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Influence of Ripening Stage on Health Benefits Properties of Capsicum annuum Var. acuminatum L.: In Vitro Studies


Abstract and Figures

ABSTRACT In the present study the in vitro hypoglycemic and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of hot pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum var. acuminatum L.) at different ripening stages were investigated. The mature, green-stage fruits had the highest activity against alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) values of 55.88 and 76.11 microg/mL, respectively, while C. annuum var. acuminatum in the prematurity green stage exhibited the highest acetylcholinesterase inhibition property (IC(50) = 84.30 microg/mL), using the Ellman method. This study highlights the biochemical rationale for chemopreventive significance in health benefits when consuming this variety of pepper.
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J Med Food 11 (1) 2008, 184–189
© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. and Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
DOI: 10.1089/jmf.2007.638
Short Communication
Influence of Ripening Stage on Health Benefits Properties of
Capsicum annuum Var. acuminatum L.: In Vitro Studies
Monica R. Loizzo, Rosa Tundis, Federica Menichini, Giancarlo A. Statti, and Francesco Menichini
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nutrition and Health Science, Faculty of Pharmacy,
University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy
ABSTRACT In the present study the in vitro hypoglycemic and anti-acetylcholinesterase activities of hot pepper fruits (Cap-
sicum annuum var. acuminatum L.) at different ripening stages were investigated. The mature, green-stage fruits had the high-
est activity against -amylase and -glucosidase with 50% inhibitory concentration (IC
) values of 55.88 and 76.11 g/mL,
respectively, while C. annuum var. acuminatum in the prematurity green stage exhibited the highest acetylcholinesterase in-
hibition property (IC
84.30 g/mL), using the Ellman method. This study highlights the biochemical rationale for chemo-
preventive significance in health benefits when consuming this variety of pepper.
acetylcholinesterase inhibition
Alzheimer’s disease
Capsicum annuum var. acumi-
have been used for generations by hu-
mans as food and to treat ailments. Scientific evidence
is accumulating that many of these herbs and spices do have
medicinal properties that alleviate symptoms or prevent dis-
ease. Demonstrating the health benefits of foods based on
sound scientific remains a challenge, particularly when com-
pared with standards applied for assessing pharmaceutical
The genus Capsicum, which originates from tropical and
humid zones of Central and Southern America, belongs to
the Solanaceae family and includes peppers of important
economic value. Several Capsicum species exist, three of
which are widely spread and have a hot or pungent berry:
Capsicum frutescens L., Capsicum chinense Jacq., and Cap-
sicum annuum L. This last one, originating from Mexico,
was the first to be introduced worldwide, and nowadays it
is the most widely spread in familiar consumption and in-
dustrial processing.
Hot pepper is a well-known spice. It is
used dried or fresh in various pharmacological preparations
and has many applications in cookery to enrich foods with
its unique flavor. It has a long history as a source of healthy
and biologically active compounds, such as flavonoids, phe-
nols, carotenoids, capsaicinoids, and vitamins.
Diabetes mellitus is a serious complex chronic condition
that is a major source of health problems worldwide. In fact,
at least 171 million people worldwide have diabetes, and the
numbers are projected to increase to 366 million by 2030.
The World Health Organization recognizes three main
forms of diabetes mellitus—type 1, type 2, and gestational
diabetes—which have similar signs, symptoms, and conse-
quences but different causes and population distributions.
While, ultimately, all forms are due to the -cells of the pan-
creas being unable to produce sufficient insulin to prevent
hyperglycemia, the causes are different. Type 1 diabetes is
usually due to an autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic
-cells. Type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resis-
tance in target tissues; this causes the need for abnormally
high amounts of insulin, and therefore diabetes develops
when the -cells cannot meet this demand. Gestational di-
abetes is similar to type 2 diabetes in that it involves insulin
resistance; the hormones of pregnancy can cause insulin re-
sistance in women genetically predisposed to developing
this condition.
