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The role of calcium and vitamin D in the management of osteoporosis



The role of calcium and vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of osteoporosis has been extensively studied. The aim of this paper was to reach, where possible, consensus views on five key questions relating to calcium and vitamin D supplementation in the management of osteoporosis. Whereas global strategies that target supplementation to the general population could not be justified in terms of efficacy and health economics, there is a clearer rationale for supplementing patients who are at increased risk of osteoporosis and those who have developed osteoporosis, including those already taking other treatments for osteoporosis. The combination of vitamin D with calcium may be beneficial in terms of efficacy and, perhaps, for optimising adherence.
The role of calcium and vitamin D in the management of osteoporosis
R. Rizzoli
, S. Boonen
, M.L. Brandi
, N. Burlet
, P. Delmas
, J.Y. Reginster
Division of Bone Diseases, World Health Organization Collaborating Center for Osteoporosis Prevention, Department of Rehabilitation and Geriatrics,
University Hospitals and Faculty of Medicine, 1211 Geneva 14, Switzerland
Leuven University Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases & Division of Geriatric Medicine, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Florence, Italy
International Osteoporosis Foundation, Switzerland
INSERM Research Unit 831 and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France
On behalf of the European Society for Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO), Belgium
Received 3 April 2007; revised 21 August 2007; accepted 10 October 2007
Available online 22 October 2007
The role of calcium and vitamin D supplementation in the treatment of osteoporosis has been extensively studied. The aim of this paper was to
reach, where possible, consensus views on five key questions relating to calcium and vitamin D supplementation in the management of osteoporosis.
Whereas global strategies that target supplementation to the general population could not be justified in terms of efficacy and health economics, there
is a clearer rationale for supplementing patients who are at increased risk of osteoporosis and those who have developed osteoporosis, including those
already taking other treatments for osteoporosis. The combination of vitamin D with calcium may be beneficial in terms of efficacy and, perhaps, for
optimising adherence.
© 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Calcium; Osteoporosis; Vitamin D; Menopause; Fracture
Osteoporosis is a chronic, progressive bone disease in which
bone resorption exceeds bone formation, leading to a reduction
in bone mineral density and disruption of bone micro-
architecture. Patients with osteoporosis have an increased risk
of fractures that occur with stresses which would not normally
cause fracture in a non-osteoporotic individual. The incidence of
osteoporosis increases with age and occurs most frequently in
postmenopausal women because the decrease in ovarian
oestrogen associated with the menopause accelerates bone loss
and increases bone remodelling [1]. Many studies have
investigated the effect of vitamin D and calcium supplements
on osteoporosis and fracture risk in postmenopausal women. A
round table discussion was held between experts in order to
reach a consensus on a number of issues regarding the use of
dietary supplements of vitamin D and calcium in the prevention
and treatment of osteoporosis. The panel considered five specific
questions that have arisen in the light of recent publications
casting doubt on the benefit of supplementation for postmen-
opausal women [25]. The conclusions reached were based on a
consideration of available evidence.
Is there a rationale to supplement postmenopausal women
with calcium and vitamin D?
In order to address this question it is necessary to consider
threshold intakes of vitamin D and calcium below which
skeletal health is compromised. Ideally, this should be based
on the establishment of the relationship between nutrient
intake and a measurable index of skeletal health. For vitamin
D it is possible to determine a plausible threshold in that
many studies have characterised a relationship between low
circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) and
increased secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) which in
turn, induces bone loss in the elderly through increased bone
resorption [68].
Bone 42 (2008) 246 249
Corresponding author. Tel.: +41 22 372 99 50; fax: +41 22 382 99 73.
E-mail address: (R. Rizzoli).
8756-3282/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Published estimates of the level of circulating 25(OH)D
required to maintain normal levels of PTH range between 30 and
100 nmol/l [9]. This in turn means that estimates of vitamin D
insufficiency within populations vary greatly depending on the
threshold used. In a study of 8532 postmenopausal, osteoporotic
European women, 79.6% were found to have vitamin D
insufficiency where the serum 25(OH)D threshold was consid-
ered to be 80 nmol/l, and 32.1% if the threshold was set at
50 nmol/l [10]. In one study, PTH fell by 35% in subjects with
baseline 25(OH)D levels between 27.5 and 39.9 nmol/l after
8 weeks of supplementation, by 26% in those with levels
between 40 and 49.9 nmol/l, but there was no significant change
in PTH in those with 25(OH)D levels superior to 50 nmol/l,
despite a 66% increase in the vitamin D metabolite [11]. After
discussion of current evidence it was agreed by the panel that
80 nmol/l may be an overestimate and that 50 nmol/l was a more
conservative and acceptable threshold.
