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Boswellia serrata extract for the treatment of collagenous colitis. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, multicenter trial


Abstract and Figures

The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of Boswellia serrata extract (BSE) on symptoms, quality of life, and histology in patients with collagenous colitis. Patients with chronic diarrhea and histologically proven collagenous colitis were randomized to receive either oral BSE 400 mg three times daily for 6 weeks or placebo. Complete colonoscopy and histology were performed before and after treatment. Clinical symptoms and quality of life were assessed by standardized questionnaires and SF-36. The primary endpoint was the percentage of patients with clinical remission after 6 weeks (stool frequency<or=3 soft /solid stools per day on average during the last week). Patients of the placebo group with persistent diarrhea received open-label BSE therapy for a further 6 weeks. Thirty-one patients were randomized; 26 patients were available for per-protocol-analysis. After 6 weeks, the proportion of patients in clinical remission was higher in the BSE group than in the placebo group (per protocol 63.6%; 95%CI, 30.8-89.1 vs 26.7%, 95%CI, 7.7-55.1; p=0.04; intention-to-treat 43.8% vs 26.7%, p=0.25). Compared to placebo, BSE treatment had no effect on histology and quality of life. Five patients discontinued BSE treatment prematurely. Discontinuation was due to adverse events (n=1), unwillingness to continue (n=3), or loss to follow-up for unknown reasons (n=1). Seven patients received open-label BSE therapy, five of whom achieved complete remission. Our study suggests that BSE might be clinically effective in patients with collagenous colitis. Larger trials are clearly necessary to establish the clinical efficacy of BSE.
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Boswellia serrata extract for the treatment of collagenous
colitis. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled,
multicenter trial
Ahmed Madisch & Stephan Miehlke & Otto Eichele &
Jenny Mrwa & Birgit Bethke & Eberhard Kuhlisch &
Elke Bästlein & Georg Wilhelms & Andrea Morgner &
Bernd Wigginghaus & Manfred Stolte
Accepted: 3 July 2007 / Published online: 2 September 2007
Springer-Verlag 2007
Background and aims The objective of this study was to
investigate the effect of Boswellia serrata extract (BSE) on
symptoms, quality of life, and histology in patients with
collagenous colitis.
Materials and methods Patients with chronic diarrhea and
histologically proven collagenous colitis were randomized to
placebo. Complete colonoscopy and histology were performed
before and after treatment. Clinical symptoms and quality of
life were assessed by standardized questionnaires and SF-36.
The primary endpoint was the percentage of patients with
clinical remission after 6 weeks (stool frequency 3soft/solid
stools per day on average during the last week). Patients of the
placebo group with persistent diarrhea received open-label
BSE therapy for a further 6 weeks.
Results Thirty-one patients were randomized; 26 patients
were available for per-protocol-analysis. After 6 weeks, the
proportion of patients in clinical remission was higher in the
BSE group than in the placebo group (per protocol 63.6%;
95%CI, 30.889.1 vs 26.7%, 95%CI, 7.755.1; p=0.04;
intention-to-treat 43.8% vs 26.7%, p=0.25). Compared to
placebo, BSE treatment had no effect on histology and
quality of life. Five patients discontinued BSE treatment
prematurely. Discontinuation was due to adverse events (n=
1), unwillingness to continue (n=3), or loss to follow-up for
unknown reasons (n=1). Seven patients received open-label
BSE therapy, five of whom achieved complete remission.
Conclusions Our study suggests that BSE might be clinical-
ly effective in patients with collagenous colitis. Larger trials
are clearly necessary to establish the clinical efficacy of BSE.
Keywords Microscopic colitis
Collagenous colitis
Boswellia serrata extract
Collagenous colitis (CC) is a form of microscopic colitis
with an incidence of 0.6 to 5.2/100,000 person years and a
prevalence of 10 to 15.7/100,000 in Europe [13]. The
Int J Colorectal Dis (2007) 22:14451451
DOI 10.1007/s00384-007-0364-1
A. Madisch (*)
S. Miehlke
J. Mrwa
A. Morgner
Medical Department I, Technical University Hospital,
Fetscherstrasse 74,
01307 Dresden, Germany
O. Eichele
Koblenz, Germany
B. Bethke
M. Stolte
Institute for Pathology, Klinikum Bayreuth,
Bayreuth, Germany
E. Kuhlisch
Institute of Medical Informatics and Biometry,
Technical University Hospital,
Dresden, Germany
Present address:
E. Bästlein
Cologne, Germany
Present address:
G. Wilhelms
Goslar, Germany
Present address:
B. Wigginghaus
Osnabrück, Germany
disease is clinically characterized by chronic watery
diarrhea and few or no endoscopic abnormalities [4, 5].
The diagnosis of CC relies on histopathologic examination
of biopsy specimens from the colorectal mucosa, with a
typical feature being diffuse thickening of the subepithelial
collagen layer (10 μm) beneath the basement membrane
and a nonspecific chronic inflammatory infiltrate of the
lamina propria [610]. The etiology of CC is unknown.
Several hypotheses have been suggested. Autoimmunity
may play an important role arising from a poorly regulated
epithelial immune response to luminal antigens [1114].
There is also an increasing evidence for specific drugs to
cause or worsen collagenous colitis [15].
