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Y. Shabo et al.
• Vol 7 • December 2005
Historically, camel milk has been used for a number of medi-
cal problems [1,2]. Various foods can cause allergies, especially
consumption of ruminant milk and milk products. Some food
allergies are severe and can result in anaphylactic reactions. It
has been noted that there are basically three different types of
allergic reactions. The first type is an immediate reaction, i.e.,
within 45 minutes of drinking cow milk, and includes urticaria,
angioedema and possibly a true anaphylactic reaction. The sec-
ond type occurs between 45 minutes and 20 hours and mani-
fests as pallor, vomiting and diarrhea. The third type may take
longer than 20 hours and consists of mixed reactions involving
the skin, respiratory tract, and gut.
Anaphylaxis is a sudden, severe, potentially fatal, systemic
allergic reaction that can involve various areas of the body
(such as the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, car-
diovascular system). Symptoms occur within minutes to 2 hours
after contact with the allergy-causing substance, but in rare
instances may occur up to 4 hours later. Anaphylactic reactions
can be mild to life-threatening. In the United States the annual
incidence of anaphylactic reactions is about 30 per 100,000 per-
sons, and individuals with asthma, eczema, or hay fever are at
relatively greater risk of experiencing anaphylaxis. Allergies in
general are associated with reduced immunologic protection.
The use of camel (Camelus dromedarius) milk for food-aller-
gic children seems a bizarre idea and is usually met with the
comment: “if the child is allergic to milk how can you suggest
camel milk?” In fact, the camel is not a ruminant, although it
ruminates, but is a Tylopode. Camel milk composition is vastly
different from that of ruminants [2,3], as is their physiology [4].
Camel milk contains little fat (2%); this fat consists mainly of
polyunsaturated fatty acids that are completely homogenized
and gives the milk a smooth white appearance. Lactose is
present in concentrations of 4.8%, but this milk sugar is easily
metabolized by persons suffering from lactose intolerance [5].
The proteins of camel milk are the decisive components for pre
venting and curing food allergies because camel milk contains
no beta-lactoglobulin [6] and a different beta-casein [7] – the
two components in cow milk that are responsible for allergies.
Camel milk contains a number of immunoglobulins that are
compatible with human ones. Camel milk is also rich in vitamin
C, calcium and iron [3].
Patients and Methods
The parents of eight children suffering from severe food aller-
gies who did not respond to conventional treatments asked for
advice regarding camel milk for their children. The ages of the
children ranged from 4 months to 10 years. All suffered from
severe allergic reactions. The most prominent symptom was
diarrhea and vomiting after eating. Other accompanying symp-
toms were skin rashes, lactase deficiency, chemical imbalance,
and asthma symptoms. While all had food allergies, milk aller-
gies were common to all. The children were followed for about
30 days.
One child, 4 months old, was taken home from hospital be-
cause of the lack of improvement and was losing blood and liq-
uid in constant diarrhea. Another, a young girl from the United
States, was extremely allergic to all but a few foods. Any food
containing milk immediately caused an anaphylactic reaction.
All the parents agreed to feed their children with camel milk
under strict daily supervision (contact by phone) in order to
maintain or change the initial regimen.
Camel milk was obtained by the families from a source that
was considered hygienic. The parents were instructed not to
heat the milk, which would destroy the immunoglobulins and
protective proteins.
Based on our experience, we determined the amount of milk
and times of drinking according to the child’s age and the se-
verity of symptoms [3]. Milk was supplied frozen and a bottle
Background: Food allergies in children are often very serious
and can lead to anaphylactic reactions. Observations that camel
milk ameliorates allergic reactions were noted over the years. The
effect of camel milk is probably related to its special composition.
Objectives: To investigate the effect of camel milk in several
children with severe food (mainly milk) allergies.
Methods: We studied eight children with food allergies who
did not benefit from conventional treatment. Their parents, or their
physicians, decided to try camel milk as a last resort. The parents
were advised by the authors – who have considerable experience
with the use of camel milk – regarding how much and when the
children should drink the milk. The parents reported daily on the
progress of their children.