The situation regarding an acceptable threshold for dietary
calcium intake is far less clear, and recommendations range from
400 to 1500 mg daily. There is little evidence to suggest that
countries with lower dietary calcium intakes are at higher risk of
osteoporotic fracture, and there are few long term studies to address
this issue within populations that take appropriate account of the
slow adaptation to changes in dietary intake. For these reasons, it
was agreed that there is insufficient evidence to support the
widespread supplementation of the dietary intakes of women in the
general population who are not at increased risk of osteoporosis.
In contrast, the majority of studies that have investigated the
effects of combined calcium and vitamin D supplementation in
postmenopausal women have shown a reduction in fracture risk,
providing that sufficient patient compliance (7580%) was
reached [3,7,1214].
The panel's consensus was that supplementation with
calcium and vitamin D should be recommended in women at
increased risk of osteoporosis and those who have developed
osteoporosis. In the case of vitamin D, the dose given should be
enough to ensure that circulating levels of 25(OH)D reach the
threshold of 50 nmol/l.
Is it appropriate to use various doses or regimens of calcium
and vitamin D depending upon age?
Since calcium and vitamin D supplementation should be
targeted to those individuals at increased risk of fracture and since
age is a very important determinant of fracture risk, a target for
intervention is the elderly, particularly those over 65 years. The
need for dietary supplementation with calcium and vitamin D may
be increased in the elderly for a number of reasons. Dietary intake
of calcium and vitamin D generally falls in the elderly. In addition,
endogenous production of vitamin D decreases due to a
combination of decreasing exposure to sunlight and age-related
changes in the dermis which diminish the capacity for cutaneous
synthesis of vitamin D [15,16]. Intestinal absorption and renal
tubular re-absorption of calcium both decrease with age, as does
the ability to adapt to a low calcium diet [1,17]. It was therefore
agreed that individuals over 65 years should be considered for
supplementation without the need to assess their status beforehand.
In addition, younger women with dietary insufficiency and/or an
increased risk of fractures should also receive appropriate
supplementation following assessment of their status. It was
agreed, therefore, that from a health economic perspective,
supplementation of vitamin D in addition to calcium can be
justified in women less than 65 years with proven calcium
insufficiency as a combination of vitamin D and calcium could
reduce bone turnover. In terms of dosage, it is plausible that those at
greatest risk may benefit from higher doses than those at lower risk.
Vitamin D supplementation must be sufficient to ensure that
serum 25(OH)D values reach the threshold level, otherwise it
will not confer the desired benefit. Studies investigating the
anti-fracture efficacy of different dosing regimens of vitamin D
have shown that 400 IU per day was not sufficient to have an
effect on fracture rate [18]. Oral doses of N700800 IU taken
daily or 100,000 IU taken quarterly both showed a positive anti-
fracture effect, whereas an intramuscular dose of 300,000 IU
annually showed inconsistent efficacy [18,19]. This suggests
that supplementation is most effective in osteoporotic patients if
given orally either daily or quarterly, and if given daily, should
be in excess of 700800 IU daily [20].
Is there any interest to adding calcium to vitamin D
supplementation or adding vitamin D to
calcium supplementation?
Many studies have shown that persistence and compliance
with supplementation regimens can be low, and that poor
compliance impairs efficacy [3,21]. It is necessary therefore,
from both an efficacy and a health economic perspective, to
ensure that any dosing regimen is designed with this in mind.
Where medically appropriate, combination treatments may
improve treatment compliance by reducing the number of
medications which patients need to take.
