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Humour therapy in patients with late-life depression or Alzheimer's disease: A pilot study


Abstract and Figures

Of the disabling disorders of the elderly, depression is the most common affective disorder and Alzheimer's disease (AD) the most common neurodegenerative disorder. Pharmacological treatment strategies for these disorders are often accompanied with severe side effects. Therefore non-pharmacological treatment strategies are of great importance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of humour therapy on quality of life in patients with depression or AD. Twenty patients with late-life depression and 20 patients with AD were evaluated. Ten patients in each group underwent a humour therapy group (HT) once in two weeks for 60 min in addition to standard pharmacotherapy, which was given as usual to the other group as standard therapy (ST). All patients completed a psychometric test battery at admission and before discharge from the clinic. The quality of life scores improved both in HT and ST groups for depressive patients but not for patients with AD irrespective of the therapy group. Depressive patients receiving HT showed the highest quality of life after treatment. In addition, patients with depression in both therapy groups showed improvements in mood, depression score, and instrumental activities of daily living. Although there was no significant effect of humour therapy comparing with standard therapy on quality of life, these findings suggest that humour therapy can provide an additional therapeutic tool. Further studies with higher frequently humour groups are required in order to investigate the impact of humour therapy in gerontopsychiatric treatment.
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Humour therapy in patients with late-life depression
or Alzheimer’s disease: a pilot study
Marc Walter*, Beat Ha
¨nni, Myriam Haug, Isabelle Amrhein, Eva Krebs-Roubicek,
Franz Mu
¨ller-Spahn and Egemen Savaskan
Psychiatric University Clinics, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Background Of the disabling disorders of the elderly, depression is the most common affective disorder and Alzheimer’s
disease (AD) the most common neurodegenerative disorder. Pharmacological treatment strategies for these disorders are
often accompanied with severe side effects. Therefore non-pharmacological treatment strategies are of great importance. The
aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of humour therapy on quality of life in patients with depression or AD.
Methods Twenty patients with late-life depression and 20 patients with AD were evaluated. Ten patients in each group
underwent a humour therapy group (HT) once in two weeks for 60 min in addition to standard pharmacotherapy, which was
given as usual to the other group as standard therapy (ST). All patients completed a psychometric test battery at admission
and before discharge from the clinic.
Results The quality of life scores improved both in HT and ST groups for depressive patients but not for patients with AD
irrespective of the therapy group. Depressive patients receiving HT showed the highest quality of life after treatment. In
addition, patients with depression in both therapy groups showed improvements in mood, depression score, and instrumental
activities of daily living.
Conclusions Although there was no significant effect of humour therapy comparing with standard therapy on quality of
life, these findings suggest that humour therapy can provide an additional therapeutic tool. Further studies with higher
frequently humour groups are required in order to investigate the impact of humour therapy in gerontopsychiatric treatment.
Copyright #2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
key words — late life depression; Alzheimer’s disease; quality of life; psychotherapy; humour
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and depression are common
disorders of the elderly. The interface of AD and
depression is complex. Portella et al. (2003) indicate
that cognitive impairment seem to be a trait
characteristic of patients with late life-depression.
The diagnosis of major depression can be conducted
reliably in patients with mild and moderate levels of
cognitive impairment (Katz, 1998).
AD is progressive and irreversible, but pharmaco-
logic and non-pharmacologic therapies for cognitive
impairment and behavioural problems may enhance
the quality of life (Small et al., 1997; Chan et al.,
2001; Shulman, 2002). Quality of life before and after
psychiatric treatment is estimated more often from the
view of clinicians than from the view of the patients.
For this study, quality of life is defined as an
individual’s perception of his or her position in the
current life situation.
Several psychotherapeutic methods including
music therapy and art therapy (Bonder, 1994),
behavioural treatment (Teri, 1994), and skill training
¨sler et al., 2002), have been described as helpful in
AD, mainly because of alleviating negative emotions.
However, these are mainly case reports describing
effects of psychosocial interventions in AD. There is
empirical evidence for the greater effectiveness of the
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (in press)
Published online in Wiley InterScience
( DOI: 10.1002/gps.1658
*Correspondence to: Dr M. Walter, Psychiatric University Clinics,
Wilhelm Klein-Strasse 27, CH-4025 Basel, Switzerland.
Copyright #2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received 27 March 2006
Accepted 3 July 2006
combination of pharmacologic and psychosocial
treatment over pharmacologic treatment alone in
late-life depression (Mecocci et al., 2004). In general,
it has been argued that psychotherapy intervention of
elderly patients needs more attention in further studies
(Arean et al., 2003; Rainer et al., 2003).
