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Dragon's blood is one of the renowned traditional medicines used in different cultures of world. It has got several therapeutic uses: haemostatic, antidiarrhetic, antiulcer, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound healing, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, etc. Besides these medicinal applications, it is used as a coloring material, varnish and also has got applications in folk magic. These red saps and resins are derived from a number of disparate taxa. Despite its wide uses, little research has been done to know about its true source, quality control and clinical applications. In this review, we have tried to overview different sources of Dragon's blood, its source wise chemical constituents and therapeutic uses. As well as, a little attempt has been done to review the techniques used for its quality control and safety.

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... Esta planta também é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que são amplamente atribuídas aos polifenóis em sua composição, incluindo proantocianidinas. As proantocianidinas, classificadas como flavonoides oligoméricos, possuem grupos fenólicos que auxiliam na neutralização de radicais livres, ajudando assim a diminuir o estresse oxidativo (Gupta;Bleakley;Gupta, 2007). Além disso, esses compostos exibem efeitos antioxidantes no cólon, onde sua baixa solubilidade em água permite que cheguem ao intestino em uma forma quase intacta, aumentando sua ação antioxidante (Zeng et al., 2020). ...
... Esta planta também é conhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que são amplamente atribuídas aos polifenóis em sua composição, incluindo proantocianidinas. As proantocianidinas, classificadas como flavonoides oligoméricos, possuem grupos fenólicos que auxiliam na neutralização de radicais livres, ajudando assim a diminuir o estresse oxidativo (Gupta;Bleakley;Gupta, 2007). Além disso, esses compostos exibem efeitos antioxidantes no cólon, onde sua baixa solubilidade em água permite que cheguem ao intestino em uma forma quase intacta, aumentando sua ação antioxidante (Zeng et al., 2020). ...
... Além disso, o látex da planta é tradicionalmente usado na cultura indígena da Amazônia para tratar várias formas de diarreia e cólera. No Peru, é empregado para curar fraturas ósseas, hemorroidas e leucorreia (Gupta;Bleakley;Gupta, 2007). ...
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A rica diversidade da flora mundial, ao longo dos séculos, tem sido fonte inesgotável de conhecimento e cura para a humanidade. A busca por substâncias naturais com propriedades terapêuticas é tão antiga quanto a própria civilização. No entanto, é nas últimas décadas que a ciência tem se dedicado a desvendar os mecanismos moleculares e celulares que subjazem aos efeitos benéficos de plantas e seus constituintes. Este livro, resultado de um esforço conjunto de pesquisadores de diversas áreas, reúne um conjunto de trabalhos que abordam de forma aprofundada o potencial terapêutico de diversas plantas e compostos naturais. Os capítulos que compõem esta obra apresentam resultados de pesquisas originais e artigos de revisões que englobam desde estudos pré-clínicos em modelos animais até revisões abrangentes da literatura científica. A variedade de temas abordados neste livro reflete a complexidade e a diversidade das plantas medicinais e seus usos. Desde os efeitos neuroprotetores de compostos naturais em doenças neurodegenerativas até o potencial terapêutico de plantas na modulação de processos inflamatórios e metabólicos, os capítulos aqui apresentados oferecem uma visão abrangente do estado da arte da pesquisa nessa área.
... It is best known for the production of characteristic thick deep red latex, called sangre de drago (dragon's blood), which is secreted when the tree bark is cut and is considered one of the strongest healing agents known [1]. As reported by Gupta et al. [2], the Spanish Jesuit P. Bernabe Cobo was the first to report that the red resin was used widely throughout the native tribes of Mexico, Peru, and Ecuador in the 1600s. Early Greeks, Romans, and Arabs also used the latex for its medicinal properties. ...
... For centuries, sangre de drago has been widely employed internally to treat intestinal complaints and externally as a popular cicatrizant for wound healing in holistic medicine [1,2]. In recent years, the results of extensive in vitro and in vivo studies have confirmed its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antidiarrheal, anticancer, antirheumatic, antiseptic, and neuroprotective actions, activity against glycoxidation, and usefulness in ROS-related diseases of the tree sap [2]. ...
... For centuries, sangre de drago has been widely employed internally to treat intestinal complaints and externally as a popular cicatrizant for wound healing in holistic medicine [1,2]. In recent years, the results of extensive in vitro and in vivo studies have confirmed its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, antidiarrheal, anticancer, antirheumatic, antiseptic, and neuroprotective actions, activity against glycoxidation, and usefulness in ROS-related diseases of the tree sap [2]. Moreover, the data collected proved a correlation between the very rich chemical composition of the latex and bioactivities observed, which were directly associated with the presence of certain secondary metabolites such as diterpenes (clerodane, labdane, abietane, tigliane, entkaurane, and cembranolides), alkaloids, phenolic compounds, etc. [3]. ...
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Sangre de drago, the sap of Croton lechleri Müll. Arg. tree, has been used for centuries in traditional medicine owing to its diverse biological activities. Extracts derived from different parts of the species contain a multitude of phytochemicals with varied applications. Twigs, however, are among the least studied parts of the plant. This study unveils new biological activities of Croton lechleri twig extracts recovered by applying Soxhlet and advanced green techniques. For all extracts, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity were determined. Subsequently, four were selected, and their cytotoxic effects were assessed on both normal (HaCat) and malignant melanoma (A375) skin cell lines using the MTT assay and trypan blue exclusion assay. All showed dose-dependent cytotoxicity, with the Soxhlet ethanol extract demonstrating the highest selectivity towards A375 cells over HaCat cells. The extracts induced apoptosis and necrosis, as confirmed by Annexin V/PI dual-labeling and flow cytometry, highlighting their ability to trigger programmed cell death in cancer cells. The selective inhibition of cell cycle progression in A375 compared to HaCat observed both for Soxhlet ethanol and pressurized ethanol extracts induces cell cycle arrest at multiple points, primarily in the G1 and G2/M phases, and significantly reduces DNA synthesis as evidenced by the decrease in the S-phase population, confirmed by the EdU assay. Consequently, the Soxhlet extract composition was analyzed using LC-MS, which revealed their richness in polyphenolic compounds, particularly flavonoids from the flavonol subclass.
... Dragon's blood resin (Daemonorops draco wild Blume), a deep red resin, is well-known used as traditional medicine obtained from four different species: Croton spp., Dracaena spp., Daemonorops spp., and Pterocarpus spp. Daemonorops draco produces red resin as the form of rattan fruit secretion, and this resin is also called as "dragon blood" [1]. ...
... Some researchers reported that compound of 2H-1-Benzopyran-7-ol, 3,4-Dihydro-5-Methoxy-6 methyl -2-Phynyl (also known as Dracorhodin) is an important role as identifier in dragon's blood resin [1,20,21]. In the previous study, it was also reported that Dracorhodin and its derivatives had been used as coloring pigments for artistry stuff since 15th century [22]. ...
... Dragon's blood resin also consists of Dracoresinotanol, Dracorubin, Dracuorhodin, and Abiotic acid. Dracorhodin is natural Flavilium compound, the primary component of dragon blood resin, which can be potentially used as medicine and biologically has pharmacological activities such as antimicrobial, antivirus, antitumor, and anticancer [1,18] [27,28]. The antiseptics properties of dragon blood resin, especially Daemoronops type, is suspected obtained from benzoate acid that has antiseptic properties for natural healing in some modern culture. ...
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The dragon's blood resin (Daemonorops draco wild Blume) has been used in folk medicine for pharmacological activities such as antimicrobial, antivirus, anti-inflammation, gastrointestinal disorders, blood circulation dysfunctions, antitumor, and cancer. This study was designated to evaluate the antibacterial activity of n-Hexane dragon's blood resin extract against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans 10231. The other purpose of this study was to determine the secondary metabolites compound of n-Hexane dragon's blood resin extract. The antimicrobial activities of the n-Hexane dragon's blood resin extract was determined using well diffusion method and the results showed that the extract at concentration of 15% exhibited antimicrobial activities against Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, and Candida albicans 10231 with the diameter inhibition of 13.20 mm; 21.3 mm; and 13.0 mm respectively. The phytochemicals screening showed that the extract contains secondary metabolites in the form of flavonoids. The GC-MS analysis showed that n-Hexane dragon's blood resin extract contains 48 chemicals compounds, and the compound at RT 26 was indicated a Drachorhodin compound (C17H 18O3) with the mass ration of m/z was 270 g/mol. Overall, the n-Hexane dragon's blood resin extract be a good choice for antimicrobial agent against bacteria and fungi.
... Resin memiliki banyak manfaat diantaranya sebagai pewarna pernis, keramik, cat, kayu, rotan, tekstil, dan kosmetik (Dransfield and Suwanda 1974). Selain itu resin digunakan sebagai bahan obat, antara lain untuk antidiare, anti kanker (Gupta et al. 2008), antimikroba (Waluyo 2008), antivirus dan penyembuhan luka (Gupta et al. 2008;Waluyo 2008), dan anti platelet (Yi et al. 2011). ...
... Resin memiliki banyak manfaat diantaranya sebagai pewarna pernis, keramik, cat, kayu, rotan, tekstil, dan kosmetik (Dransfield and Suwanda 1974). Selain itu resin digunakan sebagai bahan obat, antara lain untuk antidiare, anti kanker (Gupta et al. 2008), antimikroba (Waluyo 2008), antivirus dan penyembuhan luka (Gupta et al. 2008;Waluyo 2008), dan anti platelet (Yi et al. 2011). ...
