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Malnutrition and the disproportional burden on the poor: The case of Ghana


Abstract and Figures

Malnutrition is a major public health and development concern in the developing world and in poor communities within these regions. Understanding the nature and determinants of socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition is essential in contemplating the health of populations in developing countries and in targeting resources appropriately to raise the health of the poor and most vulnerable groups. This paper uses a concentration index to summarize inequality in children's height-for-age z-scores in Ghana across the entire socioeconomic distribution and decomposes this inequality into different contributing factors. Data is used from the Ghana 2003 Demographic and Health Survey. The results show that malnutrition is related to poverty, maternal education, health care and family planning and regional characteristics. Socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition is mainly associated with poverty, health care use and regional disparities. Although average malnutrition is higher using the new growth standards recently released by the World Health Organization, socioeconomic inequality and the associated factors are robust to the change of reference population. Child malnutrition in Ghana is a multisectoral problem. The factors associated with average malnutrition rates are not necessarily the same as those associated with socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition.
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International Journal for Equity in
Open Access
Malnutrition and the disproportional burden on the poor: the case
of Ghana
Ellen Van de Poel*1,2, Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor3, Caroline Jehu-Appiah4,
Jeanette Vega3 and Niko Speybroeck5
Address: 1Department of Applied Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Burg. Oudlaan 50, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2The
Faculty of Economics and Commerce, The University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia, 3Equity, Poverty and Social Determinants of Health,
Evidence and Information for Policy, World Health Organization, Avenue Appia 20, CH - 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland, 4Policy Planning
Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Ghana Health Service, Private Mail Bag, Ministries, Accra, Ghana and 5Institute of Tropical Medicine,
Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
Email: Ellen Van de Poel* -; Ahmad Reza Hosseinpoor -; Caroline Jehu-
Appiah -; Jeanette Vega -; Niko Speybroeck -
* Corresponding author
Background: Malnutrition is a major public health and development concern in the developing
world and in poor communities within these regions. Understanding the nature and determinants
of socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition is essential in contemplating the health of populations
in developing countries and in targeting resources appropriately to raise the health of the poor and
most vulnerable groups.
Methods: This paper uses a concentration index to summarize inequality in children's height-for-
age z-scores in Ghana across the entire socioeconomic distribution and decomposes this inequality
into different contributing factors. Data is used from the Ghana 2003 Demographic and Health
Results: The results show that malnutrition is related to poverty, maternal education, health care
and family planning and regional characteristics. Socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition is mainly
associated with poverty, health care use and regional disparities. Although average malnutrition is
higher using the new growth standards recently released by the World Health Organization,
socioeconomic inequality and the associated factors are robust to the change of reference
Conclusion: Child malnutrition in Ghana is a multisectoral problem. The factors associated with
average malnutrition rates are not necessarily the same as those associated with socioeconomic
inequality in malnutrition.
In the developing world, an estimated 230 million (39%)
children under the age of five are chronically malnour-
ished and about 54% of deaths among children younger
than 5 are associated with malnutrition [1]. Malnutrition
is a major public health and development concern with
important health and socioeconomic consequences. In
Sub-Saharan Africa, the prevalence of malnutrition
Published: 28 November 2007
International Journal for Equity in Health 2007, 6:21 doi:10.1186/1475-9276-6-21
Received: 21 August 2007
Accepted: 28 November 2007
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© 2007 Van de Poel et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
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International Journal for Equity in Health 2007, 6:21
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among the group of under-fives is estimated at 41% [1]. It
is the only region in the world where the number of child
deaths is increasing and in which food insecurity and
absolute poverty are expected to increase [2-4]. Malnutri-
tion in early childhood is associated with significant func-
tional impairment in adult life, reduced work capacity
and decreasing economic productivity [5-10]. Children
who are malnourished not only tend to have increased
morbidity and mortality but are also more prone to suffer
from delayed mental development, poor school perform-
ance and reduced intellectual achievement [6-8].
Chronic malnutrition is usually measured in terms of
growth retardation. It is widely accepted that children
across the world have much the same growth potential, at
least to seven years of age. Environmental factors, dis-
eases, inadequate diet, and the handicaps of poverty
appear to be far more important than genetic predisposi-
tion in producing deviations from the reference. These
conditions, in turn, are closely linked to overall standards
of living and the ability of populations to meet their basic
needs. Therefore, the assessment of growth not only serves
as one of the best global indicators of children's nutri-
tional status, but also provides an indirect measurement
of the quality of life of an entire population [11-13].
Large scale development programs such as the Millen-
nium Development Goals (MDGs) have also emphasized
the importance of the under-fives' nutritional status as
indicators for evaluating progress [14]. When aiming at
reducing childhood malnutrition, it is important not only
to consider averages, which can obscure large inequalities
across socioeconomic groups. Failure to tackle these ine-
qualities may act as a brake on making progress towards
achieving the MDGs and is a cause of social injustice
Against this background, Ghana provides an interesting
case study. The country experienced remarkable gains in
health from the immediate post independence era. Life
expectancy improved over the years and the prevention of
a range of communicable diseases improved child sur-
vival and development. However in the last decade
despite increasing investments in health, Ghana has not
achieved target health outcomes. There has been no sig-
nificant change in Ghana's under-five and infant mortal-
ity rates between 1993 and 2003. In the last couple of
years, under-five mortality was actually slightly increas-
ing. Life expectancy has also fallen from 57 years in 2000
to 56 years in 2005 [17]. Ghana's Human Development
Index (HDI), a measure combing life expectancy, literacy,
education and standard of living, has been worsening too;
after improving from 0.444 in 1975 to 0.563 in 2001, the
HDI dropped to 0.520 in 2005 [15]. Since 1988, there has
been no definite trend in malnutrition (in terms of height-
for-age). Apparent gains between 1988 and 1998 were
reversed in 2003 [18]. Although the 2003 Ghana Demo-
graphic Health Survey (DHS) final report [17] recom-
mends caution when using data from the various DHS to
assess the trend in the nutritional status, it is noted that
there was a trend over the past five years of increased
stunting compared to a decrease of wasting and under-
weight. Further, there has been a trend of continued high
values of stunting in the North compared to the South
Malnutrition in Ghana has been most prevalent under the
form of Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM), which causes
growth retardation and underweight. About 54% of all
deaths beyond early infancy were associated with PEM,
making this the single greatest cause of child mortality in
Ghana [20].
A paradigm shift in Ghanaian health policy has been tak-
ing place in 2006. The theme for the new health policy in
Ghana was 'Creating Wealth through Health". One of the
fundamental hypotheses of this policy was that improving
health and nutritional status of the population would
lead to improved productivity, economic development
and wealth creation [21]. Since this policy adopted an
approach that addressed the broader determinants of
health, it has thus generated interest in socio-economic
inequalities in health and malnutrition. It was further rec-
ognised that not paying attention to malnutrition ine-
qualities during the early years of life is likely to
perpetuate inequality and ill health in future generations
and thus defeat the aims of the new health policy.
From the existing evidence it is clear that childhood mal-
nutrition is associated with a number of socioeconomic
and environmental characteristics such as poverty, par-
ents' education/occupation, sanitation, rural/urban resi-
dence and access to health care services. Also
demographic factors such as the child's age and sex, birth
interval and mother's age at birth have been linked with
malnutrition [4,5,22-26]. Previous studies have also
drawn attention to the disproportional burden of malnu-
trition among children from poor households [27-31].
