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Almost 30 years ago, Hamachek (1978) suggested that 2 forms of perfectionism be distinguished, a positive form labeled "normal perfectionism" and a negative form labeled "neurotic perfectionism." Focusing on the positive, we present an overview of the different empirical conceptions of the 2 forms of perfectionism and a common framework for the 2 basic approaches: the dimensional approach differentiating 2 dimensions of perfectionism (perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns) and the group-based approach differentiating 2 groups of perfectionists (healthy perfectionists and unhealthy perfectionists). Moreover, we review the evidence demonstrating that (a) perfectionistic strivings are associated with positive characteristics and (b) healthy perfectionists show higher levels of positive characteristics compared to unhealthy perfectionists and nonperfectionists. Although questions on core facets, positive effects, and developmental antecedents of positive forms of perfectionism remain, our findings suggest that self-oriented perfectionistic strivings are positive, if perfectionists are not overly concerned about mistakes and negative evaluations by others.
Positive Conceptions of Perfectionism:
Approaches, Evidence, Challenges
Joachim Stoeber
Department of Psychology
University of Kent
Kathleen Otto
Department of Psychology
University of Leipzig
Almost 30 years ago, Hamachek (1978) suggested that 2 forms of perfectionism be
distinguished, a positive form labeled “normal perfectionism” and a negative form
labeled “neurotic perfectionism. Focusing on the positive, we present an overview of
the different empirical conceptions of the 2 forms of perfectionism and a common
framework for the 2 basic approaches: the dimensional approach differentiating 2 di
mensions of perfectionism (perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns) and
the group-based approach differentiating 2 groups of perfectionists (healthy perfec
tionists and unhealthy perfectionists). Moreover, we review the evidence demonstrat
ing that (a) perfectionistic strivings are associated with positive characteristics and
(b) healthy perfectionists show higher levels of positive characteristics compared to
unhealthy perfectionists and nonperfectionists. Although questions on core facets,
positive effects, and developmental antecedents of positive forms of perfectionism re-
main, our findings suggest that self-oriented perfectionistic strivings are positive, if
perfectionists are not overly concerned about mistakes and negative evaluations by
Perfectionism is commonly conceived of as a per-
sonality style characterized by striving for flawless-
ness and setting of excessively high standards for per
formance accompanied by tendencies for overly
critical evaluations of one’s behavior (Flett & Hewitt,
2002a; Frost, Marten, Lahart, & Rosenblate, 1990;
Hewitt & Flett, 1991). Although Hamachek (1978)
suggested that two forms of perfectionism be differen
tiated—a positive form labeled “normal perfection
ism” in which individuals enjoy pursuing their per
fectionistic strivings and a negative form labeled
“neurotic perfectionism” in which individuals suffer
from their perfectionistic strivings—perfectionism re
search was long dominated by one-dimensional con
ceptions of perfectionism and by views that perfection
ism was a negative characteristic closely associated
with psychopathology. Today, almost 30 years after
Hamachek published his seminal article, a large body
of evidence has accumulated confirming that two basic
forms of perfectionism can be distinguished. Even
though these two forms have been given different la-
bels—namely positive striving and maladaptive evalu
ation concerns (Frost, Heimberg, Holt, Mattia, &
Neubauer, 1993), active and passive perfectionism
(Adkins & Parker, 1996), positive and negative perfec
tionism (Terry-Short, Owens, Slade, & Dewey, 1995),
adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism (Rice, Ashby,
& Slaney, 1998), functional and dysfunctional perfec
tionism (Rhéaume, Freeston, et al., 2000), healthy and
unhealthy perfectionism (Stumpf & Parker, 2000), per
sonal standards and evaluative concerns perfectionism
(Blankstein & Dunkley, 2002), and conscientious and
self-evaluative perfectionism (Hill et al., 2004)—there
is considerable agreement that perfectionism does not
have to be negative, but can also be positive.
Still, many researchers hold strong doubts that per
fectionism can be positive, healthy, or functional, not
to mention adaptive (e.g., Flett & Hewitt, 2002a, 2005;
Greenspon, 2000; see also Benson, 2003). Moreover,
the research literature relating to this question is com
plex and may appear confusing. There are three main
reasons for this. First, besides using different labels, re
searchers have used different facets and different com
binations of facets to arrive at their specific conceptu
alizations of the two forms of perfectionism. Second,
Personality and Social Psychology Review
2006, Vol. 10, No. 4, 295–319
Copyright © 2006 by
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
We thank Anat Bardi, Roger Giner-Sorolla, Kate Hamil
ton-West, Jutta Joormann, Matthias Siemer, Mark Van Vugt, Mario
Weick, and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and
suggestions on earlier versions of this article.
Correspondence should be sent to Joachim Stoeber, Department
of Psychology, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NP,
United Kingdom. E-mail:
researchers have followed two basically different
approaches: either a dimensional approach or a
group-based approach. In the dimensional approach,
the facets of perfectionism are combined to form two
independent dimensions of perfectionism—let us call
them perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic con
cerns—the former hypothesized to be associated with
positive characteristics and the latter with negative. In
the group-based approach, the facets of perfectionism
are combined to form two groups of perfectionists—let
us call them healthy perfectionists and unhealthy per
fectionists—the former hypothesized to be associated
with positive characteristics and the latter with nega
tive. Third, not all studies have found perfectionistic
strivings and healthy perfectionists to be associated
only with positive characteristics. Although many
studies found perfectionistic strivings to be associated
with higher levels of positive characteristics and
healthy perfectionists to show higher levels of positive
characteristics compared to unhealthy perfectionists
and nonperfectionists, others did not: Some studies
found perfectionistic strivings and healthy perfection
ists to be associated with both positive and negative
characteristics, and a few studies with only negative
Against this background, the main aims of this arti-
cle are twofold. First, we present a comprehensive
review of the existing research literature and provide
an overview of how, under the dimensional and
group-based approach, the facets of perfectionism are
combined to differentiate a positive and a negative
form of perfectionism. Second, we review and evaluate
the empirical evidence in support of the view that some
forms of perfectionism are positive. Our review shows
that—despite the many different conceptions and the
two different basic approaches—there is considerable
agreement as to which core facets define the two forms
of perfectionism: for the positive perfectionistic
strivings dimension, these are high personal standards
and self-oriented perfectionism; and for the negative
perfectionistic concerns dimension, these are concerns
over mistakes, doubts about actions, socially pre
scribed perfectionism, and perceived discrepancy be
tween actual achievements and high expectations.
Moreover, our review shows that (a) healthy perfec
tionists can be conceived of as individuals with high
levels of perfectionistic strivings and low levels of
perfectionistic concerns, (b) unhealthy perfectionists
as individuals with high levels of perfectionistic
strivings and high levels of perfectionistic concerns,
and (c) nonperfectionists as individuals with low levels
of perfectionistic strivings. Consequently, conceptions
following a dimensional approach and conceptions fol
lowing a group-based approach can be combined, sum
marized, and compared under one common conceptual
framework (see Figure 1). Although questions remain
regarding additional facets, longitudinal effects, and
developmental antecedents, our review shows that the
empirical evidence in support of positive perfectionism
far outweighs the evidence against it: Perfectionistic
strivings are predominantly associated with positive
characteristics, particularly when overlap with
perfectionistic concerns is controlled for; and healthy
perfectionists predominantly show higher levels of
positive characteristics when compared to unhealthy
perfectionists and nonperfectionists.
A Brief Historical Overview
Why do many researchers find it difficult to accept
that perfectionism can be positive? Traditionally, per
fectionism has been associated with psychopathology,
with psychodynamic theory stressing that perfection
ism was a sign of a neurotic and disordered personality
(e.g., Horney, 1951; Missildine, 1963). Even though
Hamachek (1978) published his proposal to distin
guish two forms of perfectionism—normal perfection
ism and neurotic perfectionism—at the end of the
1970s, the dominant view of the 1980s was that perfec
tionism was always neurotic, dysfunctional, and indic
ative of psychopathology (e.g., D. D. Burns, 1980;
Pacht, 1984). Empirical findings supported this view.
Studies with clinical populations found elevated levels
of perfectionism in clients diagnosed with depression,
obsessive-compulsive disorder, and eating disorders
(e.g., Ranieri et al., 1987; Rasmussen & Eisen, 1992;
Rosen, Murkofsky, Steckler, & Skolnick, 1989), and
studies with nonclinical populations found perfection
ism to be related to higher levels of distress and to
Figure 1. Common conceptual framework combining both
dimensional and group-based conceptions of the two basic
forms of perfectionism. Two basic dimensions of perfectionism
are distinguished (perfectionistic strivings, perfectionistic con
cerns) and can be used to differentiate between groups of
perfectionists (healthy perfectionists, unhealthy perfectionists,
pathological symptoms associated with depression,
anxiety, and disordered eating (e.g., Flett, Hewitt, &
Dyck, 1989; Hewitt, Mittelstaedt, & Wollert, 1989;
Thompson, Berg, & Shatford, 1987). However, all
these studies relied on one-dimensional measures of
perfectionism such as the perfectionism subscale of the
Eating Disorders Inventory (Garner, Olmstead, &
Polivy, 1983) or the perfectionism scale of D. D. Burns
(1980) which consisted of items from the Dysfunc
tional Attitudes Scale (Weissman & Beck, 1978), a
scale developed to capture attitudes that are typical of
clients diagnosed with depression. Thus, it comes as no
surprise that perfectionism was found to be negative,
dysfunctional, and even pathological.
This changed at the beginning of the 1990s, when
two research groups independently demonstrated that
perfectionism is multidimensional in nature, and pro
vided perfectionism research with two multidimen
sional scales to capture the construct in all its facets
(Frost et al., 1990; Hewitt & Flett, 1991). Frost and col
leagues (1990) proposed that six facets in the experi
ence of perfectionism be differentiated—personal
standards, organization, concern over mistakes, doubts
about actions, parental expectations, and parental criti-
cism—indicating that perfectionists have high stan-
dards, value order and organization, and try to avoid
mistakes and are thus often indecisive about their ac-
tions. Moreover, perfectionists attach great importance
to past or present evaluations by their parents. Hewitt
and Flett (1991), on the other hand, proposed that three
facets of perfectionism be differentiated—
self-oriented perfectionism, socially prescribed per-
fectionism, and other-oriented perfectionism—indi-
cating that perfectionists may see their high standards
as self-imposed or as imposed by others, and that they
may equally have high expectations of others. Further
more, they suggested that self-oriented perfectionism
was directed toward avoiding self-criticism whereas
socially prescribed perfectionism was directed toward
avoiding disapproval by others.
Despite the apparent differences between the two
multidimensional measures of perfectionism in terms
of nature and number of facets and associated charac
teristics (see Enns & Cox, 2002), they were shown to
have common underlying dimensions (Frost et al.,
1993). When all facets were subjected to a single factor
analysis, two substantial factors emerged: one factor
subsuming personal standards, organization, self-
oriented perfectionism, and other-oriented perfection
ism; and a second factor subsuming concern over mis
takes, doubts about actions, socially prescribed perfec
tionism, parental expectations, and parental criticism.
