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In vitro and in vivo MMP gene expression localisation by In Situ-RT-PCR in cell culture and paraffin embedded human breast cancer cell line xenografts


Abstract and Figures

Members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family of proteases are required for the degradation of the basement membrane and extracellular matrix in both normal and pathological conditions. In vitro, MT1-MMP (MMP-14, membrane type-1-MMP) expression is higher in more invasive human breast cancer (HBC) cell lines, whilst in vivo its expression has been associated with the stroma surrounding breast tumours. MMP-1 (interstitial collagenase) has been associated with MDA-MB-231 invasion in vitro, while MMP-3 (stromelysin-1) has been localised around invasive cells of breast tumours in vivo. As MMPs are not stored intracellularly, the ability to localise their expression to their cells of origin is difficult. We utilised the unique in situ-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (IS-RT-PCR) methodology to localise the in vitro and in vivo gene expression of MT1-MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-3 in human breast cancer. In vitro, MMP induction was examined in the MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 HBC cell lines following exposure to Concanavalin A (Con A). In vivo, we examined their expression in archival paraffin embedded xenografts derived from a range of HBC cell lines of varied invasive and metastatic potential. Mouse xenografts are heterogenous, containing neoplastic human parenchyma with mouse stroma and vasculature and provide a reproducible in vivo model system correlated to the human disease state. In vitro, exposure to Con A increased MT1-MMP gene expression in MDA-MB-231 cells and decreased MT1-MMP gene expression in MCF-7 cells. MMP-1 and MMP-3 gene expression remained unchanged in both cell lines. In vivo, stromal cells recruited into each xenograft demonstrated differences in localised levels of MMP gene expression. Specifically, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435 and Hs578T HBC cell lines are able to influence MMP gene expression in the surrounding stroma. We have demonstrated the applicability and sensitivity of IS-RT-PCR for the examination of MMP gene expression both in vitro and in vivo. Induction of MMP gene expression in both the epithelial tumour cells and surrounding stromal cells is associated with increased metastatic potential. Our data demonstrate the contribution of the stroma to epithelial MMP gene expression, and highlight the complexity of the role of MMPs in the stromal-epithelial interactions within breast carcinoma.
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BioMed Central
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BMC Cancer
Open Access
Research article
In vitro and in vivo MMP gene expression localisation by In
Situ-RT-PCR in cell culture and paraffin embedded human breast
cancer cell line xenografts
Larisa M Haupt*1,2, Erik W Thompson3, Ann EO Trezise4, Rachel E Irving1,
Michael G Irving5 and Lyn R Griffiths*1
Address: 1Genomics Research Centre, Griffith University Gold Coast, School of Medical Science, Griffith University, Queensland, 4217,Australia ,
2IMCB, Biopolis, Singapore, 3VBCRC Invasion and Metastasis Unit, St. Vincent's Institute of Medical Research and University of Melbourne,
Department of Surgery, Melbourne, Victoria, 3065, Australia , 4School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland
4072, Australia and 5Institute of Health Sciences, Bond University, Queensland, 4229, Australia
Email: Larisa M Haupt* -; Erik W Thompson -;
Ann EO Trezise -; Rachel E Irving -; Michael G Irving -;
Lyn R Griffiths* -
* Corresponding authors
Background: Members of the matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) family of proteases are required for the degradation of the
basement membrane and extracellular matrix in both normal and pathological conditions. In vitro, MT1-MMP (MMP-14,
membrane type-1-MMP) expression is higher in more invasive human breast cancer (HBC) cell lines, whilst in vivo its expression
has been associated with the stroma surrounding breast tumours. MMP-1 (interstitial collagenase) has been associated with
MDA-MB-231 invasion in vitro, while MMP-3 (stromelysin-1) has been localised around invasive cells of breast tumours in vivo.
As MMPs are not stored intracellularly, the ability to localise their expression to their cells of origin is difficult.
Methods: We utilised the unique in situ-reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (IS-RT-PCR) methodology to localise
the in vitro and in vivo gene expression of MT1-MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-3 in human breast cancer. In vitro, MMP induction was
examined in the MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 HBC cell lines following exposure to Concanavalin A (Con A). In vivo, we examined
their expression in archival paraffin embedded xenografts derived from a range of HBC cell lines of varied invasive and metastatic
potential. Mouse xenografts are heterogenous, containing neoplastic human parenchyma with mouse stroma and vasculature
and provide a reproducible in vivo model system correlated to the human disease state.
Results: In vitro, exposure to Con A increased MT1-MMP gene expression in MDA-MB-231 cells and decreased MT1-MMP gene
expression in MCF-7 cells. MMP-1 and MMP-3 gene expression remained unchanged in both cell lines. In vivo, stromal cells
recruited into each xenograft demonstrated differences in localised levels of MMP gene expression. Specifically, MDA-MB-231,
MDA-MB-435 and Hs578T HBC cell lines are able to influence MMP gene expression in the surrounding stroma.
Conclusion: We have demonstrated the applicability and sensitivity of IS-RT-PCR for the examination of MMP gene expression
both in vitro and in vivo. Induction of MMP gene expression in both the epithelial tumour cells and surrounding stromal cells is
associated with increased metastatic potential. Our data demonstrate the contribution of the stroma to epithelial MMP gene
expression, and highlight the complexity of the role of MMPs in the stromal-epithelial interactions within breast carcinoma.
Published: 24 January 2006
BMC Cancer 2006, 6:18 doi:10.1186/1471-2407-6-18
Received: 09 August 2005
Accepted: 24 January 2006
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© 2006 Haupt et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
BMC Cancer 2006, 6:18
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Human breast carcinoma (HBC) is the most predominant
cancer in females worldwide. Breast cancers can be classi-
fied histologically based upon the types and patterns of
cells of which they are composed. Carcinomas can be
invasive, extending into the surrounding stroma or non-
invasive, confined to the epithelial cells of ducts or lob-
ules [1]. In conjunction with other protease systems such
as the serine, cysteine and aspartyl proteases, members of
the matrix metalloprotease (MMP) family of proteolytic
enzymes degrade constituents of the extracellular matrix
surrounding invasive breast carcinomas [2]. Currently, 28
human MMPs have been identified and classified accord-
ing to both their substrate specificities and structural sim-
ilarities. There are four major subgroups: i) interstitial
collagenases; ii) gelatinases; iii) stromelysins; and iv) the
membrane-type (MT) -MMPs [3,4]. Collectively, MMPs
degrade all extracellular matrix proteins as well as a grow-
ing number of key regulatory genes such as cytokines,
growth factors, cell surface receptors and adhesion mole-
cules [5,6]. Although MMPs are expressed by tissues at var-
ious stages of development, they are typically absent in
normal cells of the adult organism [2], and the high fre-
quency at which MMP transcripts or proteins are detected
in invasive tumours has implicated these enzymes in the
establishment, growth, invasion and/or metastasis of
tumours [6]. The expression of MMPs is usually tightly
regulated, and a number of studies provide evidence of
carefully controlled MMP involvement in developmen-
tally regulated processes such as ovulation, embryogenic
growth and differentiation, and organ development [6-8].
In general terms, MMP activity is regulated at least at three
levels: transcription/translation, proteolytic activation of
the zymogen, and inhibition of the active enzyme [2] with
upregulation of each of these associated with pathological
events [6]. Importantly in all mammalian cells except pol-
ymorphonuclear (PMN) leucocytes, most MMPs are not
stored intracellularly but are rapidly secreted after biosyn-
thesis and post-translational processing [9]. As a result it
is difficult to identify their cellular origin using standard
immunohistochemical techniques [10].
