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Physiology of long pranayamic breathing: Neural respiratory elements may provide a mechanism that explains how slow deep breathing shifts the autonomic nervous system

  • Mind-body technologies


Pranayamic breathing, defined as a manipulation of breath movement, has been shown to contribute to a physiologic response characterized by the presence of decreased oxygen consumption, decreased heart rate, and decreased blood pressure, as well as increased theta wave amplitude in EEG recordings, increased parasympathetic activity accompanied by the experience of alertness and reinvigoration. The mechanism of how pranayamic breathing interacts with the nervous system affecting metabolism and autonomic functions remains to be clearly understood. It is our hypothesis that voluntary slow deep breathing functionally resets the autonomic nervous system through stretch-induced inhibitory signals and hyperpolarization currents propagated through both neural and non-neural tissue which synchronizes neural elements in the heart, lungs, limbic system and cortex. During inspiration, stretching of lung tissue produces inhibitory signals by action of slowly adapting stretch receptors (SARs) and hyperpolarization current by action of fibroblasts. Both inhibitory impulses and hyperpolarization current are known to synchronize neural elements leading to the modulation of the nervous system and decreased metabolic activity indicative of the parasympathetic state. In this paper we propose pranayama's physiologic mechanism through a cellular and systems level perspective, involving both neural and non-neural elements. This theoretical description describes a common physiological mechanism underlying pranayama and elucidate the role of the respiratory and cardiovascular system on modulating the autonomic nervous system. Along with facilitating the design of clinical breathing techniques for the treatment of autonomic nervous system and other disorders, this model will also validate pranayama as a topic requiring more research.
Physiology of long pranayamic breathing: Neural
respiratory elements may provide a mechanism
that explains how slow deep breathing shifts the
autonomic nervous system
Ravinder Jerath *, John W. Edry, Vernon A. Barnes, Vandna Jerath
Augusta Women’s Center, 2100 Central Avenue, Suite 6 & 7, Augusta, GA 30904, United States
Received 20 January 2006; accepted 23 February 2006
Summary Pranayamic breathing, defined as a manipulation of breath movement, has been shown to contribute to a
physiologic response characterized by the presence of decreased oxygen consumption, decreased heart rate, and
decreased blood pressure, as well as increased theta wave amplitude in EEG recordings, increased parasympathetic
activity accompanied by the experience of alertness and reinvigoration. The mechanism of how pranayamic breathing
interacts with the nervous system affecting metabolism and autonomic functions remains to be clearly understood. It is
our hypothesis that voluntary slow deep breathing functionally resets the autonomic nervous system through stretch-
induced inhibitory signals and hyperpolarization currents propagated through both neural and non-neural tissue which
synchronizes neural elements in the heart, lungs, limbic system and cortex. During inspiration, stretching of lung tissue
produces inhibitory signals by action of slowly adapting stretch receptors (SARs) and hyperpolarization current by
action of fibroblasts. Both inhibitory impulses and hyperpolarization current are known to synchronize neural elements
leading to the modulation of the nervous system and decreased metabolic activity indicative of the parasympathetic
state. In this paper we propose pranayama’s physiologic mechanism through a cellular and systems level perspective,
involving both neural and non-neural elements. This theoretical description describes a common physiological
mechanism underlying pranayama and elucidate the role of the respiratory and cardiovascular system on modulating
the autonomic nervous system. Along with facilitating the design of clinical breathing techniques for the treatment of
autonomic nervous system and other disorders, this model will also validate pranayama as a topic requiring more
c2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Pranayama: a brief review
‘‘Pranayama’’ (the practice of voluntary breath
control, consisting of conscious inhalation, reten-
0306-9877/$ - see front matter
c2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 706 736 5378; fax: +1 706 738
E-mail address: (R. Jerath).
Medical Hypotheses (2006) x, xxx–xxx
tion and exhalation) is often practiced in conjunc-
tion with ‘‘dhyana’’ (meditation), and ‘‘asanas’’
(physical posture) [1]. Versions of pranayama vary
from single nostril breathing to belly breathing.
Pranayama consists of three phases: ‘‘puraka’’
(inhalation); ‘‘kumbhaka’’ (retention) and ‘‘rec-
haka’’ (exhalation) that can be either fast or slow
[2]. Although all pranayama has three phases, dif-
ferent forms of pranayama evoke dissimilar and
sometimes opposite responses in the subject
depending on variables such as which nostril is used
or the speed of the respiration. Pranayama has
been researched mostly for its beneficial applica-
tions in treatment of cardiovascular diseases such
as hypertension [2–4], pulmonary disease such as
asthma [5–7], autonomic nervous system imbal-
ances [8], and psychologic or stress related disor-
ders [4,9].
Pranayama is known to improve pulmonary func-
tion [10] and cardiovascular profile [2–4]. A But-
eyko breathing device, which mimics pranayama,
was shown to improve symptoms and reduce bron-
chodilator use in asthma patients [5,7]. Pranayama
has also been shown, over time, to reduce oxygen
consumption per unit work [11]. ‘‘Kapalabhati’’,
a fast breathing pranayamic technique, has been
shown to promote decarboxylation and oxidation
mechanisms in the lungs which is believed to
‘‘quiet’’ the respiratory centers [12]. Alteration
in information processing at the primary thalamo-
cortical level inducing modification in neural mech-
anisms regulating the respiratory system [13] may
contribute to pranayama’s beneficial pulmonary
effects. In studies that examined pranayama as a
form of exercise, nostril breathing was shown to in-
crease hand grip strength of both hands [14]. Pra-
nayama, by reducing risk factors associated with
cardiovascular disease [15], has shown that it is
not only theraputic but also preventative. Reduc-
tion in oxidative stress levels with increased super-
oxide dismutase and decreased number of free
radicals may explain in part the beneficial long-
term impact pranayama has on the cardiopulmo-
nary system [16].
