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M74 Syndrome in Baltic Salmon and the Possible Role of Oxidative Stresses in Its Development: Present Knowledge and Perspectives for Future Studies


Abstract and Figures

Baltic salmon suffer from maternally transmitted yolk-sac fry mortality syndrome--M74. The incidence of M74 varies considerably on a year to year basis. In the 1990s the mortalities were 50-80% but in 2003-2005, below 10%. Before death, M74-affected fry have several typical symptoms. M74-eggs are characterized by low thiamine and carotenoid content, and affected fry show signs of oxidative stress. Although M74 is associated with thiamine deficiency and the symptoms of the fry can be alleviated with thiamine, the underlying causes of the syndrome have remained a mystery. We have studied the symptoms of M74 at the molecular level by investigating the global gene expression patterns using cDNA microarray and have quantified the changes in transcriptional regulation in M74-affected and healthy yolk-sac fry. Our and previous results suggest that M74 in Baltic salmon yolk-sac fry results from oxidative stresses disturbing several different developmental molecular pathways. Because the M74 syndrome is of maternal origin, factors in the Baltic Sea during salmon feeding and migration, i.e., the chemical composition of food, may be decisive in the development of M74. The possible mechanisms by which oxidative stresses may develop in adult salmon are discussed in the review.
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Kristiina A. M. Vuori and Mikko Nikinmaa
M74 Syndrome in Baltic Salmon and the
Possible Role of Oxidative Stresses in Its
Development: Present Knowledge and
Perspectives for Future Studies
Baltic salmon suffer from maternally transmitted yolk-sac
fry mortality syndrome—M74. The inc idence of M74
varies considerably on a year to year basis. In the
1990s the mortalities were 50–80% but in 2003–2005,
below 10%. Befo re death, M74-affected fry have several
typical symptoms. M74-eggs are characterized by low
thiamine and carotenoid content, and affected fry show
signs of oxidative stress. Although M74 is associated with
thiamine deficiency and the symptoms of the fry can be
alleviated with thiamine, the underlying causes of the
syndrome have remained a mystery. We have studied the
symptoms of M74 at the molecular level by investigatin g
the global gene expression patterns using cDNA micro-
array and have quantified the changes in transcriptional
regulation in M74-affected and healthy yolk-sac fry. Our
and previous resu lts sugges t that M74 in Baltic salmon
yolk-sac fry results from oxidative stresses disturbing
several different developmental mole cular pathways.
Because the M74 syndrome is of maternal origin, fact ors
in the Baltic Sea during salmon feeding and migration,
i.e., the chemical composition of food, may be decisive in
the development of M74. The possible mechanisms by
which oxidative stresses may develop in adult salmon are
discussed in the review.
The yolk-sac fry mortality syndrome of Baltic salmon (Salmo
salar) was first described in 1974 in Swedish compensatory
hatcheries. Thereafter the syndrome has been designated as the
M74 syndrome (M ¼ miljo
betingad, environmentally induced;
[1]). M74 has been observed in the yolk-sac fry of feral Baltic
salmon in several rivers of Sweden and Finland, but not in
Latvian or Polish rivers (1–5). A similar type of fry mortality
syndrome (early mortality syndrom e [EMS]) is found in
salmonids of the North American Great Lakes and New York
Finger Lakes (6). The incidence of the M74 syndrome is
variable. Analysis of long-term mortality records from two
Swedish Baltic salmon hatchery stocks in the years 1928–1998
indicated low or no occurrence of M74 before 1974 (7). In the
1990s, 2580% of Baltic salmon females, which ascended rivers
to spawn, produced yolk-sac fry suffering from the syndrome
(2, 3, 8). In the years 20032005, only a few percent of the
salmon fry suffered from the syndrome, but a current analysis
monitoring the level of M74 in 2006 suggests there is a higher
incidence than in previous years (9). Whereas most of the
observations of the syndrome have been made in offspring that
originate from artificially fertilized eggs intended for stocking,
there are stron g indications from electrofishing and parr
abundance estimations from Swedish rivers that M74 has also
affected naturally spawning populations during the periods of
high occurrence (3, 10).
M74 is maternally transmitted and affects the yolk-sac stage
of the fry. Within an affected family group the fry mortality is
often 100% although groups of partial mortality have also been
described (1, 2, 8). M74-affected fry have several typical
neurological, cardiovascular, morphological, and other symp-
toms: They show a disturbed swimming pattern, impaired
coordination, a lack of phototaxis, and a decreased heart rate.
The absorption of yolk is slowed down. The M74-fry are also
characterized by a small, pale spleen and show blood
congestion, a reduced number of circulating erythrocytes,
abnormal hemorrhages/blood coagulation, exopthalmia, glyco-
gen depletion, and an increased number of necrotic cells in the
brain. Dying yolk-sac fry are lethargic and have convulsions
and bradycardia (1, 11, 12). M74-producing brood fish may
show wiggling behavior that is most likely caused by alterations
in dopaminergic and serotonergic activity in the brain (13).
M74 is associated with a low thiamine content in the brood
fish and eggs (2, 14, 15). The symptoms of M74 can be treated
with thiamine and induced with thiamine antagonists (16–18).
