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Extensive simple sequence repeat genotyping of potato landraces supports a major reevaluation of their gene pool structure and classification

  • Biotechnologist

Abstract and Figures

Contrasting taxonomic treatments of potato landraces have continued over the last century, with the recognition of anywhere from 1 to 21 distinct Linnean species, or of Cultivar Groups within the single species Solanum tuberosum. We provide one of the largest molecular marker studies of any crop landraces to date, to include an extensive study of 742 landraces of all cultivated species (or Cultivar Groups) and 8 closely related wild species progenitors, with 50 nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) (also known as microsatellite) primer pairs and a plastid DNA deletion marker that distinguishes most lowland Chilean from upland Andean landraces. Neighbor-joining results highlight a tendency to separate three groups: (i) putative diploids, (ii) putative tetraploids, and (iii) the hybrid cultivated species S. ajanhuiri (diploid), S. juzepczukii (triploid), and S. curtilobum (pentaploid). However, there are many exceptions to grouping by ploidy. Strong statistical support occurs only for S. ajanhuiri, S. juzepczukii, and S. curtilobum. In combination with recent morphological analyses and an examination of the identification history of these collections, we support the reclassification of the cultivated potatoes into four species: (i) S. tuberosum, with two Cultivar Groups (Andigenum Group of upland Andean genotypes containing diploids, triploids, and tetraploids, and the Chilotanum Group of lowland tetraploid Chilean landraces); (ii) S. ajanhuiri (diploid); (iii) S. juzepczukii (triploid); and (iv) S. curtilobum (pentaploid). For other classifications, consistent and stable identifications are impossible, and their classification as species is artificial and only maintains the confusion of users of the gene banks and literature. • cultivated • microsatellites • sect. Petota • Solanum tuberosum • taxonomy
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Extensive simple sequence repeat genotyping of
potato landraces supports a major reevaluation of
their gene pool structure and classification
David M. Spooner*
, Jorge Nu
, Guillermo Trujillo
, Marı´a del Rosario Herrera
, Frank Guzma
, and Marc Ghislain
*Vegetable Crops Research Unit, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin, 1575
Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706-1590; and Applied Biotechnology Laboratory, International Potato Center, Apartado 1558, Lima 12, Peru
Communicated by S. J. Peloquin, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, October 16, 2007 (received for review August 15, 2007)
Contrasting taxonomic treatments of potato landraces have con-
tinued over the last century, with the recognition of anywhere
from 1 to 21 distinct Linnean species, or of Cultivar Groups within
the single species Solanum tuberosum. We provide one of the
largest molecular marker studies of any crop landraces to date, to
include an extensive study of 742 landraces of all cultivated species
(or Cultivar Groups) and 8 closely related wild species progenitors,
with 50 nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) (also known as
microsatellite) primer pairs and a plastid DNA deletion marker that
distinguishes most lowland Chilean from upland Andean land-
races. Neighbor-joining results highlight a tendency to separate
three groups: (i) putative diploids, (ii) putative tetraploids, and (iii)
the hybrid cultivated species S. ajanhuiri (diploid), S. juzepczukii
(triploid), and S. curtilobum (pentaploid). However, there are many
exceptions to grouping by ploidy. Strong statistical support occurs
only for S. ajanhuiri,S. juzepczukii, and S. curtilobum. In combina-
tion with recent morphological analyses and an examination of the
identification history of these collections, we support the reclas-
sification of the cultivated potatoes into four species: (i)S. tubero-
sum, with two Cultivar Groups (Andigenum Group of upland
Andean genotypes containing diploids, triploids, and tetraploids,
and the Chilotanum Group of lowland tetraploid Chilean land-
races); (ii)S. ajanhuiri (diploid); (iii)S. juzepczukii (triploid); and (iv)
S. curtilobum (pentaploid). For other classifications, consistent and
stable identifications are impossible, and their classification as
species is artificial and only maintains the confusion of users of the
gene banks and literature.
cultivated microsatellites sect. Petota Solanum tuberosum taxonomy
The cultivated potato represents one of the most important
food plants worldwide, yet interpretation of its gene pool
structure remains controversial. Contrasting taxonomic treat-
ments of the landraces have continued over last century, with the
recognition of anywhere from 1 to 21 distinct Linnean species,
or of various Cultivar Groups within the single species S.
tuberosum (1). For consistency in usage in our article and to
maintain the names most familiar to scientists, we use the seven
species terminology of Hawkes (2). Indigenous cultivated (land-
race) potatoes are widely distributed in the Andes from western
Venezuela, south to northern Argentina, and with another set of
landraces in south-central Chile in Chiloe´ Island and the adja-
cent Chonos Archipelago. The Chilean landraces, although once
proposed to have arisen independently from central Chile (3),
are secondarily derived from the Andean ones (2), likely after
hybridization with the Bolivian and Argentinean species Sola-
num berthaultii (4), a species recently combined with the for-
merly recognized wild species S. tarijense (5). Three of the
Andean-cultivated species are hypothesized to be of hybrid
origins with cultivated potatoes and wild species: S. ajanhuiri [S.
stenotomum cultivated S. megistacrolobum wild (6)], S. juz-
epczukii [S. stenotomum S. acaule wild (7, 8)], and S. curti-
lobum [S. andigenum cultivated S. juzepczukii (7, 8)]. The latter
three ‘‘bitter potatoes’’ are grown in upland habitats and are not
grown nearly as extensively as S. tuberosum, as outlined by
Huama´n and Spooner (1).
