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Coding strategies in number space: Memory requirements influence spatial-numerical associations


Abstract and Figures

The tendency to respond faster with the left hand to relatively small numbers and faster with the right hand to relatively large numbers (spatial numerical association of response codes, SNARC effect) has been interpreted as an automatic association of spatial and numerical information. We investigated in two experiments the impact of task-irrelevant memory representations on this effect. Participants memorized three Arabic digits describing a left-to-right ascending number sequence (e.g., 3-4-5), a descending sequence (e.g., 5-4-3), or a disordered sequence (e.g., 5-3-4) and indicated afterwards the parity status of a centrally presented digit (i.e., 1, 2, 8, or 9) with a left/right keypress response. As indicated by the reaction times, the SNARC effect in the parity task was mediated by the coding requirements of the memory tasks. That is, a SNARC effect was only present after memorizing ascending or disordered number sequences but disappeared after processing descending sequences. Interestingly, the effects of the second task were only present if all sequences within one experimental block had the same type of order. Taken together, our findings are inconsistent with the idea that spatial-numerical associations are the result of an automatic and obligatory cognitive process but do suggest that coding strategies might be responsible for the cognitive link between numbers and space.
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Coding Strategies in Number Space: Memory Requirements
Influence Spatial-Numerical Associations
Oliver Lindemann
1, 2
, Juan M. Abolafia
, Jay Pratt
& Harold Bekkering
Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information,
University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
School of Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience,
University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Instituto de Neurociencias de Alicante,
Universidad Miguel Hernández-CSIC, Spain
Department of Psychology,
University of Toronto, Canada
Oliver Lindemann,
Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information,
University of Nijmegen,
P.O. Box 9104,
6500 HE Nijmegen,
The Netherlands,
Phone: +31 24 36 12615
Coding Strategies in Number Space 2
The tendency to respond faster with the left hand to relatively small numbers
and faster with the right hand to relatively large numbers (SNARC effect) has been
interpreted as an automatic association of spatial and numerical information. We
investigated in two experiments the impact of task-irrelevant memory representations
on this effect. Participants memorized three Arabic digits describing a left-to-right
ascending number sequence (e.g., 3-4-5), a descending sequence (e.g., 5-4-3) or a
disordered sequence (e.g., 5-3-4) and indicated afterwards the parity status of a centrally
presented digit (i.e., 1, 2, 8, or 9) with a left/right keypress response. As indicated by the
reaction times, the SNARC effect in the parity task was mediated by the coding
requirements of the memory tasks. That is, a SNARC effect was only present after
memorizing ascending or disordered number sequences but disappeared after processing
descending sequences. Interestingly, the effects of the second task were only present if
all sequences within one experimental block had the same type of order. Taken together,
our findings are inconsistent with the idea that spatial-numerical associations are the
result of an automatic and obligatory cognitive process but do suggest that coding
strategies might be responsible for the cognitive link between numbers and space.
Coding Strategies in Number Space 3
Research in the field of mathematical cognition has accumulated evidence
indicating that cognitive representations of numerical magnitudes are closely linked
with representations of space. A striking demonstration of this connection is the so
called effect of the spatial numerical association of response codes (SNARC effect),
which reflects the tendency of participants to respond faster with the left hand toward
relatively small numbers and to respond faster with the right hand toward relatively
large numbers (Dehaene, Bossini, & Giraux, 1993). This interaction between number
size and spatial response features has been consistently interpreted as evidence that
numerical magnitude information is spatially coded and associated with a mental
continuum (“mental number line”) on which numbers are consecutively arranged in an
ascending order from the left side to the right (for recent reviews see, e.g., Hubbard,
Piazza, Pinel, & Dehaene, 2005; Fias & Fischer, 2005).
Several authors have proposed that the spatial representation of numbers along
the mental number line can be described as an automatic and obligatory process. In this
context, automatic coding of numerical magnitude is understood as a process that occurs
without the intentional setting of the goal of the behaviour and does not require any
conscious monitoring (see, e.g., Ganor-Stern, Tzelgov, & Ellenbogen, 2007). The idea
of an automatic coding of numerical magnitude is supported by the findings showing
that number magnitude effects on lateralized motor responses emerge even when the
processing of a presented numeral is not required and irrelevant for solving the task
(Fias, Lauwereyns & Lammertyn, 2001; Gevers, Lammertyn, Notebaert, Verguts, &
Fias, 2006). Fias et al. (2001), for instance, reported a SNARC effect caused by
numerals presented as background stimuli while participants were required to
Coding Strategies in Number Space 4
discriminate the orientation of lines and interpreted that both the activation of number
meaning and the association of magnitude with space are obligatory cognitive
processes. Further support for the idea that merely looking at numbers evokes an
activation of spatial cognitive codes is coming from a study on visual-spatial attention
reported by Fischer, Castel, Dodd, and Pratt (2003). The authors presented Arabic digits
in the centre of the screen while participants preformed a simple detection task and
found a shift in covert attention to the left or right side according to the relative size of
the number. Although the cueing of visuospatial attention by numerals has often been
assessed as important evidence for an automatic activation of the mental number line
(Hubbard et al., 2005; Fias & Fischer, 2005), it is important to notice that attentional
effects of numbers emerge far slower than effects of other symbolic cues with
directional meaning (e.g., the words “left” and “right”; Hommel, Pratt, Colzato, &
Godijn, 2001).