Consequently, it has been suggested that a decrease in the
thiamine content of food or an increase in its thiaminase activity
could be the cause of the syndrome (19, 20). However, there are
presently no conclusive data showing that the thiamine content,
or thiaminase activity of the food of salmon, would have
changed during the recent past (19, 20). Alternatively, the
accumulation of xenobiotics has also been suggested as the
cause of the syndrome (2, 21). However, the published data
about the correlation of organochlorine concentrations in the
muscle of female salmon and fry mortality is contradictory (21,
22), and direct connection between organochlorine accumula-
tion in broodstock and following effects on females an d
developing fry has not yet been shown.
In addition to reduced thiamine levels, M74 is usually
associated with reduced levels of antioxidants such as astax-
anthin, a-tocopherol, and ubiquinone (2, 23, 24). Furthermore,
the cellular reduced/oxidized glutathione ratio of the M74-fry
(GSH/GSSG) is altered in favor of the oxidized form (25), and
the activities of redox enzymes in the liver (glutathione
peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and glutathione-S-transfer-
ase) are increased (25, 26). M74-eggs also have more oxidized
fatty acids than healthy ones (27, 28). Histopathological
features of M74-fry, such as hepatocellular lipid accumulation,
dilatation of hepatocyte endoplasmic reticulum, and degenera-
tion of skeletal muscle, are also characteristic of long-term
oxidative stress (12). These findings suggest that disturbances in
the redox state of the fish are associated with M74. Further-
more, thiamine deficiency itself has repeatedly been shown to be
caused by oxidative stresses (e.g. 29, 30), and thiamine addition
reduces reactive oxygen species (ROS)induced damage by
168 Ambio Vol. 36, No. 2–3, April 2007Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2007
scavenging them (31). Taken together these data suggest that
thiamine deficiency can be an indicator of prior oxidative stress.
As stated above, M74 is transferred maternally and eggs of
M74-producing females have lower levels of thiamine and
carotenoids than eggs of females producing healthy offspring
(15, 24, 27, 28). Thus, factors in the Baltic Sea, which adult
salmon experience during their feeding migration, are decisive
for the development of M74. Karlsson et al. (19), Hansson et al.
(7), and Pickova et al. (28) have suggested that changes in the
properties of the food web affecting the chemical composition
of salmon prey may be one of the key factors that cause M74.
Changes in the food web could be associated with recent
eutrophication and decreasing salinity of the Baltic Sea. Both
changes in salinity (32) and eutrophication (33) affect the
dynamics and composition of phytoplankton communities and
their cellular levels of antioxidants. In addition, a general shift
from a more neritic toward a more limnic zooplankton
community has occurred because of a decreased inflow of
saline water (34, 35), and it is known that the zooplankton
species composition in the Baltic Sea varies according to salinity
gradients (36). It is suggested that neritic zooplankton species
offer a better source of astaxantin than limnic species (37). The
differences in the phytoplankton and zooplankton between the
Baltic Sea and Norwegian Sea also appear compatible with the
occurrence of M74 in Baltic but not in oceanic salmon (38).
The changes in phytoplankton and zooplankton may reflect
changes in growth and quality of prey species eaten by Baltic
salmon. More specifically, since carotenoids and thiamine in the
salmon diet originate from phytoplankton, any decrease in the
production or transformation of these compounds because of
changes in the composition of plankton communities could
affect the supply of these nutrients that are available to salmon
via plankton and prey fish (39). However, in the case of
thiamine, the concentrations in the Baltic Sea plankton do not
differ from other coastal areas (39) and concentration in salmon
prey sprat and herring have been assessed as adequate for the
salmon diet (40). Therefore, metabolic proc esses such as
enhanced redox enzyme activities and increased biotransforma-
tion may have important roles in the development of M74, as
they may deplete the antioxidant pool of brood fishes (41, 42)
and ultimately deplete thiamine levels, as discussed above.
In order to evaluate the role of different abiotic and biotic
factors in the Baltic Sea in causing the syndrome, it is important
that correlations between the incidence of M74 and its potential
causative factors (e.g. variation in plankton species composi-
tion) in the feeding areas of the salmon populations are
established. To our knowledge, such information is not
available presently in the published literature. Another factor
that needs to be considered is the general trend of decreased
salinity in the Baltic Sea during the latter part of the1900s, with
intermittent pronounced salinity increases associated with
irregularly occurring ‘‘saltwater pulses’ (34, 43). If a change
in the salinity and its associated changes in the food web played
a role in the development of the M74 syndrome, then one could
expect the variable incidence of the syndrome to follow salinity
The association of organochlorine toxicants with the
development and incidence of M74 is still unresolved. Asplund
et al. (22) observed no differences in the concentrations of
dichlorodi phenyltrichl oroethan e (DD T) an d re lated com-
pounds, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated
diphenyl ethers, hexachlorobentzene, or methoxylated bromi-
nated diphenyl ethers, between healthy salmon and salmon that
produced offspring with M74 using samples that were collected
from the river Dala
lven in 1995. In contrast, Vuorinen et al. (21)
reported a correlation between polychlorinated dibentzofurans,
coplanar PCBs, 2,3
,5-pentachloro diphenyl ether, oxy-
chlordane, cischlordane, hexachlorobentzene, dichlorodiphenyl-
dichloroethylene, and M74 mortality using samples that were
collected from the river Simojoki in 1988–1992. It has been
reported that the total concentrations of PCBs, DDT,
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and -furans (PCDF) in the
Baltic Sea vertebrates have decreased from the 1970s (44–47).