One psychotherapeutic intervention is the thera-
peutic use of humour (Saper, 1990). Humour can be
seen as a specific defence mechanism (Strotzka, 1956/
57), by which positive emotions operate to reduce the
undesirable negative emotions involved in a stress
situation. In general, people who have better devel-
oped humour skills and who more often include
humour and laughter in their daily lives seem better
able to cope with stressful events (McGhee and
Goldstein, 1983; Lefcourt and Martin, 1986). As a
natural stress antagonist, humour has numerous
additional salutary effects, including enhancing
cardiovascular, immune, and endocrine systems (Berk
et al., 1989; Fredrickson and Levenson, 1998; Bennett
et al., 2003).
Essential elements of the humour process are the
stimulus (humour), the emotional response (mirth),
and the resulting behaviour such as grinning, laughing,
smiling, or giggling (Fry, 1992).
There are a couple of case reports concerning
humour in the treatment of psychiatric patients
(Marcus, 1990; Richman, 1996; Minden, 2002) but
there is a lack of empirical findings so far. It was
suggested that humour plays an important role in
group therapy (Bloch et al., 1983). In a first empirical
study, Hirsch and Kranzhoff (2004) showed that
humour groups with elderly patients are feasible.
However, the effect on their well-being is not clear yet.
Indeed, there are no controlled studies investigating
the effects of humour therapy (HT) on quality of life.
Our clinical experience suggests that patients with
late-life depression and mild AD may profit from HT.
The aim of the present study was to investigate how
humour therapy affected subjective quality of life in
depressed or AD patients. Another reason for the
inclusion of these two patient groups is the fact, that
these are the main inpatient cohorts in our clinic, for
whom the effects of HT as an adjunct to the therapy
setting was to be evaluated.
Between February 2003 and July 2005, the study
participants were recruited through the inpatient units
of the Psychogeriatric Departments of the Psychiatric
University Clinics in Basel. As required by the
inclusion criteria of the study, they were aged 65 or
above and met the DSM-IV criteria for Dementia of
the Alzheimer Type, Major Depressive Disorder or a
combination of both (American Psychiatric Associ-
ation, 1994). Only late-onset depressed subjects were
included, that is, those who had the first episode of
depression after the age of 50 years. The patients
underwent routine medical examination, electrocar-
diographic (ECG) recording and laboratory screening,
including full blood count and thyroid function test.
Thus, we excluded patients with significant abnormal
biological findings on ECG recording or laboratory
examination, with neurological disorders other than
AD, and those with acute medical illness at time of
recruitment. The diagnosis of AD was additionally
confirmed by neuroimaging. Other exclusion criteria
were severe cognitive impairment, defined as a score
of 20 or lower on the Mini- Mental State Examination
(MMSE; Folstein et al., 1975), schizophrenia or other
psychotic disorder, substance or alcohol dependence
or abuse.
The total study sample consisted of 26 women and
14 men; the average age was 78 years (range 62–89
years). Ten patients with depression and ten patients
with AD were included in the standard therapy (ST)
group receiving psychopharmacologic medication.
Ten patients with depression and ten patients with AD
were included in the humour therapy (HT) group
receiving medication and additionally humour
therapy. Three patients with AD in the HT group
and two patients with AD in the ST group had the co-
occurring diagnosis of major depression according to
DSM-IV. Both groups did not differ concerning
sociodemographic data (age, sex) and their social
characteristics (family status, living situation) at
admission. The patients in the HT group have received
the therapy during their inpatient treatment period.
The median number of weeks of hospitalisation was
15 weeks (range 4–28 weeks). Detailed information
about subjects’ demographics and social character-
istics are provided in Table 1.
Humour therapy
The HT group comprised a group of six to eight
patients who received 1 h therapy once every two
weeks. During each session it was the moderator’s
objective from the very outset to generate an
atmosphere of mirth and serenity. Each group session
was conceived to follow a pattern of growing
involvement and participation by the patients. It goes
without saying that the individual cognitive and
Copyright #2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (in press)
DOI: 10.1002/gps
m. walter ET AL.
emotional predispositions varied and had to be taken
into account. The moderator acts as a stimulant for
humour, smiling and laughter using verbal techniques.
After an initial phase, the moderator tells or reads
humorous stories or suggestive funny anecdotes. The
aim is to trigger the patients’ reactions, observations or
comments by way of personal associations with what
she or he has just heard. Where appropriate, the
moderator intervenes with provocative or slapstick
humour. Furthermore, biographical episodes and
memories, happy ones, are addressed later on:
‘How did you spend your first pocket-money?’, ‘your
favourite dessert as a second grader?’, ‘your childhood
hobby?’, ‘the first kiss’, ‘your favourite teacher?’, etc.
As these life- topics are shared by everyone in the
group, the intrinsic sense of humour of this last part
has considerable potential for shared laughing or
smiling. Compared to other interventions (e.g. life
course review), the focus of the humour therapy is the
accentuation of an exhilaration milieu in the group and
the encouragement of everyone’s sense of humour.
