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Phylogeny of the genus Lophozia (Dumort.) Dumort. s. str. inferred from nuclear and chloroplast sequences ITS1-2 and TRNL-F

  • Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden Institute of Kola Science Centre of Russian Academy of Science
  • Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institue of the Russian Academy of Sci

Abstract and Figures

Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees were constructed for 21 taxa of Lophozia s. str. and the related genera, Schistochilopsis (5 species), Protolophozia elongate, and Obtusifolium obtusum based on pooled nuclear ITS 1-2 and chloroplast trnL-F DNA sequences. The trees were characterized by similar topology. It was demonstrated that the genus Lophozia s. str. was monophyletic, excluding L. sudetica, which deserved isolation into a distinct cryptic genus. The species distribution among the clades disagreed with the sections distinguished based on anatomical and morphological data. The relationships within the genus Schistochilopsis were consistent with the sectioning of the genus, based on morphological characters. Analysis of molecular data provided more precise definition of the systematic position of a number of taxa. Small genetic divergence of geographically distant forms was demonstrated.
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ISSN 1022-7954, Russian Journal of Genetics, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 11, pp. 1306–1313. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2007.
Original Russian Text © A.A. Vilnet, I.A. Milyutina, N.A. Konstantinova, M.S. Ignatov, A.V. Troitsky, 2007, published in Genetika, 2007, Vol. 43, No. 11, pp. 1556–1564.
Liverworts represent the most ancient group of land
plants. Natural classification of this group is extremely
complicated due to the low number of anatomical and
morphological characters available for comparative
(Dumort.) Dumort. s. str. is one of
most polymorphic and problematic for identification
liverwort genus, especially in Arctic. The concept of
some species and intraspecific taxa is controversial.
Many taxa were described relatively recently. Further-
more, they are often known only from the type locali-
ties, or several more localities [1–4]. As a result, liver-
wort variation and phylogenetic relationships are
scarcely studied. At present, a gradual transition
towards more narrow concept of the genus
s. 1.
is observed. Contrary to the ideas of Schuster on the
genus size [1], many modern authors distinguish other
distinct genera,
(Muell. Frib.) H. Buch and
Loeske [5–8]. Most Russian authors
share the ideas of Schljakov [3], who, following the
narrow concept of the genera suggested by Scandina-
vian researchers [9, 10], in addition to the above genera,
also recognizes
H. Buch,
Buch) S. Arnell, and
H. Buch as isolated
genera. Furthermore, this author raises the subgenera
K. Müll. emend R. M. Schust. and
R. M. Schust. to the genus rank. Potemkin [11]
supports the recognition of
as a genus,
but with inclusion of the
into it with the
status of a section.
The arguments of the followers of either broad or
narrow concept of the genera, based on anatomical and
morphological characters, are briefly discussed by
Bakalin [4]. The existing arguments, however, are not
sufficiently conclusive to accept one or another concept
of the genera in
s. 1. Earlier, based on the
sequence data for the chloroplast DNA (cpDNA)
locus from the 47 species of the family Lophoziaceae,
it was demonstrated that the “narrow” concept of the
genera in this family was, probably, more correct [12].
In the present study, we tried to evaluate phylogenetic
relationships within the
s. str. and in related
taxa based on sequence analysis of the internal tran-
scribed spacer of nuclear rDNA (ITS1-2) and the
locus of cpDNA of a higher number of taxa of
s. str., as well as its close relatives,
, and
Taxon sampling.
DNA was extracted from the plants
selected from the herbarium specimens of Polar–
Alpine Botanical Garden–Institute (KPABG) of Kola
Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (table).
The analysis included 21 out of 33 taxa of the genus
s. str., indicated for the world [4], as well as
(5 species),
Protolophozia elongata
Phylogeny of the Genus
(Dumort.) Dumort. s. str.
Inferred from Nuclear and Chloroplast Sequences
ITS1-2 and TRNL-F
A. A. Vilnet
, I. A. Milyutina
, N. A. Konstantinova
, M. S. Ignatov
, and A. V. Troitsky
Polar–Alpine Botanical Garden–Institute of Kola Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Kirovsk, 184236, Russia; e-mail:;
Belozersky Institute of Physicochemical Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia;
Main Botanical Garden of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 127276 Russia; e-mail:
Received October 6, 2006
—Maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees were constructed for 21 taxa of
s. str. and the related genera,
(5 species),
Protolophozia elongata
, and
based on combined nuclear ITS1-2 and chloroplast
DNA sequences. The trees were character-
ized by similar topology. It was demonstrated that the genus
s. str. was monophyletic, excluding
L. sudetica
, which deserved isolation into a distinct cryptic genus. The species distribution among the clades
disagreed with the sections distinguished based on anatomical and morphological data. The relationships within
the genus
were consistent with the sectioning of the genus, based on morphological characters.
Analysis of molecular data provided more precise definition of the systematic position of a number of taxa.
A low level of genetic divergence of geographically distant forms was demonstrated.
Vol. 43
No. 11
Obtusifolium obtusum
. The species as
L. silvicoides
L. excisa
S. opacifolia
were represented by several
samples collected in different regions.
Anastrophyllum michauxii
, and
bus saxicola
were used as an outgroup.
DNA isolation and sequencing.
DNA was isolated
using either CTAB-based method [13], or the kit for
extraction of plant DNA, NucleoSpin Plant Kit (Mach-
erey-Nagel, Germany).
Amplification of ITS1-2 and 5.8S rDNA was done
using external and internal primers [14]. Amplification
of the
region was performed using a pair of
primers, which allowed production of the full-sized
intron and 3' exon sequences, as well as the
sequence of the
intergenic spacer [15].
The amplification profile was 3 min at 94
C, fol-
lowed by 30 cycles (94
C for 30 s, 58
C for 40 s, and
C for 60 s) with a final elongation at 72
C for 2 min.
The produced DNA fragments were analyzed by elec-
trophoresis in 1% agarose gel in 1
TAE buffer with
ethidium bromide. The samples were purified using the
GFX(PCR DNA kit and Gel Band Purification Kit
(Amersham Bioscience, United States).