MT1-MMP is one of the membrane bound MMPs. In vivo,
MT1-MMP expression has been localised to the stroma
surrounding breast tumours [11,12], whilst in vitro, our
recent data confirms previous studies where basal levels of
MT1-MMP have been shown to be higher in the more
invasive MDA-MB-231 cells as compared to the less inva-
sive MCF-7 cells [13,14]. MT1-MMP has been shown to
activate pro-gelatinase-A (proMMP-2) in human breast
carcinoma cells [15] and can also activate proMMP-13
[16]. MT1-MMP degrades native type I collagen, fibronec-
tin, laminin, fibrin, gelatin and cartilage proteoglycan
core protein [2] and has also been classified as an intersti-
tial collagenase [3]. MMP-1 is the most ubiquitously
expressed interstitial collagenase [3]. MMP-1 cleaves
fibrillar collagens including collagens types I, II and III,
resulting in cleavage products that are rapidly denatured
at body temperature to gelatin, the substrate preferred by
the gelatinases (MMP-2 and MMP-9) [2]. MMP-1 is pro-
duced by a wide variety of normal cells (eg stromal fibrob-
lasts, macrophages and endothelial cells) [3], and is
involved in tissue remodelling and repair [3,17]. It has
been implicated in matrix invasion by the MDA-MB-231
HBC cells in vitro [18,19], but has a low incidence of
expression in the tumour cells of breast carcinomas
[2,11]. MMP-3 is a member of the stromelysin sub-family,
which show broad substrate specificity, degrading type IV
collagen, laminin, fibronectin and proteoglycans. MMP-3
is expressed in areas of tissue growth [20], focally
expressed around invasive cells in the stromal component
of breast tumours, and expressed in both benign and
malignant breast phenotypes [19].
As MT1-MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-3 have all been impli-
cated in the processes involved in human breast cancer,
this study utilised HBC cell lines both in culture and
grown as xenografts in nude mice, to investigate gene
expression changes of MT1-MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-3 in
vitro and in vivo using IS-RT-PCR. In order to demonstrate
IS-RT-PCR detection to examine MMP expression level
changes, we utilised Concanavalin A (Con A), an agent
known to modulate MMP expression, and to upregulate at
least one MMP [15,21,22], in our in vitro studies. Nude
mouse xenografts are heterogenous, containing neoplastic
human parenchyma with mouse stroma and vasculature
with many histologic features of the original tumour
maintained [23]. As xenograft growth varies with tumour
type, the ability to mimic human tumours in vivo provides
a reproducible model system that can be correlated to the
human disease state. We have previously applied the IS-
RT-PCR technique to examine in vitro gene expression of
MT1-MMP in MDA-MB-231 HBC cells [21], while others
have examined expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and their
inhibitors TIMP-1 and TIMP-2 in cervical cancer [24].
Thus the objective of this study was to utilise the unique
IS-RT-PCR methodology to examine the localised gene
expression of members of the MMP family of proteases
implicated in breast cancer. Our findings here with IS-RT-
PCR demonstrate the detection of in vitro and in vivo gene
expression patterns of MMPs in HBC cell lines, and sug-
gest a contribution from the stroma to MMP expression in
breast carcinomas.
Cell culture
HBC cell lines MDA-MB-231, MCF-7, ZR-75-1 and MDA-
MB-453, were originally obtained from the ATCC (Vir-
ginia, USA) and maintained by the Lombardi Cancer
Center Shared Cell Culture Resource. They were grown as
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a monolayer culture in RPMI 1640 media (Invitrogen,
USA) supplemented with 10% foetal calf serum (Biowhit-
taker, USA) in the presence of 5% CO2. Cells (approx. 1 ×
105 cells/slide) were passaged onto two eight-chambered
chamber slides (Lab-Tek, Nunc, USA) and allowed to
attach for 8–12 hrs. Cells were then grown for a further
16–24 hrs in RPMI 1640 with 10% foetal calf serum in the
presence or absence of Con A (25 µg/ml, Sigma, USA).
Xenograft tissue
Tumour xenografts of the MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435,
MCF-7 and Hs578T HBC cell lines were xenografted into
intact female mice as described previously [25]. Animal
studies were conducted in accordance with the National
Institutes of Health Guide for the Care and Use of Labora-
tory Animals with approval of the Georgetown University
Medical Center Animal Ethics Committee. The tissue was
excised, and material from the xenografted tumours fixed
in 10% neutral buffered formalin (Fisher Scientific, USA)
and embedded in paraffin for routine histological analy-
sis. The Lombardi Cancer Center Tissue Resource per-
formed sectioning of the paraffin blocks, and tissue
sections of 5 µm were mounted onto Pro-Bond +/- slides
(Fisher Scientific, USA).
Pre-treatment of sections
Following sectioning, slides were placed under vacuum
overnight with desiccant. Our previously described RNA
ISH procedure [26] was modified as follows. All slides
were de-waxed in xylene (4 × 10 min), washed in ethanol
(100%, 3 × 3 mins), and rehydrated through a graded eth-
anol series (85%, 70% and 50% in 0.9% NaCl × 2 min
each). Sections were then washed in saline (0.9% NaCl,
1X × 2 min) and PBS (1X × 2 min) prior to fixation with
4% paraformaldehyde (PFA; 250 ml H2O, 1 g NaOH, 10
g PFA, 1.7 g sodium acetate pH 6.5) for 20 minutes. Fol-
lowing fixation, slides were rinsed in 2X PBS (2 mins), fol-
lowed by Proteinase K digestion (10 mg/ml; Roche
Diagnostics, USA; 25 ml 1 M Tris pH 8.0, 250 µl 10 mg/
ml Proteinase K, 25 ml 0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0, 200 ml H2O).
Slides were then rinsed in 2% glycine (2 mins) and re-
fixed in 4% PFA (10 mins) to ensure complete deactiva-
tion of Proteinase K. Slides were rinsed in triethanolamine
(TEA, Sigma, USA; 0.1 M pH 8.0 × 3 min) in preparation
for further digests.
RNase digestion
Following pre-treatment all slides were rinsed in RNase
buffer (10 mM HEPES, 20 mM NaCl, 1 mM EDTA) with-
out enzyme (2 × 2 mins). Negative control sections under-
going RNase digestion were then overlayed with RNase
Digest mixture containing RNase cocktail (8 mg/ml RNase
A and 160 U/ml RNase T1 final volume, Bresatec, Aus-
tralia) in RNase buffer, placed in a humid chamber and
incubated at 37°C for 8 hrs. Untreated slides were over-
layed in RNase buffer and also incubated at 37°C for 8
DNase pre-treatment
Prior to DNase digest, all slides were rinsed in DNase
buffer (0.1 M C2H3O2Na, 5 mM MgSO4 pH 5.0, 2 × 2
min). DNase buffer (200 µl) containing 1.5 U/ml final
volume of RNase-free DNase (Roche Diagnostics, USA)
was added to each slide and these were incubated over-
night at 37°C in a humid chamber. After incubation the
slides were rinsed thoroughly in DNase buffer without
enzyme, followed by washes in sterile water and dehydra-
tion through a graded ethanol series (50%, 70%, and 90%
in 0.9% saline, 100% × 3 mins each).
