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Conservative Management of Chronic Ankle Instability

  • Università degli Studi di Roma Sapienza

Abstract and Figures

Chronic ankle instability is a significant cause of morbidity. There are well-documented and effective surgical options for managing this condition. However, conservative management can be a viable option in selected patients. Failure of conservative management can be an indication for surgery if morbidity warrants it. Surgery can be delayed without necessarily affecting outcome.
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Conservative Management
of Chronic Ankle Instability
Adam Ajis, MBBS, MRCSEd,
Nicola Maffulli, MD, MS, PhD, FRCS (Orth)*
Department of Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery, Keele University School of Medicine,
Thornburrow Drive, Hartshill, Stoke on Trent ST4 7QB Staffs, United Kingdom
The mechanism of injury of lateral ankle sprains is usually a forced inver-
sion injury with the tibiotalar joint in plantar flexion. Up to 20% of lateral
ankle sprains progress to functional instability [1].
Inversion injuries of the ankle account for up to 25% of all musculoskel-
etal injuries [2]. Despite the high incidence, there is still some contention
about the optimal method of management. Proposed management modali-
ties include surgical repair/reconstruction, rigid/semirigid casting, bracing,
elastic bandaging, strapping, ultrasound, temperature contrast baths, elec-
tric current therapy, hyperbaric oxygen, oral anti-inflammatories, oral pro-
teolytic enzymes, and injectable steroids [3]. These options are usually
combined with rest, compression, ice, and elevation. Conservative manage-
ment involves one or more of the above modalities within a program of ei-
ther strict immobilization or early controlled movement and rehabilitation
[3]. This article discusses some of the conservative management modalities
described in the literature.
Types of instability
Two types of ankle instability are described, namely functional and me-
chanical. Mechanical instability is abnormal laxity of the ligamentous re-
straints, and is a sign. Functional instability refers to abnormal function,
with recurrent episodes of the ankle giving way, and is a symptom. The
two types of instability can exist independently of one another, but often
occur together. Indeed, a patient can have minimal mechanical instability
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Maffulli).
1083-7515/06/$ - see front matter Ó2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Foot Ankle Clin N Am
11 (2006) 531–537
Author's personal copy
(ie, minimal laxity) and report giving way, that is, functional instability.
Therefore, the terms ‘‘laxity’’ and ‘‘instability’’ should not be used
Clinical features
In neutral position, the tight fit of the talus between the tibia and fibula
stabilize the ankle joint [4]. The compressive loads imposed under weight
bearing enhance osseous stability [4]. With increasing plantar flexion, the os-
seous constraints are lessened, and the soft tissues are more susceptible to
strain and injury [4].
The lateral ankle joint ligamentous complex consists primarily of three
structures: the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), the calcaneofibular lig-
ament (CFL), and the posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL) (Fig. 1).
The ATFL is the most anterior structure, and is the weakest and most
easily injured of these ligaments [5]. The ATFL is often described as a thick-
ening of the lateral joint capsule [6]. When the foot is plantar flexed, the
ATFL is vertical, and is the primary stabilizing structure of the ankle during
an inversion stress.
The CFL is a round, cord-like extracapsular structure that originates
from the inferior distal surface of the fibula, extends posteroinferiorly,
deep to the peroneal tendons, and attaches on a small tubercle on the pos-
terior aspect of the lateral calcaneal surface. The CFL is vertical when the
Fig. 1. The ligamentous complex of the lateral aspect of the ankle.
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foot is dorsiflexed, when it becomes the primary ankle stabilizer and second-
ary subtalar joint stabilizer. Isolated injuries of the CFL are rare.
The PTFL is the strongest and least vulnerable of the three ligaments;
isolated ruptures are extremely rare. It is most commonly injured in severe
ankle sprains after the ATFL and CFL have been disrupted. It is a trape-
zoid-shaped structure, which originates from the distal portion of the digital
fossa of the fibula and inserts on the posterolateral tubercle of the talus, and
on the os trigonum when present.
