... 38,72 Ten studies were in individuals with complete SCI only; 37,43,44,54,56,58,63,75,78 nine studies were in motor complete SCI only; 45,46,50,67,68,70,76,79,80 five studies were in incomplete and motor incomplete SCI; 41,47,51,55,57 and 19 studies were in both complete and incomplete SCI. 39,40,42,48,49,52,53,[59][60][61][64][65][66]69,71 Six studies stated individuals must have the ability to ambulate or have full range of motion of lower limbs; 51,63,68,74,76,78 whereas, eight studies included only individuals who were wheelchair-dependent, non-ambulatoryorunabletostandwithoutawalkingaid,standingframe, or brace. 38,52,55,57,58,64,70,80 Two studies included both ambulatory and non-ambulatory participants 59,61 and 28 studiesdidnotspecifyambulatorystatus.Allstudiesprimarily included men (718/842 participants). ...