over the anterior compartment,
resting blood flow was 1.3 ± 1.1 (95% CI: 0.5–3.0) au.
Skin blood flow was only altered when treatment was over
the lateral aspect of the leg. With treatment 10 cm from the
probes, blood flow was increased to 3.2 ± 2.8 (95% CI:
1.2–7.6) au. With treatment 5 cm from the probes, it rose
to 19.0 ± 4.2 (95% CI: 12.2–5.6) au. Repeated-measures
ANOVA showed a significant difference in blood flow (p
< 0.0001). Post hoc testing showed the blood flow with
treatment 5 cm from the probe to be significantly greater
than at rest or with treatment at any other site (p < 0.001)
(Fig. 2).
Study 3. Effect of 45-min treatment on skin blood
During the 45-min treatments with 1 Bar pressure, skin
blood flow increased immediately and was always highest
when measured nearest to the LDF probe. The skin blood
flow remained significantly elevated throughout the 45
Fig. 1. Skin blood flow measured at the dorsum of the
foot at rest and after 60 seconds of treatment over the
posterior compartment of the leg, the anterior compart-
ment of the leg, the sole of the foot and the first web
space region, expressed as the mean and one standard
deviation. Blood flow measured was significantly greater
with treatment on the sole and the first web space
regions than at the other sites (*p < 0.001) and the blood
flow at the first web was significantly greater than at
the sole (**p < 0.05).
Rest Post Comp Ant Comp Sole 1st Web
Treatme nt site s
LDF (au
Fig. 2. Skin blood flow measured over the anterior
compartment of the leg at rest and after 60 seconds of
treatment over the sole of the foot, the mid dorsum
of the foot, the posterior compartment of the leg (PC),
the anterior compartment of the leg at distances of 10
cm (AC10 cm) and 5 cm from the probe (AC5 cm),
and adjacent the probe, expressed as the mean and
one standard deviation. Blood flow measured with treat-
ment at the probe on the anterior compartment was
significantly greater than the resting values and those
obtained with treatment at the other sites (*p < 0.001).
Rest Sole Dors um PC AC(10cm) AC(5cm)
Treatment sites
LDF (au)
min of treatment with 1 Bar pressure (repeated-measures
ANOVA, p < 0.001). There was no difference between the
single-hole 5-mm head at 1 Bar and the multiple head at 1
Bar. No change in blood flow was noted when massage was
performed with no air. Within 1 min of stopping treatment,
the skin blood flow returned to levels non-significantly
lower than the skin blood flow before treatment. Blood
flow during the recovery period, although not increased,
was significantly greater when no air was used. During
the 15-min observation period after treatment, skin blood
flow did not increase above pre-treatment baseline for
compressed air massage (Fig. 3).
Skin temperature fell significantly within 5 min of
starting treatment and remained relatively constant thereaf-
ter for both applicator heads used with 1 Bar pressure
(p < 0.001). After 5 min of treatment, the temperature
drop with the multiple small-hole applicator head of 5.9°C
was greater than with the single-hole applicator (4.1°C).
After 45 min of treatment, skin temperature had dropped
by 6.8 ± 1.8 (95% CI: 5.2–12.2)°C and 4.3 ± 0.8 (95%
CI: 3.5–7.8)°C. The difference in fall in temperature was
significant (p < 0.01). Following treatment with the multi-
ple small-hole applicator slight re-warming was noticed.
This did not occur after treatment with the single-hole
applicator (Fig. 4).
Study 4. The effect of different air pressures on
skin blood flow
An almost linear increase in skin blood flow was noted
with increasing air pressure when using the single-hole
and three-hole applicators. With the multiple small-hole
applicator head, the changes in skin blood flow were less,
and no change was noted between 1.5 and 2 Bar (Fig. 5). For
each applicator head, repeated-measures ANOVA showed
significant increases in skin blood flow to have occurred at
air pressures of 0.5 Bar and above. Some subjects reported
that treatment with air above 1.5 Bar was uncomfortable
and caused pain.