There is also a growing body of evidence suggesting that SNARC effects are
influenced by top-down factors and that the associations between numbers and space
are rather flexible. Since the first report of SNARC effects by Dehaene et al. (1993), it
is known that the same number can be linked with either the left or the right side of
space, depending on whether it is the smallest or the largest in the used range of
numbers. Moreover, it has been shown that the same set of numerals evoke reversed
SNARC effects if numbers are intentionally mapped with locations using a different
spatial frame of reference (Bächthold, Baumüller, & Brugger, 1998; Vuilleumier,
Ortigue, & Brugger, 2004; Ristic, Wright, Kingstone, 2006; Galfano, Rusconi, Umilta,
2006). For example, Bächthold et al. (1998) asked participants to make speeded
responses toward numbers ranging from 1 to 11 and instructed to conceive them either
as distances on a ruler or as hours on an analogue clock face. Participants in the ruler
Coding Strategies in Number Space 5
condition showed a regular SNARC effect. Interestingly, in the clock face condition,
where smaller numbers had to be associated with the right side of space (e.g., 3 o’clock)
and large numbers with the left side (e.g., 9 o’clock), the SNARC effect reversed. This
strong impact of the task instruction on the effects of number reading seems to suggest
that the spatial coding of numerical magnitude can be dynamically adapted according to
current task demands. Further support for the notion that SNARC effects are flexible
and not restricted to a left-to-right oriented continuum can also be derived from the
observation of large interindividual variability in the preferred default mapping of
numbers and space. For example, we know from studies with English, Arabic, and
Japanese participants that the spatial associations with numbers are strongly mediated
by culturally acquired reading or scanning habits (Dehaene et al., 1993; Zebian, 2005;
Ito & Hatta, 2004) as well as by learned finger-counting strategies (Di Luca, Granà,
Semenza, Seron, & Pesenti, 2006). Taken together, there is accumulating evidence that
spatial-numerical associations vary across different situations and across different
groups of subjects. Thus, the SNARC effect may depend on the spatial frame of
reference which is intentionally used or required by the task.
In the same vein, Fischer (2006) recently proposed that the spatial representation
of numbers might be the result of an individual’s strategic decision in the light of
current task demands and not the consequence of an automatic activation of the mental
number line. Although there is evidence showing that the selection of a spatial-
numerical reference frame for magnitude representation depends on task demands as
well as on cultural factors, the literature does not provide consistent evidence whether
the activation of spatial codes in number cognition is an automatic obligatory process
or, conversely, whether it is the result of a volitionally controlled cognitive strategy to
deal with magnitude information.
Coding Strategies in Number Space 6
Importantly, a crucial criterion for describing a cognitive process as being
automatic is the absence of any dual task interference (see e.g., Palmeri, 2002).
Consequently, if the association between numbers and space can be described as an
automatic process, the presence of a SNARC effect should not be affected by
requirements of a second unrelated task and should not interfere with spatial-numerical
cognitive codes activated at the same time. To our knowledge, there is no definitive
empirical evidence showing that the SNARC effect is either sensitive, or insensitive, to
interference from an unrelated number task. Given this dearth in the literature, the goal
of the present study was to test whether the spatial representations of numbers in one
task are modulated by the coding requirements of a second simultaneously performed
memory task. If number processing results automatically in an activation of the mental
number line, the presence of the SNARC effect should not be influenced by the
demands of the second task. If the mental number line represents, however, the current
cognitive coding strategy of a person, the SNARC effect should be affected by the
sequential order of an activated memory representation and by an activation of spatial
mnemonic strategies for the second task.
Participants were required to judge the parity status of Arabic numerals (parity
task) after they had memorized a short sequence of three digits for later recall (memory
task). The digits were arranged so that they formed a left-to-right ascending number
sequence (e.g., 3-4-5), a descending sequence (e.g., 5-4-3) or a disordered sequence
(e.g., 5-3-4). The type of digit sequence was varied between three experimental blocks.
Assuming that the mapping of numbers onto space is the result of a cognitive coding
strategy (Fischer, 2006), the SNARC effect in the parity task should be affected by the
Coding Strategies in Number Space 7
ordering of the digits in the memory task. Specifically, we expect the SNARC effect to
be diminished or even reversed in the experimental block of descending number
22 students of the Radboud University Nijmegen (2 males; average age: 21.2)
participated in the experiment in return for course credits.
Apparatus and Stimuli
Participants faced three horizontally aligned square outlines, which served as
placeholder boxes for the presentation of the number stimuli. From viewing distance of
about 70 cm, each of these frames measured 3. of visual angle. All numbers were
printed in black sans serif fonts on light grey background and subtended a horizontal
visual angle of about 1.3°. Reaction times were measured with using a custom-built
external response box with three horizontally aligned buttons.
Please insert Figure 1 about here
The to-be-memorized number sequences were composed of three consecutive
Arabic digits between 3 and 7. They could be subdivided in three categories: sequences
with a left-to-right ascending order (e.g., 3-4-5), sequences with a left-to-right
descending order (e.g.: 5-4-3), and sequences with no monotone order (no order; e.g.,
5-3-4 or 4-5-3). Only number sequences with no order that did not share any digit
location with the corresponding ascending sequence were selected (i.e., sequences like,
e.g., 3-5-4 or 4-3-5 were excluded). As target stimuli for the parity task, we used a
different set of Arabic digits, namely, the numbers 1, 2, 8, and 9. Thus, half of the target
Coding Strategies in Number Space 8
digits in the parity task were smaller than the digits of the memory task and the other
half of the targets were larger.
Figure 1 illustrates the sequence of events in one trial. All trials started with the
presentation of a number sequence, where each digit was displayed in the centre of
another placeholder box. Participants were required to memorize all digits and their
relative locations (left, central, and right location) for later recall. After a presentation
time of 2,500 ms, each digit was replaced by a sharp symbol (‘#’) that remained visible
for 50 ms. 500 ms later, a fixation cross appeared in the central placeholder box and was
replaced after 1000 ms by a single digit. Participants’ task was to indicate as soon as
possible the parity status (odd or even) of this number by means of a left or right hand
keypress response (i.e., pressing the left or right button of the response box). The
assignment of response keys to odd and even digits was balanced across participants.