Current evidence suggests the role that calcium and vitamin
D play in fracture prevention is not attributable to calcium alone
[4,22] and a meta-analysis of data from 9 randomized clinical
trials, including a total of 53,260 patients, found that where the
effects of supplementation with vitamin D alone were explored
(in a total of 9038 patients), this was not sufficient to
significantly reduce the risk of hip fracture in postmenopausal
women [6]. However the same study found that combined
supplementation with vitamin D and calcium reduced the risk of
hip fracture by 25% (95% CI: 442) and the risk of non-
vertebral fracture by 23% (95% CI: 140) compared to sup-
plementation with vitamin D alone. The meta-analysis estimat-
ed the number needed to treat (NNT) to prevent one adverse
outcome to be 276 (95% CI: 165843) for hip fractures and 72
(95% CI: 35834) for non-vertebral fractures [6].
These results support a previous meta-analysis which has
shown a reduction of 19% (95% CI: 432) for hip fracture and of
13% (95% CI: 322) for any non-vertebral fracture [23].
Two recent studies, the RECORD study and the Women's
Health Initiative (WHI), both of which were included in the meta-
analysis by Boonen et al. [6], have reported results which appear
to show that combined vitamin D and calcium supplementation is
not effective in fracture prevention [3,21].However,theWHI
247R. Rizzoli et al. / Bone 42 (2008) 246249
study did not target individuals at high fracture risk, and in both
studies the adherence was poor. The RECORD trial did not assess
vitamin D levels or PTH response so it is unknown whether
subjects had vitamin D insufficiency. In addition, the number of
fractures within this trial was low and together with the poor
adherence, suggests that the study was underpowered.
The WHI, whilst not showing a reduction in the risk of
fractures with supplementation (1000 mg calcium, 400 IU
vitamin D
daily), did find significantly greater preservation of
hip bone mineral density in women in the treatment group
compared to those taking a placebo. Importantly, the WHI trial
was carried out in healthy postmenopausal women with an
average calcium intake above 1000 mg per day, 80% of whom
were under 70 years old. It is also important to note that in this
study, personal supplementation of calcium (up to 1000 mg/day)
and vitamin D
(up to 600 IU/day raised up to 1000 IU/day) was
allowed. In addition, vitamin D status at baseline was unknown
in all but 1% of individuals, so it is not possible to judge the
level of vitamin D insufficiency with certainty in this study
population. The administered dosage of vitamin D in this study
was 400 IU, a dose shown in other studies to be insufficient to
have an effect on fracture rate [18,24,25]. Finally, treatment
compliance (defined as use of 80% or more of the assigned study
medication) was low, estimated as less than 60%. Importantly,
when analysis was carried out on only those subjects who were
compliant, a significant (29%) reduction in hip fracture risk
compared to the placebo group was found. Compliance in the
various trials could explain the difference in the number needed
to treat (NNT) reported in 2 recent meta-analyses, one including
mainly high quality randomized controlled trials [18] and the
other one including additional studies with lower compliance,
such as the RECORD and WHI trials [6]. In the former meta-
analysis, NNT was 45 (95% CI: 28114) and 27 (95% CI: 19
49), for hip and any non-vertebral fracture, respectively.
Given the low cost of vitamin D and calcium supplements,
compared to the high economic burden of osteoporotic fractures,
combined supplementation can be economically justified. This
case becomes even stronger if supplementation is targeted
primarily to those at increased risk in whom the NNT figures
given above would be lower still.
It was concluded that in order to reduce fracture risk,
combined supplementation should be administered to those at
increased risk of fracture at doses adjusted depending on
baseline levels, but potentially in the region of 800 IU of vitamin
D and 10001200 mg of calcium daily.
Should particular caution be taken when supplementing
postmenopausal women with calcium and/or vitamin D?
The risks of calcium and vitamin D supplementation and side
effects are not well reported from clinical trials. The current
recommendation for vitamin D intake in the United States is
400 IU for adults aged between 51 and 70 years and 600 IU for
adults of 70+ years old. The Commission of the European
Communities recommends 400 IU daily for people over 65 years
[26]. An acceptable upper limit for vitamin D intake has been set at
2000 IU/day. The no observed adverse event levelis 10,000 IU
daily and the lowest observed adverse event levelis 40,000 IU/
day [27]. The level at which vitamin D intoxication occurs is
unknown, but is likely to be considerably higher than the above
mentioned doses. High dose supplementation carries a risk of
hypercalcaemia with subsequent impairment of kidney function.