However, it is suggested that concentrations of certain PCDFs
and coplanar PCBs still remain high in salmon and its diet
because of changes in prey stock sizes in favor of sprat and
decreased sprat and herring growth (40). In addition, among the
organic xenobiotics, polybrominated biphenyls, used in flame
retardants, are still used, and there may be increasing
concentrations of these toxicants in the Baltic Sea (48). At
present, however, neither the concentrations of these com-
pounds in the feeding grounds of salmon in the Baltic nor
information about the effects of these compounds in fish at
environmentally relevant concentrations are available.
Because the symptoms of M74 are observed in developing fry,
most studies have concentrated on the disturbances observed in
fry, although, as pointed out above, the internal environment of
the adult and the conditions experienced by the adult are
instrumental in the development of the syndrome. As indicated
by the many symptoms observed in M74-fry, it is clear that
many sets of developmental pathways are affected. We have
investigated the global gene expression patterns during devel-
opment by cDNA microarray (49) and examined the changes in
transcriptional regulation (50) between M74-affected and
healthy yolk-sac fry.
On the basis of microarray and earlier mortality data (2, 26),
the fry suffering from M74 syndrome can be divided into three
groups with either early onset, intermediate onset, or late onset
mortality. Each M74-subgroup has a unique gene expression
pattern at the preclinical and clinical stage, which precedes
terminal responses characterized by a transcription profile that
is explaine d by a n inh ibitio n of the cell cyc le and cell
proliferation, and consequent cell death. If the disturbance
occurs early, i.e. death occurs during the first third of the yolk-
sac stage, virtually all of the responses are compatible with
immediate stress, which rapidly leads to the common terminal
responses. If the death occurs during the second third of the
yolk sac stage (intermediate group), the terminal stage is
preceded by a clear disturbance in globin gene expression, which
will lead to internal hypoxia, when the fry grow and shift from
the predominantly skin-breathing to the gill-breathing stage of
development. In the absence of compensations for reduced
oxygen delivery, the group will then proceed to the terminal
responses. The slowest group to develop M74 (late group)
appears to compensate for reduced oxygen delivery by slowing
down metabolism, and hence some fry can escape death (Fig. 1).
Symptoms of M74-affected fry include a group of symptoms
associated w ith the development and maintenance of the
vasculature and circulation (impaired vascular development, a
reduced number of circulating erythrocytes, and abnormal
hemorrhages/blood coagulation [1, 11, 12]). Similar defects are
observed in mammalian embryos if the function of transcription
factor hypoxia inducible factor a (HIF-1a), its dimerization
partner aryl hydrocarbon nuclear translocator, or target gene
Ambio Vol. 36, No. 2–3, April 2007 169Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2007
vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), is disturbed (51–
53). In addition, necrotic cells are observed in the brain of M74-
fry (12), and various neurological disorders have been reported
(1, 11, 12). Similarly, in mammalian embryos, neurological
development is disturbed and full mortality is observed if HIF-
1a is nonfunctional (51). Nikinmaa et al. (54) have shown that
salmonid HIF-1a is sensitive to redox disturbances such as
oxidative stresses. Furthermore, we established that the
intermediate type of M74 mortality is associated with reduced
DNA-binding of HIF-1a, reduced production of the VEGF
protein, and decreased capillary density (Fig. 2). These results,
together with the downregulation of the adult-type hemoglobin
gene transcription, indicated that M74-fry experienced internal
hypoxia at the time that the fry shifted from skin- to gill-
breathing, at which time they probably also changed from the
production of larval- to adult-type hemoglobins.
Because organochlorine toxicants, implicated in the devel-
opment of M74 (21), are associated with the induction of the
aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR)-dependent gene expression
pathway, we have also studied its expression in healthy and
M74-affected fry. The AhR target gene CYP1A protein, often
determined in ecotoxicological studies, is expressed at high
levels in the Baltic salmon as compared to hatchery-reared fry,
indicating that the Baltic Sea is a highly contaminated
environm ent (50). However, l ess AhR DNA-binding and
CYP1A protein were seen in the intermediate group M74-fry
than in healthy fry, suggesting that the induction of an AhR-
dependent pathway does not cause the M74-fry mortality
(Fig. 3). These results are consistent with the results of
m et al. (26), which indicated decreased ethoxyresor-
ufin-O-deethylase activity in M74-fry as compared to healthy
fry. AhR-dependent gene expression may be involved in cell
cycle regulation and developmental processes (for reviews see 55
and 56), which are disturbed in M74-fry. For example, AhR has
been shown to regulate vascular and neuronal development (e.g.
