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A challenging task for assessment of checking behaviors in obsessive-compulsive disorder

  • CTAH - Anxiety & Mood Center - Paris

Abstract and Figures

The present study concerns the objective and quantitative measurement of checking activity, which represents the most frequently observed compulsions in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). To address this issue, we developed an instrumental task producing repetitive checking in OCD subjects. Fifty OCD subjects and 50 normal volunteers (NV) were administered a delayed matching-to-sample task that offered the unrestricted opportunity to verify the choice made. Response accuracy, number of verifications, and response time for choice taken to reflect the degree of uncertainty and doubt were recorded over 50 consecutive trials. Despite similar levels of performance, patients with OCD demonstrated a greater number of verifications and a longer response time for choice before checking than NV. Such behavioral patterns were more pronounced in OCD subjects currently experiencing checking compulsions. The present task might be of special relevance for the quantitative assessment of checking behaviors and for determining relationships with cognitive processes.
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A challenging task for assessment of
checking behaviors in obsessive–compulsive
Rotge JY, Clair AH, Jaafari N, Hantouche EG, Pelissolo A,
Goillandeau M, Pochon JB, Guehl D, Bioulac B, Burbaud P, Tignol J,
Mallet L, Aouizerate B. A challenging task for assessment of checking
behaviors in obsessive–compulsive disorder.
Objective: The present study concerns the objective and quantitative
measurement of checking activity, which represents the most
frequently observed compulsions in obsessive–compulsive disorder
(OCD). To address this issue, we developed an instrumental task
producing repetitive checking in OCD subjects.
Method: Fifty OCD subjects and 50 normal volunteers (NV) were
administered a delayed matching-to-sample task that offered the
unrestricted opportunity to verify the choice made. Response accuracy,
number of verifications, and response time for choice taken to reflect
the degree of uncertainty and doubt were recorded over 50 consecutive
Results: Despite similar levels of performance, patients with OCD
demonstrated a greater number of verifications and a longer response
time for choice before checking than NV. Such behavioral patterns
were more pronounced in OCD subjects currently experiencing
checking compulsions.
Conclusion: The present task might be of special relevance for the
quantitative assessment of checking behaviors and for determining
relationships with cognitive processes.
J. Y. Rotge
, A. H. Clair
N. Jaafari
, E. G. Hantouche
A. Pelissolo
, M. Goillandeau
J. B. Pochon
, D. Guehl
B. Bioulac
, P. Burbaud
J. Tignol
, L. Mallet
B. Aouizerate
Movement, Adaptation, Cognition Laboratory, CNRS
UMR 5227, Bordeaux 2 University, Bordeaux, France,
Academic Department of Adult Psychiatry, Charles
Perrens Hospital, Bordeaux, France,
Investigation Center, Behavior, Emotion and Basal
Ganglia Laboratory, INSERM IFR 70, Piti-SalpÞtrire
Hospital, Paris, France,
Academic Department of Adult
Psychiatry, Henri Laborit University Hospital, Poitiers,
Academic Department of Adult Psychiatry,
Piti-SalpÞtrire University Hospital, Paris, France,
Personnality and Adaptive Behaviors Laboratory, CNRS
UMR 7593, Piti-SalpÞtrire University Hospital, Paris,
France and
Academic Department of Neurophysiology,
Pellegrin University Hospital, Bordeaux, France
Key words: checking behavior; delayed matching-to-
sample task; doubt; obsessive–compulsive disorder
Dr Bruno Aouizerate, Academic Department of Adult
Psychiatry, CNRS UMR 5227, Bordeaux 2 University,
Charles Perrens Hospital, 121 rue de la Bchade, 33076
Bordeaux, France.
Accepted for publication January 30, 2008
Significant outcomes
The present task allows one to assess the propensity to develop checking activity in obsessive–
compulsive disorder and to characterize some cognitive and emotional aspects of this repetitive
No neuropsychological test was performed to explore visuospatial abilities and to eliminate deficits
related to spatial working memory and recognition in subjects with obsessive–compulsive disorder.
Most of the study subjects with obsessive–compulsive disorder were administered with psychotropic
medications. Some among these agents were able to alter cognitive and motor functions, and to
interfere with the task performance.
Acta Psychiatr Scand 2008: 117: 465–473
All rights reserved
DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0447.2008.01173.x
Copyright 2008 The Authors
Journal Compilation 2008 Blackwell Munksgaard
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a rela-
tively frequent anxiety disorder that affects 2–3%
of the general population (1). It is characterized by
persistent, intrusive and unpleasant thoughts,
impulses or images. Recurrent, time-consuming
behaviors are performed in a ritualistic fashion
according to rigid rules to reduce the anxiety and
severe distress caused by obsessions.
Phenomenological considerations suggest that
the core of the obsessional process is the sensation
that Ôsomething is wrongÕ(2, 3). Obsessions may be
understood as the consequence of an excessive
attribution of negative consequences upon expo-
sure to certain behavioral situations (4, 5). Path-
ological doubt, a prominent phenomenon in OCD,
may be related to the permanent perception of a
mistake and or error in the initial representation,
relating to the cognitive overestimation of the
likelihood of aversive events occurring in response
to the subjectÕs action. Pathological doubt may be
considered not only in terms of cognitive con-
structs, but also in terms of the subjectÕs emotional
reaction to feelings of uncertainty generated by
perceived Ôerror detectionÕsignals (6, 7). Compul-
sions may be construed as behavioral responses
intending to relieve the tensions or anxiety caused
by high levels of self-doubt (8–10). If obtained, this
relief is only transient and leads immediately to
reproducing the behavior in an excessive and
unreasonable manner. Given these considerations,
repetitive checking behaviors, which are the most
frequent form of compulsions in patients with
OCD (1, 11), may be thought of as reducing the
risk of error in the estimated probability of
negative events in specific behavioral situations,
thereby relieving the uncertainty and obsessional
doubt (8–10).
Contemporary strategies for assessment of OCD
severity use a wide variety of psychometric rating
scales. There are several self-report and assessor-
rated instruments that examine different types of
obsessions and compulsions (checking, washing,
etc.) or which are designed to measure the symp-
toms present, regardless of their thematic content.
They also provide information on the efficacy of
conventional treatments in OCD. However,
administration of these rating scales requires clini-
cians who are extensively trained in evaluating
psychopathology and who are well versed in
general clinical interview technique. To be able to
probe the pathophysiological bases of checking
compulsions, a tool is required that would allow us
to assess objectively the propensity to repeated
Aims of the study
We sought to investigate checking behaviors in
OCD through an objective approach. For this
purpose, we developed an instrumental task that
specifically offered the opportunity to verify once
the choice was made. We examined whether the
present task was able to discriminate checking and
choice behavioral patterns in two subgroups of
patients with OCD who actively experienced
checking compulsions (OCD CC+) or not (OCD
CC)) and normal healthy volunteers (NV).