Moreover, when the subscales subsumed under the two
factors were aggregated to form measures of positive
striving and maladaptive evaluation concerns and then
correlated with measures of well-being, it emerged that
only maladaptive evaluation concerns were related to
higher levels of negative affect and depression (and un
related to positive affect). In contrast, positive striving
was related to higher levels of positive affect (and unre
lated to negative affect and depression). Hence, Frost et
al. (1993) made three important contributions. First,
they showed that the different facets of perfectionism
combined to form two basic dimensions of perfection
ism. Second, they showed that these two basic dimen
sions related to different characteristics. Third, they
showed that only the perfectionistic concerns dimen
sion related to negative characteristics whereas the
perfectionistic strivings dimension related to positive
characteristics—and thus provided the first empirical
evidence that some forms of perfectionism can be
Follow-up studies using the same method as Frost et
al. (1993) fared less well, however, as they found posi
tive striving to be related to both positive and negative
characteristics (Bieling, Israeli, & Antony, 2004;
Bieling, Israeli, Smith, & Antony, 2003). Furthermore,
other researchers opted for different conceptions of the
basic dimensions choosing different facets or different
combinations of facets; still other researchers opted for
a group-based approach instead of a dimensional ap-
proach. Yet, across the different conceptions and the
different approaches, the majority of studies have pro-
duced evidence in favor of the position that
perfectionistic strivings are associated with positive
characteristics—particularly when overlap with
perfectionistic concerns is controlled for (in the case of
dimensional conceptions) or when perfectionistic con-
cerns are at low levels (in the case of group-based con-
ceptions)—as a review of the studies shows.
The Studies
For our review of studies, the PsycINFO database
was searched for all publications up to Week 2 of Sep
tember 2005 with perfect, perfection, perfectionism,
perfectionist, perfectionistic,orperfectionists in the ti
tle. Including reviews of the perfectionism literature
(e.g., Chang, 2003; Flett & Hewitt, 2002b; Shafran &
Mansell, 2001), but excluding dissertations and
non-English publications, all publications that con
tained empirical studies investigating the two basic
forms of perfectionism under different approaches and
the various labels previously mentioned were exam
ined with respect to (a) how they conceptualized the
positive and negative forms of perfectionism and (b)
what evidence was presented in favor of the view that
the positive conception of perfectionism was indeed
associated with more positive characteristics than the
negative conception.
A few publications were deliberately excluded from
this review. Because the aim was to review evidence
for the view that a positive and a negative form of per
fectionism can be differentiated, we excluded studies
that conceptualized positive and negative perfection
ism as endpoints of a single dimension (e.g., Oliver,
Hart, Ross, & Katz, 2001; Rhéaume, Ladouceur, &
Freeston, 2000). Moreover, we excluded studies that
employed the Positive and Negative Perfectionism
Scale (PNPS; Terry-Short et al., 1995), because this
scale has shown a questionable factor structure and
seems in need of fundamental revision that may in
volve the elimination of half of its items (Haase &
Prapavessis, 2004). Additionally, all conceptions of
positive and negative perfectionism apart from the
PNPS are based on a combination of facets derived
from established multidimensional measures of per
fectionism (see Table 1). Although including studies
with the PNPS (e.g., L. R. Burns & Fedewa, 2005;
Haase, Prapavessis, & Owens, 1999, 2002; Lundh,
Johnsson, Sundqvist, & Olsson, 2002) would not have
altered the overall pattern of our findings, excluding
these studies had the advantage of ensuring greater
comparability between the different approaches and
Conceptions and Evidence
Overall, 35 studies were found. Table 2 summarizes
the 15 studies taking a dimensional approach, docu-
menting how they conceptualized the two dimensions
of perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns
and summarizing the empirical evidence in favor of the
notion that perfectionistic strivings are related to posi-
tive characteristics (Bieling et al, 2004; Bieling et al.,
2003; Chang, Watkins, & Banks, 2004; Cox, Enns, &
Clara, 2002; Dunkley, Blankstein, Halsall, Williams,
& Winkworth, 2000; Dunkley, Zuroff, & Blankstein,
2003; Enns, Cox, Sareen, & Freeman, 2001; Frost et
al., 1993; Hill et al., 2004; Lynd-Stevenson & Hearne,
1999; Parker & Stumpf, 1995; Rice et al., 1998; Rice,
Lopez & Vergara, 2005; Stumpf & Parker, 2000;
Suddarth & Slaney, 2001). Table 3 summarizes the 20
studies taking a group-based approach, documenting
how they conceptualized healthy perfectionists and un
healthy perfectionists and summarizing the evidence in
favor of the notion that healthy perfectionists show
higher levels of positive characteristics than unhealthy
perfectionists and nonperfectionists (Ashby & Bruner,
2005; Ashby & Kottman, 1996; Ashby, Kottman, &
DeGraaf, 1999; Dickinson & Ashby, 2005; Dixon,
Lapsley, & Hanchon, 2004; Gilman & Ashby, 2003;
Gilman, Ashby, Sverko, Florell, & Varjas, 2005;
Grzegorek, Slaney, Franze, & Rice, 2004; LoCicero,
Ashby, & Kern, 2000; Martin & Ashby, 2004a, 2004b;
Mobley, Slaney, & Rice, 2005; Parker, 1997;
Periasamy & Ashby, 2002; Rhéaume, Freeston, et al.,
2000; Rice, Ashby, & Preusser, 1996; Rice, Bair, Cas
tro, Cohen, & Hood, 2003; Rice & Dellwo, 2002; Rice
& Mirzadeh, 2000; Rice & Slaney, 2002). Leaving
most of the details to Tables 2 and 3 and focusing on
positive perfectionism, the studies can be summarized
as follows.
Dimensional conceptions: Perfectionistic striv
ings and perfectionistic concerns. Attending to Ta
ble 2, we first take a look at how the 15 studies that fol
lowed a dimensional approach have conceptualized the
two dimensions of perfectionism and what evidence
they have produced in support of the position that the
dimension we labeled perfectionistic strivings is asso
ciated with positive characteristics. For this, we cate
gorized all studies into four categories, namely as (a)
positive evidence when perfectionistic strivings were
related to positive characteristics only, (b) mixed evi
dence when perfectionistic strivings were related to
both positive and negative characteristics, (c) negative
evidence when perfectionistic strivings were related to
negative characteristics only, and (d) null finding when
perfectionistic strivings were unrelated to any positive
or negative characteristics. (Inverse relations to nega
tive characteristics were regarded as positive and in
verse relations to positive characteristics as negative.)
Following this scheme, 6 of the 15 studies were catego-
rized as positive evidence, 4 as mixed evidence, 4 as
negative evidence, and 1 as a null finding. However,
when we reanalyzed the evidence and controlled for
overlap between perfectionistic strivings and per-
fectionistic concerns in the studies where this was ap-
plicable, the picture changed dramatically: now 10 of
the 15 studies were categorized as positive evidence, 3
as mixed evidence, 2 as null findings, and none as neg-
ative evidence (see Table 2 for details). But let us first
summarize the findings for perfectionistic strivings as
they were presented in the respective studies, before
we turn to our reanalysis.
In the six studies categorized as providing positive
evidence (Chang et al., 2004; Frost et al., 1993; Parker
& Stumpf, 1995; Rice et al., 2005; Stumpf & Parker,
2000; Suddarth & Slaney, 2001), the dimension of
perfectionistic strivings was conceptualized as some
combination of the facets that Frost et al. (1993) found
to form the factor which they labeled positive striv
ing—personal standards, organization, self-oriented
perfectionism, and other-oriented perfectionism—or
as a combination of a subset of these facets. Further
more, two studies (Rice et al., 2005; Suddarth &
Slaney, 2001) added high standards from the revised
Almost Perfect Scale to this dimension (see Table 2).
Regarding the correlations of perfectionistic strivings
with the Big Five personality traits (John, 1990),
perfectionistic strivings were related to higher levels of
extraversion and conscientiousness. Moreover, they
were related to higher levels of endurance and lower
levels of external locus of control. Because Rotter’s
(1966) conception of external locus of control mainly
captures individuals’ beliefs that their lives are con
Table 1. Multidimensional Perfectionism: Measures, Facets, and Sample Items.
Measure Facets Sample Items
APS (Almost Perfect Scale; Johnson &
Slaney, 1996)
Standards and order I have high standards for my performance at work or at school. I try to do my best at everything I do. I am an orderly person.
APS-R (Almost Perfect Scale-Revised;
Slaney et al., 2001)
High standards I have high standards for my performance at work or at school. I try to do my best at everything I do. I have a strong need to
strive for excellence.
Order I am an orderly person. I like to always be organized and disciplined. Neatness is important to me.
Discrepancy My performance rarely measures up to my standards. I often feel frustrated because I can’t meet my goals. My best just never
seems to be good enough for me.
FMPS (Frost Multidimensional
Perfectionism Scale; Frost et al., 1990)
Personal standards I have extremely high goals. I expect higher performance in my daily tasks than most people. It is important to me that I be
thoroughly competent in everything I do.
Organization Organization is very important to me. I am an organized person. I try to be a neat person.
Concern over mistakes People will probably think less of me, if I make a mistake. If I do not do well all the time, people will not respect me. If I fail
partly, it is as bad as being a complete failure.
Doubts about actions I usually have doubts about the simple everyday things that I do. I tend to get behind in my work because I repeat things over
and over. Even when I do something very carefully, I often feel that it is not quite right.
Parental expectations My parents wanted me to be the best at everything. My parents set very high standards for me. Only outstanding performance
is good enough in my family.
Parental criticism As a child, I was punished for doing things less than perfect. My parents never tried to understand my mistakes. I never felt
like I could meet my parents’ standards.
MPS (Multidimensional Perfectionism
Scale; Hewitt & Flett, 1991)
Self-oriented perfectionism One of my goals is to be perfect in everything I do. It makes me uneasy to see an error in my work. I never aim for perfection
in my work (reverse-keyed).
Socially prescribed perfectionism The people around me expect me to succeed in everything I do. Anything that I do less than excellent will bee seen as poor
work by those around me. Those around me readily accept that I can make mistakes too (reverse-keyed).
Other-oriented perfectionism If I ask someone to do something, I expect it to be done flawlessly. I have high expectations for the people who are important
to me. I do not have very high standards for those around me (reverse-keyed).
PI (Perfectionism Inventory; Hill et al.,
Striving for excellence I must achieve excellence in everything I do. I drive myself rigorously to achieve high standards. My work needs to be perfect,
in order for me to be satisfied.
Organization I would characterize myself as an orderly person. I always like to be organized and disciplined. I think things should be put
away in their place.
Planfulness I tend to deliberate before making up my mind. I think through my options carefully before making a decision. I need time to
think up a plan before I take action.
High standards for others I get upset when other people do not maintain the same standards I do. I have little tolerance for other people’s careless
mistakes. I’m not very patient with people’s excuses for poor work.
Concern over mistakes If I make mistakes, people might think less of me. I am particularly embarrassed by failure. If I make a serious mistake, I feel
like I’m less of a person.
Rumination I spend a lot of time worrying about things that I’ve done, or things I need to do. If I make a mistake, my whole day is ruined.
After I turn a project in, I can’t stop thinking of how it could have been better.
Need for approval I’m concerned with whether or not other people approve of my actions. I compare my work to others and often feel inadequate.