Most patients give a clear history of one or more ankle injuries. However,
some patients, especially those with varus or cavovarus foot, may develop
symptoms of ankle instability without injury [3]. Typically, patients com-
plain of repeated giving way of the ankle. Swelling and pain may accompany
giving way, which is often commoner on slopes or uneven ground.
It is important to identify the underlying causes of instability. In partic-
ular, the overall foot shape should be evaluated, looking particularly for
hindfoot varus, and adequate neurologic examination should be performed.
The shoes will give information on heel contact. Generalized joint laxity
should be sought.
Tenderness is usually maximal over the lateral ligament, often over the
ATFL only. A few patients, normally those with more complex injuries,
also have localized tenderness over the deltoid ligament. Some patients
have rather generalized joint line tenderness, palpable synovitis, or an effu-
sion. Tenderness or swelling over the Achilles, peroneal, or tibialis posterior
tendons should be identified. There is an association between ankle instabil-
ity and peroneal tendon instability: patients will usually complain of snap-
ping or giving way over the peroneal tendons, and instability is maximal
on plantar flexion and eversion.
Laxity is demonstrated with the anterior draw and tilt tests. The ante-
rior draw test should be performed with the ankle in 20of plantar flexion
[7]. The tibia may be pushed posteriorly against the fixed foot, or the foot
can be drawn forward. The characteristic positive sign is a ‘‘suction sign,’’
as the synovium is sucked into the joint, drawing the skin inward in the
lateral gutter. However, in many patients there is no suction sign, but
the talus can obviously be drawn anteriorly more than on the contralateral
side. Tohyama and colleagues [8] showed in cadavers that 30 N force pro-
duced more difference in displacement between injured and normal sides
than 60 N.
The talar tilt test is conventionally performed by tilting the hindfoot and
looking for a suction sign or asymmetric movement. The ankle should be in
Author's personal copy
physiologic plantar flexion [7]. Palpation of the talar neck will assist in dif-
ferentiating between movement in the ankle and the subtalar joint.
There may well be no great correlation between mechanical stability
(ie, laxity) and functional stability. Therefore, a patient may present with great
laxity, and report no or very little instability. In these patients, the role of
surgery is dubious, and conservative management is probably a safe option.
Plain anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the ankle are generally ob-
tained to evaluate the joint and ascertain the presence of associated injuries.
Obtaining these films with the patient standing allows accurate assessment
of joint space and alignment. In patients with cavus or cavovarus feet, a stand-
ing hindfoot alignment view can be done, which differentiates between mala-
lignment within and below the ankle [9]. Standing lateral and dorsoplantar
views of the foot allow further evaluation of possible associated deformity.
Stress radiography is the ‘‘gold standard’’ for detecting mechanical ankle
instability. However, there has been wide variation in the criteria for diag-
nosing instability. Karlsson and colleagues [10] performed a most compre-
hensive study, establishing criteria for radiographic instability of an
anterior draw of 10 mm or more, or a talar tilt of 9or more. If an opposite
stable ankle was available for comparison, an anterior draw of 3 mm or a ta-
lar tilt of 3more than the other side would be significant. However, as the
management of acute ankle sprains is based on functional nonoperative mo-
dalities, and does not depend on the degree of ankle instability on stress
views, stress radiographs have no clinical relevance in the acute situation.
In cases of functional instability, the large variability in both injured and
noninjured ankles precludes their routine use [11].
Magnetic resonance imaging may be used in preoperative planning if
doubts still persist.
Conservative management
Most studies on surgery for chronic ankle instability comment that ‘‘the
patients had full nonsurgical management before being considered for sur-
gery’’: this is considered good practice [12,13].
However, only one published series examined the effect of functional re-
habilitation on chronic instability. Karlsson [14] found that 50% of patients
with chronic instability benefited from a structured rehabilitation program.