One therapeutic approach for treating type 2 diabetes is
to decrease the postprandial hyperglycemia. This is done by
retarding the absorption of glucose through the inhibition of
the carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes, -amylase and -
glucosidase, in the digestive tract. Inhibitors of these en-
Manuscript received 22 October 2007. Revision accepted 7 December 2007.
Address reprint requests to: Dr. Monica R. Loizzo, Department of Pharmaceutical Sci-
ences, Nutrition and Health Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Calabria, I-
87036 Rende (CS), Italy, E-mail:
zymes, like acarbose and voglibose, delay carbohydrate di-
gestion and prolong overall carbohydrate digestion time,
causing a reduction in the rate of glucose absorption and
consequently reducing the postprandial plasma glucose
Neurodegenerative disease is a generic term applied to a
variety of conditions arising from a chronic breakdown and
deterioration of the neurons, particularly those of the cen-
tral nervous system. The discovery of cholinesterase in-
hibitors has been a challenging area of pharmaceutical re-
search due to the involvement of cholinesterase enzymes in
Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias. Recently
some studies reported a number of new natural inhibitors of
cholinesterase enzymes, isolated from medicinally impor-
tant plants.
In our continuing search of biological properties of spices,
fruits, and vegetables,
the present work was designed to
determine the influence of ripening stage of C. annuum var.
acuminatum on hypoglycemic and anti-acetylcholinesterase
(anti-AChE) inhibitory properties.
The following chemicals were obtained from Sigma-
Aldrich S.p.a. (Milan, Italy): potato starch, sodium phosphate,
sodium chloride, -amylase from porcine pancreas (EC, -glucosidase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (EC, maltose, sodium acetate, sodium potassium tartrate,
3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid, o-dianisidine color reagent (DIAN),
PGO (peroxidase/glucose oxidase) enzyme preparation, elec-
tric eel AChE (EC, type VI-S), acetylthiocholine io-
dide, 5,5-dithionitrobenzene, bovine serum albumin, and
anisaldehyde. Methanol, chloroform, acetic acid, perchloric
acid, dimethyl sulfoxide, basic bismuth nitrate, potassium io-
dide, phosphoric acid, silica gel 70–230 mesh, and thin-layer
chromatography (TLC) plates were obtained from VWR In-
ternational s.r.l. (Milan). Acarbose from Actinoplanes sp. was
obtained from Serva (Heidelberg, Germany).
Sample preparation
The fruits of C. annuum var. acuminatum L. were har-
vested in September 2004 and purchased in a local market
at three successive stages of technological maturity on the
basis of their color as one ripening stage: premature green
pepper (1), mature green pepper (2), and mature red pepper
(3). Five hundred grams of fresh fruits at different maturity
stages had been washed, cut into small pieces, and extracted
with methanol through maceration (1 week, repeated three
times). The resultant extract was dried under reduced pres-
sure to give 31.35 g of 1, 9.13 g of 2, and 41.51 g of 3.
Assay for -amylase inhibition
The bioassay method was adopted and modified
that of Sigma-Aldrich. Briefly, a starch solution (0.5%
wt/vol) was obtained by stirring potato starch in 20 mM
sodium phosphate buffer with 6.7 mM sodium chloride. The
enzyme solution was prepared by mixing 25.3 mg of -amy-
lase in 100 mL of cold distilled water. C. annuum var. acumi-
natum extracts were dissolved in buffer to give final
concentration from 500 g/mL to 31.25 g/mL. The col-
orimetric reagent was prepared mixing a sodium potassium
tartrate solution and 96 mM 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid solu-
tion. Both control and hot pepper extracts were added with
starch solution and left to react with -amylase solution in
alkaline condition at 25°C. The generation of maltose was
quantified by the reduction of 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid to 3-
amino-5-nitrosalicylic acid. Acarbose was used as the pos-
itive control. This reaction is detectable at 540 nm. The -
amylase inhibition was expressed as a percentage of
inhibition and calculated by the following equations:
% Reaction 100
% Inhibition (100 % Reaction) SD
Assay for -glucosidase inhibition
The -glucosidase inhibition was measured through a
modified Sigma-Aldrich bioassay method.