DNA was sequenced using the method of cyclic
sequencing with the ABI PRISM (BigDye (Terminator
v. 3.1 reagent kit. The reactions were performed in the
Genome Center of Joint Use (Engelhardt Institute of
Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow) with further analysis of the reaction products
on the ABI PRISM 3100-Avant DNA automated
sequencer. The sequences determined were submitted
to the GenBank (table).
Phylogenetic analysis.
Nucleotide sequences
were aligned manually using the BioEdit software [16].
The trees were constructed using the methods of
maximum parsimony (MP) and maximum likelihood
(ML) as implemented in the TNT [17] and PHYML [18],
In the work with the TNT program the New Tech-
nology Search algorithms were used with the fivefold
reiterated minimal tree search and 500 jackknife repli-
cations with the removal 36% of the positions. Other
parameters were set as defaults. To calculate the
Bremer support index, the trees that were 20 steps
longer than the minimum tree were used.
To work with the PHYML program, an evolutionary
model of the GTR + G + I nucleotide substitutions cho-
sen by the ModelGenerator program [19] was selected.
Eight gamma density categories and 100 bootstrap rep-
lications were used. (Our previous experience of treat-
ing the sequences of similar length showed that the
bootstrap support values obtained at the increase of the
replications number up to 1000, differed from those at
100 replications no more than the bootstrap index val-
ues obtained in case of the independent tree construc-
The ITS1-2 and
sequences were determined
in 36 samples. The
sequences for
Lophozia sil-
vicola, L. sudetica, Schistochilopsis incisa
, and
folium obtusum
, used in our previous investigations
[12], were also included in the analysis.
For phylogenetic analysis, the ITS1-2 and
sequences were combined. The combined ITS1-2 and
sequences for
Lophozia polaris, L. silvicola,
L. silvicoloides
(Spitsbergen), and
Obtusifolium obtusum
were constructed by uniting sequence data from differ-
ent samples (table). Both
Schistochilopsis incisa
ples were represented only by the sequences of the
locus, while
Lophozia sudetica
was represented
by the ITS1-2 sequence (K41-5-04).
The overall alignment for 39 samples consisted of
1416 nucleotide pairs (bp), among which 57% posi-
tions were conservative, 39% were variable, and 27.5%
were parsimoniously informative. The
contains larger number of conservative sites, compared
to the ITS1-2 (69 and 51%, respectively), along with
the low number of variable (28 versus 46%) and parsi-
mony informative positions (20 versus 32%). Nucle-
otide composition is 24.2% (T), 24.5% (C), 23.8% (A),
and 27.5% (G).
Among the
, the shortest ITS1-2
sequence was found in
S. capitata
(787 bp), while
S. opacifolia
(832 bp) had the longest ITS1-2. Among
s. str., the shortest ITS1-2 was in
L. wen-
(795 bp), and the longest ITS1-2
was in
L. sudetica
(June 4, 1998) (821 bp).Taken
together, the length of the ITS1-2 fragment was longer in
the representatives of the clade, formed by
L. excisa,
L. propagulifera, L. polaris, L. polaris
L. longidens
, compared to other species of
str. (the Excisa clade, distinguished on phylogenetic
trees, see below).
The length of the
sequence varied from
453 bp in
Schistochilopsis grandiretis
to 498 bp in
S. laxa
due to the insertion in the hairpin P8 of the
intron. An analogous situation was observed in the
s. str. species: two insertions within the hair-
pin P8 increased the length of the
sequence up
to 497 bp in
Lophozia longidens, L. polaris
, and
L. polaris
, compared to the length of
this sequence in
L. austro-sibirica, L.
L. ventricosa
guttulata, L.
landica, L. wenzelii
groenlandica, L. wenzelii
L. wenzelii var. massularioides (463 bp).
Thus, the species forming the Excisa clade differed
from the other Lophozia s. str. by longer genomic
regions examined, which were formed due to the inser-
tions into ITS2 and P8.
VILNET et al.
A list of taxa used in the study with the indication of the herbarium vouchers and GenBank accession numbers
Sampling locality, collector,
KPABG herbarium number
GenBank accession number
trnL ITS
Anastrepta orcadensis (Hook.) Schiffn. Russia, Bury-atia, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875088 DQ875126
Anastrophyllum michauxii (F. Weber)
H. Buch
Russia, Bury-atia, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875087 DQ875125
Lophozia ascendens (Warnst.)
R. M. Schust.
Russia, Bury-atia, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875054 DQ875089
Lophozia austro-sibirica Bakalin Russia, Buryatia, V. A. Bakalin, B 15-9-99 DQ875069 DQ875105
Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort Spitsbergen, N. A. Konstantinova, 104-1-04 DQ875056 DQ875091
Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort. Murmansk region, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875057 DQ875092
Lophozia excisa (Dicks.) Dumort. Spitsbergen, N. A. Konstantinova, K-21-2-05 DQ875058 DQ875093
Lophozia heteromorpha R. M. Schust. Russia, Kamchatka region, V. A. Bakalin,
DQ875068 DQ875104
Lophozia cf. lacerata N. Kitag. Russia, Commander Islands, V. A. Bakalin,
DQ875071 DQ875107
Lophozia lantratoviae Bakalin Russia, Buryatia, V. A. Bakalin, 76-7-01 DQ875055 DQ875090
Lophozia longidens (Lindb.) Macoun Russia, Murmansk region, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875059 DQ875094
Lophozia polaris (R. M. Schust.)
R. M. Schust. et Damsh.
Russia, Kamchatka region, V. A. Bakalin,
DQ875060 No data
Lophozia polaris (R. M. Schust.)
R. M. Schust. et Damsh.
Spitsbergen, N. A. Konstantinova, K-9-2-05 No data DQ875095
Lophozia polaris (R. M. Schust.)
R. M. Schust. et Damsh. var. sphagnorum
(R. M. Schust.) R. M. Schust. et Damsh.