The treatment of CC has been purely empirical in the past
and remains a challenge. The first randomized placebo-
controlled trial suggested that treatment with bismuth sub-
salicylate has a positive effect on clinical symptoms and
histopathology in patients with collagenous and lymphocytic
colitis. However, because the number of patients in that study
was rather small (n=9), these data may need confirmation by
larger trials [16]. Recently, budesonide capsules have been
shown to be effective for induction of remission in
collagenous colitis in three placebo-controlled trials [17
19]. The majority of patients treated with budesonide
capsules experience a rapid induction of clinical remission,
a significant improvement of quality of life and histology
[20, 21]. However, a considerable clinical relapse rate after
cessation of treatment has been described [17, 22]. Thus,
alternative treatment modalities for acute and long-term
treatment of CC are needed.
Due to their anti-inflammatory properties, Boswellia
serrata extract (BSE) has been used in various inflamma-
tory disorders, such as bronchial asthma, chronic polyar-
thritis, and inflammatory bowel diseases [ 23 28 ].
This led us to hypothesize that BSE might also be effective
in collagenous colitis. The aim of this study was therefore to
evaluate the clinical and histologic effects of oral BSE in
patients with CC in an appropriate study design.
Materials and methods
Study desig n and recruitment of patients
The clinical trial was conducted in a randomized, placebo-
controlled, double-blind fashion performed at several
centers in Germany.
Patients, aged between 18 and 80 years were eligible for
the study if they had at least five liquid or soft stools per
day on average per week, a complete colonoscopy
performed within the last 4 weeks before randomization,
and a histologically confirmed diagnosis of collagenous
Exclusion criteria included treatment with budeson ide,
salicylates, steroids, prokinetics, antibiotics, ketoconazole,
or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs within 4 weeks
before randomization, other endoscopically or histological-
ly verified causes for diarrhea, infectious diarrhea, preg-
nancy or lactation, previous colonic surgery, and known
intolerance to BSE.
The study protocol and consent form were approved by
the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Dresden in
accordance with the revised Declaration of Helsinki.
Written informed consent was obtained from all patients
before inclusion in the trial.
Randomization and therapy
Eligible patients were randomized by groups of four
patients according to a central computer-generated random-
ization list to receive either BSE 400 mg or placebo given
three times daily with meals for 6 weeks (Fig. 1).
Physicians, patients, and pathologist were blinded to the
treatment group. Study medication was provided in identi-
cal-looking white boxes labeled with consecutive numbers
corresponding to the randomization list. In addition, the
placebo containers were prepared from the inside to mimic
the typical scent of incense to prevent unblinding by the
typical odor of BSE.
For each box of study medication, a sealed white
envelope was available to be opened only in case of
emergency for unblinding.
Concomitant use of loperamide was allowed for the first
3 weeks but was not allowed for the last 3 weeks of the
study. Patients were allowed to use butylscopolamine in
case of abdominal pain.
Patients who did not respond to treatment after 6 weeks
were individually unblinded. If they were in the active
treatment group, they were judged as treatment failure. If
they were in the placebo group, crossover therapy with
open-labeled BSE 400 mg, given orally three times daily
was offered.
Study medication
The preparation used in this study contained 400 mg of
BSE per capsule (80% Boswellia acid). High performance
liquid chroma tography (HPLC) analysis of individual
Boswellia acids revealed the following results: 21. 2 mg
11-k eto-β-boswellia acid, 27.3 mg α-boswellia acid,
50.9 mg β-boswellia acid, 11.3 mg acetyl-11-keto-β-
boswellia acid, 9.8 mg acetyl-α-boswellia acid, and
28.7 mg acetyl-β-boswellia acid. The study medication
was prepared and delivered by a local pharmacist in
Western Germany (O.E.) associated with a hospital for
1446 Int J Colorectal Dis (2007) 22:14451451
Clinical symptoms, safet y, and compliance
Stool frequency and c onsistency, intake of study medica-
tion, adverse events, and any intake of allowed concomitant
medication were assessed by standardized questionnaire.
Spontaneous reports of adverse events were documented at
the time of onset. The documentation sheets were collected
at the end of the treatment period.
Compliance was assessed by pill count. Patients who took
less than 80% of the prescribed pills were considered to be
non-compliant and excluded from the per-protocol analysis,
but were included in the intention-to-treat analysis.
The primary endpoint of the study was the percentage of
patients with clinical remission after 6 weeks. Histology
and quality of life served as secondary endpoints of the
study. Clinical remission was defined as stool frequency
equal to or less than three soft or solid stools per day on
average during the last week of treatment.
Quality of life
Quality of life was assessed by using SF-36 at baseline and
after 6 weeks of treatment. The SF-36 consists of four
domains of physical health (physical functioning, role
limitation-physical, bodily pain, general health) and four
domains of mental health (role limitation-emotional, vital-
ity, mental health, social functioning).