The relationships and extent of genetic differentiation be-
tween the Andean and Chilean landraces has long been contro-
versial. Based on cytoplasmic sterility factors, geographical
isolation, and ecological differences, Grun (9) suggested that
Chilean landraces were distinct from Andean landraces. Hawkes
(2) distinguished the tetraploid Chilean from Andean landraces
by characters of the leaf and flower pedicel. Plastid restriction
site data documented five genotypes (A, C, S, T, and W types)
in the diploid and tetraploid Andean landraces, and the Chilean
landraces had three types, A, T, and W (10, 11). The most
frequently observed type in the Chilean landraces (21 of 24 or
87.5% of the accessions examined) is type T, which is charac-
terized by a 241-bp deletion (12). Conversely, 5 of the 113 (4.4%)
accessions of S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum had the T type
Potato landraces have been classified into 21 species (13, 14),
7 species with seven subspecies (2) and 9 species with two
subspecies (15, 16), or as the single species S. tuberosum with 8
user-defined Cultivar Groups (1). Cultivar Groups are taxo-
nomic categories used by the International Code of Nomencla-
ture of Cultivated Plants to associate cultivated plants with traits
that are of use to agriculturists and are not meant to represent
natural groups or species in any classification philosophy. Ploidy
levels in cultivated potatoes range from diploid (2n2x24),
to triploid (2n3x36), to tetraploid (2n4x48), to
pentaploid (2n5x60). Huama´n and Spooner (1) examined
the morphological support for the various classifications of
potato landraces using representatives of all seven species from
the classification of Hawkes (2). The results showed some
morphological support for S. ajanhuiri,S. chaucha,S. curtilobum,
and S. juzepczukii, lesser support for S. tuberosum subsp. tubero-
sum, and no support for S. phureja and S. stenotomum. Whatever
morphological support for these entities was present was only by
using a suite of characters, all of which are shared with other taxa
(polythetic support). These results, combined with their likely
hybrid origins, multiple origins, and evolutionary dynamics of
continuing hybridization, led Huama´n and Spooner (1) to rec-
ognize all landrace populations of cultivated potatoes as a single
species, S. tuberosum, with the eight Cultivar Groups: Ajanhuiri
Group, Andigenum Group, Chaucha Group, Chilotanum
Group, Curtilobum Group, Juzepczukii Group, Phureja Group,
and Stenotomum Group (the latter containing all landraces of
the Goniocalyx Group).
Author contributions: J.N., G.T., M.d.R.H., F.G., and M.G. performed research; and D.M.S.
wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:
This article contains supporting information online at
© 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
December 4, 2007
vol. 104
no. 49 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0709796104
The wild relatives of these landraces (Solanum section Petota) are
all tuber-bearing and include 190 wild species that are widely
distributed in the Americas from the southwestern United States to
southern Chile (17); they possess all ploidy levels of the cultivars, as
well as hexaploids (2n6x72). Spooner et al. (18) studied the
origin of the landraces S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum,S. tuberosum
subsp. tuberosum,S. phureja, and S. stenotomum with amplified
fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs). They discovered that (i)
in contrast to all prior hypotheses, these species were shown to have
a monophyletic origin; (ii) the wild species progenitors were from
a group of very similar wild potato species classified in the Solanum
brevicaule complex; and (iii) the landraces had their origin in the
highlands of southern Peru.
Although ploidy has been a major feature to define the
cultivated species, many cultivated potato germplasm collections
lack chromosome numbers, and many assumptions of ploidy are
likely in error. For example, Ghislain et al. (19) used simple
sequence repeats (SSRs) (also known as microsatellites) to
52 75
All T except
2 as X
S. juzepczukii (juz)
S. ahanhuiri (ajh)
S. curtilobum (cur)
S. brevicaule group
S. acaule (4x) wild species
Fig. 1. (Figure continues on the opposite page.)
Spooner et al. PNAS
December 4, 2007
vol. 104
no. 49
36 36 36
48 48
36 48
Pink - Solanum ajanhuiri (ajh, 2x), S. juzepczukii (juz, 3x), S. curtilobum (cur, 5x)
Dark blue - S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum (adg, 4x)
Green - S. chaucha (cha, 3x)
Gray - S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum (tub, 4x)
Red - S. phureja (phu, 2x)
Light blue - S. stenotomum (stn, 2x)
Fig. 1. Jaccard’s tree based on a dissimilarity matrix of 742 potato landraces and 8 wild species examined with 50 microsatellite primer pairs. (Inset) Overall
view of the entire tree. (A) Detail of the left-hand side of this tree, which contains mostly putative polyploid accessions (the ‘‘polyploid cluster’’) and accessions
of S. ajanhuiri,S. curtilobum,S. juzepczukii, and wild species. (B) Mostly putative diploid accessions and some triploids (the ‘‘diploid cluster’’). Chromosome
numbers (36 and 48) are labeled for accessions not 24 within the main red S. phureja cluster (in red) on the left right side of the tree or previously identified as
S. phureja but falling outside of the red cluster. The circled ‘‘T’’ (possessing a 241-bp deletion) and ‘‘X’’ (no deletion) designate accessions unexpected to occur
in these clusters because they either lack the T cytoplasm thought be largely confined to lowland Chile (area in the wedge) or lack this deletion (area outside
of the wedge containing mostly accessions from Venezuela to Argentina).
www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0709796104 Spooner et al.
assess diversity in the S. phureja collection at the International
Potato Center. Solanum phureja is widely grown in the Andes
from western Venezuela to central Bolivia and has been defined
by short-day adaptation, diploid ploidy (2n2x24), and a lack
of tuber dormancy. SSR results, in combination with chromo-
some counts, uncovered fully 31% (32 of 102 accessions exam-
ined) triploid and tetraploid accessions from the International
Potato Center collection of S. phureja that were long assumed to
be exclusively diploid.
The purpose of our study is to reexamine the support for
classification categories for landrace potatoes, using nuclear SSR
markers developed for optimal utility in S. tuberosum regarding
polymorphism, quality scores, and genomic coverage (20), sup-
plemented with a plastid DNA deletion marker as discussed
below. Nuclear SSRs have been shown to be ideal markers for
detecting phylogenetically significant diversity within cultivated
potatoes (19, 21, 22). In addition, their codominant nature allows
them to identify polyploids when three or four bands (alleles) are
found, as was shown by Ghislain et al. (19). This is particularly
important for our study, where few cultivated accessions have
been characterized for chromosome number yet ploidy has been
so important conceptually in defining the cultivated species.
Our study also used the 241-bp plastid deletion marker distin-
guishing most populations of Chilean from Andean potato
landraces (4, 12, 23).
