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Abstract and Figures

Silicones are widely used materials in many fields of medicine and largely are believed to be biologically inert. However, some investigators have reported that silicone implants are associated with an increased incidence of autoimmune disorders. In this study, we evaluated the capsular tissue of silicone implants and the sera of implant patients and controls for antisilicone antibodies and nonspecific immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE). Our study group included 15 patients (eight men and seven women) undergoing reconstructive procedures for burn scars, in whom we used silicone implants, and 15 sex-matched controls undergoing reconstructive surgery for burn scars without using silicone implants. By immunofluorescence, we discovered strong capsular binding of IgG and weak capsular binding of IgM; antisilicone antibody levels were significantly higher in capsular tissue than elsewhere. Serum IgE also was higher in patient vs control subject sera. In conclusion, silicone materials do lead to an immune response consisting of antisilicone antibodies most evident immediately adjacent to the implant itself.
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The association between silicone implants
and both antibodies and autoimmune diseases
Mehmet Bekerecioglu & Ahmet Mesut Onat &
Mustafa Tercan & Hakan Buyukhatipoglu &
Metin Karakok & Daghan Isik & Omer Bulut
Received: 15 October 2006 /Revised: 18 May 2007 /Accepted: 21 May 2007
Clinical Rheumatology 2007
Abstract Silicones are widely used materials in many fields
of medicine and largely are believed to be biologically inert.
However, some investigators have reported that silicone
implants are associated with an increased incidence of auto-
immune disorders. In this study, we evaluated the capsular
tissue of silicone implants and the sera of imp lant patients
and controls for antisilicone antibodies and nonspecific im-
munoglobulins (IgG , IgA, IgM, and IgE). Our study group
included 15 patients (eight men and seven women) under-
going reconstructive procedures for burn scars, in whom we
used silicone implants, and 15 sex-matched controls under-
going reconstructive surgery for burn scars without using
silicone implants. By immunofluorescence, we discovered
strong capsular binding of IgG and weak capsular binding of
IgM; antisilicone antibody levels were significantly higher in
capsular tissue than elsewhere. Serum IgE also was higher in
patient vs control subject sera. In conclusion, silicone ma-
terials do lead to an immune response consisting of anti-
silicone antibodies most evident immediately adjacent to the
implant itself.
Keywords Antisilicone antibody
Capsular tissue
Currently, silicones are used commonly in medicine. An
increasing number of patients receive silicone implants
during the course of plastic surgery. These implants may
cause foreign body reactions and local or systemic symp-
toms. Silicone imp lants have been accused of precipitating
rheumatic disorders and nervous and pulmonary system
dysfunction by means of auto-antibodies and abnormalities
in cellular immunity [1]. Several researchers have investigat-
edtheroleofsiliconeinimmunity[2, 3]. Studies have iden-
tified several kinds of antibodies (antinuclear antibodies,
rheumatoid factor, anticardiolipin antibodies IgG and IgM,
anti-Ro and anti-La) in silicone-implant patients [4, 5]and
higher levels of certain other antibodies (antisilicone anti-
bodies) [6]. In this study, we examined both for nonspecific
immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE) and for specific
antisilicone antibodies in blood and capsular tissue samples.
The aim of this study was to identify specific and nonspecific
Ig expression in capsular tissue and in the sera of patients
with silicone implant expanders.
Clin Rheumatol
DOI 10.1007/s10067-007-0659-1
M. Bekerecioglu
D. Isik
O. Bulut
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
Gaziantep University School of Medicine,
Gaziantep, Turkey
A. M. Onat
Department of Rheumatology,
Gaziantep University School of Medicine,
Gaziantep, Turkey
H. Buyukhatipoglu (*)
Department of Internal Medicine,
Gaziantep University School of Medicine,
Gaziantep, Turkey
M. Karakok
Department of Pathology,
Gaziantep University School of Medicine,
Gaziantep, Turkey
M. Tercan
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,
Haydarpasa Numune Training Hospital,
Istanbul, Turkey
Materials and methods
We included 15 patients, eight men and seven women, who
had undergone reconstructive operative procedures between
January 1997 and December 2002. All patients had burn scar
contractures. Study and control groups consisted of healthy
individuals, except for their burn scars. Baseline serum Ig A,
G, M, and E levels were measured for all subjects. Anyone
who had a history of allergic or rheumatological diseases or
high baseline levels of any of the antibodies of interest was
excluded. Tissue expanders were placed adjacent to normal
tissue. Mean tissue expander volume was 250 cc (70450 cc).
