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APGAR Scores: Examining the Long-term Significance



The Apgar scoring system was intended as an evaluative measure of a newborn's condition at birth and of the need for immediate attention. In the most recent past, individuals have unsuccessfully attempted to link Apgar scores with long-term developmental outcomes. This practice is not appropriate, as the Apgar score is currently defined. Expectant parents need to be aware of the limitations of the Apgar score and its appropriate uses.
Apgar Scores: Examining the Long-term Significance
Kristen S. Montgomery, PhD, RNC, IBCLC
The Apgar scoring system was intended as an evaluative
is a recent doctoral graduate in
measure of a newborn’s condition at birth and of the
nursing at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland,
need for immediate attention. In the most recent past,
Ohio. She resides in Clinton Township, Michigan.
individuals have unsuccessfully attempted to link Apgar
scores with long-term developmental outcomes. This
practice is not appropriate, as the Apgar score is cur-
rently defined. Expectant parents need to be aware of
the limitations of the Apgar score and its appropriate
Journal of Perinatal Education, 9(3), 5–9; Apgar
scores, newborn, birth, resuscitation.
Virginia Apgar, a physician and anesthesiologist, devel-
oped the Apgar scoring system in 1952 (Apgar, 1953)
to evaluate a newborn’s condition at birth. The Apgar
score is performed at 1 and 5 minutes of life. The purpose
of this paper is to discuss the appropriate use of the
Apgar score and to examine the appropriateness of using
the Apgar score to predict long-term developmental out-
The Apgar scoring system is a comprehensive screen-
ing tool to evaluate a newborn’s condition at birth (see
Table 1). Newborn infants are evaluated based on five
variables: heart rate, respiratory effort, muscle tone, re-
flex irritability, and color. A numerical score of 0–2 is
assigned in each category for a maximum score of 10.
Apgar scoring is best used in conjunction with additional
evaluative techniques such as physical assessment and
vital signs.
In recent years, many researchers have attempted to
correlate Apgar scores with various outcomes including
development (Behnke et al., 1989; Blackman, 1988;
5The Journal of Perinatal Education Vol. 9, No. 3, 2000
Apgar Scores: Examining the Long-term Significance
Table 1 The Apgar Scoring System (from Apgar, V.,
to support its use in predicting long-term outcomes.
Please see Table 2 for clarification of selected research
Sign 0 1 2
Color Pale Blue Pink Body; Completely Pink
. . . there is also little scientific evidence to support
Blue Extremities
[the Apgar score’s] use in predicting long-term
Reflex Irritability None Grimace Vigorous Cry
Heart Rate Absent Slow (< 100) Above 100
Respiratory Effort Absent Slow (irregular) Crying
Muscle Tone Flaccid Some Flexion of Active Motion
Review of the Literature
Score Status
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Com-
7–10 Normal
mittee on Fetus and Newborn and the American College
4–6 Moderately Depressed
of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee on Ob-
0–3 Severely Depressed
stetric Practice (1996), the Apgar score should be used
to assess the condition of an infant at birth. These com-
mittees also warn that the Apgar score should not be
Riehn, Petzold, Kuhlisch, & Distler, 1998), later delin-
used as the only measure to evaluate the possibility that
quency (Gibson & Tibbetts, 1998), intelligence (Nel-
neurological damage occurred during the birthing pro-
son & Ellenberg, 1981), and neurological development
cess. In addition to low Apgar scores (3 or less for longer
(Sommerfelt, Pedersen, Ellertsen, & Markestad, 1996;
Wolf, M., Beunen, Casaer, & Wolf, B., 1998; Wolf, M.,
Beunen, Casaer, & Wolf, B., 1997; Wolf, M., Wolf, B.,
Bijleveld, Beunen, & Casaer, 1997) for the purposes of
Table 2 Glossary of Selected Research Terms
research. However, individuals have misinterpreted this
Causal Relationship
research and, in some instances, attempted to apply cau-
A relationship between two variables such that the presence or
sality (i.e., that low Apgar scores caused later delin-
absence of one variable (the ‘cause’’) determines the presence
quency or poor neurological outcomes). Causality has
or absence, or value, of the other (the ‘effect’’).
been neither established nor a goal of the currently re-
A tendency for variation in one variable to be related to variation
ported research in this area. Research in this area has
in another variable.
focused on establishing a correlation between these out-
Empirical Evidence
comes and an individual’s Apgar scores. The aim was
Evidence that is rooted in objective reality and gathered through
not to demonstrate that low Apgar scores caused or
the collection of data using one’s senses; used as the basis for
generating knowledge through the scientific approach.
predicted these conditions; however, some individuals
have incorrectly interpreted the research as stating low
The entire set of individuals (or objects) having some common
Apgar scores could predict or actually caused certain
characteristic(s) (e.g., all RNs in the state of California);
behaviors or deficits. Not only is this inappropriate use
sometimes referred to as a universe.
of the Apgar score, there is also little scientific evidence
One of the aims of the scientific approach; the use of empirical
evidence to make forecasts about how variables of interest will
behave in a new setting and with different individuals.
