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The behaviour and ecology of the zebrafish, Danio
Rowena Spence1*, Gabriele Gerlach2, Christian Lawrence3 and Carl Smith1
1 Department of Biology, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1
7RH, UK.
2 Marine Biological Laboratory, 7 MBL Street, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA.
3 Karp Family Research Laboratories 06-004B, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, One
Blackfan Circle, Boston MA 02115, USA.
The zebrafish is an important model organism in developmental genetics,
neurophysiology and biomedicine, but little is known about its natural ecology and
behaviour. It is a small, shoaling cyprinid, native to the flood-plains of the Indian
subcontinent, where it is found in shallow, slow-flowing waters. Zebrafish are group
spawners and egg scatterers, although females are choosy with respect to sites for
oviposition and males defend territories around such sites. Laboratory studies of
zebrafish behaviour have encompassed shoaling, foraging, reproduction, sensory
perception and learning. These studies are reviewed in relation to the suitability of the
zebrafish as a model for studies on cognition and learning, development, behavioural
and evolutionary ecology, and behavioural genetics.
Key words: model organism, zebrafish behaviour, zebrafish ecology, wild zebrafish.
I. Introduction 4
(1) The zebrafish as a model organism 4
(2) Scope of the review 6
II. Taxonomy 7
(1) Taxonomic status 7
(2) Appearance and morphology 9
(3) Domestic aquarium strains 10
(4) Pigment patterns in Danio spp. 10
III. Ecology 11
(1) Distribution and habitat 11
(2) Diet 13
(3) Growth and mortality 14
(4) Assemblage 16
(5) Predators 16
(6) Parasites 18
IV. Reproductive behaviour 19
(1) Spawning cycle 19
(2) Mating behaviour 22
(3) Mate choice 25
(4) Oviposition choice 26
V. Social behaviour 27
(1) Shoaling preferences 27
(2) Aggression and dominance 29
(3) Exploratory behaviour 31
VI. Learning and receiver bias 33
VII. Genetic basis of behaviour 37
VIII. Research priorities 42
(1) Field-based studies 42
(2) Behavioural studies 43
(3) Husbandry and welfare 44
X. Conclusions 48
XI. Acknowledgements 50
XII. References 50
(1) The zebrafish as a model organism
The zebrafish, Danio rerio (Hamilton), is one of the most important vertebrate model
organisms in genetics, developmental biology, neurophysiology and biomedicine
(Vascotto, Beckham & Kelly, 1997; Grunwald & Eisen, 2002; Rubinstein, 2003;
Amsterdam & Hopkins, 2006). It has a number of attributes that make it particularly
tractable to experimental manipulation. It is a small, robust fish, so large numbers can
be kept easily and cheaply in the laboratory, where it breeds all year round. Females
can spawn every 2-3 days and a single clutch may contain several hundred eggs.
Generation time is short, typically 3-4 months, making it suitable for selection
experiments. Zebrafish eggs are large relative to other fish, (0.7 mm in diameter at
fertilisation) and optically transparent, the yolk being sequestered into a separate cell.
Furthermore, fertilisation is external so live embryos are accessible to manipulation
and can be monitored through all developmental stages under a dissecting microscope
(Kimmel et al., 1995). Development is rapid, with precursors to all major organs
developing within 36 h and larvae displaying food seeking and active avoidance
behaviours within five days post fertilisation, i.e. 2-3 days after hatching (Kimmel et
al., 1995).
A popular aquarium species, the zebrafish has been used in developmental biology
for many years (e.g. Creaser, 1934). Its current prominence as a model organism
stems from the work of Streisinger (1981), who pioneered its use to apply molecular
genetics to the study of vertebrate embryology, and Kimmel (1989, 1993; Kimmel et
al., 1990), who published detailed descriptions of cell differentiation and nervous
system organisation (for review see Grunwald & Eisen, 2002). The zebrafish was the
subject of the first large-scale random mutagenesis screens to be conducted in a
vertebrate (Granato & Nüsslein-Volhard, 1996). These screens, conducted in 1996 in
Boston (Driever et al., 1996) and Tübingen (Haffter et al., 1996a), generated over
4,000 mutations and led to the identification of over 400 genes controlling vertebrate
development. Since then there have been numerous technological advances (for
review see Postlethwait & Talbot, 1997; Amsterdam et al., 1999; Patton & Zon, 2001;
Golling et al. 2002; Udvadia & Linney, 2003; Chen & Ekker, 2004; Guo 2004; Eggert
& Mitchison, 2006; Sood et al., 2006), culminating in the zebrafish genome project,
based at the Sanger Institute in Cambridge, which began in 2001 and will shortly be
completed ( The zebrafish is increasingly important in biomedical
research (Dooley & Zon, 2000; Shin & Fishman, 2002), particularly as a model of
human disease (Berghmans et al., 2005; Guyon et al., 2006) and for the screening of
therapeutic drugs (Rubinstein, 2003, 2006). Its strength as a model organism is that as
a vertebrate it is more comparable to humans than invertebrate model species such as
Drosophila (Postlethwait et al., 1998; Barbazuk et al., 2000), while being more
tractable to genetic and embryological manipulation than mammalian model species
such as mice, in which such procedures are both more complicated and costly.
Over 400 labs worldwide now routinely use the zebrafish in fundamental and
applied research ( and there is an increasing interest in its use as a
model for understanding the genetic basis of behaviour (Gerlai, 2003; Guo, 2004;
Miklósi & Andrew, 2006). Despite this interest, it has attracted little attention from
the behavioural ecology community, possibly because little is known about its natural
ecology and few studies have been conducted on wild populations. Most laboratory
lines of zebrafish are the product of many generations in captivity, which is likely to
have resulted in selection for reproductive capacity, while relaxing selection for other
traits, such as predator avoidance (Robison & Rowland, 2005; Wright et al., 2006a).
Thus, it is not clear in what respects and to what extent domesticated strains may
differ from wild fish, nor how much inter-population variation exists in nature. The
last comprehensive review of the biology of the zebrafish was by Laale (1977), which
focused on physiology. The purpose of this paper is to review the current state of
knowledge of the ecology and behaviour of the zebrafish. We use the term behaviour,
in this review, not in the sense of a simple reflexive response to stimuli but rather for
complex patterns of behaviour such as those involved in social and reproductive
(2) Scope of the review
We begin with a summary of the taxonomic status of the zebrafish, which has recently
undergone revision, together with a brief description of its external appearance, and a
summary of the main laboratory lines currently used in research. We then review
what is known of its natural ecology, including distribution, habitat, natural diet,
growth and mortality, assemblage, predators and parasites. Growth and mortality in
both wild and domesticated zebrafish are compared although we do not attempt to
review zebrafish development, this subject having been extensively dealt with
elsewhere (Barinaga, 1990, 1994; Detrich, Westerfield & Zon, 1999; Kimmel, 1989;
Kimmel et al., 1990). The next section focuses on zebrafish reproductive ecology,
including spawning behaviour, which is largely known only from studies on
domesticated strains although some information is available on wild fish. The
majority of behavioural studies on zebrafish are concerned with their aggregation and
shoaling; these are reviewed in the next section. We then review what is known about
zebrafish cognitive behaviour, including learning, innate biases and sensory biology.
While zebrafish genetics is also outside the scope of this review, the next section
reviews the growing number of studies that have focused on zebrafish as a potential
model for behavioural genetics, and discusses relevant technical issues. We conclude
by suggesting potential future directions for research using the zebrafish as a
behavioural model.
(1) Taxonomic status
The zebrafish belongs to the family of freshwater fishes Cyprinidae, the most species
rich vertebrate family (Nelson, 1994). There are currently approximately 44 danionin
species (Fang, 2001), distributed throughout South and southeast Asia, their highest
species diversity in north-eastern India, Bangladesh and Myanmar (Barman, 1991).
The name Danio derives from the Bengali name “dhani”, meaning “of the rice field”
(Talwar & Jhingran, 1991). Danios are included in the subfamily Rasborinae (Howes,
1991). They are characterised by small size (<120 mm total length), the presence of a
‘danionin notch’, in the ventromedial margin of the dentary, and a distinctive colour
pattern based on alternating dark and light horizontal stripes, which may be broken up
into blotches or bars.
Danio rerio was first described by Francis Hamilton, a surgeon with the British
East India company, stationed principally in West Bengal at the beginning of the 19th
Century. He published An Account of the Fishes Found in the River Ganges and its
Branches in 1822 that included ten Danio species. D. rerio was later assigned to the
subgenus Brachydanio, together with the other small Danio species with short dorsal
fins and a reduced lateral line, Danio being reserved for the larger species of the
group (Weber & de Beaufort, 1916). Danio and Brachydanio were synonymised by
Barman (1991), as there were no diagnostic characters that reliably separated the two
groups. The first molecular phylogeny of the group was produced by Meyer et al.
(1993; 1995) based on 16S and 12S mitochondrial DNA for nine species. This
analysis showed that Danio was monophyletic with two subclades that were either
deep-bodied or slender-bodied. Subsequent molecular studies (McClure, 1999;
Parichy & Johnson, 200; Quigley et al. 2004, 2005) supported this distinction, as did a
combined molecular and morphological study by Sanger & McCune (2002).
Moreover, Parichy & Johnson (2001) showed that hybrid viability and fertility among
Danio species largely corresponded to the relationships inferred from molecular data.