I often don’t say anything, because I’m scared I might say the wrong thing.
Perceived parental pressure I always felt that my parents wanted me to be perfect. Growing up, I felt a lot of pressure to do everything right. My parents
hold me to high standards.
PQ (Perfectionism Questionnaire;
Rhéaume, Freeston, et al., 2000)
Perfectionist tendencies
Negative consequences of
I like the things I do to be perfect. I always try to do well all the things I set out to do. I need everything to be perfect.
My perfectionistic tendencies lead me to doubt my performance. Everything is spoiled if an imperfection gets by me. If I
lowered my personal criteria, I would feel a lesser person.
Note: Measures ordered alphabetically by abbreviated name of measure. Only perfectionism measures and facets used in conceptions of positive and negative perfectionism are listed (see Tables 2 and 3). Conse-
quently, the APS subscales Relationships, Anxiety, and Procrastination were omitted, as they seem to capture correlates rather than defining aspects of perfectionism (Slaney, Rice, & Ashby, 2002).
Table 2. Studies With a Dimensional Approach (Perfectionistic Strivings and Perfectionistic Concerns): Conceptions, Correlations, and Categorization of Evidence.
Study Samples Dimensions Conception r(Dim.)
Chang, Watkins, and
Banks (2004)
150 Black and 150 White
female undergraduates
Adaptive perfectionism Additive combination of FMPS personal
standards and organization scores
Positive affect and satisfaction with life
in White and suicidal ideation (–) in
Black females
Maladaptive perfectionism Additive combination of FMPS concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
parental expectations, and parental
criticism scores
Perceived stress, positive affect (–),
negative affect, and suicidal ideation
in both groups, satisfaction with life
(–) in White females
Frost, Heimberg,
Holt, Mattia, and
Neubauer (1993)
553 undergraduates (51%
Positive striving Additive combination of FMPS personal
standards and organization and MPS
self-oriented perfectionism and
other-oriented perfectionism scores
.28 Positive affect Positive
Maladaptive evaluation
Additive combination of FMPS concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
parental expectations, and parental
criticism and MPS socially prescribed
perfectionism scores
Negative affect, depression
Parker and Stumpf
855 academically talented
sixth graders (38% female)
Healthy perfectionism Oblique second-order factor combination
of factors representing FMPS personal
standards and organization
na Extraversion, conscientiousness Positive
Oblique second-order factor combination
of factors representing FMPS concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
parental expectations, and parental
Extraversion (–), conscientiousness (–),
neuroticism, agreeableness (–)
Rice, Lopez, and
Vergara (2005)
241 university students (82%
Adaptive perfectionism Latent factor combination of FMPS
personal standards and organization,
MPS self-oriented perfectionism, and
APS-R high standards and order
.43 Attachment avoidance (–), attachment
anxiety (–)
Maladaptive perfectionism Latent factor combination of FMPS
concern over mistakes and doubts
about actions and APS-R discrepancy
Attachment avoidance, attachment
Stumpf and Parker
855 academically talented
sixth graders (38% female)
Healthy perfectionism Orthogonal second-order factor
combination of factors representing
FMPS personal standards and
.00 Conscientiousness, endurance Positive
Unhealthy perfectionism Orthogonal second-order factor
combination of factors representing
FMPS concern over mistakes, doubts
about actions, parental expectations,
and parental criticism
Neuroticism, self-esteem (–)
Suddarth and Slaney
196 undergraduates (79%
Adaptive perfectionism Orthogonal factor representing FMPS
personal standards, MPS self-oriented
perfectionism and other-oriented
perfectionism, and APS-R high
.00 External locus of control (–) Positive
Maladaptive perfectionism Orthogonal factor representing FMPS
concern over mistakes, doubts about
actions, parental criticism, parental
expectations, MPS socially prescribed
perfectionism, and APS-R discrepancy
External locus of control, trait anxiety,
psychological symptoms
Bieling, Israeli,
Smith, and Antony
198 undergraduates (75%
Adaptive perfectionism Additive combination of standardized
FMPS personal standards and
organization and MPS self-oriented
perfectionism and other-oriented
perfectionism scores
.45 Positive affect, exam performance, plans
to study more, plans to study less (–);
negative affect [ns]
Maladaptive perfectionism Additive combination of standardized
FMPS concern over mistakes, doubts
about actions, parental expectations,
parental criticism, and MPS socially
prescribed perfectionism scores
Positive affect (–), exam preparedness,
plans to study more; negative affect
Cox, Enns, and Clara
412 adult outpatients (58%
female); 288 undergraduates
(63% female); 96 medical
students (42% female)
Adaptive perfectionism Additive combination of FMPS personal
standards and organization and MPS
self-oriented perfectionism
na Outpatients/undergraduates:
conscientiousness, neuroticism,
depression; medical students: recent
and anticipated academic achievement
Maladaptive perfectionism Additive combination of FMPS concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
and parental criticism and MPS
socially-prescribed perfectionism
Outpatients/undergraduates: neuroticism,
depression; Outpatients:
conscientiousness (–)
Dunkley, Blankstein,
Halsall, Williams,
and Winkworth
443 undergraduates (69%
Personal standards
Latent factor representing FMPS personal
standards and MPS self-oriented
Active coping styles; hassles [ns] Mixed
Evaluative concerns
Latent factor representing FMPS concern
over mistakes and doubts about actions
and MPS socially prescribed
Distress, avoidant coping styles, social
support (–); hassles
Enns, Cox, Sareen,
and Freeman
96 medical students (42%
Adaptive perfectionism Additive combination of standardized
FMPS personal standards and MPS
self-oriented perfectionism scores
na Conscientiousness, past year
performance, ability to achieve;
Maladaptive perfectionism Additive combination of standardized
FMPS concern over mistakes and
doubts about actions and MPS socially
prescribed perfectionism scores
Depression, hopelessness, suicide
ideation, neuroticism
Bieling, Israeli, and
Antony (2004)
198 undergraduates (75%
Positive striving Additive combination of standardized
FMPS personal standards and
organization and MPS self-oriented
perfectionism and other-oriented
perfectionism scores
.45 Depression, anxiety, stress, test anxiety
[all ns]
Maladaptive evaluation
Additive combination of standardized
FMPS concern over mistakes, doubts
about actions, parental expectations,
parental criticism and MPS socially
prescribed perfectionism scores
Depression, anxiety, stress, test anxiety
Dunkley, Zuroff, and
Blankstein (2003)
163 full-time university
students (61% female)
Personal standards
Latent factor representing FMPS personal
standards and MPS self-oriented
.61 Perceived social support (–) [+],
self-blame [–], negative affect [–]
Self-critical perfectionism Latent factor representing FMPS concern
over mistakes and doubts about
actions, MPS socially prescribed
perfectionism, and DEQ self-criticism
Hassles, perceived efficacy (–), event
stress, perceived criticism, positive
affect (–), avoidant coping styles;
perceived social support (–),
self-blame, negative affect
Hill et al. (2004) 616 undergraduates (62%
Additive combination of PI striving for
excellence, organization, planfulness,
and high standards for others
.54 Depression [–]; anxiety, OC symptoms,
fear of negative evaluation, somatic
complaints, interpersonal sensitivity,
hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoia,
psychoticism [all ns]; OC symptoms
frequency, OC symptoms distress
Additive combination of PI concern over
mistakes, rumination, need for
approval, and perceived parental
Depression; anxiety, OC symptoms, fear
of negative evaluation, somatic
complaints, interpersonal sensitivity,
hostility, phobic anxiety, paranoia,
psychoticism; OC symptoms
frequency, OC symptoms distress
Table 2. (Continued)
Study Samples Dimensions Conception r(Dim.)
Lynd-Stevenson and
Hearne (1999)
142 undergraduates (71%
Active perfectionism Additive combination of standardized
FMPS personal standards, parental
expectations, and parental criticism
.70 Stressful life events, depression [both ns] Negative
Passive perfectionism Additive combination of standardized
FMPS concern over mistakes and
doubts about actions scores
Stressful life events, depression
Rice, Ashby, and
Slaney (1998)
464 undergraduates (74%
Adaptive perfectionism Additive combination of FMPS personal
standards and organization and APS
standards/order and procrastination
(reverse-scored) scores
.24 [Self-esteem]
Maladaptive perfectionism Additive combination of FMPS concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
parental expectations, and parental
criticism and APS difficulty in
relationships, anxiety, and
procrastination scores
Self-esteem (–), depression
Note: Conceptions ordered alphabetically by reference within each class of evidence (see Table Footnote c). The first dimension always represents the perfectionistic strivings dimension, the second the perfectionistic
concerns dimension. APS = Almost Perfect Scale, APS-R = Almost Perfect Scale-Revised, DEQ = Depressive Experiences Questionnaire, FMPS = Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, MPS = Hewitt and
Flett’s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, PI = Perfectionism Inventory, OC = obsessive-compulsive, na = information not available.
Correlation between dimensions.
Critical correlates (negative characteristics related to positive conceptions of perfectionism) italicized; all correlates represent zero-order correlations (except for Rice et al., 2005, and
Slaney & Suddarth, 2001: regression weights); only significant correlates (p < .05) are reported; (–) = correlate with negative sign; entries in square brackets indicate changes in correlates after partialling out negative
perfectionism, such as additional correlates [Self-esteem], nonsignificant relationships [ns], and/or reversed relationships [+].
Evidence: positive = positive conception of perfectionism related to positive characteristics
only, mixed = positive conception of perfectionism related to both positive and negative characteristics, negative = positive conception of perfectionism related to negative characteristics only, (inconclusive) = positive
conception of perfectionism unrelated to any positive or negative characteristics; an entry of “Evidence X Evidence Y” indicates a change in the classification of evidence after partialling out the influence of negative
perfectionism from the critical correlations in those studies that reported the correlation between positive and negative perfectionism (see text for details).
Weighted mean correlation/s for combined sample.
Table 3. Studies With a Group-Based Approach (Healthy Perfectionism and Unhealthy Perfectionism): Conceptions, Differences, and Categorization of Evidence.