Only one tissue expander was used per patient. The expanders
were left in place from 8 to 12 weeks (mean 9.3 weeks).
Evaluation of capsular tissue
We collected capsular tissue samples in patients with silicone
tissue expanders at the expansion ends of healthy tissue. Five-
micron frozen sections of capsular tissue were stained for
IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgE by immunofluorescence (Dako Lab,
Denmark). Capsular tissue samples were homogenized and
then incubated for 4 h with rabbit antibodies to human IgG.
Silicone capsule antibodies were expressed in optical density
units. Antisilicone antibodies in capsular tissue were detected
by ELISA (Sigma BioSciences, St. Louis).
Evaluation of serum
Blood samples were studied for immunoglobulins (Pharmacia
and Upjohn Diagnostics, Freiburg, Germany). Silicone anti-
bodies were identified by ELISA (Beckman Instruments,
Fullerton) [7].
Control group
A control group consisted of 15 patients (eight men and seven
women) undergoing reconstructive surgery for burn scar
contractures without using any silicone products. They had
no rheumatologic or immunological disease. Blood samples
were collected as part of the routine preoperative assessment.
Tissue samples were collected during the surgical procedure.
Statistical analysis
Between-group analyses were performed using Mann
Whitney U tests. Spearmans co rrelation tests were con-
ducted to investigate for bivariate correlations. Data were
analyzed using SPSS software (version 13.0). All analyses
were two-tailed, and p<0.05 was set as the threshold for
statistical significance.
Patients with tissue expanders vs controls
a. Capsular tissue
Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. Capsular
tissues exhibited stro ng immunofluorescence for IgG and
limited immunofluorescence for IgM, but there was no
detectable binding at all for IgA or IgE (Table 1, Fig. 1). In
Table 1 Demographic characteristics and antibody results in silicone-implant patients
Patients Serum Tissue Silicon antibody
Biochemical analysis Immunofluorescence technique ELISA
Number Age/sex IgG g/l IgM g/l Ig E IU/ml IgA g/l Ig G Ig M Ig E IgA Serum Tissue
1 25/M 8.57 0.92 175.4 1.42 ++ + ––0.012 0.310
2 32/M 9.63 0.56 107.2 3.66 ++ + ––0.022 0.620
3 17/F 8.03 2.44 220.4 1.15 ++ + ––0.032 0.256
4 42/M 12.46 1.51 170.9 2.77 ++ + ––0.009 0.608
5 12/F 10.03 3.00 141.5 4.20 ++ + ––0.005 0.762
6 54/M 17.11 2.97 238.1 1.02 ++ + ––0.032 0.437
7 14/F 9.58 1.46 344.3 3.97 ++ + ––0.043 0.651
8 4/F 13.05 0.73 224.8 2.17 ++ + ––0.065 0.873
9 15/M 14.70 2.65 218.5 1.83 ++ + ––0.053 0.597
10 33/M 9.80 3.05 162.7 4.49 ++ + ––0.029 0.486
11 30/F 10.71 0.93 229.1 1.23 ++ + ––0.071 0.629
12 28/M 9.93 1.16 256.4 1.11 ++ + ––0.048 0.695
13 21/M 12.04 1.41 167.3 3.09 ++ + ––0.026 0.572
14 14/F 9.57 2.38 182.3 2.61 ++ + ––0.081 0.773
15 35/F 9.98 1.53 242.6 1.79 ++ + ––0.046 0.698
M Male, F female, ++ strong positive immunofluorescence, + weak positive immunofluorescence
Values of IgG binding to silicone capsular tissue expressed in optical density units
Clin Rheumatol
the figure, strong immunofluorescence is demarcated with
two plus signs and weak immunofluorescence with a single
plus sign. Levels of capsular antisilicone antibodies were
significantly higher in silicone-implant patients (0.59±0.16
vs 0.030±0.012; p<0.001). Control patient characteristics
are presented in Table 2. Capsular tissues in control patients
did not exhibit any immunofluorescence.