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Rotan penghasil jernang merupakan jenis tanaman palem yang permukaan kulit buahnya dilapisi oleh resin berwarna merah darah. Budidaya rotan jernang memiliki beberapa kendala karena keterbatasan ketersediaan benih, produksi benih yang rendah, benih rekalsitran, dan pertumbuhan bibit yang lambat. Untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan bibit dan menghasilkan bibit berkualitas baik diperlukan inokulasi bibit dengan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) dan penambahan bio-organik pada media tanam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respons pertumbuhan bibit Daemonorops draco Blume yang di inokulasi oleh FMA dan penambahan bio-organik. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap yang terdiri dari dua faktor, yaitu FMA (M) yang terdiri dari empat tingkat (M0 = Tanpa FMA, M1= Koleksi FMA di laboratorium mikoriza, M2= FMA lokal dari rizosfer rotan) dan bio-organik (B) yang terdiri dari lima tingkat (B0= Tanpa bio-organik, B1= dosis bio-organik 5%, B2= dosis bio-organik 10%, B3= dosis bio-organik 15%, B4= dosis bio-organik 20%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media tanah kontrol tidak dapat mendukung pertumbuhan bibit Rotan Jernang. Tanaman yang diberi perlakuan interaksi (M2B2) meningkatkan tinggi tanaman sebesar 140,76%, diameter sebesar 106,57%, dan biomassa sebesar 591,22% dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Kata kunci: Bio-organik, FMA, Daemonorops draco blume, Pertumbuhan bibit
... In European medicine, dragon's blood was formerly used in dysentery and diarrhea and as an astringent in tooth powders [90]. Nanocarriers developed for dragon's blood and their effects are reported in Figure 8. ...
... In European medicine, dragon s blood was formerly used in dysentery and diarrhea and as an astringent in tooth powders [90]. Nanocarriers developed for dragon s blood and their effects are reported in Figure 8. ...
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Resins are complex mixtures of natural constituents containing non-volatile and volatile terpenes, in combination with gums and polyphenols, used since ancient times for their medicinal properties. Current research has evidenced their therapeutic value with a plethora of activities. The main limits of resins and their constituents for their clinical use are low water solubility, poor stability and bioavailability. Therefore, nanovectors including vesicles, solid lipid nanoparticles, micelles, nanoemulsions, microemulsions and mesoporic nanoparticles have been investigated to optimize the biopharmaceutical properties after topical or oral administration of resins or fractions from them, including essential oils or single constituents. In this review, we report the results evidencing that developed nanovectors were able to entrap high amounts of resins or their components, modify the release properties, enhance their cellular uptake and penetration across biological barriers and optimize the biopharmaceutical properties. In addition, the resins or their fractions as enhancer penetration molecules can optimize the architecture and properties of nanovectors in their capacity to circumvent biological barriers. Although no clinical studies have been reported until now, nanovectors represent a huge platform for upgrading therapies and emerging new treatments of resins such as wound healing therapy.
... Resin memiliki banyak manfaat diantaranya sebagai pewarna pernis, keramik, cat, kayu, rotan, tekstil, dan kosmetik [1]. Selain itu resin digunakan sebagai bahan obat, antara lain untuk antidiare, anti kanker [2], antimikroba [3], antivirus dan penyembuhan luka [2] [3], dan anti platelet [4]. ...
... Resin memiliki banyak manfaat diantaranya sebagai pewarna pernis, keramik, cat, kayu, rotan, tekstil, dan kosmetik [1]. Selain itu resin digunakan sebagai bahan obat, antara lain untuk antidiare, anti kanker [2], antimikroba [3], antivirus dan penyembuhan luka [2] [3], dan anti platelet [4]. ...
Jernang rattan is produced from a palm species surface layer of fruit by resine with dark red. Jernang rattan cultivation has several obstacles due to limiteation of seed availability, low seed production, and has technical problems in the form of hard fruit skin. This study aimed to studied the effect of the interaction of atonic concentration and soaking time for jernang rattan seeds on their germination. There were two factors in this study: Atonic concentration treatment (5 levels) and soaking time (3 levels). The results show that increasing the germination of Jernang rattan seeds can be done using an atonic concentration of 15 ppm and soaking for 1 hour. This is because it provides better results on research variables.
... The resin of blood-grade Croton lechleri, included in the cosmetic formula, has skinconditioning effects [15]. In Peru, it is well known and used in folk medicine; studies show its antioxidant, healing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antitumor, antibacterial and immunomodulatory properties, attributed to the presence of catechins, proanthocyanidins and the tapsine alkaloid in its chemical composition [16]. ...
... Quantification of polyphenols such as flavonoids in hydroalcoholic extracts has evidenced the anti-enzymatic activity of the elastase and collagenase enzymes [38]. Several types of flavonoids have been identified in Croton lechleri [16,39], which may promote collagen increase. This may be supported by an additional study of the cream to identify its viscoelastic properties. ...
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Vegetable oils and extracts have been used from ancient times for skin care. The aim of this study was to design and evaluate the physicochemical, organoleptic, and microbiological characteristics and the instrumental efficacy in vivo of a cosmetic formula named “ASC Cream”, containing sangre de grado resin extract (Croton lechleri) and vegetable oils obtained from moriche palm (Mauritia flexuosa L.), goldenberry (Physalis peruviana), super sacha peanut (Plukenetia huayllabambana sp. nov.), and sacha peanut (Plukenetia volubilis L.). Instrumental efficacy, skin hydration and skin pH were tested in vivo in 24 healthy female volunteers between 40 and 65 years old, using non-invasive skin bioengineering equipment from Courage + Khazaka Electronics, both in the short term (30 min, 1 h and 3 h) and long term (14 and 28 days). The main findings were increased immediate hydration (132.4%) and long-term hydration (143.6%), showing a statistically significant average improvement (p < 0.05) without altering the skin pH. In conclusion, a balanced combination of the extract and oils significantly increases hydration levels while maintaining skin pH.
... Internationally, dragon's blood has been used for pharmaceutical materials, such as anti cancer (Rasul et al., 2012;Yu et al., 2013), cureing diarrhea (Winarni, Sumadiwangsa, & Setyawan, 2004) and wound (Gupta, Bleakley, & Gupta, 2007), as well as mix compound in toothpaste (Baja-Lapis, 2009). Dragon blood is also used for cosmetics, to reduce cancer pain, to cure stomachache and digestive problems (Rustiami, Setyowati, & Kartawinata, 2004). ...
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Dragon’s blood is amongst non timber forest products in which its of supply depends on its natural availability and the demand of the commodity. This study discusses institutional market, value chains and marketing efficiency of dargon’s blood. Primary and secondary data were collected by interview based on snowball sampling method. Data were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. Institutional economics approach was used to determine institutional marketing of dragon’s blood. Results show that the relations and behavior of marketing agents of dragon’s blood will form an institutional marketing with patron-client system, because of unbalanced position in terms of economy, accessibility and information. There were four marketing channels that exist in the research area. All of these marketing channels of dragon’s blood can be categorized as efficient marketing in which an average value of marketing efficiency were 17.86%. Channel 3 is the most efficient marketing channel with the smallest efficiency value of 12.86% and high farmer share (62.86%): penjernang – dragon’s blood traders at the village level – urban merchants in the district level – wholesalers at the province level – exporter. This result indicates that the most efficient marketing channel was the channel where the collectors sell dragon’s blood in the form of resin.
... and Pterocarpus spp. [54]. Previous studies have identified several biological activities associated with different parts of FL. ...
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Recently, toxicological and epidemiological research has provided strong support for the unfavorable effects of bisphenol-A (BPA, 2,2′-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane) on myogenesis and its underlying mechanisms. Researchers have therefore been looking for new strategies to prevent or mitigate these injurious effects of BPA on the human body. It has been found that plant extracts may act as potential therapeutic agents or functional foods, preventing human diseases caused by BPA. We previously reported that Ficus lindsayana (FL) extract exhibits anti-inflammation activity in macrophages via suppressing the expression of inflammation-related molecules and anti-insulin resistance in inflammation-treated adipocytes. In this study, we investigated whether Ficus lindsayana leaf extract (FLLE) protects C2C12 mouse myoblasts against the suppressive effects of BPA on myogenic differentiation. The viability of BPA-stimulated C2C12 myoblasts was significantly increased when co-treated with FLLE (200 µg/mL), suggesting that the extract may lessen the inhibitory effects of BPA on cell division. We also found that FLLE significantly increased neo-myotube formation by inducing the fusion of myoblasts into multinucleated myotubes when compared to the BPA-treated control cells, without impacting cell viability. In addition, the levels of myogenin and myocyte enhancer factor 2A (MEF2A), which are crucial markers and regulators of myogenesis, were markedly increased by the addition of FLLE (50 µg/mL) to the BPA-treated C2C12 cells. This finding suggests that FLLE effectively improved myogenic differentiation in BPA-exposed myoblasts. FLLE treatment (50 µg/mL) significantly raised total Akt protein levels in the BPA-treated C2C12 cells, enhancing protein phosphorylation. In addition, FLLE (50 µg/mL) obviously increased the phosphorylation levels of p70S6K and 4E-BP1, key downstream targets of the Akt/mTOR signaling cascade, by elevating total p70S6K and 4E-BP1 levels. These results suggest that FLLE diminishes the decline in myogenic differentiation induced by BPA via the regulation of the myocyte differentiation-related signaling pathway. The information obtained from this study demonstrates the health benefits of this plant, which warrants further investigation as an alternative medicine, functional ingredient, or food supplement that can prevent the negative health effects of BPA or other toxicants.
