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A population-based phylogenetic approach was used to characterize human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-transmission dynamics in Quebec. HIV-1 pol sequences included primary HIV infections (PHIs; <6 months after seroconversion) from the Quebec PHI cohort (1998-2005; n=215) and the provincial genotyping program (2001-2005; n=481). Phylogenetic analysis determined sequence interrelationships among unique PHIs (n=593) and infections from untreated (n=135) and treated (n=660) chronically infected (CI) potential transmitter populations (2001-2005). Clinical features, risk factors, and drug resistance for clustered and nonclustered transmission events were ascertained. Viruses from 49.4% (293/593) of PHIs cosegregated into 75 transmission chains with 2-17 transmissions/cluster. Half of the clusters included 2.7+/-0.8 (mean+/-SD) transmissions, whereas the remainder had 8.8+/-3.5 transmissions. Maximum periods for onward transmission in clusters were 15.2+/-9.5 months. Coclustering of untreated and treated CIs with PHIs were infrequent (6.2% and 4.8%, respectively). The ages, viremia, and risk factors were similar for clustered and nonclustered transmission events. Low prevalence of drug resistance in PHI supported amplified transmissions at early stages. Early infection accounts for approximately half of onward transmissions in this urban North American study. Therapy at early stages of disease may prevent onward HIV transmission.
Amplified Transmission in Early HIV Infection JID 2007:195 (1 April) 000
High Rates of Forward Transmission Events
after Acute/Early HIV-1 Infection
Bluma G. Brenner,
Michel Roger,
Jean-Pierre Routy,
Daniela Moisi,
Michel Ntemgwa,
Claudine Matte,
Jean-Guy Baril,
Re´jean Thomas,
Danielle Rouleau,
Julie Bruneau,
Roger Leblanc,
Mario Legault,
Cecile Tremblay,
Hugues Charest,
Mark A. Wainberg,
and the Quebec Primary HIV Infection Study Group
McGill AIDS Centre–Jewish General Hospital,
Centre Hospitalier de Universite´ de Montre´ al (CHUM)–Hoˆpital Notre-Dame,
McGill University
Health Centre,
Clinique Me´ dicale du Quartier Latin,
Clinique Me´ dicale l’Actuel,
CHUM–Hoˆ pital St. Luc,
Clinique Me´ dicale Goldberg, LeBlanc,
& Rosengren,
Fonds de la Recherche en Sante´ du Que´bec–SIDA Network,
CHUM–Hoˆ tel Dieu, and
Institut National de Sante´ Publique
du Que´bec, Montreal, Canada
(See the editorial commentary by Pillay and Fisher, on pages XXX–XX.)
Background. A population-based phylogenetic approach was used to characterize human immunodeficiency
virus (HIV)–transmission dynamics in Quebec.
Methods. HIV-1 pol sequences included primary HIV infections (PHIs; !6 months after seroconversion) from
the Quebec PHI cohort (1998–2005; ) and the provincial genotyping program (2001–2005; ).np215 np481
Phylogenetic analysis determined sequence interrelationships among unique PHIs ( ) and infections fromnp593
untreated ( ) and treated ( ) chronically infected (CI) potential transmitter populations (2001–np135 np660
2005). Clinical features, risk factors, and drug resistance for clustered and nonclustered transmission events were
Results. Viruses from 49.4% (293/593) of PHIs cosegregated into 75 transmission chains with 2–17 trans-
missions/cluster. Half of the clusters included ( ) transmissions, whereas the remainder had2.7 0.8 mean SD
transmissions. Maximum periods for onward transmission in clusters were months. Coclus-8.8 3.5 15.2 9.5
tering of untreated and treated CIs with PHIs were infrequent (6.2% and 4.8%, respectively). The ages, viremia,
and risk factors were similar for clustered and nonclustered transmission events. Low prevalence of drug resistance
in PHI supported amplified transmissions at early stages.
Conclusions. Early infection accounts for approximately half of onward transmissions in this urban North
American study. Therapy at early stages of disease may prevent onward HIV transmission.
An understanding of HIV-transmission dynamics is im-
portant in the design of effective prevention and treat-
ment interventions. A number of recent studies suggest
Received 6 September 2006; accepted 3 October 2006; electronically published
16 February 2007.
Potential conflicts of interest: none reported.
Presented in part: XIV International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop, Quebec
City, Canada, 7–11 June 2005 (abstract 112).
Financial support: Canadian Institutes for Health Research (grant MT-14738 for
resistance genotyping in the Quebec Primary HIV Infection [PHI] cohort study and
for research on PHI); Re´seau SIDA of the Fonds de la Recherche en Sante´du
Que´bec (funds to recruit patients into the Quebec PHI cohort study); Quebec
Ministry of Health (funds to the provincial genotypic resistance testing program).
Study group members are listed after the text.
Reprints or correspondence: Dr. Mark Wainberg, McGill AIDS Centre, 3755 Cote
Ste. Catherine Rd., Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3W 1G4 (mark.wainberg@
The Journal of Infectious Diseases 2007;195:000–000
2007 by the Infectious Diseases Society of America. All rights reserved.
DOI: 10.1086/512088
that early stages of HIV infection may disproportion-
ately contribute to viral transmission and spread of the
epidemic [1–3]. Primary HIV infection (PHI) and early
stages of infection are associated with high viral burden
and viral set points in blood and semen, a major de-
terminant of HIV transmission [1, 2,4–6]. The Rekai-
Uganda surveillance study showed that 43.8% (10/23)
of new transmissions occurred in discordant partners
at 6–15 months subsequent to seroconversions of source
partners [6].
In contrast, other groups have used viral load/epi-
demiological/behavioral data to contend that the role
of PHIs in HIV transmission may be overestimated [7–
9]. Many cofactors influence transmission, including
access to antiretroviral therapy and medical care, high
risk behaviors, sexually transmitted diseases, and coin-
fections [7–9]. The findings of the North Carolina pro-
gram Screening and Tracing of Active Transmission
000 JID 2007:195 (1 April) Brenner et al.
(STAT) suggest that as many as half of identified sourcepartners
were chronically infected (CI) and that 37% of these were on
antiretroviral therapy [9].
Phylogenetic analysis of viral gene sequences has been used
as a molecular epidemiological approach to reconstruct trans-
mission events in early/acute infection [10–15]. Data from the
Swiss and UK PHI cohort studies have reported significant
clustering of viral sequences from 24% and 34% of recent in-
fections, respectively [13, 14]. Clustering of transmitted drug
resistance has also been reported in 10 PHI cases within the
San Francisco cohort [15].
These findings underscore the importance of tracing the eti-
ology of new HIV transmissions in different patient population
settings. Quebec is a unique venue for population-based mo-
lecular surveillance of HIV-1 transmission based on 2 major
initiatives of recent years. The provincial genotypic testing pro-
gram, recommended for drug-resistance testing in PHI, has
been in place since 2001. In addition, the Quebec PHI cohort,
established in 1997, is a large prospective longitudinal study of
viral evolution, drug resistance, transmission risk factors, and
disease progression after PHI [16, 17]. These initiatives offer a
unique opportunity to assess the role of the early phase of
infection in total HIV transmission and drug resistance in Que-
bec, a province with free universal access to health care, in-
cluding antiretroviral therapy.
