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Causes of blindness and visual impairment in Pakistan. The Pakistan National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey

  • Pakistan Institute of Community Ophthalmology PICO


To determine the causes of blindness and visual impairment in adults (> or =30 years old) in Pakistan, and to explore socio-demographic variations in cause. A multi-stage, stratified, cluster random sampling survey was used to select a nationally representative sample of adults. Each subject was interviewed, had their visual acuity measured and underwent autorefraction and fundus/optic disc examination. Those with a visual acuity of <6/12 in either eye underwent a more detailed ophthalmic examination. Causes of visual impairment were classified according to the accepted World Health Organization (WHO) methodology. An exploration of demographic variables was conducted using regression modeling. A sample of 16 507 adults (95.5% of those enumerated) was examined. Cataract was the most common cause of blindness (51.5%; defined as <3/60 in the better eye on presentation) followed by corneal opacity (11.8%), uncorrected aphakia (8.6%) and glaucoma (7.1%). Posterior capsular opacification accounted for 3.6% of blindness. Among the moderately visually impaired (<6/18 to > or =6/60), refractive error was the most common cause (43%), followed by cataract (42%). Refractive error as a cause of severe visual impairment/blindness was significantly higher in rural dwellers than in urban dwellers (odds ratio (OR) 3.5, 95% CI 1.1 to 11.7). Significant provincial differences were also identified. Overall we estimate that 85.5% of causes were avoidable and that 904 000 adults in Pakistan have cataract (<6/60) requiring surgical intervention. This comprehensive survey provides reliable estimates of the causes of blindness and visual impairment in Pakistan. Despite expanded surgical services, cataract still accounts for over half of the cases of blindness in Pakistan. One in eight blind adults has visual loss from sequelae of cataract surgery. Services for refractive errors need to be further expanded and integrated into eye care services, particularly those serving rural populations.
Causes of blindness and visual impairment in Pakistan. The
Pakistan national blindness and visual impairment survey
B Dineen, R R A Bourne, Z Jadoon, S P Shah, M A Khan, A Foster, C E Gilbert, M D Khan, on behalf of
the Pakistan National Eye Survey Study Group
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
Rupert Bourne, Research
Unit, Department of
Infectious and Tropical
Diseases, London School of
Hygiene and Tropical
Medicine; Rupert.Bourne@
Accepted for publication
3 January 2007
Published Online First
17 January 2007
Br J Ophthalmol 2007;91:1005–1010. doi: 10.1136/bjo.2006.108035
Objective: To determine the causes of blindness and visual impairment in adults (>30 years old) in Pakistan,
and to explore socio-demographic variations in cause.
Methods: A multi-stage, stratified, cluster random sampling survey was used to select a nationally
representative sample of adults. Each subject was interviewed, had their visual acuity measured and
underwent autorefraction and fundus/optic disc examination. Those with a visual acuity of ,6/12 in either
eye underwent a more detailed ophthalmic examination. Causes of visual impairment were classified
according to the accepted World Health Organization (WHO) methodology. An exploration of demographic
variables was conducted using regression modeling.
Results: A sample of 16 507 adults (95.5% of those enumerated) was examined. Cataract was the most
common cause of blindness (51.5%; defined as ,3/60 in the better eye on presentation) followed by corneal
opacity (11.8%), uncorrected aphakia (8.6%) and glaucoma (7.1%). Posterior capsular opacification
accounted for 3.6% of blindness. Among the moderately visually impaired (,6/18 to >6/60), refractive
error was the most common cause (43%), followed by cataract (42%). Refractive error as a cause of severe
visual impairment/blindness was significantly higher in rural dwellers than in urban dwellers (odds ratio (OR)
3.5, 95% CI 1.1 to 11.7). Significant provincial differences were also identified. Overall we estimate that
85.5% of causes were avoidable and that 904 000 adults in Pakistan have cataract (,6/60) requiring
surgical intervention.
Conclusions: This comprehensive survey provides reliable estimates of the causes of blindness and visual
impairment in Pakistan. Despite expanded surgical services, cataract still accounts for over half of the cases of
blindness in Pakistan. One in eight blind adults has visual loss from sequelae of cataract surgery. Services for
refractive errors need to be further expanded and integrated into eye care services, particularly those serving
rural populations.
Pakistan, the sixth most populous country in the world,
is a
developing country situated in the World Health
Organization’s (WHO) Eastern Mediterranean Region.
The country ranks 135 in the United Nations Human
Development Index,
and a recent report has suggested that
the country is facing significant hardship; a declining growth in
gross domestic product (GDP) and a near doubling of the
proportion of the population living below the poverty line
between 1987 and 2003.
The geography and climate of
Pakistan are extremely diverse; the eastern and southern parts
are dominated by the Indus River and its tributaries, the
northern parts by the snow-covered Himalayan mountain
range. The country’s four provinces are Punjab, Sindh, North
West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Balochistan.
The evidence base on national blindness and visual impair-
ment in Pakistan prior to this survey is extremely limited. One
study, estimating the main cause of blindness to be cataract
led the National Committee for the Prevention of
Blindness (NCPB) to develop a Five Year National Plan for the
Prevention of Blindness (1994–1999) with a particular focus on
large-scale expansion of cataract surgical services.
The aim of this second national survey (conducted between
2002 and 2004) was to apply more rigorous survey methodol-
ogies to produce accurate data. Details of the prevalence of
blindness among adults (aged >30 years) have been published
and we now report on the causes of blindness and visual
impairment, providing estimates of the magnitude of the major
causes and exploring their demographic associations.
A detailed description of the methods used in the survey for
sampling and training, and ocular examination protocols has
already been published.
A brief summary of the key
methodological details is provided below.
Sample size
Based on an assumed prevalence of blindness of 1.8%, a
random sampling error precision of 0.3%, a design effect of 2.0
and a 10% increase for non-response, the total sample size was
calculated as 16 600.
Sampling strategy
Multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling, with probabil-
ity proportional-to-size (PPS) procedures, was used.
Enumeration, using the random walk method, was undertaken
until the target number of adults was attained in each cluster.
All enumerated individuals were asked to attend the survey
station, set up in their community, for ophthalmic examination
in the following days. Enumerated individuals who were
unable to attend were examined in their home whenever
Abbreviations: BL, blindness; IOL, intraocular lens; logMAR, logarithm of
minimum angle of acuity; MVI, moderate visual impairment; NCPB,
National Committee for the Prevention of Blindness; NWFP, North West
Frontier Province; OR, odds ratio; PCO, posterior capsule opacification;
SVI, severe visual impairment; WHO, World Health Organization; YAG,
possible. Three visits were made to homes before marking the
subject as a non-responder.
Ethical and official government approval
Ethical approval was provided by the Pakistan Medical
Research Council (PMRC) in March 2002. This study followed
the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Definitions used in the ophthalmic examination
Visual impairment
The WHO categories of visual impairment were used in this
Blindness (BL) was defined as a presenting visual acuity
(ie, with glasses for distance if normally worn, or unaided) of
,3/60 (,20/400 (logarithm of minimum angle of acuity
(logMAR) .1.30) in the better eye. Severe visual impairment
(SVI) was defined as ,6/60 to >3/60, and moderate visual
impairment (MVI) as ,6/18 to >6/60. A ‘‘near normal’’
category was also included as ,6/12 but >6/18. Any person
with an acuity of ,6/12 in the better eye was regarded as
visually impaired. As visual fields were only assessed on a
subset of the sample, constricted visual fields were not included
in the definition of blindness. The Snellen notation for visual
acuity has been used herein for ease of comparison.
