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Effect of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem and regenerative cells on lameness in dogs with chronic osteoarthritis of the coxofemoral joints: A randomized, double-blinded, multicenter, controlled trial

  • Peak Performance Veterinary Group

Abstract and Figures

Autologous stem cell therapy in the field of regenerative veterinary medicine involves harvesting tissue, such as fat, from the patient, isolating the stem and regenerative cells, and administering the cells back to the patient. Autologous adipose-derived stem cell therapy has been commercially available since 2003, and the current study evaluated such therapy in dogs with chronic osteoarthritis of the hip. Dogs treated with adipose-derived stem cell therapy had significantly improved scores for lameness and the compiled scores for lameness, pain, and range of motion compared with control dogs. This is the first randomized, blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial reporting on the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in dogs.
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Veterinary Therapeutics Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2007
Effect of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem
and Regenerative Cells on Lameness in Dogs with
Chronic Osteoarthritis of the Coxofemoral Joints:
A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Multicenter,
Controlled Trial*
Linda L. Black, DVM, PhD
James Gaynor, DVM, MS, DACVA, DAAPM
Dean Gahring, DVM, DACVS
Cheryl Adams, DVM, CVA
Vet-Stem, Inc.
12860 Danielson Court, Suite B
Poway, CA 92064
Animal Anesthesia & Pain Management Center
5520 North Nevada Avenue, Suite 150
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
San Carlos Veterinary Hospital
8618 Lake Murray Boulevard
San Diego, CA 92119
Autologous stem cell therapy in the field of regenerative veterinary medicine in-
volves harvesting tissue, such as fat, from the patient, isolating the stem and re-
generative cells, and administering the cells back to the patient. Autologous adi-
pose-derived stem cell therapy has been commercially available since 2003, and
the current study evaluated such therapy in dogs with chronic osteoarthritis of the
hip. Dogs treated with adipose-derived stem cell therapy had significantly improved
scores for lameness and the compiled scores for lameness, pain, and range of mo-
tion compared with control dogs. This is the first randomized, blinded, placebo-con-
trolled clinical trial reporting on the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in dogs.
Advances in understanding of the biology of
adult stem cells have attracted the attention of
the biomedical research community, including
those studying osteoarthritis (OA).
gous adult stem cells are immunologically
compatible, can be harvested from a variety of
sources, including bone marrow and adipose
and have no ethical issues related to
*This study was sponsored by Vet-Stem, Inc., Poway,
California. Correspondence should be directed to
Dr. Black (
Dennis Aron, DVM, DACVS
Susan Harman, AHT, BS
Daniel A. Gingerich, DVM, MS
Robert Harman, DVM, MPVM
Arboretum View Animal Hospital
2551 Warrenville Road
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Veterinary Surgical Specialists of San Diego
5610 Kearny Mesa Road, Suite B
San Diego, CA 92111
Turtle Creek Biomedical Consulting
2219 Wilmington Road
Lebanon, OH 45036
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
L. L. Black, J. Gaynor, D. Gahring, C. Adams, D. Aron, S. Harman, D. A. Gingerich, and R. Harman
healing score, and collagen oligomeric matrix
protein scores in an equine tendonitis model.
Used commercially on more than 2,500 horses
with no significant systemic adverse events re-
ported and less than 0.5% local tissue reactions
(as of December 12, 2006), autologous AD-
MSC therapy has been shown to be reasonably
safe and therapeutically successful.
A number of recent publications provide ev-
idence of therapeutic success with stem cell
therapy in tendon or ligament injuries and de-
generative joint disease in other species.
Nathan and colleagues demonstrated that AD-
MSCs in a fibrin carrier were able to fill osteo-
chondral defects created in rabbit femoral
condyles better than fibrin carrier alone, and
the biomechanical performance of the AD-
MSC–treated group was clearly superior as
In a model of OA in the goat, BM-MSC
therapy resulted in regeneration of the menis-
cal tissue and retardation of the normal pro-
gression of OA seen in the model.
ed joints had marked meniscal regeneration
with implantation of the BM-MSCs and a re-
duction in degeneration of the articular carti-
lage, osteophyte remodeling, and subchondral
sclerosis. Based on scientific evidence and the
therapeutic success in horses, veterinarians are
now beginning to use regenerative medicine to
treat similar conditions in dogs, including OA.
OA is the most common cause of chronic
pain in dogs, with more than 20%, or 10 to
12 million dogs, afflicted in the United States
at any time.
OA is characterized by degen-
eration of the articular cartilage, with loss of
matrix, fibrillation, and formation of fissures,
and can result in complete loss of the cartilage
Chondrocytes, the only cells of ar-
ticular cartilage, maintain homeostatic synthe-
sis and degradation of the extracellular matrix
via the secretion of macromolecular compo-
nents (collagen, glycosaminoglycans, and
hyaluronic acid) and modulation of the extra-
their use. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) de-
rived from bone marrow (BM-MSCs) and adi-
pose tissue (AD-MSCs) are the most highly
characterized and are considered comparable.
Both have demonstrated broad multipotency
with differentiation into a number of cell line-
ages, including adipo-, osteo-, and chondro-
cytic lineages.
However, the easy and repeat-
able access to subcutaneous adipose tissue, the
simple isolation procedure, and the approxi-
mately 500-fold greater numbers of fresh
MSCs derived from equivalent amounts of fat
versus bone marrow provide a clear advantage
in using AD-MSCs over BM-MSCs.
AD-MSCs can also be easily cryopreserved.
The area of AD-MSC use for regenerative
medicine has been the focus of many recent re-
views, underlining the rapid pace of this
Isolation of cells from adipose tissue
entails mincing and washing, followed by col-
lagenase digestion and centrifugation.
pellet formed from centrifugation is deemed
the stromal vascular fraction (SVF), which is
resuspended and used as the treatment modal-
ity. The SVF contains a heterogenous mixture
of cells including fibroblasts, pericytes, en-
dothelial cells, circulating blood cells, and AD-
As a result of the cells minimally
manipulated” nature, many autologous stem
cell therapies do not require an FDA drug ap-
proval application.
Veterinarians have used autologous AD-
MSCs to treat tendon and ligament injuries and
joint disease in horses on a commercial basis
since 2003.
Studies and anecdotal clinical
experience with more than 2,500 horses demon-
strate that autologous AD-MSC therapy helps
horses with tendon and ligament injuries.
a blinded, placebo-controlled study, Dahlgren
and Nixon and colleagues demonstrated statisti-
cally significant improvement in inflammatory
cell infiltrate, collagen fiber uniformity, polar-
ized collagen fiber crimping, overall tendon
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
Veterinary Therapeutics Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2007
cellular matrix turnover. Chondrocyte secre-
tion and release of lytic and tissue-damaging
mediators (cytokines, free radicals, proteases,
prostaglandins) are controlled by a balance of
anabolic and reparative substances (growth
factors, inhibitors of catabolic cytokines) and
inhibitors of degradative enzymes.