The present study involved phylogenetic analysis on all ge-
notyped recent infections !6 months after seroconversions
( ), to estimate the relative importance of acute/earlynp593
infection in onward transmission chains. Comparative analysis
was performed on the treatment-naive and treated CI potential
transmitter populations ( and 660, respectively). In ad-np135
dition, data from the PHI cohort study were used to examine
the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics associated
with the features of transmission clusters in early infection.Our
findings underscore that acute/early infection accounts for ap-
proximately half of all HIV transmissions in Quebec.
Study populations. The PHI study population is drawn from
2 PHI initiatives involving subjects having acute/early infection
(!6 months after seroconversion). Sequence data were available
from all participants in the Quebec cohort with confirmed PHI
(!6 months after serconversion; 1997–2005; ) [16–18].np215
Participants provided informed consent for blood collection
and resistance testing; they completed standardized nurse-ad-
ministered questionnaires describing risk factors, mode of
transmission, age, and estimated date of infection [16–18]. Viral
loads, drug-resistance profiles, and clinical epidemiological data
were included in the analysis.
The remainder of acute/early stage infections were identified
through the provincial genotyping program, at either of 2 Que-
bec reference laboratories (2001–2005; Hoˆpital Notre-Dame
[HND; ] and Jewish General Hospital [JGH;
np269 np
]). The clinical indication of PHI (!6 months after docu-
mented seroconversions) was noted on the laboratory requi-
sitions by prescribing physicians and validated by laboratory
personnel. On the basis of published data from l’Actuel, the
largest HIV clinic in Montreal, this PHI study population
( ) had been infected for an average of 4.9 months [17].
Test requisitions also provided information on age, sex, viral
load, and date of first genotypic sampling.
Sequence and epidemiologic data compiled from these 2
initiatives were made anonymous by the assignment of irre-
trievable patient identifiers. A total of 717 sequences from pri-
mary/early infections included 593 unique subtype B infections,
3 identified source partners, 65 non–subtype B infections, and
56 repeat samplings. The sample repeats of participants ge-
notyped through both initiatives were useful tools to validate
clustering. Non–subtype B infections, largely from the recent
immigrant populations, were included on trees for comparative
purposes but excluded from all analyses [19].
There are an estimated 58,000 persons HIV-infected persons
in Canada. HIV became a reportable disease in Quebec in 2004
and includes 13,000–15,000 infected persons, of whom 3000
persons have been genotyped to date (viral load 1400 copies/
mL). Sequence data were obtained from a representative CI
potential transmitter population that included all genotyped
CIs from the JGH site (2001–2005), performing 40% of all
provincial genotyping. The treatment-naive and treated CIs in-
cluded single sequence determinations for all persons geno-
typed with clinical indications of CI (16 months after sero-
conversions; ) and first or subsequent treatment failure
on an antiretroviral regimen ( ), respectively. All study
initiatives were approved by clinic and hospital ethics com-
mittees, as well as by the Quebec Ministry of Health committee
on confidentiality and access of information.
Phylogenetic analysis. Genotyping was performed at either
HND or JGH using the same procedures as described above
to generate sequences for the HIV pol region spanning the
protease gene and reverse transcriptase (RT) codons 1–400 or
38–250 using Virco primers (Virco Lab) or the Bayer TRU-
GENE HIV-1 assay (Bayer Diagnostics) protocols, respectively.
All sequences were aligned to consensus HXB2 sequences, re-
moving gaps and cutting to identical sequence lengths using
BioEdit software [20]. Genotypic data identified minor andmajor
resistance mutations, based on the March/April 2005 Interna-
tional AIDS Society–USA resistance panel guidelines [21].
Phylogenetic interrelationships among viral sequences were
estimated using neighbor joining trees and maximum likeli-
hood methods with BioEdit and MEGA2 integrated molecular
evolutionary genetics analysis software [20, 22]. The existence
of clusters was ascertained using the statistical robustness of
Amplified Transmission in Early HIV Infection JID 2007:195 (1 April) 000
Figure 1. Region of the primary HIV infection (PHI) phylogenetic tree, showing unique PHIs (U1–U15), clustered transmissions (np22), and repeat
patient samplings (np5). Cluster 48 depicts a transmission chain harboring drug resistance. Bootstrap values higher than 98% are indicated on the
the maximum likelihood topologies assessed by high bootstrap
values (198%) with 1000 resamplings and short branch lengths
(genetic distances 10.015%) [10, 22]. Infections in clusters were
validated for congruent polymorphisms and mutational motifs.
Comparative phylogenetic analysis evaluated coclustering of
unique subtype B genotyped primary/early infections (np
) with the representative potential transmitter population593
of treatment-naive ( ) or treated ( ) CIs. To min-np135 np660
imize any potential bias of nonclustering between the PHI and
CI patient population infection due to drug resistance, phy-
logenetic analysis was repeated after modifying CIs to wild-type
ancestral forms, changing protease codons 30, 50, 54, 82, 84,
and 90 and RT codons 41, 65, 67, 69, 70, 74, 103, 106, 151,
181, 184, and 215 to the wild-type codons present in the con-
sensus B sequence.
Statistical analysis. The maximum window period for
transmissions within clusters was estimated as the maximum
difference in time between the earliest and latest infections
within clusters. Differences in the viral load (log
age, risk behaviors, and drug motifs among clustered and non-
clustered PHI transmissions and CI groups were ascertained
using Fisher’s exact tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA),
with GraphPad Prism software (version 4.0; available at: http:
Sequence data. All sequences included in figure 1 were
deposited into GenBank under the sequential accession num-
bers EF011572–EF011609.
Clustering of PHIs. Sequence data (HIV-1 pol region) were
compiled from all PHIs (!6 months after seroconversion) iden-
tified through the provincial genotyping program ( ;
2001–2005) and the Quebec PHI cohort study ( ; 1998–
2005). A phylogenetic approach was used to identify the se-
quence interrelationships of these early/acute stage infections.
A region within this tree is presented in figure 1. As illus-
trated, many PHIs segregated into clusters having sequence
similarity based on the established criteria of high bootstrap
values (198%) and short branch lengths (genetic distances
10.015%) [10, 22]. Manual assessment of similarities in resis-
tance and polymorphism mutational motifs of sequences was
000 JID 2007:195 (1 April) Brenner et al.
Figure 2. Phylogenetic tree, showing clustered B (np293) and non–subtype B (np12) primary infections, and the corresponding phylogenetic
analysis, showing nonclustered B (np300) and non–subtype B (np53) infections.
Figure 3. The distribution of patients with primary HIV infection (PHI)
and chronically infected (CI) persons in and gthe 75 transmission clusters.
Overall, half of the transmission chains have 2–4 persons/cluster, whereas
the remaining individuals are in clusters having 5–17 persons/cluster.
