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A continuous process to extract plasmid DNA based on alkaline lysis


Abstract and Figures

Rapid advances in the fields of DNA vaccines and gene therapy have produced increased demands for large quantities of recombinant plasmid DNA. The protocol presented here extracts plasmid DNA in a scalable continuous process based on an alkaline lysis protocol. In the process, harvested bacteria are passed through two mixing chambers at controlled speeds to effect lysis and control alkalinity. The resulting solution is passed through a series of filters to remove contaminants and then ethanol precipitated. This process replaces all the centrifugation steps before obtaining crude plasmid and can be easily scaled up to meet demands for larger quantities. Using this procedure, plasmid can be extracted and purified from 4 l of Escherichia coli culture at an OD 600 nm of 50 in <90 min. The plasmid yields are approximately 80-90 mg l(-1) culture.
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A continuous process to extract plasmid DNA based on
alkaline ly sis
Xiaolin Li
, Huali Jin
, Zhifang Wu
, Simon Rayner
& Bin Wang
State Key Laboratory for Agro-Biotechnology and the Key Laboratory of Agro-Microbial Resources and Applications of MOA, China Agricultural University, Beijing
100094, China.
Present address: Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Science,Wuhan, Hubei 430072, China. Correspondence should be addressed to B.W.
Published online 17 January 2008; doi:10.1038/nprot.2007.526
Rapid advances in the fields of DNA vaccines and gene therapy have produced increased demands for large quantities of recombinant
plasmid DNA. The protocol presented here extracts plasmid DNA in a scalable continuous process based on an alkaline lysis protocol.
In the process, harvested bacteria are passed through two mixing chambers at controlled speeds to effect lysis and control alkalinity.
The resulting solution is passed through a series of filters to remove contaminants and then ethanol precipitated. This process
replaces all the centrifugation steps before obtaining crude plasmid and can be easily scaled up to meet demands for larger
quantities. Using this procedure, plasmid can be extracted and purified from 4 l of Escherichia coli culture at an OD 600 nm of 50 in
o90 min. The plasmid yields are B80–90 mg l
Rapid advances in the fields of DNA vaccines and gene therapy
have produced increased demands for large quantities of recombi-
nant plasmid DNA. The problem is further exacerbated, as efficiency
of plasmid-based delivery to cells is relatively low—only 0.1% of
plasmids presented to the cells can reach the nucleus and be
. Thus, a scaleable process for the continuous prepara-
tion of plasmid DNAwould be of great benefit to researchers and is
a problem that has been the focus of several previous studies
Broadly speaking, a process for manufacturing plasmid DNA
includes the following steps: plasmid construction, cell transforma-
tion, cell growth, and extraction and purification of the plasmid
For extraction and purification, the most critical part of the process
is probably cell breakage
and there are several ways to achieve this.
The most popular method is based on alkaline lysis of the cell
principal drawback with this method, with a view to automating
the process, is that it includes multiple centrifugation steps. The
first step separates the bacteria from the cultured media before lysis,
the second step separates the plasmid and RNA from the cell debris
after lysis, and the third step separates the precipitated plasmid
from above solution after ethanol or isopropanol precipitation
These steps cannot be easily incorporated into a continuous process
and so impede scaling up the alkaline lysis method for large-scale
preparation of plasmid DNA
. An alternative method for cell
breakage is boiling lysis
; however, in this approach, the yield and
purity of the plasmid is inconsistent and the complexities of the
method make it undesirable even for research-scale preparation
Recently, we reported the successful development and optimization
of a continuous process based on the thermal lysis protocol
The process was modified from the conventional boiling lysis
protocol and made plasmids in a continuous and scalable manner.
However, a centrifugation step was still required after lysis.
Large-scale extraction of plasmid by the alkaline lysis procedure
has been recognized as problematic, specifically due to the three
separate steps involved in the sequential mixing and reaction of
each of the three solutions (solutions I, II and III as indicated in
REAGENT SETUP) used in the process. In a more recent report
we described a design for a flow-through protocol from cultured
bacteria for the extraction of plasmid DNA by the alkaline lysis
procedure, with the incorporations of additional modifications to
permit a more continuous process.
The schematic design of the device and setup is shown in
Figure 1. One of the most important modifications to the process
was the elimination of the centrifugation steps, as these represent
the most rate-limiting segment for plasmid extraction using the
alkaline lysis method. In addition, we examined the various process
parameters to improve the overall efficiency and the quality and
yield of final product. The modular design of the system ensures
that the operation can be easily scaled up and experimental
parameters easily reinvestigated to ensure optimum operation for
alternative configurations.
To eliminate centrifugations, we employed a 0.2-mm hollow fiber
cartridge to harvest cells, a filtration system (labeled N in Fig. 1)to
remove debris after cell lysis, and a 70-mm nylon filter to remove
RNA contamination after the plasmid was precipitated in ethanol.
As the hollow fiber cartridge can be manufactured in many
different sizes, a suitable cartridge can be selected to recover the
desired nal volume of fermented bacteria. After mixing with
solution III, lysed bacteria are passed through four layers of
nylon filters of gradually decreasing pore size (375, 186, 122 and
70 mm) to remove debris and other impurities in this size range.
