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A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of hydrotherapy and land exercises on overall well being and quality of life in rheumatoid arthritis

Springer Nature
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders

Abstract and Figures

Hydrotherapy is highly valued by people with rheumatoid arthritis yet few studies have compared the benefits of exercises in heated water against exercises on land. In particular, data on quality of life is rarely reported. This is especially important because patients treated with hydrotherapy often report an enhanced sense of well-being. We report a randomised controlled trial in which we compared the effects of hydrotherapy with exercises on land on overall response to treatment, physical function and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. One hundred and fifteen patients with RA were randomised to receive a weekly 30-minute session of hydrotherapy or similar exercises on land for 6 weeks. Our primary outcome was a self-rated global impression of change--a measure of treatment effect on a 7-point scale ranging from 1(very much worse) to 7 (very much better) assessed immediately on completion of treatment. Secondary outcomes including EuroQol health related quality of life, EuroQol health status valuation, HAQ, 10 metre walk time and pain scores were collected at baseline, after treatment and 3 months later. Binary outcomes were analysed by Fisher's exact test and continuous variables by Wilcoxon or Mann-Whitney tests. Baseline characteristics of the two groups were comparable. Significantly more patients treated with hydrotherapy (40/46, 87%) were much better or very much better than the patients treated with land exercise (19/40, 47.5%), p < 0.001 Fisher's exact test. Eleven patients allocated land exercise failed to complete treatment compared with 4 patients allocated hydrotherapy (p = 0.09). Sensitivity analyses confirmed an advantage for hydrotherapy if we assumed non-completers would all not have responded (response rates 70% versus 38%; p < 0.001) or if we assumed that non-completers would have had the same response as completers (response rates 82% versus 55% p = 0.002). Ten metre walk time improved after treatment in both cases (median pre-treatment time for both groups combined 10.9 seconds, post-treatment 9.1 s, and 3 months later 9.6 s). There was however no difference between treatment groups. Similarly there were no significant differences between groups in terms of changes to HAQ, EQ-5D utility score, EQ VAS and pain VAS. Patients with RA treated with hydrotherapy are more likely to report feeling much better or very much better than those treated with land exercises immediately on completion of the treatment programme. This perceived benefit was not reflected by differences between groups in 10-metre walk times, functional scores, quality of life measures and pain scores.
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BioMed Central
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BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
Open Access
Research article
A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of hydrotherapy and land
exercises on overall well being and quality of life in rheumatoid
Lis Eversden
, Fiona Maggs
, Peter Nightingale
and Paresh Jobanputra*
Department of Physiotherapy, Selly Oak Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Raddlebarn Road,
Birmingham, B29 6JD, UK,
Department of Rheumatology, Selly Oak Hospital, University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust,
Raddlebarn Road, Birmingham, B29 6JD, UK and
Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, University Hospital
Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, B15 2TH, UK
Email: Lis Eversden -; Fiona Maggs -; Peter Nightingale -;
Paresh Jobanputra* -
* Corresponding author †Equal contributors
Background: Hydrotherapy is highly valued by people with rheumatoid arthritis yet few studies have compared the
benefits of exercises in heated water against exercises on land. In particular, data on quality of life is rarely reported. This
is especially important because patients treated with hydrotherapy often report an enhanced sense of well-being. We
report a randomised controlled trial in which we compared the effects of hydrotherapy with exercises on land on overall
response to treatment, physical function and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Methods: One hundred and fifteen patients with RA were randomised to receive a weekly 30-minute session of
hydrotherapy or similar exercises on land for 6 weeks. Our primary outcome was a self-rated global impression of change
– a measure of treatment effect on a 7-point scale ranging from 1(very much worse) to 7 (very much better) assessed
immediately on completion of treatment. Secondary outcomes including EuroQol health related quality of life, EuroQol
health status valuation, HAQ, 10 metre walk time and pain scores were collected at baseline, after treatment and 3 months
later. Binary outcomes were analysed by Fisher's exact test and continuous variables by Wilcoxon or Mann-Whitney tests.
Results: Baseline characteristics of the two groups were comparable. Significantly more patients treated with
hydrotherapy (40/46, 87%) were much better or very much better than the patients treated with land exercise (19/40,
47.5%), p < 0.001 Fisher's exact test. Eleven patients allocated land exercise failed to complete treatment compared with
4 patients allocated hydrotherapy (p = 0.09). Sensitivity analyses confirmed an advantage for hydrotherapy if we assumed
non-completers would all not have responded (response rates 70% versus 38%; p < 0.001) or if we assumed that non-
completers would have had the same response as completers (response rates 82% versus 55% p = 0.002). Ten metre walk
time improved after treatment in both cases (median pre-treatment time for both groups combined 10.9 seconds, post-
treatment 9.1 s, and 3 months later 9.6 s). There was however no difference between treatment groups. Similarly there
were no significant differences between groups in terms of changes to HAQ, EQ-5D utility score, EQ VAS and pain VAS.
Conclusion: Patients with RA treated with hydrotherapy are more likely to report feeling much better or very much
better than those treated with land exercises immediately on completion of the treatment programme. This perceived
benefit was not reflected by differences between groups in 10-metre walk times, functional scores, quality of life measures
and pain scores.