Single clustering of CIs and nonclustered PHIs is also depicted.
evaluated to validate clusters. As an example, viruses in cluster
48 harbored transmitted drug resistance (figure 1). Irretrievable
nonnominative cross-identifiers identified repeat samplings of
viral sequences ( ) within clusters sequenced throughnp56
both genotyping initiatives. Four repeat samplings of infections
in transmission clusters are illustrated in figure 1. Non–subtype
B infections ( ), composing 9.8% of all recent infections,np65
were included on trees but excluded from subsequent analysis.
All together, 593 unique subtype B infections were identified.
Tree topology revealed that half (293/593) of all PHIs grouped
into 75 different transmission clusters, whereas the remaining
(300/593) infections represented unique sequences. The entire
phylogenetic tree, stratified according to clustered and non-
clustered transmissions is shown in figure 2. As shown in figures
2 and 3, clustered transmission events included between 2 and
17 infections per transmission cluster. Of note, 49% of clustered
transmission chains had 2–4 infections per cluster (i.e., 2.7
0.8 [ ]). The remaining 51% of clustered eventsmean SD
segregated into large clusters including 8.83.5 transmissions
per cluster (figures 2 and 3).
Sequence interrelationships between CI and PHI populations.
The clustering profiles of PHI transmissions were compared
with corresponding patterns observed for a representative po-
tential transmitter population of CI persons genotyped at the
JGH site (2001–2005). The treatment-naive CI population (n
p135) included persons genotyped for clinical indication of
CI (16 months after seroconversion, baseline before treatment).
The treated CI population ( ) included patients geno-np660
typed for reasons of first or subsequent treatment failure.
Infections from untreated and treated CI patient populations
rarely coclustered with PHIs (1% and 2.7%, respectively). In-
sofar as 70% of sequences from CI patients harbored drug
resistance, phylogenetic analysis was reevaluated after modi-
fying CIs to wild-type ancestral sequences. As depicted in figure
4, clustering of CIs was infrequent (3.2% [21/660], of cases),
with cluster sizes of ( ).3.1 1.6 mean SD
Phylogenetic analyses were then performed to determine
whether treatment-naive infections ( ) and ancestral se-np135
quences from CI treated persons ( ) coclustered withnp660
PHIs ( ). As depicted in figure 3, clustering of infectionsnp593
from treatment-naive ( ) and treated CI ( ) pa-np12 np17
tients with PHIs was infrequent. However, 25 and 12 of treat-
ment-naive and CI treated persons constituted new CI-PHI
Amplified Transmission in Early HIV Infection JID 2007:195 (1 April) 000
Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree showing the wild-type ancestral forms of treated chronic infections ( )np660
coclusters containing 32 of the 300 nonclustered PHI trans-
missions (table 1).
The cumulative results of our phylogenetic results are sum-
marized in table 1. Small and large transmission chains were
largely attributable to onward transmission after recent infec-
tions, accounting for half of all transmission events. CIs, how-
ever, represented the source of new CI-PHI transmissions as
well as the intermediate partners in forward PHI-PHI trans-
mission events. Based on estimates that the JGH site performs
40% of all genotyping, untreated and treated CI populations
may account for 15% and 12% of onward transmissions,
The viral loads for PHI and CI patient populations are also
summarized in table 1. A mean viral load of 4.1 log copies/mL
for the treated genotyped patient population is significantly
lower than the corresponding viral loads of 4.6 and 4.7 observed
for the PHI and treatment-naive populations, respectively
( ; , ANOVA; and , post hoc TukeyFp43.2 P!.0001 P!.001
tests). These results are similar to that reported by l’Actuel, the
major clinical center in Montreal [18]. A mean viral load of
2.58 was observed for the nongenotyped CI patient population;
this may be too low to facilitate forward transmission [18].
Time intervals for onward transmission. Because PHIs
were genotyped over 9 years (1997–2005), it was important to
further investigate whether early stages of infections were the
source of the majority of onward transmissions. The maximum
window periods for onward transmission after PIs were esti-
mated by determining the time intervals between the first and
last infections within each cluster. Forward transmission inter-
vals ranged from 1 to 37 months with overall transmission
intervals of ( ) months. It is important15.2 9.5 mean SD
to note that maximal transmission intervals are overestimated
because there were only 27 of 293 infections in which the first
infection was 124 months apart from other infections.
000 JID 2007:195 (1 April) Brenner et al.
Table 1. Clinical and clustering features for the primary HIV-infected (PHI) and chronically infected (CI) patient populations.
Study population
Viral load,
No. of patients in the study population clustering
with PHI transmission clusters (PHI transmissions, %)
small clusters
large clusters
new cluster
Genotyped PHI
37 10 4.64 0.83 293 (24.2) 300 (25.1) 49.4
Genotyped naive CI
41 11 4.71 0.70 5 (0.8) 7 (1.2) 25 (4.2) 15.5
Genotyped treated CI
43 8 4.14 0.76
9 (1.5) 8 (1.3) 17 (2.0) 12.0
Nongenotyped CI
43 8 2.58
NOTE. Data are mean SD values, unless otherwise indicated.
2–4 persons/cluster.
15 persons/cluster.
Based on 40% of genotyped CIs.
, for treated CI compared with PHI and naive CI subjects.P!.001
Based on published findings [17].
Table 2. Clinical characteristics of primary HIV infections (PHIs) in clustered trans-
mission chains, compared with nonclustered unique infections.
unique PHIs
Viral load, mean SD, log copies/mL 4.70 0.93 4.68 0.80 4.66 0.78
Age, mean SD, years 38.8 9.9 34.8 8.6 37.2 9.8
Mode of transmission (np63) (np54) (np89)
MMS 53.9 (34) 74.0 (40)
57.0 (57)
IDU 34.9 (22) 13.0 (7) 28.0 (25)
HS 11.1 (7) 13.0 (7) 7.9 (7)
Sexual risk behavior (np41) (np47) (np57)
0 partners 14.6 (6) 10.6 (5) 5.2 (3)
1–4 partners 68.2 (28) 68.0 (32) 66.6 (38)
5–9 partners 7.3 (3) 2.1 (1) 8.8 (5)
110 partners 9.8 (4) 19.1 (9) 19.3 (11)
NOTE. Data are the percentage (no.) of subjects with characteristic, unless otherwise indicated. The
viral load and age of the patients were determined on the date of genotypic testing. Information on mode
of transmission and risk behavior was available through questionnaires completed by 195 participants in
the PHI cohort study. The sexual risk behavior of the population of men who have sex with men is the
no. of sexual partners during the 3-month period before PHI diagnosis. HS, heterosexual sex; IDU, injection
drug use; MMS, male-male sex.
2–4 persons/cluster.
15 persons/cluster.
The distribution of risk behavior in the chronic patient population is 57.5% for MMS, 28% for IDU,
and 14% for HS [17].
