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Integrin-mediated signaling through the MAP-kinase pathway


Abstract and Figures

The mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade, leading to extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK) activation, is a key regulator of cell growth and proliferation. The effects of ERK are mediated by differences in ERK signalling dynamics, including magnitude and duration. In vivo, ERK signalling is stimulated by both growth factors and adhesion signals. A model for adhesion-mediated ERK activation is presented. Outputs of the model such as ERK and FAK activation, as well as responses to different ligand densities, are compared with published experimental data. The model then serves as a basis for understanding how adhesion may contribute to ERK signalling through changes in the dynamics of focal adhesion kinase activation. The main parameters influencing ERK are determined through screening analyses and parameter variation. With these parameters, key points in the pathway that give rise to changes in downstream signalling dynamics are identified. In particular, oncogenic Raf and Ras promote cell growth by increasing the magnitude and duration, respectively, of ERK activity.
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University of Pennsylvania
Departmental Papers (BE) Department of Bioengineering
Integrin-mediated signalling through the MAP-
kinase pathway
Ka Lai Yee
University of Pennsylvania
V. M. Weaver
University of California
Daniel A. Hammer
University of Pennsylvania,
Copyright 2008 IEEE. Reprinted from IET Systems Biology, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2008, pages 8-15.
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Integrin-mediated signalling through the MAP-kinase
K.L. Yee, V.M. Weaver and D.A. Hammer
Abstract: The mitogen activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade, leading to extracellular-regulated
kinase (ERK) activation, is a key regulator of cell growth and proliferation. The effects of ERK are
mediated by differences in ERK signalling dynamics, including magnitude and duration. In vivo,
ERK signalling is stimulated by both growth factors and adhesion signals. A model for adhesion-
mediated ERK activation is presented. Outputs of the model such as ERK and FAK activation, as
well as responses to different ligand densities, are compared with published experimental data. The
model then serves as a basis for understanding how adhesion may contribute to ERK signalling
through changes in the dynamics of focal adhesion kinase activation. The main parameters influen-
cing ERK are determined through screening analyses and parameter variation. With these par-
ameters, key points in the pathway that give rise to changes in downstream sign alling dynamics
are identified. In particular, oncogenic Raf and Ras promote cell growth by increasing the magni-
tude and duration, respectively, of ERK activity.
1 Introduction
The MAP kinase cascade is an important signalling pathway
associated with tumorigenic behaviour. In cancerous cells,
the pathways that regulate proliferation are disrupted so
that cells experience unchecked growth. A major factor in
proliferation is the increased activity of the MAPK
cascade, which can be caused by increased external
stimuli or mutations along the pathway that promote
pathway activation [1]. The MAPK involved in growth
regulation is extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK). Upon
double phosphorylation by mitogen activated protein
kinase (MEK), double phosphorylated extracellular-regu-
lated kinase (ERKPP) translocates to the nucleus and
induces gene transcription by phosphorylation of transcrip-
tion factors [2]. One of ERK’s targets is fos, a member of
the AP-1 transcription factor heterodimer [3]. AP-1 family
transcription factors induce the transcription of cyclin D1,
which promotes cell-cycle entry [4, 5]. Modelling this
pathway to gain an understanding of how specific elements
give rise to different ERK signalling dynamics is an import-
ant step towards regulating signal transduction, and
ultimately cell behaviour, in vivo.
The signalling pathway that culminates in ERK acti-
vation is initiated by extracellular stimuli such as adhesion
to the extracellular matrix or growth factors. Cell adhesion
activates ERK by binding of a5b1 integrins at the cell
surface to extracellular matrix proteins such as fibronectin
[6, 7]. Integrins activate ERK via a pathway involving
Shc, Grb2, Sos, the GTPase Ras and focal adhesion
kinase (FAK) [5, 6, 8]. Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
binding to its receptor is also known to activate ERK
through the same ShcGrb2Sos Ras pathway as integ-
rins [9 11]. Although integrins may activate ERK in the
absence of growth factors, cells in vivo are exposed to
both adhesion signals and growth factor signals. In addition,
there is a cross-talk between growth factors and
integrin-activated pathways to ERK activation at different
levels of the pathway [1214]. This cross-talk likely
gives rise to distinctive ERK activation signals that can
regulate different behaviours [12]. For example, ERK
activity stimulated by growth factors and adhesion indepen-
dently is transient, whereas ERK activity in adherent,
growth factor stimulated cells is sustained. Moreover, the
cell-cycle protein cyclin D1 is only induced by sustained
ERK signals [5, 15] .
The MAPK cascade and activation by EGF have been
previously explored with deterministic, computational
models. A basic model of the Shc Grb2 SosRas
pathway activated by EGF was described by Kholodenko
et al. [16]. A more comprehensive model of ERK activation
in response to EGF stimulation has also been examined
[17]. In that model, EGF receptor ligand binding and
dimerisation initiate the traditional ShcGrb2SosRas
pathway that leads to the MAPK cascade. More recently,
Chapman and Asthagiri [18] undertook an exploration of
MAPK cascade dynamics. Their work demonstrated that
adjusting rate constants and protein or phosphatase concen-
trations controls ERK activation dynamics. Similarly,
Hornberg et al. [19] applied control analysis to the model
developed by Schoeberl, identifying specific proteins that
are important in EGF-mediated ERK signalling.
As a first step towards developing a model of ERK acti-
vation by both EGF and integrins, a computational model
for integrin activation of ERK is presented in this paper.
In this model, the ERK signalling pathway is initiated by
a5b1 integrin binding to its extracellular ligand fibronectin.
The model successfully simulates experimental FAK and
ERK activation time courses. Semi-quantitative data on
FAK and ERK activation after adhesion [20] are used to
# The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2008
Paper first received 4th August 2006 and in revised form 16th April 2007
D.A. Hammer and K.L. Yee are with the Department of Bioengineering,
University of Pennsylvania, 240 Skirkanich Hall, 210 S 33rd St, Philadelphia
PA 19104, USA
V.M. Weaver is with the Department of Surgery, University of California San
Francisco (UCSF), 513 Parnassus Ave, Room S-321, San Francisco, CA
94143-0470, USA
IET Syst. Biol., 2008, 2, (1), pp. 815
verify the results of the model. After comparing simulated
signals with experimental results, the pathways were
explored to gain insight into specific characteristics that
contribute to ERK activation dynamics. To systematically
explore the se t of parameters used in the model, a screening
method developed by Morris [21] was used to identify the
key parameters that affect different characteristics of the
output signal, such as overall dynamics, the maximum
value and time to reach the maximum.
2 Methodology
2.1 Biological considerations
The signalling events culminating in ERK activation are
modelled as a set of differential equations. The protein
protein interactions included in the pathway were chosen
based on published pathways and experi mental data and
are illustrated in Fig. 1a. The full pathway and a list of reac-
tions and rate constants are provided in the Supplementary
The integrin/FAK activation portion of the model deals
with receptorligand binding as a cell spreads on fibronectin.