Study Sample/s Groups Conception Differences
Ashby and Bruner (2005) 144 undergraduates
(60% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
low discrepancy scores
(a) HP with less OC checking, slowness,
and doubting than UHP
(b) HP with less OC slowness than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standard and
medium discrepancy scores
Ashby and Kottman (1996) 123 undergraduates
Normal perfectionists (HP) Top third of APS-R high standards and
below-median discrepancy scores
(a) HP with fewer inferiority feelings, less
procrastination, fewer intimacy
difficulties, and lower anxiety than UHP
(b) na
Neurotic perfectionists (UHP) Top third of APS-R high standards and
above-median discrepancy scores
Dickinson and Ashby
131 undergraduates
(67% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
low discrepancy scores
(a) HP with lower immature ego defenses
(e.g., projection, passive aggression,
dissociation) than UHP
(b) —
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standards and
low discrepancy scores
Dixon, Lapsley, and
Hanchon (2004)
142 academically talented
junior high school
students (64% female)
Mixed-adaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high FMPS personal standards
and organization, medium concern over
mistakes, low doubts about actions,
medium parental expectations, and low
parental criticism scores
(a) HP with better adjustment and lower
anxiety than UHP1, less dysfunctional
coping styles than UHP2, and more
mastery coping styles, perception of
greater personal security, and less
depression, somatization, OC symptoms,
and interpersonal sensitivity than both
UHP1 and UHP2
(b) HP with better adjustment and higher
academic competence than NonP
Pervasive perfectionists
Cluster with high FMPS personal standards,
organization, concern over mistakes,
doubts about actions, and medium
parental expectations and criticism scores
perfectionists (UHP2)
Cluster with high FMPS personal standards,
medium organization, high concern over
mistakes, medium doubts about actions
and high parental expectations and
criticism scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with overall low FMPS scores
Gilman, Ashby, Sverko,
Florell, and Varjas (2005)
291 Croatian and 341
American adolescent
school students
(60% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
low discrepancy scores
(a) All HP with higher satisfaction
regarding family, school, self, and life in
general and American HP also regarding
friends and living environment than UHP
(b) Croatian HP with higher satisfaction
regarding family, school, and living
environment than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standards and
low/medium discrepancy scores
Grzegorek, Slaney, Franze,
and Rice (2004)
273 undergraduates
(74% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
order and low discrepancy scores
(a) HP with higher self-esteem, greater
GPA satisfaction, and lower
self-criticism than UHP
(b) HP with higher self-esteem, higher
GPA, greater GPA satisfaction, and lower
self-criticism than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
order and high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standards and
order and medium discrepancy scores
LoCicero, Ashby, and Kern
195 middle school
students (59% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Top third of APS-R high standards scores
and below average discrepancy scores
(a) HP with higher social interest and
greater willingness to go along with
others than UHP
(b) HP with greater willingness to go along
with others than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Top third of APS-R high standards scores
and above average discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Lower two thirds of APS-R high standards
Mobley, Slaney, and Rice
251 African American
(69% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
order and low discrepancy scores
(a) HP with higher self-esteem and lower
anxiety and depression than UHP
(b) HP with higher self-esteem and lower
anxiety and depression than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
order and high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standards and
order and medium discrepancy scores
Periasamy and Ashby
260 undergraduates
(69% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Top one-third of APS-R high standards and
below-average discrepancy scores
(a) HP with lesser external locus of control
(powerful-others) than UHP
(b) HP with greater internal locus of control
than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Top one-third of APS-R high standards and
above-average discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) na
Rice, Bair, Castro, Cohen,
and Hood (2003)
139 undergraduates
(75% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high FMPS personal standards
and organization and medium concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
parental expectations, and parental
criticism scores
(a) HP with greater personal and
interpersonal control and fewer
depressed/distorted cognitions than UHP
(b) HP with greater personal control than
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high FMPS personal standards,
low organization, and high concern over
mistakes, doubts about actions, parental
expectations and parental criticism scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low scores on all FMPS
Rice and Mirzadeh (2000) 179 undergraduates
(72% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high FMPS personal standards
and organization, low concern over
mistakes and doubts about actions,
medium parental expectations, and low
parental criticism scores
(a) HP with better academic integration and
lower depression than UHP
(b) na
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high FMPS personal standards,
medium organization, and high concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
parental expectations, and parental
criticism scores
Table 3. (Continued)
Study Sample/s Groups Conception Differences
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low FMPS personal standards
and organization, low concern over
mistakes, medium doubts about actions,
and low parental expectations and
parental criticism scores
Rice and Slaney (2002) Study 1: 258
(79% female);
Study 2: 375
(77% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
order and low discrepancy scores
(a) HP with higher self-esteem, higher GPA
(Study 2), more positive affect, less
depressed affect, lower state/trait anxiety,
and fewer somatic complaints than UHP
(b) HP with higher self-esteem, higher GPA
(Study 2), and lower state/trait anxiety
than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
order and high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standards and
order and medium discrepancy scores
Martin and Ashby (2004a) 240 undergraduates
(65% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
low discrepancy scores
(a) HP with a more evaluativistic epistemic
style than UHP
(b) HP with a less relativistic epistemic
style than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standards and
medium discrepancy scores
Parker (1997) 820 academically talented
sixth graders
(37% female)
Healthy perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high FMPS personal standards,
high organization, and low concern over
mistakes, doubts about actions, parental
expectations, and parental criticism
(a) HP with higher extraversion,
agreeableness, and conscientiousness and
lower neuroticism than UHP
(b) HP with higher extraversion,
agreeableness, and conscientiousness,
but higher neuroticism than NonP
Dysfunctional or unhealthy
perfectionists (UHP)
Cluster with high FMPS personal standards,
medium organization, and high concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions,
parental expectations, and parental
criticism scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low scores on all FMPS
Rhéaume, Freeston, et al.
32 adults (65% female) Functional perfectionists (HP) Above-median PQ perfectionist tendencies
and below-median negative consequences
of perfectionism
(a) HP with fewer OC behaviors, fewer OC
responsibility beliefs, and faster decision
times, but higher evidence requirements
than UHP
(b) na
Dysfunctional perfectionists
Above-median PQ perfectionist tendencies
and above-median negative consequences
of perfectionism
Rice and Dellwo (2002) 311 undergraduates
(75% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high FMPS personal standards,
organization, and parental expectations,
medium concern over mistakes, doubts
about actions, and parental criticism
(a) HP with higher self-idealization, higher
self-esteem, better academic and social
integration, and lower depression than
(b) HP with higher depression than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high FMPS concern over
mistakes, doubts about actions, parental
expectations, and parental criticism,
medium personal standards, and low
organization scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low scores on all FMPS
Ashby, Kottman, and
DeGraaf (1999)
122 undergraduates
(50% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Above-median APS-R high standards and
below-median discrepancy scores
(a) —
(b) HP with greater satisfaction from
leisure activities in terms of need for
freedom, enjoyment, and involvement
than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Above-median APS-R high standards and
above-median discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Below-median APS-R high standards
Martin and Ashby (2004b) 200 undergraduates
(64% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
low discrepancy scores
(a) —
(b) —
Maladaptive perfectionists
Cluster with high APS-R high standards and
high discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Cluster with low APS-R high standards and
medium discrepancy scores
Table 3. (Continued)
Study Samples Groups Conception Differences
Gilman and Ashby (2003) 132 middle school
students (63% female)
Adaptive perfectionists (HP) Top one-third of APS-R high standards and
below-average discrepancy scores
(a) —
(b) HP with higher satisfaction with self
than NonP
Maladaptive perfectionists
Top one-third of APS-R high standards and
above-average discrepancy scores
Nonperfectionists (NonP) Lower one-third of APS-R high standards
Rice, Ashby, and Preusser
58 undergraduates
(48% female)
Normal perfectionists (HP) Above-median APS standards and
organization and below-median FMPS
concern over mistakes scores
(a) —
(b) na
Neurotic perfectionists (UHP) Above-median APS standards and
organization and above-median FMPS
concern over mistakes scores
Note: Conceptions ordered alphabetically by reference within each class of evidence (see Table Footnote b). Groups: HP = healthy perfectionists, UHP = unhealthy perfectionists, NonP = nonperfectionists. APS = Al-
most Perfect Scale, APS-R = Almost Perfect Scale-Revised, FMPS = Frost Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, PQ = Perfectionism Questionnaire, GPA = grade point average, OC = obsessive-compulsive, na = in-
formation not available.
(a) differences in positive or negative characteristics between HP and UHP, (b) differences in positive or negative characteristics between HP and NonP; only significant differences (p < .05) reported, critical differences
Evidence: Positive = HP show higher levels of positive characteristics relative to UHP; Mixed = HP show higher levels of positive characteristics relative to UHP, but lower levels of some positive characteris-
tic compared NonP; (inconclusive) = no difference in positive characteristics between HP and UHP. (Lower/higher levels of negative characteristics are interpreted in the same way as higher/lower levels of positive
trolled by chance (e.g., Brosschot, Gebhardt, &
Godaert, 1994), a lower level of external locus of con
trol was counted as a positive characteristic (for a more
differentiated conception of external control, see
Levenson, 1981). Finally, perfectionistic strivings
were related to greater subjective well-being in terms
of positive affect and satisfaction with life as well as to
lower levels of attachment avoidance, attachment anxi
ety, and suicidal ideation.
idence (Bieling et al., 2003; Cox et al., 2002; Dunkleyet
al., 2000; Enns et al., 2001), the positive dimension rep
resenting perfectionistic strivings was again conceptu
alized as some combination of facets that represented
positive strivingsperfectionism (Frost et al., 1993). The
evidence regarding achievement characteristics was
positive, with perfectionistic strivings in students relat
ing to higher perceived ability, higher exam perfor
mance,higherpast year performance, and plans to study
more rather than less. The evidence regarding other
characteristics was mixed, however. With regard to per
sonality traits, perfectionistic strivings were related to
higherconscientiousness,butalsoto higherneuroticism
(Enns et al., 2001). With regard to well-being, per-
fectionistic strivings were related to higher levels of
(Bieling et al., 2003); and with regard to stress and cop-
ing styles, they were related to higher levels of active
coping, but also to higher levels of perceived hassles
(Dunkley et al., 2000).
Of the four studies categorized as providing nega-
tive evidence (Bieling et al., 2004; Dunkley et al.,
2003; Hill et al., 2004; Lynd-Stevenson & Hearne,
1999), only two studies (Bieling et al., 2004; Dunkley
et al., 2003) conceptualized the positive dimension of
perfectionistic strivings as some combination of the
facets that Frost et al. (1993) subsumed under positive
striving. Two studies used a different conceptualiza
tion (Hill et al., 2004; Lynd-Stevenson & Hearne,
1999). Following suggestions made by Adkins and
Parker (1996), Lynd-Stevenson and Hearne (1999)
conceptualized perfectionistic strivings as a combina
tion of personal standards, parental expectations, and
parental criticism, thereby including two facets that
Frost et al. had subsumed under maladaptive evalua
tion concerns. Following their own multidimensional
model of perfectionism, Hill et al. (2004) conceptual
ized perfectionistic strivings as a combination of striv
ing for excellence, organization, planfulness, and high
standards for others. Regardless of the conceptualiza
tion used, all four studies found perfectionistic
strivings to be related to lower levels of well-being and
perceived social support, and higher levels of per
ceived stress and pathological symptoms (see Table 2
for details).
Most of the mixed and negative evidence was re
lated to the overlap between the dimensions of
perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns,
however. When inspecting the pattern of positive,
mixed, and negative evidence, we noticed that the type
of evidence produced seemed to relate to how strongly
the dimension of perfectionistic strivings correlated
with the dimension of perfectionistic concerns (see Ta
ble 2). All studies categorized as providing positive ev
idence had conceptualized the dimension of per
fectionistic strivings such that it showed either zero
correlations or only low to moderate correlations (.10
to .28) with the dimension of perfectionistic concerns.
In comparison, the studies categorized as providing
mixed or negative evidence had conceptualized the di
mension of perfectionistic strivings such that it showed
high correlations (.45 to .70) with the dimension of
perfectionistic concerns. With such substantial overlap
between the two dimensions, it is conceivable that
perfectionistic strivings would be “contaminated” with
perfectionistic concerns and thus show inflated corre
lations with negative characteristics. After controlling
for this overlap, the evidence in favor of perfectionism
should be more positive.
