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The Effect of a Balance Training Program on the Risk of Ankle Sprains in High School Athletes


Abstract and Figures

Ankle sprains are the most common musculoskeletal injuries that occur in athletes, and they have a profound impact on health care costs and resources. A balance training program can reduce the risk of ankle sprains in high school athletes. Randomized controlled clinical trial; Level of evidence, 1. Seven hundred and sixty-five high school soccer and basketball players (523 girls and 242 boys) were randomly assigned to either an intervention group (27 teams, 373 subjects) that participated in a balance training program or to a control group (28 teams, 392 subjects) that performed only standard conditioning exercises. On-site athletic trainers recorded athlete exposures and sprains. The rate of ankle sprains was significantly lower for subjects in the intervention group (6.1%, 1.13 of 1000 exposures vs 9.9%, 1.87 of 1000 exposures; P = .04). Athletes with a history of an ankle sprain had a 2-fold increased risk of sustaining a sprain (risk ratio, 2.14), whereas athletes who performed the intervention program decreased their risk of a sprain by one half (risk ratio, 0.56). The ankle sprain rate for athletes without previous sprains was 4.3% in the intervention group and 7.7% in the control group, but this difference was not significant (P = .059). A balance training program will significantly reduce the risk of ankle sprains in high school soccer and basketball players.
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Ankle sprains are the most common musculoskeletal injury
that occurs in athletes, and several studies have noted that
sports that require sudden stops and cutting movements,
such as basketball and soccer, cause the highest percentage of
these injuries.
Ankle sprains not only result in numerous
visits to emergency care facilities
and significant time loss
from sports participation,
but they can also cause long-
term disability
and have a major impact on health care
costs and resources
(US Consumers Product Safety
Commission, written communication, March 2005). The
financial impact of these injuries on society is borne out by
the fact that in the United States alone, 4.8 million grade
school and 1.7 million high school athletes participate in
supervised soccer and basketball programs
and, on average,
15% (1 million) of these athletes sustain ankle sprains each
The costs associated with treating this number of
sprains are staggering. In 2003 alone, the US Consumer
Products Safety Commission estimated that the direct medi-
cal cost of treating ankle sprains in high school soccer and
basketball players (ages 15-18 years) was $70 million, and
the indirect costs were $1.1 billion.
Despite the enormous health care costs associated with
this injury, critical reviews have identified only a limited
number of studies that have the appropriate methodology
to examine the effectiveness of ankle sprain prevention
measures in general
and 2 studies that examine the
efficacy of proprioceptive training in particular.
The most rigorous studies have documented that
ankle disk training will significantly reduce the risk of
ankle sprains in adult athletes with a history of an ankle
However, the efficacy of a balance train-
ing program as a primary intervention for the prevention
of sprains in athletes with healthy ankles remains to be
determined. In addition, the studies published to date do
not indicate whether proprioceptive training programs
reduce the severity of initial or subsequent ankle sprains
The Effect of a Balance Training Program
on the Risk of Ankle Sprains
in High School Athletes
Timothy A. McGuine,* PhD, ATC, and James S. Keene, MD
From the University of Wisconsin, Hospital and Clinics, Sports Medicine Center,
Madison, Wisconsin
Background: Ankle sprains are the most common musculoskeletal injuries that occur in athletes, and they have a profound
impact on health care costs and resources.
Hypothesis: A balance training program can reduce the risk of ankle sprains in high school athletes.
Study Design: Randomized controlled clinical trial; Level of evidence, 1.
Methods: Seven hundred and sixty-five high school soccer and basketball players (523 girls and 242 boys) were randomly
assigned to either an intervention group (27 teams, 373 subjects) that participated in a balance training program or to a control
group (28 teams, 392 subjects) that performed only standard conditioning exercises. On-site athletic trainers recorded athlete
exposures and sprains.
Results: The rate of ankle sprains was significantly lower for subjects in the intervention group (6.1%, 1.13 of 1000 exposures
vs 9.9%, 1.87 of 1000 exposures; P = .04). Athletes with a history of an ankle sprain had a 2-fold increased risk of sustaining a
sprain (risk ratio, 2.14), whereas athletes who performed the intervention program decreased their risk of a sprain by one half
(risk ratio, 0.56). The ankle sprain rate for athletes without previous sprains was 4.3% in the intervention group and 7.7% in the
control group, but this difference was not significant (P = .059).
Conclusion: A balance training program will significantly reduce the risk of ankle sprains in high school soccer and basketball
Keywords: ankle sprain; prevention; soccer; basketball; high school
*Address correspondence to Timothy A. McGuine, PhD, ATC, 621
Science Drive, Madison, WI 53711 (e-mail:
References 1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21, 30.
Presented at the 31st annual meeting of the AOSSM, Keystone,
Colorado, July 2005.
No potential conflict of interest declared.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. 34, No. 7
DOI: 10.1177/0363546505284191
© 2006 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
1104 McGuine and Keene The American Journal of Sports Medicine
or increase the number of exposures before an ankle sprain
The primary objective of this randomized intervention
trial was to determine if a program of balance training,
implemented in the preseason and maintained throughout
the season, would reduce the risk of ankle sprains in male
and female high school athletes. This study also sought to
determine whether (1) the effect of the intervention was
the same for athletes with or without a history of an ankle
sprain; (2) the rate of ankle sprain was affected by inde-
pendent variables such as gender, sport, leg dominance,
use of ankle supports, and ankle laxity; and (3) balance
training reduced the severity of ankle sprains.
Sample size
Previous authors have reported an incidence of acute
ankle sprains in athletes that ranged from 11% to
On the basis of these data, we projected a
sprain rate for this study of 15% in the control group and
7.5% in the intervention group. Using these rates, we cal-
culated the sample size to determine statistical signifi-
cance by using cluster randomization as well as a 2-tailed
test with α=.05 and 1-β=.80. The estimated sample size
for this study thus obtained was 680 (340 in both the inter-
vention and control groups).
Randomization into intervention and controls was per-
formed using groups of two based on a schedule provided
by the statistician (Figure 1). In this type of randomiza-
tion, each member of an individual team was assigned to
the same intervention or control group. The group ran-
domization procedure we used is not considered optimum
in randomized clinical trials. However, this procedure is
widely used and accepted in sports injury prevention trials
as a way to limit contamination between intervention and
control groups.