The cellsurface contact area begins at zero and increases
according to an experimentally determined profile [22] (see
Supplementary Materials). The increase in contact area regu-
lates the transport of receptors and ligands into the contact
area where binding occurs. Integrinfibronectin binding is
modelled according to the Bell model for receptorligand
binding [23]. Because integrin clustering is a complex
process involving the many cytoskeletal proteins and the
transduction for force, clustering is modelled as dimerisation
of receptorligand pairs (see Supplementary Materials). We
assume that only dimerised receptorligand pairs are able to
recruit FAK, which becomes autophosphorylated at tyrosine
397 (FAKP) [24].
Src activation occurs after cell adhesion, although it is
unclear how adhesion signals regulate the Src activatio n
machinery [25]. Activation begins with the dephosphoryla-
tion of cytoplasmic Src at tyrosine 527. The protein then
undergoes a conformational change and translocates to the
membrane [26]. To be fully active, Src undergoes an inter-
molecular autophosphorylation at Y416. However, fully
active Src can be re-phosphorylated and dephosphorylated,
thereby cycling it from active to inactive conformations
[2729]. This module is linked to the rest of the pathway
by the ability of Src to phosphorylate its substrate FAK at
Y925 [30]. Both Src and FAK are capable of phosphorylat-
ing Shc [9, 11, 31]. This interaction leads to the same
sequence of signalling events the activated by the EGF
receptor, ultimately resulting in the activation of the
MAPK cascade [32, 33].
Evidence suggests that integrins may also activate ERK
through a FAK-independent pathway [9]. Such a pathway
likely involves Fyn, a member of the Src kinase family,
and the alpha integrin subunit [34]. Because of limited
experimental data on this pathway, this model focuses on
the FAK-dependent pathways to ERK activation.
2.2 Model parameters
Rate constants and protein concentrations were either found
in literature or estimated based on known constants for
similar reactions. For protein interactions without published
binding constants, K
, k
, and k
were estimated from avail-
able peptide binding data. For example, binding constants
for Src and FAKP in the Src activation module were esti-
mated with rate constants for Src SH2 domain binding to
the pYEEI peptide, which is similar to the autophosphoryla-
tion site for FAK [35, 36]. Most binding events in this
pathway involve SH2 phosphotyrosine and SH3PXXP
binding [37, 38].
During integrin activation of FAK, k
is the rate of dimer-
isation of receptor ligand pairs, whereas k
and k
are the
forward and backward rate constants for FAK binding to
receptorligand dimers and subsequent autophosphoryla-
tion. k
is a phenomenological rate constant assigned a
value of 0.01 s
, which corresponds to maximum levels
of FAK activation. Decreasing k
will decrease the final
magnitude of FAK activation without significantly chan-
ging the kinetics. Values for k
and k
were estimated to
obtain a variety of time scales for FAK autophosphoryla-
tion, which are discussed in Section 3. The Src activation
module also contains the phenomenological rate constant
, which represents the rate of Src transport from the cyto-
plasm to the membrane by the cytos keleton [39]. Because
these steps are not easily modelled, they are lumped into
the transport rate k
; k
is set at 0.1 s
, at which the rate
of cytoskeletal transport is maximal. Rate constants for
the phosphatase and kin ase reactions in Src activation
were obtained from literature [40 42]. Subsequent analyses
of FAK and downstream signalling focus on the relative
effects of different parameter values on kinetics and magni-
tude, so that the conclusions drawn are valid regardless of
the specific phenomenological constants used.
Fig. 1 Protein-Protein Interactions
a Signalling pathways for ERK activation by adhesion
b Ras cycle of GDP/GTP binding
IET Syst. Biol., Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2008 9
Initial protein concentrations were obtained from
Schoeberl et al. [17] and were varied over several orders
of magnitude to explore their effects on signal dynamics.
The constant concentrations of phosphatases were also esti-
mated based on these initial values. The initial conditions
specify protein concentrations for FAK, Src, Shc, Grb2,
Sos, MEK and ERK. All other protein species present in
the system at any given time are derived from these proteins
and have an initial concentration of zero.
The resulting set of equations with initial condition s was
solved in MATLAB 6.5 using the ODE15s solver.
3 Results
3.1 Kinetics of FAK and ERK activation
Asthagiri et al. [20] have shown that activation of ERK by
adhesion occurs before maximal FAK activation.
Simulations of ERK and FAK activation showed similar
kinetics (Fig. 2), which was also robust over large ranges
of parameter values (see Section 3.4.2). Over a range of
FAK recruitment rates ( k
), the ERK activation peak con-
sistently occurs ahead of full FAK activation. Since FAK
is the only means by which ERK is activated in this
model, early and therefore relatively low levels of FAK
activation are sufficient for stimulating the MAPK
cascade. For FAK to achieve sufficient levels of activation
to stimulate the MAPK cascade at early times, it was
found that the total level of FAK must be higher than that
of downstream effectors such as Sos, the activator of the
MAPK cascade. For example, a peak magnitude of
1.4 nM ERKPP at t ¼ 2800 s requires the amount of total
FAK to be nearly 22 times the amount of Sos. As a result,
it is assumed that the amount of FAK is in excess of other
signalling proteins in the system. Lastly, sustained FAK
activation does not necessarily result in sustained ERK acti-
vation, implying that FAK serves as an initial stimulus for
ERK activation, but the duration of ERK activation is also
regulated by downstream factors that will be discussed.
3.2 FAK and ERK activation in response to ligand
Fibronectin density is one of the most readily controllable
experimental parameters in the system and has been
shown to affect both the magnitude and kinetics of ERK
activation [20]. As ligand density increases, the magnitude
of the ERKPP peak also increases, whereas the peak
occurs faster. The effects of ligand density were success-
fully replicated in silico for similar fibronectin densities,
assuming a high receptor density of 7.89 10
( 1.5 10
/cell) (Fig. 3a). Not surprisingly,
changes in ligand density had substantial effects on
ERKPP dynamics only when ligand density is non-
saturating (R
. L
), thus requiring a high assumed receptor
density. Furthermore, the linear correlation between the
ligand density and initial rates of FAK and ERK activation
observed by Asthagiri et al. [20] was also seen in simu-
lations (Fig. 3b). At saturating ligand densities, the linear
correlation fails.
3.3 Exploration of signalling dynamics
3.3.1 Relationship between FAK and ERK activation:
The effects of ligand density on ERK raise the question of
how the signal is transduced downstream. Since FAK is a
major mediator between adhesion-based signals and down-
stream signals, it is reasonable to examine the effects of
Fig. 2 FAK and ERK activation over a range of k
, assuming
that K
¼ k
¼ 1066 is constant
Experimentally observed time courses (Asthagiri) are also plotted
Fig. 3 Effects of ligand density
a ERK activation in response to changes in fibronectin density
b Initial rates of FAK and ERK activation with ligand density
Initial rates were calculated from 470 to 480 s, which falls within the
linear phase of activation
Onset of the linear phase is subject to a time lag due to the clustering
IET Syst. Biol., Vol. 2, No. 1, January 200810
ligand density on FAK activation to understand how such
changes can affect ERK. Because FAK is in excess of
ligand and receptor binding sites, the magnitude of FAKP
is directly proportional to ligand density, whereas the time
required to reach the maximal FAKP is unchanged. As
shown in Fig. 3a, increases in ligand density correspond
to increases in ERKPP magnitude and decreases in the
time to reach the maximum. To determine whether such
effects are specific to changes in the magnitude of FAKP,
we considered the effects of changes in the time to reach
the maximal FAKP by changing the total amount of FAK.