Consequently, we reinspected those studies that re
ported the correlation between the dimension of
perfectionistic strivings and the dimension of
perfectionistic concerns, and reanalyzed the evidence
by computing partial correlations between perfec-
tionistic strivings and negative characteristics, par-
tialling out perfectionistic concerns (Hays, 1973, For-
mula 16.20.3). The results were as expected.
Controlling for overlap with perfectionistic concerns
markedly increased the evidence in support of
perfectionistic strivings being a positive form of per-
fectionism (see Table 2). Of the four studies initially
categorized as mixed evidence, two now furnished
positive evidence as the critical correlations of per
fectionistic strivings with negative affect and perceived
hassles became nonsignificant once perfectionistic
concerns were partialled out (Bieling et al., 2003;
Dunkley et al., 2000). Moreover, the study initially cat
egorized as a null finding now furnished positive evi
dence because perfectionistic strivings now related to
higher self-esteem (Rice et al., 1998). Finally, of the
four studies initially categorized as negative evidence,
one now furnished positive evidence because per
fectionistic strivings now related to higher levels of
perceived social support and lower levels of negative
affect and self-blame (Dunkley et al., 2003); one study
now furnished mixed evidence because perfectionistic
strivings now related to lower levels of depression, but
related to higher frequency of and distress caused by
In this pattern, the study of Rice et al. (2005) is disregarded be
cause Rice et al. conducted multiple regression analyses and thus
controlled for the correlation of r = .43 between the dimension of
perfectionistic strivings and the dimension of perfectionistic
obsessive-compulsive symptoms (Hill et al., 2004);
and two studies furnished null findings as per
fectionistic strivings were now unrelated to any posi
tive or negative characteristics (Bieling et al., 2004;
Lynd-Stevenson & Hearne, 1999). Thus, after control
ling for overlap between perfectionistic strivings and
perfectionistic concerns, no study remained catego
rized as providing negative evidence. Instead, a further
four studies could be categorized as providing positive
evidence (see Table 2).
Group-based conceptions: Healthy perfection
ists and unhealthy perfectionists. Turning to Ta
ble 3 and to the studies that follow a group-based ap
proach, there are two important differences to the pre
vious studies. First, overlap between the positive and
negative conceptions is of no concern, because these
studies employed cluster analysis or dichotomization
of facet scores to conceptualize healthy perfectionists
as individuals with high levels of perfectionistic
strivings and low levels of perfectionistic concerns and
unhealthy perfectionists as individuals with high levels
of perfectionistic strivings and high levels of per-
fectionistic concerns (see Table 3 for details). Conse-
quently, these studies allow comparison of two distinct
groups of perfectionists that show little (cluster analy-
sis) or no (dichotomization) overlap in the facets asso-
ciated with perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic
concerns. Second, mean differences instead of correla-
tions are inspected, and the critical question is whether
healthy perfectionists show higher levels of positive
characteristics than unhealthy perfectionists. In addi-
tion, healthy perfectionists should not show lower lev-
els of positive characteristics than nonperfectionists, as
such findings would clearly be unsupportive of the
view that high levels of perfectionistic strivings are
Again, all studies were categorized into four cate
gories, namely as (a) positive evidence when healthy
perfectionists showed higher levels of positive char
acteristics than unhealthy perfectionists and no lower
levels of positive characteristics than nonperfec
tionists, (b) mixed evidence when healthy perfection
ists showed higher levels of both positive and nega
tive characteristics than unhealthy perfectionists or
higher levels of positive characteristics than un
healthy perfectionists, but lower levels of positive
characteristics than nonperfectionists, (c) negative ev
idence when healthy perfectionists showed higher
levels of negative characteristics than unhealthy per
fectionists, and (d) null finding when healthy perfec
tionists did not differ from unhealthy perfectionists.
(As with the studies taking a dimensional approach,
lower levels of negative characteristics were regarded
in the same way as higher levels of positive character
istics.) Following this scheme, 12 of the 20 studies
were categorized as positive evidence. Note that in all
12 studies healthy perfectionists showed higher levels
of positive characteristics not only when compared to
unhealthy perfectionists, but also when compared to
nonperfectionists (see Table 3). Furthermore, 4 stud
ies were categorized as mixed evidence because
healthy perfectionists showed higher levels of posi
tive characteristics than unhealthy perfectionists, but
lower levels of positive characteristics than non
perfectionists. Finally, 4 studies were categorized as
null findings because they did not find any significant
differences between healthy and unhealthy perfec
tionists where positive characteristics were concerned
(see Table 3 for details). No study was categorized as
negative evidence.
In the 12 studies categorized as providing positive
evidence (Ashby & Bruner, 2005; Ashby & Kottman,
1996; Dickinson & Ashby, 2005; Dixon et al., 2004;
Gilman et al., 2005; Grzeguiek et al., 2004; LoCicero
et al., 2000; Mobley et al., 2005; Periasamy & Ashby,
2002; Rice et al., 2003; Rice & Mirzadeh, 2000; Rice
& Slaney, 2002), healthy perfectionists were conceptu
alized as individuals with high scores on those facets
that the dimensional approaches associated with per
fectionistic strivings (i.e., personal standards, high
standards, order, and organization) and low or medium
scores on those facets associated with perfectionistic
concerns (i.e., concern over mistakes, doubts about ac-
tions, discrepancy between actual achievements and
high expectations, parental criticism, and parental ex-
pectations). Unhealthy perfectionists were conceptual-
ized as individuals with high scores on all facets of per-
fectionism, and nonperfectionists as individuals with
medium or low scores on all facets of perfectionism.
There were three exceptions, however. Two studies ar
rived at cluster solutions in which unhealthy perfec
tionists showed only low or medium levels of organiza
tion (Rice & Mirzadeh, 2000; Rice et al., 2003), and a
third study found two groups of unhealthy perfection
ists: one group was labeled “pervasive perfectionists”
and showed medium levels of parental expectations
and parental criticism, and the other group was labeled
“mixed maladaptive perfectionists” and showed me
dium levels of organization and doubts about actions
(Dixon et al. 2004). With respect to the characteristics
investigated, findings dovetail with those of the studies
taking a dimensional approach. Healthy perfectionists
showed higher levels of positive personality traits and
greater subjective well-being and reported more adap
tive coping styles, greater social adjustment, and better
academic integration as well as less obsessive-compul
sive symptoms than unhealthy perfectionists. More
over, healthy perfectionists also scored higher than
nonperfectionists on many of the positive characteris
tics identified (see Table 3 for details).
Inthe four studiescategorizedasprovidingmixedev
idence (Martin & Ashby, 2004a; Parker, 1997;
Rhéaume, Freeston, et al., 2000; Rice & Dellwo,2002),
healthy perfectionists, unhealthy perfectionists, and
nonperfectionists were conceptualized in the same way
asinthestudiescategorizedas positiveevidence,except
for one study in which the cluster of unhealthy perfec
tionists showed only medium-high levels of personal
standards (Rice & Dellwo, 2002). Furthermore, one
study employed the Perfectionism Questionnaire (see
Table1)andconceptualizedhealthyperfectionistsas in
dividuals who show high levels of perfectionist tenden
cies and experience few negative consequences of per
fectionism, and unhealthy perfectionists as individuals
whoshowhighlevelsofperfectionisttendencies andex
perience many negative consequences of perfectionism
(Rhéaume, Freeston, et al., 2000). With respect to the
characteristics investigated, all studies found healthy
ity traits, greater subjectivewell-being, higher social in
tegration, and greater academic adaptation than un
healthy perfectionists also showed higher levels of
neuroticism and depression than nonperfectionists
(Parker, 1997; Rice & Dellwo, 2002). Moreover, two
studies indicated that healthy perfectionists may be
overly critical and unbalanced in their thinking: In one
of these studies, healthy perfectionists showed higher
evidence requirements than unhealthy perfectionists in
a cognitive task designed to capture obsessive-compul-
sive tendencies (Rhéaume, Freeston, et al., 2000). In the
other study, they showed lower levels of relativistic
thinking than nonperfectionists (Martin & Ashby,
2004a) which indicates that even healthy perfectionists
may sometimes have a tendency for “black and white
thinking” (Enns & Cox, 2002).
It is important to note that in all studies categorized
as mixed evidence, only one negative characteristic
showed higher levels in healthy perfectionists than in
unhealthy perfectionists or nonperfectionists. All other
differences constituted positive evidence. Moreover, in
two of the studies categorized as null findings because
there were no differences between healthy and un
healthy perfectionists (Ashby et al., 1999; Gilman &
Ashby, 2003), healthy perfectionists showed higher
levels of subjective well-being (enjoyment, satisfac
tion) than nonperfectionists. Thus, across all studies
taking a group-based approach, the great majority of
all differences identified between healthy perfection
ists, unhealthy perfectionists, and nonperfectionists
lend support to the conception that high levels of
perfectionistic strivings are associated with positive
characteristics when levels of perfectionistic concerns
are low.
Summary, Critical Evaluation,
and Limitations
In sum, studies taking a dimensional approach have
shown the dimension of perfectionistic strivings to be
related to higher levels of conscientiousness, extra
version, endurance, positive affect, satisfaction with
life, active coping styles, and achievement, and to
lower levels of external control and suicidal ideation.
Moreover, when overlap with the dimension represent
ing perfectionistic concerns was taken into account,
perfectionistic strivings were also related to higher lev
els of perceived social support and lower levels of de
pression, self-blame, and perceived hassles. Further
more, studies taking a group-based approach have
found that individuals with high levels of per
fectionistic strivings and low levels of perfectionistic
concerns (healthy perfectionists) show higher levels of
self-esteem, agreeableness, social integration (e.g.,
greater social interest, greater willingness to go along
with others), and academic adaptation (e.g., higher
grade point average [GPA], greater GPA satisfaction);
show lower levels of anxiety, depression, procrastina
tion, defensiveness, maladaptive coping styles, and in
terpersonal problems; and report fewer somatic com
plaints and psychological symptoms than individuals
with high levels of perfectionistic strivings and high
levels of perfectionistic concerns (unhealthy perfec
tionists) or individuals with low levels of per-
fectionistic strivings (nonperfectionists). Taken to-
gether, both dimensional and group-based conceptions
have accumulated a large body of evidence suggesting
that two forms of perfectionism be differentiated—
perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns—
and that only the perfectionistic concerns dimension is
associated with all those negative characteristics that
traditional views have associated with perfectionism.
In contrast, the perfectionistic strivings dimension is
associated with positive characteristics and unrelated
or even inversely related to those negative characteris
tics traditionally associated with perfectionism.
Two exceptions deserve attention. First, some stud
ies found perfectionistic strivings to be related to
higher levels of obsessive-compulsive symptoms and
higher evidence requirements and to lower levels of
relativistic thinking, indicating that perfectionistic
strivings may be associated with a tendency for obses
sive-compulsiveness and rigidity even when overlap
with perfectionistic concerns is controlled for or when
there are low levels of perfectionistic concerns (Hill et
al., 2004; Martin & Ashby, 2004a; Rhéaume, Freeston,
et al., 2000). Second, some studies found healthy per
fectionists to have higher levels of neuroticism and de
pression than nonperfectionists indicating that
perfectionistic strivings may sometimes be associated
with negative affectivity even when perfectionistic
concerns are low (Parker, 1997; Rice & Dellwo, 2002).