57, 58). In accordance with the many roles of AhR in
development, AhR expression was observed in the spinal cord
and brain, liver, muscle, gut epithelium, and head cartilage of
healthy wild and hatchery-reared Baltic salmon yolk-sac fry (K.
A. M. Vuori, J. Kallio and M. Nikinmaa, unpubl. data). Thus,
it is likely that the decreased function of AhR-dependent
developmental pathways could be partly responsible for the
symptoms associated with the M74 syndrome. However, the
factors causing reduced AhR function in M74-fry are unknown
at present.
If oxidative stresses play a role in the development of the M74
syndrome, then differences in the metabolism associated with
oxidative stresses should be evident in actively feeding adult
females before spawning migrations because the syndrome is of
maternal origin. We are not aware of published data on
oxidative stress parameters and their variability in feeding Baltic
salmon from different populations. In this regard, e.g. the
enzymes involved in handling ROS, the products of oxidation in
organisms, are important. The key enzymes for the detoxifica-
tion of ROS in all organisms are superoxidase dismutase,
glutathione peroxidase, peroxidase, and catalase. This enzyme
battery is supplemented by systems providing reducing equiva-
lents needed for detoxifying activity (e.g. glutathione reductase,
glutathione-s-transferase; glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase).
Figure 2. The vascular defect s
observed in M74-affected fry are
associate d wi th red uced DNA-
binding of transcription factor
HIF-1a and subsequent downregu-
lation of VEGF, involved in angio-
Figure 3. M74-affected fry show
reduced DNA-binding of transcrip-
tion factor AhR followed by subse-
quent downre gulation of CYP1A
and a decrease of EROD activity.
*from Lundstro
m et al. (26).
Figure 1. Proposed molecular
events leading to mortality in
M74-fry dying at different periods
of yolk-sac fry development.
170 Ambio Vol. 36, No. 2–3, April 2007Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2007
In addition, low molecular weight radical scavangers (e.g.
glutath ione) and antioxidants (e.g. b- caro tene, vitamin E)
contribute to protection against ROS (reviewed in e.g. 41, 42).
Our preliminary analyses of a sample set of feeding Baltic
salmon indicate a marked (3–20-fold) size-independent and size-
dependent variation in many of the abovementioned redox
parameters (M. Kanerva, M. Nikinmaa and K.A.M. Vuori,
unpubl. data). Further studies about individual differences in the
oxidative stress status of feeding salmon are needed, using fish
from several feeding areas and estimating their genetic back-
ground, before firm conclusions can be made of the possible
association of M74 and oxidative stresses in salmon during the
feeding migration.
One notable feature in the occurrence of M74 is that there is
large variation in the susceptibility of the offspring of different
individuals to the syndrome (2, 49). However, at present, the
role of individual variability, or possible differences between
populations, in the biochemical pathways involved in, e.g.,
handling oxidative stresses has not been studied, although
differences in the prevalence of M74 between Finnish/Swedish
and Latvian/Polish populations have been described.
At the moment, several lines of research support the hypothesis
that oxidative stresses cause the symptoms that are part of the
M74 syndrome, and the effects of oxidative stress can be
transmitted from the parent to the egg. Hitherto, factors
causing oxidative stresses for Baltic salmon populations have
remained elusive, but may be related to changes in the food
web, possibly to alterations in plankton communities as a result
of eutrophication, and/or salinity changes of the Baltic Sea.
There is p rono unced vari atio n in th e occur renc e of the
syndrome between individuals and populations. However, the
basis of this variation is completely unknown, making it
especially important for future studies to examine the variability
in the responses of feeding salmon to oxidative stresses.
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Kristiina A. M. Vuori is a Ph.D. student at the University of
Turku, Finland. She holds a M.Sc. in Animal Physiology from
University of Turku. Her research interests are the molecular
background of M74 and the general application of molecular
and physiolo gical me thod olo gy to aquati c envi ronm enta l
research. Her address: Center of Excellence in Evolutionary
Genetics and Physiology, Department of Biology, University of
Turku, FI-20014 Turku, Finland.
Mikko Nikinmaa is a professor of Zoology in the Department of
Biology, University of Turku. He is the coeditor-in-chief of
Aquatic Toxicology, and director of the Center of Excellence in
Evolutionary Genetics and Physiology. His research interests
focus on environmental regulation of gene expression,
especially of oxygen-dependent phenomena in fishes. His
address: Center of Excellence in Evolutionary Genetics and
Physiology, Department of Biology, University of Turku, FI-
20014 Turku, Finland.
172 Ambio Vol. 36, No. 2–3, April 2007Ó Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2007
... Factors in addition to thiaminase may be involved in the occurrence of thiamine deficiency in salmonines, potentially influencing the variability in thiamine concentrations observed Vuori and Nikinmaa, 2007;Wright et al., 2008). High lipid content of prey fish relative to their thiamine concentrations has been hypothesized as a separate mechanism causing thiamine deficiency through lipid peroxidation (Keinänen et al., 2012;Vuori and Nikinmaa, 2007). ...