Predisposing factors for expression of vitamin D intoxication
include high calcium intake, hypercalcaemia, idiopathic hyper-
calciuria, sarcoidosis, overproduction of vitamin D metabolites,
reduced vitamin D binding and hyper responsivity to vitamin D
There are no specific warnings or precautions for use of
vitamin D and calcium specifically relating to postmenopausal
women. To the contrary, increased prevalence of albuminuria,
which is a risk factor for chronic kidney disease progression, has
been reported with decreasing levels of 25(OH)D [31]. Some
caution may be required in the treatment of patients with
cardiovascular disease as the effect of cardiac glycosides may be
accentuated by supplementation with vitamin D and calcium.
However, calcium and vitamin D supplementation does not
influence coronary or cerebrovascular risk in generally healthy
postmenopausal women [32]. The use of calcium supplements
may give rise to mild gastro-intestinal disturbances non
consistently detected such as constipation, flatulence, nausea,
gastric pain, and diarrhoea [3,4].
Should anti-osteoporotic treatments be used in
combination with calcium and vitamin D?
The vast majority of evidence for efficacy of anti-osteoporotic
treatments is based upon combining treatment with calcium and
vitamin D supplementation [3339]. Vitamin D deficiency in
humans and animals has been shown to reduce the response to
some treatments for osteoporosis. In addition, animal studies have
shown that the efficacy of bisphosphonates was blunted when the
animals were exposed to a vitamin D deprived diet [40] It is
concluded therefore that anti-osteoporotic treatments should be
used in combination with calcium and vitamin D supplementa-
tion. Little evidence is available regarding the combination of anti-
osteoporotic treatments with calcium alone or vitamin D alone.
Supplementation with calcium and vitamin D can be justified
both in terms of efficacy and health economics in women at
increased risk of osteoporotic fracture, including those who have
not yet sustained a fracture. Women can be considered to be at
increased risk of fracture if they are over 65 years of age, or; if
osteopenic and/or with proven calcium and/or vitamin D
insufficiency when they are younger. Evidence suggests that
for the greatest reduction in fracture risk, women at increased
risk should be given both calcium and vitamin D supplements, in
the order of 10001200 mg calcium (depending on baseline
status) and 800 IU vitamin D daily. Patient adherence is essential
for efficacy. Combining vitamin D and calcium into one
supplement is recommended as this may increase patient
adherence, which in turn improves overall efficacy. In
conclusion, combined vitamin D and calcium supplementation
248 R. Rizzoli et al. / Bone 42 (2008) 246249
is recommended for all women at increased risk of fracture,
including those also taking other anti-osteoporostic treatments.
The authors thank Antonia Pickup for the medical writing
assistance. S. Boonen is a senior clinical investigator of the Fund
for Scientific Research (F.W.O. Vlaanderen) and holder of the
Leuven University Chair in Metabolic Bone Diseases.
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... 19 In contrast, there are evidence suggesting that low serum calcium can lead to osteoporosis resulting from increased bone reabsorption. 6,20 Similarly, low vitamin D levels have been linked to low calcium absorption, thereby negatively affecting bone health. 19 This lack of association might stem from potential differences in analysis techniques and population characteristics. ...
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Introduction: Osteoporosis and low bone mass affect millions of people worldwide, leading to severe consequences ranging from disability to mortality. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and risk factors of osteoporosis among postmenopausal women in a district of Nepal.Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study involving postmenopausal women from Nuwakot, Dhading, and Rasuwa districts in Nepal was conducted at Trishuli Hospital, Nuwakot. Ethical approval was taken from the Institutional Review Board of Nepal Health Research Council(Reference number: 1768). The prevalence of osteoporosis was determined, and the associated factors were analyzed using multivariate logistic regression. Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (GE-Lunar Prodigy) was used to measure Bone Mineral Density (g/cm2) at the proximal femur and lumbar spine. Various factors related to osteoporosis were also analyzed.Results: There were 384 postmenopausal women and the prevalence of osteoporosis was 82 (21.35%; 95% CI: 17.25%-25.45%)e. The mean age of female with osteoporosis was 67.52±8.84 years and that without osteoporosis was 55.70±7.69 years (p <0.001). The multivariate logistic regression showed aOR 0.82 for body mass index.Conclusions: The study reports a lower prevalence of osteoporosis than expected in postmenopausal women. There was a significant inverse relationship between osteoporosis and body mass index. However, no significant association was observed between Bone Mineral Density, biochemical variables, smoking, and parity.
