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Diversity in coffee assessed with SSR markers: Structure of the genus Coffea and perspectives for breeding

Canadian Science Publishing

Abstract and Figures

The present study shows transferability of microsatellite markers developed in the two cultivated coffee species (Coffea arabica L. and C. canephora Pierre ex Froehn.) to 15 species representing the previously identified main groups of the genus Coffea. Evaluation of the genetic diversity and available resources within Coffea and development of molecular markers transferable across species are important steps for breeding of the two cultivated species. We worked on 15 species with 60 microsatellite markers developed using different strategies (SSR-enriched libraries, BAC libraries, gene sequences). We focused our analysis on 4 species used for commercial or breeding purposes. Our results establish the high transferability of microsatellite markers within Coffea. We show the large amount of diversity available within wild species for breeding applications. Finally we discuss the consequences for future comparative mapping studies and breeding of the two cultivated species.
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Diversity in coffee assessed with SSR markers:
structure of the genus Coffea and perspectives
for breeding
Philippe Cubry, Pascal Musoli, Hyacinte Legnate
, David Pot, Fabien de Bellis,
rie Poncet, Franc¸ ois Anthony, Magali Dufour, and Thierry Leroy
Abstract: The present study shows transferability of microsatellite markers developed in the two cultivated coffee species
(Coffea arabica L. and C. canephora Pierre ex Froehn.) to 15 species representing the previously identified main groups
of the genus Coffea. Evaluation of the genetic diversity and available resources within Coffea and development of molecu-
lar markers transferable across species are important steps for breeding of the two cultivated species. We worked on 15
species with 60 microsatellite markers developed using different strategies (SSR-enriched libraries, BAC libraries, gene se-
quences). We focused our analysis on 4 species used for commercial or breeding purposes. Our results establish the high
transferability of microsatellite markers within Coffea. We show the large amount of diversity available within wild spe-
cies for breeding applications. Finally we discuss the consequences for future comparative mapping studies and breeding
of the two cultivated species.
Key words: SSR markers, microsatellites, Coffea, transferability, cross-amplification, genetic diversity.
: La pre
sente e
tude montre la transfe
de marqueurs microsatellites de
s sur les deux espe
ces de ca-
iers cultive
es (Coffea arabica L. et C. canephora Pierre ex Froehn.) a
15 espe
ces repre
sentant les principaux groupes
demment identifie
s du genre Coffea. L’e
valuation de la diversite
et des ressources ge
tiques disponibles au sein du
genre Coffea et le de
veloppement de marqueurs mole
culaires transfe
rables d’une espe
ce a
l’autre sont des e
tapes importan-
tes pour l’ame
lioration de ces deux espe
ces. Nous avons travaille
sur 15 espe
ces avec 60 marqueurs microsatellites de
s suivant diffe
rentes me
thodologies (banques enrichies en microsatellites, banques BAC, se
quences de ge
nes). Nous
avons plus particulie
rement analyse
quatre espe
ces d’inte
t en commerce ou en ame
lioration. Nos re
sultats e
tablissent que
les microsatellites sont hautement transfe
rables dans le genre Coffea. Nous mettons en e
vidence l’important re
servoir de
pour l’ame
lioration que constituent les espe
ces sauvages de ce genre. Enfin nous discutons des implications pour
de futures e
tudes de cartographie compare
e et l’ame
lioration des deux espe
ces cultive
s:marqueurs microsatellites, Coffea, transfe
, amplification croise
e, diversite
The genus Coffea consists of 103 species (Davis and Stof-
felen 2006) originated from intertropical regions of Africa
and Madagascar. Only two species are cultivated: C. arabica
L., which represents 65% of the world’s coffee production,
and C. canephora Pierre ex Froehn. Coffee species are dip-
loid (2n =2x = 22) except for C. arabica, which is tetra-
ploid (2n =4x = 44). Coffea arabica is self-compatible,
like two diploid species, C. heterocalyx Stoff. and C. antho-
nyi Stoff. & F.Anthony (Davis and Stoffelen 2006). Pre-
vious phylogenetic studies based on other markers such as
rDNA (Lashermes et al. 1997) and cpDNA variation (Cros et
al. 1998) have shown that the genus Coffea is organized
into 4 groups with different geographical origins, i.e., Central
and West Africa (WC clade), East Africa (E clade), Cen-
tral Africa (C clade), and Madagascar (M clade).
Microsatellite markers present different properties than
the other markers previously used (such as RFLPs, iso-
zymes, and cpDNA) and give a complementary view of the
coffee genus diversity. SSR (simple sequence repeat) or
microsatellite markers are highly variable and codominant
Received 5 April 2007. Accepted 10 October 2007. Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at on 18 December
Corresponding Editor: F. Belzile.
P. Cubry,
D. Pot, F. de Bellis, M. Dufour, and T. Leroy. CIRAD, UMR DAP, TA A-96/03, avenue Agropolis, 34398 Montpellier
CEDEX 5, France.
P. Musoli. Coffee Research Institute, P.O. Box 185, Mukono, Uganda.
H. Legnate
. CNRA, BP 808, DIVO, Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire.
V. Poncet. IRD, UMR DIA-PC, 911 avenue Agropolis, BP 64501, 34394 Montpellier CEDEX 5, France.
F. Anthony. IRD, UMR RPB, 911 avenue Agropolis, BP 64501, 34394 Montpellier CEDEX 5, France.
Corresponding author (e-mail:
Genome 51: 50–63 (2008) doi:10.1139/G07-096
2007 NRC Canada
(Tautz and Renz 1984; Jarne and Lagoda 1996). They have
already been analysed for their transferability within the cof-
fee genus for 6 species, C. canephora, C. eugenioides
S.Moore, C. heterocalyx, C. liberica Bull ex Hiern.,
C. anthonyi, and C. pseudozanguebariae Bridson (Poncet et
al. 2004), and compared with AFLPs (Prakash et al. 2005).
SSR markers have also been used to assess genetic diversity
in the two main cultivated species, C. arabica and C. cane-
phora (Anthony et al. 2002a, 2002b; Moncada and
McCouch 2004; Cubry et al. 2005; Prakash et al. 2005).
The present study gives cross-amplification results for a set
of microsatellite markers in a larger sample of species and
In addition to a large survey of the transferability of the
markers, we performed a detailed analysis of the two culti-
vated species (C. arabica and C. canephora) and two related
species used for both quality and productivity improvement
(C. liberica and C. congensis). A crisis of low prices has
occurred during past years, and farmers have to produce a
better quality coffee to maintain their incomes. Identifying
the amount of genetic diversity available for improvement
is especially important for C. arabica, which has been iden-
tified as a species with a very narrow genetic base (Anthony
et al. 2002a). Since the genus Coffea diverged recently from
others (5 to 25 million years ago; Lashermes et al. 1996),
most of the species are genetically highly related and a lot
of hybridizations are possible (Louarn 1992). Indeed, spon-
taneous and viable crosses of C. canephora C. congensis,
C. arabica C. liberica, and C. arabica C. canephora
have been described (Cramer 1948; Prakash et al. 2002).
These hybrids are widely used in breeding programs for re-
sistance to pests and disease or for quality improvement.
In the present paper, we analyse the diversity of 15 Coffea
species belonging to the 4 previously identified genetic
groups using 60 microsatellite markers from different ori-
gins and covering the whole genome. We also detail the re-
lationships among 4 species, 2 cultivated and 2 related wild
ones. Finally, we discuss the consequences for breeding of
C. arabica and C. canephora.
Materials and methods
Plant material
We used a total of 42 individuals from 15 Coffea species
in our study (Table 1). Four species of particular interest
were represented by more than 4 individuals to enable com-
parison of several diversity variables. These 4 species were
C. canephora, C. arabica, C. congensis, and C. liberica.
For C. arabica, we studied both cultivated and wild ac-
cessions, including commercial hybrids between the two
main cultivars, ‘Typica’ and ‘Bourbon’. For C. canephora
and C. liberica, we analysed, respectively, genotypes from
different genetic groups (B, C, SG2, and Guinean) and vari-
eties (liberica, dewevrei) chosen to represent the greatest di-
versity (Louarn 1992; Anthony 1992; Montagnon 2000;
Dussert et al. 2003). Coffea canephora accessions also in-
cluded new material from Uganda (Musoli et al. 2006), in-
cluding wild material surveyed in Itwara Forest (UW) and
the cultivar ‘Nganda’ (UN). Coffea congensis was repre-
sented by accessions from different Central African regions.
Eleven other species from different geographic origins
covering the whole repartition of Coffea were included to
provide an overview of the global diversity, including at
least 2 species of each of the previously described diversity
clades (i.e., C, WC, E, and M).