The digit disappeared after responding or if no response was given after 1000 ms
(missing response). Afterwards, one digit of the previously presented number sequence
was randomly chosen and displayed in each of the three placeholder boxes. Participants
were required to recall the former location of this digit in the sequence and indicate their
answer by pressing the corresponding button of the response box (i.e., left, central, or
right button). There was no time limit for the location recall. The inter-trial-interval was
2000 ms. In the case of an incorrect response in the parity or memory task, a 4400 Hz
beep sound (lasting 200 ms) was presented as acoustic error feedback.
The digit sequence types (ascending order, descending order, and no order) were
systematically varied between three experimental blocks. Thus, for all sequences within
Coding Strategies in Number Space 9
one block the digits were arranged in the same order. Each block comprised 72 trials
presented in random order. They were composed of all possible combinations of the
four target numbers and the digit sequences of this particular experimental block. The
order of blocks was permutated across participants. Before the actual experiment
started, participants performed 38 randomly chosen training trials.
Data analysis
Trials with incorrect parity judgments or incorrect position recalls were
identified and removed from the reaction times (RT) analyses. We calculated the mean
RT and error rate in the parity task for each participant and each possible combination
of the factors Number Magnitude (small: 1 and 2; large: 8 and 9), Response Side (left,
right), and Sequence Type (ascending order, descending order, no order) and analyzed
the data using repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). A one-factorial
ANOVA was performed on the error rates in the position recall task to test for effects of
the sequence type. In all statistical tests reported here, a Type I error rate of
α = .05 was
The SNARC effect in the present paradigm was represented by an interaction
between the factors Number Magnitude and Response Side. In order to obtain in this
type of ANOVA design a standardized estimate of the size of the observed SNARC
effect, we calculated the effect size parameter
of this interaction and its 95 %
confidences interval CI (see Smithson, 2001).
Since the parameter
provides an
estimation of the proportion of variance accounted by the effect, it represents a
generalization of the correlation coefficient r
. The SNARC effect size
therefore a direct comparison with studies employing regression analyses (e.g., Fias,
Brysbaert, Geypens, & d’Ydewalle, 1996), in which the SNARC effect is quantified by
Coding Strategies in Number Space 10
the correlation of the number magnitudes with the reaction time differences between left
and right hand responses.
The analyses of the error rates in the parity judgment task and the position recall
task (see Table 1 for means) did not reveal any effect of the factor Sequence Type, both
Fs(2, 42)<1. Also none of the other effects in the ANOVA of judgment errors reached
significance, all Fs<1.8.
Please insert Figure 2 and Table 1 about here
The mean RTs in the parity judgment task are depicted in Figure 2. The
ANOVA revealed two significant effects: The two-way interaction between the factors
Number Magnitude and Response Side, F(1, 21)=6.90, MSE=3,475, p<.05, indicated
the presence of an overall SNARC effect across all sequence types. That is, left hand
responses were faster to small digits (523 ms) than to large digits (547 ms), t(21)=2.23,
p<.05. This effect tended to be reversed for right hand response (535 ms vs. 520 ms;
t(21)=-1.67, p=.11). Most importantly, however, the analysis revealed a significant
three-way interaction, F(2, 42)=7.36, MSE=935, p<.01,
=.26, which indicates that
SNARC effects were affect by the factor Sequence Type. None of the main effects
reached significance, all Fs< 1.3.
To explore the pattern of the high-order interaction, we tested the interactions
between Number Magnitude and Response Side separately for each experimental block.
Interestingly, SNARC effects were present in the blocks with Ascending Order,
F(1,21)=25.36, MSE=850, p<.001,
=.55 (CI=[.22 .71]), and No Order,
Coding Strategies in Number Space 11
F(1,21)=9.45, MSE=1709, p<.01,
=.31 (CI=[.03 .54]), but not the block with
Descending Order, F(1,21)<1,
A SNARC effect was present if participants memorized an ascending number
sequence but vanished completely in the block where the order of descending number
sequences had to be recalled. Since a SNARC effect was also found for sequences of no
monotonic order, we can exclude that the dissociation of the effect was merely the result
of a higher task difficulty in the descending block or a general cognitive effect of the
increased memory load. Moreover, the lack of a SNARC effect did not reflect any
speed-accuracy trade-off because the analysis of error rates in the parity judgment and
position recall task did not reveal any effect of the sequence type. Thus, the results of
Experiment 1 clearly show that the SNARC effect is modulated by the cognitive coding
of short descending number sequences. More specifically, the spatial representations of
numbers in the parity task were affected by the specific spatial coding requirements and
the resulting memory traces of the second task.
Since the manipulation of the sequence type was varied only between the three
experimental blocks, the internal ordering of the digits was known before the trial
started. It is therefore likely that the knowledge about the ordering of the upcoming
sequence has been used to simplify the coding and recall of the number locations. That
is, participants may have used in the block of descending sequences the concept of
right-to-left orientated number line as strategy to code the digit location. This mnemonic
strategy of a reversed number line, however, is in conflict with the spatial-numerical
coding in the parity task and may therefore explain the vanishing of the SNARC effect.
Alternatively, it might be also possible that the mere coding of three digits in a
Coding Strategies in Number Space 12
descending order automatically activates a spatially reversed mental number line and
interferes therefore with the subsequent spatial coding of numbers. In order to
distinguish between these two accounts—automatic activation of opposite number lines
versus selected memory strategy—we performed a second experiment.
Experiment 1 has demonstrated that the SNARC effect vanishes if the actual
memory task required a coding of numbers arranged in descending order. Experiment 2
tests whether the same interference can be observed if the type of ordering is
randomized on trial-by-trial basis. If the sequence type is not predictable, participants
cannot use their prior knowledge about the sequence ordering to code the digit
locations. Consequently, we should expect the SNARC effect to be unaffected by the
sequence type in the memory task, if a coding strategy of oriented number lines was
responsible for the inhibition of spatial-numerical associations. If, however, the mere
representation of three numbers in a descending order results automatically in an
activation of a reversed number line, we expect the SNARC effect to be modulated by
the sequence coding as it was the case in Experiment 1.