In OA,
there exists an overproduction of destructive
and proinflammatory mediators relative to the
inhibitors, resulting in a balance in favor of ca-
tabolism rather than anabolism, which in turn
leads to the progressive destruction of articular
Scientific studies and clinical experience
with OA therapy in dogs suggest that NSAIDs,
the current cornerstone of care, often do not
provide complete pain relief.
In contrast
to drug therapy, cellular therapies such as
AD-MSC therapy do not rely on a single tar-
get receptor or pathway for their action. Cel-
lular therapy functions trophically by secret-
ing cytokines and growth factors
and by
recruiting endogenous cells to the injured
site, and it may promote cellular differentia-
tion into the resident lineages.
MSCs com-
municate” with the cells of their local envi-
ronment, can suppress immunoreactions, and
inhibit apoptosis, and new data now demon-
strate that BM-MSCs can deliver new mito-
chondria to damaged cells, thereby rescuing
aerobic metabolism.
Taken together, AD-
MSCs respond to the local microenvironment
in a manner that in many cases is demon-
strated to enhance healing. The purpose of
this blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled,
multicenter study was to evaluate the clinical
effect of a single intraarticular injection of
adipose-derived stem and regenerative cells in
dogs with lameness associated with OA of the
coxofemoral joints.
Study Population
Four companion animal regional referral
veterinary practices in the San Diego area,
Chicago, and Colorado Springs participated in
this randomized, double-blinded, placebo-
controlled trial that included outpatient dogs
with OA of the coxofemoral joint. Twenty-one
dogs (14 females and 7 males) ranging in age
from 1 to 11 years were recruited based on the
presence of bilateral coxofemoral joint OA
with a minimum duration of 6 months. The
breeds included Akita, boxer, German shep-
herd mix, Gordon setter, Great Pyrenees,
Labrador retriever, rottweiler, schnauzer mix,
standard poodle, Aussie mix, collie mix, gold-
en retriever, puli, and Weimaraner; body
weights ranged from 25 to 110 lb.
Before enrollment, all dogs underwent rou-
tine clinical chemistry and hematology evalua-
tion to ensure overall health. Study animals
demonstrated gait changes characteristic of
OA, including persistent lameness at a walk
and trot, pain on passive manipulation of the
affected joint(s), and limited range of motion
with pain at less than full range of passive mo-
tion. Finally, dogs demonstrated functional
Veterinarians have used autologous adipose-derived
mesenchymal stem cells to treat tendon and ligament
injuries and joint disease in horses on a commercial
basis since 2003.
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
L. L. Black, J. Gaynor, D. Gahring, C. Adams, D. Aron, S. Harman, D. A. Gingerich, and R. Harman
disabilities, including level of stiffness as meas-
ured by willingness to walk and run.
Each qualified case demonstrated pretreat-
ment radiographic evidence of degenerative
joint disease of grade 2 or higher on the fol-
lowing radiographic scoring scale:
0 = Normal joint
1 = Radiographic evidence of instability; no
degenerative change
2 = Mild degenerative change (occasional os-
3 = Moderate degenerative change (osteo-
phytes, subchondral sclerosis)
4 = Severe degenerative change (osteophytes,
subchondral sclerosis, bone remodeling)
Dogs were excluded from the study if they
had a history of coxofemoral joint surgery; very
severe hip dysplasia with functional luxation; a
history of spontaneous luxation or a likelihood
of spontaneous luxation during the 6 months
of the study; concurrent disease, such as a fun-
gal, bacterial, or viral infection; malignant neo-
plasia; or any severe systemic disease that would
confound interpretation of treatment effects.
Dogs on concomitant therapy, such as
NSAIDs, were required to be on these medica-
tions for at least 14 days before enrollment in
the study and to remain on the drugs at the
same level throughout the study. Hyaluronic
acid and polysulfated glycosaminoglycan injec-
tions and such alternative treatments as chiro-
practic and acupuncture, if used, were discon-
tinued in all dogs in both groups for 10 days
before enrollment in the study and were not
administered during either phase of the study
period. Two dogs were disqualified during the
study because of inadvertent administration or
removal of NSAIDs, which would preclude
To be eligible, the dogs had to be cared for by
attentive owners who agreed by informed con-
sent to participate in this clinical study, to follow
a set schedule of veterinary appointments, and
to observe their dog for the entire study period.
The in-house laboratory at Vet-Stem pre-
pared the test treatment material for each study
dog. Lab technicians isolated autologous AD-
MSCs and regenerative cells from a minimum
of 23 g of fat collected from each dog by the
investigator. Adipose was collected from both
treatment and control dogs to maintain blind-
ing. Laboratory personnel provided the test
and control material to the investigator in two
covered, sterile 1-ml syringes. Each dog re-
ceived either 0.6 ml of phosphate buffered
saline (PBS; control dogs) or a suspension of
4.2 million (MM) to 5 MM (depending on
cell yield) viable cells prepared from the dog’s
own fat tissue in 0.6 ml PBS/joint. The veteri-
narians injected the hip joints at the midpoint
of the proximal edge of the greater trochanter
of the femur. One dog received 4.2 MM viable
cells/joint; all other dogs received 5 MM
cells/joint. The adipose samples from the con-
trol animals were also processed, and the viable
nucleated cells were cryopreserved for use later.
Laboratory technicians also prepared and
archived a sample of the cell preparation from
each case for additional study and prepared
two saline syringes to flush the test or control
article through the needle. The Vet-Stem clini-
cal document coordinator prepared random-
ization sheets that were stratified by investiga-
tional center to ensure balance between treated
(Group A) and control (Group B) dogs within
centers. Dogs were assigned to a group during
the receiving process for the sample according
to the randomization sheet for the investigator.
The Vet-Stem clinical document coordinator
maintained the administration code through-
out the study until the day 90 examination was
concluded or in the event an animal was with-
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
Veterinary Therapeutics Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2007
drawn from the study.
Dogs in Group A received a single intraar-
ticular injection of the fresh test treatment ma-
terial in each hip joint on day 0, and dogs in
Group B received a single intraarticular injec-
tion of the placebo material in each hip on day
0. Neither the owners nor the investigators had
knowledge of group assignments.
Owners were counseled to leash-walk their
dogs twice daily. However, one dog in the test
group was allowed to run and one had free run
of a large pen. One control dog was leash-
walked and allowed to swim.
Stem and Regenerative Cell Preparation
Adipose Tissue Collection
Adipose tissue was collected from the ab-
dominal, inguinal, or thoracic wall regions of
the dog. A small surgical incision (5 cm) was
made aseptically after the patient was anes-
thetized. The adipose tissue was resected by
scalpel or surgical scissors and placed into a la-
beled sterile tube containing 15 ml of PBS.
The sample tube was placed in a validated,
temperature-controlled 2˚C transport box spe-
cially fitted with a frozen cold pack and
shipped by overnight express courier to the
Vet-Stem laboratory for processing.
