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Epidemiology of dysmenorrhea among adolescent students in Mansora, Egypt


Abstract and Figures

To examine the prevalence, determinants, impact and treatment practices of dysmenorrhoea, we studied 664 female students in secondary schools in urban and rural areas. Data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire. About 75% of the students experienced dysmenorrhoea (mild 55.3%, moderate 30.0%, severe 14.8%). Most did not seek medical advice although 34.7% treated themselyes. Fatigue, headache, backache and dizziness were the commonest associated symptoms. No limitation of activities was reported by 47.4% of student with dysmenorrhoea, but this was significantly more reported by students with severe dysmenorrhoea. Significant predictors of dysmenorrhoea were older age, irregular or long cycle and heavy bleeding.
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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, Nos 1/2, 2005 155
Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea
among adolescent students in
Mansoura, Egypt
A-H. El-Gilany,
K. Badawi
and S. El-Fedawy
Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine;
Students’ University Hospital, University of
Mansoura, Mansoura, Egypt (Correspondence to A-H. El-Gilany:
Received: 21/04/03; accepted: 23/03/04
ABSTRACT To examine the prevalence, determinants, impact and treatment practices of dysmenorrhoea,
we studied 664 female students in secondary schools in urban and rural areas. Data was collected through
a self-administered questionnaire. About 75% of the students experienced dysmenorrhoea (mild 55.3%,
moderate 30.0%, severe 14.8%). Most did not seek medical advice although 34.7% treated themselves.
Fatigue, headache, backache and dizziness were the commonest associated symptoms. No limitation of
activities was reported by 47.4% of student with dysmenorrhoea, but this was significantly more reported by
students with severe dysmenorrhoea. Significant predictors of dysmenorrhoea were older age, irregular or
long cycle and heavy bleeding.
Épidémiologie de la dysménorrhée chez des élèves adolescentes à Mansoura (Égypte)
RÉSUMÉ Pour examiner la prévalence, les déterminants, l’impact et les pratiques de traitement de la
dysménorrhée, nous avons mené une étude auprès de 664 élèves d’écoles secondaires en zone urbaine et
rurale. Des données ont été recueillies à l’aide d’un auto-questionnaire. Environ 75 % des élèves ont eu une
dysménorrhée (légère 55,3 %, modérée 30,0 %, sévère 14,8 %). La plupart d’entre elles n’ont pas recher-
ché un avis médical bien que 34,7 % se soient soignées elles-mêmes. Fatigue, céphalées, dorsalgies et
vertiges étaient les symptômes les plus courants qui y étaient associés. Aucune limitation des activités n’a
été rapportée par 47,4 % des élèves souffrant de dysménorrhée, mais ce point était signalé significative-
ment plus souvent par les élèves souffrant de dysménorrhée sévère. Les facteurs prédictifs de la dysmé-
norrhée étaient l’âge plus avancé, un cycle menstruel irrégulier ou long et des menstrues abondantes.
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156 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N
1/2, 2005
Dysmenorrhoea, or painful menstruation,
is defined as a severe, painful cramping
sensation in the lower abdomen [1]. It may
be accompanied by headache, dizziness, di-
arrhoea, a bloated feeling, nausea and vom-
iting, backache and leg pains. Primary
dysmenorrhoea occurs in the absence of
recognizable pelvic pathology and com-
monly begins when the ovulatory menstru-
al cycle starts. The pain starts a few hours
before menstruation and lasts for up to 72
hours. It is usually most severe on the first
day of menstruation and gradually dimin-
ishes. It is caused by increased endometrial
prostaglandin production and almost al-
ways first occurs in women younger than
20 years [1–4].
Secondary dysmenorrhoea, on the oth-
er hand, is associated with pelvic condi-
tions or pathology that cause pelvic pain in
conjunction with the menses. This usually
appears later in a woman’s reproductive life
and can occur with anovulatory cycles. It
often lasts for 5 to 7 days each month, and
progressively increases in severity [1–4].
Dysmenorrhoea has a negative effect
on a woman’s life. It may be so severe as to
confine the woman to bed. During adoles-
cence, dysmenorrhoea leads to high rates
of absence from school and non-participa-
tion in activities. Mild to moderate cases
can usually be treated by reassurance and
paracetamol [1,2,5].
Population studies on dysmenorrhoea
are scarce for Egyptian women, and practi-
cally non-existent for adolescent girls. In
this study, therefore, we aimed to estimate
the prevalence of dysmenorrhoea and to
study its determinants and impact as well
as treatment practices among adolescent
students in Mansoura, Egypt.
This study was carried out during the peri-
od November 2001–April 2002 in Mansou-
ra district, Egypt. A cross-sectional survey
was carried out. The target population was
female secondary-school students enrolled
in government schools. Approval of the lo-
cal directorate of education was obtained.
The eastern and western educational zones
(municipal subdivisions of the city) as well
as the rural sector were represented. Both
general and technical secondary schools
were represented. One general secondary
school was randomly selected from each
of the eastern and western zones (the num-
ber of schools is similar in each zone) as
well as 1 school from the rural sector. One
technical commercial school and 1 nursing
school were selected from Mansoura city.
All social strata as well as the urban and
rural sectors of the community were repre-
sented in this distribution. From each se-
lected school, 1 class (cluster) from each
grade was randomly selected. A total of 15
classes were studied. A total of 694 stu-
dents were registered in the chosen class-
es. Of these, 664 (95.7%) participated in
the study. Others were either absent
(3.6%) or refused to complete the ques-
tionnaire (0.7%).