In addition, each school district had a
similar policy that stated any intervention must be offered
to all members of a class or team as a group rather than as
Seven hundred and sixty-five basketball and soccer play-
ers (523 girls and 242 boys) from 12 area high schools that
utilized certified athletic trainers (ATCs) from our Sports
Medicine Clinic agreed to participate in the study. Subjects
were recruited by giving study materials to potential sub-
jects, posting flyers in the schools, sending letters to school
administrators, meeting with coaches, and talking with
parents at preseason team meetings.
To be included in the study, subjects had to be on the
interscholastic basketball or soccer team roster compiled
by their head coach. In addition, each subject had to
be able to practice or play the first day of the preseason
drills and practices without restrictions due to a prior
injury. Finally, each subject (and the parents if under age
18 years) had to complete the informed consent and Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
(HIPAA) forms.
Subject Data
At each school, our on-site ATCs collected the anthro-
pometric data (gender, height, weight, ankle laxity, and
leg dominance), as well as sprain history, on each subject
(Table 1). Height was measured with a stadiometer
(±0.5 cm). Weight was measured on digital platform scale
(±0.1 lb).
Each subject was required to complete a detailed ques-
tionnaire regarding whether he or she had a prior ankle
sprain and whether that sprain occurred during the previ-
ous 12 months. When possible, this information was cross-
checked with the injury information compiled during the
previous school year by our on-site ATCs. To determine
ankle ligament laxity, the trainer performed an anterior
drawer test on the ankle with the subject in a seated posi-
tion. Leg dominance was determined by asking the athlete
which leg he or she would use to kick a ball.
The configuration of the medial longitudinal arch was
determined by using the Feiss line, which was measured
when the athlete stood with his or her weight on both
The Feiss line is a line drawn from the medial malle-
olus to the head of the first metatarsal. If the navicular
tubercle intersected the line, the arch was graded as neu-
tral. If the tubercle was above the line, the arch was graded
as supinated. If the tubercle was below the line, the arch
was graded as pronated.
blocked by 2.
12 schools agreed to
allow their teams to participate
in the study. August 2001
126 teams (coaches) contacted.
Oct. 2001 – May 2004
28 teams agreed to participate
Total athletes = 458
27 teams agreed to participate
Total athletes = 473
Subjects Enrolled
n = 373
Subjects Enrolled
n = 392
Figure 1. Subject recruitment and randomization.
Vol. 34, No. 7, 2006 Balance Training Program and Ankle Sprains 1105
The Balance Training Program
Subjects in the intervention group performed a 5-phase
balance training program, the components of which are
shown in Table 2. The program was based on a compilation
of the rehabilitation and balance training protocols vali-
dated and published in prior studies.
1 through 4 consisted of 5 exercise sessions per week for
4 weeks before the start of the season. In phase 5 (mainte-
nance phase), the subjects performed the program 3 times
per week for 10 minutes throughout the competitive season.
In all phases, each exercise was performed for 30 seconds,
and the legs were alternated during a 30-second rest inter-
val between each exercise.
The exercise program included (1) maintaining a single-
leg stance on a flat surface with eyes open and closed; (2)
performing functional sport activities such as throwing,
catching, and dribbling on 1 leg; (3) maintaining double-leg
stance while rotating the balance board; (4) maintaining a
single-leg stance on the balance board with eyes open and
closed; and (5) performing functional sport activities while
in single-leg stance on the board (Figures 2-6). The balance
board that was used consisted of a wooden disk 16 inches in
diameter with a 4-inch half sphere attached to the bottom
(Fitter International, Calgary, Alberta, Canada). The sphere
allowed approximately 17° of angulation in all planes.
Members of each team were encouraged to take part in
the intervention program as a group and were given the
option of performing the exercises before or after practice.
Teams did not perform the intervention on competition
days. If a subject missed 4 consecutive balance training
sessions, he or she was considered noncompliant with the
balance training protocol. Control subjects did not take
part in any prevention or balance training exercises beyond
their normal conditioning exercises as directed by their
Definitions and Data Collection
The ATCs assigned to each school monitored each subject
throughout the season and recorded all athlete exposures,
acute sprains, use of ankle supports, and compliance with
the intervention protocol. An athlete exposure was defined
as any coach-directed competition, practice, or conditioning
session. Ankle supports were defined as any external sup-
port such as athletic tape or lace-up or hard-shell braces.
The definitions of an acute injury and injury severity were
similar to the criteria used by Powell and Barber-Foss
their studies on high school athletes. For this study, an ankle
sprain was defined as trauma that (1) disrupted the liga-
ments of the ankle;(2) occurred during a coach-directed com-
petition, practice,or conditioning session; and (3) caused the
athlete to miss the rest of a practice or competition or miss
the next scheduled coach-directed practice or competition.
Injury severity was determined by counting the calendar
days lost because of the sprain. Sprains were classified as
minor (1-7 days lost), moderate (8-21 days lost), or severe
(more than 21 days lost). The ATCs at the school determined
the occurrence, diagnosis, and severity of each sprain.
An injured athlete was only allowed to return to activity
under the direction of his or her athletic trainer and phy-
sician. To return, each injured athlete was required to
demonstrate full ankle strength and pain-free range of
motion. In addition, each injured athlete had to be able to
complete a running program that included a series of func-
tional activities (running, jumping, hopping, and cutting
drills) similar to the demands of his or her individual sport.
Data Analysis
Ankle sprain rates were summarized as both the percentage
of athletes injured and sprains per 1000 athlete exposures.