Material and methods
Participants were 50 adult patients with a primary
diagnosis of OCD (28 women, 22 men, mean age
40.3 years, SD 11.8, range 23–65) seen at three
specialized university hospitals (Charles Perrens,
Henri Laborit and Pitie
´-Salpeˆ trie
`re) and 50 normal
healthy volunteers (NV) (28 women, 22 men, mean
age 40.5 years, SD 12.4, range 19–63) who were
recruited from the local community by newspaper
advertisements and word of mouth. All subjects
gave their written informed consent. The groups
did not differ significantly in age or gender. They
were evaluated for OCD and associated psychopa-
thology with the Mini-International Neuropsychi-
atric Interview (MINI) (version 5.0.0) (12).
Patients with OCD with comorbid diagnoses were
not excluded from the study, except for those with
current mood episodes, provided that OCD was
the dominant disorder. Healthy controls were
excluded if they had a history of Axis I psychiatric
disorders. All 50 normal volunteers were free of
medication at the time of study, whereas 45
patients with OCD were receiving psychotropic
drugs, especially antidepressants with serotonin
reuptake-inhibiting properties (n= 45) alone or
combined with atypical antipsychotics (n= 12),
benzodiazepines (n= 12), mood stabilizers
(n= 8) and buspirone (n= 5). Twenty of the 50
patients with OCD were receiving cognitive-behav-
ioral therapies.
Clinical assessment
Instruments included: i) the Yale–Brown Obses-
sive–Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) symptom check-
list, a list of more than 50 common obsessions and
compulsions, which was used to identify patients
with OCD with checking compulsions (OCD
CC+) (n= 36) (23 women, 13 men, mean age
41.6 years, SD 11.6, range 20–65) or not (OCD
Rotge et al.
CC))(n= 14) (five women, nine men, mean age
37.3 years, SD 12.4, range 23–60) respectively; and
ii) the 10-item clinician-rated Y-BOCS for evalu-
ation of OCD symptom severity (13, 14). Y-BOCS
scores are presented in Table 2.
Task design
The behavioral task was based on a delayed visual
discrimination paradigm with checking option, as
shown in Fig. 1. Under the task condition, the
subjects were presented with the sample, a single
image on a video screen (study phase). Then, they
had to compare the image presented with the initial
image studied and to respond by pressing a left or
right button corresponding to the choice ÔRightÕ
(R) or ÔWrongÕ(W) according to whether these
images were considered as identical or different
respectively (choice phase). After making their
choice, the subjects had the opportunity of pressing
the left button (left arrows) during the subsequent
phase (checking phase) to return to the study phase
to access the initial image presented, before moving
again to the choice phase. Therefore, this paradigm
placed the subject in a potential situation of
unrestricted repetitive checking. Once the subject
had confirmed his her choice of ÔRightÕ(R) or
ÔWrongÕ(W) by pressing the right button (right
arrows) without recourse to the checking option
during the checking phase, a signal indicating a
correct (Yes) or incorrect (No) response appeared
on the screen (evaluation phase) at the end of each
To ensure that subjects were familiar with the
procedure, the task was explained and 10 trials
were performed before being completed with the 50
test trials based on the random presentation of
images that were either identical (Id: n= 25) to or
different from the sample (Df: n= 25). The
imagesÕfeature sets were selected from an open
clipart library without attempting to produce OCD
symptoms. Participants were instructed to respond
2s 3.5s 3.5s 2sunlimitedunlimited
Study Choice Checking EvaluationAttention Delay
Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
Fig. 1. Delayed matching-to-sample checking task. All trials began by a 2-s attention signal on a video screen. This phase was
followed by a presentation of the sample, a single image for 3.5 s (study phase). After a 3.5-s interval, the subject had access to the
subsequent screen displaying a second image, which was compared with the initial image by pressing the left or right button
corresponding to the choice ÔRightÕ(R) or ÔWrongÕ(W) when the two images appeared to be identical or different respectively (choice
phase). Thereafter, the subject had two courses of action available as to either: i) verify the choice made by pressing the left button
corresponding to the two left arrows offering the opportunity to return to the study phase for reviewing the sample image before
participating again in the choice phase; or ii) validate the choice made by pressing the right button corresponding to the two right
arrows, leading to the appearance of a signal indicating a correct (yes) or incorrect response (evaluation phase) at the end of the trial.
Checking behaviors in OCD
Ôas efficiently and correctly as possibleÕ. Response
accuracy (expressed as the number of correct
trials), number of verifications and response time
for choice (defined as the time elapsing from the
appearance of the image matching the sample to
the moment the choice was made) were monitored
during the 50 consecutive trials.
Data analyses
Level of performance was compared among the
three groups by using a one-way analysis of variance
(anova). The number of verifications and response
time for choice making were examined by using a
two-way anova with repeated measures on the last
factor followed by a one-way anova to determine
differences between groups according to trial type,
i.e. presenting comparison images identical (Id) to
and different (Df) from the sample or leading to the
production of checking behaviors (CB+) or not
(CB)). The differences for each subject in either the
number of verifications between trials Id and Df or
the response time for choice between trials CB+ and
CB)were analyzed by a one-way anova. Newman–
Keuls tests were used for post hoc analyses where
appropriate. To describe the changes in both
number of verifications and response time for
choice across all 50 trials performed during the
task, linear regression lines were computed for each
group. To determine whether there was a progres-
sive rise in these behavioral markers, as expected in
patients with OCD, correlation coefficients for each
group were converted by using FisherÕsr-to-z
transformation. To test this directional hypothesis,
a one-tailed a= 0.05 was used. PearsonÕs correla-
tions were performed to establish whether there were
any relationships between the behavioral parame-
ters studied and the clinical severity of OCD. An
a= 0.05 (two-tailed) was used as the threshold for
statistical significance for both anova and correla-
tion analyses.
Both subgroups of patients with OCD had similar
illness duration (OCD CC+: mean duration
23.1 years, SD 12.5, range 4–48; OCD CC):
mean duration 22.1 years, SD 14.1, range 4–50)
and psychiatric comorbidity (Table 1). They did
not significantly differ in their Y-BOCS scores
(Table 2). Eight patients with OCD (OCD CC+:
n= 7; OCD CC):n= 1) were in remission
defined as a Y-BOCS score less than 16 (15).
However, none of the patients in this study reached
clinical recovery, as indicated by a Y-BOCS score
less than 8 (15), except one OCD CC).