However, much less is known on which factors lie behind
this disproportional burden. It is important to note that
the most important determinants of malnutrition are not
necessarily also the most important determinants of soci-
oeconomic inequality in malnutrition. [31] shows that
the poorest-to-richest odds-ratio of stunting is almost
halved by controlling for household and child character-
istics using Ghanaian data. However, it is not clear how
much each of these characteristics is contributing to this
reduction. Understanding the nature and determinants of
socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition is essential in
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contemplating the health of populations in developing
countries and in targeting resources appropriately to raise
the health of the poor and most vulnerable groups. This
paper employs a concentration index to summarize ine-
quality across the entire socioeconomic distribution
rather than simply comparing extremes as in ratio meas-
ures. The concentration index is decomposed using the
framework suggested by [32], allowing to identify the fac-
tors that are associated with socioeconomic inequality in
malnutrition. This decomposition takes into account that
both the association of a determinant with malnutrition
as well as its distribution across socioeconomic groups
play a role in the extent to which it is contributing to soci-
oeconomic inequality in malnutrition. The usefulness of
this approach has already been demonstrated on Euro-
pean data, but has known limited applications on devel-
oping countries.
Further, this paper contributes to the literature by deliver-
ing evidence on the determinants of malnutrition and
socioeconomic inequality in Ghana using the new child
growth standards population that has recently been
released by the World Health Organization (WHO) [33].
This reference population includes children from Brazil,
Ghana, India, Norway, Oman and the US. The new stand-
ards adopt a fundamentally prescriptive approach
designed to describe how all children should grow rather
than merely describing how children grew in a single ref-
erence population at a specified time [34]. For example,
the new reference population includes only children from
study sites where at least 20% of women are willing to fol-
low breastfeeding recommendations. To our knowledge
this is the first study presenting estimates of malnutrition
in Ghana based upon these new standards. To check sen-
sitivity of the results to this change in reference group, the
analysis is also done using the US National Center for
Health Statistics (NCHS) reference population [35].
The results are useful from a policy perspective as they can
be used in setting policies to reduce malnutrition and the
excessive burden on the poor. The results of this study are
particularly relevant for Ghanaian policy makers, but can
also be generalized to other settings in the sense that they
show that malnutrition is associated with a broad range of
factors and that the factors related to average malnutrition
are not necessarily the same as those related to socioeco-
nomic inequality in malnutrition.
Measuring malnutrition
Nutritional status was measured by height-for-age z-
scores. An overview of other nutritional indices and why
height-for-age is the most suited for this kind of analysis
is provided in [36]. A height-for-age z-score is the differ-
ence between the height of a child and the median height
of a child of the same age and sex in a well-nourished ref-
erence population divided by the standard deviation in
the reference population. The new WHO child growth
population is used as reference population [33]. To con-
struct height-for-age z-scores based upon these standards,
we used the software available on the WHO website [37].
To check sensitivity of the results to this change in refer-
ence group, the analysis is also done by using the US
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) reference
population [35].
Generally, children whose height-for-age z-score is below
minus two standard deviations of the median of the refer-
ence population are considered chronically malnourished
or stunted. In the regression models, the negative of the z-
score is used as dependent variable (y). This facilitates
interpretation since it has a positive mean and is increas-
ing in malnutrition [32]. For the purpose of our analysis,
using the z-score instead of a binary or ordinal variable
indicating whether the child is (moderately/severely)
stunted is preferred as it facilitates the interpretation of
coefficients and the decomposition of socioeconomic ine-
quality. However, binary indicators of stunting are also
used in the descriptive analysis and to position Ghana
within a set of other Sub-Saharan African countries.
The concentration index as a measure of socioeconomic
Assume yi is the negative of the height-for-age z-score of
child i. The concentration index (C) of y results from a
concentration curve, which plots the cumulative propor-
tion of children, ranked by socioeconomic status, against
the cumulative proportion of y. The concentration curve
lies above the diagonal if y is larger among the poorer chil-
dren and vice versa. The further the curve lies from the
diagonal, the higher the socioeconomic inequality in
nutritional status. A concentration index is a measure of
this inequality and is defined as twice the area between
the concentration curve and the diagonal. If children with
low socioeconomic status suffer more malnutrition than
their better off peers the concentration index will be neg-
ative [38]. It should be noted that the concentration index
is not bounded within the range of [-1,1] if the health var-
iable of interest takes negative, as well as positive values.
Since children with a negative y are better off than chil-
dren in the reference population, they cannot be consid-
ered malnourished. Therefore their z-score is changed into
zero, such that the z-scores are restricted to positive values
with zero indicating no malnutrition and higher z-scores
indicating more severe malnutrition.
Further, the bounds of the concentration index depend
upon the mean of the indicator when applied to binary
indicators, such as stunting [39]. This would impede
cross-country comparisons due to substantial differences
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in means across countries. To avoid this problem, we used
an alternative but related concentration index that was
recently introduced by [40] and does not suffer from
mean dependence, when comparing Ghana with other
Sub-Saharan African countries.
Decomposition of socioeconomic inequality
More formally, a concentration index of y can be written
as [38]:
where yi refers to the height-for-age of the i-th individual
and Ri is its respective fractional rank in the socioeco-
nomic distribution. As will be discussed further in the fol-
lowing section, the present paper uses a continuous
wealth variable, developed by principal component anal-
ysis, as a measure of socioeconomic status [see e.g. [41]].
If yi is linearly modelled
[32] showed that the concentration index of height-for-
age can be decomposed into inequality in the determi-
nants of height-for-age as follows:
where μ is the mean of y, is the mean of xk, Ck is the
concentration index of xk (with respect to socioeconomic
status) and GC
is the generalized concentration index of
the residuals. The latter term reflects the socioeconomic
inequality in height-for-age that is left unexplained by the
model and is calculated as .
As the DHS data have a hierarchical structure, with chil-
dren nested in households and households nested within
communities, we have also considered using multilevel
models to estimate the associations of variables with
childhood malnutrition (see e.g. [42]). Allowing for ran-
dom effects on the household and/or community level
yielded coefficients that were similar to the ones from OLS
regression corrected for clustering. Because of this similar-
ity and because the use of multilevel models would com-
plicate the decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in
malnutrition, the remainder is based on results from lin-
ear regression corrected for clustering on the community
All estimation takes account of sample weights (provided
with the DHS data). Statistical inference on the decompo-
sition results is obtained through bootstrapping with
3000 replications. The bootstrap procedure takes into
account the dependence of observations within clusters.
Data is used from the 2003 Ghana Demographic Health
Survey (DHS) and are restricted to children under the age
of 5. Anthropometric measures are missing for 12.3% of
children in this age group. The final sample contains
information on 3061 children. We did examine possible
selection problems due to the high proportion of missing
observations. A logit model explaining the selection in the
sample and a Heckman sample selection model (using
different exclusion restrictions) were used to check for this
[43]. Both tests did not reveal large sample selection prob-
lems, and coefficients in the Heckman model were very
similar to those in the model presented here.