Published: 1 March 2007
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2007, 8:23 doi:10.1186/1471-2474-8-23
Received: 30 June 2006
Accepted: 1 March 2007
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© 2007 Eversden et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2007, 8:23
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Hydrotherapy, defined as supervised exercise in warm
water, is valued highly by people with rheumatoid arthri-
tis and yet provision of hydrotherapy in Britain continues
to decline [1]. All forms of exercise improve function and
well-being in RA and concerns about disease exacerba-
tion, even with intensive exercises, have not been borne
out [2]. Indeed exercise is a key, and often ignored, risk
factor for cardiovascular disease: increased physical activ-
ity in people with arthritis promises an important non-
pharmacologic means of reducing cardiovascular disease
Immersion in warm water reduces load on painful joints,
promotes muscle relaxation and, with some fun, allows
exercise against water resistance. A small number of previ-
ous randomised trials have examined the benefits of bal-
neotherapy (bathing in warm water). All of these studies
had methodological flaws and few compared the effect of
exercises in warm water with exercises on land in RA [4,5].
Only one, a trial of hydrotherapy versus usual daily activ-
ities which included a total of forty six patients, assessed
changes in quality of life: Bilberg and colleagues [6] found
no difference in the physical component of the Short-
Form 36 between hydrotherapy treated subjects and con-
In this randomised controlled trial we set out to compare
individualised exercises whilst immersed in a heated pool
to similar exercises on land for their effect on overall
improvement in health, physical function and quality of
life in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
Men and women aged 18 years or older with RA (meeting
American College of Rheumatology criteria), in func-
tional classes I, II or III [7] and attending rheumatology
clinics at Selly Oak Hospital in Birmingham were invited
to participate either on referral for physiotherapy or by
invitation in clinics or by mail. For inclusion, participants
gave informed consent in writing and were required to
understand and follow simple instructions in English.
Patients needed to be on stable doses of disease modifying
anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) for 6 weeks and NSAIDs
for 2 weeks before entry. Injections with corticosteroids in
the 4 weeks before study entry were not permitted but
drug changes and injections were permitted during the
study to reflect the pragmatic nature of our study. Data on
drug therapy was collected at baseline and when final
assessments were made.
Patients who had had surgery in the 3 months before
study entry or those who had surgery planned were
excluded. Other exclusions were patients who had
received physiotherapy or hydrotherapy in the 6 months
preceding entry: this was done to avoid possible carry-
over effects of previous therapy. Patients with known
chlorine sensitivity, an infected open wound, poorly con-
trolled epilepsy, hypertension, diabetes, incontinence of
faeces, and a fear of water precluding hydrotherapy were
excluded. Also excluded were: pregnant women; patients
with co-morbid conditions which, in the opinion of the
assessing physiotherapist, prevented safe use of hydro-
therapy; known carriers of methicillin resistant staphylo-
coccus aureus in the upper respiratory tract; and those
who weighed more than 102 kg. The latter because of the
safety procedures established for our pool.
A single senior physiotherapist assessed study eligibility in
all cases. The Research and Development and Ethics com-
mittees of University Hospital Birmingham NHS Founda-
tion Trust gave ethical approval for this study.
Patients were randomised to hydrotherapy or land exer-
cises using sealed opaque envelopes indicating treatment
allocation. Randomisation envelopes were prepared at
study inception and random number sequence was
obtained by flipping a virtual coin [8]. A research assistant
not involved in the conduct of the study randomised
patients, allocated treatment and collected key data.
Participants, in groups, received either a weekly 30-
minute session of hydrotherapy (at 35°C) or land based
exercises for 6 weeks. Participants were asked to attend
weekly but, allowing for sickness and leave, were allowed
to default for up to three sessions as long as 6 sessions in
all were completed. Those defaulting more than 3 sessions
were considered to be treatment failures but were fol-
lowed up, if possible, to obtain study data. Written
instructions on home exercises were provided at the out-
set to all patients. Patients were not required to do exer-
cises between treatment sessions but could do so if they
chose. The physiotherapist who had assessed eligibility
supervised treatment in both groups, with support from
two other senior physiotherapists. A rolling treatment
programme was operated for convenience, therefore
group sizes varied between 1 to 4 for hydrotherapy and 1
to 6 for land exercises. The size of our hydrotherapy pool
only permitted treatment of 4 patients at any one time.
However group sizes in both treatment arms were compa-
The exercise content in each group was similar and exer-
cises were tailored to each individual's ability. Participants
warmed up, by mobilising and stretching. The core exer-
cises, repeated each week, focussed on joint mobility,
muscle strength and functional activities. The degree of
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difficulty was reviewed weekly to ensure each participant
made progress at their individual pace. A cool down phase
concluded each session. Functional limitations of partici-
pants were considered at all times.
Outcome measures
A research assistant blind to treatment allocation assessed
key outcome measures. The primary outcome was self-
rated overall effect of treatment, measured once; on the
day treatment was completed. This validated measure has
previously been used in clinical trials of exercise in fibro-
myalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome [9-11]. Effect of
treatment is measured as change on a 7-point scale rang-
ing from 1 (very much worse) to 7 (very much better).
Patients were asked: 'please indicate how you feel after
your treatment'. The outcome was dichotomised so that
participants scoring 6 (much better) or 7 were regarded as
responders and others as non-responders [10].
Secondary outcomes were collected at baseline, on the day
of the last treatment session and 3 months post treatment.
These included: pain, assessed on a 10 cm visual analogue
scale (VAS), where 0 cm represented no pain; physical
function assessed with the health assessment question-
naire (HAQ); ten metre walk speed, an outcome widely
used to assess lower limb function in neurology [12] and
piloted previously in our unit [13]; and a EuroQol-5D
(EQ-5D) valuation questionnaire comprising a self report
of health related quality of life (EQ-VAS) and a health sta-
tus valuation (EQ-5D index or utility score) [14,15].