The use of a 70-mm nylon filter has been observed to be the most
effective at separation of RNA from the plasmid after ethanol
In the process of preparation of plasmid, the most critical step is
probably cell breakage
. If the breakage step is too vigorous, the
genomic DNA will be broken up and contaminate the plasmid. If
the step is too gentle, less plasmid DNA will be obtained and overall
yield will fall. In this protocol, the incorporation of mixing chamber A
(labeled A in Fig. 1) addresses both these issues and permits
efficient lysing of the bacteria. By investigating mixing order of
reagents and flow rate, we were able to determine the best
combination in terms of optimal yield and quality of final product.
An additional problem was that, after mixing with lysing
solution II in chamber A, the lysed product was very viscous and
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VOL.3 NO.2
difficult to mix with solution III. This
mixing step is also an important part in
the process because the alkalinity of the
lysed product must be reduced rapidly to
avoid secondary reactions that can
adversely affect the quality of the final
product. We overcame this problem by
including a second mixing chamber B
(labeled B in Fig. 1), combined with a
shaker, to assist in the mixing process. By
examining a range of frequencies for the
shaker, we were able to determine which
produced the best results for the final
product in terms of quality and yield.
The procedure provides a fast and effi-
cient way to extract plasmid in large
volumes. After extracting plasmid using
the described protocol and continuous
device, the plasmid may be purified using
any available purification protocol. We have
compared the extracted product obtained
from our system with the product obtained
from a manual alkaline lysis. Both were
purified in Qiagen plasmid-purification
columns (Qiagen, Germany) and compar-
able transfection efficiency was observed in
the samples.
In summary, we have developed a novel
design comprising continuous control of
reagent flow into the system and replace-
ment of all the centrifugation steps by use
of filters and hollow fiber membrane car-
tridges. The resulting continuous process
provides a scalable, faster and more effi-
cient method for plasmid extraction, which
is readily adoptable for various subsequent
downstream purification protocols such as
spermidine compaction
, CTAB precipita-
, gel filtration
or magnetic bead
. The process circumvents
problems of traditional alkaline lysis and
provides a platform for automated produc-
tion of plasmid DNA to meet the needs of
DNA vaccinations, non-viral vector-based
gene therapy, RNAi expressing constructs
and other related clinical and research
applications. Although this continuous sys-
tem is easy to operate, an initial step invol-
ving adjustment of connections, tube sizes
and synchronizing pumps is required to set up and optimize the
system. Flow rate, the size of mixing cells, and shake frequency need
to be optimized for new experimental conditions. The fermenta-
tion process and harvesting of bacteria are not described in the
following procedure, which begins with the alkaline lysis of
harvested bacteria. Fermentation should be carried out as described
in ref. 15, and bacteria should be harvested for use in this protocol
as described in ref. 15, using Solution I instead of TE.
Plasmid DNA m CRITICAL The following plasmids have been extracted using
this protocol: pcDNA3(5446 bp), pGEX-4T-1(4969 bp), pVAX1(2999 bp)
and pcD-VP1. The last, encoding a capsid protein VP1 (639 bp) of foot and
mouth disease virus (described previously
), was extensively used during the
optimization of this protocol.
uP eru
T1 T2
P1 P1P1
C3 C4
T3 T4
70% EtOH
Air dry
C5 C6
Figure 1
Schematic of continuous alkaline lysis process to extract plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli.The
cells in C1 are adjusted to an OD 600 nm of 100 with solution I. P1 (4-channel peristaltic pump) is turned
on in order to pump the diluted bacteria, 0.4 M NaOH, 2% SDS, and solution III from containers C1, C2, C3
and C4, into mixing chamber A, through T1, T2, T3 and T4 tubes, respectively. The speed of the pump is
adjusted to give a flow rate of 3.0 cm s
in tubes. During the mixing, 0.4 M NaOH and 2% SDS meet first at
the junction of tubes T2 and T3 and are mixed to form solution II. Solution II then mixes with the diluted
bacteria in mixing chamber A to cause lysing of the bacteria. Lysed bacteria mix with solution III in mixing
chamber B, which is facilitated by the shaker (at a frequency of 75 Hz). Most proteins and chromosomal
DNAs form white precipitates and are removed by passing the liquid through filter N comprising four
sequential nylon filters of 375, 186, 122, 70 mm pore sizes. The filtered liquid is collected in container C5
and the total collected volume is measured. Plasmid DNA in the liquid is precipitated by adding two times
its volume of 100% ethanol into chamber C5 and is collected on a nylon filter of 70-mm pore size. The
precipitated plasmid DNA on the filter is rinsed using 70% ethanol in 2 liquid volume above (waste liquid
is collected in container C6), air dried and resuspended into TE buffer for further purification.
VOL.3 NO.2
Escherichia coli:DH5a (Invitrogen) m CRITICAL TOP10 and JM109 can also
be used.