Regarding the positive evidence, two notes of cau
tion are in order. First, some positive evidence may
have been counted twice as five studies in Tables 2 and
3 may not represent independent evidence, but appear
to be based on the same samples. This concerns the
sample of medical students who seem to have been ex
amined in two studies following a dimensional concep
tion (Cox et al., 2002; Enns et al., 2001) and the sample
of talented sixth graders who seem to have been exam
ined in three studies—one following a group-based
conception (Parker, 1997) and two following a dimen
sional conception (Parker & Stumpf, 1995; Stumpf &
Parker, 2000). Second, some positive evidence may be
attributed to content overlap between the characteris
tics identified and the measures employed to conceptu
alize perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic con
cerns. Regarding the dimensional conceptions and
focusing on the positive dimension representing
perfectionistic strivings (Table 2), this concerns in par
ticular the findings that perfectionistic strivings are as
sociated with higher levels of conscientiousness (Cox
et al., 2002; Enns et al., 2001; Parker & Stumpf, 1995),
as standard measures of conscientiousness contain
items that make a direct reference to perfectionism and
striving for excellence (e.g., Costa & McCrae, 1992).
Consequently, in evaluating the positive evidence for
the dimensional conceptions, more weight should be
given to those characteristics that do not show content
overlap with perfectionistic strivings. Regarding the
group-based conceptions and focusing on differences
between healthy and unhealthy perfectionists (Table
3), content overlap concerns in particular the findings
that healthy perfectionists show less procrastination,
doubting, and anxiety than unhealthy perfectionists
(Ashby & Bruner, 2005; Ashby & Kottman, 1996;
Mobley et al., 2005) as those characteristics show sub-
stantial content overlap and thus high correlations with
the measures employed to conceptualize the dimension
of perfectionistic concerns (Stöber & Joormann,
2001). As healthy and unhealthy perfectionists differ
with respect to perfectionistic concerns (see Figure 1),
characteristics that show content overlap with
perfectionistic concerns do not make for convincing
evidence. Consequently, in evaluating the positive evi
dence for the group-based conceptions, more weight
should be given to those characteristics that show con
tent overlap with neither perfectionistic strivings nor
perfectionistic concerns and to those characteristics in
which healthy perfectionists differ from both un
healthy perfectionists and nonperfectionists. Hence,
characteristics such as extraversion and agreeableness,
satisfaction with life and coping styles as well as all in
dicators of achievement and performance (particularly
objective measures such as GPA) should be given
greater weight in the summary of the evidence.
Regarding the limitations of our review, we see
three main reservations. First, when categorizing char
acteristics as positive, we relied on our general knowl
edge of the research findings on these characteristics
and on the general understanding of these characteris
tics. Although we would hold that the characteristics
that we conceived of as positive do have this quality for
most individuals most of the time, we are aware that
the positivity of psychological characteristics may de
pend on situational circumstances. Take coping for ex
ample. Whereas active coping such as prob
lem-focused coping is generally regarded as a positive
characteristic, it is not helpful when stressors are not
changeable (Vitaliano, DeWolfe, Maiuro, Russo, &
Katon, 1990). And even though passive coping such as
disengagement is generally regarded as negative, it
may provide some relief in the early stages of the cop
ing processes and thus help individuals to use more ef
fective coping later in the process (Scheier, Weintraub,
& Carver, 1986). Second, our review focused on linear
correlations and main effects and did not take modera
tor effects or interactions into account. However, only
one of the studies we reviewed reported an interaction
effect with perfectionistic strivings (Dunkley et al.,
2000). Although this study found perfectionistic
strivings related to active coping styles and unrelated
to perceived hassles once overlap with perfectionistic
concerns was partialled out (see Table 2), moderator
analyses showed that under unfavorable conditions
(i.e., high levels of perceived hassles and/or low levels
of perceived social support) perfectionistic strivings
were related to higher levels of perceived distress.
Third, when categorizing studies as positive, mixed, or
negative evidence, we looked only at the significance
of correlations and mean differences. Such a “vote
counting” (Light & Smith, 1971) procedure is likely to
have low power and has been shown to underestimate
effects (Hedges & Olkin, 1980). As such underestima-
tion may have cut both ways—we may have underesti-
mated the associations of perfectionistic strivings with
positive characteristics, or their associations with neg
ative characteristics—it remains for future studies to
employ more powerful quantitative methods of re
search synthesis (Glass, McGaw & Smith, 1981;
Hunter, Schmidt, & Jackson, 1982). For a quantitative
synthesis of findings, however, greater comparability
of the positive conceptions of perfectionism would be
required, as would a consensual agreement as to which
facets represent the core facets of perfectionism on
which to build the dimensions of perfectionistic
strivings and perfectionistic concerns, and which fac
ets may be disregarded.
Challenges for Future Research
Core Facets
Regarding the question of the core facets of
perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns,
we would argue that (a) organization and order, (b)
parental expectations and criticism, and (c) other-ori
ented perfectionism may be disregarded when concep
tualizing the two dimensions of perfectionistic
strivings and perfectionistic concerns or when differ
entiating between healthy perfectionists, unhealthy
perfectionists, and nonperfectionists. Regarding orga
nization and order, the correlations of organization
with personal standards are only moderate and those
with overall perfectionism are rather low (e.g., Frost et
al., 1990; Slaney, Rice, Mobley, Trippi, & Ashby,
2001). Accordingly, Frost et al. (1990) recommended
excluding organization when computing overall per
fectionism scores. Moreover, confirmatory factor anal
yses on facets of perfectionism that included both orga
nization and order found that these two facets formed a
third, separate factor independent of the two dimen
sions of perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic
concerns (Rice et al., 2005; Suddarth & Slaney, 2001).
Thus organization and order do not form part of the
two-dimensional space of the conceptual framework
that bridges dimensional and group-based approaches
(Figure 1) and may better be disregarded, even though
many studies following the group-based approach have
included order to differentiate between perfectionists
and nonperfectionists. Regarding parental expecta
tions and criticism, particularly the early studies fol
lowing a dimensional approach have included these
facets as part of the perfectionistic concerns dimension
(see Table 2). However, recent studies investigating the
influence of parenting on positive and negative perfec-
tionism have treated parental expectations and criti-
cism as facets of perfectionistic parenting (e.g., Enns,
Cox, & Clara, 2002; Randolph & Dykman, 1998; Rice
et al., 2005), suggesting that parental expectations and
criticism represent developmental antecedents of per-
fectionism, not core facets of perfectionism itself. Re-
garding other-oriented perfectionism, only a few stud
ies included this facet as part of the dimension of
perfectionistic strivings. This may reflect the ambiva
lent theoretical status of this facet and the ambivalent
findings regarding positive and negative characteristics
(Enns & Cox, 2002). Consequently, other-oriented
perfectionism is mostly disregarded in the current
debate over the clinical relevance of multidimensional
perfectionism (Dunkley, Blankstein, Masheb, & Grilo,
2006; Hewitt, Flett, Besser, Sherry, & McGee, 2003;
Shafran, Cooper, & Fairburn, 2002, 2003). In addition,
many recent studies following Hewitt and Flett’s
(1991) model of multidimensional perfectionism have
focused on differences between self-oriented perfec
tionism and socially prescribed perfectionism only,
and disregarded other-oriented perfectionism (e.g.,
Kobori & Tanno, 2005; Powers, Koestner, & Topciu,
2005). Consequently, we suggest that researchers may
restrict their conceptions of the two dimensions of
perfectionistic strivings and perfectionistic concerns
and the groups of healthy and unhealthy perfectionists
to the following core facets of perfectionism (see Table
1): personal standards, self-oriented perfectionism,
high standards, striving for excellence, and per
fectionistic tendencies, on the one hand; and concern
over mistakes, doubts about actions, socially pre
scribed perfectionism, discrepancy, and negative con
sequences of perfectionism, on the other.
Positive Effects
Although our review presents converging evidence
that perfectionistic strivings are related to positive
characteristics when the influence of perfectionistic
concerns is controlled for, the question remains as to
whether perfectionistic strivings also have positive ef
fects, for example, if perfectionistic strivings predict
longitudinal increases in subjective well-being or aca
demic achievements. So far, however, there is only one
longitudinal study comparing perfectionistic strivings
and perfectionistic concerns (Enns et al., 2001). Al
though this study found that perfectionistic concerns
had negative longitudinal effects, predicting increases
in depression and hopelessness, no positive longitudi
nal effects for perfectionistic strivings were found.
Turning to studies that have investigated longitudinal
effects of core facets associated with perfectionistic
strivings and perfectionistic concerns—notably
self-oriented perfectionism and socially prescribed
perfectionism—there are findings that self-oriented
perfectionism may predict progress in attainment of
important personal goals and decreases in negative af-
fect (Powers et al., 2005). Other studies, however,
found no positive longitudinal effects of self-oriented
perfectionism (e.g., Enns, Cox, & Clara, 2005). More-
over, O’Connor and O’Connor (2003) found self-
oriented perfectionism to interact with self-reported
coping styles: Individuals with high levels of
self-oriented perfectionism and low levels of adaptive
coping showed increases in hopelessness, suggesting
that facets associated with positive perfectionism may
have negative longitudinal effects under unfavorable
conditions (see also Dunkley et al., 2000). However,
self-oriented perfectionism alone can not be consid
ered a good proxy for positive perfectionistic strivings
if overlap with socially prescribed perfectionism or
self-criticism is not controlled for (Dunkley et al.,
2006; Hewitt et al., 2003; Shafran et al., 2002; Sherry,
Hewitt, Flett, & Harvey, 2003). Consequently, more
longitudinal studies looking at the whole dimension of
perfectionistic strivings are needed as are longitudinal
studies comparing healthy and unhealthy
Because positive effects of perfectionistic strivings
remain to be demonstrated, it seems premature to
speak of functional or adaptive perfectionism or to re
fer to healthy perfectionists as functional or adaptive
perfectionists, because the adjectives functional and
adaptive have strong connotations that many research
ers find unfitting in association with perfectionism
(e.g., Flett & Hewitt, 2002a; R. O. Frost, cited in
Benson, 2003). In common language usage, functional
denotes that something is (connected with) a function
contributing to the development or maintenance of a
larger whole, and adaptive denotes that something has
the capacity of adaptation whereby adaptation usually
means adjustment to environmental conditions
(Merriam-Webster, 2005). Accordingly, adaptation is a
key term in evolutionary psychology, where it refers to
attributes that enhance a creature’s fitness in terms of
its chances to survive and reproduce (e.g., Schmitt &
Pilcher, 2004). To date, research on positive concep
tions of perfectionism has neither delineated the
function that striving for perfection may serve in the
development of the individual nor specified the en
vironmental conditions under which striving for per
fection would be adaptive. Therefore, we chose to fol
low Parker (1997, 2000; Stumpf & Parker, 2000; cf.