Results and Discussion
SSR Neighbor-Joining (NJ) Tree. NJ results highlight a tendency to
separate three broad groups: (i) putative diploids and triploids
(all accessions in the diploid cluster Fig. 1), (ii) putative tet-
raploids and triploids (most accessions in the polyploid cluster of
Fig. 1), and (iii) the hybrid cultivated species S. ajanhuiri
(diploid), S. juzepczukii (triploid), and S. curtilobum (penta-
ploid), grouped with the wild species. Bootstrap support above
50% is common in many small groups of species in the terminal
branches of the NJ tree (not shown because they greatly com-
plicate the graphic). However, bootstrap support above 50% is
present only in the lower nodes supporting S. ajanhuiri,S.
juzepczukii, and S. curtilobum and the wild species.
However, there are many exceptions of clustering by ploidy.
Landraces of S. goniocalyx, as in the morphological study of
Huama´n and Spooner (1), were invariably intermixed with
those of S. stenotomum and are so labeled as this species on
Fig. 1. There are 28 putative triploid landraces of S. chaucha
present on the main polyploid cluster of the tree and 123 on
the main diploid cluster. There are 28 putative tetraploids (S.
tuberosum subsp. andigenum and subsp. tuberosum)onthe
diploid cluster and 28 putative diploids (S. phureja and S.
stenotomum) on the tetraploid cluster. In addition, S. phureja
(the only cultivated species with extensive chromosome
counts) shows 18 of the 89 accessions to be triploid or
tetraploid. Regarding the S. phureja, Fig. 1 shows the position
of all accessions formerly identified as this species in the
International Potato Center collection (24) but shown to be
polyploid in the study of Ghislain et al. (19). Most are present
in the main ‘‘S. phureja cluster’’ (red dots in the diploid cluster
of Fig. 1), but this cluster also contains two accessions of S.
tuberosum subsp. andigenum, two of S. stenotomum, and one of
S. chaucha, and with 10 accessions elsewhere on the diploid
cluster and 16 on the polyploid cluster. As expected, most (22
of 27) of the S. tuberosum subsp. tuberosum accessions clus-
tered together (the area in the wedge in the polyploid cluster
in Fig. 1). However, this cluster also contained three accessions
of S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum.
241-bp Plastid Deletion. We determined the presence or absence
of the 241-bp plastid deletion for all 742 cultivated accessions
examined. As expected, most (22 of 23) of the S. tuberosum
subsp. tuberosum accessions in the main cluster of this subspecies
(designated by the wedge in the polyploid cluster of Fig. 1)
possessed this deletion. Also in the area of the wedge are three
tetraploid accessions from Peru (dark blue); two of these possess
the deletion, and one lacks it (the two accessions lacking the
deletion are marked with ‘‘X’’).
All four remaining accessions from Chile falling outside of this
cluster (gray dots marked with ‘‘X’’) lack the 241-bp deletion
characteristic of this subspecies, suggesting misidentifications of
possible recent introductions of the S. tuberosum subsp. andige-
num into Chile. Thirteen of the 251 S. tuberosum subsp. andi-
genum accessions (5.2%; marked with ‘‘T’’ outside of the gray S.
tuberosum subsp. tuberosum cluster) possessed the deletion,
similar to the 4.4% reported in prior studies (above). These 13
accessions are widely distributed throughout the Andes in
Venezuela (2 accessions), Colombia (1 accession), Ecuador (13
accessions), Peru (4 accessions), Bolivia (2 accessions), and
Argentina (1 accession). In addition, one of the S. stenotomum
accessions (putatively diploid) and two S. phureja accessions
(known as diploid) possessed this deletion, the first report of
diploid potatoes possessing this deletion, because none of the
accessions of S. stenotomum (215) and S. chaucha (150) previ-
ously screened was found with this marker (19, 25). Unfortu-
nately, these three accessions do not have reliable collection
Reconsideration of the Classification of Cultivated Potato. In com-
bination with a recent morphological study (1), the SSR data
support the reclassification of the cultivated potatoes into four
species: (i)S. tuberosum,(ii)S. ajanhuiri (diploid), (iii)S. juzepczukii
(triploid), and (iv)S. curtilobum (pentaploid). We support dividing
S. tuberosum into two Cultivar Groups (Andigenum Group of
upland Andean genotypes containing diploids, triploids, and tet-
raploids, and the Chilotanum Group of lowland tetraploid Chilean
landraces). Because Cultivar Groups are taxonomic categories used
to associate cultivated plants with traits that are of use to agricul-
turists, this classification is convenient to separate these populations
that grow in different areas, are adapted to different day-length
regimes, and have some degree of unilateral sexual incompatibility
to the Andean populations. For the remaining ‘‘species’’ or Cultivar
Groups, consistent and stable identifications are impossible, their
classification as Linnean species is artificial, and their maintenance
as either species or Cultivar Groups only serves to perpetuate
confusion by breeders and gene bank managers, and the instability
of names in the literature. For example, Ghislain et al. (19) showed
S. phureja to be indefinable as traditionally recognized because
prior authors incorrectly assumed that their assumption of diploidy
was incorrect for 31% of the accessions, and our results showed
many accessions of S. phureja to cluster with the polyploids. The
recognition of S. phureja as either a species or Cultivar Group
(Phureja Group), therefore, is no longer tenable because it is no
longer diploid, does not exclusively possess low-dormancy tubers, is
not short-day adapted, and is not morphologically coherent (1). The
other species (or Cultivar Groups) have ploidy as a major identi-
fying criterion. The results from S. phureja and this study indicate
that chromosome counts from other accessions of cultivated pota-
toes will uncover a high proportion of counts not matching expec-
tations based on their identifications.