Athlete exposures were tabulated for each noninjured subject
throughout the sports season and for injured subjects up to
the date of their first acute ankle sprain. A small number
(n = 11) of athletes dropped out of the study when they
stopped participating on their interscholastic team and were
included in the analysis through the last day of their team
membership. A total of 34 intervention subjects were classi-
fied as noncompliant (missed 4 consecutive balance training
sessions). All subjects were included in the analysis under the
intent-to-treat principle, which mandates that all subjects
Subject Demographics (N = 765)
Controls Intervention
Variable (n = 392) (n = 373)
Female 262 (66.8) 261 (69.9)
Male 130 (33.1) 112 (30.1)
Age, y 16.6 ± 1.1 16.4 ± 1.2
Height, cm
Female 167.4 ± 6.0 166.1 ± 6.9
Male 173.7 ± 11.7 174.8 ± 10.4
Weight, kg
Female 61.2 ± 7.0 60.5 ± 7.4
Male 69.4 ± 11.6 71.6 ± 10.8
Level of competition
Varsity 317 (80.8) 320 (85.7)
Subvarsity 58 (14.7) 22 (5.8)
Freshman 17 (4.3) 31 (8.3)
Previous ankle injury
Yes 93 (23.7) 89 (23.8)
No 299 (76.3) 284 (76.2)
Leg dominance
Right 352 (89.7) 336 (90.0)
Left 40 (10.2) 37 (10.0)
Arch type
Pronated 126 (32.1) 98 (26.2)
Neutral 244 (62.2) 248 (66.4)
Cavus 22 (5.6) 27 (7.2)
Use of ankle supports
Yes 74 (18.9) 70 (18.7)
No 318 (81.1) 303 (81.3)
Ankle laxity (drawer test)
5 mm 387 (99.3) 364 (97.9)
5+ mm 5 (0.7) 9 (2.1)
All data are presented as n (%), except age, height, and weight,
which are presented as mean ± SD.
1106 McGuine and Keene The American Journal of Sports Medicine
The Balance Training Program
Phase Surface Eyes Exercise
I Floor Open Single-leg stance
Week 1 Open Single-leg stance while swinging the raised leg
Open Single-leg squat (30°-45°)
Open Single-leg stance while performing functional activities
(dribbling, catching, kicking)
II Floor Closed Single-leg stance
Week 2 Closed Swinging the raised leg
Closed Single-leg squat (30°-45°)
III Board Open Single-leg stance
Week 3 Open Swinging the raised leg
Open Single-leg squat (30°-45°)
Open Double-leg stance while rotating the board
IV Board Closed Single-leg stance
Week 4 Open Swinging the raised leg
Open Single-leg squat (30°-45°)
Open Single-leg stance while rotating the board
V Board Closed Single-leg stance
Week 5+ Open Single-leg squat (30°-45°)
Open Single-leg stance while rotating the board
Open Single-leg stance while performing functional activities
(dribbling, catching, kicking)
Phases I through IV were performed 5 days per week. Phase V was performed 3 days per week for the rest of the season. Each exercise
was performed for a duration of 30 seconds per leg, and legs were alternated during a rest period of 30 seconds between repetitions.
Figure 2. Single-leg stance with eyes open.
Figure 3. Single-leg stance while dribbling.
Vol. 34, No. 7, 2006 Balance Training Program and Ankle Sprains 1107
are included in all analyses, regardless of whether they
completed the intervention program.
Various statistical procedures were performed on the
data using P < .05 as the level of significance. Ankle sprain
rates were estimated using the methods of Kaplan and
Meier survival analysis and compared between the inter-
vention and control groups using a log-rank test. The Cox
Proportional Hazards model was used to examine the rela-
tionship between ankle sprains and several independent
variables (intervention, gender, height, weight, sport, etc).
In addition, Fisher exact tests were used to determine if
the intervention program was equally effective for subjects
with and without a history of an ankle sprain. All statistical
analyses were performed using SAS software, version 6.12
(SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
Subject Population
The characteristics and demographics for the subjects in
the intervention and control groups were similar and are
summarized in Table 1. Although the number of male and
female athletes recruited for the study was comparable,
542 (68.3%) of the subjects who ultimately enrolled were
girls. This finding did not affect the analysis, however,
because the percentage of girls in the intervention and
control groups (69.9% vs 66.8%) was similar.
Description of the Ankle Sprains
Sixty-two of the 765 subjects (8.1%) sustained an acute
ankle sprain during their sports season (Table 3). Overall,
the rate of ankle sprains was 1.51 per 1000 exposures.
Fifty-six (90.3%) were lateral ankle sprains, 4 (6.4%) were
medial sprains, and 2 (3.2%) were syndesmotic sprains.
The mean number of days lost from the sprains was
7.6 days (range, 2-26 days). A majority (64.5%) of the ankle
sprains were minor and caused the athlete to miss 1 to
7 days, whereas 29% were classified as being of moderate
severity (the athlete missed 8-21 days), and 6.4% were
severe (the athlete was out for more than 21 days). Three
subjects sustained a sprain near the end of the season and
did not return to competition before the season ended. In
these cases, the trainer stopped counting days lost on the
last day the team practiced or competed.
Balance Training Subjects Versus Control Subjects
Kaplan-Meier survival analysis documented the exposure
date of each sprain and the number of athletes exposed for
that particular day, thereby calculating the relative risk of
sprain during the course of the season (Figure 7). The sprain
rates for the intervention subjects were significantly lower
than for controls (χ
= 4.00, df = 1, P = .045). The risk of ankle
injury for subjects taking part in the balance training pro-
gram was 62.0% (95% confidence interval [CI], 37.8%-
101.7%) of that in the control group (Table 4).
Figure 4. Double-leg stance while rotating the board. Figure 5. Balancing on the board while the eyes are closed.
1108 McGuine and Keene The American Journal of Sports Medicine
In athletes without previous ankle sprain, 7.7% (23 of
299) of the controls and 4.2% (12 of 284) of the subjects tak-
ing part in the intervention sustained an ankle sprain. The
risk of ankle injury in the intervention group was 54.9%
(95% CI, 27.9%-108.3%) of that in the control group.
Although the training program appeared to reduce the
incidence of ankle sprains in subjects without a history
of ankle sprain, these results did not achieve significance
= 3.42, df = 1, P = .059). However, the small number of
sprains and the sample size limited the statistical power
in this analysis to detect any difference in injury rates
between the 2 groups.
There were no adverse events from participating in the
balance training program. Specifically, the on-site trainers
did not observe or report any injuries from athletes who
fell off of the board during the balance training.