Unilateral SVI/BL
This was defined as a participant presenting with >6/12 in one
eye and ,6/60 in the other eye.
Clinical examination
Distance visual acuities were measured in all subjects using a
reduced logMAR tumbling ‘‘E’’ chart.
All study participants
had a basic eye examination and all also underwent auto-
refraction (Nikon Retinomax K-plus II Nikon, Tokyo, Japan).
Individuals with ,6/12 presenting visual acuity in one or both
eyes (‘‘red card holders’’) were subject to a more detailed
examination. All ‘‘red carders’’ had their visual acuity retested
with the autorefraction result in a trial frame and all had a slit-
lamp examination with a dilated posterior segment examina-
tion. All ‘‘red carders’’ presenting with ,6/18 with a treatable
condition were referred to the nearest eye care facility.
Identification of causes of visual loss
The survey ophthalmologist, epidemiologist and the three
clinical ophthalmologists determined the cause(s) of visual
loss, following the principles outlined in the WHO Prevention of
Blindness Proforma (Version III). For each eye, all pathological
findings were recorded at the time of examination. Any degree
of improvement in visual acuity when retested with a refractive
correction was deemed evidence of refractive error present in
that eye. One main cause was then selected for each eye, the
WHO recommendations stipulating that (1) if any pathology is
secondary to another, the primary pathology should be selected
(eg, if the pathology was band keratopathy secondary to uveitis,
uveitis should be selected), and/or (2) conditions amenable to
treatment or (3) which could have been prevented are
preferentially selected over and above unavoidable causes.
Following this, the main cause in the right eye or the main
cause in the left eye was chosen to represent the principal cause
for the individual. If the main causes in the right eye and the
left eye differed, the principal disorder for the individual was
selected as the one most readily treatable or, if not treatable, the
one which was more amenable to prevention (eg, if the main
causes were right eye cataract and left eye optic atrophy,
cataract was selected as the principal cause). Refractive error
was considered more amenable to treatment than cataract.
refractive error and cataract co-existed in the same eye, cataract
was given as the main cause if refractive error correction did
not improve the visual acuity >6/18.
Statistical analysis
All data were double entered by two trained data processors.
Conditions were subgrouped as preventable or treatable (ie,
avoidable), or unavoidable. Cause-specific proportions of
blindness and visual impairment were determined by age
group, gender, province, location of household (rural/urban)
and level of literacy. Univariate and age/gender-adjusted
logistic regression modelling was used to explore associations
of the major causes (eg, cataract vs all other causes) with
demographic variables. Generalised estimating equations were
used in the models to adjust for dependency in the data due to
clustered sampling. Estimation of the cause-specific magnitude
in Pakistan was calculated from age- and gender-standardised
prevalence data (using the latest population data).
Extrapolations for the year 2020 were calculated using
projected population estimates derived from the US census
Study population
A total of 17 314 adults (>30 years) were enumerated, 16 507
(95.3%) of whom were examined and included in this study. Of
the study sample, 53.1% were women, their mean age being
significantly lower than that of males (45.9 vs 48.9 years,
respectively, p,0.001). The demographics of responders and
non-responders, and details of the prevalence of visual
impairment have been described in detail elsewhere.
A total
of 4416 subjects (27%, 95% CI 26.1% to 27.4%) were identified
with a presenting visual acuity ,6/12. Of these, 561 subjects
(crude prevalence 3.4%, 95% CI: 3.1% to 3.7%) presented blind.
Causes of bilateral blindness and visual impairment
Initially, all possible pathologies of a reduced visual acuity in
eyes that presented with ,6/12 vision were recorded by the
examining ophthalmologist (total of 14 881 eyes). Refractive
error and cataract were recorded as causes in 5463 (36.7%) and
5345 (35.9%) eyes, respectively. The next most common cause
was central corneal opacity (912 eyes, 6.1%), uncorrected
aphakia (430 eyes, 2.9%) and macular degeneration (418 eyes,
Data were then analysed using the principal cause as shown
in table 1. Overall, an extremely high proportion of all
categories of visual loss were due to conditions which could
have been treated or prevented. A striking 85.4% of blindness
was due to avoidable causes. Unoperated cataract together with
uncorrected aphakia and posterior capsule opacification (PCO)
accounted for 46.8, 78.1 and 63.7% of MVI, SVI and blindness,
respectively. Under/uncorrected refractive errors accounted for
70.2% of visual loss in individuals with ,6/12, but only 2.7% of
Amongst the 47 blind from ‘‘other’’ causes, posterior segment
disorders dominated, including retinitis pigmentosa (11 sub-
jects), vitreous haemorrhage (six subjects) and retinal detach-
ment (two subjects).
Causes of unilateral SVI/BL
The main causes of unilateral reduced vision are presented in
fig 1. Overall, more men were unilaterally blind than women
(238 men, 187 women, p,0.001).
Demographic variation
We have previously reported that the prevalence of blindness
increased almost exponentially with increasing age. The
1006 Dineen,Bourne,Jadoon,etal
prevalence was also associated with female gender, rural
dwelling and illiteracy.
Among blind subjects, cataract was the main cause in all age
groups. There were no persons blind as a result of glaucoma or
uncorrected aphakia in the 30–39 year age group; however,
among those aged 70 years and older, glaucoma and
uncorrected aphakia accounted for 9 and 10%, respectively.
PCO was not a cause of blindness in the younger age groups (ie,
30–59 years) but in older subjects it was a prominent treatable
cause (6.3% in 60–69 year olds). In contrast amblyopia was a
more common cause in younger subjects but was not reported
as a cause in subjects >60years. The highest proportion of
phthsis/absent globe as a cause was found in the youngest age
group (7.8%). The distribution in individuals with MVI is
shown in fig 2.
The principal causes of MVI stratified by demographic
variables are presented in table 2. In men, the principal cause
was cataract (45.4%), whereas in women it was refractive error
(45.4%). Provincial differences suggested that refractive error
was a more common problem in NWFP (48.5%). Similarly
refractive error was more common in urban settings (47.5%)
(whereas in rural settings cataract dominated (45.3%)) and in
literate subjects (59.3%). The proportion attributed to corneal
opacity was highest in Balochistan (9.9%).
Association analysis
The age- and gender-adjusted association analyses of the
principal cause in participants with SVI/BL are presented in
table 3. The odds of refractive error as a cause compared with
any other cause steadily decreased with age (p = 0.025),
whereas the odds of cataract and aphakia increased with each
decade (p = 0.023 and p = 0.025, respectively).
Estimate of the number of adults presenting with visual
impairment in Pakistan by cause
If the acuity level of ,6/60 is used to denote ‘‘operable
cataract’’, there are 904 000 (95% CI 736 000 to 1 107 000)
adults requiring surgery. A further 173 000 individuals have
uncorrected aphakia or PCO. A total of 1 390 000 adults have a
presenting visual acuity of ,6/60 in the better eye due to
avoidable causes (table 4). Assuming the prevalence and
patterns of causes remain unchanged, the figures for the year
2020 show that a total of 2 560 000 adults will have avoidable
causes of SVI and blindness. The estimate for ‘‘operable
cataract’’ is predicted to increase to almost 2 million by the
year 2020.