Patients with mechanical instability were less likely to benefit than those
with purely functional instability.
Conservative management of patients with functional ankle instability
follows the paradigm typical of acute management of soft tissue injuries,
Author's personal copy
using the RICE principles. Peroneal strengthening, proprioceptive training,
lateral heel wedges, bracing and strapping are the main modalities of ankle
rehabilitation [15–17]. Lateral heel wedges and Achilles tendon stretching
are helpful in preventing hindfoot malpositioning that leaves lateral liga-
ments prone to injury [18]. Proprioceptive training and peroneal strengthen-
ing work by stabilizing the ankle and hindfoot through improvement in
maintaining ankle position when external forces are applied to it. After pro-
prioceptive training, patients are less likely to allow the ankle to adopt a po-
sition that makes it more vulnerable to injury [17–19]. Proprioception
training can be performed using an ankle tilt board [20]. Improved ankle
proprioception leads to better dynamic ankle joint stability, and has a pro-
tective role against future sprains [21].
Peroneal muscle reaction times were significantly longer in patients with
ankle instability [19]. Patients probably recruit their peroneal musculature
slightly later, and cannot protect themselves from further inversion and in-
jury. The same study found that training, taping, and external immobiliza-
tion work to restrict the extremes of motion and shorten peroneal muscle
reaction time. This was not statistically significant [19].
Ankle braces have been widely used to compensate for instability. Those
braces that provide adequate support clinically tend to be too bulky, and are
thus unpopular with athletes [22]. Aircast (UCBL, Summit, New Jersey) and
similar devices are helpful but tend to be too limiting, so, again, cannot be
used for sports [15]. The canvas lace-up style brace, Swede-O (North
Branch, Minnesota), for example, is less cumbersome, but is less supportive.
Other Velcro style straps such as Wrip Wrap (Norco, California) or neo-
prene sleeves like Pro Orthopaedic (Tuscon, Arizona), provide some sup-
port. However, the support provided by these means is no more effective
that ordinary ankle taping [15]. Mann [15] proposed a custom thermomold
cup with a combination hindfoot brace that has yielded good results despite
the need for multiple adjustments before proper fit.
Rehabilitation exercises are an important part of conservative manage-
ment, and should continue for at least 2 to 3 months [23]. For chronic insta-
bility, two consecutive phases of rehabilitation are advocated, namely
functional and prophylactic [23]. Initially in the functional phase, all exer-
cises and activities should be pain and symptom free, and be weight bearing
and multidirectional [23]. In the prophylactic phase, again, multidirectional
movements and strengthening of all muscle groups around the ankle should
occur. Emphasis should be put on performing the exercises with the ankle in
plantar flexion and inversion, with the joint being progressively stressed to
meet the demands imposed on it [23]. There may be a role for ankle tap-
ing/bracing in the prophylactic rehabilitation phase, but it is recognized
that no type of taping/bracing will prevent all future injuries [23].
Historically, athletes would use ankle taping in an attempt to prevent
ankle sprains. Ankle taping is effective in restricting range of motion, and
decreases the incidence of ankle sprains [24,25]. However, up to 50% of
Author's personal copy
the stabilizing effect of ankle taping is lost after as only 10 minutes of exer-
cise [26]. Because of this deterioration of support and the cost of tape, re-
movable and reusable ankle braces were designed as an alternative to
taping. Overall, braces are effective in preventing, decreasing, or slowing
motions that cause lateral ankle ligamentous injuries [27,28], although
braces may not to be as effective as freshly applied tape [27]. However, un-
like tape, braces offer the advantage of being easily adjusted if and when
support becomes compromised. Clinically, braces appear to be at least as ef-
fective as tape in the prevention of lateral ankle sprains [29,30]. One study
showed that in basketball players the rate of ankle injury was triple that
that in nonbraced players [30]. Probably, braces also have a proprioceptive
effect in addition to a purely mechanical one.