Ploidy has been of great importance in the classification of
cultivated potatoes, but our results show so many exceptions that it
is a poor character to define gene pools. Cultivated potato fields
contain mixtures of different ploidy levels (6, 26 –32). Bukasov (33)
was the first to count chromosomes of the cultivated potatoes and
used ploidy variation to speculate on hybrid origins. The strong
reliance on ploidy levels was clearly stated by Hawkes and Hjerting
(34): ‘‘The chromosome number of 2n36 largely helps to identify
S. chaucha, but morphological characters can also be used.’’
Morphology is a poor character to define most species or Cultivar
Spooner et al. PNAS
December 4, 2007
vol. 104
no. 49
Groups except for the bitter potato species S. ajanhuiri,S. curti-
lobum, and S. juzepczukii. As shown by Huama´n and Spooner (1),
most traditionally recognized cultivated potato species have little
morphological support, and then only by using a suite of characters,
all of which are shared with other taxa (polythetic support).
The International Potato Center has collected cultivated pota-
toes for 30 years and has invested tremendous effort in their
identification. An examination of identification records at the
International Potato Center shows many changes over the years,
further showing the lack of stability of any character set to reliably
define most cultivated species.
Potato gene banks are in great need of an integrated and
comprehensive program of ploidy determinations; controlled and
replicated studies of tuber dormancy (which we suspect will high-
light grades of dormancy, not the present/absent determinations
that exist today); photographically documented determinations of
tuber and flesh colors and tuber shapes; and determinations of
tuber pigments, glycoalkaloid contents, carbohydrates, proteins,
amino acids, minerals, and secondary metabolites, using functional
genomics approaches, with all data publicly integrated into a readily
searchable web-based bioinformatics database. Such a multicom-
ponent system will serve the breeding community much better than
the outdated, unstable, and phylogenetically indefensible tradi-
tional classifications that exist today.
Materials and Methods
Plant Materials. A total of 742 potato landraces of all cultivated
potato species were examined: S. tuberosum subsp. andigenum,
putatively tetraploid (251 accessions); S. ajanhuiri, diploid
(22); S. chaucha, triploid (151 accessions); S. tuberosum subsp.
tuberosum, tetraploid (27 accessions); S. curtilobum, penta-
ploid (21 accessions); S. juzepczukii, triploid (35 accessions); S.
phureja, diploid (104 accessions); S. stenotomum, diploid (131
accessions); 7 diploid wild species accessions in the northern
S. brevicaule complex S. ambosinum Ochoa (1 accession), S.
bukasovii Juz. (4 accessions), and S. multiinterruptum Bitter (2
accessions); and the wild tetraploid species S. acaule Bitter (1
accession) (750 accessions in total with the 8 wild species).
Selection of these wild species is based on recent amplified
fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) studies that docu-
mented the northern S. brevicaule complex wild species to be
the progenitors of the cultivated potatoes and S. acaule
believed to be a wild species parent in the hybrid species S.
juzepczukii and S. curtilobum. We qualify landrace collection
ploidy as ‘‘putative’’ because only S. phureja has been counted
in detail (19), that showed extensive examples of incorrect
assumptions of ploidy as discussed above. Data of these
accessions that includes International Potato Center accession
number, taxonomic identification, ploidy when known, locality
of collection, and average number of SSR alleles per accession
are available as a supporting information (SI) Dataset.
DNA Extraction, SSR Primers, PCR Conditions, and Electrophoresis.
Genomic DNA was obtained by using standard protocols at the
International Potato Center (35). DNA concentration was calcu-
lated by using PicoGreen dsDNA quantitation reagent (Molecular
Probes) and a TBS-380 Fluorometer (Turner BioSystems). DNA
dilutions were performed to achieve a final concentration of 3
l, using 96-well plates. We used 50 nuclear SSRs (see SI
Dataset) screened from 88 that included the 22 from the Potato
Genetic Identity (PGI) kit (20), 13 from ESTs developed at the
Scottish Crop Research Institute (36), 30 identified by using the
potato EST database at TIGR, and 23 from the University of Idaho
(37). PCR reactions were performed in a 10-
l volume containing
100 mM TrisHCl (Sigma), 20 mM (NH
(Merck), 2.5 mM
(Merck), 0.2 mM each dNTP (Amersham Biosciences), 0.3
M labeled M13 forward primer (LI-COR IRDye 700 or 800), 0.3
M M13-tailed SSR forward primer (Invitrogen), 0.2
reverse primer (Invitrogen), 1 unit of Taq polymerase (GIBCO/
BRL), and 15 ng of genomic DNA. PCR was carried out in a
PTC-200 thermocycler (MJ Research). The program used was the
following: 4 min at 94°C, followed by 33 cycles of 50 sec at 94°C, 50
sec at annealing temperature (T°a), and 1 min at 72°C, then 4 min
at 72°C as a final extension step. PCR products were separated by
electrophoresis on a LI-COR 4300 DNA analyzer system. The
molecular weight ladder was the LI-COR IRDye 50–350 bp size
standard and was loaded into gel each eight samples.
SSR Allele Scoring. SSR alleles were detected and scored by using
SAGA Generation 2 software (LI-COR). Size calibration and an
SSR ‘‘smiling line’’ were performed by using the molecular weight
ladder (LI-COR IRDye 50–350). The SSR alleles were determined
for size in bp of the upper band of the allele and scored as present
(1) or absent (0). Missing data were scored as ‘‘9.’’
Data Analysis. Genetic analysis was performed by using the prog ram
DARwin (38). A dissimilarity matrix was calculated by using
Jaccard’s coefficient, 60% of minimal proportion of valid data
required for each unit pair, and 500 replicate bootstrapping. The
dendrogram was built by using the NJ method, using the seven wild
species accessions in the northern S. brevicaule complex as out-
group. The NJ method developed by Saitou and Nei (39) estimates
phylogenetic trees. Although based on the idea of parsimony (it
does yield relatively short estimated evolutionary trees), the NJ
method does not attempt to obtain the shortest possible tree for a
set of data. Rather, it attempts to find a tree that is usually close to
the true phylogenetic tree (40). This method allows the rooting of
trees on outgroups (in this case, the seven accessions of the S.
brevicaule complex). The polymorphic information content (PIC)
was calculated as PIC 1⫺⌺(p
), where p
is the frequency of the
ith allele detected in all accessions (41). Data of somatic chromo-
some counts for accessions of S. phureja were obtained from
Ghislain et al. (19).