Projections for the year 2020 are shown in table 4. Regarding
adults with MVI (,6/18 to >6/60, better eye), 2 140 000 would
benefit from having their refractive error corrected, this number
increasing to 4 320 000 adults in 2020.
The survey reported in this paper used a diagnostically rigorous
methodology, similar to that used in the recent surveys in
Bangladesh and India.
11 12
The response rate was very high
(95.3%), minimising potential non-response bias. The use of
the WHO criteria for coding causes of visual loss allows
comparisons with other similarly coded surveys.
The refractive status of every individual was assessed by
autorefraction, and, furthermore, subjects with a visual acuity
of ,6/12 in either eye had trial lens-corrected visual acuities
measured. This allowed an accurate evaluation of refractive
Table 1 Principal cause, by category, of visual loss in the better eye (presenting visual acuity)
,6/12–6/18 ,6/18–6/60 ,6/60–3/60 ,3/60
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Refractive error 1047 (70.2) 905 (42.7) 17 (6.9) 15 (2.7)
Cataract 287 (19.2) 883 (41.6) 166 (67.8) 289 (51.5)
Uncorrected aphakia 23 (1.5) 66 (3.1) 13 (5.3) 48 (8.6)
PCO 15 (1.0) 45 (2.1) 11 (4.5) 20 (3.6)
Glaucoma 10 (0.7) 36 (1.7) 6 (2.4) 40 (7.1)
Diabetic retinopathy 4 (0.3) 10 (0.5) 1 (0.4) 1 (0.2)
Total treatable 1386 (93.0) 1945 (91.7) 214 (87.3) 413 (73.6)
Central corneal scar 29 (1.9) 55 (2.6) 8 (3.3) 66 (11.8)
Total avoidable 1415 (94.9) 2000 (94.3) 222 (90.6) 479 (85.4)
Phthisis/absent globe 1 (0.1) 3 (0.1) 1 (0.4) 15 (2.7)
Macular degeneration 8 (0.5) 21 (1.0) 5 (2.0) 12 (2.1)
Optic atrophy 2 (0.1) 5 (0.2) 1 (0.4) 5 (0.9)
Amblyopia 10 (0.7) 13 (0.6) 2 (0.8) 3 (0.5)
Other 55 (3.7) 79 (3.7) 14 (5.7) 47 (8.4)
Total unavoidable 76 (5.1) 121 (5.7) 23 (9.4) 82 (14.6)
Grand total 1491 (100.0) 2121(100.0) 245 (100.0) 561 (100.0)
*In this analysis, a treatable condition was one in which an intervention existed to restore visual function or an
intervention existed, if administered early, that prevented the consequences of established disease. A preventable cause
was one in which a cost-effective intervention existed that prevented the condition from occurring in the first place.
PCO, posterior capsule opacification.
Posterior capsule opacification
Optic atrophy
Macular degeneration
Refractive error
Uncorrected aphakia
Phthisis/absent globe
Central corneal opacity
0 5 10 15 20
25 30 35 4
Figure 1 Main causes of unilateral reduced vision in 427 subjects (,6/60
presenting vision in one eye and 6/12 or better in the fellow eye). The 10
most common causes are presented.
Causes of blindness and visual impairment in Pakistan 1007
error as a cause of visual impairment, these data being
important for planning refractive error services (a priority of
the global initiative to eliminate avoidable blindness, VISION
2020: The Right to Sight
). The examination process also
involved a dilated examination of all eyes with a visual acuity
,6/12, allowing the detection of posterior segment disease,
which has often been overlooked in the presence of cataract.
For logistical reasons, fields were not performed on all
subjects. Visual fields were only performed on a subset of the
sample for normative data collection and on those who had
optic disc changes that were suggestive of glaucoma, hence the
decision not to use a definition of blindness that involved visual
field construction. As fields were not performed on all subjects,
constricted fields were not included in our definition of
blindness. As the primary cause of a phthisical/absent globe
could not always be determined, it is possible that some
‘‘unavoidable’’ cases could have been treatable or preventable
(misclassification bias).
We found 14 881 eyes with visual acuity ,6/12. When all
pathological findings in each eye were analysed together,
refractive error caused as much visual loss as cataract (36.7 and
35.6%, respectively).
Almost 75% of individuals who were blind had treatable
causes, and .90% of subjects had treatable causes of visual
impairment. The two most important treatable causes of
blindness were unoperated cataract (or uncorrected aphakia,
8.6%; and PCO, 3.6%) and glaucoma (7.1%), others being
refractive error (2.7%) and diabetic retinopathy (0.2%). In the
1990 study,
cataract accounted for 66.7% of blindness, whereas
the current survey found unoperated cataract accounting for
51.5%. It is not possible to compare data for cataract between
these studies directly, as different age groups were used, but the
observed reduction almost certainly represents a real reduction,
given the large-scale increase in cataract surgical service
delivery in Pakistan. However, the finding that despite this
increase nearly 1 in 10 adults in Pakistan were visually
impaired (,6/12) due to unoperated cataract highlights the
importance of continued support of the NCPB for extending
cataract surgical services in Pakistan.
In this survey, .12% of blindness was due to the sequelae of
cataract surgery (ie, uncorrected aphakia 8.6% and PCO 3.6%).
A survey conducted in rural NWFP identified uncorrected
aphakia as the second most common cause of blindness.
hospital-based study in Lahore, Pakistan showed that only 50%
of eyes among individuals returning for follow-up after cataract
surgery had had intraocular lens (IOL) implantation.
As low-
cost, high-quality IOLs are now readily available, IOL surgery
should be routine. Visual loss from PCO is certain to increase as
cataract surgical rates increase, and YAG (yttrium–aluminium–
garnet) lasers need to be made available for hospitals delivering
high-volume cataract surgery, with training in their use,
upkeep and repair made a priority.
After cataract and the sequelae of cataract surgery, glaucoma
was the next most important cause of treatable blindness,
accounting for 7.1%. This is lower than the 11% quoted for the
WHO Eastern Mediterranean region, subregion D, which
includes Pakistan,
but much higher than in a similarly
designed survey in Bangladesh (1.2%). A survey in India of
adults aged >50 years, which used a blindness definition of ,6/
60, showed that 5.8% of blindness was due to glaucoma.
earlier study in Pakistan estimated the number of people blind
030_39 40_49 50_59 60_69 70+
Other Cataract Refractive error
Figure 2 The relative contribution of the most common ocular pathologies
for the moderately visually impaired (presenting ,6/18 to 6/60) subjects
according to age group.