Russia, Yakutia, V. A. Bakalin, 23-11-00 DQ875061 DQ875096
Lophozia propagulifera (Gottsche) Steph. Russia, Kamchatka region, V. A. Bakalin,
Q875062 DQ875097
Lophozia schusteriana Schljakov Russia, Murmansk region, V. A. Bakalin, G9331 DQ875067 DQ875103
Lophozia silvicola H. Buch Russia, Karelia, V. A. Bakalin, August 2, 1998 AF519197
No data
Lophozia silvicola H. Buch Russia, Nizhni Novgorod region,
N. A. Konstantinova, 124-1-03
No data DQ875102
Lophozia silvicoloides N. Kitag. Russia, Murmansk region, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875064 DQ875099
Lophozia silvicoloides N. Kitag. Russia, Kamchatka region, V. A. Bakalin,
DQ875063 DQ875098
Lophozia silvicoloides N. Kitag. Spitsbergen, N. A. Konstantinova, 150-6-04 DQ875065 No data
Lophozia silvicoloides N. Kitag. Spitsbergen, N. A. Konstantinova, 150-2-04 No data DQ875100
Lophozia sudetica (Nees ex Huebener)
Russia, Murmansk region, V. A. Bakalin,
June 4, 1998
Lophozia sudetica (Nees ex Huebener)
Russia, Commander Islands, V. A. Bakalin,
No data DQ875115
Lophozia sudetica (Nees ex Huebener)
Russia, Kemerovo region, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875077 DQ875114
Lophozia cf. wenzelii (Nees)
Steph. var. groenlandica (Nees) Bakalin
Russia, Kemerovo region, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875070 DQ875106
Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dumort. var.
guttulata (Lindb. et S.W. Arnell) Bakalin
Russia, Buryatia, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875072 DQ875108
The ML phylogenetic tree is presented in the Fig. 1.
In MP analysis, a single tree with the length of 1587
steps was found. It is presented in Fig. 2 with the indi-
cation of Bremer support index, jackknife support val-
ues, and the branch lengths. The ML and MP tree topol-
ogies were identical, except for relative positions of
Lophozia cf. wenzelii var. groenlandica, and L. wenzelii
var. lapponica, as well as of Schistochilopsis incisa
(Murmansk region) within the clades.
Judging by the trees constructed, the genus Lopho-
zia s. str. is monophyletic. At the same time, all samples
of Lophozia sudetica formed a clade, which was sepa-
rated from the other species belonging to Lophozia
s. str. by the species of the genus Schistochilopsis,
along with Protolophozi elongata and Obtusifolium
obtusum (Figs. 1 and 2). Similar results were reported
in the previous work of our laboratories on the analysis
of the trnL-F region using another samples of taxa [12].
The ITS1-2 sequence variation among the Lophozia
sudetica samples constituted 1 to 2%, and variation of
the trnL-F in the same sample was 0.5%.
In phylogenetic reconstructions, Obtusifolium obtusum
formed a clade, which was separated from the Schis-
tochilopsis by the branch of Protolophozia elongata.
A number of morphological characters (the leaf shape
and insertion, the presence of amphigastria, the struc-
ture of the capsule wall, etc.), which differed Obtusifo-
Table (Contd.)
Sampling locality, collector,
KPABG herbarium number
GenBank accession number
trnL ITS
Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dumort.
var. longiflora (Nees) Macoun
Russia, Chita region, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875066 DQ875101
Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
var. groenlandica (Nees) Bakalin
Russia, Murmansk region,
N. A. Konstantinova, 9329
DQ875073 DQ875109
Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
var. lapponica H. Buch et S.W. Arnell
Spitsbergen, N. A. Konstantinova,124-2-04 DQ875076 DQ875112
Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
var. litoralis (S.W. Arnell) Bakalin
Russia, Murmansk region, V. A. Bakalin,
DQ875074 DQ875110
Lophozia wenzelii (Nees) Steph.
var. massularioides Bakalin
Russia, the Caucasus, V. A. Onipchenko,
August 31, 1983
DQ875075 DQ875111
Schistochilopsis capitata (Hook.) Macoun Russia, Nizhni Novgorod region,
N. A. Konstantinova, 132-03
DQ875080 DQ875119
Schistochilopsis incisa (Schrad.)
Russia, the Caucasus, K. O. Korotkov,
August 23, 1999
No data
Schistochilopsis incisa (Schrad.)
Russia, Murmansk region,
N. A. Konstantinova,187-1-02
DQ875083 No data
Schistochilopsis grandiretis
(Lindb. Ex Kaal.) Schiffn.
Russia, Kamchatka region, V. A. Bakalin,
DQ875081 DQ875120
Schistochilopsis laxa (Lindb.) Grolle Russia, Murmansk region,
N. A. Konstantinova, 40-6-94
DQ875084 DQ875053
Schistochilopsis opacifolia (Meyl.)
Spitsbergen, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875082 DQ875121
Schistochilopsis opacifolia (Meyl.)
Russia, Murmansk region,
N. A. Konstantinova, 315-4-00
DQ875085 DQ875123
Sphenolobus saxicola (Schrad.) Steph. Russia, Buryatia, N. A. Konstantinova,
DQ875086 DQ875124
Protolophozia elongata (Steph.) Schljakov Russia, Murmansk region, V. A. Bakalin,
DQ875078 DQ875116
Obtusifolium obtusum (Lindb.) S.W. Arnell Russia, Murmansk region, V. A. Bakalin,
July 1, 2001
No data
Obtusifolium obtusum
(Lindb.) S.W. Arnell Russia, Perm region, N. A. Konstantinova,
No data DQ875118
VILNET et al.
lium obtusum from all the other species of the genus
Schistochilopsis were supported by the presence of a
number of substitutions and indels, along with specific
deletion within the P8 hairpin of the trnL intron. These
data provided additional basis for treatment of the
Obtusifolium rather as an individual genus [3, 4, 10, 20],
than as the section of the genus Schistochilopsis [1, 11].
All the species of Schistochilopsis examined formed
a clade, however, with weak support (Figs. 1 and 2). Tree
positions of Schistochilopsis laxa and S. capitata were
consistent with their grouping into the section Heter-
ogemma (Joerg.) Potemkin (Marshicae R. M. Schust).
Similarly, tree positions of S. opacifolia, S. incisa, and
S. grandiretis were consistent with their grouping into the
section Incisae (C.E.O. Jensen) Potemkin [8, 11, 21, 22].