Clinical characteristics of nonclustered and clustered
transmissions. There were no differences in the viral load or
age distributions in infections associated with clustered or non-
clustered events (table 2). Epidemiologic data from the PHI
cohort study show that clustering could not be attributed to
differences in behavioral risk factors. The proportions of modes
of transmission (male-male sex, intravenous drug use, and het-
erosexual sex) were similar in clustered and nonclusteredtrans-
mission events (table 2). The overall incidence of high risk
sexual behavior with multiple partners was similar in non-
clustered and clustered transmission chains (table 2).
Drug-resistance mutational profiles were compared in the
genotyped PHI and CI patient populations (table 3). The ge-
notyped CI potential transmitter population had single-class
and multidrug resistance (MDR) in 17.5% and 52.5% of pa-
tients, respectively. This contrasts with the infrequent trans-
Amplified Transmission in Early HIV Infection JID 2007:195 (1 April) 000
Table 3. Drug-resistance profiles in clustered and nonclustered
transmission events in genotyped primary HIV infection (PHI)
patients, compared with the treated chronically infected (CI) po-
tential transmitter population.
Patient population
CI treated
PHI cluster
PHI unique
Wild type 189 (30) 250 (85.3) 245 (81.7) NS
Any resistance 461 (69.9) 43 (14.7) 55 (18.3) NS
NRTI only 79 (12) 8 (2.7) 16 (5.3) NS
NNRTI only 23 (3.5) 25 (8.5) 18 (6.0) NS
PI only 13 (2) 5 (1.7) 10 (3.3) NS
NRTI/NNRTI 81 (12.2) 3 (1.0) 6 (2.0) NS
NRTI/PI 121 (18.3) 0 3 (1.0) NS
NNRTI/PI 1 (0.1) 2 (0.7) 0 NS
NRTI/NNRTI/PI 145 (21.9) 0 2 (0.7) NS
Any NRTI only 425 (64.4) 11 (3.8) 27 (9.0) .009
Any NNRTI only 249 (37.8) 30 (10.2) 27 (9.0) NS
Any PI 279 (42.2) 7 (2.4) 15 (5.0) .092
NOTE. Data are no. (%) of subjects. The frequency of major and minor
resistance mutations associated with nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhib-
itors (NRTIs) and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs), as
well as with protease inhibitors (PIs), were determined in the genotyped CI
and clustered and nonclustered PHI patient populations. Polymorphisms as-
sociated with resistance to NNRTIs (codons 98 and 179) and PIs (codons 10,
20, 36, 63, 71, 73, and 77) were excluded from analysis because there is a
high prevalence of these substitutions in treatment naive persons. NS, not
PHI clustered vs. unique.
mission of drug resistance and MDR in PHI (10% and 3%,
respectively) [16, 18].
At least half of transmitted drug resistance in PHI may reflect
forward transmission events as shown by the presence of drug-
resistance mutations in 14.7% of clustered transmissions (table
3). Clustering may lead to an overrepresentation of select resis-
tance-related mutational motifs. For example, one cluster
had 14 patients with the G190A mutation in RT. No significant
differences emerged in regard to the overall incidence of re-
sistance mutations within clustered and nonclustered isolates
(table 3). It is, however, noteworthy that the transmission of
mutations associated with resistance to nucleoside analogues
and protease inhibitors appeared less prevalent in clustered
transmissions (table 3).
Our results show that 49% of all PHI strains in the Quebec
HIV population form phylogenetic clusters, indicating that
early infection may account for a major proportion of onward
transmissions. This contrasts with the relatively low frequency
(!2%) of clustering observed within the CI genotyped popu-
lation, mostly representing individuals receiving long-term
therapy with antiretroviral drugs (ARVs). Thus, primary/early
infection, representing !10% of the total sequenced samples
in the provincial genotyping program, disproportionately ac-
counted for approximately half of onward transmission events.
Events surrounding acute/early infection may play a key role
in the spread of HIV. Our findings represent broad population-
based surveillance and are consistent with a recent report from
the Rekai study in Uganda in regard to primary/early infection
[6]. The latter suggested that the majority of new transmis-
sions may be due to contacts with individuals who were them-
selves in early stages of infection. In comparison with data
previously reported in the Swiss and British cohort studies,
the present study shows a higher incidence of PHI clustering
(50%) and larger sizes of clustered transmission events with
50% of transmission chains having ( )
8.8 3.5 mean SD
infections per cluster [13, 14]. Indeed, the role of acute in-
fection may be underestimated because 30% of PHIs remain
undiagnosed [17, 23, 24].
Some groups have postulated that cases of CI may be re-
sponsible for most HIV transmission and that early treatment
will have only limited impact on the spread of HIV [7–9, 25].
In stark contrast, we have rarely observed PHIs that can be
linked to CI transmitters. Our findings are different from those
reported in the North Carolina STAT study, on the basis of
partner identification after PHI [9]. The fact that all patients in
Quebec benefit from universal free access to medical care and
ARVs may reduce forward transmission from the treated poten-
tial transmitter population. Indeed, transmission of single-class
and primary MDR remains stable and relatively rare in Quebec,
representing 10% and 3% of all PHIs, respectively [16–18].
The potential benefits of highly active antiretroviral therapy
(HAART) in early infection may therefore be 2-fold. HAART
may lower the risk of onward transmission, and, in addition,
patients may potentially benefit from better immune control
and lower set points of viremia [1, 26, 27]. Initiation of HAART
during acute infection may be associated with durable virologic
and immunologic benefits for 172 weeks, compared with no
treatment [26]. Although some people who have newly diag-
nosed HIV infection may have already transmitted the virus to
others by the time of initiation of HAART, early treatment
intervention may nonetheless prevent significant numbers of
additional transmissions.
The high incidence of clustering of PHI-related transmission
events might be due to high risk sexual behavior. According to
the Quebec PHI cohort data, 23.8% of newly diagnosed men
who have sex with men had engaged in high risk sexual behavior
with 5 partners before becoming infected, and such behaviors
did not significantly change subsequent to infection. These ob-
servations are consistent with those recently reported in regard
to increased coincidence of HIV with sexually transmitted dis-
eases and high risk sexual behavior [1, 7, 13, 14, 28]. However,
the present study showed that patients with high risk behavior
were found among small clusters, large clusters, and nonclus-
000 JID 2007:195 (1 April) Brenner et al.
tered infections. This suggests that different infections may vary
in transmissibility, and further study is necessary. However,
concerns arise from potential bias associated with self-reporting
of sensitive and stigmatized behavior and other factors.
The recent case report from New York City of a triple-class
MDR transmission in a man who has sex with men has raised
concerns as to the threat of transmission of replication-com-
petent drug-resistant variants of HIV [29]. Drug resistance ac-
quired in PHI is clonal and persists over time in the absence
of drug pressure [16, 30]. It is noteworthy that approximately
half of transmitted resistance can be attributed to clustered
infections but that transmission of viruses containing mutations
associated with resistance to nucleoside and protease inhibitors
was diminished in clustered infections, possibly because of re-
duced viral fitness.