Pranayama is known to increase neural plasticity
and to alter information processing making it a pos-
sible treatment for psychological and stress disor-
ders or improving one’s psychological profile
[4,9]. Higher improvement in IQ and social adapta-
tion parameters were noticed in mentally retarded
children after yogic training including pranayama
[17]. Sudarshan Kriya Yoga, which includes pranay-
ama, has been used as a public health intervention
for treatment of post traumatic stress disorder,
depression, stress related medical illnesses, sub-
stance abuse, and rehabilitation of criminal
offenders for its ability to enhance well being,
mood, attention, mental focus, and stress toler-
ance [9]. In conjunction with other yogic tech-
niques, pranayama has been shown to decrease
symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome by enhanc-
ing parasympathetic activity of gastrointestinal
tract and by reducing effects of stress [18]. It has
been mentioned as a possible treatment for symp-
toms of epilepsy [1] and has been shown to in-
crease plasticity of motor control indicating that
it might have applications in rehabilitation pro-
grams [19].
Different forms of pranayama activate different
branches of the autonomic nervous system effect-
ing oxygen consumption, metabolism and skin
resistance. Pranayamic breathing, characterized
by brief breath retention, caused significant in-
creases in oxygen consumption and metabolic rate
while pranayamic breathing, characterized by long
breath retention, caused lowering of oxygen
consumption and metabolic rate [20]. This demon-
strates that slow breathing enhances parasympa-
thetic activation. In another study using breathing
exercises mimicking pranayama, slow breathing
over a period of three months was shown to im-
prove autonomic function while fast breathing did
not have an effect on the autonomic nervous sys-
tem [8]. Slow breathing pranayamic exercises show
a strong tendency of improving or balancing the
autonomic nervous system through enhanced acti-
vation of parasympathetic nervous system. In con-
trast to slow pranayamic breathing, nostril
breathing, both through right nostril, left nostril,
and both nostrils, has been shown to increase base-
line oxygen consumption indicative of sympathetic
discharge of the adrenal medulla [21]. Contradicto-
rily, left nostril breathing has been shown to in-
crease volar galvanic skin resistance interpreted
as a reduction in sympathetic nervous activity
[21]. Although nostril breathing and short pranaya-
mic breathing practices are capable of altering the
autonomic nervous system, more research is re-
quired to fully understand their clinical benefits
Pranayama may also affect the immune system.
Inhibition of the sympathetic nervous system has
been shown to enhance function of the immune
system in several forms of meditation including
mindfulness meditation, Qigong, and Transcenden-
tal meditation [22–25]. Since pranayama has been
shown to shift the autonomic nervous system away
from sympathetic dominance [8,26] it is probable
that pranayama may have beneficial immune ef-
fects similar to meditation. More studies are
needed to elucidate pranayama’s direct effect on
immune function.
2 Jerath et al.
Although many studies show pranayama is a ben-
eficial technique, there have been studies that
indicate possible risks especially associated with
fast breathing versions. If done improperly, fast
breathing pranayama can cause hyperventilation
and may hyperactivate the sympathetic nervous
system [27] which may stress the body. Pneumo-
thorax has been attributed to fast breathing
‘‘Kapabhati’’ pranayama in one case study [28].
Some studies indicate that deep breathing similar
to slow breathing pranayama may agitate symp-
toms of bronchial hyperactivity. Deep breathing in-
duced parasympathetic activity is correlated with
bronchial hyperactivity in asthmatics [29]. It is pos-
sible that pranayamic parasympathetic activity
may elicit bronchial hyperactivity in asthmatics as
Pranayamic breathing has been shown to be a
beneficial clinical application in the treatment
of psychological disorders as well as physiological
diseases. Research has revealed pranayamic
breathing to be a low risk, cost effective adjunct
treatment that can be potentially applied to im-
prove symptoms associated with cardiovascular
disorders, autonomic disorders, and psychological
disorders including those involving stress [9].
Although slow pranayamic breathing is said to
be one of the most practical relaxation tech-
niques [2] and holds a great deal of potential in
the treatment of autonomic and psychological
disorders, two problems exist in present research
that prevent full application and understanding of
this practice. The first is that there is no coher-
ent model for the mechanism underlying slow
pranayamic breathing. A physiological description
of the pranayamic mechanism would provide in-
sight into the cellular physiology of deep breath-
ing and the dynamic connection between the
nervous system and respiration. Secondly, many
studies report only the effects of pranayama, yo-
gic postures, and meditation collectively. In fu-
ture research, pranayama needs to be studied
exclusively without meditation or postures in or-
der to fully understand the pranayamic mecha-
nism. Within the research conducted on the
many different types of pranayama, slow rhyth-
mic pranayamic breathing seems to be the most
practical and hold the most physiological benefit.
