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A pilot clinical study of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme


Abstract and Figures

Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids inhibit tumour growth and angiogenesis in animal models, so their potential application as antitumoral drugs has been suggested. However, the antitumoral effect of cannabinoids has never been tested in humans. Here we report the first clinical study aimed at assessing cannabinoid antitumoral action, specifically a pilot phase I trial in which nine patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme were administered THC intratumoraly. The patients had previously failed standard therapy (surgery and radiotherapy) and had clear evidence of tumour progression. The primary end point of the study was to determine the safety of intracranial THC administration. We also evaluated THC action on the length of survival and various tumour-cell parameters. A dose escalation regimen for THC administration was assessed. Cannabinoid delivery was safe and could be achieved without overt psychoactive effects. Median survival of the cohort from the beginning of cannabinoid administration was 24 weeks (95% confidence interval: 15-33). Delta(9)-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibited tumour-cell proliferation in vitro and decreased tumour-cell Ki67 immunostaining when administered to two patients. The fair safety profile of THC, together with its possible antiproliferative action on tumour cells reported here and in other studies, may set the basis for future trials aimed at evaluating the potential antitumoral activity of cannabinoids.
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A pilot clinical study of D
-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with
recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
M Guzma
, MJ Duarte
, C Bla
, J Ravina
, MC Rosa
, I Galve-Roperh
, G Velasco
L Gonza
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid 28040, Spain;
Department of Neurosurgery,
Hospital Universitario de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife 38320, Spain
-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoids inhibit tumour growth and angiogenesis in animal models, so their potential
application as antitumoral drugs has been suggested. However, the antitumoral effect of cannabinoids has never been tested in
humans. Here we report the first clinical study aimed at assessing cannabinoid antitumoral action, specifically a pilot phase I trial in
which nine patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme were administered THC intratumoraly. The patients had previously failed
standard therapy (surgery and radiotherapy) and had clear evidence of tumour progression. The primary end point of the study was
to determine the safety of intracranial THC administration. We also evaluated THC action on the length of survival and various
tumour-cell parameters. A dose escalation regimen for THC administration was assessed. Cannabinoid delivery was safe and could be
achieved without overt psychoactive effects. Median survival of the cohort from the beginning of cannabinoid administration was 24
weeks (95% confidence interval: 1533). D
-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibited tumour-cell proliferation in vitro and decreased tumour-
cell Ki67 immunostaining when administered to two patients. The fair safety profile of THC, together with its possible antiproliferative
action on tumour cells reported here and in other studies, may set the basis for future trials aimed at evaluating the potential
antitumoral activity of cannabinoids.
British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95, 197 203. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6603236
Published online 27 June 2006
&2006 Cancer Research UK
Keywords: cannabinoid; glioblastoma multiforme; pilot clinical study; antitumoral drug
The hemp plant Cannabis sativa L. produces approximately 60
unique compounds known as cannabinoids, of which D
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most important owing to its
high potency and abundance in cannabis (Gaoni and Mechoulam,
1964). D
-Tetrahydrocannabinol exerts a wide variety of biological
effects by mimicking endogenous substances the so-called
endocannabinoids (Mechoulam and Hanus, 2000; Piomelli, 2003)
that bind to and activate specific cell surface receptors. So far, two
cannabinoid-specific receptors have been cloned and characterised
from mammalian tissues (Howlett et al, 2002): CB
, particularly
abundant in the brain, and CB
, mainly expressed in the immune
system. One of the most active areas of current research in
the cannabinoid field is the study of the potential application
of cannabinoids as therapeutic agents. Among these possible
applications, cannabinoids have been known to exert palliative
effects in cancer patients since the early 1970s. The best established
of these effects is the inhibition of chemotherapy-induced nausea
and vomiting. Today, capsules of THC and its synthetic analogue
nabilone are approved in several countries for that purpose
´n, 2003; Hall et al, 2005). Other potential palliative effects
of cannabinoids in oncology supported by phase III clinical trials
include appetite stimulation and pain inhibition (Guzma
´n, 2003;
Hall et al, 2005). In addition, cannabinoids have been proposed as
potential antitumoral agents owing to their ability to inhibit the
growth and angiogenesis of various types of tumour xenografts
in animal models (Munson et al, 1975; Guzma
´n, 2003). However,
the antitumoral effect of cannabinoids has never been tested in
One of the most devastating forms of cancer is glioblastoma
multiforme (grade IV astrocytoma), the most frequent class of
malignant primary brain tumours. Current standard therapeutic
strategies for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme (surgical
resection and focal radiotherapy) are only palliative, and, as a
consequence, survival after diagnosis is normally 6 12 months
(Afra et al, 2002; Kleihues et al, 2002; Lonardi et al, 2005). A large
number of chemotherapeutic agents (e.g. alkylating agents such as
temozolomide and nitrosoureas such as carmustine) have also
been tested, but no remarkable improvement on patient survival
has been achieved as yet (Afra et al, 2002; Lonardi et al, 2005;
Reardon et al, 2006). Likewise, although dendritic cell- and
peptide-based immunotherapy strategies appear promising as
a safe approach to induce an antitumour immune response
(Yamanaka, 2006), no immunotherapy or gene therapy trial
performed to date has been significantly successful. It is therefore
essential to develop new therapeutic strategies for the management
of glioblastoma multiforme to obtain significant clinical results.
Revised 15 May 2006; accepted 5 June 2006; published online 27 June
*Correspondence: Professor M Guzma
´n; E-mail: or
Professor L Gonza
´lez-Feria; E-mail:
British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95, 197 203
2006 Cancer Research UK All rights reserved 0007 0920/06
Translational Therapeutics
We have previously shown that cannabinoids inhibit the growth
(Galve-Roperh et al, 2000; Sa
´nchez et al, 2001) and angiogenesis
´zquez et al, 2003, 2004) of gliomas in animal models.