All AD patients were treated with a cholinesterase
inhibitor (galantamine). Thirteen (65%) patients with
AD received a low-dose antidepressive therapy with a
serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (escitalopram) (six in ST
group, seven in HT group), and 17 (85%) patients with
AD received low-dose neuroleptics (quetiapine) (nine
in ST group, eight in HT group).
All patients with late-life depression were receiving
SSRI’s (escitalopram or mirtazapine). Four patients
with late-life depression were additionally receiving a
low-dose neuroleptic medication (three in ST group,
one in HT group). Benzodiazepines were avoided. If
the patient met response criteria that dose was
continued for the rest of the inpatient treatment. In
general, medications were not changed during the
Psychometric assessment instruments
For the evaluation of depressive mood, the Geriatric
Depression Scale (GDS) was used (GDS,
Yesavage et al., 1983). Scores higher or equal than
6 in GDS were rated for depression. The Mini-Mental-
State-Examination (MMSE) was used to evaluate the
grade of dementia severity (Folstein et al., 1975).
Scores on the MMSE range from 0–30, and scores
lower then 26 indicate cognitive impairment. The
Nurses’ Observation Scale for Geriatric Patients,
NOSGER (Spiegel et al., 1991) is a 30-item
questionnaire completed by the caregiver to assess
the patient with regard to the dimensions of memory,
instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), basic
Table 1. Baseline soziodemographic data, clinical characteristics and psychometric test results of study patients (n¼40)
Characteristics Late-life Depression (n¼20) Alzheimer’s disease (n¼20)
Humour Therapy
(HT) group (n¼10)
Standard Therapy
(ST) group (n¼10)
Humour Therapy
(HT)group (n¼10)
Standard Therapy
(ST) group (n¼10)
Age, mean (SD), y 78.5 (6.3) 72.8 (6.5) 81.9 (3.9) 80.4 (7.1)
Family status
Single 1 (10%) 1 (10%) 1 (10%)
Married 2 (20%) 5 (50%) 4 (40%) 2 (20%)
Separated/divorced 1 (1%) 1 (10%)
Widowed 8 (80%) 3 (30%) 4 (40%) 7 (70%)
Living situation before admission
Alone 8 (80%) 5 (50%) 6 (60%) 8 (80%)
With partner 2 (20%) 5 (50%) 4 (40%) 2 (20%)
MMS score, mean (SD) 27.3 (2.8) 27.3 (1.9) 23.1 (3.9) 20.5 (4.1)
NOSGER score, mean (SD)
Memory 7.3 (2.0) 9.2 (2.8) 10.6 (4.5) 12.1 (4.6)
ADLs 13.4 (4.4) 13.4 (3.7) 12.7 (5.1) 14.00 (3.9)
Basic Activity of daily living 6.7 (2.6) 6.7 (1.9) 9.4 (4.8) 10.1 (3.8)
Mood 12.6 (4.5) 14.0 (5.2) 9.3 (2.2) 8.5 (1.5)
Social disturbances 10.6 (4.2) 12.6 (3.7) 11.7 (3.7) 12.1 (4.3)
Disturbing behaviour 6.1 (1.7) 7.3 (2.7) 8.4 (3.9) 8.5 (3.0)
GDS score, mean (SD) 6.7 (3.3) 7.60 (5.3) 5.3 (5.3) 2.5 (2.0)
Quality of life, ACSA, mean (SD) 3.8 (2.1) 4.3 (2.6) 4.0 (1.8) 4.8 (2.2)
ADLs ¼Instrumental Activity of daily living.
Copyright #2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (in press)
DOI: 10.1002/gps
humour therapy in patients with late-life depression or ad
ADLs, mood, social behaviour, disturbing beha-
viour, each of these dimensions consisting of five
items. The answers are scored from 1 to 5, thereby
yielding a total score for each dimension of 5–25.
Higher scores indicate more severe disturbance or
As a measure of subjective global quality of life
(QOL) we used the Anamnestic Comparative Self
Assessment Scale (ACSA), a ten-stage anchor scale
for a global assessment of present quality of life
defined in terms of the ‘best time’ versus the ‘worst
time’ in life (Bernheim and Buyse, 1983; Bernheim,
1999). A higher quality of life will be reflected by an
improvement in the global scale score. The values
calculated for a group of healthy students (n¼43)
served as a control (Rose et al., 1998). All
questionnaires used have proven to be valid and
reliable in previous clinical studies (Walter et al.,
2002; Weber et al., 2005).
Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS/13.0
for Windows. We used the t-test for dependent
samples for comparisons across and the Mann–
Whitney-U-Test for group comparisons. The level
of significance was set at p0.05.
The demographic and clinical characteristics of the 40
patients with late-life depression or AD receiving HT
or ST are described in Table 1.
At admission, patients of both therapy groups (HT,
ST) tended to estimate their QOL lower than the
healthy control group (p<0.001). After treatment,
depressive patients in both therapy groups rated their
QOL significantly higher than before clinical treat-
ment (Figure 1). Patients with AD in both therapy
groups did not show a significant improvement in
QOL after treatment (Figure 1).