The nutritional status of a child is specified to be a linear
function of child-level characteristics such as age, sex,
duration of breastfeeding, size at birth; maternal charac-
teristics such as education, mother's age at birth, birth
interval, marital status, use of health services, occupation
and finally household-level characteristics such as wealth,
type of toilet facility, access to safe water, number of
under-five children in the household, region and urbani-
zation. We preferred not to include information on the
type of toilet and water source into the wealth indicator,
as these variables can be expected to have a direct relation
with children's growth apart from being correlated with
household socioeconomic status [44].
The explanatory variables are described in the last column
of Table 1. All have well documented relevance in the lit-
erature [5,22-26,31,32,45,46].
No information on mother's nutritional status was
included in the set of explanatory variables. Since about
10% of women in the dataset were pregnant at the time of
interview, their BMI did not provide an accurate measure
of their nutritional status. Furthermore, BMI reflects cur-
rent nutritional status and may not be relevant for chil-
dren born 5 years prior to the interview. Inclusion of
mother's height-for-age had no significant effect on
=+ +
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Table 1: Mean, standard deviation and description of all variables
Variable Mean SD Description
Stunting (WHO) 0.36 0.48 Height-for-age z-score<-2SD of WHO population (1-0)
Z-score (WHO) 1.58 1.27 Height for age z-score (based upon WHO)
Stunting (NCHS) 0.29 0.45 Height-for-age z-score<-2SD of NCHS population (1-0)
Z-score (NCHS) 1.41 1.17 Height for age z-score (based upon NCHS)
Breastfeeding 16.98 8.34 Duration of breastfeeding (in months)
Age of child
6 months 0.12 0.33 Age of child split into 3 categories: 6 months; 6–12 months, >12 months
6–12 months 0.12 0.32
> 12 months 0.76 0.43
Size of child
Size large 0.41 0.49 Size of child at birth in 4 categories: very large, large, normal, small, very small
Size normal 0.41 0.49
Size small 0.12 0.32
Size very small 0.06 0.24
Sex of child 0.50 0.50 Sex of child: male(1), female (0)
Upper 0.09 0.29 region of residence: Upper (Upper East and Upper West), Middle (Ashanti and
Brong Ahafo), South (Western, Central, Volta and Eastern), Accra, Northern [55]
Middle 0.30 0.46
South 0.36 0.48
Accra 0.11 0.31
Northern 0.14 0.34
Urban 0.33 0.47 Urban location (1), rural location (0)
Poor 0.39 0.49 Wealth groups (poor) based upon principal component analysis. The wealth
indicator is estimated on household level and combines the following assets:
electricity, radio, TV, fridge, bike, motor, car, phone and the type of the flooring
material [60].
Middle 0.32 0.47
Rich 0.29 0.45
Toilet 0.70 0.46 Having a toilet (flush toilet, traditional pit toilet, ventilated improved pit latrine) (1-0)
Water 0.61 0.49 Whether the household has access to safe water available (1-0). The following
sources of water supply were regarded as safe water: piped water (piped into
dwelling, piped into yard, plot, or public tap); water from protected well
Twoplus 0.59 0.49 Whether there are more than two under-fives in the household (1-0)
Riskintb 0.10 0.30 Whether there were less than 24 months between the child's birth and the birth of
the previous child (1-0)
Married 0.91 0.29 Whether the child's mother is married or living together (1-0)
Mother's education
No or incomplete 0.56 0.50 Mother's education level split into 3 categories: no or incomplete primary, primary
and incomplete secondary, secondary and higher
Primary 0.40 0.49
Secondary and higher 0.04 0.20
Health services index
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Summary statistics
In the 2003 DHS data for Ghana, 36% of children under
the age of 5 are stunted. Stunting is defined as height-for-
age being below minus 2 SD from the median of the ref-
erence population. The concentration index for stunting
in children under the age of 5 was -0.12 (SD = 0.016). This
negative value implies that poor children had a higher
probability of being stunted than their better off peers.
Using the older NCHS reference study showed a lower
prevalence of stunting (29%) and slightly higher socioe-
conomic inequality (C = -0.15, SD = 0.019).
Figure 1 illustrates the strong socioeconomic inequality in
childhood stunting. The stunting rate among the poorest
60 percent was more than twice the rate of children in the
richest 20 percent.
Figure 2 shows a comparative picture of stunting and soci-
oeconomic inequality in stunting across the Sub-Saharan
African region. Stunting and socioeconomic variables are
calculated for each country on DHS data in exactly the
same way as is described for the Ghana DHS. Summary
statistics of all variables are shown in Table 1.
Determinants of malnutrition
The regression coefficients and their significance are
shown in the first column of Table 2. Note that the
dependent variable is increasing in malnutrition, such
that a negative coefficient should be interpreted as lower-
ing malnutrition.
Malnutrition increased with the child's age in a non-linear
way. Children who were very small at birth had a higher
probability to be stunted than children with normal size.
Male children were more prone to malnutrition than their
female peers. Long duration of breastfeeding is associated
with higher malnutrition.
With respect to maternal characteristics, the existence of a
short birth interval was significantly increasing malnutri-
tion. Children of women that accessed health services
more frequently were less prone to being malnourished.
Maternal occupation showed no clear effect. Maternal
education and household wealth showed a significant
association with childhood malnutrition. The presence of
two or more under-five children in the household was
negatively associated with the child's nutritional status.
Sanitation variables however had no significant associa-
tion on malnutrition. As compared to the Northern region
all regions were associated with lower malnutrition, espe-
Distribution of stunting across wealth quintilesFigure 1
Distribution of stunting across wealth quintiles.
% of stunted children
stunting rates based upon WHO stunting rates based upon NCHS
Healthlow 0.33 0.47 Use of health services (low, moderate, high) estimated by principal component
analysis. The indicator combines skilled birth attendance, antenatal care and
proportion of recommended vaccinations [45]. The age schedule from the Expanded
Program on Immunization set by the WHO was used: BCG at birth, DPT and Polio
at 2, 3 and 4 months and measles at 9 months.
Healthmod 0.32 0.46
Healthhigh 0.31 0.46
Mother's age at birth
<20 0.11 0.31 Mother's age at birth in years split into 3 categories: <20, 20–39, >39
20–39 0.81 0.39
>39 0.08 0.27
Mother's occupation
Prof, tech, man, cler,
sales, service
0.32 0.47 Professional, technical, managerial, clerical, sales, services; agriculture; manual; not
Agriculture 0.44 0.50
Manual 0.14 0.35
Not working 0.10 0.30
Observations 3061
Reference categories for categorical variables used in the regression model are in bold.
Table 1: Mean, standard deviation and description of all variables (Continued)
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cially the Accra region. The high regional disparities in
malnutrition are further illustrated in Figure 3. The four
most deprived regions in Ghana (Northern, Central,
Upper East and Western regions) exhibited the greatest
burden of malnutrition.
Decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in
Table 2 also shows the concentration index and the rela-
tive contributions of each determinant to socioeconomic
inequality in childhood malnutrition. For the ease of
interpretation, the last column shows the grouped contri-
bution from the categorical variables. A negative contribu-
tion to socioeconomic inequality implies that the
respective variable is lowering socioeconomic inequality
and vice versa. A variable can contribute to socioeconomic
inequality in malnutrition both through its association
with malnutrition and through its unequal distribution
across wealth groups. The extent to which each of the
explanatory variables is unequally distributed across
wealth is reflected by its C value. A negative C means that
the determinant is more prevalent among poorer house-
Wealth accounted for the major part (31%) of socioeco-
nomic inequality. This part of socioeconomic inequality
reflects the direct contribution of wealth. The remainder is
the wealth-related inequality in malnutrition through
other factors. Important contributors were regional varia-
bles (23%) and the use of health care services (18%). The
age of the child was contributing negatively to socioeco-
nomic inequality (-8%). This means that the combined
effect of its coefficient and its distribution by wealth was
lowering socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition.