Regardless of the type of bracing or taping used, a good rehabilitation
program will contain an individually designed exercise regime to improve lo-
cal muscle strength and endurance. Fully activated and strong peroneal
muscles are probably the best protection for the near maximally inverted
ankle at foot strike [31].
Chronic ankle instability is a significant cause of morbidity. There are
well-documented and effective surgical options for managing this condition.
However, conservative management can be a viable option in selected pa-
tients. Failure of conservative management can be an indication for surgery
if morbidity warrants it. Surgery can be delayed without necessarily affect-
ing outcome.
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... Вне зависимости от того, получена ли травма впервые или состояние уже расценено как ХНГС, лечение начинается с консервативных методов. Индивидуально подобранная схема реабилитации в течение как минимум трех месяцев является ее важным компонентом, поскольку учитывает потребности каждого пациента [36,37]. В случае, если у пациента диагностирована ХНГС, программа реабилитации должна состоять из функционального и профилактического компонентов [36]. ...
... Индивидуально подобранная схема реабилитации в течение как минимум трех месяцев является ее важным компонентом, поскольку учитывает потребности каждого пациента [36,37]. В случае, если у пациента диагностирована ХНГС, программа реабилитации должна состоять из функционального и профилактического компонентов [36]. Пациенты выполняют разнонаправленные укрепляющие упражнения с упором на улучшение проприоцептивной чувствительности, укрепление малоберцовых мышц и специализированную спортивную подготовку в случае, если пациент атлет [36,37]. ...
... В случае, если у пациента диагностирована ХНГС, программа реабилитации должна состоять из функционального и профилактического компонентов [36]. Пациенты выполняют разнонаправленные укрепляющие упражнения с упором на улучшение проприоцептивной чувствительности, укрепление малоберцовых мышц и специализированную спортивную подготовку в случае, если пациент атлет [36,37]. ...
Ankle joint injury is one of the leading nosologies in the general structure of the musculoskeletal system lesions, not only among professional athletes, but also among the adult population in general. In case of conservative therapy ineffectiveness, chronic instability of the ankle joint develops, which can significantly reduce the patient’s quality of life, in this situation, the surgical treatment becomes uncontested. The choice of the surgical intervention method is determined not only by the nature of the injury, but also by the ligamentous-tendon apparatus condition. In addition, to a large extent, surgical tactics is chosen based on the preferences of the individual surgeon. The article describes the anatomical and physiological features and risk factors that determine the occurrence of acute the ankle joint instability and its transition to a chronic state, as well as the main methods of the anterior talofibular ligament plastic surgery and their common modifications. Special attention is paid to the effectiveness evaluating methods of surgical techniques on cadaveric ligamentous material. An analysis of the literature shows that the study of the issue remains insufficient. New clinical data obtaining will increase the effectiveness of the surgical technique for ankle instability treating and significantly improve the quality of life of patients.
... Trials have been studied to compare surgical and nonoperative treatment. It showed statistically significant differences in favor of the surgical treatment for return to pre-injury level of sports; ankle sprain recurrence; long-term pain; and subjective or functional instability [13]. ...
Full-text available
Purpose This study aims to compare the early functional outcome of anatomic reconstruction of chronic lateral ankle instability with polyester tape reinforcement versus suture anchor repair. Patients and Methods Sixty patients suffering from chronic lateral ankle instability were included. Thirty patients were treated by anatomic reconstruction of the injured ligaments and reinforcement with polyester tape and the other half was treated by suture anchors in our institution with a minimum period of 6 months follow-up. The postoperative results were assessed according to the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Surgery (AOFAS) scoring system for hind-foot. Results AOFAS score is improved postoperatively in both techniques without statistically significant difference (P=0.084). The results of the two techniques were comparable without statistically significant difference regarding pain, walking distance, hindfoot motion, foot alignment, activity limitation and support requirement (P=0.602, 0.067, 0.582, 0.448, 0.606, respectively). All the studied cases returned to their original activity level.
