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Abstract and Figures

Although walking is a common physical activity, scientifically based training guidelines using standardised tests have not been established. Therefore this explorative study investigated the cardiovascular and metabolic load resulting from different walking intensities derived from maximal velocity (Vmax) during an incremental treadmill walking test. Oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), blood concentrations of lactate and catecholamines, and rating of perceived exertion were recorded in 16 recreational athletes (mean (SD) age 53 (9) years) during three 30 minute walking trials at 70%, 80%, and 90% of Vmax (V70, V80, and V90) attained during an incremental treadmill walking test. Mean (SD) oxygen uptake was 18.2 (2.3), 22.3 (3.1), and 29.3 (5.0) ml/min/kg at V70, V80, and V90 respectively (p<0.001). V70 led to a mean HR of 110 (9) beats/min (66% HRmax), V80 to 124 (9) beats/min (75% HRmax), and V90 to 152 (13) beats/min (93% HRmax) (p<0.001). Mean (SD) lactate concentrations were 1.1 (0.2), 1.8 (0.6), and 3.9 (2.0) mmol/l at V70, V80, and V90 respectively (p<0.001). There were no significant differences between catecholamine concentrations at the different intensities. Rating of perceived exertion was 10 (2) at V70, 12 (2) at V80, and 15 (2) at V90. Twelve subjects reported muscular complaints during exercise at V90 but not at V70 and V80. Intensity and heart rate prescriptions for walking training can be derived from an incremental treadmill walking test. The cardiovascular and metabolic reactions observed suggest that V80 is the most efficient workload for training in recreational athletes. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.
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Cardiocirculatory and metabolic responses at different
walking intensities
M Schwarz, A Urhausen, L Schwarz, T Meyer, W Kindermann
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
Dr Schwarz, Institute of
Sports and Preventive
Medicine, University of
Saarland, Saarbru¨cken,
Germany; mschwarz@mx.
Accepted 6 June 2005
Br J Sports Med 2006;40:64–67. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2005.020198
Objectives: Although walking is a common physical activity, scientifically based training guidelines using
standardised tests have not been established. Therefore this explorative study investigated the
cardiovascular and metabolic load resulting from different walking intensities derived from maximal
velocity (V
) during an incremental treadmill walking test.
Methods: Oxygen uptake, heart rate (HR), blood concentrations of lactate and catecholamines, and rating
of perceived exertion were recorded in 16 recreational athletes (mean (SD) age 53 (9) years) during three
30 minute walking trials at 70%, 80%, and 90% of V
, and V
) attained during an
incremental treadmill walking test.
Results: Mean (SD) oxygen uptake was 18.2 (2.3), 22.3 (3.1), and 29.3 (5.0) ml/min/kgatV
, and
respectively (p,0.001). V
led to a mean HR of 110 (9) beats/min (66% HR
), V
to 124 (9)
beats/min (75% HR
), and V
to 152 (13) beats/min (93% HR
)(p,0.001). Mean (SD) lactate
concentrations were 1.1 (0.2), 1.8 (0.6), and 3.9 (2.0) mmol/l at V
, and V
(p,0.001). There were no significant differences between catecholamine concentrations at the different
intensities. Rating of perceived exertion was 10 (2) at V
, 12 (2) at V
, and 15 (2) at V
. Twelve subjects
reported muscular complaints during exercise at V
but not at V
and V
Conclusions: Intensity and heart rate prescriptions for walking training can be derived from an incremental
treadmill walking test. The cardiovascular and metabolic reactions observed suggest that V
is the most
efficient workload for training in recreational athletes. Further studies are needed to confirm these findings.
ver the last few decades, walking has been established
as one form of endurance training for preventive
purposes. Sufficient training effects with little risk of
overstrain have been suggested.
Data on appropriate
training intensities for walking vary in the literature, and
published test procedures only partly allow training recom-
mendations to be derived. With regard to intensity, many
authors refer to maximal heart rate or maximal oxygen
For efficient cardiocirculatory training, the
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends
55/65–90% of maximal heart rate (HR
) or 40/50–85% of
maximal oxygen uptake reserve (V˙
However, approaches that use an incremental tread-
mill walking test (ITWT) as the basis for individual training
recommendations are rare.
The purpose of this study was to check whether an ITWT is
applicable for the derivation of individual training recom-
mendations. A secondary aim was to investigate if walking
allows middle aged people to reach sufficient training
intensity at comfortable speeds.
This study was approved by the institution’s review board
and complies with the Declaration of Helsinki. Each
participant gave written informed consent.
Sixteen healthy subjects (10 men, six women) took part in
the study. Their mean (SD) age was 53 (9) years, height 169
(8) cm, and weight 67 (11) kg. They were familiar with the
walking technique and had been participating in recreational
sport for an average of 34 months. Mean (SD) P
from an incremental cycling test was 2.6 (0.6) W/kg.
