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Romantic love: An fMRI study of a neural mechanism for mate choice


Abstract and Figures

Scientists have described myriad traits in mammalian and avian species that evolved to attract mates. But the brain mechanisms by which conspecifics become attracted to these traits is largely unknown. Yet mammals and birds express mate preferences and make mate choices, and data suggest that this "attraction system" is associated with the dopaminergic reward system. It has been proposed that intense romantic love, a cross-cultural universal, is a developed form of this attraction system. To determine the neural mechanisms associated with romantic love we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and studied 17 people who were intensely "in love" (Aron et al. [2005] J Neurophysiol 94:327-337). Activation specific to the beloved occurred in the right ventral tegmental area and right caudate nucleus, dopamine-rich areas associated with mammalian reward and motivation. These and other results suggest that dopaminergic reward pathways contribute to the "general arousal" component of romantic love; romantic love is primarily a motivation system, rather than an emotion; this drive is distinct from the sex drive; romantic love changes across time; and romantic love shares biobehavioral similarities with mammalian attraction. We propose that this attraction mechanism evolved to enable individuals to focus their mating energy on specific others, thereby conserving energy and facilitating mate choice-a primary aspect of reproduction. Last, the corticostriate system, with its potential for combining diverse cortical information with reward signals, is an excellent anatomical substrate for the complex factors contributing to romantic love and mate choice.
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Romantic Love: An fMRI Study of a
Neural Mechanism for Mate Choice
Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
Department of Psychology, State University of New York at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, New York 11794
Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, New York 10461
Scientists have described myriad traits in mammalian and avian species that evolved to
attract mates. But the brain mechanisms by which conspecifics become attracted to these
traits is largely unknown. Yet mammals and birds express mate preferences and make mate
choices, and data suggest that this “attraction system” is associated with the dopaminergic
reward system. It has been proposed that intense romantic love, a cross-cultural universal, is
a developed form of this attraction system. To determine the neural mechanisms associated
with romantic love we used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and studied 17
people who were intensely “in love” (Aron et al. [2005] J Neurophysiol 94:327–337). Activation
specific to the beloved occurred in the right ventral tegmental area and right caudate nucleus,
dopamine-rich areas associated with mammalian reward and motivation. These and other
results suggest that dopaminergic reward pathways contribute to the “general arousal”
component of romantic love; romantic love is primarily a motivation system, rather than an
emotion; this drive is distinct from the sex drive; romantic love changes across time; and
romantic love shares biobehavioral similarities with mammalian attraction. We propose that
this attraction mechanism evolved to enable individuals to focus their mating energy on
specific others, thereby conserving energy and facilitating mate choice—a primary aspect of
reproduction. Last, the corticostriate system, with its potential for combining diverse cortical
information with reward signals, is an excellent anatomical substrate for the complex factors
contributing to romantic love and mate choice. J. Comp. Neurol. 493:58 62, 2005.
©2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Indexing terms: romantic love; dopamine; fMRI; mate choice
Charles Darwin distinguished between two types of sex-
ual selection: intrasexual selection, by which members of
one sex evolve traits that enable them to compete directly
with one another to win mating opportunities, and inter-
sexual selection, by which individuals of one sex evolve
traits that are preferred by members of the opposite sex, a
process known as “mate choice” (Darwin, 1871). Scientists
have described many physical and behavioral traits in
birds and mammals that evolved by mate choice. The
peacock’s tail feathers is the standard example. But no one
had defined the corresponding neural mechanism by
which the “display chooser” comes to prefer certain traits
and focuses his/her mating energy on a particular conspe-
cific, thereby making a mate choice. Yet it is well estab-
lished that many creatures have mate preferences, focus
their courtship energy on these specific individuals, and
make mate choices. In fact, the phenomenon of mate
choice is so common in nature that the ethological litera-
ture regularly uses several terms to describe it, including
“mate choice,” “female choice,” “mate preference,” “indi-
vidual preference,” “favoritism,” “sexual choice,” and “se-
lective proceptivity” (Andersson, 1994).
