... The majority of the Afrotheria are endemic to the African continent, but they are also found on the island of Madagascar, with the sirens showing a far broader distribution across the Indian, Pacific, and Atlantic oceans. The organization of the brain of the lesser hedgehog tenrec, Echinops telfairi, has been the subject of many studies (Alp ar et al., 2010;Kosaka et al., 2005;Krubitzer et al., 1997;Künzle, 1988Künzle, , 1992Künzle, , 1993Künzle, , 1994Künzle, , 1995aKünzle, ,1995bKünzle, , 1996Künzle, , 1998Künzle, , 2002Künzle, , 2003Künzle, , 2005aKünzle, , 2005bKünzle, , 2006Künzle, , 2009Künzle, , 2012Künzle et al., 2002;Künzle & Radtke-Schuller, 2000a, 2000b, 2001Künzle & Rehkämper, 1992;Künzle & Unger, 1992;Morawski et al., 2010;Radtke-Schuller & Künzle, 2000;Schmolke & Künzle, 1997;Stephan et al., 1981;Wolff & Künzle, 1997), making it one of the most intensely studied Afrotherian brains. To the authors' knowledge, no comprehensive mapping studies of the nuclei forming the cholinergic, catecholaminergic, serotonergic, or orexinergic systems in the lesser hedgehog tenrec have been undertaken, although the dopaminergic neurons of the olfactory bulb have been described (Kosaka et al., 2005). ...