Older children were more likely to be stunted and were
more prevalent in higher wealth quintiles. The latter is
reflected by the positive and significant C of the variable
age>12 months The contribution of the error term only
amounted to about 6%, meaning that the decomposition
model functioned well in explaining socioeconomic ine-
quality in malnutrition.
Using the older NCHS reference population gave very
similar regression and decomposition results are therefore
not discussed (results are available upon request.).
Relative to other Sub-Saharan countries, Ghana appeared
to have a rather low level of average stunting, combined
with relatively high socioeconomic inequality in stunting.
The use of the new WHO child growth standards yielded
a higher average stunting rate as compared to the older
NCHS reference group. [47] found the same for Bangla-
desh, Dominican Republic and a pooled sample of North
American and European children. However, the variables
associated with malnutrition and socioeconomic inequal-
ity were very robust to the change of the reference popula-
Average stunting versus socioeconomic inequality in stunting in under-five children in Sub-Saharan AfricaFigure 2
Average stunting versus socioeconomic inequality in stunting in under-five children in Sub-Saharan Africa. Data from recent
Demographic Health surveys. Stunting is measured using the WHO child growth standards. Concentration index as suggested
by [40] is used since it is invariant to the mean of the binary variable.
Togo Tanzania
Zimba bw e
Uga n d a
Maurita nia
Mali Malawi
Ken y a
Gha na
Cote d'Ivoire Comoros
Ben i n
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
aver age s tunti ng
C of stunting
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Determinants of malnutrition
Malnutrition in Ghanaian children rises with the age of
the child, which is confirmed by other studies [5,25,32].
The higher prevalence of malnutrition among boys as
compared to girls, and the negative association of long
breastfeeding have also been established in the literature
[5,22,32,45]. Long duration of breastfeeding may be asso-
ciated with higher malnutrition because it reflects lack of
resources to provide children with adequate nutrition
[31]. It is also possible that children who are breastfed for
a long time are more reluctant to eat other foods, as was
found by [22] in their study on a cohort of Ghanaian chil-
Short birth intervals and the presence of two or more
under-five children in the household, affected childhood
growth negatively by placing a heavy burden on the
mother's reproductive and nutritional resources, and by
increasing competition for the scarce resources within the
household [22]. Children of younger mothers could be
more prone to malnutrition because of physiological
immaturity and social and psychological stress that come
with child bearing at young age [48].
Maternal education was significantly lowering childhood
malnutrition. This may reflect education generating the
necessary income to purchase food. However, although
education is often suggested to be a measure of social sta-
Inequality in stunting by regions (A) and grouped regions (B) (as in [55])Figure 3
Inequality in stunting by regions (A) and grouped regions (B)
(as in [55]).
Upper West
Upper East
% of stunted children
stunting rate s based upon W HO stunting ra tes base d upon NCHS
% of stunted children
stunting rat es based upon W HO stunting ra tes base d upon NCHS
Table 2: Regression and decomposition results: coefficient,
concentration index (C) and proportional contribution
Variables Coefficient C Contribution
Breastfeeding 0.01 -0.0042 0.54 0.54
Age of child -8.14
6–12 months 0.22 0.0049 -0.10
> 12 months 0.86 0.0154 -8.04
Size of child 2.01
Size large -0.12 0.0170 0.65
Size small 0.18 -0.0500 0.82
Size very small 0.26 -0.0401 0.54
Sex of child 0.23 -0.0101 0.92 0.92
Region 23.07
Upper -0.59 -0.2123 -8.29
Middle -0.38 0.1169 10.34
South -0.52 -0.0425 -6.68
Accra -0.73 0.4390 27.70
Urban -0.11 0.3153 8.95 8.95
Wealth 30.85
Middle -0.04 0.1055 1.13
Rich -0.18 0.7120 29.71
Toilet -0.10 0.1159 6.71 6.71
Water 0.02 0.0690 -0.72 -0.72
Twoplus 0.11 -0.0469 2.41 2.41
Riskintb 0.19 0.0440 -0.66 -0.66
Married -0.03 0.0180 0.35 0.35
Mother's education 5.51
No or incomplete 0.33 -0.1578 22.99
Primary 0.36 0.1549 -17.48
Health services index 18.32
Healthmod -0.02 -0.0525 -0.20
Healthhigh -0.32 0.2204 18.52
Mother's age at birth 1.29
<20 0.13 -0.1133 1.26
>39 0.00 -0.1035 0.03
Mother's occupation 2.90
Prof, tech, man,
cler, sales, service
-0.13 0.2194 7.40
Agriculture -0.07 -0.1884 -4.90
Manual -0.07 0.0505 0.40
Constant 1.03
Error -0.0045 5.70 5.70
Total 100.00 100.00
The dependent variable in the regression is the (negative) height-for-age z-score
(based upon the WHO reference population). Number of observations = 3061, C
of dependent variable = -0.079. Bold numbers indicate significance at the 10% level
(based upon bootstrapped standard errors).
International Journal for Equity in Health 2007, 6:21
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(page number not for citation purposes)
tus, the coefficient stayed significant after controlling for
household wealth and living conditions. A high level of
maternal education could also lower childhood malnutri-
tion through other pathways such as increased awareness
of healthy behaviour, sanitation practices and a more
equitable sharing of household resources in favour of the
children [4,5,49].
Sanitation in terms of having a toilet and access to safe
water did not significantly affect malnutrition. [26] also
reported this result, but they did find a significant associ-
ation between sanitation and wasting (which reflects cur-
rent nutritional status). This might suggest that good
sanitation can avoid episodes of diarrhoea and hereby
affect current nutritional status, while it may not be suffi-
cient for long term child growth.
The higher levels of malnutrition of the population living
in the northern regions of Ghana have already been
observed more than a decade ago [23]. This regional pat-
tern reflects ecological constraints, worse general living
conditions and access to public facilities in the Northern
regions. In addition, the persistence of this regional ine-
quality can point to an intergenerational effect of malnu-
trition. Since women who were malnourished as children
are more likely to give birth to low-birth-weight children,
past prevalence of child malnutrition is likely to have an
effect on current prevalence.
Decomposition of socioeconomic inequality in
The high socioeconomic inequality in childhood malnu-
trition is -apart from wealth itself-mainly associated with
regional characteristics and use of health care services.
Wealth was responsible for about one third of the socioe-
conomic inequality in malnutrition. This means that
poorer children were more likely to be malnourished,
mainly because of their poverty. The regional contribu-
tion results from the fact that poorer children are more
likely to live in regions with disadvantageous characteris-
tics. Given the strong regional associations with malnutri-
tion, after controlling for a broad range of socioeconomic
and demographic covariates, there must be other impor-
tant regional aspects. The regional inequality in Ghana
originates from both geographical and historical reasons.
Much of the North is characterized by lower rainfall,
savannah vegetation, periods of severe drought and
remote and inaccessible location. Further, the colonial
dispensation ensured that northern Ghana was a labor
reserve for the southern mines and forest economy and
the post-colonial failed to break the established pattern
Health services use was also responsible for a substantial
proportion of socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition.