However, a more complete phylogeny based on morphological analysis proposed
that Danio was paraphyletic, the slender-bodied clade being more closely related to
Esomus than to the deep-bodied clade (Fang, 2003). This study included 13 Danio
species together with an additional eight closely related genera, and was based on 38
morphological characters. The deep-bodied clade has now been assigned the distinct
generic name of Devario, and includes most of the striped and barred danios
(currently 35 valid species), with Danio sensu stricto, (including D. rerio) restricted to
nine species (Fang, 2003). The two genera (Devario and Danio) cannot be reliably
distinguished on the basis of proportional measurements alone, as there is
considerable intraspecies variation, mature females typically being deeper bodied than
males or juveniles. Although Devario tend to be larger, one of the large species,
Danio dangila, is included in Danio (Fang, 2001; Parichy & Johnson, 2001; Quigley
et al. 2004, 2005). However, the two genera are ecologically quite distinct, Devario
spp. occurring in hill streams with clear running water, while Danio spp. are confined
to lowland areas, typically inhabiting slow-flowing, turbid rivers and pools (Fang,
(2) Appearance and morphology
Danio rerio rarely exceeds 40 mm Standard Length (from the tip of the snout to the
origin of the caudal fin (SL). Its body shape is fusiform and laterally compressed, with
a terminal oblique mouth directed upwards. The lower jaw protrudes further than the
upper and the eyes are central and not visible from above. The diagnostic features for
the species are an incomplete lateral line extending to the pelvic fin base, two pairs of
barbels and five to seven dark blue longitudinal stripes extending from behind the
operculum into the caudal fin (Barman, 1991). The anal fin is similarly striped, while
the dorsal fin has dark blue upper edge, bordered with white. The colour pattern
comprises three types of pigment cell, dark blue melanophores, gold xanthophores
and iridescent iridophores (Parichy, 2006a, b). Developmentally, two stripes first form
centrally with subsequent stripes being added sequentially above and below
(McClure, 1999). As with many teleosts, the melanophores can be concentrated or
dispersed in response to stimuli, which appear to function both for camouflage,
melanophores aggregating and dispersing in response to light intensity (Guo, 2004)
and signalling, fish typically darkening during aggressive display (Gerlai, 2003;
Larson, O’Malley & Melloni, 2006). Males and females are of similar colouration,
although males tend to have larger anal fins with more yellow colouration (Laale,
1977; Schilling, 2002). The sex of juveniles cannot be reliably distinguished without
dissection and while gravid females have a more rounded body shape, the most
reliable diagnostic feature is the presence of a small genital papilla in front of the anal
fin origin (Laale, 1977).
(3) Domestic aquarium strains
Zebrafish used for mutagenesis and screening are from lines bred in laboratories for
many generations in order to maintain a stable genetic background. They are also
“cleaned up”; i.e. bred selectively to remove embryonic lethal mutations. The main
currently recognised wild-type lines from the Zebrafish International Resource Center
are summarised in Table 1. For details of mutant lines see
The “leopard” danio, which displays a spotted colour pattern instead of stripes,
was originally thought to be a separate species, described as Brachydanio frankei
(Meinken, 1963). However, neither molecular nor morphological analyses have
differentiated between the two (Fang 1998; Meyer et al., 1993) while hybrids were
shown to produce fertile progeny (Petrovicky, 1966). The leopard danio is now
known to be a spontaneous mutation of the wild-type D. rerio colour pattern (Haffter
et al., 1996b), with homozygotes displaying a spotted pattern, while heterozygotes
have a disrupted stripe pattern (Watanabe et al., 2006). Leopard danio mutants are
primarily bred for the aquarium trade but also occur in nature (R. Spence, pers. obs.).
Another aquarium variant is the “longfin” D. rerio, which is a dominant mutation
resulting in elongated fins (Plaut, 2000). The commonly used wild-type strain, TL or
Tübingen Long-fin displays both the “leopard” and “longfin” mutations
(4) Pigment patterns in Danio spp.
Comparison of pigment patterns among Danio species has provided insights into their
evolutionary relationships. Larval danios of different species exhibit an identical
pigment pattern, which only differentiates into the adult pattern in about the third
week of development (McClure, 1999). Interestingly, several D. rerio pigment pattern
mutations resemble other Danio species (Parichy & Johnson, 2001). This remarkable
concurrence in appearance raises the possibility that the alleles expressed by zebrafish
colour mutants are the same as those expressed in related Danio species.
Consequently, these alleles may have played a role in colour pattern diversification
among species (Parichy & Johnson, 2001).
A spectacular array of adult pigment pattern mutants have been identified for
zebrafish (Haffter et al., 1996b; Kelsh et al., 1996). Many mutant colour patterns can
be attributed to a single locus, and several pigment genes have been identified at the
molecular level (Lister et al., 1999; Kawakami et al., 2000; Lamason et al., 2005). In
a study of colour pattern inheritance, Parichy & Johnson (2001) showed that hybrids
between zebrafish and four closely related Danio species all expressed pigment
patterns resembling that of wild-type zebrafish. These findings imply that stripes may
be ancestral in Danio spp. Thus the zebrafish may serve as a useful model for
studying the genetic and developmental basis of colour pattern evolution as a
mechanism for speciation (Parichy 2006a, b).
(1) Distribution and habitat
The natural range of the zebrafish is centred around the Ganges and Brahmaputra
river basins in north-eastern India, Bangladesh and Nepal although in the past
specimens have also been collected in the Indus, Cauvery, Pennar, Godavari and
Mahanadi river basins (Fig. 1). In addition, it has been reported as occurring in the
Krishna river basin (Talwar & Jhingran, 1991) and in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat
and Andra Pradesh (river basins draining into the Arabian Sea) as well as northern
Myanmar and Sri Lanka, although no location details are given (Barman, 1991). The
reliability of some of the earlier records is questionable; either no specimens appear to
have been collected (as in the case of records for Sri Lanka), or the specimen has been
reclassified (as in the case of at least one species from Myanmar, now designated
Danio kyathit, Fang, 1998). Database records for this species should not be considered
as complete (see; Spence 2006). However, on the basis of
confirmed occurrences, the zebrafish may be widely distributed over the Indian
subcontinent; it may be overlooked in surveys on account of its small size and the fact
that it has no value as a food fish, even to subsistence fishermen.
The Indian subcontinent has a monsoon climate with wide seasonal variation in
the extent of freshwater habitats. Some of the major river systems, such as the
Ganges, run through low-lying areas that flood extensively during the monsoon
months. The floodplains are characterised by oxbow lakes and blind channels, which
may have seasonal connections to the main river. In addition, these regions contain
extensive areas of man-made lakes, ponds and irrigation channels, constructed for fish
and rice cultivation. There is a wide range of temperatures within the natural range of
zebrafish, from as low as 6 ºC in winter to over 38 ºC in summer.
Zebrafish have typically been described as inhabiting slow-moving or standing
water bodies, the edges of streams and ditches, particularly adjacent to rice-fields
(Sterba, 1962, Talwar & Jhingran, 1991; Jayaram, 1999). However, they are also
reported as inhabiting rivers and hill streams (Daniels, 2002). This inconsistency in
habitat preference probably results from the taxonomic confusion between Danio and
Devario (Fang, 2001). Three surveys have systematically described their habitat
preferences; McClure, McIntyre & McCune (2006) captured zebrafish in three sites in
the Ganges drainage in India, Spence et al., (2006a) captured them in nine sites in the
Ganges and Brahmaputra drainages in Bangladesh, and Engeszer et al. (2007a)
captured them in 14 sites in the Ganges and Brahmaputra drainages in India. In all
three studies, zebrafish were found to occur in shallow waterbodies with a visibility to
a depth of ~30 cm, frequently in unshaded locations with aquatic vegetation and a
silty substrate.
Zebrafish appear to be a floodplain rather than a true riverine species. They are
most commonly encountered in shallow ponds and standing water bodies, often
connected to rice cultivation. This association with rice cultivation may relate to the
use of fertilisers that may promote the growth of zooplankton, a major component of
the zebrafish diet (Spence et al., 2007a). Rice paddies and shallow seasonal waters are
also likely to be free from large predatory fishes. Spence et al. (2006b) found no
zebrafish either in rivers or temporary creeks that opened during the monsoon season.
Where zebrafish are found in streams and rivers, these typically have a low flow
regime and zebrafish were most often encountered at the margins (McClure et al.,
2006; Engeszer et al. 2007a.). Behavioural observations of their vertical distribution
indicated that they occupy the whole of the water column and occur as frequently in
open water as amongst aquatic vegetation (Spence et al., 2006b).
(2) Diet
The zebrafish is omnivorous, its natural diet consists primarily of zooplankton and
insects, although phytoplankton, filamentous algae and vascular plant material, spores
and invertebrate eggs, fish scales, arachnids, detritus, sand and mud have also been
reported from gut content analysis (Dutta, 1993; McClure et al., 2006; Spence et al.,
2007a). The majority of insects identified in these studies were aquatic species, or
aquatic larval forms of terrestrial species, particularly dipterans, and it has been
suggested that the zebrafish may have some value in mosquito control (Dutta, 1993).
The high proportion of planktonic items in their diet indicates that zebrafish feed
chiefly in the water column. However, terrestrial insects and arachnids are also
consumed, suggesting surface feeding, while the presence of inorganic elements and
detritus suggest they also feed from the substrate. In a study based on sampling over
12 months, dietary composition appeared to differ significantly among months
although no clear seasonal pattern was apparent (Spence et al., 2007a). Additional
data are required to determine the extent to which food items in the gut of zebrafish
reflect selectivity on the part of the fish as opposed to seasonal availability of different
(3) Growth and mortality
Zebrafish growth rate is most rapid during the first three months following hatching,
after which it starts to decrease, approaching zero by about 18 months (Spence et al.,
2007a). Growth rates of domesticated strains in the laboratory have been reported as
higher than those for wild fish. Eaton and Farley (1974a) reported an annual growth
rate of 183 mm y-1 during the first 45 days of development, compared to 72 mm y-1
during the first two months in nature (Spence et al., 2007a). This difference in growth
rates could result from inadvertent selection for rapid growth or as a consequence of
higher food intake in captivity. The latter explanation is more likely, as F2 offspring of
wild-caught fish grow at an equivalent rate to domesticated strains under controlled
conditions in the laboratory (C. Smith & R. Spence, unpublished data). Domesticated
strains have also been reported to achieve a larger body size than some populations of
wild fish (Wright et al., 2006a). A length-frequency analysis based on sampling over
12 months from a lake population in Bangladesh showed the mean length of fish to be
25 mm after one year. The maximum SL observed was 35 mm (Spence et al., 2007a),
which is comparable to the typical range observed in laboratory strains. The size
difference may be partly due to genetic factors (Wright et al., 2006a, 2006b), with
selection for fast growth and high fecundity among laboratory fish, but it may also
reflect rearing conditions; in the laboratory, F1wild fish also achieve 35 mm SL after
18 months (R. Spence & C. Smith, unpublished data). Females tend to be larger than
males both in domesticated and wild populations (Eaton & Farley, 1974a, 1974b;
Spence et al., 2007a). The extent of variation in growth rates and body size among
wild populations is unknown.