Tissue Processing and Stem
and Regenerative Cell Isolation
Adipose tissue was washed with PBS, then
minced and washed several times with PBS to
remove debris and excess blood. The minced tis-
sue was mixed well. Enzymatic digestion was
performed by use of a combination of collage-
nase and hyaluronidase at 37˚C for 50 minutes
with agitation. The mixture was centrifuged at
400 ×g for 15 minutes, and the cell pellet was re-
suspended in PBS a total of four times. An
aliquot of the final cell suspension was assessed
for viability (trypan blue exclusion method) and
total nucleated cell yield. This constitutes the
SVF preparation. Vet-Stem internal data
demonstrate that the mean CFU–fibroblast
(CFU-F) percentage for canine regenerative cells
is 1.72%, which is within the reported range of
1% to 4% CFU-F
for human AD-MSCs and
far greater than the 0.001% to 0.01% CFU-F
reported for human bone marrow.
Recent phe-
notypic cluster of differentiation (CD) marker
analysis data reported from three independent
laboratories demonstrate an approximate mean
of 30% AD-MSC (CD34
, CD31
, CD146
in human SVF and approximately 1% to 10%
other progenitor cell types, including a peri-
cyte cell fraction.
Canine fresh SVF contains
approximately 85.6% mononuclear cells that
do not fall into the hematopoietic lineage. Fur-
ther characterization of canine SVF will be com-
pleted as canine CD marker reagents become
Veterinary evaluation incorporated history,
physical examination, and lameness examina-
tion including joint mobility and notation of
pain on manipulation, a modified version of
Based on the scientific evidence and the therapeutic
success in horses, veterinarians are now beginning
to use regenerative medicine in similar conditions
for dogs, including OA.
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
L. L. Black, J. Gaynor, D. Gahring, C. Adams, D. Aron, S. Harman, D. A. Gingerich, and R. Harman
published criteria.
Clinical outcome measures
were based on veterinary orthopedic examina-
tion evaluation using a numerical rating scale
based on a standardized questionnaire (Figure
1). Baseline results for both owner and veteri-
nary evaluations were recorded between 2 and
14 days before the dogs received either the test
or control preparation by intraarticular injec-
tion. Follow-up visits to the veterinary clinic
were required at 30, 60, and 90 days after the
dog’s intraarticular injection. At each visit,
owners were also asked to complete a numeric
rating scale (1 [best] to 5 [worst]) as part of a
standard questionnaire adapted from the
Cincinnati Orthopedic Disability Index,
which included evaluation of the following 13
parameters: walk, run, jump, turning sudden-
ly, getting up from lying down, lying down
from standing, climbing stairs, descending
stairs, squatting to urinate or defecate, stiffness
in the morning, stiffness in the evening, diffi-
culty walking on slippery floors, and willing-
ness to play voluntarily.
Statistical Evaluation
The statistical significance of changes in
scores over time for each parameter in each
treatment group was tested by one-way repeated
measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). In the
rare instances in which the data were not nor-
mally distributed, results were substantiated by
the nonparametric Friedman repeated measures
ANOVA on rank sum test. Comparisons of re-
sponses between treatment and placebo groups
Persistent Ambulatory
non–weight- only with Non-
Not detectable Intermittent Persistent bearing assistance ambulatory
Mild pain Severe pain
No pain (attempts to withdraw limb) (immediate limb withdrawal)
Pain on
Pain only at Pain at less than Pain at any attempt
No limitation full range of motion full range of motion to manipulate joint
of motion
Dog does not
Slightly stiff Stiff, dog has Very stiff, dog want to walk,
gait, only noticeable does not want must be helped
noticeable difficulty walking to walk or run up, and
Normal activity on running or running unless coaxed will not run
1 23 45
Figure 1. Veterinary orthopedic examination assessment score sheet submitted at days 0, 30, 60, and 90.
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
Veterinary Therapeutics Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2007
were made by two-way repeated measures
ANOVA with treatment and time as grouping
variables. Post hoc comparisons were made by
the Tukey test. The data were analyzed using
commercially available statistical software (Sig-
maStat 3.5, Systat Software, Point Richmond,
CA) at the nominal .05 level of significance.
To determine the magnitude of the response,
the effect size, defined as the difference be-
tween the treatment and placebo response di-
vided by the standard deviation of the placebo
was calculated for each parameter at
each posttreatment evaluation time. Originally
developed for the behavioral sciences,
size is a unitless measure of the degree to which
the apparent treatment effect exceeds the
placebo effect, wherein an effect size of 0.2 or
less is considered a small” effect and 0.8 or
more is a “large” effect.
Eighteen dogs completed the 90-day study.
Two dogs were removed from the study as a re-
sult of either receiving or discontinuing an
NSAID, and one dog was lost from the study
because of other compounding medical issues.
Both test article and control article were well
tolerated by the dogs, with the exception of two
placebo-treated dogs, both from the same in-
vestigator, that demonstrated biting and
scratching at the injection sites of short dura-
tion. Each case resolved within 48 hours, and the
cause was postulated to be possible joint over-
extension during injection. There were no other
adverse events reported and no further issues
with these control dogs throughout the study.
Veterinary Evaluation
There were no significant (P > .05) differ-
ences by investigator for any outcome variable;
therefore, the data were pooled for further
analysis. At baseline, there were no significant
differences between the test and control groups
in terms of veterinarian or owner scores. After
treatment, veterinary orthopedic examination
scores for all parameters decreased over time in
the stem cell group and, to a lesser extent, in
the placebo group (Table 1).
The improvement in clinical scores was sta-
tistically significant in the stem cell group at all
posttreatment evaluation times for lameness at
walk and trot, pain on manipulation, and pain-
free range of motion (Table 1). Functional dis-
ability, a highly subjective evaluation (Figure 1),
added variance to the data that caused a lack of
significance at later time points. Control ani-
mals did not significantly improve over time for
lameness, pain on manipulation, or range of
motion. Veterinary assessment revealed greater
improvement from baseline for lameness at a
trot, pain on manipulation, and range of mo-
tion in test animals compared with placebo
controls (Figure 2). The combined scores for all
parameters measured are also shown in Figure
2. There was no correlation between an animal’s
weight and its improvement score.
To determine which of the orthopedic ex-
amination parameters were most responsive to
The improvement in clinical scores was statistically
significant in the stem cell group at all posttreatment
evaluation times for lameness at walk and trot, pain on
manipulation, and pain-free range of motion.
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
L. L. Black, J. Gaynor, D. Gahring, C. Adams, D. Aron, S. Harman, D. A. Gingerich, and R. Harman
stem cell therapy and the timing of the re-
sponses, the effect size was calculated for each
parameter at each time point. By this analysis,
lameness at the trot, pain on manipulation,
and range of motion were the most responsive,
with large effect sizes (>0.8) at all posttreat-
ment times. Comparison of average effect sizes
by parameter are presented in Figure 3. The
overall effect size was 1.34, which is considered
a large effect in orthopedics.