Results: All eight children in this study reacted well to the milk
and recovered fully from their allergies.
Conclusions: These encouraging results should be validated
by large-scale clinical trials.
IMAJ 2005;7:796–798
Camel Milk for Food Allergies in Children
Yosef Shabo MD
, Reuben Barzel MD
, Mark Margoulis MD
and Reuven Yagil DVM
Departments of
Family Medicine and
Physiology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Department of Natural Medicine, Maccabi Health Services, Beer Sheva, Israel
Nutrition Unit, Soroka University Hospital, Beer Sheva, Israel
Key words: immunoglobulin, protective proteins, allergens, dromedary, nutrition
Immunology and Allergies
• Vol 7 • December 2005
Food Allergies and Camel Milk
was thawed as needed (without adverse effects on the milk,
which returns to its initial solution). The milk replaced all other
foods for 2 weeks, after which other food was gradually added
to the diet as chosen by the parents.
Within 24 hours of starting to drink the milk all the children
showed diminished symptoms. Within 4 days all symptoms had
disappeared. No recurrence of the allergic reactions was re-
ported. Most parents continued giving their children camel milk
for another month.
The child from the U.S. returned home after 2 weeks, with
no allergic reaction to camel milk and able to eat food to which
she had previously been allergic. Treatment was halted because
camel milk could not be imported to America. It appears that
she remained healthy and stable after returning home.
The 4 month old infant suffered from ear infections with
oozing pus 2 months after ceasing to drink camel milk. No
treatment was effective, including a number of surgical inter-
ventions. After drinking camel milk again, the child was healed
within 48 hours.
One child said her legs felt heavier, and in fact she was
heavier, suggesting a rapid increase in bone calcium, an ob-
servation in osteoporotic women who drink the milk (R. Yagil,
personal observation).
A young girl who showed severe reactions to cow milk, even
in minute amounts, consumed the camel milk without prob-
In all eight cases the results of drinking camel milk were spec-
tacular compared to conventional treatments – a rapid improve-
ment in the children’s health, followed later by an ability to
digest other foods. The healing effect of drinking camel milk
has also been found in other diseases associated with the im-
mune system, including autism [8]. In many Arab countries it is
common practice, even today, to give camel milk to children to
strengthen their immune system, without knowing how it works.
The effect of camel milk on food allergies is based on the
fact that it does not contain allergens that are so potent in
cow milk. There is no beta-lactoglobulin [6,7] and another beta-
casein is present [7]. Another pertinent fact is that the compo-
nents of camel milk include immunoglobulins similar to those
in mothers’ milk, which reduce children’s allergic reactions and
strengthen their future response to foods.
The importance of camel milk for treating food allergies
in children is therefore found in its non-allergenic properties
and the child’s immunologic rehabilitation. Clinical immunol-
ogy takes the approach that allergy and autoimmune disease
are the two major categories of hypersensitivity disease. If the
term “food allergy” refers to all interactions between molecules
derived from the food supply and the immune system, then
many hypersensitivity disorders fall into the category of food
allergy. How strongly and rapidly the immune system develops
and whether it is challenged at a young age would also be con-
tributing factors. “Milk protein allergy” is an allergic reaction to
proteins commonly found in cow milk. It is caused by the im-
mune system reacting to the protein in the milk as a threat to
the body, thus activating the immune system, just as it would
to a foreign virus or poison. Most people with allergies produce
immunoglobulin E antibodies.
In vitro tests have shown that camel milk reduces anti-immu-
noglobulins in the blood (Y. Brenner, personal communication).
In 1992 Hamers-Casterman et al. [10] described the remarkable
immune system of the camel, which is different from that of
all other mammals. IgG2 and IgG3 (inherent in camels) consist
of only two heavy chains. There are no light chains. There is a
single V domain (VHH) [11]. Camel VHH has a long comple-
mentary determining region (CDR3) loop, compensating for
absence of the VL [12]. Conventional antibodies rarely exert a
complete neutralizing activity against enzyme antigens. Camel
IgG has full neutralizing activity even against the tetanus toxin
as it enters the enzyme structure. Camel hypervariable regions
have increased the repertoire of antigen binding sites [12].