Greenspon, 2000) and speak of healthy and unhealthy
perfectionists, because healthy does not necessarily
denote that something is conducive to health, but may
simply denote that something (or someone) enjoys or
evinces good health (Merriam-Webster, 2005). As our
review shows that individuals with high levels of
perfectionistic strivings and low levels of per-
fectionistic concerns by and large do evince good men-
tal health compared to individuals with high levels of
perfectionistic strivings and high levels of per-
fectionistic concerns, we found that labeling the two
groups as healthy perfectionists and unhealthy perfec-
tionists was most fitting.
Developmental Analysis
Regarding the question of the development of per
fectionism, most researchers have stressed that the
family environment, and particularly the parents, play
a crucial role (e.g., Blatt, 1995; Hamachek, 1978;
Pacht, 1984; Shafran & Mansell, 2001). With respect
to the facets of perfectionistic concerns, research has
produced converging evidence that concern over mis
takes, doubts about actions, and socially prescribed
perfectionism all are associated with anxious, overpro
tective, affectionless, and harsh parenting (for a review,
see Flett, Hewitt, Oliver, & Macdonald, 2002). With
respect to the facets of perfectionistic strivings, how
ever, there is no such evidence. The same studies that
show strong links between parenting practices and fac
ets of perfectionistic concerns show only weak and of
ten inconsistent links between parenting practices and
facets of perfectionistic strivings (e.g., Kawamura,
Frost, & Harmatz, 2002; Kenney-Benson &
Pomerantz, 2005; Stöber, 1998). This may indicate that
general parenting styles are only loosely related to pos
itive perfectionism, if at all. However, recent evidence
from a longitudinal study (Enns et al., 2002) suggests
that a specific child-rearing style termed “per
fectionistic parenting” (Randolph & Dykman, 1998)
may play a role in the development of positive perfec
tionism. Whereas harsh parenting (subsuming parental
overprotection, lack of care, critical parenting, and pa
rental pressure to be perfect) emerged as a develop
mental antecedent of negative perfectionism only,
perfectionistic parenting (subsuming parental pressure
to be perfect and high parental standards) emerged as a
developmental antecedent of both positive and nega
tive perfectionism.
Moreover, studies have consistently found that chil
dren who show high levels of perfectionistic strivings
(personal standards, self-oriented perfectionism) tend
to have parents who also show high levels of per
fectionistic strivings. This relationship seems particu
larly strong when parent and child are of the same gen
der (Frost, Lahart, & Rosenblate, 1991; Soenens et al.,
2005; Vieth & Trull, 1999). This may indicate that
modeling by parents may play a role in the develop
ment of positive perfectionism (Hamachek, 1978;
Neumeister, 2004), but genetic factors should not be
overlooked either as a recent twin study found high
heritability values for perfectionistic personal stan
dards (Tozzi et al., 2004). Consequently, a comprehen
sive developmental analysis of positive perfectionism
would also have to take account of the possible inter-
play between nature and nurture (Collins, Maccoby,
Steinberg, Hetherington, & Bornstein, 2000).
Perfectionism is a personality style that may affect
an individual’s strivings in all areas of his or her life.
Although particularly relevant in educational settings
and at the workplace, individual differences in perfec
tionism play a major role also in sport and exercise
(e.g., Anshel & Eom, 2003; Dunn, Gotwals, & Dunn,
2005). Additionally, perfectionism may affect an indi
vidual’s social life, influencing relationships with fam
ily members, romantic partners, and work colleagues
and impact on hobbies and recreational pursuits, per
sonal appearance, and religious life (e.g., Flett, Hewitt,
Shapiro, & Rayman, 2003; Slaney & Ashby, 1996).
Perfectionism already plays a role in childhood and ad
olescence (e.g., Accordino, Accordino, & Slaney,
2000; Parker, 2002) and it is experienced across differ
ent ethnic groups and different cultures (Castro &
Rice, 2003; Chang et al., 2004; Kobori, Yamagata, &
Kijima, 2005; Slaney, Chadha, Mobley, & Kennedy,
Consequently, it is important to acknowledge that
perfectionism does not necessarily represent a nega
tive, dysfunctional, or even pathological characteris
tic. Instead, perfectionism is a multidimensional phe
nomenon with many facets—some of which are
positive, some of which are negative (Enns & Cox,
2002)—that combine to two basic dimensions of per
fectionism, perfectionistic strivings and per
fectionistic concerns, which again differentiate be
tween healthy and unhealthy perfectionists (Figure
1). This differentiation between healthy and un
healthy perfectionists best corresponds to what
Hamachek (1978) had in mind when, almost 30 years
ago, he suggested that two forms of perfectionism be
differentiated and made the first suggestions to de
scribe the differences between “normal perfection
ists” and “neurotic perfectionists. Translated to the
present conceptions, normal perfectionists are indi
viduals who show high levels of perfectionistic
strivings, but are not overly distressed by the issues
that are combined in the dimension of perfectionistic
concerns, namely concerns over mistakes, doubts
about actions, feelings of discrepancy between actual
achievements and high expectations, self-criticism,
and the fear of failure to live up to one’s own stan
dards and to the high expectations of others. In con
trast, neurotic perfectionists show high levels of
perfectionistic strivings and are overly distressed by
the issues combined in the dimension of per
fectionistic concerns. Thus, perfectionistic concerns
may be the factor that distinguishes clinical forms of
perfectionism from a healthy pursuit of excellence
(Shafran et al., 2002; see also Dunkley et al., 2006).
In contrast, perfectionistic strivings in themselves are
not only normal, but may be positive—if only perfec-
tionists could focus on doing their best rather than
worrying about mistakes, enjoy striving for perfection
rather than being afraid of falling short of it, and con-
centrate on what has been achieved rather than pon-
dering the discrepancy between what has been
achieved and what might have been achieved if ev
erything had worked out perfectly. In this form, per
fectionism would be a perfectly positive disposition.
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... Perfectionism is defined as a multidimensional personality trait characterized by setting excessively high standards for oneself and engaging in overblown self-criticism when those standards are not met [16]. Although the classification of multidimensional perfectionism varies [17,18], one study divided perfectionism into perfectionism striving and perfectionism concerning, which has received support from many scholars [19][20][21]. Perfectionism striving refers to setting unrealistic standards in the pursuit of perfection and has been shown to have more positive effects on daily life [19]. Perfectionism concerning refers to a person's preoccupation with making mistakes and not achieving perfection, which has been shown to have more negative effects [19]. ...
... Although the classification of multidimensional perfectionism varies [17,18], one study divided perfectionism into perfectionism striving and perfectionism concerning, which has received support from many scholars [19][20][21]. Perfectionism striving refers to setting unrealistic standards in the pursuit of perfection and has been shown to have more positive effects on daily life [19]. Perfectionism concerning refers to a person's preoccupation with making mistakes and not achieving perfection, which has been shown to have more negative effects [19]. ...
... Perfectionism striving refers to setting unrealistic standards in the pursuit of perfection and has been shown to have more positive effects on daily life [19]. Perfectionism concerning refers to a person's preoccupation with making mistakes and not achieving perfection, which has been shown to have more negative effects [19]. ...
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Recent research suggested that mental toughness might play a mediating role in the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and sleep quality. This study sought to examine the associations between multidimensional perfectionism, mental toughness, and sleep quality in young Chinese athletes, with a particular focus on investigating the potential mediating role of mental toughness in the relationship between multidimensional perfectionism and sleep quality. A total of 208 Chinese athletes (129 females and 79 males) aged from 15 to 29 (Mage = 19.9, SD = 2.52) were included. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the potential mediating effect. The results revealed that perfectionism striving was not associated with sleep quality, whereas perfectionism concerning emerged as a negative predictor of sleep quality. Mental toughness could positively predict sleep quality. The mediation analysis demonstrated that mental toughness partially mediated the relationship between perfectionism concerning and sleep quality. This study revealed that perfectionism concerning can reduce sleep quality, and mental toughness played a partial mediating role in the relationship between perfectionism concerning and sleep quality among Chinese young athletes. These findings suggest that enhancing athletes’ mental toughness and reducing perfectionism concerning may be effective strategies for improving sleep quality.
... Parallel mediation analyses were conducted using the Hayes PROCESS macro (Model 4; Hayes, 2022) for SPSS Version 4.1, a computational tool for estimating the indirect effects of a predictor (i.e., perfectionism dimension) on a criterion (i.e., social the confidence intervals of the indirect effects included zeros indicating that the relationships were not significant. On the advice of an anonymous peer-reviewer, the PS analyses were re-run controlling for the original perfectionistic concerns (PC) scale of the FMPS as there is evidence (e.g., Stoeber & Otto, 2006;Stoeber & Gaudreau, 2017) that overlap between PC and PS may contaminate the unique effect of PS. In this model, the total effect of PS on social anxiety was significant (b = -0.11, ...
... Evaluative fears did not significantly account for the relationship between these variables, likely due to the non-significant bivariate correlation found between perfectionistic standards and social anxiety ( Table 2). When analyses were re-run controlling for perfectionistic concerns (see Stoeber & Otto, 2006;Stoeber & Gaudreau, 2017), the relationship between perfectionistic standards and social anxiety became marginally significant, although no evidence of mediation via positive or negative evaluation concerns was observed. Previous studies have demonstrated both a non-significant relationship between personal standards and social anxiety (Alden et al., 2002;Shumaker & Rodebaugh, 2009) and a positive relationship (Juster et al., 1996) although these findings were made prior to the recommendation of controlling for perfectionistic concerns when assessing personal standards. ...
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Perfectionism is widely associated with social anxiety, yet the relationship is rarely explored with consideration to the multidimensionality of perfectionism. This study investigates the potential mediating effects of the bivalent fear of evaluation (BFOE) model on the relationship between perfectionism dimensions and social anxiety, a construct that proposes the importance of both fear of negative evaluation and fear of positive evaluation in social anxiety. Our research involved 435 university students who completed a large battery of measures as part of a prior study. The results demonstrated that irrespective of valence, fear of evaluation partially mediated a positive relationship between perfectionistic concerns over mistakes and doubts about action and social anxiety, and parental pressures and social anxiety. Additionally, in line with the BFOE model, both valences of fear of evaluation partially mediated a negative indirect effect between perfectionistic order and social anxiety. In contrast, perfectionistic personal standards demonstrated a non-significant bivariate relationship with social anxiety. The study supports the BFOE model and contributes to a deeper understanding of the association between dimensions of perfectionism and social anxiety.
... As per Hewitt and Flett (1991), perfectionism includes three main dimensions: self-oriented perfectionism (i.e., desire to achieve high personal standards), other-oriented perfectionism (i.e., expecting high standards of achievement from others), and socially prescribed perfectionism (i.e., perception that others have high expectations for one's own performance). Certain of these dimensions delineated by differing research teams show overlap (for example, socially prescribed perfectionism and parental concerns, or self-oriented perfectionism and personal standards), and have been organized into two overarching categories (dos ReisSoares, Neufeld, & Mansur-Alves, 2020): perfectionistic strivings (generally dealing with personal standards) and perfectionistic concerns (generally dealing with performance-related concerns; Roy et al., 2022;Stoeber & Otto, 2006). ...