We first explored the level of performance in the
three groups of subjects OCD CC+, OCD CC)
and NV, as measured by the number of correct
trials. No significant difference was found between
the groups [group effect, F(2,97) = 0.04,
P> 0.96] (Fig. 2a). Thus, the three groups of
subjects had a similar level of performance on the
task. With regard to the number of verifications
during the behavioral task, there was a significant
difference between groups [group effect,
Table 1. Per cent of lifetime and current DSM-IV Axis I comorbidities in patients
with OCD
(n= 36)
(n= 14)
Lifetime comorbidities
Mood disorders
Major depression 25 69.4 11 78.6
Bipolar I disorder 0 0 0 0
Bipolar II disorder 3 8.3 2 14.3
Anxiety disorders
Panic disorder 1 2.8 0 0
Panic disorder with agoraphobia 2 5.6 0 0
Agoraphobia without panic disorder 0 0 0 0
Social phobia 2 5.6 1 7.1
Post-traumatic stress disorder 1 2.8 0 0
Generalized anxiety disorder 0 0 0 0
Substance use disorders
Alcohol abuse dependence 0 0 0 0
Drug abuse dependence 0 0 0 0
Any eating disorder 0 0 0 0
Any psychotic disorder 0 0 0 0
Current comorbidities
Mood disorders
Major depression 0 0 0 0
Bipolar I disorder 0 0 0 0
Bipolar II disorder 0 0 0 0
Anxiety disorders
Panic disorder 1 2.8 0 0
Panic disorder with agoraphobia 2 5.6 0 0
Agoraphobia without panic disorder 0 0 0 0
Social phobia 2 5.6 1 7.1
Post-traumatic stress disorder 1 2.8 0 0
Generalized anxiety disorder 0 0 0 0
Substance use disorders
Alcohol abuse dependence 0 0 0 0
Drug abuse dependence 0 0 0 0
Any eating disorder 0 0 0 0
Any psychotic disorder 0 0 0 0
Table 2. Symptom severity scores in patients with OCD
OCD CC+ (n= 36) OCD CC)(n= 14)
Mean SD Range Mean SD Range
Y-BOCS total score 21.8 6.8 9–36 21.9 6.7 7–31
Y-BOCS obsessive subscale score 10.5 4.0 4–18 11.4 3.3 4–15
Y-BOCS compulsive subscale score 11.3 3.7 3–18 10.6 4.0 3–16
OCD CC+, patients with OCD with checking compulsions; OCD CC), patients with
OCD without checking compulsions; Y-BOCS, Yale–Brown Obsessive–compulsive
Rotge et al.
F(2,97) = 18.88, P< 0.001] (Fig. 2b). Newman–
Keuls post hoc tests revealed that the number of
verifications in OCD CC+ was greater than in
OCD CC)(P< 0.02), and that of OCD CC)was
higher than that of NV (P< 0.02). When trials
based on the presentation of comparison
images similar to (Id) or different from (Df) the
sample were considered, the pattern of the
groupsÕnumber of verifications differed according
to the type of trial performed [group ·trial inter-
action, F(2,97) = 7.07, P< 0.001]. For either
trials Id or Df, a significant difference was found
between groups [group effect, F(2,97) = 17.07–
18.89, P< 0.001]. Newman–Keuls post hoc tests
indicated that OCD CC+ exhibited a significantly
greater number of verifications than OCD CC)
(P< 0.01–0.03) showing a significantly higher
level of verification than NV (P< 0.01–0.03).
When the magnitude of increase in the number of
verifications from trials Df to Id was examined, a
significant difference was observed among all three
groups of subjects [F(2,97) = 7.07, P< 0.001]
(Fig. 2c). Newman–Keuls post hoc tests showed
that a significant difference was found between
OCD CC+ and NV (P< 0.01), whereas compar-
ison between OCD CC+ and OCD CC)
approached statistical significance (P= 0.06). By
contrast, there was no difference between OCD
CC)and NV (P> 0.31). Thus, OCD CC+
experienced a greater exacerbation of checking
behaviors, when comparison images identical (Id)
to the sample were displayed.
To examine the link between uncertainty and
checking behavior, we then analyzed the response
time for choice making during trials with and
without checking behaviors (CB+ and CB)
respectively). There was a significant difference
between all three groups [group effect,
F(2,87) = 10.80, P< 0.001] in a trial type-depen-
dent manner [group ·trial interaction,
F(2,87) = 6.71, P< 0.001] (Fig. 3a). When trials
CB+ were considered, a significant difference was
found between groups [group effect,
F(2,87) = 9.57, P< 0.001]. Newman–Keuls post
hoc tests indicated that OCD CC+ showed a
significantly higher response time for choice than
NV (P< 0.002), whereas OCD CC)did not
(P> 0.11). For trials CB), there was a significant
difference between groups [group effect,
F(2,87) = 7.18, P< 0.001]. Newman–Keuls post
hoc tests demonstrated that the response time for
choice in both OCD CC+ and OCD CC)was
longer than that of NV (OCD CC+ vs. NV:
P< 0.01; OCD CC)vs. NV: P< 0.02). When
the magnitude of increase in the response time
from trials CB)to CB+ was examined, a signif-
icant difference was observed between all three
groups of subjects [F(2,87) = 6.71, P< 0.001]
(Fig. 3b). Newman–Keuls post hoc tests showed a
significant difference between OCD CC+ and NV
(P< 0.01), whereas there was a tendency towards
a difference between OCD CC+ and OCD CC)
(P= 0.06). By contrast, OCD CC)did not differ
from NV (P> 0.33). Therefore, OCD CC+
showed a greater increase in the response time for
making their choice during trials CB+.
We then studied the course of both number of
verifications and response time for choice across all
Mean level of performance
(number of correct trials)
(a) (b) (c)
Mean increase from trials Df to Id
(number of verification)
Mean number of verification
Trials Id
Trials Df
Fig. 2. Mean (±SEM) response accuracy (expressed as the number of correct trials) (a), mean (±SEM) number of verifications in
trials where the second image presented was either identical (Id) to or different from the sample (Df) (b), mean (±SEM) increase in
the number of verifications from trials Df to Id (c) among the three groups of subjects, OCD CC+, OCD CC)and NV. No
significant difference was found in terms of performance on the checking task between the groups (a). Both OCD CC+ and OCD
CC)showed a significantly higher number of verifications than NV for both trials Id and Df (b). However, the magnitude of increase
in the level of verification from trials Df to Id was significantly greater only in OCD CC+ (c).
Checking behaviors in OCD
50 trials. OCD CC+ showed the expected ascend-
ing pattern of verification (Fig. 4a), which was
more pronounced than that of OCD CC)(Fig. 4b)
[OCD CC+: r= 0.53, P< 0.001; OCD CC):
r= 0.36, P< 0.01]. By contrast, checking in NV
did not increase in a particularly linear manner
from the first to the last trial compared to that
observed in both OCD CC+ and OCD CC).In
particular, the slope of the linear regression curve
was virtually flat [r= 0.21, P> 0.13], indicating a
relatively constant verification level during the
execution of the task (Fig. 4c). Statistical compar-
isons showed that OCD CC+ significantly differed
from NV in their checking profile over trials
(z= 1.66, P< 0.05), although no difference was
detected between OCD CC)and NV (z= 0.49,
P> 0.32). This was not paralleled by the time
response, which did not gradually increase
throughout the task across the three groups of
subjects [OCD CC+: r= 0.12, P> 0.41; OCD
CC):r=)0.09, P> 0.56; NV: r=)0.04,
P> 0.80].
