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BioModels Database: a free, centralized database of
curated, published, quantitative kinetic models of
biochemical and cellular systems
Nicolas Le Nove
`re*, Benjamin Bornstein
, Alexander Broicher, Me
´lanie Courtot,
Marco Donizelli, Harish Dharuri
, Lu Li, Herbert Sauro
, Maria Schilstra
Bruce Shapiro
, Jacky L. Snoep
and Michael Hucka
European Bioinformatics Institute, EMBL Wellcome-Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, CB10 1SD, UK,
Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA,
Keck Graduate Institute, 535 Watson Drive,
Claremont, CA 91711, USA,
STRI, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Herts AL10 9AB, UK,
Department of
Biochemistry, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa and
Control and Dynamical
Systems, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Received July 29, 2005; Revised October 4, 2005; Accepted October 16, 2005
BioModels Database (
biomodels/), part of the international initiative, provides access to published, peer-
reviewed, quantitative models of biochemical and
cellular systems. Each model is carefully curated
to verify that it corresponds to the reference publica-
tion and gives the proper numerical results. Curators
also annotate the components of the models with
terms from controlled vocabularies and links to
other relevant data resources. This allows the users
to search accurately for the models they need. The
models can currently be retrieved in the SBML format,
and import/export facilities are being developed to
extend the spectrum of formats supported by the
The number of quantitative models trying to explain various
aspects of the cellular machinery is increasing at a steady pace,
thanks in part to the rising popularity of systems biology (1).
However, as for all types of knowledge, such models will only
be as useful as their access and reuse is easy for all scientists.
A first step was to define standard descriptions to encode
quantitative models in machine-readable formats. Example
of such formats are CellML (2) and the Systems Biology
Markup Language (SBML) (3,4). The biomedical community
now needs public integrated resources, where authors can
deposit, in controlled formats, the models they describe in
scientific publications.
Some general repositories of quantitative models have been
made available, such as the CellML repository CellML repos-
itory [(5),
html] JWS Online (6) and the former SBML repository. In
addition specialist repositories include SenseLab ModelDB
(7), the Database of Quantitative Cellular Signalling
(DOCQS) (8) and SigPath (9). However no general public
resource existed that allowed the user to browse, search and
retrieve annotated models
Here we present BioModels Database, developed as part of
the initiative ( is a collaboration between the SBML Team
(USA), the EMBL-EBI (UK), the Systems Biology Group
of the Keck Graduate Institute (USA), the Systems Biology
Institute (Japan) and JWS Online at Stellenbosch University
(South Africa). Its aims are as follows: (i) to define agreed-
upon standards for model curation, (ii) to define agreed-upon
vocabularies for annotating models with connections to bio-
logical data resources and (iii) to provide a free, centralized,
publicly accessible database of annotated, computational
models in SBML and other structured formats.
BioModels Database is an annotated resource of quantitative
models of biomedical interest. Models are carefully curated to
verify their correspondence to their source articles. They are
also extensively annotated, with (i) terms from controlled
vocabularies, such as disease codes and Gene Ontology terms
and (ii) links to other data resources, such as sequence or path-
way databases. Researchers in the biomedical and life science
communities can then search and retrieve models related to a
particular disease, biological process or molecular complex.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel: +44 1223 494521; Fax: +44 1223 494468; Email:
The Author 2006. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved.
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Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, Vol. 34, Database issue D689–D691
Models can be submitted by anyone to the curation pipeline of
the database (Figure 1). At present, BioModels Database aims
to store and annotate models that can be encoded with SBML.
CellML models are also accepted. These model formats are
synonymous with models that can be integrated or iterated
forwards in time, such as ordinary differential equation mod-
els. Although we are aware that this means we can cover only a
restricted part of the modeling field, we make this our initial
focus for the following reason: (i) since a crucial part of the
curation process is the verification that the models produce
numerical results similar to the ones described in the reference
article, iterative simulations over ranges of parameter values
and perturbation of simulations at equilibrium are mandatory
and (ii) a very large number of such models have already been
published, and the pace of their publication is increasing stead-
ily. As a consequence, they are sufficient to consume all the
curation workforce we have, and we can envision to gather in
the near future.
To be accepted in BioModels Database, a model must be
compliant with MIRIAM, the Minimal Information Requested
in the Annotation of Models (10). One of the requirements of
MIRIAM is that a model has to be associated with a reference
description that provides directly, or through references, the
structure of the model, the necessary quantitative parameters
and presents the results of numerical analysis of the model.
BioModels Database further refines the notion of reference
description, by considering only models described in the
peer-reviewed scientific litterature.
A series of automated tasks are performed by the pipeline
prior to human intervention (see Materials and Methods for
Verification that the file is well-formed XML.
If necessary, conversion to the latest version of SBML.
Verification of the syntax of SBML.