Briefly, a mal-
tose solution (4% wt/vol) was prepared by dissolving 12 g
of maltose in 300 mL of 50 mM sodium acetate buffer. The
enzyme solution was prepared by mixing 1 mg of -glu-
cosidase in 10 mL of ice-cold distilled water. Samples are
dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide to give final concentrations
from 5 g/mL to 1 mg/mL. The DIAN solution was pre-
pared by dissolving one tablet in 25 mL of distilled water,
while the PGO enzyme color reagent solution was freshly
prepared by dissolving one capsule in 100 mL of ice-cold
distilled water. In the first step both control and extracts
were added with maltose solution and left to equilibrate at
37°C. The reaction was started adding -glucosidase solu-
tion, and tubes were left to incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes.
At the end perchloric acid solution (4.2% wt/vol) was added
to stop the reaction. In the second step the generation of glu-
cose was quantified by the reduction of DIAN. The super-
natant of the tube of step I was mixed with DIAN and PGO
and was left to incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes. Acarbose
was used as the positive control. The reaction was measured
at 500 nm. The -glucosidase inhibition was expressed as a
percentage of inhibition and was calculated by the follow-
ing equations:
% Reaction 100
% Inhibition (100 % Reaction) SD
AChE inhibition assay methods
AChE inhibition was assessed by modifications of the Ell-
man method, which is based on the reaction of released thio-
choline to give a colored product with a chromogenic
The spectrophotometric method was used to de-
termine the activity of C. annuum var. acuminatum extracts
showing activity by preliminary TLC screening as outlined
below. AChE (40 L; 0.36 U/mL in pH 8 buffer) and C.
annuum var. acuminatum extracts (20 L) were added to 2
mL of pH 8 buffer and preincubated in an ice bath at 4°C
for 30 minutes. Duplicate tubes were also treated this way
with 20 L of physostigmine (0.1 mM) to allow interfer-
ence of the test substances in the assay to be assessed and
to control for any hydrolysis of acetylcholine not due to
AChE activity. The reaction was started by adding 5,5-
dithionitrobenzene solution (20 L of 0.05 mM in pH 7
buffer) and acetylthiocholine iodide (20 L of 0.018 mM in
pH 7 buffer), and tubes were incubated in a water bath for
20 minutes at 37°C. The reaction was stopped by placing
the assay solution tubes in an ice bath and adding physostig-
mine (20 L of 0.018 mM in pH 7 buffer). Blanks were
used of reagents without extracts, and a positive control was
set up that was the same as the blank except that physostig-
mine (20 L of 0.018 mM in pH 7 buffer) was added. The
production of yellow anion was immediately recorded on a
spectrophotometer at 412 nm. The inhibition rate (%) was
calculated by the following equation:
[(Blank Blank positive control)
Inhibition %
(Experiment Experiment control)]
(Blank Blank positive control)
An in situ TLC autobiographic method was also employed
for preliminary screening of extracts with AChE inhibitory
effects. After the development of the TLC plate in
/methanol 2.5% acetic acid (aqueous) (65:35:5 by
volume) as the solvent system, the dried plate was sprayed
with AChE in bovine serum albumin and then was left in a
moist atmosphere for 20 minutes at 37°C. The plate was
sprayed with acetylthiocholine iodide solution (45 mg/2.5
mL of water) and allowed to dry in a stream of cold air. It
was then sprayed with 5,5-dithionitrobenzene solution (100
mg/5 mL of phosphate buffer, pH 7). Physostigmine was
co-chromatographed as the standard AChE inhibitor. Any
compound inhibiting hydrolysis showed as a white spot
against yellow background. A duplicate plate was run to de-
tect false-positive effects due to interaction with the com-
ponents of the extract and the chromogenic reagent.
