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First Record of Lyme Disease Borrelia in the Arctic



The epidemiology and ecology of Lyme disease is very complex, and its reported geographical distribution is constantly increasing. Furthermore, the involvement of birds in long distance dispersal and their role as reservoir hosts is now well established. In this study, we have shown that sea birds in the Arctic region of Norway carry Ixodes uriae ticks infected with Lyme disease Borrelia garinii spirochetes. Interestingly, DNA sequencing showed that these isolates are closely related to B. garinii previously isolated from birds, as well as from clinical specimens in northern Europe.
Volume 7, Number 3, 2007
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/vbz.2006.0644
Short Report
First Record of Lyme Disease Borrelia in the Arctic
The epidemiology and ecology of Lyme disease is very complex, and its reported geographical distribution is con-
stantly increasing. Furthermore, the involvement of birds in long distance dispersal and their role as reservoir
hosts is now well established. In this study, we have shown that sea birds in the Arctic region of Norway carry
Ixodes uriae ticks infected with Lyme disease Borrelia garinii spirochetes. Interestingly, DNA sequencing showed
that these isolates are closely related to B. garinii previously isolated from birds, as well as from clinical speci-
mens in northern Europe. Key Words: Borrelia—Lyme disease—Ixodes uriae—Ticks—Zoonosis—Arctic—Birds—
Common guillemot—Uria aalge. Vector-Borne Zoonotic Dis. 7, 00–00.
is a tick-borne zoonosis caused
by the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l)
species: B. burgdorferi, B. garinii, and B. afzelii.
Several symptoms are indistinct and tick ex-
posure or a stay in a tick endemic area are im-
portant factors for physicians to diagnose Lyme
disease (Stanek et al. 1996).
While terrestrial B. burgdorferi s.l vectors such
as I. ricinus, I. persulcatus, and I. scapularis live
in temperate regions, the seabird tick Ixodes
uriae thrives in bird colonies in polar and tem-
perate regions of both hemispheres. In previ-
ous studies, I. uriae ticks collected from several
locations worldwide were found to carry Bor-
relia (Olsen et al. 1993, 1995). Although spe-
cialized to bird colonies, these ticks may attack
mammals such as grazing sheep and humans
when given the opportunity. Hence, I. uriae is
a potential vector of human and livestock Lyme
borreliosis (Arthur 1963).
In the present study, we report the presence
of Borrelia in I. uriae ticks collected on the
Varanger peninsula in arctic Norway situated
at 70°N. This is the northernmost finding of this
pathogen ever reported. Since bird colonies are
frequently visited by tourists and scientists,
awareness of Borrelia and the potential occur-
rence of Lyme disease in the arctic, outside its
general habitat, is essential.
Collection of ticks
Ixodes uriae from nesting common guillemots
(Uria aalge), Brünnich’s guillemots (Uria
lomvia), razorbills (Alca torda), and puffins
Department of Molecular Biology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.
Department of Infectious Diseases, Umeå University, Umeå, and Section for Zoonotic Ecology and Epidemiology,
Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Kalmar University, Kalmar, Sweden.
(Fratercula arctica) were collected in Hornøya,
(70°37N 31°10E) on the Varanger peninsula in
northern Norway.
DNA sequencing and phylogenetic analysis
To examine ticks for the presence of Borrelia,
DNA was extracted and screened by real-time
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as previously
described (Tsao et al. 2004). If positive, the phy-
logenetic status was determined by partial se-
quencing of the intergenic spacer (IGS) region
between the rrs (16S) and rrl (23S) as previously
described (Bunikis et al. 2004). Sequences of 492
bp were compared to those of other B. garinii
isolates from various sources by ClustalW
( Novel IGS variants were de-
posited in GenBank.
I. uriae ticks were collected from a bird
colony in the Barents Sea. In total, four differ-
ent Borrelia strains were obtained. By partial se-
quencing of the IGS, all isolates were identified
as B. garinii. Two strains, Var3 and Var4 (Gen-
Bank EF190484 and EF190485), were found
in one tick each. One strain, Var2 (GenBank
EF190483), was found in two ticks, and the last
strain, Var1 (GenBank EF190482), was found in
three individual ticks. All Borrelia-positive ticks
were collected from common guillemots except
for one of the Var1 strains, which was obtained
from a tick found on one of the authors. Ticks
were collected also from other bird species, but
only ticks from or near common guillemots car-
ried Borrelia. However, the sample size (less
1. C
492 IGS N
Varanger alignment
group Strain Source Location Environment score (%)
Var1 Far01 I. uriae feeding on puffin Faroe Island Auk colony 100
Var3 DQ307375 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 99
european robin bird ringers
Var3 Bio56002 Human skin biopsy Sweden 98
Var2 Bio56056 Human skin biopsy Sweden 98
Var2 DQ307376 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 98
tree pipit bird ringers
Var3 DQ307374 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 98
trush nightingale bird ringers
Var4 DQ307375 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 97
european robin bird ringers
Var4 DQ307374 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 97
trush nightingale bird ringers
Var4 Bio56002 Human skin biopsy Sweden 95*
Var3 Bio56016 Human skin biopsy Sweden 95
Var2 Bio56016 Human skin biopsy Sweden 95
Var4 Bio56016 Human skin biopsy Sweden 95
Var2 DQ307373 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 95
tree pipit bird ringers
Var3 DQ307373 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 95
tree pipit bird ringers
Var4 DQ307373 I. ricinus feeding on Sweden Migrating; caught by 95
tree pipit bird ringers
Var3 IP90 I. persulcatus Russia 40
Var4 IP90 I. persulcatus Russia 40
Var2 IP90 I. persulcatus Russia 38
Var1 IP90 I. persulcatus Russia 38
488 bases of IGS were used for sequence comparison.