This derives from the combined effect of the positive asso-
ciations between health services use and childhood
growth and the unequal use across socioeconomic groups.
The reason for the lower health care use amongst the poor
may be due to several barriers including the cost of care,
cost of transportation and lower awareness on health pro-
moting behavior [50]. User fees were introduced in Ghana
in 1985 as a cost-sharing mechanism at all public health
facilities. To ensure access to health care services for the
poor and vulnerable the government introduced fee
exemptions. Then again in 2003, a new policy for exempt-
ing deliveries from user fees in the four most deprived
regions of the country, namely Central, Northern, Upper
East and Upper West regions were introduced. To further
bridge the inequality a key recommendation of the Ghana
Poverty Reduction Strategy [51] was to allocate 40% of the
non-wage recurrent budget to the deprived regions. How-
ever, experience to date indicates that Ghana has not been
able to implement an efficient exemption mechanism or
commit to the 40% budgetary allocation to achieve the
principal purpose. In addition to these financial hurdles,
poorer people are often also located further from health
centers. The ratios of population to nurses and doctors are
the highest the poorest regions of Ghana. For example the
ratio of population to doctors in the northern region is
1:81338 compared to the national average of 1:17733.
Trends show that since 1995 the Northern region has had
the lowest average number of outpatient visits per capita
in the country [52]. Also partly related to the use of health
services is the contribution of the number of under-fives
in the household. Poor women are more likely to have
more children and these, in turn, are therefore more likely
to be malnourished. The higher parity among poorer
women may be related to difficult access to or knowledge
on family planning services. The much lower use and
knowledge of modern contraception among poor women
is documented in the Ghana DHS 2003 final report [17].
The negative contribution of age comes from the com-
bined facts that older children are more likely to be mal-
nourished and at the same time more prevalent in the
richer wealth quintiles. The latter could be related to
higher child and infant mortality rates amongst poorer
households that cause the proportion of older children to
be lower among poor households as compared to richer
Combining the results from the analysis on the determi-
nants of malnutrition and socioeconomic inequality
demonstrates that variables that are associated with aver-
age malnutrition are not necessarily also related to socio-
economic inequality. Although bio-demographic
variables such as a risky birth interval, size at birth, dura-
tion of breastfeeding and the sex of the child are quite
strongly associated with a child's nutritional status, they
International Journal for Equity in Health 2007, 6:21
Page 10 of 12
(page number not for citation purposes)
do not contribute to socioeconomic inequality in malnu-
trition. This is because of their relatively equal distribu-
tion across socioeconomic groups. Other variables such as
urban/rural location, having a toilet, access to clean water
and maternal occupation are very unequally distributed
across socioeconomic groups, but still do not contribute
to socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition because they
are not significantly associated with malnutrition. A third
group of variables such as regions, health care use and
wealth are both very strongly related to average and soci-
oeconomic inequality in malnutrition.
Considerations and limitations
There exist some limitations of this study. First, DHS only
collects information on the recent food consumption of
the youngest child under three years of age living with the
mother. Restricting the sample to these children would
substantially reduce the number of observations. How-
ever, the analysis was also conducted on this sub sample,
using food consumption as one of the determinants of
malnutrition (indices were created similar to [25,45]).
Since the regression and decomposition results did not
differ much, these are not presented in this paper (but are
available from the authors upon request). Second, one
has to bear in mind that, although commonly used, the
construction of an asset index to capture socioeconomic
status has its shortcomings and e.g. is sensitive to the
assets included [44]. However, in the absence of reliable
information on income or expenditure, the use of such an
asset index is generally a good alternative to distinguish
socioeconomic layers within a population [53]. Finally, it
is important to note that this paper is showing the factors
that are associated with malnutrition and socioeconomic
inequality in malnutrition and the magnitude of these
associations. These results are subject to the usual caveats
regarding the causal interpretation of cross-sectional
results. Focusing on child health avoids much of the direct
feedback of income and health that is usually present in
microeconomic studies. To gain some insight into the
severity of endogeneity problems we also did the analysis
excluding possible endogenous variables such as birth
interval, breastfeeding, the number of children in the
household and use of health care services. Again, wealth
and regional characteristics were contributing most to
socioeconomic inequality, followed by maternal educa-
tion. To avoid endogeneity of health care use, it would be
better to use data on proximity/availability of care. How-
ever, no such data were available in the 2003 Ghana DHS.
Another option would be to predict health care use, but
we were not able to find strong predictors for health care.
Conclusion and policy implications
The regression results show that malnutrition is associated
with a broad range of factors. However in Ghana it often
falls through the cracks since it has no institutional home.
Tackling malnutrition therefore calls for a shared vision
and should be viewed and addressed in a broader context
[54]. Therefore special attention needs to be given to pol-
icies aimed at reducing malnutrition based on the magni-
tude and nature of determinants of malnutrition, such as
poverty, education, health care and family planning serv-
ices and regional characteristics. Currently in Ghana, var-
ious interventions are being implemented to reduce both
PEM and micro nutrient deficiencies. These include the
Infant and Young Child Feeding Strategy (IYCF) and
Community Based Nutrition and Food Security project
among others. Notwithstanding the positive effects of
these programs, they address only the symptoms of mal-
nutrition and therefore are most likely not sufficient to
have a sustained impact in the long term as they do not
deal with a lot of the root causes of malnutrition.
The results also suggest that factors strongly associated
with average malnutrition are not necessarily also contrib-
uting to socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition. The
distinction between these groups of variables can be quite
important, as it suggests that policies trying to reduce aver-
age malnutrition rates can be different from those aiming
at lowering socioeconomic inequality in malnutrition. If
equity goals are to be achieved, health policies in Ghana
should further be directed at strategies/interventions to
reduce poverty and to improve the use of health care and
family planning services among the poorer population
groups. Furthermore, regional disparities should further
be tackled to narrow the gap in malnutrition between the
poor and the rich. A starting point could be for policy
makers to include under-five malnutrition differentials to
set criteria to guide resource allocation to regions. Moreo-
ver, the strong regional contributions to socioeconomic
inequality, even after controlling for other factors such as
household wealth and education, bring forward the issue
of geographical targeting. Further targeting public pro-
grams towards the central and northern regions would
substantially reduce socioeconomic inequality in malnu-
trition and is administratively easier than targeting the
poor. The latter argument is relevant for Ghana, where
pro-poor policies (redistribution schemes and exemption
policies) are not having the aimed effect because of prob-
lems in identifying the poor [55,56]. Geographic targeting
reduces leakage of program benefits to the non-needy
compared to untargeted programs, although under cover-
age of the truly needy can increase. "Fine-tuning" the tar-
geting by basing it on smaller geographic units increases
efficiency, but in some circumstances may be costly and
politically unacceptable [57].