Statistical analysis
All experiments were carried out in triplicate. Data were
expressed as mean SD values. Differences were evaluated
1. -A
: P
C. annuum var. acuminatum
extracts at different maturity stages -Amylase -Glucosidase
1 171.06 1.4** 133.30 1.6**
2 55.88 1.2** 76.11 1.3**
3 500 143.71 1.7**
Acarbose 50.01 0.90 35.52 1.2**
Data are mean SD values (n 3).
Differences within and between groups were evaluated by one-way analysis of variance test fol-
lowed by a multicomparison Dunnett’s test: **P .01 compared with the control experiment.
FIG. 1. Dose-dependent inhibition of (A) -amylase and (B) -glu-
cosidase by C. annuum var. acuminatum extracts at different matu-
rity stages: premature green (1), mature green (2), and mature red (3).
Data are mean SD values (n 3).
by one-way analysis of variance test followed by a Dun-
nett’s test. Differences were considered significant at P
.01. The 50% inhibitory concentration (IC
) was calculated
by nonlinear procedures with the use of Prism
version 4.0
for Windows (GraphPad Software, San Diego, CA)
( The dose–response curve was ob-
tained by plotting the percentage of inhibition versus the
-Amylase and -glucosidase inhibitory activities
Premature green (1), mature green (2), and mature red (3)
C. annuum var. acuminatum peppers were evaluated to es-
timate if the inhibitory activity on the two major enzymes
involved in glucose digestion—-amylase and -glucosi-
dase—depended on the maturity stage. The analysis of the
results revealed that the change in C. annuum var. acumi-
natum during the course of ripening influenced its bioactiv-
ity (Table 1). A dose–response relationship was observed
for all extracts against both enzymes (Fig. 1). The mature
green stage (2) had the highest activity against -amylase
and -glucosidase with IC
values of 55.88 and 76.11
g/mL, respectively. Interesting, the fully mature red fruits
(3) were unable to inhibit -amylase (IC
550 g/mL).
AChE inhibition
A preliminary screening by TLC revealed that C. annuum
var. acuminatum exhibited a clear inhibitory effect com-
pared with the commercially available drug physostigmine.
In order to evaluate IC
values of C. annuum var. acumi-
natum extracts, the Ellman method was used. A dose–re-
sponse relationship was observed for all extracts (Fig. 2).
As shown in Table 2, the premature green stage (1) ex-
hibited the most promise (IC
84.30 g/mL). This bioac-
tivity decreased when the stage of ripening of the fruits in-
creased; in fact, mature red fruits (3) exhibited an IC
of 130.03 g/mL.
In recent years peppers have grown in popularity, and
now a wide number of varieties are now available in the
markets. For its exceptionally favorable climatic conditions,
the Calabria region in Southern Italy is one of the most im-
portant places of growth and diffusion of this spice. Pepper
contains moderate to high levels of phytochemicals such as
flavonoids, capsaicinoids, and vitamins that are important
components of a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and spices,
other than traditional nutrients, for their ability to reduce the
risk of degenerative diseases.
This work has demonstrated, for the first time, the abil-
ity of C. annum var. acuminatum at different stages of ripen-
ing to exert some in vitro health benefit properties. To this
purpose, the inhibition of the two major carbohydrate di-
gestive enzymes, -amylase and -glucosidase, was inves-
tigated. -Amylase and -glucosidase inhibitors are cur-
rently used to reduce the postprandial plasma level of
glucose in type 2 diabetes and in the case of obesity.
Moreover, the C. annum var. acuminatum AChE inhibition
property was investigated. The inhibition of this enzyme is
one of the therapeutic approaches for the symptomatic treat-
ment of Alzheimer’s disease.