... Factors in addition to thiaminase may be involved in the occurrence of thiamine deficiency in salmonines, potentially influencing the variability in thiamine concentrations observed Vuori and Nikinmaa, 2007;Wright et al., 2008). High lipid content of prey fish relative to their thiamine concentrations has been hypothesized as a separate mechanism causing thiamine deficiency through lipid peroxidation (Keinänen et al., 2012;Vuori and Nikinmaa, 2007). Unphosphorylated thiamine has been reported to function as an antioxidant (Gibson and Zhang, 2002;Lukienko et al., 2000), suggesting that its concentration may be reduced when individuals experience lipid peroxidation. ...
Thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency in Great Lakes salmonines has been linked to consumption of alewife Alosa pseudoharengus. Thiamine deficiency has been recognized as a possible impediment to lake trout Salvelinus namaycush recruitment in the Great Lakes and Atlantic salmon Salmo salar recruitment in the Finger Lakes and Baltic Sea. Alewife invaded Lake Champlain in 2003 which provided an opportunity to investigate changes in thiamine concentrations in salmonine predators during an alewife invasion. We monitored egg unphosphorylated and total thiamine concentrations in lake trout and Atlantic salmon in 2004 and 2007–2019, assessed whether concentrations were associated with mortality, and examined thiaminase activity in alewife. Total thiamine concentrations in lake trout and Atlantic salmon were significantly lower than in 2004 for seven of the ten collection years for lake trout and for nine of the 12 collection years for Atlantic salmon. Mortality and signs of thiamine deficiency were observed in laboratory-reared Atlantic salmon free embryos but not in lake trout. Average thiaminase activity in adult alewife declined from 5200 pmol/g/min in 2006 to 1500 pmol/g/min in 2012. Our results provide further evidence that a diet that includes alewife reduces egg thiamine concentrations in salmonines. This effect was observed within four years of the invasion of alewife.
... Typical directly observable symptoms in M74-affected fry include uncoordinated movements (wobbling), inability to maintain an upright swimming position, inactivity, pallor, and body deformities such as a curved spines and swollen eyes and head, followed by death at the alevin stage (Keinänen et al., 2000). In addition to low levels of thiamine, M74 is also associated with necrotic brain cells, oxidative stress, imbalance in fatty acids, and low levels of carotenoids (e.g., astaxanthin) (Amcoff et al., 1999;Pickova et al., 1999Pickova et al., , 2003Lundström et al., 1999a;Pettersson and Lignell, 1999;Vouri and Nikinmaa, 2007). ...
... Such maternally transmitted thiamin deficiency manifests as abnormal swimming behavior, general weakness, and poor response to physical stimuli, darker skin pigmentation, whitened liver, pale gills, reduced tissue glycogen levels, extremely low thiamin levels (6% of healthy fry values), and necrotic changes in the brain areas (Waagbø 2010). Affected fry shows signs of oxidative stress based on altered expression of many redoxsensitive genes (Vuori and Nikinmaa 2007). The oxidative stress can be transmitted from parents to eggs. ...
The vitamin B complex comprises hydro- as well as lipophilic compounds and, at least, the lipophilic vitamins exhibit adverse effects if supplied in excess. It is obvious that vitamins are required not only for somatic and neural development and for growth, reproduction, and progeny survival but also for health, immune response, and pathogen and parasite resistance. With grass carp juveniles, the immune response is currently studied as detailed as possible with additional emphasis on deficient and excess supplies. This approach can serve as role model for other responses traits and other nutrients. Studies of hypervitaminosis of hydrophilic vitamins are rare in aquatic animals. However, documented adverse hypervitaminosis effects of hydrophilic vitamin C (→Chap. 34) may serve as an incentive for studying potential hypervitaminosis effects of hydrophilic compounds of the vitamin B complex more carefully. Although several compounds of this vitamin complex are known educts in the 1C metabolism, epigenetic pathways in vitamin requirement and metabolism as well as involvement of the gut microbiome need increased scientific attention.
... The warming will likely enhance the negative effects of other environmental stressors, such as eutrophication and contamination, on Baltic Sea organisms (Räisänen, 2017). The feeding migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Baltic Sea lasts one to four years, thus the conditions in the sea affect individual survival, health, and reproduction (Ikonen, 2006;Vuori and Nikinmaa, 2007;Vuori et al., 2008). Despite the positive outcomes of conservation efforts, Baltic salmon populations are still negatively affected by decreased post-smolt survival in the sea (ICES, 2018b) and yolk-sac fry mortality M74 Majaneva et al., 2020;Mikkonen et al., 2011). ...
... Also uncertain is whether changes in prey fat content relative to their thiamine concentrations can lead to variation in salmonine thiamine concentrations. Increased fat content may increase rates of oxidative stress, which has been correlated with reductions in thiamine-dependent processes (Gibson and Zhang, 2001;Vuori and Nikinmaa, 2007;Keinänen et al., 2012). Similarly, salmonine antioxidant concentrations (e.g., vitamin E and thyroxine) have been reduced when thiamine deficiencies occur (Hornung et al., 1998;Palace et al., 1998). ...