Primers encoding MT1-MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-3
(Bresatec, Australia) were designed using the Amplimer
program, product design checked by the Amplify v1.2 pro-
gram, and BLASTed (NCBI, USA) for homology to the
mRNA of these genes, with significant sequence homol-
ogy demonstrated between the human and mouse MMPs
examined. Primers encoding human β-actin were used as
a positive control (Research Genetics, USA). Primer
sequences are listed in Table 1. All primers were tested
using traditional RT-PCR on mRNA extracted from MDA-
MB-231 and MCF-7 HBC cells using the High Pure RNA
Isolation Kit (Roche Diagnostics, USA). Reverse transcrip-
tion was performed using 20 ng of isolated mRNA, by
AMV reverse transcriptase (Promega Corporation, USA) at
50°C for 30 minutes, followed by PCR amplification
using Taq DNA Polymerase (Perkin-Elmer Corporation,
Applied Biosystems Division, USA). The linear phase of
amplification was determined to be between cycles 20–25
using a standard two-step PCR cycle.
In situ-Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction
Prior to the IS-RT-PCR procedure Gene-Frame gaskets
(Advanced Biotechnologies, UK) were placed around the
sections. IS-RT-PCR was performed on consecutive sec-
tions for each xenograft: section A) RNase/DNase negative
Table 1: Primer sequences encoding the human β-actin, MT1-
MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-3 genes.
Gene Primer Sequence
β-actin sense 5'- ACC CAC ACT GTG CCC ATC TA
β-actin antisense 5'- CGG AAC CGC TCA TTG CC
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control; B) β-actin positive control; C) MT1-MMP assay
slide; D) MMP-1 assay slide; and E) MMP-3 assay slide.
Reverse transcription was performed as previously
reported [18] with the following modifications: dCTP
concentration was 100 µM, biotin-dCTP 80 µM, MnCl2 10
mM and 7.5 U of rTth DNA Polymerase (Perkin-Elmer
Corporation, Applied Biosystems Division, USA) was
used in the 30 µl mix added to each slide. Linear amplifi-
cation efficiency was determined using traditional RT-
PCR as outlined above, to be between cycles 20 and 25.
For the amplification step the initial denaturation was at
95°C for 4 minutes, the MgCl2 concentration was 15 mM,
and 30 µl were added to each slide. Amplification was per-
formed for 20 cycles.
Post IS-RT-PCR detection was performed as reported pre-
viously [21] with the following modifications: Incubation
in the NBT/BCIP/ASB solution was for 15 minutes, slides
were counterstained with eosin (Australian Biostain Pty
Ltd, Australia) and mounted in Ultramount (Fronine,
Australia). Consistency of observed gene expression in
consecutive tumour sections demonstrated the reliability
of the IS-RT-PCR technique and as expected, all cells were
found to express the ubiquitous β-actin gene.
Signal quantitation
The level of signal intensity was assigned a value from zero
to four (0+ to 4+). Slides showing no purple precipitation
and only eosin counterstain were assigned a value of zero
(0+), whilst cells stained with precipitate were assigned a
Representative photomicrographs of IS-RT-PCR analysis of Con A effects in MDA-MB-231 cells counterstained with EosinFigure 1
Representative photomicrographs of IS-RT-PCR analysis of
Con A effects in MDA-MB-231 cells counterstained with
Eosin. Negative controls include, RNase/DNase treated sec-
tions (A) and No RT (B). β-actin staining provided a positive
Control without (C) or with (D) Con A treatment. MT1-
MMP levels before (E) and after (F) Con A treatment are also
shown. Photographs were on an Nikon Eclipse TE300 Micro-
scope with a Nikon F-600 camera attachment and are × 40
(except for A, which is × 20).
Representative photomicrographs of IS-RT-PCR results of MCF-7 xenograft showing the RNase/DNase negative con-trol (A), positive control β-actin (B), MT1-MMP gene expres-sion (C), MMP-1 gene expression (D) and MMP-3 gene expression (E)Figure 2
Representative photomicrographs of IS-RT-PCR results of
MCF-7 xenograft showing the RNase/DNase negative con-
trol (A), positive control β-actin (B), MT1-MMP gene expres-
sion (C), MMP-1 gene expression (D) and MMP-3 gene
expression (E). All photographs ×40 taken on an Olympus
Microscope with a Nikon F-600 camera attachment.
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value between one and four (1+ to 4+). The observed sig-
nal intensity was assessed based on the observed level of
signal intensity and tissue morphology using light micro-
scopy. Visual characteristics including the overall level of
precipitation, direct comparison of the entire tissue area
to compensate for background, and the number and
intensity of cells exhibiting purple precipitation were also
considered. In addition, a coded labelling system was
used to ensure that slide examination was unbiased. In
vitro signal intensity following exposure to Con A and
cytokines was compared to the untreated or basal level
allowing an estimate of up/down-regulation to be deter-
mined. The in vivo xenograft material was histologically
assessed and scored from 0+ to 4+ (with 0 = no expres-
sion; 1+ = low expression; 2+ = moderate expression; and
3+ = strong expression). We compared the relative levels
of gene expression of each MMP within the xenografts
analysed to controls. Following independent examination
of slides and sections by three individuals the signal level
intensity was averaged. The photographs presented in Fig-
ures 1, 2 and 3 are of the same area within consecutive sec-
tions and are therefore a representation of the overall
observed gene expression levels.
Primer specificity
Primers were tested using traditional RT-PCR on mRNA
extracted from cultured MDA-MB-231 cells. Bands of the
appropriate size for β-actin (289 bp), MT1-MMP (274
bp), MMP-1 (330 bp) and the MMP-3 (330 bp) tran-
scripts were visualised by ethidium bromide agarose gel
electrophoresis (not shown). For IS-RT-PCR two negative
controls were used to ensure assay validity. The "No RT"
control was used as a measure of the detection system spe-
cificity. Lack of precipitation in this control ensures that a
positive signal is due to expression of the gene of interest.
The RNase/DNase control was used for two reasons, to
control for false positive results due to insufficient
genomic DNA digestion, and to ensure that there was no
signal due to any residual biotin-dCTP in the tissue sec-
tion. Examples of these controls are given for the MDA-
MB-231 cell line (Figure 1A and 1B), where the only col-
ouration in the slides is due to the eosin counterstain, and
purple precipitation which would be indicative of positive
gene expression signal, is not observed. Primers amplify-
ing β-actin mRNA were used as a positive control for dem-
onstration of mRNA preservation in the tissue, and the
ability to detect gene expression. We found a clear positive
signal, the purple precipitate localised to all cells exam-
ined, demonstrating β-actin expression. An example of
this is given in Figure 1C for the MDA-MB-231 cell line.
Induction of in vitro MMP gene expression
IS-RT-PCR results following Con A treatment
Expression levels of the three MMPs were examined with
respect to β-actin in the MDA-MB-231, and MCF-7 cell
lines, with or without exposure to Con A. In the MDA-MB-
231 cell line, MT1-MMP expression was increased from 2+
to 4+ by Con A treatment, while MMP-1 and MMP-3
remained unchanged at 2+ following exposure to Con A.
MT1-MMP induction by Con A in the MDA-MB-231 cell
line is shown in Figure 1E and 1F. In the MCF-7 cell line,
the MMP-1, MMP-3 and β-actin expression levels also
remained unaffected by Con A at 2+, however, the MT1-
MMP expression was decreased by Con A from 3+ in the
absence of Con A to 1+ in the presence of Con A (not
Representative photomicrographs of IS-RT-PCR results of MDA-MB-435 xenograft showing the No RT control (A), RNase/DNase negative control (B), positive control β-actin (C), MT1-MMP gene expression (D), MMP-1 gene expression (E) and MMP-3 gene expression (F)Figure 3
Representative photomicrographs of IS-RT-PCR results of
MDA-MB-435 xenograft showing the No RT control (A),
RNase/DNase negative control (B), positive control β-actin
(C), MT1-MMP gene expression (D), MMP-1 gene expression
(E) and MMP-3 gene expression (F). All photographs ×40
taken on an Olympus Microscope with a Nikon F-600 cam-
era attachment.
