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Working with patient advocacy groups poses many challenges to entrepreneurs, but the benefits can be substantial. Here, we examine the relationship between biotech PTC Therapeutics and Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy to highlight some key factors for success in such partnerships.
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Giving patients a say: how to work with patient
advocacy groups
Anne-Laure Winkler & David Finegold
Working with patient advocacy groups poses many challenges to entrepreneurs, but the benefits can be substantial.
Here, we examine the relationship between biotech PTC Therapeutics and Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy to
highlight some key factors for success in such partnerships.
When a child is diagnosed with a termi-
nal disease, parents will try almost any-
thing to help. One direction in which they are
increasingly channeling their efforts is to use
their own money to fund early-stage research
at companies. But what are the pros and cons
for entrepreneurs of working with inves-
tors who have such a desperate need to find
treatments? We looked at one such collabora-
tion, Project Catalyst, which is a partnership
between Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy
(PPMD), a group of around 3,000 parents and
relatives, 50 of which each contributed at least
$25,000 for research, and South Plainfield, New
Jersey–based PTC Therapeutics. Based on our
study of this successful collaboration, we offer
tips for working effectively with patient groups
and disease-oriented foundations.
Genesis of the collaboration
PTC Therapeutics was co-founded by Stuart
Peltz in 1998 to commercialize his research on
post-transcriptional control processes. PTC’s
first program was to discover a drug to treat
disorders that occur as a consequence of non-
sense mutations. After years of R&D on small
molecules with the capacity to suppress prema-
ture polypeptide chain termination at nonsense
mutations, PTC applied a set of criteria, includ-
ing current knowledge of disease, strength of
patient groups and the status of genotyping to
choose two initial indications for its lead drug,
PTC124: cystic fibrosis (CF) and Duchenne
muscular dystrophy (DMD).
Sometime shortly after, H. Lee Sweeney,
chair of the University of Pennsylvania School
of Medicine’s department of physiology,
introduced the PTC management team to
representatives of PPMD, a grassroots organi-
zation focused on finding treatments for DMD.
Sweeney had built independent relationships as
a scientific advisor to PTC and a scientific direc-
tor for PPMD and brought the two together
when he felt the time was right. For PPMD’s
founder Patricia Furlong, who lost two sons
at the ages of 15 and 17 to DMD, “it was like a
dream come true. Not only did PTC124 offer a
potential lifetime therapy for some individuals
with DMD, but also the company’s technology
could be used to develop other novel treat-
ments. DMD is a progressive muscle disorder
that causes the loss of both muscle function and
independence. Because the DMD gene is found
on the ‘x’ chromosome, the disorder manifests
primarily in boys. PTC124 addressed only a
small subpopulation of DMD patients, those
with specific nonsense mutations; however, the
majority of DMD patients have other types of
mutations. PTC’s senior vice president of cor-
porate development, Cláudia Hirawat, relates
what happened next. “Pat [Furlong] said, ‘I’m
so glad that you’re working for 15% of the boys
[with nonsense mutations], but that’s just not
good enough. I’ve got 85% of the boys we’ve
got to do something for. We know you have this
technology and we want you to do this.’”
In 2003, PPMD formed Project Catalyst to
support PTC’s screen of five targets relevant
to all boys and young men with DMD, in the
hopes that at least one of these would yield a
clinical candidate (according to industry aver-
ages for attrition). To fund the work, PPMD
pledged to raise $1 million from parents, and
PTC contributed with its internal resources.
Unexpectedly, four of the five targets yielded
positive results. That posed a dilemma for the
partners: each target represented a different,
complementary approach to treating DMD, yet
the costs of pursuing all four targets would be
substantial—an estimated $1.7 million for hit-
to-lead efforts and $15 million for lead opti-
mization. It was at this point that the partners
applied to the US National Institutes of Health
(NIH) for funding, which in July 2007 awarded
the research collaboration between Sweeney
and PTC a grant of $15.4 million (see Box 1).
Benefits of partnership
This partnership has benefited both sides in
many ways (Table 1). Most important for
PTC, the deal secured additional funds for
risky, early-stage research, typically the most
difficult to fund. This enabled PTC to expand
its pipeline without diluting the company’s
ownership. This type of financing is becom-
ing more popular with life science companies.
US disease foundations are slated to invest $75
million in company drug development in 2007,
a tenfold increase from 2000 (ref. 1).