Fisher (Fisher, 1998; Fisher et al., 2002a) hypothesized
that mate choice is associated with a specific brain system
for “courtship attraction” that operates in tandem with
other neural systems, including the circuits for the sex
*Correspondence to: Helen Fisher, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901.
Received 30 March 2005; Revised 24 June 2005; Accepted 5 August 2005
DOI 10.1002/cne.20772
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
drive, sensory perception, discrimination, and memory;
courtship attraction is expressed at different times and to
different degrees in different species according to each
species’ specific reproductive strategy; and this neural
network evolved to enable “display choosers” to focus their
mating energy on specific, potential mating partners,
thereby conserving courtship time and metabolic energy.
In most mammalian and avian species this attraction is
brief, lasting only minutes, hours, days, or weeks. In hu-
mans the neural mechanism associated with courtship
attraction is developed, forming the physiological basis of
what is commonly known as passionate love, obsessive
love, “being in love,” or romantic love.
We chose to study courtship attraction in humans by
looking at early stage intense romantic love for several
reasons. Early stage, intense romantic love is regarded as
a human universal or near universal experience (Jankow-
iak and Fischer, 1992 ); this neural system is associated
with a specific constellation of identifiable motivations,
emotions, and behaviors (Tennov, 1979; Hatfield and
Sprecher, 1986; Shaver et al., 1987; Hatfield et al., 1988;
Harris and Christenfeld, 1996; Fisher, 1998; Gonzaga et
al., 2001) and these identifiable features are easily ob-
served, quantified, and tabulated in humans. Some of
these traits studied by the above-cited investigators in-
clude focused attention on the beloved, increased energy,
elation, and mood swings. Often, the lover experiences a
pounding heart, sweaty palms, and other sympathetic
nervous system reactions while with the beloved and “sep-
aration anxiety” when apart. Lovers express emotional
dependence; they change their habits to impress and/or
remain in contact with the beloved. Adversity heightens
romantic passion, known as “frustration attraction.” Lov-
ers exhibit extreme empathy toward the beloved; many
are willing to die for this “special” individual. They also
express sexual desire for him or her, as well as intense
sexual possessiveness, yet the craving for emotional union
supersedes the need for sexual contact. A central charac-
teristic of human romantic love is intrusive, obsessive
thinking about the beloved. Rejected lovers generally pro-
test and try to win the beloved back, as well as express
“abandonment rage” and despair. Romantic passion is also
involuntary, difficult to control, and regularly imperma-
We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
methods to test two hypotheses about the neural mecha-
nisms associated with romantic love (Aron et al., 2005).
First, romantic love would involve subcortical dopaminer-
gic pathways that mediate reward (Liebowitz, 1983;
Fisher, 1998). Second, romantic love would involve neural
pathways associated with goal-directed behaviors, sup-
porting the prediction that romantic love is a goal-directed
state that leads to a range of emotions, rather than a
specific emotion (Aron and Aron, 1991; Aron et al., 1995).
For details of the investigation, see Aron et al. (2005).
Briefly, 10 women and seven men were recruited by word
of mouth and with flyers seeking individuals who were
currently intensely in love. The age range was 18 –26
years (M !20.6; median !21), and the reported duration
of “being in love” was 1–17 months (M !7.4; median !7).
Each participant was orally interviewed in a semistruc-
tured format to establish the duration, intensity, and
range of his or her feelings of romantic love. Each also
completed the Passionate Love Scale (PLS), a 9-point Lik-
ert scale self-report questionnaire which measures several
traits commonly associated with romantic love (Hatfield
and Sprecher, 1986) (Cronbach’s alpha for questionnaire
reliability in this study !0.81; Cronbach, 1951).