The zebrafish appears to be primarily an annual species in nature, the spawning
season commencing just before the onset of the monsoon (Spence et al., 2007a).
Length-frequency analysis showed two distinct age classes during the summer
months, representing reproductively mature 1+ year fish and a cohort of 0+ fish. Thus,
the main period of rapid growth takes place during the monsoon months (June-
September), a period of high temperatures (up to 34 ºC) and food availability (Talling
& Lemoalle, 1998).
Gerhard et al. (2002) reported a mean life span of domesticated zebrafish of 42
months, with the oldest individual surviving for 66 months. However, instances of
spinal curvature, a phenotype caused by muscle degeneration and commonly
associated with senescence (Gerhard et al., 2002; Kishi et al., 2003), become apparent
in domesticated and wild zebrafish after their second year in captivity (R. Spence,
pers. obs.). Spinal curvature was not observed in a wild population (Spence et al.,
2007a) and it is likely that fish die in natural populations before this condition
(4) Assemblage
Where zebrafish are found, they tend to be among the most abundant species
(McClure et al., 2006; Spence et al., 2006a; Engeszer et al. 2007a). Spence et al.
(2006a) captured a total of 25 species from nine families that co-occurred with
zebrafish over their range in Bangladesh, while Engeszer et al. (2007a) captured 36
species from 16 families. These were primarily small (< 25 cm total length)
indigenous species. Such species represent potential competitors of zebrafish.
Zebrafish were often observed shoaling together with the flying barb Esomus danricus
(Hamilton), another abundant cyprinid of similar size and appearance that is closely
related to Danio (Fang, 2003). Other potential competitors are Puntius spp. and
Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton).
The other danionin species found with zebrafish were Danio dangila (Hamilton),
D. meghalayensis (Sen & Dey), Devario devario (Hamilton), Devario assamensis
(Barman) and D. aequipinnatus (McClelland). McClure et al. (2006) reported
significant differences in the characteristic temperature, pH and current speed of the
habitats in which different danionin species occurred; the Devario species typically
inhabited faster flowing water whereas zebrafish were captured in the margins of
streams and rivers. This corresponds with Fang’s (2001) finding that the two genera
occupy different microhabitats.
(5) Predators
The most common predatory taxa captured with zebrafish were snakeheads, Channa
spp., and the freshwater garfish, Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton) (Engeszer et al.
2007; Spence et al. 2006a), although sampling protocols may have failed to capture
other potential predators such as nocturnal catfishes. Engeszer et al. (2007a)
additionally captured the catfish Mystus bleekeri (Day) and the knifefish, Notopterus
notopterus (Pallas). Mastacembelids, which also co-occur with zebrafish, are
oophagous and may be predators of zebrafish eggs and embryos, while odonate larvae
may be predators of larval and juvenile zebrafish (Engeszer et al. 2007a). Adult
zebrafish are also predators of zebrafish eggs and larvae. Avian predators such as the
Indian pond heron, Ardeola grayii (Sykes) and the common kingfisher, Alcedo atthis
L., are also ubiquitous in the floodplains of the Indian subcontinent and may feed on
D. rerio.
Laboratory studies have shown that zebrafish display fright reactions in response
to both visual and olfactory cues associated with predators. Dill (1974a, 1974b) used
both living (largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepède) and model predators
to investigate zebrafish escape responses. The distance at which the response was
elicited depended on the predator’s size and its approach velocity. Reactive distance
did not differ significantly between living and model predators, although escape
velocity was higher with living predators. Over repeated trials on successive days,
zebrafish responded earlier and flight distance increased. No decline in response was
detected when zebrafish were retested after a 10-day break. This effect may be an
example of secondary reinforcement; as the predator’s approach was associated with a
negative experience, the fish began to respond before the initial threshold was
In common with other ostariophysian fishes, zebrafish show alarm behaviours in
response to a pheromone that is released as a result of injury to the epidermal cells
(Pfeiffer, 1974; Wisenden, Vollbrecht & Brown, 2004). Alarm behaviours include an
increase in shoal cohesion and either agitated swimming or freezing on the substrate,
a decrease in feeding rate and increase in aggression. These behaviours have been
interpreted as having an anti-predator function. Rehnberg & Smith (1988)
demonstrated that isolated zebrafish showed an alarm response to water containing
alarm substance, so the response is independent of the presence of conspecifics.
(6) Parasites
Little is known about the natural parasite fauna of zebrafish, or the role parasites play
in their behaviour and ecology. In a preliminary study conducted in Bangladesh,
based on an analysis of 120 specimens from seven sites, infection by 20 species of
metazoan parasites and three protozoans was observed (R. Spence & C. Smith,
unpublished data). The majority of parasites were larval stage digeneans, cestodes and
acanthocephalans, while ectoparasite infection was rare. Infection by Acanthostomum
sp., Centrocestus sp. and one diplostomoid species was observed in all the locations
sampled, with 100% prevalence being observed for the metacercariae of
Acanthostomum sp. in one site and Centrocestus sp. in two sites.
In laboratory stocks, infection by the microsporidian Pseudoloma neurophilia is
common (Spitzbergen & Kent, 2003). It infects the central nervous system, cranial
and spinal nerves, and skeletal muscle of zebrafish, causing emaciation, ataxia and
spinal malformations. It is not clear whether vertical transmission of this parasite can
occur in zebrafish. Captive zebrafish have also been subject to infection by the
nematode Pseudocapillaria tomentosa, which infects the gut; symptoms include
inflammation, emaciation and intestinal carcinomas (Kent et al., 2002). P. tomentosa
can be transmitted directly and infects entire laboratory colonies. There are many
possible explanations for this phenomenon but the finding that nematode infection
appears to be rare in nature may indicate that zebrafish have not evolved natural
immunity to the effects of parasitism by nematodes.
(1) Spawning cycle
Much of the scientific literature on zebrafish reproduction has been concerned with
how best to maximise the supply of eggs for research (reviewed by Laale, 1977) and,
until recently, almost nothing was known about the reproductive ecology of wild
zebrafish. In zebrafish, all gonads initially develop as ovaries, which in males start to
differentiate at approximately 5-7 weeks post hatching (10-15 mm TL) through an
intersexual stage, finally developing into normal testes by approximately the third
month of development (12-17 mm TL), depending on strain and rearing conditions
(Devlin & Nagahama, 2002; Maak & Segner, 2003). The genetic mechanism of sex
determination in zebrafish is unknown. However, there is evidence that food supply or
growth rate affects sex determination, faster growing individuals developing as
females and slower growing individuals as males (Lawrence, Ebersole & Kesseli,
2007). Based on samples collected from a population in Bangladesh, sex ratios in
nature appear to be 1:1 (Spence et al., 2007a).
In the laboratory, domesticated zebrafish strains breed all year round whereas in
nature spawning is more seasonal. However, larger females collected in January
(outside the main spawning season) have been found to contain mature ova, indicating
that reproduction may not be cued by season, but may instead be dependent on food
availability, which is likely to co-vary with season (Spence et al., 2006a). Further,
reproductive maturity appears to be related to size rather than age; wild and
domesticated zebrafish appear to reach reproductive maturity at similar sizes, despite
having different growth rates. Eaton and Farley (1974a) showed that domesticated
zebrafish reared at 25.5 ºC reached maturity after 75 days, when females were 24.9
mm SL and males 23.1 mm. In laboratory conditions, F1 wild zebrafish also reach
reproductive maturity at approximately 23 mm SL (R. Spence, pers. obs.).
Pairs of zebrafish left together continuously spawn at frequent but irregular
intervals (Eaton & Farley, 1974b), and a single female may produce clutches of
several hundred eggs in a single spawning. In a study by Spence & Smith (2006)
inter-spawning intervals ranged from 1-6 days, with a mean of 1.5 days, producing
clutches ranging from 1 to over 700 eggs, with a mean of 185 (± SD 149). Clutch size
correlated positively with both female body size and inter-spawning interval. Eaton &
Farley (1974b) reported that inter-spawning interval increased with age, from a mean
of 1.9 days in 12-month old fish to 2.7 days three months later. Clutch size also
increased over this period from a mean of 158 to 195. No equivalent data are available
for wild zebrafish, but inter-spawning intervals tend to be greater and clutch sizes
smaller than domesticated strains (R. Spence, pers. obs.).
Ovulation is dependent on female exposure to male gonadal pheromones; male
holding water, testis homogenates and testis fractions containing steroid glucuronides,
will induce ovulation but fail to do so in females rendered anosmic by cauterising the
nasal epithelium (van den Hurk & Lambert, 1983; van den Hurk et al., 1987). Eaton
& Farley (1974b) showed that exposure to a male for 7 h in the afternoon was
sufficient to enable eggs to be stripped from females the following morning.
However, eggs were never obtained from isolated females more than once in any 5-
day period after exposure to a male. Thus it appears that all mature ova are released in
a single spawning bout (Hisaoka & Firlitt, 1962; Eaton & Farley, 1974b).