Endoscopy and histology
A complete colonoscopy including in spection of the
terminal ileum was performed at baseline and after 6 weeks,
i.e., at the end of therapy. At each colonoscopy, at least two
biopsy specimens each from the ileum, ascending colon,
transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and
rectum were taken for histological examination. Biopsy
specimens were fixed in 10% formalin and embedded in
Boswellia serrata Extract
n = 16
Intention-to-treat set
n = 16
Adverse event
n = 1
Unwillingness to continue
n = 3
Lost of follow-up
n = 1
Completed study
n = 11
Screened patients
n = 48
Not eligible
n = 17
n = 31
n = 15
Intention-to-treat set
n = 15
Completed study
n = 15
Open-label Therapy
n = 7
Fig. 1 Trial profile
Int J Colorectal Dis (2007) 22:14451451 1447
paraffin. Hemato xylin and eosin stain and van Gieson stain
were performed. On well-oriented sections, in which at
least three adjacent crypts were cut in the vertical plane, the
following three parameters were assessed: thickness of the
collagen band (μm), inflammation of the lamina propria
(semiquantitative score 03), and degeneration of surface
epithelium (present/absent). The diagno sis of CC was made
when the subepithelial collagen layer on at least one well-
oriented section of mucosa exceeded 10 μm.
For each individual patient, the values of each parameter
at the various biopsy sites were pooled and the mean was
Statistical analysis
For statistical analysis, the Banards exact test, Fishers
exact test, and the MannWhitney test were used when
appropriate. Less than 0.05 p values were c onsidered to
indicate statistical significance. The sample size of n=23
per group was required that a Fishers exact test with a 0.05
two-sided significance level will have 80% power to detect
the difference in the response rate between the active group
of 60% and the placebo group of 20%.
Statistical analyses were performed utilizing the software
package SPSS 13.0 for windows and StatXact-4.
Study population
Between October 2002 and April 2005, a total of 31
patients (16 BSE group) were enrolled. In May 2005, the
study was prematurely stopped due to insufficient recruit-
ment. The baseline characteristics of the two groups were
similar (Table 1). Eight patients (25.8%) of the study
population reported concomitant autoimmune-like disorders
such as diabetes, thyroid disease, or fibromyalgia. A total of
seven pati ents (22.5%; 4 patients BSE group; 3 patients of
placebo group) received concomitant medications that are
reportedly associated with microscopic colitis, such as
aspirin, NSAIDs, and lisinopril. Patients c ontinued their
concomitant medications during the entire study.
A total of four patients discontinued treatment prema-
turely either due to adverse events (one BSE group) or due
to unwillingness to continue (three BSE group, 2 weeks
after starting treatment with persistent diarrheal symptoms).
One patient of the BSE group was lost to follow-up for
unknown reason. Thus, a total of 26 patients (83.8%) were
available for per protocol analysis.
Efficacy of treatment
After 6 weeks, the rate of clinical remission was significantly
higher in the BSE group than in the placebo group (per
protocol 63.6%; 95%CI, 30.7989.07 vs 26.7%; 95%CI, 7.7
55.1) p=0.04); intention-to-treat, 43.8% vs 26.7%, p=0.25).
In the per-protocol analysis, the median stool frequency
per day was reduced from 6.5 (range, 415) to 3 (range, 17)
in the BSE group and from 5 (range, 410) to 4 (range, 19)
in the placebo group after 6 weeks of treatment (Fig. 2).
Change of stool consistency after treatment is depicted in
Fig. 3. After 3 weeks of treatment, clinical remission rates
were not significantly different between the two groups
(p=0.18). None of the patients used any antidiarrheals or
butylscopolamine during the entire study perio d.
Seven patients of the placebo group with persistent
diarrhea after 6 weeks of treatment agreed and received an
open-label BSE therapy for further 6 weeks. Of those, five
patients (71,4%) achieved clinical remission at the end of
cross-over BSE treatment.
Effect on histopathology
The thickness of the collagen layer was patchy distributed
through the entire the colon ranged between 0 to 15 μm.
The diagnosis of CC was made when the subepithelial
collagen layer on at least one well-oriented section of
mucosa exceeded 10 μm.
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients
BSE group
Placebo group
Age (year), median 64,5 53
Sex (female %) 87,5 80
Body weight (BMI), median 25 28
History of weight loss, (%) 39 40
Stool frequency/day, median
6,5 (415) 5 (49)
Time between onset of diarrhea
and diagnosis, %
<1 year 61.4 66.3
12 years 6,5 0
>2 years 32 33
Abdominal pain, n (%) 12 (75) 13 (86)
Baseline After 6 weeks of treatment
Boswellia serrata extract Placebo
Median Stool frequency per day
p = 0.062
Fig. 2 Median stool frequency at baseline and after 6 weeks of
treatment (per-protocol; p=0.062 vs placebo)
1448 Int J Colorectal Dis (2007) 22:14451451
At baseline, the mean of the collagen band thickness was
10.1 μm in the BSE group and 8.8 μm in the placebo
group. The corresponding inflammatory scores were 2.3
and 1.9, respectively. There was no significant difference
between both groups at baseline. After 6 weeks of
treatment, there was only a small reduction of collagen
band thickness and inflammation score without statistical
significance compared to baseline or between the groups.
Effect on quality of life
Complete SF-36 assessments at baseline and after 6 weeks
were available in 26 patients. At baseline, the mean scores
of all eight domains in the entire study population were
markedly lower in patients with collagenous colitis com-
pared to normal controls. After 6 weeks of treatment, there
were no statistical significant changes of quality of life in
the two groups compared to baseline and between groups.