Only similarities of 95% or more are shown. B. garinii IP90 is included as an example of a less related strain.
than 50) from these other bird species was too
small to allow conclusions from this observa-
The IGS of these Varanger samples
(Var1–Var4) were compared to sequences of
other B. garinii strains, both published and un-
published. By phylogenetic analysis (Table 1),
the Var1 IGS sequence was found to be identi-
cal to strains previously isolated from I. uriae
feeding on puffins in the Faroe Islands (Gylfe
et al. 1999).
The Var2 and Var3 sequences from Varanger
were highly similar both to clinical samples
from Lyme disease patients in southern Swe-
den and to bacteria isolated from ticks feeding
on migratory passerine birds in the same area
(Comstedt et al. 2006). The Varanger strains
show strong similarities to B. garinii strains
found in the sea bird tick I. uriae, in I. ricinus
feeding on passerine birds, and to human clin-
ical isolates in northern Europe (Table 1). This
indicates transmission of Borrelia between dif-
ferent ecological niches.
Lyme disease borreliae are mainly associated
with temperate regions, but have also been
found in birds and ticks collected in colder cli-
mates such as the Antarctic, in the Faroe Is-
lands, Iceland, Alaska, and New Foundland
(Olsen et al. 1995, Smith et al. 2006). In this re-
port we demonstrate the presence of Borrelia in
ticks collected in an arctic bird colony, making
this the first report of Borrelia above the Arctic
Circle. Due to a small sample size, we cannot
draw conclusions about the prevalence of Bor-
relia among ticks in this region, although 5% is
a rough estimate.
By comparing DNA sequences of these iso-
lates to those of other B. garinii strains, we could
conclude that the IGS of B. garinii Var1 strains
is identical to those of strains from the Faroe
Islands (Table 1). Var2–Var4 exhibit close se-
quence relatedness to strains isolated from
Lyme disease patients in southern Sweden
(Table 1). The strains also show a high level of
similarity to bacteria found in I. ricinus ticks
collected from migrating passerine birds in the
same area. I. ricinus is the major vector of Lyme
disease in Europe and this suggests a flux of
bacteria not only geographically between sea
birds but also between the marine cycle of sea
birds and I. uriae, and the terrestrial cycle of I.
ricinus, passerines, small mammals, and hu-
mans. We believe the transfer between the ter-
restrial and marine Borrelia cycles occurs via
small mammals such as rodents visiting bird
colonies to feed, or by nesting passerines (Olsen
et al. 1993) in the colonies being fed on by I.
uriae. Transmission of bacteria between I. rici-
nus and sea birds is less likely due to their dif-
ferent ecological preferences. When taking tick
distribution into account, it is more likely that
the two tick species, I. ricinus and I. uriae, may
share the same geographical niches at lower al-
We report a finding of B. garinii strains iso-
lated from sea bird-associated ticks bearing
nearly identical sequence similarity to human
clinical isolates. Altogether, these results chal-
lenge the grouping of B. garinii into “bird re-
lated” versus “mammal or human related”
strains. Our findings demonstrate a broader
geographic distribution of Borrelia than previ-
ously thought and highlight the importance of
birds, ticks and mammals in Borrelia ecology
and dispersal in regions including the Arctic.
Pernilla Jatko is acknowledged for technical
assistance and Betty Guo for critically reading
the manuscript. This study was supported by
Formas, the Swedish Council for Environment,
Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning
(grant 23.0161), The Swedish Research Council
(grants 05489 and 07922), and the J.C. Kempe
Arthur, DR. British Ticks. London: Butterworths; 1963.
Bunikis, J, Garpmo, U, Tsao, J, Berglund, J, et al. Sequence
typing reveals extensive strain diversity of the Lyme
borreliosis agents Borrelia burgdorferi in North America
and Borrelia afzelii in Europe. Microbiology 2004;
Comstedt, P, Bergstrom, S, Olsen, B, Garpmo, U, et al.