Finally, we examined the relationships between
OCD symptom intensity and the aforementioned
behavioral parameters. Although there was no
significant correlation between individual Y-BOCS
scores and the number of verifications [Y-BOCS
total score: r
= 0.001, P> 0.86; obsessive sub-
scale score: r
= 0.004, P> 0.70; compulsive
subscale score: r
= 0.0001, P> 0.95], the
Y-BOCS scores were positively, but weakly corre-
lated with time response for choice during the task
[Y-BOCS total score: r
= 0.11, P< 0.01; obses-
sive subscale score: r
= 0.08, P< 0.05; compul-
sive subscale score: r
= 0.10, P< 0.03].
Therefore, uncertainty at the time of choice
appeared to increase as a function of OCD
(a) (b)
Trials CB+
Trials CB–
Mean response time for choice (ms)
Mean increase from trials CB– to CB+
(response time for choice) (ms)
Fig. 3. Mean (±SEM) response time
for choice (determined as the time
between presentation of comparison
image and button pressing for making
choice) during trials leading to the
production of checking behaviors
(CB+) or not (CB)) (a), mean
(±SEM) increase in response time for
choice from trials CB)to CB+ (b) in
the three groups of subjects, OCD
exhibited significantly longer response
time for choice, particularly when trials
CB+ were performed (a). Moreover,
the magnitude of increase in response
time from trials CB)to CB+ was
significantly greater in OCD CC+ (b).
Trials 1–50
Mean number of verification / trial
(a) (b) (c)
r = 0.53
Trials 1–50
r = 0.36
Trials 1–50
r = 0.21
Fig. 4. Course of the mean number of verifications over the 50 consecutive trials in the three groups of subjects, OCD CC+ (a),
OCD CC)(b) and NV (c). OCD CC+ demonstrated a gradual increase in their number of verifications throughout the task. This
ascending profile significantly differed from that of NV. OCD CC)showed an intermediate pattern of checking response that was not
significantly different from that of NV.
Rotge et al.
In the present study, we highlighted distinct
behavioral patterns between patients with OCD
with and without checking compulsions (OCD
CC+ and OCD CC)respectively) and normal
healthy volunteers (NV) by using a delayed
matching-to-sample visuospatial task which
placed subjects in a potential situation of verifica-
tion. We found similar level of performance in both
OCD CC+ and OCD CC)and in NV. Checking
behaviors occurred more frequently in OCD CC+
in trials presenting comparison images identical to
the sample. There was even a progressive rise in
checking, as OCD CC+ successively performed
the 50 trials comprising the task. Similarly, OCD
CC+ took longer to make their choice before
checking. However, time to choose failed to
demonstrate the ascending profile observed for
checking throughout the task.
Phenomenologically, the central point in obses-
sional symptomatology is the sensation that Ôsome-
thing is wrongÕ(2, 3), with the internal perception
of error in response to specific environmental
stimuli. Compulsions are behavioral responses
performed to alleviate worry and anxiety produced
by highly distressing doubt (8–10). Our findings
support and extend these considerations, as dem-
onstrated by the link between uncertainty and
compulsive checking. The presentation of compar-
ison images identical to the sample elicited a more
pronounced increase in verification in OCD CC+.
It is likely that this experimental condition gener-
ated high uncertainty and doubt that persisted
once the choice was made, and then caused the
production of checking behaviors. Response time
for choice making, which is presumably indicative
of the degree of uncertainty and doubt at the
moment of choice, was longer in OCD CC+,
especially during trials leading to repetitive check-
ing behaviors. Interestingly, this behavioral pattern
mainly affected OCD CC+ subjects who displayed
a higher level of verification during the task.
However, the course of the response time for
choice was not superimposed on that of checking
which progressively increased throughout the task
in OCD CC+. This leads to postulate that
verification may be an adaptive behavioral strategy
intending to refrain the possible increase in doubt
throughout the task. In this context, repeated
verification may be expected as adopting an
ascending profile to sufficiently limit discomfort
caused by doubt. Such clinical considerations may
explain the apparent discrepancy concerning the
course of these two behavioral parameters
throughout the task.
Recent studies have provided a classification of
patients with OCD according to their clinical
phenotype (16–20). The symptom subgroups iden-
tified have been found to be linked to distinct
patterns of brain activation on the basis of func-
tional neuroimaging data (21, 22). Findings from
these studies indicate excessive activity in dorsal
cortical areas (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and
dorsal anterior cingulate cortex) upon presentation
of provocative checking-related pictures. These
brain regions are particularly involved in a wide
range of cognitive functions, such as error recogni-
tion, conflict detection and response selection
(23–26). Consistent with our work suggesting a
link between uncertainty and checking activity,
these findings demonstrated the importance of
excessive monitoring for the occurrence of error-
generating pathological doubt. In this respect, a
critical consideration was to examine the possibility
of an altered error detection process in OCD.
Overactivation in the dorsal anterior cingulate
cortex of patients with OCD was found when
errors were made not only during a high-conflict
non-routine task (exaggerated error signals), but
also when trials were correctly completed (false error
signals) (27, 28). This internal perception of false
error producing uncertainty and doubt may explain
our results, showing that the performance of both
OCD CC+ and OCD CC)was not altered.
Finally, there was relatively unconvincing corre-
lation between the clinical severity of OCD and the
response time for choice. The weakness of this
relationship along with the absence of clear
evidence for a link between OCD severity and the
number of verifications may be because of the use
of Y-BOCS in our study which rated the severity of
a large variety of symptom types instead of
focusing on the examination of pathological
doubt or compulsive checking. The development
of specific tools for assessing the degree of uncer-
tainty at the time of choice and intensity of
ongoing checking behaviors would be of particular
importance in future clinical research, especially
for validation of our interpretation concerning the
response time for choice as a measurement of the
doubt level.
The present study has some limitations. First,
the geometrical complexity of the images (ranging
from abstract to figurative) was not appreciated.
Subsequent research should classify each image
according to its capacity to induce checking.
Second, we did not estimate the test–retest reli-
ability of behavioral responses which would have
been useful for assessing their stability over time.
Third, our findings raise the question of whether
checking activity is increased in patients with OCD
Checking behaviors in OCD
intending to compensate a possible impairment in
visuospatial ability, thereby maintaining a normal
level of performance at the behavioral task. How-
ever, deficits related to spatial working memory
and spatial recognition have not been consistently
found in patients with OCD (29–31). Their perfor-
mance accuracy was even reported as higher than
that of controls on a delayed matching-to-sample
task (32). Despite having comparable levels of
response accuracy, both of our subgroups of
patients with OCD differed in their checking
pattern. Therefore, the checking process might be
something other than just a compensatory
mechanism in the phase of spatial working
memory in the present task. Fourth, only OCD
subjects with remitted and uncomplicated mood
disorders were included in our study, thereby
minimizing the potential influence of this factor
on cognitive functions. Finally, it may be prema-
ture to rule out the possibly deleterious effects of
current medications on neuropsychological perfor-
mance. Nonetheless, the power of the study was
inadequate to examine each drug separately.