Coffea canephora genotypes were kindly provided by the
CNRA (Centre National de Recherche Agronomique) from
field collection in Divo (Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire). Wild
C. canephora (UW) and ‘Nganda’ (UN) genotypes from
Uganda were conveniently provided by the CORI (Coffee
Research Institute) of Uganda. Coffea arabica, C. congensis,
C. liberica, and C. sessiliflora Bridson genotypes came from
field collections in French Guiana. One individual of each of
these 4 species was kindly provided by the IRD (Institut de
Recherche pour le De
veloppement) greenhouse collection in
Montpellier, France. Material of 9 other species also came
from the IRD collection: C. anthonyi, previously known as
C. sp. Moloundou’, C. bertrandii A.Chev., C. eugenioides,
C. humilis A.Chev., C. millotii J.-F.Leroy, C. pseudozangue-
bariae, C. racemosa Lour., C. salvatrix Swynn. & Philipson,
and C. stenophylla G.Don.
DNA extraction
Genomic DNA was extracted from ground leaves follow-
ing an extraction method using a MATAB buffer adapted
from Risterucci et al. (2000). A purification of the extracts
using products from the solution-based Wizard
SV Ge-
nomic DNA Purification System (Promega, Madison, Wis-
consin, USA, Cat. No. A1125) was then performed.
Microsatellite markers
In this study, we used microsatellite markers obtained
from different origins (Table 2). DLxxx primers were previ-
ously published and developed from a C. canephora BAC
library (Leroy et al. 2005). A second set came from a micro-
satellite motif–enriched library of C. canephora clone 126
(Dufour et al. 2001) and from an enriched library of
C. arabica ‘Caturra’ (Rovelli et al. 2000). Primers for the
enriched C. arabica library came from Poncet et al. (2004)
and primers for the enriched C. canephora library were de-
signed by Poncet et al. (2007) using Primer3 software
(Rozen and Skaletski 2000). SSRxxx primers were designed
from sequences of sucrose synthase (SuSy) genes (Geromel
et al. 2006) using Primer3 (D. Pot, unpublished data). A to-
tal of 60 loci were screened in this study and all of them,
except SSRxxx loci, have been mapped on an intraspecific
C. canephora genetic map (T. Leroy, unpublished data).
PCR and data acquisition
For each reaction, 2.5 ng of DNA template was mixed
with 5 mL of PCR buffer (10 mmol/L Tris-HCl, 50 mmol/L
KCl, 2 mmol/L MgCl
, 0.001% glycerol), 200 mmol/L dNTPs,
0.10 mmol/L of reverse primer, 0.08 mmol/L of forward
primer tailed with M13 sequence, 0.10 mmol/L of fluores-
cently labelled M13 primer, and 0.1 U of Taq DNA poly-
merase. PCR amplifications were performed in an
Eppendorf Mastercycler ep 384 (Eppendorf, Westbury,
New York, USA). The amplification program consisted of
an initial denaturation cycle of 4 min at 94 8C followed
by 9 cycles of touch-down’ PCR consisting of 45 s at
94 8C, 1 min at 60 8Cto558C, decreasing by 0.5 8C
each cycle, and 1 min 30 s at 72 8C. The next 26 cycles
Cubry et al. 51
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consisted of 94 8C for 45 s, 55 8C for 1 min, and 72 8C
for 1 min 30 s prior to a final elongation step at 72 8C
for 5 min.
Fluorescently labelled PCR products were analysed by
electrophoresis on a 6.5% polyacrylamide gel using a
4300 automated sequencer (LI-COR Biosciences,
Lincoln, Nebraska, USA). Gel images were retrieved and
annotated with the manufacturer’s program SAGA
assigned allele sizes manually to each individual on the
basis of the automated analyses of SAGA
. Previously
studied individuals of C. canephora (Cubry et al. 2005)
served as controls. The data matrix was exported as a text
file and formatted in Excel
software for the different pro-
grams used for the analysis.
Data analysis
A dissimilarity matrix was computed from the data file
using the software DARwin 5 (Perrier et al. 2003). The dis-
similarities were calculated using a simple matching dis-
tance index. Since C. arabica exhibited a maximum of 2
alleles per locus in our data, we decided to manage geno-
types from this species as diploid genotypes. The dissimilar-
ity matrix was used to infer a global diversity tree using the
weighted neighbor-joining method (Saitou and Nei 1987) as
Table 1. List of plant material and providers.
Coffea species Working name Variety or diversity group Collection
Species of particular interest for commercial or breeding purposes
C. arabica Arabica_1 ‘Caturra’ IRD, France
C. arabica Arabica_2 ‘Red Catuaı
1’ CIRAD, French Guiana
C. arabica Arabica_3 ‘Guinee pita 1’ CIRAD, French Guiana
C. arabica Arabica_4 ‘Sidamo 1’ CIRAD, French Guiana
C. arabica Arabica_5 ‘Mundo Novo’ CIRAD, French Guiana
C. arabica Arabica_et1 Wild ethiopian CIRAD, French Guiana
C. arabica Arabica_et2 Wild ethiopian CIRAD, French Guiana
C. arabica Arabica_et3 Wild ethiopian CIRAD, French Guiana
C. canephora Can_b1 Congolese group B CNRA, Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire
C. canephora Can_c1 Congolese group C CNRA, Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire
C. canephora Can_sg2_1 Congolese group SG2 CNRA, Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire
C. canephora Can_g1 Guinean CNRA, Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire
C. canephora Can_g2 Guinean CNRA, Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire
C. canephora Can_u1 Uganda, ‘Nganda’ CORI, Uganda
C. canephora Can_u2 Uganda, wild CORI, Uganda
C. canephora Can_u3 Uganda, wild CORI, Uganda
C. canephora Can_g3 Guinean CNRA, Re
publique de Co
te d’Ivoire
C. congensis Congensis_1 IRD, France
C. congensis Congensis_2 CIRAD, French Guiana
C. congensis Congensis_3 CIRAD, French Guiana
C. congensis Congensis_4 CIRAD, French Guiana
C. congensis Congensis_5 CIRAD, French Guiana
C. liberica Liberica_1 IRD, France
C. liberica Liberica_2_l liberica CIRAD, French Guiana
C. liberica Liberica_3_l liberica CIRAD, French Guiana
C. liberica Liberica_4_l liberica CIRAD, French Guiana
C. liberica Liberica_5_d dewevrei CIRAD, French Guiana
C. liberica Liberica_6_d dewevrei CIRAD, French Guiana
C. liberica Liberica_7_d dewevrei CIRAD, French Guiana
Other species included in this study
C. anthonyi Anthonyi IRD, France
C. bertrandii Bertrandii IRD, France
C. brevipes Brevipes IRD, France
C. eugenioides Eugenioides IRD, France
C. humilis Humilis IRD, France
C. milloti Milloti IRD, France
C. pseudozanguebariae Pseudozanguebariae IRD, France
C. racemosa Racemosa IRD, France
C. salvatrix Salvatrix IRD, France
C. sessiliflora Sessiliflora_1 IRD, France
C. sessiliflora Sessiliflora_2 CIRAD, French Guiana
C. sessiliflora Sessiliflora_3 CIRAD, French Guiana
C. stenophylla Stenophylla IRD
52 Genome Vol. 51, 2008
2007 NRC Canada
Table 2. List of the 60 SSR markers used in the study.
EMBL acc.
name Repeat type
No. of
repeats Primer sequences (5?3) Sequence origin Primer origin Species of origin
AJ250257 257 CA 9 F: GACCATTACATTTCACACAC Combes 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AM231186 305 TG 8 F: AACTTCACTAATCTGTTGTTGCTG Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231546 327 CA 9 F: GGCTCAAAATCACCCTTTGT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231547 329 GT 10 F: ACTCAGACAAACCCTTCAAC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231548 334 AC 8 F: TATGCCTCAGCACCTATCTA Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231549 341 CA, TA 12, 5 F: CATTGGTGTCAAGGGTCAAG Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231550 350 GT 8 F: TCAAAAGAGGGCACGAA Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231551 351 GT 13 F: AAGGATGGCAAGTGGATTTCT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231552 355 TG 15 F: CTATGATGTCTTCCAACCTTCTAAC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231553 356 TG 14 F: TGAAGTCAACCTGAATACCAGA Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231554 358 CA 11 F: CATGCACTATTATGTTTGTGTTTT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231555 360 CA 10 F: ACAGTAGTATTTCATGCCACATCC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231556 364 A 21 F: AGAAGAATGAAGACGAAACACA Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231557 367 AC 12 F: TCAATCCCTGTATTCCTGTTT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231558 368 TG 13 F: CACATCTCCATCCATAACCATTT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231559 371 CA 9 F: AGACACACAAGGCAATAATCAAAC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231560 384 AC 10 F: ACGCTATGACAAGGCAATGA Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231561 388 CA 9 F: ATGAAACGAGAATCCATACCCTAC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231562 392 TC 16 F: AAGGTATTGGTCTGCCTTTGT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231563 394 TG 9 F: GCCGTCTCGTATCCCTCA Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231564 395 GT 13 F: CATCATTTTGTTGGCAAAG Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
Cubry et al. 53
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Table 2 (continued).