Tris–base (Sigma, cat. no. T1819)
EDTA (Sigma, cat. no. T3913)
Glucose (Beijing Chemical Factory, cat. no. 3475-1999)
0.4 M NaOH (Beijing Chemical Reagents Company, cat. no. 10019792)
m CRITICAL Use freshly made.
2% (wt/vol) SDS (Sigma, cat. no. L5750)
Potassium acetate (Beijing Chemical Reagents Company,
cat. no. 30154592)
Acetic acid (Beijing Chemical Reagents Company, cat. no. 10000292)
70% Ethanol (Beijing Chemical Factory, cat. no. 32061)
10 mg ml
Ethidium bromide (EtBr; Sigma, cat. no. E7637)
Agarose (Biowest, cat. no. A6585)
DNA markers (TaKaRa, cat. no. D501A)
4-Channel peristaltic pump (Hitachi Density Gradient pump, type: DGP-2.
Hitachi Koki)
Multi-Wrist Shaker (LAB-LINE Instruments)
Filter assembly (see EQUIPMENT SETUP)
Mixing chambers A and B (see EQUIPMENT SETUP)
Containers (see EQUIPMENT SETUP)
Tubing to connect the components of the apparatus (see EQUIPMENT
TE buffer 10 mM Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0. Can be stored at room
temperature for one year.
Solution I 50 mM Glucose, 25 mM Tris–HCl, 10 mM EDTA, and pH 8.0. Can
be stored at 4 1Cfor6months.
Solution II Mixture of 0.4 M NaOH and 2% SDS in equal volumes (see Fig. 1).
Solution III 3 M potassium acetate, 5 M acetic acid, and pH 4.8. Can be stored
at 4 1Cfor6months.
TAE buffer 40 mM Tris–acetate, 1 mM EDTA. Can be stored at room
temperature for one year.
Filter assembly Nylon filters with pore sizes of 375, 186, 122 and 70 mm
(Wangyi, cat. no. D501A) are stacked sequentially in a cassette type assembly, with
the largest pore filter at the front of the device (i.e., receiving the solution first) and
Mixing chambers A and B The glass chambers are of circular cross-section
(2-cm diameter) and elliptically shaped along the longitudinal axis (8-cm long),
(e.g., similar in shape to a rugby ball or American football). The chambers were
constructed in house and are of 18.1 ml volume.
Containers Containers C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 and C6 are 25 cm in diameter and
20 cm in depth (can be obtained from a hardware store).
Tubing to connect the components of the apparatus Silicone tubing with an
inner diameter of 3.10 mm (Tygon, R-3603) is used for the connection. The
length of each tube is: T1, 15.3 cm; T2 and T3, 14.7 cm; T4, 20.9 cm; T5, 6.2 cm.
Continuous alkaline lysis preparation
TIMING 45 min
1| Dilute bacteria that were fermented and harvested as described in ref. 15 (using solution I instead of TE for the harvesting
procedure) with solution I (in container C1 of Fig. 1) until the OD value at 600 nm reaches 100. The typical starting volume is 250 ml.
m CRITICAL STEP The solution of bacteria in solution I should be well mixed.
m CRITICAL STEP 100 OD 600 nm is the optimal density for the lysis. A lower density will cause excessive lysis, leading to secondary
products, and a higher density will result in incomplete lysis
2| Turn on P1 pump to pump diluted bacteria, 0.4 M NaOH, 2% SDS, and solution III from containers C1, C2, C3 and C4, into
mixing chambers A and then B, through tubes T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively (see Fig. 1). Adjust the speed of pump, and make
the flow rate 3.0 cm s
for each solution.
m CRITICAL STEP A lower or higher flow rate can result in lower plasmid yield
. The 0.4 M NaOH and 2% SDS meet first at the
junction of tubes T2 and T3, and mix to produce solution II. Solution II then mixes with diluted bacteria in mixing chamber A and
lyses the bacteria. Lysed bacteria mix with solution III in mixing chamber B and the shaker (at a frequency of 75 Hz) ensures
complete mixing.
m CRITICAL STEP 75 Hz is the optimal shaker frequency; a lower frequency will cause incomplete lysis and a higher frequency can
result in more chromosomal DNA contamination
3| The proteins and chromosomal DNA after the mixing of solution III form white precipitates, which are removed by
passing continuously through T5 onto the filter N comprising four sequential nylon membranes of progressively smaller pore size
(375, 186, 122 and 70 mm) and the filtered liquid is collected in container C5 (see Fig. 1).
m CRITICAL STEP Nylon membranes of the stated pore sizes (from bigger pore to smaller pore size) filter the mixture and will make
this step quicker and more efficient. Nylon membranes of smaller pore sizes may also work well, but this has not yet been
investigated thoroughly.
4| Measure the volume in C5 and add cold 100% ethanol at 2 volume of the collected liquid to precipitate plasmid DNA.
m CRITICAL STEP Store the ethanol at 20 1C for 2 h before using. If the volume of bacterial culture in C1 is known to be the same in
subsequent fermentation batches, the same volume of 100% ethanol as used in this step can be pre-added in C5 for subsequent
5| Collect precipitated plasmid DNA by passing solution through a nylon filter of 70-mmporesize.
m CRITICAL STEP The precipitated plasmid DNA remains on the filter.