Statistical considerations and analyses
Sixty patients were needed in each treatment group to
detect a 28% difference between the two groups in the pri-
mary outcome measure with a two-sided significance level
of 0.05, and a power of 80%, allowing for a 10% drop-out
rate. This estimate was based on a pilot study showing that
73% of patients receiving hydrotherapy experienced an
increased sense of well-being [13]. We assumed that
around 45% of patients with RA undertaking land exer-
cises would feel 'much better' or 'very much better' based
on trials of exercise in other conditions [11]. Binary out-
comes were analysed by Fisher's exact test and continuous
variables by Wilcoxon signed rank tests for within group
comparisons or by Mann-Whitney tests for between group
comparisons. Data analyses were done according to the
principles of intention to treat.
Patient Characteristics and Disposition
Our goal was to recruit 60 patients into each of the two
treatment groups. However, recruitment was terminated
early because of a decision by University Hospital Bir-
mingham NHS Foundation Trust to close their hydrother-
apy facility although this closure was deferred for several
months to permit continuation of our study [1]. Three
hundred and seventy patients (107 males and 263
females) were invited to participate in the study by mail.
Others, an unknown number, were invited during routine
clinic contacts. At termination, 123 patients had been
assessed for eligibility, 8 were excluded and 115 ran-
domised. Reasons for exclusion are shown in Figure 1.
Fifty seven patients were allocated hydrotherapy. Data on
the primary outcome was available for 46 (81%) hydro-
therapy treated patients: two patients did not attend all
follow-up visits and this data was obtained by mail. Fifty
eight patients were allocated land exercises. Data on the
primary outcome was available for 40 (69%) patients: one
patient did not attend all follow-up visits and this data
was obtained by mail.
Baseline characteristics of patients in the two groups were
comparable (Tables 1 &2). Eleven patients allocated to
land exercise failed to attend for the entire treatment pro-
gramme compared with 4 patients allocated hydrotherapy
(p = 0.09). Notably, one patient withdrew immediately
from the study because he was allocated land exercises.
Primary outcome
Significantly more patients treated with hydrotherapy
(40/46, 87%) felt much better or very much better than
the patients treated with land exercise (19/40, 47.5%), p
< 0.001 Fisher's exact test. Because a greater number of
patients allocated land exercises failed to attend we tested
the robustness of our data by doing some sensitivity anal-
yses. First, we assumed that all non-completers would
have been non-responders: this gave a response rate for
hydrotherapy of 40/57 (70%) and for land 19/58 (33%),
p < 0.001 in favour of hydrotherapy. Second, we assumed
that non-completers would have had the same response
rate as completers and that this proportion would have
been the same for both treatment groups (null hypothe-
sis). Thus 47/57 (82%) of hydrotherapy patients and 32/
58 (55%) of land patients would have responded, p =
0.002. Finally, assuming that all non-completers in
hydrotherapy would have been non-responders (40/57,
70%) and that all non-completers in the land group
would have been responders (37/58, 64%), a rather
implausible assumption, showed that there was no signif-
icant difference between the groups, p = 0.59.
Secondary outcomes
Ten-metre walk time improved after treatment and gains
were maintained 3 months after treatment in both cases
(median pre-treatment time for both groups combined
10.9 seconds(s), post treatment 9.1 s and at 3 months post
treatment 9.6 s). There was no difference between treat-
ment groups (p = 0.551). Similarly, there were no signifi-
cant differences between groups in terms of changes to
HAQ, EQ-5D utility score, EQ VAS and pain VAS (Table
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2). Three months after treatment pain scores were signifi-
cantly increased compared with baseline values in both
treatment groups (Table 2). Also, 3 months post treat-
ment worsening of pain and of the self care domains of
EQ-5D was also seen (p = 0.029 and p = 0.02 respectively;
McNemar's test). In the domain of pain/discomfort 19/85
(22.4%) worsened by at least one category, 7 (8.2%)
improved and 59 (69.4%) stayed the same. For self care
23/85 (27.1%) worsened, 9 (10.6%) improved and 53
(62.4%) stayed the same.
Medication changes occurred commonly during the trial.
For example, at the final assessment, 3 months after com-
pletion of treatment, 10 (17.5%) patients treated with
hydrotherapy had changed or increased the dose of their
DMARD compared with 9 (15.5%) land patients; 4 (7%)
hydrotherapy patients decreased or ceased their DMARD
compared with 2 (3%) land; and 4 (7%) in both groups
had had steroid injections.
We have shown that patients with RA undertaking exer-
cises in a heated pool are significantly more likely to feel
much better or very much better than patients doing sim-
ilar exercises on land. We demonstrated this using a tran-
sitional outcome measure assessed after 6 weeks of
Table 1: Characteristics of patients at baseline.
Characteristic Hydrotherapy
N = 57
Land Exercise
N = 58
Age (mean ± SD, years) 55.2 ± 13.3 56.1 ± 11.9
Female Sex 39 (68%) 42 (72%)
Disease Duration† (years) 10 (4–18) 8 (3–20)
On DMARD* 47 (82%) 50 (86%)
On oral corticosteroids 11 (19%) 10 (17%)
On NSAIDs 28 (49%) 32 (55%)
*DMARD includes TNF inhibitors but not corticosteroids.
† Values are medians with lower and upper quartiles in parentheses
Study outlineFigure 1
Study outline.