... The rehabilitation program for chronic ankle instability consists of both functional and preventative components. Throughout both phases, patients engage in multidirectional strengthening exercises, focusing on proprioceptive training, strengthening of the peroneal muscles, and sport-specific training for athletes [14]. Most patients achieve satisfactory results after rehabilitation, bracing, and physical therapy [7]. ...
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Background and Objectives: Lateral ankle injuries are commonly encountered injuries, and the open modified Broström operation (OMBO) is the primary treatment option. Recently, an arthroscopic modification of the Broström operation (AMBO) was developed; many studies have shown that there are no significant differences in clinical and radiological outcomes between the two surgical methods. However, no studies have been conducted comparing the two surgical methods in terms of return to play (RTP) time. This study assesses the time to RTP and the functional clinical outcomes. Materials and Methods: Sixty patients were enrolled from January 2012 to July 2014. They were segregated into two cohorts: the AMBO group comprised 30 patients, while the OMBO group comprised another 30 patients. Each participant underwent standardized treatment and rehabilitation regimens and RTP time was measured using seven questions that explored the times to return of painless walking, running, jumping, squatting, climbing stairs, and rising up on the heels and toes. We compared the time intervals from the onset of instability to the date of surgery. Clinical outcomes were evaluated before the surgery, 6 weeks after surgery, and 6 months after surgery. The assessments included the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle–hindfoot score, the pain visual analog scale (VAS) score, subjective satisfaction with rehabilitation, and activity level. Results: In terms of RTP, AMBO was associated with a shorter interval to walking without pain (7.07 ± 2.96 weeks) relative to OMBO (11.03 ± 8.58 weeks). No disparities were observed in the time to return to play (RTP) between OMBO and AMBO. While there were no discrepancies in the 6-month postoperative AOFAS or VAS scores, the 6-week postoperative VAS score was notably lower in the AMBO group compared to the OMBO group. AMBO provided a faster RTP in terms of two of the seven questions in a group exhibiting high-level physical activity. The rate of subjective satisfaction with rehabilitation was higher for AMBO than for OMBO. Conclusions: Aside from walking, the duration to return to play and the clinical outcomes were similar between AMBO and OMBO treatments for lateral ankle instability. AMBO is a good treatment option and should be carefully considered for athletes with lateral ankle instability. AMBO demonstrated positive outcomes in a group with higher activity levels compared to others, particularly in terms of time to RTP, subjective satisfaction, and postoperative pain.
... However, up to 20% of the patients may develop chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) with continued pain and repeated strains, eventually requiring surgical treatment [9][10][11]. The main objective is to restore ankle stability, preventing progressive overload of the articular cartilage, which may lead to degenerative joint disease [6,11,12]. At present, surgical treatment for CLAI is categorized as ligament repair and ligament reconstructive procedures. ...
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Introduction After an ankle sprain, up to 20% of patients may develop chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) requiring surgical treatment. The objective of this study was to investigate the functional outcomes and rates of return to sport activities in a cohort of non-athlete patients with chronic lateral ankle instability (CLAI) who underwent the opened Brostrom–Gould technique (BGT). Materials and Methods Seventy-nine patients (seventy-nine feet) from three different centers undergoing BGT were reviewed. For clinical and functional analysis, the AOFAS ankle–hindfoot scale was applied and rates of return to sport activities were assessed. Correlation of Δ-AOFAS and rates of return to sport activities with all variables analyzed was performed. Results Mean AOFAS score improved from 64.6 to 97.2 (p < 0.001). Sixty-one (77.2%) returned to preinjury activities and 18 (22.8%) changed to a lower-level modality. Symptoms of instability were related to Δ-AOFAS (p = 0.020). Change in the sport activity was related to pain and symptoms of instability (p = 0.41 and p < 0.001). Conclusion Recreational athlete patients who underwent the BGT demonstrated excellent functional outcomes after a mean follow-up of 7 years. Residual pain and symptoms of instability after surgery were the main complaints associated with limitations in physical activities.