... Compound 5 contains indicaxanthin pigment which is a fragment of Betanin. Flavan related compounds in dragon fruits showed chemoprotective effects (Gupta et al. 2008). ...
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Aging is a worldwide socioeconomic burden. Cerebellar aging is an enigma contributing to many behavioral aging disorders, hence is its hindering by prophylactic measurements is a crucial geriatric research target. Red dragon fruit (RDF) is a tropical fruit with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic properties. This study aimed to determine the protective effect of RDF extract against cerebellar aging. Thirty-two male albino rats were randomly allocated into 4 groups: Control, RDF, aged and RDF-aged groups. Aged group revealed structural distortion affecting cerebellar layers including a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in Purkinje cells number and decrease in granular cell layer thickness by comparison to the control and RDF groups. Additionally, distorted capillary endothelium, and defective myelination were noticed. Interestingly, cerebellar active caspase-3, iNOS, MDA and 3-NT and serum TNF-α levels significantly increased with aging by comparison to the control and RDF groups (all P < 0.05). Biochemical analysis revealed a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in cerebellar SOD and serum GSH levels in aged rats. RDF extract remarkably ameliorated most of the neuronal degenerative changes with a significant (P < 0.05) increase in Purkinje cells numbers, and granular cell layer thickness by comparison to the aged group. Furthermore, it resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) decrease in cerebellum expression of active caspase-3, iNOS, MDA, 3-NT, and serum TNF-α levels associated with a significant (P < 0.05) increase in cerebellar SOD and serum GSH levels by comparison to the aged group. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study showing a neuroprotective effect for RDF against cerebellar aging. RDF might be effective in attenuation of age-induced cerebellar degenerative changes through its anti-apoptotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
... Dragon's blood is a deep-red resin obtained from several plant genera, including Dracaena, Daemonorops, Croton, and Pterocarpus. The most commonly studied species include Dracaena cinnabari, Dracaena draco, and Dracaena cochinchinensis [32][33][34]. Various cultures have used dragon's blood in traditional medicine, including the ancient Chinese, Greek, and Roman civilizations. It continues to be of interest in modern research for its potential therapeutic applications [35]. ...
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The quest for novel therapeutic agents has rekindled interest in natural products, particularly those derived from biotransformation processes. Dihydrochalcones, a class of plant secondary metabolites, exhibit a range of pharmacological properties. Chalcone and dihydrochalcone compounds with the characteristic 4’-hydroxy substitution are present in ‘dragon’s blood’ resin, known for its traditional medicinal uses and complex composition, making the isolation of these compounds challenging. This study investigates the efficient production of 4′-hydroxydihydrochalcones using non-conventional yeast strains. We evaluated the biotransformation efficiency of various 4′-hydroxychalcone substrates utilizing yeast strains such as Yarrowia lipolytica KCh 71, Saccharomyces cerevisiae KCh 464, Rhodotorula rubra KCh 4 and KCh 82, and Rhodotorula glutinis KCh 242. Our findings revealed that Yarrowia lipolytica KCh 71, Rhodotorula rubra KCh 4 and KCh 82, and Rhodotorula glutinis KCh 242 exhibited the highest conversion efficiencies, exceeding 98% within one hour for most substrates. The position of methoxy substituents in the chalcone ring significantly influenced hydrogenation efficiency. Moreover, we observed isomerization of trans-4′-hydroxy-2-methoxychalcone to its cis isomer, catalyzed by light exposure. This study underscores the potential of using yeast strains for the sustainable and efficient production of dihydrochalcones, providing a foundation for developing new therapeutic agents and nutraceuticals.
... [3,4,5] 。因此,这类血竭称为龙血竭更为合适,且是"正品"血竭 [1] ,可能是通过丝绸 之路在汉朝时期传入到中国 [1,3] [27] 中 BIC 标准 着蔡希陶等在云南找到可产龙血竭的柬埔寨龙血树和岩棕 [1,8,13] ,广西的"剑叶 龙血树" [31] ,以及老挝、缅甸等国家其他种的龙血树 [11] ,可产龙血竭的龙血树 物种越来越丰富。系统发育分析表明,热带亚洲能分泌龙血竭树脂的龙血树物种 形成了单系分支 III,与传统的"Dracaena group"相对应 [32] ...
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"Resina Draconis" or “Dragon’s Blood Resin” is called as "Yunnan Hongyao" and it is red resin produced by the trunk of Dracaena spp. The Chinese "Resina Draconis" is made of phenolic resins from Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagnep. and D. cochinchinensis (Lour.) S. C. Chen. Due to taxonomical confusions between D. cambodiana and D. cochinchinensis in Chinese Floras, the name of the source plant for the Chinese "Resina Draconis" is confused in literatures. To clarify the source plant of the Chinese "Resina Draconis", we examined the protologue and type materials of D. cambodiana, D. cochinchinensis and D. angustifolia (Medik.) Roxb., and reconstructed the plastome phylogeny of 19 Dracaena species from 33 accessions. Plastome phylogenies showed that 19 Dracaena species were strongly supported as three clades. Of them, the species, can produce phenolic resins were in the Clades I and III, whicn can be source plants of "Resina Draconis". Nine samples of D. cambodiana were not supported as monophyletic by forming two separating groups with other species, as Yunnan clade (D. cambodiana A) and Hainan clade (D. cambodiana B). Morphological description from the protologue and neotype specimen supported that D. cochinchinensis can not be discriminated from D. angustifolia, so that D. cochinchinensis should be reduced as a synonymy of D. angustifolia. Integrating phylogenetic analyses and morphological characters have demonstrated that the species D. cambodiana was the first source plant of the Chinese “Resina Draconis”, and D. saposchnikowii Regel from South Yunnan and Dracaena sp. 2 from South Guangxi were also the source plant of Chinese “Resina Draconis”. Plastome phylogenies well clarified the source plants of “Resina Draconis” and genetic relationships among the genus Dracaena, which provide important information for conservation and sustainable utilization of the Dracaena plant germplasm resources.
... Jernang juga memiliki potensi lainnya di bidang farmakologi, antara lain sebagai antikanker (Wilastra, 2013). Selain itu, jernang dimanfaatkan sebagai obat tradisional di antaranya untuk antiseptik, anti tumor, obat luka, diare, patah tulang dan luka bakar (Gupta et al., 2008). Dalam bidang industri, jernang bermanfaat sebagai bahan baku pelitur, vernis, pewarna keramik (Gafar, 2010). ...
Budidaya rotan jernang saat ini masih belum banyak dilakukan, dibandingkan dengan pemanfaatannya. Untuk mengasilkan bibit dalam jumlah banyak dapat dilakukan melalui pembiakan generatif (menggunakan biji). Produksi bibit yang berkualitas sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang pengembangan tanaman rotan. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan bibit tanaman adalah media tanam yang digunakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan pengaruh dari ketiga media tanam (cocopeat, tanah, dan pasir) terhadap pertumbuhan kecambah jernang (Daemonorops draco (Willd.) Blume) dan mengetahui media tanam yang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan kecambah jernang (Daemonorops draco (Willd.) Blume). Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen yakni melakukan penelitian langsung terhadap seperangkat percobaan yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan masalah yang diteliti untuk memperoleh dan menguji hipotesis yang telah diajukan. Desain penelitian yang dirancang pada penelitian ini menggunakann rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) satu faktor. Pengujian yang dilakukan menggunakan metode uji beda rata-rata yaitu uji oneway anova (untuk lebih dari 2 kelompok perlakuan) dan uji lanjut DMRT (Duncan Multiple Range Test). Jenis media tanam yang digunakan berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan (tinggi tanaman, panjang ibu tangkai daun, jumlah daun dan diameter batang) kecambah jernang (Daemonorops draco (Willd.) Blume). Jenis media tanam yang paling baik untuk pertumbuhan kecambah jernang (Daemonorops draco (Willd.) Blume) adalah media tanam cocopeat.
... 6 . Meanwhile, two important source plants of Sanguis Draconis, D. cambodiana 11 (Fig. 1A-D) and D. cochinchinensis 2 , have also been listed as the second-class state-protected species in the National Key Protected Wild Plants (NKPWP) of China 6 . In response to this critical situation, the establishment of protective laws and immediate conservation measures are essential. ...
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Dracaena cambodiana Pierre ex Gagn. (Asparagaceae) is the source plant of Dragon’s blood and has high ornamental values in gardening. Currently, this species is classified as the second-class state-protected species in the National Key Protected Wild Plants (NKPWP) of China. However, limited genomic data has hindered a more comprehensive scientific understanding of the processes involved in the production of Dragon’s blood and the related conservation genomics research. In this study, we assembled a haplotype-resolved genome of D. cambodiana. The haploid genomes, haplotype A and haplotype B, are 1,015.22 Mb and 1,003.13 Mb in size, respectively. The completeness of haplotype A and haplotype B genomes was 98.60% and 98.20%, respectively, using the “embryophyta_10” dataset. Haplotype A and haplotype B genomes contained 27,361 and 27,066 protein-coding genes, respectively, with nearly all being functionally annotated. These findings provide new insights into the genomic characteristics of D. cambodiana and will offer additional genomic resources for studying the biosynthesis mechanism of Dragon’s blood and the horticultural application of Dragon trees.