Slow pranayama, a treatment for autonomic
Slow pranayamic breathing, characterized as regu-
lar slow frequency respiration with long periods of
breath retention has been known to cause short-
term and long-term changes in physiology. One
long-term effect of pranayamic breathing is the
improvement in autonomic function [3]; specifi-
cally, with slow breathing pranayama there is a
noted increase in parasympathetic activity and a
decrease in sympathetic dominance [8]. It has been
suggested that the cardio-respiratory system can
be normalized through rhythmic breathing exer-
cises [30,31] such as slow pranayama.
Short-term effects of slow pranayamic breathing
include increased galvanic skin resistance (a non-
neural response) [21], decreased oxygen consump-
tion [20], decreased heart rate, decreased blood
pressure [3], and increased amplitude of theta
waves [32]. Increase theta amplitude and delta
waves during breath retention and slow breathing
is indicative of a parasympathetic state while alpha
and beta waves signify activity. Both the short-
term and long-term effects of pranayamic breath-
ing indicate a dynamic alteration of the autonomic
There are several chemical and non-chemical
mechanisms that may account for some of the
physiologic phenomena experienced by pranayama
practitioners. No significant changes in arterial
blood gases were noted after pranayama practice
indicating a neural mechanism for pranayama’s ef-
fect [33]. Increased melatonin production after a
regimen of slow breathing pranayamic exercises
has been attributed to pranayama’s tendency to
create a sense of relaxation and well being in the
subject [4]. Breath holding, an essential part of
pranayama, is shown to induce theta waves [32].
A decrease in breathing frequency can increase
synchronization of brain waves eliciting delta wave
activity [34] indicating parasympathetic domi-
nance. Although these mechanisms provide some
clues to pranayama’s mechanism, the neural mech-
anism that causes this body-wide autonomic shift is
largely unknown [3]. It has been proposed that cer-
tain voluntary breathing exercises can modulate
the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous sys-
tem bringing their levels of activation into a normal
range [35]. Some have proposed that pranayama al-
ters autonomic responses to breath holding per-
haps by increasing vagal tone and decreasing
sympathetic discharges [26]. It has been suggested
that pranayama ‘‘balances’’ the autonomic ner-
vous system through stretch-induced inhibitory sig-
nals of abdominal muscles (specifically the
diaphragm) and even nerve endings in the nose
[32]. It is abundantly evident that respiration and
the parasympathetic response are intricately con-
nected. What is not clear, however, is the cellular
mechanism that integrates respiration and the
parasympathetic response.
Physiology of long pranayamic breathing 3
The general cellular mechanism of
It is our hypothesis that voluntary, slow, deep
breathing functionally resets the autonomic ner-
vous system through stretch-induced inhibitory sig-
nals and hyperpolarization currents propagated
through both neural and non-neural tissue which
synchronizes neural elements in the heart, lungs,
limbic system, and cortex.
It is suspected that deep pranayamic breathing,
by voluntary control, dynamically modulates the
autonomic nervous system by heightening genera-
tion of two physiologic signals: (1) Pranayama
increases frequency and duration of inhibitory
neural impulses by activating stretch receptors
of the lungs during above tidal volume inhalation
(as seen in the Hering Breuer’s reflex). (2) Pranay-
ama heightens generation of hyperpolarization cur-
rent by stretch of connective tissue (fibroblasts)
localized around the lungs (see Fig. 1). It is recog-
nized that inhibitory impulses, produced by slowly
adapting receptors (SARs) in the lungs during infla-
tion [36], play a role in controlling typically auto-
nomic functions such as breathing pattern, airway
smooth muscle tone, systemic vascular resistance,
and heart rate [37]. Stretch of connective tissue
fibroblasts are capable of effecting the membrane
potential of nervous tissue [38]. Both hyperpo-
larization and inhibitory impulses generated by
stretch of neural and non-neural tissue of the lungs
are the likely agents of autonomic shift during pra-
nayamic breathing.
Inhibitory current synchronizes rhythmic cellular
activity between the cardiopulmonary center [39]
and the central nervous system [40]. Inhibitory cur-
rent regulates excitability of nervous tissues [41]
and is known to elicit synchronization of neural ele-
ments which typically is indicative of a state of
relaxation [42]. Synchronization within the hypo-
thalamus and the brainstem [43] is likely responsi-
ble for inducing the parasympathetic response
[44] during breathing exercises. The strongest car-
dioventilatory coupling, a parasympathetic-type
phenomenon, occurs when there is decreased
Slow pranayamic
Generation of
inhibitory impulses in
neural tissue
Generation of
Inhibitory impulses
in neural tissue
synchronize tissue
Synchronization of
neural tissue
includ ing
hypothalamus and
Decreased action
potentials in
neural tissue
Par asympath etic
Activation of slowly adapting
stretch receptors (SARs)
Decreased BP,
heart rate, O2
Stretch of fibroblasts
surrounding lungs
Resting membrane
potential polarity
increases in
surrounding tissue
decreasing metabolic
act ivit
Figure 1 Diagram of the series of events that occur during the autonomic shift present in pranayamic slow breathing.
4 Jerath et al.
breathing frequency [45] similar to that found in
slow pranayama. Cardioventilatory coupling, found
during deep breathing exercises, indicates a syn-
chronization mechanism that coordinates neural
and non-neural activity. It is likely that inhibitory
synchronized activity between the lungs and brain
elicits parasympathetic-like states.