Table 2 Principal cause of visual loss for persons with moderate visual impairment(,6/18 but >6/60 in better eye)
(%) Preventable (%)
RE Cataract PCO UA DR Glaucoma Corneal opacity Optic atrophy MD Other
Male 935 39.1 45.4 2.1 2.9 0.3 2.1 2.9 0.2 1.2 3.8
Female 1186 45.4 39.8 2.1 3.3 0.6 1.3 2.4 0.3 0.8 4.0
Balochistan 101 38.6 29.7 1.0 3.0 0.0 3.0 9.9 1.0 1.0 12.8
NWFP 342 48.5 36.5 2.3 1.5 0.3 0.9 4.1 0.9 1.2 3.8
Punjab 1159 40.7 43.0 1.2 5.0 0.8 2.1 2.3 0.0 1.0 3.9
Sindh 519 43.9 44.3 4.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.8 4.8
Urban 729 47.5 34.6 2.5 2.5 1.2 1.5 2.9 0.1 1.8 5.4
Rural 1392 40.2 45.3 1.9 3.4 0.1 1.8 2.4 0.3 0.6 4.0
Literate 290 59.3 28.6 1.0 1.7 1.4 1.7 1.4 0.3 0.3 4.3
Illiterate 1831 40.0 43.7 2.3 3.3 0.3 1.7 2.8 0.2 1.1 4.6
DR, diabetic retinopathy; MD, macular degeneration; NWFP, North West Frontier Province; PCO, posterior capsule opacification; RE, refractive error; UA, uncorrected
1008 Dineen,Bourne,Jadoon,etal
from glaucoma to be 80 000,
which is similar to the estimate
from the current survey (89 000). As cataract is becoming
increasingly controlled in developing countries, strategies for
the detection and treatment of glaucoma will need to increase
in profile. In this survey, glaucoma blindness was highest in
Balochistan, the most deprived province (89% of the rural
population live in high deprivation districts)
with limited
access to eye care services.
Diabetic retinopathy accounted for 0.2% of blindness.
However, this is likely to underestimate the true burden of
retinopathy in the population as diabetic patients are more
likely to have cataract, which would be preferentially recorded
as the cause of their visual loss, and vitreous haemorrhage
(possibly from diabetic neovascularisation) was classified in the
‘other’ category. It is predicted that with rapid urbanisation,
Pakistan will be among the five countries with the highest
prevalence of diabetes by the year 2025.
This is likely to alter
the existing pattern of blindness and, in order to prevent a
public health problem, preventive strategies need to be
In the 1990 Pakistan study, refractive error (including
uncorrected aphakia) accounted for 11.4% of blindness,
is identical to the figure in the current survey, indicating that
there has been minimal progress in addressing this highly
treatable condition. Refractive error was the leading cause of
MVI, particularly among the economically active working age
group. Targeting this group, particularly with ready-made
spectacles, should be made a priority as this would prove to
be extremely cost effective. It must be recognised, however, that
barriers exist—for example, the social implications of spectacle
wear. In addition, many individuals have mild myopia and, as
they have adequate near vision, they may not feel impaired.
Corneal pathology, the main preventable cause, was the
second most common cause of blindness overall (11.8%), again
similar to that found in the 1990 survey.
There are many
causes of corneal scarring, trachoma being one. Trachoma is
still endemic in parts of the country, and a recent rapid
assessment found that of 233 villages surveyed, 151 (64.8%)
had individuals requiring trichiasis surgery.
Pakistan has set
up a dedicated national task force for trachoma control and is
part of the GET 2020 alliance.
Phthisis/absent globe was the most important cause of
unavoidable blindness and the third most important cause of
unilateral SVI/BL. This highlights the importance of ocular
trauma in Pakistan. A previous study on ocular trauma in
NWFP found that 57.7% of cases had a perforating injury and
that men outnumbered women by 5:1.
A similar gender
difference in unilateral blindness was noted in our survey.
A comparison of the findings of this survey with others in the
region shows that Pakistan has the lowest proportion of SVI/BL
(57%) due to cataract (India 62.4%,
Bangladesh 82%
Refractive error (including uncorrected aphakia) was lowest
in Bangladesh (7.5%), followed by Pakistan (12%) and India
(19.7%). Corneal opacity, responsible for nearly 1 in 10 cases of
SVI/BL, was particularly prevalent in Pakistan but accounted
for ,1% of SVI/BL in India
and Bangladesh.
The reason for
this high disparity is unclear but warrants further investigation.
In subjects with ,6/12, cataract and refractive error were of
similar importance in Pakistan; however, this contrasts with
Bangladesh where the main cause was cataract (73.4%), with
refractive error only accounting for 18.9%.
Our findings are markedly different from the findings in high
income countries where the primary causes of blindness are
age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and
myopic degeneration, one survey in the USA indicating that
these causes accounted for 63% of blindness.
Based on the findings from this survey and future population
dynamics, eye care service delivery needs to continue to expand
in Pakistan, focusing principally on high-quality cataract
surgery and aftercare, and on increased capacity for the
correction of refractive errors. This recommendation is con-
sistent with the prioritised areas of action for the region as
outlined by the WHO South-East Asia policy VISION 2020: The
Right to Sight. The more challenging conditions to control,
Table 3 Age- and gender-adjusted association analysis of the principal causes of subjects presenting with severe visual impairment
and blindness (,6/60 in the better eye)
RE Cataract PCO UA Corneal opacity Glaucoma
Age*30–39 1 1 1 1 1 1
Decade increase 0.7 (0.6 to 1.0) 1.2 (1.0 to 1.3) 1.33 (0.91 to 1.96) 1.4 (1.0 to 1.8) 0.93 (0.8 to 1.1) 1.23 (0.9 to 1.7)
GenderWomen 1 1 1 1 1 1
Men 0.8 (0.4 to 1.6) 0.8 (0.6 to 1.1) 0.5 (0.2 to 1.0) 0.8 (0.5 to 1.4) 0.9 (0.8 to 1.1) 0.9 (0.5 to 1.6)
Province NWFP 1 1 1 1 1 1
Balochistan 1.0 (0.3 to 4.2) 0.5 (0.3 to 0.95) 0.6 (0.1 to 3.1) 1.5 (0.3 to 9.4) 3.61 (0.6 to 22.5) 6.2 (1.2 to 32.9)
Punjab 0.6 (0.3 to 1.6) 0.8 (0.5 to 1.2) 0.4 (0.2 to 1.1) 4.3 (1.3 to 14.0) 7.1 (1.7 to 30.0) 4.1 (1.0 to 17.5)
Sindh 0.6 (0.2 to 1.7) 0.91 (0.6 to 1.5) 0.9 (0.3 to 2.3) 1.78 (0.5 to 6.8) 8.0 (1.8 to 34.9) 2.4 (0.5 to 11.5)
Dwelling Urban 1 1 1 1 1 1
Rural 3.5 (1.1 to 11.7) 0.2 (0.7 to 1.3) 0.6 (0.3 to 1.4) 1.06 (0.6 to 1.9) 1.4 (0.8 to 2.6) 1.2 (0.6 to 2.6)
Literacy Illiterate 1 1 1 1 1 1
Literate 1.18 (0.3 to 4.5) 1.20 (0.7 to 2.2) NA`1.0 (0.3 to 3.5) 0.38 (0.1 to 1.3) 0.8 (0.2 to 3.4)
*Gender adjusted; age adjusted; `no literate subjects were found with PCO as their principal cause of severe visual impairment and blindness.
Statistically significant associations are indicated in bold (p,0.05)
PCO, posterior capsule opacification; RE, refractive error; UA, uncorrected aphakia.