... Per day requirement of Vitamin D is 400 IU. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, apart from that fortified foods and supplements are given [35]. Phosphorous intake is to be maintained, as increased phosphorous reduces urinary calcium loss and promotes fecal calcium loss [36]. ...
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The main aim of this study is to get information about the effect of Salvia miltiorrhiza on the bone health of individuals affected from osteoporosis, and also the prevalence of osteoporosis in the different parts of the globe and also to find out its effects and the group of people affected. Different studies are being carried out to find the method of reduction of stiffness and pain in the joints. Osteoporosis is a silent disease and symptoms are not easily visible until complete development, but the major symptom is bone fracture even when a little force is exerted on the bone. It affects a total combined population of about 75 millions in Japan, Europe and USA. The combined highest prevalence of osteoporosis is of America and Europe, which is of around 51 percent of the total global population. This rapid increase in the number of cases every year makes it important for us to gain information about osteoporosis in the post-menopausal women, and trace the ways with which it can either be prevented or treated with the help of pharmacological active herb namely Salvia miltiorrhiza along with dietary modifications and changes in the lifestyle. © 2020 iGlobal Research and Publishing Foundation. All rights reserved.
... When these parameters are optimal, they provide bones with optimal resistance to usual mechanical loading [2][3][4]. Adequate intake of key nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and protein contributes significantly to bone health [5][6][7]. Bone mineral density (BMD) and bone microarchitecture (trabecular number and thickness, cortical thickness) are 2 parameters that depend on the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts to allow adequate bone remodeling. Low bone mass may be linked to estrogen deficiency, which increases bone resorption over bone formation, but also to insufficient protein intake when compared with metabolic and physiological needs, thus reducing bone formation [8][9]. ...
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Osteoporosis is associated with postmenopausal estrogen deficiency in women. Reduction of protein intake further decreases bone quality in these individuals. In this study, a new experimental model using ovariectomized mice with moderate alimentary protein restriction was used to evaluate the efficiency of lactoferrin, a protein present in milk, on bone mineral density (BMD), 3D-microarchitecture, and different physiological and biochemical parameters. Twelve-week-old female C3H mice were ovariectomized (OVX) or sham-operated (SHAM), and a group of mice were then fed for 3 months with a normal protein diet (NP: 20% of total energy as soy protein), while another group of mice were fed with a low protein diet (LP: 6% of total energy as soy protein) in which 10 g of soy protein was replaced by 10 g of bovine lactoferrin (bLF). Casein was used as a control for bLF. BMD was measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, and the femurs of mice were imaged by microtomography. The effects of the OVX procedure, which were found to depend on the protein level in the diet, were notably significant reduction of BMD and bone quality in both conditions of protein supply. Indeed, a 35% and 70% reduction of the bone volume/tissue ratio were found for the NP OVX and LP OVX mice respectively. The greater bone loss observed in LP OVX mice did not correlate with a change in the ratio of bone formation or resorption, but with a decrease in circulating IGF-1 level. Supplementation of both diets with bLF significantly improved bone quality in OVX mice. In conclusion, the model of ovariectomized mice with moderate protein restriction appears suitable to mimic the marked alteration of bone quality in postmenopausal women with insufficient protein supply. In such a preclinical model, supplementation with bLF is efficient for improving bone characteristics.
... After adjusting for plasma levels of LDL cholesterol and other relevant variables (model 3), the negative correlation between TyG index and BMD remained significantly unchanged (model 2). Additionally, Glucolipid Metabolism abnormalities may contribute to other metabolic changes, such as impaired calcium absorption and vitamin D metabolism [37], affecting bone density. In our study, the inclusion of calcium, phosphorus, and 25(OH) vitamin D, along with adjusting for the confounding factors, resulted in robust results. ...