Apgar scoring is best used in conjuction with
A bond or a connection between two or more variables.
additional evaluative techniques such as physical
A characteristic or attribute of a person or object that varies
(i.e., takes on different values) within the population under
assessment and vital signs.
study (e.g., body temperature, age, heart rate).
6 The Journal of Perinatal Education Vol. 9, No. 3, 2000
than 5 minutes), an infant who is asphyxiated prior to ranged from 36% to 100%, again heart rate having the
highest rate of consistency. Heart rate measures likelydelivery would demonstrate severe metabolic or mixed
acidemia (pH < 7.00) via umbilical artery blood sample have greater consistency due to the ease of understanding
and defining exactly what is being assessed. When consis-and additional neurological manifestations such as sei-
zure activity, coma, hypotonia, and finally, evidence of tency scoring was compared between full-term and pre-
mature newborns, health care providers were found tomultiorgan dysfunction (Committee on Fetus and New-
born, American Academy of Pediatrics, & Committee have better consistency when assessing full-term new-
borns (Livingston, 1990). Additionally, full-term new-on Obstetric Practice, American College of Obstetricians
and Gynecologists, 1996). Furthermore, research con- borns may represent the ‘normal’ in health care
provider’s minds; hence, full-term newborns may beducted over 30 years ago (Apgar, 1966; Apgar & James,
1962) provided initial evidence to disclaim the reliability more likely to receive a ‘‘normal’’ score, which accounts
for the higher rate of consistency in term newborns thanof Apgar scores for predicting long-term outcomes of
any type (e.g., developmental and neurological). Predic- in preterm newborns.
Another concern is determining who has responsibil-tion of long-term outcomes was never a goal of the Apgar
scoring system. Rather, the goal was to make certain ity for assigning the Apgar score once the infant is born.
According to both Apgar (1966) and the Regan Reportthat infants were systematically observed for their need
for immediate care at birth. (1987), the person assisting with the delivery of the infant
should not assign the Apgar score. While in some respects
the delivering individual seems the most logical choice,
Reliability of Apgar Scores
bias may be introduced into the score value, because the
individual who attends the delivery may have a vestedAccording to Jepson, Talashek, and Tichy (1991), the
Apgar score as a ‘tool’ (to measure newborn adaptation interest in the outcome.
Secondly, the newborn may be given to additionalto extrauterine life) lacks sensitivity and specificity. Sensi-
tivity measures how well the tool captures the infant’s personnel immediately after delivery. This makes de-
termining the Apgar score considerably more difficultcondition at birth (stable vs. depressed) and specificity
refers to how well the tool measures the differences be- for the health care provider who is assisting the delivery,
necessitating leaving the mother’s bedside briefly to as-tween the values of the scores (0–2 for each of the five
categories). Additionally, various authors have noted sign the score. Additionally, if the infant remains with
the mother for the first 5 minutes of life, the health carethat great variability exists in how individual health care
providers score the assessment (Clark & Hakanson, provider must later remember to document the score,
often from memory. Both circumstances have the poten-1988; Livingston, 1990). Clark and Hakanson (1988)
compared the consistency (inner-rater reliability) of tial to introduce further bias to the already poor consis-
tency of the Apgar score.Apgar scoring among various health care disciplines. In
their study, groups of health care providers were visually Often the nurse or someone from the department of
neonatology assigns the Apgar score. Most frequentlyshown case presentations and then asked to assign Apgar
scores to the infants who were presented. Pediatricians in a normal, full-term delivery, this would be the nurse.
Nurses, at least in the Clark and Hakanson (1988) study,and pediatric house staff had a consistency rating of
68%, obstetricians and obstetric house staff had a consis- had a poor consistency rate. Questions regarding the
accuracy of the Apgar score play a role in limiting thetency rating of 46%, intensive care nursery staff had a
consistency score of 42%, obstetric nurses 36%, and long-term predictive value.
community hospital nurses a consistency rating of 24%.