EMBL acc.
name Repeat type
No. of
repeats Primer sequences (5?3) Sequence origin Primer origin Species of origin
AM231565 429 A 13 F: CATTCGATGCCAACAACCT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231566 442 CA 19 F: CGCAAATCTGAGTATCCCAAC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231567 445 AC 10 F: CCACAGCTTGAATGACCAGA Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231568 456 AC 14 F: TGGTTGTTTTCTTCCATCAATC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231569 460 CA 11 F: TGCCTTCAAAATGCTCTATAACC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231570 461 AC 9 F: CGGCTGTGACTGATGTG Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231571 463 AC 8 F: CATTCTTCCCACGATTCTATCTC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231572 471 CT 12 F: TTACCTCCCGGCCAGAC Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231573 472 CA, TA 8, 8 F: AATCATGGGGACAGGACAAG Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231574 477 AC 16 F: CGAGGGTTGGGAAAAGGT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231575 495 AC 8 F: CATGGATGGGAAGGCAGT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora , clone 126
AM231576 501 TG 8 F: CACCACCATCTAATGCACCT Dufour 2001 Poncet 2007 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ308753 753 CA 15 F: GGAGACGCAGGTGGTAGAAG Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308755 755 CA 20 F: CCCTCCCTCTTTCTCCTCTC Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308774 774 CT, CA 5, 7 F: GCCACAAGTTTCGTGCTTTT Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308779 779 TG 17 F: TCCCCCATCTTTTTCTTTCC Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308782 782 GT 15 F: AAAGGAAAATTGTTGGCTCTGA Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308790 790 GT 21 F: TTTTCTGGGTTTTCTGTGTTCTC Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308809 809 TGA 11 F: AGCAAGTGGAGCAGAAGAAG Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308837 837 TG, GA 16, 11 F: CTCGCTTTCACGCTCTCTCT Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
AJ308838 838 AC 9 F: CCCGTTGCCATCCTTACTTA Rovelli 2000 Poncet 2004 Coffea arabica ‘Caturra’
54 Genome Vol. 51, 2008
2007 NRC Canada
Table 2 (concluded).
EMBL acc.
name Repeat type
No. of
repeats Primer sequences (5?3) Sequence origin Primer origin Species of origin
AJ871882 DL003 CAAT 5 F: TAACAGAAGCACCAAAACC Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ871889 DL010 A 14 F: TAGTCCCTTTTCAGTGGT Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ871890 DL011 GCT, CAT 4, 8 F: ATACATAAGCAAGCACTGA Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ871892 DL013 CA, CT 6, 8 F: AGAGGGATGTCAGCATAA Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ871899 DL020 T 23 F: TGCTCAAACTTCTTGCT Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ871904 DL025 C 17 F: TTGTTGAGAGTGGAGGA Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ871905 DL026 A 17 F: CGAGACGAGCATAAGAA Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AJ871911 DL032 TACG 3 F: TGTTGGTGAAGAAATCC Leroy 2005 Leroy 2005 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231577 SSR001 T 3 F: CAATACGGCATGCATTTGAC Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231578 SSR003 A 6 F: ATTTGCGTGCTGGATGTTTT Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231579 SSR004 T 9 F: CCAACCCTAAGATGATTTTTGT Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231582 SSR005 GAT 2 F: ATGTGGTGCTGATGTGCAGT Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231580 SSR009 GAAAA 5 F: CAAACAAAACAGTACAATTCAATCC Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231581 SSR010 ATT 2 F: CGAAAGGAACACAGGAACCA Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231583 SSR014 T 14 F: GGATCTTATCGCAATGAACCA Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231584 SSR015 T 12 F: TTCTTCACAAGAACCAACCCTAA Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231585 SSR016 T 13 F: TGGTCAATTTGAAGCGACTG Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
AM231586 SSR017 TA 7 F: TGTTCCTCTGGCTGTTGATG Geromel 2006 Pot 2006 Coffea canephora, clone 126
Cubry et al. 55
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implemented in DARwin. Five thousand bootstrap iterations
were calculated to test the robustness of the nodes. Consid-
ering that some species were represented by more than one
individual, we inferred another diversity tree with one ran-
domly chosen individual per species. This tree allowed a
better understanding of the genetic relationships between
species without the interference of sampling size per spe-
cies. The same inference method used for the global tree
was used for this second tree.
Several genetic variables (e.g., number of alleles, gene di-
versity, and observed heterozygosity) were calculated using
PowerMarker software (Liu and Muse 2005) for the global
sample and for each of the 4 species of particular interest.
We also computed the percentage of polymorphic loci by
species. Ninety-five percent confidence intervals for each
variable were estimated by performing 5000 bootstrap itera-
tions across loci.
Amplifications across the genus
The availability (percentage of amplification) per marker
ranged from 30.9% to 100% among the 42 analysed geno-
types, with a mean of 81.5% calculated from the raw matrix
of observations (see Table S1
). Even if 3 markers appeared
to be specific to the Central Africa clade, good transferabil-
ity of microsatellites across Coffea species was observed.
The percentage of amplification per individual ranged
from 51.7% for one C. liberica genotype (note that the
mean for all C. liberica species is about 72%) to 98.3% for
one C. canephora genotype. Values obtained here are close
to those found by Poncet et al. (2004). For the 4 main spe-
cies, amplification ranged from 72% for C. liberica to 89%
for C. arabica and 90% for C. canephora. Amplification for
C. congensis was intermediate (83%).
Genus diversity analysis
Figure 1 presents the neighbor-joining tree for the 42 in-
dividuals of the study based on 60 microsatellite loci. Boot-
strap values greater than 40 are shown; this threshold was
arbitrarily chosen for the readability of the figure. Ten diver-
sity groups were discriminated by the analysis. The 4 ge-
netic groups WC, C, E, and M, previously described by
Lashermes et al. (1997), are indicated on this figure.
Groups C, E, and M were discriminated by our study,
whereas species of the WC clade were classified in 7 differ-
ent groups. Coffea arabica and C. congensis constituted
original groups, while C. canephora and C. liberica were
each represented by two groups. These two groups corre-
spond to different geographical origins (Central and West
Africa), as previously described by Berthaud (1986). For
C. liberica, these two groups appear to be the varieties,
C. liberica var. liberica and C. liberica var. dewevrei. For
C. canephora the two groups correspond to the Guinean (G)
clade and the Congolese clade, including the B and SG2
diversity groups. We observed strong relationships between
B, SG2, and related Ugandan accessions (UW, UN), as pre-
viously described (Musoli et al. 2006). Coffea brevipes can
be grouped with the Central African (Congolese) clade of
C. canephora, while C. humilis and C. stenophylla appear
to be grouped.
Within C. arabica , wild and cultivated materials were dif-
ferentiated, as expected from previous studies of a small
number of SSR markers (Anthony et al. 2002a, 2002b). The
cultivated varieties represent a narrow genetic base, since
dissimilarity distances between those genotypes are the
shortest of the dendrogram.
The second tree, considering only one individual per spe-
cies, allows us to describe 5 different groups for our
sampled species. Groups M, C, and E are still discriminated,
while species from West Africa (WC clade) are separated
into two groups: C. arabica, C. canephora, and the related
species C. congensis and C. brevipes form one group, while
C. liberica, C. humilis, and C. stenophylla form another
group. Bootstrap values supporting these groups are quite
high for microsatellite markers.
The global diversity is high, with a mean gene diversity
of 0.72 ± 0.03 and a mean allele number of 10.8 (see Table 3
for details). The number of alleles varies from 1 to 22
according to the locus considered. Of the total number of
alleles (648), 304 (47%) are specific to one species. A com-
plete table of private alleles is given as supplementary mate-
rial (Table S2
). The percentage of the total number of
private alleles for each species ranges from 0% for C. antho-
nyi to 31.25% for C. canephora, with a mean of 6.45% (see
Table S3
). These results show the great amount of interspe-
cific diversity within the genus, even if some species are
represented by only one individual.
Considering the global sample, 59 markers are polymor-
phic. Only one, SSR016, which derived from a genic se-
quence, exhibited no polymorphism. At the intraspecific
level, 91.7%, 75%, 76.7%, and 65% of the markers are poly-
morphic in C. canephora, C. congensis, C. liberica, and
C. arabica, respectively. For the other species, polymorphism
information should not be taken into consideration because
only one or a small number of individuals are available.