In cooperation with the school authori-
ties, female investigators spent about 45–
60 minutes in each class. The students
were briefed about the study, encouraged
to participate and motivated to express their
experiences. It was emphasized that all data
collected were strictly confidential. Stu-
dents were requested to complete a self-
administered, anonymous questionnaire
covering family background, age at me-
narche, duration and amount of bleeding,
cycle length, pain during menstruation
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM156
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, Nos 1/2, 2005 157
(dysmenorrhoea) during the previous 3
months, severity of the pain (mild, moder-
ate or severe, subjectively assessed), dura-
tion of pain, any associated symptoms,
impact on daily activities and treatment tak-
en, if any. Dysmenorrhoea was defined as
lower abdominal pain associated with men-
strual periods. The social score and family
social class were calculated according to
Fahmy and El-Sherbiny [6].
Data were analysed using SPSS, version
9. The chi-squared test was used as a test
of significance. Factors significantly af-
fecting prevalence of dysmenorrhoea on
univariate analysis were entered into multi-
variate logistic regression analysis. P
0.05 was considered to be statistically
The sociodemographic characteristics of
the students in the study are shown in Table
1. The majority (96.7%) ever menstruated.
The mean and median ages at menarche
were 12.9 years and 13.0 years respective-
ly. The vast majority of the students
(98.0%) were Muslim. Just over half
(53.2%) were from an urban residence.
The overall prevalence of dysmenor-
rhoea (assumed to be primary dysmenor-
rhoea, as secondary is rare at this age) was
74.6%; it was significantly more frequent
among students from a rural residence, in
those from low and very low social class-
es, those of older age, those who said they
had an irregular cycle, those who stated
they had heavy bleeding, those with long
duration of bleeding ( 6 days) and those
with long cycles ( 30 days) (Table 2).
On logistic regression analysis, the sig-
nificant determinants of dysmenorrhoea
were older age, cycle irregularity, heavi-
ness of menstrual flow and longer cycle
length (Table 3).
Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of
secondary school students in Mansoura
Variable No. %
Urban 353 53.2
Rural 311 46.8
Family social class
High 175 26.4
Middle 124 18.7
Low & very low 365 55.0
Muslim 651 98.0
Christian 13 2.0
Age (years)
14 109 16.4
15 217 32.7
16 240 36.1
17+ 98 14.8
Ever menstruating
Yes 642 96.7
No 22 3.3
Age at menarche (years)
< 12 47 7.1
12 178 26.8
13 244 36.7
14+ 173 26.1
Total 664 100
Range 14–18 years; mean 15.5 years (standard
deviation 0.99).
Range 10–16 years; median 13.0 years; mean
12.9 years (standard deviation 1.03).
Among ever menstruating adolescents.
Dysmenorrhoea was mild in the majori-
ty of cases; only 14.8% of students with
dysmenorrhoea reported having severe
forms. In the majority of cases, the dura-
tion of the pain was less than 24 hours. The
most frequent symptoms associated with
dysmenorrhoea were fatigue, headache,
backache, dizziness and anorexia/vomiting.
In 23.8% of cases there were no associated
symptoms. About half the students with
dysmenorrhoea did not take any medica-
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM157
158 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N
1/2, 2005
tion; the others reported using herbs/home
remedies (36.7%) and analgesics/non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs)/antispasmodics (34.7%) (Table
4). These drugs were mostly self-pre-
scribed; only 13 students (2.7%) consulted
a physician or pharmacist.
The impact of dysmenorrhoea on daily
activities is shown in Table 5. No limitation
was reported by 47.4% overall, but by only
2.8% of those who stated they had severe
dysmenorrhoea. The activities the students
reported as most often being limited were
daily home chores (42.8%), going out of
Table 2 Prevalence and determinants of dysmenorrhoea among ever
menstruating adolescents in Mansoura
Variable Total Dysmenorrhoea Significance test
No. %
Urban 335 233 69.6 χ
= 9.5; P = 0.002
Rural 307 246 80.1
Family social class
High 163 107 65.6 χ
= 12.5; P = 0.002
Middle 119 85 71.4
Low & very low 360 287 79.7
Age (years)
14 97 60 61.9 χ
= 31.4; P < 0.001
15 210 142 67.6
16 237 187 78.9
17+ 98 90 91.8
Age at menarche (years)
< 12 47 38 80.9 χ
= 1.8; P = 0.6
12 178 133 74.7
13 244 184 75.4
14+ 173 124 71.7
Cycle regularity
Regular 429 298 69.5 χ
= 18.1; P < 0.001
Irregular 213 181 85.0
Bleeding amount
Drops 28 11 39.3 χ
= 25.6; P < 0.001
Average 503 373 74.2
Heavy 111 95 85.6
Bleeding duration (days)
< 4 63 40 63.5 χ
= 6.8; P = 0.033
4–5 400 296 74.0
6 179 143 79.9
Cycle length (days)
< 30 245 166 67.8 χ
= 9.8; P = 0.002
30 397 313 78.8
Overall 642 479 74.6
Subjectively reported.
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM158
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, Nos 1/2, 2005 159
the home (41.5%), participation in social
activities (39.0%) and participation in
sports (34.4%). Limitations on activities
were significantly more frequently reported
among students who reported having se-
vere dysmenorrhoea.