Increased levels of FAK drive the rate of its activation,
resulting in increased kinetics without changing the magni-
tude of FAKP. Fig. 4a shows that equivalent increases in
ligand density and FAK decrease the time of the ERKPP
peak similarly. Fig. 4a also illustrates that ligand density
has a more pronounced effect on ERKPP magnitude than
does FAK. In order to better compare the effects of magni-
tude and kinetics directly, FAK activation dynamics are
expressed as an initial rate of activation (Fig. 4b). If the
effects of FAKP magnitude and kinetics are equivalent,
each initial rate calculated from either ligand density or
total FAK changes should correspond to a unique change
in ERK activation dynamics. However, the curves for
ERKPP dynamics differ depending on ligand density or
total FAK changes, indicating that the effects are parameter-
specific. In fact, ligand density, via changes in the magni-
tude of FAKP, appears to be a stronger regulator of
ERKPP dynamics than total FAK, which changes the kin-
etics of FAKP. Furthermore, the differing curves in
response to ligand density and FAK imply that the initial
rate of FAKP is not the sole determinant of ERKPP
dynamics and that other factors affected by these two par-
ameters are also playing a role. Moreover,
FAK-independent pathways are not likely the source of
these factors because their contributions to ERK activation
are only on the order of 10
to 10
M. Regardless of
these factors, the relationship between ERKPP and initial
rate is nonlinear and plateaus as the initial rate in creases.
Thus, the effects of ligand density and FAK will attenuate
as these two factors reach saturation.
3.3.2 Ras and Raf as regulators of ERK activity: To
better understand the behaviour of the system, parameters
that play a key role in regulating the dynamics of the
ERK signal were identified by parameter variations. The
duration of ERK activation is found to be particularly sen-
sitive to the concentrations of Ras and Raf. Testing Raf con-
centrations over an order of magnitude from 10 to 100 nM
produced ERKPP signals with a range of durations
(Fig. 5a). At or above a [Raf] of 100 nM, the ERKPP
signal is a sharp peak at approximately 5 min, which falls
off quickly by 30 min. As [Raf] is decreased, the ERKPP
signal duration increases until a sustained signal is obtained
at 10 nM. Between 20 and 60 nM, very small changes in Raf
concentration can give rise to significant changes in signal
duration. For example, a 25% concentration decrease from
40 to 30 nM results in a signal duration increase of nearly
45%. For high [Raf], the ERKPP signal is very similar to
that obtained by Asthagiri et al. [20]. Similarly, the duration
of the ERKPP signal increases with increasing levels of Ras
(Fig. 5b). Although the changes in ERKPP are not as sensi-
tive to small changes in [Ras], large increases in [Ras] do
yield significant prolongation of ERK activation.
The sensitivity of ERKPP to Raf and Ras originates at the
locus of intersection between the RasGTP/GDP cycle and
the MAPK cascade (Fig. 1b), where RasGTP binds and acti-
vates Raf, forming Raf
. The fast drop off in signalling that
forms the peak in ERKPP signals results from the depletion
of RasGTP available for interaction with Raf. When
RasGTP is depleted, no more Raf can be activated
causing the Raf
and subsequently ERKPP signals to fall
off, resulting in the formation of a peak. Therefore, as
[Raf] increases, the Raf RasGTP binding reaction also
becomes faster, thereby increasing the rate at which
RasGTP is depleted. Similarly, Sydor et al. [43] have
shown that the RafRas complex has an extremely short
lifetime, after which Raf is released for downstream signal-
ling. The resulting Ras species, denoted RasGTP
longer capable of activating Raf and will undergo GTP
hydrolysis catalysed by GTpase activating proteins
(GAPs), which are recruited to focal adhesions after integ-
rinligand binding [44, 45]. In the case of high [Raf], Ras
accumulates as RasGTP
, suggesting that the Raf
RasGTP reaction is much faster than the action of GAPs
in recycling Ras. Thus, nearly 80% of Ras accumulates in
the GTP
form and is not recycled fast enough to the
Fig. 4 Effect of increase in ligand density and FAK on time
a Fold changes in ERK activation dynamics as a function of fold
changes in ligand density and total FAK
All fold changes are normalised to the starting values (53/mm
2 10
, respectively)
b Fold changes in ERK activation dynamics as a function of the initial
rate of FAK activation
Initial rates in response to changes in ligand density and total FAK
were calculated based on the dynamics of FAK activation from
t ¼ 470 480 s, where the signal is linear
IET Syst. Biol., Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2008 11
RasGTP form to prevent depletion. As [Raf] is reduced, the
rate of RasGTP conversion to RasGTP
is more comparable
to the rate of recycling to RasGTP. Depletion of RasGTP is
delayed and an increasingly sustained ERKPP signal is
obtained. An increase in [Ras], conversely, increases the
amount of RasGTP available, prolonging the ERKPP signal.
3.4 Sensitivity analysis
3.4.1 Mo rris screening: To systematically identify key
parameters involved in ERK signalling, the Morris screen-
ing method [21] was applied to the model. The Morris
method allows for the effects of a particular parameter vari-
ation to be seen in the context of different values for every
other parameter, as opposed to fixing all other parameters.
The result of the model is a measure of the effect each par-
ameter has on the output signal. For the dynamics of ERK
activation, the effect of each parameter on the overall
ERK time course as measured by the norm of the change
in output, time to reach the maximum, the peak magnitude
and three specific time points was calculated. These values
were normalised by the relative change in input values.
However, because parameters were sampled over a log
uniform distribution, the fractional change remains constant
between parameters. Morris runs were performed until at
least the top 20% of parameters converged (n ¼ 160).
The main parameters involved in regulating ERK acti-
vation are rate constants associated with the MAPK
cascade. However, of the factors that could be readily
manipulated experimentally, Ras and Raf fall within the
top 15% of the key parameters for several measures of
ERK dynamics, confirming the effects on ERKPP signal
duration described above (Table 1). Out of 106 parameters,
Ras ranked second in importance for the time of the ERKPP
peak, 16th based on overall time course and 29th based on a
late time point that indicates signal duration. Similarly, Raf
ranks fourth in determining the time of the ERKPP peak and
seventh in early activation. Both Ras and Raf also fall
within the top 20% of the parameters affecting the magni-
tude of ERK activation, ranking 18th and 19th, respectively.
