Mercury occurs as elemental mercury and as inorganic and organic compounds (mercury vapor, mercury liquid, mercury salts, short-chain alkylmercury compounds, alkoxyalkylmercury compounds, and phenylmercury compounds), all with different toxicological properties. Total mercury can be analyzed in water, air, and biological material by cold vapor atomic absorption methods and by neutron activation analysis and can be detected down to concentrations of a 10th of a nanogram per gram in biological material. Methylmercury (MeHg) can be detected in biological material at levels of a few nanograms by extraction with benzene after strong acidification with hydrochloric acid, followed by gas chromatographic analysis of MeHg chloride. Other analytical methods for speciating inorganic mercury and several of the organomercurial forms have also been published. These methods include isotope dilution mass spectrometry, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, high-performance liquid chromatography inductively coupled plasma (ICP) mass spectrometry, capillary electrophoresis-ICP, gas chromatography-ICP, and X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy.
Mercury is circulated naturally in the biosphere, with 5500 metric tons (t) being released into the atmosphere by degassing from the Earth's crust and the oceans. In addition, 2500 t of mercury are released into the environment each year through human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels and other industrial releases. Approximately 2000 tons of mercury per year is produced for industrial use, a small part of which is used for synthesizing organic mercury compounds. The world production of mercury for commercial uses has been slowly declining over the past 20 years. There is now a ban on the export of mercury from the European Union and the United States.
In nature, MeHg is produced from inorganic mercury as a consequence of microbial activity. In mammals, oxidative demethylation occurs in vivo to produce inorganic mercury. In fish, most mercury is present as MeHg. Factors determining the MeHg concentration in fish are the mercury content in water and bottom sediments, the pH and redox potential of water, and the species, age, and size of the fish.
The toxic properties of mercury vapor are a consequence of mercury accumulation in the brain causing neurological signs involving an unspecific psychasthenic and vegetative syndrome (micromercurialism). At high exposure levels, mercurial tremor is seen, accompanied by severe behavioral and personality changes, increased excitability, loss of memory, and insomnia. Mercurials may also affect other organ systems, such as the kidney. On a group basis, exposure levels are likely to be reflected by mercury concentrations in the blood and urine. Occupational exposure to mercury concentrations in air of >0.1 mg/m³ may produce mercurialism. Micromercurialism has not been reported at concentrations <0.01 mg/m³. Exposure to mercury vapor inhibits brain development in primates and in humans with certain genotypes. The exact dose–response relationship in humans is not known. Inorganic mercury, but not MeHg, has been found to induce and bind to the low molecular weight metal-binding protein, metallothionein.
The acute and long-term actions of mercuric salts, phenylmercury compounds, and alkoxyalkylmercury compounds are likely to be gastrointestinal disturbance and renal damage appearing as tubular dysfunction, with tubular necrosis in severe cases. The lethal dose in humans is approximately 1 g mercuric salt. The mercury load on the kidney is best determined by analysis of renal biopsy. Mercury concentrations in the kidney of between 10 and 70 mg/kg have been reported in poison cases with renal injury. Levels <3 mg/kg may be found in normal cases. Occasionally, mercuric compounds may cause idiosyncratic skin symptoms, which may develop into severe exfoliative dermatitis or cause glomerular nephritis. Animal and clinical observations have shown that mercuric mercury stimulates and MeHg inhibits the immune system. A specific form of idiosyncrasy, called acrodynia or pink disease, is seen in children. Most cases are associated with mercury exposure in which increased levels of mercury in urine are detected.
Hazards involved in the long-term intake of food containing MeHg or ethylmercury (EthylHg) and in occupational exposure to MeHg are a result of the efficient absorption (90%) of alkylmercury in humans and the long retention time (half-life of 70 days for MeHg and shorter for EthylHg) leading to accumulation of alkylmercury in the brain. Chronic poisoning results in degeneration and atrophy of the sensory cerebral cortex, paresthesia, ataxia, hearing, and visual impairment, and an increased risk for cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke. The latter effects are attenuated by the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) through fish consumption. Prenatal exposure causes cerebral palsy and, in less severe cases, psychomotor retardation. MeHg concentration in the blood and hair reflects the body burden and the brain concentration of MeHg. Intake resulting in body burdens of <0.5 mg/kg body weight is not likely to give rise to detectable neurological signs in adults. This intake corresponds to blood values of <200 μg/L and mercury levels in the hair of <50 mg/kg. However, this level of MeHg exposure in pregnant women may result in inhibited brain development of the fetus, with psychomotor retardation of the child. This effect also appears to be reduced by the intake of PUFAs through fish consumption. The highest level of MeHg load in pregnant women that is not associated with inhibition of fetal brain development is not known. Recent epidemiological studies have revealed that genetic polymorphisms can modify mercury metabolism and susceptibility to mercury exposure. Specific genotypes have been associated with increased susceptibility to mercury exposure in humans.