Study design
Firstly, all subjects had a clinical and laboratory routine
examination and performed an incremental cycling test to
rule out any health risks. Two to seven days later an ITWT
was conducted followed by three walking tests at constant
velocities: 70%, 80%, and 90% of the maximal velocity (V
obtained during the ITWT. Figure 1 shows the course of the
study. The test period ranged between two and four weeks for
each subject. The participants were told to neither change
their normal training load during the study nor perform
intensive or prolonged physical exercise on the day before the
One ITWT was performed for training purposes two to seven
days before the second ITWT which served as the basis for the
later tests of constant velocity. Starting at 4.3 km/h, the
velocity was increased by 0.7 km/h every three minutes until
exhaustion or V
was reached with the appropriate walking
technique (no race walking or running). The test was carried
out without treadmill inclination to simulate as close as
possible walking in the field. After two to seven days, a
second identical ITWT was performed. During these tests, HR
was measured and recorded continuously with a portable
device (Accurex-Plus; Polar, Kempele, Finland). For the
determination of the blood lactate concentration (Super GL;
Greiner, Flacht, Germany), capillary blood was taken from
the hyperaemised earlobe at rest and after each stage during
a break of about 20 seconds. From the lactate curve, the
individual anaerobic threshold (IAT) was determined by the
Abbreviations: HR, heart rate; IAT, individual anaerobic threshold;
ITWT, incremental treadmill walking test; RPE, rating of perceived
exertion; V˙
, oxygen uptake
method of Hagberg and Coyle,
which was evaluated with
race walkers. For the radioenzymatic determination of
before and immediately after exercise,
300 ml arterialised capillary blood was taken from the
hyperaemized earlobe. In addition, gas exchange parameters
(Meta-Max; Cortex, Leipzig, Germany) were continuously
measured, and the rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
With reference to V
, individual intensities for three
constant velocity exercises were determined (70%, 80%, and
90% of V
, and V
Walking endurance exercises
The subjects walked at the three intensities (V
, and
) on the same treadmill for 30 minutes in random order.
Before the 30 minute exercise, each subject walked for three
minutes at V
to warm up. During the exercise and for three
minutes after it had finished, HR and oxygen uptake (V˙
were continuously measured. With reference to V˙
respiratory exchange ratio, energy output was calculated;
3.5 ml/min/kg was considered to be 1 MET. Capillary samples
for determination of lactate and catecholamine as well as the
recording of RPE were carried out after 10 and 20 minutes of
exercise during a 30 second break. Technical abnormalities
and physical complaints were only recorded; no quantifica-
tion was performed.
Statistical analysis
After normal distribution of data had been confirmed with
the Kolmogoroff-Smirnov test, descriptive statistical analysis
was performed; mean (SD) values were calculated. In the
case of normally distributed data, a two factorial (intensity
and time) analysis of variance was performed. The Scheffe´
test was used for post hoc comparisons. For ordinally scaled
values (RPE), calculations were performed by non-para-
metric procedures (rank correlation according to Spearman).
The significance level for the a error was set at p,0.05.
During the ITWT, the subjects reached a mean (SD) V
8.3 (0.6) km/h, and a mean (SD) V˙
MAX of 33.2 (5.1) ml/
min/kg. Table 1 gives the ITWT results.
Walking trials
Oxygen uptake
The subjects reached a V˙O
of 18.2 (2.3) ml/min/kg (55%
, 22.3 (3.1) ml/min/kg at V
(67% V˙O
and 29.3 (5.0) ml/min/kg at V
(88% V˙O
MAX). There was a
significant effect of intensity on V˙
. Figure 2 gives the
results from post hoc testing. At V
, and V
subjects were above 60% V˙
Mean HR reached 110 (9) beats/min during V
(66% HR
124 (9) beats/min during V
(75% HR
), and 152 (13)
beats/min during V
(93% HR
) (fig 3). During V
all subjects were above 65% HR
. HR during the 80%
endurance exercise was significantly (p,0.05) lower than HR
at IAT (131 (14) beats/min, 79% HR
). There was a
significant effect of intensity on HR. Figure 3 shows different
results from post hoc testing.
Lactate concentration
During the 30 minute walking tests, mean lactate concentra-
tion reached 1.1 (0.2), 1.8 (0.6), and 3.9 (2.0) mmol/l at V
, and V
respectively. There was a significant effect of
intensity on lactate between V
and V
as well as between
and V
(fig 4).
Energy consumption
The total energy consumption during the 30 minute walking
tests was 744 (93) kJ (177 (22) kcal or 5.2 (0.7) MET) at V
930 (129) kJ (221 (31) kcal or 6.3 (2.5) MET) at V
, and
1224 (207) kJ (291 (49) kcal or 8.4 (1.4) MET) at V
. There
was a significant effect of intensity (p,0.001).