Sequence differences between Schistochilopsis opaci-
folia and S. incisa were low (3 to 4%) and almost the
same as between the two samples of S. opacifolia from
Spitsbergen and Murmansk region. Morphologically
studied samples of S. opacifolia and S. incisa from
Murmansk region were very similar, differing only in
the toothing patterns of the perianth mouth and leaves.
These findings support of the viewpoint of Bisang [22]
and Schuster [1], who recognized Schistochilopsis
opacifolia as a subspecies of S. incisa.
Schistochilopsis grandiretis demonstrated the pres-
ence of substantial morphological differences from
S. opacifolia and S. incisa (cell network pattern, stem
coloration, and others), which characterized it as fairly
distinct species. In the trees constructed (Figs. 1 and 2),
it was a sister species to the S. opacifolia + incisa.
Comparison of the minimum numbers of nucleotide
substitutions occurred during the evolution in accor-
dance with the MP tree, suggests a relative molecular
criterion of the taxa ranks within the genus Schis-
tochilopsis. If we assume the number of 1 to 12 nucle-
otide substitutions as typical to the subspecies of Schis-
tochilopsis, then the species status of S. grandiretis,
S. incisa + opacifolia, as well as of S. laxa and S. capi-
tata will be determined by 40 to 75 substitutions, while
the sections of Incisae and Heterogemma will be deter-
mined by 128 to 170 substitutions.
Anastrepta orcadensis
Sphenolobus saxicola
Anastrophyllum michauxii
Lophozia sudetica Commander Islands
Lophozia sudetica Kemerovo region
Lophozia sudetica Murmansk region
Obtusifolium obtusum
Protolophozia elongata
Schistochilopsis laxa
Schistochilopsis capitata
Schistochilopsis grandiretis
Schistochilopsis opacifolia Murmansk region
Schistochilopsis incisa Murmansk region
Schistochilopsis opacifolia Spitsbergen
Schistochilopsis incisa Caucasus
Lophozia polaris
Lophozia polaris var. sphagnorum
Lophozia longidens
Lophozia excisa Spitsbergen K-21-2-05
Lophozi excisa Spitsbergen 104-1-04
Lophozia excisa Murmansk region
Lophozia propagulifera
Lophozia ventricosa var. longiflora
Lophozia silvicoloides Spitsbergen
Lophozia silvicoloides Murmansk region
Lophozia silvicoloides Kamchatka region
Lophozia ascendens
Lophozia lantratoviae
Lophozia silvicola
Lophozia cf. wenzelii var. groenlandica
Lophozia schusteriana
Lophozia wenzelii var. lapponica
Lophozia wenzelii var. massularioides
Lophozia wenzelii var. groenlandica
Lophozia cf. lacerata
Lophozia wenzelii var. litoralis
Lophozia heteromorpha
Lophozia ventricosa var. guttulata
Lophozia austro-sibirica
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree for the genus Lophozia s. str. and relative genera, based on combined nucleotide sequences of nuclear DNA
ITS1-2 and cpDNA trnL-F locus by the method of maximum likelihood (loglk = –7761.38761). The bootstrap supports are indi-
In all trees constructed, the species belonging to
Lophozia s. str. (except for Lophozia sudetica, see
above) were subdivided into two main clusters.
Except for the Lophozia lantratoviae, the species of
the genus Lophozia s. str., having either reddish or
brown-red gemma, formed a monophyletic group. This
group was in general consistent with the volume of the
section Excisae, according to Bakalin [4]. However,
Lophozia longidens also falls into this section. Schuster
[1] treated the latter species as an independent section,
Longidenatae R. M. Schust. Schljakov [3] placed this
species into the section Guttulatae Schljakov, while
Bakalin [4] placed L. longidens into the section Lopho-
zia. Thus, differently treated morphological characters
(stem structure, growing pattern, leaf shape, bulbil col-
oration, and others) do not provide determination of the
relationships of Lophozia longidens. Based on molecu-
lar data obtained, the species was placed into the sec-
tion Excisa.
In modern classification systems, position of the lit-
tle-known, predominantly Arctic species, Lophozia
polaris, remains uncertain. In different works, the spe-
cies was attributed to the sections Lophozia [1], Hetero-
morphae R. M. Schust. [3, 6], and finally, to Excisa [4].
Our data favor the latter viewpoint. Sequence differences
between the two varieties of this species from two far dis-
tant regions (Spitsbergen and Yakutia) (26 substitutions
in the MP tree) are comparable with those between the
three forms of Lophozia excisa from the Spitsbergen
and Murmansk region, as well as between L. excisa and
L. propagulifera (32 to 46 substitutions).
Three forms of Lophozia excisa and L. propagu-
lifera (L. latifolia) formed a separate subclade within
the clade Excisa with the strongest support. Lophozia
excisa is one of widely distributed and polymorphic
species of the genus. This situation is reflected in the
variation of the obtained genome loci in the species
samples from different regions and ecological condi-
tions (table). The difference between the two large-cell
forms of L. excisa from Spitsbergen and Murmansk
region (K21-2-05 and 41-2-97, respectively) is close to
that between the small-cell form of L. excisa (104-1-04)
and L. propagulifera (32 and 46 substitutions, respec-
tively). Sequence differences between the large-cell
forms of L. excisa from Murmansk region and Spitsber-
gen are comparable to those revealed upon comparison
Anastrepta orcadensis
Sphenolobus saxicola
Anastrophyllum michauxii
Lophozia sudetica Commander Islands
Lophozia sudetica Kemerovo region
Lophozia sudetica Murmansk region
Obtusifolium obtusum
Protolophozia elongata
Schistochilopsis laxa
Schistochilopsis capitata
Schistochilopsis grandiretis
Schistochilopsis opacifolia Murmansk region
Schistochilopsis incisa Murmansk region
Schistochilopsis opacifolia Spitsbergen
Schistochilopsis incisa Caucasus
Lophozia polaris
Lophozia polaris var. sphagnorum
Lophozia longidens
Lophozia excisa Spitsbergen K-21-2-05
Lophozi excisa Spitsbergen 104-1-04
Lophozia excisa Murmansk region
Lophozia propagulifera
Lophozia ventricosa var. longiflora
Lophozia silvicoloides Spitsbergen
Lophozia silvicoloides Murmansk region
Lophozia silvicoloides Kamchatka region
Lophozia ascendens
Lophozia lantratoviae
Lophozia silvicola
Lophozia cf. wenzelii var. groenlandica
Lophozia schusteriana
Lophozia wenzelii var. lapponica
Lophozia wenzelii var. massularioides
Lophozia wenzelii var. groenlandica
Lophozia cf. lacerata
Lophozia wenzelii var. litorais
Lophozia heteromorpha
Lophozia ventricosa var. guttulata
Lophozia austro-sibirica
Fig. 2. Phylogenetic tree for the genus Lophozia s. str. and relative genera, based on combined nucleotide sequences of nuclear DNA
ITS1-2 and cpDNA trnL-F locus by the method of maximum parsimony. The tree length is 1587. Numbers above branches indicate
Bremer and jackknife support indices, and numbers below branches indicate branch lengths.