... Dragon's blood is a reddish resin extracted directly from the Croton lechleri tree (exudated by the tree stem when it is cut) (Peres et al., 2023). Croton Lechleri (Dragon's blood) is a resinous material with antiinflammatory, antioxidant and healing properties, probably attributable to phenolic compounds and alkaloid taspine (Gupta et al., 2008;Namjoyan et al., 2016). In Dragon's blood, gallic acid, syringic acid, epicatechin and catechin are the most prevalent active substances (Diedrich et al., 2021). ...
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Introduction PVA hydrogels present many characteristics of the ideal dressing, although without antimicrobial properties. The present work aims to study the physical, mechanical and release characteristics of hydrogel wound dressings loaded with either of two natural herbal products, sage extract and dragon's blood. Methods Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) and tensile mechanical testing were used to investigate the structure and properties of the gels. Swelling and degradation tests were conducted according to ISO 10993-9. Release characteristics were studied using UV Spectrophotometry. Results PVA matrices incorporating sage extract or dragon's blood (DB) present hydrogen bonding between these components. PVA-CMC hydrogels containing sage present similar spectra to PVA-CMC alone, probably indicating low miscibility or interaction between the matrix and sage. The opposite is found for DB, which exhibits more pronounced interference with crystallinity than sage. DB and NaCMC negatively affect Young's modulus and failure strength. All samples appear to reach equilibrium swelling degree (ESD) in 24 h. The addition of DB and sage to PVA increases the gels' swelling capacity, indicating that the substances likely separate PVA chains. The inclusion of CMC contributes to high media uptake. The kinetics profile of media uptake for 4 days is described by a power-law model, which is correlated to the drug delivery mechanism. Discussion A PVA-CMC gel incorporating 15% DB, the highest amount tested, shows the most favorable characteristics for flavonoid delivery, as well as flexibility and swelling capacity.
... Draconis Sanguis is widely used in multiple countries, with its earliest use being in the 1st century AD. It was used by Greek doctors as a tincture, ointment, among other uses [67]. Draconis Sanguis has changed slightly between ancient and modern times in China. ...
Background: As a political, economic, and cultural exchange channel between ancient China and countries in Asia, Europe, and Africa, the Silk Road has promoted political, trade, and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries in Chinese history and also promoted the development of traditional Chinese medicine. Methods: This article summarizes the introduction of medicinal materials from the Han to Qing Dynasties, spanning approximately 2000 years. Results: A total of 235 types of medicinal plant materials were imported. An analysis of 178 medicinal herbs of known origin, belonging to 72 families revealed their effectiveness in treating 20 diseases. The maximum number of medicinal herbs used to treat gastrointestinal and digestive disorders (GAS) was 122. The applications and origin of exotic medicinal materials, including draconis sanguis and olibanum have changed during the development of the Silk Road. Imported medicinal materials are affected by five factors, including local demand, adaptability, cultural exchange, scarcity, and medical theory. Five modes for introducing medicinal materials include the onshore Silk Road, the maritime Silk Road, diplomatic envoys and gifts, overseas Chinese, cultural exchange, and medical integration. The application of exotic medicinal materials expands the resources and application fields of traditional Chinese medicine, enriching the theory of traditional Chinese medicine. Conclusion: Traditional Chinese medicinal compounds introduced to China through the ancient Silk Road not only promoted their integration into foreign medicine but also had long-lasting impacts to date and over a wide range, thereby considerably affecting the pharmaceutical and general healthcare industries.
... Rotan jernang (Daemonorops spp) termasuk salah satu jenis tanaman dari keluarga Arecaceae yang bernilai jual tinggi karena pada kulit buah muda menempel atau terdapat gatah yang mengandung resin. Resin jernang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan baku obatobatan yaitu dapat digunakan sebagai obat luka, antioksidan, antivirus, antiseptik, meningkatkan sirkulasi darah, antimikroba, antitumor, bahan pewarna [1], dan sebagai campuran kosmetik [2]. Kualitas jernang tergantung dari jenis tanaman, kualitas buah, ukuran buah, dan kadar dracorhodin. ...
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Rotan jernang (Daemonorops spp) termasuk salah satu jenis tanaman dari keluarga Arecaceae yang bernilai jual tinggi karena pada kulit buah muda menempel atau terdapat gatah yang mengandung resin. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah sebagai transfer ilmu pengetahuan dan inovasi hasil penelitian yang telah didapatkan dari hasil-hasil penelitian khususnya dalam Teknik budidaya tanaman jernang mulai dari penyediaan benih/bibit, Teknik budidaya, panen, pengolahan pasca panen hingga pemasaran. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan perpaduan antara teori 25% dan praktek langsung di lapangan 75%. Peserta yang iku dalam kegiatan ini adalah anggota kelompok tani pecinta jernang Gampong Teupin Reusep Kecamatan Sawang Kabupaten Aceh Utara sebanyak 20 orang. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terjadi peningkatan pemahaman pengetahuan khususnya dalam teknik budidaya mulai dari perkecambahan dan pembibita, teknik budidaya, tekanik panen dan pasca panen serta pengolahan hasil dan teknik pemasaran berdasarkan hasil pre-test dan post-test dengan nilai rata-rata 25% untuk semua variable yang dievaluasi.
... La especie ha recibido poca atención desde el punto de vista científico, se han realizado principalmente, estudios sobre fitoquímica del látex, de hojas y corteza, así como de la actividad biológica (Hernández & Delgado 1992, Castro et al. 1999, Murillo et al. 2001, Puebla et al. 2004, Tsacheva et al. 2004, Gupta et al. 2008 y Salatino et al. 2007). ...
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Antecedentes: Existen reportes de que los Hongos Micorrizógenos Arbusculares (HMA) incrementan la producción de metabolitos secundarios en plantas medicinales. El género Croton ha sido poco estudiado en este aspecto. C. draco es una especie etnomedicinal, conocer la relación y naturaleza de los HMA, puede contribuir a obtener plantas en cultivo con mayor calidad y cantidad de metabolitos secundarios. Preguntas: ¿Las raíces de C. draco pueden ser colonizadas por HMA? ¿Qué especies de HMA se encuentran en la rizósfera de C. draco? ¿La diversidad de especies de HMA varía dependiendo del ambiente? Sitios de estudio y periodo de investigación: El estudio se hizo en tres localidades del estado de Veracruz, en el año 2019. Métodos: Raíces terciarias de árboles adultos se procesaron y observaron al microscopio compuesto buscando esporas, hifas y arbúsculos de HMA. La diversidad y densidad esporas en la rizosfera de C. draco, se determinó en muestras de suelo, comparando tres sitios de estudio. Los datos se normalizaron y se hicieron pruebas paramétricas. Resultados: Se observaron esporas, hifas y arbúsculos en las raíces de C. draco. La abundancia de esporas y diversidad de HMA fue diferente entre los sitios evaluados. Con base en la morfología de las esporas se reconocieron 14 taxones, de los cuales, solo dos están presentes en los tres sitios. Conclusión: C. draco presentó en sus raíces estructuras propias de los HMA. Basado en los resultados concluimos que las condiciones ambientales influyen en la abundancia de esporas y en la diversidad de especies de HMA.
... contain flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, steroids, esters, glycosides, and other secondary metabolites and its leaves contain flavonoids, feruloamides, resinols, steroids, and other medicinal compounds (Thu et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2019). These aforementioned substances have antioxidant, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, analgesic, hemostatic, and antidiabetic efficacy (Gupta et al., 2007;Mensor et al., 2001;Sun et al., 2019). ...
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In this study, metabolite maps were conducted on leaf samples accessions of Dracaena sp. in Guangxi (C6, C13, CZ4, JX2, RM1, and BM3) and six related species including D. angustifolia (CH), D. elliptica (XZ), D. cochinchinensis (CB), D. cambodiana (HN), D. marginata (HB), and Yucca schidigera (SL). We identified 2,971 compounds including carboxylic acids and their derivatives, organooxygen compounds, prenol lipids, benzenes and their substituted derivatives, and flavonoids. Of those, 73 characteristic secondary metabolites were screened out by weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA). Pterostilbene, 9-cis-retinal, and dracorubin were unique to the Dracaena sp. in Guangxi, and 3-hydroxytridecanoic acid and chrysin were highly abundant in them. An in vitro antioxidant activity assay disclosed that all 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) scavenging rates and all fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) rates were in the ranges of 75–87 % and 3.10–3.25 μmol/mL, respectively, for the Dracaena sp. in Guangxi. Hence, the latter have relatively high and stable foliar antioxidant activity. A network pharmacological analysis of the top 20 metabolites in Dracaena leaf and their 446 antioxidant-related disease targets revealed ten core action targets, including GAPDH, AKT1, MAPK3, VEGFA, CASP3, TNF, MAPK1, SRC, EGFR, and MAPK8. An antioxidant-related compound-target-pathway network was constructed and verified by molecular docking. The results of this study provide a theoretical basis for mining and exploiting the foliar secondary metabolites of Dracaena.