Remarkably, this antiproliferative effect seems to be selective for
brain-tumour cells as the survival of normal brain cells (astrocytes
´mez del Pulgar et al, 2002), oligodendrocytes (Molina-Holgado
et al, 2002) and neurons (Mechoulam et al, 2002)) is unaffected
or even favoured by cannabinoid challenge. On the basis of these
preclinical findings, we have conducted a pilot clinical study aimed
at assessing cannabinoid antitumoral action in patients with
recurrent glioblastoma multiforme.
Nine patients with glioblastoma multiforme were enroled. All
patients had failed standard therapy, which included surgery and
external-beam radiotherapy (60 Gy), had clear evidence of tumour
progression on sequential magnetic resonance scanning, and had
a minimum Karnofsky performance score (KPS) of 60 (i.e. ability
to function independently). Two patients (Patients 2 and 5) had
received adjuvant temozolomide chemotherapy (two cycles of
150 –200 mg m
daily for 5 days; 28 days between the two
cycles), but temozolomide administration had finished 24 weeks
(Patient 2) or 8 weeks (Patient 5) before enrolment in the study.
Pregnant patients and patients with systemic diseases or active
infections were excluded. Additional requirements included
acceptable haematological and hepatic function (glutamate :
oxalacetate transaminase and glutamate : piruvate transaminase
o2.5 normal values, total bilirubin o1.5 normal values,
platelets 4100 000 mm
, neutrophils 41000 mm
, haemoglobin
410 g dl
) and no change in steroid administration protocol for
at least 2 weeks. All patients provided written informed consent
before entering the study. The protocol, progression and final
report of the study were approved by the Clinical Trials and Ethics
Committee of Hospital Universitario de Canarias and by the
Spanish Ministry of Health.
THC administration
THC was obtained from The Health Concept (Richelbach,
Germany) and was kindly provided by Mr Alfredo Dupetit.
Preparations contained 496.5% THC, o1.5% of its isomer
-THC, o0.5% butyl-THC and o0.5% propyl-THC.
Patients underwent a surgical intervention aimed at resecting
and creating a cavity in the recurrent tumour. Biopsies were taken
and glioblastoma multiforme diagnosis was confirmed in all
cases. The tip (approx. 5 cm) of a silastic infusion catheter (9.6
French; 3.2 mm diameter) was placed into the resection cavity. The
infusion catheter was connected to a Nuport subclavicular
subcutaneous reservoir. Each day an aliquot of the THC solution
(100 mg ml
in ethanol) was dissolved in 30 ml of physiological
saline solution supplemented with 0.5% (w v
) human serum
albumin, and the resulting solution was filtered and transferred to
an opaque syringe. This process was performed at the Department
of Pharmacy of the Hospital Universitario de Canarias. Owing to
the high hydrophobicity of THC, we controlled by gas chromato-
graphy/mass spectrometry (see below) the actual concentration
of THC in the final solution. The THC solution was administered
to the patients for different times starting at days 3 6 after surgery
at a rate of 0.3 ml min
with a syringe pump connected to the
subcutaneous reservoir. In the case of Patients 1 and 2, who
received THC for 30 and 26 days, respectively, biopsies were also
taken after the THC-treatment period and various tumour-cell
parameters were evaluated (see below).
Patient monitoring
Patients underwent continuous physical, neurological, biochemical
and haematological examinations as well as frequent magnetic
resonance and computed tomography scans of the brain for the
detection of evidence of toxicity (haemorrhage, oedema, injury)
and monitoring of tumour progression. Magnetic resonance
imaging evaluations (T1-weighted gadolinium enhancement axial
images) measured enhanced tumour size, which is believed to
represent the viable portion of the tumour.
Determination of THC concentration
The plasma and urine concentration of THC was determined daily
in Patients 1 and 2 during the first 7 days of administration by
three different methods: a fluorescence polarisation immunoassay
kit (AxSYM Cannabinoid Assay, Abbott, Abbott Park, IL, USA;
detection limit, 50 ng ml
), a cloned enzyme donor immunoassay
kit (Microgenics CEDIA DAU Multi-Level THC, Microgenics,
Pleasanton, CA, USA; detection limit, 50 ng ml
) and gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (determinations performed
at the Department of Toxicology, School of Medicine, Complutense
University, Madrid, Spain; detection limit, 10 ng ml
). These
procedures also detected the major THC metabolites 11-hydroxy-
THC and 11-nor-THC-9-carboxylic acid. In all the analyses
performed in both plasma and urine, the concentrations of THC
and its two metabolites were below the detection limits. Gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (determinations performed at
the Institute of Toxicology, Ministry of Health, Tenerife) was also
used to determine the actual concentrations of THC in the final
solution inoculated to the patients.
Tumour cell cultures
Tumour biopsies were digested with collagenase (type Ia, Sigma, St
Louis, MO, USA) in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM)
at 371C for 90 min and the supernatant was seeded in DMEM
containing 15% foetal calf serum and 1 mMglutamine. Cells were
kept in primary culture for about 2 weeks. Cells were subsequently
seeded for the experiments, and 24 h before cannabinoid addition
they were transferred to 0.5% serum DMEM. Cell viability was
determined by Trypan blue exclusion. Apoptosis was determined
by Hoechst 33258 staining and with a terminal deoxynucleotide
transferase-mediated deoxy uridine triphosphates-biotin nick-end
labelling (TUNEL) kit (Boehringer, Mannheim, Germany). THC as
well as SR141716 and SR144528 (kindly given by Sanofi-Aventis,
Montpellier, France) were prepared in dimethylsulphoxide (final
concentration: 0.1– 0.2% (v v
)). Control incubations had the
corresponding dimethylsulphoxide content. All determinations
were performed in triplicate.