A preliminary investigation identified a photograph of
the beloved as an effective stimulus for eliciting feelings of
intense romantic love (Mashek et al., 2000). So our proto-
col employed photographs and consisted of four tasks pre-
sented in an alternating block design: For 30 seconds each
participant viewed a photo of his/her beloved (positive
stimulus); for the following 40 seconds each participant
performed a countback distraction task; for the following
30 seconds each participant viewed a photograph of an
emotionally neutral acquaintance (neutral stimulus); for
the following 20 seconds each participant performed a
similar countback task. The countback task involved view-
ing a large number, such as 8,421, and mentally counting
backwards (beginning with this number) in increments of
seven. We included the countback task to decrease the
carryover effect after the participant viewed the positive
stimulus because it is difficult to quell intense feelings of
romantic love. This four-part sequence (or a counterbal-
anced version beginning with the neutral stimulus) was
repeated six times; the total stimulus protocol was 720
seconds (12 minutes). Prescanning instructions were to
think about a nonsexual, euphoric experience with the
beloved; postscanning interviews established that the par-
ticipants had engaged in romantic thinking and feeling.
Group activation specific to the beloved occurred in sev-
eral regions, including the right ventral tegmental area
(VTA), localized in the region of A10 dopamine cells (Aron
et al., 2005) (Fig. 1). The VTA is a central part of the
brain’s “reward system” (Wise, 1996; Schultz, 2000;
Martin-Soelch et al., 2001) associated with pleasure, gen-
Fig. 1. Group activation re-
gions detected as individuals
looked at an image of their beloved
compared to an image of an ac-
quaintance (see Aron et al., 2005,
for details). The regions of activa-
tion (white) are from anatomically
normalized data and are superim-
posed on a template brain from
SPM99. A: The right ventral teg-
mental area (arrow) was activated.
B: The right caudate nucleus (ar-
row) was activated. Data from
other studies of mammals suggest
that these regions are involved in
reward and motivation functions.
eral arousal, focused attention, and motivation to pursue
and acquire rewards (Schultz, 2000; Delgado et al., 2000;
Elliot et al., 2003).
The VTA sends projections to several brain regions
(Gerfen et al., 1987; Oades and Halliday, 1987; Williams
and Goldman-Rakic, 1998), including the caudate nucleus,
where we also found group activations, specifically in the
right medial and posterodorsal body (Aron et al., 2005).
The caudate plays a role in reward detection and expec-
tation, the representation of goals, and the integration of
sensory inputs to prepare for action (e.g., Schultz, 2000;
Martin-Soelch et al., 2001; Lauwereyns et al., 2002;
O’Doherty et al., 2002). Zald et al. (2004) found that pre-
dictable monetary reward presentation caused dopamine
release in the medial caudate body where we found acti-
These data suggest that our hypotheses are correct:
romantic love is associated with subcortical dopaminergic
pathways in the reward system, and romantic love is
primarily a motivation system, which leads to various
emotions, rather than a specific emotion. However, acti-
vation of subcortical dopaminergic pathways of the VTA
and caudate nucleus may comprise only the “general
arousal” component (Pfaff, 1999) of early-stage intense
romantic love.
Nevertheless, these data suggest two important things
about romantic passion: Foremost, romantic love may be a
primary motivation system, a fundamental human mating
drive. Pfaff (1999) defines a drive as a neural state that
energizes and directs behavior to acquire a particular
biological need to survive or reproduce; and he reports that
all drives are associated with the activity of dopamine.
Like drives, romantic love is tenacious; it is focused on a
specific reward; it is not associated with any particular
facial expression; it is exceedingly difficult to control; and
it is associated with dopamine-rich neural regions (Fisher,
2004). Drives lie along a continuum. Thirst is almost im-
possible to control, while the sex drive can be redirected,
even quelled. Falling in love is evidently stronger than the
sex drive because when one’s sexual overtures are re-
jected, people do not kill themselves or someone else.
Rejected lovers sometimes commit suicide or homicide.
These data also indicate that romantic love is distinct
from the sex drive, as suggested earlier (Aron and Aron,
1991; Fisher, 1998), because fMRI studies of human sex-
ual arousal show regional activation in largely different
brain regions than those we saw for our participants (Red-
oute et al., 2000; Arnow et al., 2002).