Effect of the Independent Variables
on the Risk of Ankle Sprain
The effect each variable had on the rate of ankle sprain is
shown in Table 5. The risk of sustaining an ankle sprain
was twice as high (risk ratio, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.25-3.65;
P = .005) for subjects who had sustained an ankle sprain
within the previous 12 months. Taking part in the inter-
vention program significantly reduced the risk of an ankle
sprain (risk ratio, 0.56; 95% CI, 0.33-0.95; P = .033). This
finding indicates that the intervention program was very
effective in reducing the number of ankle sprains.
The remaining variables evaluated, including gender,
sport, leg dominance, use of ankle supports, and ankle laxity,
did not have a significant effect on the rate of ankle sprains
(Table 5).
Ankle Sprain Severity
The mean number of days lost was 5.8 ± 5.5 days for
subjects in the intervention group and 8.1 ± 6.6 days for
subjects in the control group. The distribution of ankle
sprains by severity (mild, moderate, severe) is summarized
in Table 6. The percentage of minor sprains in the interven-
tion group was higher than in the control group (74% vs
59%), whereas the percentage of moderate sprains in the
intervention group was lower than in the control group
(22% vs 33%).
A Fisher exact test was used to determine whether there
was a significant difference in the distribution of injury
Figure 6. Balancing on the board while performing functional
activities (dribbling).
Description of the Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains 62 8.1
Exposures 41 078
Sprains/1000 exposures 1.51
Severity (days lost) Mean = 7.6 + 5.3
Mild 40 64.5
Moderate 18 29.0
Severe 4 6.4
Type of sprain
Lateral 56 90.3
Medial 4 6.4
Syndesmotic 2 3.2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
% Injured Controls % Injured Interventions
Figure 7. Rate of ankle sprains for high school subjects in
the control and intervention groups. The rate of ankle sprains
was significantly lower in subjects in the intervention group.
(Kaplan-Meier survival estimate: χ
= 4.00, df = 1, P = .045.)
Vol. 34, No. 7, 2006 Balance Training Program and Ankle Sprains 1109
severity between both groups. However, because of the
small number of sprains in the moderate and severe cate-
gories, these categories were collapsed into a single cate-
gory (more than 7 days lost). After collapsing the data, no
difference was detected (P = .281) in sprain severity.
The primary objective of this study was to determine
whether a balance training program could reduce the rate
of ankle sprains in high school athletes. The results of this
study document that a simple, inexpensive, balance train-
ing program performed during a high school sport season
will reduce the rate of ankle sprains by 38% in male and
female high school soccer and basketball players. This
result has several important ramifications. First, the age
group included in this study represents a large (1.7 million)
population of athletes participating in high school soccer
and basketball programs. Second, ankle sprains represent
the highest rate of time loss injuries in this population of
athletes. A decrease of 38% of ankle sprains in this group
of high school soccer and basketball players (as found in
this study) would result in a reduction of $26 million in
direct health care costs and $380 million in indirect costs
per year if the program were used on a national level for
these 2 sports alone. Third, many of the athletes in high
schools across the country do not have access to the equip-
ment or the skilled personnel necessary to participate in
an ankle sprain prevention program. Fourth, the balance
boards are not expensive. Balance boards similar to those
used in this study can be purchased for $30 to $60 and will
last for several years. Purchasing 10 to 12 balance boards
would allow many members of a team to use the boards at
the same time, thus causing little disruption of other team
activities and practices. Finally, the 5-phase program used
in this study is time efficient and can easily be adapted to
most athletic team practices and physical education class
Male and female high school (adolescent) athletes in the
United States are a population that has been sparsely
studied regarding prevention of ankle sprains. In fact, this
study is the first to show that balance training, as a single
intervention, will significantly reduce ankle sprains in this
population. One prior study also used adolescent athletes
to evaluate the efficacy of balance training (an ankle disk
program) for reducing ankle sprains in female team hand-
ball players (ages 16-18 years).
However, their preven-
tion program also included one warm-up activity for each
muscle group to ensure a thorough warm-up and training
of all muscle groups. The authors found that the number of
ankle sprains was significantly lower in the intervention
group and concluded that the specific training of balance
and proprioception had an important role in the prevention
of ankle sprains in young female handball players. However,
they could not determine whether the balance training or
the regular warm-up was the major cause for the reduction
in injury rates.
The second objective of this study was to determine
whether a balance training program was equally effective in
reducing the rate of ankle sprains in subjects with and with-
out a history of an ankle sprain. None of the prior studies has
been able to document that a proprioceptive training pro-
gram will significantly reduce the incidence of ankle sprains
in athletes without a prior sprain.
Our results sug-
gest that a balance training program will reduce the rate of
ankle sprains in athletes who have not had a prior ankle
sprain. However, our results approached (P < .059) but did
Rate of Ankle Sprains for Control and Intervention Subjects
Subjects (n) Ankle Sprains Rate per Player (%) Exposures Sprains/1000 Athletic Exposures
Controls 392 39 9.9 20 828 1.87
Intervention 373 23 6.1
20 250 1.13
Total 765 62 8.1 41 078 1.51
The risk ratio for subjects in the intervention group was 62% of that of controls.
Relationship of Independent Variables and the Risk
of Ankle Sprain for High School Soccer
and Basketball Players
Variable χ
P Ratio 95% CI
Balance training 4.513 .033
0.56 0.33-0.95
Age 0.007 .929 1.01 0.78-1.31
Level of 0.696 .404 0.76 0.41-1.42
Use of ankle 3.821 .051 1.75 0.99-3.09
Height 0.564 .452 0.79 0.43-1.45
Weight 0.293 .588 1.03 0.90-1.18
Body mass index 0.495 .481 0.74 0.32-1.69
Leg dominance 1.490 .222 0.78 0.15-1.55
History of ankle 7.891 .005
2.14 1.25-3.65
History of knee 0.395 .529 0.74 0.29-1.88
Arch type, pronated 0.918 .338 0.75 0.43-1.33
Arch type, supinated 0.040 .840 0.89 0.31-2.55
Ankle laxity 0.074 .785 0.75 0.10-5.69
Gender 0.330 .565 0.81 0.40-1.63
Sport 1.232 .266 1.39 0.77-2.48
Cox Proportional Hazards Model (χ
= 30.032, df = 15); CI,
confidence interval.