VILNET et al.
of large- and small-cell specimens from Spitsbergen.
Morphological differences between the specimens
mentioned were also rather high (leaf thickness at the
basement, leaf shape, plant size, and others). Further
investigations will show whether these characters are
stable, and whether the forms described deserve award-
ing a certain taxonomic rank.
In the group of Lophozia with green gemma, a clade
with strong support is formed by Lophozia silvicoloides
and L. ventricosa var. longiflora. Furthermore, the
sequences of the Lophozia silvicoloides specimens
from the Commander Islands, Murmansk region, and
Spitsbergen are identical and remarkably different form
the examined sequences of L. ventricosa var. longiflora
from Chita region (by 5% at the ITS1-2 and by 2% at
the trnL). Substantial morphological differences of
these species (perianth mouth structure, oil bodies' pat-
tern, and others), along with molecular data confirm the
species status of Lophozia silvicoloides and demon-
strate the absence of close relationships with L. silvi-
cola (Figs. 1 and 2), which were earlier suggested by
Schuster [1].
Lophozia ascendens and L. lantratovie group into
one clade, albeit their ITS1-2 and trnL-F sequences in
the MP tree are separated by 97 steps. L. ascendens is
placed in the sections: Longidentatae R. M. Schust. [1],
Guttulatae Schljakov. [3], and Lophozia [4]. However,
according to Bakalin [4], the last section includes the
two former ones. Concerning L. lantratoviae, it should
be noted that this recently described species is also
included by its author into the section Lophozia. The
two species discussed are substantially different rela-
tive to their morphology, and they occupy different eco-
logical niches. Specifically, L. ascendens is obligate
epixylous, while L. lantratoviae is found on the fine
soil at the banks of the mountain rivers.
Lophozia ventricosaLophozia wenzelii represent
the most complicated and intricate complex. Many
varieties, subspecies, and species were included into
these taxa as different ranks and variants. As shown in
the Figs. 1 and 2, genetic differences between them are
low. Nevertheless, in the trees constructed, the samples
belonging to different taxa studied and attributed to
L. wenzelii, were united into two groups. One group con-
sisted of L. wenzelii var. groenlandica and L. wenzelii var.
massularioides. L. wenzelii var. lapponica appeared to
be close to them. However, L. wenzelii var. litoralis fell
into another clade. In any case, attribution of L. wenzelii
and L. schusteriana to the section Sudeticae, suggested
by Schljakov [3], and then by Bakalin [4], was not con-
firmed. The trees constructed in the present and previ-
ous studies [12] showed that Lophozia sudetica formed
an independent clade, which was far distant from the
other species of Lophozia s. str.
The tree position of recently described Lophozia
, which is known only from the type
locality in Southern Siberia and from one site in West-
ern Siberia [4], should be discussed in more detail. This
species formed an isolated clade together with L. ven-
tricosa var. guttulata with very strong support. In these
taxa, the genomic sequences examined differed only by
one substitution in the trnF gene. Morphological differ-
ences were very small, and mostly constituted in the
fact that L. austro-sibirica was monoecious, while
L. ventricosa var. guttulata was dioecious. It seems
likely that L. austro-sibirica and L. ventricosa var. gut-
tulata represent one species (the presence of monoe-
cious and dioecious individuals was described in some
Holarctic species of Lophozia, Isopaches, and some
We would like to note the low genetic divergence
between the geographically distant populations of some
taxa shown for the loci examined in this study.
Thus, based on sequence analysis of nuclear DNA
ITS1-2 and cpDNA trnL-F loci in a great number of
Lophozia s. str. species, including the poorly studied
and recently described taxa, it was demonstrated that
the genus of interest was monophyletic, except for
Lophozia sudetica, which deserved isolation into a
genus. None of the existing sectioning of Lophozia
s. str. was supported by the tree topology. However, one
out of two clearly distinguished groups was consistent
with volume of the section Excisae, according to Baka-
lin [4]. This group contained all the species with red or
brownish gemma examined, excluding Lophozia lant-
ratoviae. Among the species with either colorless or
green gemma the clade Lophozia silvicoloides + L. ven-
tricosa var. longiflora was distinguished. The relation-
ships within the complex Lophozia ventricosaLopho-
zia wenzelii remain unclear. The recently described
species, L. austro-sibirica, practically does not differ
from L. ventricosa var. guttulata in the sequences of the
genomic regions examined, and probably can not be
treated as a distinct species. Species rank of L. lantra-
toviae, described in 2003, is confirmed by substantial
genetic differences from the other species of the genus.
The tree relationships within the Schistochilopsis
were consistent with the sectioning of the genus based
on morphological characters. The remarkable genetic
differences between S. laxa and S. capitata confirmed
their species status. The idea on the inclusion of Obtusi-
folium obtusum into Schistochilopsis was not sup-
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation
for Basic Research (grant nos. 06-04-48225 and 06-04-
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... CBFS:18669: KU954331), amplifikace a sekvenace jaderné ITS se zdařila pouze částečně u jedné položky každého druhu, proto jsme tyto částečné sekvence v analýzách dále nepoužili. Pro fylogenetickou analýzu jsme kromě našich sekvencí použili sekvence volně dostupné v databázi GenBank, které byly ve většině případů získány z materiálu, analyzovaného v pracích de Roo et al. (2007) a Vilnet et al. (2007, 2008. Byly použity pouze sekvence druhů reprezentativních zástupců rodů čeledi Scapaniaceae s. l., které tvoří komplex blízce příbuzných druhů, spolu se sekvencemi Isopaches decolorans a Pseudolophozia sudetica z čeledi Anastrophyllaceae. ...