Thiamine Deficiency Complex (TDC) is an ongoing problem impacting salmonine health in various waterbodies, including Lake Ontario. The prevalence of TDC has been variable and explanations for differences are limited. In the current study, thiamine concentrations were measured in eggs, liver tissue, and muscle tissue sampled from brown trout (Salmo trutta), Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), coho salmon (O. kisutch), lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), and steelhead trout (O. mykiss) that were collected from Lake Ontario and its surrounding tributaries. The occurrence of TDC was measured for each species based on TDC-induced offspring mortality rates under laboratory conditions. TDC-induced offspring mortality was observed for all species except brown trout. For affected species, egg free thiamine (Th) was consistently low compared to lake trout collected from Lake Superior that are considered thiamine replete. In addition, species with the lowest percentages of Th in their eggs were the most susceptible to TDC, suggesting that limited thiamine reserves in the form of Th may cause TDC-induced offspring mortality. Lastly, our results show that egg thiamine concentrations have yearly variation and increased for all species throughout the study. Reasons for such variation are undetermined; but, if egg thiamine concentrations continue to increase, the impacts of TDC on these salmonine species may lessen. Future monitoring is needed for determining if thiamine concentrations are increasing and the potential impacts that may have on the entire Lake Ontario fishery.
... Lipid soluble vitamins have been found to differ between prey species , and TDC negative eggs had higher concentrations of lipid soluble vitamins than TDC positive eggs from Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) stocks from L. Michigan . Lipid soluble vitamins (i.e., A and E) and carotenoids act as antioxidants and their presence in diets may reduce the dependency on thiamine for protection from oxidative damage (Vuori and Nikinmaa 2007). Products of cholesterol oxidation have also been found at increased levels in eggs presenting TDC, but cholesterol was relatively stable across groups (Pickova et al. 2003). ...
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Despite long-term efforts to restore lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) populations in the Great Lakes, they continue to experience insufficient recruitment and rely on hatchery programs to sustain stocks. As lake trout reproductive success has been linked to diets, spatial heterogeneity in diet compositions is of interest. To assess spatial components of adult lake trout diets, we analyzed stomach contents and fatty acid profiles of dorsal muscle collected throughout Lake Michigan and along Lake Huron’s Michigan shoreline. Lake trout from Lake Huron were generally larger in both length and mass than those from Lake Michigan. However, lake trout from Lake Michigan varied more in size based on depth of capture with smaller fish being caught more in deeper set nets. Fatty acids and stomach contents indicated that alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) were consumed more in western Lake Michigan in contrast with round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) along the eastern shoreline. Conversely, in Lake Huron, lake trout primarily consumed rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax). These results indicate that diet compositions of lake trout populations are relatively plastic and offer new insights into within-basin heterogeneity of Great Lakes food webs.
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Havsmiljöinstitutets Rapport nr 2020:07
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Object Landlocked fall Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in Lake Oahe, South Dakota, typically experience poor reproductive success. Introduction Salmon diets consist of rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax and other potentially thiaminase-containing fish that could impact reproduction. Methods The thiamine levels of spawning female Salmon, eggs, and reproductive characteristics, were measured in 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, and 2005. Results Thiamine concentrations varied significantly from year-to-year, with the highest mean values recorded in 2001 at 8.70 nmol/g in maternal livers and 28.80 nmol/g in eggs. Most of the thiamine in the eggs was present as free thiamine, while most of the thiamine in maternal livers was present as thiamine pyrophosphate. The lowest recorded egg total thiamine level was 2.75 nmol/g in 2000. Egg survival to hatch ranged from 20.7% in 2005 to 35.4% in 2002, and was not correlated to egg thiamine levels. Twenty-two spawns experienced total mortality prior to hatch, and had significantly lower egg free thiamine and total thiamine concentrations than eggs from the 77 successful spawns. The eggs from spawns with total mortality were also significantly smaller than those eggs from spawns that did survive, and were produced by females that weighed significantly less. Several small, but significant, correlations were observed between egg size and egg thiamine levels, and female size and liver thiamine. There was also a significant negative correlation between the number of eggs per spawning female and egg thiamine pyrophosphate, liver thiamine monophosphate, and liver total thiamine levels. Conclusion In general, Lake Oahe Chinook Salmon eggs show little indication of thiamine deficiency in the years sampled, indicating other factors are likely responsible for poor egg survival.