Interestingly, RasGAP ranks first out of all the parameters
for the time of the ERK activation peak, again highlighting
the importance of the RasGDP/GTP cycle in regulating
ERK activation dynamics. Receptor density also falls
within the top 15% of the key parameters affecting the
ERKPP signal. Moreover, integrin density and contact
area, which determine the total amount of fibronectin avail-
able, are ranked seventh and fiveth, respectively, as regula-
tors of the kinetics of ERK activation. FAK is also identified
as a key parameter in ERK activation kinetics, supporting
the idea that initial FAK signalling contributes significantly
to the activation of ERK. Integrin density, and not fibronec-
tin density, was likely identified in the Morris screening
because of the relative values of the two parameters used.
Depending on the values of receptor and ligand density,
the rate-limiting density will be identified as the most
important parameter. As a result, the importance of integrin
density also points to the importance of fibronectin density
in modulating the magnitude and kinetics of ERKPP.
3.4.2 One-at-a-time parameter variation: In order to
gauge the robustness of the model to changes in parameters,
one-at-a-time parameter variations were performed when
holding every other parameter fixed at their assumed
values. Parameters were varied over three orders of magni-
tude above and below their assumed values, and the range
over which the conclusions drawn in Section 3 held qualitat-
ively was determined (Fig. 6). The model is found to be
robust and tolerant of significant changes in many par-
ameters. Parameters 24 64 and 85105 refer to reactions
involved in Src activation, Shc phosphorylation and recruit-
ment of both Grb2 and Sos. Even many of the MAP kinase
cascade reaction rates, including some that were identified
as the key regulators by Morris screening (ex. 81, 79, 74,
83, 82 and so on), do not limit the qualitative conclusions
drawn from the model.
4 Discussion
This model for the integrin activation of ERK successfully
replicated experimentally observed behaviour for FAK and
ERK activation, as well as changes in ERK activation in
response to fibronectin density. Application of the Morris
method to the model allowed the identification of the key
parameters contributing to ERKPP dynamics. Thus, the
model serves as a tool for understanding and identifying
characteristics of the pathway that contribute to different
ERKPP behaviour. The insights gained by such models
are important steps to ultimately controlling signalling path-
ways in vivo.
Fig. 5 ERK signals with a range of durations
a ERK activation in response to [Raf]
[Ras] is assumed to be 1.072 10
b ERK activation in response to [Ras]
Raf is assumed to be 3.76 10
IET Syst. Biol., Vol. 2, No. 1, January 200812
The ability of the model to replicate experimentally
measured time courses for FAK and ERK in response to
adhesion on fibronectin is an important foundation for
understanding the adhesion-specific parameters that might
contribute to ERK activation. The appearance of an early
peak for ERKPP is not surprising as long as there is an
excess of FAK, which serves as an early stimulus for
ERKPP. Factors affecting FAKP magnitude, such as fibro-
nectin density, are found to be stronger regulators of
ERKPP dynamics than those affecting only FAKP kinetics.
However, the effects of ligand density are not solely depen-
dent on the initial rate of FAK activatio n, but are likely
transduced downstream by additional pathways. Although
additional Western blo t time courses have been published,
we chose a semi-quantitative time course for the purpose
of comparing to simulated results. Deviations between the
experimental data used here and other available data may
be due to a myriad of differences including cell type and
experimental procedure.
The simpli fied integrin clustering model used is shown to
be sufficient for predicting the effects of ligand density on
ERK activation. The model based on dimerisation predicts
that increases in ligand density will increase the ma gnitude
of FAK activation, which has been shown by Garcia and
Boettiger [46]. Changes in the magnitude of FAK activation
are then translated into changes in the kinetics and magni-
tude of ERK activation. Although k
and k
may alter the
time at which FAK activation reaches its maximum, the
ultimate magnitude, as specified by ligand density, will
not be affected. Changes in k
may also affect the magnitude
of FAK activation, but the relative changes that result from
ligand density variations will remain the same. More gener-
ally, the magnitude of FAK activation increases with ligand
density regardless of the assumed value of k
or k
and k
As a result, changes in downstream signalling that originate
with ligand density will also remain the same qualitatively.
Future work should include a more detailed model of the
integrin clustering process so that the roles of additional
parameters involved in clustering can be tested.
Raf and Ras were identified as the key regulators of ERK
signalling magnitude and duration, in agreement with the
control analysis performed by Hornberg et al. [19].
Furthermore, the behaviour of proteins involved in
RasGDP/GTP cycling reveals that Raf and Ras may func-
tion as a key checkpoint in the MAPK cascade because of
the relative kinetics of RasGDP/GTP cycling and Ras
Raf binding, which allow for the fo rmation of transient
and sustained ERKPP signals. However, the main effects
of the Raf oncogene may not be mediated by this particular
characteristic of the signalling pathway, as was suggested
by Hornberg. Increases in [Raf] result in increasing magni-
tudes of ERK activation, but increasingly transient acti-
vation signals. For cell-cycle progression and uncontrolled
growth, one would expect that increasing the levels of onco-
genic Raf would instead lead to sustained signalling. On the
other hand, this model shows that increases in the level of
the oncogene Ras result in more sustained ERK signals,
although larger changes in the Ras concentration are
required. This is consistent with the role of Ras as an onco-
gene that promotes tumorigenic behaviour. Moreover, the
Table 1: Experimentally controllable parameters
identified by Morris screening within the top 85th
percentile of parameters important for ERK activation
ERKPP behaviour Experimentally controllable
parameters within 85th
overall time course PP3 (2), ERK (3), PP2 (7), MEK (8),
PP1 (9), Raf (12), Rt (15), Ras
time to max RasGAP (1), Ras (2), MEK (3), Raf
(4), CA (5), PP2 (6), Rt (7), FAK
(11), Grb2 (16)
¼ 1500 s PP3 (2), ERK (3), PP2 (5), Raf (7),
PP1 (9), Grb2 (11), MEK (14)
¼ 4000 s PP3 (2), ERK (3), PP2 (5), MEK (8),
Ras (10), Rt (11), PP1 (13)
¼ 15000 s ERK (2), PP3 (4), MEK(6), PP2 (7),
PP1 (10)
maximum value PP3 (2), ERK (3), PP2 (6), PP1 (8),
Grb2 (10), MEK (11), Rt (12)
Each parameter’s rank out of the total 106 parameters is included
in parentheses. PP1, PP2 and PP3 refer to phosphatases for Raf,
MEK and ERK, respectively. CA denotes contact area
Fig. 6 Parameter ranges over which qualitative results hold
Parameters were varied one at a time over six orders of magnitude
when holding all other fixed
Changes in parameter are expressed as log
of the fold change
Parameters that correspond to each parameter number along the x-axis
are listed in the Supplementary Materials
Fig. 7 Effects of Raf and Ras concentrations on ERK activity
Concentrations of Ras and Raf are expressed as multiples of the
minimum plotted values (5 10
and 1 10
M, respectively)
Magnitude of ERK, expressed as a percentage of the maximal ERK
activation, is also plotted for different values of Raf (B)
Shaded regions represent an initial transient activation followed by
sustained mid-level signalling at 33 66% of maximum (sustained),
sustained high-level signaling at 66 100% of maximum (plateau), a
decrease to less than 33% of maximal signal within 6 h (transient) or
a decrease to less than 33% of maximum between 6 and 12 h
IET Syst. Biol., Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2008 13
behaviour of the Raf/Ras checkpoint suggests that
mutations in Ras that affect the GDP/GTP cycling, such
as its affinity for GAPs or GTPases, may be a mechanism
for modulating cell behaviour. Therefore the oncogenic
effects of Raf may be mediated mainly by changes in the
magnitude of ERK activation, whereas the effects of Ras
are more likely to involve changes in signal duration.