The cost effectiveness and relevance of genotypic resistance
testing programs are often debated, because transmitted drug
resistance in PHI is relatively rare and resistance algorithms for
MDR in CI may be difficult to interpret. Our findings under-
score the importance of genotypic testing in PHI, as well as
of phylogenetic analysis, to evaluate evolving trends in HIV
Several limitations must be considered with respect to these
results. Although some groups raise concerns in sequencing the
conserved HIV pol domain [31], our results are consistent with
those of other groups showing that there is adequate sequence
diversity to identify clustered transmission events [10–15, 32,
33]. We have also modified viral sequences in CIs to their
ancestral wild-type forms to eliminate any bias caused by re-
sistance mutations.
Although the present study compiled data from 3 sur-
veillance sites, we doubtless missed some PHIs in the Quebec
population during the study period (1996–2004). The incidence
of clustered transmission events in any given population de-
pends on how effectively the local health care system diagnoses
and tracks people with HIV infection. It is estimated that 30%–
50% of newly infected persons in North America may be un-
diagnosed and unaware of their serological status [17, 23, 24].
The nongenotyped CI patient population may be a source of
HIV-1 infection, although published findings by our group
show that this population generally has low viremia [17].
Taken together, our findings indicate that PHI can account
for a high proportion of HIV transmissions. Acute/early in-
fection is characterized by high viremia and high viral setpoints
in the absence of treatment [1]. Acute/early infections are often
undiagnosed, leading to high risk behavior, and unprotected
sex may facilitate transmission. Relatively homogeneous viral
quasispecies exist at early stages of infection, enhancing the
selective advantage of clonal transmissible species [16, 30].
Many multiresistant variants that arise in treated individuals
show reduced viral replicative fitness and transmissibility [30].
HIV-1–specific immunity may not arise during the first 2–4
months after PHI, and early immune responses may decrease
rapidly in the absence of treatment [34]. Treatment of CI pa-
tients reduces circulating viremia, a critical factor in HIV
It is important to actively seek out recently infected persons
and to propose counselling to reduce high risk behavior during
this critical period [1, 3, 35–37]. Our findings further under-
score recommendations for genotyping in primary/early infec-
tion to document clustering of infection and to provide in-
formation on transmitted drug resistance, both as an issue in
public health and as a guide to future therapy [37].
The Quebec Primary HIV Infection Study Group includes R.
G. Lalonde, N. Gilmore, M. Klein, J. MacLeod, G. Smith, J.
Allan, C. Tsoukas, M. Potter, J. Falutz, and J. Cox (McGill
University Health Center); C. Fortin, A. de Pokomandy (Centre
Hospitalier de Universite´ de Montre´ al); B. Trottier, F. Asselin,
M. Boissonnault, L. Charest, H. Dion, S. Lavoie, D. Legault,
D. Longpre´, P. J. Maziade, M. E. Morin, D. Murphy, V. K.
Nguyen, R. O’Brien, and S. Ve´zina (Clinique Me´dicale l’Actuel);
P. C oˆte´ , S. Dufresne, P. Junod, F. Laplante, D. Poirier, Y. Parent,
M. A. Charron, B. Lessard, D. Tessier, E
´. Sasseville, A. Talbot,
and M. S. Joyal (Clinique Me´dicale du Quartier Latin); N.
Lapointe (Hoˆpital Ste-Justine); A. Dascal (Jewish General Hos-
pital); and M. Munoz (CLSC Coˆte des Neiges).
We thank all patients who participated in the study.
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... Furthermore, therapeutic failure can occur even with consistent ARV usage, owing to a variety of individual and population-specific factors, as well as systemic healthcare challenges. Hence, context-specific data is crucial to implement effective measures for viral suppression and to enhance the quality of life for PLHIV [11]. ...
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Background HIV remains a critical global public health challenge. In 2022, it was estimated that approximately 39.0 million people worldwide were living with HIV, and of these, around 29.8 million were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). The objective was to evaluate the clinical and epidemiological profile and factors associated with viral load (VL) non-suppression in people living with HIV/AIDS at the Maputo Military Hospital (CITRA/MMH). Methods A retrospective cross-sectional analytical study was conducted on 9105 people aged 15 years and over. We use secondary data from participants on ART for at least 2 years being followed up between the years 2019–2020 at CITRA/MMH. Those recently enrolled (on ART < 1 year) were excluded and data analysis was performed using STATA version 16. Pearson's chi-square test and logistic regression were used for statistical modeling of viral non-suppression with a 95%/CI confidence interval and p < 0.05. Results Among a total of 9105 HIV participants included, 52.8% (n = 4808) were female and 13.6% (n = 1235) were military personnel. The average age was 47.9 years (standard deviation ± 12.1), with the most prevalent age group being individuals aged between 25 and 59, totalizing 7,297 (80.2%) participants. Only 5395 (100%) participants had VL results. Among these, 23.1% (n = 1247) had a result VL non-suppressed. Single marital status (Adjusted Odds Ratio [AOR] = 4.8, 95%CI: 3.93–5.76, p < 0.001), with active tuberculosis (AOR = 4.6, 95%CI: 3.15–6.63, p < 0.001) and current ART regimen in categories TDF + 3TC + EFV (AOR = 12.7, 95%CI: 9.74–16.63, p < 0.001), AZT + 3TC + NVP (AOR = 21.8, 95% CI: 14.13–33.59, p < 0.001) and “other” regimens (AOR = 25.8, 95%CI: 18.58–35.80, p < 0.001), when compared to the TDF + 3TC + DTG regime, were statistically significant for viral non- suppression. Conclusion The study highlights the crucial role of ART adherence and ongoing monitoring to achieve viral suppression, particularly among adults aged 25 to 59. It underscores the need for transitioning eligible individuals to DTG-based regimens and addressing the implications of single marital status and comorbid conditions like active tuberculosis. The study emphasizes the importance of ARV adherence and continuous monitoring to meet the UNAIDS 95–95-95 targets and improve clinical outcomes for people living with HIV/AIDS.
... AHI is a highly infectious phase where viral load often reaches peak levels, sometimes > 1 × 10 7 copies/mL [5]. Furthermore, the high viral load and the absence of anti-HIV-1 antibodies contribute disproportionately to HIV-1 transmission [6][7][8][9]. In the next phase, immunoglobulin (IgG and IgM) antibodies are expressed which can be detected by 3rd and 4th generation immunoassays [2,[10][11][12]. ...