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Table 2: Secondary Outcomes†
Hydrotherapy Land Exercises
Outcome Measure Baseline
N = 57
Immediately Post Treatment
N = 44
3 mo. post treatment
N = 43
N = 58
Immediately Post Treatment
N = 40
3 mo. Post treatment
N = 42
EQ-5D Utility 0.69 (0.52–0.80) 0.69 (0.59–0.78)
p = 0.61
0.62 (0.52–0.76)
p = 0.044
0.69 (0.59–0.76) 0.68 (0.59–0.79)
p = 0.57
0.66 (0.52–0.76)
p = 0.044
EQ-5D VAS (0–100) 70 (50–85) 73 (55–85)**
p = 0.57
70 (44–80)
p = 0.08
74 (60–86)* 77 (60–90)
p = 0.42
75 (51–88)***
p = 0.63
HAQ (0–3) 1.38 (0.69–2.00) 1.50 (1.06–1.84)
p = 0.09
1.63 (1.13–1.88)
p = 0.23
1.50 (0.88–2.00)* 1.44 (0.78–1.84)
p = 0.20
1.38 (0.84–1.91)
p = 0.77
Pain (100 mm VAS, 0 = no pain) 24 (10–50) 25.5 (11–41)
p = 0.40
35 (14–62)
p = 0.026
26.5 (14–51) 27.5 (15–58)
p = 0.22
42.5 (16–59)
p = 0.005
10 m walk time (seconds) 10.9 (7.9–12.8) 9.1 (7.2–10.7)
p < 0.001
10.0 (8.0–12.0)**
p = 0.011
10.2 (8.8–13.2) 8.8 (6.9–11.3)
p < 0.001
9.0 (7.7–11.3)
p < 0.001
† Values are medians with lower and upper quartiles in parentheses and p values for comparison with baseline
* n = 57 ** n = 42 *** n = 41
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exercises [10,11]. Patient reports of benefit were not
reflected by health status measures of pain, HAQ scores,
EQ-5D utility scores and self rated global health (EQ
VAS). This is surprising because previous studies, done to
validate EQ-5D utility and VAS scales, have shown these
measures to be highly responsive to self reported
improvement [16]. However measures such as HAQ may
be less responsive, particularly in studies of exercise in RA
[17]. The absence of benefit in health utility measures or
in self rated global health scores indicates that hydrother-
apy would not be judged cost effective because of the
additional resources needed for hydrotherapy. A formal
economic study of hydrotherapy for juvenile idiopathic
arthritis, based in part at our institution, also concluded
that hydrotherapy would not be cost-effective [18].
Indeed during the conduct of our trial our institution
decided to close the hydrotherapy facility.
Our data underscores concerns about the relevance of
health status measures such as EQ-5D to the personal per-
spectives of patients [19,20]. We assessed self reported
change in health on the day treatment was completed but
our primary outcome was not evaluated 3 months post
treatment. This was an important limitation of our study.
We believed, however, that it was important to capture the
direct impact of exercises since our pragmatic study design
did not restrict use of other interventions, including use of
corticosteroids during the study. Later assessment of our
primary outcome may have been confounded by recall
bias and other interventions in the weeks after completion
of exercises. Many patients changed their drug therapies or
received steroid injections especially in the 3 months post
treatment, although the proportions of patients changing
therapy were similar in the two groups. A pragmatic
design is important for aiding policy decisions about ther-
apeutic resources [21]. We felt this design was important
to assess the value of hydrotherapy in a realistic setting
since treatments in chronic arthritis are commonly used as
one component of a complex set of interventions.
Care was taken to ensure that the same therapist treated
both groups of patients as far as was practical and indeed
a majority of treatments in both arms were done by one
person. Use of different therapists could have led to
important differences in approach to patients' problems
or in outcomes because of differences in the abilities of
physiotherapists to motivate and heal patients. However,
we acknowledge that a conscious or subconscious prefer-
ence for one or other treatment by the treating therapist
may have influenced outcomes. In order to improve inter-
nal validity (reliability of the result) outcomes were
patient-centred and an independent assessor collected
outcomes. We also ensured that group sizes were similar
so that therapeutic benefits from being part of a group
were similar. It is known that, in addition to the physio-
logical and cardiovascular benefits of exercise, exercise
classes also provide opportunities for socialisation and
mutual support, and that both are important determi-
nants of continued exercise [22].
Failure to adhere to exercises is a common human failing
mirrored in people with arthritis [23]. Some suggest that
compliance with exercises in inflammatory arthritis is bet-
ter in those who report greater benefits of exercise[24] and
others that even short term interventions can have long
term beneficial effects [25]. Certainly both groups showed
a sustained improvement in walk times but pain scores
were increased 3 months after treatment in both groups.
Whether this reflected disease progression, greater pain
scores because of increased physical activity, or other fac-
tors, is unknown. Other studies of hydrotherapy and exer-
cise in arthritis either report improved pain [6] or no effect
of exercise on pain [2,18] or disease activity [17].
Our study clearly shows that RA patients who attend hos-
pital clinics are more likely to report feeling much better
or very much better if they are treated with hydrotherapy
than if they are treated with exercises on land. This benefit
was reported immediately after completing treatment.
Whether this gain is sufficient to justify provision of
hydrotherapy facilities in a hospital setting is debatable.
For ambulatory patients with arthritis provision of aquatic
exercise through community initiatives may be more
effective in terms of public health [26]. We cannot say
whether hydrotherapy offers advantages over other forms
of intensive rehabilitation to people with severe disability;
this remains to be explored.
Competing interests
The author(s) declare that they have no competing inter-
Authors' contributions
PJ and LE conceived, planned and secured funding for the
study. LE carried out and supervised treatments and
ensured that measurements of key outcomes were consist-
ent. PN did the data analyses and sample size calculations.
FM communicated with patients including treatment allo-
cation, collected key data and maintained the database. PJ
co-ordinated the study and drafted this manuscript. All
authors read and approved the final manuscript.