Western blot
Tumour samples were homogenised and subjected to sodium
dodecyl sulphatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and proteins
were transferred from the gels onto polyvinylidene fluoride
membranes. The blots were incubated with antibodies raised
against residues 177 of the human CB
receptor (1 : 1000; kindly
given by Ken Mackie, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
USA) or residues 1 99 of the human CB
receptor (1 : 1000;
Affinity Bioreagents, Golden, CO, USA). a-Tubulin (1 : 4000,
Sigma) was used as a loading control. Samples were finally
subjected to luminography with an enhanced chemiluminiscence
detection kit (Amersham Life Sciences, Arlington Heights, IL,
USA). Densitometric analysis of the blots was performed with
Multianalyst software (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Hercules, CA, USA).
Cannabinoid administration to cancer patients
M Guzma
´net al
British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95(2), 197 203 &2006 Cancer Research UK
Translational Therapeutics
Confocal microscopy
Sections of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumour samples
were stained with anti-CB
receptor (1 : 500; kindly given by Ken
Mackie), anti-CB
receptor (1 : 500; Affinity Bioreagents), anti-Ki67
(Lab Vision, Fremont, CA, USA) or anti-CD31 (1 : 400; Cymbus
Biotechnology, Hampshire, UK) antibodies as described (Bla
et al, 2004). Slices were further incubated (1 h, room temperature,
darkness) with a secondary antibody Alexa Fluor 594 (1 : 400;
Molecular Probes, Leiden, The Netherlands). Sections were
mounted with Mowiol mounting medium (Merck, Darmstadt,
Germany) containing YOYO-1 iodide (1 : 1000; Molecular Probes,
Leiden, The Netherlands) to stain cell nuclei. Ten to fifteen fields of
46 sections were analysed per tumour. Morphometric analysis
was performed with Metamorph-Offline software (Universal
Imaging, Downingtown, PA, USA).
Survival was calculated as the median (95% confidence interval
(CI)) survival time of the cohort of patients from the surgical
operation of tumour relapse, and was represented as a Kaplan
Meier curve (Figure 1B). Data on tumour-cell parameters (Figure 3)
are given as mean7s.d. and were analysed by analysis of variance
with a post hoc StudentNeumanKeuls test.
Time after second surgery (weeks)
Surviving fraction
0 204060
First surgery Radiotherapy
(all patients)
tumour biopsy
THC treatment
(all patients)
tumour biopsy
(Patients 1 and 2) Decease
Second surgery
(Patients 1 and 2)
15 days
Figure 1 Effect of THC administration on overall survival. (A) Schematic diagram of the clinical protocol. See text for further details. (B) Kaplan Meier
survival curve of the cohort of patients from the surgical operation of tumour relapse. For comparison with survival upon administration of standard
chemotherapeutic drugs such as temozolomide and carmustine, see Dinnes et al (2002) and Brem et al (1995), respectively.
Table 1 Summary of patient characteristics, treatment and outcome
THC treatment
(sex) KPS
volume (cm
of cycles
Total dose
Time between first and
second surgery (wk)
Time from second
surgery to death (wk)
1 47 (m) 90 L O 120 30 2 1.46 70 19
2 58 (m) 80 R T 69 26 4 1.29 63 18
3 35 (m) 80 L T 40 64 6 3.29 9 53
4 67 (m) 70 R T 76 11 1 0.81 23 24
5 51 (f) 70 R P 41 15 2 1.13 28 17
6 64 (f) 90 R T 58 10 1 0.80 8 9
7 69 (f) 90 L T 43 21 3 1.68 112 29
8 51 (f) 90 R F 52 10 1 1.60 24 49
9 55 (f) 70 L T 76 11 1 1.28 38 24
Abbreviations: f ¼female; F ¼frontal; KPS ¼Karnofsky performance score; L¼left; m ¼male; O ¼occipital; P ¼parietal; R ¼right; T ¼temporal; wk ¼week.
Cannabinoid administration to cancer patients
M Guzma
´net al
British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95(2), 197 203&2006 Cancer Research UK
Translational Therapeutics
Nine patients (four men, five women) were enroled in the study
between March 2002 and November 2003 (Table 1). The cohort
had a mean age of 55 years and a moderately altered physical
performance (mean KPS: 81; most frequent symptoms on
enrolment: cephalalgia, alterations in higher cerebral functions,
long tract signs and epilepsy in six out of nine, four out of nine,
eight out of nine and three out of nine patients, respectively).
The recurrent tumours had medium large size (mean estimated
volume of active tumour: 64 cm
) and had appeared after a period
expected for average glioblastoma multiforme progression (mean
interval between first and second surgery: 42 weeks). The cohort,
although small, was therefore considered representative of
recurrent glioblastoma multiforme routinely found in the clinical
practice, which would make the study unbiased towards patients
with better prognosis. The primary end point of the study was to
determine the safety of intracranial THC administration. We also
assessed THC action on the length of survival and various tumour-
cell parameters. The clinical protocol is summarised in Figure 1A.
Safety of the treatment
Patients were entered one by one in order to ascertain a dose
escalation regimen for THC administration based on the
appearance of psychoactive side effects. In Patient 1, the initial
daily dose of THC was 20 mg, which was progressively increased for
4 days until 100 mg, with which a very mild episode of euphoria
appeared. This effect was transient and difficult to interpret, as it
never repeated. The daily dose was subsequently set at 60 80 mg
and no further side effects appeared anymore during the first cycle
(19 days, 0.98 mg total THC) or the second cycle (11 days, 0.48 mg
total THC). A similar approach was used to define the adminis-
tration pattern of THC to other patients and no significant
psychoactive effects were evident, except for Patient 8, who had a
mild and transient episode of bulimia, hypothermia and euphoria.
Overall, the initial dose of THC administered to the patients was
20 –40 mg at day 1, increasing progressively for 2 5 days up to
80 –180 mg day
. The median duration of an administration cycle
was 10 days. Some patients received more than one THC cycle
(Table 1), and so the median duration of total THC administration
was 15 days (Figure 1A). Of interest, no significant alterations in
physical, neurological, biochemical and haematological parameters
could be ascribed to THC in any of the patients. All patients
experienced cerebral oedema during the study, as is typical for
postoperative craniotomy, and were treated with corticosteroids.