PPMD is also a powerful force in the edu-
cation of policy makers. When patient advo-
cacy groups trust a corporate partner, they
can be a strong voice for more government
resources and more rapid US Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) drug approval. Parents
with sick children carry an intense emotional
weight and even small patient groups can be
very effective advocates. Furlong worked with
a lawyer member of the organization to help
pass the MD-Care Act in 2001 that mandates
that the NIH promote research for muscular
Anne-Laure Winkler and David Finegold are at
Rutgers University, School of Management and
Labor Relations, Janice H. Levin Building, 94
Rockefeller Road, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854,
e-mail: or
Another benefit is the insight patient groups
can provide. Working with patient groups in
the drug discovery stage enables a company
to gain a much deeper understanding of the
disease and can have a major impact on how
it markets its drugs. In the case of Project
Catalyst, input from parents and patient groups
was invaluable in shaping the DMD research
program, even before it reached the clinic.
Working with disease foundations can yield
similar, nonmonetary benefits. For example, by
virtue of reviewing 800 academic and industry
grants a year, the Michael J. Fox Foundation for
Parkinson’s Research understands where the
science is, and “what’s hot, what’s tired,” says
Sohini Chowdhury, the foundation’s associate
director of research programs.
PTC always understood that patient groups
offered a bridge to researchers, clinicians and
patients. Access is critical in rare diseases, where
only a handful of medical experts may focus on
a specific disease, and patient groups will natu-
rally build close relationships with these spe-
cialists. “As a company, you need to work with
those scientists and you need the blessing of the
patient organization to do so,” observes Abbey
Meyers, founder of the National Organization
for Rare Diseases.
Finally, working with PPMD in Project
Catalyst and interacting with individuals
with the disease has helped instill a sense of
urgency in researchers at PTC—the employees
at PTC are exposed to both DMD patients and
their parents on a regular basis. PTC scientists
Ellen Welch and Sergey Paushkin say that they
“never feel more motivated” then after their
contact with the DMD community. Likewise
for Sweeney, this type of applied research offers
the chance to “do something that might change
someone’s life. You feel you’re doing something
for these families, for these kids, for society.
This kind of commitment helps sustain efforts
during the inevitable setbacks in the long drug
development process.
For PPMD, the partnership also gets the
parents closer to their main objective: finding
new treatments for their sons. By targeting its
resources at the hard-to-fund translational
phase of research (between government fund-
ing for basic science and later-stage clini-
cal trials where startups can often identify a
large partner to fund), even a small group like
PPMD was able to have a significant influence
on PTC’s choice of development priorities. And
through collaborations with drug companies,
patient groups can educate their members on
the latest scientific and clinical progress in their
disease area and the development process itself.
Companies also offer a set of general business
and organizational capabilities that can pro-
vide support for patient groups, many of which
rely heavily on volunteers. PTC has offered its
patient groups access to experts and to the
development of materials and help in increas-
ing their public exposure (see Box 2).
Partnership issues and their management
A company should strive to have a cohesive
strategy for managing its relationship with each
patient group. According to Mark Krueger, a
leader in this field whose consulting company
advises companies in their relationships with
patient advocacy groups, this should include
a clear definition of milestones, appropriate
financial management and appointment of a
single contact person. Project Catalyst estab-
lished a milestone-based approach, which
clarifies what each party is to contribute in
resources, to expect in outputs, and when.
Project spending and dedicated staff are care-
fully monitored, and regular meetings enable
the partners to track progress and keep mem-
bers focused. PTC has gone so far as to establish
a patient and professional advocacy group to
communicate with PPMD and the other patient
groups it works with, such as the Muscular
Dystrophy Association in Tucson, Arizona; the
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Foundation in New
York; Fight SMA in Richmond, Virginia; and
the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in Bethesda,
Regarding money, foundations and parent
groups can structure their funding to compa-
nies in many ways: from no-strings-attached
grants, to interest-free loans, to equity or
Box 1 The NINDS program for translational research in
neurological diseases
Recent progress in disease mechanisms offers unparalleled opportunities for treatment
of neurological disorders. Five years ago, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke (NINDS) committed to reduce the burden of disease through an integrated
program for identification and preclinical testing of new therapies (Nat. Neurosci. 5,
1029–1030, 2002). Facilitation of applications and progress by NINDS staff, special
review environments and milestone-driven funding plans are key elements of this program.
In November 2005, NINDS partnered with the National Institute of Arthritis and
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases to launch initiatives specifically for muscular dystrophy
in association with the existing NINDS translational research program. As John Porter, a
program director at NINDS, explains, this program for muscular dystrophy supports both
academic and corporate researchers for preclinical development of drug and biologic
therapies. The program currently funds a broad range of therapeutic strategies, from drugs
that mitigate progression of the disease to gene modification or gene therapy approaches
that may cure the disorder. Partnering is the key to success in translational research.