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Objective Disorders in glucose and lipid metabolism have been shown to exert an influence on bone metabolism. The TyG index, which combines measures of glucose and triglycerides, provides insights into the overall metabolic status. However, the investigation of concurrent disturbances in glucose and lipid metabolism and their specific implications for bone metabolism remains limited in the existing research literature. This study aimed to explore the correlation between the TyG index and bone mineral density (BMD) in US adults. Methods In the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), subjects were classified based on the TyG index into four groups (< 7.97, 7.97–8.39, 8.39–8.85, > 8.86). Linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the β value and 95% confidence interval (CI). Four multivariable models were constructed. Restricted cubic spline analyses and piecewise linear regression were employed to identify the association between the BMD and TyG index. An analysis of subgroups was also conducted in this study. Results Significant variations in related characteristics were found among the US adult population, who were distributed into four groups based on the quartiles of the TyG index. A negative correlation between the TyG index and lumbar spine BMD was observed. In the multi-adjusted models, compared to Q1 of the TyG index, the β for Q4 of the TyG index for lumbar spine BMD was [β = − 0.008, 95% CI (− 0.017, 0)] in US adults. The association between the TyG index and lumbar spine BMD was found to be nonlinear (all nonlinear p < 0.001), with a threshold value based on restricted cubic spline analyses. Above the threshold point, the β for lumbar spine BMD was − 0.042 (95% CI, − 0.059, − 0.024). Below the threshold points, no significant difference was observed (p > 0.05). No significant interactions were observed among subgroups based on age, gender, presence of diabetes, BMI, and use of antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic agents. Similar patterns of association were observed in total and subtotal bone density. Conclusions This study identified a nonlinear association between the TyG index and BMD in the US population. Furthermore, an increased level of the TyG index may indicate a higher risk of osteoporosis among US adults. These findings highlight the importance of considering glucose and lipid metabolism disturbances in understanding bone health and the potential for developing preventive strategies for osteoporosis.
Biomineralization has a significant impact on natural evolution and can integrate inorganic minerals into living organisms. This is not only a biological strategy evolved during natural evolution but also a...
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Structural studies of calcium citrate obtained by IR irradiation of calcium carbonate and citric acid in various ratios by spectroscopic and X-ray structural analysis has been carried out. It is shown that in the obtained samples of calcium carbonate there are polymorphic states in the form of aragonite, vaterite, calcite, as well as ikaite and in calcium citrate complex calcium compounds with different coordination numbers are observed.
Verordnungsprofil Hauptvertreter der Osteoporosemedikamente sind Bisphosphonate, die in der Onkologie auch dem Schutz vor Knochenmetastasen dienen. Der nach Jahren des Rückganges beobachtete Verordnungszuwachs der Bisphosphonate hat sich auch in 2021 fortgesetzt. Leitsubstanz der Bisphosphonate ist Alendronsäure, auf die jetzt fast 70 % des Verordnungsvolumens dieser Stoffgruppe entfallen, während Risedronsäure, Ibandronsäure und Zoledronsäure deutlich kleinere Anteile haben. Mit Abstand folgen Denosumab, das allerdings stetig zunimmt, sowie Raloxifen. Calciumpräparate werden mit leichter Verordnungsabnahme weiterhin als Basistherapeutika vor allem in Kombination mit Vitamin D eingesetzt, auch wenn sie nur einen bescheidenen Effekt auf die Frakturrate haben und vor allem bei Vitamin-D-Mangel wirksam sind. Weitere Calciumpräparate sind als Phosphatbinder zur Behandlung der Hyperphosphatämie bei Hämodialysepatienten von Bedeutung.
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Objective: To summarize controlled trials examining the effect of calcium on bone density and fractures in postmenopausal women. Data Source: We searched MEDLINE and EMBASE up to 1998 and the Cochrane Controlled Register up to 2000, and we examined citations of relevant articles and proceedings of international meetings. We contacted osteoporosis investigators to identify additional studies, and primary authors for unpublished data. Study Selection: We included 15 trials (1806 patients) that randomized postmenopausal women to calcium supplementation or usual calcium intake in the diet and reported bone mineral density of the total body, vertebral spine, hip, or forearm, or recorded the number of fractures, and followed patients for at least 1 yr. Data Extraction: For each trial, three independent reviewers assessed the methodological quality and extracted data. Data Synthesis: We found calcium to be more effective than placebo in reducing rates of bone loss after two or more years of treatment. The pooled difference in percentage change from baseline was 2.05% [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.24-3.86] for total body bone density, 1.66% (95% CI 0.92-2.39) for the lumbar spine, 1.64% (95% CI 0.70-2.57) for the hip, and 1.91% (95% Cl 0.33-3.50) for the distal radius. The relative risk (RR) of fractures of the vertebrae was 0.77, with a wide CI (95% CI 0.54-1.09); the RR for nonvertebral fractures was 0.86 (95% CI 0.43-1.72). Conclusions: Calcium supplementation alone has a small positive effect on bone density. The data show a trend toward reduction in vertebral fractures, but do not meaningfully address the possible effect of calcium on reducing the incidence of nonvertebral fractures.
