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Contemplative meditation reduces
ambulatory blood pressure and
stress-induced hypertension:
a randomized pilot trial
Journal of Human Hypertension (2008) 22, 138–140;
doi:10.1038/sj.jhh.1002275; published online 6 September
A total of 52 pharmacologically untreated subjects
with essential hypertension were randomly allo-
cated to either 8 weeks of contemplative meditation
combined with breathing techniques (CMBT) or no
intervention in this observer-blind controlled pilot
trial. CMBT induced clinically relevant and con-
sistent decreases in heart rate, systolic and diastolic
blood pressure if measured during office readings,
24-h ambulatory monitoring and mental stress test.
Longer-term studies should evaluate CMBT as an
antihypertensive strategy.
Emotional and psychological stress is an acknowl-
edged risk factor and mediator of hypertension,
it is still unknown whether stress-reducing techni-
ques may effectively control essential hypertension.
Numerous stress-reducing techniques have been
investigated, as physical techniques (for example,
progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises,
yoga), cognitive and behavioural therapies (for exam-
ple, talk therapies, meditation, guided imagery), stress
management (for example, autogenic training) and
Some of these techniques share com-
mon features (for example, breathing control) but may
exert their effects via different underlying mechan-
isms. Contemplative meditation as a stress-reducing
technique has been widely studied with divergent
results. A recent systematic review of randomized
clinical trials summarized that, at present, there is
insufficient evidence to conclude whether or not
meditation has a cumulative positive effect on blood
pressure (BP).
We therefore aimed to determine in a
randomized controlled observer-blind pilot trial the
differential effects of contemplative meditation com-
bined with breathing techniques (CMBT) on BP at
rest, ambulatory and during mental stress.
ve subjects with pharmacologically
untreated BP were sought by newspaper advertise-
ments (n ¼ 81). They qualified for screening (n ¼ 64)
in our cardiovascular outpatient department if their
sitting BP after 5 min of rest was 4140 mm Hg
systolic and/or 485 mm Hg diastolic on each of three
occasions within 4 weeks. Important exclusion
criteria were BP levels 4180 mm Hg systolic and/or
110 mm Hg diastolic and secondary hypertension.
A total of 52 subjects were randomized 1:1 into 8
weeks of CMBT or no intervention. All subjects
received the lifestyle counselling recommended by
current guidelines on one occasion.
In the CMBT
group, two 40-min sessions were held in the early
morning and the evening. The first phase (10–12 min)
prepared the participants for the session and
focussed on breathing exercises, that is, slow abdom-
inal breathing to achieve a general muscle tension
The second phase (30 min) dealt with
exercising meditation techniques based on the
Christian tradition.
Eight weeks after randomiza-
tion, all baseline examinations were repeated at the
same time of the day in a single participant. At the
day of baseline and follow-up examination, study
participants refrained from coffee, smoking and
physical exercise. Office BP was measured four times
each 5 min apart on the left upper arm with an
oscillometric-automated device (DINAMAP 8100,
Critikon) after 10 min rest in the sitting position,
and the mean of the last three measurements was
calculated. Twenty-four hours BP recording was
performed using calibrated devices (Custo Screen
100, custo med GmbH, Ottobrunn, Germany). Day
and night time was specified by the subject on a diary
sheet. A standardized computerized version (devel-
oped by Stefan Bedel) of the concentration test
Konzentrations–Leistungs-Test (KLT) according to
ker was used. Participants were seated in a quiet
air-conditioned room using ear plugs to minimize
distraction. All tests were performed between 1400
and 1600 hours. The KLT consists of 250 analogously
built simple arithmetic procedures mimicking con-
ditions of office work stress. The impossibility to
accomplish all procedures within the available time
frame generates a high and reproducible level of
stress. Heart rate and BP were measured every 5 min
during the mental stress test (duration 30 min) and
for 20 min before and after completion. To compare
the effects between groups and mental stress test
periods, the averages of three time points before,
seven time points during and four time points after
the test completion were used. The primary end
point of the trial was prespecified as the comparison
between groups of the median change from baseline
to follow up in systolic BP during mental stress (that
is, the average of the seven measurement points).
Sample size analysis suggested that 26 participants
Journal of Human Hypertension (2008) 22, 138–140
2008 Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0950-9240/08
were needed to show a difference between groups
with a power of 0.90, alpha of 0.05 and a drop-out
rate of three subjects per group. Non-parametric tests
were used to compare groups.
Groups were not different regarding the baseline
characteristics shown in Supplementary Table 1. No
subject in the CMBT group but three controls (two
females) dropped out. Adherence to the study
protocol in the CMBT group was 490% of all
sessions. With CMBT, the median (%) change in
resting office systolic BP after 8 weeks of meditation
was 15 mm Hg (11%) vs 3 mm Hg (0%) in controls
(Po0.0001; Supplementary Table 2). Further, a
significant reduction of diastolic BP (13 vs 2%)
and a trend for heart rate (13 vs 0%) was observed.