Adverse events
BSE therapy was well tolerated, and no serious adverse
events were reported. Two patients of the BSE group did
experience some side effects. One of them withdrew after
3 weeks of treatment because of dizziness, hypoglycemia
(not judged as a severe adverse event by the local
investigator and protocol committee), and lack of appetite
and recovered to normal after cessation of treatment. The
second patient completed the 6-week treatment with
persistent diarrhea and newly diagnosed bacterial enteritis.
In the placebo group, one patient experienced adverse
events (eczema and Coxsackie virus infection) but still
completed the treatment.
At present, this is the second largest randomized, placebo-
controlled trial investigating medical intervention in collag-
enous colitis. Although our study failed to show a
statistically significant difference between Boswellia ser-
rata extract and placebo, the per-protocol analysis indicates
that Boswellia serrata extract may be clinically effective
and safe in the treatment of collagenous colitis.
The clinical course of collagenous colitis is variable with
spontaneous improvement or exacerbation of symptoms.
Thus, therapeutic trials of patients with collagenous colitis
require a placebo-controlled, randomized study design to
eliminate the effect of spontaneous improvement or other
sources of bias. Recently, budesonide capsules have been
proven effective for induction of remission in collagenous
colitis in three placebo-controlled trials [1719]. A recent
Cochrane review of these trials has calculated a number
needed to treat of two patients [29]. The same Cochrane
review included preliminary data from the present study
[30] and concluded that there was a trend towards clinical
improvement in patients receiving BSE treatment compared
to placebo and that there may have been a lack of power
given the small numbers of patients in each group [29].
Several clinical studies suggest an effect of Boswellia
serrata extract in patients with Crohns disease, ulcerative
colitis, and nonspecific colitis [2628]. In a randomized,
double-blind, parallel group study, Gerhardt et al. [26] have
shown that Boswellia serrata extract was not inferior to
mesalazine in maintenance therapy of patients with Crohn
disease. In another study, Boswellia serrata extract was
effective in patients with ulcerative colitis [27].
Thus, the rationale of our study was to investigate
Boswellia serrata extract in patients with collagenous
colitis in a randomized, placebo-controlled tri al. Unfortu-
nately, the study had to be stopped prematurely due to
insufficient recruitment. We speculate that the meanwhile
widely distributed acceptance of budesonide as first-line
treatment of collagenous colitis in Germany has contr ibuted
to a declining willingness of patients to participate in this
trial. Despite the low patient number, the per-protocol
analysis suggests a clinical effect of BSE with a therapeutic
gain of 37% over placebo. The clinical benefi t was further
supported by the observation that five out of seven patients
responded to crossover BSE.
The study was powered under the assumption of a
placebo response rate of 20%, but the placebo response rate
actually observed was far g reater (26,7%) compared to
other placebo controlled trials [17
19]. Possible explan-
ations for the high placebo response may be the spontane-
ous course of disease or aggravation of the placebo effect
by the odor of incense of the placebo container. Thus, the
high placebo response combined with the low patient
number may have obscured statistical separation between
BSE and placebo regarding the secondary study endpoints.
Quality of life, assessed by SF-36, was markedly
reduced in the present population with collagenous colitis
when compared to normal controls, which confirms
previous data of our study gr oup using GILQI [20].
However, in contrast to our previous study, we did not
Liquid to solid Liquid to soft Soft to solid no change
Boswellia serrata extract Placebo
Change of stool consistency after treatment
Number of patients
Fig. 3 Change of stool consistency after 6 weeks of treatment (per-
protocol; p>0.05 for all vs placebo)
Int J Colorectal Dis (2007) 22:14451451 1449
observe a significant change in quality of life comparing
both groups after therapy, which may be due the low patient
number or due to the short treatmen t period.
Treatment with Boswellia serrata extract was well
tolerated and safe. Only two p atients reported side effects.
One of them discontinued treatment prematurely because of
self-reported side-effects. Therefore, Boswellia serrata
extract might be considered as a useful therapeutic option
for patients with collagenous colitis.
The mode of action of BSE has been investigated in
several experimental studies showing that Boswellia acids
inhibit production of 5-lipooxygenase and synthesis of
leucotrienes [3235]. Furthermore, Boswellia acids are
catalytic inhibitors of human topoisomerase I and IIα [36].
In contrast to our previous clinical trial [18], we did not find
a significant influence on the histopathology in the present
study as would be expected based upon the anti-inflamma-
tory effect of BSE. A possible explanation could be again
that the treatment period of 6 weeks may have been too
short to improve histolology. The possible slow mode of
action was further supported by the observation that most of
the patients experienced clinical benefit only after 6 weeks
of BSE treatment. In contrast, budesonide treatment leads to
rapid induction of clinical remission [21].
In conclusion, our study suggests that oral Boswellia
serrata extract might be a clinically effective and safe
treatment modality for patients with collagenous colitis.
However, we strongly recommend to further investigate
BSE in larger clinical randomized trials before definite
conclusions can be drawn.
Acknowledgement We thank R. Beckmann for assistance in data
collection. We also thank M. Stewart for critical reviewing the
manuscript. We are grateful to the following colleagues for recruiting
patients to the study: R. Abuagela, H.-P. Bartram, P. Dietz, M.
Dornberg, D. Fuchs, E. Grüger, C Haferland, J. Keymling, E. Meier, J.
Morgenthaler, P. Rohde, G. Stegemann-Özdemir, and H. Wollmann.