Livingston examined how consistent two health care
Intended Uses of the Apgar Score
providers were in assigning scores when compared to
one another. In this study, the consistency of scores As the Apgar score was developed and refined over the
years since its inception, the intended use has alwaysranged from 55% to 82% with heart rate having the
best rate of consistency at 82% for the 1-minute scores been the same: to evaluate a newborn’s condition at
birth. Some clinicians like to use the Apgar score as a(Livingston, 1990). For the 5-minute score, consistency
7The Journal of Perinatal Education Vol. 9, No. 3, 2000
Apgar Scores: Examining the Long-term Significance
guide to their resuscitative efforts; however, this is not need for immediate attention. In the most recent past,
individuals have unsuccessfully attempted to link Apgaran intended use of the Apgar score. The novice prac-
titioner may mistakenly believe that resuscitative efforts scores with long-term developmental outcomes. This
practice is not appropriate as the Apgar score is currentlyshould not begin until the 5-minute Apgar score is deter-
mined. Experienced clinicians realize this would severely defined. Expectant parents need to be aware of the limi-
tations of the Apgar score and its appropriate uses.delay resuscitative efforts and compromise the potential
for full recovery of neurological function. It is important
to be both careful and consistent with language.
Directions for Future Research
Future research is needed to increase the consistency
Educating the Public
among health care providers assigning Apgar scores.
Letko (1996) notes that much of the public, especially
This would take a training program and periodic practice
expectant parents, has some level of familiarity with the
sessions to establish and maintain inner-rater reliability
Apgar score. However, as Letko also points out, many
of each professional whose role is to assign the scores.
of these parents-to-be do not adequately understand the
Enhanced consistency would be a first step to evaluating
score or its capacities for predicting long-term outcomes.
the effectiveness of Apgar scores. At present, Apgar
Parents need to receive the appropriate education
scores serve as a somewhat useful screening tool for
through the popular media, childbirth classes, and health
health care providers to communicate with each other
care providers. It is imperative that parents have appro-
about what a newborn’s status was like at birth and as
priate information so they are not disappointed when
a mechanism to make certain that someone is systemati-
their child receives a score of 9, believing that their child
cally observing the condition of the new infant.
is somehow inadequate because he or she did not receive
a score of 10. Parents need to understand that a score
from 7–10 indicates a normal newborn at birth and that
it is rather infrequent for a newborn to receive a score
The author thanks Raquel Mayne, BSN, graduate of
of 10. For example, most infants have some level of
New York University Division of Nursing, for her assis-
blueness to their extremities and will not initially be
tance with article retrieval.
completely pink. This point can be covered when dis-
cussing the general appearance of a newborn. This
anticipatory guidance can assist the parents in their un-
derstanding and promote a positive birthing experience,
Anonymous. (1996) Use and abuse of the Apgar score. Com-
by avoiding potential disappointment.
mittee on Fetus and Newborn, American Academy of Pedi-
atrics, and Committee on Obstetric Practice, American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Pediatrics, 1,
It is imperative that parents have appropriate
Apgar, V. (1953). A proposal for a new method of evaluation
information so they are not disappointed when their
of the newborn infant. Current Researches in Anesthesia
child receives a score of 9, believing that their child
and Analgesia, 32, 260–267.
Apgar, V. (1966). The newborn scoring system: Reflections and
is somehow inadequate because he or she did not
advice. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 113, 645–650.
receive a score of 10.
Apgar, V., & James, L. (1962). Further observation of the
newborn scoring system. American Journal of Diseases of
Children, 104, 419–428.
Behnke, M., Eyler, F., Carter, R., Hardt, N., Cruz, A., &
Resnick, M. (1989). Predictive value of Apgar scores for
developmental outcome in premature infants. American
Journal of Perinatology, 6, 18–21.
The Apgar scoring system was intended as an evaluative
measure of a newborn’s condition at birth and of the
Blackman, J. (1988). The value of Apgar scores in predicting
8 The Journal of Perinatal Education Vol. 9, No. 3, 2000
developmental outcome at age five. Journal of Perinatology, Fetal acidemia and neonatal encephalopathy. Zeitschrift fur
Geburtshilfe und Neonatologie, 202, 187–191. (abstract).8, 206–210.
Sommerfelt, K., Pedersen, S., Ellertsen, B., & Markestad, T.
Clark, D., & Hakanson, D. (1988). The inaccuracy of Apgar
(1996). Transient dystonia in non-handicapped low-
scoring. Journal of Perinatology, 8, 203–205.
birthweight infants and later neurodevelopment. Acta Pae-
Gibson, C., & Tibbetts, S. (1998). Interaction between mater-
diatrica, 85, 1445–9.
nal cigarette smoking and Apgar scores in predicting of-
. Watch those Apgar scores: Evidence. (1987).
fending behavior. Psychological Reports, 83, 579–586.
Regan Report on Nursing Law, 27, 4.