There was no apparent effect of THC on steroid requirement.
Progression and survival
Median survival from the surgical operation of tumour relapse was
24 weeks (95% CI: 15 33). Two of the patients (3 and 8) survived
for approximately 1 year (Table 1, Figure 1B).
Patient 3 (Table 1, Figure 2A) had an extremely aggressive
recurrent glioblastoma multiforme in the left temporal lobe that
was evident shortly after the extensive surgical resection of the
primary tumour. The recurrent tumour was marginally removed
and a total of six THC cycles was administered. During the first
three cycles, tumour growth was curbed for about 9 weeks. As the
patient showed a clear improvement of clinical symptoms (e.g.
dysphasia and cranial hypertension disappeared and haemiparesis
ameliorated), three more cannabinoid cycles were administered.
However, the KPS started to decline at week 21.
Patient 8 (Table 1, Figure 2B) had an actively growing recurrent
glioblastoma multiforme in the right frontal lobe that was partially
resected. One THC cycle was subsequently administered, although
in view of the high tolerance of the patient the cycle contained
more THC than those administered to other patients (Table 1).
Tumour volume did not stabilise and followed a continuous
increase, but the patient’s clinical symptoms largely improved (e.g.
cephalalgia and hallucinations disappeared and motor deficit
attenuated). However, the KPS started to decline at week 20.
Patient 5 (Table 1, Figure 2C) was one of the patients who
seemed not to respond to THC, at least regarding expected length
of survival. The right parietal-lobe recurrent tumour was slightly
removed, and after the first THC cycle, tumour volume kept
constant for 5 weeks. During that period, haemiparesis improved
and the KPS did not decrease, but tumour progression and clinical
symptoms rapidly worsened thereafter despite the administration
of a second THC cycle.
THC action on tumour cells
To gain further insight into how THC may affect tumour growth,
we determined various cellular parameters in the tumours. The
expression of cannabinoid receptors in tumour biopsies was
examined by Western blot (Figure 3A) and immunofluorescence
(Figure 3B and C). The tumours from the nine patients expressed
different amounts of CB
and CB
receptors, but no correlation was
found between receptor-type expression and survival (data not
shown). Because cannabinoid receptors are known to desensitise
upon prolonged occupancy (Howlett et al, 2002), it is conceivable
that this may hamper the efficacy of long-term treatments. We
therefore determined CB receptor expression after THC adminis-
tration to two patients. Data from Patients 1 and 2 showed a slight
decrease in CB
receptor expression and no change in CB
expression (Figure 3A), which might reflect a predominant binding
of THC to the former protein or its higher susceptibility to
We next tested the functionality of cannabinoid receptors in the
inhibition of tumour cell growth. For this purpose, we isolated
tumour cells from glioblastoma biopsies, and observed that THC
decreased the number of viable cells in the cultures. This effect
relied on CB receptor activation as the CB
antagonist SR141716
together with the CB
antagonist SR144528 prevented cannabinoid
action (Figure 3D). THC growth-inhibiting action was due at least
in part to apoptosis, as determined by Hoechst 33258 and TUNEL
staining (Figure 3D). Likewise, in Patients 1 and 2, THC treatment
in vivo was associated with reduced tumour-cell proliferation
(Ki67 immunostaining) (Figure 3E). D
administration tended to decrease tumour vascularisation (CD31
immunostaining) in those two patients, but the effect was not
statistically significant (Figure 3F).
Here we report the first clinical study aimed at evaluating
cannabinoid antitumoral action. Owing to obvious ethical and
legal reasons, this pilot study was conducted in a cohort of
terminal patients harbouring actively growing recurrent tumours.
Although the use of cannabinoids in medicine may be limited by
their well-known psychotropic effects, it is generally believed that
cannabinoids display a fair drug safety profile and that their
potential adverse effects are within the range of those accepted for
other medications, especially in cancer treatment (Guzma
´n, 2003;
Hall et al, 2005; Iversen, 2005). In line with this idea, THC delivery
in our study was safe and could be achieved without overt
psychoactive effects. As the possible antitumoral action of nabilone
has never been evaluated in preclinical trials, THC was the unique
cannabinoid receptor agonist available for the present human
study. Nonetheless, most likely THC is not the most appropriate
cannabinoid agonist for future antitumoral strategies owing to its
high hydrophobicity, relatively weak agonistic potency and ability
Cannabinoid administration to cancer patients
M Guzma
´net al
British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95(2), 197 203 &2006 Cancer Research UK
Translational Therapeutics
to elicit CB
-mediated psychoactivity. Unfortunately, the current
synthetic cannabinoid agonists that have been reported to exert
antitumoral actions in animal models and that could theoretically
circumvent at least in part the pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic limitations of THC (e.g. WIN-55,212-2, a more
potent and less hydrophobic CB
-mixed agonist (Galve-
Roperh et al, 2000), and JWH-133, a more potent CB
agonist (Sa
´nchez et al, 2001)) are still very far from the clinical
application owing to the lack of thorough preclinical toxicology
second surgery second surgery
second surgery second surgery
second surgery second surgery
Week 4 Week 18
Week 3 Week 32
Week 3 Week 15
Week 29
Time after second surgery (weeks)
Tumour volume (cm3)
Time after second surgery (weeks)
Time after second surgery (weeks)
0 5 10 15
Patient 3
Patient 8
Patient 5
Tumour volume (cm3)
Tumour volume (cm3)
Figure 2 Effect of THC administration on tumour growth. Tumour growth plots and gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted magnetic resonance scans after
the second surgery in three patients. Arrows indicate the THC administration cycles. (A) Patient 3, scans before and after surgery of tumour relapse as well
as after the second, fourth and sixth THC cycle (weeks 4, 18 and 29, respectively). (B) Patient 8, scans before and after surgery of tumour relapse as well as
after the THC cycle (week 3) and at week 32. (C) Patient 5, scans before and after surgery of tumour relapse as well as after the fist THC cycle (week 3) and
at week 15.
