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Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery used to assess recovery from concussion


Abstract and Figures

We examined in a group of 15-year-old adolescents the retest reliability over one week of 7 subscales of the Automated Neuropsychological Metrics (ANAM), a computerized battery based on standard neuropsychological test measures that is one of several such batteries available to assess concussion effects. Since the principle behind these computerized batteries is to assess athletes before injury and after injury to determine the level of deficit and whether the individual is safe to return to play, it is critical that such batteries have excellent retest reliability. Retest reliability of the ANAM was good, especially for the aggregate of throughput scores, reaching 0.87, but lower for individual subtests, especially for those measuring only speed of processing. Thus, the ANAM aggregated score appears to have robust reliability for cognitive measures involving memory and attention in 15-year-olds. Limitations related to assessing return-to-baseline after concussion in adolescents are discussed.
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NeuroRehabilitation 22 (2007) 243–251 243
IOS Press
Retest reliability in adolescents of a
computerized neuropsychological battery
used to assess recovery from concussion
Sidney J. Segalowitza,, Patrick Mahaneyc, Diane L. Santessoa,b, Leslie MacGregora, Jane Dywanaand
Barry Willerc
aPsychology Department, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada
bAffective Neuroscience Laboratory, Psychology Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
cDepartment of Psychiatry, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA
Abstract. We examined in a group of 15-year-old adolescents the retest reliability over one week of 7 subscales of the Automated
Neuropsychological Metrics (ANAM), a computerized battery based on standard neuropsychological test measures that is one
of several such batteries available to assess concussion effects. Since the principle behind these computerized batteries is to
assess athletes before injury and after injury to determine the level of deficit and whether the individual is safe to return to play,
it is critical that such batteries have excellent retest reliability. Retest reliability of the ANAM was good, especially for the
aggregate of throughput scores, reaching 0.87, but lower for individual subtests, especially for those measuring only speed of
processing. Thus, the ANAM aggregated score appears to have robust reliability for cognitive measures involving memory and
attention in 15-year-olds. Limitations related to assessing return-to-baseline after concussion in adolescents are discussed.
1. Introduction
Medical management of sports-related concussion
has been a topic of considerable interest in the last
decade. There are now standardizedapproaches to cog-
nitive evaluation [20] and postural stability [13] that
can be used on the field to assess the concussed athlete.
There are a variety of symptom checklists that have
emerged including the Sport Concussion Assessment
Tool (SCAT) [21]. There has been a major reconsid-
eration of management of the concussed patient in the
emergency room including the advice given to family
on signs and symptoms to watch for [2,11]. Perhaps
the most dramatic change in concussion management
has been the use of neuropsychological tests adminis-
tered prior to injury and re-administered after concus-
Address for correspondence: Sid Segalowitz PhD, Department
of Psychology, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Avenue, St.
Catharines, Ontario, Canada. E-mail:
sion to test the athlete’s return to pre-injury status [12,
25]. In this paper we will review the issues and suc-
cess of this innovative use of neuropsychological test-
ing and then assess one of the computer based versions
of tests currently on the market for use with concussion
A recent review [28] of concussion and post con-
cussion syndrome provided a model for distinguishing
concussion from mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
and post concussion syndrome (PCS). The model uses
the most commonly accepted definition of mTBI and
the one proposed by the American Congress of Reha-
bilitation Medicine and the Centers for Disease Con-
trol: loss of consciousness for no more than 30 min-
utes or amnesia as a result of a mechanical force to
the head, and a Glasgow Coma Score (GCS)of13to
15 [3]. The model also uses the most commonly ac-
cepted definition of concussion as established by the
American Academy of Neurology (AAN): a trauma
induced alteration of mental status that may or may not
involve loss of consciousness [15,16]. Although not
ISSN 1053-8135/07/$17.00 2007 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
244 S.J. Segalowitz et al. / Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery
explicitly stated in the AAN definition, concussion is
generally viewed as a transient state from which the in-
dividual will recover fully in a relatively short period of
time [21]. In contrast, mTBI is viewed as a permanent
alteration of brain function even though the individual
with mTBI may appear asymptomatic. Post concussion
syndrome was defined in the Willer and Leddy [28]
model as persistent symptoms of concussion past the
period when the individual should have recovered (3
weeks) and therefore qualifies as mTBI. Neuropsycho-
logical testing is often used to describe the impairment
associated with mTBI and PCS and have done so with
relative success [10,19,22–24,26]. In the current paper
the focus is on the use of neuropsychological measures
to assess concussion and concussion recovery.
Randolph, McCrea and Barr [25] provide an excel-
lent review of the development and use of neuropsy-
chological testing in athletics. Various batteries of tests
wereusedwith college athletes for researchandlater for
individual diagnosis and return to playdecisions [1,19].
The National Hockey and National Football Leagues in
the US established a precedent when they agreed to use
neuropsychological tests to establish a pre-injury base-
line of cognitive performance to which players with
concussion can be compared [18]. The expectation
is that the athlete should return to baseline cognitive
performance before returning to the field of play. The
development of computerized testing programs as op-
posed to paper and pencil tests allowed for baseline
testing of many athletes at once, without requiring a
neuropsychologist on site to overseethe testing proce-
dures [25].
There are a variety of other advantages to the use
of computerized testing procedures. Cernich et al. [9]
provide a historical reviewof the development of com-
puter based testing and the authors point out a number
of major advantages: (1) more rigorous standardiza-
tion of administration; (2) increased accuracy of tim-
ing (for reaction time tests); (3) ease of administration;
(4) ease of scoring, data storage and data access; and
(5) randomly available alternate testing items. Alter-
nate testing items are necessary to reduce the likelihood
of practice effects with repeated testing. The Cernich
et al. [9] review also points to a number of concerns
regarding the use of computerized tests that warrant
careful consideration when using such tests to assist
in clinical judgments such as return to play decisions.
They discuss the potential for error when using differ-
ent computers and different operatingsystems at base-
line and post concussion assessment. They also point
out that the level of experience each athlete has with
computers may influence results.