We would like to thank our colleagues Simon Bowman, Sue Brailsford,
Catherine Ferrarin, Dawn Homer, Kim Jago, Ronald Jubb, Claire Moody,
Peggy Pye, Elizabeth Rankin, Tammy Tang and Louise White for help in
completing this study successfully. We wish to especially thank all the phys-
iotherapy assistants who helped us with treating patients and collecting
data. This study was funded by a project grant from the University Hospital
Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Charities. The charity had no role in
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study design, conduct of the study, data interpretation, reporting the data
or decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
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... A total of 4382 participants were included (sample size ranged from 20 [66] to 490 [46] participants). Participant ages ranged from 18 [27,32,33,36,38,45,55,67,70] to 87 years [22]. The majority of participants were female (n ¼ 3431) . ...
... Interventions included strengthening exercise (n ¼ 26) [21, 23-25, 27, 30, 31, 35, 36, 38, 42, 43, 45-48, 50 [26,27,33,60], proprioception (n ¼ 3) [25,28,51], tai chi (n ¼ 1) [66] and nonspecified exercise-based interventions (n ¼ 6) [22,32,34,49,53,65]. Comparators included usual care (n ¼ 22) [22, 27-29, 32, 34, 36-41, 45, 46, 50, 52, 53, 57, 58, 62, 64, 68], an alternative exercise intervention (n ¼ 18) [21, 25, 26, 31, 33, 35, 42-44, 47-49, 51, 59-61, 63, 67], education and advice (n ¼ 10) [23, 24, 30, 54-56, 65, 66, 69, 70] or diet (n ¼ 2) [38,55]. ...
... The most common reason for high bias assignment was the selection of the reported results (n ¼ 17) [22, 26, 29, 31, 35-43, 48, 49, 53, 69]. Fifteen studies had an overall judgement of some concerns [25,27,28,30,32,33,44,46,47,50,54,56,62,68,70], and no studies were deemed low risk of bias (Supplementary Table S1, available at Rheumatology Advances in Practice online). ...
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Objectives This systematic review describes the extent to which PROGRESS-Plus equity factors were considered in the eligibility criteria of trials of exercise interventions for adults with RA. Methods Electronic databases were searched for published (Cinahl, Embase, Medline, Physiotherapy Evidence Database), unpublished (Opengrey) and registered ongoing (International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number registry) randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of exercise interventions for adults with RA. Two authors independently performed study selection and quality assessment (Cochrane risk of bias tool). Results A total of 9696 records were identified. After screening, 50 trials were included. All trials had either some concerns or high risk of bias and reported at least one PROGRESS-Plus equity factor within the eligibility criteria; this included place of residence, personal characteristics (age and disability), language, sex, social capital, time-dependent factors or features of relationship factors. Where reported, this equated to exclusion of 457 of 1337 potential participants (34%) based on equity factors. Conclusion This review identified the exclusion of potential participants within exercise-based interventions for people with RA based on equity factors that might affect health-care opportunities and outcomes. This limits the generalizability of results, and yet this evidence is used to inform management and service design. Trials need to optimize participation, particularly for people with cardiovascular conditions, older adults and those with cognitive impairments. Reasons for exclusions need to be justified. Further research needs to address health inequalities to improve treatment accessibility and the generalizability of research findings. PROSPERO registration CRD42021260941.
... Moreover, the heat can improve blood circulation and promote relaxation of pelvic floor muscles. The hydrostatic pressure may also contribute to the alleviation of pain by reducing the activity of the sympathetic nervous system [42][43][44]. Massage is another therapeutic tool that has been explored in women with chronic pelvic/low-back pain related (or not) to endometriosis [10,[45][46][47][48][49][50][51]. ...
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Background and Objectives: To evaluate the effectiveness of an integral HAMMAM experience, a 4-week therapeutic program that combined hydrotherapy and Swedish massage, applied in a multisensorial immersive environment, on pain, well-being and quality of life (QoL) in women with endometriosis-related chronic pelvic pain that is unresponsive to conventional treatment. Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled trial included 44 women with endometriosis. They were randomly allocated to either the ‘HAMMAM’ group (n = 21) or to a control group (n = 23). The primary outcome, pain intensity, was evaluated using numeric rating scales (NRSs). The secondary outcomes were pain interference, pain-related catastrophic thoughts, pressure pain thresholds (PPTs), subjective well-being, functional capacity and QoL, which were evaluated using the brief pain inventory (BPI), the pain catastrophizing scale (PCS), algometry, the subjective well-being scale-20 (EBS-20), the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System-29 (PROMIS-29) and the Endometriosis Health Profile-30 Questionnaire (EHP-30), respectively. The primary and secondary outcomes were measured at the baseline and after the intervention. The statistical (between-group analyses of covariance) and clinical effects were analyzed by the intention to treat. Results: The adherence rate was 100.0% and the mean (± standard deviation) satisfaction was 9.71 ± 0.46 out of 10. No remarkable health problems were reported during the trial. The ‘HAMMAM’ intervention improved dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia after the intervention with large and moderate effect sizes, respectively. Improvements in pain interference during sleep and PPTs in the pelvic region were also observed in women allocated to the ‘HAMMAM’ group. No effects were observed in catastrophizing thoughts, well-being nor QoL, except for the sleep subscale. Conclusions: A 4-week program of an integral ‘HAMMAM’ experience combining hydrotherapy and massage in a multisensorial immersive environment is a feasible and effective intervention to alleviate pain during menstruation and sexual intercourse as well as pain interference with sleep in women with endometriosis.