The key findings of these studies were that compressed air
massage is associated with a concurrent rise in skin blood
flow measured at distances up to 5 to 7 cm away from
the point of treatment, and that skin blood flow returned to
normal values when the treatment stopped. The increase in
skin blood flow occurred concomitant with skin cooling.
No increase in skin blood flow occurred during the first 15
min after treatment, possibly due to reflex vasodilation. The
changes in skin blood flow were local phenomena and did
not appear to be centrally mediated. It was also noted
that changes in skin blood flow were related to the air
pressure used during massage and that the size and number
of holes in the applicator head influenced the changes in
skin blood flow.
There are several non-invasive and minimally invasive
methods available to measure skin blood flow. The more
commonly used methods include 133xenon radioisotope skin
clearance,3 transcutaneous oxygen pressure measurement,4
thermography5 and laser Doppler fluxmetry.6 Each of these
methods has advantages and methodological problems.
Laser Doppler fluxmetry was chosen because it is a safe,
simple and rapid test of skin microcirculatory blood flow,
which can be performed without having to heat the skin to
facilitate maximal vasodilation.6 The transcutaneous oxygen
Fig. 3. Laser Doppler-derived skin blood flow expressed
in arbitrary units as the mean and one standard devia-
tion during treatment with the single-hole and multiple
small-hole applicator heads and with massage without
air. Measurements were taken at 5-min intervals during
a 45-min treatment and at minute intervals for the 15 min
thereafter (R = recovery after treatment).
Fig. 4. Mean skin temperature and one standard devia-
tion during treatment with the single-hole and multiple
small-hole applicator heads. Measurements were taken
at 5-min intervals during a 45-min treatment and at
minute intervals for the 15 min thereafter (R = recovery).
Fig. 5. Mean changes in skin blood flow and one
standard deviation, using different air pressures with
three different applicator heads.
Res t 5
LDF (au )
Sing le 5mm hole Mult iple 1mm hole s No Air
Res t 5
Single hole Mu ltip le s ma ll hole s
Res t 0 5 Ba r 1 Ba r 1 5 Bar 2 Bar
LDF (au)
Sing le 5mm Hole Mult iple 1mm Holes 3 Hole
pressure measurement method was not used because it
requires heating the skin to 45°C to achieve maximum
dermal capillary dilatation,7 and compressed air massage
cools the skin. Thermography measures skin temperature
and not blood flow per se and would reflect the cooling of
the skin caused by the treatment. The intra-dermal pres-
sures generated during compressed air massage would
most likely exacerbate the known problem of leakage of
injected 133Xe back up the injection track, resulting in false
Laser Doppler fluxmetry, while similar in principle
to the use of Doppler ultrasound to detect flow in a
single vessel, detects a Doppler shift signal produced
when monochromatic laser light is reflected back off red
blood cells in the vasculature of the skin. Unlike Doppler
ultrasonography, in which a single vessel is evaluated, the
laser light penetrating the skin encounters many capillaries
and strikes them at varying angles of incidence. To further
complicate matters, in the hairpin dermal capillary loops,
the light will be reflected from cells moving both towards
and away from the light source.