... Besides their botanical and ecological value, the Canary Islands palm and dragon tree have acquired numerous social and cultural meanings, including traditional and medicinal significance related, for example, to the valuable crimson red resin known as "dragon's blood" [68]. Particularly famous is the "Drago de Icod de los Vinos", whose basal perimeter is~20 m and is one of the symbols of Tenerife, not just for its impressive size but also for its historical significance and for the aesthetic experience it generates [69]. ...
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Correctly estimating the maximum lifespan of plant species is a necessary component of demographic and life-history studies, which, in turn, are needed for understanding climatic impacts. Arboreal monocotyledons, which can grow to >30 m in height and >5 m in trunk perimeter, are difficult to age because they do not undergo seasonal dormancy; hence, their longevity has been estimated using various size-related methods. In this study, we tested radiocarbon (14C) dating with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) as an additional tool for determining the age of two iconic monocotyledons: the Canary Island palm and the dragon tree. A total of 25 samples were collected from the basal stem of four palms and five dragon trees on Gran Canaria and Tenerife and then processed using the most advanced 14C-AMS analysis available. Calibration curves provided by the “IntCal group” were used to determine the oldest possible age of each sample, and 16 of them were found to be “modern”, i.e., formed after the 1950s. Nine samples that were either collected from exterior, but lignified, palm tissues or from interior, and lignified, dragon tree tissues suggested ages > 300 years. Given the constant improvement of 14C-AMS tools, they can contribute to the further refinement of existing scientific knowledge on Macaronesian charismatic megaflora.
... Pharmacological assessment of medicinal plants has recently developed an increasing interest among scientists (Gupta et al., 2008). Herbal medicines must be evaluated before being included in the study concerning their toxicity. ...
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: Cucurbita pepo, a plant known for its traditional use in managing various ailments, contains valuable phytoconstituents and nutritional components. Aim: This study aimed to assess the sub-acute toxicity of the methanol extract of C. pepo (MECP) seeds according to OECD 407 guidelines. Rats were orally administered MECP at 250, 500, and 1000 mg/kg doses for twenty-eight days. Throughout the study period, the animals were closely monitored for any signs of toxicity, and at the end, blood samples were collected for biochemical and hematological analyses. Histopathological examination was performed on vital organs after euthanizing the rats. The results demonstrated that MECP administration significantly increased body and organ weight in the treated rats. However, food and water intake remained unchanged, and no mortality was observed. Biochemical and hematological analyses revealed no significant changes in the treated groups compared to the control group, except for a notable decrease in red blood cells, suggesting potential anemic effects of MECP. Histopathological examination showed no structural alterations in the liver, heart, and kidney. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that C. pepo is safe for use and holds the potential for therapeutic efficacy.
... Medicinal plants are used worldwide to treat many diseases, and the research for new drugs of plant origin continue to be developed. Its preparations can be formulated into many forms, including liquids, that have been used for many years (Gupta, Bleakley, & Gupta, 2008). The misuse of phytotherapies or the use of medicinal plants without scientific basis that adequately support conclusions of safety and efficacy are potentially dangerous to humans (Mir, Sexena, & Malla, 2013). ...
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The isomeric mixture of alpha and beta amyrin (AMY), present in the resin of Protium heptaphyllum, is popularly used as anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer. The literature has been demonstrating pharmacological activities of these triterpenes in the central and peripheral nervous systems, and in the gastrointestinal and immunological systems. This study traces a toxicological profile of amyrin, aiming to provide information that may clarify its safety. Nine female Wistar rats (170 to 200 g) were divided into three groups of three animals each (control, amyrin 300 and amyrin 2000 mg kg-1, p.o.), which were evaluated by protocols preconized by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Open field Test and Malone Hippocratic Screening Scale were performed. AMY, mostly at 2000 mg kg-1, reduced the number of crossings by 57% vs. saline (22.67 ± 2.40) and the number of rearing by 53% vs. saline (42.67 ± 2.96), but increased the number of grooming by 26% vs. saline (1.66 ± 0.33). AMY (2000 mg kg-1) increased the serum glucose by 77% vs. saline (126.70 ± 4.33 mg dL-1), triglycerides by 50% vs. saline (78.67 ± 2.18 mg dL-1) and uric acid by 65% vs. saline (0.73 ± 0.03 mg dL-1). AMY induced vascular congestion and hemorrhage in the liver, spleen and cerebral cortex. Renal changes (cellular damage, inflammatory infiltrate, tubular protein deposition and glomeruli atrophy) were also seen. In conclusion, AMY decreased rat locomotor activity, caused minor biochemical changes, and altered the morphology of the kidney. The present study may contribute to deepen the knowledge about the safety of AMY, aiming the development of a novel pharmacological product.
... Dragon's blood has astringent effects and is frequently used as a hemostatic and antidiarrheal medicine. Though the biological basis for its secretion and phytochemistry is still not completely known, the resin is believed by some authors to have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant (flavonoids), and anti-carcinogenic properties [33][34][35][36]. Local inhabitants still use the red resin for treating diarrhea, fever, mouth ulcers; to stop bleeding; for wound healing, skin diseases, coloring material for dye, varnish, cosmetic, incense, painting, decorating earthen pots, folk music, alchemy, and performing social rituals. ...
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The Dragon’s blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari) woodland is one of the oldest surviving endangered forest communities on Earth. This unique endemic species of Dragon’s blood tree is famous since antiquity for its bright red resin “Dragon’s blood” and umbrella-shaped canopy. They are almost extinct everywhere except present as small habitats in Socotra Archipelago (Yemen), a UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the last two decades, there has been a significant decline in Dragon’s blood tree population in the archipelago, posing a threat to its existence. We attempt to review the status of Dragon’s blood tree population in Socotra Archipelago, factors affecting its survival, and the status of conservation efforts propose recommendations to preserve this flagship species.
... S.C. Chen (Agavaceae), has been used as a renowned traditional medicine in different cultures of world (Fan et al., 2014). In traditional Chinese medicine, DBR is commonly prescribed to improve circulation, promote tissue regeneration for fractures, sprains, and ulcers, and to control bleeding and pain (Gupta et al., 2008). Modern pharmacological studies have found that this resinous medicine has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing promotion, anti-oxidation, anti-angiogenesis and neural protection (Li et al., 2014;Jura-Morawiec and Tulik, 2016). ...
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Objective: Dragon’s Blood resin (DBR) is a traditional medicinal substance renowned for its diverse pharmacological effects, which consists of potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and angiogenic properties. This study aimed to elucidate its therapeutic mechanism in alleviating steroid-induced osteonecrosis of the femoral head (SIONFH). Methods: Techniques such as SPR and LC-MS were employed to identify and analyze the target proteins of DBR in bone marrow macrophages (BMMs). In vitro, BMMs were treated with RANKL and DBR, and TRAcP staining and actin belt staining were utilized to assess osteoclast activity. The inhibitory effects and underlying mechanisms of DBR on osteoclastogenesis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation were determined using real-time PCR, western blotting and immunofluorescence staining. An in vivo SIONFH rat model was set up to assess the curative impacts of DBR using micro-CT scanning and pathological staining. Results: Bioinformatic tools revealed a pivotal role of osteoclast differentiation in SIONFH. Proteomic analysis identified 164 proteins binding in BMMs. In vitro assessments demonstrated that DBR hindered osteoclastogenesis by modulating the expression of specific genes and proteins, along with antioxidant proteins including TRX1 and Glutathione Reductase. Notably, the resin effectively inhibited the expression of crucial proteins, such as the phosphorylation of JNK and the nuclear localization of p65 within the TRAF6/JNK and NFκB signaling pathways. In vivo experiments further confirmed that DBR mitigated the onset of SIONFH in rats by curbing osteoclast and ROS activities. Conclusion: These findings underscore the potential of Dragon’s Blood as an effective administration for early-stage SIONFH, shedding light on its therapeutic influence on ROS-mediated osteoclastic signaling pathways.
... The resin of D cinnabari, which originates from India or the Socotra island, has antimicrobial and antiviral activities (Gupta et al., 2008), in addition to its anti-inflammatory, coagulant, and woundhealing effects. The presence of flavonoids, triterpenoids, steroids, and phenols in this resin has been documented (Gupta et al., 2014;Ibraheam et al., 2018). ...
Introduction: Recent studies have confirmed the wound-healing activity of plant exudates (PEs) such as gums, gum resins, oleo gum-resins, and latex. This study discusses traditional wound healing formulations containing PEs and the wound-healing properties of selected PEs. Method: Four main Persian Medicine pharmacopoeias published between the 17th and 19th centuries were searched for wound-healing formulations containing PEs. The ingredients, preparation method, and proportion of exudate to base were extracted and analysed. Relevant studies in Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar were also searched and reviewed. Results and Discussions: The PEs were found to be dispersed in honey, oil, beeswax, or animal fat, with an optimal proportion of ingredients for achieving an optimised product. The healing mechanisms expressed in Persian Medicine texts were tissue expansion, tissue adhesion, anti-infection effects, desiccation, anti-inflammatory effects, and astringency. Conclusions: These findings were consistent with those of current studies involving the use of PEs for treating wounds: PEs, as antimicrobial agents, increase fibroblast growth, collagen synthesis, and tissue granulation, leading to the contraction of wounds in a faster healing process. Further research into the wound-healing properties of PEs will, therefore, be beneficial to the pharmaceutical industry in developing for effective medicines for treating wounds.