Owner Evaluation
Overall, owners with treated dogs evaluated
their dogs to be more improved in the param-
eters scored, relative to owners with control
dogs (Figure 4). Five dogs were eliminated as a
result of multiple owner evaluations or com-
pounding clinical conditions that made it im-
possible for owners to accurately evaluate their
animals. Figure 4 demonstrates that treated
dogs had a higher percentage of improvement
overall (all scores combined) relative to control
animals, although data did not reach statistical
significance. Owners evaluated the dogs for the
parameters that affected their dog most. There-
fore, not all parameters were applicable to all
dogs. In review of the 13 parameters scored on
a 5-point scale, the control dogs had 1.9 pa-
rameters that improved by 2 or more points,
whereas the test dogs had almost 4.7 parame-
ters that improved by 2 or more points.
Effective therapies for OA have been slow in
developing, and many dogs continue to suffer
with chronic pain associated with OA, even
with multimodal treatment protocols. Results
of this double-blind, placebo-controlled study
demonstrate that AD-MSC therapy resulted
in improved orthopedic examination scores as
assessed by skilled veterinarians. Treated dogs’
lameness, range of motion, and pain on ma-
nipulation, as well as their overall combined
scores, significantly improved over time and
TABLE 1. Stem Cell Therapy Improves Orthopedic Examination Scores
in Dogs with Bilateral Hip Osteoarthritis (mean ± SEM; n = 18)
(Range) Treatment Baseline 30 Days P Value* 60 Days: P Value* 90 Days: P Value*
Lameness Stem cell 2.44 ± 0.34 1.7 ± 0.2 .037 1.56 ± .034 .015 1.56 ± 0.29 .015
at walk (1–6)
Control 2.11 ± 0.20 1.9 ± 0.3 NS 2.00 ± 0.33 NS 1.89 ± 0.26 NS
Lameness Stem cell 2.89 ± 0.20 1.8 ± 0.3 <.001 1.78 ± 0.32 <.001 1.56 ± 0.24 <.001
at trot (1–6)
Control 2.22 ± 0.15 1.9 ± 0.2 NS 1.89 ± 0.31 NS 1.89 ± 0.26 NS
Pain on manip- Stem cell 2.22 ± 0.15 1.2 ± 0.1 <.001 1.56 ± 0.18 .003 1.44 ± 0.18 .010
ulation (1–3)
Control 2.00 ± 0.17 1.9 ± 0.2 NS 1.89 ± 0.20 NS 1.89 ± 0.20 NS
Range of Stem cell 2.89 ± 0.20 1.7 ± 0.2 .001 1.89 ± 0.26 .009 1.89 ± 0.11 .009
motion (1–4)
Control 2.33 ± 0.17 2.0 ± 0.2 NS 2.11 ± 0.20 NS 2.33 ± 0.24 NS
Functional Stem cell 2.67 ± 0.24 1.4 ± 0.2 .011 1.78 ± 0.32 NS 1.89 ± 0.35 NS
disability (1–5)
Control 2.44 ± 0.18 1.8 ± 0.2 .033 1.78 ± 0.22 .033 1.89 ± 0.26 NS
*P value vs baseline; one-way repeated measures analysis of variance.
NS = not significant.
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
Veterinary Therapeutics Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2007
improved relative to control animals. In this
study, owner evaluation scores, although im-
proving, did not reach significance. Circum-
stances created difficulty in interpretation of
the owner data, including one household that
introduced a new puppy that reportedly en-
= .023*
P = .008*
P = .001*
P = .021*
P = .004*
P = .015*
P = .005*
P = .139*
P = .164*
= .099*
P = .029*
= .004*
0 60 90
Days after Treatment
Improvement in Score (%)
Lameness at Trot
Lameness and Composite Scores Were Significantly Improved in Treated Dogs
Stem Cell
*vs. Placebo
300 60 90
Days after Treatment
Improvement in Score (%)
Pain on Manipulation
300 60 90
Days after Treatment
Improvement in Score (%)
Composite Score
300 60 90
Days after Treatment
Improvement in Score (%)
Range of Motion
Figure 2. Percentage of improvement (mean ± SEM) in lameness at the trot, pain on manipulation, and range of mo-
tion and in all scores combined (composite score) for all parameters in stem cell–treated and control dogs. Treated dogs im-
proved significantly relative to control dogs in terms of lameness at the trot and composite score. P values are vs. controls.
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
couraged more spontaneous
play on the part of a control dog
and one test dog with a concur-
rent elbow condition that made
isolation of the hip parameters
difficult for the owner.
Results of this study again il-
lustrate the value of systemati-
cally applied clinical scoring
systems in detecting therapeutic
effects. Effect size analysis,
which was possible because of
the double-blind, placebo-con-
trolled design of the study, is
particularly convincing. Al-
though there are few reports in
veterinary orthopedics with
which to compare the present
results, similar effect sizes were
reported in a clinical trial of another interven-
tion in orthopedic conditions in dogs.
It is
also useful to note that the overall effect size for
stem cell therapy under conditions described
was 1.34, which is much higher than the ag-
gregate effect size of 0.44 for glucosamine in
humans with OA.
The current study design employs a subjec-
tive numerical rating scale for veterinarians to
assess degree of lameness. Although controver-
sy exists as to how subjective scoring systems
compare with objective gait analysis, subjective
lameness score data have correlated well in cas-
es of acute and chronic lameness of the stifle
and in dogs that underwent total hip
replacement for OA.
Quinn and colleagues
recently studied this question in detail and
demonstrated that subjective scoring scales are
not a replacement for force plate analysis.
However, subjective scoring systems are useful
in clinical settings in which force plate analysis
is impractical, such as the multicenter setting
of this trial. The blinded nature of the study
ensures that veterinary bias is negligible; al-
most all dogs were evaluated by one veterinar-
ian throughout all time points, and the scores
reported for all dogs were based on solid exam-
ination findings. We have follow-up studies
designed to evaluate the effects of AD-MSC
therapy using force-plate analysis in a con-
trolled environment.
This study was designed to evaluate the clini-
cal effects of AD-MSC therapy on OA and not
to determine the molecular mechanisms. How-
ever, many published in vitro and in vivo studies
have explored these mechanisms. The im-
munomodulatory effects of BM-MSCs are well
documented and represent one therapeutic
mechanism in which AD-MSCs may func-
AD-MSC therapy can ameliorate se-
vere graft-versus-host disease in people.
are well known to secrete cytokines and growth
factors and may stimulate recovery in a paracrine
Specifically, Ortiz and colleagues re-
cently reported that BM-MSCs secrete inter-
leukin-1 (IL-1) receptor antagonist (IL-1ra),
which they determined to be the specific mech-
anism that reduced inflammation and fibrosis in
L. L. Black, J. Gaynor, D. Gahring, C. Adams, D. Aron, S. Harman, D. A. Gingerich, and R. Harman
at Walk
Large” Effect
at Trot
Effect Size
Pain on
Range of
Overall Effect Size Was 1.34, a Large Effect in Orthopedics
Figure 3. Mean effect size for all individual orthopedic examination meas-
urements and combined score for stem cell–treated dogs. Data are expressed as
the average effect size at three posttreatment time points for each parameter.
Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
Veterinary Therapeutics Vol. 8, No. 4, Winter 2007
a mouse model of lung injury.