The light penetrates to a depth of approximately 1.5
mm and undergoes significant scattering before reaching the
capillary. Similarly, the light undergoes further scattering
after reflection on its way back to the light sensor. The
resulting signal produced is the product of the number of
red blood cells moving in the sample volume and the mean
velocity of the red blood cells. It is therefore a measure of
flux and not blood flow.9
How can the paradoxical increase in skin blood flow
in the presence of skin cooling be explained? A possible
mechanism is based on changes in pressure in subcutaneous
and muscle tissue. It is well documented that pressure
applied externally to a limb is transmitted directly to the
underlying soft tissue and muscle.10 While it was previously
argued that muscle is a gel and therefore the pressure
should be dispersed equally throughout the muscle, it is
now accepted that pressure can differ in various regions of
the same muscle.11
Pressure will be highest at the point of application of
the stream of air, and will be a function of the pressure at
which the compressed air leaves the applicator head. Even
at 0.5 Bar, the locally transmitted pressure is far higher
than arterial, venous or capillary pressures and will occlude
vessels in the immediate region. Theoretically, there will be
a gradient of concentric rings of decreasing pressure around
the application point. Blood will effectively be shunted
away from the region of occlusion and where vessels remain
patent, blood will tend to flow down the concentration
gradient surrounding the point of application. This will
increase the velocity of the blood cells in the surrounding
patent vessels and the volume flow will also increase. These
are the changes that are measured by laser Doppler flux-
metry as an increase in skin blood flow. When compressed
air massage treatment stops and the externally applied pres-
sure is removed, the distribution of blood corrects itself and
blood flow to the skin returns to normal. The effect of skin
cooling then comes into play with local vasoconstriction
resulting in the skin blood flow being slightly lower than
the pre-treatment baseline values. From the data in these
studies, the alterations in haemodynamics appear to be
significant up to a distance of 5 to 7 cm away from the site
of treatment, but not at 10 cm from treatment.
In a histological and morphometric study in an animal
model in which compressed air massage was used in a
manner similar to deep transverse friction, we have shown
that skeletal muscle capillaries dilate for up to 24 hours
after treatment. When compared with deep transverse fric-
tion, these changes lasted longer, with fewer ultrastructural
changes seen in muscle or capillaries.1,2 The prolonged
vasodilation may be due to the initial cooling associated with
compressed air massage, resulting in a delayed hyperaemic
response, or it may indicate prolonged inflammation follow-
ing massage-associated minor muscle damage.
These preliminary pilot studies suggest that compressed
air massage causes skin blood flow to increase. Further
safety studies are required to determine what muscle dam-
age, if any, occurs with prolonged and repeated treatment
and, if there is damage, is it sufficient to cause changes in
plasma potassium concentration or to damage blood cells.
Studies on the pressure generated in muscle are also required
before clinical trials on diabetic patients can commence on
this potentially useful new treatment.
Compressed air massage equipment for this study was provided
by Jet Therapy South Africa.
1. Gregory MA, Mars M. Compressed air massage causes capillary dila-
tion in untraumatised skeletal muscle: a morphometric and ultrastruc-
tural study. Physiotherapy 2005; 91: 131–137.
2. Gregory MA, Mars M. The effect of compressed air massage
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3. Malone JM, Leal JM, Moore WS, Henry RE, Daly MJ, Patton
DD, Childers, SJ. The ‘gold standard’ for amputation level selection
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4. Mars M, Mills RP, Robbs JV. The potential benefit of pre-operative
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5. Sarin S, Shami S, Shields DA, Scurr JH, Smith PD. Selection of
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6. Mars M, McKune A, Robbs JV. A comparison of laser Doppler
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7. Mars M. Hands up? A preliminary study on the effect of post-operative
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8. Moore WS, Henry RE, Malone JM, Daly MJ, Patton D, Childers
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... However, as Weerapong and colleagues point out in a review of massage mechanisms and effects on performance, muscle recovery and injury prevention, investigations of MT effects on tissue blood flow are inconsistent and inconclusive primarily due to design limitations such as small sample sizes, lack of control groups, and measurement limitations (Weerapong et al., 2005). Studies not included in the Weerapong review found massages from compressed air (Mars et al., 2005) and air cuffs (Tochikubo et al., 2006) to significantly increase skin blood flow and blood volume in the toes, respectively. Additionally, MT applied by a therapist has been found to increase cerebral blood flow (Buckle et al., 2008;Ouchi et al., 2006), lumbar paraspinal muscle blood volume (Mori et al., 2004), lumbar skin temperature (Mori et al., 2004;Sefton et al., 2010), and skin blood flow in the toes and upper leg (Castro-Sanchez et al., 2009;Hinds et al., 2004). ...