As shown in Figure 2, QOL improved after HT in
both patient groups but this effect did not last until the
next therapy meeting after two weeks.
After treatment, four patients (10%) of the total
study sample rated their present QOL to be impaired,
26 (65%) showed a slight improvement, and ten
patients (25%) rated their present QOL to be
significantly improved.
Whereas patients with HT did not differ signifi-
cantly from the patients in the ST in their QOL after
treatment, the patients with depression were found to
be distinctly profit from both therapy methods
(t¼5.17, df ¼19, p<0.001).
Additionally, patients with late-life depression of
both groups showed significant improvements in the
d erof
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Figure 1. Global quality of life before and after treatment
Copyright #2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (in press)
DOI: 10.1002/gps
m. walter ET AL.
depression score (t¼3.16, df ¼19, p¼0.005), mood
(t¼3.13, df ¼19, p¼0.005), and instrumental activi-
ties of daily living (t¼3.15, df ¼19, p¼0.005).
This study investigated the hypothesis that humour
group therapy may influence QOL of patients with
late-life depression or AD. Previous studies have been
demonstrated that patients with mild and moderate
AD can rate their own QOL (Fuh and Wang, 2006). In
general, individual psychopathology, social network
and self-esteem were found as major determinants of
subjective QOL in psychiatric patients (Hansson,
2006). This is the first study to our knowledge which
investigates the effect of HT on QOL in patients with
depression and AD. The main finding was the
improvement of QOL during psychiatric inpatient
treatment for depressive patients. The depressive
patients (without AD) who received HT showed the
highest quality of life after treatment. However, the
difference was not significant between both therapy
groups. Furthermore patients with AD of both therapy
groups did not significantly improve in subjective
quality of life in this pilot study.
The study was not large enough to detect a modest
treatment effect for one of each therapy group, but we
must noticed that HT is applicable in geriatric
psychiatry and that each humour group enhanced
subjective well- being of patients with depression and
AD measured by global QOL. We excluded patients
with psychosis or substance abuse, because we tried to
generate two relative homogenous groups. Although
the diagnosis of depression and AD were differen-
tiatedi.e. AD was excluded in depressed patients,
and the depression scores in AD patients were lower
than in depressed patients an overlap between the
two patient groups may exist.
It is well known that a sense of humour predicts
higher quality of life and lower depression levels in
chronic disease (Aarstad et al., 2005). In patients with
AD, humour was generally identified as a positive
approach (Colling, 2004), but no empirical study has
investigated the association between HT and QOL.
Ong et al. (2004) suggested that stress and depressive
associations are weakened when positive emotions are
present. Especially for patients with AD and mild or
QOL before humour group: Depression QOL after humour group: Depression
QOL before humour group: Alzheimer's disease QOL after humour group: Alzheimer's disease
Best time in life
time in lifeWorst
time (in weeks)
Figure 2. Global quality of life before and after humour therapy
Copyright #2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (in press)
DOI: 10.1002/gps
humour therapy in patients with late-life depression or ad
moderate cognitive deficits, it seems important that
positive emotions, e.g. in a humour group, must be
experienced weekly, or even better, daily, because
patients with AD forget these emotions much faster
than patients with depressive symptoms alone. One
reason why AD patients did not show a profit from HT
may be the low frequency of the therapy setting used
in our study. Parameters such as high therapy
frequency need to be evaluated as to whether they
have a higher impact on QOL improvement in AD.
The generalization of these results is limited as a
consequence of the low intensity of humour therapy
and the small sample size of each study group.
Furthermore the standard therapy was not controlled
for the use of pharmacologic medication. However, we
have tried to reduce the number and the type of
medication used. The study groups were very
homogeneous concerning diagnosis and psychosocial
data. Future studies with higher frequent humour
therapy and larger samples may provide better insight
in the therapeutic advantages of humour therapy in the
treatment of late-life depression and AD.
We thank Professor A. Wirz-Justice for english edit-
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Copyright #2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry (in press)
DOI: 10.1002/gps
humour therapy in patients with late-life depression or ad
... En un estudio realizado en 20 pacientes ancianos con demencia tipo Alzheimer y 20 con depresión, de estos, 10 de cada grupo recibieron terapia de la risa; en todos los pacientes, con excepción de aquellos con Alzheimer, el puntaje de calidad de vida mejoró [20]; además, de la eficacia terapéutica específica que se da en los adultos mayores depresivos, también se reportan efectos positivos en el insomnio y la calidad del sueño [21]. ...
... Con respecto a sus enfermedades que son nombradas en el primer momento y en el segundo no lo hacen o las nombran disminuyendo sus quejas; coincide con lo afirmado por Walter y col [20]: "el humor puede reducir la incidencia negativa de los fenómenos de salud. El humor también sirve como un factor de supervivencia que efectivamente ayuda a la promoción del bienestar general". ...