Over the past decade there has been a para-
digm shift in the field of population studies,
moving from a relatively singular focus on
family planning to a broader focus on re-
productive health. Menstrual problems are
generally perceived as only minor health
concerns and thus irrelevant to the public
health agenda. Data on the frequency of
menstrual dysfunction and its impact on
health status, quality of life and social inte-
gration among women in developing coun-
tries are scant. The lack of data and the
private nature of menstruation perpetuate
the belief that menstrual complaints do not
warrant the attention of the public health
community [7,8].
Dysmenorrhoea is the commonest gy-
naecologic disorder among female adoles-
cents and is one of the commonest
gynaecologic complaints in young women
who present to doctors today [3,9,10].
Dysmenorrhoea among adolescents is usu-
ally of the primary type [1–4,11,12 ].
In our study, 74.8% of adolescent stu-
dents reported pain with menstruation dur-
ing the previous 3 months. This is
comparable to previously reported preva-
Table 3 Logistic regression analysis of factors affecting
dysmenorrhoea among ever menstruating adolescent students (n
= 642)
β P OR 95% CI
Age (years)
15 0.28 0.3 1.32 0.78–2.23
16 0.78 0.005 2.18 1.27–3.72
17+ 1.89 < 0.001 6.59 2.82–15.4
Cycle regularity
Regular –0.61 0.009 0.54 0.34–0.86
Menstrual flow
Average 1.31 0.002 3.71 1.63–8.47
Heavy 1.88 0.0002 6.54 2.47–17.29
Cycle length (days)
30 0.39 0.048 1.48 1.00–2.19
Constant –0.61
–2 log likelihood 657.7
69.7; P < 0.001
OR = odds ratio, CI = confidence interval.
Reference group.
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM159
160 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N
1/2, 2005
lence in both industrialized and developing
countries that ranged from 20% to 93% for
the same age group [2,3,5,7,13–19]. The
severity of dysmenorrhoea varied greatly.
In our study 14.8% of adolescents with
dysmenorrhoea reported their pain as se-
vere. In other countries, severe dysmenor-
rhoea was reported by 15%–53% of
adolescents [7,10,14,17,18,20]. These dif-
ferences in the degree of pain severity may
be related to cultural differences in pain
perception and variability in pain threshold.
Correlation between ethnicity and pain per-
ception has previously been reported [10].
Duration of pain was less than 24 hours
in 64.9% of cases and only 8.6% of adoles-
cents reported pain lasting for more than 48
hours. Banikarim, Chacko and Kelder re-
ported that 90% of adolescents had men-
strual cramps lasting for 48 hours or less
[10]. In 23.8% of cases, dysmenorrhoea
was not associated with other symptoms
(fatigue, headache, backache, dizziness,
anorexia/vomiting, abdominal pain/disten-
sion and diarrhoea). Most of the studies we
reviewed reported the same duration of
pain as in our study but the associated
symptoms occurred with different fre-
quencies [2,3,10,13,15].
It has been reported that the risk of dys-
menorrhoea is higher in women with irreg-
ular, prolonged or heavy menstrual flow as
well as early age of menarche [2,14,
16,20]. In our study we found that preva-
lence of dysmenorrhoea was significantly
higher among adolescents aged 16 and 17
years compared to those aged 14 years,
those who had irregular cycles and those
reporting heavier menstrual flow or a pro-
longed cycle ( 30 days).
Treatment of dysmenorrhoea should be
directed at providing relief from the cramp-
ing pelvic pain and associated symptoms.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and
oral contraceptives are reported as provid-
ing the most effective treatment [7]. The
use of oral contraceptives by unmarried
girls is, however, culturally unacceptable in
our traditional and conservative communi-
In our study, only 2.7% of adolescents
consulted a physician or pharmacist. This
is consistent with other findings that most
adolescents with dysmenorrhoea self-
medicate with the over-the-counter prepa-
rations; few consult health care providers
Table 4 Clinical presentation and treatment of
dysmenorrhoea among ever menstruating
adolescent students in Mansoura
Characteristic No. %
Mild 265 55.3
Moderate 143 30.0
Severe 71 14.8
Duration of pain
< 24 hours 311 64.9
24–48 hours 127 26.5
> 48 hours 41 8.6
Associated symptoms
None 114 23.8
Fatigue 339 70.8
Headache 297 62.0
Backache 272 56.8
Dizziness 144 30.1
Anorexia/vomiting 66 13.8
Abdominal distension/
bloating 39 8.1
Diarrhoea 18 3.8
None 237 49.5
Rest/relaxation 204 42.6
Herbs/home remedies 166 36.7
176 34.7
Total 479 74.6
Categories are not mutually exclusive.
Self-prescribed in 166 (97.3%).
NSAIDs = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM160
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, Nos 1/2, 2005 161
[5,10]. We found that rest/relaxation, herb-
al/home remedies and/or drugs were used
by 42.6%, 36.7% and 34.7% of partici-
pants respectively. The drugs included an-
algesics, NSAIDs and antispasmodics,
mostly self-prescribed.
Banikarim, Chacko and Kelder reported
that treatment for dysmenorrhoea in His-
panic adolescents included rest (58%),
medication (52%), heating pad (26%), tea
(20%), exercise (15%) and/or herbs (7%)
[10]. It has been reported that the most
common medications used by women with
dysmenorrhoea were analgesics (53%) and
NSAIDs (42%) [17].