Migratory passerine birds as reservoirs of Lyme bor-
reliosis in Europe. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12:1087–
Gylfe, A, Olsen, B, Strasevicius, D, Marti Ras, N, et al. Iso-
lation of Lyme disease Borrelia from puffins (Fratercula
arctica) and seabird ticks (Ixodes uriae) on the Faeroe Is-
lands. J Clin Microbiol 1999; 37:890–896.
Olsen, B, Jaenson, TG, Noppa, L, Bunikis, J, et al. A Lyme
borreliosis cycle in seabirds and Ixodes uriae ticks. Na-
ture 1993; 362:340–342.
Olsen, B, Duffy, DC, Jaenson, TG, Gylfe, A, et al. Trans-
hemispheric exchange of Lyme disease spirochetes by
seabirds. J Clin Microbiol 1995; 33:3270–3274.
Smith, RP, Muzaffar, SB, Lavers, J, Lacombe, EH, et al.
Borrelia garinii in seabird ticks (Ixodes uriae), Atlantic
Coast, North America. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12:
Stanek, G, O’Connell, S, Cimmino, M, Aberer, E, et al. Eu-
ropean Union Concerted Action on Risk Assessment in
Lyme Borreliosis: clinical case definitions for Lyme bor-
reliosis. Wien Klin Wochenschr 1996; 108:741–747.
Tsao, JI, Wootton, JT, Bunikis, J, Luna, MG, et al. An eco-
logical approach to preventing human infection: vacci-
nating wild mouse reservoirs intervenes in the Lyme
disease cycle. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004; 101:
Address reprint requests to:
Dr. Sven Bergström
Department of Molecular Biology
Umeå University
SE-901 87 Umeå, Sweden
... Later serological studies demonstrated that colonial seabirds are frequently exposed to this infectious agent, particularly in North Atlantic colonies where the prevalence of seropositive birds averages almost 40% (Lobato et al., 2011;Staszewski et al., 2008). Seropositive individuals and infected ticks have also been found within sub-Arctic colonies of northern Norway and Iceland (Dietrich et al., 2008;Duneau et al., 2008;Gasparini et al., 2001;Larsson et al., 2007). Genetic analyses of infected ticks demonstrated that the most frequently encountered Borrelia species in these seabird colonies is B. garinii, but other genospecies, such as B. burgdorferi ss and B. afzelii also occur (Dietrich et al., 2008;Duneau et al., 2008). ...
Full-text available
Climate change is most strongly felt in the polar regions of the world, with significant impacts for the species that live there. The arrival of parasites and pathogens from more temperate areas may become a significant problem for these populations, but current observations of parasite presence often lack a historical reference of prior absence. Observations in the high Arctic of the seabird tick Ixodes uriae suggested that this species expanded poleward in the last two decades in relation to climate change. As this tick can have a direct impact on the breeding success of its seabird hosts and vectors several pathogens, including Lyme disease spirochaetes, understanding its invasion dynamics is essential for predicting its impact on polar seabird populations. Here, we use population genetic data and host serology to test the hypothesis that I. uriae recently expanded into Svalbard. Both Black‐legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) and Thick‐billed murres (Uria lomvia) were sampled for ticks and blood in Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen. Ticks were genotyped using microsatellite and population genetic analyses were performed using data from 14 reference populations from across the tick's northern distribution. In contrast to predictions, the Spitsbergen population showed high genetic diversity and significant differentiation from reference populations, suggesting long‐term isolation. Host serology also demonstrated a high exposure rate to Lyme disease spirochaetes (Bbsl). Targeted PCR and sequencing confirmed the presence of Borrelia garinii in a Spitsbergen tick, demonstrating the presence of Lyme disease bacteria in the high Arctic for the first time. Taken together, results contradict the notion that I. uriae has recently expanded into the high Arctic. Rather, this tick has likely been present for some time, maintaining relatively high population sizes and an endemic transmission cycle of Bbsl. Close future observations of population infestation/infection rates will now be necessary to relate epidemiological changes to ongoing climate modifications.
... In serological tests, various Borrelia species that cause relapsing fever and other illnesses can cross-react with B. burgdorferi s.l. [7]. ...