The presence of a male is essential for females to spawn eggs. Females kept in
isolation or older females can become “eggbound” (Fig. 2a & b) which can be lethal
in severe cases. Dissections of eggbound females showed that a 3 x 3 mm plug
consisting of necrotic clumped eggs clogging the oviduct which can prevent any
further successful spawning (Gerlach unpublished results). Regular exposure to males
and spawning dishes can prevent this development. Interestingly, despite the fact that
egg production is non-continuous, females exposed to male pheromones for several
days prior to spawning produce more eggs, of higher quality, than females isolated for
several days (Gerlach, 2006). This effect could be a consequence of the concentration
of pheromones to which they are exposed. Bloom & Perlmutter (1977) showed that
both sexes produce pheromones that function as inter- and intra-sexual attractants, and
have different effects at different concentrations. For both sexes, the intra-sexual
response was elicited at a lower concentration than the inter-sexual response.
Eggs are non-adhesive and demersal, with a diameter of approximately 0.7 mm.
They are released directly over the substrate with no preparation of the substrate by
either sex and there is no parental care. Eggs become activated on contact with water
and even in the absence of sperm, undergo a series of programmed developmental
steps. Unfertilised eggs develop a perivitilline space but fail to develop beyond the
first few cleavages (Lee, Webb & Miller, 1999). Hatching takes place between 48-72
h at 28.5 ºC, depending on the thickness of the chorion and the muscular activity of
the embryo inside, both of which can vary within a group of embryos (Kimmel et al.,
1995). Immediately after hatching the larvae (measuring ~3 mm) attach to hard
surfaces by means of small secretory cells in the epidermis of the head (Laale, 1977).
Attachment at progressively higher levels enables them to reach the surface to which
they need to gain access in order to inflate their swim bladders (Goolish & Okutake
1999). This process occurs from about 72 h post fertilisation, whereupon swimming,
feeding and active avoidance behaviours commence (Kimmel et al., 1995).
(2) Mating behaviour
It is well known that spawning in domesticated zebrafish is influenced by photoperiod
(Breder & Rosen, 1966). Zebrafish show a distinct diurnal activity pattern,
synchronised with the light/dark and feeding cycles. The first activity peak occurs
immediately after illumination with two further peaks in the early afternoon and the
last hour of light (Baganz et al., 2005; Plaut, 2000). Spawning activity coincides with
the first activity peak and usually commences within the first minute of exposure to
light following darkness, continuing for about an hour (Darrow & Harris, 2004). Field
observations have shown that spawning in zebrafish under natural conditions is also
largely limited to a short period at dawn (Spence, Ashton & Smith, 2007). Notably,
wild-caught zebrafish held in captivity are more likely than domesticated strains to
spawn at times other than first light (R. Spence, pers. obs.). Extended day length may
be a contributory factor in the seasonal onset of spawning in nature. It was noted by
Breder & Rosen (1966) that adding a dash of cold water to aquaria could encourage
spawning in zebrafish. Thus, it may be that a drop in water temperature or an increase
in water level may be additional cues used by zebrafish. In nature, zebrafish spawn
during periods of heavy rain (R. Spence, pers. obs.).
Courtship behaviour in zebrafish consists of a male chasing the female rapidly,
often nudging her flanks with his snout and attempting to lead her to a spawning site
(see below), swimming around or in front of her in a tight circle, or figure of eight,
with his fins raised. If she does not follow, he may alternate between circling the
female and swimming back and forth between the female and the spawning site. Once
over a spawning site he swims closely alongside the female, spreading his dorsal and
caudal fins around her so that their genital pores are aligned, and may oscillate his
body at high frequency and low amplitude. This behaviour triggers oviposition in the
female and sperm is released simultaneously. This sequence of behaviours is repeated
throughout the spawning period, females releasing between 5-20 eggs at a time. Male
courtship behaviour is most active in the first 30 minutes and although it continues for
about an hour, few females extrude eggs after the first 30 minutes (Darrow & Harris,
2004). Wild zebrafish display similar courtship and territorial behaviours during
spawning as have been described in domesticated strains (Spence et al., 2007b).
Under more natural conditions, courtship involves males actively pursuing females,
who utilize the whole of the water column, alternately swimming towards the surface
and then diving steeply down to the substrate to spawn. Small groups of 3-7 fish
usually take part in these chases.
Courtship behaviour in the male is triggered by female pheromones. In a study by
van den Hurk & Lambert (1983) males, but not females, were attracted to ovarian
extracts injected into the aquarium. Anosmic males failed to court females while
control males only courted females that had ovulated. Further, anosmic males were
extremely aggressive, suggesting that ovarian pheromones also inhibit aggression that
is common in both sexes during foraging.
Zebrafish typify a basic mating pattern common to many cyprinid fishes; they are
group spawners and egg scatterers (Breder & Rosen, 1966). Females will spawn
directly onto a bare substrate, but when provided with an artificial spawning site, such
as a plastic box filled with marbles, will preferentially use it for oviposition (Spence
& Smith, 2005). Some male zebrafish are territorial during mating (Spence & Smith,
2005). Both territorial and non-territorial males show the same courtship behaviour
but whereas non-territorial males pursue females, territorial males confine their
activities to within a few body lengths of a spawning site and chase other males away
when they try to approach. A study by Spence & Smith (2005) examined the effects
of manipulating density and sex ratio on the behaviour of these territorial males.
Aggression rates increased as a function of density. However, while courtship
behaviour increased with density under a female-biased sex ratio, when the sex ratio
was male biased courtship rate decreased relative to that observed at low densities. A
subsequent microsatellite parentage analysis showed that the reproductive success of
territorial males was also density dependent (Spence, Jordan & Smith, 2006). At low
densities territorial males sired significantly more offspring than non-territorial males.
However, at high densities territorial males were no more successful than non-
territorials. Thus male zebrafish display two distinct mating tactics, territorial defence
and active pursuit of females, the adoption of which is flexible and may be density
Density can also affect female reproductive success. Spence & Smith (2005)
showed that in their study mean per capita egg production decreased at higher
densities. A parentage analysis indicated that this effect was due to females spawning
smaller clutches, rather than some females being excluded from spawning (Spence et
al., 2006b). There are several possible explanations for reduced female egg
production at high densities; increased male-male aggression may interfere with
female oviposition attempts and/or competition may arise among females for access to
spawning sites. Alternatively, reduced female egg production may arise through
pheromonally mediated reproductive suppression. Females exposed to the
pheromones of other females for several days prior to spawning have been shown to
be significantly less likely to spawn compared to isolated females (Gerlach, 2006).
Further, dominant females produce more eggs than subordinates (Gerlach, 2006). In a
study on female territoriality conducted in a large 2 x 2 m aquarium, Delaney et al.
(2002) showed that females avoid the presence and, therefore, also the direct exposure
to pheromones of other females. Females significantly preferred to stay with one or
several males but not with females. Tested in a T-maze, an increasing concentration of
chemical cues from female zebrafish elicited avoidance behaviour in other females
(Golubev 1984). Thus, competition among both males and females may play a role in
the zebrafish mating system.
(3) Mate choice
The existence and nature of female mating preferences can be difficult to demonstrate
in species where male competition plays a significant part in the mating system;
matings are likely to be determined by the dominant male excluding other males
rather than females actively choosing mates. There is some evidence that female
zebrafish prefer larger males (Pyron, 2003), and body size tends to correlate with
dominance in teleost fishes (Wootton, 1998). When female egg production is used as
a measure of preference, female zebrafish do appear to prefer some males over others
(Spence & Smith, 2006). However, these preferences do not correlate with male
dominance, neither do females correspond in their choice of males (Spence & Smith,
2006). In view of the role played by pheromones in the reproductive behaviour of
both sexes, it is possible that mating preferences may be based on olfactory cues. For
instance, female zebrafish prefer the odour of unrelated males to unfamiliar brothers
(Gerlach & Lysiak, 2006). In the zebrafish mating system the two mechanisms of
sexual selection, male-male competition and female preference, may operate in
opposition. If females do not prefer dominant males, their preferences may undermine
the ability of dominant males to monopolise matings. Further, competition among
males for mating opportunities may be balanced by similar competition among
females (Gerlach, 2006). Indeed, variance in reproductive success among females is
equivalent to that among males, and consequently the opportunity for sexual selection
is weak in zebrafish (Spence et al., 2006b), borne out by the fact that they do not
display striking sexual dimorphism.
(4) Ovipostion choice
Females are choosy with respect to sites for oviposition. In choice tests conducted
both with domesticated fish in the laboratory and with wild fish in a field-based
mesocosm, females preferred a gravel substrate to silt (Spence et al., 2007b).
Territorial males were also observed to defend gravel-substrate spawning sites in
preference to silt. This preference appears to relate to spawning site quality; egg
survival is enhanced by incubation in a substrate that allows oxygenated water to
circulate while protecting them from disturbance and cannibalism. In the laboratory, a
preference for vegetation was also observed, although vegetation did not affect
survival. Vegetation is thought to be important in the survival of larval zebrafish; they
possess attachment organs that may assist them in reaching the surface to inflate their
swim bladders (Laale, 1977). In the types of habitat where zebrafish are common,
such as floodplain ponds, the substrate is often silty and zebrafish are thought to
spawn in shallow vegetated areas that offer protection from predators (Engeszer et al.,
2007; Spence et al., 2007b). Thus, there may be competition for access to sites that
afford better water circulation as well as protection for eggs and larvae. Choice of
oviposition site is one of the few ways in which oviparous species with no parental
care can maximize offspring survival. Thus, if females actively choose oviposition
sites, males may increase their reproductive success by guarding such sites.