... Unfortunately, these techniques can be cumbersome and have methodological issues that make real time measurement in relation to the massage procedure problematic (Sefton et al., 2010;Tiidus and Shoemaker, 1995). Many recent MT studies have employed Doppler ultrasound or laser Doppler technology (Agarwal et al., 2000;Hinds et al., 2004;Mars et al., 2005;Shoemaker et al., 1997;Tiidus and Shoemaker, 1995;Tochikubo et al., 2006;Wiltshire et al., 2010). However, laser Doppler can only measure blood flow at the skin level and Doppler ultrasound is not sensitive to blood flow in smaller vasculature (Yu et al., 2005a), such as the capillary beds. ...
Increase in tissue blood flow is one of the most acknowledged potential effects of massage; however, actual research studies examining this phenomenon are inconsistent and inconclusive. One possible reason for continued uncertainty regarding this topic is methodology, specifically how tissue blood flow is measured because limitations exist in previously utilized technologies. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) affords massage researchers a versatile and non-invasive measurement option by providing dynamic information on oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations, total hemoglobin concentration, and blood oxygen saturation in deep tissue. Near-infrared diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS) is an innovative technique for continuous non-invasive measurement of blood flow in deep tissue. The combination of these two technologies has resulted in a novel hybrid diffuse optical instrument for simultaneous measurement of limb muscle blood flow and oxygenation. The purposes of this short report are to review previous blood flow measurement techniques and limitations in massage therapy research, introduce a novel hybrid near-infrared diffuse optical instrument that addresses previous limitations in the assessment of hemodynamic properties, outline a proposed massage therapy pilot study utilizing the novel measurement technology, and present sample data from a pilot participant using the introduced novel technology.
... Mars et al. 30 demonstrated that compressed air massage causes a concurrent rise in skin blood flow in subjects who have asymptomatic peripheral vascular disease. This effect can be seen due to reflex vasodilatation and might have also contributed to the shorter procedure time for heel lancing that we observed with acupressure in newborns. ...
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Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing art. In this pain-relieving method, the fingers are used to press key acupuncture points on the skin surface that stimulates the body׳s regulatory processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acupressure at Kun Lun (UB60) and Taixi (K3) points for pain management in preterm infants prior to heel lancing for blood collection. This was a prospective, randomized controlled study. The study setting was the neonatal intensive care unit at Baskent University Hospital in Turkey. A total of 32 preterm infants between 28 and 36 weeks׳ gestational age were randomly assigned to one of two groups: an acupressure group (n = 16) or a control group (n = 16). In the acupressure group, immediately before the heel prick, acupressure was applied for three minutes at UB60 and K3 points. A behavioral pain score was determined using the Premature Infant Pain Profile (PIPP) scale. There were no significant differences between the groups with respect to gestational age, birth weight, sex, mode of delivery, age at time of procedure, weight at time of procedure, or PIPP score. Mean duration of procedure and mean duration of crying were both shorter in the acupressure group (both P = .001). Applying acupressure at the BL60 and K3 points before heel lancing was associated with shorter procedural time and shorter duration of crying in preterm infants. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
... By way of comparison to other perfusion studies Mars et al. (2005) demonstrated increased skin blood flow from compressed air massage that immediately fell when treatment stopped. Kuo et al. (2004) used laser Doppler scanning to demonstrate a small but significant increase in skin blood flow from de qi acupuncture, both in the hand point needled (LI 4, Hegu) with short-lived spikes in skin blood flow up-meridian at elbow point LI 11 (Quchi). ...
Gua Sha is a traditional healing technique widely used in Asia, in Asian immigrant communities, and by acupuncturists and practitioners of traditional East Asian medicine worldwide. With Gua sha, a smooth-edged instrument is used to apply unidirectional surface pressure that raises transitory petechiae and ecchymosis, similar to the petechiae raised by cupping but typically over a larger area. Regarded as effective for blood stasis, Gua sha treats the 'fixed' feature of any presenting problem whether acute or chronic including but not limited to pain as well as in mild to severe conditions such as colds, flu, fever, heatstroke, and respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema; functional internal organ problems as well as musculoskeletal problems from fibromyalgia to severe strain, spasm or injury (Nielsen, 1995). Gua sha is the technique of choice for any case of recurring fixed pain and when pressing palpation reveals 'sha stasis' (Nielsen 1995, p50). It is used as a form of familial care in the home (Craig 2002, p118-119; Fadiman 1997, p64-65, 267; Hautman 1987; Van Nguyen 2004, p300) as well as in traditional East Asian clinical practice (Nielsen 1995; Zhang and Hao 2000). This article gives a short overview of Gua sha, its indications and contraindications, reported complications in the context of how Gua sha has been regarded in Western medical literature and the status of research concerning Gua sha.