Table 4 Estimated number of adults (>30 years) in
Pakistan with severe visual impairment and blindness
(presenting vision ,6/60 in the better eye) by cause (age-/
gender-standardised figures)
Cause 2003 (139 million)*2020 (213
Cataract 904 000 1 860 000
Uncorrected aphakia 116 000 238 000
Glaucoma 89 000 185 000
Refractive error 72 000 147 000
Posterior capsule opacification 57 000 119 000
Diabetic retinopathy 3200 6900
Central corneal opacity 150 000 308 000
Macular degeneration 35 000 72 000
Optic atrophy 15 000 32 000
Total1 620 000 3 320 000
*Total Pakistan population; estimated total Pakistan population
`including other causes.
Causes of blindness and visual impairment in Pakistan 1009
namely glaucoma, macular degeneration and diabetic retino-
pathy, are also emerging as priorities.
26 27
The authors are grateful for the contribution of the ‘‘Pakistan National
Eye Survey Study Group’’ which consisted of the following individuals:
Professor Shad Mohammed, Professor Zia Uddin Sheik, Professor Asad
Aslam, Professor Nasim Panazai, Dr Shabbir Mir Dr Niaz Ali. Mr Pak
Sang Lee (Technical Coordinator, International Centre for Eye Health,
London), Ikram Ullah Khan (Biomedical Engineer, Pakistan Institute of
Community Ophthalmology), Dr Haroon (Sight Savers International),
Dr Rubina Gillani (Fred Hollows Foundation), Dr Babar Qureshi
(Christoffel Blindenmission), Dr Mohammed Shabbir and Dr Falak Naz
(Clinical and Community Ophthalmologists, respectively, North West
Frontier Province team), Dr Abdul Ghafoor and Dr Kiramatullah
(Survey Ophthalmologists, Punjab and Baluchistan Teams), and Dr
Waheed Shaikh and Dr Amjad Shaikh (Survey Ophthalmologists,
Sindh Team). The survey was financially supported by the
‘‘International Blindness Prevention Collaborative Group’’ which
consisted of: The Government of Pakistan, the World Health
Organization East Mediterranean Regional Office and Pakistan Office,
Sight Savers International, Christoffel Blinden Mission, and the Fred
Hollows Foundation. The authors also wish to thank Mr Tauqeer Abbas
and Mr Fakhre-e Alam for data entry, Dr Mahwash Akhtar-Khan,
Yelena Alexander and Rahul Shah for assisting in data cleaning, and Mr
Fazl-Subhan for assisting with financial management. Heidelberg
Engineering (Heidelberg, Germany) kindly lent two HRT-II instru-
ments. Lateef Brothers, Lahore and S. Haji Ameerdin and Sons, both
based in Lahore, Pakistan, were generous in their instrument support.
Ophthalmic medications were generously donated by the NWFP
divisions of the companies Remington and Kobec.
This study was supported financially by the ‘‘International Blindness
Prevention Collaberative Group’’:
The Government of Pakistan, Sight Savers International, Christoffel
Blindenmission, Fred Hollows Foundation, WHO Pakistan Office, The
International Centre for Eye Health, Pakistan Institute of Community
Authors’ affiliations
B Dineen, R R A Bourne, S P Shah, A Foster, C E Gilbert, International
Centre for Eye Health, Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
Z Jadoon, M A Khan, M D Khan, Pakistan Institute of Community
Ophthalmology, Kyber Institute of Ophthalmic Medical Sciences,
Peshawar, Pakistan
Competing interests: None declared.
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1010 Dineen,Bourne,Jadoon,etal
... Cataract surgery is a common and cost-effective procedure aimed at preventing this blindness by removing the lens opacity that impedes visualization of the posterior segment of the eye. Visualization of the posterior segment is crucial for predicting visual outcomes post-surgery (1)(2)(3). Ultrasonography (USG) provides valuable information about posterior segment pathologies prior to cataract surgery. Ophthalmic ultrasonography comprises two primary types of scans: A-scan and B-scan, both of which are essential for diagnosing posterior segment pathology (4)(5)(6). ...
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Background: Cataract is the leading cause of blindness globally, accounting for approximately 47.8% of blindness worldwide and 51.5% in Pakistan. The opacity of the lens in cataract patients obstructs the visualization of the posterior segment, making it challenging to predict visual outcomes post-surgery. Ultrasonography, particularly B-scan, plays a crucial role in identifying posterior segment pathologies before cataract surgery, aiding in surgical planning, and improving postoperative visual prognosis. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of B-scan ultrasonography in detecting posterior segment pathologies in patients with dense cataracts, thus assisting in preoperative planning and predicting visual outcomes. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at the Outpatient Department of Ophthalmology, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar, from August 15th, 2019, to February 15th, 2020. A total of 260 eyes from patients with dense cataracts were included. Patients of all age groups and both sexes, including those with traumatic and non-traumatic cataracts, were examined. Exclusion criteria included transmittable ocular surface infections, penetrating ocular trauma, previous glaucoma or vitreoretinal surgery, and siliconized eyes. B-scan ultrasonography was performed using an 8-10 MHz frequency probe. The eye globe was assessed in axial, longitudinal, and transverse positions. Data were recorded and analyzed using SPSS version 25. Ethical approval was obtained from the institutional review board, and the study adhered to the Declaration of Helsinki. Results: Out of 260 eyes examined, 97 (37.3%) were right eyes, 105 (40.4%) were left eyes, and 58 (22.3%) had bilateral involvement. Normal findings were observed in 215 eyes (67.8%), while 32.2% showed posterior segment pathologies. The most common pathology was posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), found in 24 eyes (7.6%). Retinal detachment and vitreous hemorrhage were each observed in 15 eyes (4.7%). Other findings included asteroid hyalosis (18 eyes, 5.7%), vitreous inflammation (11 eyes, 3.5%), intraocular foreign body (3 eyes, 0.9%), persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (1 eye, 0.3%), and posterior staphyloma (2 eyes, 0.6%). Conclusion: B-scan ultrasonography is an effective tool for detecting posterior segment pathologies in preoperative dense cataract patients, significantly influencing surgical strategies and postoperative visual outcomes. Routine use of ultrasonography in cataract patients can enhance surgical planning and improve patient counseling and prognosis.
... This adjustment aims to accurately reflect the significant burden of uncorrected refractive errors. 18,19 Consequently, the present study adopts presenting VA as its basis. This study primary objective was to observed the proportion and major underlying causes of blindness and visual impairment among patients seeking eye care at the Tertiary Eye Care Centers in Lady Reading Hospital (LRH) and Kuwait Teaching Hospital (KTH), Peshawar, Pakistan. ...
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Background: Blindness remains a significant issue, particularly in underdeveloped regions, with an estimated 38 million blind and 110 million visually impaired worldwide. Cataracts and glaucoma are primary causes. Many cases are preventable or treatable. Pakistan's Vision 2020 initiative targets blindness prevention, but its impact needs assessment. This study aims to determine the prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment among patients at tertiary eye care centers of Lady reading Hospital and Kuwait Teaching Hospital Peshawar. . Methods: The study reviewed hospital records from LRH and KTH eye care centers in February 2017. Patients with visual acuity below 3/60 were classified as blind, and below 6/18 as visually impaired. Data included age, gender, and causes of decreased visual acuity. Results: The study included 100 cases, with 55 males and 45 females. Participants averaged is 42.78 ± 20.75 years old. Blindness frequency was 10%, higher in females (13.33%) than males (7.2%). Visual impairment occurred at a rate of 39%, slightly higher in females (40%) than males (38.1%). Most cases (84.6%) were moderate visual impairment (n=33). Cataracts were the leading cause (37%), followed by uncorrected refractive errors (28%), among others. Conclusion: Despite Vision 2020 efforts, cataracts remain the leading cause of blindness in tertiary eye care hospitals. Extensive studies are required to assess the burden of avoidable blindness and understand why these causes persist.