... Fylogenetická rekonstrukce potvrdila v hlavních obrysech vzájemné vztahy mezi čeledi Scapaniaceae s. l., publikované v pracích de Roo et al. (2007) a Vilnet et al. (2007Vilnet et al. ( , 2008Vilnet et al. ( , 2010. Rod Schistochilopsis je sesterskou skupinou ke Scapaniaceae s. str. ...
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The liverwort Schistochilopsis opacifolia, considered vanished from the Czech bryoflora, was detected in recent collections from the Labská rokle ravine in the Krkonoše Mts, and its identification and distinctness from S. incisa was confirmed by molecular barcoding using trnL–trnF chloroplast sequences. A selective partial revision of material collected in the summit region of the Krkonoše Mts yielded several other specimens, all of which were collected in the Labský důl valley. The diagnostic characters of the species are discussed to prompt the search for other localities of this rare, yet probably partly overlooked, species of our liverwort flora.
... CBFS:18669: KU954331), amplifikace a sekvenace jaderné ITS se zdařila pouze částečně u jedné položky každého druhu, proto jsme tyto částečné sekvence v analýzách dále nepoužili. Pro fylogenetickou analýzu jsme kromě našich sekvencí použili sekvence volně dostupné v databázi GenBank, které byly ve většině případů získány z materiálu, analyzovaného v pracích de Roo et al. (2007) a Vilnet et al. (2007, 2008. Byly použity pouze sekvence druhů reprezentativních zástupců rodů čeledi Scapaniaceae s. l., které tvoří komplex blízce příbuzných druhů, spolu se sekvencemi Isopaches decolorans a Pseudolophozia sudetica z čeledi Anastrophyllaceae. ...
... Fylogenetická rekonstrukce potvrdila v hlavních obrysech vzájemné vztahy mezi čeledi Scapaniaceae s. l., publikované v pracích de Roo et al. (2007) a Vilnet et al. (2007Vilnet et al. ( , 2008Vilnet et al. ( , 2010. Rod Schistochilopsis je sesterskou skupinou ke Scapaniaceae s. str. ...
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The liverwort Schistochilopsis opacifolia, considered vanished from the Czech bryoflora, was detected in recent collections from the Labská rokle ravine in the Krkonoše Mts, and its identification and distinctness from S. incisa was confirmed by molecular barcoding using trnL–trnF chloroplast sequences. A selective partial revision of material collected in the summit region of the Krkonoše Mts yielded several other specimens, all of which were collected in the Labský důl valley. The diagnostic characters of the species are discussed to prompt the search for other localities of this rare, yet probably partly overlooked, species of our liverwort flora.
... 1. Leaves with distinctly winged keels [hemiboreal to temperate amphi-Pacific East Asia] Schistochilopsis cornuta 1. Leaves without winged keels, keel absent … 2 2. Leaves only obscurely lobed, prominently dentate [Taiwan] … Schistochilopsis nakanishii 2. Leaves distinctly lobed, prominently dentate to nearly entire … 3 3. Arctic and mountainous northern hemiarctic species, with 2(-3)-lobed leaves, scarcely toothed or with entire leaf margin and not numerous (less [15][16][17][18][19][20] oil bodies per midleaf cell … Schistochilopsis hyperarctica 3. Taxa not confined to the Arctic, leaves mostly 3-5-lobed, rarely (as an exception only) bilobed, mostly densely and prominently toothed, rarely entire, oil bodies in the midleaf cells numerous, more than 20 per cell … 4 4. Plants of somewhat orthotropic growth, with leaves unistratose to the base, and goldenbrownish coloration of apical part of shoots [hemiarctic-boreal amphi-Pacific] … Schistochilopsis pacifica 4. Plants of plagiotropic growth, rarely orthotropic, then leaves 2-5-stratose in the base or not occurring in the hemiarctic or boreal amphi-Paficic, brownish-golden coloration never developed … 5 5. Midleaf cells smaller than cells along leaf margin, trigones concave in the midleaf [Andean-Sino-Himalayan] … Schistochilopsis boliviensis 5. Midleaf cells larger than cells along leaf margin, trigones mostly convex in the midleaf [various areas including Sino-Himalaya] … 6 6. Leaves densely dentate-ciliate, terminal cell of the leaf lobe apices over 100 μm long, leaves mostly 3-5-lobed … Schistochilopsis setosa 6. Leaves dentate, but never ciliate, terminal cell of leaf lobe apices shorter 100 μm long, leaves mostly 2-3-lobed, or 4-lobed, but then terminal cell of the teeth less 50 μm long … Schistochilopsis incisa s.l. ...
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The taxonomic diversity center of Schistochilopsis is in East Asia, where the genus also shows the highest genetic diversity and morphological plasticity. The integrative survey of Schistochilopsis in East Asia was the main goal of the present account. Plant materials were obtained from recent collections made by authors in various parts of amphi-Pacific Asia; several types of specimens were also studied. The study includes phylogenetic reconstructions from nuclear ITS1,2, chloroplast trnL and trnG sequences, and anatomo-morphological, biogeographical, and taxonomical analyses. As a result, it was concluded that S. obscura should be transferred to Lophozia s. str. and S. grandiretis to the newly described genus Protochilopsis. Lophozia boliviensis was found to be part of the Andean–Sino-Himalayan taxon belonging to Schistochilopsis. The species status of S. hyperarctica and S. opacifolia was not confirmed. Substantial genetic variation is observed within S. incisa with possible cryptic sympatric distributed entities. The taxonomical section of the paper provides a discussion on the status, distinctive morphological traits, distribution, and ecology supplemented with the morphological description for poorly understood taxa. In the vast majority of cases, the illustrations and photographs made from the types and living material are provided.