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The aim was to investigate and compare the effectiveness of Ultrasound (US) versus a combination of US and ischemic compression (IC) technique on headache pain intensity and range of motion (ROM) of the cervical region in healthy females with myofascial trigger points (MTrPs) in the cervical muscles, following normal delivery. Forty females (ages 20-35 years) with MTrPs in the muscles of the neck took part in the study. They were assigned into control group (US therapy for the MTrPs of the upper trapezius and sub-occipital muscles) and study group (IC technique on the active MTrPs of the muscles in addition to the US application). They received eight sessions for 4 weeks (2 sessions/week). All patients were evaluated before and after treatment for the intensity of radiating headache by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and the universal goniometer to measure cervical ROM. Two-way mixed design MANOVA demonstrated a significant decrease (p
Conference Paper
Massage therapies are widely employed for improving and recovering tissue functions and physical activities. It is generally believed that such therapies would promote health and well-being by many possible mechanisms, including fastening muscle blood flow, parasympathetic activity, releasing relaxation hormones and inhibiting muscle tension, neuromuscular excitability and stress hormones. Nonetheless, most of current research is based on statistics and thus qualitative, preventing the in-depth study of the effectiveness. This is partially due to the lack of appropriate tools for quantitative loading and in situ assessment of tissue performance. To address this, we develop a biomechanical device to mimic massage therapies by applying controllable mechanical forces to animal tissues during cyclic mechanical motions. The device can apply compressive loads normal to the tissue surface and generate lengthwise motion along the tissue surface. Mechanical forces are applied with controllable magnitudes, frequencies and durations. Tissue mechanical response is recorded and correlated to the loading parameters. The changes of bulk tissue compliance and viscoelastic properties under various loading conditions are evaluated. The improvement of tissue functions and inhibition of muscle inflammation are examined. The results show that the peak torque production increased after massage, which suggests the recovery of muscle functions. A reduced number of infiltrating leukocytes is also observed in the subject muscle fibers after massage. Findings of this study suggest that the biomechanical device offers a quantitative analysis of massage actions, which will help to determine the optimal range of loading conditions required for safe and effective use of massage therapies.
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Massage therapies are widely used for improving and restoring the function of human tissues It is generally accepted that such therapies promote human health and well-being by several possible mechanisms including increase in blood flow and parasympathetic activity release of relaxation hormones, and inhibition of muscle tension neuromuscular excitability and stress hormones Nonetheless most of the purported beneficial/adverse effects of massage are based on anecdotal experiences providing little insight on us effectiveness or the mechanisms underlying its usefulness Furthermore most studies to date have not quantitatively demonstrated the efficacy of massage on human health This might be due to the lack of appropriate tools necessary for the application of quantitatively controlled loading and for the evaluation of the subsequent responses To address this issue we developed a device that applies compression in lengthwise strokes to the soft tissues of the New Zealand white rabbit thereby mimicking the rubbing and effleurage techniques of massage This device permits control of the magnitude and frequency of mechanical load applied to the rabbit s hind limb for various durations The measure men: of tissue compliance and the viscoelastic properties as a function of loading parameters was also demonstrated Findings of this study suggest that this device offers a quantitative analysis of the applied loads on the tissue to determine an optimal range of loading conditions required for the safe and effective use of massage therapies [DOI 10.1115/1.2996623]
A comprehensive literature search in multiple databases yielded 2926 hits for the search terms thermometry and thermography. Therefore, this literature survey is based only on publications listed in the databases Embase and Medline between 1.1.2005 and 31.12.2005 and matching with one of the following 8 keywords: “thermograpy”, “thermology“, “ “thermal imaging”, “infrared imaging”, thermometry”, “temperature measurement”, “skin temperature” and “core temperature”. After restricting the number of hits by combining the search terms with the key word “human, 735 references were obtained. Thermal imaging was the main subject of 169 papers, all other publications were related to temperature measurements in humans. This literature survey has demonstrated a continuously high interest in both temperature related physiology and temperature related treatment mainly hypothermia for patients in a critical state of health.