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Background Individuals with acute / early HIV-1 infection are often unaware that they are infected with HIV-1 and may be involved in high-risk behavior leading to transmission of HIV-1. Identifying individuals with acute / early HIV-1 infection is critical to prevent further HIV-1 transmission, as diagnosis can lead to several effective HIV-1 prevention strategies. Identification of disease-stage specific non-viral host biomarkers would be useful as surrogate markers to accurately identify new HIV-1 infections. The goal of this study was to identify a panel of host derived plasma long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) that could serve as prognostic and predictive biomarkers to detect early/acute HIV-1 infection. Methods A total of 84 lncRNAs were analyzed in sixteen plasma samples from HIV-1 infected individuals and four healthy controls using the lncRNA PCR-array. Twenty-one lncRNAs were selected and validated in 80 plasma samples from HIV-1 infected individuals [HIV-1 infected patients in the eclipse stage (n = 20), acute stage (n = 20), post-seroconversion p31 negative stage (n = 20), and post-seroconversion p31 positive stage (n = 20) of infection] and 20 healthy controls. The validation study results were used to develop a plasma lncRNA panel that was evaluated in the panel test phase to detect early/acute HIV-1 infection in 52 independent samples. Results We identified a lncRNA panel (Pmodel−I) containing eight lncRNAs (DISC2, H19, IPW, KRASP1, NEAT1, PRINS, WT1-AS and ZFAS1) that could distinguish HIV-1 infection from healthy controls with high AUC 0·990 (95% CI 0.972-1.000), sensitivity (98.75%), and specificity (95%). We also found that Pmodel−II and Pmodel−III demonstrates 100% sensitivity and specificity (AUC 1·00; 95%CI:1·00–1·00) and could distinguish eclipse stage and acute stage of HIV-1 infection from healthy controls respectively. Antiretroviral treatment (ART) cumulatively restored the levels of lncRNAs to healthy controls levels. Conclusion lncRNA expression changes significantly in response to HIV-1 infection. Our findings also highlight the potential of using circulating lncRNAs to detect both the eclipse and acute stages of HIV-1 infection, which may help to shorten the window period and facilitate early detection and treatment initiation. Initiating ART treatment at this stage would significantly reduce HIV-1 transmission. The differentially expressed lncRNAs identified in this study could serve as potential prognostic and diagnostic biomarkers of HIV-1 infection, as well as new therapeutic targets.
... Timely contact tracing represents a key opportunity for prevention through the rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART), as early or acute HIV infections account for a considerable amount of onward transmission. 10 Contact tracing can be strengthened by molecular epidemiological analyses, as shown for many infectious diseases. For example, molecular epidemiology has successfully been used to investigate HIV outbreaks amongst people who inject drugs (PWID) in Europe and North America, [11][12][13] confirming suspected outbreaks and supporting secondary case finding and contacting of at-risk individuals. ...
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Background In Australia the incidence of HIV has declined steadily, yet sustained reduction of HIV transmission in this setting requires improved public health responses. As enhanced public health responses and prioritisation of resources may be guided by molecular epidemiological data, here we aimed to assess the applicability of these approaches in Victoria, Australia. Methods A comprehensive collection of HIV-1 pol sequences from individuals diagnosed with HIV in Victoria, Australia, between January 1st 2000 and December 31st 2020 were deidentified and used as the basis of our assessment. These sequences were subtyped and surveillance drug resistance mutations (SDRMs) identified, before definition of transmission groups was performed using HIV-TRACE (0.4.4). Phylodynamic methods were applied using BEAST (2.6.6), assessing effective reproductive numbers for large groups, and additional demographic data were integrated to provide a high resolution view of HIV transmission in Victoria on a decadal time scale. Findings Based on standard settings for HIV-TRACE, 70% (2438/3507) of analysed HIV-1 pol sequences were readily assigned to a transmission group. Individuals in transmission groups were more commonly males (aOR 1.50), those born in Australia (aOR 2.13), those with probable place of acquisition as Victoria (aOR 6.73), and/or those reporting injectable drug use (aOR 2.13). SDRMs were identified in 375 patients (10.7%), with sustained transmission of these limited to a subset of smaller groups. Informative patterns of epidemic growth, stabilisation, and decline were observed; many transmission groups showed effective reproductive numbers (Re) values reaching greater than 4.0, representing considerable epidemic growth, while others maintained low Re values. Interpretation This study provides a high resolution view of HIV transmission in Victoria, Australia, and highlights the potential of molecular epidemiology to guide and enhance public health responses in this setting. This informs ongoing discussions with community groups on the acceptability and place of molecular epidemiological approaches in Australia. Funding 10.13039/501100000925National Health and Medical Research Council, 10.13039/501100000923Australian Research Council.
... Thus, the initial phase of disease before diagnosisacute or early stage of infectionis critical in driving transmission dynamics as individuals are unaware of their infection and may have high viral loads (Miller et al., 2010;Hollingsworth et al., 2008;Koopman et al., 1997). Many studies have used molecular epidemiology to estimate the proportion of early stage of infections within transmission clusters to better understand its role in the epidemic spread (Powers et al., 2011;Ragonnet-Cronin et al., 2010;Prins et al., 2023;Verhofstede et al., 2019;Brenner et al., 2007). One study used phylogenetic analysis to identify new clusters of HIV infections in Australia between January 2005 and September 2020 (Chibo et al., 2012). ...
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The Global UNAIDS 95/95/95 targets aim to increase the percentage of persons who know their HIV status, receive antiretroviral therapy, and have achieved viral suppression. Achieving these targets requires efforts to improve the public health response to increase access to care for those living with HIV, identify those yet undiagnosed with HIV early, and increase access to prevention for those most at risk of HIV acquisition. HIV infections in Australia are among the lowest globally having recorded significant declines in new diagnoses in the last decade. However, the HIV epidemic has changed with an increasing proportion of newly diagnosed infections among those born outside Australia observed in the last five years. Thus, the current prevention efforts are not enough to achieve the UNAIDS targets and virtual elimination across all population groups. We believe both are possible by including molecular epidemiology in the public health response. Molecular epidemiology methods have been crucial in the field of HIV prevention, particularly in demonstrating the efficacy of treatment as prevention. Cluster detection using molecular epidemiology can provide opportunities for the real-time detection of new outbreaks before they grow, and cluster detection programs are now part of the public health response in the USA and Canada. Here, we review what molecular epidemiology has taught us about HIV evolution and spread. We summarize how we can use this knowledge to improve public health measures by presenting case studies from the USA and Canada. We discuss the successes and challenges of current public health programs in Australia, and how we could use cluster detection as an add-on to identify gaps in current prevention measures easier and respond quicker to growing clusters. Lastly, we raise important ethical and legal challenges that need to be addressed when HIV genotypic data is used in combination with personal data.
... This can be due to determinants of the host such as specific demographic, clinical, or behavioral factors or to viral determinants, such as the viral strain infecting the host [2,3]. On the one hand, the literature suggests that an undiagnosed recent infection could be associated with the transmission and spread of HIV-1 [4]. Furthermore, higher values of viral load in an individual living with HIV can also increase the likelihood of transmission, especially in individuals in the acute phase of infection [5]. ...