Jepson, H., Talashek, M., & Tichy, A. (1991). The Apgar
Wolf, M., Beunen, G., Casaer, P., & Wolf, B. (1998). Neonatal
score: Evolution, limitations, and scoring guidelines. Birth:
neurological examination as a predictor of neuromotor out-
Issues in Perinatal Care, 18, 83–92.
come at 4 months in term low-Apgar-score babies in Zim-
Letko, M. (1996). Understanding the Apgar score. Journal
babwe. Early Human Development, 51, 179–186.
of Obstetrical, Gynecological, and Neonatal Nursing, 25,
Wolf, M., Beunen, G., Casaer, P., & Wolf, B. (1997). Neurolog-
ical findings in neonates with low Apgar in Zimbabwe.
Livingston, J. (1990). Interrater reliability of the Apgar score
European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproduc-
in term and premature infants. Applied Nursing Research,
tive Biology, 73, 115–119.
3, 164–165.
Wolf, M., Wolf, B., Bijleveld, C., Beunen, G., & Casaer, P.
Nelson, K., & Ellenberg, J. (1981). Apgar scores as predictors
(1997). Neurodevelopmental outcome in babies with a low
of chronic neurologic disability. Pediatrics, 68, 36–44.
Apgar score from Zimbabwe. Developmental Medicine &
Child Neurology, 39, 821–826.Riehn, A., Petzold, C., Kuhlisch, E., & Distler, W. (1998).
9The Journal of Perinatal Education Vol. 9, No. 3, 2000
... The Apgar score helps to identify newborns requiring further resuscitation and allows the assessment of a newborn's reflexes in a simple and fast manner [1]. However, the subjectivity of this assessment makes the Apgar score an unreliable predictive tool and assessing of the general condition of the newborn immediately after birth is burdened with high error probability [2][3][4]. Umbilical cord blood gasometry (UCBG) is a test that should objectively assess the condition of a baby after birth. The accuracy and reliability of tests assessing the acid-base balance in the fetus depends on the methodology of blood collection and the puncture of the appropriate umbilical cord vessel. ...
... As a result of the above findings, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states, the Apgar scale cannot be used to predict neonatal mortality and neurological consequences in the future. The subjective Apgar score cannot be the only marker of clinical condition used to diagnose perinatal asphyxia [2][3][4]. UBCG is widely recognized as a source of objective information of fetal well-being. A key role in obtaining a reliable pH result for a cord blood sample is acquired by the method of sampling, the location of the umbilical cord puncture site, and the correct operation of the blood gas analyzer. ...
Full-text available
Objective: The twisting of the umbilical cord around the fetal neck is a common phenomenon in the delivery room, and despite the lack of univocal evidence of its negative impact on perinatal events, it causes anxiety and stress in patients. The aim of the study was to assess the prevalence of nuchal cord and its impact on adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study. All patients who gave birth in the clinic within one year (n = 1467) were included in the study group. We compared the prevalence of nuchal cord in distinct subgroups of patients. In the next stage, we estimated the chance of specific perinatal outcomes and compared the neonatal outcomes between groups with and without nuchal cord. Results: Nuchal cord was present in 24% of labors. It was twice as common among patients giving birth vaginally (32.14%) than among patients giving birth by a caesarean section (16.78%, p < 0.001). Nuchal cord was also more frequent in births with meconium-stained amniotic fluid (33.88% vs. 23.34%, p = 0.009). In the group of patients with nuchal cord, we observed a slight increase in the risk of a non-reassuring fetal heart rate trace (OR = 1.55, CI 95% 1.02-2.36) as an indication of the completion of labor by caesarean delivery. We did not note an increase in the risk of completing natural childbirth by vacuum extraction. In the group of nuchal cord patients, there was a higher chance of a serious or moderate neonatal condition in the first minute of life (Apgar 0-7 points) (OR = 2.00, 95% CI = 1.14-3.49). Conclusions: Nuchal cord increases the risk of a caesarean delivery due to a non-reassuring fetal heart rate trace. Nuchal cord increases the chance of a reduced Apgar score (0-7 points) in the first minute of life. The observed relationships do not translate to neonatal arterial blood gas testing.
... Apgar scores were documented at 1 and 5 min of life, with a score ≥7 deemed to be normal. [5] Data on maternal risk factors were also obtained. Maternal chorioamnionitis was defined if the mother fulfilled either clinical, biochemical, or histopathological criteria. ...