22 students of the Radboud University Nijmegen (4 males; average age: 22.2;
participated in Experiment 2 in return for course credits. None of them took part in the
previous experiment.
Coding Strategies in Number Space 13
Apparatus, stimuli, procedure, design and data analysis
The experimental setup, stimuli, procedure and data analysis were identical to
Experiment 1. The only modification was related to the order of trial presentation.
Again, participants ran through three experimental blocks of 72 trials. However, instead
of varying the factor Sequence Type between blocks, all trials were this time fully
randomized. Thus, each experimental block comprised trials with all three types of digit
As found before, there were no effects of the Sequence Type in the error rates of
the parity judgment task and position recall task, F(2, 42)<1 and F(2, 42)=1.52,
respectively (see Table 1 for means). The ANOVA of the judgment errors revealed an
interaction between Response Side and Number Magnitude, F(1, 21)=15.15,
MSE=1,464, p<.001,
=.42, reflecting a SNARC effect in the accuracy data. That is,
participants made fewer judgment errors if the parity of small numbers had to be
indicated with the left hand (1.64%) than with the right hand (6.27%), t(21)=-3.06,
p<.01, while this effect reversed for large numbers, (6.64% vs. 1.86%), t(21)=3.59,
The ANOVA of the RT data (see Figure 3 for means) yielded a main effect for
the factor Response Side, F(1,21)=6.27, MSE=2,468, p<.05, indicating that right hand
responses (546 ms) were faster than left hand responses (562 ms). Also the interaction
between the Response Side and Number Magnitude reached significance,
F(1,21)=39.60, MSE=2,791, p<.001. That is, left side responses were faster in response
to small numbers (541 ms) than to large numbers (582 ms), t(21)=5.01, p<.001, while
right side responses were slower to small (567 ms) than to large numbers (526 ms),
Coding Strategies in Number Space 14
t(21)=-4.56, p<.001. Most important, however, the three-way interaction between the
factors Response Side, Number Magnitude and Number Sequence failed to reach
significance, F(2, 30)<1. Since the statistical power
was sufficient to detect a three-way
interaction effect as observed in Experiment 1, (1-β)=.80, the analysis indicates that the
SNARC effect was not mediated by the type of number sequence.
Please insert Figure 3 about here
As shown by separate tests for interaction between Number Magnitude and
Response Side, SNARC effect size did not differ for all sequence type conditions:
Ascending Order, F(1, 21)=20.98, MSE=2,172, p<.001,
=.50 (CI=[.17, .68]),
Descending Order, F(1, 21)=26.27, MSE=801, p<.001,
=.56 (CI=[.23, .71]) and
No Order, F(1, 21)=22.23, MSE=2,123, p<.001,
=.51 (CI=[.18, .69]).
Experiment 2 revealed that if digit ordering varied randomly, the SNARC effect
was not affected by the coding of number locations between trials and was now also
present when participants memorized digits in a descending order. It can be therefore
concluded that the mere coding of a digit sequence in the memory task was not
sufficient to affect the spatial representation of numbers in the parity task. This argues
against the explanation that the findings in Experiment 1 were the result of an automatic
activation of two oppositely oriented mental number lines. Rather, Experiment 2
suggests that participants were unable to adopt a strong spatial coding strategy for
sequences. Apparently, participants represent the sequences under these circumstances
as three independent numbers without their inner structure and did not activate the
concept of a mental number line. Thus, the results of Experiment 2 support the account
Coding Strategies in Number Space 15
that it was the cognitive strategy in the memory task of Experiment 1 that influenced the
spatial representation of numbers in the parity task.
The present study demonstrates that the cognitive association of numbers and
space is influenced by current task demands. We observed that the SNARC effect in a
parity task is mediated by the specific sequential order involved in a simultaneously
performed unrelated numerical task. This finding is inconsistent with the assumption of
an automatic obligatory spatial representation of numbers along the mental number line.
Since a SNARC effect was found under dual task conditions when the memorized
number sequences had no internal monotonic order (Experiment 1), as well as when the
number ordering was unpredictable (Experiment 2), the observed interference with the
descending sequences in the first experiment cannot be due to an increased task
difficulty or a higher cognitive load in general. Moreover, this mediation of the SNARC
effect was not due to any sequence-specific speed-accuracy trade-off. We argue
consequently that the specific requirement to maintain a short-term memory
representation of numbers in a descending order was responsible for the lack of spatial-
numerical associations in the parity judgment task.
Interestingly, the SNARC effect was only sensitive to the sequential order of the
memory representations if all number sequences within one experimental block were
identically ordered (Experiment 1), but not if the sequence type was fully randomized
(Experiment 2). This dissociation in the SNARC effect can be explained by the use of
different coding strategies when sequences types were blocked or completely
randomized. That is, if numbers are repetitively arranged in a descending order,
participants seem to use the information about the right-to-left digit ordering to simplify
Coding Strategies in Number Space 16
the processing of the number locations. This activated spatial-numerical frame of
reference, however, is in conflict with the representation of magnitude along a left-to-
right oriented mental number line and seems to result in an absence of spatial-numerical
associations. In other words, we interpret that the use of spatial strategies in the memory
task modulated the spatial coding of numbers for parity judgments. The outcome of the
present study is therefore consistent with the notion that the SNARC effect is driven by
top-down processes and provides direct empirical support for the idea of a strategic
origin of the mental number line (Fischer, 2006).