Porter states that “the collaboration between patient groups, companies, academia and
government, exemplified in the recent award to Lee Sweeney and PTC Therapeutics, may
be the best way to go for a rare disease.” More information on the NINDS support for
translational research in muscular dystrophy can be found at
Table 1 Benefits of company–patient group partnerships
Benefit To company To patient group
Financial Increased access to funding, which
can often stimulate other sources
of financing
Money directly employed in finding
treatments; broad exposure and
successful efforts often lead to
additional funding in area
Public and political
Advocacy power useful for interactions
with FDA and other regulators
Group recognized as contributor to
search for new treatments
Advice and expertise Increased access to patients,
investigators and thought leaders
Receive information and nonfinancial
support from companies
Research Increased scientific knowledge in
areas of commercial interest
Increased scientific knowledge of
Products Opportunities to expand indications
and markets for products that
were previously unanticipated
Increased likelihood of products in
disease areas of interest
Motivation Human element inspires scientists
to overcome challenges of drug R&D
Empowers patients to feel they are
directly contributing to search for a
venture capital-like investments. The social
venture capital approach offers clear benefits
(that is, increasing accountability by holding
companies to clear milestones and providing
a potential return that can be reinvested in the
search for future treatments). But it can also
raise issues: funders may be perceived to be
too closely tied to a single company and not
objective in evaluating all proposals, whereas
companies may be less interested in giving up
significant royalties or equity to pursue small-
market indications. In the case of Project
Catalyst, although the funding is a grant, it is
treated with all the rigor and accountability of
an investment. For a research foundation like
the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which has a
wider spectrum of corporate partnerships, it
tailors the type of investment to the level of
involvement and stage of research. It says it
views its grants as investments, but it is not in
the business of getting returns. It simply wants
research to go faster.
In their zeal to pursue a research program or
to keep their business going, companies may
overstate the potential of a new technology.
Desperate to treat patients, PPMD fell victim to
this early in its history when it bought into the
potential for a quick cure through gene therapy.
As an advisor, Sweeney views it as his job to ask
the hard questions of companies or scientists
who may be too optimistic when making pre-
sentations at patient meetings. Although PTC
is eager to find a treatment for DMD, the com-
pany stays cautious in its communication with
PPMD and its stakeholders
Although there are many advantages to hav-
ing an expert intermediary like Sweeney work
closely with patient groups and the companies
they fund, there are also inherent potential con-
flicts of interest built into that dual role. Sweeney
says that the potential conflicts arise because he’s
trying to look after the best interests of both
sides, and at times it is not possible to do some-
thing that is of maximum benefit to everyone.
Without NIH funding, Sweeney would have
needed to advise PPMD to fund the target that
was as disease specific as possible, leaving the
company to use its own money to do things of
more value to the company. When these con-
flicts of interest cannot be avoided, the best bet
is to fully disclose potential conflicts and to have
clearly defined guidelines for resolving them.
PTC and PPMD were fortunate that the
promising results of their initial research led to
the NIH grant, because without that substan-
tial funding, they might have been forced to
make difficult choices about which of the badly
needed complementary approaches they could
afford to fund. As their experience (and that of
other industry projects funded by disease foun-
dations) suggests, it is vital that the partners plan
early for what will happen at later stages in the
pipeline. What strategies will they use to fund
subsequent stages of development? And what
will happen if a company is unable to or chooses
not to continue with the development program?
In the latter case, funders sometime retain the
rights to take the potential treatment elsewhere
for development.
Key success factors
Several factors determine the success or failure
of a partnership with patient advocacy groups
(Table 2).
Early start to partnership. Working with
patient groups in the drug discovery stage
enables the company to gain a much deeper
level of understanding of the disease and can
have a strong impact on how a company mar-
kets its drugs. “Companies are going to real-
ize that they need to collaborate with patient
groups earlier, that this is an investment in
the relationship and that it has a very deep
commercial impact later on,” says Hirawat,
adding, “When you can marry patient advo-
cacy with later marketing effort, you can see
a significant payoff because you are viewing
the patients as your customers, and as such
they are important stakeholders and the best
source of information.”
Supportive top management. The bond
between the partners is likely to be stronger if
the leaders of the company have signaled that
it is a business priority and an activity to which
they personally devote energy. PTC’s business
leaders, Peltz and Hirawat, regularly participate
in the meetings with PPMD.
Box 2 Illustration of the benefits for the larger company: Genzyme
As Elliot Hillback, senior vice president of corporate affairs for Genzyme of Cambridge,
Massachusetts, notes, “strong relationships between companies and patient groups can be
formed more easily and are likely to be stronger in disease areas where there is a chronic
condition, which lasts a long time and the outcomes are somewhat predictable, such as
with genetic diseases and multiple sclerosis. There’s an evolving course of action, and
you can build long-term relationships with those [patient] groups and work on long-term
treatments and hopefully eventually a cure.”