Catecholamine concentration
The catecholamine concentrations did not differ significantly
between the three intensity levels. After 30 minutes of
Physical examination and laboratory screening
Incremental cycling test (P
Maximal velocity (V
80% (V
) 90% (V
) of V
70% (V
Incremental treadmill walking test
2–7 days
30 minute walking tests
Randomised order
2–7 days
Figure 1 Overview of the study design.
Table 1 Results from the incremental treadmill walking
Variable Max IAT
Velocity (km/h) 8.3 (0.6) 6.9 (0.6) (83% V
Heart rate (beats/min) 166 (14) 131 (14)
Lactate (mmol/l) 6.1 (1.8) 2.0 (0.3)
MAX (ml/min/kg) 33.2 (5.1) 23.4 (4.8)
Energy cost (kJ/min) 46.7 (7.1) 32.9 (6.8)
MET 9.5 (1.5) 6.7 (1.4)
Values are maximal performance (Max) and individual anaerobic
threshold (IAT) during walking and are expressed as mean (SD) (n = 16).
Time (minutes)
(5.8 km/h)
Rest 10 20 30
(6.6 km/h)
(7.5 km/h)
Figure 2 Oxygen uptake (V˙ O
) during the 30 minute walking trials at
70%, 80%, and 90% of the maximal velocity obtained in the incremental
treadmill walking test (V
, and V
). Values are mean (SD) (n =
16). All three values at each time point are significantly different from
each other (p,0.001).
Cardiocirculatory and metabolic responses at different walking intensities 65
walking, the mean maximal free noradrenaline concentra-
tions were 6.48 (2.17), 5.47 (1.34), and 6.26 (1.76) nmol/l at
, and V
respectively. The corresponding adrenaline
concentrations were 1.17 (0.28), 1.00 (0.27), and 1.10
(0.31) nmol/l.
A mean RPE of 10 (2) (‘‘very easy’’ to ‘‘quite easy’’), 12 (2)
(‘‘quite easy’’ to ‘‘a little difficult’’), and 15 (2) (‘‘difficult’’)
was recorded at V
, and V
respectively. There was a
significant effect of intensity on RPE (p,0.001). An RPE of
19 (‘‘very, very difficult’’) was reported by one subject during
. At the end of the endurance test, 12 subjects felt that
walking at V
was more comfortable than at V
or V
At V
, 12 out of 16 subjects reported physical problems
mainly in the lower legs. During V
and V
, no problems
were reported by the subjects.
It has been shown that V˙O
during V
corresponds to the
minimum intensity (55% V˙
MAX) for training as recom-
mended by ACSM, whereas V
approaches the upper limit
(88% V˙
Thus, low intensity walking at V
may lead
to health benefits when it is performed frequently and for
long enough.
However, V
(67% of V˙O
MAX) may be more
appropriate for efficient endurance training. All subjects were
above 60% V˙
MAX or 50% V˙O
during V
. In contrast, V
seems quite often to induce muscle pain in the lower legs
even after only 30 minutes.
The mean maximal HR reached 220 minus age, indicating
sufficient maximal effort on a treadmill.
If the mean HR
response of the three walking endurance exercises is
considered, at V
the subjects are at the minimum HR,
and at V
and V
they are within the recommended HR
range. At V
and V
, all subjects are above the minimum HR
described by ACSM.
The mean lactate concentration during V
was similar to
resting concentrations, suggesting that the exercise intensity
is low. During V
the mean lactate concentration indicates
intense physical performance. The mean lactate concentra-
tion during V
was close to the IAT and within the range of
extensive endurance training and
and thus compatible with
appropriate recreational intensity.
According to Morris and Hardman,
in people with a body
weight of about 70 kg, the energy consumption during
walking on even ground at a velocity of 6.4–8.0 km/h
corresponds to 25–36 kJ/min. In 40–56 year old men,
Pollock et al
measured an energy consumption of 28.3–
36.5 kJ/min for a velocity range of 6.8–7.6 km/h. The results
of our study (5.8–7.5 km/h and 25–40 kJ/min) correspond
well to these results.
The catecholamine concentrations did not differ signifi-
cantly between intensities. Therefore this variable may not be
suitable for defining efficient walking intensities. If the
observed concentrations of noradrenaline and adrenaline are
compared with those from earlier studies for cardiac patients
during a strength endurance circuit and badminton training,
they fall in the same range.
18 19
Another variable that suggests that V
is an adequate
exercise intensity is the mean RPE (12 (2)). Dishman
recommends the same RPE for endurance training with
appropriate intensity. Spelman et al
recommended an RPE
of ‘‘quite easy’’ (Borg scale 11) for walking training with 50%
Time (minutes)
(5.8 km/h)
Heart rate (beats/min)
Rest 10 20 30
(6.6 km/h)
(7.5 km/h)
Figure 3 Heart rate during the 30 minute walking trials at 70%, 80%,
and 90% of the maximal velocity obtained in the incremental treadmill
walking test (V
, and V
). Values are mean (SD) (n = 16). All
three values at each time point are significantly different from each other
Time (minutes)
(5.8 km/h)
Lactate concentration (mmol/l)
Rest 10 20 30
(6.6 km/h)
(7.5 km/h)
Figure 4 Lactate concentration during the 30 minute walking trials at
70%, 80%, and 90% of the maximal velocity obtained in the incremental
treadmill walking test (V
, and V
). Values are mean (SD) (n =
16). ***Significantly different from V
and V
(p,0.001), ,
significantly different from V
(p,0.01, p,0.001 respectively).