Although not life threatening, dysmen-
orrhoea can be particularly disruptive to a
woman’s daily life and productivity. In the
absence of appropriate pain relief, women
with severe dysmenorrhoea may not be
able to carry out their normal activities
In our study, 47.4% of students with
dysmenorrhoea reported no limitation of
daily activities. Activities most commonly
limited due to dysmenorrhoea were daily
home chores, going out of the home, par-
ticipation in social events, participation in
sports, concentration in class, homework
tasks and attending school. All the limita-
tions were significantly more frequent
among students with severe dysmenor-
rhoea compared to those with mild or mod-
erate pain. Banikarim, Chacko and Kelder
reported that activities limited by dysmen-
orrhoea among adolescents included con-
centration in class (59%), sports (51%),
class participation (50%), socialization
(46%), homework (35%), test-taking skills
(36%) and grades (29%) [10]. In a study in
Morocco, menstrual pain was often cited
as the main single cause of school absen-
teeism among adolescent girls [16].
Reproductive health information and
education programmes for adolescents are
being introduced in many countries, and
these could be an important means of pro-
viding information about treatment options
Table 5 Impact of dysmenorrhoea on daily activities
Activity limited
Dysmenorrhoea Total
Mild Moderate Severe
No. % No. % No. % No. %
No limitation 169 63.8 56 39.2 2 2.8 227 47.4 89.0
Daily home chores 73 27.5 72 50.3 60 84.5 205 42.8 79.0
Going out of the home 60 22.6 71 49.7 68 95.8 199 41.5 128.6
Participation in social
events 51 19.2 66 46.2 70 98.6 187 39.0 152.5
Participation in sports 47 17.7 49 34.3 69 97.2 165 34.4 156.5
Concentration in class 28 10.6 32 22.4 57 80.3 117 24.4 147.9
Homework tasks 16 6.0 38 26.6 49 69.0 103 21.5 134.7
School attendance 13 4.9 41 28.7 43 60.6 97 20.3 116.4
Total 265 100 143 100 71 100 479 100
Categories are not mutually exclusive.
P < 0.001.
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM161
162 La Revue de Santé de la Méditerranée orientale, Vol. 11, N
1/2, 2005
for menstrual disorders [8]. Young girls
may be more open than older women to
discussing menstruation.
The introduction of a reproductive
health component into school health educa-
tion programme could help in providing in-
formation, education and support to
students regarding reproduction in general
and menstrual problems in particular. It is
essential to make treatment available for
girls. Many girls may feel shameful and re-
luctant to report dysmenorrhoea and con-
sequently, do not seek medical advice. It is
one of the roles of school health care pro-
viders to ask about and screen for dysmen-
orrhoea and offer treatment if necessary.
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High Institute of Public Health, 1983,
7. Harlow SD, Campbell OMR. Menstrual
dysfunction: a missed opportunity for im-
proving reproductive health in develop-
ing countries. Reproductive health
matters, 2000, 8(15):142–7.
8. Walraven G et al. Menstrual disorders in
rural Gambia. Studies in family planning,
2002, 33(3):261–8.
9. Jamieson DJ, Steege JF. The prevalence
of dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, pelvic
pain and irritable bowel syndrome in pri-
mary care practices. Obstetrics and gy-
necology, 1996, 87(1):55–8.
10. Banikarim C, Chacko MR, Kelder SH.
Prevalence and impact of dysmenorrhea
on Hispanic female adolescents. Ar-
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11. Koltz MM. Dysmenorrhea, endometriosis
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Primary care of women. Norwalk, Con-
necticut, Appleton & Lange, 1992:420–
12. Harlow SD, Park M. a longitudinal study
of risk factors for the occurrence, dura-
tion and severity of menstrual cramps in
a cohort of college women. British jour-
nal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 1996,
13. Wood RP, Larsen L, Williams B. Social
and psychological factors in relation to
premenstrual tension and menstrual
pain. Australian & New Zealand journal
of obstetrics & gynaecology, 1979, 19(2):
14. Andersch B, Milsom J. An epidemiologic
study of young women with dysmenor-
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM162
Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, Vol. 11, Nos 1/2, 2005 163
rhea. American journal of obstetrics and
gynecology, 1982, 144(6):655–60.
15. Thomas KD, Okonofua FF, Chiboka O. A
study of the menstrual patterns of ado-
lescents in Ile-Ife, Nigeria. International
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1990, 33(1):31–4.
16. Montero P et al A. Characteristics of
menstrual cycles in Moroccan girls:
prevalence of dysfunctions and associ-
ated behaviour. Annals of human biol-
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17. Hillen TI et al. Primary dysmenorrhoea in
young Western Australian women:
prevalence, impact and knowledge of
treatment. Journal of adolescent health,
1999, 25(1):40–5.
18. Campbell M, McGrath P. Use of medica-
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of menstrual discomfort. Archives of pe-
diatrics & adolescent medicine, 1997,
19. Klein J, Litt I. Epidemiology of adolescent
dysmenorrhoea. Pediatrics, 1981, 68(5):
20. Di Cintio E et al. Dietary habits, repro-
ductive and menstrual factors and risk of
dysmenorrhoea. European journal of
epidemiology, 1997, 13(8):925–30.