In conclusion, this study using a delayed match-
ing-to-sample task and proposing the option of
choice checking provides an objective quantifica-
tion of checking in patients with OCD. For future
psychophysiological research, such an experimen-
tal approach would be helpful for understanding
the cognitive and emotional determinants of
checking and for identifying its anatomical sub-
The authors thank Dr Ray Cooke for providing advice on the
English language. This work was supported in part by a grant
from the ÔAgence Nationale de la RechercheÕ. JY Rotge was
supported by a PhD grant from the ÔFondation pour la
Recherche Me
Declaration of interest
All authors reported no biomedical financial interests or
potential conflicts of interest.
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Checking behaviors in OCD
... Thus, I revised and developed a new checking paradigm based on perceptual decision making. Amongst all checking paradigms, only the ones requiring perceptual decision-making seem to reliably induce checking behaviour in OCD (Arntz et al., 2007;Jafari et al., 2013;Rotge et al., 2008;. This co ld be ca sed b the reliance on data gathering and tr sting one s o n sensory modalities, as opposed to the reasoning and deliberate thinking during the task (Strauss et al., 2020). ...
... In order to test the hypothesis that a time limit would discourage excessive checking, the task instructions needed to be changed to require only accurate answers without a time limit. This was also the instruction in a similar perceptual decision making task that did successfully measure checking in OCD (Rotge et al., 2008), although they did not replicate the results in another subsequent study (Rotge et al., 2015). Therefore, I decided to design a new version of the IVT checking paradigm, using new instructions, that would measure different aspects of cognition and decision making potentially influencing dysfunctional checking, rather than the functional checking measured in Study 2. Study 3 below will discuss the findings of this new IVT version in OCD and healthy controls. ...
... Several researchers have used perceptual decision making tasks to study checking in OCD (Jaafari et al., 2013;Rotge et al., 2008), however, with some failures to replicate the findings (Rotge et al., 2015). ...
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The introductory Chapter 1 reviewed several possible explanations of compulsive behaviour as manifested especially in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and schizophrenia, following treatment with the second generation antipsychotic medication clozapine. Particular focus is placed on compulsive checking behaviours and their relationship to current theories of compulsivity based on the hypothesis of imbalance between the goal-directed and habit systems and aberrant prediction-error learning. Chapter 2 describes experimental attempts in this thesis to measure human checking behaviour in the laboratory. Initially, a previously published test of checking was employed which however failed to show significant increases in OCD. I then designed a new testing procedure to measure checking, based on perceptual decision-making under a time constraint. This was administered together with other cognitive tests to patients with OCD, clozapine treated schizophrenia patients without and with obsessive compulsive symptoms, and a healthy volunteer group. In general, there were no major differences compared to controls, although patients with schizophrenia performed worse. In a second study, contingency degradation learning and checking were measured using a second variant of the task in which there was no time constraint. However, significant increases in checking behaviour were shown in another group of OCD patients compared with healthy volunteers. In Chapter 3, after a review of previous findings in OCD using the Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) technique at 7T, the same participants employed in the last checking study, were subjected to MRS scans to measure GABA, Glutamate (Glu), Glutamine (Gln), and NAA in three areas of brain including the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC), Supplementary Motor Area (SMA) and the Visual Cortex. The most important findings were in the ACC, where significantly higher levels of Glu and Gln and lower levels of GABA and GABA:Glu ratio were found in OCD patients compared to the healthy group. In Chapter 4, the relationship between the behavioural results from chapter 2 and the neurometabolites measured with MRS in our OCD and healthy participants in chapter 3 was examined. The major findings were: 1) Higher ACC GABA/Glu ratio was related to superior accuracy of decision-making as well as increased checking on the checking task in OCD patients. 2) Checking was negatively correlated with SMA Glu in the healthy group but not in OCD. Moreover, in a test of goal directed behaviour and habit learning based on contingency degradation, a positive relationship was evident between performance and the ACC GABA/Glu ratios in patients for full degradation of the task contingencies. A similar positive relationship was observed for healthy volunteers for GABA/Glu ratios in SMA for partial degradation of the contingencies. Chapter 5 discusses neuropsychological interpretations of our findings in relation to the symptomatology of OCD and schizophrenia, together with their implications for understanding the role of the anterior cingulate cortex in decision-making and compulsive behaviour.
... Further, under conditions of high perceived responsibility, individuals with OCD have been found to exhibit increased discomfort and urge to check (Lopatka & Rachman, 1995). Alternatively, however, it has been argued that it is in fact uncertainty that drives checking behaviour (Rotge et al., 2008;Rotge et al., 2015;Toffolo et al., 2016;Tolin et al., 2003), with even mild levels of uncertainty resulting in increased checking behaviour (Toffolo et al., 2016). According to this perspective, individuals with an increased propensity to find uncertainty aversive experience greater distress in uncertain situations, resulting in the performance of behaviours (i.e., checking) aimed at regaining certainty (Bottesi et al., 2017;Coles and Ravid, 2016). ...
... Hence, the primary aim of the current study was to examine the impact of individual differences in self-reported anxiety and obsessivecompulsive features on subjective, behavioural, and physiological indices during a visual discrimination and checking task. We modified the experimental paradigm of a previous visual discrimination and checking task (Rotge et al., 2008), by including checking available and unavailable trials, in order increase task distress and examine the effect of checking availability on subjective and physiological indices (similar to the avoidance literature, for review see Pittig et al., 2018). During each trial of the task, participants were presented with one of three shape stimuli. ...
... intolerance of uncertainty, perfectionism, and not just right experiences) and self-reported compulsive checking, we expected to observe significant relationships between self-reported individual differences in anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features and subjective, behavioural, and physiological dependent variables (Jacoby et al., 2014(Jacoby et al., , 2016(Jacoby et al., , 2019Sarawgi et al., 2013;Toffolo et al., 2013). We predicted that higher scores of self-reported anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features would be related to higher ratings of the feelings of unpleasantness when the option to check was not available, higher ratings of the urge to check, greater checking frequency, and slower reaction times when choosing to check (Rotge et al., 2008). However, due to the limited literature in the field that has examined the impact of individual differences in selfreported anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features on behavioural and physiological measures, we did not generate a priori hypotheses related to the direction of the relationships between self-reported anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features and behavioural (i.e., task accuracy and reaction time during the choice phase) and physiological (i. ...
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Checking behaviour has been described as a form of preventative behaviour used by an individual to establish control over the environment and avoid future misfortune. However, when compulsive, checking behaviours can become disabling and distressing and have been linked to the maintenance of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Despite this, there is limited literature across the field that has assessed the impact of dimensional measures of anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features (i.e., negative affect, uncertainty, and perfectionism) in driving checking behaviour. As such, the present study examined the impact of individual differences in self-reported anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features on subjective, behavioural, and physiological indices during a visual discrimination and checking task (n = 87). Higher self-reported anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features were associated with higher subjective ratings of unpleasantness and the urge to check during the task. Moreover, higher self-reported anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features related to general negative affect, uncertainty, and perfectionism were associated with greater checking frequency during the task. Lastly, stronger obsessional beliefs about perfectionism and the need for certainty were found to predict poorer accuracy, slower reaction times, and higher engagement of the corrugator supercilii during the task. In sum, these findings demonstrate how different anxiety and obsessive-compulsive features, in particular perfectionism and the need for certainty, may relate to and maintain checking behaviour in low threat contexts, which likely has implications for models of excessive and persistent checking in anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders.