With respect to Ghana, regional averages should be inter-
preted with caution as there is large heterogeneity
between districts in each region and indeed among socio-
economic groups within districts. In this case, polices
International Journal for Equity in Health 2007, 6:21
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(page number not for citation purposes)
aimed at reducing child malnutrition based on regional
averages may lead to under coverage of those in need. [58]
exposes some important limitations of geographic target-
ing if used to place poverty-alleviation or nutrition inter-
ventions within cities. Using data from Abidjan (Cote
d'Ivoire) and Accra (Ghana), they found significant clus-
tering in housing conditions; however they did not find
any sign of geographic clustering of nutritional status in
either city. This implies that geographic targeting of nutri-
tion interventions in these and similar cities has impor-
tant limitations. Geographic targeting would probably
lead to a significant under coverage of the truly needy and,
unless accompanied by additional targeting mechanisms,
would also result in significant leakage to non-needy pop-
ulations. Nonetheless, there is a need for additional
research to further decompose regional malnutrition ine-
qualities to generate valuable information for policy mak-
ing decisions. The Ghana Growth and Poverty Reduction
Strategy for 2006 – 2009 [59] states that one of the strate-
gies to be implemented is developing and implementing
high impact yielding strategies for malnutrition. This
would mean targeting areas at the greatest risks of malnu-
trition, replicate best practices and expand coverage. This
then should result in decreasing malnutrition rates among
children particularly in rural areas and northern Ghana.
Authors' contributions
EVDP was responsible for the study design, analysis, inter-
pretation of the data and writing of the paper. ARH and
NS contributed to formulating the study design, interpret-
ing the data and revising the manuscript. CJA contributed
to the writing of the paper and revising the manuscript. JV
provided guidance to the work and commented on the
manuscript. All authors approved the final version of the
Many thanks to Tom Van Ourti, Owen O'Donnell, Eddy van Doorslaer and
participants at the UNU-WIDER conference on Advancing Health Equity for
useful comments. Ellen Van de Poel acknowledges the University of Ant-
werp and the World Health Organization for support and funding.
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... Primary PEM is most common in developing countries where the food supply is insufficient due to socioeconomic, political, and sometimes environmental factors such as natural disasters [20]. According to WHO statistics from 2020, the largest number of PEM-related deaths (5,000) in Mexico were among people aged 75 and above, with 1,000 deaths occurring in people aged [55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74], and approximately 400 deaths were recorded in individuals aged [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54]. It is evident that mortality rates tend to increase with age [31]. ...
... It can cause a range of physiological issues, such as weakened immune function, reduced strength, and impaired renal and cardiac function [56]. In Ghana, data from the 2003 Demographic and Health Survey showed that malnutrition is linked to poverty and maternal education [57]. These findings highlight the importance of addressing non-health-related goals such as eradicating extreme poverty/hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and women's empowerment, and ensuring environmental sustainability to prevent malnutrition [58]. ...
Full-text available
This chapter introduces preventive measures for protein malnutrition as a significant public health concern and alternative protein sources. It starts by presenting an overview of the consequences of chronic protein malnutrition in children and adults; prevention strategies, including improved access to protein-rich foods; promoting education on balanced diets; early detection and treatment as well as agricultural development programs that enhance the production and availability of protein-rich foods and promote sustainable practices. It then explains the valorization of the food agro-industry by-products as an alternative source of protein and their extraction methods. By the end of the chapter, a discussion on the applicability of cricket flour as a protein fortifier in the Food Industry and its general and microbiological safety is presented, focusing on several studies described in the scientific literature.
... This observation is consistent with ndings from other research papers. 21,22 Families affected by illness may prioritize spending on healthcare expenses over purchasing nutritious foods, leading to food insecurity and inadequate nutrition for children. Illness-related fatigue or incapacitation can hinder caregivers' ability to prepare and serve nutritious meals, leading to irregular feeding patterns or reliance on convenient but less nutritious food options. ...
Full-text available
Objective: Child growth and nutritional development are significantly impacted by various factors. This paper investigated the contextual drivers influencing child growth failure in local communities dominated by mining activities. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional study design and comprised a random sample of 781 under-five children and their caregivers. Structured interviews were conducted with caregivers, and anthropometric measurements were taken from the children. Bivariate chi-square, Structural Equation Modeling and multivariate logistic regression analysis were performed. Results: Over half (51%) of the children were female. On average, households consisted of 6.1±2.7 SD persons. Primary caregivers had an average age of 24.2±9.4 while the children's average age was 21.3±15.7 SD months. The average height of children was 80.4±13.7 SD with a height-for-age Z-Score of 0.2±4.9 SD. Further, 35% of children experience child growth failure. Drivers include; age-caregiver [AOR = 1.04, 95% CI = 1.028- 1.056], high-school education [AOR = 0.24, 95% CI = 0.089 - 0.677], unemployment-housewife [AOR = 0.45, 95% CI = 0.226 - 0.901], feeding-strategies [AOR = 0.39, 95% CI = 0.226 - 0.663] and cooking-duration [AOR = 2.16, 95% CI = 1.131 - 4.129]. Conclusion: Child growth failure remains a concern, with individual and contextual-level factors identified as significant contributors and thus crucial to take them into account when designing nutrition interventions in vulnerable communities. Therefore, as mining cooperation’s undertake corporate social investment initiatives, it's crucial to consider contextual factors in the design of community interventions.
... Multilevel logistic regression was employed earlier to find the probability of malnutrition (Adhikari et al., 2022;Snijders & Bosker, 1999). Van de Poel et al. (2007) found that socioeconomic inequality in child malnutrition is highly associated with poverty, regional disparities, etc. Mazumdar (2010) has examined the poverty-undernourishment linkage and association between health inequality and income inequality across states using NFHS-III data and observed the presence of poverty-nutrition inequality linkage in India. Panda et al. (2020) examined child malnutrition among poor and non-poor households using NFHS-IV data and found a higher proportion of poor households have at least one malnourished child in India. ...
Full-text available
An attempt has been made here to examine the probable indicators associated with the child underweight belonging to the age group 0–5 years across different socio-ethnic groups in West Bengal, India using National Family Health Survey NFHS-V (2019–2021) data. Multilevel logistic regression models are employed to examine the direct and joint effects of child background such as gender, birth weight etc., maternal characteristics such as mothers’ education, BMI, Anemia status etc., and socioeconomic characteristics like wealth class, caste etc. on the underweight children. We find that indicators from different axes such as gender, birth weight, place of delivery, mother’s education, mother’s BMI level, household wealth quintiles and social class significantly impact the probability of being underweight among children. The findings of the interactive variables suggest that female children belonging to the poorest of the poor families and disadvantaged groups residing in rural areas exhibit a higher probability of being underweight. The interactive and joint effects results suggest implementing disaggregated public health policies. We recommend integrating the existing health policies to the poverty eradication programme to obtain a socially desirable result of nutritional equity among the children.
... Moreover, signification disparities persist across different regions of the country, with certain areas experiencing higher rates of malnutrition compared to others [2]. Reported factors contributing to these regional disparities include economic variations, unequal access to healthcare and nutrition services, differing cultural practices, and disparities in education and awareness regarding proper nutrition and childcare [3,4,5]. Malnutrition levels and regional disparities underscore the need for a better understanding of the associated factors and investigation of the effectiveness of various interventions to address malnutrition in Ghana. ...