b. Serum
Only IgE levels were significantly higher in the sera of
silicone-implant patients vs controls (205.3±56.9 vs 32.4±
8.7; p<0.001). Levels of other immunoglobulins were in
the normal range. Antisilicone antibodies were slightly
higher in silicone-implant patients; however, the difference
between means was not statistically significant (0.038±
0.022 vs 0.032±0.018; p =0.24). Bivariate correlations
between serum IgE and antisil icone antibodies, both in
serum and capsular tissue, were not statistically significant.
Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) is the simplest silicone
structure in medical usage. Silicone is highly biocompati-
ble, nontoxic, nonallergic, and resistant to biodegradation.
Silicones can simulate different soft tissues as a liquid, gel,
or rubber by varying the length and degree of cross-linking
of the PDMS chains.
After a silicone implant is placed, a tissue response occurs.
This reaction generally is limited to a mild foreign-body
reaction, which then is followed by encapsulation. Capsular
tissue forms around any nondegradable material that is too
large to be engulfed by macrophages and that is so inert that it
causes no more than a local foreign body reaction [8].
This study is different from prior studies in that we
examined for the presence of antisilicone antibodies and
nonspecific immunoglobulins in the capsular tissue, itself,
something which has never been studied before. In several
animal models, silicone gel has been discovered to increase
antigenicity. There have been a few reports demonstrating
antibodies to silicone in human serum: Pastor et al. [4]and
Wolf et al. [6] found increased levels of antisilicone anti-
bodies in the majority of their patients but did not identify a
relationship between these antibody levels and autoimmune
disease. Goldblum et al. [9] detected increased IgG levels
Fig. 1 IgG staining of capsular tissue by immunofluorescence (×400
magnification) 183×116 mm (72×72 DPI)
Table 2 Demographic characteristics and antibody results in controls
Controls Serum Tissue Silicon antibody
Biochemical analysis Immunofluorescence technique ELISA
Number Age/sex IgG g/l IgM g/l Ig E IU/ml IgA g/l Ig G Ig M Ig E IgA Serum Tissue
1 5/F 11.41 2.71 23.12 1.19 –– 0.019 0.027
2 40/M 9.01 1.44 43.28 1.07 –– 0.012 0.015
3 19/M 9.37 1.71 41.76 2.26 –– 0.022 0.031
4 24/M 13.81 0.83 32.78 1.20 –– 0.015 0.010
5 32/F 12.07 0.96 33.45 1.81 –– 0.017 0.020
6 11/F 11.72 1.47 54.27 2.75 –– 0.030 0.028
7 14/F 9.87 1.73 21.38 1.39 –– 0.036 0.041
8 23/M 13.46 1.62 35.67 3.01 –– 0.035 0.047
9 15/M 11.65 2.06 31.29 1.93 –– 0.032 0.024
10 30/M 12.08 1.14 23.65 1.32 –– 0.031 0.033
11 29/F 11.56 0.94 26.33 1.70 –– 0.054 0.055
12 13/F 12.65 3.51 28.91 2.62 –– 0.039 0.046
13 15/M 14.13 1.35 34.68 1.78 –– 0.036 0.029
14 35/M 9.69 0.78 27.72 1.14 –– 0.018 0.027
15 16/F 10.59 2.56 29.43 2.06 –– 0.014 0.018
M Male, F female
Values of IgG binding to silicone capsular tissue expressed in optical density units
Clin Rheumatol
against silicone medical implants [10]. However, these stud-
ies evaluated serum samples only.