Hyperpolarization affects the autonomic ner-
vous system by modulating neuronal excitability
[46], resting membrane potential [39], and gener-
ating rhythmic brain activity [40]. It is well docu-
mented that hyperpolarization of tissues
manifests itself in parasympathetic-like changes
[47]. Hyperpolarization is generated during stretch
of fibroblasts in tissue surrounding the lungs [38].
Similarly, in some neurons, hyperpolarization cur-
rent inhibits unsynchronized neuronal input [46]
thereby increasing the dominance of synchronized
input. Stretch of lung fibroblasts likely contributes
to the generation of the slower wave brain activity
and the parasympathetic autonomic shift present
during slow pranayamic breathing exercises.
There are several ways to test the hypothesis
that voluntary slow pranayama functionally resets
the autonomic nervous system through stretch-
induced inhibitory signals and hyperpolarization
currents propagated through both neural and non-
neural tissue. Simultaneous, intracellular, in vivo
recordings of fibroblasts and endothelium in the
lungs and heart during slow pranayamic breathing
would show that hyperpolarizing currents, originat-
ing in the lungs, are being propagated long dis-
tances affecting the cellular metabolism as well
as nervous system excitability. Blockade of inhibi-
tory signals during activation of lung stretch recep-
tors would likely show a decrease in the
parasympathetic effect of slow pranayamic breath-
ing consistent with our model. A recording measur-
ing autonomic indicators such as respiratory sinus
arrhythmia (RSA), the frequency of heart rate var-
iability, and EEG during the practice of pranayama
would also suggest that this deep breathing tech-
nique resets the autonomic nervous system through
parasympathetic shift and causes increased syn-
chronization of neural elements with the heart,
lungs, and cortex.
This hypothesis presents a common physiological
mechanism underlying several forms of breathing
exercises and elucidates the role of the respiratory
and cardiovascular system on modulating the auto-
nomic nervous system. Revealing the cellular
mechanisms that shifts the autonomic nervous sys-
tem towards parasympathetic dominance is impor-
tant for the general understanding of yogic
breathing practices and breathing physiology. The
cooperative action of pulmonary slowly adapting
stretch receptors, heart and lung fibroblasts, vas-
cular endothelium, nervous system glia and neu-
rons during voluntary deep breathing needs to be
further investigated at the cellular level.
Slow pranayamic breathing generates inhibitory
signals and hyperpolarizing current within neural
and non-neural tissue by mechanically stretching
tissues during breath inhalation and retention. It
is likely that inhibitory impulses in cooperation
with hyperpolarization current initiates the syn-
chronization of neural elements in the central ner-
vous system, peripheral nervous system, and
surrounding tissues ultimately causing shifts in
the autonomic balance towards parasympathetic
dominance. Further experimental research of the
cooperative cellular mechanisms of pranayama is
needed to confirm this theory.
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6 Jerath et al.
... Um achado do presente estudo mostra que aqueles que se declararam solteiros, em comparação com os casados, utilizaram mais a estratégia (fator) Autocontrole. Esse achado pode estar relacionado ao fato de que os profissionais solteiros, diferentemente daqueles que têm dupla jornada (trabalho em casa), principalmente com filhos, têm mais tempo e melhores condições ambientais para realizar atividades de autocontrole de suas emoções, como práticas meditativas e de controle da respiração (17) . ...
... No estudo, foi identificada uma associação significativa da estratégia (fator) Autocontrole entre aqueles com maior carga de trabalho. Essa associação pode estar relacionada ao fato da necessidade de usar o Autocontrole para exercer a função de liderança, com responsabilidade e resiliência, mesmo diante da carga de trabalho de mais de 44 horas semanais (17) . ...
... Estudos anteriores relataram um aumento no consumo de álcool e tabaco durante o período de isolamento social imposto pela pandemia de COVID-19 como resposta aos sintomas depressivos ou como forma de evitar a situação vivida (25,26,27) , com uma prevalência de 14,72% e 16,88% no aumento do consumo de álcool e tabaco, respectivamente (17,25) . Além disso, a estratégia (fator) Fuga/Evitação foi identificada nos relatos dos profissionais quando a utilizam como justificativa para o excesso de trabalho e a desvalorização salarial, o que foi confirmado pelas análises estatísticas, que apontaram a associação significativa dessa estratégia entre aqueles com menor renda e maior carga horária. ...
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Objetivo: descrever as estratégias utilizadas para enfrentar as adversidades decorrentes da pandemia da COVID-19 pelos profissionais de enfermagem brasileiros e compreender suas experiências e sentimentos resultantes desse contexto. Métodos: estudo misto, do tipo paraleloconvergente, realizado com amostragem não probabilística com 1737 enfermeiros de diferentes regiões do Brasil, por questionário virtual, sobre dados sociodemográficos e o Inventário de Estratégias de Coping de Folkman e Lazarus. As variáveis associadas ao estudo foram verificadas por análise bivariada. Os dados qualitativos foram discutidos por meio da Análise de Conteúdo Temático-Categorial. Resultados: na fase quantitativa, as estratégias de coping mais utilizadas pelos enfermeiros foram a Reavaliação positiva (1,26±0,62), a Resolução de problemas (1,14±0,56) e o Autocontrole (1,14±0,56). Verificou-se também uma comparação significativa entre as estratégias Apoio Social (1,01±0,53), Distanciamento (0,89±0,50), Aceitação da responsabilidade (0,86±0,65), Fuga/Evitação (0,85±0,56) e Confrontação (0,85±0,65). Os profissionais atribuíram a motivação para seguir em frente, o apoio coletivo para lidar com situações de stress e a responsabilidade de cumprir as suas obrigações profissionais mesmo quando enfrentam uma carga de trabalho elevada. Conclusões: a maioria dos profissionais de enfermagem utilizou estratégias funcionais para enfrentar os problemas no contexto da pandemia. A utilização das estratégias não exclui a disponibilização de espaço para discussão das dificuldades relacionadas ao cotidiano de trabalho desses profissionais.