In contrast to our interpretation that the SNARC effect depends on the
concurrent task requirements, several authors have argued that spatial numerical
associations are driven by an automatic activation of the mental number line. This idea
received so far support from studies showing that numerical magnitude information
activates spatial codes even under conditions in which number processing is irrelevant
for the task performance (Fias et al., 2001; Gevers et al., 2006). However, the notion of
an automatic SNARC effect implies not only that spatial codes are evoked by task
irrelevant magnitude information. It is also important to notice that the assumption of
automaticity entails by definition the presence of an obligatory cognitive process, which
is immune against the influence of any other task concurrently executed (Palmeri,
2002). With the present paradigm, we now provide a direct behavioural test of this
prediction and demonstrate for the first time that SNARC effects are strongly affected
under certain dual task conditions. This outcome clearly argues against the idea that
spatial-numerical associations are the result of an automatic and obligatory cognitive
An interesting aspect of the current data is that the SNARC effect disappeared,
but did not reverse, when descending number sequences were memorized. A reason for
Coding Strategies in Number Space 17
this might be that the two tasks were functionally unrelated and independent from each
other. Apparently, participants do not employ a pre-existing spatial structure that has
been activated for one task to process numbers for another task. Instead, they seem to
refrain from spatial number processing if it is under dual-task conditions in conflict with
concurrently activated and to-be-maintained memory representations. Thus, together
with the finding of a SNARC effect for disordered sequences, which demonstrate the
participants’ preference for a left-to-right mapping of numbers with space, our data
indicate that this highly overlearned spatial coding strategy can be ignored in certain
situations. The lack of a reversed SNARC effect further suggests that the coding of
numbers along a mental continuum oriented differently than the default mental number
line is a more effortful process that will not be performed if it is not required or
beneficial for solving the task (see Bächthold et al., 1998).
Our report that the spatial coding of numbers is affected by the memory
requirements of a second unrelated task substantially extends previous research
demonstrating that the SNARC effect is sensitive to contextual task-related information
(Dehaene at al., 1993) and affected if participants are explicitly instructed to use a
different frame of reference for the spatial mapping of numbers (Bächthold et al., 1998;
Vuilleumier et al., 2004; Ristic et al., 2006; Galfano, et al., 2006). In line with these
studies, we demonstrate that left-to-right orientation of the mental number line is not
obligatory and can be easily adapted or inhibited if the current task requires conceiving
numbers differently. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that the SNARC effect is
modulated by the sequential order of task-irrelevant memory representations and by the
activation of spatial-numerical reference frames in another simultaneously performed
Coding Strategies in Number Space 18
Taken together, the present study provides support for the idea that the spatial
coding of numbers is the result of a cognitive coding strategy of how to deal with
numerical magnitude information.
Coding Strategies in Number Space 19
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Coding Strategies in Number Space 21
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Coding Strategies in Number Space 22
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Oliver
Lindemann, Nijmegen Institute for Cognition and Information, Radboud University
Nijmegen, P.O. Box 9104, 6500 HE Nijmegen, the Netherlands. E-mail:
Coding Strategies in Number Space 23
1. The statistical power analysis was based upon the effect size for the three-way
interaction and the correlation between the measures of Experiment 1. The power
calculations were performed using the program G*Power 3 (Faul, Erdfelder, Lang, &
Buchner, 2007).
Table 1
Percentages of Errors in Experiment 1 and 2. Error Rates in Parity Judgment Task are Presented as a Function of the Factors Sequence Type,
Response Side, and Number Magnitude. Errors Rates in the Position Recall Task are Presented as a Function for the Factor Sequence Type.
Experiment 1 Experiment 2
Parity Judgment Task
Left Hand – Small Number
1.28 2.90 1.26 1.83 1.80 1.29
Left Hand – Large Number
1.81 2.55 2.04 7.07 6.86 6.00
Right Hand – Small Number
3.57 1.80 2.27 6.47 5.56 6.80
Right Hand – Large Number
0.52 2.78 1.81 1.91 3.10 0.56
Position Recall Task
1.41 1.18 1.14
3.64 2.46 3.59
Figure 1: Illustration of the sequence of events in Experiment 1 and 2. (a)
Participants memorized the locations of three digits before (b) judging the parity status
of the centrally presented digit. (c) Each trial ended with a recall of the location of one
of the three digits. See text for detailed descriptions.
Figure 2: Mean reaction times in the parity judgment task of Experiment 1 as a
function of the factors Number Magnitude, Response Side, and Sequence Type.
Figure 3: Mean reaction times in the parity judgment task of Experiment 2 as a
function of the factors Number Magnitude, Response Side, and Sequence Type.
Figure 1
Figure 2
Small Large Small Large Small Large
Number Magnitude
Reaction time (msec)
Left Hand
Right Hand
Ascending Order Descending Order
No Order
Figure 3
Small Large Small Large Small Large
Number Magnitude
Reaction time (msec)
Left Hand
Right Hand
Ascending Order Descending Order
No Order
... An intriguing characteristic of spatial representations of magnitudes is that besides being shaped by long-term cultural habits (e.g., reading/writing direction), they can also be flexible, according to a variety of contextual factors. For instance, both the way in which instructions are provided to participants and the presence of task-irrelevant digits placed in SNARC-incompatible locations can affect the strength and direction of the SNARC effect (Bächtold et al., 1998;Fischer et al., 2010;Lindemann et al., 2008). For instance, in Bächtold et al. (1998), a standard left-to-right SNARC effect emerged when participants were asked to imagine the digits from 1 to 11 as numerical distances placed on a classic ruler-in which the number magnitude follows a left-to-right direction-whereas an inverted right-to-left SNARC effect emerged when the same digits were imagined like the hours represented on an analogue clock with moving hands (on a clock face, the relatively small digits 1-5 are placed on the right side of the clock, and the relatively large digits 7-11 on the left side of the clock). ...