Series of consistency checks, enforcing the validity of the
If any of those steps is not completed, a member of the
distributed team of curators can reject the model, or instead
correct it and resubmit it to the pipeline. The last and most
important step, of the curation process, is verifying that when
instantiated in a simulation, the model provides results cor-
responding to the reference scientific article. Curators do not
normally challenge the biological relevance of the models, and
assume the peer-review process already filtered out unsuitable
contributions. However, in specific cases, curators can spot
mistakes in an article and, with the agreement of the authors,
modify the model accordingly. Once the model is verified to
be valid SBML, and to correspond well to the article, it is
accepted in the production database for annotation.
In order to be confident in reusing an encoded model, one
should be able to trace its origin, and the people who were
involved in its inception. The following information is there-
fore added to the model: (i) either a PubMed identifier (http:// or a DOI ( or an URL
that permits identifying the peer-review article describing the
model; (ii) name and contact details of the individuals who
actually contributed to the encoding of the model in its present
form; (iii) name and contact of the the person who finally
entered the model in the production database and who should
be contacted if there is a problem with the encoding of the
model or the annotation.
In addition, model components are annotated with refer-
ences to relevant resources, such as terms from controled
vocabularies (Taxonomy, Gene Ontology, ChEBI, etc.) and
links to other databases (UniProt, KEGG, Reactome, etc.).
This annotation is a crucial feature of BioModels Data-
base in that it permits the unambiguous identification of
molecular species or reactions and enables effective search
The thorough annotation of models allows a triple search
strategy to be run in order to retrieve models of interest
(Figure 2).
The models converted to SBML are stored directly in an
XML native database (Xindice,,
enabling those models and/or their components to be retrieved
based on the content of their elements and attributes (using
XPath, For instance, the user
can search for a given string of characters in the id, name and
notes elements of each model component.
Models can be retrieved by searching the annotation data-
base directly, using SQL. Although this search is quick, it
requires knowing the exact identifiers used by curators to
annotate a model and relate it to third party resources, such
as UniProt accession, Gene Ontology Term ID, etc.
We, therefore, implemented a more advanced search sys-
tem. A user can actually search third party resources directly,
such as PubMed, Gene Ontology and UniProt, for instance
with literal text matching. The search system retrieves the
relevant identifiers and then searches BioModels Database
for the models annotated with those identifiers. As a con-
sequence, the user can retrieve all the models dealing with
‘cell cycle’ or ‘MAPK’, without having to type ‘GO:0007049’
or ‘P27361’.
Several searches of any of the three types can also be run in
parallel, the results being thereafter combined with boolean
Figure 1. Pipeline describing the structure of BioModels database.
D690 Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, Vol. 34, Database issue
Once retrieved, the models of interest can be downloaded in
SBML Level 2 format. A number of export filters are under
development to provide the models in a wider range of
BioModels Database is copyrighted by The BioModels
Team, i.e. the set of individuals developing the resource. How-
ever, the copyright on the database does not imply copyright of
the original models in BioModels Database. Each individual
model retains the copyright assigned by both the creator(s) of
the model and the author(s) of the reference publication. Users
may distribute verbatim copies of the entire content of Bio-
Models Database, including the models and their annotations,
or a subset of the models. Users may also modify any of the
models in any way, provided that at least one of the following
condition is fulfilled:
The modified model is used only within the user’s
The modifications are placed in the Public Domain, or other-
wise made Freely Available by allowing the Copyright
Holders of the model to include the modifications in the
standard version of the model.
The modified model is renamed, and both BioModels
Database identifier and any mention of the Copyright Holders
of the model is removed.
Other distribution arrangements are made directly with the
Copyright Holders of the model(s) in question.
This restricted license has been rendered necessary by the
specific nature of the data distributed by BioModels Database.
If a user of BioModels Database downloads a kinetics model
and modifies it, the resulting model could be meaningless, or
even worse, exhibits a behaviour completely different of what
was initially meant by the authors and the creators. Therefore,
we thought that the best compromise was to let complete
freedom of reuse and modification, providing that BioModels
Database is not associated with any modification.
Although BioModels Database is a very recent resource, it has
already gained momentum thanks to the support of the SBML
community, which has started to submit models, and major
scientific publishing actors such as Nature Publishing Group,
which has publicized the launch of the database. The growth
of BioModels Database is currently limited, by the size of the
curation workforce, to only a dozen new models a month. We
expect that the existence of this public resource will contribute
to an improvement in the quality of the models published by
establishing an additional process for evaluating those models.
The increase in quality and the continuously improved support
of SBML by modelling tools should increase the speed of
curation. Meanwhile, we will continue to improve the search
and retrieval facilities, and support more export formats, so
that users can directy use the models contained in the database
even in non-SBML compliant tools.
Authors thank G. Bard Ermentrout, Sarah Keating, Joanne
Matthews and Nicolas Rodriguez for sharing their code.
Funding to pay the Open Access publication charges for this
article was provided by EMBL.
Conflict of interest statement. None declared.
1. Kitano,H. (2005) International alliances for quantitative modeling in
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9. Campagne,F., Neves,S., Chang,C.W., Skrabanek,L., Ram,P.T.,
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10. Le Nove
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Figure 2. Schema representing the cascading search strategy. The result is a list
of BioModels entries.
Nucleic Acids Research, 2006, Vol. 34, Database issue D691