... Studies have reported that breathing exercises involving breath-hold increase vagal tone and decrease sympathetic discharges [14]. It has been hypothesized that short duration breath-hold balances the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, thereby increasing the parasympathetic dominance and decreasing heart rate [15]. Although there is some understanding of the effects of SPB on cardiovascular and psychophysiological system, its effects on the neural dynamics have been less explored. ...
The interplay between the brain and lungs involves intricate physiological mechanisms operating bidirectionally. We study the neural dynamics during slow-symmetric breathing (SSB) at different rates, with and without incorporating breath-holds. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is recorded from 63 healthy adults while breathing at 10, 6, and 4 cycles per minute (cpm) guided by a visual metronome. Synchronization between breathing and very low frequency EEG is studied using coherence. A significant increase in coherence is observed during SSB at all breathing rates and resonance at 6 cpm. We also study EEG band power changes, coupling of the breathing phase with EEG amplitude, and EEG modulation during SSB. The power in alpha and beta bands is significantly higher during breath-hold than during inhalation and exhalation. Compared to the baseline, the modulation index increases significantly during SSB, illustrating the enhanced modulation of brain activity. Interestingly, coherence, phase-amplitude coupling, and modulation index depend mainly on the breathing rate, and the differences between symmetric breathing with and without breath-hold are not statistically significant. The observed commonalities in neural dynamics during different breathing patterns suggest the possibility of achieving very low breathing rates by symmetric breathing with hold, while retaining the reported beneficial effects of slow breathing.
... Breathing as a meditative practice in yoga and an advanced practice called pranayama, through breath control and expansion with retention, allows the conscious regulation of breathing rate, depth and/or the inhalation/exhalation ratio [36]. Prana means breath, respiration, life, vitality, energy or strength, and ayama means stretch, extension, expansion, length, breadth, regulation, prolongation, restraint or control [37]. ...
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Background: Heart rate variability (HRV) is the change in time intervals between heart beats, reflecting the autonomic nervous system’s ability to adapt to psychological and physiological demands. Slow breathing enhances parasympathetic activity, increasing HRV. Pranayama, a yoga breathing technique, affords the conscious regulation of respiration frequency. This study aimed to characterize HRV, blood pressure and peripheral oxygen saturation of basic yoga breathing slow techniques with regular yoga practitioners. Methods: In total, 45 yoga practitioners were included in the study (including 7 males, mean age of 54.04 ± 11.97 years) with varying levels of yoga experience (minimum 3 months, maximum 37 years). Participants performed three breathing conditions: baseline (control) and two yoga techniques (abdominal (adham) and complete (mahat)) breathing, each for 10 min in the supine position (i.e., savasana). For each condition, respiratory frequency, heart rate (HR), blood pressure and peripheral oxygen levels were collected. Results: The findings revealed that both abdominal and complete yoga breathing techniques promoted a decrease in respiratory frequency (p < 0.001, r = 0.61; p < 0.001, r = 0.61, respectively), and an increase in peripheral oxygen saturation (p < 0.001, r = 0.50; p < 0.001, r = 0.46, respectively), along with blood pressure decreases in all mean values, and a significant decrease in systolic pressure, considering all conditions (p = 0.034, W = 0.08). There were significant increases in standard deviation of HR during abdominal and complete yoga breathing techniques compared with the baseline (p = 0.003, r = 0.31; p < 0.001, r = 0.47, respectively), indicating enhanced parasympathetic activity. Moreover, the complete breathing technique exhibited the greatest variability in HRV measures, with several significant differences compared with abdominal breathing (standard deviation of HR, p < 0.001, r = 0.42; SD2, standard deviation of points perpendicular to the Poincaré parallel line, p < 0.003, r = 0.31; SD1/SD2, p < 0.003, r = 0.31), suggesting a more profound impact on autonomic modulation. Conclusions: simple, inexpensive and non-intrusive abdominal and complete yoga breathing techniques can effectively and momentarily enhance HRV and oxygen saturation in adults, mature adults and the elderly.
... This finding emphasizes the irreplaceability of regular breathing in improving exercise efficiency [43]. The underlying mechanism may be related to the body's demand for oxygen and energy during exercise [44]. Irregular breathing can result in an imbalance between oxygen intake and carbon dioxide expulsion, thereby impairing blood oxygenation efficiency and energy generation, rendering technical advancements less effective [45]. ...