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... Boswellia serrata oleo-gum resin, Indian frankincense was widely used for centuries in traditional medicine. Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions have been extensively investigated in several studies on different diseases like colitis, bronchial asthma, arthritis and malignancies [31][32][33][34][35]. Boswellia serrata resin is composed of monoterpenes, diterpenes, triterpenes, pentacyclic triterpenic acids (boswellic acids) and tetracyclic triterpenic acids [36][37][38][39]. ...
... The effect of Boswellia was tried in patients with collagenous colitis as well, where 400 mg oral BSE was given thrice daily for six weeks compared to a placebo. The remission rate was higher in BSE-treated patients but without any changes in histology or quality of life [34]. We conducted a 6-week clinical trial on 60 patients with active ulcerative colitis to investigate the effect of Boswellia extract on disease activity. ...
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Boswellia serrata is an ancient and valuable herb that was widely used throughout the centuries. Boswellia trees grow in India, Northern Africa, and the Middle East from which Frankincense or olibanum resin is taken. The beneficial effects of Boswellia and its active ingredients (Boswellic acids) were thoroughly investigated in many diseases. Where the non-redox and 5-lipoxygenase inhibitory actions were reported. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) mainly ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD) are chronic inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal system. Although the cause is still unclear, the immune system is claimed to have the upper hand in the pathogenesis of IBD. Several studies have demonstrated the ameliorating effect of Boswellic acids on the severity of IBD and the potential role of Boswellia in the induction or maintenance of remission. The aim of this chapter is to explore the the possible effect of Boswellia in IBD management as a complementary and alternative strategy.
... AKBA is an all-natural plant-derived complex extracted from Boswellia serrata. Previous clinical investigations revealed that boswellic acids were less harmful and tolerated by people [32], suggesting that the favorable clinical applicability of AKBA. The antioxidant effect of AKBA is well established in the literature and can effectively protect against various diseases, including ischemic brain injury, Alzheimer's disease, prostate tumor, and atherosclerosis in mice [15,16,33,34]. ...
Background: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an inflammatory condition of the pancreas characterized by oxidative stress and inflammation in its pathophysiology. Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKBA) is an active triterpenoid with antioxidant activity. This article seeks to assess the impact of AKBA on AP and investigate its underlying mechanisms. Methods: AP was induced in wild-type, Lyz2+/cre Nrf2fl/fl mice and Pdx1+/cre Nrf2fl/fl mice by caerulein. Serum amylase and lipase levels, along with histological grading, were utilized to evaluate the severity of AP. Murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) were isolated, cultured, and polarized to the M1 subtype. Flow cytometry and ELISA were utilized to identify the macrophage phenotype. Alterations in oxidative stress damage and intracellular ROS were observed. Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathways were also evaluated. Results: In a caerulein-induced mouse model of AP, treatment with AKBA reduced blood amylase and lipase activity and ameliorated pancreatic tissue histological and pathological features. Furthermore, AKBA significantly mitigated oxidative stress-induced damage and induced the expression of Nrf2 and HO-1 protein. Additionally, by using conditional knockout mice (Lyz2+/cre Nrf2fl/fl and Pdx1+/cre Nrf2fl/fl mice), we verified that Nrf2 primarily functions in macrophages rather than acinar cells. In vitro, AKBA inhibits pro-inflammatory M1-subtype macrophage polarization and reduces ROS generation through Nrf2/HO-1 oxidative stress pathway. Moreover, the protective effects of AKBA against AP were abolished in myeloid-specific Nrf2-deficient mice and BMDMs. Molecular docking results revealed interactions between AKBA and Nrf2. Conclusion: Our results confirm that AKBA exerts protective effects against AP in mice by inhibiting oxidative stress in macrophages through the Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway.
... Im Falle einer konkomitanten chologenen Diarrhö kann die Einnahme von Gallensäurebindern wie Cholestyramin eine Symptomlinderung herbeiführen [25]. Obgleich in randomisierten placebokontrollierten Studien die antientzündliche Wirksamkeit von Bismut-Subsalizylat [26] und Weihrauch [27] erwiesen ist, ist im Falle einer ausbleibenden Symptombesserung in erster Linie die Einleitung einer Therapie mit Budesonid angezeigt. ...
... Boswellic acids exhibit a wide range of biological effects including anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antiviral, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, hemolytic, antipruritic, spasmolytic, and antithrombotic properties (Hussain et al. 2017;Rajabian et al. 2022). According to the literature, their most important Kiana Nakhaei and Sara Bagheri-Hosseini contributed equally biological effects of boswellic acids are related to their strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity via the inhibition of pro-inflammatory enzymes (Siddiqui 2011;Ammon 2016 The potential anti-inflammatory effects of boswellic acids are responsible for their therapeutic effects in autoimmune diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (Gerhardt et al. 2001;Takada et al. 2006;Madisch et al. 2007), arthritis rheumatoid (Sander et al. 1998;Wang et al. 2014), and psoriasis (Wang et al. 2018). Boswellic acids have been administrated for inflammatory disease treatment such as osteoarthritis (Yu et al. 2020) and asthma Zhou et al. 2015). ...