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Background: Investigating the role of late presenters (LPs) in HIV-1 transmission is important, as they can contribute to the onward spread of HIV-1 virus before diagnosis, when they are not aware of their HIV status. Objective: To characterize individuals living with HIV-1 followed up in Europe infected with subtypes A, B, and G and to compare transmission clusters (TC) in LP vs. non-late presenter (NLP) populations. Methods: Information from a convenience sample of 2679 individuals living with HIV-1 was collected from the EuResist Integrated Database between 2008 and 2019. Maximum likelihood (ML) phylogenies were constructed using FastTree. Transmission clusters were identified using Cluster Picker. Statistical analyses were performed using R. Results: 2437 (91.0%) sequences were from subtype B, 168 (6.3%) from subtype A, and 74 (2.8%) from subtype G. The median age was 39 y/o (IQR: 31.0-47.0) and 85.2% of individuals were males. The main transmission route was via homosexual (MSM) contact (60.1%) and 85.0% originated from Western Europe. In total, 54.7% of individuals were classified as LPs and 41.7% of individuals were inside TCs. In subtype A, individuals in TCs were more frequently males and natives with a recent infection. For subtype B, individuals in TCs were more frequently individuals with MSM transmission route and with a recent infection. For subtype G, individuals in TCs were those with a recent infection. When analyzing cluster size, we found that LPs more frequently belonged to small clusters (<8 individuals), particularly dual clusters (2 individuals). Conclusion: LP individuals are more present either outside or in small clusters, indicating a limited role of late presentation to HIV-1 transmission.
Frequent disease outbreaks and acute infections occur in rural and low-income urban areas of Africa, with many health systems unprepared to diagnose and control diseases that are recurrent, endemic or have extended their geographic zone. In this review, we focus on acute infections that can be characterized by sudden onset, rapid progression, severe symptoms and poor prognosis. Consequently, these infections require early diagnosis and intervention. While effective vaccines have been developed against some of these diseases, lack of compliance and accessibility, and the need for repeated or multiple vaccinations mean large populations can remain vulnerable to infection. It follows that there is a need for enhancement of national surveillance and diagnostic capacity to avert morbidity and mortality from acute infections. We discuss the limitations of traditional diagnostic methods and explore the relative merits and applicability of protein-, carbohydrate- and nucleic acid-based rapid diagnostic tests that have been develope for some infectious diseases. We also discuss the utility and limitations of antibody-based serological diagnostics and explore how systems biology approaches can better inform diagnosis. Lastly, given the complexity and high cost associated with after-service support of emerging technologies, we propose that, for resource-limited settings in Africa, multiplex point-of-care diagnostic tools be tailor-made to detect both recurrent acute infections and endemic infections.
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Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a significant global health issue that affects a substantial number of individuals across the globe, with a total of 39 million individuals living with HIV/AIDS. ART has resulted in a reduction in HIV-related mortality. Nevertheless, the issue of medication resistance is a significant obstacle in the management of HIV/AIDS. The unique genetic composition of HIV enables it to undergo rapid mutations and adapt, leading to the emergence of drug-resistant forms. The development of drug resistance can be attributed to various circumstances, including noncompliance with treatment regimens, insufficient dosage, interactions between drugs, viral mutations, preexposure prophylactics, and transmission from mother to child. It is therefore essential to comprehend the molecular components of HIV and the mechanisms of antiretroviral medications to devise efficacious treatment options for HIV/AIDS.
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Abstract: Background: Simply put, HIV infection causes AIDS, which is also known as human immunodeficiency virus infection or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV). A person may suffer flu-like symptoms during the initial stage of infection. Aim of the study: In order to assess Kirkuk inhabitants' HIV/AIDS literacy (contagiousness of the disease, its causative agent, method of transmission, diagnosis and prevention). Patients and methods : Researcher filled out a questionnaire that asked general questions about the person as well as 9 questions about the disease's contagiousness, the causative agent, the method of transmission, diagnosis, curability, vaccine availability, blood product examination, partner examination prior to marriage, and the continents with the highest prevalence of the disease. Results: Of the total sample, 80.8 percent (57.4 percent male and 23.4 percent female) correctly identified the infectious agent as a virus, and 455 (91) of the respondents agreed that the sickness was contagious. Seventy-four percent of males and females alike said that blood is a means of transmission, while one hundred percent said that sexual intercourse is a means of transmission (75.4 percent are males &24.6 percent are females). Only 30.6% of Kirkuk city residents said they were familiar with the disease's diagnosis (24.8% of men and 5.8% of women, respectively), while 69.4% said they weren't. Only 30.4% (19.6% of males and 10.8% of females) believe that AIDS may be cured, while 69.6% are negative (52 percent males&17.6 percent females ). The majority of respondents (93.8% in this sample) agree that blood donations should be screened (66 percent males ,27.8 females ). Examining a prospective spouse for HIV before getting hitched 99.2 percentage points said yes. Conclusion: Researchers found that participants' knowledge of HIV transmission routes was high. The disease diagnosis awareness of the Kirkuk population was low. Donor blood screening and premarital partner screening for blood disorders both received high marks for awareness. Recommendation: Media such as television and radio shows, as well as periodicals, can be used to raise public awareness of AIDS by explaining its various facets. Methods for early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease transmission in a community using periodic surveys of at-risk members of the community.
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In recent years, infectious diseases such as COVID-19 have posed a serious threat to individuals all over the world. These diseases can have an impact on people’s lives and jobs, as well as the global economy. In order to minimize the spread of such infectious diseases, infected contacts must be closely monitored and handled. Indeed, contact tracing is a process that is used to track and identify contacts during infectious disease spread. This way of tracing can also be viewed as a mitigation strategy for controlling and managing infectious diseases in a timely manner. In addition, numerous software tools are used to execute the contact tracing process. The major goal of these applications is to log all contacts’ movements and analyses them in order to identify suspected persons during disease outbreaks. Furthermore, during an outbreak, it is critical to categorize the risk level of infectious patients using these software programmers; this classification comprises high-risk and low-risk contacts. Contact tracing approaches have a number of obstacles, both from an application and a process standpoint. These difficulties include the following: The privacy of traced contacts, the ability to trace all suspected contacts, and contact identification deadlines are all important considerations. This paper describes contact tracing techniques, how they work, research trends in this area, problems in the process, and applications.
Introduction: In PLWH, active and latent TB co-infections are associated with immune activation that correlate with HIV progression and mortality. We investigated the effect of initiating ART during acute (AHI), recent (RHI), or chronic HIV infection (CHI) on CD4/CD8 ratio normalization and associated factors, the impact of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) treatment, and prior/concomitant tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis at time of ART initiation. Methods: We included MSM and TGW individuals initiating ART with AHI, RHI and CHI between 2013-2019, from a prospective cohort in Brazil. We compared time from ART initiation to the first normal CD4/CD8 ratio (CD4/CD8≥1) using Kaplan Meier curves and multivariable Cox proportional hazards models. Sociodemographic and clinical variables were explored. Variables with p-values<0.20 in univariable analyses were included in multivariable analyses. Results: 550 participants were included, 11.8% classified as AHI and 6.4% as RHI, 46.7% with CHI-CD4 cell counts≥350cells/mm3 and 35.1% with CHI-CD4 cell counts<350cells/mm3. Time to normalization was shortest among AHI patients, followed by RHI and CHI individuals with higher baseline CD4. In the multivariable model AHI was associated with a six-fold increased likelihood of achieving a CD4/CD8ratio ≥1 (HR:6.03;95%CI3.70-9.82;p<0.001), RHI with HR:4.47(95%CI2.57-7.76;p<0.001) and CHI CD4≥350cells/mm3 with HR:1.87(95%CI1.24-2.84;p=0.003). LTBI treatment was significantly associated with a higher likelihood of the outcome (HR:1.79;95%CI1.22-2.62;p=0.003). Prior history or concomitant active TB at ART initiation was associated with a lower likelihood of the outcome (HR:0.41;95%CI0.16-1.02;p=0.054). Conclusions: Initiating ART early during AHI may offer an opportunity to mitigate immune damage. Efforts to implement HIV diagnosis and ART initiation during AHI are critical to amplify ART benefits.