Denotes a significant value (P < .05).
1110 McGuine and Keene The American Journal of Sports Medicine
not attain statistical significance. This finding was attributed
in large part to the fact that there were fewer sprains (n = 62)
than the number we projected (n = 87) based on the incidence
of acute sprains reported in other studies.
The results substantiate that a balance training pro-
gram was effective in significantly reducing the rate of
recurrent ankle sprains in those high school athletes who
had prior ankle sprains. This result is in accord with the
results of prior studies. Verhagen et al,
who studied the
effect that a 36-week balance board training program had
on reducing ankle sprains in adult Dutch volleyball play-
ers, found that the number of self-reported ankle sprains
was significantly lower in athletes completing the inter-
vention program. This result, however, was seen only in
players with a history of an ankle sprain.
Tropp et al
compared the efficacy of a semirigid ankle
orthosis and ankle disk training for reducing ankle
sprains. However, the ankle disk training program was
only given to the 65 athletes who had previous ankle prob-
lems. Both the semirigid orthosis and the ankle disk pro-
gram significantly reduced the number of ankle sprains in
those with prior ankle sprains.
In 1997, Bahr et al
reported on a 3-year cohort study
that evaluated a proprioceptive prevention program that
included a didactic session on risk factors, a 2-hour training
session on a balance board for players with previous ankle
sprains, and technical training that emphasized safe take-
off and landing techniques.They found that the incidence of
ankle sprains was reduced by 47% from the first to the third
years, but they could not determine to what degree each of
the program’s elements contributed to the overall results.
Three other studies also examined the effect that bal-
ance training had on athletes with a history of an ankle
sprain. Each of these studies also found that the interven-
tion group, which did a balance training program, had a
significantly lower rate of re-sprains compared with the
control group.
The third goal of this study was to examine the relation-
ship that various independent variables had on the risk of
sustaining an ankle sprain. Sustaining an ankle sprain
within the previous 12 months more than doubled the risk
of another sprain (risk ratio, 2.14). This finding is consis-
tent with previous publications that reported that sustain-
ing an ankle sprain predisposes a person to a subsequent
ankle sprain.
The variable that was associated with the lowest risk
of an ankle sprain was performing the balance training
program. This program reduced the risk of injury by nearly
half (risk ratio, 0.56). This finding, coupled with the risk
ratio of 2.14 for reinjury reported above for those who had
prior sprains, further emphasizes the importance of per-
forming balance training exercises to reduce the rate of
ankle sprains.
It is interesting that the use of ankle supports appeared
to lead to an increase in the risk of ankle sprain. However,
this finding should be interpreted with caution. We defined
ankle support as any tape or brace used by the athlete. We
suspect that a number of athletes used braces that they
had purchased on their own that provided limited support.
In addition, some athletes relied on coaches and team-
mates to tape them when they competed away from their
own school. We have no doubt that if equivalent, well-
constructed braces were used on all athletes and taping was
done only by an ATC, we would not have found that the
risk of ankle sprains was higher in subjects who used
ankle supports.
The last objective of the study was to determine whether
the balance training program would reduce the severity of
ankle sprains. We found that the balance training program
did not affect the severity of the sprain. Specifically, it did
not reduce the mean number of days lost and did not affect
the distribution of sprains classified as mild, moderate, or
severe. This finding is similar to that of Verhagen et al,
who found that the average time lost from volleyball after
an ankle sprain was not affected by taking part in a bal-
ance training program.
Study Limitations
Recall bias may have occurred with the subjects when they
completed the self-report questionnaire regarding their
sprain history. We tried to minimize this bias by review-
ing the responses with each subject and cross-checking
responses whenever possible with the school injury records
from previous sport seasons.
The lack of blinding may also be a limitation. Subjects
performing the intervention knew they were doing so to
prevent sprains. In addition to the lack of subject blinding,
the ATCs at the schools knew which teams were in the con-
trol and intervention groups. Such limitations have been
discussed in reviews,
which have concluded that these
problems are inherent in these types of studies.
In this study, female subjects outnumbered male sub-
jects by a ratio of 2 to 1. Before each season, equal numbers
Distribution of the Ankle Sprains by Severity (Days Lost)
Minor, 1-7 d Moderate, 8-21 d Severe, >21 d Total
Group n % n % n % n
Intervention 17 73.9 5 21.7 1 4.3 23
Control 23 58.9 13 33.3 3 7.6 39
Total 40 64.5 18 29.0 4 6.0 62
There were no significant differences in injury severity between the 2 groups. Because of the small number of injuries, the category of
Minor injuries was compared with the combined categories of Moderate and Severe injures. Fisher exact test, P = .281.
Vol. 34, No. 7, 2006 Balance Training Program and Ankle Sprains 1111
of male and female teams were contacted and recruited to
participate in the study, so there were no logistical reasons
why more female subjects were enrolled. However, we did
notice that the parents of female athletes seemed more
interested in having their daughters take part in this
research. This may be because of the intense reporting dur-
ing the past several years on injuries such as anterior cru-
ciate ligament tears in young female basketball and soccer
players. In general, they seemed to be more diligent in ask-
ing questions during the parent meetings we attended and
in returning all informed consent and HIPAA documents
before the start of the sport season so that their daughters
could participate in the study.
This study documented that a balance training program,
implemented throughout a sports season, will reduce the
rate of ankle sprains by 38% in high school basketball and
soccer players. The balance training program included
simple exercises and employed an inexpensive device that
should be readily available to high school and adolescent
athletes across the United States. Further research is
needed to determine whether this exercise program can sig-
nificantly reduce the rate of ankle sprain in athletes without
a history of a sprain or reduce ligament sprains in the knee
and other lower extremity joints in high school athletes.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the work of Glen
Leverson, PhD, Biostatistician, at the University of
Wisconsin Medical School who provided consultation on the
research design and performed the statistical analyses for
this study. Funding for this study was provided by the
University of Wisconsin Surgical Associates Research Fund
and UW Sports Medicine Classic Fund.