This is consistent with Roovers and Assoian’s [5] sugges-
tion that cell-cycle progression requires a large transient
ERK activation that will induce p21cip expression in the
early G1 phase followed by a sustained mid-level activation
that promotes cyclin D1 expression and stops the induction
of p21cip by late G1 phase. It has also been shown that
p21cip is induced by high levels of Raf [47, 48]. Our
results would suggest that an ideal combination of Raf
and Ras levels could create cell-growth-promoting ERK
activities. To determine these levels, Raf and Ras concen-
trations were varied and their effects on the magnitude
and duration of ERK activation were observed (Fig. 7).
The concentrations plotted are model-specific, however
the trends hold regardless of the parameter values.
Increasing Ras concentration promotes transition of ERK
activity from transient to sustained behaviour. Here, transi-
ent and sustained behaviour refer to initial ERK activation
that falls to less than a one-third and between one-third
and two-thirds of initial activation, respectively. At low
[Raf], a plateau in ERK activation may form in addition
to transient and sustained behaviour for certain [Ras].
Also, the magnitude of ERK activity is found to be signifi-
cantly decreased with [Raf] so that cell-cycle progression
might be inhibited regardless of the signal duration. When
both Raf and Ras concentrations are high, ERK activation
exhibited a large magnitude initial peak that fell off to sus-
tained mid-level activation. This behaviour is consistent
with cell-cycle progression. This may correspond to cells
in which both Raf and Ras oncogenes are over-expressed
or contain activating mutations. Thus, both Raf and Ras
may act together to promote cell growth. Raf contributes
to the magnitude of the signal, bringing the initial transient
activation of ERK to levels that allow for induction of
p21cip, whereas Ras primarily extends the duration of
ERK, sustaining mid-level activation for long times.
It has been suggested that the peak in ERK activation
arises from negative feedback, which turns off the ERK
activation signal [4951]. Feedback, either positive or
negative, has not been included in this system. Although
negative feedback may occur, we have shown that the
Raf/Ras checkpoint can also play a role in regulating
signal duration, particularly in controlling the fall-off of
the ERK activation sign al. In fact, for certain Raf and Ras
concentrations, the transient activity of ERK decreases
rapidly, but does not approach zero, instead remaining at
some lower level of ERK activation. In such cases, a nega-
tive feedback might be an important mechanism for shutting
down the remaining ERK activity.
Src and Shc represent parallel pathways by which the
MAPK cascade can be activated by FAK. As the model is
run now, the Shc pathway dominates signalling to ERK. It
is possible for Src to be the main contributor to ERK acti-
vation, but that assumption is not explored in detail in this
paper. However, the overall effects seen in this paper
were confirmed in a pathway in which the levels of Shc
are significantly reduced so as to allow the Src pathway to
dominate (data not shown).
Although our model is robust and sufficient for predicting
ERK activation by adhesion, a complete model of ERK acti-
vation should take into account the contributions of both
growth factors and adhesion. Cross-talk between growth
factor and adhesion signalling is vital for producing high-
magnitude, sustained ERK activation. In this paper, a
model for adhesion-based activation is presented. Future
work will involve the addition of the growth-factor-mediated
pathway. Coupled with the detailed model of clustering
described above, the model not only complements exper-
imental systems in which signalling in adhesi ve, growth
factor stimulated cells is measured, but also a means for
exploring the cross-talk between growth factors and
5 Acknowledgments
This work was supported by a grant from Department of
Defense W81XWH-05-1-330 to D.A. Hammer and
V.M. Weaver.
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... To explore this further, we seeded TIF, MDA-MB-231 (MM231, breast cancer), and U2OS cells on soft and stiff composite ECM arrays (SI Appendix, Fig. S2). Furthermore, to assess the signaling in response to the different ECM ligands, we engineered cell lines to stably express a reporter for ERK activity (22), a key component of adhesion signaling cascades (1,23,24). Upon phosphorylation, the kinase-translocation reporter (KTR) applied herein is transported out of the nucleus, allowing monitoring of kinase activity within intact cells (SI Appendix, validation of KTR sensitivity to mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK)/ERK inhibitor in live cells shown in Movie S1 and SI Appendix, Fig. S3A, quantified in SI Appendix, Fig. S3B). ...
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Integrin-dependent adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM) mediates mechanosensing and signaling in response to altered microenvironmental conditions. In order to provide tissue- and organ-specific cues, the ECM is composed of many different proteins that temper the mechanical properties and provide the necessary structural diversity. Despite most human tissues being soft, the prevailing view from predominantly in vitro studies is that increased stiffness triggers effective cell spreading and activation of mechanosensitive signaling pathways. To address the functional coupling of ECM composition and matrix rigidity on compliant substrates, we developed a matrix spot array system to screen cell phenotypes against different ECM mixtures on defined substrate stiffnesses at high resolution. We applied this system to both cancer and normal cells and surprisingly identified ECM mixtures that support stiffness-insensitive cell spreading on soft substrates. Employing the motor-clutch model to simulate cell adhesion on biochemically distinct soft substrates, with varying numbers of available ECM–integrin–cytoskeleton (clutch) connections, we identified conditions in which spreading would be supported on soft matrices. Combining simulations and experiments, we show that cell spreading on soft is supported by increased clutch engagement on specific ECM mixtures and even augmented by the partial inhibition of actomyosin contractility. Thus, “stiff-like” spreading on soft is determined by a balance of a cell’s contractile and adhesive machinery. This provides a fundamental perspective for in vitro mechanobiology studies, identifying a mechanism through which cells spread, function, and signal effectively on soft substrates.
... FAK and c-Src can form a dual kinase complex and c-Src phosphorylated and activated FAK-Tyr576/Tyr577 (37,38). The FAK/c-Src complex, in turn, induces the phosphorylation of protein Paxillin and Cas (39), activating Ras/MAPK pathway and promoting the production of MMPs by the intermediary adaptor molecules Crk and Grb2 (40)(41)(42). Here we demonstrated activation of Integrinβ1/FAK-Src/MAPK signal axis, induction of the migrating and invasive behaviors of HCC cells, and the production of MMP9 mediated by PRL-3 overexpression. ...