Using fMRI, Bartels and Zeki (2000:3829) also investi-
gated brain activity in 17 men and women who reported
being “truly, deeply, and madly in love.” But the partici-
pants in that study had been in love substantially longer
than those in our study (28.8 months vs. 7.4 months t[32]
!4.28, P"0.001). They were also less intensely in love.
This was established because both study groups were (ser-
endipitously) administered the same questionnaire on ro-
mantic love, the PLS (scores of 7.55 vs. 8.54, t[31] !3.91,
Bartels and Zeki (2000; 2004) found activity in regions
of the ventral tegmental area and caudate nucleus, as we
did. However, they also found activity in the anterior
cingulate and mid-insular cortex, results which stimu-
lated us to examine our subset of subjects in longer rela-
tionships (8 –17 months), as compared to our shorter-term
participants. Among these participants, several more
brain regions showed activity, including the right mid-
insular cortex, the right anterior and posterior cingulate
cortex, and the right posterior cingulate/retrosplenial cor-
tex. Thus, we confirmed Bartels and Zeki’s (2000) finding
that these brain regions are involved in longer-term love
relationships. In addition, these combined data suggest
that the neural mechanism for mate choice is dynamic: it
changes across time.
Our subjects in longer-term relationships also showed
increased activity in the ventral pallidum. The ventral
pallidum has been associated with attachment behaviors
in prairie voles (Lim et al., 2004; Lim and Young, 2004).
These data suggest that as romantic love changes across
time, brain systems associated with attachment increase
activity—perhaps to enhance relationship stability and
motivate parenting behaviors.
It has been proposed (Fisher, 1998; Fisher et al., 2002b)
that mammalian and avian species evolved three distinct,
dynamic, interrelated brain systems for courtship, mat-
ing, and parenting: The sex drive evolved to motivate
individuals to seek a range of mating partners; courtship
attraction (and its developed form, human romantic love)
evolved to motivate individuals to focus their mating en-
ergy on specific partners, thereby conserving mating time
and energy; and attachment evolved to motivate mates to
remain together long enough to complete species-specific
parental duties. These data may suggest one of the neural
mechanisms by which this transition from attraction to
attachment occurs.
As discussed above, it is well established that birds and
mammals have mate preferences and make mate choices.
This attraction is regularly associated with heightened
energy, focused attention, obsessive following, sleepless-
ness, loss of appetite, possessive “mate guarding,” affilia-
tive gestures, goal-oriented courtship behaviors, and in-
tense motivation to win a specific mating partner (Fisher,
2004), traits also associated with human early-stage, in-
tense romantic love. Moreover, animal studies indicate
that elevated activity of central dopaminergic neurons
may play a primary role in mammalian mate preference
(Fabre-Nys, 1998; Wang et al., 1999; Gingrich et al., 2000).
When a female prairie vole is mated with a male, she
forms a distinct preference for this partner, and when a
dopamine agonist is infused into the nucleus accumbens
she begins to prefer a male present at the time of infusion,
even if she has not mated with this male (Gingrich et al.,
2000; Liu and Wang, 2003). Also, electrochemical studies
in male rats have shown increased dopamine release in
the dorsal and ventral striatum in response to the pres-
ence of a receptive female rat (Robinson et al., 2002; Mon-
tague et al., 2004).
Thus, evidence from human fMRI studies support the
hypothesis that multiple reward regions using dopamine
are activated during feelings of romantic love, and this
human phenomenon shows behavioral and neural system
similarities with other mammalian species. The human
form of courtship attraction, romantic love, may have be-
gun to develop by 3.5 million years BP, because recent
analysis of sexual dimorphisms in Australopithecus afa-
rensis suggests that early hominids were “principally mo-
nogamous” by this time (Reno et al., 2003).