... Notably though, this was not found in the group comparison or in the healthy volunteer cohort. Deliberation time in decision making tasks is not routinely reported in OCD studies, although some have reported patients being slower under specific conditions [4,12,54]. Moreover, greater deliberation times can be found in OCD on a host of cognitive tasks, limiting any interpretation of such findings [55]. ...
... The results further indicate that the task should not be considered as a behavioural index of IU. Alternative approaches may be better pursued, such as with tasks assessing information gathering or certainty seeking behaviours where preliminary evidence supports some associations with OC and IU self-report measures [13,54,59]. Information gathering tasks typically consist of multiple trials and allow participants to gather as much information as they wish on each trial before making a decision or even allowing them to go back and gain additional information after making their decision [13,54]. ...
... Alternative approaches may be better pursued, such as with tasks assessing information gathering or certainty seeking behaviours where preliminary evidence supports some associations with OC and IU self-report measures [13,54,59]. Information gathering tasks typically consist of multiple trials and allow participants to gather as much information as they wish on each trial before making a decision or even allowing them to go back and gain additional information after making their decision [13,54]. Certainty seeking tasks assess the extent participants will try to minimize ongoing states of uncertainty [59]. ...
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High levels of intolerance of uncertainty (IU) could contribute to abnormal decision making in uncertain situations. Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) often report high IU, indecisiveness and the need to seek greater certainty before making decisions. The Beads task is a commonly used task assessing the degree of information gathering prior to making a decision and so would be predicted to show impairments in OCD patients. Results to date have found mixed support for this, possibility due to methodological issues. Here, a group of OCD patients (n = 50) with no comorbidities was compared with age, gender, and verbal-IQ matched controls (n = 50) on the most commonly used version of the Beads task. An independent sample of healthy volunteers with high versus low OC symptoms, and high versus low IU were also assessed (n = 125). There was no evidence that patients with OCD differed from control volunteers in the degree of information gathering prior to making a decision. Medication status and age did not appear to mediate performance. Similarly, there were no association in healthy volunteers between task performance and OC or IU characteristics. Additional measures examining the degree of certainty initially showed support for greater uncertainty in patients, but this was due to deviations from task instructions in a subset of patients. We conclude that despite the large sample size and good matching between groups, the Beads task in its most widely used form is not a useful measure of IU or of information gathering in OCD. The results argue against a robust behavioural difference in OCD when compared to controls. Recommendations for future studies employing the task are discussed.
... Several studies have endeavored to measure compulsive checking in the laboratory, but the findings have been mixed. Some studies have found excessive checking in patients with OCD on perceptual decision-making tasks (3,4), while others have not replicated the results (5,6). These inconsistencies are likely due to the studies' focusing on measuring different cognitive constructs, which may contribute differently to compulsive checking, such as intolerance of uncertainty (7,8), inflated sense of responsibility/harm avoidance (9,10), memory performance (11), metacognition and cognitive confidence (12)(13)(14)(15), or anxiety (16,17). ...
... Our findings are consistent with a recent meta-analysis that concluded that laboratory checking paradigms that involve perceptual decision making tend to elicit checking in OCD more consistently (6). Using matching-to-sample tasks analogous to ours, 2 studies (3,4) found that patients with OCD exhibited more checking than healthy control participants, although a third study failed to replicate this result (5). Excessive checking was also found with 3 other tasks (8,9,62). ...
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Background Compulsive checking, a common symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), has been difficult to capture experimentally. Therefore, determination of its neural basis remains challenging despite some evidence suggesting that it is linked to dysfunction of cingulostriatal systems. This study introduces a novel experimental paradigm to measure excessive checking and its neurochemical correlates. Methods Thirty-one patients with OCD and 29 healthy volunteers performed a decision-making task requiring them to decide whether 2 perceptually similar visual representations were the same or different under a high-uncertainty condition without feedback. Both groups underwent 7T magnetic resonance spectroscopy scans on the same day. Correlations between out-of-scanner experimental measures of checking and the glutamate/GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) ratio in the anterior cingulate cortex, supplementary motor area, and occipital cortex were assessed. Their relationship with subjective ratings of doubt, anxiety, and confidence was also investigated. Results Patients with OCD exhibited excessive and dysfunctional checking, which was significantly correlated with changes in the glutamate/GABA ratio within the anterior cingulate cortex. No behavioral/neurochemical relationships were evident for either the supplementary motor area or occipital cortex. The excessive checking observed in patients was negatively correlated with their confidence levels and positively related to doubt, anxiety, and compulsivity traits. Conclusions We conclude that experimental measures of excessive and dysfunctional checking in OCD, which have been linked to increased doubt, anxiety, and lack of confidence, are related to an imbalance between excitatory and inhibitory neural activity within the anterior cingulate cortex. This study adds to our understanding of the role of this region in OCD by providing a laboratory model of the possible development of compulsive checking.
... Deciphering the psychological drivers of checking is also key to understand how this, otherwise rational, behavior goes awry in certain pathological conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). About 80% of OCD patients 6,7 indeed exhibit excessive checking; not only for anxiety-related, but also neutral, stimuli [8][9][10][11] . In line with the hypothesized uncertainty-reducing role of checking, patients typically report that checking reduces their uncertainty about checked options 12 . ...
... To address these questions, we capitalized on previous attempts to reproduce checking behavior in controlled experimental settings 3,4,[8][9][10]29 . Notably, we leveraged cutting-edge experimental psychology paradigms allowing us to manipulate perceptual uncertainty through stimulus difficulty similarly across individuals, independently of overall performance. ...
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Checking behavior is a natural and adaptive strategy for resolving uncertainty in everyday situations. Here, we aimed at investigating the psychological drivers of checking and its regulation by uncertainty, in non-clinical participants and controlled experimental settings. We found that the sensitivity of participants’ explicit confidence judgments to actual performance (explicit metacognition) predicted the extent to which their checking strategy was regulated by uncertainty. Yet, a more implicit measure of metacognition (derived from asking participants to opt between trials) did not contribute to the regulation of checking behavior. Meanwhile, how participants scaled on questionnaires eliciting self-beliefs such as self-confidence and self-reported obsessive–compulsive symptoms also predicted participants’ uncertainty-guided checking tendencies. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that checking behavior is likely the outcome of a core explicit metacognitive process operating at the scale of single decisions, while remaining influenced by general self-beliefs. Our findings are thus consistent with two mechanisms (micro vs. macro) through which this otherwise adaptive behavior could go awry in certain psychiatric disorders such as obsessive–compulsive disorder.
... There were no differences in corrugator supercilli activity to the cues signalling Rotge et al., 2008), which has been interpreted to reflect higher feelings of doubt, even in contexts where visual discrimination is relatively easy or unambiguous. ...