Plastid DNA Polymorphism Detection. The 241-bp deletion was
analyzed for all 742 cultivated accessions by using the primers from
ref. 23. PCR amplification was performed in a volume of 10
consisting of 18 ng of genomic DNA, 0.4
M each of primers
(Invitrogen), 1PCR buffer (PerkinElmer), 2.5 mM MgCl
(PerkinElmer), 200
M each dNTP (Amersham Biosciences), and
0.25 unit of Taq DNA polymerase (GIBCO/BR L). Thermal cycling
was carried out in a PTC-200 thermocycler (MJ Research) (one
cycle of 4 min at 94°C, followed by 40 cycles of 45 sec at 94°C, 45
sec at 59°C, and 45 sec at 72°C, then terminated with one cycle of
4 min at 72°C). PCR products were separated by electrophoresis in
a 1% agarose gel, and lambda phage digested by PstI was used as
a molecular weight marker. The 241-bp plastid polymorphism was
determined for size in bp and scored as ‘‘T’’ (200 bp for deleted
type) and ‘‘X’’ (440 bp for undeleted type).
We thank David Douches and Lynn Bohs for comments on an earlier draft
of the manuscript. This work was supported by the International Potato
Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Generation Challenge Program
Grant SP1C2-2004-5, and National Science Foundation Grant DEB
0316614 entitled ‘‘A world-wide treatment of Solanum’’ (to D.M.S.).
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Spooner et al. PNAS
December 4, 2007
vol. 104
no. 49
... The species classification used in this study is based on the taxonomy of Hawkes (1990). Although Spooner taxonomy (Spooner et al., 2007) is widely used in potato classifications, CIP and other institutions worldwide have historically used the taxonomic treatment of Hawkes's (Hawkes, 1990) and still employ it to classify potato due to familiarity, history of Hawkes working at CIP, and its utility for classifying genebank materials. A total of 3,308 of these accessions have GIS data in their passport data. ...
... Hawkes (1990) classified these as subspecies suggesting that STN and GON did not have significant morphological differences and are highly related. Spooner et al. (2007) previously collapsed these subspecies (STN and GON) along with other potato species (PHU, ADG, and CHA) into a single group: S. tuberosum Andigenum group. The results here support Spooner taxonomy with the lumping of STN and GON into a single taxonomic group. ...
... Previous studies have shown that species designation is not a good indicator of ploidy level in potato (Ghislain et al., 2006;Spooner et al., 2007;Ovchinnikova et al., 2011;Ellis et al., 2018). Therefore, all accessions that had a profile consistent with a diploid pattern from the SNP data were grouped together and a phylogeny was constructed ( Figure 5) to assess interspecific relationships among diploid potatoes. ...
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A total of 3,860 accessions from the global in trust clonal potato germplasm collection w3ere genotyped with the Illumina Infinium SolCAP V2 12K potato SNP array to evaluate genetic diversity and population structure within the potato germplasm collection. Diploid, triploid, tetraploid, and pentaploid accessions were included representing the cultivated potato taxa. Heterozygosity ranged from 9.7% to 66.6% increasing with ploidy level with an average heterozygosity of 33.5%. Identity, relatedness, and ancestry were evaluated using hierarchal clustering and model-based Bayesian admixture analyses. Errors in genetic identity were revealed in a side-by-side comparison of in vitro clonal material with the original mother plants revealing mistakes putatively occurring during decades of processing and handling. A phylogeny was constructed to evaluate inter- and intraspecific relationships which together with a STRUCTURE analysis supported both commonly used treatments of potato taxonomy. Accessions generally clustered based on taxonomic and ploidy classifications with some exceptions but did not consistently cluster by geographic origin. STRUCTURE analysis identified putative hybrids and suggested six genetic clusters in the cultivated potato collection with extensive gene flow occurring among the potato populations, implying most populations readily shared alleles and that introgression is common in potato. Solanum tuberosum subsp. andigena (ADG) and S. curtilobum (CUR) displayed significant admixture. ADG likely has extensive admixture due to its broad geographic distribution. Solanum phureja (PHU), Solanum chaucha (CHA)/Solanum stenotomum subsp. stenotomum (STN), and Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum (TBR) populations had less admixture from an accession/population perspective relative to the species evaluated. A core and mini core subset from the genebank material was also constructed. SNP genotyping was also carried out on 745 accessions from the Seed Savers potato collection which confirmed no genetic duplication between the two potato collections, suggesting that the collections hold very different genetic resources of potato. The Infinium SNP Potato Array is a powerful tool that can provide diversity assessments, fingerprint genebank accessions for quality management programs, use in research and breeding, and provide insights into the complex genetic structure and hybrid origin of the diversity present in potato genetic resource collections.
... The high consumption and nutritional value of potato as a food security crop in the current global food system has been widely recognized (Devaux et al. 2020). The breeding of this crop has arisen mainly from two genepools, the upland Andigenum group with Andean landraces and the lowland Chilotanum group with Chilean landraces, with the Andigenum group being the most widely grown (Spooner et al. 2007;Gavrilenko et al. 2013). "Andigenas" potatoes are the most important within the Andigenum group. ...
... "Andigenas" potatoes are the most important within the Andigenum group. They are adapted to tuberization under short days, are autotetraploid (2n = 4x = 48) with tetrasomic inheritance, and highly heterozygous (Spooner et al. 2007). ...
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Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an essential crop for food security and is ranked as the third most important crop worldwide for human consumption. The Diacol Capiro cultivar holds the dominant position in Colombian cultivation, primarily catering to the food processing industry. This highly heterozygous, autotetraploid cultivar belongs to the Andigenum group and it stands out for its adaptation to a wide variety of environments spanning altitudes from 1,800 to 3,200 meters above sea level. Here, a chromosome-scale assembly, referred to as DC, is presented for this cultivar. The assembly was generated by combining circular consensus sequencing with proximity ligation Hi-C for the scaffolding and represents 2.369 Gb with 48 pseudochromosomes covering 2,091 Gb and an anchor rate of 88.26%. The reference genome metrics, including an N50 of 50.5 Mb, a BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologue) score of 99.38%, and an Long Terminal Repeat Assembly Index score of 13.53, collectively signal the achieved high assembly quality. A comprehensive annotation yielded a total of 154,114 genes, and the associated BUSCO score of 95.78% for the annotated sequences attests to their completeness. The number of predicted NLR (Nucleotide-Binding and Leucine-Rich-Repeat genes) was 2107 with a large representation of NBARC (for nucleotide binding domain shared by Apaf-1, certain R gene products, and CED-4) containing domains (99.85%). Further comparative analysis of the proposed annotation-based assembly with high-quality known potato genomes, showed a similar genome metrics with differences in total gene numbers related to the ploidy status. The genome assembly and annotation of DC presented in this study represent a valuable asset for comprehending potato genetics. This resource aids in targeted breeding initiatives and contributes to the creation of enhanced, resilient, and more productive potato varieties, particularly beneficial for countries in Latin America.