What is already known on this topic
Data on appropriate training intensities for walking
vary in the literature, and published test procedures
only partly allow training recommendations to be
Approaches using an incremental treadmill walking
test (ITWT) as the basis for individual training
recommendations are rare
What this study adds
An ITWT is applicable for deriving individual intensity
recommendations for walking training
The most promising intensity is 80% of the maximal
velocity reached during ITWT
66 Schwarz,Urhausen,Schwarz,etal
of V˙O
MAX. Also, the 70% walking endurance performance
was subjectively perceived as too low (‘‘very easy’’) and V
was too intense and described as ‘‘very difficult’’.
Furthermore, orthopaedic problems occurred during the
highest exercise intensity, mainly with pretibial muscles, as
in earlier studies with recreational athletes.
22 23
symptoms in most cases disappeared quickly after exercise,
straining beyond the pain limit should be avoided, as
irreversible damage such as neurological disorders and
muscle necroses has been described.
24 25
In conclusion, an ITWT is appropriate for deriving
individual intensity recommendations for walking training.
The most promising intensity is 80% of the maximal velocity
reached during ITWT.
Authors’ affiliations
M Schwarz, L Schwarz, T Meyer, W Kindermann, Institute of Sports and
Preventive Medicine, University of Saarland, Saarbru¨cken, Germany
A Urhausen, Centre de l’ Appareil Locomoteur, de Medicine du Sport et
de Pre´vention, Luxembourg
Competing interests: none declared
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Cardiocirculatory and metabolic responses at different walking intensities 67
... Exercise intensity was described relative to maximum heart rate (% HR max ) and additionally expressed as MET values calculated by mean heart rate increase over rest (net heart rate), which has already been shown to be a valid method (formula: MET 5 1.265780 1 0.109479 net heart rate) for middle-aged and older people regularly participating in walking programs. 8 After each half of WF and WA, subjects were asked to assess their RPE on a 15-point scale (Borg scale [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20]. 9 To determine the musculoskeletal pain perception, a 100-mm visual analog scale (VAS, 0 5 no pain, 100 5 worst pain imaginable) was used before and immediately, 24, 48, and 72 hours after WF and WA. ...
... Regular intake of medication is presented separately (see Supplemental Digital Content 1, 13 The mean RPE during WF (12.1 6 2.7 [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]) and WA (11.9 6 3.0 [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]) was between "light" and "somewhat hard" and did not differ (P 5 0.63). The allocation of the 18 subjects to different levels of exercise intensity based on their mean values for HR max , heart rate reserve, MET, and RPE during WF and WA is presented in Table 2. 15 The time subjects exercised at 4 different exercise intensity levels (,70%HR max , 70-79%HR max , 80-89%HR max and $90% HR max ) did not show an interaction (P 5 0.71) with the exercise mode (WF vs WA). ...
... Regular intake of medication is presented separately (see Supplemental Digital Content 1, 13 The mean RPE during WF (12.1 6 2.7 [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]) and WA (11.9 6 3.0 [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17]) was between "light" and "somewhat hard" and did not differ (P 5 0.63). The allocation of the 18 subjects to different levels of exercise intensity based on their mean values for HR max , heart rate reserve, MET, and RPE during WF and WA is presented in Table 2. 15 The time subjects exercised at 4 different exercise intensity levels (,70%HR max , 70-79%HR max , 80-89%HR max and $90% HR max ) did not show an interaction (P 5 0.71) with the exercise mode (WF vs WA). ...
Objective To compare the exercise intensity of walking football (WF) with walking (WA) and to describe specific movement characteristics of WF. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting Sports facilities Saarland University, Germany. Patients Eighteen patients with cardiovascular risk factors CVRFs and diseases (13 men and 5 women, age: 69 ± 10 years). Independent variables Patients completed a WF match and WA session of 2 x 10 min each. Video analysis was used to characterize movements during WF. Main Outcome Measures Rate of perceived exertion (RPE, Borg Scale 6-20), % maximum heart rate (HR max ), musculoskeletal pain on a visual analog scale (VAS, 1-100 mm) before and up to 72 hours after exercise, and movement patterns during WF. Results The mean RPE during WF (12.1 ± 2.7) and WA (11.9 ± 3.0) did not differ ( P = 0.63). The mean HR during WF (79 ± 12% of HR max ) was higher than during WA (71% ± 11%; P < 0.01). The HR variability coefficient of variation during WF (10.3% ± 5.8%) and WA (7.1 ± 5.5%) did not differ ( P = 0.13). There was no influence of exercise mode (WF vs WA) on musculoskeletal pain perception ( P = 0.96 for interaction). Injury-inciting activities such as lunges (median: 0.5 [interquartile range (IQR) 0-1.3]) and goal kicks (median: 4 [IQR: 1.8-5.3]) occurred rarely during WF. Conclusions Walking football might represent an alternative to WA for health prevention programs in patients with CVRF and diseases as it is characterized by a manageable cardiocirculatory strain, moderate RPE, low pain induction, and a low number of injury-inciting activities.