Cervicogenic cephalic syndrome (CCS), a group of diseases, consists of cervicogenic headache and dizziness. These symptoms may cause loss of physical function compared with other headache and dizziness disorders. The purpose of this case-control study was to assess the clinical effects of ischemic compression (IC) in patients with CCS. Twenty-seven subjects with chronic neck pain (persisting for >3 months) and 26 healthy volunteers were examined. Subjects with organic lesion of the ear, nose, throat, eye, or central nervous system were excluded. The CCS group received IC over the maximal tender points of the origin of the posterior nuchal muscle. Sensory organization test (SOT) scores, cervical range of motion (ROM), and isometric strength of neck were measured before IC and after IC. The ROM of the cervical spine increased in all directions after IC (P < .0083) in the CCS group, and isometric strength in the CCS group rose in all directions after IC (P = .000). There was a significant difference in ankle strategy score under the sway-referenced vision and fixed support condition (P = .003) between the control group and CCS before IC. The ankle strategy score of the CCS group improved substantially after IC under eyes closed and sway-referenced support conditions (P = .003). The visual and vestibular ratios in the CCS group also increased after IC (P = .006 and P = .002, respectively). The findings of this study showed that ROM of the cervical spine and isometric strength increased in all directions, and the SOT scores showed increased postural stability under conditions with swayed reference support after IC in the CCS group. The ratios for vestibular and visual function also increased after IC in the CCS group.
The aim of this study was to clarify the sonographic features of the masseter muscle as indices for judging the efficacy of massage treatment. Fifteen patients with temporomandibular disorder (10 with unilateral and 5 with bilateral muscle pain) underwent massage treatment alternately on the bilateral masseter and temporal muscles with an oral rehabilitation robot. Sonography was performed before and after treatment, and the masseter thickness and existence of anechoic areas were evaluated. The thickness on the symptomatic side in the unilateral group significantly decreased after treatment. Anechoic areas were shown in 20 muscles (66.7%) before treatment, and disappeared or were reduced in size in 17 muscles (85.0%) after treatment. The pretreatment thickness was significantly related to visual analog scale (VAS) scores regarding posttreatment muscle pain and massage impression. The existence of anechoic areas was relevant to VAS scores regarding muscle pain. Masseter thickness and existence of anechoic areas might be related to the therapeutic efficacy regarding muscle pain.
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One of the therapeutic uses of massage is to facilitate repair of damaged tissue. A potential hazard of massage is that direct pressure on muscle is known to damage skeletal myofibres. This study examines the effect of a new form of massage using compressed air on the morphology of untraumatised rabbit skeletal myofibres. Under anaesthetic, the left and right vastus lateralis muscles of 16 New Zealand, white rabbits were treated with 10 minutes of compressed air therapy at 1 Bar using a single hole (5 mm) applicator head and control biopsies were taken from the opposite limb. Biopsies were prepared for light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Morphometry, using image analysis revealed a significant increase in myofibre diameters 10 minutes (p < 0.001) and 24 hours (p
Intra-compartmental pressures of up to 30 mmHg may be generated by compression bandaging following upper limb surgery. Compression bandaging and hand elevation are both shown to diminish skin blood-flow as measured by transcutaneous oxygen pressures. Hand elevation following post-operative compression bandaging is potentially hazardous.