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Background: The exploration of optimizing cardiopulmonary function and athletic performance through high-intensity metabolic exercises (HIMEs) is paramount in sports science. Despite the acknowledged efficacy of HIMEs in enhancing cardiopulmonary endurance, the high metabolic stress imposed on the cardiopulmonary system, especially for amateurs, necessitates a scaled approach to training. Objective: The aim of this study is to ascertain whether adjustments in the initiation posture and the adoption of an appropriate breathing strategy can effectively mitigate the cardiopulmonary stress induced by HIMEs without compromising training efficacy. Methods: Twenty-two subjects were recruited into this study. The post-exercise heart rate (PHR) and post-exercise oxygen consumption rate (POCR) were collected within 30 min after exercise. A two-way ANOVA, multi-variable Cox regression, and random survival forest machine learning algorithm were used to conduct the statistical analysis. Results: Under free breathing, only the maximum POCR differed significantly between standing and prone positions, with prone positions showing higher stress (mean difference = 3.15, p < 0.001). In contrast, the regulated breathing rhythm enhanced performance outcomes compared to free breathing regardless of the starting position. Specifically, exercises initiated from prone positions under regulated breathing recorded a significantly higher maximum and average PHR than those from standing positions (maximum PHR: mean difference = 13.40, p < 0.001; average PHR: mean difference = 6.45, p < 0.001). The multi-variable Cox regression highlighted the starting position as a critical factor influencing the PHR and breathing rhythm as a significant factor for the POCR, with respective variable importances confirmed by the random survival forest analysis. These results underscore the importance of controlled breathing and starting positions in optimizing HIME outcomes. Conclusions: Regulated breathing in high-intensity exercises enhances performance and physiological functions, emphasizing the importance of breathing rhythm over starting position. Effective training should balance exercise volume and technique to optimize performance and minimize stress, reducing overtraining and injury risks.
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Background: Hypothyroidism is associated with autonomic dysfunction and oxidative stress. Slow breathing exercise (SBE), a yoga-based relaxation technique, improves cardiac autonomic nerve function by changing sympathetic or parasympathetic activity. Objective: To assess the effect of SBEon cardiac autonomic tone and in hypothyroid patients. Methods: This non randomized controlled trial was conducted on 50 newly diagnosed drug naive female hypothyroid patients (18-45 years of age)recruited from the outpatient department of the Department of Endocrinology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University,(BSMMU), Shahbag, Dhaka. Twenty five apparently healthy female subjects formed control group. . Among the 50 hypothyroid patients, 25 were consecutively assigned with SBE for 90 days (Group SBE) and the remaining 25 patients were without SBE and followed up after 90 days (Group NSBE). Both groups of patients received treatment with thyroid hormone replacement during their follow up period. Control group did not perform SBE or any other exercise. Data were recorded at baseline(Day 0) and after 90 days in all the subjects. Based on data recording period SBE group was designated as SBE0(at day 0 or pre intervention)and SBE90(at day 90 or post intervention). Similarly, NSBE0(day 0) and NSBE90 (day 90) and control group was also designated as control0 (day 0) and control90 (day 90).Resting cardic autonomic tonic activity was assessed by frequency domain analysis of Heart Rate Variability(HRV). HRV data were recorded by a digital data acquisition device Power Lab, AD Instrument Australia. Data were expressed as mean±SD. For statistical analysis, ANOVA followed by post hoc Bonferroni test and paired sample “t” test were done. Results: At baseline i.e. at day 0 before follow up, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) (p<0.05), low frequency in normalized unit (LF norm) (p<0.001), low frequency/high frequency ratio (LF/HF) (p<0.001) were significantly higher and total power (TP) (p<0.001), low frequency power (LF power) (p<0.01), high frequency power (HF power) (p<0.001), high frequency power in normalized unit (HF norm) (p<0.001) were significantly lower in hypothyroid patients (group SBE0and NSBE0 ) compared to healthy control (group control0). After 90 days of intervention with SBE, SBP, DBP, LF norm, LF/HF ratio decreased significantly and TP, HF power, HF norm increased significantly in group SBE90 compared to SBE0. Whereas, in group NSBE90, after 90 days of follow up, LF norm, LF/HF ratio decreased significantly and HF power, HF norm increased significantly compared to NSBE0. Again, after 90 days of follow up/SBEHF norm were significantly higher and LF norm, LF/HF ratio were significantly lower in SBE90 compared to NSBE90. In addition, significant difference was present in all these parameters between NSBE90 and control90. Also, after 90 days of SBELF norm, HF norm and LF/HF ratio was not significantly different from control. Conclusions: Based on these results, it can be concluded that autonomic dysfunction characterized by reduced vagal tone and sympathetic hyperactivity occurred in drug naïve hypothyroid patients. In addition, thyroid hormone replacement therapy improved autonomic dysfunction by increasing parasympathetic and decreasing sympathetic tonic activity. Moreover, SBE caused further improvement of autonomic dysfunction and could restore sympathovagal balance to its normal state in these patients. J Bangladesh Soc Physiol 2023;18(1): 9-18
Background Anxiety disorders are commonly associated with a higher risk of fatal cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Anxiety disorders lead to dysregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, thus weakening the key neuronal components of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) that are involved in cardiovascular functions, leading to increased cardiovascular risk. Purpose Impaired ANS activity, as reduced parasympathetic tone is strongly associated with an increased risk of CVD in anxiety disorders. Slow pranayama influences the ANS by activating the parasympathetic tone and deactivating the sympathetic tone in healthy volunteers and various diseased conditions. Therefore, we aimed to study the effects of slow pranayama and savasana on cardiac autonomic function tests in anxiety disorder patients. Methods Anxiety disorder patients (N = 140) of either sex between the age group 18 and 40 years attending the psychiatry outpatient department (OPD) in JIPMER were recruited for the study and were randomly assigned into the pranayama group and control group. The Pranayama group practised slow pranayama and savasana for 8 weeks along with routine psychiatric care, while the control group continued with routine psychiatric care only. Outcome measures were heart rate variability (HRV), baroreflex sensitivity (BRS), 30:15 ratio during lying to standing, E: I ratio during deep breathing, and ∇DBP during isometric handgrip, which were assessed before and after the intervention period. Results After 8 weeks in the Pranayama group, the HRV parameters showed significant improvement towards the parasympathetic domain. Also, there was a significant increase in parasympathetic reactivity with a decrease in sympathetic reactivity and significant improvement in BRS. Conclusion Slow pranayama and savasana practice in anxiety disorder patients as an adjunct to routine psychiatric care effectively improves cardiac autonomic function with a shift towards parasympathetic predominance, with significant improvements in cardiovascular parameters. Slow pranayamas with savasana may be incorporated into the routine care of these patients to enhance their cardiovascular health.