6| Rinse precipitated plasmid DNA on the nylon filter with 70% ethanol at 2 volumes of the collected liquid in C5.
m CRITICAL STEP Rinses with 70% ethanol are critical to remove excess RNA contamination; more than two rinses can be applied.
Plasmid DNA purification
TIMING 30–40 min
7| Remove precipitated plasmid DNA from the filter and resuspend in 1 ml of TE buffer for further purification. Use a commercially
available purification column to purify plasmid according to the manufacturer’s instructions, such as the Qiagen-tip available from Qiagen.
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VOL.3 NO.2
Plasmid DNA quantification
8| Serially dilute plasmid DNA (from 100 to 15,000-fold) and
run 5 ml diluted plasmid DNA mixed with 1 mlloadingdyeona
0.7% agarose gel (at 100 V for 45 min) along with a standard
quantitative DNA marker. Visualize bands under 300 nm UV
light after staining with EtBr and record with suitable digital
camera (e.g., Olympus). Quantify each band in comparison to
the intensity of a known amount of DNA marker using the
Quantity One software package (Bio-Rad).
m CRITICAL STEP DNA Markers or ladders from other companies
can be used in this method if they have bands that are serially
Plasmid quality analysis
9| Plasmid quality can also be analyzed by measuring its ratio of OD 260/280 nm using UV-visible spectrophotometry. The
ratio of the OD values at 260 nm versus those at 280 nm should be 1.8–2.0, which is within the range of acceptable purity for
plasmids. The contaminants, such as bacteria proteins can be visualized by silver stained gels and adapted from the Bio-Rad
Silver Stain Kit Protocol (Bio-Rad). The level of lipopolysaccharides or endotoxin can be tested by the Limulus Amebocyte
Lysate gel-clot assay (Associates of Cape Cod).
Steps 1–6, continuous alkaline lysis and plasmid precipitation: 45 min
Step 7, plasmid DNA purification: 30–40 min
Step 8, plasmid DNA quantification: 1 h
Step 9, analysis of plasmid DNA quality: 10 min
Troubleshooting advice can be found in Table 1.
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Troubleshooting table.
Problem Possible cause Solution
Low plasmid yield Cell concentration is too low Optimize the fermentation conditions
Cell concentration is too high Adjust the cell concentration to 100 OD 600 nm in Step 1
Excessive lysis occurred owing to
low flow rate
Flow rate should be optimized for new experimental conditions
Wrong mixing order Make sure the connectivity of tubes will allow 0.4 M NaOH and
2% SDS to mix first, then with bacteria
Low shaking frequency Adjust the shaking frequency of mixing cell B to 75 Hz or
reoptimize if experimental configuration has been changed
Excessive ghost band
in front
of supercoiled plasmid DNA
Cell concentration too low Adjust the cell concentration to 100 OD 600 nm as in Step 1
Change to different strains of Escherichia coli
Flow rate is too slow Adjust the pump speed to increase the flow rate to B3.0 cm
Mixing cell A is too small Make mixing cell A bigger (to same proportion if using
wider tubes)
Excessive amounts of
chromosomal DNA
Cell concentration too high or too low Adjust the cell concentration to 100 OD 600 nm as in Step 1
The pH may have changed in one or more
of the solutions
Use freshly made solutions I, II and III
The shaking frequency is too high in cell B Readjust the shaking frequency in cell B
Figure 2
Electrophoresis of plasmid
extracted from the continuous alkaline lysis.
The plasmid was extracted by manual alkaline
and by the continuous alkaline lysis
described by this protocol. After
purification with the previously described
,1ml plasmid was subjected to
electrophoresis on a 0.7% agarose gel to
determine its purity and yield. M, extracted by
manual alkaline lysis; A, extracted by
continuous alkaline lysis. SC, plasmid in
supercoiled form; OC, plasmid in open circle
form; genomic DNA contamination is shown as a
band above the OC.
VOL.3 NO.2
Plasmid yields and quantities from four independent trials are
shown in Table 2. In general, this protocol offers a procedure to
extract plasmid in a continuous method and eliminates all the
centrifugation steps before plasmid purification. The plasmid
yield after purification is 80–90 mg l
and can be easily scaled
up by using bigger tubes and pumps. After purification, the ratio
of plasmid is B1.8–1.9 (Table 2), and most DNA are supercoiled
(Fig. 2).
Published online at
Reprints and permissions information is available online at
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uP eru
Plasmid yield from this protocol.
Escherichia coli
Yield (mg l
) OD (260/280)
pcDNA3 DH5a 90.16 1.89
pVAX1 DH5a 80.00 1.85
pcDNA3-VP1 JM109 85.47 1.82
pEGFP-N3 TOP10 83.33 1.88
pcDNA3.1, pVAX1 and pEGFP-N3 are plasmid vectors obtained from Invitrogen. pcDNA3-VP1 was
obtained by cloning of the VP1 protein of foot and mouth disease virus.