... It has long been suggested that an entrenched culture of infallibility and perfectionism is present within the medical profession [100]. While adaptive perfectionism may enhance both performance and wellbeing as it is based on intrinsic personal goals [101], maladaptive perfectionism is driven by socially prescribed standards and overly critical self-judgement. Individuals who display maladaptive perfectionism are known to attribute poor outcomes to lack of personal ability [102][103][104] and have difficulties in coping with real or perceived failure [99,[105][106][107][108][109]. ...
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Support that mitigates the detrimental impact of adverse events on human healthcare practitioners is underpinned by an understanding of their experiences. This study used a mixed methods approach to understand veterinary practitioners’ responses to adverse events. 12 focus groups and 20 interviews with veterinary practitioners were conducted and analysed using grounded theory principles. Experiencing stress, externalising facts and feelings, morally contextualising events and catalysing personal and professional improvements were identified as components of practitioners’ response. Natural language processing content analysis of posts regarding involvement in adverse events (n = 572) written by members of a veterinary member-only Facebook group was also performed, to categorise and count words within texts based on underlying meaning. Percentile scores of four summary variables along with relative frequency of function, psychological process and time orientation words used were recorded and compared with content analysis of posts where members discussed euthanasia (n = 471) and animal health certification (n = 419). Lower authenticity scores (reflecting lower honesty), differences in clout scores (reflecting dominance) and higher frequencies of moralisation, future focus, prosocial behaviour and interpersonal conflict were observed in the adverse event group compared to either comparison group. Analytical thinking scores (reflecting logical thinking) and frequencies of total, positive and negative emotion, anxiety, anger and cognitive processing words (reflecting debate) were not significantly different between the adverse events and euthanasia groups. Integration of findings confirmed and expanded inferences made in both studies regarding the emotionally detrimental impact of adverse events and the role that peer-to-peer mediated reflection and learning plays in mitigating pathologisation of responses in the aftermath of adverse events. Discordance in findings related to practitioners’ intentions and expressions of honesty suggest that work is needed to normalise open discussion about adverse events. Findings may be used to lever, and to inform, peer-to-peer support for practitioners in relation to veterinary adverse events.
... 3 Existing research considered that the fundamental components of perfectionism are the pursuit of perfection and the preoccupation with achieving perfection. 4,5 Perfectionistic behaviors are typically manifested as an insistent demand for flawlessness and the establishment of unattainable benchmarks. 6 The anxiety associated with perfectionism often leads to intense self-criticism and self-evaluations, driven by an obsession with meeting the expectations and judgments of others. ...
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Background Perfectionism is a pivotal factor in the etiology and prognosis of major depression. Nevertheless, there is a scarcity of longitudinal research examining the association between perfectionism and major depressive disorder (MDD). The objective of this study was to explore the impact of perfectionism on MDD among a cohort of first-year Chinese university students. Methods This study employed a longitudinal design to investigate the relationship between perfectionism and MDD in a sample of first-year Chinese university students (n=8079). Socially prescribed perfectionism and almost perfectionism were measured using the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (MPS) and the Almost Perfect Scale-Revised (APS-R), while MDD was assessed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI-3.0). Random effects logistic regression modeling was utilized to estimate the associations between the variables. Results The findings revealed that the incidence of MDD was 0.6%. Lifetime exposure to severe traumatic events (≥10) (OR=2.619, 95% CI: 1.502–4.565) and almost perfectionism (OR=1.015, 95% CI: 1.004–1.026) were identified as significant risk factors for MDD. Conclusion It is evident that perfectionism is linked to an increased susceptibility to MDD. However, additional longitudinal studies focusing on university students are imperative to delve deeper into the influence of perfectionism on the initial manifestation of MDD.
Performance anxiety is a significant professional problem among musicians. A psychoanalytically oriented qualitative research design was employed to explore the psychological realities of six professional musicians from various genres, including classical, folk, jazz, and crossover music. Each participant took part in three unstructured hour‐long interviews. Analysis focused on the integration of conscious and unconscious elements in order to provide some insight into participants' internal worlds. Three interrelated themes emerged from the data: 1. ‘The masquerade’, conveying the idea of a covering up of the visible signs of anxiety, and a simulation of confidence on stage; 2. ‘The lair of the beast’, describing the backdrop of the music industry, experienced as a threatening underworld; and 3. ‘The ghost’, reflecting a sense of the overhang of anxiety from earlier generations. Emergent themes were linked to psychoanalytic concepts, including Winnicott's concept of a false self and Freud's discussion of the uncanny. The multifaceted nature of performance anxiety, as evidenced in the material brought by participants in this study, is explored within the discussion. Directions for further research and clinical implications in relation to the culture of the music industry and working with performance anxiety in a psychotherapeutic context, are also outlined.
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Background: Perfectionism is a prominent personality trait in modern society, warranting further research across diverse cultural contexts to develop culturally appropriate measures and identify culture-specific perfectionism profiles. This study aims to identify perfectionism profiles and evaluate the best-fitting short form of Hewitt and Flett’s Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale (HF-MPS) within a Korean context. Methods: Data were collected from 276 Korean college students to compare three short forms of the HF-MPS: Cox et al.’s, Hewitt et al.’s, and a newly proposed version. Reliability and validity were assessed for each short form, and latent profile analysis with distal outcomes was conducted using the best-fitting short form to identify perfectionism profiles. Results: All three short forms demonstrated good reliability and validity. However, the newly proposed short form showed the highest alignment with the original scale and the best model fit. Using this short form, three perfectionism profiles were identified: high perfectionists (HiP), average perfectionists (AvP), and non-perfectionists (NP). Non-perfectionists displayed the most adaptive emotional adjustment, while high and average perfectionists exhibited similar levels of emotional adjustment. Conclusion: This study identified three distinct perfectionism profiles within a Korean sample using the best-fitting short form of the HF-MPS. Findings suggest that perfectionism factors may be more closely interrelated in this cultural context, with self-oriented or other-oriented perfectionism potentially buffering against emotional maladjustment. These results underscore the importance of culturally tailored approaches to understanding and assessing perfectionism.
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Introduction Identifying factors that contribute to the development of suicidal ideation (SI) is crucial for prevention and treatment. Perfectionistic Concerns (PC) represent the experience of external pressure to be perfect and have been consistently linked to SI, but it is unclear how PC and SI are associated in depressed adults. This study examined the association between PC and SI and whether self-esteem, loneliness and rumination (brooding, reflection and depression-related rumination) moderated this association in a clinical sample. Methods This cross-sectional study used a psychiatric outpatient sample of depressed adults, selected for the presence of SI. In total 110 adults (mean age 33.54 (SD = 12.03) and 60% female) participated in this study. Associations were estimated by regression analyses. Results PC was not associated with SI in the sample (r = .16, p = .087). However, high levels of PC in combination with low self-esteem (β = -.29, p = .007) or with high levels of depression-related rumination (β = .22, p = .017) were positively associated with SI. Loneliness, brooding and reflection did not moderate the PC-SI relationship. Discussion These findings underline the importance of taking into account the individual characteristics in depressed, perfectionistic individuals when estimating SI severity and selecting the focus of intervention. Due to the cross-sectional design no causal inferences can be made.
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This study aimed to identify the role of mindfulness, maladaptive perfectionism, and positive affect in goal self-concordance. The method of this research was descriptive and correlational. The sample included 100 secondary school students in Isfahan in the academic year 2020-2021, who were selected by convenience sampling. Mindfulness Questionnaires, Maladaptive Perfectionism, Positive Affect, and Self-Efficacy were used to collect data. Data were analyzed using stepwise regression analysis. Data were analyzed using correlation coefficient and linear regression analysis. In stepwise regression, in the first step, the variable of mindfulness was entered and in the second step, the variable of maladaptive perfectionism was added, and finally, this regression model was able to predict 37% of the variance of goal self-concordance. However, the positive affect variable did not enter the regression equation due to the lack of predictive power. These findings provide new evidence on the importance of choosing self-concordance goals in life and identifying the factors influencing this choice.
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Confirmatory factor analysis was used to evaluate 2 multidimensional measures of perfectionism (R. O. Frost, P. Marten, C. Lahart, & R. Rosenblate, 1990; P. L. Hewitt & G. L. Flett, 1991). On a first-order level, support was found for Hewitt and Flett's (1991) original 3-factor conceptualization of perfectionism, although only for an empirically derived 15-item subset. Support was also obtained for 5 of the 6 dimensions proposed by R. O. Frost et al. (1990), but the model only displayed good fit when a refined scale containing 22 of the original 35 items was used. A second- order analysis found evidence for 2 higher-order factors of adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism. Perfectionism dimensions correlated in expected directions with personality domains, symptom distress, and academic achievement. The brief measures of perfectionism also retained the construct-related validity displayed by the full-item versions.
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The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20; R. M. Bagby, J. D. A. Parker, & G. J. Taylor, 1994) is a self-assessment instrument designed to measure deficits in meta-emotional functioning (e.g., difficulties in identifying and describing emotions). Four studies were carried out to examine the association between the TAS-20 and (a) performance measures of meta-emotional functioning (memory of emotion and emotional awareness; Studies 1–2) and (b) measures of perfectionistic standards that may possibly be involved in the self-assessment of abilities–difficulties (Studies 3–4). The TAS-20 failed to correlate in the predicted direction with the performance measures but showed sizable correlations with measures of perfectionism. Moreover, perfectionism was found to predict TAS-20 scores independent of depression, anxiety, and somatic complaints. The results are discussed in terms of the TAS-20 measuring primarily certain aspects of meta-emotional self-efficacy.
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This study of university students (136 men and 307 women) examined the roles of hassles, avoidant and active coping, and perceived available social support in the relation between evaluative concerns and personal standards perfectionism and distress symptoms (i.e., depression, anxiety). Confirmatory factor analysis supported the measurement model used in this study. Structural equation modeling results indicated that hassles, avoidant coping, and perceived social support are each unique mediators that can fully explain the strong relation between evaluative concerns perfectionism and distress. Personal standards perfectionism had a unique association with active coping only. Hassles and social support also moderated the relation between both dimensions of perfectionism and distress. Clinical implications of distinguishing between evaluative concerns and personal standards perfectionism are discussed.
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This study of university students (64 men and 99 women) examined both dispositional and situational influences of self-critical (SC) perfectionism on stress and coping, which explain its association with high negative affect and low positive affect. Participants completed questionnaires at the end of the day for 7 consecutive days. Structural equation modeling indicated that the relation between SC perfectionism and daily affect could be explained by several maladaptive tendencies associated with SC perfectionism (e.g., hassles, avoidant coping, low perceived social support). Multilevel modeling indicated that SC perfectionists were emotionally reactive to stressors that imply possible failure, loss of control, and criticism from others. As well, certain coping strategies (e.g., problem-focused coping) were ineffective for high-SC perfectionists relative to low-SC perfectionists.
Shafran et al. (2002) provided a cognitive-behavioural analysis of perfectionism that focused primarily on self-oriented perfectionism. They argued against studying perfectionism from a multidimensional perspective that they regard as inconsistent with prior work on perfectionism as a self-oriented phenomenon. We respond to Shafran et al. (2002) by offering historical, empirical, and theoretical support for the usefulness and the importance of a multidimensional model of perfectionism involving both intrapersonal processes and interpersonal dynamics. It is concluded that a multidimensional approach to the study of perfectionism is still warranted.