In the present study, we identified significantly increased
antisilicone antibodies in capsular tissue. We also discovered
IgG and IgM antibodies, by IFA, in capsular tissues in silicone-
implant patients. The levels of serum antisilicone antibody
levels were slightly higher in implant patients vs controls, but
this increase was not statistically significant. Nevertheless, if the
sample size had been greater, the difference might have been
significant. Evans et al. [11] reported that normal individuals
have basal antisilicone antibody levels; however , they also
reported that antisilicone antibody levels were significantly
higher in their breast-implant patients. Microscopic evidence
of silicone has been discovered in other bodily tissues in
breast-implant patients [12]. Furthermore, Iannello [13]
identified silicone compounds in the blood and liver of those
with silicone implants. Combining the results of our study and
previous studies, we might conclude that silicone particles,
albeit in very small quantities, scatter throughout body tissues,
leading the human body to produce specific antibodies. This
body reaction seems to be related to the amount of silicone
exposed in blood, body tissues, and the capsule. We identified
a significantly greater react ion in capsular tissue than
elsewhere. On the other hand, we discovered elevated serum
IgE levels possibly because of a foreign body reaction. There
was no correlation between serum IgE levels and the levels of
capsular or serum antisilicone antibodies.
Whether silicone implants lead to the development of
rheumatologic or immunologic disorders remains unknown.
Several authors have speculated about the likelihood of a
relationship. Karlson [14] reported on the activation of the
immune system in female silicone-implant recipients. In
other studies, several types of auto-antibodies have been
found to be increased [9, 15, 16], and a single study
identified an increased prevalence of rheumatic conditions in
females with breast implants [17]. On the other hand, Peters
et al. [18] identified no increase in antinuclear antibodies in
those with silicone implants.
To summarize, taken together, the previous reports and
the results of our study suggest that silicone implants cause a
negligible and nonspecific foreign body reaction. However,
we feel that these antibodies against the silicone implants
have little or no clinical importance. To determine any
causative association between silicone implants and autoim-
mune disease, furt her long-term studies are warranted.
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2. Vojdani A, Brautbar N, Campbell AW (1994) Antibody to silicone
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Clin Rheumatol
... Antibody production may be against local proteins, indicated by high binding of IgG to capsular tissue. 18 However, 1 study contradicts these findings. Sanger et al. did not find any increase in deposition of IgG, immunoglobulin M (IgM), or immunoglobulin A in the capsular tissue surrounding long-term breast implants, nor did they find any evidence of humoral activation in the surrounding tissue. ...
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Article Summary Introduction Breast implants are under recent scrutiny owing to concerns about their potential for inducing immunological diseases, namely breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma and breast implant illness. However, the impact of silicone on biologic systems remains unclear. Therefore, we performed a systematic literature review to evaluate the information available on silicone breast implants and their effect on one arm of the adaptive immune response—B lymphocytes and antibody formation. Methods We conducted a systematic review in EMBASE/PUBMED in accordance with the PRISMA guidelines, with search entry terms requiring discussion of silicone and immunity. The initial review returned 1079 citations. Manual screening was performed to include studies that were specific to the humoral response after exposure to silicone. Secondary full text review was performed. The extracted data included animal models and findings pertinent to B cells/antibodies in response to breast implant silicones. Results In total, 39 studies on B cells/antibodies and breast-implant-associated silicones were identified. Among them, 23 studies were in humans, 14 in animal models, and 2 were in vitro. Common themes included identification of antisilicone antibodies in women with breast implants, anticollagen antibodies, presence of activated B cells or immunoglobulin G in implant capsules, and sensitization of lymphocytes to silicone in vitro. Conclusion Despite controversial findings in the literature, there is evidence that silicone breast implants activate B cells in the breast implant capsule and may have systemic effects on the production of autoantibodies and/or sensitization of B lymphocytes to silicone. Further research is needed on how breast implants impact other arms of the immune system to understand their long-term biological impact.
... It has been proposed that, in those who are susceptible, an inflammatory process may be triggered by leakage of silicone particles (gel-bleed) or other compounds in the implants, such as platinum. 9,[12][13][14][15] Silicone gel-filled breast implants are made from a silicone elastomer shell surrounding a core of silicone gel. Silicone is widely used for medical devices and is presumed to be biologically inert. ...