Full-text available
Abstract Tick is an arthropod vector that is known to transmit several zoonotic diseases that are responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in the susceptible hosts. Lyme disease (LD) is the most common tick-borne emerging disease caused by the genus Borrelia spirochete bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, a bacterium from the Spirochaetaceae family. The reservoir hosts are defined as animals that infect a considerable number of ticks that feed on them. Humans and domesticated animals are incidental hosts. In endemic locations, members of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex cycle between tick vectors and wild animal reservoir hosts. Three-host hard ticks of the genus Ixodes transmit the organisms in this complex. Approximately half of patients with early illness have erythema migrans, a confined skin lesion. Lyme borreliosis is diagnosed by looking to this lesion. In animals, the symptoms generated by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato are poorly understood. Clinical indicators, epidemiology (i.e., a history of tick exposure in an endemic area), elimination of other diseases, laboratory data, and drug response are all used to make a Lyme disease diagnosis. Tick populations and human tick interactions have been targeted as strategic measures to lowering Lyme disease infection rates. In most jurisdictions, public health information that promotes Lyme disease awareness and provides advice on how to treat tick bites is the most effective strategy for avoiding the infection. Keywords: Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato; Emerging zoonosis; Erythema migrans; Lyme disease; Public health; Tick
... The Arctic is an important ecosystem for monitoring climatedisease interactions because it is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet (Cohen et al., 2014), is relatively simple with low species diversity (Post et al., 2013) and many northern people depend on the traditional harvest of wildlife which can lead to zoonotic exposure risk (McDonald et al., 1990;Møller et al., 2010). Recent Arctic studies have shown linkages between climate change and the life cycles of endoparasites (Hoar et al., 2012;Kutz et al., 2005), ectoparasites (Descamps, 2013;Larsson et al., 2007) and biting insects (Culler et al., 2015). Although there has been a long history of investigations into disease prevalence in Arctic wildlife (Connell, 1949;Elton, 1931), the majority have been cross-sectional rather than longitudinal (Carlsson et al., 2019;Clausen & Hjort, 1986;Dick & Belosevic, 1978;Elmore et al., 2016). ...
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The influence of climate change on wildlife disease dynamics is a burgeoning conservation and human health issue, but few long-term studies empirically link climate to pathogen prevalence. Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are vulnerable to the negative impacts of sea ice loss as a result of accelerated Arctic warming. While studies have associated changes in polar bear body condition, reproductive output, survival, and abundance to reductions in sea ice, no long-term studies have documented the impact of climate change on pathogen exposure. We examined 425 serum samples from 381 adult polar bears, collected in western Hudson Bay (WH), Canada, for antibodies to selected pathogens across three time periods: 1986-1989 (n = 157), 1995-1998 (n = 159) and 2015-2017 (n = 109). We ran serological assays for antibodies to seven pathogens: Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum, Trichinella spp., Francisella tularensis, Bordetella bronchiseptica, canine morbillivirus (CDV) and canine parvovirus (CPV). Seroprevalence of zoonotic parasites (T. gondii, Trichinella spp.) and bacterial pathogens (F. tularensis, B. bronchiseptica) increased significantly between 1986-1989 and 1995-1998, ranging from +6.2% to +20.8%, with T. gondii continuing to increase into 2015-2017 (+25.8% overall). Seroprevalence of viral pathogens (CDV, CPV) and N. caninum did not change with time. Toxoplasma gondii seroprevalence was higher following wetter summers, while seroprevalences of Trichinella spp. and B. bronchiseptica were positively correlated with hotter summers. Seroprevalence of antibodies to F. tularensis increased following years polar bears spent more days on land, and polar bears previously captured in human settlements were more likely to be seropositive for Trichinella spp. As the Arctic has warmed due to climate change, zoonotic pathogen exposure in WH polar bears has increased, driven by numerous altered ecosystem pathways.
... whereas TBE was for the first time diagnosed in 1997 (Skarpaas et al., 2004), with 24 cases in the southernmost regions of Norway. Another tick-species, Ixodes uriae, known from Norwegian coast seabirds and capable of transmitting borreliosis (Olsén et al., 1993), was recently reported in seabirds in the Arctic, possibly related to climate change (Larsson et al., 2007). ...
Technical Report
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Higher temperatures will cause several pathogens (parasites, bacteria, viruses) to extend their distributions northerly. The prevalence and abundance of pathogens may also change. A change of distribution of pathogens may have several consequences for wild and domesticated animals, which may be hard to predict because of lack of data. However, the following responses may be predicted with fair certainty: o Cod farming will probably become impossible along larger parts of the coast due to more northerly distribution of a highly pathogenic bacterium. o Proliferative kidney disease, a disease which has been associated with severe declines in salmonid populations in Switzerland and England, will probably become more common. o Abundance of certain nematodes in musk ox and reindeer will probably increase, resulting in more severe impacts. Possible effects, that are harder to predict, include invasions of new pathogens in a large number of animal host species and changed abundance/prevalence of established pathogens. In addition to effects on single host species, this may also affect the overall dynamics of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, such as for example the ecosystem in the Barents Sea. Specific priorities for research to predict impacts of climate change on animal diseases in the NorACIA area are: 1. Collection of baseline data on health parameters, as well as distribution, epidemiology and effects of pathogens and diseases in wild animal populations. 2. Studies that are focused on separating the effects of different climate variables on the dynamics of pathogens and disease in animals and humans (zoonoses). 3. Forecasting temporal and spatial effects of climate change on pathogen and host populations. It is important that scientific investigations benefit from interdisciplinarity through collaborations between ecologists and infectious diseases biologists. Investigations should focus on key host species and key pathogens in given ecosystems (aquatic and terrestrial), and should include screenings and epidemiological studies (retrospective and real time), case studies, dynamic food-web modelling and experimental studies.