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Background The early years of infants and young children are pivotal for their optimal health and development as adults are heavily reliant on appropriate feeding and adequate nutrition. Although maternal infant feeding practices play a crucial role in ensuring these aspects, studies exploring the impact of maternal IYCF knowledge and infant feeding practices across various contexts have been lacking. This study sought to evaluate the impact of NBCC intervention on caregivers' knowledge of IYCF guidelines, and how improved knowledge affected caregivers' behaviour regarding the purchase and feeding of nutritious complementary foods to their infants and young children. Methods Conducted in the Asokore Mampong and Bosomtwe Municipalities of the Ashanti Region in Ghana, West Africa, the study recruited 1500 mother-infants (aged 6–23 months) pairs from Child Welfare Clinics (CWCs). Specially trained health professionals who worked in these CWCs delivered weekly nutrition education, counselling, and monthly cooking demonstrations over six months. These interventions targeted the enhancement of caregivers' understanding and practical utilization of locally available food ingredients and nutritious Protein Micronutrient Powders (Koko plus) for complementary feeding. A structured questionnaire, based on WHO guiding principles for complementary feeding, was administered before and after the interventions to gauge changes in IYCF knowledge and practices among participants. Results The average age of the caregivers was 29.0 ± 6.52 years. Close to three-quarters (73.2%) had basic school or less and about two-thirds (64.4%) were unemployed. NBCC interventions led to marked improvements in IYCF knowledge. Caregivers demonstrated poor baseline knowledge, with only 20% answering correctly on exclusive breastfeeding duration and 3.5% on complementary feeding frequency. Post intervention, there was a substantial increase in correct responses, reaching 69.0% for exclusive breastfeeding duration and 98.5% for complementary feeding frequency. Pre-intervention, over 8 in 10 (82.5%) caregivers exhibited inadequate overall IYCF knowledge on 12 questions, whereas post-intervention, over two-thirds (68.4%) of caregivers demonstrated adequate knowledge. NBCC intervention notably improved caregivers' knowledge of PMP, with an increase from 44.8% pre-intervention to 93.8% post-intervention. Correspondingly, the proportion of caregivers purchasing PMP increased from 20–86.6% while utilization (feeding infants) improved from 19.4% to nearly 90%. The quantity and expenditure on PMP also substantial increased post-intervention, with caregivers purchasing significantly more sachets (from 10.07 to 16.75) and spending more money (from 59.48 to 68.83 Ghana Cedis) PMP purchase. Linear regression analysis indicated a positive relationship between expenditure and the quantity of complementary foods purchased at the endline. Conclusion Consensus exists that educational interventions positively influence caregivers' knowledge, leading to better IYCF practices and our study findings confirm this, improving complementary feeding practices. These enhanced feeding practices could potentially improve infant nutrition and health outcomes. Tailored, context-specific interventions and continuous support are crucial for sustained behaviour change and positive child health and nutrition outcomes.
... It thereby perpetuates a cycle of poverty and ill-health (WHO, 2021). This makes child undernutrition a silent threat to any country (Belaynew, 2014;Endris et al., 2017;Van de Poel et al., 2007). About 3.5 million children and mothers died of undernutrition in South Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa in 2005 (Black et al., 2008). ...
... The ramifications and harm caused by undernutrition, especially during the first 1000 days in a child's life and its long-term effects on economic productivity, educational achievements and overall morbidity and mortality have been documented extensively [10][11][12]. In Ghana nonetheless, a myriad of research works have implicated sub-optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices [13,14]; poor wealth distribution [15]; low maternal education [13]; low birth weight [14]; and inadequate sanitary conditions [13] as plausible causes of malnutrition. ...
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Background Stunting and wasting are key public health problems in Ghana that are significantly linked with mortality and morbidity risk among children. However, information on their associated factors using nationally representative data is scanty in Ghana. This study investigated the influence of Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) indicators, socio-demographic and economic related factors, and water and sanitation on stunting and wasting, using nationally representative data in Ghana. Methods This is a secondary data analysis of the most recent (2017/2018) Ghana Multi-Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) datasets. The multi-indicator cluster survey is a national cross-sectional household survey with rich data on women of reproductive age and children under the age of five. The survey used a two-stage sampling method in the selection of respondents and a computer-assisted personal interviewing technique to administer structured questionnaires from October 2017 to January 2018. The present study involved 2529 mother-child pairs, with their children aged 6 to 23 months. We used the Complex Sample procedures in SPSS, adjusting for clustering and stratification effects. In a bivariate logistic regression, variables with P-values ≤ 0.05 were included in a backward multivariate logistic regression to identify the significant factors associated with stunting and wasting. Results The mean age of children was 14.32 ± 0.14 months, with slightly more being males (50.4%). About 12% and 16% of the children were wasted and stunted, respectively. There were 39.4%, 25.9%, and 13.7% of children who, respectively, satisfied the minimum meal frequency (MMF), minimum dietary diversity (MDD), and minimum acceptable diet (MAD). None of the IYCF indicators was significantly associated with stunting or wasting in the multivariate analysis but low socio-economic status, low birth weight, being a male child and unimproved toilet facilities were significantly associated with both wasting and stunting. Conclusion Our findings suggest that aside from the pre-natal period, in certain contexts, household factors such as low socio-economic status and poor water and sanitation, may be stronger predictors of undernutrition. A combination of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions including the pre-natal period to simultaneously address the multiple determinants of undernutrition need strengthening.
... This can be supported by the study conducted in Ghana where the prevalence of malnutrition was 46.5% in the lowest wealth quintile, but only 8.4% in the highest quintile 40 . The finding indicates the malnutritional problem is still the issue of the poorest 41,42 . ...
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Severe wasting is the deadliest form of wasting caused by a lack of nutritious food and repeated attacks of illness. The World Health Assembly has agreed to reduce severe wasting to less than 5% and 3% by the end of 2025 and 2030. Significant disparities were observed worldwide in progress towards the goal. However, limited evidence of disparity in severe wasting was available in Ethiopia. Therefore, this study aimed to assess trends in socioeconomic and geographic inequalities in severe wasting among under-five children in Ethiopia between 2000 and 2019. The trend in socioeconomic and geographic inequality was assessed using the World Health Organization Health Equity Assessment Toolkit, employing both absolute and relative measures of inequality. Difference (D), ratio (R), slope index inequality (SII), relative concentration index (RCI), and population attributable ratio (PAR) were utilized to assess disparity across wealth, education, residence, and subnational regions. The 95% uncertainty interval (UI) was used to declare the significant change in inequality through time. The proportion of severe wasting increased from 3.8% to 4.7% between 2000 to 2005 and dropped to 2.9% in 2011 to remain constant until 2016. However, the proportion of severe wasting significantly declined to 1.1% in 2019. As indicated by RCI, significant fluctuation in wealth-related inequality was observed in all five survey years but a significant change in wealth-related inequality was observed in 2005 and 2019. Whereas the education-related inequality in RCI of severe wasting steadily increased from −8.8% in 2005 to −24.3% in 2019. And the change was significantly widened from 2011 to 2019. On the other hand, residence-related inequality of severe wasting was observed in 2000 in ratio, difference and PAR summary measures but disappeared in 2019. Between 2000 and 2016, regional inequalities in severe wasting fluctuated between 8.7 in 2005 to 5.9 in 2016 taking the difference as a measure of inequality. Overall, Wealth-related inequality has significantly widened over time with under five children from the richest households being less affected by severe wasting. OPEN 1
... Socioeconomic status has also been linked to the risk of U5 mortality with a study in rural Tanzania observing that children from poor homes had limited access to healthcare and were likely to die before five years compared to rich children (9). An analysis of data across 47 countries showed that children born into poor homes were more likely to die compared to their rich counterparts (10). ...