All plasmid DNA were
transformed into E. coli and fermented in the semi-synthetic medium in an automatic fermenter as
described in ref. 15.
VOL.3 NO.2
... For HTP lysis of host cells after induced expression of mutants, a practical approach should produce sufficient lysis efficacy in a short time, steady lysis efficacy over a long lysis duration, high repeatability of lysis efficacy, favorable cost, and negligible interference with enzyme stability and activity. To date, freezing-thawing, sonication treatment, and chemical lysis are reported for HTP lysis of host cells [13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. In practice, freezing-thawing tolerates low efficiency, low lysis repeatability, and inapplicability to susceptible enzymes [13][14][15]. ...
... Sonication treatment has satisfactory lysis efficiency, but tolerates low throughput, the cost on dedicated equipment, and inapplicability to enzymes susceptible to mechanical shock [16][17][18]. Chemical lysis needs no special equipment and has satisfactory practicability in almost every enzyme laboratory, but potential interference of lysis reagents with enzyme actions and dynamic lysis efficiency are serious concerns [19][20][21][22][23][24]. For directed evolution of enzymes, Escherichia coli cells are the popular hosts for induced expression of mutants. ...
... For directed evolution of enzymes, Escherichia coli cells are the popular hosts for induced expression of mutants. Currently, most chemical lysis approaches to Escherichia coli cells employ lysozyme and mild surfactants [20][21][22][23][24], but tolerate low repeatability and high cost for sufficient lysis efficiency within reasonable lysis duration [22]. The use of lysozyme for HTP lysis of cells also prevents the confirmation of positive mutants by comparison of the averages of apparent specific activities of candidates against the starting enzyme, in a large number of cell lysates [17,18]. ...
Full-text available
Facile alkaline lysis of Escherichia coli cells in high-throughput (HTP) mode for screening enzyme mutants was tested with Pseudomonas aeruginosa arylsulfatase (PAAS). The alkaline lysis buffer was 1.0 M Tris-HCl at pH 9.0 plus 0.1 % Tween-20 and 2.0 mM 4-aminobenzamidine, mixed with cell suspension at 8:1 to 12:1 ratio for continuous agitation of mixtures in 96-well plates under room temperature; enzymatic activity in lysates was measured with 96-well microplate. PAAS activity tolerated final 0.1 % Tween-20. Individual clones were amplified for 12 h in 0.50 mL TB medium with 48-well plates to enhance the repeatability of induced expression. During continuous agitation of the mixture of cells and the lysis buffer, PAAS activities in lysates were steady from 3 to 9 h and comparable to sonication treatment but better than freezing-thawing. Coefficients of variation of activities of PAAS/mutants in lysates after treatment for 7 h reached ∼22 %. The mutant M72Q had specific activity 2-fold of G138S. By HTP lysis of cells, M72Q was recognized as a positive mutant over G138S with the area under the curve of 0.873. Therefore, for enzymes tolerating concentrated alkaline buffers, the proposed alkaline lysis approach may be generally applicable for HTP lysis of host cells during directed evolution.
... After vortexing, the falcons were placed in a shaker incubator at 37 °C for 14 hours overnight. The plasmid extraction was performed from falcons containing bacteria using Li et al. [22] with slight modifications. ...
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Background: Cytochrome P450s have essential roles in oxidative reactions during the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, such as terpenoids. Objective: This research was aimed to identify the gene CYP72A154 as a gene involved in the glycyrrhizin biosynthesis pathway in Iranian licorice. Methods: CYP72A154 gene was isolated from Iranian licorice and cloned it into the PTG19-T vector. After confirmation of fragment length, the recombination plasmid was sent for sequencing. NCBI BLAST was used to analyze the nucleotide/ protein sequence homology between Glycyrrhiza glabra and other plants. The characterization of predicted amino acid sequences such as sequence homology, protein domains and functional sites, was performed using InterProscan. RT-PCR was performed to improve the relative expression this gene in the licorice root. Results: The query length was 314 aa, which after blasting in NCBI had about 78 to 80 % identity to the cytochrome P450 72A154 and 11-oxo-beta-amyrin 30-oxidase in species of G. glabra, G. uralensis and G. pallidiflora, as well as about 64 to 67 % with other species of the Fabaceae family. TMHMM analysis indicated the Exp number of AAs in TMHs was 22.11931, Exp number and first 60 AAs was 20.013. The results of RT-PCR revealed that the expression of this gene was comparable to the β-AS gene and CYP88D6, both being involved in the glycyrrhizin biosynthesis pathway. Conclusion: According to bioinformatics analysis and RT-PCR, it can be stated that the desired fragment belongs to the CYP72A154 gene and is also involved in the biosynthesis of glycyrrhizin.
... However, the principle of the extraction of DNA persists to be the same. Plasmid DNA of the confirmed clone is prepared in bulk and storage is done at -20°C [30,31]. ...