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Boswellic acids, the main active compound found in the oleo-gum resin of Boswellia serrata Roxb., Burseraceae, have been used in traditional and modern medicine due to their strong therapeutic effects. These pentacyclic triterpene structures exhibit a wide range of biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antiviral, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective, antidiabetic, antimicrobial, hemolytic, antipruritic, spasmolytic, and antithrombotic properties. However, despite their beneficial effects against chronic diseases through multi-targeting properties such as inhibition of leukotriene and prostaglandin synthesis, the poor pharmacokinetic properties of boswellic acids lead to poor pharmacological performance. To address this issue, this review focuses on different strategies for boswellic acid nanoparticle formation and their therapeutic effects. Novel drug delivery systems such as polymeric micelles, metallic nanoparticles (ZnO and Ag), polymeric nanoparticles (chitosan and lactic-co-glycolic acid), nano metal organic frameworks (zeolitic imidazolate framework-8), phytosome, liposome, and nanogel are used for boswellic acid nanoparticle formation to increase oral bioavailability and pharmacokinetic properties. Overall, these novel drug delivery systems enhance the biological effects and pharmacokinetics properties of boswellic acids. Therefore, nanoparticle formation represents an important approach to improve the valuable therapeutic effects of boswellic acids.Graphical Abstract
... This oil is rich in n-6PUFA, a-linoleic acid, and Ulinoleic acid [101]. A clinical trial of 6 weeks was conducted on rheumatoid arthritis patients, the results of which show reduction in inflammatory mediators (IL-1b and TNF-a) and attenuation of morning stiffness in the case of the experimental group [102]. The symptoms of disease reduced after a period of 24 weeks in the case of rheumatoid arthritis patients. ...
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Trismus is a common, extremely detrimental side effect following definitive radiotherapy for head and neck malignancies. Existing therapeutic modalities (active and passive range-of-motion exercises and systemic therapies) offer only modest, slow improvements in jaw opening; thus, there is a need for additional treatment options. Boswellia serrata (BS) ("Indian frankincense") is a tree native to West Asia and North Africa that produces resin-containing “boswellic” acids. These have been shown to have in vitro and in vivo anti-inflammatory effects and have previously been found to be an effective treatment for asthma, colitis, arthritis, and post-radiation edema. Herein we report the case of a 54-year-old male with severe post-radiation trismus who experienced a dramatic resolution with BS/Therabite® combination therapy. His trismus improved from 6 mm to 45 mm over 10 weeks (0.46 mm/day), far exceeding previous rates of improvement documented in the literature. There were no ill effects. Given the dearth of effective treatments for post-radiation trismus, BS is a promising agent deserving of further study.
Boswellia serrata ole-gum-resin extracts (BSEs) are commonly used as food supplements, especially in osteoarthritis management. The quality standard is established by determining 11-keto-β-boswellic acid (KBA) and acetyl-11-keto-boswellic acid (AKBA) content using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or assessing the total boswellic acid (TBA) content by titrimetry. The limited geographical distribution of Boswellia species and increasing industrial demand could increase the risk of adulteration in Boswellia-containing products. In this study, 14 BSEs from commercial sources, used in food supplements, were analyzed in comparison with a USP Reference Standard extract. The KBA and AKBA content was determined by HPLC, whereas the TBA content was determined by titration. Targeted UHPLC-high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) was applied to identify the carboxylic acid content in the samples. The 1H NMR spectra of extracts were also analyzed. Only two products met the criteria for KBA and AKBA content. Although, the TBA content complied with the expected amount, 10 extracts contained citric acid levels of 6-11% even though citric acid is not a cha-racteristic component of BSEs. Our results suggest undeclared addition of citric acid to comply with declared contents of TBA when using titration methods. Incorporation of citric acid to industrial samples - in order to alter the outcomes of the titration analysis - was demonstrated for the first time.
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There has been a lot of interest in using naturally occurring substances to treat a wide variety of chronic disorders in recent years. From the gum resin of Boswellia serrata and Boswellia carteri, the pentacyclic triterpene molecules known as boswellic acid (BA) are extracted. We aimed to provide a detailed overview of the origins, chemistry, synthetic derivatives, pharmacokinetic, and biological activity of numerous Boswellia species and their derivatives. The literature searched for reports of B. serrata and isolated BAs having anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, hypolipidemic, immunomodulatory, anti-diabetic, hepatoprotective, anti-asthmatic, and clastogenic activities. Our results revealed that the cytotoxic and anticancer effects of B. serrata refer to its triterpenoid component, including BAs. Three-O-acetyl-11-keto—BA was the most promising cytotoxic molecule among tested substances. Activation of caspases, upregulation of Bax expression, downregulation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB), and stimulation of poly (ADP)-ribose polymerase (PARP) cleavage are the primary mechanisms responsible for cytotoxic and antitumor effects. Evidence suggests that BAs have shown promise in combating a wide range of debilitating disease conditions, including cancer, hepatic, inflammatory, and neurological disorders. Graphical abstract
Objective: The incidence of collagenous and lymphocytic colitis is not well known. We sought to assess the incidence of collagenous and lymphocytic colitis in a well-defined population during a 5-yr study period. Methods: From January 1, 1993, to December 31, 1997, all new patients diagnosed with collagenous or lymphocytic colitis living in the catchment area of the Hospital Mútua de Terrassa (Barcelona, Spain) were identified. Since 1993 all patients with chronic diarrhea were referred for a diagnostic colonoscopy. Multiple biopsy sampling of the entire colon was performed when appearance of the colonic mucosa was grossly normal. Results: Twenty-three cases of collagenous colitis and 37 of lymphocytic colitis were diagnosed. The female:male ratios were 4.75:1 and 2.7:1 for collagenous and lymphocytic colitis, respectively. The mean age at onset of symptoms was 53.4 ± 3.2 (range, 29–82) yr for collagenous colitis, and 64.3 ± 2.7 (range, 28–87) yr for lymphocytic colitis (p = 0.012). The mean annual incidence per 100,000 inhabitants based on the year of onset of symptoms was 1.1 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.4–1.7) for collagenous colitis, and 3.1 (95% CI, 2.0–4.2) for lymphocytic colitis. A peak incidence was observed in older women in both diseases. A rate of microscopic colitis of 9.5 per 100 normal-looking colonoscopies performed in patients with chronic watery diarrhea was observed. Normal rectal biopsies were found in 43% and 8% of patients with collagenous and lymphocytic colitis, respectively. Conclusions: The incidence of lymphocytic colitis is three times higher than that of collagenous colitis. Microscopic colitis should be considered as a major possibility in the work-up of chronic diarrhea in older women.