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It has been suggested that compounds present in silicone breast implants (eg, silicone particles or heavy metals such as platinum) migrate into the body and can cause systemic symptoms in susceptible women, causing what is known as breast implant illness. This pilot study investigates possible associations between hair platinum levels in patients with breast implants and breast implant illness, and evaluates its possible use for diagnostic purposes. Methods: Patients were included from the silicone outpatient clinic at Amsterdam University Medical Centre. Platinum concentration in hair samples of 10 women with breast implants and systemic symptoms (group A) was compared with that in 10 women with breast implants but no symptoms (group B), and a control group of 10 women without implants or symptoms (group C), using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Radiological imaging was used to assess implant ruptures or silicone leakage. Results: A median platinum concentration of 0.09 μg per kg [IQR 0.04-0.15] was found in group A, 0.08 μg per kg [IQR 0.04-0.12] in group B, and 0.04 μg per kg [IQR 0.02-0.13] in group C, with no statistical significant difference between the groups (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0.43). No correlation between radiologically proven implant leakage and platinum level was found. Conclusions: There was no statistically significant difference in hair platinum levels in women with or without silicone breast implants or breast implant illness. Therefore, based on this pilot study, we do not recommend this test for clinical use. Given the small sample size, more research is required to fully assess its possible use for diagnostic purposes.
... The higher anti-silicone antibody level in capsular tissue and higher serum IgE that was found in SBI patients might be a result of this phenomenon. 8,39 Additionally this adjuvant effect by SBI has been shown in animal models. [40][41][42] In addition, immune imbalance was observed. ...
As breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic procedure, since their FDA approval in 1962 the safety of implant-related complications has been broadly disputed. Although decades have passed, breast implant illness still represents a poorly defined and controversial complication. With an upcoming nonscientific discussion on mainstream media and social media, revealing BII’s etiology is quite urgent, finally influencing patients’ decision and creating a trustful doctor-patient relationship. Up to now, little or no scientific research is available on BII and no final conclusion regarding its etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostic criteria or treatment has been made up to now. This review aims to give an overview of etiology hypothesis of BII and seek inspiration to improve BII patients’ conditions.
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Breast implant surgery has evolved significantly, yet challenges such as capsular contracture remain a persistent concern. This review presents an in-depth analysis of recent advancements in understanding the immune mechanisms and clinical implications associated with silicone mammary implants (SMIs). The article systematically examines the complex interplay between immune responses and capsular fibrosis, emphasizing the pathophysiological mechanisms of inflammation in the etiology of this fibrotic response. It discusses innovations in biomaterial science, including the development of novel anti-biofilm coatings and immunomodulatory surfaces designed to enhance implant integration and minimize complications. Emphasis is placed on personalized risk assessment strategies, leveraging molecular insights to tailor interventions and improve patient outcomes. Emerging therapeutic targets, advancements in surgical techniques, and the refinement of post-operative care are also explored. Despite notable progress, challenges such as the variability in immune responses, the long-term efficacy of new interventions, and ethical considerations remain. Future research directions are identified, focusing on personalized medicine, advanced biomaterials, and bridging preclinical findings with clinical applications. As we advance from bench to bedside, this review illuminates the path forward, where interdisciplinary collaboration and continued inquiry weave together to enhance the art and science of breast implant surgery, transforming patient care into a realm of precision and excellence.
Objective Search the Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database to collect information on adverse events of breast implant. We analyzed the local complications and the breast implant illness (BII) of silicone breast implants, as well as saline breast implants separately, aim to provide a reference for women who want to breast augmentation. Materials and Methods The Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience database was queried for events reports related to the breast implant between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2022. Event year and reporting year were summarized. Patient problem was collected and analyzed to distinguish between local complications and BII. Results A total of 108,728 adverse events in the past 3 years were analyzed, silicone breast implants accounted for 62.1% and saline breast implants accounted for 37.9%. The most common local complication of women receiving silicone breast implants was “Capsular Contracture,” accounting for 48.73%. However, the incidence of “capsular contracture” in women who received saline breast implants was only 17.49%. The most common BII was “fatigue/weakness” in both women receiving 2 different breast implants, 17.20% in women receiving silicone breast implants and 24.71% in women receiving saline breast implants. Of note, in all the reports, there was a wide variation in the timing of reporting as compared with the timing of the adverse event. Conclusions Although the adverse events of breast implant cannot completely be determined from this study, we provide a reference for women who want to get breast implants, so that they can choose breast implants more carefully. In addition, a better understanding of BII may allow them to think further about whether the benefits of breast implants outweigh the risks.