... Aerobic activities (i.e., walking) are common types of exercise among the older population. Although performing cognitive tasks while exercise like walking is a recommended training option for older groups [17], the intensity of walking often is not enough to provoke adequate metabolic load [18] to improve MQ. However, the metabolic load could be increased by performing high-intensity aerobic exercises or applying blood flow restriction (BFR) to low and moderate-intensity exercises. ...
This study investigated the effects of an eight-week dual-task training with and without blood flow restriction (BFR) on muscle quality (MQ) biomarkers, physical and cognitive functions in older women. Twenty-four healthy volunteers (62.9 ± 3.1years) were randomly assigned into either dual-task (DT), DT with blood flow restriction (DTBFR), or control (C) group. The experimental groups performed cognitive tasks while walked on a treadmill at 45% of heart rate reserve (HRR), 20 min per session, three sessions per week for eight weeks. The cuff pressure for the DTBFR group was 50% of the calculated arterial blood occlusion and was increased by 10% every 2 weeks. Pre and post-training intervention, biomarkers of MQ and cognitive functions, body composition, maximal strength, and psychological status were measured. There was a significant interaction effect on BDNF, CAF, P3NP, body mass, BMI, fat percentage, visceral fat mass, and total fat mass (p<0.05). Furthermore, a significant interaction effect on knee extension, 30-s stand-up test, 6-min walk test, timed up&go test, and QOL was observed. There was a significant effect of time on MMSE, sleep quality, and mood score. These findings suggested that including BFR to DT training result in greater physiological and psychological responses and should be considered a training method to combat undesired changes associated with increasing age.
... Walking is a popular, convenient, and relatively safe form of exercise that holds great promise for weight management programs [3]. Sufficient training effects with little risk of overstrain has been suggested [4]. Walking/locomotion have been established as one form of training for preventive purposes in sports and in rehabilitation settings. ...
... Walking is a popular, convenient, and relatively safe form of exercise that holds great promise for weight management programs [3]. Sufficient training effects with little risk of overstrain has been suggested [4]. Walking/locomotion have been established as one form of training for preventive purposes in sports and in rehabilitation settings. ...
Background Forward and retro locomotion on a treadmill is a common tool for lower extremity rehabilitation in the clinical setting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate effect on anthropometrical body composition adaptations and aerobic performance during forward and retro locomotion training on a treadmill at 10-degree inclinations. Methods A convenience sample of 30 healthy male subjects with mean age of 20.93±2.54 years, participated in the study. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, Forward Locomotion Group (FLG) and Retro Locomotion Group (RLG) (n=15) and performed forward and retro locomotion training on a treadmill at 10-degree inclination respectively for duration of 6 weeks. Study outcomes such as aerobic performance and anthropometrical body composition were measured at pre and post intervention phases. Results Although both FLG and RLG training improved aerobic performance significantly. However, RLG reported a significant improvement as compared to FLG in the above parameters. Whereas, anthropometrical body composition changes are not found to be significant even after 6 weeks of intervention in both groups. Conclusion Both the forward and retro locomotion training improved aerobic performance but not the body composition variables, also retro locomotion training was more effective than forward locomotion in improving aerobic performance.
... Physical activities of moderate intensity, such as walking, jogging, and running can be incorporated into everyday life. Walking has been established as a form of endurance training for injury prevention and has sufficient training effects with little risk of overstrain 3) . Walking is a popular, convenient, and relatively safe form of exercise and also holds great promise for weight management 4) . ...
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Purpose] Forward walking (FW) and backward walking (BW) on a treadmill is a common tool for lower extremity rehabilitation in the clinical setting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects on anaero-bic performance and anthropometrical adaptations during FW and BW on a treadmill. [Subjects and Methods] A convenience sample of thirty healthy male subjects with a mean age of 20.93 ± 2.54 years participated in this study. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, a Forward Walking Group (FWG) (n=15) and a Backward Walking Group (BWG) (n=15), which performed FW and BW on a treadmill at 10° inclination, respectively. The training consisted of three sessions per week for 6 weeks. Study outcomes such as anaerobic performance and anthropometrical body composition were measured at pre-and post-intervention. [Results] Both FW and BW improved anaerobic performance significantly, and the BW group showed better performance than FW. However, changes in anthropometrical body composition were found to be not significant after six weeks of intervention in both the FW and BW groups. [Conclusions] BW training in rehabilitation can be considered more effective than FW at improving anaerobic performance. We also conclude that six weeks of FW and BW training is insufficient for eliciting changes in the body composition.