Our fMRI results also suggest something about integra-
tive events in the brain that lead to complex behavior and
emotion. For example, we conducted a between-subjects
analysis correlating degree of the BOLD response with
subjects’ scores on the PLS. While viewing their beloved,
those who self-reported higher levels of romantic love also
showed greater activation in the right anteromedial cau-
date body (r !0.60; P!0.012). This result provides
strong evidence for the link between a specific brain region
and a specific brain function, romantic love. However, this
specific region was also activated during anticipation of a
monetary reward (Knutson et al., 2001), during reward-
based stochastic learning (Haruno et al., 2004), and dur-
ing attention tasks (Zink et al., 2003). Thus, this area of
the anteromedial body of the caudate may be specifically
associated with the rewarding, visual, and attentional
aspects of romantic love. Because the caudate nucleus has
widespread afferents from all of the cortex except V1
(Kemp and Powell, 1970; Selemon and Goldman-Rakic,
1985; Saint-Cyr et al., 1990; Eblen and Graybiel, 1995;
Flaherty and Graybiel, 1995) and is organized to integrate
diverse sensory, motor, and limbic functions (Brown,
1992; Parent and Hazrati, 1995; Brown et al., 1998;
Haber, 2003), caudate nucleus anatomy is an appropriate
mechanism for integrating the various aspects of this mul-
tifactor physiological and behavioral state, romantic love.
The range and variation of motivations and emotions
associated with human romantic love are undoubtedly
produced by many neural systems, acting in parallel and
dynamic combinations. Nevertheless, several results sup-
port our hypotheses that early-stage, intense romantic
love is importantly influenced by subcortical reward re-
gions that are dopamine-rich (Fisher, 1998); that romantic
love is primarily a neural system associated with motiva-
tion to acquire a reward, rather than a specific emotion
(Aron and Aron, 1991); that this brain system is distinct,
yet overlapping with the sex drive; that this brain system
is derived from mammalian precursors (Fisher, 2004); and
that it evolved as a mechanism to enable individuals to
respond to sexually selected courtship traits and motivate
individuals to make a mate choice (Fisher et al., 2002a).
In a study of 37 societies, Buss (1994) reports that men
and women rank love, or mutual attraction, as the first
criterion for choosing a spouse. This brain system has
inspired love songs, love poems, love magic, myths and
legends about love, and suicide and homicide cross-
culturally (Jankowiak and Fischer, 1992; Fisher, 2004).
Romantic love is most likely a primary aspect of our com-
plex human reproductive strategy.
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striatal response to salient nonrewarding stimuli. J Neurosci 23:8092–
... Based on the rating score of "How much would you like to date this person?" These EEG segments were divided into the romantic attraction engendered dataset and romantic attraction un-engendered dataset 1,7,8,23 . Specifically, EEG epochs with a rating score of 2 or 3 were assigned to the romantic attraction engendered dataset (with sample labels set as "1"), and segments with a rating score of 0 were assigned to the romantic attraction un-engendered dataset (with sample labels set as "0") 7,8,24,25 . ...
... Specifically, the time-frequency representation was obtained through a five-cycle complex Morlet WT. The sliding windows were advanced in 12-ms and 1-Hz increments to estimate the changes in power over time and frequency in the five FBs: delta (1-4 Hz), theta (4-8 Hz), alpha (8-13 Hz), beta (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29)(30), and gamma (30)(31)(32)(33)(34)(35)(36)(37)(38)(39)(40)(41)(42)(43)(44)(45)(46)(47)(48)(49). The TF features of the EEG activities were calculated according to event-related oscillations 7,[26][27][28] . ...
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Recognizing an individual’s preference state for potential romantic partners based on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals holds significant practical value in enhancing matchmaking success rates and preventing romance fraud. Despite some progress has been made in this field, challenges such as high-dimensional feature space and channel redundancy limited the technology’s practical application. The aim of this study is to explore the most discriminative EEG features and channels, in order to enhance the recognition performance of the system, while maximizing the portable and practical value of EEG-based systems for recognizing romantic attraction. To achieve this goal, we first conducted an interesting simulated dating experiment to collect the necessary data. Next, EEG features were extracted from various dimensions, including band power and asymmetry index features. Then, we introduced a novel method for EEG feature and channel selection that combines the sequential forward selection (SFS) algorithm with the frequency-based feature subset integration (FFSI) algorithm. Finally, we used the random forest classifier (RFC) to determine a person's preference state for potential romantic partners. Experimental results indicate that the optimal feature subset, selected using the SFS-FFSI method, attained an average classification accuracy of 88.42%. Notably, these features were predominantly sourced from asymmetry index features of electrodes situated in the frontal, parietal, and occipital lobes.