Randolph et al. [25] describe three commercially
available computer based neuropsychological testing
programs including ImPACT (University of Pittsburgh,
USA), CogSport (CogState Ltd., Victoria, Australia)
and Headminder Concussion Resolution Index (Head-
Minder Inc., New York, USA). They also discuss one
computer based assessment program that was devel-
oped by the US military called ANAM (Automated
Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics). Each as-
sessment instrument contains a battery of subtests as-
sessing key cognitive constructs which are vulnerable
to concussion: verbal memory, visuospatial memory,
working memory, processing speed, and general reac-
tion time. The Randolph et al. [25] review then de-
scribes the psychometric standards that must be met be-
fore any computer based assessment of cognitivefunc-
tion can be used for clinical purposes, such as return to
play decisions. The most critical psychometric issue,
according to Randolph et al. [25] is test-retest reliabil-
ity. If a test does not have high test-retest reliability
then the difference between a baseline score and a post
concussion score may simply reflect the error of retest-
ing rather any real difference in the performance of
the athlete. For clinical decision making Randolph et
al. [25] suggest a test-retest reliability of 0.9 is required.
None of the computer-based testing programs met this
criterion although some had not been rigorously tested.
The purpose of the current study is to examine the
test-retest reliability of ANAM with adolescents. We
selected ANAM for a variety of reasons. ANAM is
not a commercial product. Most of the publications
that describe the psychometric properties of any of the
available computerized testing programs were written
by the authors of the tests. When the authors are also
share holders of the publisher of the program there is
an inherent conflict of interest. This is not to suggest
that authors with a commercial interest in the product
would falsify data but they may have a tendency to
not publish or perhaps not study critical psychometric
properties. In 2005 when Randolph et al. [25] pub-
lished their review, the authors reported there were no
published reliability studies of ANAM or ImPACT and
one published study each for CogSport and Headmin-
der. In the two published studies of reliability, the reli-
ability coefficients of individual sub-tests ranged from
0.31 to 0.82 [25].
ANAM is the result of approximately 30 years of
computerized assessment test development [27]. It
was developedfor serial testing and precision measure-
ment of cognitive functioning for the US military. Al-
though ANAM was not developed specifically for con-
S.J. Segalowitz et al. / Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery 245
cussion assessment, a sports medicine battery evolved
and has undergone substantial psychometric evalua-
tion [8]. Cernich et al. [8] collapsed the results from
three separate studies in order to describe the psycho-
metric properties of ANAM. One study involved the
administration of ANAM 30 times over a four day pe-
riod and demonstrated that individuals without concus-
sion demonstrate fairly substantial practice effects [6].
The other two studies included high school and college
athletes [7] and freshman military academy cadets [5].
In these latter two studies, ANAM demonstrated con-
sistent correlations with traditional neuropsychologi-
cal measures suggesting adequate concurrent validity.
However, test-retest reliability for each subtest using
the military sample ranged from a low of 0.38 to a
high of 0.87 [8]. There was no test-retest reliability
assessment completed on adolescents.
The purpose of the present study was to examine the
test-retest reliability of ANAM within a relatively ho-
mogeneous population of adolescents (15 and 16 year
olds). We deliberately elected to evaluate ANAM un-
der ideal conditions where participants were assessed
on the same computers, at the same time of day, and on-
ly seven days between administrations. We are aware
that if ANAM is used to establish a baseline and then
assess post concussion changes, the time from base-
line assessment to post concussion assessment would
be much more than one week. Further, none of the
participants in this study had experienced concussion
or had demonstrated any other known condition or ill-
ness that would influence cognitive performance. To be
justified as a concussion assessment program, ANAM
subtests should demonstrate very high reliability under
ideal conditions because they are likely to have reduced
reliability under the less than ideal conditions that gen-
erally characterize most sports medicine applications.
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
Participants were recruited from local high schools.
Volunteers were solicited by the school principals. The
announcement for participants indicated that the re-
searchers were conducting a study of computer test-
ing procedures and volunteers would be compensated
$50 for their participation. Consent of a parent was
required along with assent from the participant. The
consent procedures were reviewed and approved by the
research ethics committee of Brock University. Fifteen
girls and 14 boys with the average age of 15.4 years
(range =15.0 to 16.8 years) were included in the study.
No volunteers were refused participation. The partici-
pants were average to above average students and none
had failed a grade or had academic difficulty. None had
been diagnosed with a learning disability. All but two
participants were right handed. Medical history was
negative and noneof the participants were on prescrip-
tion medication. None of the participants had a history
of concussion. All participants were quite familiar with
computers and required no instruction on the use of the
computer mouse.
2.2. Procedure
Participants came in twice at the same time of day
(primarily afternoons) in a one-week interval. The
sports medicine battery of ANAM [8] was administered
on both occasions using the same stand alone desk top
computer. The only persons present in the room at the
time of the testing were the participant and a research
assistant. The research assistant introduced the task
and assisted with administration of ANAM only when
there was a question. ANAM is, for the most part, self
administeredandthe instructions on the screenarequite
straightforward to follow. The ANAM sports medicine
battery administered included the following subtests:
1. Code Substitution (CDS): This test uses a
symbol-digit coding paradigm. Participants must
scan a series of codes and match them to digits.
As with all subtests, the participant is provided
with several sample test items and given feedback
on whether they are correct.
2. Code Substitution Delayed (CDD): This test
presents the same symbols as CDS but the partic-
ipant must remember the matching numbers from
the earlier administration. The delay from CDS
to CDD is approximately 10 minutes but depends
on how quickly the participant proceeds through
the intervening subtests.
3. Continuous Performance Test (CPT): This test
is also called the Running Memory Continuing
Performance Test [14]. The task is a continuous
reaction time test using a ‘one back’ paradigm to
assess working memory and sustained attention.
Subjects are required to recall the last letter to
appear on the screen and decide if the current
letter displayed on the screen is the same as or
different from the previous letter.
246 S.J. Segalowitz et al. / Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery
4. Mathematical Processing (MTH): The test re-
quires the participant to perform basic arithmetic
functions in order to determine if the three num-
bers presented in an equation with plus or minus
signs are less than or greater than 5.