IL-1 is known to
play a significant role in joint disease and is be-
lieved to be high in the cytokine cascade in all
animal species for which it has been studied.
Inhibiting IL-1 with IL-1ra has been shown to
play a beneficial role in equine OA
therefore, is a likely mechanism by which AD-
MSCs may mediate their effect in canine OA.
Finally, cell-based tissue regeneration may play a
role similar to that seen in the rabbit model of
osteochondral defects.
One could imagine that
the AD-MSCs may engraft in synovium or in
cartilaginous lesions and either influence the lo-
cal cells to differentiate into cartilage or the AD-
MSCs themselves may differentiate into carti-
lage. Although the work by Nathan and
associates demonstrates that new cartilage was
other work reveals low levels of BM-
MSC engraftment in a model of spinal cord in-
Chopp and colleagues report that they
have no evidence that the clinical benefit of BM-
MSC therapy in the test rats was the result of dif-
ferentiation but suggest a different hypothesis;
that is, when these cells are placed in an environ-
ment of injury, they express cytokines and
growth factors that promote repair or activate
compensatory mechanisms and endogenous
stem cells within the tissue.
These trophic
mechanisms, rather than differentiation, are the
current prevailing theory regarding the clinical
benefits attributed to stem cell therapy.
Overall, dogs with OA of the coxofemoral
joint that were treated with intraarticular injec-
tion of AD-MSCs demonstrated statistically
significant improvement in lameness compared
with a blinded, saline-injected control group
and significant improvement over time from
baseline. Indeed, three of these dogs had own-
ers who were considering euthanasia because of
their animals pain and functional disability.
These dogs are now living relatively pain free.
The desired clinical outcome for a new treat-
ment modality is better control of patient dis-
comfort and increased functional ability. This
multicenter study shows that intraarticular ad-
ministration of adipose-derived stem and re-
generative cell therapy decreases patient dis-
comfort and increases patient functional ability.
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Property of Veterinary Learning Systems. Cannot be reprinted or reproduced without permission of VLS.
... Vilar et al. (2013) demonstrated, in a canine model of OA, that an intra-articular injection of AD-MSCs (from allogenic canine adipose tissue derived MSCs) led to an improvement in limb function. Black et al. (2007) reported that an intra-articular injection of AD-MSCs led to better orthopaedic tests results. Several studies have investigated the mechanism of function of the conditioned medium (CM) in OA therapy. ...
... Recent publications show that the intravenous application of stem cells does not allow direct access to joints or tissues, this method of application is currently not recommended in the field of orthopaedics (Harting et al. 2009). The authors conducted a study in 21 dogs with chronic hip OA (at least more than 6 months) (Black et al. 2007). Dogs treated with the intra-articular administration of autologous MSCs showed a significant decrease in pain, lameness scores and showed a higher range of motion of the joints compared to the control group (Black et al. 2007). ...
... The authors conducted a study in 21 dogs with chronic hip OA (at least more than 6 months) (Black et al. 2007). Dogs treated with the intra-articular administration of autologous MSCs showed a significant decrease in pain, lameness scores and showed a higher range of motion of the joints compared to the control group (Black et al. 2007). ...
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The most common orthopaedic developmental disease in dogs is hip dysplasia. This condition results in coxofemoral laxity due to incongruity and lack of stabilisation of the joint by the soft tissues. Currently, there is no therapeutic plan to correct hip dysplasia without surgical intervention at a very early age. The goal of the non-surgical treatment is to relieve pain and stiffness and to increase the muscle strength, usually through hydrotherapy and the beneficial physical properties of water. Recently, there has been growing interest in regenerative medicine, which involves the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and their products to alleviate the characteristic clinical symptoms of osteoarthritis (OA). In vivo studies with canine MSCs have shown that an intra-articular injection of MSCs into cartilage lesions leads to the excellent regeneration of the hyaline cartilage. Regenerative medicine has undergone rapid development in recent years thanks to new therapies based on the application and combination of innovative biomaterials. One of the first known regenerative methods to be used in clinical practice was platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This review summarises the use and potential of MSCs and PRP, including their in vitro properties, their therapeutic effects in the treatment of cartilage lesions in preclinical in vivo studies, their clinical efficacy in the treatment of naturally occurring OA in dogs, and the current limitations of the studies.
... Stem cell therapy in veterinary medicine has been applied in the treatment of various clinical conditions that affect both small and large animals (Santos, 2023a). These include neurological sequelae of distemper (Santos, 2019a), feline gingivitis stomatitis (Assis, 2017), inflammatory bowel lesions (Cristóbal, 2021), spinal cord aplasia (Santos, 2023b), eye lesions (Villatoro, 2015), kidney disease (Santos, 2020), dermatological lesions (Villatoro, 2018), tendon lesions (Smith, 2005), laminitis (Mendes, 2021), osteoarthritis (Black, 2007), spinal cord trauma (Mukhamedshina, 2019), feline asthma (Santos, 2024a) and canine bronchitis (Santos, 2024b). Currently, several companies around the world are making this new therapeutic approach available, including VetStem (United States), Stem Cell Vet (England), and CELLTROVET (Brazil), which shows that stem cell therapy is already a reality in the veterinary medical market. ...
... This study assessed improvement in lameness, pain, and range of motion scores compared to control dogs. Stem cells were transplanted via the intra-articular route resulting in a significant improvement in lameness, reduced discomfort, and increased functional capacity of the patient compared to the control group (Black, 2007). ...
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A fístula perianal é uma lesão inflámatória cônica, progressiva e dolorosa que apresenta um quadro de ulceração nas regiões anal e perianal. Os tratamentos atuais consistem na limpeza do local e analgêsicos ou uma abordagem cirúrgica. Atualmente a terapia com células-tronco vem sendo utilizada com sucesso no tratamento de diversas doenças que acomentem os pequenos e grandes animais. O trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a segurança e eficácia da terapia com células progenitoras adultas multipotentes no tratamento de fistula perianal em cães. No presente estudo forma selecionados doze cães que apresentavam um quadro de fístula perianal a pelo menos seis meses, sendo refratários ao tratamento com ciclosporina A. Os pacientes foram submetidos ao transplante celular com células-tronco alogênicas de forma a determinar sua segurança e eficácia terapêutica. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que esta nova metodologia pode resultar na recuperação da qualidade de vida dos pacientes.
... Na medicina veterinária a terapia com células-tronco vem sendo utilizada com sucesso no tratamento de diversas condições clínicas que acometem tanto os pequenos como grandes animais (Santos, 2023). Dentre estas temos a sequela neurológica de cinomose (Santos, 2019), gengivite estomatite felina (Assis, 2017), lesões inflamatórias intestinais (Cristóbal, 2021), lesões oculares (Villatoro, 2015), lesões dermatológicas (Villatoro, 2018), lesões tendíneas (Smith, 2005), laminite (Mendes, 2021), osteoartrites (Black, 2007), trauma medular (Mukhamedshina, 2019), hipoplasia medular (Gatti, 2014), doença renal e aplasia medular . Com base nestes estudos inúmeras empresas têm disponibilizado ao mercado veterinária está nova abordagem terapêutica dentre as quais temos a VetStem (Estados Unidos da América), Stem Cell Vet (Inglaterra), Vetherapy (Portugal) e CELLTROVET (Brasil). ...