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Adaptation of IS-RT-PCR to paraffin tissue
We adapted the IS-RT-PCR protocol for analyses of these
MMPs in paraffin embedded xenografts of MCF-7, MDA-
MB-231, MDA-MB-435, and Hs578T HBC cell lines
grown subcutaneously in the mammary region of nude
mice. Primary xenograft material from each cell line
(except MDA-MB-231) were examined, as were metastatic
deposits of MDA-MB-231 cells in the spleen and mesen-
tery. The primary MDA-MB-231 tumour was unavailable
for examination. A summary of the results obtained from
the xenograft tissue is given in Table 2.
In the MCF-7 xenograft, low expression of MT1-MMP,
MMP-1 and MMP-3 was observed in the tumour cells (1+)
as indicated by the faint purple precipitation (Figure 2C,
2D, 2E). A low level of gene expression for MT1-MMP,
MMP-1 and MMP-3 (1+) was also seen in the stromal
compartment surrounding the MCF-7 cells (Figure 2C,
2D, 2E). However, β-actin expression was low in the stro-
mal component (1+) and at a moderate level in the
tumour component (2+) suggesting that the relative stro-
mal levels are even higher (Figure 2B). A low level of
expression of β-actin was consistent between the two
compartments (1+). The MDA-MB-435 No RT control
(Figure 3B) served as the No RT control section for the
MCF-7 experiment, with the experiments run concur-
rently. In the MDA-MB-435 cell line xenograft, we
observed moderate expression of MT1-MMP and MMP-1
(2+) (Figure 3C and 3D), and high levels of MMP-3 (3+)
(Figure 3E) in the tumour cells. No expression of MT1-
MMP (0+), MMP-1 (0+) or MMP-3 (0+) was observed in
the stromal tissue surrounding the MDA-MB-435 cells
(Figure 3D, 3E and 3F). β-actin expression was consist-
ently moderate in both compartments (2+) (Figure 3C).
The Hs578T xenograft showed low expression of MT1-
MMP (1+), MMP-1 (1+) and MMP-3 (1+) in the tumour
cells. In the surrounding stromal cells, we observed low
MT1-MMP expression (1+), moderate MMP-3 expression
(2+) and no MMP-1 expression (0+). β-actin expression
levels were consistently low in both compartments (1+)
(Table 2). Although the primary MDA-MB-231 xenograft
was unavailable for examination, mesenteric deposits in
the spleen and mesentery of the same mouse were exam-
ined (Table 2). In the MDA-MB-231 spleen metastasis, the
tumour cell showed high MT1-MMP (3+), and low MMP-
3 expression (1+), but no detectable MMP-1 gene expres-
sion (0+). No detectable expression of MT1-MMP, MMP-
1 and MMP-3 was observed in the host stromal cells (0+).
β-actin gene expression was consistent between the two
compartments at a moderate level (2+) (Table 2). In the
mesenteric metastasis, the MDA-MB-231 tumour cells
showed a moderate expression of both MT1-MMP and
MMP-1 (2+), and low expression of MMP-3 (1+). In con-
trast to the splenic metastasis, the host stromal tissue sur-
rounding the mesenteric metastasis showed low
expression of MT1-MMP (1+), MMP-3 (1+) and moderate
MMP-1 expression (2+). Again, β-actin was consistent in
both compartments at a moderate level (2+) (Table 2).
The central aim of investigations into molecular carcino-
genesis is the identification of gene products involved in
cancer progression during which tumour cells acquire the
capacity for invasion with resulting metastasis [27].
Metastasis is an active process involving the altered attach-
ment of the tumour cell to the basement membrane,
localised degradation of connective tissue, and migration
through stromal tissue [28,29]. Such matrix degradation
is mediated by members of several proteinase families
(the serine, cysteine, aspartate proteinases and MMPs),
with substantial tissue destruction being carried out by
members of the MMP family [3]. The expression of mem-
bers of the MMP family and their inhibitors, the TIMPs,
have been examined in both physiological and patholog-
ical conditions by many methods both in vitro and in vivo,
including the use of total RNA from tissues and cell lines,
Northern analysis, RT-PCR in situ and standard in situ
Table 2: Summary of IS-RT-PCR results obtained for expression of β-actin, MT1-MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-3 in HBC cell line derived
xenograft tissues. The intensity is a value from zero to four (0+ to 4+) based on the overall level of signal intensity observed throughout
the entire section.
Cell Line β-actin MT1-MMP MMP-1 MMP-3
MCF-7 Tumour 2+ Tumour 1+ Tumour 1+ Tumour 1+
Stroma 1+ Stroma 1+ Stroma 1+ Stroma 1+
MDA-MB-231 Tumour 2+ Tumour 3+ Tumour 0+ Tumour 1+
Spleen Stroma 2+ Stroma 0+ Stroma 0+ Stroma 0+
MDA-MB-231 Tumour 2+ Tumour 2+ Tumour 2+ Tumour 1+
Mesenteric Stroma 2+ Stroma 1+ Stroma 2+ Stroma 1+
MDA-MB-435 Tumour 2+ Tumour 2+ Tumour 2+ Tumour 3+
Stroma 2+ Stroma 0+ Stroma 0+ Stroma 0+
Hs578T Tumour 1+ Tumour 1+ Tumour 1+ Tumour 1+
Stroma 1+ Stroma 1+ Stroma 0+ Stroma 2+
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hybridisation (ISH) [13,21,24,30-33]. Xenografts of cell
lines representing increased progression of breast cancer
were examined in the present study using the IS-RT-PCR
technique. The samples ranged from the poorly invasive,
estrogen-receptor positive cells (MCF-7), through to
examples of more aggressive, estrogen-receptor negative
human breast carcinoma (MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435,
Hs578T) [25]. We analysed and compared the localised
expression of MT1-MMP, MMP-1, MMP-3 and β-actin, in
both the tumour parenchyma and the surrounding
stroma. Both the MDA-MB-231 splenic and MDA-MB-435
xenografts demonstrate no detectable MMP gene expres-
sion in the stromal compartment. This highlights that
although significant sequence homology exists between
the human and mouse MMPs examined, minor differ-
ences may influence the detection of gene expression.
Localised gene expression in both the epithelial tumour
cells and the stroma compartments in the remaining
xenografts however, demonstrate the detectable homol-
ogy between human and mouse for the IS-RT-PCR primer
sequences used.
MT1-MMP analysis of the HBC xenografts demonstrated
mRNA in the tumour cells of all of the samples examined.
In vitro, we have previously demonstrated MT1-MMP
expression in MCF-7 cells by IS-RT-PCR [21], however
Northern analysis of MCF-7 cells failed to find MT1-MMP
in MCF-7 cells, whereas more invasive HBC cell lines
showed MT1-MMP expression in concordance with their
ability to be induced by Con A to activate MMP-2
[12,34,35]. MT1-MMP has also been shown to correlate
with increased invasion and to enhance migration of
MCF-10A epithelial cells [6,12,36], and transfection of
MT1-MMP into MCF-7 cells stimulates higher migration
and invasiveness [37,38], and also stimulates VEGF pro-
duction, angiogenic stimulation, and xenograft take rate
in nude mice [39,40]. Presumably the IS-RT-PCR method
is more sensitive than Northern analysis, as may be
expected. Indeed, we detected lower levels of MT1-MMP
in the MCF-7 xenografts than in the majority of other
xenografts derived from more invasive HBC cells. More
recently, using isolated RNA for quantitative analyses, we
were unable to detect MT1-MMP in MCF-7 derived
xenografts, but consistent with our observations here,
increasing levels of MT1-MMP was detected in MDA-MB-
231 derived xenografts as compared to the parental cells
[13]. The reasons for these differences are not clear and
require further experimentation, but it is important to
note that the cultured MCF-7 cells would have received
estrogenic stimuli from both the phenol red and foetal
calf serum in the medium [41].