योग में शुद्धिकरण प्रक्रियाएं, जिन्हें अक्सर "षटकर्म" या "षटक्रिया" कहा जाता है, माना जाता है कि यह शरीर और दिमाग को शुद्ध करती है, जिससे समग्र स्वास्थ्य परिचायक है। षट्कर्मो द्वारा शरीर पर पड़ने वाले प्रक्रियागत मलहारी प्रभाव इन्हें चिकित्सीय दृष्टि से अति महत्त्वपूर्ण बनाते हैं। धौति, वस्ति, नेति, नौलि, त्राटक तथा कपालभाति इन सभी षट्कर्मो का प्रभाव शरीर के विभिन्न अन्तरङ्गों पर पड़ता है। तीन लोकप्रिय शुद्धिकरण तकनीकें जलनेति, त्राटक और कपालभाति हैं। यहां, हम इनमें से प्रत्येक अभ्यास के वैज्ञानिक पहलुओं और चिकित्सीय लाभों की व्याख्या करेंगे! षट्कर्मो के चिकित्सीय प्रभाव को वैज्ञानिक ढंग से समझने के लिए हमें चयनित षट्कर्मो को पृथक् रूप से लेकर इसके शरीर प्रक्रियागत (Physiological) प्रभावों को देखना होगा।
This chapter explores the balance of mental wellness and peace in a digitally connected world, emphasizing a balanced approach to technology use. It highlights digital tools and social media's dual role in mental health, acknowledging the adverse effects of excessive use. It explains the use of evidence-based treatments like mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) into mobile apps to enhance well-being. The chapter also discusses digital detox strategies, such as managing screen time and nurturing offline hobbies, to reduce stress and improve wellness. Digital detoxes, including digital-free weekends, help individuals achieve mental tranquility. By leveraging these methods, the chapter promotes responsible technology use, fostering digital literacy and a healthier, more contented life.
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The active dendritic conductances shape the input-output properties of many principal neurons in different brain regions, and the various ways in which they regulate neuronal excitability need to be investigated to better understand their functional consequences. Using a realistic model of a hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron, we show a major role for the hyperpolarization-activated current, I h , in regulating the spike probability of a neuron when independent synaptic inputs are activated with different degrees of synchronization and at different distances from the soma. The results allowed us to make the experimentally testable prediction that the I h in these neurons is needed to reduce neuronal excitability selectively for distal unsynchronized, but not for synchronized, inputs.
Spontaneous pneumothorax is the most common cause of pneumothorax. We report a case of a 29-year-old healthy woman who presented to the emergency department with a spontaneous pneumothorax caused by a yoga breathing technique called Kapalabhati pranayama , or breath of fire . Yoga breathing exercises are commonly practiced, and a limited number of studies have shown various physiologic benefits of yoga breathing. This is the only known report of spontaneous pneumothorax caused by pranayama, but some other rare causes are noted. This case should illustrate that adverse side effects can occur when one pushes the body to physiologic extremes.
There are currently a few methods that can be used to assess the time of impending parturition in the goat, especially if exact breeding dates are unknown. One indicator of the onset of parturition is a decrease in the doe’s blood progesterone level approximately 24–30h prior to parturition. Laboratory serum/plasma progesterone assays commonly require 24h or more to obtain results, as well as being expensive. This study was designed to evaluate whether semi-quantitative enzyme immunoassay (EIA) progesterone kits could be used to determine plasma progesterone levels in does during late gestation, and whether a correlation could be drawn between the test result and the time of parturition. Plasma samples were collected twice daily from 16 pregnant does starting on day 143 of pregnancy and ending 1 day following parturition. The plasma progesterone levels indicated by the three EIA kits were compared to one another and to a radioimmunoassay, and assessed for any relationship to the actual time of parturition. Test results indicating low plasma progesterone levels (5.0–7.8ng/ml) from the Status Pro, TARGET, and PreMate tests were found to be correlated 100, 100, and 82.2% with delayed parturition. The radioimmunoassay results concurred with the progesterone ranges given for Status Pro, TARGET, and PreMate tests in 75.7, 58.8 and 53.7% of the cases, respectively. The results of this study indicates that any one of the commercially produced EIA progesterone tests can be used to predict with a high degree of accuracy the likelihood of parturition occurring within the next 24–30h. These tests are simple to perform and cost effective.