... [69] Furthermore, long-term intensive exercise programs have been shown to improve functional capacity in patients with RA without causing additional damage to large joints, unless there is already considerable baseline damage. [34] Therefore, exercise intervention in aquaaerobic or exercise in warm water has been identified as a beneficial option for patients with RA. [70,71] Several studies have shown that moderate-intensity exercise in water can significantly improve muscle endurance and flexibility in RA patients after a 3-month follow-up period. [41] However, it is worth noting that there is a lack of research on flexibility exercise and neuromotor interventions for RA in this field. ...
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a prolonged multifactorial autoimmune disease of unknown etiology. With the global population aging, the incidence of RA is increasing, highlighting the need for more effective treatments. Exercise interventions have been recognized as safe and effective for managing pain, improving function, and reducing fatigue in RA patients. However, the existing literature in this field lacks a thorough, organized, and clear line of analysis. In this study, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the 20-year literature on exercise interventions for RA, aiming to identify hotspots and cutting-edge trends. Our objective is to provide subsequent researchers with valuable ideas and references. Using Cite Space, VOS viewer, and R-bibliometrix software for visualization and analysis, we compiled the main dataset from the web of science database, consisting of 1790 articles on exercise interventions in RA published between 2000 and 2023. Among these articles, the United States contributed the highest number of papers (433), while Karolinska Institutet ranked first institutionally with 90 papers. The study focused on the keyword’s quality of life, cardiovascular disease, aerobic exercise, social support, psychology, and multidisciplinary care. The research highlighted the importance of clinical efficacy studies that investigate different types of exercise modalities (cardiorespiratory aerobic, resistance, aquatic, and neurological) either alone or in combination, to improve pain and function and reduce cardiovascular disease risk in patients with RA. Additionally, sedentary behavior, fatigue, and multidisciplinary care were identified as potential areas for further research. Overall, this study provides a scientific perspective on exercise interventions for RA and offers valuable insights for academics, funding organizations, and policymakers.
... 5 Hydrotherapy and land-based exercises, were defined as well-structured and supervised exercises in RA and revealed specific health benefits in the musculoskeletal system like planned exercise and increase physical activity reduced musculoskeletal deformity. 6,7 The goal of the study was to determine the effectiveness of hydrotherapy versus land-exercise outcomes reduce pain in chronic RA. ...
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Triple blind Randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of hydrotherapy versus land based exercise on pain and quality of life among Rheumatoid arthritis
... Ввиду этого использование занятий в воде способно увеличить реабилитационный потенциал пациента. Существуют ряд работ, показывающих эффективность гидрокинезиотерапии (ГКТ) в сравнении с наземными вариантами активности пациентов с РА [9][10][11]. ...
Introduction. Rehabilitation of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and polyarthritis after arthroplasty is a debatable and open issue. The main direction in their rehabilitation is physical therapy, and the safest and most convenient way is aqua gymnastics. The aim . To analyze the clinical and functional results in patients with rheumatoid arthritis after a course of hydrokinesiotherapy after total hip arthroplasty. Materials and methods. Twenty patients after total hip arthroplasty used the bipedal cyclic swimming method (Patent of Russia No. 2733686) to supplement the standard rehabilitation complex. The course consisted of 7–10 lessons and was carried out 1.5 months after the operation. The evaluation criteria were pain syndrome according to the visual analog scale, goniometry, DAS28 (Disease Activity Score in 28 joints), Harris scale and short-HAQ (short Health Assessment Questionnaire). Results. Eighteen patients remained in the study. They said that active water activities reduced the pain syndrome. In terms of angle measurements, we saw an improvement in flexion and extension in the joint. The study shows that arthroplasty with synovectomy helps to reduce the activity of the disease, and the use of aqua gymnastics in half of the cases supports this trend. All patients improved on the Harris and HAQ scores, but the best scores were in patients who were in remission or had low disease activity before surgery. Conclusions . The presented method of swimming can improve postoperative results. This study is a pilot one and requires further study using a control comparison group.
... Inadequate use of medical therapy to treat clinical symptoms Joint replacement makes the outlook better, as only 4-13% of major joint replacements need to be redone within 10 years. This is especially true for knee and hip joints [62]. ...
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Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a common autoimmune disease across the globe that is chronic and systemic as well. The disease is linked with autoantibodies and is inflammatory, eventually targeting several molecules along with certain modified self-epitopes. The disease majorly affects the joints of an individual. Rheumatoid arthritis is manifested clinically by polyarthritis linked with the dysfunction of the joints. This chiefly affects the synovial joint lining and is linked with progressive dysfunction, premature death, along with socioeconomic implications. The macrophage activation, along with the activation of certain defense cells, results in a response to self-epitopes that helps in providing a better understanding of the disease pathogenesis. Material and methodology For this review article, papers have been retrieved and reviewed from database including PubMed, Scopus and Web of science. Relevant papers were taken fulfilling the criteria for writing this review article. Results This has resulted in the establishment of several new therapeutic techniques that serve as potential inhibitors of such cells. Researchers have gained an interest in understanding this disease to provide strategies for treatment in the last two decades. This also includes recognition followed by the treatment of the disease at its early stages. Various allopathic treatment approaches often have chronic and toxic teratogenic effects. However, to avoid this issue of toxicity followed by side effects, certain medicinal plants have been used in treating RA. Conclusion Medicinal plants possess active phytoconstituents that entail antioxidants as well as anti-inflammatory properties, making them a helpful alternative to allopathic drugs that are often linked with highly toxic effects. This review paper entails a thorough discussion of the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of RA. The paper will also focus on the use of herbal plants in the treatment of the disease to avoid the side effects that generally occur in allopathic treatment. Graphical abstract
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Chronic pain and restricted mobility, hallmark features of rheumatic diseases, substantially affect patients’ quality of life, often resulting in physical disability and emotional distress. Given the long-term nature of these conditions, there is a growing interest in complementary therapeutic approaches, emphasizing the need to explore non-pharmacological treatments. Hydrotherapy, balneotherapy, and mud therapy have emerged as effective interventions to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, improve joint mobility, and enhance overall physical and mental well-being. These therapies utilize water’s thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties to regulate blood circulation, metabolism, inflammatory processes, and patients’ psycho-emotional states. This narrative review evaluates the multifaceted effects of water-based treatments on patients with rheumatic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and fibromyalgia syndrome. Special attention is given to these therapies’ synergistic effects, underlying mechanisms, and impacts on patients’ physical and emotional health. In conclusion, the integrated use of water-based therapies represents a promising adjunctive treatment for improving the quality of life in patients with rheumatic diseases. However, further research must refine and individualize these therapeutic approaches for optimal outcomes.