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Background Umbilical cord arterial lactate is a surrogate marker for fetal hypoxia. A poor cord lactate often portends poorer neurological outcomes. Currently, there is no universally accepted threshold for normal cord lactate. Methodology A retrospective case–control study of 1978 neonates born in a tertiary women’s and children’s hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit was conducted from July 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. The primary outcome was evaluating the utility of arterial lactate to predict neonatal outcomes. Secondary outcomes included comparing institution guidelines with that of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology (ACOG) to determine cutoff thresholds for arterial pH, base excess (BE), and lactate to aid in risk stratification. Results Cord blood arterial lactate was not a statistically significant predictor of poor neonatal outcomes (odds ratio [OR]: 1.09, [95% confidence interval (CI): 0.84–1.41], P = 0.5320). Babies who are delivered by crash cesarean section (OR: 3.96, [95% CI: 1.11–14.23], P = 0.0343), needed urgent resuscitation at birth (OR: 4.79, [95% CI: 1.63–14.06], P = 0.0044), with poor 1-min Apgar score (OR: 0.62, [95% CI: 0.49–0.78], P < 0.0001) or 5-min Apgar score (OR: 0.12, [95% CI: 0.04–0.37], P = 0.0002), higher venous BE (OR: 0.77, [95% CI: 0.65–0.92], P = 0.0034), or higher venous lactate (OR: 1.43, [95% CI: 1.12–1.82], P = 0.0043) had poorer outcomes. An arterial pH < 7.024, an arterial BE ≥−11.6 mmol/L, and an arterial lactate ≥8.4 mmol/L were deemed optimal cutoffs to predict a poorer neonatal outcome. Both ACOG and our institutional guidelines shared a similar predictive ability to identify neonates with poor cord gases at risk of poor outcomes. Conclusion Although umbilical cord arterial lactate was not a statistically significant predictor of short-term neonatal morbidity, its clinical utility in predicting poor outcomes alongside maternal, fetal risk factors, and other biochemical indices on the cord blood gas, should not be undervalued.
... Vaccine status and increased maternal RBD-specific IgG levels were also associated with increased 1-minute APGAR scores after delivery. Whether the APGAR score can be associated with long-term developmental outcomes has been widely debated (47). However, several recent studies have found significant associations between lower APGAR scores and later-life complications (48,49). ...
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Background Knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 antibody dynamics in neonates and direct comparisons with maternal antibody responses are not well established. This study aimed to characterize and directly compare the maternal and infant antibody response in a national birth cohort from the Faroe Islands. Methods The levels of immunoglobulins (Ig) targeting the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein and the nucleocapsid protein (N protein) of SARS-CoV-2 were investigated in maternal blood and umbilical cord blood from neonates. The study included 537 neonates and 565 mothers from the Faroe Islands, and follow-up samples were collected 12 months after birth. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess associations of maternal parameters with maternal and neonatal Ig levels and pregnancy outcomes. Results The finding showed that neonates acquired varying levels of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies through transplacental transfer, and the levels were significantly influenced by the mother’s vaccination and infection status. The study also found that maternal vaccination and the presence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies targeting spike RBD were associated with gestational age and APGAR scores. Furthermore, the anti-RBD and -N protein-specific antibody response dynamics during 12 months after birth exhibited differences between mothers and children. RBD and N protein responses were maintained at follow-up in the mother’s cohort, while only the N protein response was maintained at follow-up in the children’s cohort. Conclusion In conclusion, SARS-CoV-2-specific immune responses in newborns rely on maternal immunity, while the persistence of SARS-CoV-2-specific Igs appears to be differently regulated between mothers and children. The study provides new insights into the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2-specific immune responses in newborns and underscores the nuanced relationship between maternal factors and neonatal humoral responses.
... p = 0.31) or 5 minutes (9.4/0.6 vs 9.6/0.4, p = 0.08) between the control group and the active women [23]. The other study showed higher Apgar scores at 1 and 5 minutes for the group that exercised (p-0.036 and 0.01, respectively) [24]. ...
... 3 This scoring system may be affected by prematurity, congenital anomalies, maternal drug use, and interobserver variability. 4 However, recent literature shows that the Apgar score is effective in predicting neonatal well-being as it has been • The Apgar score is used to quickly assess the clinical condition of the newborn at 1-and 5-minute after birth. • Especially a 5-minute Apgar accepted for many years. ...
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Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the necessity of cord arterial blood gas analysis in cases without fetal distress and normal Apgar score. Materials and methods: The cord arterial blood gas analysis and the 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores data of 1438 cases were evaluated. Newborns with fetal distress, neonates requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the delivery room, congenital anomalies, severe and moderate acidemia (pH ≤7.1 at cord arterial blood gas analysis), and pre- and post-term newborns are excluded. Following cord arterial blood gas analysis, threshold values were accepted as abnormal pH <7.2, base excess ≥ -6 mmol/L, lactate ≥ 5 mmol/L, bicarbonate < 18 mmol/L, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide ≥ 50 mmHg. We evaluated the correlation between cord arterial blood gas analysis and 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores. Results: There was a significant correlation between both 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores and cord arterial blood gas analysis values such as pH, lactate, and partial pressure of carbon dioxide (P < .001). In addition, a significant correlation was found between the 5-minute Apgar score of <7 and some cord arterial blood gas analysis abnormal threshold values (pH, bicarbonate, base excess) (P < .001). We found that some patients with mild acidemia had 1- and 5-minute Apgar scores of ≥7 in 1.9% and 2% of cases, respectively. Conclusion: The 5-minute Apgar score of 7 or higher may not be sufficient to verify the wellbeing of a newborn. Relying only on the Apgar scores may create the risk of missing some newborns with mild metabolic acidosis. The necessity of routine cord arterial blood gas analysis should be considered in prospective studies even if there are no signs of fetal distress and Apgar score ≥7.