... Expresan claramente su satisfacción actual; para ellas, las cargas emocionales han disminuido, se perciben tranquilas y enfrentan las vicisitudes de su edad, reportado también por Walter y col [20] quienes en su investigación encontraron que la terapia de la risa permite una mejoría en el estado del ánimo, en las actividades instrumentales y en los porcentajes de depresión. ...
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Objetivo: explorar los beneficios de la terapia de la risa en un grupo de mujeres adultas pertenecientes a un centro gerontológico del Municipio de Envigado (Colombia). Metodología: estudio con enfoque cualitativo mediante entrevista semiestructurada a 10 adultas entre 59 y 97 años de edad, antes y después de la aplicación de 5 sesiones, una semanal, de terapia de la risa por parte del grupo Mediclaun “payasos hospitalarios”. Resultados: muchos de los cambios percibidos en las adultas coinciden con la literatura en lo que respecta a una actitud más positiva, incremento de la confianza en el otro y la aceptación; expresan el pasado con menos dolor y un mayor agrado frente al acompañamiento familiar. Conclusiones: La terapia de la risa permite al adulto mayor encontrar fortalezas que puedan ayudarle a mejorar su presente, a su vez, lograr cambios en el individuo que se le revierten positivamente y a su relación con el entorno.
... "One study used qualitative methodology (Belcher, 2022, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 6), one study was an RCT (Cai et al., 2014), nine studies used a quantitative non-RCT design (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Barker and Winship, 2016;Malhotra et al., 2020) and six studies used mixed methods (Biggs and Stevenson, 2011, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 3; Rudnick et al., 2014;Palmer, 2017, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 4; Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Farrants, 2019, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 5)." ...
... The corrected paragraph appears below. Study characteristics are presented in Table 3. Overall, 17 studies were included in the systematic review, of which 13 were published studies (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Cai et al., 2014;Rudnick et al., 2014;Barker and Winship, 2016;Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Malhotra et al., 2020) (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994. One study used qualitative methodology (Belcher, 2022, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 5), one study was an RCT (Cai et al., 2014), nine studies used a quantitative non-RCT design (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Barker and Winship, 2016;Malhotra et al., 2020) and six studies used mixed methods (Biggs and Stevenson, 2011, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 2; Rudnick et al., 2014;Palmer, 2017, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 3; Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Farrants, 2019, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 4). ...
... Study characteristics are presented in Table 3. Overall, 17 studies were included in the systematic review, of which 13 were published studies (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Cai et al., 2014;Rudnick et al., 2014;Barker and Winship, 2016;Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Malhotra et al., 2020) (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994. One study used qualitative methodology (Belcher, 2022, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 5), one study was an RCT (Cai et al., 2014), nine studies used a quantitative non-RCT design (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Barker and Winship, 2016;Malhotra et al., 2020) and six studies used mixed methods (Biggs and Stevenson, 2011, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 2; Rudnick et al., 2014;Palmer, 2017, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 3; Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Farrants, 2019, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 4). One of these mixed methods studies was a mixed methods RCT (Rudnick et al., 2014). ...
... Study characteristics are presented in Table 3. Overall, 17 studies were included in the systematic review, of which 13 were published studies (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Cai et al., 2014;Rudnick et al., 2014;Barker and Winship, 2016;Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Malhotra et al., 2020) (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994. One study used qualitative methodology (Belcher, 2022, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 6), one study was an RCT (Cai et al., 2014), nine studies used a quantitative non-RCT design (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Barker and Winship, 2016;Malhotra et al., 2020) Most studies included participants with a diagnosed mental health disorder, including substance misuse (Barker and Winship, 2016), Schizophrenia (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Cai et al., 2014), depression (Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Tagalidou et al., 2019), anxiety and adjustment disorder (Tagalidou et al., 2019). ...
... Study characteristics are presented in Table 3. Overall, 17 studies were included in the systematic review, of which 13 were published studies (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Cai et al., 2014;Rudnick et al., 2014;Barker and Winship, 2016;Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Malhotra et al., 2020) (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994. One study used qualitative methodology (Belcher, 2022, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 6), one study was an RCT (Cai et al., 2014), nine studies used a quantitative non-RCT design (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Barker and Winship, 2016;Malhotra et al., 2020) Most studies included participants with a diagnosed mental health disorder, including substance misuse (Barker and Winship, 2016), Schizophrenia (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Cai et al., 2014), depression (Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Tagalidou et al., 2019), anxiety and adjustment disorder (Tagalidou et al., 2019). One study included those with subclinical depression (Tagalidou et al., 2018). ...