5. Match-to-Sample (MSP): The test presents the
participant with a 4 ×4 red and white block
design which disappears and the participant must
identify which of two designs match the previous
6. Simple Reaction Time (SRT): In this test the par-
ticipant is instructed to press the mouse key im-
mediately upon presentation on the screen of a
simple stimulus (an asterisk). The SRT measure
occurs twice in the battery (beginning and end)
so there is a SRT1 and a SRT2 measure. This
test was designed as a pure reaction time assess-
ment [27].
Each test provides an accuracy score (percent cor-
rect), an average time for correct responses (measured
in milliseconds), and a throughput score (number of
correct responses per minute). Test-retest reliability
was calculated for each and for a composite of the
Reliability was measured by the Intraclass Correla-
tion Coefficient (ICC) and the Pearson correlation co-
efficient (r). While rreflects the degree to which par-
ticipants’ scores are ranked in the same order on sec-
ond testing with similar magnitudes in individual dif-
ferences, the ICC also takes into account any absolute
changes over the two sessions. Such changes could
represent increases in scores due to learning (practice
effects) or automatization, or they could represent de-
creases due to distraction or simple boredom with the
task. Thus, the ICC is required to inform us as to how
clinically useful is any individual test score, i.e., how
likely it is that we would obtain exactly the same value
on a second testing. The ris useful for informing us
as to how discriminating the test is across individuals
in the context of group studies, even if the participants
systematically improve or degrade their scores on a sec-
ond testing. Thus, a high ICC value indicates that we
can trust the particular score obtained while the rvalue
indicates that we can trust the individual differences
indicated by the score.
For purposes of research that compares a target group
against a control group, the rreflects the reliability of
interest. For purposes of assessing an individual, we
need to know that when a test is administered we can
trust its specific value and compare it against norms.
This is especially an issue when we are administering
neuropsychological tests repeatedly in order to doc-
ument recovery. Standard psychological tests often
should not be readministered within a year in order to
reduce any learning or memory effect. Some problem
solving tests cannot be usefully given twice ever be-
cause once the solution is obtained, the second testing
is a measure of the person’s ability to recall the solu-
tion rather than derive it. However, the purpose of the
ANAM is to enable repeated testing without involving
undue learning or memory effects or incurring large
resource costs. Therefore, we need to know its ICC as
well as rover this short testing period.
3. Results
3.1. Throughput measures
The number of correct responses per minute showed
relatively strong retest reliability on the rvalues for
measures that reflect some cognitive component other
than simple reaction time (see Table 1). All the subtests
achieved values similar to those in standard group re-
search studies in cognitive psychology except perhaps
for the SRT measures. The results achieved with this
sample of adolescents were similar to the test-retest re-
liability correlations (r values) presented by Cernich et
al. [8]. Cernich et al. reliability results are included in
Table 1.
The ICC measures were somewhat lower, suggesting
that there were simple test effects, which are reflected
in the overall change in scores from the first test ses-
sion to the second. As shown in Table 1, several ofthe
tasks had significantly increased scores on the second
session, and the total of these 5 scores (omitting the
SRT measures) improved significantly, t(27) = 5.8,
p<0.001. For the individual scales, all the val-
ues reached statistical significance, illustrating that the
retest is better than zero which is of course something
we would expect, but only the nonSRT tasks reached
comfortable levels forresearch purposes, thatis, a relia-
bility score greater than 0.6. No test on its own reached
a high enough level for clinical utility. Note that the
highest ICC reliability for a single test represents only
about 50% of the variance across test sessions while the
lowest reflects a 20% overlap across sessions. How-
ever, the sum of the 5 subscores reached near-clinical
levels, with rand ICC values of 0.87, accounting for
over 75% of the variance.
We sought further verification of the stability of the
aggregated throughput scores by forming z-scores for
S.J. Segalowitz et al. / Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery 247
Table 1
Retest results for the ANAM throughput measures on each of the subtests. The aggregate measures indicate how improved the
reliability is
Pearson r p-value Adult Sample1ICC p-value mean change2t p-value
CDD 0.67 <0.001 0.68 <0.001 1.46 0.755 0.457
CDS 0.81 <0.001 0.58 <0.001 10.06 7.771 <0.001
MSP 0.72 <0.001 0.66 0.72 <0.001 1.75 0.938 0.357
MTH 0.71 <0.001 0.87 0.61 <0.001 2.32 2.222 0.035
CPT 0.70 <0.001 0.58 0.65 <0.001 7.02 2.456 0.021
SRT 0.48 0.01 0.38 0.44 0.006 14.64 2.130 0.042
SRT2 0.50 0.007 0.47 0.004 9.97 1.193 0.243
Average oftasks 1–5 0.87 <0.001 0.87 <0.001 4.52 5.833 <0.001
Average of all 7 z-scores 0.86 <0.001 0.86 <0.001
Average of first 5 z-scores 0.88 <0.001 0.87 <0.001
1The adult sample Pearson r correlations are taken from Cernich et al. [8] and are presented for comparison purposes.
2The mean change is the change in throughput from first to second testing.
Table 2
Retest results for the accuracy measures on each of the ANAM sub-
tests. The simple reaction time (SRT) is omitted as this task did not
have a choice in the response
Pearson rp-value ICC p-value
CDD 0.46 0.015 0.44 0.008
CDS 0.45 0.017 0.40 0.012
MSP 0.22 0.250 0.19 0.154
MTH 0.25 0.199 0.25 0.096
CPT 0.46 0.015 0.32 0.027
each of the test subscores. By doing this, we are able to
equate them in an averaged aggregate measure know-
ing that they contribute equal weight to the average,
producing an rand ICC of 0.86. This reliability is il-
lustrated in Fig. 1 as not depending on extreme (outli-
er) scores, a common concern when testing a group of
children where the variance across individuals may be
high. The reliability is equally enhanced using z-scores
from just the first 5 subtests, omitting the SRT tasks
(r=0.877,ICC =0.874, p<0.001).
