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Measures for measures
Are some ways of measuring scientific quality better than others? Sune Lehmann, Andrew D. Jackson and
Benny E. Lautrup analyse the reliability of commonly used methods for comparing citation records.
Although quantifying the quality of individual
scientists is difficult, the general view is that
it is better to publish more than less and that
the citation count of a paper (relative to cita-
tion habits in its field) is a useful measure of
its quality. How citation counts are weighed
and analysed in practice becomes important
as publication records are increasingly used
in funding, appointment and promotion deci-
sions. Typically, a scientist’s full citation record
is summarized by simpler
measures, such as average cita-
tions per paper, or the recently
proposed Hirsch index
, which
is ever more being used as an
indicator of scientific quality
Despite their growing impor-
tance, there have been few
attempts to discover which
of the popular citation meas-
ures is best and whether any
such measure is statistically
Measures of citation quality are of value only
if they can be assigned to individual authors
with high confidence. Previous bibliometric
have compared different measures of
scientific quality, but just because two meas-
ures agree does not mean that either one is
accurate or reliable. We will argue that some
citation-based measures can provide useful
information given data of sufficient quality,
but others fail to meet minimum acceptable
standards. This should concern every work-
ing scientist.
Unfair discrimination
Because citation practice differs markedly
between disciplines and subfields, a homo-
geneous set of authors is essential for any
statistical analysis of citations. Here we use
data from the theory section of the SPIRES
database in high-energy physics, which has
the requisite homogeneity
. Within this data-
base, the probability that a paper will receive
k citations falls slowly with increasing k and
is described by a power-law distribution,
with γ ≈ 2.8, for large k. This long-tailed
distribution has a number of consequences.
About 50% of all papers have two or fewer
citations; the average number of citations is
12.6. The top 4.3% of papers produces 50% of
all citations whereas the bottom 50% of papers
yields just 2.1% of all citations. Measuring an
author’s mean or median citation count per
paper probe different aspects of their full cita-
tion record: which is better? Fortunately, this
question can be posed in a way that yields a
statistically compelling answer.
The purpose of comparing citation records is
to discriminate between scientists. An author’s
citation record is a list of the number of cita-
tions of each of the author’s publications. Until
reduced to a single number, this list cannot
provide a means of ranking
scientists. But whatever the
intrinsic merits of the chosen
number, it will be of no practi-
cal use unless the uncertainty
in assigning it to individual
scientists is small. From
this perspective, the ‘best’
measure will be that which
minimizes uncertainty in the
values assigned and hence
maximizes discrimination
between individuals. We analyse three meas-
ures of author quality: mean number of cita-
tions per paper, number of papers published
per year, and the Hirsch index. A scientist is
said to have Hirsch index h if h of their total,
N, papers have at least h citations each, and
the remaining (N-h) papers have fewer than
h citations
. For this study, we adopt Hirsch’s
assumption that h divided by N “should pro-
vide a useful yardstick”. To calibrate our results,
we also consider an obviously mean-
ingless measure;
we rank authors
alphabetically by
We st ar t w ith
one of the three
measures we had chosen and sort the SPIRES
authors into decile bins. We use the full cita-
tion records for all authors in a given bin, n,
to calculate the conditional probability that a
paper written by an author in bin n will have k
citations. From these conditional probabilities,
we use Bayes’ theorem to determine the average
probability that an author initially assigned to
bin n should instead be assigned to bin m. (To
do this, we calculate the probability that the full
publication record of each author in bin n was
drawn, at random, on the conditional prob-
ability appropriate for bin m; see Supplemen-
tary Information.) Because the m assignment
is based on an author’s full citation record, it
is more reliable than the n assignment. This
process is repeated for each decile bin and for
each measure considered.
Quality testing
A perfect measure of author quality would
place all weight in the diagonal entries of a plot
of m versus n (Fig. 1, overleaf). The better the
measure, the more weight will be found in the
diagonal boxes. Figure 1 reveals that both accu-
racy and certainty are sensitive to the choice
of indicator.
An alphabetical ranking of authors contains
no information regarding scientific quality,
and so every author is assigned to every decile
with equal probability (Fig. 1a). The resulting
root-mean-square (rms) uncertainty in author
assignment thus has the maximum value of
±29 percentile points. One of the most widely
used measures of scientific quality is the
average number of
papers published
by an author per
“There have been
few attempts to
discover which of
the popular citation
measures is best
and whether any are
statistically reliable.”
Vol 444|21/28 December 2006
. This measure has a similar rms varia-
tion to alphabetization (Fig. 1b). Publication
frequency would be more useful if all papers
were cited equally but, as noted above, this is
not the case. The best that can be said of pub-
lication frequency is that it measures industry
rather than ability.
Impact factors are widely used to intro-
duce a citation measure into calculations of
publication frequency. The impact factor for
each journal, as defined by Thomson Scien-
, is the average number of citations
acquired during the past two years for papers
published over the same period. But weighting
each paper by the journal’s current impact fac-
tor is unlikely to improve the situation, espe-
cially when estimating scientific quality across
an author’s entire career. The impact factor for
reputable journals is determined by a small
fraction of highly cited papers, so the citation
rate for individual papers is largely uncor-
related to the impact factor of the journal in
which it was published
. The widespread use
of publication frequency — with or without
an impact factor — is disturbing and requires
further study.