... About 20-40% of Lateral ankle ligaments injuires will be failed to the conservative treatment and required surgical intervention [1]. In 1966, Broström firstly described an anatomical repair technique for lateral ankle ligament injury [2]. Following that, Gould [3] and Kalsson [4], modified this surgical technique by shortening and reinsertion the ligaments on the anterior border of fibular with bone tunnals or Suture anchors fixation. ...
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Background Arthroscopic technique procedures was wide accepted for the treatment of chronic ankle instability (CAI). But little acknowledge was involved to the bony landmarks and anatomic features of different bundles of lateral ligaments under arthroscopic view. Methods Sixty patients with acute or chronic lateral ankle ligaments injury (LAI) were collected prospectively, and divided randomly into two groups. In arthroscopic group, the bone tunnels were made on the LPF arthroscopically. And in open group, the bone tunnels were made on the Fibular obscure tubercle (FOT) in open procedure. The inferior bundle of ATFL and Arcuate fibre was also identified reference to the LPF and labeled by a PDS II suture penetration. Following that, The distances of the bone tunnels to the different bony markers were measured and compare between two groups. The penetrating locations of PDS II on the inferior bundle of ATFL and Arcuate fibre were also confirmed intraoperatively. And the safe angle of anchor implantation on the axial view was measured on postoperative CT scan. Results The distances of bone tunnel to the fibular tip, the fibular insertion of anterior-inferior tibiofibular ligament (AITFL), and the FOT in arthroscopic and open locating groups were 4.9 ± 2.2 and 6.3 ± 2.2 mm, 13.5 ± 2.7 and 12.4 ± 1.1 mm, 5.8 ± 2.2 and 5.6 ± 1.0 mm, respectively. The distances of bone tunnels to the FOT and fibular tip on 3d-CT view was 4.4 ± 1.5 and 4.6 ± 0.9 mm, 14.4 ± 3.2 and 13.2 ± 1.8 mm in arthroscopic and open group, and there were no significant differences between two groups. The safe angle of arthroscopic anchor placement on the axial plan was ranged from 24.9 ± 6.3 o to 58.1 ± 8.0 o . The PDS II sutures penetrating on the inferior bundles of ATFL and the arciform fibres were also comfirmed successfully by open visualizaion.The average distance of penetration point to the horizontal line cross the fibular tip was 2.3 ± 2.7 mm (ranged from − 3.1 to 6.0 mm), and to the vertical line cross the FOT was 2.7 ± 2.7 mm (ranged from − 2.5 to 7.5 mm). Conclusion Take the lowest point of fibula under arthroscopy (LPF) as a bony reference, we could identify the iATFL under arthroscopic visualization. By this way, we could place the suture anchors properly to the fibular footprint and suture the iATFL fibres successfully.
Introduction The anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) is the most vulnerable ligament in ankle sprains. Most patients recover after this injury with conservative treatment, while 20%—40% progress to chronic ankle instability that requires surgical stabilization. Conventional MRI does not provide a comprehensive image of the ATFL. We aimed to evaluate the feasibility of using 3D MRI to facilitate the understanding of ATFL injuries and the operative planning. Methods A total of 21 healthy asymptomatic volunteers with 30 normally functioning ankles and 13 patients with 18 sprained ankles were studied. MRI scans were divided into two groups: Group 1 (normal ankle) and Group 2 (injured ankle). The data of all 48 cases were exported to Mimics and reconstructed into 3D models. The image quality of all 3D models was evaluated using a 5—point subjective scoring system. The length, width, and thickness of the ATFL were measured in the 3D model in Mimics and compared to the 3D MPR image data. Results The image quality score was 4.57 ± 0.32. There was no statistically significant difference between the 3D model and the 3D MPR image of ATFL measurements in both groups (P > 0.05). Discussion We concluded that 3D MRI can be used to reconstruct a 3D model of the ATFL for accurate measurements of the ATFL anatomical structure, which holds potential to improve preoperative planning and intraoperative navigation for young sports medicine doctor, facilitate diagnosis of ATFL injuries and make the decision about the operative method.