... A reclassification of native South American potato cultivars by Huaman and Spooner (2002) recognises a single species, S. tuberosum, with eight cultivar groups: Ajanhuiri group, Andigena group, Chaucha group, Chilotanum group, Curtilobum group, Juzepczukii group, Phureja group and Stenotomum group. Within a short period of time, Spooner et al. (2007) proposed a new reclassification of cultivated potatoes into four species: (1) tuberosum with two groups of cultivars (the Andigenum group of Andean highland genotypes containing diploids, triploids and tetraploids, and the Chilotanum group of native Chilean lowland tetraploid varieties); (2) S. ajanhuiri (diploid); (3) S. juzepczukii (triploid) and (4) S. curtilobum (pentaploid). Gavrilenko et al. (2010) examined the Russian National Collections of Cultivated Potatoes at the N. I. Vavilov Institute using morphological characteristics and SSR, obtaining similar results in species recognition for S. tuberosum, S. curtilobum and S. juzepczukii but failed to distinguish S. ajanhuiri from other taxa. ...
... According to the new taxonomic classification of Huaman and Spooner (2002), Spooner et al. (2007Spooner et al. ( , 2010, Gavrilenko et al. (2010), Ovchinnikova et al. (2011), all accessions that have been classified in this work in Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum should be reclassified in the Solanum tuberosum Chilotanum group, and the accessions of Solanum tuberosum ssp. ...
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The journey of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) from South America to the rest of the world has generated a prolific literature regarding the discovery of this crop, its early consumption and cultivation in the Old World. An important part of that literature concerns the Canary Islands. The islands were the only exception to the Spanish trade monopoly with the New World, which reserved Seville as the only port for imports and exports to the colonies. The first potatoes to arrive from America, both from the Andes and the Chiloé archipelago, passed through the Canary Islands, and it is likely that the islands were initially the place where this crop became acclimatised. The orography, the volcanic soils, the climate and the intermediate photoperiods of the islands contributed to the acclimatisation of potatoes that came from various origins of America. The current biodiversity of potatoes in the Canary Islands includes different cultivars, such as local ones that arrived from South America after the conquest, which have evolved on the islands and are taxonomically classified as Solanum ssp. tuberosum, Solanum ssp. andigena and Solanum chaucha. These potatoes have been preserved by farmers, generation after generation, with between 600 and 800 ha being devoted to their cultivation (mainly on the island of Tenerife), in a traditional way, though with low productivity, often due to high virus pressure. This article traces the history of ancient potatoes in the Canary Islands and investigates in depth the introduction of potatoes in Europe through the Canary Islands. It contributes to describing the cultivated plant genetic resources of the Solanum spp. as well as their current situation and cultivation. It also describes traditional cultivation practices, the importance of the in situ conservation of theses varieties and the threats that affect them such as the Guatemalan potato moth.
... The potato cultivated worldwide, S. tuberosum, is a tetraploid (2n = 4x = 48). The recent classification by Spooner et al. (2007) distribute the cultivated potato species as following: (i) Solanum tuberosum Andigenum Group of upland Andean genotypes containing diploids (2x), triploids (3x) and tetraploids (4x); and Solanum tuberosum Chilotanum Group of tetraploids (4x) of lowland Chilean landraces, (ii) S. ajanhuiri (2x), (iii) S. juzepczukii (3x), and (iv) S. curtilobum (5x) ( Table 2.1). S. tuberosum is generally divided into two subspecies, namely subsp. ...
... A few strategies have been proposed to overcome this problem. For example, to introgress resistance to R. solanacearum and P. carotovorum possessed by 1EBN species S. commersonii, Carputo et al. (1997) proposed a breeding scheme based on doubling the chromosome number of S. commersonii, and on the production of Hawkes (1990) and Spooner et al. (2007) triploid and pentabloid bridges. Additional methods to circumvent sexual barriers are manipulation of ploidy and EBN, mentor pollination and embryo rescue, hormone treatment, and reciprocal crosses (Jansky 2006). ...
Potato is a globally important food crop. In addition to various other factors, potato suffers from many biotic stresses. The important diseases are late blight, viruses, bacterial wilt, bacterial soft rot, dry rot, charcoal rot, common scab, black scurf andwart; and insect-pests are like aphid, whitefly,mite, potato tuber moth, potato cyst nematode, potato leaf hopper and white grub. Of which, late blight is the most devastating disease, whereas aphids and whiteflies are more important pests. These biotic factors limit crop growth and reduce tuber yields. The genus Solanum is one of richest source of genetic diversity and provides great opportunities for genetic enhancement of potato applying classical genetics, traditional breeding and modern genomics tools. With the available knowledge on potato genetic resources, genetic diversity, molecular markers, mapping, gene tagging, marker-assisted selection and high-resolution maps, there had been a considerable advancement in potato. The availability of the potato genome sequence and recently sequenced some more wild species, next-generation breeding tools like genome editing, high-throughput genotyping using single nucleotide polymorphism array and genotyping by sequencing, phenomics, genome wide association mapping, genomic selection and other omics resources further provide tremendous opportunities for next-generation breeding of potato. This chapter highlights on genomic designing for biotic stress resistance in potato.