1. More than 4,400 known species live in the brackish Baltic Sea. Of these, 4 % are cyanobacteria, 51 % unicellular eukaryotes (protists), 8 % macrophytes, 32 % invertebrates and 5 % vertebrates. 2. In the Baltic Sea Area (Baltic Sea and the transition zone ), the species richness of these five groups is >6,600, 50 % higher than in the Baltic Sea alone, while the water volume increases by only 4 %. 3. The higher richness in the transition zone is caused by North Sea species that still occur in the Kattegat and Belt Sea but cannot survive in the low salinity of the Baltic Sea. Unicellular organisms may be especially diverse in the transition zone as they move with the water masses of different salinities from the Skagerrak and the Baltic Sea that mix here. 4. The true number of species is much higher than the diversity reported from both the Baltic Sea and the transition zone since most archaean and bacterial species, as well as many protists , fungi and small invertebrates, are still unknown. 5. The dominant species in the Baltic Sea proper are mainly hardy, estuarine species, accompanied by a number of glacial relicts, freshwater species and ~130 (non-indigenous) brackish-water species . In the three large gulfs of the Baltic Sea (the Gulfs of Bothnia, Finland and Riga), and near large freshwater discharges along the entire coasts, freshwater species dominate below a salinity of ~4. 6. The species richness of cyanobacteria, heterotrophic bacteria and benthic diatom s is not impeded in the Baltic Sea. These groups are highly diverse in both marine and freshwater and enter the Baltic Sea from both habitats. 7. Macroscopic organisms show a species minimum at salinity 5–7. There are very few “true” brackish-water species in the Baltic Sea, and the loss of marine species, e.g. macroalgae, polychaetes, crustaceans and molluscs, along the large-scale Baltic Sea gradient is poorly compensated for by species entering the Baltic Sea from freshwater such as charophytes, vascular plants, oligochaetes and insect larvae. 8. Despite a pool of >1,500 macroscopic species, the evenness of the communities in the Baltic Sea proper is low, as they are typically dominated by mass occurrences of a few macroscopic species that build simple food webs in a highly productive system. 9. With few species in each functional group (e.g. habitat-forming macrophytes, filter-feeding animals, pelagic fish ), there is a high risk that the loss or drastic reduction of a single key species may alter functions that are important for the maintenance of the ecosystem, such as provision of habitats, balanced food webs and resilience.
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Research within the Swedish FiRe project Reproductive Disturbances in Baltic Fish has focused mainly on the M74 syndrome, which has caused high mortality in fry of sea-run Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the Baltic Sea. At the end of the 4-year project, the cause of M74 is still not known, but the symptoms have been well described and treatment with thiamine (vitamin B 1) has been found to cure afflicted fry. The M74 syndrome shows great similarities to Early Mortality Syndrome (EMS) in salmonids from the North American Great Lakes. Both M74 and EMS are characterized by a diet-related deficiency of thiamine in fry and broodstocks. A combination of factors may contribute to M74, e.g. the diet of salmon in the Baltic Sea, the content of thiamine or thiaminase (an enzyme that degrades thiamine) in their prey fish, ecological changes in Baltic Sea food chains, and pollutants. The few remaining wild, naturally spawning populations of Baltic salmon are at great risk of extinction, as there is no practical method of treating them with thiamine to prevent M74, and they are subject to heavy fishing pressure in the Baltic Sea. A reproductive disturbance similar to M74 occurs in Baltic sea trout (S. trutta), although at lower frequencies than in salmon. The M74 syndrome does not occur in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua), whose reproductive success is impaired mainly by poor oxygen conditions in its deepwater spawning grounds, in combination with heavy fishing pressure on large cod.
During recent decades several Baltic fish species have been affected by poor reproductive success. The sea-run Baltic salmon populations are affected by the M74 syndrome, an early life-stage mortality associated with low thiamine (vitamin B1) concentrations in the offspring. In order to study whether sea-run brown trout with symptoms and mortalities similar to M74 also suffer from low thiamine concentrations, analyses of thiamine were performed. Also, tissues of Baltic cod were analyzed for their content of thiamine. This study confirms that Baltic salmon that are affected by M74 suffer from low thiamine levels and that the temporal onset of the development of M74 may be correlated to the thiamine concentration in the eyed egg. Also, thiamine concentrations of muscle and ovaries from females that produced offspring with M74 were significantly lower than those of females that produced healthy progeny, which indicates that M74 may be a maternally transmitted thiamine deficiency. Preliminary data from sea-run Baltic brown trout showed that yolk-sac fry with symptoms that resembled those of M74 - lethargy, darkening of skin and 100% mortality - had low mean thiamine concentrations (0.14 nmol g⁻¹ in 1994 and 0.34 in 1998) compared with those of healthy progeny (4.4 nmol g⁻¹ in 1994 and 3.9 in 1998). This indicates that some family groups of Baltic brown trout may be affected by a reproduction disorder related to thiamine deficiency. In spawning Baltic cod, hepatic and ovarian thiamine concentrations showed great variance, with values ranging from 0.56 to 4.7, and 3.8 to 30 nmol g⁻¹, respectively. Whether Baltic cod also suffer from mortality associated with a thiamine deficiency is not known.
Wild salmon populations (Salmo salar) in northern Sweden were at a low level in the period from the 1960s through 1980s, mainly due to extensive exploitation of salmon in the sea. Electrofishing surveys were started in the 1970s and were carried out in 8 wild salmon rivers in the Bothnian Bay area in northern Sweden. There was a high correlation in salmon parr densities between most of the rivers. Abundance of spawners was also highly correlated between the rivers. This study showed very low salmon parr densities in all rivers for the period 1970 through 1980s. Parr densities increased in the late 1980s and at the beginning of the 1990s, probably because increased numbers of spawners ascended the rivers. From 1992, however, parr densities decreased again to low levels, although the number of spawners still remained at a high level. The decrease in parr densities coincided with a high mortality of alevin/fry due to the M74 syndrome found in Swedish salmon hatcheries in the Baltic. M74 mortality versus parr density and corresponding spawning stock (quotient parr/spawners) gave a significant negative correlation in all studied rivers. It is very likely that M74 mortality has affected salmon alevin/fry survival in wild rivers. The decrease of salmon parr production due to M74 mortality was estimated to be 55-70%. As the factors influencing the development of M74 are poorly understood, it is possible that the incidence of the disease may continue to fluctuate, without any possibility to predict its development. Only a higher number of spawners can counteract the negative effects of M74 mortality in wild salmon populations. The exploitation of wild salmon by fisheries must therefore be kept at a low level.