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... The ankle incidence might be high due to the physical demands of AF (9) which increases the likelihood of sustaining lower limb injuries, specifically at the ankle. Low balance may increase the risk of ankle injury during falling (16), so balance training could be implemented into prevention methods to reduce this risk (17,18). ...
... There has not been any research evaluating targeted ankle injury prevention programs in elite junior AF cohorts despite the consistently high incidence and burden over multiple studies. However, there are successful programs that have targeted ankle sprain injuries in other football codes (17)(18)(19)(20) and junior basketball athletes (17,18,21). Due to the high incidence and the increasing burden of ankle injuries, they are a key injury that should be targeted with specific injury prevention methods. ...
... There has not been any research evaluating targeted ankle injury prevention programs in elite junior AF cohorts despite the consistently high incidence and burden over multiple studies. However, there are successful programs that have targeted ankle sprain injuries in other football codes (17)(18)(19)(20) and junior basketball athletes (17,18,21). Due to the high incidence and the increasing burden of ankle injuries, they are a key injury that should be targeted with specific injury prevention methods. ...
... One effective way to improve the postural control system is by performing proprioceptive exercises. During our research, we followed the progressive training protocol as described in the literature [40][41][42]. At the end of the experimental period, proprioceptive exercises proved their effectiveness by improving all tested functional parameters and ultimately by reducing the number of sprains. ...
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Background: This paper aims to investigate the impact of proprioceptive exercises on postural control in handball players with chronic ankle instability. Methods: The research participants (n = 22) were divided into two groups: the experimental group (n = 11) and the control group (n = 11). Chronic ankle instability was diagnosed using the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI) questionnaire, while postural control was evaluated with the Iso-Shift stabilometric platform. The intervention consisted of a 15-week proprioceptive exercise program, with sessions performed three times a week. The rehabilitation protocol was conducted at the start of each training session, immediately following the warm-up. Results: The data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney U tests. Both groups improved their score on the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI) questionnaire (IdFAI_CG, p < 0.011; IdFAI_EG, p < 0.003) and reduced the number of ankle sprains (NS_EG, p < 0.008). Also, the experimental group had better results for the following tests: ellipse area with open eyes on the left leg (EA_I-OE_L, p < 0.009), ellipse area with closed eyes on the left leg (EA_I-CE_L, p < 0.033), anteroposterior deviation with open eyes on the left leg (APD_I-OE_L, p < 0.023), and the initial and final number of ankle sprains (NS_I, p < 0.01; NS_F, p < 0.024). Conclusions: Athletes who suffer from chronic joint instability are more likely to experience severe postural deviations than those who do not have this condition. Proprioceptive exercises had a positive impact on postural control in both groups, but the experimental group showed a greater improvement.
... Balance training was performed through modifying the protocol described by McGuine and Keene (2006). The protocol involved performing each exercise twice for 30 s, with a 30-s rest between each exercise. ...
We aimed to implement strength and balance training for elite adolescent male soccer players with functional ankle instability (FAI) to assess kinesiophobia, ankle instability, ankle function, and performance. This cluster randomized controlled trial comprised 51 elite adolescent male soccer players with FAI recruited from six different teams, divided into strength, balance, and control groups (SG, n = 17; BG, n = 17; and CG, n = 17, respectively). The SG and BG underwent strength and balance training sessions three times per week for 6 weeks. Primary outcomes were the Tampa scale for kinesiophobia-17 (TSK) and Cumberland ankle instability tool (CAIT) scores to assess kinesiophobia and FAI, respectively. Secondary outcomes were ankle strength (four directions), dynamic balance, static balance (ellipse, displacement, velocity), and performance (figure 8 and side-hop tests). A significant interaction effect was observed for both TSK and CAIT post-intervention (both, P < 0.01). In post hoc analyses, the BG had significantly better outcomes in reducing TSK. The SG and BG showed greater improvements in CAIT scores. Regression analysis indicated that CAIT severity correlated significantly with TSK (P = 0.039, R = 0.289). For secondary outcomes, the SG and BG were superior in terms of ankle dorsiflexion/inversion strength, static balance displacement, and figure-8 and side-hop tests (all, P < 0.05). The BG showed significantly better static balance ellipse results (P < 0.05). The 6-week intervention significantly enhanced kinesiophobia management, ankle stability, and performance. Balance training effectively mitigated kinesiophobia and improved balance, compared with strength training alone. Even small variations in CAIT severity can influence kinesiophobia, highlighting the potential benefits of balance training. Integrating balance training into training programs can address both physical and psychological aspects of ankle instability. Research is recommended to explore the longitudinal effects of these interventions and their potential to prevent injury recurrence.
... Balance training in athletes has been shown to reduce the risk of sports-related injuries and improve functional performance. [1][2][3] It has also been reported to improve posture and neuromuscular control in athletes, 4,5 and to induce, promote, and assist in the recovery of neuromuscular function and rehabilitation after an injury. 6 A meta-analysis of the effects of balance training in youth reported moderate to large effects on static and dynamic balance, 7 highlighting the importance of balance training in young athlete's training programs. ...
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Purpose This study examined the immediate effects of oculomotor and bimanual coordination exercises, as well as a combination of the two, on stability of balance in athletes. Patients and Methods Changes in center-of-gravity sway were measured in 30 college student athletes before and after the following three exercise conditions: 1) oculomotor exercises, 2) bimanual coordination exercises, and 3) a combination of oculomotor and bimanual coordination exercises (1+2). The order of these exercises was counterbalanced. Results The combination of exercises (condition 3) reduced large swaying during balancing and immediately increased postural stability. Moreover, the oculomotor and bimanual coordination exercises (conditions 1 and 2) immediately reduced large sway during balancing when performed independently. Thus, the present study revealed that the combination of oculomotor and bimanual coordination exercises immediately reduced accidental swaying during balancing and also improved postural stability. Conclusion This combination could be effective as an immediate balance adjustment method for athletes.
... (a) Running (60 s), (b) Jumping jacks (40 s), (c) Linear knee raise (10 reps), (d) Squat (10 reps) and (e) Leg swing (10 reps); Part 2-15 min of Balance exercises: (a) One-legged stance on an exercise mat 3 × 45 s hold, (b) Jump from one leg to the other and control landing for 4 s, 3 × 10 reps, (c) One-legged stance on a balance board 3 × 45 s hold, (d) Onelegged stance on the Balance board with the knee flexed 3 × 10 knee flexions, (e) Twolegged squat on a Balance board 3 × 45 sec hold and Part 3. 7 min of lower limb static stretching exercises[19,[40][41][42],Figure 3. ...