Numerous noninvasive testing modalities for prospective lower-extremity amputation level selection have been reported and include Doppler ultrasound pressure measurements, thermography, calf muscle pH, radioisotope skin perfusion pressures, and pulse volume recording. Although each of these techniques has improved the accuracy of amputation level selection, compared to indirect perimeters such as assessment of skin bleeding at surgery, none of these test modalities provides a clear-cut objective endpoint. This report describes our experience with determination of skin blood flow by xenon-133 clearance techniques for prospective amputation level selection. Between July 1, 1977, and April 1, 1980, 137 lower-extremity amputations were performed in 102 patients. Preoperative xenon skin blood flow determinations were available in 76 lower-extremity amputations. Amputation levels included 6 toe, 9 transmetatarsal, 13 Symes, 36 belowknee, 7 knee disarticulation, 4 above-knee, and 1 hip disarticulation. In amputations with flow rates exceeding 2.2 ml/100 g tissue/min (95%) healed primarily. Four healing failures were due to errors in surgical judgement (two) and late stump trauma (two). Our data suggest that xenon-133 clearance techniques provide accurate objective information for amputation level selection at all levels of lower-extremity amputation. In addition, utilization of this type of objective amputation level selection technique provides a remarkably high incidence of conservative amputations including toe, transmetatarsal, Symes, and knee disarticulation.
9 Objectives Massage is thought to encourage the healing of soft tissue injuries by improving blood flow to the damaged region. This study used light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and morphometry to determine whether: (a) compressed air massage causes capillary vasodilation; (b) such dilation persists for an extended period of time; and (c) the treatment damages capillaries. 10 11 12 Design Animal model involving 16 New Zealand white rabbits. 13 Setting Electron microscopy unit of the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. 14 Interventions The rabbits were anaesthetised and treated for 15 min using compressed air massage at 1 bar (100 kPa). 15 Main outcome measures Biopsies were taken from the treated vastus lateralis within 10 min (n = 4), 24 h (n = 4) and 6 days (n = 4) after treatment and control biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis of the untreated limb. The samples were stained with toluidine blue for light microscopy, and the external cross-sectional area of at least 60 capillaries was measured from each specimen using image analysis software. Ultra-thin sections were prepared for transmission electron microscopy from biopsies taken from control and treated limbs within 10 min (n = 2) and 24 h (n = 2) after treatment. At least 25 capillaries were collected from each specimen. Endothelial cell thickness and the external and luminal diameters were measured and cross-sectional areas were calculated. 16 17 18 19 20 21 Results On light microscopy, mean external cross-sectional diameter had increased by 8% immediately after treatment, from 4.96 ± 1.09 m (95% confidence interval: 4.85–5.08) to 5.33 ± 1.21 m (95% confidence interval: 5.22–5.45) (P < 0.001), and by 11% 24 h later, from 5.00 ± 1.22 m (95% confidence interval: 4.87–5.13) to 5.52 ± 1.22 m (95% confidence interval: 5.37–5.67) (P < 0.001), returning to normal at 6 days. On electron microscopy, luminal cross-sectional area had increased by 35% immediately after treatment, from 20.29 ± 9.07 m 2 (95% confidence interval: 19.37–21.2) to 23.50 ± 11.83 m 2 (95% confidence interval: 22.35–24.66) (P < 0.05), and remained 30% larger, 24 h later, from 20.77 ± 10.88 m 2 (95% confidence interval: 19.60–21.95) to 25.66 ± 16.03 m 2 (95% confidence interval: 23.99–27.33) (P < 0.05). While capillaries were larger, endothelial cell thickness was reduced in all post-massage specimens, suggesting vasodilation. No pathomorphology was noted in any capillary apart from mild oedema in one specimen. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Conclusions Compressed air massage of muscle causes vasodilation of skeletal muscle capillaries and this persists for at least 24 h after treatment.
Preservation of the knee joint in a patient undergoing lower limb amputation for critical ischaemia is associated with improved postoperative rehabilitation and mobility. Yet, for most surgeons the below-knee to above-knee amputation ratio remains less than one. Poor wound healing and a high reamputation rate for below knee stumps are important factors mitigating against below-knee amputations. Many tests (Doppler indices, segmental pressures, skin blood flow, skin perfusion pressure, TcpO2, thermography) have been described to predict the likelihood of successful healing of an amputation stump but none appears to have gained widespread acceptance. Clinical judgement alone is insufficient to predict the success or failure of an amputation stump. In this review, we have looked at the evidence in support of these tests, particularly those routinely available to most surgeons.