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Checking behaviours are engaged to prevent adverse outcomes and alleviate uncertainty. However, there is still a gap in our understanding as to how factors such as threat level and performance feedback impact the frequency of checking and associated concomitants. To address these questions, we collected data across two lab sites (n = 208) and manipulated threat level (low threat: performance score only; high threat: mild electric shock based on performance score) and performance feedback (no feedback, feedback) during a visual discrimination and checking task. Throughout the task, we recorded checking frequency, ratings of the urge to check and distress, task performance, and corrugator supercilii activity. High threat versus low threat led to increased checking frequency in one testing site, but not the other. No effect of performance feedback was observed on checking frequency. Performance feedback was associated with the urge to check differently across sites. Both, high threat versus low threat, and no feedback versus feedback, were separately associated with improved task accuracy for easier trial types. Lastly, no feedback, compared to feedback, was associated with greater engagement of the corrugator supercilii. These results suggest that: (1) higher threat level increases checking behaviour to some extent and improves task performance, and (2) the absence of feedback improves task performance and is associated with greater distress or effort. Overall, these findings provide insight into how factors such as threat level and performance feedback differently impact checking behaviour and its concomitants.
... In the perceptual studies group, comprised mainly of visual-search and image-comparison studies, only Banca et al. (2015) implemented costs, and found that costs eliminated high OC people's increased information-seeking. In contrast, ten studies did not inflict costs, out of which nine found evidence of increased information-seeking (Banca et al., 2015;Clair et al., 2013;Erhan & Balcı, 2017;Jaafari et al., 2013;Milner, Beech, & Walker, 1971;Rotge et al., 2008;Toffolo et al., 2013Toffolo et al., , 2014Toffolo et al., , 2016 and only one did not (Rotge et al., 2015). ...
... Second, compulsions in OCD are often formalized as attempts to reduce uncertainty and doubts by various checking behaviors. Numerous studies have demonstrated increased perceptual information gathering behavior in OCD even in neutral contexts, evident in longer search times and more fixations in visual search tasks (Toffolo, van den Hout, Engelhard, Hooge, & Cath, 2016;Toffolo, van den Hout, Hooge, Engelhard, & Cath, 2013), and more checking behavior in change detection tasks (Clair et al., 2013;Jaafari et al., 2013;Rotge et al., 2008). Furthermore, such increased information gathering appears to be specific to OCD, and is not evident in anxiety disorders (Toffolo et al., 2016). ...
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In this article, we develop a computational model of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We propose that OCD is characterized by a difficulty in relying on past events to predict the consequences of patients' own actions and the unfolding of possible events. Clinically, this corresponds both to patients' difficulty in trusting their own actions (and therefore repeating them), and to their common preoccupation with unlikely chains of events. Critically, we develop this idea on the basis of the well-developed framework of the Bayesian brain, where this impairment is formalized as excessive uncertainty regarding state transitions. We illustrate the validity of this idea using quantitative simulations and use these to form specific empirical predictions. These predictions are evaluated in relation to existing evidence, and are used to delineate directions for future research. We show how seemingly unrelated findings and phenomena in OCD can be explained by the model, including a persistent experience that actions were not adequately performed and a tendency to repeat actions; excessive information gathering (i.e., checking); indecisiveness and pathological doubt; overreliance on habits at the expense of goal-directed behavior; and overresponsiveness to sensory stimuli, thoughts, and feedback. We discuss the relationship and interaction between our model and other prominent models of OCD, including models focusing on harm-avoidance, not-just-right experiences, or impairments in goal-directed behavior. Finally, we outline potential clinical implications and suggest lines for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
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Multiple studies in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) became the basis for revealing selective attention, inhibitory control, and working memory impairments, which correlates with an imbalance in the activity of the cortico-striatal-thalamic-cortical circuit associated with maintenance of cognitive control functions. Patients with OCD often demonstrate changes in the parameters of target-oriented eye movement reactions being a consequence of a possible impairment of the cognitive control neurophysiological framework. This review summarizes and analyzes data on cognitive control disorders in OCD obtained with eye movement recording techniques. It was established that the most often used are smooth pursuit eye movements tasks, memory-guided saccades, and anti-saccadic tasks. Data on smooth pursuit eye movements tasks and memory-guided saccades are contradictory, although they partially confirm selective attention and working memory impairment. Most studies on the anti-saccadic task identified impaired inhibitory control in patients with OCD. Similar disorders in form of increased latency and higher error rate in anti-saccades were also noted in the patients’ first-degree relatives, which allows considering such disorders as manifestations of the endophenotype associated with the underlying risk of OCD. Future confirmation of these results in experiments using complex anti-saccadic tasks with images of various modalities (taking into account the increased anxiety in patients with OCD as the disorder basis) might contribute to validation of the OCD-specific markers.
Experiencing doubt in an uncertain situation has been theorized to be an antecedent of compulsive checking. However, whether and when obsessive compulsive (OC) symptoms are associated with experiencing doubt and increased checking is unclear. In this study, we investigated the relationship between OC symptoms, the experience of doubt, and checking in a tone-discrimination task. Doubt was measured using mouse tracking, an indirect, unobtrusive measure. The results of two studies ( N = 119) showed that OC symptoms were associated with elevated experiences of doubt when uncertainty was low. However, OC symptoms were not associated with increased checking, but doubt was. Results highlight the utility of mouse-tracking measures to capture the tendency of individuals with OC symptoms to experience doubt even under neutral conditions. The unexpected null results concerning checking suggest some specific directions for research to determine the conditions under which doubt evolves into checking in obsessive compulsive disorder.
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Obsessive-compulsive disorder encompasses a broad range of symptoms that represent multiple psychological domains, including perception, cognition, emotion, social relatedness, and diverse motor behaviors. The purpose of these analyses was to evaluate the correlational relationships of the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. This study examined the 13 a priori categories used to group types of obsessions and compulsions in the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale symptom checklist in two independent groups of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (N = 208 and N = 98). A principal-components factor analysis with varimax rotation was performed, followed by a series of other exploratory analyses. The two data sets yielded nearly identical results. Four factors--obsessions and checking, symmetry and ordering, cleanliness and washing, and boarding--emerged in each data set, in total accounting for more than 60% of the variance. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a multidimensional and etiologically heterogeneous condition. The four symptom dimensions identified in this study are largely congruent with those identified in earlier reports. These factors may be of value in future genetic, neurobiological, and treatment response studies.