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Lateral ankle sprains are one of the most frequent athletic injuries in football, causing deficits in balance. Motor Imagery (MI) has been successively included in sports rehabilitation as a complementary therapeutic intervention. The aim of the present study was to explore the effects of MI on static and dynamic balance and on the fear of re-injury in professional football players with Grade II ankle sprains. Fifty-eight participants were randomly allocated into two groups: First-MI group (n = 29) and second-Placebo group (n = 29), and they each received six intervention sessions. The first MI group received MI guidance in addition to the balance training program, while the second Placebo group received only relaxation guidance. One-way ANOVA showed statistically significant results for all variables, both before and 4 weeks after the interventions for both groups. The t-test showed statistically significant differences between the two groups for static balance for the right lower extremity (t = 3.25, S (two-tailed) = 0.002, p < 0.05) and also for heart rate (final value) in all time phases. Further research is needed in order to establish MI interventions in sports trauma recovery using stronger MI treatments in combination with psychophysiological factors associated with sports rehabilitation.
... Another aspect less explored among recreational athletes is the relationship between body composition (e.g., bone, adipose tissue, and muscle mass), postural stability, and injuries. Bone mineral density (BMD) seems related to postural stability in a complex interaction that might affect the risk of fractures (Simon et al., 2021) due to the relevance of balance on injury prevention in sports (Verhagen et al., 2004;McGuine & Keene, 2006). Moreover, body weight fluctuation seems to affect postural control as well (Fontana et al., 2009), while postural control is a complex task maintaining the centre of mass within the base of support during a quiet stance and its impairment might be caused by musculoskeletal, visual, vestibular, somatosensory, or central nervous system disorders (Horak, 2006). ...
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Background Low energy availability (LEA) causes pathophysiology of the female athlete’s body affecting the bone and reproductive health and was observed to have a high prevalence in recreational female athletes previously. The aim of this study was to analyse the relationship between low energy availability in females questionnaire (LEAF-Q), bone mineral density (BMD), and postural stability in recreational athletes. Methods Recreational female athletes ( n = 24, age: 23.71 ± 2.94, Tier I) completed LEAF-Q, postural stability measurement during quiet stance (Zebris platform FDM; GmbH) and their BMD was measured using DXA (Hologic QDR Horizon A). Non-parametric statistical tests were used to analyse the relationships between LEAF-Q, BMD, and postural stability and to compare differences between participants divided by the LEAF-Q score and its subscales. Results Risk of LEA was observed in 50% of recreational athletes participating in this study. Up to 46% of participants perceived menstrual bleeding changes related to training and 37.50% experienced menstrual dysfunction. Body composition and body weight fluctuations were observed to affect postural stability and BMD. With the risk score for LEA, the BMD and postural stability were not negatively affected in recreational athletes. However, the high number of recreational athletes in the risk score for LEA and menstrual dysfunctions highlights the need for public health programs aimed to increase awareness of LEA and its health consequences and for open communication about the menstrual cycle. Future longitudinal studies observing LEA, BMD, menstrual function, postural stability, and their interrelationship in female athletes are needed to increase the knowledge of this topic.
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Background: We conducted a cross-sectional study to examine two-leg- and one-leg-type balance characteristics in athletes and explore factors related to their balance ability. Methods: A total of 213 participants, including athletes from various sports (gymnastics, boat racing, swimming, soccer, judo, and baseball) and non-athletes, were included (142 men, 71 women, average age 21.5 ± 2.1 years). Balance ability was classified into two-leg and one-leg types using the modified index of postural stability (mIPS) in a two-leg stance and the one-legged stance duration with eyes closed (OLS). Body composition, upper and lower limb strength, and lower limb sensation were also measured. To examine the balance characteristics of each sport, the mIPS and OLS were used as dependent variables in a multiple regression model with age, height, weight, and sex as independent variables. Results: The results showed a significantly higher mIPS in gymnastics (estimate: 0.22) and boat racing (0.14), and it was lower in swimming (−0.25). The OLS was significantly higher in soccer (16.98), judo (16.23), gymnastics (9.77), and baseball (9.12) and significantly lower in swimming (7.93). Additionally, the mIPS was independently associated with knee extension strength (0.12), sensory motor variables (−0.004), and height (−0.01). The OLS was associated with skeletal muscle mass (1.85) and height (−1.42). Conclusions: In summary, gymnasts showed superior two-leg and one-leg balance; boat racers excelled in two-leg balance; swimmers showed inferior two-leg but better one-leg balance; and soccer, judo, and baseball athletes demonstrated superior one-leg balance. Additionally, the mIPS was associated with knee extensor strength, plantar pressure sensation, and height, whereas the OLS was associated with skeletal muscle mass and height.
Introdução: A Ginástica Rítmica (GR) integra treinamento de alta performance, educação e influências culturais. O desempenho depende de coordenação motora e flexibilidade. No Brasil, lesões em tornozelo e joelho são comuns. A propriocepção é crucial na prevenção de lesões. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo de caso com nove atletas femininas de GR (13-16 anos) da UNOPAR. Controle postural avaliado com a plataforma de força BIOMEC400, medindo deslocamento e velocidade de oscilação do COP. Dados coletados antes e após três fases do programa de exercícios sensório-motores, realizados três vezes por semana. Análise estatística com ANOVA de medidas repetidas e correções, significância de 5%. Resultados: Após 90 dias, houve melhora significativa no equilíbrio postural. A área do COP e as velocidades de oscilação diminuíram nas posições bipodal e unipodal. Discussão: O treinamento proprioceptivo melhorou o equilíbrio postural e a estabilidade articular, conforme indicado pela redução na área do COP e velocidades de oscilação. Conclusão: O protocolo proprioceptivo específico melhorou significativamente o equilíbrio e a estabilidade postural em atletas de GR.