Diversity analysis of several species
Four species of particular interest because of their eco-
nomic importance or breeding potential were more accu-
rately analysed in our study. This subsample of 4 species
contributed an important part of the global sample diversity,
with a mean number of alleles of 8. On the species diversity
diagram (Fig. 2) they appear to be in 2 related clades. Ta-
ble 3 presents the results for allele number, gene diversity,
and observed heterozygosity for C. arabica, C. canephora,
C. congensis, and C. liberica (Table S4
presents values cal-
culated for all the species). Coffea arabica shows the lowest
diversity, with a mean number of alleles of 2.10. Moreover,
it is the only species that shows gene diversity less than ob-
served heterozygosity. The global amount of diversity in
these 4 species is important, with a mean gene diversity
higher than 0.35. Coffea canephora appears to be the most
Supplementary data for this article are available on the journal Web site ( or may be purchased from the Depository
of Unpublished Data, Document Delivery, CISTI, National Research Council Canada, Building M-55, 1200 Montreal Road, Ottawa, ON
K1A 0R6, Canada. DUD 5250. For more information on obtaining material refer to
56 Genome Vol. 51, 2008
2007 NRC Canada
diverse, with a gene diversity of 0.55 and a mean number of
alleles of 5.00.
Coffea diversity
The global amount of diversity within Coffea appears to
be high. Considering the 4 previously described clades, we
show that 3 groups can be confirmed (i.e., groups C, M,
and E), while the fourth (WC) appears divided in two
(Fig. 2). This division can be imputed to the use of SSRs,
which have different properties than the previously used
markers, and the high number of markers used in this study
compared with the previous studies. Indeed, the high rate of
mutation for microsatellite markers helps us to better inves-
tigate structure within species and species complexes.
Moreover, microsatellites are valuable tools to assess ge-
netic structure at the species level, as demonstrated by the
global diversity diagram (Fig. 1). This figure shows the rela-
tionships within 4 species of the WC clade, indicating struc-
ture at the intraspecific level for C. liberica, C. canephora,
and C. arabica. In contrast, C. congensis appears to be ho-
mogeneous, at least for the genotypes studied.
Finally, we validated our sampling strategy, which con-
sisted of analysing at least 2 species per previously known
diversity clade for the whole genus to have an overview of
the global genus diversity. We sampled more genotypes for
4 species particularly well known and of important eco-
nomic and breeding interest (Lashermes et al. 1997; An-
thony 1992; Poncet et al. 2004).
Our results validate the microsatellite-based approach to
quickly study Coffea species by covering the entire genome,
while sequence-based studies are generally limited to small
numbers of genomic regions.
Transferability of microsatellite markers
We have confirmed the transferability of SSR markers
across the genus Coffea for a larger sample of species than
previously described. SSRs are useful markers for compara-
tive studies across genera (Casasoli 2004). Their transfer-
ability over species across a genus has been shown for
several genera including Lycopersicon (Alvarez et al. 2001),
Oryza (Gao et al. 2005), Vigna (Yu et al. 1999), and Coffea
(Combes et al. 2000; Poncet et al. 2004). Newly developed
microsatellites based on C. canephora sequences exhibit the
same properties as those previously developed based on
Fig. 1. Neighbor-joining tree for the 42 individuals analyzed based on the dissimilarity matrix calculated by simple matching. Bootstrap
values were calculated with 5000 repetitions; only values greater than or equal to 40 are shown.
Cubry et al. 57
2007 NRC Canada
Table 3. Summary statistics calculated for the 60 SSR markers for the global sample (all 15 species studied), the 4 species focused on, and each of the 4 species separately.
15 species C. arabica C. canephora C. congensis C. liberica 4 species
Marker N GD H
DL003 6 0.61 0.37 2 0.23 0.29 2 0.40 0.14 1 0.00 0.00 3 0.37 0.50 3 0.57 0.25
DL010 12 0.77 0.36 2 0.19 0.22 5 0.57 0.11 4 0.54 0.80 3 0.56 1.00 8 0.72 0.45
DL011 7 0.62 0.17 1 0.00 0.00 4 0.61 0.22 3 0.29 0.20 3 0.47 0.14 6 0.63 0.16
DL013 12 0.86 0.30 2 0.50 1.00 3 0.45 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 3 0.51 0.00 7 0.83 0.38
DL020 13 0.86 0.43 4 0.56 0.89 6 0.69 0.50 2 0.26 0.00 5 0.64 0.43 11 0.86 0.50
DL025 7 0.78 0.34 3 0.54 1.00 3 0.53 0.11 3 0.29 0.20 3 0.51 0.00 6 0.74 0.37
DL026 13 0.81 0.11 1 0.00 0.00 5 0.68 0.00 4 0.58 0.00 6 0.51 0.43 9 0.79 0.10
DL032 7 0.73 0.27 2 0.50 1.00 2 0.40 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 4 0.50 0.40 5 0.59 0.36
SSR016 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00
SSR014 13 0.79 0.26 1 0.00 0.00 4 0.58 0.11 5 0.51 0.40 6 0.64 0.43 9 0.77 0.19
SSR015 4 0.32 0.22 2 0.50 1.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 2 0.27 0.32
SSR017 9 0.72 0.09 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 2 0.16 0.20 6 0.68 0.14 7 0.66 0.08
SSR001 2 0.15 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 2 0.18 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 0 NA NA 2 0.08 0.00
SSR003 3 0.25 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 2 0.41 0.00 2 0.28 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 2 0.25 0.00
SSR004 3 0.11 0.02 2 0.10 0.11 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 2 0.03 0.03
257 13 0.65 0.31 3 0.56 1.00 2 0.41 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 3 0.42 0.25 8 0.61 0.42
305 7 0.57 0.40 2 0.50 1.00 3 0.42 0.60 2 0.29 0.40 1 0.00 0.00 4 0.34 0.33
327 13 0.82 0.33 3 0.55 1.00 6 0.68 0.29 4 0.59 0.50 1 0.00 0.00 8 0.52 0.14
329 13 0.85 0.41 3 0.60 1.00 5 0.59 0.25 3 0.52 0.25 4 0.48 0.29 6 0.51 0.30
334 4 0.58 0.10 2 0.10 0.11 4 0.47 0.22 2 0.28 0.00 2 0.37 0.00 4 0.59 0.58
341 6 0.68 0.11 1 0.00 0.00 3 0.47 0.00 2 0.25 0.00 2 0.19 0.25 11 0.82 0.50
350 10 0.81 0.43 4 0.69 0.78 3 0.54 0.29 5 0.63 0.60 3 0.51 0.00 10 0.83 0.52
351 13 0.83 0.54 2 0.50 1.00 6 0.59 0.71 5 0.67 0.75 3 0.38 0.20 4 0.38 0.10
355 16 0.88 0.51 2 0.50 1.00 7 0.72 0.44 4 0.56 0.60 5 0.66 0.71 6 0.73 0.11
356 14 0.81 0.59 4 0.53 0.43 5 0.69 0.78 4 0.53 0.67 1 0.00 0.00 8 0.78 0.46
358 8 0.71 0.14 1 0.00 0.00 4 0.59 0.22 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 9 0.78 0.73
SSR009 10 0.66 0.39 1 0.00 0.00 4 0.62 0.56 3 0.50 0.50 6 0.69 0.75 13 0.87 0.71
SSR010 4 0.30 0.29 1 0.00 0.00 4 0.45 0.50 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 8 0.77 0.62
360 12 0.83 0.26 0 NA NA 6 0.69 0.22 2 0.30 0.00 6 0.69 0.60 6 0.66 0.09
364 7 0.48 0.24 1 0.00 0.00 6 0.69 0.56 2 0.38 0.00 3 0.48 0.40 14 0.87 0.33
367 11 0.84 0.49 2 0.50 1.00 6 0.72 0.44 4 0.56 0.25 4 0.56 0.33 7 0.61 0.25
368 21 0.88 0.29 1 0.00 0.00 10 0.80 0.33 5 0.61 0.25 4 0.52 0.25 10 0.81 0.59
371 11 0.78 0.54 2 0.50 1.00 5 0.55 0.38 5 0.70 0.80 5 0.59 0.43 13 0.82 0.20
384 9 0.83 0.21 2 0.10 0.11 4 0.60 0.11 2 0.16 0.20 5 0.56 0.43 10 0.76 0.67
388 18 0.87 0.31 3 0.44 0.00 8 0.78 0.78 2 0.16 0.20 3 0.52 1.00 8 0.82 0.23
392 15 0.83 0.36 1 0.00 0.00 5 0.62 0.13 4 0.58 0.60 8 0.80 0.86 11 0.82 0.38
394 14 0.74 0.32 1 0.00 0.00 5 0.43 0.44 4 0.56 0.40 8 0.77 0.67 13 0.80 0.37
395 16 0.87 0.29 3 0.21 0.13 9 0.78 0.57 2 0.26 0.00 4 0.48 0.20 10 0.64 0.37
429 20 0.86 0.27 1 0.00 0.00 8 0.79 0.56 3 0.47 0.00 5 0.61 0.20 15 0.87 0.27
442 7 0.59 0.18 1 0.00 0.00 6 0.69 0.29 2 0.23 0.33 0 NA NA 13 0.81 0.22
445 9 0.79 0.42 2 0.50 1.00 3 0.49 0.33 3 0.36 0.50 2 0.37 0.00 8 0.66 0.17
58 Genome Vol. 51, 2008
2007 NRC Canada
Table 3 (concluded).