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Balneoterapi: Dünyada ve Türkiye’deki Durum Nalan SEZGİN Balneoterapide Su ve Gazların Özellikleri Esra TOPÇU Balneoterapinin Vücut Sistemleri Üzerine Etkisi Şahide Eda ARTUÇ Balneoterapi Etki Mekanizmaları Gizem KILINÇ KAMACI Balneoterapi Yöntemleri Uğur ERTEM Balneoterapı Kontraendıkasyonları ve Endikasyonları Merve KARAKAŞ Balneoterapi Yan Etkileri Mazlum Serdar AKALTUN Döne CANSU Romatolojik Hastalıkların ve Kas İskelet Sistemi Hastalıklarının Tedavisinde Balneoterapi Fatih BAYGUTALP Obezite Rehabilitasyonunda Balneoterapi Gülseren DEMİR KARAKILIÇ Nörolojik Hastalıklarda Balneoterapi Ezgi AKYILDIZ TEZCAN Türkiye’deki Balneoterapi Uygulama Merkezleri ve Özellikleri Bengü TÜREMENOĞULLARI Hidroterapinin Vücut Sistemlerine Etkisi Yunus Emre DOĞAN Rehabilitasyon Havuzu İçin Gerekli Özellikler Hatice CEYLAN Su İçi Değerlendirme Yöntemleri Elif TEKİN Hidroterapi Uygulama ve Egzersiz Yöntemleri Ayşe GÜLEÇ Ümmü Habibe SARI Su İçi Duyu Bütünleme Tedavisi Vildan ÖZTÜRK GÜLTEKİN Hidroterapi Endikasyonları ve Kontrendikasyonları Gülşah ÇELİK Sağlık Turizminde Balneoterapi ve Hidroterapi Musa POLAT
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The Rajendra Jinjwaria quality of life-22 (RJQOL-22) scale will help assess the overall quality of life in various acute and chronic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis, and other conditions that affect the quality of life such as cardiovascular, HIV, and cancer. The tool was developed from 29 January 2019 to 01 May 2023 by Rajendra Kumar Jinjwaria at King George's Medical University Lucknow and Banaras Hindu University, Uttar Pradesh, India. The validity of the RJQOL-22 scale was established as per the content validity index (CVI) 98% and validated by more than 100 expert faculty across the world. The scale is standardized and highly valid for assessing the quality of life in acute and chronic diseases. The overall reliability of the scale based on a study was estimated to be (>0.983) through (Cronbach’s alpha value) and it indicates a highly reliable scale. While the individual reliability of group I and group II was 0.989 and 0.978 respectively. The acceptable cut-off value of coefficients was 0.7 for moderate and 0.8 for high reliability. This indicates that the tool used in the studies was highly reliable.
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This is the third in a series of five articles Quality of life measures are increasingly used to supplement objective clinical or biological measures of disease to assess the quality of service, the need for health care, the effectiveness of interventions, and in cost utility analyses. Their use reflects a growing appreciation of the importance of how patients feel and how satisfied they are with treatment in addition to the traditional focus on disease outcomes. In this respect, quality of life measures capture patients' perspectives of their disease and treatment, their perceived need for health care, and their preferences for treatment and outcomes. They are hailed as being patient centred. But the challenge in measuring quality of life lies in its uniqueness to individuals. Many of the existing measures of quality of life fail to take account of this by imposing standardised models of quality of life and preselected domains; they are thus measures of general health status rather than quality of life. Questions arise as to whether such measures are truly patient centred and to what extent they actually represent the quality of life of individual patients or groups of patients. Do they simply describe a patient's health in terms of what health professionals or society believe constitutes quality of life for people who are ill, something that may include factors that have little relevance to or importance for patients? This paper explores the extent to which standardised quality of life measures accurately quantify an individual patient's quality of life. It debates whether newer, individualised approaches, which allow patients to define their quality of life in relation to their goals and expectations, are more appropriate. #### Summary points Quality of life is an individual construct and measures should take account of this Many widely used measures are not patient centred because of …
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Sixty surviving patients had their walking ability and speed assessed regularly over the first 3 months after an acute stroke. Sixty-four matched controls were studied to allow categorisation of speed as 'slow' or 'normal'. Fourteen patients never had any significant loss of walking speed; fifteen patients never recovered the ability to walk and one patient remained dependent upon verbal support. Of the 30 showing significant recovery, only 10 regained normal speed, and 8 remained dependent upon a physical aid at 3 months. Plotting individual recovery curves of walking speed over time showed the wide range of change which may be expected. It is argued that timing of gait over 10 metres is a valid reliable measure that is currently underused.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of hydrotherapy which combines elements of warm water immersion and exercise. It was predicted that hydrotherapy would result in a greater therapeutic benefit than either of these components separately. Methods: One hundred thirty-nine patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis were randomly assigned to hydrotherapy, seated immersion, land exercise, or progressive relaxation. Patients attended 30-minute sessions twice weekly for 4 weeks. Physical and psychological measures were completed before and after intervention, and at a 3-month followup. Results: All patients improved physically and emotionally, as assessed by the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2 questionnaire. Belief that pain was controlled by chance happenings decreased, signifying improvement. In addition, hydrotherapy patients showed significantly greater improvement in joint tenderness and in knee range of movement (women only). At followup, hydrotherapy patients maintained the improvement in emotional and psychological state. Conclusions: Although all patients experienced some benefit, hydrotherapy produced the greatest improvements. This study, therefore, provides some justification for the continued use of hydrotherapy.