3.2. Accuracy measures
Accuracy scores, independent of the response speed,
showed weaker retest reliabilities (seeTable 2). Retest
values for these raw accuracy scores ranged from 0.22
to 0.46 for the rvalues, and 0.19 to 0.44 for the ICC
values. The lowered reliabilities compared to those
achieved for the throughput measures indicate that
some involvement of speed of processing is necessary
for acceptable reliabilities.
3.3. Reaction times
The reliability of the response times on their own is
shown in Table 3. While some Pearson correlations
were respectable for group studies, some were not, and
the ICC values were especially limited.
Table 3
Retest coefficients for the mean response times on correct trials for
each of the ANAM subtests
Pearson rp-value ICC p-value
CDD 0.74 <0.001 0.74 <0.001
CDS 0.83 <0.001 0.54 <0.001
MSP 0.59 0.001 0.59 <0.001
MTH 0.44 0.02 0.43 0.009
CPT 0.80 <0.001 0.65 <0.001
SRT 0.29 0.13 0.24 0.089
SRT2 0.46 0.013 0.38 0.02
Table 4
Intercorrelations among ANAM subtests at the first test session
CDD 0.653** 0.201 0.361 0.012 0.119 0.260
CDS 0.323 0.361 0.259 0.235 0.162
MSP 0.047 0.035 0.128 0.108
MTH 0.601** 0.036 0.180
CPT 0.052 0.108
SRT 0.497**
3.4. Intercorrelations among subtests
For reasons explained below, it is useful to know
the intercorrelations among the subtests. As shown in
Table 4 giving the intercorrelations upon first testing,
the subtests appeared to be only moderately related,
significance being reached only in two pairings.
4. Discussion
It is not surprising that interest in the neuropsycho-
logical assessment of concussion has increased giv-
en the attention to concussion generally. Kirkwood,
Yeates and Wilson [17] reviewed the state of the sci-
ence in the management of pediatric concussions and
suggest that neuropsychological assessment has been
248 S.J. Segalowitz et al. / Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery
Fig. 1. Test-retest scatterplot of the aggregated throughput measures for all 7 subtests. The aggregate was formed by averaging the Z-scores from
each of the subscales.
regarded as the best means of objectively identifying
cognitive difficulties and making a differential diagno-
sis of concussion. The testingprocedures and tests used
have generally been thoroughly evaluated and tend to
have excellent reliability. In fact, it is partly because
of the reliability of these instruments that serial test-
ing is not encouraged because they are vulnerable to
practice effects. Further, neuropsychological testing
has been impractical for assessment of sports related
concussions because of the length of time it takes for a
thorough assessment and the subsequent costs.
Brief testing batteries have been developed which
made testing of large groups of athletes and persons
with concussion feasible and a body ofresearch ensued.
Kirkwood et al. highlight some of the valuable findings
that have come from this research. However,Belanger
and Vanderploeg [4] recently published a meta analysis
of neuropsychological test research on concussion and
found that after one or two weeks neuropsychological
tests were unable to differentiate those with concussion
from those without concussion. In other words, while
neuropsychological testing has been useful for research
purposes it has not been useful for differentiating those
with persistent symptoms (post concussion syndrome)
from those who are fully recovered. It is possible, that
neuropsychological tests used in brief batteries are less
reliablethanthose used in more complete batteries[25].
The other development in neuropsychological test-
ing that occurred as a result of research and practice
with athletes is computerization of the brief batteries.
As Kirkwood et al. [17] point out, computerization of
batteries was thought to have many advantages over pa-
per and pencil applications. The most important factor
was the reduced cost and standardization of the test-
ing procedures without the necessity of having a neu-
ropsychologist in attendance to conduct the tests. The
development of computerized testing programs made
it feasible to test large numbers of athletes before the
season (and therefore before the injury) in order to es-
tablish a baseline of cognitive performance. In theory,
a player with a concussion should not return to play un-
til their cognitive performancehas returned to baseline.
The use of neuropsychological tests for clinical deci-
sion making puts an expectation on the psychometric
properties of the tests and procedures used.
The review by Randolph et al. [25] concluded
that neuropsychological testing in the management of
sports-related concussion is very useful for research but
its use with individual athletes is limited by problems
of untested or inadequate reliability. ANAM was one
of the computerized testing programs discussed and at
the time of the Randolph review there was limited in-
formation available on the psychometric properties of
ANAM. Since that time, there have been a number of
studies published which give us considerable insight
into the factors assessed by ANAM and with our study
there are now two analyses of test-retest reliability.
Of course, clinical assessment can only be as good
as the tools used. While our data reflect retest relia-
bility specifically on the ANAM, our results address
more general issues in the clinical neuropsychology of
concussion. Depending on their psychometric proper-
S.J. Segalowitz et al. / Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery 249
ties, neuropsychological test scores can be useful on-
ly for screening, only for group studies, or for clini-
cal assessment of individuals. While standard clinical
neuropsychological tests are designed and refined for
clinical assessment, especially with respect to high re-
liability, short versionsand computerized versions that
are designed to be similar may differ considerably from
their longer one-on-one counterparts. The reliability
of component subtests of all standard measures never
fare as well as aggregated measures. Our data suggest
that the ANAM as a whole does well with respect to
4.1. The significance of reliability values: Group
versus clinical reliability
ANAM subscales on the basis of the present data
have sufficient reliability for studies involving screen-
ing and follow up, but for clinical applications an ag-
gregated measure is needed. However, note that aggre-
gating absolute scores gives higher weighting to those
scales with larger scores. For these reasons, clinical
utility would be enhanced if tables provided data from
large samples of gender and age based cohorts showing
conversion to z-scores.
We can fairly ask whether our reliability scores are
exaggerated compared to the natural assessment con-
text because of our care in reducing other sources of
variation by testing participants individually and at the
same time of day. The strength of the ANAM being in a
computer format is that it can be administered without
close supervision, and initial baseline measures would
likely have larger error variance if taken in a group test
4.2. Implications for the neuropsychology of
The construct validity of computerized tests is al-
ways a concern, not least because exposure and com-
fort with computers varies widely in our society, es-
pecially as a function of age. One of the few studies
on construct validity for the ANAM indicates that it
has modest relations with standard neuropsychological
tests, although this was in a rather different population
from ours [14]. We should also point out, however, that
standard neuropsychological tests may have altered va-
lidity and retest reliabilities in a select sample remind-
ing us that reliability and validity of test scores need
to be rechecked when considering a specific popula-
tion. For example, many standard neuropsychological
assessment tools made for adults do not generalize their
validity to children. For this reason, the application of
ANAM to high school athletes needs to be evaluated
for validity and reliability on that group [1].