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Adjuvants are an essential component of modern vaccines.
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Introduction: Silicone breast implants (SBI) have been used since 1962 in the reconstruction of post-mastectomy cases, in augmentation of the breast, or for cosmetic purposes, while fillers with biopolymer (FB) have been used since the 1990s. Today, they are considered adjuvants of the immune system. Most complications of SBI and FB are local in nature, but some patients experience systemic symptoms, which are defined as adjuvant-induced autoimmune inflammatory syndrome (ASIA). Aim: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the possible association of silicone breast implants and FB with the development of immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IMIRD). Material and methods: The research represents retrospective study which involved 15 female patients with immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases, 6 of whom were patients with implanted silicone breast implants for cosmetic reasons, and 9 patients with placement of fillers with biopolymer on the lips. Results: The average time from silicone implantation to the onset of the first symptoms was 6.10 ± 5.3 (range 6 months to 24 years). The following immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases were recorded: 3 patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), 3 patients with undifferentiated arthritis, 3 patients with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, 1 patient with systemic lupus erythematosus, 2 patients with undifferentiated SCTD, 2 patients with mixed connective tissue disease, and one patient with unexplained systemic disease. Seven patients had the Raynaud phenomenon. Spontaneous abortions were reported in 2 patients. Conclusion: Earlier reports that silicone breast implants and biopolymer fillers are safe, today are changing with the description of ASIA syndrome.
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Objective: To determine whether there exists a population of Dutch women with a high prevalence of antipolymer antibodies (APA) and severe health complaints/symptoms, and exposure to a silicone breast implant (SBI). As the antigen-specific nature of the antipolymer antibody has not yet been established, we refer to the term polymer binding immunoglobulins. Methods: The study population was selectedfrom a voluntary registry of SBI recipients of a Dutch consumers organisation. The final selection was based on the severity of self-reported complaints in a questionnaire. A total of 42 SBI recipients were included in the study, clinically examined and blood samples were obtained. Results: In 12 of 42 SBI recipients an increase in the level of polymer binding immunoglobulins was detected compared to a negative reference sample, 3 of these 12 showing a positive and 9 a weakly positive response. In 3 out of 12 non-SBI recipients, included for control on the performance of the APA assay, an increased level of polymer binding immunoglobulins was demonstrated, 2 of these 3 showing a positive and 1 a weakly positive response. The study population of SBI recipients was categorised in severity subgroups (limited, mild, moderate, advanced) based on the fuctional capacity and the physicians general assessment of pain and disease activity. Most (34 of 42) SBI recipients belonged to the limited severity subgroup. Conclusion: Our methods failed to select a group of severely symptomatic Dutch SBI recipients reported to have a high prevalence of polymer binding antibodies. A discrepancy was present between the self reported severe complaints and the observed mild clinical symptoms. In the group of SBI recipients with self reported severe complaints recruited we did not find a high prevalence of polymer binding immunoglobulins. SBI exposure (mean 17 years) did not result in induction of polymer binding immunoglobulins in this minimal symptomatic study group.
Silicone elastomers used to make medical implants and prostheses are generally believed to be biologically inert. However, we have seen two patients who showed severe, apparently immunemediated, reactions to ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts. We used an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in which Silastic tubing served as the solid-phase antigen to test serum from the two patients, five other VP shunt patients without inflammatory reactions, and nine healthy adults. IgG binding to Silastic tubing was consistently higher in the two patients than in the healthy or patient controls. The IgG seemed to be binding specifically, since IgG Fab fragments also bound to the tubing, and preincubation of serum with Silastic or silylated proteins removed most of the activity. These findings show that specific immune reactivity to elastomers of polydimethylsiloxane can develop in human beings.
Human adjuvant disease or autoimmune disease after implantation of foreign material occurs subsequent to injection or implantation of paraffin/silicone and, possibly, silicone polymers. Patients develop signs, symptoms, and laboratory abnormalities suggestive but not diagnostic of a connective-tissue or autoimmune disease. The purpose of this paper is to present a thorough review of the literature, case studies, and guidelines for the possible identification of these patients. While previously reported in the Japanese literature, at the present time there are still many questions surrounding this disorder. The condition has not as yet been well-established, and further research is needed to explore these relationships in the U.S. population.