At follow-up, 75% of the subjects in the CMBT group
but none of the controls had office BP levels
o130 mm Hg systolic/o80 mm Hg diastolic. Consis-
tently, in the CMBT group, ambulatory BP recordings
showed absolute median reductions of 4–7 mm Hg
for systolic and diastolic BP values for day and night
time periods (all Pp0.005 for comparison of change
between groups; Supplementary Table 2). At follow-
up, 50% of subjects in the CMBT group, but none of
the controls, had total mean BP levels o125 mm Hg
systolic/75 mm Hg diastolic. Mental stress test
induced an immediate sympathetic activation indi-
cated by a sustained rise of systolic BP in both groups
during the 30-min test period (Supplementary Table
2 and Figure 1a). At follow-up, this increase was still
evident in both groups, but the averaged BP during
mental stress was 11 mm Hg lower in the CMBT
group compared with controls: median (%) change
18 mmHg (12%) vs 7mmHg (5%; P ¼ 0.002),
respectively. The raw data and the result of the
primary end point are shown in Figures 1b and c.
This pilot trial indicates that CMBT may effectively
lower BP levels in essential hypertension under
resting conditions and during mental stress. The
observed antihypertensive effects of CMBT were
substantial, of similar magnitude compared with
pharmacotherapeutic trials,
sustained during day
PostPre Mental Stress Test Pre
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 30 35 40 45 50min
∆ systolic, BP, %
diastolic, BP, %
P =0.002
P =0.771
Diastolic BP, mm Hg
Systolic BP, mm Hg
Systolic BP, mm Hg
P =0.002
P <0.000
P =0.001
PostMental Stress Test
0 5 10 15
Change in BP
P =0.002
P =0.771
P =0.002
P <0.000P =0.001
P <0.001
Figure 1 (a) The time course of systolic BP behaviour at baseline and follow-up during mental stress test in the intervention and control
group. Boxes (baseline) and circles (follow-up) indicate means with standard errors. (b) Effect of meditation combined with breathing
techniques on BP during mental stress test (that is, average of 7 BP measurements). The panels show individual systolic (top) and
diastolic (bottom) BP levels at baseline and follow-up. Large square boxes indicate means7s.e.m. P-value for within-group comparison
(Wilcoxon’s test). (c) The change of systolic (top) and diastolic (bottom) BP levels between baseline and follow-up within each study
group. Square boxes indicate box and whisker plots. P-value for between-group comparison of median BP changes from baseline to
follow-up (Mann–Whitney U-test). BP, blood pressure.
Research Letter
Journal of Human Hypertension
and night and were achieved in the majority of
meditating subjects. A median difference in office BP
between the intervention and the control group of
18 mm Hg was found. This is compatible with a
potentially pronounced risk reduction for stroke and
myocardial infarction, because an increment of
20 mm Hg in systolic BP office readings in middle-
aged persons is associated with a twofold increase in
cardiovascular mortality.
In both groups, BP values
during mental stress at follow-up were lower, either
because the participants became accustomed to the
stress situation or due to effects of regression towards
the mean. The absolute increase in systolic/diastolic
BP during mental stress was in the same order of
magnitude as observed previously in healthy con-
trols. However, at follow-up, meditating subjects
started from a lower pre-test BP and maintained
lower BP levels throughout the stress and post-test
period. Both meditation and breathing techniques are
thought to shift the sympathetic/vagal balance to-
wards a vagal stimulation. Our trial design did not
allow studying the differential effects of medita-
and breathing.
It is possible that the BP-
lowering effect of meditation may attenuate or
dissipate if the intensity or frequency of meditation
sessions decreases. Any meditation technique is
likely to have a substantial placebo effect. Since no
validated ‘sham meditation technique’ is available,
this feature was not included into the study design.
However, we aimed to avoid the previously identi-
fied methodological shortcomings of meditation
The beneficial effects of CMBT may be
achievable with less intense protocols and may also
induce indirect effects as better compliance with
pharmacotherapy. Future studies should address the
long-term effects of CMBT on BP as a stand-alone
treatment or as adjunct to pharmacological therapy.
JP Manikonda
, S Sto
, A Lobmu
I Gru
, S Bedel
, F Schardt
, CE Angermann
R Jahns
and W Voelker
Department of Internal Medicine I, Center of
Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Wu¨rzburg,
Wu¨rzburg, Germany;
Center for Contemplative Meditation, Wu¨rzburg,
Germany and
Department of Medicine I, Betriebsa
Untersuchungsstelle, University of Wu¨rzburg,
Wu¨rzburg, Germany
These authors share the authorship of this
paper equally.
Published online 6 September 2007
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Supplementary Information accompanies the paper on the Journal of Human Hypertension website (http://
What is known about the topic
K Stress reduction has been regarded as an important
component of the lifestyle changes that might support control
of elevated BP in hypertensives.
K There is inconclusive evidence whether or not meditation as a
stress reduction technique has a positive effect on BP reduction.
What this study adds
K This randomized pilot trial shows that BP in early-stage
hypertension may safely and effectively be lowered by
contemplative meditation combined with breathing techniques.
K Although encouraging, our findings need to be replicated in
different settings before wider recommendations can be made.
Abbreviation: BP, blood pressure.
Research Letter
Journal of Human Hypertension