MT1-MMP overexpression in the mammary gland results
in abnormalities including hyperplasia, fibrosis, lym-
phocytic infiltration and adenocarcinoma [42], suggest-
ing a pivotal role for MT1-MMP in carcinogenesis.
However, ISH analyses of human breast carcinomas have
primarily localised MT1-MMP mRNA expression to the
stromal cells [11,29,43-45], although one study found
localised MT1-MMP in the tumour [46]. An immunocyto-
chemical analysis showed expression of MT1-MMP in
both tumour and stromal cells [47]. More recently, one
study by Bisson et al, combining ISH and IHC data has co-
localised MT1-MMP to the α-smooth muscle positive
myofibroblast cells in close contact with tumour cells
[48]. Our studies certainly show the potential for the cell
lines examined to make MT1-MMP, even the relatively
well-conserved cell lines such as MCF-7. Although it is
acknowledged that in vitro propagation of cell lines may
alter some genetic pathways, it is also apparent that cell
lines and tumour samples have distinctive gene expres-
sion patterns in common [49]. Being ER-positive, and pre-
dominantly epithelial, MCF-7 cells far better represent
what one may find clinically in breast cancers than the
other cell lines examined here [50]. The invasive HBC cell
lines show a mesenchymal-like phenotype that may have
resulted from epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)
in breast carcinoma. EMT is thought to have occurred in
the MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435 and Hs578T cell lines
[51]. The demonstration of MT1-MMP expression
observed in the stromal component is not totally unex-
pected. MT1-MMPs ability to stimulate invasion and
metastasis in in vitro systems along with the estrogen
receptor status of the cells is well documented as
described above. Also, the basal levels observed between
the MCF-7 and more invasive HBC cell lines may also be
of impact in respect to the higher invasive potential of the
MMP-1 mRNA was detected in the tumour cells of five of
the six xenografts examined, the exception, surprisingly,
being the MDA-MB-231 splenic metastasis. This is unex-
pected since MDA-MB-231 cell overexpress MMP-1 in cul-
ture [52], and these cells have a mutation/polymorphism
in the promotor region which drives strong MMP-1
expression [18]. This transcriptional repression has not
been found to occur extensively in breast cancer [18]. The
reasons for suppression of the MMP-1 expression in
splenic metastasis are not clear, but could include a strong
repression, possibly due to altered signalling from the
stroma. The splenic metastasis stroma was notably also
lacking all three MMPs examined, but showed a strong β-
actin signal in both compartments. One cannot rule out
the possibility of selective aberrant loss of MMP mRNA
rather than the β-actin, however, this is unprecedented.
Further analysis of splenic metastases of the MDA-MB-
231 cells, and primary human tumours, would be war-
ranted. MMP-1 has been previously demonstrated to be
equally expressed in vitro in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-
231 cells [53], although in a similar study using Northern
BMC Cancer 2006, 6:18
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analysis we found selective expression in MDA-MB-231
cells but not MCF-7 [51]. Increased production and secre-
tion of MMP-1 has been correlated with increased meta-
static potential [52,54]. More recently, Bachmeir et al have
demonstrated a cell density-dependent regulation of gene
expression of several MMPs in HBC cell lines [31].
Increased cell density resulted in decreasing levels of both
MMP-1 and MMP-3 expression levels, with a resultant
decreased invasion concurrent with invasive potential
[31-33]. Increased expression of MMP-1 has been
reported on contact with Matrigel [55], and also in
response to fibronectin fragments [56], attesting to the
potential regulation of this MMP by the microenviron-
ment. In vivo, MMP-1 expression has been demonstrated
in the stroma of nine of thirty-four breast carcinomas [11]
when examined by ISH, localised to stromal constituents
during tumour formation [57], and to be upregulated in
the stromal component of ductal carcinomas when exam-
ined by ISH and IHC [57-59]. Thus, again, our observa-
tion that MMP-1 expression was absent in the stroma of
three out of six HBC xenografts appears to contrast the
clinical situation. This may reflect the increased sensitivity
of IS-RT-PCR and may also reflect the stage in tumour for-
mation of the MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 mesenteric
xenografts that we examined.
MMP-3 mRNA was localised to the tumour component in
all six xenograft samples examined. In vitro, MMP-3
mRNA has been demonstrated in the MDA-MB-231 HBC
cell line [55], where it is stimulated by fibroblasts via the
extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer
(EMMPRIN) [60], and can enhance tumourigenicity and
migration [54]. In vivo, MMP-3 is centrally involved in
mammary gland development [61], and has been demon-
strated to promote tumour initiation and formation in the
tetracycline-regulated mouse mammary model [62,63].
IHC and ISH in vivo analysis has demonstrated MMP-3 in
both the tumour and stroma cellular compartments of
both invasive and non-invasive tumours, with the level of
stromal expression increasing with tumourigenicity
[59,64,65], and in the extracellular matrix adjacent to
breast tumours [66]. Our observation of MMP-3 gene
expression in the stroma of four out of six of the
xenografts examined, and in particular in the Hs578T
xenograft, further support a role for this MMP in breast
Although HBC cell lines have been demonstrated to
express certain MMPs, this is less evident in vivo where, as
detailed above, the surrounding stromal cells contribute
to much of the MMP activity. Important differences in
MMP expression between the stromal cells recruited by
each cell line and the tumour cells themselves, were
detected in the current study. The MCF-7 xenograft stroma
demonstrated low stromal MT1-MMP, MMP-1 and MMP-
3 expression. MT1-MMP expression was observed at a
lower level in the stroma associated with the MDA-MB-
231 mesenteric metastasis. In the Hs578T xenograft
stroma, MMP-1 was absent while MMP-3 was observed at
a higher level in the stroma as compared to the tumour
cells. No stromal expression of the three MMPs examined
was observed in either the MDA-MB-231 spleen metasta-
sis or the MDA-MB-435 xenografts. The level of stromal
gene expression will depend on signals from the different
HBC lines in the primary site, and also on the different
responsivities in the different host sites for the splenic and
mesenteric metastases. In regard to the primary site, over-
all recruitment of the stroma will differ among the HBC
lines; however, β-actin mRNA detection was used to nor-
malise the data. We did detect lower levels of β-actin in
the Hs578T xenograft, and indeed higher levels of β-actin
in the tumour cell component of the MCF-7 xenograft.
However, this does not appear to have influenced the
detection of the MMPs as indicated by the moderate levels
of all MMPs examined in both compartments in the MCF-
7 xenograft, and the moderate level of MMP-3 in the
Hs578T tumour compartment.
These data combined indicate communication, and in
particular HBC cell-line specific communication, between
the epithelial and stromal cellular compartments for
MMP production and utilisation. Considerable work has
been performed in vitro to examine the effects of different
HBC cell lines on MMP expression by co-culture with
fibroblasts and other factors known to be produced by the
tumour cells which mediate induction of MMPs (eg Con
A, TPA, EMMPRIN) [12,15,21,31-33,53,60]. These and
other studies, implicate increasing MMP levels associated
with both epithelial tumour cells and surrounding stro-
mal cells, in association with increasing tumourigenicity
and metastatic potential [12,15,21,24,53,54,60,67]. Our
in vivo data indicate that, the MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-
435 and Hs578T HBC cell lines are able to influence MMP
gene expression in the surrounding stroma. This is rein-
forced by a recent study demonstrating the influence of
tumour associated fibroblasts on MCF-7 tumour cells to
activate MMP-2 in vitro and increase tumour size in vivo
[68]. These data combined indicate IS-RT-PCR may serve
as a more sensitive, one-step procedure for the examina-
tion of MMP gene expression in human breast cancers.