15 species C. arabica C. canephora C. congensis C. liberica 4 species
Marker N GD H
456 11 0.70 0.22 1 0.00 0.00 11 0.81 0.44 0 NA NA 0 NA NA 5 0.74 0.44
460 22 0.88 0.54 2 0.50 1.00 5 0.60 0.13 8 0.74 0.80 7 0.73 0.80 11 0.74 0.28
461 13 0.86 0.41 4 0.47 0.56 7 0.74 0.33 3 0.38 0.20 5 0.64 0.57 18 0.85 0.68
463 7 0.73 0.59 2 0.50 1.00 5 0.71 0.67 2 0.19 0.25 3 0.50 0.40 14 0.89 0.45
471 11 0.81 0.26 1 0.00 0.00 5 0.65 0.29 4 0.56 0.25 5 0.62 0.67 5 0.65 0.65
472 15 0.88 0.45 6 0.69 1.00 6 0.72 0.25 4 0.52 0.25 3 0.38 0.33 9 0.77 0.32
477 16 0.87 0.38 2 0.50 1.00 5 0.53 0.33 2 0.26 0.00 3 0.49 0.00 10 0.88 0.54
495 9 0.75 0.07 1 0.00 0.00 6 0.69 0.33 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 11 0.82 0.43
SSR005 11 0.69 0.10 2 0.10 0.11 3 0.50 0.00 3 0.29 0.20 3 0.45 0.20 7 0.66 0.10
501 16 0.85 0.47 2 0.49 0.89 9 0.79 0.56 1 0.00 0.00 5 0.51 0.57 14 0.87 0.58
753 13 0.82 0.58 3 0.54 1.00 5 0.66 0.38 4 0.65 1.00 4 0.53 0.67 8 0.79 0.72
755 15 0.87 0.59 3 0.59 1.00 9 0.76 0.56 5 0.67 0.75 4 0.60 0.80 13 0.89 0.76
774 8 0.58 0.12 2 0.10 0.11 3 0.26 0.11 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 6 0.53 0.10
779 9 0.86 0.58 2 0.50 1.00 7 0.74 0.38 4 0.58 0.60 5 0.73 0.86 9 0.85 0.71
782 9 0.77 0.19 5 0.68 0.80 1 0.00 0.00 5 0.64 0.20 4 0.54 0.20 6 0.73 0.25
790 16 0.88 0.56 3 0.60 1.00 9 0.77 0.67 5 0.66 0.60 4 0.42 0.43 14 0.86 0.71
809 8 0.71 0.53 2 0.50 1.00 3 0.35 0.44 1 0.00 0.00 5 0.72 1.00 7 0.67 0.65
837 10 0.82 0.24 3 0.29 0.13 6 0.70 0.43 3 0.42 0.25 3 0.48 0.20 9 0.82 0.25
838 16 0.89 0.46 3 0.60 1.00 5 0.65 0.22 2 0.28 0.50 3 0.45 0.20 10 0.87 0.50
Mean* 11 0.72 0.32 2 0.30 0.49 5 0.55 0.29 3 0.34 0.27 4 0.44 0.34 8 0.69 0.37
11 0.72 0.32 2 0.30 0.48 5 0.55 0.30 3 0.35 0.27 4 0.45 0.35 8 0.69 0.37
SD 1 0.03 0.02 0 0.03 0.06 0 0.03 0.03 0 0.03 0.04 0 0.03 0.04 0 0.03 0.03
2.5% l.b. 10 0.66 0.27 2 0.23 0.37 4 0.49 0.24 2 0.29 0.20 3 0.39 0.27 7 0.63 0.31
97.5% u.b. 12 0.76 0.36 2 0.36 0.61 5 0.60 0.35 3 0.41 0.34 4 0.51 0.43 9 0.74 0.42
Note: N, number of alleles; GD, gene diversity; H
, observed heterozygosity; NA, not available (missing data); SD, standard deviation; 2.5% l.b. and 97.5% u.b., lower and upper boundaries of the 95%
confidence interval.
*Mean values based only on markers with no missing data for the considered species.
Mean values calculated over 5000 bootstrap iterations and based only on markers with no missing data for the considered species.
Cubry et al. 59
2007 NRC Canada
C. arabica sequences, since mean percentages of amplifica-
tion are the same. This result will be used for development
of comparative mapping, utilization of new markers, and
knowledge transfer from one species to another.
SSRs described in genes involved in sucrose metabolism
appear to have some specific behaviour, since they exhibit
very low diversity (1–4 alleles in the global sample) or
intermediate diversity (9–13 alleles). These results will
allow us to use these markers to study gene regions impli-
cated in sucrose metabolism.
In our work, using new markers, we validate the relation
between C. anthonyi and C. eugenioides, which was previ-
ously described by Lashermes et al. (1997). These two spe-
cies show high similarity based on both morphological and
molecular data. However, C. anthonyi originated from Ca-
meroon, while C. eugenioides is native to East Africa. No
other coffee species belonging to the same clade (C) has
been observed between these two distant geographic areas,
and there is no clear explanation for the discontinuous distri-
bution of these coffee trees (Anthony 1992).
We can use these two species to improve C. arabica vari-
eties, considering their genetic relationships and the original
self-compatible system of C. anthonyi (Anthony et al. 2006).
These two species show some of the lowest concentrations
of caffeine (0.6%) of the genus Coffea and exhibit high con-
centrations of trigonelline (1.6% for C. anthonyi, 1.3% for
C. eugenioides; F. Anthony, personal communication), an
alkaloid compound. These two characters have always inter-
ested breeders in coffee improvement. Meanwhile, since few
genotypes are in collection worldwide, these two species
have not been agronomically well characterized and experi-
ments are necessary to assess potential resistances to biotic
and abiotic stresses usable for improvement.
On the other hand, part of the C. arabica genome has
been shown to originate from an ancestral species geneti-
cally close to C. eugenioides or C. anthonyi (Lashermes et
al. 1999). These relationships can be used to better under-
stand the elaboration and functioning of the allotetraploid
genome of C. arabica, in particular comportment of homeol-
ogous chromosomes during meiosis.
Diversity and genetic properties of cultivated and related
wild species
The diversity and genetic relationships of C. arabica,
C. canephora, and related species are examined in our
work. Coffea arabica has been treated as a diploid species
because of the presence of only 2 alleles on all the loci.
This is not surprising considering the allotetraploid origin
and amphidiploid nature of C. arabica and its autogamy.
Coffea arabica is the only species that exhibited an expected
heterozygosity lower than the observed heterozygosity. This
result is consistent with other studies (Lashermes et al.
1999; Aggarwal et al. 2007). It could result from the fixed
heterozygosity (Lashermes et al. 1999) during the speciation
process including two different ancestral genomes. Data de-
rived from SNP analysis (Pot et al. 2006) confirm this hy-
pothesis with the construction of two haplotypes based on
sequences. One is close to C. canephora and related species,
Fig. 2. Neighbor-joining tree for 15 individuals (one per species) based on the dissimilarity matrix calculated by simple matching. Bootstrap
values were calculated with 5000 repetitions.
60 Genome Vol. 51, 2008
2007 NRC Canada
while the other exhibits strong relationships with C. euge-
nioides. However, heterozygosity within the two ancestral
genomes appears to have been lost, since only one allele
from each genome remains in C. arabica. This result indi-
cates a possible lack of recombination between the ancestral
genomes, while recombination within each genome occurs
We included the two varieties of C. liberica, i.e., C. liber-
ica var. liberica and C. liberica var. dewevrei. These two
varieties were genetically well differentiated in previous
work (N’Diaye et al. 2005). In our study, the differentiation
between these two varieties and their divergence from other
species was confirmed.
Coffea congensis, which is considered an ecotype of
C. canephora (Prakash et al. 2005), is differentiated from
C. canephora, but both species are grouped in the same
cluster in Fig. 2. Our study also points out the relatedness
of C. canephora and C. brevipes. Coffea brevipes originated
from Cameroon and Gabon (Chevalier 1947; Anthony 1992;
Stoffelen 1998). This species has been described, like
C. congensis (Sybenga 1960; Anthony 1992; Prakash et al.
2005), as an ecotype of C. canephora (Chevalier 1947; An-
thony 1992; Stoffelen 1998). Our work provides evidence to
confirm the hypothesis that C. brevipes is a dwarf form of
C. canephora, since this species appears to be related to the
Central African genotypes of C. canephora (Fig. 1). Field
studies should be performed to validate this point of view.