Cannabinoid administration to cancer patients
M Guzma
´net al
British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95(2), 197 203&2006 Cancer Research UK
Translational Therapeutics
This is not only the first clinical study to assess cannabinoid
antitumoral action but also the first human study in which a
cannabinoid is administered intracranially. This route of admin-
istration was used to mimic our preclinical studies in rodents
(Galve-Roperh et al, 2000) and has been previously used for
the delivery of other cytotoxic drugs such as carmustine to
patients with malignant brain tumours (Brem et al, 1995).
Nonetheless, we note that a non-invasive, less traumatic (e.g. oral)
route would be more desirable in the clinical practice. Although
intratumoral delivery may allow a high local concentration of the
drug in situ, in the case of large tumours such as those treated
in the present study, the local perfusion through a catheter placed
at one point of the tumour constitutes an obvious limitation of
the technique. Further studies should assess the distribution
pattern of the THC solution within the tumour as well as within
the whole brain.
100 82± 5
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
100 103±2
Hoechst TUNEL
SR1+SR2 1.0 M
THC 0.5
THC 1.0
THC 2.5
THC 2.5 M
Cell viability (%)
Pat 1
Pat 2
Pat 3
P=0.01 P=0.36
Blood vessel area
(% of total area)
Ki67+ cells (%)
Figure 3 Effect of THC administration on tumour cells. (A) Western blot analysis of CB
and CB
receptor expression in three different tumour zones of
Patient 1 (left panel) and in tumour biopsies of Patient 1 before and after THC treatment (right panel). Optical density values relative to those of loading
controls (a-tubulin) are given for Patients 1 and 2 in arbitrary units. (B) Immunostaining of CB
and CB
receptors (red) in a tumour biopsy of Patient 1.
Nuclei are stained in green. (C) Immunostaining of CB
and CB
receptors (green) in tumour cells obtained from Patient 1. (D) THC-induced apoptotic
death of tumour cells obtained from Patients 1 3. Cells were incubated for 48 h with THC and/or 1.0 mMSR141716 (SR1) plus 1.0 mMSR144528 (SR2).
Statistical comparison vs vehicle (*) or vs 2.5 mMTHC alone (#) is given. Arrows point to Hoechst-stained fragmented nuclei or to TUNEL-positive nuclei in
cells from Patient 1 treated with 2.5 mMTHC. (E,F) Tumour cell proliferation (Ki67 immunostaining, panel E) and tumour vascularisation (CD31
immunostaining, panel F) as determined by confocal microscopy in Patient 1 (J) and Patient 2 (K) before and after THC treatment. Insets in panel E show
higher-magnification micrographs. Cell nuclei are stained in green. Representative micrographs of Patient 1 biopsies are shown.
Cannabinoid administration to cancer patients
M Guzma
´net al
British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95(2), 197 203 &2006 Cancer Research UK
Translational Therapeutics
Owing to the characteristics of this study the effect of THC on
patient survival was unclear, and an evaluation of survival would
require a larger trial with a different design. In this context, pilot
placebo-controlled trials for recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
with temozolomide, the current benchmark for the management
of malignant gliomas, showed a slight impact on overall length of
survival (median survival ¼24 weeks; 6-month survival ¼46
60%) (Dinnes et al, 2002; Nagasubramanian and Dolan, 2003).
Likewise, the efficacy of a biodegradable polymer impregnated
with carmustine was evaluated in patients with recurrent high-
grade gliomas requiring re-operation (Brem et al, 1995). The
median survival was 31 weeks, but it should be noted that in that
study one-third of the treated patients had tumours with better
prognosis than glioblastoma multiforme, for example, oligoden-
drogliomas and anaplastic astrocytomas. Recurrent glioblastoma
multiforme is an extremely rapid and lethal disease, and trials in
newly diagnosed tumours have allowed a clear improvement in the
therapeutic efficacy of temozolomide and carmustine through the
development of various administration regimes (Lonardi et al,
2005; Stupp et al, 2005; Reardon et al, 2006). It is therefore
conceivable that better outcomes could also be obtained with
cannabinoid-based therapies in newly diagnosed gliomas.
Most of the experiments performed so far in animal models of
cancer have evidenced a tumour growth-inhibiting action of
cannabinoids (Guzma
´n, 2003). However, a few studies have shown
that THC may induce proliferation of tumour cells in vitro (Hart
et al, 2004) and in vivo (Zhu et al, 2000; McKallip et al, 2005). The
latter was attributed to a cannabinoid-induced inhibition of
host antitumour immunity and was evident in models in which
xenografted tumour cells did not express significant levels of
cannabinoid receptor, therefore disabling cannabinoid receptor-
mediated tumour-cell killing. The present study clearly supports
that THC does not facilitate tumour growth nor decreases patient
survival, at least in our cohort of brain tumour patients expressing
cannabinoid receptors.
In view of the fair safety profile of THC, together with its
possible antiproliferative action on tumour cells reported here
and in other studies (Guzma
´n, 2003), it would be desirable that
additional trials on this and other types of tumours were run
to determine whether cannabinoids as single drugs or in
combination with established antitumoral drugs could be used,
other than for their palliative effects, to inhibit tumour growth. In
particular, our next goal is to evaluate the efficacy of THC in
patients with newly diagnosed gliobastoma multiforme.
We are indebted to all our hospital and university colleagues as
well as to Mr Alfredo Dupetit for providing support and assistance
to this work. This work was supported by grants from Fundacio
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Cannabinoid administration to cancer patients
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British Journal of Cancer (2006) 95(2), 197 203&2006 Cancer Research UK
Translational Therapeutics
... This effect was mediated by the CB1-like receptor, inhibiting the endogenous action of prolactin at the prolactin receptor level [139]. Subsequent studies have investigated the role of the ECS in cancer therapy using in vitro and in vivo models [140][141][142][143]. The anticancer mechanisms of cannabinoids may involve not only the inhibition of proliferation but also the suppression of tumor angiogenesis [144], induction of apoptosis [140,145], promotion of autophagy [146,147], and cell cycle arrest [148]. ...
