Small animal orthopaedic case records of a 20-year period were surveyed to obtain the prevalence and pattern of orthopaedic conditions presented to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), University of Ibadan, Nigeria, with the objective of providing data for planning on small animal healthcare facilities, policy development and veterinary manpower training. Out of 618 small animal surgery cases managed within the period studied, 127 (19.6%) were orthopedic in nature across 22 canine breeds, consisting of dogs (45%), bitches (53%) and 2% unspecified sexes. Orthopedic conditions were prevalent in Alsatian 34.65%, Rottweiler 19.69%, Mongrel 18.11%, Crossbreeds 4.72%, Boerboel 3.94%, Pomeranian 1.54%, Samoyed 1.54%, Caucasian 1.54%, Neapolitan mastiff 1.54%, Lhasa Apso 0.79%, Keeshond 0.79%, Chihuahua 0.79%, French mastiff 0.79%, Tosa 0.79%, Pit-bull 0.79%, Spitz 0.79%, Bull Mastiff 0.79%, Dachshund 0.79% and Doberman pinscher 0.79%. Fracture cases were highest 61.42%, followed by hip dysplasia 14.17%, hip luxation 6.30%, lameness 2.36%, paralysis 1.57%, hock luxation 1.57%, sprain 1.57%, patella luxation 1.57%, abnormal gait 1.57%, arthritis 0.79%, osteosarcoma 0.79%, splayed limb 0.79%, congenital dysgenesis 0.79%, hypertrophic osteodystrophy 0.79%, stiffened stifle joint 0.79%, and unspecified 2.36%. fracture anatomic sites were: femur 57.69%, tibia and fibula 10.26%, humerus 6.41%, radio-ulna 5.13%, mandible 5.13%, metacarpal 3.85%, tibia 3.85%, metatarsal 2.56%, radius 2.56%, rib 1.28% and tarsal 1.28%. The highest occurrence of orthopedic cases was in 2015 (11.02%), while 1998 (1.57%) and 2010 (1.57%) had the least. No case was recorded in 1995 and 1997 (0%). Young dogs (< 1year) were more involved (60.0%) than adult (> 1 year) (32.0%). More cases were recorded in the first quarter (27.56%)-(January-March) than second quarter (April-June (25.20%), than fourth quarter (October –December (24.41%).The third quarter (July-September) had the least (22.83%). The implication of the data to orthopaedic patient management, and planning was discussed.
Keywords: Dogs, Orthopaedic conditions, Prevalence, Small animal, Veterinary teaching hospital.