4.3. So what does ANAM performance reflect?
The ANAM subtests are constructed to tap into the
same processes as standard neuropsychological mea-
sures. However, as we have seen, the retest reliabili-
ty of the accuracy or the response time scores is quite
modest. The consistency arises when one considers the
throughput score, a reflection of efficiency rather than
pure accuracy of speed. In fact, despite the fact that all
the ANAM measures are timed tests and participants
feel the pressure to perform quickly (perhaps partly due
to the computer-context),we can confidently conclude
from our results that the scores do not simply reflect
response speed. First, intercorrelations among scales
are not large: Only the CDD-CDS and MTH-CPT pair-
ings were consistently significant (besides the two SRT
halves being related to each other, of course). Also,
the fact that the SRT scores were the least reliable sug-
gests that the other scales with higher reliabilityare tap-
ping into some other processes, presumably cognitive
efficiency measures.
The fact that the raw (non-throughput)scores did not
achieve impressive reliability values while the through-
out scores did suggests that there is some aspect of
timing that is critical to performance on the ANAM.
We can conceptualize this as some form of information
processing efficiency and not simply speed of process-
Trait or state? We tried to schedule for everyone
the two test sessions at the same time of day in order
to minimize variance due to circadian arousal cycles,
time since last meal, and fatigue from daily activities.
What this does, of course, is emphasize the trait char-
acteristics of the ANAM in our measure of reliability.
However, this means that we do not yet really know
the robustness of the ANAM across normal daily rou-
tines. It may be that variation in ANAM performance
is affected by these sorts of factors to the same extent
as individual differences in skills. This has two impli-
cations. First, the ANAM should be given at a fixed
time of day to all participants if the researcher wants
to maintain the high levels of reliability demonstrated
here. Second, the clinician should be careful about in-
terpreting return-to-baseline data if gains or losses can
be attributed to fatigue or arousal factors. Of course,
this concern can be alleviated by another study specif-
250 S.J. Segalowitz et al. / Retest reliability in adolescents of a computerized neuropsychological battery
ically examining the effects of circadian contributions
to variance, for example, by carrying out a study such
as the present one varying the timingof the two test ses-
sions. If the reliability of the ANAM does not reduce,
then we know that it taps into some very consistent trait
4.4. Implications for understanding recovery from
We know that response speed is reduced after con-
cussion, but so is information processing efficiency, in-
dependent of speed per se. Such factors are critical for
learning and normal independent living skills. In the
context of adolescent injury and return to normal par-
ticipation in group functions, perhaps the moststressful
for parents and teachers is the question of returning to
the normal level of athletic and other risky activities.
Returning to the individual’s normal baseline speed of
processing may be one prerequisite for “return to play”
for the injured adolescent, but return to their baseline
efficiency of information processingis surely a prereq-
uisite for avoiding further injury. By extension, one
must be careful about interpreting other test scores that
rely heavily on response time as reflecting adequate
recovery after concussion.
The ANAM does not measure and therefore does not
reflect many of the other important cognitive informa-
tion processing skills. For example, we cannot know
from ANAM scores whether an individual has returned
after a concussion to a baseline level of problem solv-
ing, school learning skills, complex analytic thought,
or affect regulation. However,one can imagine that this
is not an issue for situations where the school official
or parent must decide when previous tasks should be
taken up again. The ANAM has, so far, proved itself
to have some of the psychometric properties necessary
for this purpose.
This research was supported by a grant from the On-
tario Ministry of Health Promotion (to BW and SJS)
and from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Re-
search Council of Canada (to SJS). We would like to
thank James Desjardins and Sonia Sanichara Kahn for
their help in data collection. Finally, we wish to thank
the District School Board of Niagara and the Niagara
Catholic District School Board for allowing access to
students through appropriate ethical procedures.
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... Several studies have shown that the ANAM has good psychometric properties (Kaminski, Groff, & Glutting, 2009;Roebuck-Spencer, Bleiberg, Farmer, Sun, & Cernich, 2003;Segalowitz et al., 2007;Vincent et al., 2008), including documentation of practice effects, reliable change, and test-retest reliability (Daniel et al., 1999;Kaminski et al., 2009;Roebuck-Spencer et al., 2008). Furthermore, recent work of Meyers (2019) showed that the ANAM has good long-term stability up to 5 years. ...
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The Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) is one of the most widely used and validated neuropsychological instruments for assessing cognition. The ANAM Test System includes a reporting tool, the ANAM Validity Indicator Report that generates scores for the embedded effort measure, the ANAM Performance Validity Index (APVI). The current study seeks to develop a proxy for the APVI, using raw subtest summary test scores. This would be useful for situations where the APVI score is unavailable (e.g., validity report not generated at the time of the assessment) or when the item level data needed to generate this score are inaccessible. ANAM scores from a large data set of 1,000,000+ observations were used for this retrospective analysis. Results of linear regression analysis suggest that the APVI can be reasonably estimated from the raw subtest summary test scores that are presented on the ANAM Performance Report. Clinically, this means that an important step in the interpretation process, checking the validity of test data, can still be performed even when the APVI is not available.
... Most published estimates for ANAM represent alternate forms of reliability because the ANAM test system automatically detects when an individual has been previously assessed and will iterate a new stimulus set unless otherwise specified (10). Individual ANAM measures show moderate to good test-retest reliability (0.40-0.79) and internal consistency in most studies (44)(45)(46)(47)(48). Examination of the alternate form test-retest reliability (ICC) over a 30-day interval for the longest ANAM battery, the ANAM GNS, revealed that 12 of the 15 subtests had reliabilities of 0.8 or more, two tests had reliabilities between 0.6 and 0.7 (simple reaction time and simple reaction time repeated, respectively), and one test had reliability below 0.6 (tower puzzle [0.28]). ...