Coffea canephora is the most diverse species, with 95 pri-
vate alleles, i.e., 31.25% of the total number of private al-
leles and 14.66% of the total number of alleles. Our results
(Fig. 1) confirm the division of this species into at least two
groups, i.e., a Congolese group from Central Africa and a
Guinean group from West Africa. In contrast, C. liberica
and C. congensis exhibit, respectively, 52 and 27 private al-
leles, while C. arabica presents 20 private alleles. The
global amount of diversity for C. canephora, C. congensis,
and C. liberica is very high compared with that for C. arab-
ica, which has the lowest diversity even if wild individuals
of this species are more diverse than cultivated ones. These
results are in accordance with previous studies (Anthony et
al. 2002a; Moncada and McCouch 2004) and corroborate
the very narrow genetic base of C. arabica, suggesting a
small number of founders for this species.
Conclusion and consequences for breeding
Our work shows the transferability of SSR markers over
the genus Coffea. We point out the potential usefulness of
related wild species in breeding strategies for C. arabica
and C. canephora to provide new variability. These results
increase the importance of genus diversity studies. Our re-
sults, as well as previous analyses using ITS and RFLP
markers (Lashermes et al. 1997, 1999), lead us to consider
that a high potentiality for breeding has not yet been ex-
ploited using species of these two clades.
We propose working on two axes. First, since C. liberica,
C. congensis, and the cultivated species are all grouped in
related clades, the potentialities of crosses between these
species are high and the resulting hybrids would have an im-
portant level of fertility (Louarn 1992). Variability observed
within these species can be used for improvement of bever-
age and bean quality, productivity, and resistance to biotic
and abiotic stresses in the cultivated species. Second, breed-
ing potentialities with species from other diversity groups
are important to assess, since interesting characters have
been described. For example, C. racemosa (E clade accord-
ing to Cros et al. 1998) has been used for coffee leaf miner
resistance (Guerreiro et al. 1999; Mondego et al. 2005) and
C. anthonyi (C clade) could be used for self-compatibility.
Breeding C. arabica will have to take into account its al-
lopolyploid origin. Considering the low rate of recombina-
tion between the two ancestral genomes, the introduction of
recessive alleles coding for traits of interest will be difficult.
Comparative genetic mapping and association mapping
will be developed for future breeding programs. Relation-
ships between C. canephora, C. eugenioides, C. arabica,
and related species will be analysed to assess valuable traits
for both quality and resistance improvement throughout the
Technical help was provided by the Montpellier Languedoc-
Roussillon Genopole genotyping platform. The authors
thank the NARO-CORI (Uganda), the CNRA (Re
de Co
te d’Ivoire), and the IRD (France) for providing plant
material. P. Cubry is supported by a grant of the French
ministry of research. The authors are grateful to J.L. Noyer
for discussions and advice on an early version of the
manuscript. We also thank an anonymous reviewer for
comments and advice on this paper.
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... SSRs (Simple Sequence Repeats) and SCARs (Sequence Characterized Amplified Regions), on the other hand, are more repetitive, based on sequencespecific primers, and have a restricted capacity to be passed between species. The development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers for Coffea has provided a key resource for investigating genetic diversity in the genus [8]. Future food security in agriculture and industry is largely dependent on plant genetic diversity, as claimed by Jump [9]. ...
... However, they noticed that natural population genetic diversity gets less attention. As is true for many crops, assessing the genetic diversity and resources within the genus Coffea is an important step in coffee breeding [8]. Considering that new coffee varieties are continuously produced through hybridization, it is important to determine the extent and sources of genetic variation both within and between new and existing coffee varieties [10]. ...
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Coffee is an established plant for its flavor and has high commercial use. In Nepal, the popularity of coffee is increasing for its high economic value. However, its diversity and the status of its genetic mapping have not been studied in Nepal. In the present study, the genetic diversity of 28 coffee accessions was assessed by using twenty-four SSR markers with the aim of studying the variation of coffee in accord with the genetic markers from a molecular approach. With the use of DNA extraction and marker selection for its amplification using PCR tools, a total of 81 loci from SSR were identified. Of all SSR 63.22% showed for mean polymorphism. The mean polymorphic information content of SSR was 0.38, which showed low genetic diversity of SSR markers among Coffea genotypes. On the basis of the SSR marker, the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) dendrogram constructed showed a similar group of distribution among 28 accessions, which was further supported by a principle coordinate analysis scatter plot. The phylogenetic relationships among the accessions were assessed by SSR marker, which also showed low diversity in coffee genotypes. Our study demonstrated the use of SSR markers in diversity analysis as the data were informative and highly reproducible for evaluating relationships among coffee cultivars in Nepal. The use of more markers systems and a high genotype pool would have been beneficial in accessing more accurately. Regardless, the information from the phylogenetic relationship study could be useful for breeding, varietal improvement, and for conservation programs.
... Microsatellites were applied to compare the diversity among C. arabica, C. canephora and related coffee species [42][43][44][45][46] to investigate polymorphisms among wild and cultivated C. arabica accessions [47][48] and to study the diversity within and between forest coffee populations and Arabica coffee landraces grown in Ethiopia [5][6]49]. ...
... Moreover, the genetic diversity of 15 coffee species with particular emphasis on four major species (C. arabica, C. canephora, C. congensis, and C. liberica) was studied using 64 SSR markers and the results revealed that Coffea arabica showed the lowest diversity whereas Coffea canephora appears to be the most diverse [44]. Furthermore, the genetic diversity of coffee representing different genetic origins, Arabica, Robusta, Híbrido de Timor, triploids, and racmosa were compared using SSR markers and result revealed that the highest percentage of polymorphism was observed within the genetic groups of Robusta (89.2%) while the lowest was within Arabica: The lowest genetic diversity within Arabica species was further confirmed and low genetic variation was observed within C. arabica genotypes as compared to the diploid species. ...
... For example, it is estimated that C. arabica production in Latino America may be reduced in the order of 80% by 2050 (Imbach et al., 2017). At the root of it all is a startling vulnerability: the cultivated Arabica is a delicate crop, quite susceptible to diseases, and with a narrow genetic diversity (Anthony et al., 2002;Cubry et al., 2008;Lashermes et al., 1999;Silvestrini et al., 2007). As an alternative, C. canephora is more adapted to higher temperatures and is resilient to biotic and abiotic stresses that raise the species as a potential candidate for more climate-smart cultivars (Ferrão et al., 2019b). ...
... In C. canephora, we speculate that the relevance of additive and nonadditive genetic sources is closely related with the domestication history of the species. With a broad scope for regional and historical influences (Cubry et al., 2008;Gomez et al., 2009), the C. canephora planted in Brazil retain a large genetic diversity and is mainly structured in two botanical groups: (i) Kouillou (or "Conilon" coffee or SG1 group), that is originated from Central Africa and better adapted to the Brazilian weather and climate conditions; and the (ii) Robusta coffee (SG2 group), originated from the same African region, but with distinct phenotypic characteristics including larger fruits and leaves, resistance to coffee leaf rust, and less resilience to drought conditions (Ferrão et al., 2019b; F. D. E. F. Souza et al., 2013). After investigating the genetic diversity on the parental genotypes (more details in Tables S7 and S8), we hypothesized that genetic gains could be maximized by crossing both pools and obtaining superior crossbred progenies. ...
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Coffee is a universal beverage that drives a multi‐industry market on a global basis. Today, the sustainability of coffee production is threatened by accelerated climate changes. In this work, we propose the implementation of genomic‐assisted breeding for climate‐smart coffee in Coffea canephora. This species is adapted to higher temperatures and is more resilient to biotic and abiotic stresses. After evaluating two populations, over multiple harvests, and under severe drought weather condition, we dissected the genetic architecture of yield, disease resistance, and quality‐related traits. By integrating genome‐wide association studies and diallel analyses, our contribution is four‐fold: (i) we identified a set of molecular markers with major effects associated with disease resistance and post‐harvest traits, while yield and plant architecture presented a polygenic background; (ii) we demonstrated the relevance of nonadditive gene actions and projected hybrid vigor when genotypes from different geographically botanical groups are crossed; (iii) we computed medium‐to‐large heritability values for most of the traits, representing potential for fast genetic progress; and (iv) we provided a first step toward implementing molecular breeding to accelerate improvements in C. canephora. Altogether, this work is a blueprint for how quantitative genetics and genomics can assist coffee breeding and support the supply chain in the face of the current global changes.
... The diploid species (2n = 22) Coffea canephora, one of the most widely distributed species in the Coffea genus, has two botanical varieties, Robusta and Conilon. Both are cultivated commercially in Brazil and belong to the Congolese group (Maurin et al. 2007;Cubry et al. 2008;Batista-Santos et al. 2011). These varieties represent divergent heterotic groups with complementary traits (Souza et al. 2013;Bikila et al. 2017). ...