... Blume) is one of the outstanding plants that has been considered to possess the sunscreen property. Daemonorops draco's active ingredient has been discovered as dracorhodin [4]- [5]- [24]. In addition to being used as a substitute for incense in religious ceremonies, dragon's blood is also used as a dye, a component of medications, a fragrance, a cosmetic, as a raw material for varnish, and as a treatment for wounds [7]. ...
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The Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) in the Bukit Dua Belas National Park region of Jambi produce jernang, one of the non-timber forest products, and it has promise as a sunscreen because it contains polyphenolic chemicals that may absorb UV radiation. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of jernang sunscreen and its physical characteristics. The 1% (FI), 2% (FII), and 3% (FIII) jernang resin concentrations were used to create jernang sunscreen. Organoleptic, pH, homogeneity, viscosity, stickiness, spreadability, kind of cream, and stability are examples of physical qualities. The results indicated that, while all sunscreen formulae have SPF values ranging from 11.87 to 12.69, in the extra-protection category, the SPF value reached decreased with increasing jernang resin content
... Traditional remedies or medicinal plants are used by 80% of the world's population living in impoverished countries, as a source of primary health care for preventing and treating diseases [1][2][3][4] such as asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, gastrointestinal disorders and skin disorders [5,6]. The use of medicinal plants for disease treatment is mostly motivated by the fact that it is affordable, as well as the widespread belief that plant-based medicines are nontoxic due to their natural origin [7]. ...
... Traditional remedies or medicinal plants are used by 80% of the world's population living in impoverished countries, as a source of primary health care for preventing and treating diseases [1][2][3][4] such as asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, gastrointestinal disorders and skin disorders [5,6]. The use of medicinal plants for disease treatment is mostly motivated by the fact that it is affordable, as well as the widespread belief that plant-based medicines are nontoxic due to their natural origin [7]. ...
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The conventional use of medicinal plants is in part based on the widespread belief that plant crude extracts are non-toxic. In South Africa, traditional preparations of Cassipourea flanaganii used to treat hypermelanosis have accordingly been regarded by many as non-toxic. Whether that is so impacts on the potential of bark extracts to be developed as a commercial drug to treathypermelanosis, given their documented capacity to inhibit tyrosinase activity. Our study investigated the acute and subacute toxicity of the methanol extract of C. flanaganii bark in rats. Wistar rats were randomly assigned into different treatment groups. The rats received a daily oral gavage of crude extract for acute and subacute toxicity tests. Haematological, biomechanical, clinical and histopathology examinations were carried out to evaluate the possible toxicity of C. flanaganii. The results were subjected to the Student's t-test and ANOVA. For both acute and subacute toxicity, there was no statistical difference between the groups. There were no clinical or behavioral signs of toxicity observed in the rats. No treatment-related gross pathology lesions and no histopathology were observed. The findings of this study demonstrate the absence of acute or subacute toxicity after oral treatment with C. flanaganii stem bark extracts in Wistar rats at the levels administered. Chemical profiling of the total extract using LC-MS tentatively identified eleven (11) compounds as the major chemical constituents.
Three new spirostan glycosides, dracochinosides A-C (1-3), and four known steroidal glycosides (4-7) were isolated from the aerial parts of Dracaena cochinchinensis (Lour.) S.C.Chen. Their chemical structures were determined by the IR, HR-ESI-MS, 1D-, and 2D-NMR spectra. Compounds 1-3, 6 and 7 inhibited nitric oxide production in LPS activated RAW 264.7 cells with IC50 values ranging from 57.5 to 92.8 µM. In addition, all the isolated compounds exhibited at least one of seven tested microbial strains with the MIC values ranging from 0.016 to 0.128 mg/mL. This is the first report of compounds 5-7 from the genus Dracaena.
This review explores medicinal plant resin natural products from six genera, encompassing 1115 structures and their biological activities, offering insights into the chemical and biological profiling of plant resins produced under various stress.
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Low-grade chronic inflammation and adipocyte dysfunction are prominent risk factors of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in obesity. Thus, prevention of inflammation and adipocyte dysfunction could be one possible approach to mitigate T2DM development. Several Ficus species have been used in traditional medicine for ameliorating inflammation and T2DM. Our previous studies reported biological effects of Ficus lindsayana including antioxidant, anti-cancer, and anti-α-glucosidase activities. Further, this study therefore investigated whether F. lindsayana latex (FLLE) and root (FLRE) extracts inhibit inflammation-stimulated insulin resistance in adipocytes and inflammation in macrophages. FLLE and FLRE (200 µg/mL) had no significant cytotoxicity for macrophages, adipocytes, and blood cells (PBMCs and RBCs). FLRE had a total flavonoid content about three times higher than FLLE, while both had similar levels of total phenolic content. FLRE showed higher abilities than FLLE in suppressing inflammation in both macrophages and adipocytes and reversing the inflammation-induced insulin resistance in adipocytes. In TNF-α-induced adipocytes, FLRE significantly improved insulin-induced glucose uptake and insulin-suppressed lipolysis, while FLLE only significantly improved glucose uptake. Moreover, FLRE and FLLE remarkably reduced chemoattractant (MCP-1) but improved adipogenic (PPARγ and CEBPα) gene expression, leading to the promotion of adipogenesis and the suppression of insulin resistance. In LPS-induced macrophages, FLRE, but not FLLE, significantly inhibited LPS-induced NO production. Moreover, FLRE significantly reduced LPS-stimulated iNOS, COX-2, IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α gene expression. These results may provide the potential data for the development of this plant, especially the root part, as an alternative medicine, functional ingredient, or food supplement for the prevention of inflammation and obesity-associated insulin resistance, as well as T2DM.
A partir da pandemia, devido desenvolvimento de problemas psicológicos oriundo das medidas e isolamento e controle do SARS-CoV -2 e controle criterioso de medicamentos para esses tipos de transtorno muitas pessoas buscaram ajuda em remédios naturais. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar e descrever o perfil dos fitoterápicos para distúrbios de humor no período anterior e durante a pandemia, além da importância do profissional farmacêutico como mediador nessa relação medicamento/paciente. Este estudo quantitativo, exploratório e descritivo foi desenvolvido em três farmácias comerciais de manipulação na cidade de Belém-PA no período anterior e durante a pandemia (outubro/2019 a junho/2022). Os resultados mostraram de um modo geral o aumento de vendas de fitoterápicos para distúrbios de humor no período da pandemia COVID-19, em que a prescrição do profissional farmacêutico está em segunda colocação, após as prescrições médicas, seguida pela de outros profissionais de saúde. Conclui-se que os fitoterápicos vêm ganhando destaque junto aos profissionais de saúde, e no período pandêmico tornou-se uma opção de tratamento válida e acessível.
Coleus amboinicus Benth., also known as Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng., is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family commonly found in tropical and warm regions of Africa, Asia, and Australia. Folk medicine commonly employs this remedy to address various ailments, including but not limited to asthma, headaches, skin disorders, coughs, constipation, colds, and fevers. Several phytoconstituents from various phytochemical classes, such as phenolics, terpenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, flavones, and tannins, have been identified in Coleus amboinicus up to the present time. Numerous pharmacological properties of Coleus amboinicus crude extracts have been documented through both in vitro and in vivo studies, including but not limited to antitumor, antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, wound healing, analgesic, antirheumatic, and various other therapeutic effects. Due to its extensive history of traditional usage, the diverse array of bioactive phytochemicals, and numerous established pharmacological activities, Coleus amboinicus is widely regarded as having significant potential for clinical applications and warrants further exploration, development, and exploitation through research. With this context, the present study gathers information on the occurrence, biological description, cultivation, and nutritional values of Coleus amboinicus. Furthermore, it thoroughly discusses various phytoconstituents, along with their classes, present in Coleus amboinicus, followed by detailed descriptions of their pharmacological activities based on recent literature.
Dragon’s Blood (DB) serves as a precious Chinese medicine facilitating blood circulation and stasis dispersion. Daemonorops draco (D. draco; Qi-Lin-Jie) and Dracaena cochinchinensis (D. cochinchinenesis; Long-Xue-Jie) are two reputable plant sources for preparing DB. This work was designed to comprehensively characterize and compare the metabolome differences between D. draco and D. cochinchinenesis, by integrating liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and untargeted metabolomics analysis. Offline two-dimensional liquid chromatography/ion mobility-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (2D-LC/IM-QTOF-MS), by utilizing a powerful hybrid scan approach, was elaborated for multicomponent characterization. Configuration of an XBridge Amide column and an HSS T3 column in offline mode exhibited high orthogonality (A0 0.80) in separating the complex components in DB. Particularly, the hybrid high-definition MSE-high definition data-dependent acquisition (HDMSE-HDDDA) in both positive and negative ion modes was applied for data acquisition. Streamlined intelligent data processing facilitated by the UNIFI™ (Waters) bioinformatics platform and searching against an in-house chemical library (recording 223 known compounds) enabled efficient structural elucidation. We could characterize 285 components, including 143 from D. draco and 174 from D. cochinchinensis. Holistic comparison of the metabolomes among 21 batches of DB samples by the untargeted metabolomics workflows unveiled 43 significantly differential components. Separately, four and three components were considered as the marker compounds for identifying D. draco and D. cochinchinenesis, respectively. Conclusively, the chemical composition and metabolomic differences of two DB resources were investigated by a dimension-enhanced analytical approach, with the results being beneficial to quality control and the differentiated clinical application of DB.