... RA-level processes rely on sophisticated neural mechanisms for processing multisensory social signals, as demonstrated by research showing how romantic love activates specific subcortical and cortical pathways (Fisher et al., 2005;Cacioppo et al., 2012). ...
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This paper analyzes Carlos Saura’s film Tango through the theoretical lens of the Tie-Up Theory to explore how fictional narratives can serve as laboratories for investigating the embodied social cognition of romantic relationships. The study shows how dance, particularly tango, functions both as subject matter and cognitive metaphor in representing the complex dynamics of couple formation and maintenance. The film’s meta-representational structure, combining the creation of a dance performance with the exploration of actual relationships, reveals how cultural forms serve as cognitive scaffolds for understanding complex social dynamics. The study contributes to our understanding of how artistic representation can reveal typically implicit aspects of relationship cognition by demonstrating the value of integrating multidisciplinary perspectives of cognitive theory, psychology of mating, and cultural theory.
... Furthermore, a striatal output region through the ventral pallidum is strongly implicated as critical to male prairie vole mate preference behaviors [45]. Studies in humans that are intensively "in love" proved the activation of specific dopamine-rich areas associated with mammalian reward and motivation [46]. It is noteworthy that these regions differ from those responsible for sex drive, indicating that dopamine can be considered as an initial driving force and arousal component motivating individuals to make a mate choice. ...
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Love as a complex interplay of emotions and behaviors is underpinned by an intricate network of neurobiological mechanisms. This review provides insight into the molecular basis of love, focusing on the role of key hormones and neuromodulators. The aim of the paper is to report how these biochemical messengers influence various aspects of love, including attraction, attachment, and long-term bonding. By examining the effects of hormones such as dopamine, oxytocin, vasopressin, and serotonin, we aim to elucidate the intricate relationship between biology and behavior. Additionally, the potential impact of modern lifestyle factors on hormonal balance and their subsequent influence on love and social interactions are outlined. This review provides a useful overview of the molecular underpinnings of love, offering insights into the biological mechanisms that shape human relationships.
... Recent research has identified the areas of the brain involved in the experience of romantic love and attachment, and shown how neurotransmitters such as oxytocin and dopamine play a crucial role in the euphoria and well-being associated with love. These studies have shown that activation of the ventral tegmental area and the caudate nucleus is prominent in people experiencing romantic love, supporting the hypothesis that romantic love is influenced by subcortical dopaminergic pathways of the brain's reward system [7]. Oxytocin, often called the "love hormone," is well known for its role in bonding. ...
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In this chapter, the mechanisms involved in the expression and regulation of emotions that influence the processes of communication and conflict resolution in romantic couples are discussed, focusing on emotional flooding. Emotional flooding in couple relationships is a key concept in the development of this chapter. This state, characterized by an overwhelming emotional response that exceeds the couple’s capacity to manage it constructively, has a direct and negative impact on the functioning of the personal relationship and can worsen perceptions of the relationship, increase conflict and affect long-term satisfaction and stability. One of the basic strategies to mitigate the negative effects of emotional flooding requires an increase in emotional awareness and certain regulatory skills. Empathy, effective communication and emotional intelligence are essential to gain emotional awareness and understanding, to promote a supportive and understanding environment in which adaptive patterns develop, and to create healthy interpersonal relationship spaces in which couples can prosper. This chapter is a valuable and up-to-date evidence-based resource that will be useful in both academic and clinical settings for addressing emotional and relational issues in couple dynamics, offering practical insights for improving cohabitation and shared emotional well-being.