... It is possible that secondary vectors (e.g. Ixodes hexagonus or Ixodes uriae [50,51] in Lyme borreliosis) play a role in establishing the pathogen (which may occur if no primary vector is present). Vector abundance 2 3 2 Less important, as outbreaks can start at low abundance. ...
Technical Report
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Knowing where vector species occur is crucial for the assessment of vector-borne disease risk. This was recognised by EFSA and ECDC, who, over the period 2014–2018, funded VectorNet, a European network for gathering and sharing data on the geographic distribution of arthropod vectors of disease agents affecting humans and livestock. The VectorNet database contains distribution data on four vector groups: mosquitoes, sandflies, Culicoides midges and ticks. The majority of these data are on vector presence or absence, but since 2015, count data from a number of targeted field surveys, which used standardised sampling methods and that were funded through the network, have been added. The objective of this document is to describe an assessment, for each vector group, of whether vector count data (abundance) and the way these change throughout the year (seasonality) can provide useful information about epidemiological processes of interest, and therefore, whether resources should be devoted to collecting such data. The document also summarises what measures of abundance and seasonality can be collected for each group, what gaps remain in the sampling coverage and what can be done to fill these gaps. Furthermore, it provides guidance for prioritising the acquisition of information. For each vector group, expert opinion was canvassed to provide a semi-quantitative assessment of whether and how vector abundance and seasonality, each individually or in combination, are related to pathogen establishment, persistence, transmission and spread, are predictor variables useful for early warning, and are useful to spatially and temporally target vector or pathogen control. Abundance and seasonality may each be closely related to pathogen establishment, persistence, transmission and spread, and thus each serve as epidemiologically relevant indicators. However, their significance may only become apparent when combined with each other or with other variables that are related to the vector’s ability to transmit infection — for example, the proportion of vectors that are infected with the pathogen (the vector infection rate). The importance of abundance and seasonality was, therefore, considered for each in isolation and for both combined as well as both combined with other variables that may determine vector occurrence such as vector behaviour, vector infection rate and habitat. The information needed to make the assessments was collated from dedicated VectorNet group discussions, field sampling studies, and both peer-reviewed and grey literature. Each vector group leader scored the importance of abundance and seasonality (alongside other vector-related characteristics) for the assessment of whether early warning of pathogen introduction must be issued, for the assessment of pathogen establishment and spread and to guide vector control strategies. In the group discussions, experts assessed that abundance, by itself, plays a role in the epidemiological processes of most vector-borne infections, although the importance of the role varied among the vector groups. Seasonality was assessed to have relatively little influence on vector abundance but to be more important in determining the phenology of overwintering vector populations. In all vector groups, abundance was considered to have an effect on pathogen establishment and transmission. This applied less to early warning systems and assessments of pathogen persistence. Abundance measures are routinely used for targeted control of mosquitoes, but this is not the case for the other vector groups. For ticks, a special case exists: tick presence was considered to be a better indicator of risk of pathogen transmission than tick abundance if abundance is considered alone. Indeed, the number of ticks observed by itself cannot be considered an indicator of risk of infection. This changes when abundance is combined with vector infection rates. If information on abundance and seasonality is combined with other vector-related characteristics (such as vector infection rate), then abundance and seasonality are judged to be important. This argues for acquiring both abundance and seasonality data on the disease vectors of public and animal health concern, alongside collecting and recording additional variables such as vector infection rates and biting rates. While the VectorNet database already contains a substantial amount of vector abundance and seasonality data collected during targeted field surveys, important gaps at the continental scale remain. Additional data are, therefore, needed to fill these gaps, for example through additional field work and literature searches. Additionally, mechanistic, environmental and spatial distribution modelling may aid to maximise the use of the data currently available as well as help minimise the amount of additional information that would be needed to generate largescale transmission risk maps. This report outlines the sampling strategies and prioritisation steps needed to acquire such information most efficiently. Finally, in order to understand and ultimately reduce the potential risk of infection by (new) vector-borne pathogens, it is useful to compile comprehensive abundance and seasonality databases. Such a reduction of the potential risk of infection will, however, only be possible if there is the political will to support long-term transboundary programmes and if the necessary professional skills base is maintained.