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Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the leading cause of mortality worldwide. Phosphatase regenerating liver 3 (PRL-3) was associated with cancer metastasis. However, the significance of PRL-3 in the prognosis of HCC remains elusive. The aim of this study was to elucidate the role of PRL-3 in HCC metastasis and its prognosis. Methods: The expressions of PRL-3 in cancer tissues isolated from 114 HCC patients, who underwent curative hepatectomy from May to November in 2008, were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, and its prognostic significance was evaluated. Thereafter, the migration, invasion, and metastatic alterations in MHCC97H cells with PRL-3 overexpression or knockdown were explored and compared with the tumor size and lung metastasis in orthotopic HCC model of nude mice derived from MHCC97H cells with PRL-3 overexpression or knockdown. The underlying mechanism involving PRL-3-mediated effect on HCC migration, invasion, and metastasis was further examined. Results: Univariate and multivariate analysis demonstrated PRL-3 overexpression was an independent prognostic factor for poor overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) of the HCC patients. Increased PRL-3 expression in MHCC97H cells was in accordance with the enhanced metastasis potential. PRL-3 knockdown inhibited the migration, invasiveness, and clone forming ability in MHCC97H cells, whereas PRL-3 overexpression reverted the above behavior. The growth of xenograft tumor in the liver was suppressed, and the lung metastasis in nude mice was inhibited by PRL-3 downregulation. The knockdown of PRL-3 could downregulate the expressions of Integrinβ1 and p-Src (Tyr416), p-Erk (Thr202/Tyr204) activation, and reduce MMP9 expression. Both MEK1/2 inhibitor (U0126) and Src inhibitor could repress PRL-3-induced invasiveness and migration in MHCC97H cells. Conclusions: PRL-3 was significantly overexpressed and an independent prognostic factor to predict the death of HCC patients. Mechanically, PRL-3 plays a critical role in HCC invasive and metastasis via Integrinβ1/FAK-Src/RasMAPK signaling. Validation of PRL-3 as a clinical prediction marker in HCC warrants further research.
... [23] For example, FAK recruits the growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2) and actives mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade to activate several transcription factors such as the oncogenic c-Myc and c-Jun via phosphorylation, thereby promoting cell cycle progression and growth. [24,25] FAK can also interact with phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), which leads to the activation of protein kinase B (AKT), and then promotes cell migration and invasion. [26,27] In addition, FAK-and Src-regulated Rac and Cdc42 signaling can activate actin-related protein-2/3 (ARP2/3) complex and LIM kinase to induce actin polymerization during the early stages of cell spreading. ...
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Integrins are a family of transmembrane receptors that connect the extracellular matrix and actin skeleton, which mediate cell adhesion, migration, signal transduction, and gene transcription. As a bi-directional signaling molecule, integrins can modulate many aspects of tumorigenesis, including tumor growth, invasion, angiogenesis, metastasis, and therapeutic resistance. Therefore, integrins have a great potential as antitumor therapeutic targets. In this review, we summarize the recent reports of integrins in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), focusing on their abnormal expression, activation, and signaling of integrins in cancer cells as well as their roles in other cells in the tumor microenvironment. We also discuss the regulation and functions of integrins in hepatitis B virus-related HCC. Finally, we update the clinical and preclinical studies of integrin-related drugs in the treatment of HCC.
... For instance, the FAK-SRC complex regulates GTPases signaling proteins including Rac1, Cdc42 and Rho which have direct roles in actin cytoskeleton remodeling 115 . Another endpoint of the integrin signaling pathway that is regulated through the FAK-SRC complex culminates in ERK activation, leading to the regulation of cell proliferation 116 . Changes in the cytoskeleton also result in downstream gene regulation for example through the YAP/TAZ pathway 117,118 . ...
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Tissues grow and remodel in response to mechanical cues, extracellular and intracellular signals experienced through various biological events, from the developing embryo to disease and aging. The macroscale response of soft tissues is typically nonlinear, viscoelastic anisotropic, and often emerges from the hierarchical structure of tissues, primarily their biopolymer fiber networks at the microscale. The adaptation to mechanical cues is likewise a multiscale phenomenon. Cell mechanobiology, the ability of cells to transform mechanical inputs into chemical signaling inside the cell, and subsequent regulation of cellular behavior through intra- and inter-cellular signaling networks, is the key coupling at the microscale between the mechanical cues and the mechanical adaptation seen macroscopically. To fully understand mechanics of tissues in growth and remodeling as observed at the tissue level, multiscale models of tissue mechanobiology are essential. In this review, we summarize the state-of-the art modeling tools of soft tissues at both scales, the tissue level response, and the cell scale mechanobiology models. To help the interested reader become more familiar with these modeling frameworks, we also show representative examples. Our aim here is to bring together scientists from different disciplines and enable the future leap in multiscale modeling of tissue mechanobiology.
... Therefore, the activation of the MAPK pathway leads to the transcription of genes that are important for cell proliferation and cell cycle progression. This pathway can be activated by cell adhesion (e.g., binding of a5b1 to fibronectin) or growth factors (such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) (27,28). Moreover, phosphorylated FAK connects with PI3K, which leads to the activation of AKT via PDK1 (29). ...
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Integrins, a family of adhesion molecules generally exist on the cell surface, are essential for regulating cell growth and its function. As a bi-directional signaling molecule, they mediate cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interaction. The recognitions of their key roles in many human pathologies, including autoimmunity, thrombosis and neoplasia, have revealed their great potential as a therapeutic target. This paper focuses on the activation of integrins, the role of integrins in tumorigenesis and progression, and advances of integrin-dependent tumor therapeutics in recent years. It is expected that understanding function and signaling transmission will fully exploit potentialities of integrin as a novel target for tumors.
... Furthermore, after adhesion with ECM, integrins could regulate traction for invasion and cell migration. To summarize, integrins stimulate the survival, proliferation, and metastasis of tumorigenic cells (Yee et al., 2008;Böger et al., 2014;Duro-Castano et al., 2017). Specifically, they stimulate overexpression of αvβ3 integrin receptor, which has been allied with various types of cancer including glioblastoma, colon, melanoma, breast, pancreatic, prostate ovarian, and cervical cancer. ...
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Cancer is a life-threatening disease, contributing approximately 9.4 million deaths worldwide. To address this challenge, scientific researchers have investigated molecules that could act as speed-breakers for cancer. As an abiotic drug delivery system, liposomes can hold both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs, which promote a controlled release, accumulate in the tumor microenvironment, and achieve elongated half-life with an enhanced safety profile. To further improve the safety and impair the off-target effect, the surface of liposomes could be modified in a way that is easily identified by cancer cells, promotes uptake, and facilitates angiogenesis. Integrins are overexpressed on cancer cells, which upon activation promote downstream cell signaling and eventually activate specific pathways, promoting cell growth, proliferation, and migration. RGD peptides are easily recognized by integrin over expressed cells. Just like a multistage rocket, ligand anchored liposomes can be selectively recognized by target cells, accumulate at the specific site, and finally, release the drug in a specific and desired way. This review highlights the role of integrin in cancer development, so gain more insights into the phenomenon of tumor initiation and survival. Since RGD is recognized by the integrin family, the fate of RGD has been demonstrated after its binding with the acceptor’s family. The role of RGD based liposomes in targeting various cancer cells is also highlighted in the paper.