... [6] It was also reported in another report that the most important causes of blindness in Pakistan are related to cataract (51.5%), corneal opacity (11.8%), and glaucoma (7.1%). [7] Based on the results of past studies, the knowledge level of the Hong Kong Chinese population about ARMD is reported to be low, and this value is reported to be 9.2%. [8] In addition, the Iranian population's level of knowledge about glaucoma is relatively low, and this amount is reported as 46.6%. ...
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A BSTRACT Background and purpose Increasing people’s knowledge and then changing their attitude and practice with the aim of taking care of their eye health are very important. Considering the importance of the mentioned topic, the main goal of this study was to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice about eye diseases in the general population of the world in the form of a systematic literature review. Materials and Methods This study was a systematic literature review study, and to do it, a systematic search was conducted in internationally available databases including Web of Science, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar in the time range of 1998 to 2023. Finally, considering the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study, the results of 18 articles were extracted. Results The findings showed that in general, people’s level of knowledge about glaucoma was lower compared to other eye diseases, and the level of knowledge of men and women about eye diseases was different. In addition, the results showed that there was significant relationship between age and knowledge of various eye diseases. The results of all evaluated studies showed that people with higher education have more knowledge about eye diseases. Conclusion Based on this, it can be concluded that as glaucoma is one of the most important causes of blindness worldwide, it is necessary to plan to increase the level of public knowledge to recognize the symptoms and complications of this disease. In addition to that, it is necessary to increase people’s advertisement by ophthalmology centers and eye specialists about the use of glasses and also to encourage people to visit the eye physician regularly.
... Cataracts account for almost 39% of cases of blindness globally, but it is reported as occurring at a higher frequency (51%) in the Pakistani population because of its higher rates of consanguinity. The frequency of CC is about 23% in Pakistani families from the total of 54.7% of visually handicapped children in this population [8,9]. ...
... Cataracts account for almost 39% of cases of blindness globally, but it is reported as occurring at a higher frequency (51%) in the Pakistani population because of its higher rates of consanguinity. The frequency of CC is about 23% in Pakistani families from the total of 54.7% of visually handicapped children in this population [8,9]. ...
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Citation: Ullah, M.I.; Rehman, Z.; Dad, R.; Alsrhani, A.; Shakil, M.; Ghanem, H.B.; Alameen, A.A.M.; Elsadek, M.F.; Eltayeb, L.B.; Ullah, S.; et al. Identification and Functional Characterization of Mutation in FYCO1 in Families with Congenital Cataract. Life 2023, 13, 1788. Abstract: Congenital cataract (CC) causes a third of the cases of treatable childhood blindness worldwide. CC is a disorder of the crystalline lens which is established as clinically divergent and has complex heterogeneity. This study aimed to determine the genetic basis of CC. Whole blood was obtained from four consanguineous families with CC. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood, and the combination of targeted and Sanger sequencing was used to identify the causative gene. The mutations detected were analyzed in silico for structural and protein-protein interactions to predict their impact on protein activities. The sequencing found a known FYCO1 mutation (c.2206C>T; p.Gln736Term) in autosomal recessive mode in families with CC. Co-segregation analysis showed affected individuals as homozygous and carriers as heterozygous for the mutation and the unaffected as wild-type. Bioinformatics tools uncovered the loss of the Znf domain and structural compactness of the mutant protein. In conclusion, a previously reported nonsense mutation was identified in four consanguineous families with CC. Structural analysis predicted the protein as disordered and coordinated with other structural proteins. The autophagy process was found to be significant for the development of the lens and maintenance of its transparency. The identification of these markers expands the scientific knowledge of CC; the future goal should be to understand the mechanism of disease severity. Ascertaining the genetic etiology of CC in a family member facilitates establishing a molecular diagnosis, unlocks the prospect of prenatal diagnosis in pregnancies, and guides the successive generations by genetic counseling.
... Countries with low urbanization rates such as Pakistan tend to have lower educational attainment which inversely correlates with disease prevalence. This is evidenced by a study that took place in 2007, determining that cataract was the most common cause of blindness in Pakistan with a prevalence rate of 51.5% [4], while the prevalence rate of cataract in the U.S. population over age 40 is 17% [5]. Further studies asserted that individuals with higher education levels tend to have better health status than a person with lower levels of education [6]. ...
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Background: The importance of eye health in the overall well-being of an individual continues to be a neglected topic. As a result,
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Glaucoma is characterized by an abnormal increase in intraocular pressure, leading to optic nerve damage and permanent visual impairment. Cataract is characterized by lens opacity that impairs vision but can be reversed. Objective: To compare pre and post-operative average visual acuity, intraocular pressure, anterior chamber angle, and anterior chamber depth in patients with cataract and narrow angle glaucoma undergoing combined phacoemulsification, intraocular lens implantation, and trabeculectomy. Methods: A quasi-experimental study was carried out at Niazi Welfare Foundation Teaching Hospital Sargodha from June 2022 to December 2023. Total 107 patients with both cataracts and narrow angle glaucoma were included. Post-surgery, average visual acuity, intraocular pressure, anterior chamber angle, and anterior chamber depth were assessed at various postoperative intervals (1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months). The Patient's symptoms improved, with visual acuity and average anterior chamber depth increasing by more than 50% compared to pre-surgery was considered as significant. Data were analyzed by SPSS version 25.0. P-value <0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Results of the study yielded significant improvements in average visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), anterior chamber angle, and anterior chamber depth post-operatively with complication rate of 6.52%. Conclusions: We concluded that combined phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation (IOL) and trabeculectomy may be an effective approach for managing intraocular pressure (IOP) and improving visual acuity in patients with narrow angle glaucoma and cataract.
Turkiye is a developing country with a unique location between Europe and Asia. Although the actual burden of genetic eye diseases is not known, it is expected to be high due to higher consanguinity rates. In the current era of next-generation genetic diagnostic tests and gene therapies, the approach to genetic eye diseases has started to change as in other countries. This chapter reveals the current condition of Turkiye in terms of healthcare services and research in genetic eye diseases.
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Objective: To determine the popular subspeciality choices among ophthalmology residents, to explore the factors affecting that choice, and to identify the obstacles that they face while selecting a subspeciality fellowship. Study Design: Mixed-methods study. Place and Duration of the Study: Department of Ophthalmology of Hayatabad Medical Complex and Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, from 1st September to 30th November, 2021. Methodology: The qualitative (1st) phase comprised of focussed group discussion (FGD) followed by an online in-depth interview (IDI). Quantitative (2nd) phase was conducted as online survey and consisted of currently enrolled FCPS-ophthalmology residents. Themes were generated and used to modify the pre-designed questionnaire. Questionnaire was piloted and necessary adjustments were made. In the 2nd phase, the online link of the questionnaire was shared with the eligible participants all over the country. For the association between categorical variables, the Pearson Chi-square test was used with significance at p-value <0.05. Results: Nine participants were recruited in the first phase and three themes were generated. In the second phase, a total of 138 responses were received, among which mean age was 29.37 + 3.9 years, and 74 (53.6%) participants were males. The top three subspeciality choices were cataract and refractive surgery (n = 31, 22.5%), vitreoretinal surgery (n = 30, 21.7%) and orbit and oculoplasty (n = 13, 9.4%). Sixty-two (48.8%) participants stated interest in the career to be the main reason to choose a particular fellowship, and 54 (42.5%) participants identified challenging subspeciality as the main obstacle. An association between gender and the intended subspeciality showed significant results (p = 0.029). Conclusion: Ophthalmology residents of Pakistan have different approaches and motivations for selecting a fellowship programme. Professional needs and scientific reasons are their main motivations.