Full-text available
Background: The primary interest for most molecular biologists has remained genes. The isolation and amplification of genes are the foremost criteria for gene-related studies. Main Body: A simple strategy for the same is gene cloning by incorporating a gene into a vector or vehicle carrying a DNA molecule. This is further taken through the replication process with the help of living cells. A recombinant DNA molecule comes into the picture as a result of combining two DNAs possessing disparate sources. The required gene isolated from any source can be taken to the cloning process by inserting it into a suitable vector with desired properties to create recombinant DNA. Cloning involves the use of restriction enzymes termed restriction endonucleases or molecular scissors isolated from various sources. Various other enzymes like DNA ligases, used for joining the DNA fragments, DNA polymerases, used in producing multiple replicas of a source DNA are involved in cloning procedures. Furthermore, the produced recombinant DNA can be introduced into the host system in order to syn-thesize the product, the gene codes for. The obtained protein product is finally concentrated and purified by affinity chromatography, followed by analysis and confirmation by western blotting. Conclusion: Cloning of genes and expressing the recombinant protein in bacterial system followed by purification by chromatography involves important tools and techniques in molecular biology. Keywords: DNA Insertion; Bacterial Expression System; Molecular Cloning; Recombinant DNA Technology; Affinity Chromatography; Western Blotting
... It can be concluded that SPR confirmed the results of our other experiments; however, only QCM can be used for the quantification of these steps. It should also be noted that DNA molecules are stable even in 0.1 M NaOH solution, which is used for the lysis of cells and the isolation of DNA, 46 in addition to the esteric group hydrolysis. ...
We describe a self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on a gold surface with carboxybetaine ester functionality to control the interaction between DNA and gold nanoparticles via pH. The negatively charged phosphate backbone of DNA interacts with and adsorbs to the positively charged carboxybetaine esters on the SAM. DNA release can be achieved by the hydrolysis of carboxybetaine ester (CBE) to a zwitterionic carboxybetaine state. Furthermore, the adsorption of negatively charged citrate-capped gold nanoparticles to a SAM-modified plain gold surface can be controlled by pH. The SAM based on carboxybetaine ester allows for homogenous adsorption of particles, whereas the SAM after hydrolysis at high pH repels AuNP adsorption. The anti-fouling surface properties of the surface modified with carboxybetaine were investigated with protein samples.
... Our system can achieve both micromixing and PCR in a single chamber without adding any other microfluidic components. The single-chamber micromixing approach is broadly applicable in a wide range of biochemical reactions that require heating processes at 40 o C -135 o C, such as cell lysis [73], DNA hybridization [74], protein digestion [75], and biosynthesis [76] as well as PCR [77]. In conventional microfluidic systems, achieving biochemical reactions normally requires additional heating chambers besides micromixing channels, thereby adding more complexity to the system. ...
This research demonstrates the use of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology to control microscale heat and mass transfer for lab-on-a-chip biochemical assays and the analysis of complex vapor mixtures. Toward this goal, we have developed two microdevices, namely (1) a micromixer and (2) a microthermal modulator. The micromixer uses natural convection to greatly simplify the micromixing process in a microfluidic network, whereas the microthermal modulator utilizes forced convection to manipulate vapor samples in a fast, low-power consuming manner within a comprehensive 2-D gas chromatography system. In a microfluidic network, micromixing is a crucial step for biochemical analysis. A critical challenge is that the microfluidic systems need numerous chambers and channels not only for mixing but also for biochemical reactions and detections. Thus, a simple and compatible design of the micromixer element for the system is essential. Here, we demonstrate a simple, yet effective, scheme that enables micromixing and biochemical reaction in a single chamber without using any mechanical components. We accomplish this process by using natural convection in conjunction with two alternating heaters for micromixing. As a model application, we demonstrate PCR and its reagent mixing in a single microfluidic chamber. Our results will significantly simplify the micromixing and subsequent biochemical reactions. In comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC), a modulator is placed at the juncture between two separation columns to focus and re-inject eluting mixture components, thereby enhancing the resolution and the sensitivity of the analysis. Here, we present the design, fabrication, thermal operation, and initial testing of a two-stage microscale thermal modulator (??TM). The ??TM contains two sequential serpentine Pyrex-on-Si microchannels (stages) that cryogenically trap analytes eluting from the first-dimension column and thermally inject them into the second-dimension column in a rapid, programmable manner with low thermal crosstalk between the two stages. A lumped heat transfer model is used to analyze the device design with respect to the rates of heating and cooling, power dissipation, and inter-stage thermal. Preliminary tests using a conventional capillary column interfaced to the ??TM demonstrate the modulation of a mixture of alkanes.