... Study characteristics are presented in Table 3. Overall, 17 studies were included in the systematic review, of which 13 were published studies (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Cai et al., 2014;Rudnick et al., 2014;Barker and Winship, 2016;Tagalidou et al., 2018Tagalidou et al., , 2019Malhotra et al., 2020) (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994. One study used qualitative methodology (Belcher, 2022, Unpublished manuscript, see footnote 6), one study was an RCT (Cai et al., 2014), nine studies used a quantitative non-RCT design (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Barker and Winship, 2016;Malhotra et al., 2020) Most studies included participants with a diagnosed mental health disorder, including substance misuse (Barker and Winship, 2016), Schizophrenia (Gelkopf et al., 1993(Gelkopf et al., , 1994(Gelkopf et al., , 2006Cai et al., 2014), depression (Walter et al., 2007;Hirsch et al., 2010;Falkenberg et al., 2011;Konradt et al., 2013;Tagalidou et al., 2019), anxiety and adjustment disorder (Tagalidou et al., 2019). One study included those with subclinical depression (Tagalidou et al., 2018). ...
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Introduction There is evidence for the impact of comedy and humour for mental health and wellbeing. Existing systematic reviews have concluded laughter has a positive impact on wellbeing, however other potential benefits of comedy interventions have remained under explored. The aim of the current study was to synthesise current evidence for comedy/humour interventions and evaluate mechanisms through which comedy interventions may impact upon the recovery of those experiencing psychological distress, using the Connectedness, Hope, Identity, Meaning and Purpose and Empowerment (CHIME) framework. Methods Five electronic databases were searched for studies exploring the impact of interventions using comedy on wellbeing and mental health recovery, from earliest record until January 2023. Grey literature was obtained via contacting experts in comedy interventions for mental health and supplemented by an internet search for comedy interventions. To be eligible for inclusion, studies had to include primary data, published in English or German, and explore a population of adults, with self-reported distress or a self-reported/diagnosed mental health condition. Studies included only explored interventions which utilised comedy as the main intervention and aimed to induce ‘simulated’ laughter, in response to a stimulus. 17 studies were included in the review. Results Studies were found to have positive impact on mental health symptoms and several mechanisms of the CHIME framework for recovery, including connectedness, hope, identity and empowerment. Potential theorised mechanisms for change included confidence in new skills, promotion of social skills, opportunities for social interaction, laughter, vulnerability, and cognitive flexibility. The current review found that comedy/humour interventions are beneficial for mental health recovery and wellbeing and found preliminary evidence for a range of mechanisms through which comedy may have positive impact. Discussion Further research should focus on qualitative exploration of the mechanisms by which comedy interventions may have impact on wellbeing and mental health recovery for specific populations and within different settings. It is concluded that there is a need for transdisciplinary collaboration in research on comedy interventions, which brings together the expertise of comedians delivering/developing interventions, those with lived experience of mental health issues and researchers from both health sciences and humanities disciplines.
... Therefore, it could potentially be an adjunct to psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Similarly, a pilot study examined humor's effect on patients' quality of life with late-life depression [15]. The average patients, 78 years of age, all received antidepressants and were further divided into two groups. ...
... The average patients, 78 years of age, all received antidepressants and were further divided into two groups. One group received humor therapy, and the other group had just the standard therapy of antidepressants [15]. The depressive patients who received humor therapy noted better mood, improved depressive symptoms, and higher quality of life [15]. ...
... One group received humor therapy, and the other group had just the standard therapy of antidepressants [15]. The depressive patients who received humor therapy noted better mood, improved depressive symptoms, and higher quality of life [15]. Another study was done to compare the effects of humor, positive reappraisal, and spontaneous emotion regulation on remitted depressed patients and corroborated that humor could be an emotion regulation strategy in coping with stressful events, which could be potential triggers for depression [16]. ...
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Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease. Although there are known, effective treatments for depression, people in low- and middle-income areas experience multiple barriers which limit their ability to receive adequate treatment. Some known barriers to effective care include a lack of resources, lack of trained healthcare providers, and social stigma associated with mental disorders and this creates gaps in mental health care and the need for more treatment modalities and adjuvant therapies to address these gaps. This review article was conducted using the scale for the assessment of non-systematic review articles (SANRA). We searched three databases; EMBASE, PubMed (MEDLINE), and Google Scholar using specified search terms. We had a total of nine articles with sample sizes ranging from 37 to 1551, and the age of participants ranged from 23 to 93 years. Articles were diverse in race and geographical locations. The articles were derived from cross-sectional studies, randomized studies, and experimental studies, and they focused on the relationship between humor and depression, and the reduced risk of depression in the study population. The articles identified different aspects of the relationship between humor and depression. The willingness of patients with depression to recognize or participate in humor could be defective resulting in abnormal social interactions such as withdrawal. However, there was some significant influence of humor or its styles on patients with depression either mitigating depressive symptoms or having no impact at all.
... A study by Walter et al. (2007) is the only study concerning the relationship between humor and both late-life depression and Alzheimer's disease. It shows the improved quality of life, mood, de-pression score and instrumental activities of daily living for depressive patients in both humor therapy and standard therapy groups. ...