2. AC
: P
(1), M
C. annuum var. acuminatum
AChE inhibition
extracts at different maturity stages TLC assay
1  84.30 1.3**
2 96.69 1.2**
3  130.03 1.8**
Physostigmine  0.07 0.002
Data are mean SD values (n 3).
Differences within and between groups were evaluated by one-way analysis of variance test fol-
lowed by a multicomparison Dunnett’s test: **P .01 compared with the control experiment.
Graded on the following scale: , strong inhibitory effect; , clear inhibitory effect; ,
weak inhibitory effect.
FIG. 2. Dose-dependent inhibition of AChE by C. annuum var.
acuminatum extracts at different maturity stages: premature green (1),
mature green (2), and mature red (3). Data are mean SD values
(n 3).
On the basis of our results, C. annum var. acuminatum at
the mature green stage of ripeness (2) exerted the most
promising bioactivity against -amylase and -glucosidase.
In this stage of maturity hot pepper was characterized by a
high content of phytol and different fatty acids, such as 8,11-
octadecadienoic acid methyl ester, methyl linolenate, methyl
palmitate, methyl palmitoleate, and palmitic acid.
In con-
trast, fully mature red fruits (3) were unable to inhibit -
amylase. From the phytochemical point of view, in fully ripe
fruits the total polyphenolic content, including luteolin, was
lower than the other maturity stages: 43.2 mg/g in mature
red pepper (3) and 76.0 mg/g and 73.8 mg/g in premature
green pepper (1) and mature green pepper (2), respec-
Recently luteolin demonstrated a strong -amylase
inhibitory property with an IC
of 0.17 mM.
These data
probably could explain the reduced inhibitory activity of
fully mature red fruits. At the same time continuous dietary
consumption of red fruits is thought to be useful in the treat-
ment of type 2 diabetes. In fact, capsaicin’s ability to stim-
ulate the release of insulin in dogs was recently demon-
Although insulin secretion stimulation is
important, the inhibition of -amylase and -glucosidase by
C. annum var. acuminatum would be more relevant consid-
ering that in type 2 diabetes there is a insulin resistance in
target tissues.
The phytochemical modifications that occur during ripen-
ing influence also the AChE inhibitory property. In fact, the
premature green stage fruits extract exhibited the highest ac-
tivity compared to the other samples tested. This activity de-
creased in the fully ripe stage. Based on the observation that
sterol content decrease during the ripening process,
could suppose that sterols may influence the AChE activity,
since members of this class of natural products have previ-
ously been described as AChE inhibitors.
The AChE in-
hibitory activity and the previously demonstrated stronger
radical scavenging property of C. annuum var. acuminatum
at the premature green stage of ripeness suggest how the
consumption of this spice could be useful in the chemopre-
vention of Alzheimer’s disease. The oxidative damage, in
fact, may initiate and promote the progression of a number
of chronic diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease.
The in vitro hypoglycemic and AChE inhibitory activi-
ties of C. annuum var. acuminatum extracts provide a strong
biochemical rationale for further in vivo studies. These in-
vestigations are essential to consider this pepper as a func-
tional food. Moreover, ripening and maturity of hot pepper
fruits could be chosen on the basis of their potential bio-
logical properties. At this point, daily consumption of hot
pepper has not been shown to provide clinical benefits to
people with diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease, but a possible
preventive effect with high consumption of pepper cannot
be ruled out, especially in terms of diet-linked chemopre-
vention and not for specific disease treatment used as drugs.
The authors are grateful to Prof. Dimitar Uzunov, Nat-
ural History Museum of Calabria and Botanic Garden, Uni-
versity of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy, for identification of
the samples and Dr. V. Filippelli, Faculty of Pharmacy, Nu-
trition and Health Science, University of Calabria, for Eng-
lish revision of the manuscript.
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... For example, the inhibitory effect of C. annuum var. acuminatum on the enzyme acetylcholinesterase (AChE) was reported by Loizzo et al. [6]. One therapy strategy for managing Alzheimer's disease symptoms is the suppression of this enzyme. ...