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Context Risedronate, a potent bisphosphonate, has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Paget disease of bone and other metabolic bone diseases but, to our knowledge, it has not been evaluated in the treatment of established postmenopausal osteoporosis.Objective To test the efficacy and safety of daily treatment with risedronate to reduce the risk of vertebral and other fractures in postmenopausal women with established osteoporosis.Design, Setting, and Participants Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 2458 ambulatory postmenopausal women younger than 85 years with at least 1 vertebral fracture at baseline who were enrolled at 1 of 110 centers in North America conducted between December 1993 and January 1998.Interventions Subjects were randomly assigned to receive oral treatment for 3 years with risedronate (2.5 or 5 mg/d) or placebo. All subjects received calcium, 1000 mg/d. Vitamin D (cholecalciferol, up to 500 IU/d) was provided if baseline levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D were low.Main Outcome Measures Incidence of new vertebral fractures as detected by quantitative and semiquantitative assessments of radiographs; incidence of radiographically confirmed nonvertebral fractures and change from baseline in bone mineral density as determined by dual x-ray absorptiometry.Results The 2.5 mg/d of risedronate arm was discontinued after 1 year; in the placebo and 5 mg/d of risedronate arms, 450 and 489 subjects, respectively, completed all 3 years of the trial. Treatment with 5 mg/d of risedronate, compared with placebo, decreased the cumulative incidence of new vertebral fractures by 41% (95% confidence interval [CI], 18%-58%) over 3 years (11.3% vs 16.3%;P=.003). A fracture reduction of 65% (95% CI, 38%-81%) was observed after the first year (2.4% vs 6.4%; P<.001). The cumulative incidence of nonvertebral fractures over 3 years was reduced by 39% (95% CI, 6%-61%) (5.2% vs 8.4%; P=.02). Bone mineral density increased significantly compared with placebo at the lumbar spine (5.4% vs 1.1%), femoral neck (1.6% vs −1.2%), femoral trochanter (3.3% vs −0.7%), and midshaft of the radius (0.2% vs −1.4%). Bone formed during risedronate treatment was histologically normal. The overall safety profile of risedronate, including gastrointestinal safety, was similar to that of placebo.Conclusions These data suggest that risedronate therapy is effective and well tolerated in the treatment of women with established postmenopausal osteoporosis. Figures in this Article Declining estrogen levels at menopause result in increased bone turnover and a loss of bone mass, with subsequent increases in bone fragility and the risk of bone fracture. Vertebral fracture, in particular, is a common consequence of osteoporosis and may be considered the hallmark fracture for osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.1 Because of the high frequency of vertebral fractures in patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis, clinical trials of osteoporosis therapies now typically assess the effects of treatment on vertebral fracture incidence as the primary end point. Prevention of nonvertebral fractures is another important goal of treatment because of the pain and disability associated with these fractures. Several therapies have demonstrated antifracture efficacy in the treatment of established postmenopausal osteoporosis. Hormone replacement therapy reduced the occurrence of vertebral fracture in a small, prospective trial,2 and a prospective cohort study supports the usefulness of hormone replacement therapy in reducing the progression of disease, even in older women.3 However, sustained benefit requires long-term use of hormones, and few women accept long-term treatment due to poor tolerability and fear of breast cancer.4- 5 Both raloxifene and calcitonin have been shown to modestly increase bone mineral density (BMD) and decrease the incidence of vertebral fracture; however, neither therapy has demonstrated significant effects in reducing nonvertebral fractures.6- 8 Other bisphosphonates have demonstrated efficacy in prevention of vertebral fracture, although the interpretation of the fracture results in these studies is complicated by the pooling of dosage groups,9 changing of dosage during the study,10 and analysis of subpopulations.11 Although alendronate reduced the incidence of all clinical fractures in a population of patients with a history of vertebral fractures,10 a recent study in more than 4000 subjects with low BMD and no history of vertebral fracture failed to demonstrate this benefit, except in a subpopulation of women with low hip bone density.12 Gastrointestinal tract adverse effects are a concern with some bisphosphonates.13- 15 Although the incidence of such adverse effects has been low, upper gastrointestinal tract adverse events such as erosive esophagitis have been reported.14- 15 Risedronate (chemical name, [1-hydroxy-2-(3-pyridinyl) ethylidene] bis[phosphonic acid] monosodium salt), a pyridinyl bisphosphonate with potent antiresorptive activity, has been shown to be effective for the treatment of Paget disease of bone16- 17 and multiple myeloma,18- 19 and for the prevention of bone loss in early postmenopause.20 The present study was designed to test the efficacy of daily risedronate treatment in reducing the incidence of vertebral and other fractures in postmenopausal women with a history of vertebral fracture and to evaluate the safety of risedronate therapy in these patients.