21. Harlow SD, Park M. A longitudinal study
of risk factors for the occurrence, dura-
tion and severity of menstrual cramps in
a cohort of college women. British jour-
nal of obstetrics and gynaecology, 1996,
Adolescent health and development
One in every five people in the world is an adolescent – defined by
WHO as a person between 10 and 19 years of age. Out of 1.2 billion
adolescents worldwide, about 85% live in developing countries and
the remainder live in the industrialized world. Adolescents are gen-
erally thought to be healthy: by the second decade of life, they have
survived the diseases of early childhood, and the health problems
associated with ageing are still many years away. Yet adolescents
are still a vulnerable sector of the population and many do die pre-
maturely. WHO, along with its partners, UNICEF and UNFPA, advocate
an accelerated approach to promoting the health and development
of young people in the second decade of life. Further information
on the work of the Adolescent Health and Development Team within
the WHO Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Develop-
ment is available at:
20 Epidemiology of dysmenorrhoea.pmd 10/25/2005, 1:24 AM163
... In Africa, an Egyptian study focused on 664 secondary school girls in 2005 reported 75% of dysmenorrhoea, and in Ghana, the prevalence was 74.4% in 2012 in adolescent girls aged between 14 and 19 [13,14]. The prevalence of 60% noted in our work corresponds to the above-mentioned data. ...
... This observation is consistent with the points of view of other authors in the literature [19,22,23]. [13][14][15][16][17][18] absent CONCLUSION the study of the uterus of the students in our sample should be resumed subsequently by another more objective means of exploration scanner or magnetic resonance imaging) to impute definitive dysmenorrhoea with positional abnormalities in those involved. ...
Introduction: This study aimed to examine the echo morphometry of the uterus in pubescent girls in Lomé and its potential relationship with essential dysmenorrhoea. Essential dysmenorrhoea, characterized by menstrual pain without identifiable causes, affects a significant portion of young women. Methodology: This was a preliminary, prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical study performed over six months in the anatomy laboratory of the University of Lomé (Togo), at a teaching hospital Campus and in a school in Lomé. The study was based on a convenience sample of 100 pubescent, nulligravid pupils aged between 13 and 18 years with no pelvic surgery history. Results: Dysmenorrhea was noted in 60% of cases. No abnormality of uterine shape or structure was observed. In seven percent of cases, uterine malposition’s such as retroflection and retroversion were noted. There was a statistically significant correlation between uterine retroflection and the occurrence of dysmenorrhoea. The values of the biometric parameters tended to increase in girls with dysmenorrhoea. Conclusion: To corroborate the results of the aforementioned preliminary work, a subsequent study on the same sample using a more objective means of exploration than ultrasound is necessary. KEYWORDS: Echo-Anatomy, Uterus, Dysmenorrhoea, Lomé (Togo).
... A shorter cycle length is associated with milder dysmenorrhoea when compared with the combined group of normal and longer cycle lengths, aligning with previous studies that found normal and longer cycle lengths to be associated with higher rates of dysmenorrhoea. [45][46][47][48][49][50] Longer cycles may involve greater hormonal fluctuations or irregular ovulatory patterns, potentially contributing to more severe dysmenorrhoea. In contrast, shorter cycles may involve less cumulative exposure to these hormones, especially to oestrogen, which could result in lower levels of prostaglandin production and milder uterine contractions. ...
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Objectives This study aimed to assess the prevalence and associated risk factors of primary dysmenorrhoea among medical students in Indonesia. Design A web-based survey was conducted among 630 medical students across Indonesia, selected based on specific inclusion criteria. Dysmenorrhoea prevalence, severity and associated risk factors were assessed using a self-reported questionnaire. To analyse the data, univariate and multiple binary logistic regression analyses were performed. A significance level of 5% (p<0.05) was used for both types of analyses to determine the statistical significance of the observed associations. Setting and participants Indonesia (2021: n=630 female medical students). Outcomes The primary outcome is primary dysmenorrhoea, defined as painful menses without previous diagnosis of pelvic pathology. The severity of dysmenorrhoea was measured using the Verbal Multidimensional Scoring System. Independent variables include socio-demographic characteristics, menstrual history and other identified associated risk factors. Results Of the 630 Indonesian medical students surveyed, a large proportion (91.27%) reported experiencing dysmenorrhoea, with 52.35% experiencing moderate-to-severe pain. Family history of dysmenorrhoea emerged as a significant predictor for both occurrence (OR 3.76; 95% CI 1.89 to 7.45) and severity (OR 1.47; 95% CI 1.04 to 2.06). Dysmenorrhoea severity was positively associated with cycle length (OR 1.57; 95% CI 1.01 to 2.43), whereas higher body mass index (BMI) (OR 0.94; 95% CI 0.90 to 0.98) and being Indonesian of foreign descent (OR 0.46; 95% CI 0.27 to 0.84) were negatively associated with moderate-to-severe dysmenorrhoea. Conclusions Dysmenorrhoea is prevalent among Indonesian medical students, with family history, BMI, cycle length and race significantly associated with its occurrence or severity. These findings underscore the need for further research on more diverse populations to enhance awareness and address this prevalent gynaecological concern effectively.
... [14][15][16][17] Other associated risk factors include having a positive family history of dysmenorrhea, 18,19 having a longer menstrual cycle, 17,19 , and older age at getting pregnant or delivering a child. 20 Studies that assessed the role of smoking, alcohol consumption, coffee intake, and risk of dysmenorrhea had contradictory findings. 7 For example, some studies showed smokers having a higher risk of dysmenorrhea 18,21,22 while other studies did not find any association with smoking history. ...