... It is possible that secondary vectors (e.g. Ixodes hexagonus or Ixodes uriae [50,51] in Lyme borreliosis) play a role in establishing the pathogen (which may occur if no primary vector is present). Vector abundance 2 3 2 Less important, as outbreaks can start at low abundance. ...
Technical Report
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This joint ECDC-EFSA report assesses whether vector count data (abundance) and the way these change throughout the year (seasonality) can provide useful information about vector-borne diseases epidemiological processes of interest, and therefore, whether resources should be devoted to collecting such data. The document also summarises what measures of abundance and seasonality can be collected for each vector group (mosquitoes, sandflies, midges and ticks), lists the gaps in the sampling coverage and provides guidance for prioritising the acquisition of information. Knowing where vector species occur is crucial for the assessment of vector-borne disease risk. Collecting abundance and seasonality data through field sampling is, however, more expensive and time consuming than collecting most other vector-related data. The importance of abundance and seasonality data varies considerably according to the vector group and the epidemiological concept of interest. Epidemiological concepts of tick-borne disease are less informed by abundance data than are those of the other vector groups, and presence/absence data of ticks may be sufficient in conjunction with other factors. Abundance data are generally considered relevant to pathogen establishment and transmission but less useful to inform early warning systems, estimates of the likelihood of pathogen persistence and —for sandflies, midges and ticks— to inform targeting of control measures. The conclusions on this report were based on VectorNet group discussions, field sampling studies, and review of both peer-reviewed and grey literature. VectorNet is a European network for gathering and sharing data on the geographic distribution of arthropod vectors of disease agents affecting humans and livestock. Finally, the report notes that any form of extensive vector sampling depends not only on resources to fund the sampling programmes, but also on the availability of entomologists that have the skills to implement surveillance and monitoring programmes.
... Infestation with I. uriae may have debilitating effects on the host, including acting as a vector for several viral and bacterial pathogens (Nunn et al. 2006;Larsson et al. 2007;Staszewski et al. 2007), reduction of host haematocrit (Wanless et al. 1997) and sub-lethal behavioural changes (Boulinier & Danchin 1996;Mangin et al. 2003). These effects influence the population dynamics of the seabirds, and hence the presence of I. uriae on Spitsbergen is important for the seabird ecology of the northern Barents region. ...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has re-focused attention on mechanisms that lead to zoonotic disease spillover and spread. Commercial wildlife trade, and associated markets, are recognized mechanisms for zoonotic disease emergence, resulting in a growing global conversation around reducing human disease risks from spillover associated with hunting, trade, and consumption of wild animals. These discussions are especially relevant to people who rely on harvesting wildlife to meet nutritional, and cultural needs, including those in Arctic and boreal regions. Global policies around wildlife use and trade can impact food sovereignty and security, especially of Indigenous Peoples. We reviewed known zoonotic pathogens and current risks of transmission from wildlife (including fish) to humans in North American Arctic and boreal biomes, and evaluated the epidemic and pandemic potential of these zoonoses. We discuss future concerns, and consider monitoring and mitigation measures in these changing socio-ecological systems. While multiple zoonotic pathogens circulate in these systems, risks to humans are mostly limited to individual illness or local community outbreaks. These regions are relatively remote, subject to very cold temperatures, have relatively low wildlife, domestic animal, and pathogen diversity, and in many cases low density, including of humans. Hence, favorable conditions for emergence of novel diseases or major amplification of a spillover event are currently not present. The greatest risk to northern communities from pathogens of pandemic potential is via introduction with humans visiting from other areas. However, Arctic and boreal ecosystems are undergoing rapid changes through climate warming, habitat encroachment, and development; all of which can change host and pathogen relationships, thereby affecting the probability of the emergence of new (and re-emergence of old) zoonoses. Indigenous leadership and engagement in disease monitoring, prevention and response, is vital from the outset, and would increase the success of such efforts, as well as ensure the protection of Indigenous rights as outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Partnering with northern communities and including Indigenous Knowledge Systems would improve the timeliness, and likelihood, of detecting emerging zoonotic risks, and contextualize risk assessments to the unique human-wildlife relationships present in northern biomes.
A list of all the species of ticks (Acari: Ixodidae, Argasidae) known to occur naturally in the New Zealand subregion is given. Hosts, geographic distribution and relevant references are provided for each species. Three erroneous records published recently, two in a book on New Zealand biodiversity and one in a seabird tick review are corrected.