... The AS was never intended to serve as a prognostic tool, and according to the AAP and the ACOG guidelines, it should not be used to predict individual neonatal mortality or neurologic outcome. However, the correlation between the AS and a newborn's further development became of great interest in clinical practice [1][2][3][4][5]. A low AS in the fifth minute after birth has been linked to abnormal development later in life [6,7]. ...
Objectives: Preterm birth is a key factor contributing to haemorrhage incidence in neonates. This study focused on defining relevant parameters for the assessment of intraventricular and intraparenchymal haemorrhage risks in neonates. Material and methods: Chi-square automatic interaction detection was used to analyse the Apgar score (AS), the Apgar max score, and the course of resuscitation documented according to the expanded AS in 696 infants born between 2009 and 2011 in the Neonatal and Intensive Care Department of the Medical University of Warsaw. Results: Gestational age was the most relevant discriminating variable for the prediction of intraventricular III degree and intraparenchymal haemorrhage incidences. Infants born before the 31st week of pregnancy made up 80% of the intraventricular or intraparenchymal haemorrhage cases. Additionally, a fraction of inspired oxygen > 0.8 at ten minutes after birth was a better discriminating variable in the youngest neonates than an Apgar max score ≤ 5, identifying 31.6% and 20.6% of infants with intraventricular and intraparenchymal haemorrhage, respectively. Conclusions: Consideration of the oxygen concentration supplied during resuscitation significantly improves the prognosis of intraventricular and intraparenchymal haemorrhages in preemies compared to the use of the classical AS.
... It has been reported that when the thyroid hormone of elderly women presents an abnormal expression, it can lead to an increase or decrease of thyroid hormone level [22][23][24][25][26][27]. With the prolongation of pregnancy time, the levels of FT3 and FT4 in pregnant women with hyperthyroidism are increased, but the TSH level is decreased significantly. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels and adverse pregnancy outcomes in advanced maternal age. A total of 97 elderly parturient women who were treated in our hospital from June 2020 to March 2021 are included in this study. According to the TSH level, the parturient women are divided into three groups, including A (<0.25 μIU/ml), B (>4.00 μIU/ml), and C (0.25–4.00 μIU/ml) groups. The clinical data of all parturients are collected and sorted out. The serum levels of TSH, free triiodothyronine (FT3), and free thyroxine (FT4) are measured by chemiluminescence immunoassay. The levels of immunoglobulin (Ig) A, IgG, and IgM are determined by immunoturbidimetry. The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes is analyzed. The birth weight and Apgar score of newborns in the three groups are compared. The TSH level in group A is significantly lower than that in groups B and C, but the levels of FT3 and FT4 in group A are notably higher than those in groups B and C (P < 0.05). The levels of IgA, IgG, and IgM in group A are significantly higher than those in groups B and C (P < 0.05). The incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes in group C is 2.38%, which is obviously lower than the 20.00% in group A and 17.14% in group B (P < 0.05). The birth weight and Apgar score of infants in group A and group B are significantly lower than those in group C (P < 0.05). TSH has a great influence on the pregnancy outcome in advanced maternal age, which should be paid more attention in clinic.
... The Apgar score, which assesses vitality at birth 33 , was categorized as below 7 and above 7, to verify its in uence on breastfeeding at birth. The existence of complications during childbirth was also veri ed from the medical records of the pregnant woman and the newborn. ...