Developing effective bacterial autolytic systems for fast release of intracellular bioproducts could simplify purification procedures and help with the high throughput screening of mutant libraries in protein engineering. Here, we developed a fast and tightly regulated E. coli autolytic system, named the FhuD-lysozyme-SsrA mediated autolytic (FLSA) system, by integrating the secretion signal peptide, T7 lysozyme, and E. coli ClpX/P-SsrA protein degradation machinery. To decrease the cytotoxicity of leaky T7 lysozymes, the SsrA tag was fused to the C-terminus of T7 lysozyme to confer a tight regulation of its production. Using sfGFP as a reporter, we demonstrated that anchoring the Sec-Tat dual pathway signal peptide FhuD to the N-terminus of T7 lysozyme-SsrA could give the highest cell lysing efficiency. The optimization of the FLSA system indicated that weak alkaline conditions (pH 8.0) and 0.5% Triton X-100 could further increase the lysing efficiency by about 24%. The FLSA system was validated by efficient production of sfGFP and human growth hormone 1 (hGH1) in a shake flask, with a cell lytic efficiency of approximately 82% and 80%, respectively. Besides, the FLSA system was applied for large-scale fermentation, in which approximately 90% sGFP was released with a cell density OD600 of 110. Moreover, the FLSA system was also tested for α-amylase mutant library screening in microplates, and the results showed that intracellular α-amylase can be efficiently released out of cells for activity quantitation. In all, the FLSA system can facilitate the release of intracellular recombinant proteins into the cell culture medium, which has the potential to serve as an integrated system for large-scale production of recombinant targets and high throughput enzyme engineering in synthetic biology.
In the present paper, an optimized method to extract common carp sperm DNA (csDNA) from common carp testis, the mechanism of ethidium bromide (EtBr) interaction with csDNA, as well as the removal of EtBr pollutant by csDNA was studied. The results showed that high salt extraction method was suitable for extracting csDNA. Under the optimum conditions, the yield of csDNA extraction was as high as 11.7%. In addition, the results of UV–vis spectra, fluorescence spectra, and observation with fluorescence microscope indicated that csDNA could be intercalated by EtBr to form a stable complex, which confirmed that csDNA could be applied in removing EtBr pollutant. Based on the csDNA intercalation, EtBr pollutant was removed by csDNA effectively, which was 94.13%. This work not only provides a smart method to extract high purity and quality csDNA from byproducts of common carp testis but also provides an easily available csDNA to remove EtBr from pollutants.
Gene therapy and DNA vaccines have shown a great potential for the cure and diagnosis of major diseases. The monitoring of the downstream procedure, as well as the assessment of final product purity and specifications, is a key issue in process validation and final product approval. In this review, the application of anion exchange chromatography to pharmaceutical plasmid analysis was reviewed. There are four types of chromatography media for plasmid analysis, including porous, perfusion, pellicular and non porous media. The separation and analysis properties of the four types of chromatography media on plasmid with impurities and supercoiled plasmid with other isoformers are summarized and compared with each other. The main problems and future prospects are discussed from the viewpoint of practical application.
A viral disease like dengue lacking a specific form of treatment is a high menace to human health. Situation becomes worse in developing countries like Pakistan because of poor health care services and facilities. Using data from earlier works and analyzing them, this review aims to explore the disease epidemiology. Dengue Virus (DENV) destroys the immune system and causes health problems like headache, inflammation, bleeding, hypertension and mental disorders. Death also can be caused through dengue because of its adverse effects on liver which also may result in hepatitis. Dengue spread can be controlled through many ways like modulating the environment and devastating its vector. Biological control appears as potential approach to control its vector, especially the use of Wolbachia. Currently, no vaccines are available against this virus and antiviral drugs are also not significantly effective. Phytochemical studies revealed that apple, papaya and lemon are rich source of carotenoids, esters, flavonoids, phenolic acid, terpene and vitamins. Apple was found to have a number of antiviral compounds like phytoestrogens, procyanidins and rosmarinic acid. Although there are few reports of antiviral compound obtained from papaya but it has been reported to have evocative beneficial effects on immune system. The phytochemicals behave as strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agents which can help the body against dengue-induced inflammation and oxidation stresses. Several other features are also found in these reviewed phytochemicals that can protects the human body from the adverse effects of dengue infection. In nutshell, the consuming of papaya and apple should be incorporated in daily routine life especially during the season when this disease appears in its epidemic form.
The demand for plasmid DNA (pDNA) has vastly increased over the past decade in response to significant advances that have been made in its application for gene therapy and vaccine development. Plasmid DNA-based vaccines are experiencing a resurgence due to success with prime-boost immunization strategies. The challenge has always been poor productivity and delivery of pDNA. Plasmid DNA-based vaccines have traditionally required milligram scale of GMP-grade product for vaccination due to the relatively low efficacy and duration of gene expression. However, efforts to increase pDNA vaccine effectiveness are evolving in genetic manipulations of bacterial host, improvements in product recovery and innovative delivery methods. This review summarizes recent advances in large-scale pDNA vaccine manufacturing, ranging from upstream processing, downstream processing and formulation, as such information is usually not available to the scientific community. The article will highlight technology gaps and offer insight on further scope of innovation.
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A simple and fast protocol is described for the purification of genomic DNA from 0.3 ml of whole human blood. The recovery of DNA is quantitative and reproducible; the quality is such that it can be used for all relevant molecular biology techniques.