Microscopic colitis is an increasingly common cause of chronic diarrhea, and often causes abdominal pain and weight loss. The colonic mucosa appears normal or nearly normal endoscopically, and the diagnosis is made in the appropriate clinical setting when there is intraepithelial lymphocytosis and a mixed lamina propria inflammatory infiltrate. The 2 subtypes, collagenous and lymphocytic colitis, are similar clinically and histologically, and are distinguished by the presence or absence of a thickened subepithelial collagen band. Many potential pathophysiologic mechanisms have been proposed, but no convincing unifying mechanism has been identified. There are many anecdotal reports on treatment, but few controlled trials have been performed in these patients, although a systematic approach to therapy often leads to the satisfactory control of symptoms.
Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid (AKAB) from Boswellia serrata and B. carterii acts directly on purified 5-lipoxygenase of human blood leukocytes at a selective site for pentacyclic triterpenes that is different from the arachidonate substrate binding site. The pentacyclic triterpene ring is crucial for binding to the enzyme, whereas functional groups (11-keto function in addition to a hydrophilic group on C 4 of ring A) are essential for the 5-lipoxygenase activity.
To evaluate the histologic manifestations of collagenous colitis and correlate histologic changes with disease behavior, 14 patients who had undergone sequential evaluations during 336 months of follow-up were studied. Two hundred twelve tissue specimens from all anatomic regions of the colon (mean, 153 samples per patient) were interpretated independently under code by two pathologists. Eight patients (57%) had histologic resolution after 144 months of empiric therapy and in only one of these (12%) did symptoms persist. Four patients (29%) had sequential histologic examinations from the same anatomic region that varied from classical collagenous colitis to ilflamed mucosa without a thickened collagen band to normal mucosa. Eight patients (57%) had varying histologic findings from different anatomic regions during the same examination that ranged from classical collagenous colitis to increased inflammation with resolution of the collagen band to normal mucosa. Normal mucosa was found mainly in specimens from the rectosigmoid, and proctosigmoidoscopic examinations alone would have missed the diagnosis of collagenous colitis in 40% of cases. Pathologic interpretations were concordant in 171 of 212 instances (81%). We conclude that histologic resolution of collagenous colitis can occur and it is associated with loss of symptoms. The histologic features of collagenous colitis are distinctive, but they may be patchy and inconsistently sampled. Rectosigmoid biopsies underestimate the diagnosis.
Background: Leukotrienes and prostaglandines are important mediators of inflammation. While prostaglandine synthesis can be influenced by NSAIDs therapeutical approaches to the 5-lipoxygenase pathway are rare. Resinous extracts of Boswellia serrata (H15, indish incense), known from traditional ayurvedic medicine, decrease leukotriene synthesis in vitro. Case reports suggest a clinical role for that drug. Methods: Outpatients with active RA have been enrolled into a multicenter controlled trial. Patients received 9 tablets of active drug (3600 mg) or placebo daily in addition to their previous therapy. Doses of NSAIDs could be adjusted on demand. Efficacy parameters, Ritchies Index for swelling and pain, ESR, CRP, pain on VAS and NSAID dose were documented at baseline and 6 and 12 weeks after initiation. Mean values and medians were calculated to compare the groups for significant or clinically relevant change from baseline or difference between both groups at any time point of observation. Results: A total of 78 patients were recruited in 4 centers, the data have been published in abstractform. Only 37 patients (verum 18, placebo 19), enrolled in Ratingen were available for detailled efficacy and safety analysis. All evaluations in these patients were performed by one investigator (G.H.). There was no subjective, clinical or laboratory parameter showing a significant or clinically relevant change from baseline or difference between both groups at any time point of observation. The mean NSAID dose reduction reached levels of 5.8% (H15) and 3.1% (placebo). One patient in each group showed a good response in all parameters but 4 patients in each group worsened. The others showed no alteration of their disease. Conclusion: Treatment with H15 showed no measurable efficacy. Controlled studies including a greater patient population are necessary to confirm or reject our results.