... Physical activities of moderate intensity, such as walking, jogging, and running can be incorporated into everyday life. Walking has been established as a form of endurance training for injury prevention and has sufficient training ef-fects with little risk of overstrain 3) . Walking is a popular, convenient, and relatively safe form of exercise and also holds great promise for weight management 4) . ...
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[Purpose] Forward walking (FW) and backward walking (BW) on a treadmill is a common tool for lower extremity rehabilitation in the clinical setting. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects on anaerobic performance and anthropometrical adaptations during FW and BW on a treadmill. [Subjects and Methods] A convenience sample of thirty healthy male subjects with a mean age of 20.93 ± 2.54 years participated in this study. Subjects were divided into 2 groups, a Forward Walking Group (FWG) (n=15) and a Backward Walking Group (BWG) (n=15), which performed FW and BW on a treadmill at 10° inclination, respectively. The training consisted of three sessions per week for 6 weeks. Study outcomes such as anaerobic performance and anthropometrical body composition were measured at pre- and post-intervention. [Results] Both FW and BW improved anaerobic performance significantly, and the BW group showed better performance than FW. However, changes in anthropometrical body composition were found to be not significant after six weeks of intervention in both the FW and BW groups. [Conclusions] BW training in rehabilitation can be considered more effective than FW at improving anaerobic performance. We also conclude that six weeks of FW and BW training is insufficient for eliciting changes in the body composition.
... It has been supported by the observation that for a given speed, backward locomotion elicits a greater metabolic demand and cardiopulmonary response than forward locomotion. [22] BW results in the mean EMG activity of the lower extremities over the gait cycle, [23] which suggests a greater level of energy expenditure during BW than FW. In fact, it has been found that, during BW, oxygen consumption and heart rate (HR) are much greater than during matched speed FW, [13,24] suggesting that BW need more metabolic cost and provide more stimulus to maintain fitness of cardiovascular system. ...
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Objective: Walking on a treadmill is a common tool for lower extremity rehabilitation in the clinical setting. Backward walking (BW) shows significant differences with forward walking (FW) and these differences are potentially useful in rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of BW and FW on sports performance variables such as functional strength, balance, aerobic and anaerobic capacities of young healthy adults. Materials and Methods: Totally, 30 young healthy male subjects with a mean age of 26.1 ± 4.3 years participated in this study. Subjects were divided into two groups, forward walking group (FWG) and backward walking group (BWG) (n = 15) and performed forward and backward directions walking on a treadmill at consistent speed and 10% inclination, respectively, for duration of 6 weeks. Study outcomes such as functional strength, balance, aerobic and anaerobic capacities were measured on pre- and post-intervention. Results: The results of the study observed that lower limb functional strength, aerobic and anaerobic capacities were improved with BWG than FWG. However, the static and dynamic balances were showed no significant improvement between both walking groups. Conclusion: Backward walking training has been proved to be effective in improving the lower limb functional strength, aerobic and anaerobic capacities of the normal healthy individuals, whereas the balance components has to be studied in future in an extensive ways in BW.
... -1 jsou námi zjištěné hodnoty nižší než nalezl např. Schwarz (2006) u stejně staré skupiny rekreačních turistů (12 subjektů) při chůzi, což má zřejmě souvislost s výkonnostní úrovní našeho probanda. ...
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Práce se zabývá výsledky pilotního výzkumu, který zjišťuje rozdíly v zatížení u bipedální a kvadrupedální chůze. Šetření bylo zaměřeno na ověření vhodného metodického postupu pro měření širšího vzorku populace, stanovení vhodných rychlostí, potřebných délek měřených úseků a sklonu terénů. Z výsledků vyplynuly základní rozdíly v zatížení mezi oběma typy chůze a možnost srovnání s uznávanými doporučeními pro udržení nebo zlepšení fyzické kondice u běžné populace. Dosažené výsledky případové studie s jedním probandem byly zajímavé zejména z pohledu nárůstu množství rozdílů mezi oběma typy chůze se zvýšením rychlostí a obtížností terénu.
... Physical activities of moderate intensity, such as walking, jogging, and running can be incorporated into everyday life [2]. Endurance training in the form of sufficient walking training with little risk of overstrain has been established for injury prevention [3]. Walking is relatively a safe form of exercise, popular, convenient, and also described method for weight management [4]. ...