... Different studies have been conducted to assess C. canephora and other species of the Coffea genus' genetic diversity and population structure, using a variety of markers, such as Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) (Garavito et al. 2016;Bikila et al. 2017;Alkimim et al. 2018;Anagbogu et al. 2019;Spinoso-Castillo et al. 2020), Microsatellites (Prakash et al. 2005;Cubry et al. 2008;Souza et al. 2013;Loor Solórzano et al. 2017), Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) (Yan et al. 2019), and Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) (Prakash et al. 2005). ...
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The Coffea canephora germplasm, found in old seed crops in southern Espírito Santo, Brazil, represents a valuable genetic resource for coffee breeding programs. However, the renewal of these crops by clonal cultivars can narrow down the genetic base. Thus, this study aims to characterize the genetic diversity and population structure of 280 C. canephora genotypes from selected matrices in old (15–46-year-old) seed crops from southern Espírito Santo using Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) markers. Out of the 9491 SNPs retrieved from the Diversity Array Technology™ sequencing, 2542 high-quality SNPs were used for diversity and population STRUCTURE analyses, which detected two genetic pools. Cluster analysis revealed six clusters, some of which showed a high frequency of expected heterozygotes (HE), an indicative of the genetic diversity (GD) within this population. Clusters 4, 5, and 6, especially, harbor an abundance of heterozygous loci. High FST values were detected between clusters 4 and 2 (0.60), 2 and 5 (0.60), and 4 and 3 (0.50) and between the two genetic pools (0.59). This population’s higher GD indices demonstrate that the old seed crops from southern Espírito Santo constitute a noticeably rich germplasm bank. This valuable source must be maintained and conserved to ensure coffee crop sustainability since it can broaden the genetic base once reduced by the replacement of crops with clonal cultivars.
... The latter has desirable physical attributes, such as larger bean size, greater colouring, a chemical composition that gives it an intense aroma, high acidity, light body, which differentiate it in terms of beans quality compared to robust genotypes [7,8]. However, Coffee arabica has a low genetic diversity [9,10], which is reflected in high susceptibility to pest and disease [11,12]. ...
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Coffee (Coffea arabica) cultivation is vital to the global economic, social and cultural life of farmers. However, senescent and disease-susceptible plantations affect coffee productivity. Therefore, it is crucial to improve biotechnological strategies such as micropropagation to increase the number of plants for replanting. In this study, the dark condition (T1) and different light qualities (T0-white light 400–700 nm; T2-red light 660 nm and T3-blue light 460 nm) were evaluated to optimize the in vitro propagation of 4 and 9 month-old coffee seeds. The results showed that red light had the highest percentage, an outstanding germination rate index, which may suggest that in the case of coffee seeds could be involved phytochromes that promote germination in a red light quality. In summary, the ideal conditions for in vitro micropropagation of coffee are under white and red light condition.
... The CIFC cultivars are certified hybrids of the Catimor group (CR-95). Coffea arabica is a tetraploid species with 2n = 44 chromosomes that usually behave genetically as diploid [60] while C. racemosa is a diploid species with 2n = 22 chromosomes [61]. In each site, 6 to 10 individuals were randomly collected with a minimum sampling distance of 10 m. ...
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Climate change is negatively affecting the coffee value chain, with a direct effect on approximately 100 million people from 80 countries. This has been attributed to the high vulnerability of the two-mainstream species, Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora, to extreme weather events, with notable uneven increases in market prices. Taking into account the narrow genetic plasticity of the commercial coffee cultivars, wild-relatives and underutilized Coffea species are valuable genetic resources. In this work, we have assessed the occurrence of Coffea species in to understand the degree of genetic relationships between Coffea species in the country, as well as the patterns of genetic diversity, differentiation, and genetic structure. Only one wild species was found, C. racemosa, which showed a high level of genetic separation with C. arabica, based on plastid, as well as SSR and SNP analysis. C. arabica presented low levels of diversity likely related to their autogamous nature, while the allogamous C. racemosa presented higher levels of diversity and heterozygosity. The analysis of the functional pathways based on SNPs suggests that the stress signaling pathways are more robust in this species. This novel approach shows that it is vital to introduce more resilient species and increase genomic diversity in climate-smart practices.
... To date, the majority of studies that have determine parentage and genetic diversity among commercial cultivars of C. arabica that have been used are microsatellites (SSR) (Anthony et al. 2001;Cubry et al. 2008;Motta et al. 2014;Sánchez et al. 2020), amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) (Anthony et al. 2001) and, more recently, sequence-related amplified polymorphisms (SRAP) (Jingade et al. 2019), and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) (Zhou et al. 2016;Scalabrin et al. 2020;Zhang et al. 2020Zhang et al. , 2021. In general, these studies have shown the low genetic variability that predominates among Arabica coffee species, which can be to a single spontaneous event of hybridization of C. canephora and C. eugenioides that gave rise to all the germplasm of C. arabica (Scalabrin et al. 2020). ...
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Development of efficient and scalable methods for molecular identification of Coffea spp. are necessary to accelerate studies related to the characterization of germplasm for both conservation or breeding purposes, and the validation of coffee germplasm. The low genetic diversity of coffee hinders the establishment of protocols that facilitate the molecular characterization of a given genotype. In this study, nucleotide variability was analyzed at 22 loci in the genome of 19 coffee accessions using de novo primer sets and high-resolution melting (HRM). Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) variants were studied in coding regions of genes implicated in sucrose accumulation in the seed, Sucrose synthase 2 (SUS2), Ent-kaurene oxidase 1 (CaKO1), and Caffeoyl-coenzyme A 3-O-methyltransferase (CcOAOMT). The non-coding Internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) region was also studied. Variability was shown at 103 positions both at the interspecies level (15 loci) and among varieties of Coffea arabica L. (4 loci). The HMR technique for identification of variants in genes CaKO1, SUS2, CcoAOMT, as well as in the ITS2 region proved to be a robust technique for germplasm characterization. More important this technique can be used for fingerprinting and traceability of coffee grain exports which is an increasing market-consumer demand.
Six popular and widely cultivated arabica coffee (Coffea arabica L.) varieties of commercial importance namely Selection 5B, Selection 13, Selection 11, Selection 8, Selection 7.3 and Selection 3 were tested for their genetic identity with ISSR markers. Fifteen ISSR primers were tested using genomic DNA of selected coffee varieties. Pooled genomic DNA of all the six varieties was amplified with each ISSR primer with an average of four loci per primer. The size range of locus amplified by all the fifteen primers was ranging from 100 to 1200 bp depending upon on the ISSR primers. Only three out of fifteen primers, namely ISSR4, ISSR6 and ISSR8, were screened based on the number of amplified locus and size range from low to high. The selective ISSR primers distinguished all the six varieties of coffee with unique markers. ISSR 4 amplified two unique markers with a locus size 1300 bp and 950 bp for Sln.5B and 180 bp and 150 bp for Sln.13. ISSR6 had produced five varietal-specific markers with a locus size of 180 bp in Sln.5B, 1250 bp in Sln.11, 350 bp in Sln.3. ISSR8 had amplified seven unique loci across the coffee varieties with 700 bp and 800 bp in Sln.5B, 200 bp and 500 bp in Sln.11 and one locus each in Sln.7.3 and Sln.3 with 300 bp and 150 bp respectively. Repeated amplification of genomic DNA of all the six varieties of coffee with selective ISSR primers produced consistent ISSR genetic fingerprints. Selective ISSR primers were validated with marker parameters resolving power (RP), effective multiplex ratio (EMR), marker index (MI) and polymorphic information content (PIC). Utilisation of these markers in arabica coffee genetic improvement is discussed.
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El Perú, cuenta con más de 425 000 ha cultivadas de café, distribuidas entre más de 25 variedades comerciales. Lamentablemente, estas fueron introducidas casi siempre de manera informal; pero en los últimos años, esta situación parece cambiar. Nuestro país, no cuenta con una entidad dedicada a desarrollar variedades mejoradas de café. Por eso, la importancia de introducir variedades mejoradas a nuestro país; pero de manera ordenada y siguiendo los protocolos establecidos por las entidades oficiales. Este documento tiene como objetivo presentar una revisión sobre las características de estas variedades y algunas experiencias de su comportamiento en nuestro país, información importante para una especie introducida que se cultiva hace más de 100 años en la selva peruana. En el germoplasma colectado en nuestro país (“germoplasma peruano”), se encontraron variedades con rendimiento mayores al promedio nacional, con incidencia baja de roya y con puntajes en taza iguales o mayores a los 80 puntos. Destacan los genotipos pertenecientes al grupo de los Catimores, como la UNACAF-90, UNACAF-135. En los próximos años, se espera tener información disponible en nuestro país, del comportamiento de las 35 variedades como Ruiru, Paraíso, Kartila 1, Batian, Andungsari, Catiga MG2, USDA 762, que vienen siendo evaluadas en el marco del ensayo mundial de variedades, ejecutada por WCR y que en nuestro país coordina la JNC. De igual manera de las 46 variedades introducidas en el 2021 por el INIA desde el CATIE de Costa Rica y que se encuentran bajo cuarentena en la EE Pichanaki en la selva central, para su posterior evaluación en el campo.