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El amor romántico se manifiesta de manera compleja, variando en su naturaleza según las relaciones que se establecen, presentando una cualidad única en cada vínculo. Este tipo de amor puede entenderse como un proceso profundamente biológico y dinámico, en el cual están involucradas diferentes neurohormonas que actúan a nivel cerebral. Las técnicas de neuroimagen, como la fRMN y las PET, proporcionan un acceso sin igual a la red cerebral asociada con el amor romántico humano. Interpretarlas es uno de los mayores desafíos científicos de la actualidad. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo hacer un aporte a la comprensión del sustrato neurobiológico del amor romántico. Se partirá de algunas conceptualizaciones acerca de la temática, que incluyen fundamentalmente una perspectiva neuroquímica, de áreas cerebrales y de comportamientos consecuentes. Se desarrollan algunas definiciones de amor y los tipos de amor, de los que el amor romántico es uno de ellos. Además, se desarrolla brevemente la teoría del apego, y el apego en parejas desde el enfoque de la biología evolutiva, sobre la neuroquímica del amor, con la intención de facilitar la comprensión de los estudios de neuroimágenes y sus implicancias. Se exploran distintas investigaciones neurocientíficas del amor romántico, excluyendo investigaciones en modelos animales, aunque cabe destacar que estas constituyen la base teórica del estudio en personas. El énfasis está puesto en los correlatos de neuroimágenes y bioquímicos de este estado subjetivo.
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The link between happiness and income has long been a focus across several academic disciplines. Two factors are, however, conspicuous in being undervalued for their potential for relevance. The first is, very simply, the kind of money people use – its characteristics and its quality, and the second is whether the type of money in use has an effect on how humans experience happiness. We consider both here. A Big History of Money is outlined based on key epochs in the evolutionary history of money systems. Some general associations of these epochs with structures in the brain are highlighted, especially with respect to their capacity to influence wellbeing. The effects of money on subjective wellbeing are significantly modulated through the mechanisms of the brain’s reward system; the most recent epoch of fiat money systems has also seen a worsening of several factors accretive to happiness. This calls for far more attention on the quality of money in circulation and a closer look at past epochs in the Big History of Money for useful insights.
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Celem pracy było zrozumienie miłości z perspektywy psychologicznej i neurobiologicznej, łącząc analizę teoretyczną z danymi empirycznymi. Miłość jest jednym z najważniejszych, a zarazem najbardziej złożonych doświadczeń ludzkich, mającym znaczący wpływ na rozwój emocjonalny oraz relacje międzyludzkie. W opra- cowaniu przedstawiono przegląd literatury dotyczący teorii psychologicznych, takich jak teoria przywiązania Johna Bowlby'ego, koncepcje Ericha Fromma i Roberta Sternberga oraz znaczenie hormonów i neuroprze- kaźników, takich jak dopamina i oksytocyna, z perspektywy neurobiologicznej. Badania empiryczne opierały się na analizie wyników ankiety przeprowadzonej wśród 257 respondentów, różniących się wiekiem, wy- kształceniem i miejscem zamieszkania. Respondenci dostarczyli informacji o swoich doświadczeniach zwią- zanych z miłością, co pozwoliło na analizę wpływu wczesnych relacji na styl przywiązania i sposób doświadczania miłości w dorosłym życiu. Wyniki badań potwierdziły, że miłość ma znaczący wpływ na zdrowie psychiczne i fizyczne jednostek oraz że świadome zaangażowanie, troska i poświęcenie są funda- mentalnymi elementami trwałych i satysfakcjonujących relacji. Praca podkreśla również wartość integracji różnych perspektyw naukowych dla pełniejszego zrozumienia zjawiska miłości oraz sugeruje praktyczne zastosowania wyników badań w zakresie edukacji emocjonalnej, poradnictwa, terapii i samowychowania. Słowa kluczowe: miłość, psychologia, neurobiologia, styl przywiązania, hormony
Feelings of love are among the most significant human phenomena. Love informs the formation and maintenance of pair bonds, parent-offspring attachments, and influences relationships with others and even nature. However, little is known about the neural mechanisms of love beyond romantic and maternal types. Here, we characterize the brain areas involved in love for six different objects: romantic partner, one’s children, friends, strangers, pets, and nature. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity, while we induced feelings of love using short stories. Our results show that neural activity during a feeling of love depends on its object. Interpersonal love recruited social cognition brain areas in the temporoparietal junction and midline structures significantly more than love for pets or nature. In pet owners, love for pets activated these same regions significantly more than in participants without pets. Love in closer affiliative bonds was associated with significantly stronger and more widespread activation in the brain’s reward system than love for strangers, pets, or nature. We suggest that the experience of love is shaped by both biological and cultural factors, originating from fundamental neurobiological mechanisms of attachment.