Camel VHH domains are better suited to enzyme inhibitors
than human antibody fragments [11]. As viral enzymes play
a key role in triggering diseases, their neutralization would
prevent their replication. A camel variable domain antibody
fraction is a potent and selective inhibitor of the hepatitis C
enzyme system [13].
A major flaw in the development of immunotherapy is the
size of the antibodies. Larger antibodies cannot reach their
target. The camel’s antibodies have the same antigen affin-
ity as human antibodies but are ten times smaller [14]. The
above pertains to examinations of camel blood; however,
these immunoglobulins and antibodies pass into the milk
and, as they are small, enter the bloodstream via the intes-
tines. There are many “protective proteins” in camel milk that
exert immunologic, bactericidal and viricidal properties [15].
The most prominent of these are lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase,
NAGase and PGRP.
The only obstacle preventing greater use of camel milk for
treatment is pasteurization. On the one hand the Ministry of
Health demands the pasteurization of all milk (even if camel
milk is not mentioned in the list of milk-producing animals)
while, on the other, heating or pasteurization will destroy all
immunoglobulins and other protective proteins, mainly bacterial
enzymes. If the regulation is enforced that camel milk must be
pasteurized because it contains more bacteria than the allowed
maximum, then milk products violating this regulation should
also be removed from the market. This includes Actimel® (a
probiotic active drink containing Lactobacillus casei defensis “friend-
ly” bacteria), as there is no such thing as “good bacteria” but
either pathogens or non-pathogens. Since Actimel® contains
non-pathogens, microbiologic testing could show that the same
applies to camel milk as well. It must be noted that pasteurized
camel milk still retains its low fat, non-allergenic proteins and
digestible lactose.
Ig = immunoglobulin
Immunology and Allergies
Y. Shabo et al.
• Vol 7 • December 2005
It appears that camel milk has a positive effect in children with
severe food allergies. The reactions are rapid and long lasting.
Much research still needs to be done on the healing effects of
the milk. We are preparing a research program to be submitted
to the Helsinki Committee for permission to carry out clinical
Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to the Benny Slome
Charitable Foundation and ICA in Israel for supporting the camel
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8. Shabo Y, Yagil R. Behavioral improvement of autistic children fol-
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11. Riechmann L, Muyldermans S. Single-domain antibodies: compar-
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14. Jassim SAA, Naji MA. Camel immune system and activity of milk.
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Correspondence: Dr. R. Yagil, 14 Bar-Kochba Street, Beer Sheva
84231, Israel.
Phone: (972-8) 627-3155
Fax: (972-8) 627-3155
The host cells’ characteristics that allow for microbial invasion
and residence are less well defined than the virulence factors
that allow microbe entry. Using a genome-wide screening
approach, Philips et al. (Science 2005;309:1251) identified host
factors required for infection by Mycobacterium fortuitum, which
divides within vacuoles. Factors fell into two main categories:
those that generally affect phagocytosis (the process by which
cells engulf extracellular particles) and those that cause a
specific defect in mycobacterial uptake or growth. A Drosophila
member of the CD36 family of scavenger receptors was specifi-
cally required for the uptake of Mycobacteria. Using a similar
approach, Agaisse et al. (p. 1248, published online 14 July
2005) identified host factors that affect intracellular infection
by Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterial pathogen that escapes from
phagocytic vacuoles and replicates within the cytosol of host
cells. Several phenotypes were observed, including decreases in
the percentage of host cells infected, alterations of intracellular
growth rates, and changes in subcellular location of bacteria.
The identified host factors spanned a wide range of cellular
functions. Comparing the two studies revealed host factors
that specifically affect access to the cytosol by L. monocytogenes
and host pathways that are differentially required for intracel-
lular infection by a cytosolic versus a vacuolar intracellular
bacterial pathogen.
Eitan Israeli
C a psul e
Host factors required for microbial residence
No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same
Heraclitus (540-470 BC), Greek philosopher
Immunology and Allergies