... Studies have shown that the ANAM has good psychometric properties. [9][10][11][12] Studies have looked at practice effects, reliable change, and test-retest reliability. 11,13,14 The recent work of TBQ This is a custom module designed for the military to assess injury history and related symptomology Sleepiness Scale SLP The user is instructed to select one of seven different statements that best describes their current state of alertness/sleepiness, ranging from "Feeling very alert, wide awake, and energetic" to "Very sleepy and cannot stay awake much longer" Mood Scale MOO The user is instructed to respond to a series of adjectives to assess current mood state in seven categories (Vigor, Happiness, Depression, Anger, Fatigue, Anxiety, and Restlessness), with response options ranging from "Not at all" to "Very much" Simple Reaction Time SRT Measures SRT by presenting the user with a series of " * " symbols to which they must respond as quickly as possible each time the symbol appears Code Substitution-Learning ...
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Introduction The Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM®) is a validated computerized cognitive assessment battery that has been routinely used for cognitive health assessments for active duty service members. The purpose of the current study was to provide updated normative data for the ANAM Military-Expanded battery. Materials and Methods This study was a retrospective review of deidentified predeployment baseline data obtained for service members completing ANAM as part of the mandated Department of Defense clinical testing policy. The effects of age, gender, race/ethnicity, and education were examined for all subtests and descriptive measures of performance were computed. Rates of low scores were also examined. Results Data from 1,067,899 active duty service members (88% male) were analyzed and represented all services and the Coast Guard. The sample ranged in age from 17 to 65 years (mean = 28.1, standard deviation [SD] = 8.4) was 66% White with a majority having education of 12 years or less (72%). Generally, small effect sizes were observed for each of the demographic factors with the largest effects observed for age. Rates of low scores on two or more tests in the battery were 10.6% using a more conservative cutpoint (≥1.3 SD below the mean) or 2.4% using the most stringent cutpoint (≥2 SD below the mean). Conclusions The current norms provide an update to previously published normative data and represent the largest, most representative set of data currently available for military personnel. Enhancements over previous norms include an expanded sample size, stratification by age (5-year increments), gender, race/ethnicity and education, and inclusion of all 10 tests in the ANAM Military-Expanded battery. These data are provided to assist healthcare providers using ANAM to assess and manage service member health.
... The test consists of seven subtests: simple reaction time, simple reaction time (repeated), procedural reaction time, mathematical processing, code substitution learning, code substitution memory, and matching to sample yielding a composite score [68]. Each test provides an accuracy score for the percentage correct, the average time for correct responses, and a throughput score (number of correct responses/minute) [69]. ...
Neurocognitive testing has garnered great attention in recent years as an assessment tool to prevent, screen, and/or identify individuals with executive function deficits as well as injury proneness. Neurocognitive assessment tools (NCATs) have been shown to recognize deficits in neurocognitive functions such as processing speeds, working memory, visual memory, and reaction times. These deficits may be linked to an inability to focus attention, generate appropriate movement commands, and minimize sensorimotor errors through feedback mechanisms. During physical activities, neuromuscular control intensifies the brain’s cognitive load. As a result, impaired or lower levels of neurocognitive functioning may lead to altered movement strategies, compromising musculoskeletal structures and increasing an individual’s risk for injury. As such, a wide variety of valid and reliable NCATs can be utilized as part of broader strategy in research and clinical practice as means to identify injury proneness or risk through computerized and portable testing. In addition to identifying injury proneness, neurocognitive testing may be utilized to track improvements in executive function, potentially lowering an individual’s risk for injury through heightened neurocognitive and sensorimotor function.
... The difference between time one and time two assessments for the simple reaction time was about 7 ms with an effect size (Cohen's d, Cohen, 1988) of 0.24-0.25. ICCs of .6 and above are adequate for clinical use (Cernich, Reeves, Sun, & Bleiberg, 2007;McGraw & Wong, 1996;Register-Mihalik et al., 2013;Segalowitz et al., 2007;Shrout & Fleiss, 1979;Temkin, Heaton, Grant, & Dikmen, 1999). These test-retest results were based on devices similar to those used by the DOD and used a standard assessment procedure similar to that used by the DOD. ...
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Objective: This paper examines the long-term stability of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) over 1-year, 3-year, and 5-year time periods. Methods: The sample was drawn from active duty military personnel. All individuals were administered the ANAM and were re-administered the ANAM a second time, either 1 year, 3 years, or 5 years later. All individuals had no reported cognitive problems or concussion or any traumatic brain injury between the first and second assessments and had no intervening contact with the ANAM. All were assessed using the military standard approach with trained proctors. Results: The results for (n = 19,997) individuals who were tested 1 year apart showed an intra-class correlation (ICC) of .6 for simple reaction time and simple reaction time repeat and .7 and above for all other scales. For the sample with 3 years between testings (n = 9,166), the ICC was similar to the 1-year sample. When the 5 year between testings data was examined (n = 2,270), the ICCs for all scales except the simple reaction time and simple reaction time repeat showed ICCs of .7 and.8. The simple reaction time and simple reaction time repeat showed ICCs of .596. Conclusions: These results indicate that the use of the ANAN baseline for comparison can be done even if the baseline is up to 5 years old.
... The TBI questionnaire is presented in Table 1 and contains three questions that were modeled after the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center Brief Traumatic Brain Injury Survey (Schwab et al., 2007). The in time between testing for this study (265 ± 136 days), it is important to note the testretest reliability for the ANAM is well published for various time intervals (Cernich, Reeves, Sun, & Bleiberg, 2007;Cole et al., 2013;Dretsch, Parish, Kelly, Coldren, & Russell, 2015;Haran, Alphonso, et al., 2016;Nelson et al., 2016;Resch, McCrea, & Cullum, 2013;Segalowitz et al., 2007), with adequate reliability (ICC ~ .60-70) regardless of the time interval. ...