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Phytochemical and antioxidant analysis of some varieties of Capsicum was evaluated. Mature Capsicum varieties were collected across the State. The seeds were removed, sun-dried for 3 days, stored for 2 weeks at 15 ºC–25 ºC in polythene bags before planting. Saponins, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids and cardiac glycosides were present in abundant, moderate and trace amounts. Combined anthraquinones were absent in all varieties. Yellow (0.810 ± 0.0006 µg/mL), red long dry (0.211 ± 0.0006 µg/mL) and round peppers (2.527 ± 0.0003 µg/mL) had the largest values for total phenol, flavonoids and tannins. Shombo and yellow peppers had the largest (0.270 ± 0.002 µg/mL) and least (0.102 ± 0.001 µg/mL) capsaicin content. The antioxidant activities varied across the varieties. At 100 µg/mL of methanol, yellow (45%) and round peppers (45%) had largest mean absorbances for 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) Radical Scavenging Activity while sub-shombo pepper (23%) had the least. For Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP), yellow (0.63 ± 0.001 µg/mL) and sub-shombo peppers (0.55 ± 0.001µg/mL) had the largest and least values at 100 µg/mL of methanol. At 100 µg/mL of methanol, red long dry (0.112 ± 0.001) and shombo peppers (0.101 ± 0.001) had the largest and least values for the nitric oxide scavenging activity. This study shows that Capsicum varieties exhibit bioactive componds similarities and variations with implications in hybridization, taxonomy and conservation.
... They are important as vegetable foods and spice and are considered an important source of nutrients in the human diet which are grown in tropical, subtropical, and temperate regions. Various species and varieties occurring within the Capsicum genus depending on their shape, size, flavor, and hotness include Capsicum annum, Capsicum frutescence, and Capsicum chinens (Loizzo et al., 2008, Tundis, 2011. Unlike vitamins, there is little or no literature on the importance of mineral elements in the management of PD. ...
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Despite the fact that vegetables are consumed in large quantities in our environment, there is a dearth of literature that focused on the optimum benefits to man especially in the management of disease like Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Nicotine, the major phyto-constituent of Nicotiana tabacum of the family Solanaceae has been reported to be present in some other species of the family. This study investigated the nicotine content and the dietary components in the leaves and fruits of selected species of cultivated vegetable plants belonging to Solanaceae family. Edible plants from Solanaceae family were grown till the fruiting stage in the experimental farm of Ekiti State University, Ado Ekiti, while Nicotiana tabacum was used as the control plant. Plants samples from mature leaves and fruits of each plant were harvested washed with de-ionized water, oven dried at 30°C. Powdered samples were analyzed for mineral and proximate components according to standard procedure and nicotine content were determined with GC-MS. Nicotine remained the major constituent of tobacco. Nicotyrine, a product of nicotine dehydrogenation was also detected in all the plant samples. Capsicum annum var. accuminatum fruit displayed the highest nicotine content (0.5543 mg/L) compared to the others with relatively lower quantities. Nicotyrine content was more available in the plant fruits than nicotine, with C. annum var abbreviatum displaying more of nicotyrine content (75.3456 mg/L). Solanum lycopersicum displayed the highest moisture contents (19.94 %), followed by tobacco leaf (11.88%). N. tabacum leaf displayed high quantity of protein (56.52%) than other members. The fruits of the solanaceae plant species were rich in carbohydrate, protein with very low amount of fat. This study revealed that the solanaceae plants contained more of nicotyrine than nicotine. In contrast to the previous studies, the nicotine content was higher in the eggplant leaves than the fruits. Eggplant and Capsicum species can be recommended for patient suffering from neurodegenerative diseases like PD.