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Aim: This study investigates the prevalence and factors associated with dysmenorrhea among medical students at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Settings and Design: A cross-sectional study was conducted among female medical students that were regularly menstruating. Methods and Material: A structured questionnaire validated by expert independent observers was used for data collection. Information collected included socio-demographic characteristics, pattern of menstruation including dysmenorrhea, and related reproductive health explanatory variables. Statistical analysis used: The association between dysmenorrhea and selected explanatory variables status was assessed with the chi-square test. Poisson regression with robust variance was used to examine the significant factors that affect the prevalence of dysmenorrhea. Results: In total, 171 female medical students participated. Majority 163 (96.45%) of participants reported having lower abdomen pain during menstruation. There was a statistically significant difference in the average monthly allowance between participants with and without a history of dysmenorrhea (p<.001). A higher percentage of participants 99 (61.88%) with a history of dysmenorrhea stated that a family member had experienced cyclical pain. Participants who were unsatisfied with their relationship with their parents had 1.04 (95% CI 1.01-1.08) times more likely to experience dysmenorrhea than participants who felt satisfied with their parents. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of dysmenorrhea amongst medical students with those having an increased average monthly allowance and feeling satisfied with their parents at a decreased risk.
... In 41% of respondents' self-medication was initiated by self/relatives, akin to previous studies [15,16]. Reasons like lack of initiative to seek medical help, inaccessibility to medical care, dysmenorrhoea considered as insignificant physiological menstrual pain, lack of time to approach a physician as the respondents were students, confidence in self/relatives regarding drug choice based on their prior experience, economical and convenient access to nonpharmacological measures, and readily available OTC drugs may be attributed to the existing above self-medication practices followed by majority of students. ...
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Objective: To study the prevalence of self-medication by using over-the-counter drugs and non-pharmacological methods for primary dysmenorrhoea. Methods: A Cross-sectional descriptive study using a self-developed and structured questionnaire as a tool was conducted among medical and dental students with dysmenorrhoea and in the age group of 18-22 y. Statistical analysis was done using the Chi-Square test. Results: Out of 203 respondents, 30% were self-medicated by using over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and 70% have treated themselves by non-pharmacological methods like taking rest and applying hot fomentation on the abdomen. Among the OTC, 56% of them used a single drug and 44% used a combination of drugs. The most commonly used single drug was mefenamic acid and the most commonly used combination of drugs was mefenamic acid+dicyclomine hydrochloride. Out of those respondents taking OTC only 5% sought gynaecologist advice. A significant number of students were taking rest [Chi-square value = 66.84 p<0.01 highly significant], losing attendance in their academics. Conclusion: Primary Dysmenorrhoea (PD) affects young girls irrespective of the regularity of cycles. The prevailing self-medication pattern is inappropriate; a substantial proportion of girls have inadequate knowledge regarding treatment and the need for gynecologist consultation.
... This come in agreement with Abd EL-Hameed et al, (2011 ) who assessed dysmenorrhea and menstrual hygiene practices among the adolescent girls in some nursing schools at EL-Minia governorate, Egypt. They reported that the age of the adolescent sample ranged from (15)(16)(17)(18)(19) with mean age 17.2 ± 1.1 years old. As regards to residence all of study participants were from rural areas. ...
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Primary dysmenorrhea is a difficult menstrual flow in the absence of any pelvic pathology where pain is spasmodic in character and felt mainly in the lower abdomen .It can influence females' daily-life activities. Stretching exercises has been advocated to reduce the pain of primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Sample: Purposive sample of 164 adolescence girl. Setting: The study was carried out at two secondary schools at Menouf city (Martyr Pilot Ezzat secondary school and co-secondary developed school. Instrument: Adolescent girls structured interviewing questionnaire, a menstruation assessment questionnaire, and a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and a home based stretching exercises checklist. Result: there is a highly statistically significant difference and reduction on menstrual pain score, duration of pain and use of painkiller to relive this pain between the study and the control group. Conclusion: Stretching exercises are effective in reducing pain in young females with primary dysmenorrhea. Recommendations: Secondary school curricula should contain items about menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and methods of management including stretching exercise.
... [3] In the Middle East and Egypt, prevalence rate has been estimated to be 75%. [4] Many adolescents consider dysmenorrhea to be a normal part of the menstrual cycle and thus fail to report their pain to their physicians. The consequences of untreated primary dysmenorrhea range from school absenteeism [5,6] to disruption of relationships with family and friends. ...
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Background: Almost a quarter of India's population comprises of girls below 20 years and dysmenorrhea is a common problem among them. The magnitude of this problem is not clearly known in India. Objective: To estimate the prevalence and impact of dysmenorrhea and its associated symptoms among adolescent girls residing in slum areas of Vadodara city, Gujarat. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study, a part of field training of third-year medical students where adolescent girls (14-19 years) who experienced menarche for minimum of 1 year at the time of the study, residing in slum areas of Vadodara city were selected purposively and enrolled a sample of 100 adolescent girls. For compiling data, pretested oral questionnaire was used after obtaining written consent from the participants. Result: Prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 75%, which is significantly higher among the girls with family history of dysmenorrhea. School absenteeism in 65%, decreased school performance in 56%, adverse effect on daily routine in 73%, and affected social relations in 64%. Prevalence of associated menstrual symptoms 57% in which most common physical and psychological symptom was lower abdominal pain (42%), and emotional instability (46%), respectively. For relief, only 5% girls consulted the doctor, 28% girls resorted to self-medications whereas almost 65% girls resorted to self-help techniques such as rest and home remedies (e.g., hot fomentation and eating fenugreek). Conclusion: Considering higher prevalence of dysmenorrhea, education on reproductive organs and reproduction to the young girls in their important phase of life is needed to prevent unnecessary suffering and interruptions in their education and daily life.
