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86 Psychosomatics 47:1, January-February 2006
Neurological and
Psychopathological Sequelae
Associated With a Lifetime
Intake of 40,000 Ecstasy
: The medical and psy-
chopathological consequences of both
acute and chronic “ecstasy” (MDMA,
MDA, and derivatives) consumption
have been extensively described, but
little is known with respect to the re-
lationship between both severity and
persistence of these disturbances and
lifetime number of ecstasy tablets in-
gested. At-risk MDMA intake seems to
be related to long-term functional dys-
regulation in 5-HT
pathways, result-
ing in altered regulation of mood, im-
pulse control, and memory.
consumption has spread since the late
‘80s, and the reduction in price ob-
served over the last few years has pos-
sibly increased access to the drug. Cli-
nicians are now meeting with a
generation of patients who have been
exposed to the drug for more than a de-
cade. In this report, we describe both
the transient and persisting sequelae as-
sociated with an unusual amount of ec-
stasy consumption.
Case Report
Mr. A, 37 years old, used ecstasy be-
tween the ages of 21 and 30. For the
first 2 years, he took 5 tablets every
weekend, escalating to an average daily
use of 3.5 tablets for the next 3 years,
and further escalation to an average of
25 tablets daily over the next 4 years.
An estimate of lifetime consumption
yielded a total intake of more than
40,000 tablets. At the time of his pre-
sentation, Mr. A reported current can-
nabis consumption, together with a pre-
vious history of polydrug misuse (i.e.,
solvents, benzodiazepines, ampheta-
mines, LSD, cocaine, heroin). After
three episodes of “collapsing” at par-
ties, Mr. A finally stopped his ecstasy
use. For a few months, he felt as if he
was still under the influence of ecstasy
and suffered several episodes of “tun-
nel vision.” He eventually developed
severe panic attacks, recurrent anxiety,
depression, muscle rigidity (particu-
larly at the neck and jaw levels), func-
tional hallucinations, and paranoid ide-
ation. His family and before-drug-use
psychiatric history were negative. The
Mini-Mental State Exam revealed dis-
orientation to time, poor concentration,
and short-term memory difficulties.
Decrease in level of cannabis intake led
both to disappearance of his paranoid
ideas and hallucinations and reduction
of his panic attacks, but remaining
symptomatology persisted. Adminis-
tration of the Wechsler Memory Scale
(3rd Edition)
suggested the existence
of global memory-function impair-
ment, with no subtest score being
above the 10th percentile. Assessment
of daily functioning skills identified
major behavioral consequences of his
memory loss (i.e., repeating activities
several times). Although Mr. A was
able to fully understand the instructions
given, his concentration and attention
were so impaired that he was unable to
follow the sequence of the tasks re-
quired. A structural MRI brain scan re-
vealed no focal cerebral lesions; spe-
cifically, both temporal lobes showed
normal symmetrical hippocampal ar-
eas. The structural areas of the “Dealy-
Brion” system were normal. There was
no evidence to suggest atrophy. Mr. A
was then prescribed olanzapine 10 mg
and admitted to a brain-injury unit,
where there was some improvement of
his memory skills as a result of the use
of compensatory strategies.
To our knowledge, this is the largest
amount of ecstasy lifetime consump-
tion ever described, the heaviest life-
time intake previously reported being
around 2,000 tablets.
Although much
information is self-reported and might
have been affected by Mr. A’s memory
impairment, the history given was con-
firmed by notes from another service he
attended just after having stopped ec-
stasy use.
All ecstasy misusers would de-
velop a (mild-degree, in most cases) se-
rotonin syndrome after acute drug in-
take, which is characterized by
enhanced physical activity, hyperther-
mia and sweating, increased muscle ri-
gidity, rhabdomyolysis, hyperreflexia,
trismus, jaw-clenching, myoclonus,
tremor, and nystagmus.
An additional,
non-serotonergic mechanism of
MDMA activity at the neuromuscular
junction-level has recently been sug-
Although these observations
relate to acute MDMA intoxication ef-
fects, they might partly explain the per-
sistent muscle rigidity of which Mr. A
was complaining. The “tunnel vision”
effect observed by Mr. A in the first few
months after withdrawing from
MDMA had never been reported before
in this context. The neurocognitive pro-
file here described was very similar to
that shown by current heavy ecstasy
users; it has been suggested that the ex-
tent of memory decline positively cor-
relates with intensity or frequency of
ecstasy consumption.
It is also con-
firmed here that selective impairments
of neuropsychological performance as-
sociated with regular ecstasy use are
not reversed by prolonged abstinence.
Psychosomatics 47:1, January-February 2006 87
Contrary to results of other neuroim-
aging observations,
Mr. A’s brain scan
did not show any gross cerebral abnor-
malities, especially at the hippocampal
We feel that this case report adds
to the existing limited knowledge of
persistent sequelae associated with
heavy and regular ecstasy intake.