... A terapia celular com células-tronco vem se mostrando, por meio de seus mecanismos de ação, extremamente promissora no tratamento de diversas doenças que acometem os cães como cinomose (Santos et al., 2019), displasia coxofemoral (Black et al., 2007), ceratoconjutivite seca (Wei et al., 2022), doença renal e aplasia medular (Gatti et al., 2014). O potencial reparativo das CPAMs-TAC permite que, uma vez introduzidas no organismo, adquiram a morfologia e funcionalidade de qualquer tipo celular possibilitando a restauração de tecido lesionado resultando na cura ou melhoria da qualidade de vida do paciente. ...
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A bronquite crônica canina é uma doença que se caracteriza por apresentar um quadro de inflamação crônica das vias aéreas, hipersecreção de muco e tosse crônica perdurando por períodos superiores a 2 meses de duração. Entretanto, as abordagens terapêuticas atuais vêm se mostrando pouco eficazes quanto a prevenção ou reversão de todos os aspectos patológicos da doença. Sendo assim, o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens terapêuticas que se apresentem seguras e eficazes, são de fundamental importância no tratamento de pacientes acometidos pela bronquite crônica canina. A terapia com células-tronco vem se apresentando ao mercado veterinário como uma opção terapêutica segura e eficaz no tratamento de diferentes doenças que acometem os pequenos e grandes animais. Desta forma, o presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar a segurança e eficácia do tratamento da bronquite crônica canina, por meio do transplante com células-tronco.
... A terapia com células-tronco está ganhando popularidade como um possível tratamento para várias condições em cães, incluindo osteoartrite, doenças autoimunes e lesões na medula espinhal (BLACK, 2007;ROSADO, 2017;RINALDI, 2014;KÖRBLING, 2003). O uso de células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs) autólogas demonstrou ser seguro e eficaz na redução da dor e da inflamação, melhorando a mobilidade e a qualidade de vida e promovendo o reparo de tecidos em cães (BLACK, 2007). ...
... A terapia com células-tronco está ganhando popularidade como um possível tratamento para várias condições em cães, incluindo osteoartrite, doenças autoimunes e lesões na medula espinhal (BLACK, 2007;ROSADO, 2017;RINALDI, 2014;KÖRBLING, 2003). O uso de células-tronco mesenquimais (MSCs) autólogas demonstrou ser seguro e eficaz na redução da dor e da inflamação, melhorando a mobilidade e a qualidade de vida e promovendo o reparo de tecidos em cães (BLACK, 2007). No entanto, a terapia com células-tronco tem seus riscos. ...
... Stem cell therapy in veterinary medicine has been applied in the treatment of various clinical conditions that affect both small and large animals (Santos, 2023a). These include neurological sequelae of distemper (Santos, 2019a), feline gingivitis stomatitis (Assis, 2017), inflammatory bowel lesions (Cristóbal, 2021), spinal cord aplasia (Santos, 2023b), eye lesions (Villatoro, 2015), kidney disease (Santos, 2020), dermatological lesions (Villatoro, 2018), tendon lesions (Smith, 2005), laminitis (Mendes, 2021), osteoarthritis (Black, 2007), spinal cord trauma (Mukhamedshina, 2019), feline asthma (Santos, 2024a) and canine bronchitis (Santos, 2024b). Currently, several companies around the world are making this new therapeutic approach available, including VetStem (United States), Stem Cell Vet (England), and CELLTROVET (Brazil), which shows that stem cell therapy is already a reality in the veterinary medical market. ...
... This study assessed improvement in lameness, pain, and range of motion scores compared to control dogs. Stem cells were transplanted via the intra-articular route resulting in a significant improvement in lameness, reduced discomfort, and increased functional capacity of the patient compared to the control group (Black, 2007). ...
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Feline asthma is a disease that is prevalent in young or middle-aged cats, with the main clinical signs being dry cough, mouth breathing, expiratory dyspnea, wheezing, cyanosis, crackles and weight loss. However, current therapeutic approaches have proven to be ineffective in preventing or reversing all pathological aspects of feline asthma. In this way, the development of new treatments for feline asthma that prove to be safe and effective are of fundamental importance for veterinary medicine. Stem cell therapy is presented to the market as a promising therapeutic approach since it has been shown to be safe and effective in the treatment of several diseases that affect both large and small animals. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the safety and efficacy of the treatment of feline asthma through stem cell transplantation, which mainly aims to obtain a methodology that allows the improvement of the quality of cats.
... In dogs, several clinical studies have shown positive short-term outcomes (two to six months) after autogenic SVF joint treatment. However, evaluation methods vary, with some studies using force plates for objective measurement and double-blinded evaluations, and others relying solely on subjective lameness scores [18][19][20][21][22]. Allogenic stem cells have also been reported for treatment of elbow dysplasia in dogs [10]. ...
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(1) Background: The aim of the current pilot study was to describe the long-term effects of a single intra-articular injection of autologous stromal vascular fraction (SVF) with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in dogs with confirmed elbow OA, using orthopedic lameness scoring and kinetic and kinematic gait analysis. For comparison of normal long-term variation of gait over time, a group of healthy control dogs (CDs) was also evaluated. (2) Methods: A prospective longitudinal clinical pilot study investigating 19 client-owned dogs with elbow OA (OADs) treated with SVF and PRP and eight CDs not receiving treatment. The OAD and CD groups were evaluated before and after 6 and at least 12 months following treatment with SVF and PRP (OAD group) and twice with a six-month interval (CD group), respectively, through orthopedic examinations, goniometry, and kinetic and kinematic analyses (seven variables). (3) Results: The OAD had an increase in fore–hind peak force symmetry ≥12 months after treatment (p < 0.05), but no other objective variables changed over time. Orthopedic consensus scores had improved at ≥six months follow-up evaluation (p < 0.05). None of the investigated gait variables had changed at ≥six months follow-up evaluation in the CD group. (4) Conclusions: The current study could not confirm a significant benefit from SVF and PRP treatment in OADs, but future studies should be conducted in order to fully evaluate the potential of the treatment. The improvement seen in fore–hindlimb symmetry may represent an improvement in gait or an incidental finding.
... Multipotent mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from bone marrow were first identified in 1961 [1]. Stem cells have since been actively researched for several years in both human and veterinary medicine, and commercial stem cell therapy for equine orthopedic diseases commenced in 2003 [2]. As a cornerstone of regenerative medicine, stem cell therapy has primarily been used to treat cellular damage and refractory diseases in dogs and cats [3]. ...