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Food insecurity (FI) and low social support (SS) can be associated with adverse neonatal health conditions, including weaning at very early stages. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between FI and low SS in high-risk pregnant women with breastfeeding (BF) at birth. To achieve this goal, between 2017 and 2020, 142 pregnant women at clinical risk and her newborns, at a reference university hospital in the state of Rio de Janeiro were evaluated. In the first prenatal care visit, the household FI situation was measured with the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (BFIS) and SS was measured with the Social Support Scale of the Medical Outcomes Study (USA). In addition, sociodemographic and pregnancy-related data and the presence or absence of breastfeeding (BF) on the first day of birth were investigated. To verify the relationship between FI, SS and BF, logistic regression models were used, and the odds ratio (OR) and respective confidence interval (95% CI) were estimated. Those associations with a p value less than 0.05 in the adjusted model were considered significant. A total of 57.1% of pregnant women were found to have FI, and the highest average score of social support was related to the dimension (89.8%). Most newborns received BF together with industrialized formula (46%). FI (OR = 7.1; 95% CI: 1.3–27.7), the existence of disease prior to pregnancy (OR = 6.8; 95% CI: 1.2–28.6), alcohol consumption during pregnancy (OR = 13.9; 95% CI: 1.3–29.5) and newborn respiratory diseases (OR = 25.8; 95% CI: 3.9–50.8) increased the chance for the absence of breast milk consumption at birth. Based on these results, strategies for FI reduction, such as improving conditions of early access to prenatal care to improve gestational health conditions that interfere with breastfeeding, are recommended.
... The Apgar score is a standardized and well accepted method to measure and assess newborn's health condition immediately after delivery [12]. Though the use of Apgar score tool to predict neonatal outcomes has been discouraged in some studies [13], it has been widely used to provides an accepted and convenient method for reporting the status of the newborn infant immediately after birth and the response to resuscitation in Sub-Saharan Africa including Tanzania. Five components assessed include heart rate, respiration, reflexes, muscle tone, and color. ...
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Background Prediction of low Apgar score for vaginal deliveries following labor induction intervention is critical for improving neonatal health outcomes. We set out to investigate important attributes and train popular machine learning (ML) algorithms to correctly classify neonates with a low Apgar scores from an imbalanced learning perspective. Methods We analyzed 7716 induced vaginal deliveries from the electronic birth registry of the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre (KCMC). 733 (9.5%) of which constituted of low (< 7) Apgar score neonates. The ‘extra-tree classifier’ was used to assess features’ importance. We used Area Under Curve (AUC), recall, precision, F-score, Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC), balanced accuracy (BA), bookmaker informedness (BM), and markedness (MK) to evaluate the performance of the selected six (6) machine learning classifiers. To address class imbalances, we examined three widely used resampling techniques: the Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) and Random Oversampling Examples (ROS) and Random undersampling techniques (RUS). We applied Decision Curve Analysis (DCA) to evaluate the net benefit of the selected classifiers. Results Birth weight, maternal age, and gestational age were found to be important predictors for the low Apgar score following induced vaginal delivery. SMOTE, ROS and and RUS techniques were more effective at improving “recalls” among other metrics in all the models under investigation. A slight improvement was observed in the F1 score, BA, and BM. DCA revealed potential benefits of applying Boosting method for predicting low Apgar scores among the tested models. Conclusion There is an opportunity for more algorithms to be tested to come up with theoretical guidance on more effective rebalancing techniques suitable for this particular imbalanced ratio. Future research should prioritize a debate on which performance indicators to look up to when dealing with imbalanced or skewed data.
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Objective: This study was carried out to understand the disparities in mortality and survival without major morbidities among very premature and very low birth weight infants between participating Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs) from the Brazilian Network on Neonatal Research (RBPN) and the Neonatal Research Network of Japan (NRNJ). Methods: Secondary data analysis of surveys by the RBPN and NRNJ was performed. The surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2015 and included 187 NICUs. Primary outcome was mortality or survival without any major morbidity. Logistic regression analysis adjustment for confounding factors was used. Results: The study population consisted of 6,406 infants from the NRNJ and 2,319 from the RBPN. Controlling for various confounders, infants from RBPN had 9.06 times higher adjusted odds of mortality (95%CI 7.30-11.29), and lower odds of survival without major morbidities (AOR 0.36; 95%CI 0.32-0.41) compared with those from the NRNJ. Factors associated with higher odds of mortality among Brazilian NICUs included: Air Leak Syndrome (AOR 4.73; 95%CI 1.26-15.27), Necrotizing Enterocolitis (AOR 3.25; 95%CI 1.38-7.26), and Late Onset Sepsis (LOS) (AOR 4.86; 95%CI 2.25-10.97). Conclusions: Very premature and very low birth weight infants from Brazil had significantly higher odds for mortality and lower odds for survival without major morbidities in comparison to those from Japan. Additionally, we identified the factors that increased the odds of in-hospital neonatal death in Brazil, most of which was related to LOS.