Mr. A gave consent to his history
being reported to a medical journal.
Christos Kouimtsidis
Fabrizio Schifano,
University of London, UK
Tim Sharp, Watford, UK
Lisa Ford
Justin Robinson
Colm Magee, Slippers Hill, UK
1. Green AR, Cross AJ, Goodwin GM:
Review of the pharmacology and clinical
pharmacology of 3,4-
(MDMA or “ecstasy”). Psychopharmacol
(Berl) 1995; 119:247–260
2. Schifano F, Di Furia L, Forza G, et al:
MDMA (“ecstasy”) consumption in the
context of poly-drug abuse: a report on
150 patients. Drug Alcohol Depend
1998; 52:85–90
3. Wechsler D (ed): Wechsler Memory
Scale; 3rd Edition. London, UK, The
Psychological Corporation, Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich and Company, 1997
4. Schifano F: A bitter pill? overview of
ecstasy (MDMA; MDA)-related fatalities.
Psychopharmacol (Berl) 2004; 173:242–
5. Sparks GM, Dasari S, Cooper RL:
Actions of MDMA at glutamatergic
neuromuscular junctions. Neurosci Res
2004; 48:431–438
6. Zakzanis KK, Young DA: Memory
impairment in abstinent MDMA
(“ecstasy”) users: a longitudinal
investigation. Neurology 2001; 56:966–
7. Cowan RL, Lyoo IK, Sung SM, et al:
Reduced cortical gray-matter density in
human MDMA (ecstasy) users: a voxel-
based morphometry study. Drug Alcohol
Depend 2003; 72:225–235
Parental Magico-Religious
Illness Beliefs in an
Adolescent Girl With Major
Depression and Systemic
Lupus Erythematosus
: We report the case of
a 15-year-old girl with major depres-
sion, which occurred in the course of
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
We choose here to describe how the un-
derstanding of her parents’ illness be-
liefs has been of therapeutic support in
the psychiatric follow-up. Actually,
many aspects of psychiatry, as diag-
nosis, illness behavior, help-seeking,
and perceived quality of care, are af-
fected by illness beliefs.
This is why
medical anthropology and transcultural
psychiatry encourage understanding of
patients’ own illness experiences.
Case Report
Ms. A was born in France, near Paris.
She lived with her parents who were
Muslim and came from Algeria, having
left 20 years ago. She had two older
brothers. A younger sister died at the
age of 3 months from a cardiac mal-
formation when Ms. A was 8 years old.
Her oldest brother has had non-Hodg-
kin’s lymphoma, in remission for 3
years. Her SLE was diagnosed 2 years
ago, but began at the age of 10 with a
malar rash and arthritis. The treatment,
with a favorable outcome, consisted of
hydroxychloroquine and prednisone,
10 mg/day.
When she was referred to consul-
tation–liaison psychiatry, Ms. A was
troubled by feelings of sadness, insom-
nia, and worthlessness, without sui-
cidal intent. These symptoms of major
depression (by DSM–IV) had appeared
several weeks earlier. There was no
evidence of SLE activity or neurolog-
ical symptoms. Ms. A had no history
of psychiatric disorders. The outpatient
psychiatric follow-up, with a favorable
outcome, lasted for 11⁄
years and in-
cluded individual psychotherapy and
psychiatric consultation with her fam-
ily in our transcultural psychiatric
Her parents had cultural explana-
tions that coexisted with biomedical
meanings. Ms. A and her parents had
been invited to a wedding in Algeria
when she was 14. According to them,
the malar rash might be interpreted as
make-up by the bride’s parents. Ms. A
might be perceived as a possible rival
to the bride, and someone could have
thrown the evil eye on Ms. A and her
family in order to neutralize her and
protect the bride. Another cultural ex-
planation was sorcery. Her mother had
asked herself whether the spirit of Ms.
A’s younger sister, who had died of car-
diac malformation, could be in Ms. A’s
body. Despite these magico-religious
beliefs, no traditional help-seeking ex-
periences were described. Ms. A dis-
agreed with her parents’ representa-
tions, but she was sensitive to the
possible role of her sister’s death.
This case illustrates how, in consulta-
tion–liaison psychiatry, it is essential to
understand patients’ own illness expe-
rience, especially in immigrants or in
immigrants’ children.
The most ap-
parent symptom of the disease, the ma-
lar rash, supported the construction of
one of the parental explanations, the
evil eye. Taking into account those
ideas and the family conflicts around
the important position of Ms. A in the
series of family misfortunes (the
younger sister’s death, the brother’s
lymphoma, and the SLE) was a major
issue for psychiatric treatment and was
accompanied by progressively more
flexibility and a wider range of parental
beliefs. The transcultural setting, a