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Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy has been actively applied in veterinary regenerative medicine to treat various canine and feline diseases. With increasing emphasis on safe cell-based therapies, evaluations of their tumorigenic potential are in great demand. However, a direct confirmation of whether tumors originate from stem cells or host cells is not easily achievable. Additionally, previous studies evaluating injections of high doses of MSCs into nude mice did not demonstrate tumor formation. Recent research focused on optimizing MSC-based therapies for veterinary patients, such as MSC-derived extracellular vesicles in treating different diseases. This progress also signifies a broader shift towards personalized veterinary medicine, where treatments can be tailored to individual pets based on their unique genetic profiles. These findings related to different treatments using MSCs emphasize their future potential for veterinary clinical applications. In summary, because of lower tumor-associated risk of MSCs as compared to embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells, MSCs are considered a suitable source for treating various canine and feline diseases.
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The aim of this case report is to record the finding of leishmaniasis-causing parasites in mesenchymal stem cells from dogs from a non-endemic area, which were negative when submitted to the RIFI and ELISA tests, a fact that had not been documented until now. This demonstrates that this widely distributed and lethal zoonosis can escape traditional means of diagnosis and that stem cell therapy has the potential to be a source of transmission of the disease. Although the relative safety of stem cell therapy is presumed, the possible risks associated with its use, especially the risk of parasite transmission, cannot be ignored. It is therefore essential to develop rigorous screening and testing protocols to ensure the safety of stem cell therapy.
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Ensuring the safety of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy is a fundamental requirement in clinical practice. This study aimed to assess the safety of using gonadal tissue-derived MSCs (n = 10) compared to the commonly utilized adipose tissue-derived MSCs (n = 9) in geriatric dogs with chronic diseases. All participants received allogeneic MSC therapy, and no allergic reactions due to allogeneic cell immunogenicity were noted. Both groups showed no adverse changes in physical exams or hematological parameters before and after therapy. Importantly, there were no instances of tumor formation or growth post-treatment in either group. The findings demonstrated that dogs treated with gonadal tissue-derived MSCs experienced no clinical adverse effects. However, clinical adverse effects were reported in one case of adipose tissue-derived MSC therapy. Despite limitations in monitoring beyond one year and constraints due to a small and diverse patient group, this pioneering study validates the safe use of gonadal tissue-derived MSCs in aged companion animals. It underscores the potential of utilizing tissues from neutering procedures to advance regenerative medicine and expand cell banks and therapy options for companion animals.
Stromal vascular fraction (SVF) is an autologous biologic that has been used in treating musculoskeletal pathologies in animals and humans for two decades. SVF often is obtained by enzymatic digestion and has been used to treat osteoarthritic joints, tendinopathies, chronic wounds, scars, and in the areas of reconstructive surgery following mastectomy and other cosmetic dermatology conditions. Both manual and instrumented approaches are used in producing SVF for point of care treatments. The cellularity of SVF is an active area of investigation, which started with the discovery of the presence of adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (AD-MSCs) in human adipose tissue. Higher numbers of SVF cells used to treat knee OA were shown to improve outcomes, but additional characterization of progenitor cells, including AD-MSCs, in SVF is needed. Investigating the contribution of AD-MSC derived exosomes in attaining beneficial therapeutic outcomes could result in refining the use of SVF as a therapy. Establishing best practices for the use of autologous SVF will require the adoption of automated methods of production, and the performance of higher-level clinical studies with larger numbers of study participants. Efforts at commercialization of SVF therapy are underway, which will make this promising therapy more widely available in the future.
The goal of this study was to determine the incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in a large canine population. Patient information was obtained from clinical cases contributed to the Veterinary Medical Data Base (VMDB) by 16 veterinary teaching hospitals during the ten year period of 1980 through 1989. The relative contribution of bone diseases, joint diseases, and muscle-tendon-unit diseases was determined, and the incidence of each musculoskeletal disease reported. Nearly 24% of all patients in the source population had been affected by a disorder of the musculoskeletal system, and over 70% of those diagnoses involved appendicular structures. Diseases of joints, ligaments, and related structures contributed more cases (47%) to this study than diseases of bones (39%) or muscle-tendon-units (14%). Fractures made up the largest disease category, with pelvic fractures most common, followed by femoral fractures, and fractures of the radius and/or ulna. Joint instability and degenerative joint dis- ease were also common diagnosis categories, affecting primarily the hip and stifle joints. Common specific dis-ease entities included hip dysplasia, cruciate ligament rupture, traumatic hip luxation and patellar luxation. In this study we provided a comprehensive analysis of the canine musculoskeletal system. The relative importance of joint disorders compared to those of bones and muscle-tendon-units was illustrated. The incidence of most of the disorders described in this report had not been well documented previously. Patient information was obtained from the clinical cases of 16 veterinary teaching hospitals during a 10-year period. The number of dogs with musculoskeletal disorders was determined. The absolute and relative contribution of bone diseases, joint diseases, and muscle-tendon-unit diseases is reported as well as the incidence of the specific disease entities affecting the canine appendicular musculoskeletal system.
Carprofen (D,L-6-chlor-alphamethylcarbazole-2-acetic acid) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with demonstrated therapeutic activity in the relief of clinical signs of degenerative joint disease in laboratory animal models and in human trials. The double-blind clinical study, reported herein, compared the therapeutic efficacy of carprofen with that of a placebo, in the acute relief of clinical canine degenerative joint disease. Twohundred and nine cases were collected from 10 studies in three geographic regions of the USA. The results of logistic analysis showed that dogs treated with carprofen were 24.8 times more likely to receive a positive evaluation by the veterinarian than those treated with a placebo (p <0.01). The odds of showing improvement, when evaluated by the owners, were 13.4 times greater than placebo (p <0.01). The evaluation from the veterinarian and the owner had excellent agreement (Kappa = 0.997) for dogs treated with carprofen and good agreement (Kappa = 0.667) for those treated with the placebo. Regional differences in response rate were not found in these studies. This trial demonstrated that carprofen is efficacious, across geographic regions, in the acute relief of clinical signs associated with canine degenerative joint disease. Carprofen is a new anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) with analgesic potency. Side effects reported are few. Dogs with degenerative joint disease (DSD) treated with carprofen were 24.8 times more likely to respond favourably than placebo-treated dogs (p <0.01). This study concluded that carprofen is an effective NSAID in relieving the clinical signs of DSD in dogs.