(1) Shoaling preferences
Zebrafish are a shoaling species, a behaviour that appears to be innate; shoaling
behaviour commences soon after hatching (Engeszer et al. 2007b) and fish reared in
isolation quickly form shoals when placed together (Kerr, 1963). McCann &
Matthews (1974) showed that zebrafish reared in isolation did not discriminate
between shoals of conspecifics, pearl danios, Danio albolineatus (Blyth), or guppies,
Poecilia reticulata (Peters), suggesting that species identification is learned. McCann
& Carlson (1982) tested this by cross-rearing zebrafish with the closely related
unstriped pearl danio. Cross-reared individuals showed a reduced preference for
associating with conspecifics. Engeszer, Ryan & Parichy (2004) showed that
preferences for different intraspecific phenotypes are also learned. Wild-type
zebrafish cross-reared with with the stripeless pigment mutant nacre preferred the
colour pattern of those with which they had been raised, irrespective of their own
appearance. Based on a comparison of shoaling preferences among five different
danio phenotypes, stripes appear to be a key shoaling cue (Rosenthal & Ryan, 2005).
These studies suggest that species recognition in the zebrafish is mediated by a
process of phenotype matching against a template based on early experience.
Engeszer et al. (2007b) found that the visual preference of juvenile wild-type
zebrafish for like phenotype remained even when their social environment was
manipulated by placing individuals in groups of nacre shoalmates for 30 days.
However, McCann and Carlson (1982) found that the visual preference of cross-
reared subjects was eroded after similar manipulation. These observations together
suggest that template formation involves both genetic and learned components.
Zebrafish have also been shown to use olfactory cues in both species and kin
recognition (Gerlach & Lysiak, 2006). In a series of odour flume choice tests, juvenile
zebrafish preferred conspecifics to heterospecifics, unfamiliar kin to non-kin, and
familiar to unfamiliar kin. Thus, social preferences in zebrafish may be based on
individual recognition as well as phenotype matching. Individual recognition may
play a role in zebrafish since this species is known to establish dominance hierarchies
(Grant & Kramer, 1992; Gerlach, 2006; Spence & Smith, 2006). The mechanism
underlying this olfactory recognition is not yet known.
Shoaling decisions in zebrafish are also influenced by shoal size and activity level.
In a test of shoaling preferences, Pritchard et al. (2001) showed that individuals
generally preferred larger shoals. However, when shoal activity level was manipulated
by changing the water temperature, fish preferred the more active shoal, regardless of
size. Preferences also appear to differ between the sexes (Rhul & McRobert, 2005).
Male zebrafish preferred to associate with female shoals compared to males but had
no preference for shoal size. However, females preferred to associate with the larger
shoal, regardless of whether it was composed of males or females. Zebrafish appear to
be able to assess the nutritional state of conspecifics; food-deprived individuals
preferred to shoal with well-fed conspecifics, and had increased foraging success than
when shoaling with other food-deprived individuals (Krause et al., 1999).
Tests of shoaling preference based on visual cues have been conducted between
wild-type zebrafish and various aquarium variants: leopard danios (Spence & Smith,
2007), longfin (Kitevski & Pyron, 2003) and the transgenic GlofishTM, which are
genetically engineered to express red fluorescent proteins (Snesker et al., 2006). No
significant preference was detected in any of these tests. However, Gerlach et al.
(submitted) showed that inter-individual distance between juvenile zebrafish kept in
mixed groups of either albino (lacks melanin), roy (lacks irridophores) and wildtype
strains was significantly smaller among individuals of the same strain than of different
(2) Aggression and dominance
Zebrafish of both sexes can establish dominance hierarchies. Aggressive interactions
involve chasing and in some cases biting. Display behaviour involves pairs of fish
orienting head to tail with their fins splayed and slowly circling one another while
ascending (R. Spence, pers. obs.). This behaviour operates within and between the
sexes; its function is not clear but it may be a means of individual recognition that
reinforces dominance ranks. Once dominance relationships become established,
aggression becomes less intense (Larson et al., 2006). When fish are housed in pairs,
the dominant individual often appears darker and utilises the entire aquarium, while
subordinates are pale and occupy a smaller area (Larson et al., 2006). Dominance
relationships appear to be relatively stable over time, at least over the duration of five-
day experiments (Grant & Kramer, 1992; Spence & Smith, 2005). Moreover, males
separated for four days have been shown to re-establish identical dominance ranks
once reunited (G. Gerlach, unpublished data).
The sex of an individual does not appear to be an important factor in determining
its dominance rank (Grant & Kramer, 1992). The relationship between body size and
dominance is unclear, partly because studies often control for size (Grant & Kramer,
1992; Spence & Smith, 2005, 2006). However, in studies using fish of different sizes,
Hamilton & Dill (2002) found that size correlated positively with rank, while Basquill
& Grant (1998) found that it was not. Dominance has been demonstrated both during
mating behaviour, where males establish territories around spawning sites (Spence &
Smith, 2005) and foraging, where dominant individuals attempt to monopolise a food
source (Grant & Kramer, 1992; Basquill & Grant, 1998; Hamilton & Dill, 2002). It is
not known whether males that are territorial during spawning are also dominant
during foraging.
In a study of zebrafish foraging behaviour, Gillis & Kramer (1987) manipulated
fish density and food patch profitability. Zebrafish formed shoals but aggressive
interactions took place near feeding sites. The distribution of fish was affected by
patch profitability, with more fish being concentrated around the most profitable food
patch. However the variability in the distribution between the three patches was
greater when fish density was lower. At high densities there were more fish in the
least profitable patch and fewer in the most profitable patch than would be predicted
by an Ideal Free Distribution model (Fretwell & Lucas, 1970). Aggressive
interference did not fully explain the density-related reduction in foraging efficiency;
aggressive interactions increased with patch profitability but decreased at high
population densities. Thus, foraging distributions may also be influenced by non-
aggressive interactions, while aggressive interactions are ameliorated at high
Aggression and food monopolisation are also influenced by habitat structure.
Basquill & Grant (1998) compared levels of aggression in a vegetated versus a non-
vegetated habitat. Aggression and food monopolisation by the dominant fish were
lower in the vegetated habitat. This effect could be because the presence of vegetation
makes the environment more difficult to defend. An alternative explanation is that a
vegetated environment is perceived as safer; dominant fish may be more willing to
forage in open habitats where predation risk is higher, while to subordinate fish the
perceived benefit of shoaling in a risky habitat may outweigh the cost of reduced
foraging efficiency. In order to test these two hypotheses Hamilton & Dill (2002)
compared aggression and resource monopolisation among three habitats, open,
vegetated, and unvegetated with overhead cover. When allowed to choose, fish
preferred to forage in the covered habitat and there was no effect of vegetation. There
was no difference in aggression among habitats, but resource monopolisation was
greater in the open “risky” habitat.
Rearing environment may also influence aggression and dominance. Marks et al.
(1999) found that fish raised in an hypoxic environment were less aggressive and
spent more time in refugia than those reared in a normoxic environment. This result
suggests that zebrafish offer a potential model for exploring phenotypic plasticity in
behaviour, particularly developmental plasticity.
(3) Exploratory behaviour
Shoaling behaviour can increase the probability of an individual fish detecting and
avoiding predators (Pitcher & Parrish, 1993). A related behaviour is predator
inspection, whereby individual fish leave a shoal briefly to approach a predator. These
two traits are known to be at least partly genetically determined in zebrafish. Wright
et al. (2003) showed differences in “boldness” (defined as the propensity to approach
a novel object, in the shape of a black cylinder suspended in an experimental
aquarium) among laboratory raised wild (F2) zebrafish from four different
populations. An intra-population study indicated a genetic component to shoaling
tendency (the time an individual fish spent associating with a stimulus shoal),
although there was no equivalent interpopulation difference. In a further study, Wright
et al. (2006a) compared boldness and shoaling tendency between wild (F2) and
laboratory zebrafish (AB line). The AB fish showed reduced shoaling tendency and
increased boldness compared to wild fish, presumably as a result of relaxed selection
for anti-predator behaviours. Robison & Rowland (2005) similarly compared the
Nadia wild (F5) strain with a transgenic line TMI, which contains a green fluorescent
protein transgene, allowing them to be visually distinguished from other strains in a
mixed aquarium. They found that Nadia were less surface orientated, were more
likely to freeze on the bottom of the aquarium when presented with a novel object,
and were less likely to inspect novel objects compared to TMI fish. Hybrids between
the two strains showed intermediate responses and inter-strain differences were still
apparent among strains reared in mixed tanks, suggesting that the behaviour was not
It is also possible that the results of both these studies reflect pre-existing strain
differences and are not related to domestication. A further study using Nadia, TMI
and an additional domesticated strain (SH) revealed significant inter-strain differences
across five behavioural measures, although the observed relationships within strains
were relatively weak and occasionally inconsistent (Moretz, Martins & Robison,
2006, 2007). These observations, together with the inter-population differences
among wild fish identified by Wright et al. (2003) indicate the need for caution in
interpreting behaviours as indicative of particular behavioural patterns such as
Learning mediates many aspects of animal behaviour, including social interactions,
foraging, navigation and predator avoidance. In zebrafish, the preference for
associating with other fish is innate while the preference for particular colour patterns
is based on learned behaviour. Individuals raised in isolation do not display colour
pattern preferences whereas cross-reared individuals prefer to associate with the
colour pattern with which they were raised (Engeszer et al., 2004; Spence & Smith,
2007). Moreover, the preference effect of cross-rearing does not persist once fish are
housed in groups of the same colour pattern, so the early learned preference can be
modified by later experience (McCann & Carlson, 1982). Learned preferences are
mediated by olfactory as well as visual cues; zebrafish can differentiate between
familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics on the basis of odour and thus appear capable of
individual recognition (Gerlach & Lysiak, 2006).