Background: Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive brain tumor. Integrins have been implicated in the malignancy of GBM. A recent study demonstrated that integrin α3 (ITGA3) promoted the invasion of breast cancer cells by regulating transcriptional factor POU3F2. However, whether this also happened in GBM remained unknown. Methods: Therefore, we explored the relationship between ITGA3 and POU3F2 in GBM. We measured the expression of ITGA3 and POU3F2 in GBM tissues. We generated ITGA3 knockdown and POU3F2 knockdown GBM U87MG cells and the proliferation, migration and invasion, the expression of stemness markers and epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers were measured. We transplanted ITGA3 knockdown and POU3F2 knockdown GBM U87MG cells into mice. The mice were treated with anti-ITGA3 antibody. The tumor sizes, the expression of stemness markers and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers were measured. Results: Both ITGA3 and POU3F2 were upregulated in GBM tissues. Knocking down ITGA3 resulted in reduced expression of POU3F2. Knocking down ITGA3 and POU3F2 suppressed U87MG cells proliferation, migration and invasion, inhibited the expression of stemness markers and prevented epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The transplantation of ITGA3 knockdown and POU3F2 knockdown U87MG cells decreased tumor size. Conclusion: Anti-ITGA3 antibody treatment reduced the tumor size. ITGA3 regulates stemness and invasion of glioblastoma through POU3F2.
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Integrins are surface adhesion molecules that, upon binding to ligands, cluster to form adhesion complexes. These adhesion complexes are comprised of structural and regulatory proteins that modulate a variety of cellular behaviors including differentiation, growth, and migration through bidirectional signaling activities. Aberrant integrin expression and activation in ovarian cancer plays a key role in the detachment of cancer cells from primary sites as well as migration, invasion, and spheroid formation. An emerging area is the activation or rearrangement of integrins due to mechanical stress in the tumor microenvironment, particularly in response to fluid shear stress imparted by currents of malignant ascites. This chapter describes the role of integrins in ovarian cancer with an emphasis on crosstalk with survival pathways, the effect of malignant ascites, and discusses the literature on integrin-targeting approaches in ovarian cancer, including targeted photochemistry for therapy and imaging.
Due to its superficial anatomical localization, the cornea is continuously subjected to injuries. Damages to the corneal epithelium trigger important changes in the composition of the extracellular matrix to which the basal human corneal epithelial cells (hCECs) attach. These changes are perceived by membrane‐bound integrins and ultimately lead to re‐epithelialization of the injured epithelium through intracellular signalin. Among the many downstream targets of the integrin‐activated signaling pathways, WNK1 is the kinase whose activity is the most strongly increased during corneal wound healing. We previously demonstrated that pharmacological inhibition of WNK1 prevents proper closure of wounded human tissue‐engineered cornea in vitro. In the present study, we investigated the molecular mechanisms by which WNK1 contributes to corneal wound healing. By exploiting transcription factors microarrays, electrophoretic mobility‐shift assay, and gene profiling analyses, we demonstrated that the DNA binding properties and expression of numerous transcription factors (TFs), including the well‐known, ubiquitous TFs specific protein 1 (Sp1) and activator protein 1 (AP1), were reduced in hCECs upon WNK1 inhibition by WNK463. This process appears to be mediated at least in part by alteration in both the ubiquitination and glycosylation status of these TFs. These changes in TFs activity and expression impacted the transcription of several genes, including that encoding the α5 integrin subunit, a well‐known target of both Sp1 and AP1. Gene profiling revealed that only a moderate number of genes in hCECs had their level of expression significantly altered in response to WNK463 exposition. Interestingly, analysis of the microarray data for these deregulated genes using the ingenuity pathway analysis software predicted that hCECs would stop migrating and proliferating but differentiate more when they are grown in the presence of the WNK1 inhibitor. These results demonstrate that WNK1 plays a critical function by orienting hCECs into the appropriate biological response during the process of corneal wound healing. This study investigated the impact of WNK1 inhibition on the activity of several transcription factors (TFs) and on the gene expression pattern in human corneal epithelial cells (hCECs). Pharmacological inhibition of WNK1 by WNK463 decreased expression of many TFs, including specific protein 1 (Sp1) and activator protein 1 (AP1) through modifications in the ubiquitination and glycosylation status of these proteins, leading to their greater targeting for degradation through the ubiquitin‐proteasome system. The reduced TFs expression impacted the transcriptome of human corneal epithelial cells.
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It has been proposed that integrins activate ERK through the adaptor protein Shc independently of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) or through FAK acting on multiple target effectors, including Shc. We show that disruption of the actin cytoskeleton by cytochalasin D causes a complete inhibition of FAK but does not inhibit Shc signaling and activation of ERK. We have then generated primary fibroblasts carrying a targeted deletion of the segment of β1 subunit cytoplasmic domain required for activation of FAK. Analysis of these cells indicates that FAK is not necessary for efficient tyrosine phosphorylation of Shc, association of Shc with Grb2, and activation of ERK in response to matrix adhesion. In addition, integrin-mediated activation of FAK does not appear to be required for signaling to ERK following growth factor stimulation. To examine if FAK could contribute to the activation of ERK in a cell type-specific manner through the Rap1/B-Raf pathway, we have used Swiss-3T3 cells, which in contrast to primary fibroblasts express B-Raf. Dominant negative studies indicate that Shc mediates the early phase and peak, whereas FAK, p130CAS, Crk, and Rap1 contribute to the late phase of integrin-dependent activation of ERK in these cells. In addition, introduction of B-Raf enhances and sustains integrin-mediated activation of ERK in wild-type primary fibroblasts but not in those carrying the targeted deletion of the β1 cytoplasmic domain. Thus, the Shc and FAK pathways are activated independently and function in a parallel fashion. Although not necessary for signaling to ERK in primary fibroblasts, FAK may enhance and prolong integrin-mediated activation of ERK through p130CAS, Crk, and Rap1 in cells expressing B-Raf.
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Integrin-mediated adhesion to the extracellular matrix plays an important role in regulating cell survival and proliferation. There is now increasing evidence that integrins activate shared as well as subgroup-specific signaling pathways. The signals from these adhesion receptors are integrated with those originating from growth factor and cytokine receptors in order to organize the cytoskeleton, stimulate mitogen-activated protein kinase cascades, and regulate immediate early gene expression. The repertoire of integrins and composition of the extracellular matrix appear to dictate whether a cell will survive, proliferate or exit the cell cycle and differentiate in response to soluble factors.
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We have characterized the mechanism by which the subcellular distribution of c-Src is controlled by the phosphorylation of tyrosine 527. Mutation of this tyrosine dramatically redistributes c-Src from endosomal membranes to focal adhesions. Redistribution to focal adhesions occurs independently of kinase activity and cellular transformation. In cells lacking the regulatory kinase (CSK) that phosphorylates tyrosine 527, c-Src is also found predominantly in focal adhesions, confirming that phosphorylation of tyrosine 527 affects the location of c-Src inside the cell. The first 251 amino acids of c-Src are sufficient to allow association with focal adhesions, indicating that at least one signal for positioning c-Src in focal adhesions resides in the amino-terminal half. Point mutations and deletions in the first 251 amino acids of c-Src reveal that association with focal adhesions requires the myristylation site needed for membrane attachment, as well as the SH3 domain. Expression of the amino-terminal region alters both the structural and biochemical properties of focal adhesions. Focal adhesions containing this non-catalytic portion of c-Src are larger and exhibit increased levels of phosphotyrosine staining. Our results suggest that c-Src may regulate focal adhesions and cellular adhesion by a kinase-independent mechanism.