... Most crops experience the intentional artificial selection, as well as significant natural selection pressures. This is the case for rice (Choi and Purugganan, 2018), maize , common bean (Bitocchi et al., 2013), cotton (Lei et al., 2022a, b), potato (Spooner et al., 2007), pea (Trn ený et al., 2018), melon (Zhao et al., 2019), apricot , mango (Warschefsky and von Wettberg, 2019), and tomato (Razifard et al., 2020), while other wild plants are still waiting to be domesticated. These crops provide most of our food today, and they are a prerequisite for the rise of human civilization. ...
... Both cultivated and wild potato collections have been subjected to partial genotyping, utilizing techniques such as AFLP and SSR markers. For instance, 1,000 landrace accessions were genotyped (Ghislain et al., 2004), and 742 landraces along with select wild progenitors were also included in this genotyping initiative (Spooner et al., 2007). Moreover, the entire cultivated collection underwent genotyping using the SolCAP 12K array. ...
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This review highlights -omics research in Solanaceae family, with a particular focus on resilient traits. Extensive research has enriched our understanding of Solanaceae genomics and genetics, with historical varietal development mainly focusing on disease resistance and cultivar improvement but shifting the emphasis towards unveiling resilience mechanisms in genebank-preserved germplasm is nowadays crucial. Collecting such information, might help researchers and breeders developing new experimental design, providing an overview of the state of the art of the most advanced approaches for the identification of the genetic elements laying behind resilience. Building this starting point, we aim at providing a useful tool for tackling the global agricultural resilience goals in these crops.
... Hawkes (1990) proposed a classical taxonomic system for Petota, including 232 species. However, following the aggregation of disparate research, based on morphological and different genetic evidence, many species proved to be either artificially assigned or synonymous (Giannattasio & Spooner, 1994;Spooner et al., 2004Spooner et al., , 2007Ovchinnikova et al., 2011). Mainly relying on Spooner's prominent contribution to the systematic study, Petota was reduced to 107 wild and four cultivated species (Spooner et al., 2014). ...
One of the most prevalent and commercially relevant nematode species connected to potatoes is the potato cyst nematode (PCN). In a majority of the world’s potato-growing regions, PCNs have become a major pest. They are known to be present in more than 80 countries with temperate climates. They are also known to infest potatoes grown in cooler regions of subtropical and tropical countries and can bring about yield losses of up to 70%. PCNs are members of the genus Globodera, which includes two species, Globodera rostochiensis (Woll) and Globodera pallida (Stone), as well as eight pathotypes (Ro1-Ro5 of G. rostochiensis and Pa1-Pa3 of G. pallida). The host root leachate induces juveniles to emerge from cysts, and second-stage juveniles (J2s) penetrate the apex of the elongation zone in potato roots and migrate intracellularly into the cortex surrounding vascular tissue. Mature cysts separate from the roots and can remain in the soil for several years. In general, evidence of mineral deficiencies, spotty yellowing of plants, withering of plants in the sun, and stunted plants with weak root systems are symptoms of advanced PCN infection. In many parts of the world, strict quarantine measures are in place to regulate and prevent the spread of PCN, as this pest is extremely challenging to eliminate once ensured in the field. Apart from nematicides, cultural methods such as rotation of host crops with non-host agriculture, inter-cultivation with antagonist crops, cultivating resistant cultivars, and the warmer months ploughing help prevent and reduce the damage caused by PCNs. However, many cultural management strategies are rendered ineffectual due to the persistence of cysts in the soil, even in the absence of host crops. Growing environmental concerns limit the use of hazardous pesticides for PCN control. Therefore, the most desirable and efficient management approach is an integration of different management strategies.
The most widely cultivated potato (Solanum tuberosum) is an autotetraploid (2n = 4x = 48). Potato genetics is studied in the context of crop improvement. The allele is the unit of selection, directly for those of large effect and indirectly for polygenic traits through the average effects of alleles which determine the breeding values of genotypes. Major genes can be mapped and candidate genes proposed as causal genes. Allelic variation can be explored to find the most desirable one for selection using a molecular marker, or even cloning. With sequence information available, causal genes can be targeted for gene editing involving gene knockout, or gene replacement, or gene insertion. Breeders’ objectives may be more easily achieved through the use of genetic transformation to produce a genetically modified (GM) crop with a number of examples of desirable phenotypes already achieved. Currently up to eight genes are being stacked in cultivars. Molecular markers can also be used in genomic selection of quantitative traits, but progress over sexual generations still depends on the additive genetic variance. The advent of diploid F1 hybrid breeding requires additional potato genetics, particularly on self-pollination, male and female fertility, seed set, and the elimination of deleterious alleles during inbreeding. As more potatoes have their genomes sequenced, and haplotypes of both diploids and tetraploids are reconstructed, it is time to evaluate the new information in the context of crop improvement.
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El recurso fitogenético de papa nativa en el entorno agroecológico andino, es dependiente a la selección natural y artificial; conserva genes de resistencia, calidad y adaptación para la seguridad alimentaria. Se colectó y sembró 403 cultivares de papa nativa (Solana sp.) en los terrenos de las comunidades de la Región Huancavelica - Perú. Se caracterizó morfológicamente con el descriptor propuesto por Gómez; la caracterización molecular empleó 12 microsatélites “SSR”, del kit de identificación genética de la papa, los fragmentos microsatélites fueron identificados con el equipo LI-COR - SagaGT. Por un lado, los descriptores morfológicos, no identificó ningún duplicado a un coeficiente de distancia de 0, todos correspondieron a distintos morfotípos; sin embargo, a un coeficiente de distancia de 0.5 se observaron 370 grupos, lo que demostró alta variabilidad morfológica. Por otro lado, la caracterización molecular permitió registrar 110 alelos y 198 haplotipos a un coeficiente de similitud de 1, que representó 49.1% de duplicados. El AMOVA mostró que la fuente principal de variación 99.4%, estuvo en la colección de cada agricultor. En conclusión, los recursos fitogenéticos de papa nativa en estas comunidades de la Región Huancavelica - Perú, es alta; información que debe ser usada en programas de mejoramiento genético como estratégica de seguridad alimentaria en el Perú.