Silicone implants have been associated with the development of multiple organ system abnormalities, including rheumatic disorders, nervous system, pulmonary dysfunction associated with autoantibodies and abnormalities of cellular immunity. In this regards a number of case reports and series of articles have been described. We hypothesized that an immune reaction to silicone breast implants would include the host reactivity against silicone and the macromolecules within the microenvironment of the implant, and these autoantibodies may react with other tissue antigens far from the site of the implant. To test this hypothesis 520 Symptomatic women with Silicone Implants which have developed Silicone related Immunological disorders and have typically complained of breast pain, Myalgia-Arthralgia, fatigue, or generalized pain, were examined by their physician. Blood samples were obtained and examined for the presence of Silicone antibodies, Myelin Basic Protein and human serum albumin antibodies. These samples were then compared to 520 matched controls without implants. At least at the level of two standard deviation silicone specific antibodies, IgG, IgA IgM, IgE and IgG+IgA+IgM antibodies were detected above the mean of normal controls. When these antibodies were classified based on the specialty of the examining physician, the % of patients with Silicone Antibodies were varied; general practice 51.6, Rheumatology 58.7, and Plastic Surgery 83.3, which may relate to the severeness of the disease. Being that a large % of patients demonstrated very high levels of Myelin Basic Protein Antibodies, possible cross reactive antibodies were sought. However, absorption of highly positive sera for Silicone Antibodies with MBP did not change the levels of Silicone Antibodies. On the other hand, Silicone-HSA was able to reduce the antibody values significantly. This reduction in antibody levels by Silicone is the best indication for the specificity of these antibodies. Moreover when data for silicone antibodies and MBP antibodies was analyzed in patients some with high and others with medium or low levels of silicone antibodies, MBP antibodies did not correspond to the silicone antibody levels. Similarly human serum albumin antibodies which was significantly higher in patients with silicone implants did not correlate with levels of silicone antibodies. These results indicate that immune reaction to silicone and different tissue antigens do occur and they are initiated through different mechanisms. And since predominant antibody class against silicone, MBP and HSA was IgM, clonal activation of IgM is possible which certainly warrants further investigation.
There is currently no proven cause-and-effect relationship between breast implants and autoimmune connective tissue disease. However, there is a growing concern that immunological sensitization to silicone could potentially develop in certain susceptible patients and that this could contribute to the development of autoimmune connective tissue disease. In this article I review the current status of this potential relationship. The following areas are discussed: chemistry of silicone, potential mechanisms for an immune response, implant failure, epidemiological and antibody studies of autoimmune connective tissue disease, and recent information on certain neurological findings in a group of patients with breast implants. Current large-scale epidemiological studies should help to define any potential relationship between breast implants and autoimmune connective tissue disease.
The present study was conducted to determine if 200 patients with silicone-gel implants demonstrated elevated levels of autoantibodies, compared with a similar group of 100 age-matched control subjects without breast implants. These results were then compared with 29 patients who had demonstrated implant rupture. Differences in the frequency of autoantibody levels were determined by the chi-squared test. Differences in autoantibody titers were determined by Wilcoxon's signed rank test. Differences were considered significant with p > 0.05. The prevalence of a positive antinuclear antibody (ANA) test (dilution 1:100) in the 200 patients with breast implants was 26.5% compared with 28% in the 100 control subjects. In 29 patients with implant rupture, only 17.2% tested ANA positive. These values were not significantly different. In addition, there were no significant differences between the ANA titers of positive patients in each group. In each of the three groups, all patients who tested ANA positive were analyzed to assess the frequency and titer of other autoantibodies, including anti-DNA, anti-cardiolipin, anti-SSA, anti-SSB, anti-SM, anti-RNP, and anti-Scl-70. There were no significant differences between the frequency or titer of any of these autoantibody levels in each of the three groups of patients. These studies strengthen the concept that there is no conclusive evidence that silicone-gel implants are related to the development of connective tissue disease.