The purpose of this study was to describe the histopathological findings during the progression of the M74 syndrome in the Atlantic salmon from the Baltic Sea. We also wanted to evaluate whether there were differences in the histopathological picture between yolk-sac fry from different categories of M74, i.e. family groups with early, intermediate, or late development of disease. In the preclinical stage of M74, no lesions were detected in the yolk-sac fry. In the clinical stage, the dominant findings were necrotic lesions in the brain and a depletion of glycogen in liver and skeletal muscle and proximal tubules of the excretory kidney. In the terminal stage, the brain lesions had become more severe and, furthermore, yolk-sac fry with early development of M74 also showed focal hepatocellular necrosis and sometimes hyaline degeneration of skeletal muscle. The findings in yolk-sac fry with intermediate development of disease were generally the same as in yolk-sac fry with early development, even though the lesions were of lesser magnitude. The only major histopathological findings in yolk-sac fry with late development of disease were brain lesions and, in the terminal stage, a dilatation of saccus vasculosis.
Antioxidative systems, detoxifying enzymes and thiamine levels were studied in Atlantic salmon from the Baltic Sea that developed M74. Low concentrations of both thiamine and carotenoids were found in roe from family groups that developed M74. Additionally, thiamine was found to influence whether yolk-sac fry exhibited early, intermediate, or late development of M74. The study revealed new data concerning interactions between oxidative stress and M74. Newly hatched yolk-sac fry that later developed M74, showed an induction of hepatic catalase activity. However, during development the situation became the reverse, whereby yolk-sac fry developing M74 failed to show increasing hepatic catalase activity with increasing age, which was otherwise shown by healthy yolk-sac fry. Hepatic glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase activities showed marked increases during development of the disease, indicating that peroxidation mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis. Hepatic EROD-activities were low at hatching and showed an age dependent increase in healthy yolk-sac fry. In yolk-sac fry developing M74, a decrease in activity was noted between the clinical and terminal stages of disease.
Since 1974, sea-run Baltic salmon populations have been afflicted by an early life-stage mortality known as the M74 syndrome. The syndrome has been shown to be associated with a thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency that causes neurological disturbances associated with necrotic brain cells. Treatment with thiamine may counteract development of M74. In this study, eyed eggs of sea-run Baltic salmon were given the thiamine antagonist oxythiamine and the commercial PCB-blend Clophen A50 by means of microinjection into the yolk sac. The aim was to study the effects of an experimentally induced thiamine deficiency and how it affected the biotransformation system CYP1A using the 7-ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) assay. After hatching, we attempted to reverse the deficiency in half of each exposure group by immersion in a thiamine solution and investigated its effect on survival and EROD-activity. Yolk-sac fry from groups of eggs that were injected with oxythiamine, either with or without Clophen A50, demonstrated a loss of coordination, lethargy, exophthalmia, and whitened liver followed by complete mortality (100%). Based on this and the time to death, between 124-193 posthatch degree-days (d°C), the effects of oxythiamine were comparable to those of M74-development, however, dissimilarities were also noted. Thiamine treatment of oxythiamine injected groups delayed mortalities that were reduced to between 64.8 and 91.8%. A dose and time-dependent induction of EROD-activity recorded for Clophen A50 groups was strongly suppressed in oxythiamine groups. Histopathological examination of oxythiamine groups at 103 and 182 d°C revealed reduced levels of hepatic glycogen, degenerating hepatocytes and a higher prevalence of necrotic brain cells, all of which are pathological features found in salmon yolk-sac fry affected by M74. Groups injected with Clophen A50 demonstrated no histopathological changes.
The role of the carotenoid astaxanthin in progeny of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) from the Baltic Sea with and without the M74 syndrome is assessed. Astaxanthin deficiency is strongly correlated to M74 and a threshold concentration level, 0.11 μg astaxanthin per egg, below which healthy egg batches are not found is implicated. Furthermore, all Baltic salmon family groups with an astaxanthin concentration > 0.22 μg per egg were healthy. Also reported are dynamic changes of astaxanthin in eggs and yolk-sac fry, before and after the eyed stage and after hatching. Compared to North Atlantic salmon roe much less of the carotenoids is converted to esters in the yolksac fry of Baltic salmon, and the fraction of unesterified astaxanthin remaining in 2-3 week old yolk-sac fry developing M74 is extremely low and apparently no longer metabolized. Different biological functions of carotenoids a red discussed, emphasizing the role of astaxanthin in the antioxidative protection of sea-run salmon and its progeny.