Competing interests
The author(s) declare that they have no competing inter-
Authors' contributions
L.M.H. performed all in vitro and in vivo studies and
drafted the manuscript. E.W.T. contributed toward the
design of the study and manuscript finalisation. A.E.O.T.
BMC Cancer 2006, 6:18
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contributed toward the design of the in situ sample prepa-
ration. R.E.I. contributed toward data management and
manuscript finalisation. M.G.I. participated in the con-
ception and design of the study. L.R.G. participated in the
conception and design of the study and its coordination.
All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
L.M.H. was supported by the Queensland Cancer Fund, Kathleen Cunning-
ham Foundation. We also thank the Tissue Culture Shared Resources of
Lombardi Cancer Center, which are partially supported by PHS grant NIH
1P30-CA-51008 (Cancer Center Support Grant) to Lombardi Cancer
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Pre-publication history
The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed
... Overexpression of an auto-activating MMP-3 variant in mouse mammary epithelium was found to result in neoplastic transformation of the mammary tissue (10,11). Furthermore, high levels of MMP-3 are reported in tumor epithelial cells and the surrounding stromal cells in human breast cancer biopsy samples (12), as well as in the tumor and stroma in xenografts of human breast cancer cell lines implanted in nude mice (13). ...
... Metastatic breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women and is currently incurable (1). MMP-3 is expressed by primary breast cancer cells and/or the underlying stroma (12,13). Additionally, MMP-3 has been implicated as a pro-metastatic factor, both in transforming tumor cells and in degrading the basement membrane for subsequent tumor cell dissemination (10). ...
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Metastatic breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in women worldwide and, despite recent therapeutic advances, the disease remains incurable. A critical step in cancer cell metastasis is the degradation of extracellular matrix components by matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), which permits malignant cells to separate from the primary tumor and access circulatory conduits for seeding distant organs. This study reports a correlation between the elevated secretion of MMP-3 by breast cancer cells and the expression of CCR7 protein, a recently discovered non-classical chemokine receptor that may play a role in metastasis by regulating tumor cell transendothelial migration. MMP-3 secretion is increased in human mammary tumor cells that overexpress CXCR7, and is reduced in mouse breast cancer cells in which the endogenous CXCR7 expression has been knocked down via RNAi. The correlation between CXCR7 and MMP-3 expression in breast cancer may provide additional therapeutic rationale for targeting CXCR7 in order to prevent metastatic disease.
... (Ferchichi et al., 2013). These results indicate that there is very tight and complex regulation in the expression of MMP family members in breast cancer that generally represents a host response to the tumor and emphasize the need to further evaluate differential functions for MMP family members in breast tumor progression (Haupt et al ., 2006 ). ...
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Acknowledgment First and foremost, all the thanks to Allah the most merciful and most graceful for all his blessings and giving, particularly the blessing of being surrounded by loving and supportive professor and family. I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Dr. Enas Hamdy Mahmoud, assistant professor of clinical and chemical pathology, Faculty of medicine, Cairo University, who offered me his precious time and valuable instructions for supervising this work. I would like to express my deepest gratitude and admiration to Dr. Amal Fawzy Mohamed, assistant professor of clinical and chemical pathology, national cancer institute, Cairo University for her great help, guidance and continuous support. Also, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all my family members for their kind help and support during working in this thesis. Especial thanks are giving to my mother for her care, pray, and encouragement throughout my life. Very thanks for my lovely sister for her love, support, and effort.
... MMP3 was down-regulated in CAFs when compared to NFs in our study and was quite significantly represented in the pathway analyses . In breast cancer xenograft studies, MMP3 has been localized in both the cancerous malignant cells and the stroma, depending on the breast cancer cell line being tested [37]. In cancer cells, MMP3 has been localized more in the borders of non-invasive and well-differentiated clusters [38]. ...
Tumor stroma has been recently shown to play a crucial role in the development of breast cancer. Since the origin of the stromal cells in the tumor is unknown, we have examined differences and similarities between three stromal cell types of mesenchymal origin, namely carcinoma associated fibroblasts from breast tumor (CAFs), fibroblasts from normal breast area (NFs) and bone marrow derived mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs). In a microarray analysis, immunological, developmental and extracellular matrix -related pathways were over-represented in CAFs when compared to NFs (p<0.001). Under hypoxic conditions, the expression levels of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-1 (PDK1) and pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase-4 (PDK4) were lower in CAFs when compared to NFs (fold changes 0.6 and 0.4, respectively). In normoxia, when compared to NFs, CAFs displayed increased expression of glucose transporter 1 (GLUT-1) and PDK1 (fold changes 1.5 and 1.3, respectively). With respect to the assessed surface markers, only CD105 was expressed differently in MSCs when compared to fibroblasts, being more often expressed on MSCs. Cells with myofibroblast features were present in both NF and CAF samples. We conclude, that CAFs differ distinctly from NFs at the gene expression level, this hypothesis was also tested in silico for other available gene expression data.
... Furthermore, human telomere lengths at the individual cell level may be assessed in sections from formalin-fixed paraffinembedded tissues352 . In situ hybridization and in situ PCR techniques allow the demonstration of specific nucleic acid sequences in their cellular environment353,354 . The specificity of the molecular analyses can also be enhanced using laser-assisted microdissection of cell groups or single cells355,356 .On the protein level, the continuous development of new antibodies in combination with modern antigen retrieval techniques have produced a broad selection of antibodies well suited for qualitative immunohistochemical detection of microorganisms and gene products in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue[357][358][359][360] . ...
... Tumor cells have been shown to induce MMP production in surrounding stromal and inflammatory cells of mesenchymal origin such as fibroblasts, macrophages and mast cells. Numerous studies utilizing RNA in situ hybridization to evaluate MMP expression in human tumor tissue revealed that most MMPs are predominantly expressed by stromal cells which are of mesenchymal origin [8]. These studies were performed on carcinomas arising in organs such as lung, breast, head and neck, prostate, bladder, and colon [9]. ...
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In carcinomas stromal cells participate in cancer progression by producing proteases such as MMPs. The expression MMP1 is a prognostic factor in human chondrosarcoma, however the role in tumor progression is unknown. Laser capture microdissection and In Situ hybridization were used to determine cellular origin of MMP1 in human sarcomas. A xenogenic model of tumor progression was then used and mice were divided in two groups: each harboring either the control or a stably MMP1 silenced cell line. Animals were sacrificed; the neovascularization, primary tumor volumes, and metastatic burden were assessed. LCM and RNA-ISH analysis revealed MMP1 expression was predominantly localized to the tumor cells in all samples of sarcoma (p = 0.05). The percentage lung metastatic volume at 5 weeks (p = 0.08) and number of spontaneous deaths secondary to systemic tumor burden were lower in MMP1 silenced cell bearing mice. Interestingly, this group also demonstrated a larger primary tumor size (p<0.04) and increased angiogenesis (p<0.01). These findings were found to be consistent when experiment was repeated using a second independent MMP1 silencing sequence. Prior clinical trials employing MMP1 inhibitors failed because of a poor understanding of the role of MMPs in tumor progression. The current findings indicating tumor cell production of MMP1 by sarcoma cells is novel and highlights the fundamental differences in MMP biology between carcinomas and sarcomas. The results also emphasize the complex roles of MMP in tumor progression of sarcomas. Not only does metastasis seem to be affected by MMP1 silencing, but also local tumor growth and angiogenesis are affected inversely.