The past several years have witnessed a rapidly increasing number of reports on utilizing plasmid DNA as a vector for the introduction of genes into mammalian cells for use in both gene therapy and vaccine applications. “Naked DNA vaccines” allow the foreign genes to be transiently expressed in transfected cells, mimicking intracellular pathogenic infection and triggering both the humoral and cellular immune responses. While considerable attention has been paid to the potential of such vaccines to mitigate a number of infections, substantially less consideration has been given to the practical challenges of producing large amounts of plasmid DNA for therapeutic use in humans, for both clinical studies and, ultimately, full-scale manufacturing. Doses of naked DNA vaccines are on the order of milligrams, while typical small-scale Escherichia coli fermentations may routinely yield only a few mg/l of plasmid DNA. There have been many investigations towards optimizing production of heterologous proteins over the past three decades, but in these cases, the plasmid DNA was not the final product of interest. This review addresses the current state-of-the-art means for the production of plasmid DNA at large scale in compliance with existing regulatory guidelines. The impact of the nature of the plasmid vector on the choice of fermentation protocols is presented, along with the effect of varying cultivation conditions on final plasmid content. Practical considerations for the large-scale purification of plasmid DNA are also discussed.
We describe the primary recovery of plasmid DNA from alkaline lysis mixtures using a nutsche filter operated under pressure. Six different filter cloths constructed of polypropylene, polyester and stainless steel were tested, with pore sizes ranging from 5-160&#122&#119m. Both pore size and the material of the filter membranes employed in filtration experiments exerted considerable impact on the purity and yield of the plasmid DNA. The greatest degree of solids extrusion, shearing of chromosomal DNA and subsequent contamination of the filtrate was observed with the 160&#122&#119m polyester filter. The best compromise was obtained with a 5&#122&#119m polypropylene cloth. For an alkaline lysis mixture containing 101&#122g wet weight solids per litre, filtration through this cloth proceeded at an average rate of 22.5&#122cm&#122h&#1091. Virtually complete removal of solids (99.4%) and protein (96.8%) was achieved, with a 8.2-fold purification of plasmid DNA at the expense of a 33% loss in yield. The filtration performance of this membrane was further modified by precoating with diatomaceous earths of different permeabilities (0.07-1.2&#122darcies). The finest filter aid resulted in very pure plasmid DNA (65%), complete suspended solids removal and < 1% of the original protein remaining in the filtrate. However, the plasmid yield was only 30%, the processing rate was markedly reduced (8.2&#122cm&#122h&#1091), and some losses of plasmid DNA, due to adsorption on to the diatomaceous earth, were also observed (5.7%).
The first scientific attempts to control an infectious disease can be attributed to Edward Jenner, who, in 1796 inoculated an 8-year-old boy with cowpox (vaccinia), giving the boy protection against subsequent challenge with virulent smallpox. Thanks to the successful development of vaccines, many major diseases, such as diphtheria, poliomyelitis and measles, are nowadays kept under control, and in the case of smallpox, the dream of eradication has been fulfilled. Yet, there is a growing need for improvements of existing vaccines in terms of increased efficacy and improved safety, besides the development of completely new vaccines. Better technological possibilities, combined with increased knowledge in related fields, such as immunology and molecular biology, allow for new vaccination strategies. Besides the classical whole-cell vaccines, consisting of killed or attenuated pathogens, new vaccines based on the subunit principle, have been developed, e.g. the Hepatitis B surface protein vaccine and the Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine. Recombinant techniques are now dominating in the strive for an ideal vaccine, being safe and cheap, heat-stable and easy to administer, preferably single-dose, and capable of inducing broad immune response with life-long memory both in adults and in infants. This review will describe different recombinant approaches used in the development of novel subunit vaccines, including design and production of protein immunogens, the development of live delivery systems and the state-of-the-art for nucleic acids vaccines.
DNA plasmid-based gene expression systems are being widely investigated for the potential treatment of genetic and acquired disease and for DNA-based vaccination. A number of human clinical trials are in progress using plasmid-based drugs. The regulatory framework that has been applied to biologicals such as recombinant DNA-derived proteins has proven to be generally applicable for regulating plasmid-based drugs as well. This was recently emphasized by the inclusion of therapeutic DNA plasmid products in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's list of well-characterized biotechnology products. Present techniques for manufacturing and characterizing plasmids have been adapted from large-scale protein purification and from traditional molecular biology. Production of multi-gram quantities of plasmid, at purities of 95% or more, is currently possible, but further development of both manufacturing and analytical techniques is required. This review describes the approaches and methods currently used to manufacture and characterize DNA plasmids for pharmaceutical use, as well as recent changes in the regulatory environment that will impact future development and marketing of plasmids as human drugs.
A procedure for extracting plasmid DNA from bacterial cells 1s described. The method 1s simple enough to permit the analysis by gel electrophoresis of 100 or more clones per day yet yields plasmid DNA which is pure enough to be digestible by restriction enzymes. The principle of the method is selective alkaline denaturation of high molecular weight chromosomal DNA while covalently closed circular DNA remains double-stranded. Adequate pH control is accomplished without using a pH meter. Upon neutralization, chromosomal DNA renatures to form an insoluble clot, leaving plasmid DNA in the supernatant. Large and small plasmid DNAs have been extracted by this method.