This article explores the plurality of referents associated with the term “dragon's blood” (“sanguis draconis”), a legendary substance that brings together Greco-Roman and Arabic medical knowledge, local vernacular traditions and artisanal practices, and new Spanish and Portuguese botanical discoveries. The study of dragon's blood reveals the interface between overlapping epistemic paradigms governing the definition, use, and circulation of complex material substances in early modern Europe, ranging from humanist learned discussions and artisanal experimentation to vernacular narratives of discovery, along with the shifting criteria of truth, authenticity, and value advocated by different communities of learning and practice.
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Since the beginning of human history, people all over the world have relied on the healing properties of plants to treat a variety of illnesses. To sustain life, carbohydrates, lipids, fibre, and protein are all necessary nutrients. Studying plants and their immediate environments is essential for establishing the nutritional significance of plants. The proximate composition of the food is made up of a number of different constituents, including the moisture content, ash content, fat content, protein content, and carbohydrate content. The food industry may be concerned with these food materials for product improvement, quality control (QC), or monitoring purposes. Rapid QC methods or more precise but time-consuming official processes may be applied. Assessment of a consistent and representative sample, as well as accurate results, requires meticulous attention to detail during the sample collection and preparation phases. The valuation methods for moisture content, ash value, crude lipid, total carbohydrates, starch, total free amino acids, and total proteins are presented in a clear manner. The chemical composition of the feed determines its potential nutritive value; hence, the proximate principles are established first in the evaluation of feed quality. Considering their nutritional relevance can help determine their value because many herbal plant species are used for food in addition to their medical properties.
Background Natural products constitute a unique source of chemical compounds with vast multi-target potential for the treatment of complex human disorders. Phytochemicals are pure phytoconstituents of plants, mainly responsible for their therapeutic potential and pharmacological activities. Natural products isolated from medicinal plants have been used as a lead source of drug. Norisoboldine is an important isoquinoline alkaloid found to be present in the dry root of Lindera aggregate. Methods In the present paper, scientific data of norisoboldine have been collected from Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, Science Direct and Scopus and analyzed in order to know the biological potential and therapeutic effectiveness of norisoboldine in medicine. Scientific data of medicinal importance and therapeutic potential of norisoboldine has been collected and analyzed in the present work. Moreover, all the collected scientific data have been separated into different sub-section i.e. Medicinal importance, pharmacological activities and analytical aspects. Detailed pharmacological activity data of norisoboldine have been analyzed in the present work to know the therapeutic effectiveness of norisoboldine in medicine. Analytical data of norisoboldine have also been collected and analyzed in the present work. Results Scientific data analysis revealed the biological importance of isoquinoline alkaloids in medicine. Isoquinoline alkaloids are pure, active phytochemical present in several natural edible products including vegetables, plants, and fruits. Norisoboldine has a biological effect on arthritis, colitis, apoptosis, osteoclast differentiation, inflammatory pain, renal ischemia-reperfusion injury, acute lung injury, pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor, regulatory T cells, and endothelial cell migration. However nanoemulsifying drug delivery system of norisoboldine has also been prepared in order to get better therapeutic value. Further analytical parameters of norisoboldine were also discussed in the present work in order to get the scientific information of separation, isolation and identification parameter of norisoboldine. Conclusion Present work revealed the therapeutic potential of norisoboldine in medicine.
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Jinliang Wang, Dechun Ruan, Zhiying Cheng, Ligang Zhou. Phytoalexins in Dracaena cochinchinensis resin. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology (Chin. J. Appl. Ecol.), 1999, 10(2): 255-256. After the trunk of Dracaena cochinchinensis was separately inoculated with Fusarium graminum var. dracaena, F. graminum var. yunnanensis and Cladosporium carpophilum for 5-15 days, small red circles emerged around its inoculated positions and gradually enlarged with increasing days, and the redness also gradually became deep. Antifungal experiment and HPLC analysis confirmed that 7,4'-dihydroxyflavan, 7-hydroxy-4'-methoxyflavan and loureirin A were the three phytoalexins which were extracted and identified from the red xylems.
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Crude extracts from 20 Panamanian plants used in traditional medicine have been screened for brine shrimp toxicity, tumor inhibition, DNA-intercalation and cytotoxicity tests in a clonogenic assay in V79 suspension culture gassed with air or nitrogen. Of the 20 plant extracts, 8 (40%) proved active in DNA intercalation. The most active were the methanol extracts of Bidens pilosa (root), Jatropha curcas (leaf), Pereskia bleo (whole plant), Isertia hypoleuca (leaf), Cyperus luzulae (root), Vernonia patens (leaf and stem), Alibertia edulis (stem) and Justicia graciliflora (aerial parts). Sixteen (80%) of the 20 methanol plant extracts were active in potato disc tumor inhibition assay; Cyperus luzulae (root), Justicia graciliflora (aerial parts), Pereskia bleo (whole plant) and Vernonia patens (leaf and stem) being the most active. Cytotoxicity in the clonogenic assay was observed only in three plant extracts: Cyperus luzulae, Piper auritum and Psychotria correae, whereas high brine shrimp toxicity (LC 50 <100 p.p.m.) was observed in 13(65%) of the 20 plant extracts tested. These results appear to show a good correlation between the three bioassays: brine shrimp toxicity, tumor inhibition and DNA intercalation. The latter bioassay is rapid, economical, and can be used in activity guided fractionation of plant extracts.
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A new dihydrobenzofuran lignan, 4-O-methyldihydrodehydrodiconiferyl alcohol, 3′,4-O-dimethylcedrusin or 2-(3′,4′-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-hydroxymethyl-2,3-dihydro-7-methoxybenzofuran-5-n-propanol, was isolated from Sangre de Drago, prepared from Croton erythrochilus.
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Sonderianol (12-hydroxy-3-oxo-cleistanth-8, 11, 13, 15-tetraene) and 3, 4-seco-sonderianol (methyl 12-hydroxy-3, 4-seco-cleistanth-8, 11, 13, 15, 18(4)-penten-3-oate), two new diterpenes with cleistanthane skeletons, were isolated from heartwood of Croton sonderianus.
From the stem bark of Dracaena draco, three new compounds, namely, draconins A-C (13), were isolated, along with 17 known compounds. The structures of the new compounds isolated were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic data interpretation. Several of the isolated compounds showed potent cytotoxic activities measured on the human leukemia cell line HL-60 (IC50’s from 2.0 to 9.7 íM at 72 h). The mechanism by which compounds 1 and 2 display their cytostatic properties is through induction of cell death by apoptosis, as evaluated by fluorescence microscopy and DNA fragmentation.
Two new C-22 steroidal lactone glycosides, named dracaenoside A and B were isolated from the methanol extract of the fresh stem of Dracaena cochinchinensis. Their structures were established as (20S)3β,14α, 16β-trihydroxy pregn-5-ene-22-carboxylic acid (22,16)-lactone 3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1→2)[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1→4)]-β-D-glucopyranoside and (20S)3β, 14α, 16β-trihydroxy pregn-5-ene-22-carboxylic acid (22,16)-lactone 3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl (1→2) [β-D-glucopyranosyl(1→3)]- β-D-glucopyranoside by means of 2D NMR spectral and chemical methods. It is the first time that steroidal lactone glycosides were isolated from the genus Dracaena.
Using whole-cell patch clamp technique on the membrane of freshly isolated dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, the effects of dragon’s blood resin and its important component loureirin B on tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) voltage-gated sodium currents were observed. The results show that both blood resin and loureirin B could suppress TTX-S voltage-gated sodium currents in a dose-dependent way. The peak current amplitudes and the steady-state activation and inactivation curves are also made to shift by 0.05% blood resin and 0.2 mmol/L loureirin B. These results demonstrate that the effects of blood resin on TTX-S sodium current may contribute to loureirin B in blood resin. Perhaps the analgesic effect of blood resin is caused partly by loureirin B directly interfering with the nociceptive transmission of primary sensory neurons.
OBJECTIVE:The study was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of SP-303 (Provir), a plant-derived product with novel antisecretory properties, in the treatment of travelers’ diarrhea.METHODS:A total of 184 persons from the United States who acquired diarrhea in Jamaica or Mexico were enrolled in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study examining the effectiveness of three doses of SP-303 in reducing illness. Subjects were treated with 125 mg, 250 mg, or 500 mg SP-303 or a matching placebo four times a day for 2 days. Subjects kept daily diaries of symptoms and were seen each day for 3 days. Of the subjects, 169 (92%) were included in the efficacy analysis.RESULTS:The most common etiological agent identified was enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, found in 19% of subjects. The mean time interval from taking the first dose of medication until passage of the last unformed stool during 48 h therapy (TLUS48) was 38.7 h for the placebo group. TLUS48 was shortened by SP-303: 30.6 h for the 125-mg dose group (p = 0.005); 30.3 h for the 250-mg group; and 32.6 h for the 500-mg group (p = 0.01). Treatment failures were seen in 29.3% in the placebo group compared with 7.3% (p = 0.01), 4.3 (p = 0.002), and 9.8 (p = 0.026) in the three treatment groups. SP-303 was well tolerated at all doses.CONCLUSIONS:SP-303 was effective in shortening the duration of travelers’ diarrhea by 21%. This antisecretory approach works directly against the pathophysiology of travelers’ diarrhea and is not likely to potentiate invasive forms of diarrhea or to produce posttreatment constipation.