Objective. —To quantify the relation of cardiorespiratory fitness to cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality and to all-cause mortality within strata of other personal characteristics that predispose to early mortality.
Objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of hydrotherapy which combines elements of warm water immersion and exercise. It was predicted that hydrotherapy would result in a greater therapeutic benefit than either of these components separately.Method. One hundred thirty-nine patients with chronic rheumatoid arthritis were randomly assigned to hydrotherapy, seated immersion, land exercise, or progressive relaxation. Patients attended 30-minute sessions twice weekly for 4 weeks. Physical and psychological measures were completed before and after intervention, and at a 3-month followup.Results. All patients improved physically and emotionally, as assessed by the Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2 questionnaire. Belief that pain was controlled by chance happenings decreased, signifying improvement. In addition, hydrotherapy patients showed significantly greater improvement in joint tenderness and in knee range of movement (women only). At followup, hydrotherapy patients maintained the improvement in emotional and psychological state.Conclusions. Although all patients experienced some benefit, hydrotherapy produced the greatest improvements. This study, therefore, provides some justification for the continued use of hydrotherapy.
This summary of a Cochrane review presents what we know from research about the effect of Balneotherapy for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). The review shows that in people with RA: - Radon-carbon dioxin baths compared with carbon dioxin baths may not lead to any difference in pain on the short-term, only possibly at 6 months. - Tap water baths compared to land exercises or relaxation may not lead to any difference in pain. - Mineral baths compared with taking the drug Cyclosporine A may lead to a significant difference in pain at 8 weeks, but may also lead to some side effects . - Sulfur baths or Dead Sea baths compared to no treatment may not lead to any difference in the way people feel overall. Swollen or tender joints, inflammation (acute phase reactants), the doctor's assessment of overall well-being, x-rays of joints and other laboratory tests were not measured in these studies. Not enough data was provide to tell whether mineral baths would improve how people feel overall compared with taking the drug Cyclosporine A. Not enough data was provided to tell whether physical disability would improve with various forms of balneotherapy. What is RA and what is Balneotherapy? In rheumatoid arthritis, your immune system, which normally fights infection, attacks the lining of your joints. This makes your joints swollen, stiff and painful. The small joints of your hands and feet are usually affected first. There is no cure for RA at present, so the treatments aim to relieve pain and stiffness and improve your ability to move. Balneotherapy (also called mineral baths or spa-therapy) is an ancient and popular therapy. It involves spending time in an indoor pool filled with mineral water at temperature of between 31 to 36 degrees Celsius (88 to 97 degrees Farenheit). Different types of mineral water can be used in this therapy, for example, radon or carbon dioxin.
Objective. To develop and validate revised criteria for global functional status in rheumatoid arthritis (RA(. Methods. Revised criteria were formulated and tested for criterion and discriminant validity in 325 patients with RA. Results. The revised criteria developed are as follows: class I = able to perform usual activities of daily living (self-care, vocational, and avocational); class II = able to perform usual self-care and vocational activities, but limited in avocational activities; class III = able to perform usual self-care activities but limited in vocational and avocational activities; class IV = limited in ability to perform usual self-care, vocational, and avocational activities. Usual self-care activities include dressing, feeding, bathing, grooming, and toileting; vocational and avocational activities are both patient-desired and age-, and sex-specific. The distribution properties of this classification schema were superior to those of the original Steinbrocker criteria. Mean Health Assessment Questionnaire scores were significantly (P < 0.0001) different between, and increased across, the 4 classes. Conclusion. Although there are limitations inherent in the use of global ordinal scales, the American College of Rheumatology revised criteria will be useful in describing the functional consequences of RA. A more detailed quantitative measure of physical disability should be used, however, for optimal monitoring of patients' clinical status in office practice and clinical research.
To develop and validate revised criteria for global functional status in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Revised criteria were formulated and tested for criterion and discriminant validity in 325 patients with RA. The revised criteria developed are as follows: class I = able to perform usual activities of daily living (self-care, vocational, and avocational); class II = able to perform usual self-care and vocational activities, but limited in avocational activities; class III = able to perform usual self-care activities but limited in vocational and avocational activities; class IV = limited in ability to perform usual self-care, vocational, and avocational activities. Usual self-care activities include dressing, feeding, bathing, grooming, and toileting; vocational and avocational activities are both patient-desired and age-, and sex-specific. The distribution properties of this classification schema were superior to those of the original Steinbrocker criteria. Mean Health Assessment Questionnaire scores were significantly (P less than 0.0001) different between, and increased across, the 4 classes. Although there are limitations inherent in the use of global ordinal scales, the American College of Rheumatology revised criteria will be useful in describing the functional consequences of RA. A more detailed quantitative measure of physical disability should be used, however, for optimal monitoring of patients' clinical status in office practice and clinical research.