... For instance, in Bächtold et al. (1998), a standard left-to-right SNARC effect emerged when participants were asked to imagine the digits from 1 to 11 as numerical distances placed on a classic ruler-in which the number magnitude follows a left-to-right direction-whereas an inverted right-to-left SNARC effect emerged when the same digits were imagined like the hours represented on an analogue clock with moving hands (on a clock face, the relatively small digits 1-5 are placed on the right side of the clock, and the relatively large digits 7-11 on the left side of the clock). Similarly, Lindemann et al. (2008) found that the standard left-to-right SNARC effect vanished when target numbers were presented within a sequence of decreasing numbers, following a right-to-left displacement. Hence, spatial representations of numbers appear to be contextually malleable mental constructs (see also Gevers et al., 2006;Santens & Gevers, 2008;Pitt & Casasanto, 2020). ...
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According to the spatial–temporal association of response codes (STEARC) effect, time can be spatially represented from left to right. However, exploration of a possible STEARC effect along the vertical axis has yielded mixed results. Here, in six experiments based on a novel paradigm, we systematically explored whether a STEARC effect could emerge when participants were asked to classify the actual temporal duration of a visual stimulus. Speeded manual responses were provided using a vertically oriented response box. Interestingly, although a top-to-bottom time representation emerged when only two temporal durations were employed, an inverted bottom-to-top time representation emerged when a denser set of temporal durations, arranged along a continuum, was used. Moreover, no STEARC effects emerged when participants classified the shapes of visual stimuli rather than their temporal duration. Finally, three additional experiments explored the STEARC effect along the horizontal axis, confirming that the paradigm we devised successfully replicated the standard left-to-right representation of time. These results provide supporting evidence for the notion that temporal durations can be mapped along the vertical axis, and that such mapping appears to be relatively flexible.
... For instance, the SNARC effect's strength or even direction can be manipulated by previous tasks, such as reading texts in languages with left/right reading direction (Shaki & Fischer, 2008) or including small/large numbers near the left/ right ends of the lines (Fischer, Mills, & Shaki, 2010). Moreover, representational manipulations can affect the SNARC effect, for instance by memorizing ascending or descending number sequences before parity judgment that need to be recalled later (Lindemann, Abolafia, Pratt, & Bekkering, 2008). Different response setups can also influence the strength or direction of the SNARC effect, for example, crossed hands in bimanual setups (Dehaene et al., 1993, but see Wood, Nuerk, & Willmes, 2006a, or verbal response setups with "left" and "right" labels instead of spatial response setups with left and right keys (Gevers et al., 2010). ...
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Two implicit generalizations are often made from group-level studies in cognitive experimental psychology and their common statistical analysis in the general linear model: (1) Group-level phenomena are assumed to be present in every participant with variations between participants being often treated as random error in data analyses; (2) phenomena are assumed to be stable over time. In this preregistered study, we investigated the validity of these generalizations in the commonly used parity judgment task. In the proposed Ironman paradigm, the intraindividual presence and stability of three popular numerical cognition effects were tested in 10 participants on 30 days: the SNARC (Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes, i.e., faster left− /right-sided responses to small/large magnitude numbers, respectively; Dehaene, Bossini, & Giraux, 1993), MARC (Linguistic Markedness of Response Codes; i.e., faster left− /right-sided responses to odd/even numbers, respectively; Nuerk, Iversen, & Willmes, 2004), and Odd (i.e., faster responses to even numbers; Hines, 1990) effects. We replicated the group-level effects; however, they were reliably present in only four to five (SNARC), six (MARC) or five (Odd) of 10 participants. Fluctuations seemed unsystematic, although the SNARC effect decreased over time along with reaction times. No correlation between the SNARC and MARC effects and sleep duration, tiredness, daytime, and consumption of stimulants were detected in most participants. These results challenge the frequent generalizations from group-level phenomena to individual participants and from single sessions to typical behavior. The innovative Ironman paradigm combined with bootstrap analyses permits unique insights into the intraindividual presence and stability of cognitive phenomena. I behaved stubbornly, pursuing a semblance of order, when I should have known well that there is no order in the universe. U. Eco, The Name of the Rose.
... Even though several studies compared the mental number line and working memory accounts (Ginsburg et al., 2014;Huber et al., 2016;Lindemann et al., 2008;, all of the cited studies used an ordinal secondary task (i.e., learning a sequence) or were based on some pre-existing knowledge structures. The pre-existing knowledge structures used as an anchor for the ordinality representation were musical notation (Prpic et al., 2016) or phone dial . ...
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The Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect-i.e., faster responses to small numbers with the left compared to the right side and to large numbers with the right compared to the left side-suggests that numbers are associated with space. However, it remains unclear whether the SNARC effect evolves from a number's magnitude or the ordinal position of a number in working memory. One problem is that, in different paradigms, the task demands influence the role of ordinality and magnitude. While single-task setups in which participants judge the parity of a displayed number indicate the importance of magnitude for the SNARC effect, evidence for ordinal influences usually comes from experiments where ordinal sequences have to be memorized or setups in which participants possess pre-existing knowledge of the ordinality of stimuli. Therefore, in this preregistered study, we employed a SNARC task without secondary ordinal sequence memorization. We dissociate ordinal and magnitude accounts by carefully manipulating experimental stimulus sets. The results indicate that even though the magnitude model better accounts for the observed data, the ordinal position seems to matter as well. Hence, numbers are associated with space in both a magnitude-and an order-respective manner, yielding a mixture of both compatibility effects. Moreover, a multiple coding framework may most accurately explain the roots of the SNARC effect.
... Interestingly, it has been shown that the spatial coding of numbers is rather flexible (Fischer, 2006;Lindemann, Abolafia, Pratt, & Bekkering, 2008). For instance, spatial-numerical associations have been found between numbers and responses along the sagittal axis, that is, for responses that were characterized by either a button press close or far from the body (Ito & Hatta, 2004;Shaki & Fischer, 2012). ...