The response shown by zebrafish to alarm substance is also innate but appears to
function as a means of learned predator recognition. Alarm substance can initiate a
conditioned response to an innocuous odour, such as morpholine, when the two are
presented simultaneously (Suboski et al., 1990). Hall & Suboski (1995a) further
elicited a learned response to a visual cue by pairing alarm substance with a red light
as well as with morpholine. Thus, conditioning can operate across different sensory
modalities. Hall & Suboski (1995b) also demonstrated second order conditioning
whereby fish conditioned with alarm substance to respond to either light or
morpholine, then learned to react to the second neutral stimulus when presented in
combination with the first conditioned stimulus in the absence of alarm substance.
The mechanism for communicating learned predator recognition appears to be
classical conditioning, pairing of an unconditioned stimulus (alarm substance) with a
conditioned stimulus (light or morpholine) to produce a conditioned response (alarm
reaction). Conditioned responses can develop after a single trial, and a response can
be obtained even when there is a time delay of several minutes between presentation
of the unconditioned and conditioned stimuli (Korpi & Wisenden, 2001). Further,
conditioned responses can be passed on to naïve fish, a process known as social
facilitation. Naïve fish exposed to morpholine when in the company of morpholine
sensitized fish subsequently display an alarm reaction to morpholine. The naïve fish
retain this learned response when solitary or in the company of a new group of naïve
fish (Suboski et al., 1990).
An alternative approach to studying learning is to use an operant conditioning
paradigm, whereby fish are trained to swim in a specific direction for a food reward
paired with a visual cue. This approach has been used to study spatial memory,
landmark use and orientation in other species (Braithwaite, 1998), and the few studies
available indicate that zebrafish are potentially a useful model for research in this
area. In a study to investigate spatial learning and memory, Williams, White &
Messer (2002) trained adult zebrafish to swim alternately to one or other side of a
divided aquarium to receive a food reward. Once trained, the fish could remember the
task after a 10-day period during which they were fed ad libitum in another aquarium.
Zebrafish were also able to learn to swim into one of three compartments when the
one containing the reward was cued by a white light (Bilotta et al., 2005). A three-
choice design provides better evidence of learning than a two-choice design as the
level of a chance response is reduced to a third. Williams et al. (2002) reported that
fish learned the task in approximately 14 trials, although Bilotta et al. (2005) reported
wide individual variability in speed of learning. When food rewards were withheld,
the training effect was quickly lost (Williams et al., 2002; Colwill et al., 2005).
Little is known about the development of learning capacity. Williams et al. (2002)
found that age affected acquisition of conditioned responses in zebrafish. Juveniles of
6-8 weeks learned the task as well or better than adults, whereas those of 3-4 weeks
were not able to do so. It was not clear whether this was a result of limited cognitive
capacity or because the task presented to fish was too physically demanding. A related
question, which has not been investigated in zebrafish, is the extent to which habitat
complexity during rearing influences cognitive development. Research with other
fishes and comparisons among populations suggests that learning in fish may be
related to the demands of their environment (Odling Smee & Braithwaite, 2003).
The majority of studies of learning involve testing individual fish (Braithwaite
2005). However, in a shoaling species like zebrafish, fish may perform better in
groups; the stress of being isolated may inhibit learning ability in isolated individuals.
Moreover, fish are known to be able to learn by watching others (Brown & Laland,
2003). However, Gleason, Weber & Weber (1977) found that while zebrafish learned
an avoidance response to an electric shock fastest in groups of five or more, single
fish learned faster than pairs. Thus the relationship between learning and group size
may not be straightforward. Steele, Scarfe & Owens (1991) obtained similar results in
exploratory feeding behaviour in response to alanine, a ubiquitous amino acid in the
aquatic environment that functions as a chemical attractant and is the primary
constituent of many prey odours. They found that the fastest response was elicited in
groups of four fish, but single fish responded faster than groups of two, six or eight.
Group size has not been studied in relation to spatial learning in zebrafish.
Miklósi & Andrew (1999) used beads of different colours and patterns to study the
effects of habituation to stimuli. Based on video footage of zebrafish biting responses
they concluded that habituation is mediated by cerebral lateralisation of function;
responses are controlled by different cerebral hemispheres under different
circumstances. In trials, fish initially approached the bead with the right eye but in
subsequent trials, once the object was familiar, used their left eye. Miklósi & Andrew
concluded that right hemisphere control (i.e. left eye) mediates escape/attack
responses (automatic behaviour), whereas left hemisphere (right eye) control is used
in assessing novel stimuli and involves the inhibition of Mauthner cell discharge.
Many studies of learning are based on the use of neutral stimuli. However, in
many species, innate receiver biases have evolved that cause them to respond more
strongly to certain stimuli, and thus affect learning outcomes. Biases can exist at any
level along the signal reception and processing continuum from stimulation of a
primary sensory receptor to synthesis at higher levels of integration, including
learning, memory and decision making (Basolo, 2000). Both learned preferences and
innate receiver biases operate in the context of foraging. Spence & Smith (in review)
raised groups of fish on diets consisting solely of one colour: red, blue, green or
white. When fish were subsequently tested for their colour preferences in a foraging
context, each group responded most strongly to red, irrespective of the colour of food
with which they had been conditioned. However, there was also a significant effect of
conditioning. The observed sensory bias towards red may have evolved as a function
of the nature of the transmission environment that zebrafish inhabit, in combination
with an adaptive preference for carotenoid compounds in their diet (Spence & Smith,
in review).
Different tasks have been shown to elicit different preferences. Colwill et al.
(2005) used a T-maze with different coloured arms (green versus purple or red versus
blue) to assess visual discrimination learning in zebrafish. They found that while fish
could be trained to swim down whichever coloured arm was associated with a food
reward, they learned faster and retained the response longer when the colour
associated with the reward was purple or blue than when it was green or red. Thus,
not only were the stimuli not perceived as equal, but the colour preferences shown in
this context differed from those in the foraging study by Spence & Smith (in review).
Similarly, two studies reached different conclusions about whether zebrafish prefer a
dark or light environment. Serra, Medalha & Mattioli (1999) found that zebrafish
spent more time in a black chamber than a white one and concluded that they have an
innate preference for dark environments. In contrast, Gerlai et al. (2000) concluded
that zebrafish did not prefer a dark environment; fish initially avoided a dark chamber
and on habituation spent equal amounts of time in illuminated and dark chambers.
Clearly, the existence of innate preferences needs to be understood when designing
behavioural protocols for learning studies in zebrafish.
The relationship between genes and complex behaviours is not straightforward
(Sokolowski, 2001). Behavioural syndromes comprise numerous individual
components, involving multiple, interacting genes whose expression is influenced by
the environment. The starting point in such research is to identify behavioural
syndromes that can be quantified, with simple, reliable protocols that allow high
throughput screening, either for mutagenesis or naturally occurring behavioural
variation. Much of the pioneering behavioural genetics research has utilised
Drosophila as a model; genes have been identified that control complex syndromes
such as learning and memory, mating behaviour and circadian rhythms (Sokolowski,
2001; Anholt & Mackay, 2004). The advent of functional genomics has enabled
research to be extended to other species (Fitzpatrick et al., 2005; Vasemägi &
Primmer, 2005).
In comparison, there is a paucity of studies on complex behaviour in zebrafish,
although it is recognised as having great potential as a model for understanding the
genetic basis of human behavioural disorders (Patton & Zon, 2001; Guo, 2004). One
area of interest has been the effect of drugs of abuse on behaviour. Darland &
Dowling (2001) conducted a behavioural screen for cocaine addiction using the
conditioned place preference paradigm (CPP), whereby the drug is paired with a
neutral stimulus in one compartment of the aquarium and the amount of time the fish
spends in each compartment is measured before and after administration of the drug.
Three out of eighteen families of mutagenised fish showed abnormal responses in the
CPP and were subjected to further behavioural screens, testing spatial cognition in a
T-maze, swimming behaviour, and sensitivity to light. Each family had different
behavioural profiles, which were shown to be heritable, each supposed as representing
a different single gene mutation that affected addiction (Darland & Dowling, 2001).
Lau et al. (2005) used CPP to demonstrate a preference by wild-type zebrafish for
both food and morphine as rewards. In contrast, the too few mutant, in which the basal
forebrain DA and 5HT neurons are selectively reduced, lacked the morphine
preference, while still displaying a preference for food. This result, whereby a single
gene mutation can dissociate the preference for a natural reward and an addictive
drug, indicates that the two preferences are controlled by different pathways.
Gerlai et al. (2000) designed a series of simple, easily quantifiable tests to
examine the effects of alcohol administered at different concentrations on locomotion,
aggression, shoaling tendency, alarm response, light/dark preference and
pigmentation. These tests could be used to identify individuals with abnormal
responses to alcohol. Dlugos & Rabin (2003) compared the effects of acute and
chronic alcohol administration on three zebrafish strains. The strains differed in startle
response and shoal cohesion, suggesting that there is a genetic basis to both initial
sensitivity and the development of tolerance to alcohol.
Zebrafish may also be a suitable model for studying the genetic basis of social
behaviour. Larson et al. (2006) showed that there are clear differences between
dominant and subordinate fish in the expression of arginine vasotocin, a
neurohormone known to mediate social behaviour such as aggression, courtship and
parental behaviour in vertebrates, although the system varies among taxa. Dominance
relationships are not fixed and must, therefore, involve differential expression of
different genetic pathways.
Tropepe & Sive (2003) suggested that a forward genetics screening approach
might be employed to model the behavioural deficits involved in autism using
zebrafish. As deficits in social behaviour are strongly characteristic of autism,
behaviours such as courtship and shoaling may represent a suitable paradigm for
sociability. In mice, tests of exploratory behaviour have been used as a paradigm for
anxiety and fear, exploratory behaviour tending to be negatively correlated with
anxiety (Flint et al., 1995). Using a similar approach, Wright et al. (2006a) utilised the
pronounced differences between wild and laboratory strains of zebrafish in
willingness to approach an unfamiliar object (boldness) and attempted to identify
quantitative trait loci associated with these.