The chapter explains how the concepts of physical and sexual attraction differ from each other. The materials of the chapter describe the ideas and research on beauty and physical attractiveness. The chapter demonstrates how attractive physical appearance influences overall interpersonal attraction. Evolutionary, ecological, social, cultural, and psychological perspectives show that the values and notions of physical attractiveness depend on many of these contextual factors. The studies reviewed in the chapter have demonstrated variability in preferences for physical appearances across cultures. The chapter presents research findings that reveal the effects of familiarity, imprinting, and exposure on the impressions of how physically attractive a person looks. The features of physical attractiveness are sexually polymorphic and differ between genders. The sections of this chapter provide an overview of the qualities of physical appearance that make a person attractive, as well as multisensory qualities of attractive appearance, including visual, auditory, tactile-kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory modalities of sensation and perception. The chapter describes in detail how people experience and express physical and sexual attraction. The last section of the chapter presents varieties of sexual attraction in love that depend on sexual identities, sexual orientations, and factors influencing diversity in sexual attraction.
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On the basis of the proposition that love promotes commitment, the authors predicted that love would motivate approach, have a distinct signal, and correlate with commitment-enhancing processes when relationships are threatened. The authors studied romantic partners and adolescent opposite-sex friends during interactions that elicited love and threatened the bond. As expected, the experience of love correlated with approach-related states (desire, sympathy). Providing evidence for a nonverbal display of love, four affiliation cues (head nods, Duchenne smiles, gesticulation, forward leans) correlated with self-reports and partner estimates of love. Finally, the experience and display of love correlated with commitment-enhancing processes (e.g.. constructive conflict resolution, perceived trust) when the relationship was threatened. Discussion focused on love, positive emotion, and relationships.
What arouses an animal or human from an inactive, nonresponsive state to a condition of activity and responsiveness? What are the biological mechanisms for this change? In this book Donald W. Pfaff focuses on a reproductive behavior typical of many female animals. Sensory stimuli from the male trigger responses in a well-defined circuit of nerve cells. At the top of the circuit, certain nerve cells receive and retain sex hormones such as estrogens and progesterone. As a result, specific genes in these nerve cells are turned on at specific times, affecting in turn the rest of the neural circuit and causing a state of sexual responsiveness. According to Pfaff, the biological bases for the most primitive human drives are largely explained by mechanisms uncovered in animal brains that have not changed in their fundamental properties over millions of years of evolution. Focusing on a single instinctive behavior, in this case the sex drive, is an important step toward understanding the biological reasons for the change from unmotivated to motivated animal behavior. Bradford Books imprint
Lordosis Is a Motivated Behavior. From the reasoning that leads to the identification of “motivation” as an intervening variable, recounted in the first chapter of this book, it is clear that the occurrence of lordosis behavior reflects a motivational state. Ovariectomized female rats not given estrogen or progesterone treatment, though given large numbers of applications of behaviorally adequate somatosensory input through mounts by stud male rats or pressure on the skin by an experimenter, rarely do lordosis. A few days later (before maturational changes could occur), following a schedule of estrogen and progesterone treatment, the same females tested in the same behavioral context respond to the somatosensory stimuli with strong and frequent lordoses. Identifying the intervening variable “sexual motivation” contributes to the explanation of this behavioral change in an input-output manner.
Einige ausführliche Gespräche, die der Autor in letzter Zeit mit Betroffenen führen konnte, haben ihn veranlaßt, Dinge wie Partnerwahl, Partnerwechsel und Trennung einmal unter chemisch-mechanistischen Aspekten zu untersuchen.