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Background: Walking is a popular, convenient, and relatively safe form of exercise. Humans generally learn walking in forward direction with little difficulty, while walking in backward direction is necessary for normal activities of daily living and accommodates the body with different tasks. This study was conducted to compare between forward and backward walking training on peak torque of Quadriceps and Hamstring muscles and their effect on knee proprioception. Methods: Forty non athletic males, with mean age (21.87±1.76) years participated in this study, and were classified into two equal groups. Group (A) walked forward on treadmill while group (B) walked backward three times/week for a total six weeks. They were assessed by using Biodex system 3 to measure the concentric peak torque of Quadriceps and Hamstring muscles at angular velocities 60 and 180°/sec and the knee joint proprioception. The assessment was done twice for every subject (pre-study and after six weeks of gait training). Results: t-test revealed statistical significant increase in peak torque of Quadriceps and Hamstrings muscles in both groups after training at 60 and 180°/sec (p-value < 0.05). There was statistical significant improvement in knee proprioception in group B only p-value was (0.000). Conclusion: Both forward backward walking training improving the peak torque of quadriceps and hamstring muscles, while backward walking is better in improving knee proprioception accuracy.
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The article focuses on the efficient use of time in providing high quality physical education in schools. We explore the research base identifying effective physical education teaching in schools, in terms of academic learning time and other time-related variables in physical education lessons. We compare students’ activity levels in two types of physical education sessions which differ with regards to lesson content (technical lessons and games lessons), and to the educational level in which the sessions are given (three stages of elementary education and high school education). A total of 112 lessons involving ten class groups and 255 elementary and high school students were observed using the Placheck method (Siedentop & Tannehill, 2000). T tests were used to compare the academic learning time engagement levels of technical classes with physical education games classes. In the technical lessons, the students were active 45.6% of the time during the session, while in the games lessons the students were active 53.2% of the time. This difference is significant (p=0.002). These differences were not significant in the sessions taught in the first and second stages of elementary education. We conclude that scope for students to play a lead role in the physical education session is a determining factor in their activity level during the final stage of elementary education and in high school education. It is therefore recommended that physical educators periodically re-examine not only teaching behaviours, class structures and teaching formats, but also the types of activities they include, in order to provide effective teaching and learning environments for their students.
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Bei 14 männlichen Koronarpatienten [Alter: 62±7 Jahre, Gewicht: 78±12 kg, Größe: 171±5 cm, ambulante Herzgruppenteilnahme seit 42±37 Monaten, max. fahrradergometrische Leistungs-fähigkeit 1,9±0,4 Watt/kg Körpergewicht, X±SD] wurde das Verhalten von Herzfrequenz (HF), Blutdruck (RR), Laktat (LA) (enzymatisch bestimmt), freien Plasmakatecholaminen (radio-enzymatisch bestimmt) und Langzeit-EKG beim Federballspiel in Form eines wettkampflosen "Zuspielens" (Z) und eines wettkampforientierten "Punktspiels" (P) über jeweils 2 mal 10 Min. mit 5 Min. Halbzeitpause überprüft. Vor Beginn der Studie erfolgte eine 5wöchige Einführung in die technischen Grundlagen. Zusätzlich wurde unter jeweils gleicher Medikation eine symptomlimitierte stufenweise ansteigende Laufbandergometrie (LB) [Beginn bei 4 km.h-1 Steigerung alle 3 Min. um 1 km.h-1, 0° Steigung] absolviert. Als Bezugspunkt zur Beurteilung der Beanspruchung diente die durch LB ermittelte Trainingsintensitätsvorgabe (TILB) auf der Basis einer oberen Trainings-HF [HF: 115±16 .min-1, LA: 2,4±0,6 mmol.l-1, RR systolisch 162±34 mmHg, Adrenalin (A): 1,277±0,541 nmol.l-1, Noradrenalin (N): 4,923±1,637 nmol.l-1]. Während Z lag die HF signifikant niedriger (Z: 104±13 .min-1), bei P tendenziell höher (P: 120±18 .min-1) als bei TILB mit im Einzelfall deutlichen Überschreitungen der Trainings-HF. Für LA (Z: 2,2±1,2 mmol.l-1, P: 2,5±0,9) und RR (Z: 158±25 mmHg, P: 165±31) bestand kein signifikanter Unterschied zu TILB. Die Katecholamine A (Z: 1,583±1,665 nmo.l-1, P: 1,223±0,617) und N (Z: 4,805±2,955 nmol.l-1, P: 4,793±2,340) zeigten im Mittel einen vergleichbaren Anstieg wie bei TILB, bei allerdings großen individuellen Unterschieden. Überschreitungen der individuellen Trainings-HF gingen mit entsprechenden Auffälligkeiten im Langzeit-EKG einher. Schlußfolgernd scheint Federball in wettkampfloser Form in der ambulanten Bewegungs-therapie mit relativ gut belastbaren Koronarpatienten als Spielform geeignet zu sein. Jedoch kann auch hier, je nach technischem Niveau der Teilnehmer, das exakte Zuspielen eine nicht zu unterschätzende Beanspruchung darstellen. Die im Vergleich zu Z kaum höhere metabo-lische Beanspruchung bei P ist auf das eingeschränkte technische und taktische Vermögen der Patienten zurückzuführen. Die auf dem LB ermittelte Trainings-HF erlaubt auch eine Belastungsdosierung im Federballspiel.