Other complex behaviours that offer potential for genetic analysis are learning and
memory. Protocols where fish are trained to swim in a particular direction for a food
reward can be used to assess speed of learning and retention time between different
strains of fish, fish reared under different conditions, or known behavioural mutants.
These protocols have also been used to assess the effects of drugs of abuse on learning
and memory (Swain, Sigstand & Scalzo, 2004; Levin & Chen, 2004). Genetic
analysis of cerebral lateralisation of function may offer insights into the molecular
basis of habituation. For instance, the mutant frequent situs inversus (fsi), which
shows reversal of asymmetry in many cerebral and visceral organs, showed reversal
of behavioural asymmetry in some tests but not others, suggesting that at least two
different mechanisms are involved in lateralisation of function (Barth et al., 2005).
Studying the function of specific genes requires mutagenesis for gene knock-out
or the application of gene silencing techniques such as morpholino injections or RNAi
methodology. Techniques such as antisense, morpholino-modified oligonucleotides
have been used successfully to silence targeted genes in zebrafish (Nasevicius &
Ekker, 2000). Morpholino oligos are short chains of morpholino subunits comprised
of a nucleic acid base, a morpholine ring and a non-ionic phosphorodiamidate
intersubunit linkage. Morpholinos act via a steric block mechanism (RNAse H-
independent) and, with their high mRNA binding affinity and exquisite specificity,
they yield reliable and predictable results. They can either block the translation
initiation complex (by targeting the 5' UTR through the first 25 bases of coding
sequence) or they can block the nuclear splicing machinery (by targeting splice
junctions in pre-mRNA). Microinjection of morpholino oligonucleotides into
zebrafish embryos successfully and specifically shuts down the expression of targeted
genes. However, due to the dilution effect of the morpholino oligonucleotide during
cell proliferation, the gene silencing effect in developing zebrafish larvae only lasts
for the first 3-4 days. Thus morpholinos cannot be applied to behavioural studies.
The discovery that double stranded RNA (dsRNA) can function to regulate gene
expression has significant implications for the scientific research community from
evolutionary biology to human therapeutics. This process is termed variously as RNA
interference (RNAi), PTGS (post-transcriptional gene silencing) and quelling. The
phenomenon was first described by researchers who achieved sequence specific gene
silencing in Caenorhabditis elegans by injecting dsRNA that corresponded to the
target sequence (Fire et al. 1998). In zebrafish, microinjection of long dsRNA has
been used to silence genes with mixed results. In several instances non-specific effects
and high mortality were observed (Oates, Bruce & Ho, 2000; Zhao et al., 2001),
probably due to the vertebrate specific immune response described above. However,
in three studies, long dsRNA effectively silenced genes (Acosta et al., 2005; Li et al.,
2000; Wargelius, Ellingsen & Fjose, 1999).
Synthetically produced siRNA (21 nt), used for vertebrate cell line application,
can down-regulate gene expression in zebrafish (Dodd, Chambers & Love, 2004; Liu
et al., 2005). Specificity of gene silencing using siRNA was shown in rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) where a 4 base mismatch did not show any silencing effect
while dsRNA could silence tryosinase A by >80% (Boonanuntanasarn, Yoshizaki &
Takeuchi, 2003). While these studies clearly demonstrate the potential for RNAi
technology as a tool in zebrafish research, they focus on genes expressed during very
early development; none of the studies tested mRNA reduction later than 30 hpf.
However, the phenotypic effects of myostatin silencing in zebrafish do suggest the
possibility of prolonged effectiveness (into adulthood) (Acosta et al., 2005).
MicroRNAs (miRNAs), small single-stranded regulatory RNAs capable of
interfering with intracellular messenger RNAs (mRNAs) with complete or partial
complementarity, are useful for the design of new therapies against cancer
polymorphisms and viral mutations. Lin, Miller & Ying (2006) showed that intron-
derived miRNAs are able to induce RNA interference in zebrafish cells as well as
those of humans and mice, demonstrating the evolutionary conservation of intron-
mediated gene silencing via functional miRNA in cell and in vivo. These findings
suggest an intracellular miRNA-mediated gene regulatory system, fine-tuning the
degradation of protein-coding messenger RNAs. Once established this may prove an
invaluable technique in exploiting the potential of zebrafish as a model for studying
complex behavioural patterns.
(1) Field-based studies
While the three surveys reported here have provided basic information about
zebrafish ecology (McClure et al., (2006); Spence et al., 2006a; Engeszer et al.
2007a), there is a need for more field based studies. The current distribution status of
the zebrafish is unknown as recent studies have concentrated solely on the Ganges and
Brahmaputra river systems. In addition, sampling from a wide range of populations
would enable the cataloguing of natural variation in morphological, physiological and
behavioural traits. This should include comparing the behaviour of zebrafish from a
number of populations with different environmental parameters and predator regimes,
as has been done with guppies (Magurran 2005). For instance, interpopulation
differences in anti-predator behaviours (such as those identified by Wright et al.,
2003) may relate to actual differences in natural predator regime.
Field observations of zebrafish behaviour would also prove invaluable and could
supplement more detailed laboratory observations, providing definitive data on intra-
and inter-specific interactions. This objective requires the identification of field sites
suitable in terms of accessibility and water clarity.
(2) Behavioural studies
The number of behavioural studies of zebrafish looks set to increase, and many
researchers whose primary expertise is in genetics or developmental biology are
utilising behavioural protocols, such as CPP as a paradigm for testing the reinforcing
properties of drugs of abuse. One of the problems with designing and conducting
behavioural experiments is demonstrating that the results are a valid measure of the
behaviour under consideration. Thus there is a need for adequate controls, in order to
ensure that the results are not due to unrelated artefacts (Nincovic & Bally-Cuif,
2006); slight differences in experimental design and set-up can produce different
results. For instance, preference tests need to take innate biases into account. Precision
of measurement may also determine whether a preference is detected. Other sources
of error include outside disturbance, either visual or auditory, and general handling of
subjects, including acclimatisation. Behaviour may vary according to time of day at
which observations are recorded, especially in relation to mating behaviour and
feeding regime.
There is growing evidence for behavioural differences among zebrafish
populations, even among domesticated strains. Loucks & Carvan (2004) found strain-
and dose- dependent differences in sensitivity to developmental ethanol exposure
between EK, AB TU strains. Moreover, each strain responded differently on different
parameters, no single strain being most or least sensitive. Moretz et al. (2006, 2007)
found differences among three strains, one wild-derived (Nadia) and two
domesticated (TM1and SH) in shoaling, activity level, predator approaches, latency to
feed after disturbance and biting at a mirror stimulus. Thus observed differences
between wild and domesticated strains cannot all be ascribed to the effects of
In addition to the need for adequate controls, behavioural results are also
dependent on a degree of experimenter interpretation, and this is perhaps the most
difficult aspect to validate. Mating behaviour is the most straightforward to validate as
observed behaviours can be correlated with egg production and parentage determined
if necessary. Other behaviours are more difficult to validate. For instance, is biting at
a mirror indicative of aggression (Gerlai et al. 2000) or purely an attempt to interact
with a conspecific? (Moretz et al. 2006).
(3) Husbandry and welfare
Given the paucity of data on the natural history of the zebrafish, it is not altogether
surprising that husbandry protocols for this species are poorly developed;
scientifically-based culturing strategies must be grounded in detailed knowledge of
the ecology and behavior of the animal in question. Despite this, the zebrafish has
become a pre-eminent research model, in large part because of its tolerance of a wide
range of environmental conditions and the ease with which large numbers of eggs can
be produced in the laboratory on a daily basis all year round. However, zebrafish are
like any other cultured fish species in that there are a restricted set of parameters
under which performance is optimised. All areas of zebrafish research would greatly
benefit from improvements and standardization of husbandry practices (Lawrence
2007). In addition to achieving greater production and efficiency in research, the
establishment of biologically justifiable practices for zebrafish culture would also
address important concerns regarding zebrafish welfare that are currently sadly
There are numerous areas of zebrafish husbandry where information on their
natural history and behavior may be applied to this end. The first of these concerns the
physico-chemical requirements of zebrafish in research facilities. While the great
majority of zebrafish facilities adhere to some derivation of water quality
recommendations given by Westerfield (1995) and Matthews, Trevarrow & Matthews
(2002), these values are not based upon peer-reviewed data and, therefore, may not
accurately reflect the requirements of the species. Information on the physical and
chemical properties of natural habitats (McClure et al., 2006; Spence et al., 2006a) of
zebrafish may be directly applied to the design of optimum water chemistry
parameters for zebrafish in culture, as production in captivity may be highest when
fish are kept in water quality regimes that most closely reflect that to which they are
adapted in nature (Buttner, Soderbedrt & Terlizzi, 1993).
Another important area of zebrafish husbandry is the induction of spawning in
captivity. Despite their proclivity to reproduce under a wide range of conditions,
zebrafish display complex breeding behavior (Darrow & Harris, 2004), involving
competition among both males and females (Spence & Smith, 2005; Gerlach, 2006),
as well as preference for mates (Pyron, 2003; Gerlach & Lysiak, 2006; Spence &
Smith, 2006), spawning substrate (Spence et al., 2007b), and water depth (C.
Lawrence & A. Sessa, pers. obs.). Thus, egg production is negatively affected by
density (Spence & Smith, 2005; Gerlach, 2006), while egg production by pairs of fish
may be dependent on individual compatibility (Spence & Smith, 2006). Commonly
utilized spawning methods and equipment (Mullins et al., 1994; Westerfield, 1995)
may not take account of these factors, and thereby may result in reduced breeding
efficiency, and/or the production of embryos of suboptimal or inconsistent quality.