... I think this is rather the cluster of young taxa that are not so well delimited morphologically. The genetic research of the group conducted by Vilnet et al. (2007Vilnet et al. ( , 2008 resulted in maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood phylogenetic trees based on combined nuclear ITS1-2 and chloroplast trnL-F DNA sequences. The trees showed L. longiflora as the taxon related to L. silvicoloides, genetically uniform across its area. ...
Lophozia longiflora is lectotypified by the specimen from authentic material of the taxon housed in the herbarium STR. The species prefers moist to wet cliffy or swampy habitats in hemiarctic and northern boreal zones and corresponding mountain belts throughout the northern Holarctic, and is morphologically different from the mainly epixylous boreal and oroboreal taxon Lophozia guttulata. The main features of the species are canaliculate-concave leaves, with gibbous sinus and leaf lobes turned to the apex and inward of the leaf, convex trigones of midleaf cells, strongly recurved sinus margins of female bracts and bracteoles and a sparsely dentate perianth mouth with teeth 1-2 cells long.
... We share the ideas of Schlyakov (1980Schlyakov ( , 1981), who followed the narrow generic concepts suggested by Scandinavian researchers ( Buch, 1933;Arnell, 1956). Modern analysis of molecular data have provided more precise definition of the systematic position of a number of taxa ( Vilnet et al., 2007). Synonyms from regional papers are given in parenthesis after the accepted names of species. ...
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Dulin M.V., Philippov D.A., Karmazina E.V. 2009. Current state of knowledge of the liverwort and hornwort flora of the Vologda Region, Russia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica. 2009. Fasc. 45. P. 13–22. An annotated checklist of liverworts and hornworts is presented for the Volodga Region, Russia, based on the authors' collections and those of their colleagues, as well as the literature. The paper presents the first published checklist for the region and includes 84 species from 42 genera and 22 families. Three species are reported for the first time for the region: Conocephalum salebrosum Szweykowski et al., Scapania subalpina (Nees ex Lindenb.) Dumort., and Trichocolea tomentella (Ehrh.) Dumort.
... Davis 2004; Crandall-Stotler 2004, 2005; Heinrichs et al. 2005; He-Nygrén et al. 2006; Forrest et al. 2006). These and subsequent family level studies, such as those of de Roo et al. (2007), He-Nygrén (2007), Hentschel et al. (2006 Hentschel et al. ( , 2007), Wilson et al. (2007) and Vilnet et al. (2007) resulted in numerous new insights, most of which were incorporated in the most recent comprehensive classification of liverworts by Stotler et al. (2009). Our results extend previous inferences and provide support for additional realignments of several taxa of the Jungermanniineae. ...
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Abstract— The suborder Jungermanniineae of the Jungermanniales is a major lineage of leafy liverworts, recognized in recent classifications to include 15 families. Gametophytes within the suborder are morphologically diverse, but commonly anisophyllous to distichous, usually with succubous, rarely transverse or incubuous, leaf insertions. Sporophytes are frequently, but not universally, enclosed by stem-derived perigynia or coelocaules, often accompanied by perianth reduction or loss and some level of geocauly or marsupial development. We herein provide the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of this geographically widespread suborder, using sequences generated from one nuclear (rpb2), two mitochondrial (nad1 and rps3), and seven plastid (atpB, psbA, psbT-H, rbcL, rps4, trnG and trnL) loci, sampled from 279 accessions representing 163 species in 57 genera. Ancestral states were reconstructed for 14 morphological characters generally considered taxonomically diagnostic for families in the suborder. Our phylogenetic analyses support the return of Leiomylia (= Mylia anomala) to the Myliaceae, removal of Myliaceae from the Jungermanniineae, and validation of the monogeneric suborder Myliineae subord. nov. to house it. Eighteen families are recognized within the Jungermanniineae, nine of which are monogeneric; namely, Endogemmataceae, Harpanthaceae, Gyrothyraceae, Arnelliaceae, Saccogynaceae, Geocalycaceae, Jackiellaceae, Notoscyphaceae stat. nov., and Trichotemnomaceae. The generic compositions of other families are modified as follows: Saccogynidium is transferred from Geocalycaceae to a newly named subfamily of Acrobolbaceae, Acrobolbaceae subf. Saccogynidioideae, and one other subfamily of the Acrobolbaceae is validated, Acrobolbaceae subf. Austrolophozioideae; Hygrobiella is included in Antheliaceae (previously in Cephaloziaceae or its own family); Jungermanniaceae is broadened to include Mesoptychiaceae and Delavayellaceae; Cryptocoleopsis and Nardia are transferred from Solenostomataceae to Gymnomitriaceae; Gottschelia, Herzogobryum, and Nothogymnomitrion are excluded from the Jungermanniineae; Solenostomataceae is recognized to include Solenostoma, Arctoscyphus, Cryptocolea, and Diplocolea. Additional nomenclatural changes include recognizing Horikawaella as a synonym of Solenostoma and Apomarsupella as a synonym of Gymnomitrion, establishing two new subgenera of Solenostoma, Solenostoma subg. Metasolenostoma and Solenostoma subg. Eucalyx , and transferring Jungermannia conchata to Cephalozia. Morphological character state reconstructions identify dioecious inflorescences, gametangia on leading stems, flagelliform or stoloniferous branches absent, dorsal leaf insertions not overlapping the stem midline, large underleaves, and lack of gemmae as ancestral within the Jungermanniineae. All morphological characters appear to be moderately to highly homoplasious within the suborder.