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ACSM Position Stand on The Recommended Quantity and Quality of Exercise for Developing and Maintaining Cardiorespiratory and Muscular Fitness, and Flexibility in Adults. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 975-991, 1998. The combination of frequency, intensity, and duration of chronic exercise has been found to be effective for producing a training effect. The interaction of these factors provide the overload stimulus. In general, the lower the stimulus the lower the training effect, and the greater the stimulus the greater the effect. As a result of specificity of training and the need for maintaining muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility of the major muscle groups, a well-rounded training program including aerobic and resistance training, and flexibility exercises is recommended. Although age in itself is not a limiting factor to exercise training, a more gradual approach in applying the prescription at older ages seems prudent. It has also been shown that aerobic endurance training of fewer than 2 d·wk-1, at less than 40-50% of V˙O2R, and for less than 10 min-1 is generally not a sufficient stimulus for developing and maintaining fitness in healthy adults. Even so, many health benefits from physical activity can be achieved at lower intensities of exercise if frequency and duration of training are increased appropriately. In this regard, physical activity can be accumulated through the day in shorter bouts of 10-min durations. In the interpretation of this position stand, it must be recognized that the recommendations should be used in the context of participant's needs, goals, and initial abilities. In this regard, a sliding scale as to the amount of time allotted and intensity of effort should be carefully gauged for the cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility components of the program. An appropriate warm-up and cool-down period, which would include flexibility exercises, is also recommended. The important factor is to design a program for the individual to provide the proper amount of physical activity to attain maximal benefit at the lowest risk. Emphasis should be placed on factors that result in permanent lifestyle change and encourage a lifetime of physical activity.
This sludy investigated the practicability as well as the cardiocirculatory and metabolic reactions to a strength-endurance circuit training (SET) in gymnasium without machines by members of an outpatient cardiac group. Eleven male normotensive coronary patients (age 53 + 9 years, maximal performance during bicycle ergometry 2.14 + 0.36 W . kg -1 body mass) performed two circles of six exercises of the muscle groups shoulder, arms, back, abdomen and legs. The exercise and recovery period lasted one minute each involving 20 - 30 repetitions per exercise. In addition, the subjects performed a bicycle ergometry (CE) in upright position. Three patients showed ischacmic reactions in the monitoring-ECG, one patient complained of mild angina pectoris, and in one patient frequent ectopic beats were recorded during SET. Heart rate (107 ± 9 beats :min -1), blood pressure (measured immediately after exercise according to Riva-Rocci and thus with limited validity; 144 ±11 / 84 ± 5 mmHg) as well as the plasma concentrations of free epinephrine and norepinephrine were significantly lower during SET compared to the endurance threshold (corresponding to the intensity of the upper training heart rate) in CE (115 ± 11:min -1 and 172 ± 16/ 88 ± 9 mmHg). The blood lactate concentration was higher during SET compared to the endurance threshold in CE (3.00 ± 0.59 versus 2.74 ± 0.25 mmol-l -1). The heart rate as well as the concentrations of lactate, epinephrine and norepinephrine increased progressively during SET. The subjective rating of perceived exertion did not correspond to the actual cardiac strain. It is concluded that if certain prerequisites are met, an individually controlled and supervised strength-endurance circuit training can be a suitable training modus in addition to the usual cardiac rehabilitation program in normotensive patients of the outpatient heart group.
We compared the metabolic and cardio circulatory strain during Walking and Jogging under consideration of the individual training conditions. Besides, we examined whether intensity recommendations on the basis of heart rates (HR) measured during a Cycle Ergometry (CE) are also suitable for a Walking-training. 11 health athletes (HA) [maximal performance (P max): 2,7 ± 0,6 W·kg -1] and 13 leisure time athletes (LA) [P max: 4,5 ± 0,6 W·kg -1] performed first of all an incremental graded CE. Furthermore, all subjects performed exhaustive field step tests both in Walking and in Jogging to determine the individual anaerobic threshold (IAT). During Walking both HR max (10% in LA and 7% in HA) and Laktat max (43% in LA and 32% in HA) were lower than during Jogging. HR at the IAT was also 19 to 17% lower during Walking if compared to Jogging. Mean HR at the IAT Walkig corresponded both in HA and in LA to mean HR at the IAT CE, however, individual differences up to 17 min -1 have to be considered. Although the cardio circulatoric and metabolic strain of Walking is both at maximum and at the IAT lower if compared to Jogging, the IAT of all HA and 11 LA reaches an effective range above of 65% of HR max. HR lat of Walking and CE are similar. When calculating walking training heart rates from CE, clear individual discrepancies have to be considered.
Objective. —We studied whether the quantity and quality of walking necessary to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease among women differed substantially from that required to improve cardiorespiratory fitness.