While it may not always be possible to incorporate behavioral and natural history data
into breeding protocols (as, for instance, in the case of genetic studies which require
sib mating), even simple efforts to replicate natural situations and facilitate behavioral
preferences, for example by the addition of spawning substrate and plastic plants
(Spence et al., 2007b) and the presentation of shallow areas in which to spawn (C.
Lawrence & A. Sessa, pers. obs.), may improve productivity.
With the exception of their requirement for poly-unsaturated fatty acids (Meinelt
et al., 1999, 2000; Tocher et al., 2001) the nutritional demands of zebrafish are also
unknown. Consequently zebrafish are often fed diets specifically formulated for other
species (e.g. Matthews et al., 2002), which may place constraints on important aspects
of their biology (Lovell, 1991). Gut content analysis of wild zebrafish indicates that
they are omnivores, but feed primarily on insects and microcrustacea (McClure et al.,
2006, Spence et al., 2007a). This finding provides some support for the practice of
feeding zebrafish on Artemia nauplii (Carvalho, Araujo & Santos, 2006), albeit these
are species that zebrafish would not naturally encounter. Bloodworm is perhaps a
more appropriate live food, as aquatic larval diptera are abundant items in the natural
diet of zebrafish, although its size limits its use to adult fish. Gut content analysis also
shows that in nature, while zebrafish feed primarily in the water column, they are also
able to feed at the surface and on the substrate (McClure et al., 2006, Spence et al.,
2007a). However, in the laboratory at least, zebrafish do not forage extensively on the
substrate and overfeeding can result in a build-up of uneaten food on the aquarium
floor and consequent reduction in water quality. These and further observations may
aid in the formulation of artificial feeds most appropriate for zebrafish at different life
stages, both in terms of nutritional profile and physical attributes (floating versus
sinking, etc.) of food items.
Another important element of zebrafish husbandry is larval rearing. Current
practices vary widely, but most generally involve presenting first-feeding larvae with
a mixture of ciliates, rotifers, Artemia nauplii, and formulated microparticle diets,
with progressive increases in percentages of the latter two as the animals undergo
metamorphosis (Brown, 1997). Water quality during this period is of paramount
importance, as the demand for the larvae to feed on a nearly constant basis must be
balanced with the elimination of toxic waste products via water exchange and
filtration. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that infusoria production requires
water rich in organic material.
Although virtually nothing is known about the natural ecology of larval zebrafish,
observations of wild zebrafish spawning along the margins of ponds (R. Spence & C.
Smith, pers. obs.) suggest that eggs may often be deposited in shallow, warm, waters
rich with zooplankton and organic material. Further research in this area may assist in
determining the most appropriate parameters for larviculture in terms of flow rates,
organic loads, water chemistry, physical environment and dietary inputs. Information
on larval behavior in laboratory conditions may also be useful for improving rearing
protocols. For example, larval fish prefer the odours of kin to non-kin (Gerlach &
Lysiak, 2006), suggesting that fish initially reared with siblings or close relatives may
perform better than those grown in mixed-kin groups.
The social environment of captive zebrafish is another parameter to be considered
in relation to their husbandry and welfare. In the majority of zebrafish research
facilities, little thought is given to the physical surroundings of the fish; tanks are
typically bare, and densities are variable and are generally determined by growth rates
(C. Lawrence, pers. obs.). As a shoaling species, it is generally presumed that
zebrafish do better when kept in groups, although they do exhibit antagonistic
behavior and form dominance hierarchies in laboratory conditions (Larsen et al.,
2005, Gerlach, 2006). While aggression generally seems to be inversely correlated
with density (Gillis & Kramer, 1987; Chapman & Kramer, 1995) zebrafish also show
an elevation in circulating levels of the stress hormone cortisol when they are
subjected to crowded conditions (Ramsay et al., 2006), suggesting that intermediate
densities may be the most favourable. The provision of refugia, such as artificial
plants, in holding tanks may further offset the potentially negative effects of
aggression. In nature, zebrafish are often associated with aquatic vegetation (Spence
et al., 2006a), a preference that is also seen in laboratory populations (Delaney et al.,
2002). These observations, along with experimental evidence demonstrating that
aggression and monopolization of food resources by dominant individuals is
decreased in structurally complex environments (Basquill & Grant, 1998), further
strengthens the argument that the practice of adding complexity to aquaria may
improve the long-term well-being of laboratory zebrafish, though this has yet to be
demonstrated experimentally.
(1) Zebrafish appear to be primarily a floodplain species, inhabiting shallow ponds
and ditches or the slower reaches of streams. They are an abundant species and are
among the smallest fish species in the assemblages in which they occur. Their diet,
based on gut content analysis, consists primarily of insects (of both terrestrial and
aquatic origin) and zooplankton, as well as inorganic material. These results indicate
that they feed throughout the water column, consistent with observations of their
vertical distribution, and the finding that they tend to be confined to the shallow
margins of waterbodies.
(2) The zebrafish is known for its rapid development in the laboratory. Length-
frequency analysis indicates that under natural conditions the zebrafish is an annual
species and recruitment is linked to the monsoon, which is also the period of the year
with the highest temperatures. The most rapid growth takes place in the first three
months, and slows thereafter, virtually ceasing by about 18 months. Breeding may be
dependent on food availability rather than season, as gravid females have been found
in Bangladesh in winter and wild-caught zebrafish breed all year round in the
(3) Zebrafish reproductive behaviour has been studied almost exclusively in the
laboratory on domesticated strains, although an experiment conducted with wild-
caught fish under semi-natural conditions confirms that the mating behaviours
described are broadly applicable in nature. Zebrafish have previously been
characterised as group spawners and egg scatterers, although there is evidence that the
mating system is influenced by both intra-sexual competition and female mate
preferences. Further, competition for high quality sites for oviposition may be a key
feature of mating behaviour in nature. Given the role of pheromones in zebrafish
reproduction and evidence from other published behavioural studies (Gerlach 2006;
Gerlach & Lysiak 2006), these may play a role in mate choice; in particular, the
zebrafish may be a suitable model for studying the role of MHC in mate choice.
However, the zebrafish has little to offer as a model for sexual selection compared to
other fish behavioural models such as guppies, sticklebacks or bitterling. The
opportunity for sexual selection appears to be weak in zebrafish, as might be predicted
from their lack of marked sexual dimorphism.
(4) The greatest advantage of the zebrafish as a model system comes from its
well-characterised genetics, genetic and developmental techniques and tools, and the
availability of well-characterised mutants. Zebrafish are also a tractable species for
behavioural experiments, readily acclimatising to new environments, being constantly
active and little disturbed by the presence of observers. In order for the zebrafish to be
more widely adopted as a model by the behavioural ecology community there is a
need for more behavioural and field-based studies in order to catalogue natural
variation in morphological, physiological and behavioural traits. The zebrafish
appears ideally suited to studies of social and cognitive behaviour, and it is surprising
that it has been so little utilised for this purpose. There is increasing interest in
employing social and cognitive tests with zebrafish to study the genetic basis of
behaviour and there is a need for more comprehensive and better controlled studies in
this area.
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The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute:
Zebrafish Information Network (ZFIN), The Zebrafish International Resource
Center, University of Oregon:
Table1. Recognised wild-type zebrafish lines listed by the Zebrafish International
Resource Center
Name Description
AB Derived from two lines purchased by George Streisinger from
a pet shop in Albany, Oregon in the late 1970s. The currently
used line *AB was derived from the original AB line in 1991-
1992 by parthenogenesis.
AB/Tübingen An ‘official’ line maintained as a cross but the term is also
applied to crosses where the two parental lines are maintained
C32 Derived from laboratory strains at Oregon. The current
C32bc9 stock is a derivative of Steve Johnson's inbred C32
Cologne Isolated at the Reugels/Campos-Ortega Lab, University of
Darjeeling Collected in Darjeeling in 1987 and sent to Monte Westerfield
at Oregon. A much faster swimmer than other wild-type
strains. Used extensively for mapping as it contains many
polymorphic markers.
Ekkwill (EKW) From Ekkwill breeders in Florida and maintained in Grunwald
lab, University of Utah.
Hong Kong Stock obtained from a Hong Kong fish dealer.
HK/AB Hybrid of Hong Kong and AB wild-type lines
HK/Sing Hybrid of Hong Kong and Singapore wild-type lines.
India Stock obtained from expedition to Darjeeling (wild isolate).
Indonesia Stock obtained from Indonesian fish dealer.
Nadia Wild-caught about 40 miles east of Calcutta. The fish were
collected from stagnant ponds and flood plains. Imported in
1999 by a wholesaler in Oregon. Established in the Oregon
laboratory from an initial breeding of about ten individuals.
Singapore Stock obtained from Singapore fish dealer.
SJA sjA is an inbred line of *AB isolated at the Stephen L.
Johnson Lab, Washington University Medical School. Unlike
*AB, which is bred to retain polymorphisms, this subline is
bred to reduce polymorphism and is at least 85%
SJD Isolated at the Stephen L. Johnson Lab.
Wild-type short fins. Strain used by Sanger for the zebrafish
sequencing project. It was cleaned up to remove embryonic
lethal mutations from the background before being used for
mutagenesis and sequencing.
Tübingen long fin Homozygous for leot1, a recessive mutation causing spotting
in adult fish,and lofdt2 a dominant homozygous viable
mutation causing long fins. This is not the line used in the
Sanger zebrafish sequencing project. It is genetically different
from TU because it was bred differently and not "cleaned up,"
and therefore retains a lot of polymorphisms.
WIK Derived from wild catch in India and used for genome
Fig.1. The natural distribution of the zebrafish. Major river systems indicated.
Black dots indicate recorded occurrences.
Fig. 2. Female zebrafish a) before and b) after being housed
alone for 3 weeks. The belly of the females increased, on
average, by 69 ± 24 % (n=10).