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Assessments of anterior cingulate cortex in experimental animals and humans have led to unifying theories of its structural organization and contributions to mammalian behaviour The anterior cingulate cortex forms a large region around the rostrum of the corpus callosum that is termed the anterior executive region. This region has numerous projections into motor systems, however since these projections originate from different parts of anterior cingulate cortex and because functional studies have shown that it does not have a uniform contribution to brain functions, the anterior executive region is further subdivided into 'affect' and 'cognition' components. The affect division includes areas 25, 33 and rostral area 24, and has extensive connections with the amygdala and periaqueductal grey, and parts of it project to autonomic brainstem motor nuclei. In addition to regulating autonomic and endocrine functions, it is involved in conditioned emotional learning, vocalizations associated with expressing internal states, assessments of motivational content and assigning emotional valence to internal and external stimuli, and maternal-infant interactions. The cognition divi sion includes caudal areas 24' and 32', the cingulate motor areas in the cingulate sulcus and nociceptive cortex. The cingulate motor areas project to the spinal cord and red nucleus and have premotor functions, while the nociceptive area is engaged in both response selection and cognitively demanding information processing. The cingulate epilepsy syndrome provides important support of experimental animal and human functional imaging studies for the role of anterior cingulate cortex in movement affect and social behaviours. Excessive cingulate activity in cases with seizures confirmed in anterior cingulate cortex with subdural electrode recordings, can impair consciousness alter affective stare and expression, and influence skeletomotor and autonomic activity. Interictally, patients with anterior cingulate cortex epilepsy often display psychopathic or sociopathic behaviours. In other clinical examples of elevated anterior cingulate cortex activity it may contribute to ties, obsessive-compulsive behaviours, and aberrent social behaviour. Conversely, reduced cingulate activity following infarcts or surgery can contribute to behavioural disorders including akinetic mutism, diminished self-awareness and depression, motor neglect and impaired motor initiation, reduced responses to pain, and aberrent social behaviour. The role of anterior cingulate cortex in pain responsiveness is suggested by cingulumotomy results and functional imaging studies during noxious somatic stimulation. The affect division of anterior cingulate cortex modulates autonomic activity and internal emotional responses, while the cognition division is engaged in response selection associated with skeletomotor activity and responses to noxious stimuli. Over-all, anterior cingulate cortex appears to play a crucial role in initiation, motivation, and goal-directed behaviours. The anterior cingulate cortex is part of a larger matrix of structures that are engaged in similar functions. These structures from the rostral limbic system and include the amygdala, periaqueductal grey, ventral striatum, orbitofrontal and anterior insular cortices. The system formed by these interconnected areas assesses the motivational content of internal and external stimuli and regulates context-dependent behaviours.
Background Case reports suggest that neurosurgical operations can improve symptoms in patients with severe treatment-refractory obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, it is unclear which procedure is best and which may produce the most side-effects. Method I review the literature on the efficacy and complications of four frequently used neurosurgical procedures (cingulotomy, capsulotomy, limbic leucotomy and subcaudate tractotomy) that are used to treat refractory OCD. Results Since the vast majority of patients who underwent surgery were severely and chronically disabled, it is likely that these procedures were of assistance in alleviating some of their symptoms. It is currently impossible to determine which surgical procedure is the best for a particular patient. Conclusions Despite a lack of controlled data and inconsistencies in the literature, it appears that when nonsurgical treatments have failed to improve OCD symptoms significantly in severely ill patients, at least partial relief can be obtained by some people with OCD by neurosurgery Results of cumulative studies strongly support the need for continued research in this area.
Anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is a part of the brain's limbic system. Classically, this region has been related to affect, on the basis of lesion studies in humans and in animals. In the late 1980s, neuroimaging research indicated that ACC was active in many studies of cognition. The findings from EEG studies of a focal area of negativity in scalp electrodes following an error response led to the idea that ACC might be the brain's error detection and correction device. In this article, these various findings are reviewed in relation to the idea that ACC is a part of a circuit involved in a form of attention that serves to regulate both cognitive and emotional processing. Neuroimaging studies showing that separate areas of ACC are involved in cognition and emotion are discussed and related to results showing that the error negativity is influenced by affect and motivation. In addition, the development of the emotional and cognitive roles of ACC are discussed, and how the success of this regulation in controlling responses might be correlated with cingulate size. Finally, some theories are considered about how the different subdivisions of ACC might interact with other cortical structures as a part of the circuits involved in the regulation of mental and emotional activity.
During the past decade, there has been rapid growth in understanding the clinical features, pathophysiology, and treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). This article reviews the current state of knowledge of the epidemiology and clinical features of OCD with a focus on the disorder's phenomenologic heterogeneity and its comorbidity with other Axis I and Axis II syndromes.
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repetitive intrusive thoughts and compulsive time-consuming behaviors classified into three to five distinct symptom dimensions including: (1) aggressive/somatic obsessions with checking compulsions; (2) contamination concerns with washing compulsions; (3) symmetry obsessions with counting/ordering compulsions; (4) hoarding obsessions with collecting compulsions; and (5) sexual/religious concerns. Phenomenologically, OCD could be thought of as the irruption of internal signals centered on the erroneous perception that “something is wrong” in a specific situation. This generates severe anxiety, leading to recurrent behaviors aimed at reducing the emotional tension. In this paper, we examine how the abnormalities in brain activity reported in OCD can be interpreted in the light of physiology after consideration of various approaches (phenomenology, neuropsychology, neuroimmunology and neuroimagery) that contribute to proposing the central role of several cortical and subcortical regions, especially the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPC), the head of the caudate nucleus and the thalamus. The OFC is involved in the significance attributed to the consequences of action, thereby subserving decision-making, whereas the ACC is particularly activated in situations in which there are conflicting options and a high likelihood of making an error. The DLPC plays a critical part in the cognitive processing of relevant information. This cortical information is then integrated by the caudate nucleus, which controls behavioral programs. A dysfunction of these networks at one or several stages will result in the emergence and maintenance of repetitive thoughts and characteristic OCD behavior.
• The development design and reliability of the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale have been described elsewhere. We focused on the validity of the Yale-Brown Scale and its sensitivity to change. Convergent and discriminant validity were examined in baseline ratings from three cohorts of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (N = 81). The total Yale-Brown Scale score was significantly correlated with two of three independent measures of obsessive-compulsive disorder and weakly correlated with measures of depression and of anxiety in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with minimal secondary depressive symptoms. Results from a previously reported placebo-controlled trial of fluvoxamine in 42 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder showed that the Yale-Brown Scale was sensitive to drug-induced changes and that reductions in Yale-Brown Scale scores specifically reflected improvement in obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. Together, these studies indicate that the 10-item Yale-Brown Scale is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing obsessive-compulsive disorder symptom severity and that it is suitable as an outcome measure in drug trials of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
• The Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale was designed to remedy the problems of existing rating scales by providing a specific measure of the severity of symptoms of obsessivecompulsive disorder that is not influenced by the type of obsessions or compulsions present. The scale is a clinician-rated, 10-item scale, each item rated from 0 (no symptoms) to 4 (extreme symptoms) (total range, 0 to 40), with separate subtotals for severity of obsessions and compulsions. In a study involving four raters and 40 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder at various stages of treatment, interrater reliability for the total Yale-Brown Scale score and each of the 10 individual items was excellent, with a high degree of internal consistency among all item scores demonstrated with Cronbach's α coefficient. Based on pretreatment assessment of 42 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, each item was frequently endorsed and measured across a range of severity. These findings suggest that the Yale-Brown Scale is a reliable instrument for measuring the severity of illness in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with a range of severity and types of obsessive-compulsive symptoms.