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When we interact with other people or avatars, they often provide an alternative spatial frame of reference compared to our own. Previous studies introduced avatars into stimulus-response compatibility tasks and demonstrated compatibility effects as if the participant was viewing the task from the avatar's point of view. However, the origin of this effect of perspective taking remained unclear. To distinguish changes in stimulus coding from changes in response coding, caused by the avatar, two experiments were conducted that combined a SNARC task and a spontaneous visual perspective taking task to specify the role of response coding. We observed compatibility effects that were based on the avatar's perspective rather than the participants' own. Because number magnitude was independent of the avatar's perspective, the observed changes in compatibility caused by different perspectives indicate changes in response coding. These changes in response coding are only significant when they are accompanied by visual action effects.
... Overall, we know that numerical spatial associations can be influenced by a great amount of factors like the learning context, finger counting strategies (Di Luca, Granà, Semenza, Seron and Pesenti, 2006), task demands (Bächtöld et al, 1998;Galfano, Rusconi and Umilta, 2006) or cognitive strategies (Fischer, 2006;Lindemann et al, 2008). On this basis, different interpretations like motor associations with extracorporeal spatial reference (Bachtöld et al., 1998;Corbetta et al., 2000a;Glover and Dixon, 2001; see also Wascher et al.2001 for a contrary view) have arisen as alternative explanations to account for spatial numerical associations. ...
The objective of this thesis is the study of bilingual mathematics within the scientific field of Numerical Cognition. The approach to how bilingual people represent and access magnitude is currently a matter of growing interest that responds to the need to understand the role that language plays in the early acquisition of mathematics. This importance is usually reflected in the context of education, where learning arithmetic and bilingualism come together naturally. Given the importance in our society of both, math competence and early learning of a second language, research from a Cognitive Neuroscience perspective is necessary to better understand the bilingual brain.
... For example, when participants were asked to imagine numbers on a clock face or to read from right to left, the SNARC effect was reversed (Bächtold et al., 1998;Nuerk et al., 2015;Shaki & Gevers, 2011;Fischer, Mills, & Shaki, 2010;Fischer, Shaki, & Cruise, 2009). These studies do not support the view that spatial coding has an inherent connection with numerical magnitudes, but rather suggest that Working Memory (WM) plays an important role in numerical spatial associations (Abrahamse, van Dijck, & Fias, 2016;Deng, Chen, Zhu, & Li, 2017;Didino, Breil, & Knops, 2019;Ginsburg & Gevers, 2015;Herrera, Macizo, & Semenza, 2008;Lindemann, Abolafia, Pratt, & Bekkering, 2008;van Dijck, Abrahamse, Acar, Ketels, & Fias, 2014;van Dijck & Doricchi, 2019;van Dijck et al., 2009;van Dijck & Fias, 2011). ...
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People respond to small numbers faster with the left hand and respond to large numbers faster with the right hand, a phenomenon known as the Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect. Whether the SNARC effect originates from culturally determined long-term experience or the task-set-influenced temporary associations among spaces, locations, and numerical magnitudes in working memory (WM) is still controversial. In the present study, we used a trisection paradigm in which numbers were divided into three categories (small: 1, 2; middle: 4, 5, 6; and large: 8, 9) to explore whether the central executive control can modulate the SNARC effect. Participants were serially presented with a cue and a target number. The cue denoted a task rule, which informed participants to compare the target number with either 3 or 7. The cue was either switched or repeated across trials. We found that the SNARC effects were observed in the cue-switching condition. In the cue-repeat condition, the SNARC effect disappeared. These findings suggest that the SNARC effect is modulated by set-shifting-related central executive control in WM, supporting the view that the SNARC effect is WM-dependent.
The spatial‐numerical association of response codes (SNARC) effect, in which people respond to small numbers faster with the left hand and to large numbers faster with the right hand, is a popular topic in cognitive psychology. Some well‐known theoretical accounts explaining this effect include the mental number line model, polarity correspondence principle, dual‐route model, and working memory account. However, these fail to explain the finding that the size of the SNARC effect is modulated by cognitive control. Here, we propose a new account—a cognitive control‐based view of the SNARC effect. This view argues that the SNARC effect is fundamentally determined by cognitive control in resolving conflicts during stimulus–response mapping. Several subcomponents of cognitive control, such as working memory, mental or task set shifting, inhibition control, and conflict adaptation, can easily modulate the SNARC effect. The cognitive control‐based view can account for the flexible SNARC effect observed in diverse task situations while providing new insight into its mechanism.
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SNARC effect refers to space-number association, which has been observed in recent years. Various studies have shown that people associate the left and right side with relatively small and big numbers respectively. Traditionally, it was assumed that the observed effect is caused by the existence of the mental number line stored in long term memory. However, later research, which explored how the manipulation of different parameters influences the SNARC effect, suggests that working memory is also responsible for the phenomenon. This chapter presents a review of the most recent studies on the influence of long-term and working memory on the SNARC effect.
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The advantages that confidence intervals have over null-hypothesis significance testing have been presented on many occasions to researchers in psychology. This article provides a practical introduction to methods of constructing confidence intervals for multiple and partial R 2 and related parameters in multiple regression models based on “noncentral”F and χ2 distributions. Until recently, these techniques have not been widely available due to their neglect in popular statistical textbooks and software. These difficulties are addressed here via freely available SPSS scripts and software and illustrations of their use. The article concludes with discussions of implications for the interpretation of findings in terms of noncentral confidence intervals, alternative measures of effect size, the relationship between noncentral confidence intervals and power analysis, and the design of studies.