Genzyme had to figure out a sustainable business model to treat very small patient
populations with their orphan drugs, while also developing ways to work with the health
care systems in areas of the world where there is no support for the treatment of a rare
disorder. Genzyme’s collaborative efforts worldwide with patient groups in the lysosomal
storage disorder area have helped. As a result, Genzyme’s internal patient advocacy group
based in Cambridge has grown from one to five dedicated members to build relationships
in different regions in the world across different diseases. It has created a global patient
guidance document that helps clarify expectations for employees working with patient
groups around the world.
Patients and Genzyme also work on access to therapy and reimbursement. Hillback
says his company seeks to align with patients in helping all the parties in the health care
system understand the disease and therapy as accurately as possible so that doctors will
be full partners in optimizing the patient’s care and the drug will be reimbursed in an
appropriate way.
But perhaps the greatest benefit comes during difficult periods. When Genzyme
faced a supply shortage of its drug, Myozyme (alglucosidase alfa) for Pompe disease,
the company was very forthcoming and worked closely with patients to obtain the best
possible outcome, with some patients willing to skip a dose periodically to try to ensure
the company could treat everyone, says Hillback.
Table 2 Factors and working strategies in successful collaborations
Factors for success How to tackle issues
Early start to partnership Plan the partnership
Supportive top management Choose the right form of funding
Open and honest communication Manage expectations
Shared goals and empathy Perceive potential conflict of interests
Trusted intermediaries Plan for success
Strong commitment to overcoming roadblocks
Open and honest communication. A strong
collaboration starts with frank dialog and
mutual respect. “We keep the communica-
tion lines open; issues arise when people are
not in the loop,notes Peltz. The relationship
has actually helped enhance the company’s
communication strategy. Although it is nec-
essary for biotech companies to be optimistic
about the future, they also have to be cautious
about what they communicate—according
to PTC’s Hirawat, this approach helps the
company manage the expectations of both
patients and other stakeholders.
Shared goals and empathy. Sometimes when
working with patient advocacy groups, com-
panies can end up viewing the patients only
as funders or customers. That is a mistake.
Krueger notes, “PTC teaches us that treat-
ing groups with respect, as equal partners, is
essential.” From the start, PTC approached
its collaboration with PPMD by trying to
understand the needs of its partner. The
key from the patients’ perspective is that the
company listens to their input and incor-
porates it into decisions. In fact, Kimberly
Galberaith, PPMD’s executive vice president,
says her group isn’t “used to people talking
to us as if we know anything.” In Project
Catalyst, though, everyone works together
the patient group, the company and the
investigators. Once a drug is approved, then
a fourth player enters the dialog: the payer.
Trusted intermediaries. Finding the right
people to connect with in organizations is
critical for a collaboration’s success. Sweeney
emphasizes, “It’s all about personalities,
about trust. I thought [a potential relation-
ship with PPMD] would be a natural fit with
some companies, but there was no fit with
the people.”
In Project Catalyst, Sweeney’s own per-
sonal interest and the role he has played
in bringing PTC and PPMD together have
proved vital to creating a strong partnership.
Although Sweeney’s dedication to both sides
may be unusual, Krueger notes that the exis-
tence of committed, caring top-level scien-
tific advisors is a key bridge between patients
and companies in many other disease areas.
Strong commitment to overcoming road-
blocks. The people and organizations
involved in these collaborations are deeply
committed to successful outcomes. The
strongest test to commitment is revealed in
the efforts and creativity the partners invest
to overcome obstacles. Committed partners
tend to deviate from the norm of business
as usual. To progress as far as it has, PTC has
also had to pioneer new funding strategies,
approaching patient organizations that didn’t
typically partner with industry before, such
as the Muscular Dystrophy Association. And
it had to be willing to commit a high percent-
age of its resources to multiple treatments for
DMD, a rare disease that is currently consid-
ered untreatable.
Partnerships between biotech companies and
patient groups offer an opportunity for win-
win collaborations: biotech companies can
get much needed funding, valuable informa-
tion and support for their research, develop-
ment and commercialization efforts, whereas
patients are likely to get the new treatments
they seek more quickly than through funding
of academic research.
1. Gambrill, S. Venture philanthropy is on the rise.
Thomson CenterWatch, Clinical Trials Today. <http://
tria/2007/08/venture-philant.html> (6 August 2007)
... The relation is delicate and as the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) illustrates a multiplicity of advocacy groups can be challenging. Nevertheless biotech illustrates the effectiveness of focussed relationships [21]. The embryo derivation issue is a problem for those engaged in therapies based on adult cells who find that the activity, with which they have no connection, can have an adverse impact on regen product commercialization in general. ...
Venture philanthropy is on the rise
  • S Gambrill
Gambrill, S. Venture philanthropy is on the rise. Thomson CenterWatch, Clinical Trials Today. <http:// tria/2007/08/venture-philant.html> (6 August 2007)