... There was a significant association of dysmenorrhea with long menstrual periods, heavy menstrual flow, and positive family history, as reported by many studies. [11,13,[15][16][17] Lee et al. [18] reported that dysmenorrhea was significantly associated with irregular cycle length (either short or longer menstrual cycle), and similar finding was also observed in this study. ...
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Background: Dysmenorrhea is one of the common problems experienced by many adolescent girls after the onset of menarche. Objectives: This study had the following objectives: 1. To determine the prevalence of dysmenorrhea among adolescent girls; 2. To determine the association between dysmenorrhea and selected variables of interest; 3. To assess the effect of dysmenorrhea on quality of life; 4. To assess treatment-seeking practices for dysmenorrhea. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted among higher secondary schoolgirls of Imphal West district, Manipur from December 2012 to September 2014. The sample size was calculated to be 660. Participants were selected by stratifi ed two-stage cluster sampling. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Data were entered and analyzed using IBM SPSS version 20 (Armonk, New York, USA). Analysis was done using chi-square test and chi-square test for trend. Results: Among the 703 respondents, the prevalence of dysmenorrhea was 76.0%, and about one-fi fth (21.2%) of the respondents were suffering from severe dysmenorrhea. Painful menstruation caused school absenteeism, poor exam grades, and poor interpersonal relationships, decreased concentration in class and affected daily physical activities in the majority of respondents. Only 37.5% of the dysmenorrheic girls were receiving treatment for painful menstruation, of which medication was the common, but only 13.1% of the dysmenorrheic girls took medication on prescription by a doctor. Conclusion: Health education on issues related to reproductive health should be incorporated early enough in the school curriculum to prepare girls for menstruation and inform them about available treatment options for dysmenorrhea.
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This Perspectives article reflects on findings from our systematic review about adolescent dysmenorrhoea Q, drawing on sociology of diagnosis theory. We consider tensions and uncertainties between presentation with symptoms of dysmenorrhoea and processes of symptom categorisation and diagnosis in adolescents, tracing these through research and clinical guidance, considering possible implications for clinical practice. We argue that challenges in distinguishing between primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea in research translate into challenges in differentiation in clinical practice. We argue that framing this distinction as clear cut and straightforward belies the well-documented challenges in diagnosis of endometriosis, and that not recognising uncertainty and complexity inherent in this task may benefit neither clinicians nor patients.
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Introduction Dysmenorrhoea affects many adolescents with significant impacts on education and well-being. In the UK, most of the adolescents who seek care (and many never do), will do so through general practice (primary care). Knowing how best to care for adolescents reporting menstrual pain is an area where UK general practitioners would like better guidance and resources. Methods This mixed-methods narrative synthesis collates community and specialist evidence from 320 papers about adolescent dysmenorrhoea, with a UK general practice community health perspective. Results We report a narrative summary of symptoms, cause, consequences and treatments for adolescent dysmenorrhoea. We highlight areas of tension or conflicted evidence relevant to primary care alongside areas of uncertainty and research gaps identified through this synthesis with input from lived experience advisers Discussion There is little evidence about primary care management of adolescent dysmenorrhoea or specific resources to support shared-decision making in general practice, although there are evidence-based treatments to offer. Primary care encounters also represent potential opportunities to consider whether the possibility of underlying or associated health conditions contributing to symptoms of dysmenorrhoea, but there is little epidemiological evidence about prevalence from within community health settings to inform this. The areas where there is little or uncertain evidence along the care journey for adolescent dysmenorrhoea, including at the interface between experience and expression of symptoms and potential underlying contributory causes warrant further exploration. Systematic Review Registration, identifier (CRD42021256458).
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Population studies on normal and dysfunctional characteristics of menstrual cycles are scarce for western populations and practically non-existent for non-western ones. Recent data suggest that the type of menstrual cycle can be relevant for later gynaecological problems in several ways. The type of menstrual cycle is related to menarcheal age in a way that those with early maturation show more menstrual disorders which are the largest diagnosis category accounting for hysterectomies in adult women. On the other hand menstrual pain is often cited as the main single cause of school absenteeism among adolescent girls. The aim of this study is to describe characteristics of menstrual cycles, prevalence of main dysfunctions and their relationship to the age of maturity. The sample comprises 495 adolescent girls from Marrakech (Morocco) aged 12-19 years. At 13 years, 40% of these girls had reached menarche. The median age at menarche is 13.04. The prevalences of abdominal pain, premenstrual symptoms and irregularity are 69.60, 51.20 and 23.03 respectively. Abdominal pain is significantly more frequent in girls with early menarche.