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Nine experiments of timed odd–even judgments examined how parity and number magnitude are accessed from Arabic and verbal numerals. With Arabic numerals, Ss used the rightmost digit to access a store of semantic number knowledge. Verbal numerals went through an additional stage of transcoding to base 10. Magnitude information was automatically accessed from Arabic numerals. Large numbers preferentially elicited a rightward response, and small numbers a leftward response. The Spatial–Numerical Association of Response Codes effect depended only on relative number magnitude and was weaker or absent with letters or verbal numerals. Direction did not vary with handedness or hemispheric dominance but was linked to the direction of writing, as it faded or even reversed in right-to-left writing Iranian Ss. The results supported a modular architecture for number processing, with distinct but interconnected Arabic, verbal, and magnitude representations. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Nine experiments of timed odd-even judgments examined how parity and number magnitude are accessed from Arabic and verbal numerals. With Arabic numerals, Ss used the rightmost digit to access a store of semantic number knowledge. Verbal numerals went through an additional stage of transcoding to base 10. Magnitude information was automatically accessed from Arabic numerals. Large numbers preferentially elicited a rightward response, and small numbers a leftward response. The Spatial-Numerical Association of Response Codes (SNARC) effect depended only on relative number magnitude and was weaker or absent with letters or verbal numerals. Direction did not vary with handedness or hemispheric dominance but was linked to the direction of writing, as it faded or even reversed in right-to-left writing Iranian Ss. The results supported a modular architecture for number processing, with distinct but interconnected Arabic, verbal, and magnitude representations.
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Models of the numerical cognitive system differ in the importance they attach to magnitude information in numerical processing. In this paper, the necessity of addressing a central semantic number system in arabic number processing is evaluated by looking at the SNARC-effect. This effect has been interpreted as an indication of access to the semantic system. In Experiment 1, we replicated the effect in a parity judgement task. In Experiment 2, we extended the SNARC-effect to a phoneme monitoring task, showing that magnitude information was accessed during arabic-to-verbal transcoding. We conclude, therefore, that number magnitude plays a more important role than is generally accepted.
G*Power (Erdfelder, Faul, & Buchner, 1996) was designed as a general stand-alone power analysis program for statistical tests commonly used in social and behavioral research. G*Power 3 is a major extension of, and improvement over, the previous versions. It runs on widely used computer platforms (i.e., Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Mac OS X 10.4) and covers many different statistical tests of the t, F, and chi2 test families. In addition, it includes power analyses for z tests and some exact tests. G*Power 3 provides improved effect size calculators and graphic options, supports both distribution-based and design-based input modes, and offers all types of power analyses in which users might be interested. Like its predecessors, G*Power 3 is free.
The current investigations coordinate math cognition and cultural approaches to numeric thinking to examine the linkages between numeric and spatial processes, and how these linkages are modified by the cultural artifact of writing. Previous research in the adult numeric cognition literature has shown that English monoliterates have a spatialised mental number line which is oriented from left-to-right with smaller magnitudes associated with the left side of space and larger magnitudes are associated with the right side of space. These associations between number and space have been termed the Spatial Numeric Association Response Code Effect (SNARC effect, Dehaene, 1992). The current study investigates the spatial orientation of the mental number line in the following groups: English monoliterates, Arabic monoliterates who use only the right-left writing system, Arabic-English biliterates, and illiterate Arabic speakers who only read numerals. Current results indicate, for the first time, a Reverse SNARC effect for Arabic monoliterates, such that the mental number line had a right-to-left directionality. Furthermore, a weakened Reverse SNARC was observed for Arabic-English biliterates, and no effect was observed among Illiterate Arabic speakers. These findings are especially notable since left-right biases are neurologically supported and are observed in pre-literate children regardless of which writing system is used by adults. The broader implications of how cultural artifacts affect basic numeric cognition will be discussed.
Spatial stimulus—response (S-R) compatibility designates the observation that speeded reactions to unilateral stimuli are faster for the hand ipsilateral than for the hand contralateral to the sensory hemifield containing the stimulus. In two experiments involving presentation of the numbers 1 to 11 in the center of the visual field we show (1) a left-hand reaction time (RT) advantage for numerals <6 and a right-hand advantage for those >6 for subjects who conceive of the numbers as distances on a ruler, and (2) a reversal of this RT advantage for subjects who conceive of them as hours on a clock face. While the results in the first task (RULER) replicate a robust finding from the neuropsychology of number processing (the ‘‘SNARC effect’’) those in the second task (CLOCK) show that extension of the number scale from left to right in representational space cannot be the decisive factor for the observed interaction between hand and number size. Taken together, the findings in the two tasks are best accounted for in terms of an interaction between lateralized mental representations and lateralized motor outputs (i.e. an analog of traditional spatial S-R compatibility effects in representational space). We discuss potential clinical applications of the two tasks in patients with neglect of representational space.
The present study reports four pairs of experiments that examined the role of nonpredictive (i.e., task-irrelevant) symbolic stimuli on attentional orienting. The experiments involved a simple detection task, an inhibition of return (IOR) task, and choice decision tasks both with and without attentional bias. Each pair of experiments included one experiment in which nonpredictive arrows were presented at the central fixation location and another experiment in which nonpredictive direction words (e.g., "up," "down," "left," "right") were presented. The nonpredictive symbolic stimuli affected responses in all experiments, with the words producing greater effects in the detection task and the arrows producing greater effects in the IOR and choice decision tasks. Overall, the present findings indicate that there is a strong connection between the overlearned representations of the meaning of communicative symbols and the reflexive orienting of visual attention.
Feature-based attention was investigated by examining the effect of irrelevant information on the processing of relevant information. In all experiments, irrelevant information consisted of digits whose semantic information is known to be processed in parietal areas. Between experiments we varied the degree of parietal involvement in the processing of the relevant feature. The influence of the irrelevant digit on the binary manual response task on the relevant feature was measured by the SNARC effect, a spatial numerical association of response codes demonstrating faster left than right hand responses for small numbers and faster right than left hand responses for large numbers. When processing of the relevant feature depended on parietal cortex, as is the case for orientation processing (exps. 1 and 4), there was an effect of the digit's semantic value on response times. Conversely, there was no effect of the irrelevant digit on the processing of color (exps. 2 and 3) or shape (exp. 5), which rely only minimally on parietal resources. After ruling out alternative explanations we conclude that the efficiency of feature-based attention is determined by the degree of neural overlap of structures dedicated to process relevant and irrelevant information.