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For more than two decades, Apgar scores have been used to predict developmental outcome in newborns. However, most studies have used full-term babies for their data base, and the predictive value of Apgar scores for low birthweight infants has remained unclear. This study was designed to provide a data base for premature infants, demonstrating to what degree Apgar scores predict developmental outcome. We tested Apgar scores alone and in combination with two other easily quantified variables, birthweight and gestational age, as predictors of risk for 256 infants weighing less than 1800 gm at birth. Although significant correlations existed between Apgar scores and Bayley Mental and Psychomotor Developmental Indices, multiple regression analyses demonstrated that these relationships were not significant independent of birthweight and gestational age. That is, after controlling for birthweight and gestational age, Apgar scores did not predict morbidity in low birthweight infants and should not be used to provide a developmental prognosis.
This is a revised statement published jointly with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists that emphasizes the appropriate use of the Apgar Score. The highlights of the statement include: (1) the Apgar Score is useful in assessing the condition of the infant at birth; (2) the Apgar score alone should not be used as evidence that neurologic damage was caused by hypoxia that results in neurologic injury or from inappropriate intrapartum treatment; and (3) an infant who has had 'asphyxia' proximate to delivery that is severe enough to result in acute neurologic injury should demonstrate all of the following: (a) profound metabolic or mixed acidemia (pH <7.00) on an umbilical arterial blood sample, if obtained, (b) an Apgar score of 0 to 3 for longer than 5 minutes, (c) neurologic manifestation, eg, seizure, coma, or hypotonia, and (d) evidence of multiorgan dysfunction.
The Apgar score has been useful for nearly four decades in focusing on five physiological signs (heart rate, respiratory effort, reflex irritability, muscle tone, color) that denote the condition of an infant during the first critical minutes of life. Before the development of the system, narcotic analgesia and sedation during labor, and general anesthesia for vaginal deliveries were commonly used. Research of the scoring method has focused on the effects of these interventions on the fetus and newborn and has been a major impetus for change in obstetric practices. The Apgar score has been used as a predictive index for neonatal mortality and morbidity and for later neurologic or developmental disability. Both the one- and five-minute scores are predictors of mortality in normal-birthweight infants, whereas in high-risk low-birthweight infants their score is limited. The score is an insensitive predictive index of long-term neurologic or mental handicap, and lacks both sensitivity and specificity to reflect accurately the degree of acidosis. It can be used effectively, however, if these limitations are understood and considered.
Although Apgar scores as indicators of physiologic depression in newborns appeared to have limited value in predicting developmental outcome, they remain attractive indicators of risk status because they are obtained routinely in this country. Unfortunately, most follow-up studies of the relationship between Apgar scores and outcome have been generally of short duration. Thus the long-term predictive value of Apgar scores is not completely known. In this study 111 otherwise normal full-term infants with 5 minute Apgar scores of less than 7 were enrolled prospectively in a follow-up program. Approximately 13% died (2) or had significant developmental disabilities (12) identified by 30 months of age. Sixty-seven percent of the children with these poor outcomes had a history of neonatal seizures. The remainder received an extensive developmental evaluation at age 5. The mean performance on psychoeducational tests of children without a history of neonatal seizures did not differ from that of a comparison group, whereas the mean of children who experienced neonatal seizures was significantly lower. Thus, low Apgar scores warrant developmental surveillance during the early years of life but, if unaccompanied by neonatal seizures, do not appear to predict more subtle developmental dysfunction evident at school entry age. However, seizures remain an ominous sign for significant early and late developmental sequelae.
A short Apgar quiz was prepared with eight descriptive neonatal cases. The quiz was completed by 223 health professionals caring for newborns. Pediatricians and pediatric housestaff, the most accurate scorers, assigned the correct score only 68% of the time. Nurses from community hospitals were only 24% accurate. Improper scoring limits the usefulness of the Apgar score in comparing neonates within and between hospitals.
Apgar scores were recorded at one and five minutes for approximately 49,000 infants, and at ten, 15, and 20 minutes for babies who did not achieve a score of 8 or higher at five minutes. These children were followed to the age of 7 years. Low Apgar scores were risk factors for cerebral palsy, but 55% of children with later cerebral palsy had Apgar scores of 7 to 10 at one minute, and 73% scored 7 to 10 at five minutes. Of 99 children who had Apgar scores of 0 to 3 at ten, 15, or 20 minutes and survived, 12 (12%) had later cerebral palsy; 11 of the 12 were also mentally retarded (in ten, IQ less than 50) and half had seizure disorders. Eight children who survived after having very low late Apgar scores and who did not have cerebral palsy had lesser but significant disabilities. Of the children who had Apgar scores of 0 to 3 at ten minutes or later and survived, 80% were free of major handicap at early school age.
Apgar scores are determined for every neonate born in a U.S. hospital. Despite the frequency with which the scores are calculated, they are not always accurate. In addition, some individuals attempt to use the scores to substantiate certain claims, such as birth asphyxia. This article discusses some of the common misunderstandings and limitations of the Apgar score and suggests measures for improvement.