... Secondly, even elders with dementia or depression are still able to understand and appreciate some humor (Clark et al., 2015;Clark et al., 2016;Shammi & Stuss, 1999;Walter et al., 2007). Perhaps this can be explained by older adults being equipped with enhanced attentional bias for positive stimuli (Meng et al., 2015). ...
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Objectives: Humor plays an important role throughout life, including old age. However, appreciating and understanding humor may be hindered due to dementia and late-life depression, two common old age-related diseases. Still little is known about humor preferences among the elderly diagnosed with dementia, depression or both disorders. This study aims to explore humor preferences in elderly participants with those disorders and their influence on the perceived funniness of more and less cognitively challenging verbal jokes.Methods: A total of 36 elderly participants and 39 students (representing a control group) rated 20 humorous and 20 non-humorous examples. To test the differences in the funniness rating between the elderly participants and the control group, both Welch’s t -test and U Mann-Whitney test were used, accompanied with bootstrapped confidence intervals.Results: The study reveals that the elderly participants found both humorous and non-humorous examples funnier than the control group. Elderly participants rated two types higher than the control group: the visual error-based jokes and non-visual metaphor-based jokes. The patients with a single disorder (cognitive disorder or depression) rated the funniness of the examples highest. Out of all participants with a single disorder, those with cognitive disorder rated the examples slightly higher than those with depression.Conclusion: Elderly participants are able to enjoy simple and familiar humor. While the perceived funniness of those with a single disorder may be a result of them using humor as a coping mechanism, such a mechanism no longer works in the case of coexisting dementia and depression.
... This aligns with Menendez-Aller et al. (2020), who found that an affiliative humor style is a protective factor against anxiety and depression. In a study of 20 older depressed patients who underwent humor training, Walter et al. (2007) also observed increased interpersonal openness after the training. To some extent, "wit" also represents a relevant variable in relation to specific FoP-Q scales. ...
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Background: People with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) face disease-related stress throughout their lives, often resulting in depressive mood and fear of progression (FoP). People with a pronounced sense of humor demonstrate greater resilience to stress and tend to perceive threats as challenges. This research investigates whether humor can be identified as a relevant coping factor in pwMS regarding depressive mood and FoP. Methods: Participants were 77 German inpatients aged 25–64 years with predominantly relapsing-remitting MS. Blockwise regression analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between humor skills (Sense of Humor Scale, SHS), depressive mood (Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, CES-D), and fear of progression (Fear of Progression-Questionnaire, FoP-Q), adjusting for demographic, disease-specific, and self-management variables. Correlational and moderator analyses were conducted to evaluate the impact of humor styles (Comic Style Markers, CSM) and self-observation (as a self-distancing measure, Questionnaire to Assess Resources and Self-Management Skills) on these relationships. Results: The summed SHS score was found to be a significant unique determinant for less depressive mood (CES-D, RΔ = 0.05, p = .005), low FoP (FoP-Q sum score, RΔ = 0.06, p = .004), and greater anxiety coping (FoP-Q anxiety coping, RΔ = 0.06, p = .007). Only light humor style was associated with specific FoP-Q scales; the variable dark humor style was not correlated with any study variable. The subscale self-observation failed to moderate between SHS and emotional disorders. Conclusion: Data indicate that humor skills in pwMS are associated with less depression and FoP, which argues for incorporating adaptive humor as a coping resource into psychosocial interventions for pwMS. However, further validation is needed through larger and longitudinal trials.
... Relatedly, the amusing and playful aspects of emoji point to their possible use in humor therapy. Previous studies suggest that, while humor therapy does not significantly reduce depression, it can be a useful additional therapeutic tool to reduce individuals' agitation and improve their emotional well-being (Low, et al., 2013;Walter, et al., 2007). ...
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Communication is fundamental for preventing and managing youth mental health, and for effectively maintaining and improving their emotional wellbeing. Nevertheless, crucial challenges to communication in this context remain. In recent years rapid technological change has produced increasingly complex forms of communication, which hold out great promise in this area. Emoji have the potential to play a key role in the communication of mental health-related information in areas such as: self-disclosure, engagement, treatment intervention, and mental health education. However, compared with their roles in other fields (e.g., computer science, communication, marketing), emoji in the mental health domain have been largely overlooked by both communication scholars and health care professionals alike. Building on their cognitive, emotional and interpersonal aspects, this paper outlines potential applications for emoji in the field of youth mental health, while also pointing out challenges to their use. It then offers recommendations for mental health organizations, public health organizations, social media platforms, high-tech companies, and the Emoji Unicode Consortium..
... Laughter is a universal, low-cost and effective drug with no side effects. The therapeutic benefits of laughter include improved blood circulation, gastrointestinal, skeletal muscular and respiratory systems of the body, as well as hormones regulation, rest and sleep cycle regulation, and enhanced immune system performance [4] . Several studies concerning laughter in the treatment of ...