... Further, in order to create an independent and reproducible model system for the in vitro analysis of the regulation of MMP expression in breast cancer cells, we analyzed the MMP-pattern in four breast cancer cell lines frequently used in basic breast cancer research (MCF- 7, BT-20, MDA-MB-468, ZR 75/1). For an overview, data concerning MMP expression in breast cancer cell lines published so far are summarized in Additional file 1: MMP expression in different breast cancer cell lines2324252627. ...
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Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of structural and functional related endopeptidases. They play a crucial role in tumor invasion and building of metastatic formations because of their ability to degrade extracellular matrix proteins. Under physiological conditions their activity is precisely regulated in order to prevent tissue disruption. This physiological balance seems to be disrupted in cancer making tumor cells capable of invading the tissue. In breast cancer different expression levels of several MMPs have been found. To fill the gap in our knowledge about MMP expression in breast cancer, we analyzed the expression of all known human MMPs in a panel of twenty-five tissue samples (five normal breast tissues, ten grade 2 (G2) and ten grade 3 (G3) breast cancer tissues). As we found different expression levels for several MMPs in normal breast and breast cancer tissue as well as depending on tumor grade, we additionally analyzed the expression of MMPs in four breast cancer cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-468, BT 20, ZR 75/1) commonly used in research. The results could thus be used as model for further studies on human breast cancer. Expression analysis was performed on mRNA and protein level using semiquantitative RT-PCR, Western blot, immunohistochemistry and immunocytochemistry. In summary, we identified several MMPs (MMP-1, -2, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -15, -19, -23, -24, -27 and -28) with a stronger expression in breast cancer tissue compared to normal breast tissue. Of those, expression of MMP-8, -10, -12 and -27 is related to tumor grade since it is higher in analyzed G3 compared to G2 tissue samples. In contrast, MMP-7 and MMP-27 mRNA showed a weaker expression in tumor samples compared to healthy tissue. In addition, we demonstrated that the four breast cancer cell lines examined, are constitutively expressing a wide variety of MMPs. Of those, MDA-MB-468 showed the strongest mRNA and protein expression for most of the MMPs analyzed. MMP-1, -2, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -15, -19, -23, -24, -27 and -28 might thus be associated with breast cancer development and tumor progression. Therefore, these MMPs are proper candidates for further functional analysis of their role in breast cancer.
Recently, a marker for predicting metastasis or recurrence precisely in solid cancers has been focused on instead of the identification of isolated tumor cells detected by epithelial genes in circulating system. We identified a candidate marker in gastric cancer by microarray and validated it through a quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay. To identify metastasis-related genes, we performed cDNA microarray analysis of total RNA from whole bone marrow blood from six cases with metastasis and three cases without metastasis. We determined clinical significance of the identified gene by microarray analysis with quantitative real-time RT-PCR in bone marrow and peripheral blood from 810 cases of gastric cancer. We focused on membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) as a candidate marker to predict distant metastasis among identified genes. MT1-MMP-positive expression in peripheral blood was associated with incidence of peritoneal dissemination, lymphatic permeation, vascular permeation, and lymph node metastasis. MT1-MMP-positive expression in bone marrow was also significantly related to the incidence of distant metastasis and peritoneal dissemination. The expression of MT1-MMP in peripheral blood from gastric cancer cases was a powerful indicator of distant metastasis especially for peritoneal dissemination. The presence of MT1-MMP-expressing cells in bone marrow indicated higher risk for distant metastasis in gastric cancer cases.
Matrix metalloproteinase-3 (MMP-3) is a key enzyme with important implications in the invasion and metastasis of breast cancer cells. Curcumin (Cur), demethoxycurcumin (DMC), and bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC) are major forms of curcuminoids found in turmeric powder with reported anticancer activity. This study focuses on the comparative effect of Cur, DMC and BDMC on the modulation of MMP-3 activity and its secretion in MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells. MMP-3 levels were determined by casein zymography, ELISA and western blotting. Analysis of MMP-3 expression by casein zymography revealed high expression in MDA-MB-231 invasive breast carcinoma cells, but not in MCF-7 non-invasive breast cancer cells. ELISA assays showed MMP-3 levels were significantly decreased in all curcuminoid treatments. Using zymography, treatment with non-toxic doses revealed that every curcuminoid compound except Cur reduced MMP-3 levels. Moreover, the result from western blot analysis confirmed that only DMC and BDMC reduced MMP-3 secretion in MDA-MB-231 cells, but Cur did not have any effect. MMP-3 activity revealed that none of the curcuminoids showed significant effects. However, treatment of the cells with Cur, DMC and BDMC exhibited a significant inhibition of cell invasion and motility with DMC and BDMC being more potent. These results suggest that Cur, DMC, and BDMC may be used as MMP-3 inhibitors to modulate MMP-3 expression.
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Retinol and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) have previously been shown to have an important role in gene expression and various cellular processes, including differentiation, proliferation and cell death. In this study we have investigated the effect of retinol and CLA, both individually and in combination, on the intracellular cytoskeleton, focal adhesions (FAs) and the nanomechanical properties of 3T3 fibroblasts. We observed a dose-dependent decrease in the formation of FAs following treatment with either compound, which was directly correlated to an increase in cell height (>30%) and a decrease in the measured Young's modulus (approximately 28%). Furthermore, treatments with both compounds demonstrated an increased effect and led to a reduction of >70% in the average number of FAs per cell and a decrease of >50% in average cell stiffness. These data reveal that retinol and CLA disrupt FA formation, leading to an increase in cell height and a significant decrease in stiffness. These results may broaden our understanding of the interplay between cell nanomechanics and cellular contact with the external microenvironment, and help to shed light on the important role of retinoids and CLA in health and disease.
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Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is secreted as a zymogen, the activation of which has been associated with metastatic progression in human breast cancer (HBC). Concanavalin A (Con A) has been found to induce activation of MMP-2 in invasive HBC cell lines. Con A effects on the expression of mRNA for membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMP), a newly described cell surface-associated MMP, showed a close temporal correlation with induction of MMP-2 activation. It is surprising that MT-MMP mRNA is constitutively present in the iinin- duced MDA-MB-231 cell, despite a lack of MMP-2 activation. We have used actinomycin D to demonstrate a partial requirement for de novo gene expression in the induction of MMP-2 activation by Con A in MDA-MB- 231 HBC cells. Furthermore, this transcriptional response to Con A appeared to require the continued presence of Con A for its manifestation. The nontranscriptional component of the Con A induction manifests rapidly, is quite substantial, and persists strongly despite actinomycin D abrogation of both constitutive and Con A-induced MT-MMP. Cyclohex- imide analyses suggest that protein synthesis may be involved in this rapid transcription-independent response. These studies suggest that Con A induces MMP-2-activation in part by up-regulation of MT-MMP expres sion but has a more complicated mode of action, involving additional nontranscriptional effects, which apparently require protein synthesis.