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The endocannabinoid system (ECS), composed of receptors, endocannabinoids, and enzymes that regulate biosynthesis and degradation, plays a fundamental role in the physiology and pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly in the small and large intestine and liver. Specifically, cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1R) and cannabinoid receptor type 2 (CB2R), located principally in the nervous system and immune cells, orchestrate processes such as intestinal motility, intestinal and hepatic inflammation, and energy metabolism, respectively. The main endocannabinoids, anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), influence appetite, body weight regulation, and inflammatory states and thus have implications in obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Recent studies have highlighted the therapeutic potential of targeting the ECS to modulate gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases. In particular, peripheral CB1R antagonists and CB2R agonists have shown efficacy in treating intestinal inflammation, reducing hepatic steatosis, and controlling IBS symptoms. Moreover, the ECS is emerging as a potential target for the treatment of colorectal cancer, acting on cell proliferation and apoptosis. This review highlights the opportunity to exploit the endocannabinoid system in the search for innovative therapeutic strategies, emphasizing the importance of a targeted approach to optimize treatment efficacy and minimize side effects.
... The available in vivo and clinical data on cannabinoids as a treatment for cancer, especially leukemia, is still limited. Currently, the only published human trial testing any cannabinoid in an oncological setting was a small clinical pilot study in which THC was intracranially injected in patients with recurrent glioblastoma [56], and a phase 1b clinical trial of Nabiximols, a cannabinoid spray containing THC and CBD, was conducted in patients with recurrent GBM [57]. A study reported on a 14-year-old patient diagnosed with aggressive Philadelphia-positive ALL who took a cannabinoid extract (hemp oil) showed significant reductions in leukemic blast cell counts measured at different periods [58]. ...
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Several cannabis plant-derived compounds, especially cannabinoids, exhibit therapeutic potential in numerous diseases and conditions. In particular, THC and CBD impart palliative, antiemetic, as well as anticancer effects. The antitumor effects include inhibition of cancerous cell growth and metastasis and induction of cell death, all mediated by cannabinoid interaction with the endocannabinoid system (ECS). However, the exact molecular mechanisms are still poorly understood. In addition, their effects on leukemia have scarcely been investigated. The current work aimed to assess the antileukemic effects of CBN and CBG on an acute monocytic leukemia cell line, the THP-1. THP-1 cell viability, morphology and cell cycle analyses were performed to determine potential cytotoxic, antiproliferative, and apoptotic effects of CBN and CBG. Western blotting was carried out to measure the expression of the proapoptotic p53. Both CBN and CBG inhibited cell growth and induced THP-1 cell apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in a dose- and time-dependent manner. CBN and CBG illustrated different dosage effects on THP-1 cells in the MTT assay (CBN > 40 μΜ, CBG > 1 μM) and flow cytometry (CBN > 5 μM, CBG > 40 μM), highlighting the cannabinoids’ antileukemic activity. Our study hints at a direct correlation between p53 expression and CBG or CBN doses exceeding 50 μM, suggesting potential activation of p53-associated signaling pathways underlying these effects. Taken together, CBG and CBN exhibited suppressive, cell death-inducing effects on leukemia cells. However, further in-depth research will be needed to explore the molecular mechanisms driving the anticancer effects of CBN and CBG in the leukemia setting.
... In TMZ-resistant cell lines, when TMZ was used in combination with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) there was a reduction in tumor cell proliferation [193]. In a subsequent study, intracranial THC administration in the surgical cavity of GBM patients led to a decrease in tumor cell proliferation in two of nine patients, but this was not associated with an OS benefit [194]. In a phase 1b study, nabiximols were well tolerated [195]. ...
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Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common malignant primary brain tumor in adults. Despite an established standard of care including surgical resection, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy, GBM unfortunately is associated with a dismal prognosis. Therefore, researchers are extensively evaluating avenues to expand GBM therapy and improve outcomes in patients with GBM. In this review, we provide a broad overview of novel GBM therapies that have recently completed or are actively undergoing study in clinical trials. These therapies expand across medical, surgical, and radiation clinical trials. We additionally review methods for improving clinical trial design in GBM.
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An impact of legalization and decriminalization of marijuana is the gradual increase in the use of cannabis for recreational purposes, which poses a potential threat to society and healthcare systems worldwide. However, the discovery of receptor subtypes, endogenous endocannabinoids, and enzymes involved in synthesis and degradation, as well as pharmacological characterization of receptors, has led to exploration of the use of cannabis in multiple peripheral and central pathological conditions. The role of cannabis in the modulation of crucial events involving perturbed physiological functions and disease progression, including apoptosis, inflammation, oxidative stress, perturbed mitochondrial function, and the impaired immune system, indicates medicinal values. These events are involved in most neurological diseases and prompt the gradual progression of the disease. At present, several synthetic agonists and antagonists, in addition to more than 70 phytocannabinoids, are available with distinct efficacy as a therapeutic alternative in different pathological conditions. The present review aims to describe the use of cannabis in neurological diseases and psychiatric disorders.
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Purpose To summarise the extent and type of evidence in relation to adverse events (AEs) associated with the use of cannabis-based products (CBP) in people living with cancer. Methods The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology for scoping reviews was applied. A search was performed in MEDLINE (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), CINAHL (EBSCOhost), Scopus, Web of Science Core Collections and AMED (Ovid) from their inception to 7 May 2023. Primary studies reporting AEs associated with any form of natural or synthetic CBP use in any cancer care setting and location were included. Results One hundred fifty-two studies were included, with the most prevalent being randomised controlled trials (RCTs) (n = 61), followed by non-randomised controlled trials (n = 26) and case reports (n = 23). CBP was mainly used in gastrointestinal, liver, or peritoneal cancer (n = 98) and haematological or lymphoid cancer (n = 92), primarily to manage nausea and vomiting (n = 78) and cancer pain (n = 37). The most common CBP ingredients were combinations of THC and CBD (n = 69), synthetic THC (n = 47), single compounds of THC (n = 42) and CBD (n = 16) with diverse forms, administration routes and doses. The primary methods of administration were oral (n = 94) and inhalation (n = 54). A broad range of AEs were reported; the most common were related to the nervous system (n = 118), psychiatric (n = 101) and gastrointestinal system (n = 81). Diverse patient characteristics, significant under-reporting and low-quality reporting were observed in many studies. Conclusions More rigorous research designs that prioritise comprehensive, standardised reporting of AEs and CBP use are required to fully elucidate the safety profile of CBP use in cancer care.