... McDonald, & Donahue (2008) found coping humor is significantly associated with improved social support, selfefficacy, depression, anxiety, or, mental health status. Between patients with late-life depression and Alzheimer's disease, the impact of 2-week humor therapy of 60-minute duration in addition to standard pharmacotherapy showed the highest quality of life scores after treatments (Walter et al. 2007). Laughter Yoga founded by M. Kataria was attempted in older adult women in Teheran, Iran, to observe an increase in life satisfaction and a decrease in depression scores as a group exercise program (Shahidi et al. 2011). ...
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Humor and laughter are universal occurrence-across different age levels irrespective of language, religion, ethnicity, or culture. The characteristics, context, types, functions, or themes of humor may vary. Their comprehension or appreciation can be different. Several immense benefits of a few laughs every day are recorded especially for the elderly. There is no single overarching theory to explain humor across all age groups. However, a few of them carry implications for explaining their humor. This review attempts to outline the observations or tenets of humor in seniors before surmising the need for more empirical data-backed evidence-based research in the future in this less opted area of study.
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Humour is one of the mesmerizing qualities possessed by human beings which provides a positive and funny outlook towards the stressful events that take place in one's life, making the coping process efficient. According to the studies conducted earlier, humour has been conceptualized as a multi-faceted construct, with adaptive and maladaptive styles of humour. The affiliative and self-enhancing styles of humour have been studied to be beneficial for mental health. Whereas, the aggressive and self-defeating styles of humour are considered to be detrimental to it. This research theorized that there is an association between the styles of humour and the types of self-esteem, which has been supported by various studies. The findings indicate that both types of self-esteem are positively associated with the self-enhancing and affiliative styles of humour and negatively associated with self-defeating humour. The possible positive relation between aggressive style of humour and explicit self-esteem is also discussed along with the implication of humour in various fields.
Conference Paper
Depressive disorders-both major depression and other less severe but nonetheless clinically significant depressions-are common comorbidities, components, or complications of dementia. Depression with reversible cognitive impairment may be a prodrome for dementia rather than a separate and distinct disorder. Recent research has demonstrated that both the diagnosis of major depression and the assessment of typical depressive symptoms can be conducted reliably, even in patients with mild-to-moderate levels of cognitive impairment. Self-ratings of depressive symptoms with the Geriatric Depression Scale remain valid in patients with Mini-Mental State Examination scores of at least 15. Among interviewer-administered instruments, the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression and the Cornell Scale are the best established. Potential difficulties with assessment include problems with ascertainment (because families, in general, report greater depression in patients than do clinicians) and the ambiguity of symptoms (because apathy and related symptoms can result from both depression and Alzheimer's disease). Brain changes due to Alzheimer's disease may lead to fundamental differences in drug responses. Nevertheless, randomized clinical trials have demonstrated that depression in dementia responds to specific psychopharmacologic or psychosocial treatments.
"Humour" is a known influential factor in psychotherapy. However, there is a lack of investigations concerning its effects. Attempts at defining humour are multifarious. In this article we conceive of humour as exhilaration. We report the installation of a humour-group in a psychiatric hospital as part of the global concept of treatment of the psychogeriatric division. Multiple tools were applied. The results of the investigation point to an augmentation of cherfulness and a reduction of bad mood in the experimental group. Humour is learnable even in old age! Further investigations should follow to clarify the place of humour-groups in psychogeriatric treatment.
The Anamnestic Comparative Self-Assessment is a method by which cancer patients numerically express their overall subjective level of the quality of life. A personal scale of well-being is constructed around the patient's memory of the best and worst periods in his or her life expericnce. The method was validated in a pilot study of 65 patients with various malignancies. It is proposed for application as one of the end points of cancer clinical trials.
The diagnosis of cancer threatens the psychological and bodily integrity. Based on this assumption, we aimed to explore how newly diagnosed patients cope with special regard to the body image (BI). In total, 40 patients (32 haematological malignancies) were assessed by questionnaires on mood, complaints, self-regulation and quality of life (QOL). The BI was assessed by the ‘Body Grid’ which reveals the constructs patients choose to characterize the body. The constructs were categorized using a model of six predefined categories comprising: emotion, control, activity, strength, function and appearance. Tinnitus sufferers and medical students served as comparison groups. Cancer patients showed significantly more anxious depression and a significantly lower QOL than controls. Their BI was restricted, focusing the functional status of body organs (e.g. opposing healthy vs. ill organs) as well as emotional aspects (e.g. trust vs. fear). The data convey fundamental psychological distress in newly diagnosed cancer patients. Restriction of BI and use of functional constructs may help to buffer the threat to body integrity. The emotional constructs reflect the existential impact. The data give a clear indication for the need for early psychosocial support which should aim at stabilizing the psychological and bodily integrity of the patient.