Objective To describe how menstrual cramps vary from cycle to cycle within a woman over time. To examine the influence of weight and lifestyle factors on occurrence, duration, and severity of menstrual pain. Design A one-year prospective menstrual diary study. Participants One hundred and sixty-five women aged 17 to 19 years entering a local university in 1985. Main outcome measures The occurrence, length, and maximum severity of pain during a menstrual period. Results Menstrual pain occurred during 71.6% of observed menstrual bleeds, most commonly beginning the first day of menses. The median duration was two days. Sixty percent of women reported at least one episode of severe pain, while 13% reported severe pain more than half the time. Earlier age at menarche and long menstrual periods increased the occurrence, duration and severity of pain. In smokers, cramps tended to last longer. Being overweight was an important risk factor for menstrual cramps and doubled the odds of having a long pain episode. Frequent alcohol consumption decreased the probability of having menstrual cramps, but in women who had pain it increased duration and severity. Physical activity was not associated with any pain parameter. Conclusions Women who have pain lasting three days are an important target group for prophylactic therapy. The occurrence and severity of menstrual cramps is influenced by potentially modifiable characteristics including weight, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Doctors may wish to counsel women presenting with dysmenorrhoea about the importance of healthy lifestyles and about the inefficacy of alcohol consumption as a treatment for dysmenorrhoea.
Age, country of birth, marital status, attitude to work, smoking and drinking habits, childbearing, sex life and psychological factors are all linked to the frequency of menstrual pain and premenstrual tension. The relationship between the psychosocial and menstrual characteristics may be causal or related to some other constitutional factor (or factors) which determines both. The profile of women suffering from premenstrual tension and menstrual pain is described. In management, associated psychosocial factors and the relationship betweem these and the described menstrual problems needs to be taken into account.
Questionnaires and interviews with 768 female students in residence at the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria revealed that the mean and median ages of menarche were respectively 13.4 +/- 1.4 and 13.5 years and 80.8% had menstrual cycles between 25 and 35 days. The duration of menstrual bleeding was 4.5 +/- 0.8 days; 72.3% had dysmenorrhea and 17.8% complained of nausea and vomiting during menstruation.
In order to analyze risk factors for dysmenorrhoea, we conducted a case-control study. Cases were 106 women (median age 27 years) with moderate or severe dysmenorrhoea lasting 12 months or more. Controls were 145 women (median age 26 years) without dysmenorrhoea, admitted for routine gynecological examination at the outpatient gynecological services of the same clinic where cases had been identified. In comparison with women reporting short menstrual cycles (every 25 days or less) the relative risk (RR) of dysmenorrhoea was 2.0 and 2.6, respectively, in those reporting their menstrual cycles of 26-30 days and of 31 days or more, and the RR was 3.6 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.0-13.4) for women reporting totally irregular menstrual cycles. The estimated RRs were, in comparison with women reporting menstrual flows lasting 4 days or less, respectively 2.2 and 1.9 in those reporting menstrual flows lasting 5 and 6 days or more. Fourty-four (58%) cases but only seven (5%) controls reported heavy menstrual flows (RR in comparison with women reporting slight or normal menstrual flow 12.6, 95% CI: 5.0-32.1). As regards dietary factors, no associations emerged between the various food items, with the exception of cheese and eggs, which tended to be more frequently consumed by cases than controls. The results of this study suggest that the risk of dysmenorrhoea is higher in women with irregular, long and heavy menstrual flows. No association emerged between reproductive history and dysmenorrhoea. Likewise, no clear relationship emerged between intake of several dietary factors and risk dysmenorrhoea.
Dysmenorrhea is the leading cause of short-term school absenteeism. It is associated with a negative impact on social, academic, and sports activities of many female adolescents. Dysmenorrhea has not previously been described among Hispanic adolescents, the fastest growing minority group in the United States. To determine the prevalence of dysmenorrhea among Hispanic female adolescents; its impact on academic performance, school attendance, and sports and social activities; and its management. A total of 706 Hispanic female adolescents, in grades 9 through 12, completed a 31-item questionnaire about the presence, duration, severity, treatment, and limitations of dysmenorrhea at a local urban high school. Among participants who had had a period in the previous 3 months, 85% reported dysmenorrhea. Of these, 38% reported missing school due to dysmenorrhea during the 3 months prior to the survey and 33% reported missing individual classes. Activities affected by dysmenorrhea included class concentration (59%), sports (51%), class participation (50%), socialization (46%), homework (35%), test-taking skills (36%), and grades (29%). Treatments taken for dysmenorrhea included rest (58%), medications (52%), heating pad (26%), tea (20%), exercise (15%), and herbs (7%). Fourteen percent consulted a physician and 49% saw a school nurse for help with their symptoms. Menstrual pain was significantly associated with school absenteeism and decreased academic performance, sports participation, and socialization with peers (P<.01). Dysmenorrhea is highly prevalent among Hispanic adolescents and is related to school absenteeism and limitations on social, academic, and sports activities. Given that most adolescents do not seek medical advice for dysmenorrhea, health care providers should screen routinely for dysmenorrhea and offer treatment. As dysmenorrhea reportedly affects school performance and attendance, school administrators may have a vested interest in providing health education on this topic to their students. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000;154:1226-1229.
The field of population has undergone a paradigm shift to a broader focus on reproductive health, which recognises women's self-perceived health needs. Investigations in various countries reveal that menstruation is a primary concern of women. Yet sparse attention has been paid to understanding or ameliorating women's menstrual complaints. We propose including the management of menstrual complaints as part of reproductive health programming. Next steps should include further quantitative and qualitative research to understand the prevalence, determinants and consequences of menstrual dysfunction; developing appropriate protocols and low-cost interventions for diagnosis and treatment of menstrual morbidity and training of health care workers in resource-scarce settings; and developing educational interventions to facilitate women's understanding of normal menstrual function and variability as well as of the types, causes and appropriate treatments for menstrual dysfunction.