The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is an association of agricultural research centres which together represent an important force in genetic conservation of crops and their wild relatives. Under the CGIAR umbrella, the centres are collectively custodians of international genetic resource collections for crops that provide 75 per cent of the world's food energy. This volume considers the status of the key collections, in each case providing details of the botany, distribution and agronomy of the species concerned, in addition to extensive information on germplasm conservation and use. The book presents a unique synthesis of knowledge drawn from the CGIAR centres, providing an invaluable source of reference for all those concerned with monitoring, maintaining and utilizing the biodiversity of our staple crop species.
This paper examines the biogeography of cultivars belonging to the domesticated potatoes S. stenotomum Juz. et Buk., s. goniocalyx Juz. et Buk., S. x chaucha Juz. et Buk., and S. tuberosum subsp. andigena Juz. et Buk. It describes the spatial patterning of cultivars in a highland region of Southern Peru and evaluates physical environmental (climate, soils) and human-geographic (seed selection, seed exchange) explanations for observed distributions along elevational gradients and among areas. Results of field sampling, soils and climate analysis, a factorial experimetn, interviews with farmers, and ethnographic participant observation indicate that diverse conspecific cultivars of native potato species are not distributed in fine-grained elevational microenvironments but rather are clustered in geographic micro-regions (or so-called cultivar regions). The concentration of cultivars with endemic distributions in areal clusters is shaped primarily by seed-exchange networks. Environmental factors and the selection of seed by agriculturalists do not significantly differentiate the spatial patterning of conspecific native-potato cultivars along either elevational or areal axes. Evaluation of the major pressures moulding the distribution of cultivars and the geographic scale of their spatial patterning forms an important preliminary step for planning the in situ conservation of genetically diverse native potatoes.
Principal Components (PCA) and Similarity-Graph Clustering (SIMGRA) analyses of morphological and biochemical characters were used to demonstrate the phenetic relationships of the cultivated, weed, and wild forms of the Bolivian diploid potato cultigen Solanum x ajanhuiri and its relatives. Results of both numerical methods supported the proposed intermediacy of cultigens of S. x ajanhuiri (2x) between S. megistacrolobum (2x) and S. stenotomum (2x), its putative wild and cultivated progenitors respectively, while showing the close affinity of these cultigens with sympatric weed populations. Sisu cultigens, a group of frost-resistant triploids sympatric with S. x ajanhuiri, were interpreted as a heteroploidal hybrid between S. x ajanhuiri and the wild tetraploid S. acaule. This analysis of the products of hybridization involving S. megistacrolobum, S. stenotomum, and S. acaule underline the reticulate nature of the evolution of cultivated potatoes.
Wide chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) diversity has been reported in the Andean cultivated tetraploid potato, Solanum tuberosum ssp. andigena. Andean diploid potatoes were analyzed in this study to elucidate the origin of the diverse ctDNA variation of the cultivated tetraploids. The ctDNA types of 58 cultivated diploid potatoes (S. stenotomum, S. goniocalyx and S. phureja), 35 accessions of S. sparsipilum, a diploid weed species, and 40 accessions of the wild or weed species, S. chacoense, were determined based on ctDNA restriction fragment patterns of BamHI, HindIII and PvuII. Several different ctDNA types were found in the cultivated potatoes as well as in weed and wild potato species; thus, intraspecific ctDNA variation may be common in both wild and cultivated potato species and perhaps in the higher plant kingdom as a whole. The ctDNA variation range of cultivated diploid potatoes was similar to that of the tetraploid potatoes, suggesting that the ctDNA diversity of the tetraploid potato could have been introduced from cultivated diploid potatoes. This provided further evidence that the Andean cultivated tetraploid potato, ssp. andigena, could have arisen many times from the cultivated diploid populations. The diverse but conserved ctDNA variation noted in the Andean potatoes may have occurred in the early stage of species differentiation of South American tuber-bearing Solanums.
A deletion specific to chloroplast (ct) DNA of potato (Solanum tuberosum ssp. tuberosum) was determined by comparative sequence analysis. The deletion was 241 bp in size, and was not flanked by direct repeats. Five small, open reading frames were found in the corresponding regions of ctDNAs from wild potato (S. tuberosum ssp. andigena) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Comparison of the sequences of 1.35-kbp HaeIII ctDNA fragments from potato, tomato, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) revealed the following: the locations of the 5' ends of both rubisco large subunit (rbcL) and ATPase beta subunit (atpβ) mRNAs were probably the same as those of spinach (Spinacia oleracea); the promoter regions of the two genes were highly conserved among the four species; and the 5' untranslated regions diverged at high rates. A phylogenetic tree for the three potato cultivars, one tomato cultivar, and one tobacco cultivar has been constructed by the maximum parsimony method from DNA sequence data, demonstrating that the rate of nucleotide substitution in potato ctDNA is much slower than that in tomato ctDNA. This fact might be due to the differences in the method of propagation between the two crops.
Potato was domesticated in the Andes of South America. However, the presently worldwide-grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L. ssp.tuberosum, 2n=4x=48) has characteristic T-type chloroplast DNA that was introduced after late blight epidemics in the mid-19th century from the Chilean potato (2n=4x=48) grown in the southern coastal regions in Chile. Among many wild potato species, the same chloroplast DNA was found only in some populations of a diploid speciesS. tarijense Hawkes (2n=2x=24), which ranges from central Bolivia to northwest Argentina. To elucidate an evolutionary pathway of T-type chloroplast DNA fromS. tarijense to Chilean potato, 215 accessions ofS. stenotomum Juz. et Buk., considered to be the most primitive, diploid cultivated potato species, from which all the Andean cultivated species evolved, and 286 accessions of the most widely grown, Andean tetraploid cultivated speciesS. tuberosum L. ssp.andigena Hawkes (2n=4x=48) were examined in this study. No accession ofS. stenotomum had T-type chloroplast DNA, while nine accessions, mostly from northwest Argentina, ofS. tuberosum ssp.andigena had T-type chloroplast DNA. Therefore, I conclude that some populations ofS. tarijense having T-type chloroplast DNA were naturally crossed as female withS. tuberosum ssp.andigena from which the Chilean potato was selected.