Changes in intra-compartmental pressure in bandaged and unbandaged limbs following 90 minutes of tourniquet-induced ischaemia and subsequent tourniquet release are examined in a primate model. Bandaging raises intra-compartmental pressure. Release of the tourniquet is shown to cause a transient increase in intra-compartmental pressure of less than 30 minutes duration. This is followed by a fall in intra-compartmental pressure for up to three hours. Tourniquet release and the ensuing hyperaemia does not appear to put the limb at risk of developing a compartment syndrome.
Intra-compartmental pressures of up to 30 mmHg may be generated by compression bandaging following upper limb surgery. Compression bandaging and hand elevation are both shown to diminish skin blood-flow as measured by transcutaneous oxygen pressures. Hand elevation following post-operative compression bandaging is potentially hazardous.
Xenon Xe 133 clearance was used to select the most distal amputation level that would allow sufficient blood flow for healing. Capillary blood flow was first measured at the most distal potential amputation level, then at successive proximal levels until an amputation site was found that had a capillary skin blood flow rate greater than or equal to 2.6 mL/min/100 g of tissue. Xenon Xe 133 in saline (100 to 500 mCi) was injected intracutaneously at each level, and flow rates were determined using a gamma camera interfaced with a computer system programmed for the Ketty-Schmidt formula modified for capillary blood flow. There were 45 cases, including one toes, six transmetatarsal, five Syme's, 25 below-knee, four knee disarticulation, three above-knee, and one hip disarticulation amputation. All amputations in patients with flow rates exceeding 2.4 mL/min/100 g of tissue healed, with two exceptions.
Choosing the most distal amputation level that will heal is difficult in patients with peripheral vascular disease. From 1984 to 1988, 965 patients underwent 1,563 amputations for lower limb peripheral vascular disease at King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban. The primary amputation revision rate was 51% with a mortality rate of 23.1%. Random pre-operative assessment of amputation wound healing potential using a transcutaneous oxygen pressure index was investigated over the 4-year period, 1987-1990. This was responsible for a reduction in the amputation revision rate to 8.2% in patients tested.
Many methods are available today for clinical evaluation of the blood supply to an extremity or part of an extremity, some of which are excellent for determining the presence and severity of arterial and venous disorders. These methods, however, do not give any information on the microvascular status of the diseased areas. This is particularly true for the skin circulation, which has a rather complex vascular network with nutritional and thermoregulatory vessels, arteriovenous shunts, etc. The most useful method for clinical evaluation of the skin capillary circulation is vital capillary microscopy. The skin capillaries in an area with a reduced microcirculation change in structure, and it is possible to evaluate the viability of the skin by microscopic studies of these capillary changes. Both morphology and blood flow can be investigated. By using different intravital fluorescent dyes, e.g. sodium fluorescein and indocyanine green, the microvascular dynamics, flow distribution and microvascular permeability can also be studied. The total skin microcirculation can be evaluated by Laser Doppler fluxmetry, which measures primarily the blood flow in the thermoregulatory vascular bed, i.e. the subpapillary arterial and venous plexa. It is easy to use in clinical practice, but interpretation of the results can sometimes be difficult. Measuring transcutaneous oxygen tension has for many years been used in clinical routine to evaluate the viability of skin in patients with vascular disorders. It has recently been shown that inhalation of oxygen may induce vasoconstriction in healthy subjects and in patients with moderate arterial insufficiency, but an increase of the skin microcirculation in areas of severe ischaemia. By using different combinations of the above mentioned microcirculatory techniques, valuable information can be gained regarding pathophysiological phenomena of the microcirculation in many diseases, e.g. vascular disorders, collagenosis. Raynaud's phenomenon, diabetes and hypertension. Using techniques for both macro- and microcirculation is also of great importance for evaluating the effect of therapeutic procedures in several of these disorders.