• A hyperpolarization-activated non-specific cation current, Ih, was examined in bushy cell bodies and their giant presynaptic terminals (calyx of Held). Whole-cell patch clamp recordings were made using an in vitro brain slice preparation of the cochlear nucleus and the superior olivary complex. The aim was to characterise Ih in identified cell bodies and synaptic terminals, to examine modulation by presynaptic cAMP and to test for modulatory effects of Ih activation on synaptic transmission. • Presynaptic Ih was activated by hyperpolarizing voltage-steps, with half-activation (V1/2) at –94 mV. Activation time constants were voltage dependent, showing an e-fold acceleration for hyperpolarizations of –32 mV (time constant of 78 ms at –130 mV). The reversal potential of Ih was –29 mV. It was blocked by external perfusion of 1 mmCsCl but was unaffected by BaCl2. • Application of internal cAMP shifted the activation curve to more positive potentials, giving a V1/2 of –74 mV; hence around half of the current was activated at resting membrane potentials. This shift in half-activation was mimicked by external perfusion of a membrane-permeant analogue, 8-bromo-cAMP. • The bushy cell body Ih showed similar properties to those of the synaptic terminal; V1/2 was –94 mV and the reversal potential was –33 mV. Somatic Ih was blocked by CsCl (1 mm) and was partially sensitive to BaCl2. Somatic Ih current density increased with postnatal age from 5 to 16 days old, suggesting that Ih is functionally relevant during maturation of the auditory pathway. • The function of Ih in regulating presynaptic excitability is subtle. Ih had little influence on EPSC amplitude at the calyx of Held, but may be associated with propagation of the action potential at branch points. Presynaptic Ih shares properties with both HCN1 and HCN2 recombinant channel subunits, in that it gates relatively rapidly and is modulated by internal cAMP.
Adult asthmatics, ranging from 19 to 52 years from an asthma and allergy clinic in a university setting volunteered to participate in the study. The 17 students were randomly divided into yoga (9 subjects) and nonyoga control (8 subjects) groups. The yoga group was taught a set of breathing and relaxation techniques including breath slowing exercises (pranayama), physical postures (yogasanas), and meditation. Yoga techniques were taught at the university health center, three times a week for 16 weeks. All the subjects in both groups maintained daily symptom and medication diaries, collected A.M. and P.M. peak flow readings, and completed weekly questionnaires. Spirometry was performed on each subject every week. Analysis of the data showed that the subjects in the yoga group reported a significant degree of relaxation, positive attitude, and better yoga exercise tolerance. There was also a tendency toward lesser usage of beta adrenergic inhalers. The pulmonary functions did not vary significantly between yoga and control groups. Yoga techniques seem beneficial as an adjunct to the medical management of asthma.
Pranayama is a Yogic breathing practice which is known experientially to produce a profound calming effect on the mind. In an experiment designed to determine whether the mental effects of this practice were accompanied by changes in the arterial blood gases, arterial blood was drawn from 10 trained individuals prior to and immediately after Pranayama practice. No significance changes in arterial blood gases were noted after Pranayama. A neural mechanism for the mental effects of this practice is proposed.
To determine whether the yogic Ujjayi pranayamic type of breathing that involves sensory awareness and consciously controlled, extremely slow-rate breathing including at least a period of end-inspiration breath holding in each respiratory cycle would alter oxygen consumption or not, ten males with long standing experience in pranayama, and volunteering to participate in the laboratory study were assessed. These subjects aged 28-59 yr, had normal health appropriate to their age. Since kumbhak (timed breath holding) is considered as an important phase of the respiratory cycle in the pranayama, they were categorised into two groups of five each, one group practising the short kumbhak varieties of pranayama, and the other the long kumbhak varieties of pranayama. The duration of kumbhak phase was on an average 22.2 percent of the respiratory cycle in the short kumbhak group, and 50.4 per cent in the long kumbhak group. The oxygen consumption was measured in test sessions using the closed circuit method of breathing oxygen through the Benedict-Roth spirometer. Each subject was tested in several repeat sessions. Values of oxygen consumption of the period of pranayamic breathing, and of post-pranayamic breathing period, were compared to control value of oxygen consumption of the prepranayamic breathing period of each test session. The results revealed that the short kumbhak pranayamic breathing caused a statistically significant increase (52%) in the oxygen consumption (and metabolic rate) compared to the pre-pranayamic base-line period of breathing. In contrast to the above, the long kumbhak pranayamic breathing caused a statistically significant lowering (19% of the oxygen consumption (and metabolic rate).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
The present study conducted on twelve normal healthy male subjects showed decrease in blood urea, increase in creatinine and tyrosine after one minute of Kapalabhati, a fast-breathing technique of Hatha Yoga (120 respiratory strokes (min.). From biochemical point of view the practice of Kapalabhati seems to promote decarboxylation and oxidation mechanisms due to which quieting of respiratory centres is achieved, which is also the prerequisite for the practice of Pranayama, another important technique of Yoga.