Objective: To determine whether vitamin D supplementation decreases the incidence of hip fractures and other peripheral bone fractures. Design: Prospective, double-blind trial. Setting: Community setting (Amsterdam and surrounding area). Patients: 2578 persons (1916 women, 662 men) 70 years of age and older (mean age +/- SD, 80 +/- 6 years) living independently, in apartments for elderly persons, or in homes for elderly persons. Intervention: Participants were randomly assigned to receive either vitamin D3, 400 IU in one tablet daily, or placebo for a maximum of 3.5 years. Measurements: Dietary calcium intake and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] were estimated in a subset of participants. During follow-up, attention was concentrated on hip fractures and other peripheral fractures. The maximal follow-up period was 4 years. The results were evaluated by survival analysis. Results: Mean dietary calcium intake from dairy products was 868 mg/d. Mean serum 25(OH)D concentration in the third year of the study was 23 nmol/L in the placebo group and 60 nmol/L in the vitamin D group. Median follow-up was 3.5 years, and total follow-up was 8450 patient-years. During follow-up, 306 persons in the placebo group and 282 persons in the vitamin D group died (P = 0.20). Hip fractures occurred in 48 persons in the placebo group and 58 persons in the vitamin D group (P = 0.39, intention-to-treat analysis). Other peripheral fractures occurred in 74 persons in the placebo group and 77 persons in the vitamin D group (P = 0.86). Conclusion: Our results do not show a decrease in the incidence of hip fractures and other peripheral fractures in Dutch elderly persons after vitamin D supplementation.
A previous meta-analysis found that a daily dose of 700–800 IU of vitamin D reduces hip fractures by one-fourth in elderly individuals. Because combined deficiencies of vitamin D and calcium may lead to decreased bone strength and bone loss through negative calcium balance and its sequel, secondary hyperparathyroidism, it is important to know whether additional calcium will prevent hip fractures. Included in the analysis were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing oral vitamin D, with or without calcium supplementation, to a placebo/no treatment condition in postmenopausal women and/or men aged 50 and older who were at risk of hip fracture. Based on 4 RCTs totaling 9083 patients, the pooled relative risk (RR) of hip fracture for vitamin D alone was 1.10 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.89–1.36). The pooled RR for 2 RCTs administering 400 IU daily of vitamin D was 1.14 (95% CI, 0.87–1.49), and for 2 using 700–800 IU, it was 1.04 (95% CI, 0.75–1.46). For 6 RCTs evaluating calcium supplementation in addition to vitamin D in 45,509 individuals, the pooled RR for hip fracture was 0.82 (95% CI, 0.71–0.94). An adjusted indirect comparison of summary RR values from the 2 meta-analyses showed that the RR of hip fracture for vitamin D with supplemental calcium compared to vitamin D alone was 0.75 (95% CI, 0.58–0.96), suggesting that the vitamin D/calcium combination reduced the risk of hip fracture by 25% compared to vitamin D alone. One-way sensitivity analysis gave no indication of statistical heterogeneity between the studies in either meta-analysis. Based on these findings, the investigators recommend that vitamin D, in a daily dose of 700–800 IU, should be combined with 1000–1200 mg daily of elemental calcium. Supplementation is not necessarily indicated for all elderly persons.