Lymphocytic colitis, previously termed “microscopic colitis”, is a clinicopathologic syndrome of watery diarrhea, grossly normal colonoscopy, and mucosal inflammatory changes. Since lymphocytic colitis is a new, incompletely characterized entity, a histopathologic study was performed to compare lymphocytic colitis (n = 16), collagenous colitis (n = 17), idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease (n = 16), acute colitis (n = 16), and histologically normal colon (n = 12). The study was a blinded semiquantitative analysis of histologic features in the surface epithelium, lamina propria, and crypts. The most distinctive feature of lymphocytic colitis was increased intraepithelial lymphocytes, particularly in the surface epithelium (P = .0001 v idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease, acute colitis, and normal colon). Other prominent features of lymphocytic colitis included surface epithelial damage (P < .005 v diopathic inflammatory bowel disease and normal colon), increased lamina propria chronic inflammation (P < .01 v normal), and minimal crypt distortion or active cryptitis. There were striking similarities between lymphocytic colitis and collagenous colitis, but subepithelial collagen thickening was seen only in collagenous colitis. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease showed prominent crypt distortion and greater active inflammation, in addition to minimal intraepithelial lymphocytes. Acute colitis occasionally demonstrated prominent surface epithelial damage, but was otherwise dissimilar from lymphocytic colitis. We reached the following conclusions: (1) the entity “microscopic colitis” shows characteristic histopathology including prominent lymphocytic infiltration of epithelium, and thus, a more appropriate designation is lymphocytic colitis; (2) although lymphocytic colitis closely resembles collagenous colitis, each entity is distinct on biopsy; and (3) lymphocytic colitis is readily distinguishable from idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease, acute forms of colitis, and normal colorectum.
Microscopic colitis (MC) causes chronic diarrhea, abdominal cramping, nausea, and weight loss. Colonic mucosa appears normal on endoscopy; however, biopsies show abnormalities such as intraepithelial lymphocytosis in lymphocytic colitis, and a thickened subepithelial collagen band in collagenous colitis. Epidemiologic data demonstrates that MC is a more common cause of diarrhea than previously shown. Although the etiology of this condition is unclear, certain well-defined risk factors exist. Recently there has been more research on the pathophysiology of MC, and studies on treatment have demonstrated budesonide to be most effective, although other treatments also hold promise.
To evaluate the histologic manifestations of collagenous colitis and correlate histologic changes with disease behavior, 14 patients who had undergone sequential evaluations during 33 +/- 6 months of follow-up were studied. Two hundred twelve tissue specimens from all anatomic regions of the colon (mean, 15 +/- 3 samples per patient) were interpretated independently under code by two pathologists. Eight patients (57%) had histologic resolution after 14 +/- 4 months of empiric therapy and in only one of these (12%) did symptoms persist. Four patients (29%) had sequential histologic examinations from the same anatomic region that varied from classical collagenous colitis to inflamed mucosa without a thickened collagen band to normal mucosa. Eight patients (57%) had varying histologic findings from different anatomic regions during the same examination that ranged from classical collagenous colitis to increased inflammation with resolution of the collagen band to normal mucosa. Normal mucosa was found mainly in specimens from the rectosigmoid, and proctosigmoidoscopic examinations alone would have missed the diagnosis of collagenous colitis in 40% of cases. Pathologic interpretations were concordant in 171 of 212 instances (81%). We conclude that histologic resolution of collagenous colitis can occur and it is associated with loss of symptoms. The histologic features of collagenous colitis are distinctive, but they may be patchy and inconsistently sampled. Rectosigmoid biopsies underestimate the diagnosis.
To determine: (1) whether there is an association between collagenous colitis and coeliac disease or lymphocytic colitis; (2) the distribution of lymphocyte subsets and macrophages in the lamina propria and surface epithelial layer in collagenous colitis; and (3) the colorectal distribution of the disease and whether a mucosal biopsy specimen, using a flexible sigmoidoscope, is sufficient to diagnose it. The clinical data and colorectal biopsy specimens from 38 patients with collagenous colitis were studied. In 10, small bowel biopsy specimens were also available for review. Immunostaining of the mucosal lymphoid infiltrate with a panel of relevant antibodies was carried out on formalin fixed tissue in seven cases; in three the phenotyping was performed on fresh biopsy specimens separately frozen or fixed in B5 solution. Coeliac disease was found in four out of the 10 patients with collagenous colitis who had had a small bowel biopsy, in contrast to the prevalence of the disease in Australia of 1 in 3000. Collagenous colitis did not respond to gluten withdrawal. Five of 29 (17%) of the patients had a mixed pattern of lymphocytic and collagenous colitis. Immunostaining of the lymphoid infiltrate showed that the striking increase in intraepithelial lymphocytes in collagenous colitis was due to an influx of CD8 positive cells. The occurrence and severity of collagenous colitis along the large bowel were independent of the anatomical site, and in more than 90% of cases biopsy specimens from the sigmoid colon or rectum were diagnostic. There is a very high incidence of coeliac disease among patients with collagenous colitis so that jejunal biopsy should be an essential part of their investigations, especially if symptoms persist. However, only a minority showed a mixed pattern of lymphocytic and collagenous colitis. The intraepithelial lymphocytes in collagenous colitis are CD8 positive cells. Collagenous colitis can be diagnosed from rectal or sigmoid colon biopsy specimens in more than 90% of cases.