Fifteen latexes from selected tropical plants were collected in Puerto Rico, Guadalupe and Ecuador and evaluated by 2 bioassays. The tests carried out were the brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) and the DNA-methyl green (DNA-MG) interaction. An additional assay, antibacterial activity, was performed on the bark/latex extract of Mammea americana L. The results indicated that some of these latexes are bioactive. On the BSLT assay, the latexes of Euphorbia neriifolia L. and Sapium laurocerasus Desf. displayed LC50 values of 76,7 and 7,1 µg/mL, respectively. Moreover, the dichloromethane (DCM) fraction of the bark/latex of M. americana L., presented a LC50 1,1 mg/mL. In addition, in the DNA-MG interaction, this particular fraction exhibited an IC50 211,8 mg/mL, whereas the latex of Croton menthodorus Benth. proved active with a IC50 390,2 mg/mL. Furthermore, the antibacterial assay on the methanol (MeOH) and DCM fractions of the bark/latex extract of M. americana L. indicated activity against several pathogenic bacteria. The positive results on these bioactive latexes should encourage the further investigation of the active principles responsible for these activities.
Further chemical examination of the constituents in the bark of Croton lechleri led to isolation of two new diterpenoidal compounds, korberin A and korberin B. Their structure was elucidated by 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopic methods, and they were shown to be diterpenoid lactones with the clerodane skeleton. Their antibacterial activity was tested using a direct bioautographic TLC assay.
The trunk wood of Iryanthera elliptica Ducke (Myristicaceae) contains, besides 2-(ω-piperonyltridecyl) -4-methylidenetetronic acid (iryelliptin), three biogenetically related compounds: (±)-7,4′-dihydroxy-3′-methoxyflavan, 1-(4′-hydroxy-2′-methoxyphenyl)- 3-(4″-hydroxy-3″-methoxyphenyl)-propane and spiro-[3-methoxy-2,5-cyclohexadien-1.1′-6′,7′- dihydroxy-5′-methoxy-1′,2′,3′,4′-tetrahydronaphthalen]-4-one-(spiroelliptin). Spiroelliptin rearranges upon methylation to 2,2′-trimethylene-3,4,5,4′,5′-penta-methoxybiphenyl.
Chromatography of a cyclohexane extract of commercial “dragon's blood” resin yielded a fraction containing pimaric, isopimaric, dehydroabietic and abietic acids. A fifth component of the mixture was tentatively identified as sandaracopimaric acid.
Headspace of Croton lechleri L. (Euphorbiaceae) sap was analyzed by GC/MS to determine the volatile constituents. The major components were: ethyl acetate (39.68%), ethyl propionate (14.03 %), 2-methyl butanol (9.06%), 2-methyl-butyl acetate (6.00%), propyl acetate (5.05%), 3-methyl-butyl acetate (3.47%), eucaliptol (3.02%), 1-butyl acetate (2.51%), and 3-methyl-2-pentanol (1.99%).
Three known alkaloids, isoboldine (2), norisoboldine (1), and magnoflorine (8), have been isolated for the first time from Croton lechleri, a source of the wound healing latex “sangre de grado”. An HPLC system was developed, and a large number of latex and leaf samples of C. lechleri from 22 sites in northern Peru and Ecuador were analyzed to gain an understanding of the natural variation in alkaloid content for the species. Up to six alkaloids were found to occur in the leaves including, in addition to those listed above, thaliporphine (3), glaucine (4), and taspine (9), whereas the latex contained only 9. Taspine (9) is the component that has been previously found to be responsible for the wound healing activity of C. lechleri latex, and its mean concentration throughout the range examined was found to be 9% of the latex by dry weight. In addition, three chemotypes are defined based on the alkaloid content of the leaves, and the geographic distribution of these chemotypes is discussed along with a quantitative analysis of the alkaloid content as a function of chemotype.
Three new compounds, 2,4,4'-trihydroxydihydrochalcone (1), 3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-5,7-dimethoxychroman (2), and 7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)chromone (3), were isolated from the resin "Dragon's blood" obtained from Dracaena draco along with 18 known compounds. The structures of 1, 2, and 3 were determined using MS and NMR techniques.
A new triflavonoid, damalachawin, was isolated from dragon's blood of Dracaena cinnabari. Its structure was established mainly by NMR spectroscopy.
Cholest-4-en-3-one, 4α-methylcholest-7-en-3β-ol, 4α,14α-dimethylcholest-8-en-3β-ol, 31-norcycloartanol, lanost-7-en-3β-ol, cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, stigmastanol, stigmast-22-en-3β-ol, cycloartanol, 24-methylenecycloartanol, lupeol and betulin have been isolated from resin (dragon's blood) or roots of Dracaena cinnabari and identified by capillary GC and GC-mass spectrometry.
A new biflavonoid, cinnabarone, was isolated from dragon's blood of Dracaena cinnabari. Its structure was established, mainly by NMR spectroscopy, as a dihydrochalcone linked by a carbon-carbon bond to a deoxotetrahydrochalcone.
In addition to 7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-8-methoxychroman, 3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-7,8-methylenedioxychroman, 7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxybenzyl)chroman, (±)-7,4′-dihydroxy-3′-methoxyflavan, (2S)-7-hydroxyflavan, 4,4′-dihydroxy-2-methoxydihydrochalcone, 4,4′-dihydroxy-2′-methoxychalcone, 7,4′-dihydroxyflavone and (2S)-7-hydroxyflavan-4-one, three new flavonoids have been isolated from the resin, called ‘dragon's blood’, of Dracaena cinnabari, the structures of which have been elucidated as 7-hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl)chroman, (2S)-7,3′-dihydroxy-4′-methoxyflavan and 4-hydroxy-2-methoxydihydrochalcone.
A novel secotriflavonoid with two flavan nuclei was isolated from the resin ‘Dragon's blood.’ Its structure and absolute configuration were established by chemical and spectroscopic means
A novel secobiflavonoid, (2S)-8-trans-[2-(6-benzoyloxy-4-hydroxy-2-methoxy-3-methylphenyl)ethenyl]-5-methoxyflavan-7-ol (1a) has been isolated from the resin dragon's blood, and identified by spectra and degradative experiments. Oxidation of (1a) or its derivatives with dichlorodicyanobenzoquinone or silver oxide occurs with ring closure to give new substituted arylfuro[2,3-h]benzopyrans or 8-(benzofuran-2-yl)flavans. Oxidation of the furobenzopyran (9b) with hydrogen peroxide–alkali converts the 2-methylphloroglucinol unit into a cyclopent-4-ene-1,3-dione ring
Dragon's blood resin has yielded six new natural substances, (2S)-5-methoxy-6-methylflavan-7-ol (1), (2S)-5-methoxyflavan-7-ol (2), the quinone methides nordracorhodin (6) and nordracorubin (10), 2,4-dihydroxy-5-methyl-6-methoxychalcone (7), and 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methoxychalcone (8). Their structures have been determined by physical methods and chemical interconversions. The absolute 2S configuration for flavans (1) and (2) has been established by comparison of c.d. data with those for synthetic (2R)-flavan-7-ol (14)
Two novel homoisoflavans, 4’,7-dihydroxy- (4) and 4’,7-dihydroxy-8-methoxy- (5), were isolated from the resin “Dragon’s blood”, which is produced by Dracaena draco (Liliaceae). In the same resin were also identified 4’,7-dihydroxy- and 4’,5,7-trihydroxy-6-methylhomoisoflavanones (1) and (3), together with (2S)-4’,7-dihydroxy-3’-methoxy-8-methylflavan (8), (2S)-4’,5-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-8-methylflavan (9) and 3,4’-dihydroxy-7-methoxyflavone (10). Their structures were established on the basis of spectroscopic analysis and by synthesis
From “Dragon’s blood” resin (from Daemonorops draco Blume) a new biflavanoid with an unusual benzodioxepine moiety was isolated. Its structure was established by chemical and spectroscopic means. A possible mechanism of formation in the resin is proposed
Conference Paper
Calibration specimens have been manufactured for checking the performance of a pendulum impact testing machine that has been configured for testing subsize specimens, both half-size (5.0 {times} 5.0 {times} 25.4 mm) and third-size (3.33 {times} 3.33 {times} 25.4 mm). Specimens were fabricated from quenched-and-tempered 4340 steel heat treated to produce different microstructures that would result in either high or low absorbed energy levels on testing. A large group of both half- and third-size specimens were tested at {minus}40{degrees}C. The results of the tests were analyzed for average value and standard deviation, and these values were used to establish calibration limits for the Charpy impact machine when testing subsize specimens. These average values plus or minus two standard deviations were set as the acceptable limits for the average of five tests for calibration of the impact testing machine.