A phylogenetic arrangement of the 130 liverwort genera, comprising 582 species, that occur in North America north of Mexico is followed by an alphabetical synopsis of genera, species, subspecies, and varieties currently recognized. The treatment of each taxon includes pertinent synonyms, excluded names, and explanatory comments regarding currently accepted changes in taxon names and authors. Such updating has required making nine new combinations, as follows: Fuscocephaloziopsis connivens (Dicks.) Váňa & L. Söderstr. var. bifida (R. M. Schust.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; F. connivens (Dicks.) Váňa & L. Söderstr. var. compacta (Warnst.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; F. pleniceps (Austin) Lindb. var. sphagnorum (C. Massal.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; Isopaches bicrenatus (Schmidel ex Hoffm.) H. Buch var. immersus (R.M. Schust. & Damsh.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; Mesoptychia badensis (Gottsche ex Rabenh.) L. Söderstr. & Váňa var. apiculata (R. M. Schust.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; Neoorthocaulis hyperboreus (R. M. Schust.) L. Söderstr., De Roo & Hedd. subsp. helophilus (R. M. Schust.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; Schistochilopsis grandiretis (Lindb. ex Kaal.) Konstant. subsp. proteidea (Arnell) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; Tritomaria capitata (Hook.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov.; T. laxa (Lindb.) Stotler & Crand.-Stotl., comb. nov. The basionym citations for these new combinations can be found in the text treatments of these taxa. Thirty-four new heterotypic synonyms, distributed among 27 accepted taxa, have been proposed, primarily as a consequence of nomenclatural updating (see Appendix 1 for a list). Type species are indicated for all genera and basionyms are included, where appropriate. Distributional data, based primarily on literature reports, are also provided for each infrageneric taxon.
After Lophozia obtusa was thought to be extinct in Saxony for c. 80 years, the liverwort has been rediscovered since 2007 at several sites in the Ore Mountains. The sites are described and the association of the species is documented by several releve's. A concluding discussion of the endangerment of the species is appended.
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A working checklist of accepted taxa worldwide is vital in achieving the goal of developing an online flora of all known plants by 2020 as part of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. We here present the first-ever worldwide checklist for liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) that includes 7486 species in 398 genera representing 92 families from the two phyla. The checklist has far reaching implications and applications, including providing a valuable tool for taxonomists and systematists, analyzing phytogeographic and diversity patterns, aiding in the assessment of floristic and taxonomic knowledge, and identifying geographical gaps in our understanding of the global liverwort and hornwort flora. The checklist is derived from a working data set centralizing nomenclature, taxonomy and geography on a global scale. Prior to this effort a lack of centralization has been a major impediment for the study and analysis of species richness, conservation and systematic research at both regional and global scales. The success of this checklist, initiated in 2008, has been underpinned by its community approach involving taxonomic specialists working towards a consensus on taxonomy, nomenclature and distribution.
Baumann, M. 2014. Distribution of Lophozia obtusa in the Ore Mountains (Saxony, Germany). — Herzogia 27: 157–164. After Lophozia obtusa was thought to be extinct in Saxony for c. 80 years, the liverwort has been rediscovered since 2007 at several sites in the Ore Mountains.The sites are described and the association of the species is documented by several relevé's. A concluding discussion of the endangerment of the species is appended.
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The list includes 38 families, 106 genera, 401 species, 1 subspecies and 7 varieties, those are believed were found in the former USSR. For the accepted species the distribution within the territory is indicated, the 18 region divisions are recognized. Synonyms, systematical arrangement and comments are also provided.
An attempt is made to reclassify the supraspecific groups of the family Lophoziaceae. The subjective nature of the terms "genus" and "subgenus," together with the great disparity in rank between the various categories within the family makes a consistent classification very difficult. The basic phylogenetic relationships of most of the groups (except for such monotypic genera as Mesoptychia and Acrobolbus) can in general be indicated with a fair degree of probability. The conclusions regarding relationships arrived at by the writer are graphically expressed in Tables I-II. In Table I the genera and subgenera (and species in a few cases) are arranged in a sequence to show the polyphyletic reduction of the ventral stemsectors. It is presumed that evolution was from an ancestral form not too dissimilar to Herberta (i.e., with oil-bodies, with a pluristratose capsule-wall, with very large, bilobed underleaves, with collenchymatous cells, and with terminal perianths, and with the archaic bilobed leaf-type of the early Jungermaniinae). From such an unreduced, robust ancestral type evolution proceeded in the general direction of reduction in both gametophyte and sporophyte. In this table is stressed the parallelism that makes a classification of the complex difficult. From a relatively unreduced Lophozioid type (which we may call the Orthocaulis kunzeanus type), the family has undergone modification in several basic ways: 1. The ventral stem-sectors have become reduced (associated in general with a more horizontal mode of growth). 2. Correlated with 1, there has of necessity been reduction (and in the more extreme cases) loss of the underleaves. 3. With reduction in size the axis of the gametophyte gradually becomes composed of fewer rows of cells. 4. With reduction in size of the gametophyte the sporophyte of necessity undergoes reduction in size. In several cases (Crossocalyx, Sphenolobus, Gymnocolea, Isopaches) the sporogonium wall is reduced to the bistratose condition. In extreme cases (Crossocalyx, Eremonotus), the axis of the sporophyte, or seta, is reduced to 4 inner and 8 outer rows of cells.
In Europe and Macaronesia 453 species of Hepaticae (Marchantiopsida, Liverworts) are recognized; 33 of these are confined to Macaronesia. The total species complement is assigned to 105 genera (of which four are confined to Macaronesia: Acanthocoleus R.M.Schust., Cheilolejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn., Mnioloma Herzog and Tylimanthus Mitt.). The genera are subdivided into subgenera and sections where sound natural groupings of species are recognizable. Two new subgenera and a new section for Asterella P.Beauv. are proposed. Correct author citations for a number of sectional names are given following strict interpretation of Art. 22.1, including the new combination Marsupella sect. Homocraspis (Lindb. ex Schiffn.) Grolle. Two species in the genus Lophozia and one in the genus Frullania are newly synonymized. A neotype for Jungermannia ventricosa Dicks. (Lophozia ventricosa (Dicks.) Dumort.) is designated. The five extant genera Metacalypogeia (S.Halt.) Inoue, Nipponolejeunea S.Hatt., Notoscyphus Mitt., Spruceanthus Verd. and Trocholejeunea Schiffn. are additionally recorded in Europe as Tertiary fossils (all preserved in Baltic Amber). In the treated area, eight species of Anthocerotae (Anthocerotopsida, Hornworts) are recognized and assigned to three genera. In 373 annotations, the taxonomy, nomenclature and synonymy of many of the accepted species are discussed briefly, based primarily on recent literature sources and the authors' observations.