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This study assessed the causes of under-five (U5) deaths and examined the associated risk factors in northern Ghana. The study analyzed prospectively collected longitudinal data of children born between 1st January 2007 and 31st December 2012 and resident in the Navrongo Health and Demographic Surveillance System (NHDSS) area in northern Ghana. Data from 20,651 children were analyzed with 1,056 under-five deaths and 51,783 person-years of observation. The overall mortality rate was 19.5 per 1000 person-years of observation. The main cause of under-five deaths was malaria (19.5%). Being male (Hazards ratio [95% CI]; 1.20 [1.06 - 1.36]; p=0.004), children born to single mothers (1.3 [1.18 - 1.59]; p<0.001) and home deliveries (1.29 [1.12 - 1.48]; p<0.001) were associated with increased risk of mortality. Children born to women aged 20-34 years (0.81 [0.67 – 0.98]; p=0.0.25) were associated with relatively lower risk of death compared to those born to women aged 19 years and below. Children from high socioeconomic households had relatively lower risk of death even though not statistically significant (0.87 [0.74 - 1.03]; p=0.056). Malaria remains the leading cause of under-five deaths in the study area. Adherence to prevailing malaria prevention measures including use of insecticide treated bed-nets, seasonal chemo-prophylaxis, indoor-residual spraying and adequate access to healthcare will greatly improve child survival.
Few empirical studies focus on the underreported voices of low-income and underserved Black and Coloured mothers that participate in community-based organizations (CBOs) in South Africa (SA). Perceptions about the impact of participation in a health and nutrition program on behavior change of 19 select women who received assistance from a CBO in the Western Cape Province (WCP) are presented. Based on findings from data collected in 2017, mothers expressed food insecurity and improved nutritional choices as the two main factors that impede healthy lifestyles and the positive outcomes of participation, respectively. Women expressed the need and value of the CBO in their township, cited the importance of obtaining food for themselves and their children, and described changes in nutritional behavior since joining the organization. Findings from this research adds to the knowledge of CBOs on health and nutrition interventions for low-income and underserved populations in SA and internationally.
In this article, we, for the first time, provide a comprehensive overview and unified framework of the impact of poverty and low socioeconomic status (SES) on the brain and behaviour. While there are many studies on the impact of low SES on the brain (including cortex, hippocampus, amygdala, and even neurotransmitters) and behaviours (including educational attainment, language development, development of psychopathological disorders), prior studies did not integrate behavioural, educational, and neural findings in one framework. Here, we argue that the impact of poverty and low SES on the brain and behaviour are interrelated. Specifically, based on prior studies, due to a lack of resources, poverty and low SES are associated with poor nutrition, high levels of stress in caregivers and their children, and exposure to socio-environmental hazards. These psychological and physical injuries impact the normal development of several brain areas and neurotransmitters. Impaired functioning of the amygdala can lead to the development of psychopathological disorders, while impaired hippocampus and cortex functions are associated with a delay in learning and language development as well as poor academic performance. This in turn perpetuates poverty in children, leading to a vicious cycle of poverty and psychological/physical impairments. In addition to providing economic aid to economically disadvantaged families, interventions should aim to tackle neural abnormalities caused by poverty and low SES in early childhood. Importantly, acknowledging brain abnormalities due to poverty in early childhood can help increase economic equity. In the current study, we provide a comprehensive list of future studies to help understand the impact of poverty on the brain.
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This study asks whether key socioeconomic determinants of child nutritional status differ across urban and rural areas to investigate why urban malnutrition rates are lower. Little evidence of urban–rural differences in the nature of the determinants or the strength of their associations with nutritional status is found. However, marked differences in the levels of the determinants and in caring practices for children and women in favor of urban areas are documented. The study results suggest that lower urban malnutrition is due to a series of more favorable socioeconomic conditions, in turn leading to better caring practices for children and their mothers.
The debate between those who see economic development and those who regard advances in medical technology as bearing major responsibility for mortality decline usually gives little attention to different stages of social change when economic or medical conditions are fixed. However, Nigerian statistics analyzed here show that very different levels of child survivorship result from different levels of maternal education in an otherwise similar socio-economic context and when there is equal access to the use of medical facilities. Indeed, maternal education in Nigeria appears to be the single most powerful determinant of the level of child mortality. The statistics come from two surveys undertaken in 1973: one of 6,606 women in Ibadan city, and the other of 1,499 women in a large area of south-west Nigeria. Proportions of children surviving are compounded into an index of child mortality to increase the frequencies in individual cells and standardize maternal age when child survivorship is correlated with a range of factors, and two component indices are also constructed to detect change over time. It is concluded that women's education in societies like that of the Yoruba in Nigeria can produce profound changes in family structure and relationships, which in their turn may influence both mortality and fertility levels. Education may well play a major role in the demographic transition and this role may help to explain the close timing of mortality and fertility transitions.
Research on the effects of socioeconomic well-being on health is important for policy makers in developing countries, where limited resources make it crucial to use existing health care resources to the best advantage. This paper develops and tests a set of measures of socioeconomic status indicators for predicting health status in developing countries. We construct socioeconomic indexes that capture both household and community attributes so as to allow us to separate the social from the purely economic dimensions of the socioeconomic status within a cross-national perspective, with applications to data from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) fielded in five African countries in the 1990s. This study demonstrates the distinctive contributions of socioeconomic indexes measured at the household vs. community level in understanding inequalities in health and survival and underlines the importance of going beyond the purely economic view of socioeconomic status to cover the multidimensional as well as multilevel concept of economic and social inequality.
Child malnutrition measured by stunting, wasting, and under-weight is a serious problem in Botswana. There are conflicting reports from previous studies in developing countries on the effect of some of the known factors affecting child malnutrition. We used descriptive statistics, regression, and logistic regression methods to identify the determinants of malnutrition based on data from a national cross-sectional study. There is 29.6% stunting, 14.9% underweight, and 7.1% wasting among children. Ordered logistic regression analysis shows the significance of some of the factors not shown by association statistics, regression analysis, and ordinary logistic regression analysis. Hence it is a better tool in the search for determinants of child malnutrition. The determinants of malnutrition cover biological, social, cultural, economic, and morbidity factors: age, birth-weight, breast-feeding duration, gender of family head, residence, house type, toilet facility, education of mother and father, child caretaker; intake levels of milk and dairy products, staple foods and cereals, and beverages; and incidence of cough and diarrhea. The influence of these factors can be used in the development of strategies of intervention for reducing child malnutrition.
This paper analyzes the effect of quality and accessibility of health services and other public infrastructure on the health of children in Ghana. We focus on child survival, child height and weight using data from the Ghana Living Standards Survey. The results suggest an important role for public health policy in eliminating the rural-urban disparities in health status and particularly in improving the health status of rural children and reducing their mortality rates. Increased availability of birth services and other related child programs, as well as Improved water and sanitation infrastructure would have an immediate payoff.
Inequalities across the income distribution in a variable y can be decomposed into their causes, and changes in inequality in y can be decomposed into the effects of changes in the means and inequalities in the determinants of y, and changes in the effects of the determinants of y. Inequalities in height-for-age in Vietnam in 1993 and 1998 are largely accounted for by inequalities in consumption and in unobserved commune-level influences. Rising inequalities are largely accounted for by increases in average consumption and its protective effect, and rising inequality and general improvements at the commune level.