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Lack of estrogen receptor (ER) and presence of vimentin (VIM) associate with poor prognosis in human breast cancer. We have explored the relationships between ER, VIM, and invasiveness in human breast cancer cell lines. In the matrigel outgrowth assay, ER+/VIM- (MCF-7, T47D, ZR-75-1), and ER-/VIM- (MDA-MB-468, SK-Br-3) cell lines were uninvasive, while ER-/VIM+ (BT549, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435, MDA-MB-436, Hs578T) lines formed invasive, penetrating colonies. Similarly, ER-/VIM+ cell lines were significantly more invasive than either the ER+/VIM- or ER-/VIM- cell lines in the Boyden chamber chemoinvasion assay. Invasive activity in nude mice was only seen with ER-/VIM+ cell lines MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-436. Hs578T cells (ER-/VIM+) showed hematogenous dissemination to the lungs in one of five mice, but lacked local invasion. The ER-/VIM+ MCF-7ADR subline was significantly more active than the MCF-7 cells in vitro, but resembled the wild-type MCF-7 parent in in vivo activity. Data from these cell lines suggest that human breast cancer progression results first in the loss of ER, and subsequently in VIM acquisition, the latter being associated with increased metastatic potential through enhanced invasiveness. The MCF-7ADR data provide evidence that this transition can occur in human breast cancer cells. Vimentin expression may provide useful insights into mechanisms of invasion and/or breast cancer cell progression.
From breast cancer cDNA libraries, we have cloned cDNAs that proved to correspond to the membrane-type matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMP) recently identified in human placenta and proposed to be an activator of progelatinase A [Sato, H., Takino, T., Okada, Y., Cao, J., Shinagawa, A., Yamamoto, E. & Seiki, M. (1994) Nature (London) 370, 61-65]. Using one of these cDNAs as a probe, we have detected MT-MMP gene expression in all 83 human carcinoma specimens examined by RNA in situ hybridization and have found MT-MMP transcripts in fibroblastic cells of tumor stroma but not in cancer cells. Comparison with other MMP genes expressed in fibroblastic cells of human carcinomas indicated that the expression pattern of the MT-MMP gene was more closely related to that of the gelatinase A gene than to those of the stromelysin 3 or interstitial collagenase genes. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that MT-MMP and gelatinase A are cooperating during tumor progression and strengthen the concept that proteolytic activities originating from the stromal component of human carcinomas have a critical role in tumor progression.
MT1-MMP correlates with MMP-2 activation potential seen after epithelial to mesenchymal transition in human breast carcinoma cells. Volume 15 Number 2. On p. 117, Figure 3, the incorrect figure was mistakenly placed during production. We apologise for the error and reproduce the correct figure here. Evaluation of flourometric and zymographic methods as activity assays for stromelysins and gelatinases. Volume 15 Number 1. On pp. 28, 29 and 30, the incomplete figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 were mistakenly placed during production. We apologise for the errors and reproduce the corrected figures here.
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and integrins have been implicated in a variety of processes involved in tumor progression. To evaluate the individual roles of integrin αvβ3 and membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP), as well as the effects of their joint expression on tumor cell functions, MCF7 breast carcinoma cells were transfected stably with either the MT1-MMP, the β3 integrin subunit or both MT1-MMP and β3 cDNAs. MT1-MMP expression is accompanied by the functional activation of integrin αvβ3, thereby increasing vitronectin-mediated adhesion and migration of MCF7 cells transfected with MT1-MMP and integrin αvβ3. MT1-MMP-dependent functional activation of αvβ3 correlates with modification(s) of the β3 subunit, including its higher electrophoretic mobility and affected the LM609-binding site. MCF7 cells jointly expressing MT1-MMP and αvβ3 were the most efficient in adhesion to the recombinant C-terminal domain of MMP-2 as well as in generating soluble and cell surface associated mature MMP-2 enzyme. These findings suggest a mechanism of selective docking of MMP-2 at tumor cell surfaces, specifically at the sites that include MT1-MMP and activated integrin αvβ3. These mechanisms may provide a link between spatial regulation of focal proteolysis by the cell surface associated MMPs and the regulation of integrin-mediated motility of tumor cells. Int. J. Cancer 86:15–23, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) plays an essential role in tumor metastasis and invasion through the degradation of extracellular matrix (ECM). MT1-MMP (membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase), a membrane-type MMP, is responsible for the activation of MMP2. In this study the significance of MT1-MMP expression in human breast tumors was investigated by immunocytochemical assay, and its correlation with clinicobiological features was analyzed. MT1-MMP expression was detected in tumor cells and/or stromal cells, and there was a strong correlation between the expressions of MT1-MMP in the two cell types. Out of 183 primary tumors, 103 (56.2%) showed positive staining of MT1-MMP in tumor cells. MT1-MMP expression showed no significant correlation with any of the clinicobiological parameters examined, including hormone receptor status and angiogenesis. In postoperative survival analysis, MT1-MMP expression itself was not a significant prognostic factor. However, in the particular subgroup with the accumulation of thymidine phosphorylase (TP)-positive stromal cells, which have been activated by various stimuli, such as cytokines and hypoxia, MT1-MMP expression had a significant prognostic value. These data suggested that MT1-MMP might function cooperatively with tumor-associated stromal cells for the progression of breast cancer.
We measured the production levels of seven different matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 13) and two tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP-1 and 2) in the homogenates of human oral squamous cell carcinomas and control normal squamous epithelia by the corresponding sandwich enzyme immunoassay systems. The levels of MMP-1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 13 and TIMP-1 were significantly higher in the carcinoma samples than in the control. Among them, only the production level of MMP-2 was significantly higher in the carcinomas with cervical lymph node metastasis than in those without metastasis (P MMP-2 (proMMP-2) is significantly higher in the carcinomas with lymph node metastasis than in those without metastasis (P P RT-PCR for membrane-types 1, 2 and 3 MMPs (MT1, 2 and 3-MMPs), which activate proMMP-2 in vitro, demonstrated that MT1-MMP is predominantly expressed in the carcinoma tissues, and the expression level is significantly higher in the carcinomas with lymph node metastasis than in those without metastasis (P P r = 0.62, P In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry indicated that carcinoma cells and stromal cells adjacent to carcinoma cell nests express MT1-MMP transcripts and protein. MMP-2 and TIMP-2 were also immunolocalized to the carcinoma cells in the carcinoma samples. By in situ zymography, gelatinolytic activity was demonstrated in the carcinoma cell nests and abolished by the treatment with an MMP inhibitor, BB94. These results suggest that among seven different MMPs, the production of proMMP-2 and its activation mediated by MT1-MMP play an important role in the cervical lymph node metastasis of the human oral squamous cell carcinomas.
We have previously reported that induction of MMP-2 activation by Concanavalin A (ConA) in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells involves both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, and that the continuous presence of ConA is required for MMP-2 activation (Yu et al. Cancer Res, 55, 3272-7, 1995). In an effort to identify signal transduction pathways which may either contribute to or modulate this mechanism, we found that three different cAMP-inducing agents, cholera toxin (CT), forskolin (FSK), and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) partially inhibited ConA-induced MT1-MMP expression and MMP-2 activation in MDA-MB-231 cells. Combinations of CT or FSK with IBMX exhibited additive effects on reduction of MT1-MMP mRNA expression and MMP-2 activation. Agents which increase cAMP levels appeared to target transcriptional aspects of ConA induction, reducing MT1-MMP mRNA and protein in parallel with the reduced MMP-2 activation. In the absence of ConA, down-regulation of constitutive production of MT1-MMP mRNA and protein was observed, indicating that cAMP acts independently of ConA. These observations may help to elucidate factors regulating MT1-MMP expression, which may be pivotal to the elaboration of invasive machinery on the cell surface.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Understanding what happens at a cellular level will lead to more effective treatments. Interleukins and transforming growth factor-beta are important inflammatory mediators that may be significant in the evolution of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.