Complimentary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increasingly being used in pediatric oncology but is often underestimated by healthcare teams. The widespread availability of information on the internet has contributed to the rise of its use. Despite the growing body of literature on CAMs in general pediatric oncology, limited research has been conducted specifically on its use in pediatric neuro-oncology. This chapter reviews some of the current existing literature on CAMs in pediatric brain tumors, including preclinical and clinical studies which have mainly shown anti-tumoral properties. Additionally, the challenges and ethical concerns posed by alternative medicines are also discussed. While CAM use presents complex issues for healthcare providers, efforts should be made to provide updated and accurate information to families and patients. Prospective trials, particularly in children with brain tumors, investigating its safety, toxicity, and efficacy will remain a challenge for future researchers but is something that should be encouraged.
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Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) is a highly invasive primary malignancy of the brain that is prone to acquiring resistance to chemotherapy. Given the limited therapeutic options available, an unmet need exists for effective treatment of GBM. In the present study, we evaluated the in vitro anticancer activity of WIN 55,212 (WIN), a synthetic cannabinoid molecule, in the form of micelles conjugated with styrene-maleic acid (SMA) against the LN 18 (epithelial origin) and A172 (mesenchymal origin) glioma cell lines. Methods: SMA–WIN 55,212-2 micelles were prepared in vitro using a pre-validated, standard technique. The cytotoxic effects of the two treatments (WIN 55,212-2 and SMA-WIN 55,212-2) were evaluated in glioma cell lines (LN-18 and A-172), and inhibitory concentrations for killing 50% of the cells (IC50) were estimated. The expression of the CB1 (cannabinoid receptor 1), CB2 (cannabinoid receptor 2), TRPV1 (transient receptor potential vanilloid 1), and PPAR-γ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma) receptors following treatment with the free and micellar forms of WIN 55,212-2 was detected. Results: We observed significantly lower IC50 values for both the LN 18 and A172 cell lines with SMA-WIN 55 and 212-2 than with WIN 55 and 212-2 alone. Similarly, the expression of the CB1 and CB2 receptors was significantly greater in the SMA-WIN 55 and 212-2 cell lines than in the WIN 55 and 212-2 cell lines in the A172 cell line. No significant changes were observed for TRPV1, while only SMA-WIN 55,212-2 increased the expression of PPAR-γ receptors. Conclusion: The micellar formulation of WIN 55 and 212-2 had significantly greater effects on both glioma cell lines than did the free WIN 55 and 212-2. The formulations of WIN 55 and 212-2 exhibited variable cannabinoid receptor expression levels and need further evaluation in suitable in vivo animal models. Moreover, SMA-WIN 55 and 212-2 significantly upregulate PPAR-γ, which requires further investigation.
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Delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main active component of marijuana, induces apoptosis of transformed neural cells in culture. Here, we show that intratumoral administration of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol and the synthetic cannabinoid agonist WIN-55,212-2 induced a considerable regression of malignant gliomas in Wistar rats and in mice deficient in recombination activating gene 2. Cannabinoid treatment did not produce any substantial neurotoxic effect in the conditions used. Experiments with two subclones of C6 glioma cells in culture showed that cannabinoids signal apoptosis by a pathway involving cannabinoid receptors, sustained ceramide accumulation and Raf1/extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation. These results may provide the basis for a new therapeutic approach for the treatment of malignant gliomas.
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In this study, we show that Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the major psychoactive component of marijuana, suppresses host immune reactivity against lung cancer. In two different weakly immunogenic murine lung cancer models, intermittent administration of THC (5 mg/kg, four times/wk i.p. for 4 wk) led to accelerated growth of tumor implants compared with treatment with diluent alone. In contrast to our findings in immunocompetent mice, THC did not affect tumor growth in tumor-bearing SCID mice. The immune inhibitory cytokines, IL-10 and TGF-beta, were augmented, while IFN-gamma was down-regulated at both the tumor site and in the spleens of THC-treated mice. Administration of either anti-IL-10- or anti-TGF-beta-neutralizing Abs prevented the THC-induced enhancement in tumor growth. Both APC and T cells from THC-treated mice showed limited capacities to generate alloreactivity. Furthermore, lymphocytes from THC-treated mice transferred the effect to normal mice, resulting in accelerated tumor growth similar to that seen in the THC-treated mice. THC decreased tumor immunogenicity, as indicated by the limited capacity for tumor-immunized, THC-treated mice to withstand tumor rechallenge. In vivo administration of a specific antagonist of the CB2 cannabinoid receptor also blocked the effects of THC. Our findings suggest the THC promotes tumor growth by inhibiting antitumor immunity by a CB2 receptor-mediated, cytokine-dependent pathway.
A rapid and systematic review of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of temozolomide in the treatment of recurrent malignant glioma was commissioned by the NHS HTA Programme or behalf of NICE. The full report has been published elsewhere. This paper summarizes the results for the effectiveness of temozolomide in people with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme and anaplastic astrocytoma. The review was conducted using standard systematic review methodology involving a systematic literature search, quality assessment of included studies with systematic data extraction and data synthesis. One randomized controlled trial and four uncontrolled studies were identified for inclusion. The key results were that temozolomide may increase progression-free survival but has no significant impact on overall length of survival. The main effect from temozolomide may have been in those patients who had not received any prior chemotherapy regimens, however further randomized controlled trials are required to confirm this suggestion. Temozolomide appears to produce few serious adverse effects and may also have a positive impact or health-related quality of life. Overall the evidence-base is weak and few strong conclusions can be drawn regarding the effectiveness of temozolomide. Large, well-designed randomized controlled trails conducted in a wider patient population are needed. (C) 2002 Cancer Research UK.