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Grafting is an elementary agricultural practice that aims to provide benefits to the canopy. In coffee, the technique is essentially used as a strategy to control nematodes from the genus Meloidogyne, in which susceptible Coffea arabica cultivars are grafted onto the cultivar Apoatã IAC 2258, the only nematode-resistant C. canephora rootstock. The related results to cultivation grafted coffee trees in free soils from these phytoparasites cover divergent responses, supposedly due the wide genetic variability for these rootstock agronomic characteristics, consequence of his allogamy and the mass selection strategy, substantially grounded on plant resistance. Thereby, the rootstocks’ uses from half-sib families of multi-resistant clones have a potential reduction of this heterogeneity. Our research had as objectives investigate this hypothesis, based on the vegetative development of grafted coffee trees compared to non-grafted ones grown in nematode-free soils under environmental control; on crown development after inoculation with Meloidogyne exigua, M. incognita and M. paranaensis; on the capacity of C. canephora rootstock roots to break through dense soil layers; in field experiments, in infestation-free area and in M. incognita contaminated areas; and graft compatibility between C. arabica elite cultivars and rootstocks through two grafting modes. Five experiments were carried out for this inquiry. The gained results indicate that in addition to multiple resistance to root-knot nematodes, CcK1 and CcR2 rootstocks are compatible and do not disfavor in the seedling stage, the aerial part development of the canopy cultivars, presenting immediate practical application in the implantation of crops, in infected fields with Meloidogyne spp. The additional data gathering related to the vegetative and reproductive development from the distinct combinations scion x rootstock, has to prolong in order to generate conclusions about the cultivation viability of grafting plants in infestation-free soils.
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DNA polymorphism has became a widespread tool in biotechnology; in fact, they are frequently used for a number of technical approaches as, for example, in agronomic traits identification, variety characterisation, and marker-assisted breeding programmes. Coffea arabica is expected to show polymorphic DNA sequences as any other species and indeed some polymorphisms have been described. However, it has been reported that restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (Lashermes et al.,1996a) and polymorphism based on polymerase chain reactions (PCR, RAPD) (Orozco-Castillo et al., 1994; Lashermes et al., 1996b) have a relatively low degree of polymorphism (Paillard et al, 1993, 1996). To-date, a high degree of polymorphism has been found only through AFLP (Lashermes et al., 2000). As this species of coffee is autogamous and has a restricted genetic base, its heterozygosity is expected to be relatively low and the probability of finding a polymorphism is correspondingly reduced.
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Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) have been demonstrated to be abundant and hypervariable in some eukaryotic genomes. Although the presence of microsatellites is very well documented in many plant species, no information on microsatellites in beans (Phaseolus andVigna) is available. To assess the abundance and usefulness of bean microsatellites as genetic markers, 326 DNA sequences from the GenBank databases were searched. Sixty-one simple repetitive DNA sequences with 23 different types of repetitive DNA motifs were identified as potential microsatellites. Among these were 49 microsatellites from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) entries and 12 microsatellites from the genus Vigna. The most abundant type of microsatellite found in this search was that with di-nucleotide repeats of AT/TA. Microsatellites with tri- and tetra-nucleotide motifs were also identified. PCR analysis of 12 of the microsatellite-containing loci revealed that 11 of the 12 primer pairs could produce easily-scorable fragments, or groups of fragments. Allelic variation of the 11 loci was surveyed in 12 common bean inbred lines representing a diversity of germplasms. Seven of the 11 microsatellite loci were polymorphic and yielded 2-10 alleles. Analyses of the polymorphic loci in a common bean F6 recombinant inbred population showed that each segregated in a Mendelian fashion.Key words: microsatellite, simple sequence repeat, molecular marker, bean.
Population genetics studies using microsatellites, and data on their molecular dynamics, are on the increase. But, so far, no consensus has emerged on which mutation model should be used, though this is of paramount importance for analysis of population genetic structure. However, this is not surprising given the variety of microsatellite molecular motifs. Null alleles may be disturbing for population studies, even though their presence can be detected through careful population analyses, while homoplasy seems of little concern, at least over short evolutionary scales. Interspecific studies show that microsatellites are poor markers for phylogenetic inference. However, these studies are fuelling discussions on directional mutation and the role of selection and recombination In their evolution. Nonetheless, it remains true that microsatellites may be considered as good, neutral mendelian markers.
A new method called the neighbor-joining method is proposed for reconstructing phylogenetic trees from evolutionary distance data. The principle of this method is to find pairs of operational taxonomic units (OTUs [= neighbors]) that minimize the total branch length at each stage of clustering of OTUs starting with a starlike tree. The branch lengths as well as the topology of a parsimonious tree can quickly be obtained by using this method. Using computer simulation, we studied the efficiency of this method in obtaining the correct unrooted tree in comparison with that of five other tree-making methods: the unweighted pair group method of analysis, Farris's method, Sattath and Tversky's method, Li's method, and Tateno et al.'s modified Farris method. The new, neighbor-joining method and Sattath and Tversky's method are shown to be generally better than the other methods.
Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) have been demonstrated to be abundant and hypervariable in some eukaryotic genomes. Although the presence of microsatellites is very well documented in many plant species, no information on microsatellites in beans (Phaseolus and Vigna) is available. To assess the abundance and usefulness of bean microsatellites as genetic markers, 326 DNA sequences from the GenBank databases were searched. Sixty-one simple repetitive DNA sequences with 23 different types of repetitive DNA motifs were identified as potential microsatellites. Among these were 49 microsatellites from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) entries and 12 microsatellites from the genus Vigna. The most abundant type of microsatellite found in this search was that with di-nucleotide repeats of AT/TA Microsatellites with tri- and tetra-nucleotide motifs were also identified. PCR analysis of 12 of the microsatellite-containing loci revealed that 11 of the 12 primer pairs could produce easily-scorable fragments, or groups of fragments. Allelic variation of the 11 loci was surveyed in 12 common bean inbred lines representing a diversity of germplasms. Seven of the 11 microsatellite loci were polymorphic and yielded 2-10 alleles. Analyses of the polymorphic loci in a common bean F(6) recombinant inbred population showed that each segregated in a Mendelian fashion.
Conference Paper
Quality and drought stress tolerance are two important targets for Coffea species cultivation. Currently, efficient genetic improvement of these traits is still hampered by the lack of early and cheap predictors. In this context, identification of molecular tools linked to these traits would significantly improve breeding efficiency. Based on the available literature, different metabolisms involved in the variability of both drought tolerance and coffee quality can be proposed. Based on this information, a study was initiated in Coffea species, aiming at estimating nucleotide diversity of four sucrose metabolism enzymes (Sucrose Synthase, Cell Wall Invertase, acid Vacuolar Invertase and Sucrose Phosphate Synthase). The two mains objectives of this work were i) to assess the level of variability of these genes within the whole area of distribution of Coffea canephora, and within 15 related Coffea species representing the four groups of diversity of this genus, and ii) to identify polymorphisms useful for mapping and association genetic studies. Almost 200 polymorphisms (SNP, INDELS, SSR) were identified through sequencing of Coffea canephora genotypes. In addition, analysis of the variability of these genes between different Coffea species allowed the identification of 300 additional polymorphic sites. Parallel in-silico analysis of EST resources confirmed the interest of this approach towards the identification of polymorphisms in Coffea sp. Identification of nucleotide polymorphisms will not only provide useful markers for traditional genetic studies (genetic mapping, population genetics, association studie) but also provide criteria to infer the evolutionary history of the analysed genes. Such information will be particularly relevant to select the best candidate genes to test in future association studies.
Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSR) were used to assess polymorphism among 16 Coffea arabica and four Coffea canephora accessions, and to identify DNA introgression fragments from C. canephora in four C. arabica lines. Thirty-one primer pairs allowed for the identification of 92 polymorphic alleles distributed over 37 loci. The C. arabica accessions derived from the genetic bases ‘Typica’ and ‘Bourbon’ were grouped separately according to their genetic origin. Two genotypes derived from a spontaneous hybrid (C arabica×C. canephora) were classified with the C. canephora accessions from Central Africa. Coffea canephora from West Africa were separated from the other accessions studied. Four alleles related to introgression (i.e. present in C. canephora and introgressed lines, and absent in C. arabica) were identified. The SSR markers were used successfully for characterization of a particular cultivar (‘Veranero’) from Costa Rica, which is known for its late maturity.