Microscopic silicone in various tissues in the bodies of females with breast implants has led to the possible incrimination of these implants with connective-tissue disorders. Current technology precludes accurate silicone measurements, but all compounds containing the element silicon (which would include silicone) may be measured accurately. Direct positive correlations of silicon assays with silicone measured levels were confirmed by adding known amounts of silicone oil as a control. With the ubiquitous nature of organosilicons (food containers, syringes, etc.), we hypothesized that baseline silicon levels could be detected in tissues of cadavers without silicone breast augmentation. Ten cadavers were examined. Tissue samples were derived from subcutaneous fat, nipple, breast tissue, liver, spleen, and axillary nodes. Nine of 10 cadavers had silicon levels in various tissues. Measurements were performed by direct current atomic emission spectroscopy. The baseline data were compared with those from four augmented patients who underwent capsulectomies and implant removal. Silicon levels were fivefold higher in the augmented patients than in the nonaugmented cadavers. No difference in levels was noted if the patient had an intact or ruptured implant and/or was symptomatic versus asymptomatic for immunologic disease. This study was designed to measure baseline silicon levels in the normal population. It also has established an accurate level of measurement of tissue silicone.
There have been several anecdotal reports that silicone breast implants are associated with an increased incidence of autoimmune disease. Based upon these data as well as the theoretical potential of silicon and silicone immune interactions, we hypothesized that an immune response to a silicone breast implant would include host reactivity against components of the microenvironment within the implant milieu. To test this hypothesis, we obtained detailed histories and performed examinations of 57 consecutive, self-referred patients concerned about their breast implants. Eleven of these women were excluded for various reasons including previous exposure to bovine collagen. The remaining 46 women, as well as 45 normal women of approximately the same age and living in the same geographic region, were tested using a sensitive ELISA for the presence of autoantibodies to human native type I collagen, denatured type I collagen, native type II collagen and denatured type II collagen. Known positive and negative sera were included in all assays and the ELISA was performed and interpreted blindly. Positive sera were defined as an ELISA value of three standard deviations above the mean of the normal controls. Using these stringent criteria, there was a statistically significant incidence of antibodies to collagen in women with silicone breast implants. In fact, 35% of women with silicone breast implants had such antibodies; this is higher than we have observed in any other autoimmune disease and is similar to that of chronic erosive rheumatoid arthritis. We believe that silicone breast implants, in genetically susceptible hosts, may pose a significant risk for immunopathology.
Although initially it was thought that polydimethylsiloxane (silicone) was biologically inert, recent published studies have demonstrated varying levels of IgG antibody reactive with this structure in humans. The objective of our study was to determine whether silicone implanted in humans results in a measurable immune response directed against a 3700 mol wt hydroxyl terminated silicone molecule and whether that response could be correlated with the level of presumed silicone exposure as inferred by clinical history. In a blind study, sera from 111 patients, with and without breast implants, were sent to a laboratory using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to determine specific anti-silicone IgG antibody levels. Test results showed that patients with implants demonstrated statistically significant elevation in anti-silicone antibodies compared with the unimplanted control groups. The highest anti-silicone antibody levels were measured in implanted women with either frank implant ruptures or leakage of their silicone gel implants.
In the past 10 years, there have been multiple published reports associating silicone breast implants with scleroderma, morphea, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, CREST syndrome and "human adjuvant disease." The alleged offending material, silicone, is a synthetic polymer containing a silicon-oxygen backbone. Beginning with the heating of SiO2 in the presence of carbon, elemental silicon is produced. Methylchloride is added and the resulting product is hydrolyzed to form low molecular weight prepolymers which are linked to form linear silicone polymers and cross-linked to yield silicone rubbers or elastomers. The polymeric and hydrophobic characteristics of silicone and the presence of electrostatic charges and organic sidegroups make silicone a potentially ideal immunogen, leading to cross-reactivity with autoantigens. Silicon is an essential constituent of proteoglycans which theoretically could result in immunological cross-reactions between silicone and connective tissues. Although the literature contains numerous examples of silicone-associated autoimmune disease, there is no consistent pattern of immunological abnormalities observed. There are, however, some intriguing and interesting observations. Further large-scale studies are needed to determine if a link between silicone exposure and autoimmunity exists. Also, since the inducing events of autoimmune diseases are unknown, studies on silicone could provide a model for autoimmune diseases associated with toxicological factors.