Military service members are frequently subjected to subconcussive blast events during training and deployment. Emerging evidence suggests blast exposures of these magnitudes may have long-term consequences for dimensions of cognitive function. Less is known about cognitive sequelae acutely following deployment-related subconcussive blast events. The current study addressed this knowledge gap by assessing the extent to which subconcussive blast exposure affected performance on the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics 4 TBI-MIL (ANAM). Baseline-referenced and normative comparisons of archival ANAM data were analyzed for a cohort of personnel who were exposed to blast (blast group; n = 27) and personnel who were not exposed to blast (no-blast group; n = 36) that were otherwise asymptomatic for a concussion. The blast group exhibited statistically significant lower scores compared to the no-blast group (between-subjects), baseline assessments (within-subjects), and an age-matched normative population. Normative comparisons revealed that the scores for the reaction time subtests (i.e., procedural and both simple reaction time tasks) were outside the range of normal functioning (1 SD) and reliable change indices revealed clinically meaningful change only for simple reaction time. The results highlight covert effects of subconcussive blast exposure that may warrant further monitoring in the immediate aftermath of a blast event.
Introduction The development of population specific norms for the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) is to help expand the utility for use with other population groups. Currently, normative data are available for general military, special operations, athletic, and community populations. The current study provides normative reference values for use in assessing physicians. Materials and methods Retrospective data from a sample of 2,288 physicians who completed the ANAM were examined. The data were gathered from practicing civilian physicians serving in the National Guard or Reserves who completed the assessment as part of the mandated Department of Defense clinical testing policy. The effects of age and sex on performance were examined for all subtests. Normative tables were stratified by age (23–29, 30–34, 35–39, 40–44, 45–49, 50–54, 55–59, 60–64, 65–79) and sex. Base rates of low scores among the physician population were also examined. Results Older age was associated with lower performance on all subtests with small-to-medium effect sizes. A mixed pattern of performance was observed as a factor of sex with females scoring better on one subtest and males scoring better on three subtests. However, effects sizes associated with sex were small and likely of minimal clinical significance. A total of 11.3% of the physician sample scored below average on two or more tests in the battery. Conclusions This study provides normative data for practicing physicians that can be used to help inform clinical decision-making.
Sport-related concussion (SRC) is a common injury seen in organized sport. At this time, diagnosis is based on the athlete’s mechanism of injury, response to the 5th edition of the Standardized Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT-5)/Child SCAT-5, and physical examination findings. Most athletes who suffer SRC recover within 10–14 days. However, persistent symptoms are defined as greater than 4 weeks in children and greater than 10–14 days in adults. The process of return to participation (RTP) is completed with a stepwise progression, while the process of return to learning (RTL) involves providing students with a list of school accommodations from their physician that can be given to school administrators and disseminated to all teachers and professors. Common clinical tools to be considered in the treatment of SRC include the Buffalo Concussion Treadmill Test (BCTT), tilt table testing, physical/vestibular therapy, nutraceuticals, or neuropsychological testing. Other measures like virtual reality (VR), biomarkers, impact monitors, and advanced imaging techniques are not currently used clinically but are growing areas of research. Limitations with current clinical practice include inconsistencies with symptom reporting in athletes who suffer SRC and the fact that many athletes continue participating in sport after sustaining a possible injury, which suggests a potential lack of understanding of the consequences of SRC. However, to potentially address these limitations, recent policy changes have aimed at prevention, education, and systemic rule changes, particularly in ice hockey and American football. It is recommended that future work examines both clinical and physiological recovery to best address the current limitations.
New technology has allowed for the transition of computerized neurocognitive assessments to increasingly user-friendly mobile platforms. While this increased portability facilitates neurocognitive assessment in a wider variety of settings, this transition necessitates further examination of the psychometric properties of tests that have been previously validated on alternate platforms. The present study evaluated the test-retest reliability and practice effects for a new version of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM), ANAM Mobile, designed to be administered on a tablet computer. A total of 108 undergraduate students completed ANAM Mobile and returned after one week for repeated testing. Observed test–retest reliabilities were consistent with previously established estimates across similar time intervals and ranged from .55 (Simple Response Time) to .87 (Matching to Sample). Modest practice effects were observed. Base rates of reliable decline were low and suggested that declines on two or more tests are uncommon among healthy college students. The present study demonstrates that ANAM Mobile subtests have good-to-excellent reliability across a 7-day retest interval with minimal practice effects. Future research should explore within-subject reliability across repeated ANAM administrations on a tablet device and further examine retest reliabilities over varying time courses and in more diverse samples.
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The objective of this study was to determine whether inconsistent and erratic within-day and across-day performance is a symptom of mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI), and to determine whether impaired consistency of performance can coexist, in the same patient, with intact or "normal" performance on single administrations of neuropsychological and other cognitive tests. The design was a matched-pair study in which a computerized cognitive test battery was administered 30 times over 4 days to all subjects. Performance patterns between TBI and control subjects were compared. Subjects also received traditional neuropsychological testing. The setting was a rehabilitation hospital outpatient department. The subjects were 12 adult volunteers, six with documented TBI and six with no history of TBI, neurologic illness, or injury. Control subjects showed consistent improvement of performance over days 1 to 4, whereas subjects with TBI showed erratic and inconsistent performance across days. In addition to inconsistent performance, some subjects with TBI showed worsening performance across days. The main outcome measures were performance on the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) battery and performance on traditional neuropsychological tests. Some patients with TBI in the study who have normal initial performance on traditional clinical neuropsychological tests and newly developed computerized cognitive tests show abnormalities of sustained performance. Such abnormalities are most apparent when performance is observed over multiple days, and are characterized by erratic and inconsistent across-day performance. Inconsistent performance was observed even in those subjects with TBI whose initial performance was equal to or better than that of the control subjects. Deficits in dynamic performance may explain why some patients with TBI who have excellent neuropsychological test performance nonetheless complain of functional decrement from premorbid ability.