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The first report of members of the spirochete genus Borrelia in the seabird tick, Ixodes uriae , and seabird colonies occurred during the early 1990s. Since then, Borrelia spp. have been detected in these ticks and seabird colonies around the world. To-date, the primary species detected has been B. garinii , with rare occurrences of B. burgdorferi sensu stricto and B. lusitaniae. During our research on Borrelia and I. uriae in seabird colonies of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, we have identified B. bavariensis in I. uriae . To our knowledge, B. bavariensis has previously only been found in the Eurasian tick species, I. persulcatus and I. ricinus, and it was believed to be a rodent-specific Borrelia ecotype. We found B. bavariensis within I. uriae from three seabird colonies, over three calendar years. We also reanalyzed B. garinii sequences collected from I. uriae from Eurasian seabird colonies, and determined that sequences from two Russian seabird colonies likely also represent B. bavariensis . The Canadian B. bavariensis sequences from I. uriae analysed in this study cluster with previously described sequences from Asia. Overall, this is an important discovery that illustrates and expands the range of hosts and vectors for B. bavariensis and it raises questions regarding the possible mechanisms of pathogen dispersal from Asia to North America. Importance To our knowledge this is the first documentation of B. bavariensis outside Eurasia. Additionally, the bacterium was found in a marine ecosystem involving the seabird tick, I. uriae, and its associated seabird hosts. This indicates the epizootiology of B. bavariensis transmission is much different from what was previously described, with this species previously believed to be a rodent-specific ecotype, and indicates that this pathogen is established, or establishing, much more widely.
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The Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., is the only Borrelia known to infect both mammals and birds. The main vertebrate reservoirs of B. burgdorferi are thought to be various small and intermediate size mammals, but the importance of birds as a reservoir has not been thoroughly explored. In the Northern and Southern Hemispheres the seabird tick, Ixodes uriae, is prevalent and closely associated with many species of colony-nesting marine birds. Here we report the presence of spirochaetes, demonstrated by immunofluorescent assay, by polymerase chain reaction and in culture, in I. uriae infesting razorbills on an island in the Baltic Sea. This island is free from mammals. The protein profile of the spirochaetes and the sequences of their flagellin and ospA genes are identical to those of the Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., previously isolated from I. ricinus on a nearby island. In biopsies from the foot web of razorbills, B. burgdorferi-specific DNA was detected after amplification by polymerase chain reaction. Our results suggest that birds play an important part in the maintenance of B. burgdorferi and that mammals may not be a prerequisite for its life cycle.
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Lyme disease is a zoonosis transmitted by ticks and caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Epidemiological and ecological investigations to date have focused on the terrestrial forms of Lyme disease. Here we show a significant role for seabirds in a global transmission cycle by demonstrating the presence of Lyme disease Borrelia spirochetes in Ixodes uriae ticks from several seabird colonies in both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. Borrelia DNA was isolated from I. uriae ticks and from cultured spirochetes. Sequence analysis of a conserved region of the flagellin (fla) gene revealed that the DNA obtained was from B. garinii regardless of the geographical origin of the sample. Identical fla gene fragments in ticks obtained from different hemispheres indicate a transhemispheric exchange of Lyme disease spirochetes. A marine ecological niche and a marine epidemiological route for Lyme disease borreliae are proposed.
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The EU Concerted Action on Risk Assessment in Lyme Borreliosis (EUCALB) has consulted other clinicians and scientists in Europe to produce case definitions of the principal manifestations of European Lyme borreliosis. These case definitions will not only be helpful in supporting its own research interests, but are also intended to assist other clinicians in appropriate management and to support further studies aimed at determining the full clinical spectrum of the disease. The case definitions were achieved after a series of meetings organised by EUCALB with other expert clinicians and scientists from twelve European countries. The definitions and the diagnostic criteria presented thus represent the consensus reached at these meetings. The proposed case definitions consider skin, nervous system, cardiac and musculoskeletal presentations and the role of laboratory investigation in supporting diagnosis.
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This is the first report on the isolation of Lyme disease Borrelia from seabirds on the Faeroe Islands and the characteristics of its enzootic cycle. The major components of the Borrelia cycle include the puffin (Fratercula arctica) as the reservoir and Ixodes uriae as the vector. The importance of this cycle and its impact on the spread of human Lyme borreliosis have not yet been established. Borrelia spirochetes isolated from 2 of 102 sampled puffins were compared to the borreliae previously obtained from seabird ticks, I. uriae. The rrf-rrl intergenic spacer and the rrs and the ospC genes were sequenced and a series of phylogenetic trees were constructed. Sequence data and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis grouped the strains together with Borrelia garinii. In a seroepidemiological survey performed with residents involved in puffin hunting on the Faeroe Islands, 3 of 81 serum samples were found to be positive by two commonly used clinical tests: a flagellin-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and Western blotting. These three positive serum samples also had high optical density values in a whole-cell ELISA. The finding of seropositive Faeroe Islanders who are regularly exposed to I. uriae indicate that there may be a transfer of B. garinii by this tick species to humans.