Lateral ligament injuries are the most common injuries of the ankle joint and are usually treated with early weight bearing after a short period of immobilization. If the clinical presentation is suspicious, additional injuries to the deltoid ligament complex and the syndesmosis should be considered. The indications for additional diagnostics should be generously applied. Injuries to the deltoid ligament usually occur as part of a complex ankle injury and should also be addressed in the surgical treatment of accompanying injuries. Chronic instability in this area necessitates complex bony and soft tissue procedures. Syndesmotic injuries with insufficiency of the capsule-ligament apparatus are frequent in ankle fractures and are stabilized during fracture treatment. Isolated syndesmotic instability should also be surgically treated as chronic injuries are usually associated with poor clinical results and early osteoarthritis.
Lateral ankle sprain (LAS) is considered “an acute traumatic injury to the lateral ligament complex of the ankle joint as a result of excessive inversion of the rear foot or a combined plantar flexion and adduction of the foot”. Chronic ankle instability (CAI) is characterized by a history of one significant LAS, subsequent recurrent sprains, episodes of the ankle giving way, or self-reported deficits in ankle function for >1 year following the initial sprain. If untreated, instability may lead to cartilage deterioration and end in degenerative ankle disease. The objective of this review is to provide recent scientific evidence on CAI. Through this article, we have tried to put some light upon a problem that causes significant morbidity to the patient by compilation of the available evidence-based concepts. The need for this article is as there is the absence of a generalized treatment algorithm, the presence of various treatment modalities, the presence of two schools of opinion regarding treatment, and the absence of comprehensive text. Years of research have identified numerous impairments associated with CAI such as decreases in range of motion, strength, postural control, and altered movement patterns during functional activities when compared to individuals with no LAS history. As a result, an impairment-based rehabilitation model was developed to treat the common impairments associated with CAI. The impairment-based rehabilitation model has been shown to be an effective rehabilitation strategy at improving both clinical and patient-oriented outcomes in patients with CAI. We have reviewed the current literature regarding diagnosis, imaging, conservative methods, surgical approaches, and rehabilitation protocols.
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We analyzed the changes in lateral ligament forces during anterior drawer and talar tilt testing and examined ankle joint motion during testing, following an isolated lesion of the anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) or a combined lesion of the ATFL and calcaneofibular ligament (CFL). 8 cadaver specimens were held in a specially designed testing apparatus in which the ankle position (dorsiflexion-plantarflexion and supination-pronation) could be varied in a controlled manner. Ligament forces were measured with buckle transducers, and joint motion was measured with an instrumented spatial linkage. An anterior drawer test was performed using an 80 N anterior translating force, and a talar tilt test was performed using a 5.7 Nm supination torque with intact ligaments, after sectioning of the ATFL, and again after sectioning of the CFL. The tests were repeated at 10° dorsiflexion, neutral, and 10° and 20° plantarflexion. In the intact ankle, the largest increases in ATFL force were observed during testing in plantarflexion, whereas the largest increases in CFL force were observed in dorsiflexion. Isolated ATFL injury caused only small laxity changes, but a pronounced increase in laxity was observed after a combined CFL and ATFL injury.
The stabilizing capacity of the ligaments and articular surface in the ankle was determined under defined physiologic loading conditions. The concept of primary and secondary constraints was adapted to the ankle. With physiologic loading, the articular surface ac counted for 30% and 100% of stability in rotation and version, respectively. That the articular surface was the sole source of inversion and eversion stability under the prescribed physiologic loading conditions has not been previously reported. The demonstration that the articular surface resists inversion displacement in the loaded ankle supports the conclusion of previous studies that rotation, rather than inversion, may account for a type of clinically sympto matic ankle instability. Further, ankle instability may occur during loading and unloading but not once the ankle is fully loaded. The results of our study confirm the importance of the anterior talofibular and calcaneo fibular ligaments and suggest an important role for the deltoid ligament.