This study investigates the attitudes of school students toward computers using the Bath County Computer Attitudes Scale and a sample of 644 students in Lebanon. The properties of the scale were explored in relation to a cultural environment that was not investigated before. The reliability and factor analysis of the scale were reported and compared with the findings of other studies that were conducted in other countries using the same scale. In addition, factorial analysis of variance procedure was conducted to investigate the effect of gender and home ownership of computers on students' attitudes. Differences in the means of students' attitudes who used computers differently or received different computer training were compared.
Concussion in sports has caught the attention of the news media in recent years, primarily due to the high profile of certain athletes who have sustained traumatic brain injuries. Even though the management of concussion remains somewhat controversial, certain principles of neuroscience regarding mental status alterations and other symptoms resulting from concussion are well accepted by medical experts. Several authors have previously published management strategies for sports-related concussion based on their own experiences, but this article will describe the formal process of developing guidelines for the diagnosis and management of concussion in sports. The processes of literature review, evidence-based analysis, and consensus building are described. This article includes the grading scale, sideline evaluation, and management strategy adopted as a practice parameter by the American Academy of Neurology. Emphasis is placed on the need to detect mild forms of concussion through detailed observation and examination of athletes.
This study investigated the clinical utility of the Standardized Assessment of Concussion (SAC) in detecting concussion in athletes. Athletic trainers administered the SAC to 568 nonconcussed high school and college football players prior to the 1995 and 1996 football seasons. Thirty-three of these players experienced concussion and were tested immediately following injury; 28 of the 33 underwent additional follow-up testing 48 hours after the injury. Concussed players scored significantly below nonconcussed controls on all SAC measures and significantly below their own pre-injury baseline performance. Follow-up testing documented return to preinjury baseline. These findings support the SAC's effectiveness in detecting concussion and tracking recovery in order to determine a player's fitness to return to play.
This study prospectively examined neuropsychological functioning in 2300 collegiate football players from 10 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division A universities. The study was designed to determine the presence and duration of neuropsychological symptoms after mild head injury. A nonequivalent repeated measures control group design was used to compare the neuropsychological test scores and symptoms of injured players (n = 183) with those of gender, age, and education matched controls. A number of neuropsychological tests, including the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, the Digit Symbol Test, and the Trail Making Test, as well as a symptom checklist were used. Players and controls were assessed before engaging in game activity and 24 hours, 5 days, and 10 days after injury, using the standardized test battery and symptom checklist. Players with head injuries displayed impaired performance and increased symptoms in comparison to controls, but this impairment resolved within 5 days in most players. Players with head injuries showed significant improvement between 24 hours and 5 days, as well as between 5 and 10 days. Although single, uncomplicated mild head injuries do cause limited neuropsychological impairment, injured players generally experience rapid resolution of symptoms with minimal prolonged sequelae.
Mild head injury is a frequent occurrence in a multitude of athletic endeavors across all levels of play. Clinicians should carefully consider all interventions at their disposal to reduce the prevalence and severity of injury to protect those involved. The exploration and evaluation of using properly fitted mouthguards to provide effective, albeit limited, defense against brain injury merits attention. The minimal costs of such an intervention when properly applied would no doubt reap numerous benefits in terms of reducing the medical, financial, cognitive, psychological, and social consequences of mild head injury. The cosmetic salvation would be no small side effect to efficacious, properly fitted mouthguard use.
Mild head injuries can cause acute transient cognitive inefficiency that typically resolves within 3 months. Postconcussion syndrome may initially be related to acute cerebral dysfunction but can also arise as a psychological consequence of head trauma. The syndrome persists beyond 3 months in a significant number of patients with mild head trauma as a psychological disorder. International Classification of Diseases diagnostic criteria for postconcussion syndrome are currently recommended for clinical purposes. These criteria are contrasted with research diagnostic criteria used in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The differential diagnosis of persistent cognitive and postconcussive symptoms in forensic practice is reviewed.
Up to 50% of ED patients discharged within a minor head injury (MHI) will develop postconcussive syndrome (PCS) within 1 month of injury. The follow-up visit is an important opportunity to identify and treat PCS before it becomes persistent. To identify factors predictive of follow-up (FU) after ED discharge in patients presenting with MHI. Prospective, observational study of a convenience sample of 71 MHI presenting within 24 hours of injury to the ED of a university teaching hospital between February 1996 and October 1997. MHI defined as loss of consciousness not greater than 10 minutes or amnesia, GCS 15, no skull fracture on PE, no new focality to neurologic exam and no brain injury on CT if one was done. Neurobehavioural test scores, clinical information and demographic data collected via use of standardized patient encounter form. All patients were discharged with written instructions to FU with their private physician within 1-2 weeks. Patients without a follow-up physician were assigned one. At 1 month post-injury, all patients were telephoned to determine if they had followed-up. Stepwise, multivariate, logistic regression. Thirty one out of 71 (43.7%) reported FU with a physician within 1 month. Factors associated with FU were performance of a head CT in the ED (OR = 3.58, 95% CI = 1.12-11.37), associated laceration (OR = 8.84, 95% CI = 1.69-42.55), female gender (OR = 3.19, 95% CI = 1.04-9.82), and African-American race (OR = 0.36, 95% CI = 0.13-0.99). Several factors predict FU after ED discharge for MHI. Patients unlikely to FU may benefit from an assessment of PCS risk before they leave the ED.
This article reviews the existing literature in the following areas of sports neuropsychology: Dementia Pugilistica, concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome, Second Impact Syndrome, and the emerging role of the sports neuropsychologist regarding return to play decisions. Dementia Pugilistica is discussed as a condition that exists along a continuum: Although many boxers will develop mild neurocognitive deficits, it is not yet known what percent of these mild presentations will progress to diagnosable Dementia Pugilistica. Factors contributing to both increased and reduced risk are detailed. The role of neuropsychological assessment in research and clinical management is reviewed. Existing studies of concussion incurred during contact sports provide evidence of an important role for neuropsychology in assessment and management of mild head injuries. Issues in clinical assessment of concussion are reviewed. The importance of grading of concussions, monitoring of postconcussive symptom resolution, and the use of neuropsychological test results in return to play decisions is detailed. The Second Impact Syndrome is discussed with regard to return to play decisions. Recommendations are proposed for research and for clinical application of findings in sports neuropsychology.