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Objectives: To compare the total oxidant status (TOS), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), and oxidative stress index (OSI) in the aqueous humour of cataract patients with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Study design: Cross-sectional analytical study. Place and Duration of the Study: Department of Physiology, Army Medical College, National University of Medical Sciences, Rawalpindi, Pakistan in collaboration with Armed Forces Institute of Ophthalmology, from 1st June 2022 to 31st January 2023. Methodology: A total of 120 individuals were recruited and divided into 2 equal groups. Sample of aqueous humour was collected, and the total oxidant status, and total antioxidant status were measured by spectrophotometry. Blood samples were collected to measure the fasting glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin levels. Results were analysed by SPSS version 24 and p-value ≤0.05 was considered significant. Results: Total oxidative stress and OSI were (55.57±5.46) vs. (33.75±4.28) = p (0.001), (32.79±9.23) vs. (13.28±3.02) = p (0.001) found significantly increased in aqueous humour of diabetic patients while TAC was reduced (1.86±0.41) vs. (2.62 ± 0.45) = p (0.001) compared to the non-diabetics. Fasting blood glucose (109.18±12.32 vs. 91.61±5.71 mg/dl, p=0.001) and glycosylated haemoglobin levels (6.46±0.85 vs.5.43±0.85, p=0.001) were also found significantly high in the diabetic group compared to the non-diabetics. Conclusion: Increased levels of glucose and glycosylated haemoglobin increase oxidative stress in the blood of T2DM patients. This raises the total oxidative stress in the aqueous homor while lowering the TAC. This disturbed oxidant-antioxidant status in the aqueous humour of diabetic patients plays an important role in the development of cataract in T2DM patients compared to non-diabetics. Key words: Cataract, Aqueous humour, Oxidative stress, Type 2 diabetes mellitus.
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To estimate the prevalence of diabetes and the number of people with diabetes who are > or =20 years of age in all countries of the world for three points in time, i.e., the years 1995, 2000, and 2025, and to calculate additional parameters, such as sex ratio, urban-rural ratio, and the age structure of the diabetic population. Age-specific diabetes prevalence estimates were applied to United Nations population estimates and projections for the number of adults aged > or =20 years in all countries of the world. For developing countries, urban and rural populations were considered separately Prevalence of diabetes in adults worldwide was estimated to be 4.0% in 1995 and to rise to 5.4% by the year 2025. It is higher in developed than in developing countries. The number of adults with diabetes in the world will rise from 135 million in 1995 to 300 million in the year 2025. The major part of this numerical increase will occur in developing countries. There will be a 42% increase, from 51 to 72 million, in the developed countries and a 170% increase, from 84 to 228 million, in the developing countries. Thus, by the year 2025, >75% of people with diabetes will reside in developing countries, as compared with 62% in 1995. The countries with the largest number of people with diabetes are, and will be in the year 2025, India, China, and the U.S. In developing countries, the majority of people with diabetes are in the age range of 45-64 years. In the developed countries, the majority of people with diabetes are aged > or =65 years. This pattern will be accentuated by the year 2025. There are more women than men with diabetes, especially in developed countries. In the future, diabetes will be increasingly concentrated in urban areas. This report supports earlier predictions of the epidemic nature of diabetes in the world during the first quarter of the 21st century. It also provides a provisional picture of the characteristics of the epidemic. Worldwide surveillance of diabetes is a necessary first step toward its prevention and control, which is now recognized as an urgent priority.
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The advantages of logMAR acuity data over the Snellen fraction are well known, and yet existing logMAR charts have not been adopted into routine ophthalmic clinical use. As this may be due in part to the time required for a logMAR measurement, this study was performed to determine whether an abbreviated logMAR chart design could combine the advantages of existing charts with a clinically acceptable measurement time. The test-retest variability, agreement (with the gold standard), and time taken for "single letter" (interpolated) acuity measurements taken using three prototype "reduced logMAR" (RLM) charts and the Snellen chart were compared with those of the ETDRS chart which acted as the gold standard. The Snellen chart was also scored with the more familiar "line assignment" method. The subjects undergoing these measurements were drawn from a typical clinical outpatient population exhibiting a range of acuities. The RLM A prototype chart achieved a test-retest variability of +/-0.24 logMAR compared with +/-0.18 for the ETDRS chart. Test-retest variability for the Snellen chart was +/-0.24 logMAR using clinically prohibitive "single letter" scoring increasing to +/-0.33 with the more usual "line assignment" method. All charts produced acuity data which agreed well with those of the ETDRS chart. "Single letter" acuity measurements using the prototype RLM charts were completed in approximately half the time of those taken using the ETDRS and Snellen charts. The duration of a Snellen "line assignment" measurement was not evaluated. The RLM A chart offers an acceptable level of test-retest variability when compared with the gold standard ETDRS chart, while reducing the measurement time by half. Also, by allowing a faster, less variable acuity measurement than the Snellen chart, the RLM A chart can bring the benefits of logMAR acuity to routine clinical practice.
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To determine the age, sex, and cause specific prevalences of blindness and visual impairment in adults 30 years of age and older in Bangladesh. A nationally representative sample of 12 782 adults 30 years of age and older was selected based on multistage, cluster random sampling with probability proportional to size procedures. The breakdown of the cluster sites was proportional to the rural/urban distribution of the national population. The examination protocol consisted of an interview, visual acuity (VA) testing, autorefraction, and optic disc examination on all subjects. Corrected VA retesting, cataract grading, and a dilated fundal examination were performed on all visually impaired subjects. The definitions of blindness (<3/60) and low vision (<6/12 to >or=3/60) were based on the presenting visual acuity in the better eye. The World Health Organization/Prevention of Blindness proforma and its classification system for identifying the main cause of low vision and blindness for each examined subject was used. In total, 11 624 eligible subjects were examined (90.9% response rate) across the 154 cluster sites. A total of 162 people were bilaterally blind (1.53% age standardised prevalence) while a further 1608 subjects (13.8%) had low vision (<6/12 VA) binocularly. Visual acuity was >6/12 in the "better eye" in the remaining 9854 subjects (84.8%); however, 748 of these people had low vision in the fellow eye. The main causes of low vision were cataract (74.2%), refractive error (18.7%), and macular degeneration (1.9%). Cataract was the predominant cause (79.6%) of bilateral blindness followed by uncorrected aphakia (6.2%) and macular degeneration (3.1%). There are an estimated 650 000 blind adults (95% CI 552 175 to 740 736) aged 30 and over in Bangladesh, the large majority of whom are suffering from operable cataract. This survey indicates the need for the development and implementation of a national plan for the delivery of effective eye care services, aimed principally at resolving the large cataract backlog and the inordinate burden of refractive error.