While there is research information regarding the effectiveness of different techniques for taping and wrapping ankles, the influence of pre-tape underwraps has been ignored. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of pre-tape conditions on ankle range of movement. The underwrap conditons were as follows: (1) tape was applied directly to the skin; (2) cotton mesh gauze was under the tape; (3) a commercial brand of foam rubber underwrap was used. Gauze and foam underwraps were equally effective in reduction of supination, both being superior to tape applied directly to the skin, despite the fact that tape with no underwrap did significantly reduce supination. None of the underwrap conditions resulted in a significant reduction in plantar flexion.
We examined the effect of ankle taping on ankle joint stability by measuring mechanical stability using stand ardized stress radiographs. Anterior talar translation and talar tilt, both with and without ankle tape, were examined. The reduction of anterior talar translation and talar tilt with tape as compared to without tape was insignificant. The reaction time of the peroneus muscles was measured by electromyographic signal after a simulated ankle sprain on a tilting trapdoor. The reaction time was significantly slower in the unstable ankles of 20 athletes with unilateral ankle instability than in the stable contra lateral ankles. With tape, the reaction time was signifi cantly shortened, although not back to normal. The greatest improvement in reaction time was achieved in ankles with the highest degree of mechanical instability. Thus, the mechanism behind the function of ankle tape may be to restrict the extremes of ankle motion and to help shorten the reaction time of the peroneus muscles by affecting the proprioceptive function of the ankle.
One hundred consecutive patients with chronic lateral functional instability of the ankle were treated non-operatively with physiotherapy (active range-of-motion training, strengthening exercises and co-ordination training with a tilt-board). All patients were evaluated functionally with a special rating scale, and radiologically with standardised stress radiographs measuring anterior talar translation (ATT) and talar tilt (TT). Excellent or good functional results were obtained in 49 of the patients, fair or poor in the remainder. The outcome was better in those with painful functional instability or mild mechanical instability, while those with more pronounced mechanical instability required further treatment (i e, reconstructive surgery). Of 10 patients with generalised joint laxity, only fair or poor results were obtained in seven, all of whom had mechanical instability.
In cases of lateral ankle injury, although acute ligament ruptures are best treated non-operatively with physiotherapy (range-of-motion and co-ordination training, and peroneal muscle strengthening exercises), about 10-20 per cent of patients nonetheless develop chronic functional instability: While this is not severely disabling, ligament reconstruction may be necessary in specific cases, e g for those with high demands of ankle stability. Of the more than 50 surgical approaches published, several have become classic reconstructive procedures widely used--e g, those of Evans and Watson-Jones (with disappointing long-term results), and that of Chrisman-Snook (with satisfactory long-term outcome). However, anatomical ligament reconstruction (with shortening, re-insertion and imbrication of the healed but elongated ligament) is a simple procedure with good short- and long-term results, which may often be a better alternative than other more complex reconstructive procedures.
Instability of the subtalar joint can follow inversion stress injuries to the lateral ankle and hindfoot. Ligaments involved in the injury include the calcaneofibular, lateral talocalcaneal, cervical, interosseous talocalcaneal, or a combination. Although the problem most often occurs in conjunction with lateral ankle instability, it may be an isolated problem and it is not corrected equally well by the various lateral ankle ligament reconstructions. Techniques available for diagnosis include routine stress radiographs of the ankle, which also include the subtalar joint, specific subtalar stress radiographs, stress tomograms, fluoroscopy, or subtalar arthrograms. Once diagnosed, subtalar instability symptoms can be treated by either nonoperative or operative means.