Context Glucosamine and chondroitin preparations are widely touted in the lay press as remedies for osteoarthritis (OA), but uncertainty about their efficacy exists among the medical community.Objective To evaluate benefit of glucosamine and chondroitin preparations for OA symptoms using meta-analysis combined with systematic quality assessment of clinical trials of these preparations in knee and/or hip OA.Data Sources We searched for human clinical trials in MEDLINE (1966 to June 1999) and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register using the terms osteoarthritis, osteoarthrosis, degenerative arthritis, glucosamine, chondroitin, and glycosaminoglycans. We also manually searched review articles, manuscripts, and supplements from rheumatology and OA journals and sought unpublished data by contacting content experts, study authors, and manufacturers of glucosamine or chondroitin.Study Selection Studies were included if they were published or unpublished double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trials of 4 or more weeks' duration that tested glucosamine or chondroitin for knee or hip OA and reported extractable data on the effect of treatment on symptoms. Fifteen of 37 studies were included in the analysis.Data Extraction Reviewers performed data extraction and scored each trial using a quality assessment instrument. We computed an effect size from the intergroup difference in mean outcome values at trial end, divided by the SD of the outcome value in the placebo group (0.2, small effect; 0.5, moderate; 0.8, large), and applied a correction factor to reduce bias. We tested for trial heterogeneity and publication bias and stratified for trial quality and size. We pooled effect sizes using a random effects model.Data Synthesis Quality scores ranged from 12.3% to 55.4% of the maximum, with a mean (SD) of 35.5% (12%). Only 1 study described adequate allocation concealment and 2 reported an intent-to-treat analysis. Most were supported or performed by a manufacturer. Funnel plots showed significant asymmetry (P≤.01) compatible with publication bias. Tests for heterogeneity were nonsignificant after removing 1 outlier trial. The aggregated effect sizes were 0.44 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.24-0.64) for glucosamine and 0.78 (95% CI, 0.60-0.95) for chondroitin, but they were diminished when only high-quality or large trials were considered. The effect sizes were relatively consistent for pain and functional outcomes.Conclusions Trials of glucosamine and chondroitin preparations for OA symptoms demonstrate moderate to large effects, but quality issues and likely publication bias suggest that these effects are exaggerated. Nevertheless, some degree of efficacy appears probable for these preparations.
Heritability of hip dysplasia was estimated to be about 0.4 to 0.5 when based on the radiographic evaluations of the hip joints of 2,404 German Shepherd Dogs born at The Armed Forces Dog Training Center in Sweden. The material included all dogs in 401 litters born at the Center from 1965 through 1973 that reached the age of 15 months. To be expected with such high heritability, frequency of hip dysplasia in the offspring was shown to be affected by the hip joint status of sire and dam as well as by the hip joint status of their parents and littermates. Even matings between sires with normal hip joints and dams with only slight dysplasia resulted in significantly higher frequency of hip dysplasia in the offspring, when compared with the frequency if both sires and dams had normal hip joints. Frequency of hip dysplasia in the progeny of sires with normal hip joints varied greatly. Since 1973, selection of the breeding stock has been based on hip joint status (phenotype) of the breeding animals and of their relatives as well as on what had become known about frequency of hip dysplasia in the litters already born (progeny testing). In this way, frequency of hip dysplasia in 347 dogs born at the Center during 1975 was lowered to 28%. This figure should be compared with the figure of 50%, which represents the frequency of hip dysplasia in the kennel up to 1970, when selection was not as strict as could be expected in a well-controlled kennel.
Seventy dogs were included in a randomized, controlled, multicenter trial to test the efficacy of carprofen (2.2 mg/kg of body weight, PO, q 12 h) for relief of clinical signs associated with osteoarthritis. Thirty-six dogs received carprofen, and 34 received a placebo. Response of the dogs was evaluated by comparing results of force plate examination and a graded lameness examination performed before and immediately after 2 weeks of treatment, and by obtaining a subjective assessment of the dog's posttreatment condition from owners and participating veterinarians. A physical examination, CBC, serum biochemical analyses, urinalysis, and fecal occult blood test were performed before and after treatment to monitor safety. For force plate evaluation, the odds ratio was 3.3, meaning that a dog treated with carprofen was 3.3 times more likely to have a positive response than was a dog treated with the placebo. For evaluation by a veterinarian, the odds ratio was 3.5, and for owner evaluation, the odds ratio was 4.2. Institution where dogs were treated did not have a significant effect on results. A variety of reactions that may have been related to the medication (placebo or carprofen) were recorded; however, none were considered serious. Serum alanine aminotransferase activity was high in 3 dogs (2 that received placebo and 1 that received carprofen) at the conclusion of treatment; none of the 3 dogs were clinically ill. Ten dogs (5 that received placebo and 5 that received caprofen) had negative pretreatment and positive posttreatment fecal occult blood test results.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease of the articular cartilage associated with a variable degree of synovial inflammation which appears to play an important role in the pathophysiological process by interacting with and thereby accelerating catabolism. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) is a main contributor to these changes. Its action is mediated via binding to specific receptors on target cells. In human cells, two types of IL-1 receptors (IL-1R) have been characterized: the type I and the type II. Extensive characterization of IL-1R on both chondrocytes and synoviocytes demonstrated that the type I is predominant. Recent data suggested the importance of these receptors in OA pathophysiology. A two-fold increase in the number of sites per cell was found in OA cells, which resulted in a higher sensitivity of the latter cell to stimulation by IL-1. Understanding the elements involved in the regulation of these receptors will, therefore, provide a better insight for therapeutic strategy. Findings regarding IL-1 inhibitors, such as soluble IL-1R (sIL-1R) and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) offer exciting possibilities for controlling cytokine biology. Recent investigation of the IL-1ra system by our laboratory has explored its role in OA. Results from two studies will be discussed.
The pattern of vertical ground reaction force redistribution among limbs during episodes of acute synovitis of the stifle in 12 mixed-breed dogs was investigated as an adjunct to a blinded nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug efficacy study. Without regard to drug efficacy groupings, the redistribution of vertical forces before and during the acute synovitis episode was evaluated by analysis of gait, using a force platform. Acute synovitis was induced by intrasynovial injection of sodium urate crystals. Simultaneously, each dog was given 1 of 4 treatment regimens, including iv injection of sterile saline solution (as a negative control), phenylbutazone (as a positive control), or 1 of 2 proprietary nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Postinjection analyses took place at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 36 hours. The peak vertical force redistribution in the 3 untreated limbs of the dogs was described. The greatest redistribution was observed 4 hours after substance injection when the synovitis was clinically at maximum. Thereafter, there was steady improvement and the dogs had a clinically normal gait 24 hours after substance injection. During synovitis, peak vertical force increased in the contralateral hind limb. During the more severe synovitis episodes, force was decreased in both forelimbs. There was good correlation between severity of lameness and peak vertical force response in the contralateral hind limb. Results of the study indicate that the untreated limbs of the same animal should not be used as a control during acute lameness studies.
To measure synovial fluid (SF) levels of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) and to determine the capacity of SF neutrophils (PMN) to synthesize and release IL-1ra. A sensitive and specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure SF IL-1ra protein concentrations and IL-1ra production by isolated SF PMN: SF IL-1ra levels were elevated in 13 of 16 samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (mean 17.1 ng/ml), in 6 of 18 samples from patients with infectious or inflammatory, non-RA arthropathies (mean 10.6 ng/ml), and in none of 11 noninflammatory SF samples. SF IL-1ra levels correlated with SF PMN concentrations (r = 0.680, P < 0.00001). Isolated SF PMN contained preexisting IL-1ra protein in the absence of messenger RNA (mRNA). In addition, both lipopolysaccharide and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor induced modest increases in IL-1ra mRNA by cultured SF-PMN. IL-1ra levels are increased in > 80% of RA SF samples. SF PMN produce IL-1ra, possibly contributing to the levels of IL-1ra present within the SF.