Cannabinoids, the active components of Cannabis sativa L., act in the body by mimicking endo- genous substances - the endocannabinoids - that activate specific cell surface receptors. Cannabi- noids exert palliative effects in cancer patients. For example, they inhibit chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, stimulate appetite and inhibit pain. In addition, cannabinoids inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals. They do so by modulating key cell signaling pathways, thereby in- ducing antitumoral actions such as the apoptotic death of tumor cells as well as the inhibition of tumor angiogenesis. Of interest, cannabinoids seem to be selective antitumoral compounds as they can kill tumor cells without significantly affecting the viability of their non-transformed counter- parts. On the basis of these preclinical findings a pilot clinical study of ∆ 9 -tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme has recently been run. The fair safety profile of THC, together with its possible growth-inhibiting action on tumor cells, may set the ba- sis for future trials aimed at evaluating the potential antitumoral activity of cannabinoids.
Chemotherapy for brain tumours has been limited because of difficulty in achieving adequate exposure to the tumour without systemic toxicity. We have developed a method for local sustained release of chemotherapeutic agents by their incorporation into biodegradable polymers. Implantation of the drug-impregnated polymer at the tumour site allows prolonged local exposure with minimal systemic exposure. We conducted a randomised, placebo-controlled, prospective study to evaluate the effectiveness of biodegradable polymers impregnated with carmustine to treat recurrent malignant gliomas. In 27 medical centres, 222 patients with recurrent malignant brain tumours requiring re-operation were randomly assigned to receive surgically implanted biodegradable polymer discs with or without 3·85% carmustine. Randomisation balanced the treatment groups for all of the prognostic factors examined. Median survival of the 110 patients who received carmustine polymers was 31 weeks compared with 23 weeks for the 112 patients who received only placebo polymers (hazard ratio=0·67, p=0·006, after accounting for the effects of prognostic factors). Among patients with glioblastoma, 6-month survival in those treated with carmustine-polymer discs was 50% greater than in those treated with placebo (mortality=32 of 72 [44%] vs 47 of 73 [64%], p=0·02). There were no clinically important adverse reactions related to the carmustine polymer, either in the brain or systemically. Interstitial chemotherapy delivered with polymers directly to brain tumours at the time of surgery seems to be a safe and effective treatment for recurrent malignant gliomas
Cannabinoids - the active components of Cannabis sativa and their derivatives - exert palliative effects in cancer patients by preventing nausea, vomiting and pain and by stimulating appetite. In addition, these compounds have been shown to inhibit the growth of tumour cells in culture and animal models by modulating key cell-signalling pathways. Cannabinoids are usually well tolerated, and do not produce the generalized toxic effects of conventional chemotherapies. So, could cannabinoids be used to develop new anticancer therapies?
Lewis lung adenocarcinoma growth was retarded by the oral administration of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta9-THC), delta8-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta8-THC), and cannabinol (CBN), but not cannabidiol (CBD). Animals treated for 10 consecutive days with delta9-THC, beginning the day after tumor implantation, demonstrated a dose-dependent action of retarded tumor growth. Mice treated for 20 consecutive days with delta8-THC and CBN had reduced primary tumor size. CBD showed no inhibitory effect on tumor growth at 14, 21, or 28 days. Delta9-THC, delta8-THC, and CBN increased the mean survival time (36% at 100 mg/kg, 25% at 200 mg/kg, and 27% at 50 mg/kg, respectively), whereas CBD did not. Delta9-THC administered orally daily until death in doses of 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg did not increase the life-spans of (C57BL/6 times DBA/2)F1 (BDF1) mice hosting the L1210 murine leukemia. However, delta9-THC administered daily for 10 days significantly inhibited Friend leukemia virus-induced splenomegaly by 71% at 200 mg/kg as compared to 90.2% for actinomycin D. Experiments with bone marrow and isolated Lewis lung cells incubated in vitro with delta9-THC and delta8-THC showed a dose-dependent (10(-4)-10(-7)) inhibition (80-20%, respectively) of tritiated thymidine and 14C-uridine uptake into these cells. CBD was active only in high concentrations (10(-4)).
Chemotherapy for brain tumours has been limited because of difficulty in achieving adequate exposure to the tumour without systemic toxicity. We have developed a method for local sustained release of chemotherapeutic agents by their incorporation into biodegradable polymers. Implantation of the drug-impregnated polymer at the tumour site allows prolonged local exposure with minimal systemic exposure. We conducted a randomised, placebo-controlled, prospective study to evaluate the effectiveness of biodegradable polymers impregnated with carmustine to treat recurrent malignant gliomas. In 27 medical centres, 222 patients with recurrent malignant brain tumours requiring re-operation were randomly assigned to receive surgically implanted biodegradable polymer discs with or without 3.85% carmustine. Randomisation balanced the treatment groups for all of the prognostic factors examined. Median survival of the 110 patients who received carmustine polymers was 31 weeks compared with 23 weeks for the 112 patients who received only placebo polymers (hazard ratio = 0.67, p = 0.006, after accounting for the effects of prognostic factors). Among patients with glioblastoma, 6-month survival in those treated with carmustine-polymer discs was 50% greater than in those treated with placebo (mortality = 32 of 72 [44%] vs 47 of 73 [64%], p = 0.02). There were no clinically important adverse reactions related to the carmustine polymer, either in the brain or systemically. Interstitial chemotherapy delivered with polymers directly to brain tumours at the time of surgery seems to be a safe and effective treatment for recurrent malignant gliomas.