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Unlabelled: We have developed a new software package, Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 2 (MEGA2), for exploring and analyzing aligned DNA or protein sequences from an evolutionary perspective. MEGA2 vastly extends the capabilities of MEGA version 1 by: (1) facilitating analyses of large datasets; (2) enabling creation and analyses of groups of sequences; (3) enabling specification of domains and genes; (4) expanding the repertoire of statistical methods for molecular evolutionary studies; and (5) adding new modules for visual representation of input data and output results on the Microsoft Windows platform. Availability: Contact:
We explored the epidemic history of HIV-1 subtype B in the United Kingdom by using statistical methods that infer the population history of pathogens from sampled gene sequence data. Phylogenetic analysis of HIV-1 pol gene sequences from Britain showed at least six large transmission chains, indicating a genetically variable, but epidemiologically homogeneous, epidemic among men having sex with men. Through coalescent-based analysis, we showed that these chains arose through separate introductions of subtype B strains into the United Kingdom in the early to mid-1980s. After an initial period of exponential growth, the rate of spread generally slowed in the early 1990s, which is more likely to correlate with behavior change than with reduced infectiousness resulting from highly active antiretroviral therapy. Our results provide insights into the complexity of HIV-1 epidemics that must be considered when developing HIV monitoring and prevention initiatives.
Background: The optimal approach for diagnosing primary HIV-1 infection has not been defined. Objective: To determine the usefulness of symptoms and virologic tests for diagnosing primary HIV-1 infection. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: A teaching hospital in Los Angeles and a university research center in San Diego, California. Patients: 436 patients who had symptoms consistent with primary HIV infection. Measurements: Clinical information and levels of HIV antibody, HIV RNA, and p24 antigen. Results: Primary infection was diagnosed in 54 patients (12.4%). The sensitivity and specificity of the p24 antigen assay were 88.7% (95% Cl, 77.0% to 95.7%) and 100% (Cl, 99.3% to 100%), respectively. For the HIV RNA assay, sensitivity was 100% and specificity was 97.4% (Cl, 94.9% to 98.9%). Fever, myalgia, rash, night sweats, and arthralgia occurred more frequently in patients with primary infection (P < 0.05). Conclusions: No sign or symptom allows targeted screening for primary infection. Although assays for HIV RNA are more sensitive than those for p24 antigen in diagnosing primary infection, they are more expensive and are more likely to yield false-positive results.
Objective: Prolonged treatment with antiretroviral drugs results in the selection of HIV-1 variants with mutations conferring resistance to nucleoside and non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTI and NNRTI) or to protease inhibitors (PI). There is serious concern about transmission of resistant viruses to newly infected persons. This study monitored the prevalence of resistant viruses in individuals undergoing primary HIV infection. Design: Resistance testing was performed on 81 individuals infected between 1997 and 1999 by injecting drug use (n = 21), sexual (n = 56), or unknown (n = 4) transmission. Methods: Automated sequencing was used to genotype the reverse transcriptase (RT) and protease regions of virus isolated from patients' plasma. The phenotypic susceptibility of stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells to antiretroviral drugs was assayed. Line probe assays detected quasispecies variations in wild-type and mutated RT codons. Results: A high prevalence of PI and RT genotypic variants, associated with high-level resistance to antiretroviral drugs, was observed in individuals newly infected by injecting drug use (PI = 24%, RT = 24%) or sexual transmission (PI = 12%, RT = 22%). The PI mutations, L10I, V82A, and L90M, were found in 10.5, 3 and 4% of cases, respectively; whereas for RT, primary mutations at positions T215Y (zidovudine), M184V (lamivudine), T69D/A (zalcitabine), and K103N (multi-NNRTI) were present in 8, 5, 4, and 4% of subjects, respectively. Resistance to NRTI was demonstrated by phenotypic, genotypic, and line probe analyses. Transmission of multidrug (NRTI/NNRTI/PI) resistance in eight subjects (9.9%) was confirmed by showing that source partners possessed viruses of similar genotype. Conclusions: The transmission of drug-resistant HIV is a serious problem that merits further attention by public health officials as well as virologists and clinicians.
Objective: To assess the contribution of primary or acute HIV infection to the transmission of HIV among homosexual men in Amsterdam and to investigate how the initiation of treatment during primary HIV infection (PHI) can affect the incidence of HIV infection. Methods: A mathematical model describing HIV transmission among homosexual men was developed. In the model, men are involved in both steady and casual partnerships. Infectivity is higher during PHI than during chronic HIV infection. Highly active antiretroviral therapy reduces infectivity and increases the time to the development of AIDS. Its effect is enhanced if treatment is initiated during PHI. HIV incidence and the fraction of transmission attributed to PHI were calculated for different levels of treatment efficacy. Results: Primary infections account for 35% of HIV transmissions from casual partners and 6% of transmissions from steady partners. Among all new infections, only 11% occurs during PHI. Therefore, the effect of treatment during PHI on the incidence of HIV is limited. However, in a community with higher risky behaviour among casual partners, the fraction of transmission attributed to PHI increases to 25%. Conclusion: Primary infections play a more important role in transmission from casual partners than in transmission from steady partners. Therefore, in communities in which steady partners account for the majority of new infections and the epidemic is at an advanced phase, the contribution of PHI to the transmission of HIV is rather small and the effect of early treatment on the incidence of HIV is limited. (C) 2004 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.
Although individuals infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) seem to be more infectious in the late stages of HIV infection and possibly also during the seroconversion period, most estimates of per-sexual-contact infectivity have been obtained without allowing for variability over the course of infection. In this analysis, a probabilistic model was fitted to data from a European study carried out between 1987 and 1992 that involved 499 (359 males and 140 females) HIV-infected subjects (index cases) and their regular heterosexual partners. The model used allowed infectivity (the per-sexual-contact HIV transmission probability, mu) to vary through three stages: the first 3 months following infection, the subsequent asymptomatic period, and the advanced stage (HIV-related clinical symptoms or a CD4-positive T lymphocyte count less than 200/mm3). Male-to-female infectivity through penile-anal sex was found to be higher in both the early and advanced stages of infection (mu=0.183) than in the longer intermediate period (mu=0.014) (p < 0.03). Failure to demonstrate significant differences between stages for other types of contact (male-to-female penile-vaginal contacts: mu=0.0007; female-to-male transmission: mu=0.0005) may reflect insufficient power rather than a true lack of variability. Indeed, the results for penile-anal sex suggest that persons who are in the process of seroconverting may be much more infectious than asymptomatic infected persons, whatever the type of contact. Prevention education should stress the risk of HIV transmission from subjects who may be unaware of their infection.