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A treatment and rehabilitation protocol was implemented on a university football player sustaining a second-degree lateral ankle sprain. The initial treatment plan involved the application of the RICE principle (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). This particular rehabilitation protocol was aimed at restoring range of motion and function at the earliest possible time with the use of a cryokinetic technique developed by Knight and with progressive exercise. The subject in this case study returned to full participation 6 days postinjury. The results from this report indicate that a program of cryokinetics and functional progressive exercise performed within pain-free limits can greatly enhance the return of an athlete to competition.
BACKGROUND:Ankle sprains are the most common injuries in a variety of sports.
Exercises to improve joint proprioception and coordination of the functionally unstable ankle are advocated throughout the literature, yet there is little evidence that these exercise have any effect on proprioception and balance. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a 6-week coordination and balance training program on proprioception of subjects with functional ankle instability. Forty-five subjects (age = 22.53 +/- 3.95 years, height = 172.04 +/- 10.0 cm, weight = 71.72 +/- 15.7 kg) were randomly placed into a control (Group 1), sham (Group 2), or experimental (Group 3) group. The experimental group trained 3 days per week, 10 minutes each day, performing various balance and proprioception exercises. Postural sway and active and passive joint position sense were assessed. Analysis of variance for postural sway modified equilibrium score for anterior and posterior sway, as well as medial and lateral sway revealed significant four-way interactions. Tukey post hoc analyses revealed that Group 3 performed significantly better (p < .05) than Group 1 and Group 2 on the posttests. There were no significant differences for joint position sense or postural sway index. Results suggest that balance and coordination training can improve some measures of postural sway. It is still unclear if joint position sense can be improved in the functionally unstable ankle.
A recent study of 317 women gymnasts competing at high school, college, and club levels yielded 106 injuries, 13% of which involved the ankle. In an attempt to ascertain the type and frequency of ankle injuries in athletes of similar ages in a wide variety of sports, the results of a 2-year study of four high schools were examined. During the investigation where certified athletic trainers examined all injuries, 2,840 participants in 14 sports sustained 1,176 injuries, 14% of which involved the ankle. The over-all injury rate for all sports was 0.415 (or 41 injuries per 100 participants per season). The rate of occurrence of ankle injuries was 6 (5.7%) per 100 participants per season, 1 ankle injury for every 17 participants. Of these ankle injuries, the vast majority (85%) were sprains. Ankle sprains were most common in basketball where they constituted 38 and 45% of all injuries in men's and women's basketball, respectively. Football yielded the next highest frequency with 13.2% of all injuries involving the ankle, 81% of which were sprains. Women's cross-country had the next highest frequency of ankle sprains, although the absolute number of participants (and injuries) was small. Of the 14 sports examined, only tennis( with men and women) yielded no ankle injuries. The typical mechanism of injury is one of inversion plantar flexion and internal rotation.
Ankle sprains are common and often are treated inadequately. Unstable lateral ankle ligaments cause abnormal ankle motion and can lead to degenerative changes. Arthrography is the superior radiographic study in acutely injured ankles. Stress tests are useful if positive; however, because false-negative tests are common, general anesthesia should be considered. Chronic injuries may be evaluated well with stress testing. Conservative treatment (that is, mobilization) with aggressive rehabilitation is probably the best treatment for all lateral ligament injuries, unless certain mechanical stability is of paramount importance. Finally, the results of late reconstruction equal those of early repair.
Two different methods for the prevention of ankle joint injuries in soccer were tested. Coordination training on an ankle disk improves functional stability and postural control, whereas an orthosis provides mechanical support. Both techniques reduce the frequency of ankle sprains in soccer players with previous ankle problems. The orthosis is an alternative to taping, and can be used during the rehabilitation period after injury or when playing on uneven ground. Coordination training on an ankle disk ought to be included in the rehabilitation of ankle injuries to prevent functional instability. It may also be done prophylactically by players with previous ankle problems in order to break the vicious circle of recurrent sprains and feeling of giving way.
According to research, proprioceptive training enables injured subjects to reduce proprioceptive deficits and increase postural control. However, the effects of proprioceptive training have not been researched in healthy subjects. This study investigated the effects of Biomechanical Ankle Platform System (BAPS) training on postural sway of healthy subjects (N = 28). Subjects were pretested and posttested using the Kistler force platform while performing a single limb stance. The subjects stood on their dominant leg with the opposite hip and knee held in a self-selected position. Subjects trained the dominant leg three times per week for 10 weeks on the BAPS. Experimental subjects showed significant improvements in both the medial-lateral and anterior-posterior parameters of postural sway when compared with a control group. In conclusion, 10 weeks of proprioceptive ankle disk training significantly decreased postural sway in both the medial-lateral and anterior-posterior directions.
Ankle sprain is a common sports injury and is often regarded as trivial by athletes and coaches. This epidemiological study was conducted among three categories of Hong Kong Chinese athletes: national teams, competitive athletes and recreational athletes. This study shows that as much as 73% of all athletes had recurrent ankle sprain and 59% of these athletes had significant disability and residual symptoms which led to impairment of their athletic performance. This study indicates that a proper approach towards injury prevention and a comprehensive rehabilitation programme are required.
Ankle sprains are often complicated by functional instability and repeated sprains. Rehabilitation with wobble boards in patients with functional instability has been tested, and significant improvement has been found compared to no training. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the number of patients with residual symptoms following ankle sprains could be reduced by training on a wobble board during 12-week recovery period. In addition, the influence of training in the time course reduction of edema was investigated. We performed a prospective study including 61 patients, all active in sports for more than 2 hours a week with primary ankle sprains. The effect of a 12-week training program with wobble board was compared with no training. Forty-eight patients completed the study. In the follow-up period (mean X = 230 days), we found significantly fewer recurrent sprains, and significantly fewer patients in the training group had functional instability of the ankle compared with the no training group. There were no differences in the two groups in the time which elapsed before patients were painless at walking, during running, or at sports. Volumetric measurements revealed no difference in the speed of reduction of hematoma and edema of the ankle and foot between the two groups. We conclude that training on a wobble board early after primary stage 2 ankle sprains is effective in reducing residual symptoms following this lesion and that training does not seem to affect the time course reduction in edema.