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The genetic polymorphism of Borrelia burgdorferi and Borrelia afzelii, two species that cause Lyme borreliosis, was estimated by sequence typing of four loci: the rrs-rrlA intergenic spacer (IGS) and the outer-membrane-protein gene p66 on the chromosome, and the outer-membrane-protein genes ospA and ospC on plasmids. The major sources of DNA for PCR amplification and sequencing were samples of the B. burgdorferi tick vector Ixodes scapularis, collected at a field site in an endemic region of the north-eastern United States, and the B. afzelii vector Ixodes ricinus, collected at a similar site in southern Sweden. The sequences were compared with those of reference strains and skin biopsy isolates, as well as database sequences. For B. burgdorferi, 10-13 alleles for each of the 4 loci, and a total of 9 distinct clonal lineages with linkage of all 4 loci, were found. For B. afzelii, 2 loci, ospC and IGS, were examined, and 11 IGS genotypes, 12 ospC alleles, and a total of 9 linkage groups were identified. The genetic variants of B. burgdorferi and B. afzelii among samples from the field sites accounted for the greater part of the genetic diversity previously reported from larger areas of the north-eastern United States and central and northern Europe. Although ospC alleles of both species had higher nucleotide diversity than other loci, the ospC locus showed evidence of intragenic recombination and was unsuitable for phylogenetic inference. In contrast, there was no detectable recombination at the IGS locus of B. burgdorferi. Moreover, beyond the signature nucleotides that specified 10 IGS genotypes, there were additional nucleotide polymorphisms that defined a total of 24 subtypes. Maximum-likelihood and parsimony cladograms of B. burgdorferi aligned IGS sequences revealed the subtype sequences to be terminal branches of clades, and the existence of at least three monophyletic lineages within B. burgdorferi. It is concluded that B. burgdorferi and B. afzelii have greater genetic diversity than had previously been estimated, and that the IGS locus alone is sufficient for strain typing and phylogenetic studies.
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Many pathogens, such as the agents of West Nile encephalitis and plague, are maintained in nature by animal reservoirs and transmitted to humans by arthropod vectors. Efforts to reduce disease incidence usually rely on vector control or immunization of humans. Lyme disease, for which no human vaccine is currently available, is a commonly reported vector-borne disease in North America and Europe. In a recently developed, ecological approach to disease prevention, we intervened in the natural cycle of the Lyme disease agent (Borrelia burgdorferi) by immunizing wild white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus), a reservoir host species, with either a recombinant antigen of the pathogen, outer surface protein A, or a negative control antigen in a repeated field experiment with paired experimental and control grids stratified by site. Outer surface protein A vaccination significantly reduced the prevalence of B. burgdorferi in nymphal blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) collected at the sites the following year in both experiments. The magnitude of the vaccine's effect at a given site correlated with the tick infection prevalence found on the control grid, which in turn correlated with mouse density. These data, as well as differences in the population structures of B. burgdorferi in sympatric ticks and mice, indicated that nonmouse hosts contributed more to infecting ticks than previously expected. Thus, where nonmouse hosts play a large role in infection dynamics, vaccination should be directed at additional species.
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To define the role of birds as reservoirs and disseminators of Borrelia spirochetes, we characterized tick infestation and reservoir competence of migratory passerine birds in Sweden. A total of 1,120 immature Ixodes ricinus ticks were removed from 13,260 birds and assayed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for Borrelia, followed by DNA sequencing for species and genotype identification. Distributions of ticks on birds were aggregated, presumably because of varying encounters with ticks along migratory routes. Lyme borreliosis spirochetes were detected in 160 (1.4%) ticks. Borrelia garinii was the most common species in PCR-positive samples and included genotypes associated with human infections. Infestation prevalence with infected ticks was 5 times greater among ground-foraging birds than other bird species, but the 2 groups were equally competent in transmitting Borrelia. Migratory passerine birds host epidemiologically important vector ticks and Borrelia species and vary in effectiveness as reservoirs on the basis of their feeding behavior.
Borrelia garinii in seabird ticks (Ixodes uriae), Atlantic Coast
  • Smith
  • Rp
  • Muzaffar
  • Sb
  • J Lavers
  • Lacombe
  • Eh
Smith, RP, Muzaffar, SB, Lavers, J, Lacombe, EH, et al. Borrelia garinii in seabird ticks (Ixodes uriae), Atlantic Coast, North America. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12: 1909–1912.
Borrelia garinii in seabird ticks (Ixodes uriae)
  • R P Smith
  • Muzaffar
  • Sb
  • J Lavers
  • E H Lacombe
Smith, RP, Muzaffar, SB, Lavers, J, Lacombe, EH, et al. Borrelia garinii in seabird ticks (Ixodes uriae), Atlantic Coast, North America. Emerg Infect Dis 2006; 12: 1909-1912.
London: Butterworths
  • D R Arthur
  • British
  • Ticks
Arthur, DR. British Ticks. London: Butterworths; 1963.