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This paper presents estimates of the prevalence of visual impairment and its causes in 2002, based on the best available evidence derived from recent studies. Estimates were determined from data on low vision and blindness as defined in the International statistical classification of diseases, injuries and causes of death, 10th revision. The number of people with visual impairment worldwide in 2002 was in excess of 161 million, of whom about 37 million were blind. The burden of visual impairment is not distributed uniformly throughout the world: the least developed regions carry the largest share. Visual impairment is also unequally distributed across age groups, being largely confined to adults 50 years of age and older. A distribution imbalance is also found with regard to gender throughout the world: females have a significantly higher risk of having visual impairment than males. Notwithstanding the progress in surgical intervention that has been made in many countries over the last few decades, cataract remains the leading cause of visual impairment in all regions of the world, except in the most developed countries. Other major causes of visual impairment are, in order of importance, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and trachoma.
India's National Programme for Control of Blindness focuses almost exclusively on cataract, based on a national survey done in the 1980s which reported that cataract caused 80% of the blindness in India. No current population-based data on the causes of blindness in India are available. We assessed the rate and causes of blindness in an urban population in southern India. We selected 2954 participants by stratified, random, cluster, systematic sampling from Hyderabad city. Eligible participants were interviewed and given a detailed ocular assessment, including visual acuity, refraction, slitlamp biomicroscopy, applanation intraocular pressure, gonioscopy, dilatation, grading of cataract, stereoscopic fundus assessment, and automated-threshold visual fields. 2522 participants, including 1399 aged 30 years or more, were assessed. 49 participants (all aged > or =30 years) were blind (presenting distance visual acuity <6/60 or central visual field <200 in the better eye). The rate of blindness among those aged 30 years or more, adjusted for age and sex, was 3.08% ([95% CI 1.95-4.21]). Causes included cataract (29.7%), retinal disease (17.1%), corneal disease (15.4%), refractive error (12.5%), glaucoma (12.1%), and optic atrophy (11.0%). 15.7% of the blindness caused by visual-field constriction would have been missed without visual-field examination. Also without visual-field and detailed dilated-fundus assessments, blindness attributed to cataract would have been overestimated by up to 75.8%. If the use of cataract surgery in this urban population was half that found in this study, which simulates the situation in rural India, cataract would have caused 51.8% (39.4-64.2) of blindness, significantly less than the 80% accepted by current policy. Much of the blindness in this Indian population was due to non-cataract causes. The previous national survey did not include detailed dilated-fundus assessment and visual-field examination which could have led to overestimation of cataract as a cause of blindness in India. Policy-makers in India should encourage well-designed population-based epidemiological studies from which to develop a comprehensive long-term policy on blindness in addition to dealing with cataract.
Reported rates of posterior capsule opacification (PCO) vary widely and are based on various definitions of PCO, varying lengths and intervals of follow-up, and the use of different surgical techniques, intraocular lens (i.o.l.) designs, and methods of IOL implantation. This study was designed to obtain a more precise overall estimate of the incidence of PCO and to explore factors that might influence the rate of PCO development. A meta-analysis. Published articles were selected for study based on a computerized MEDLINE search of the literature and a manual search of the bibliographies of relevant articles. Articles meeting selected inclusion criteria were reviewed systematically, and the reported data were abstracted and synthesized using the statistical techniques of meta-analysis. Pooled estimates of the proportion of eyes developing PCO at three postoperative timepoints--1 year, 3 years, and 5 years--were measured. There is significant heterogeneity among published rates of PCO. The overall pooled estimates (95% confidence limits) of the incidence of PCO were 11.8% (9.3%-14.3%) at 1 year, 20.7% (16.6%-24.9%) at 3 years, and 28.4% (18.4%-38.4%) at 5 years after surgery. There is no evidence of a significant decline in PCO incidence during the study period. Visually significant PCO develops in more than 25% of patients undergoing standard extracapsular cataract extraction or phacoemulsification with posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation over the first 5 years after surgery. Patient characteristics, surgical techniques, and differences in research design and reporting may account for some of the variability in reported rates. However, no specific factors were identified in the authors' analysis. More precise estimates of incidence and identification of risk factors for PCO will depend on the development of a standardized measurement of PCO and wider adoption of more rigorous study methodology.
To determine the current prevalence and causes of blindness in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh to assess if blindness has decreased since the last survey of 1986-1989. A population-based epidemiology study, using a stratified, random, cluster, systematic sampling strategy, was conducted in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. Participants of all ages (n = 10,293), 87.3% of the 11,786 eligible, from 94 clusters in one urban and three rural areas representative of the population of Andhra Pradesh, underwent interview and a detailed dilated ocular evaluation by trained professionals. Blindness was defined as presenting distance visual acuity < 6/60 or central visual field < 20(o) in the better eye. Two hundred seventy-five participants were blind, a prevalence of 1.84% (95% confidence interval, 1.49%-2.19%) when adjusted for the age, sex, and urban-rural distribution of the population in 2000. The causes of this blindness were easily treatable in 60.3% (cataract, 44%; refractive error, 16.3%). Preventable corneal disease, glaucoma, complications of cataract surgery, and amblyopia caused another 19% of the blindness. Blindness was more likely with increasing age and decreasing socioeconomic status, and in female subjects and in rural areas. Among the 76 million population of Andhra Pradesh, 714,400 are estimated to have cataract-related blindness (615,600 cataract, 53,200 cataract surgery-related complications, 45,600 aphakia), and 228,000 refractive error-related blindness (159,600 myopia, 22,800 hyperopia, 45,600 refractive error-related amblyopia). If 95% of the cataract and refractive error blindness in Andhra Pradesh had been treated effectively, 3.4 and 7.4 million blind-person-years, respectively, could have been prevented. If 90% of the blindness due to preventable corneal disease and glaucoma had been prevented, another 2.7 million blind-person-years could have been prevented. The prevalence of blindness in this Indian state has increased from 1.5% in the late 1980s to 1.84% currently, as against the target of the National Program for Control of Blindness to reduce the prevalence to 0.3% by 2000. The number of people with cataract-related blindness has not reduced even with the eye care policy focus on cataract. Reduction of blindness in India will require strategies that are more effective than those that have been pursued so far.
To determine the visual outcome and factors influencing visual outcome after cataract surgery in an urban charity hospital in Pakistan. A series of selected outpatients were examined who had undergone cataract surgery in the preceding 24 months. 181 patients aged 45-82 years were examined. The type of cataract operations they had had were extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) only in 50% (91), phacoemulsification (phaco) only in 11% (20), ECCE with intraocular lens (IOL) in 17% (31), and phaco with IOL in 22% (39). At presentation, 49.7% (90) had poor functional vision; after refraction 68% (123) had a good visual outcome. Functional vision in eyes undergoing ECCE with IOL was good in 77% (22) and with phaco with IOL in 71.8% (28). After refraction a higher proportion of eyes with IOL surgery (93%) had a good outcome than those with non-IOL surgery (53%). Uncorrected refractive error, present in 75.5% (68), was the commonest cause of poor functional vision. This study demonstrates that it is possible to obtain good results with IOL surgery in the developing world. Increasing cataract surgery with IOL implantation should reduce the number of eyes with poor functional vision after cataract surgery. More attention should be directed towards ensuring that successful outcomes are indeed being realised by continued visual monitoring postoperatively.