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Tyrosine kinases catalyze phosphoryl transfers from ATP to tyrosine residues in proteins. Despite their growing importance, their kinetic mechanism has remained largely unexplored. In this study, we have investigated the tyrosine kinase reaction catalyzed by purified human recombinant Csk (C-terminal Src kinase). Poly(Glu,Tyr) 4:1 was used as the tyrosine-containing substrate. Both ATP and poly(Glu,Tyr) were shown to be well behaved saturable substrates for recombinant Csk, with Km values that were in reasonable agreement with literature values reported for the non-recombinant enzyme and with kcat about 40 min-1. A sequential kinetic mechanism is suggested by a steady state kinetic analysis. Inhibitor studies with ADP and beta,gamma-imidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate were performed, and these results provided evidence against the possibility that ordered binding of peptide prior to ATP occurs. While a suitable competitive inhibitor of poly(Glu,Tyr) has not yet been identified, other evidence pointed to a rapid equilibrium random mechanism. Csk utilized adenosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) in place of ATP. The phosphorothioyl transfer occurred with a kcat about 15-20-fold lower than the ATP reaction but with similar Km values. Deuterium solvent isotope effects on kcat were small for both reactions in a pH-independent range, consistent with the possibility that proton transfer is asymmetric in the reaction transition state. Using viscosity effects, ADP product release was suggested to be partially rate determining for catalysis in the standard ATP reaction. A comparison of the Csk kinetic mechanism with that of protein kinase A is discussed.
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Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-mediated interactions with phosphotyrosine residues are critical in many intracellular signal transduction pathways. Attempts to understand the determinants of specificity and selectivity of these interactions have prompted many binding studies that have used several techniques. Some discrepancies, in both the absolute and relative values of the dissociation constants for particular interactions, are apparent. To establish the correct dissociation constants and to understand the origin of these differences, we have analyzed three previously determined interactions using the techniques of surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. We find that the binding of SH2 domains to phosphopeptides is weaker than generally presumed. A phosphopeptide based on the hamster polyoma middle tumor antigen interacts with the SH2 domain from Src with an equilibrium dissociation constant (Kd) of 600 nM; a phosphopeptide based on one binding site from the platelet-derived growth factor receptor binds to the N-terminal SH2 domain of the 1-phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase p85 subunit with a Kd of 300 nM; and a phosphopeptide based on the C terminus of Lck binds to the SH2 domain of Lck with a Kd of 4 microM. In addition, we demonstrate that avidity effects that result from the dimerization of glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins with SH2 domains could be responsible for overestimates of affinities for these interactions previously studied by surface plasmon resonance.
A computational model is a representation of some physical or other system of interest, first expressed mathematically and then implemented in the form of a computer program; it may be viewed as a function of inputs that, when evaluated, produces outputs. Motivation for this article comes from computational models that are deterministic, complicated enough to make classical mathematical analysis impractical and that have a moderate-to-large number of inputs. The problem of designing computational experiments to determine which inputs have important effects on an output is considered. The proposed experimental plans are composed of individually randomized one-factor-at-a-time designs, and data analysis is based on the resulting random sample of observed elementary effects, those changes in an output due solely to changes in a particular input. Advantages of this approach include a lack of reliance on assumptions of relative sparsity of important inputs, monotonicity of outputs with respect to inputs, or ad...
A computational model is a representation of some physical or other system of interest, first expressed mathematically and then implemented in the form of a computer program; it may be viewed as a function of inputs that, when evaluated, produces outputs. Motivation for this article comes from computational models that are deterministic, complicated enough to make classical mathematical analysis impractical and that have a moderate-to-large number of inputs. The problem of designing computational experiments to determine which inputs have important effects on an output is considered. The proposed experimental plans are composed of individually randomized one-factor-at-a-time designs, and data analysis is based on the resulting random sample of observed elementary effects, those changes in an output due solely to changes in a particular input. Advantages of this approach include a lack of reliance on assumptions of relative sparsity of important inputs, monotonicity of outputs with respect to inputs, or adequacy of a low-order polynomial as an approximation to the computational model.
Integrin receptors mediate cell adhesion to extracellular matrices and provide signals that direct proliferation and differentiation. Integrin binding involves receptor-ligand interactions at the cell-substrate interface and assembly and reorganization of structural and signaling elements at the cytoplasmic face. Using a cross-linking/extraction/reversal method to quantify bound integrins, we demonstrate that the density of alpha5beta1 integrin-fibronectin bonds increases linearly with ligand density, as predicted by simple receptor-ligand equilibrium. This linear relationship is consistent with linear increases in cell adhesion strength with receptor and ligand surface densities. Furthermore, we show that phosphorylation of FAK, a tyrosine kinase involved in early integrin-mediated signaling, increases linearly with the number of integrin-Fn bonds. These linear relationships suggest the absence of cooperative effects in the initial stages of mechanical coupling and adhesion-mediated signaling.
A theoretical framework is proposed for the analysis of adhesion between cells or of cells to surfaces when the adhesion is mediated by reversible bonds between specific molecules such as antigen and antibody, lectin and carbohydrate, or enzyme and substrate. From a knowledge of the reaction rates for reactants in solution and of their diffusion constants both in solution and on membranes, it is possible to estimate reaction rates for membrane-bound reactants. Two models are developed for predicting the rate of bond formation between cells and are compared with experiments. The force required to separate two cells is shown to be greater than the expected electrical forces between cells, and of the same order of magnitude as the forces required to pull gangliosides and perhaps some integral membrane proteins out of the cell membrane.
Src homology 2 (SH2) domains are phosphotyrosine-binding modules found within various signal-transducing proteins. We have determined by 125I competition assay and surface plasmon resonance that the SH2 domains of Src and Lck bind to a variety of phosphopeptides with similar affinity and specificity. Both bound with highest affinity [Kd(app) approximately 3.7 nM; ka = 2.4 x 10(5) M-1 x s-1; kd = 1.2 x 10(-3) s-1] a phosphopeptide having a Tyr(P)-Glu-Glu-Ile motif found in the hamster polyomavirus middle-sized tumor antigen. Intermediate affinity (5- to 40-fold lower) was observed with phosphopeptides corresponding to the regulatory domains of Src and Lck, containing Tyr527 and Tyr505, respectively. Lowest affinity (80- to 300-fold lower) was observed with phosphopeptides corresponding to phosphorylated tyrosines of GTPase-activating protein, insulin receptor substrate 1, and SH2 domain-containing protein-tyrosine-phosphatase 1.