Word of caution
Hirsch’s h-index attempts to strike a balance
between productivity and quality and to avoid
the heavy weight that power-law distributions
place on a relatively small number of highly
cited papers. Hirsch’s measure is obtained by
ranking papers in order of decreasing citations
with paper i having C(i) citations and solving
the equation h = C(h). This is the simplest ver-
sion of h = AC(h)
. Hirsch’s choice of A = Κ = 1
is unsupported by any data. Nevertheless,
Fig. 1 indicates that this measure does better
than publication frequency, because the h-
index depends on the entire citation record.
Hirsch’s measure overestimates the initial
n-assignments by some 8 percentile points
as indicated by higher densities above the
diagonal (Fig. 1c). Moreover, the rms uncer-
tainty in the assignment of h is ±16 percentile
points, which is only a factor of two better than
alphabetization. Although capturing certain
aspects of quality, Hirsch’s index cannot make
decile assignments with confidence.
Compared with the h-index, the mean
number of citations per paper is a superior
indicator of scientific quality, in terms of both
accuracy and precision. The average assign-
ment of each n-bin is in error by 1.8 percentile
points with an associated rms uncertainty of
±9. Similar calculations based
on authors’ median citation
give an accuracy of 1.5 and
an uncertainty of only ±7 per-
centile points, suggesting that
the median copes better with
long-tailed distributions.
Simple scaling arguments
show that the rms uncertainty
for any measure decreases
rapidly (exponentially) as
the total number of papers
increases. Thus, for example,
no more than 50 papers are
required to assign a typical
author to deciles 2–3 or 8–9
with 90% confidence when using the mean
citation rate as a measure. Fewer papers suf-
fice for deciles 1 and 10. Any attempt to assess
the quality of authors using substantially fewer
publications must be treated with caution.
Data access
The methods used here are not specific to
high-energy physics. Given suitably homo-
geneous data sets, they can be applied to
any scientific field and permit a meaningful
(probabilistic) comparison of scientists work-
ing in different fields by assuming the equal-
ity of scientists in the same percentile of their
respective peer groups. Similarly, probabilities
can be combined to make meaningful quality
assignments to authors with publications in
several disjointed subfields.
There are strong indications that an author’s
initial publications are drawn on the same
probability distribution as their remaining
. Therefore, with sufficient numbers of
publications to draw meaningful conclusions
(50 or more) the mean or median citation
counts can be a useful factor in the academic
appointment process.
Unfortunately, the potential benefits of
careful citation analyses are overshadowed
by their harmful misuse. Institutions have a
misguided sense of the fairness of decisions
reached by algorithm, and unable to measure
what they want to maximize (quality), insti-
tutions will maximize what they can meas-
ure. Decisions will continue
to be made using measures
of quality that either ignore
citation data entirely (such
as frequency of publication)
or rely on data sets of insuffi-
cient quality.
Access to the full citation
distribution for an entire sub-
field is essential to our analy-
sis. Existing databases such as
the ISI can therefore actively
help to improve the situation
by compiling field-specific
homogeneous data sets simi-
lar to what we have generated
for SPIRES. This would allow institutions and
scientists alike to evaluate the quality of any
citation record using all available informa-
tion. For their part, scientists should insist that
their institutions disclose their uses of citation
data, making both data and the methods used
for data analysis available for scrutiny. In the
meantime, we shall have to continue to do
things the old-fashioned way and actually read
the papers. ■
Sune Lehmann is at the Department of Informatics
and Mathematical Modeling, Technical University
of Denmark, DK-2800, Lyngby, Denmark.
Andrew D. Jackson and Benny E. Lautrup are at
The Niels Bohr Institute, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-
2100, Copenhagen, Denmark.
1. Hirsch, J. E. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 102, 16569 (2005).
2. van Raan, A. F. J. Scientometrics 67, 491 (2006).
3. Lehmann, S., Lautrup, B. E. & Jackson, A. D. Phys. Rev. E 68,
026113 (2003).
4. van Raan, A. F. J. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. 57, 408 (2005).
5. Thomson Scientific/ISI
6. Seglen, P. O. J. Am. Soc. Inf. Sci. 45, 1 (1994).
7. Lehmann, S. Thesis, The Niels Bohr Institute (2003).
Supplementary information accompanies this
Commentary on Nature’s website.
Alphabetized Papers/year
h-index Mean
Figure 1 | The probabilities for four different measures. a–d, Each horizontal row, indexed by n, shows the average probabilities that authors initially
assigned to a given decile bin n are predicted to lie in a different decile bin m. The probabilities are proportional to the areas of the corresponding squares.
“Institutions have
a misguided sense
of the fairness of
decisions reached by
algorithm; unable to
measure what they
want to maximize
(quality), they will
maximize what they
can measure.”
NATURE|Vol 444|21/28 December 2006