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Capsicum annuum L. species from the Samandağ district of Hatay/Turkey was used in our study. Phytochemical analysis of seed and fruit ethanol extracts of this plant was carried out by GC‐MS method. Total Antioxidant Status (TAS) and Total Oxidant Status (TOS) levels were determined to calculate the Oxidative Stress Index to determine antioxidant activity. MIC method was used to evaluate antimicrobial properties against pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Anticancer activity was determined by the XTT assay on breast (MCF‐7), lung (A549) and brain (C6) cancer cells and healthy fibroblast (WI‐38) cell lines. The effects of the extracts on acetylcholinesterase and α‐amylase activities were investigated. It was found that C. annuum fruit extract had a lower OSI value than the seed extract. Fruit and seed extracts showed antimicrobial activity on microorganisms at MIC values of 200 µg/mL. Molecular docking studies were conducted to analyze the antibacterial properties of plant active ingredients. These studies are chemical components that are determined to be more abundant in the plant extract. Thus, it aimed to evaluate the effects of active compounds on various bacterial species. The results revealed the potential antibacterial properties of plants and provided important data that these ingredients can be used in future treatment methods. The anticancer activity in all cancer cell lines was very high in both seed and fruit extracts with a selectivity index (SI) well above SI ≥ 3. Furthermore, no deleterious effect on healthy fibroblast (WI‐38) cells was observed. The extracts were found to decrease acetylcholinesterase activity but increase α‐amylase activity. As a result, these plant extracts were found to have anticholinergic potential.
Background Obesity is increasing very rapidly from the past few decades in various developed countries that affects human health and produces various chronic disorders like diabetes (type 2), fat deposition in the liver, coronary heart disease, and atherosclerosis. Objective Apart from the genetic and side effect of the drugs, nearly 80-90% of people become obese due to various behavioural factors, high caloric intake, and some physiological factors. Currently 15-20% male adults are overweight and 20-25% females come under the category of obese. Methods Obesity is calculated by the body mass index and can be determined by the percentage of body fat and total body fat. Orlistat and sibutramine are two anti-obesogenic drugs which are available in the market and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. However, these drugs possess various side effects and high in cost. Therefore, more attention goes towards the medicinal plants and their isolated compounds which are low in cost and with few or no side effects. Results In this review, we give the information about the anti-obesogenic effect of various medicinal plant compounds isolated from them, extract dose, and the mechanism of action of in in vivo and invitro activity. During our literature work, we also found some of the plants with effective in vitro and in vivo activity against obesity. Conclusion Therefore, the government and scientific community and other pharmaceutical companies help to find and work on a various medicinal plants not to determine their bioactive compounds but also for developing effective anti-obesity drugs.
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Plants possessing various bioactive compounds and antioxidant components have gained enormous attention because of their efficacy in enhancing human health and nutrition. Peppers (Capsicum annuum L.), because of their color, flavor, and nutritional value, are considered as one of the most popular vegetables around the world. In the present investigation, the effect of different solvents extractions (methanol, ethanol, and water) and oven drying on the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties was studied of red, yellow, and green peppers. The green pepper water extract showed the highest total polyphenol content (30.15 mg GAE/g DW) followed by red pepper water extract (28.73 mg GAE/g DW) and yellow pepper water extract (27.68 mg GAE/g DW), respectively. The methanol extracts of all the pepper samples showed higher TPC as compared to the ethanol extract. A similar trend was observed with the total flavonoid content (TFC). The antioxidant assays (DPPH scavenging and reducing power) echoed the findings of TPC and TFC. In both antioxidant assays, the highest antioxidant activity was shown by the water extract of green pepper, which was followed by the water extract of red pepper and yellow pepper. Furthermore, all extracts were assessed for their potential antimicrobial activity against bacterial and fungal pathogens. Aqueous extracts of all three pepper samples exhibited slightly higher inhibition zones as compared to their corresponding ethanolic and methanolic extract. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values ranged from 0.5 to 8.0 mg/ml. The lowest MIC values ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 mg/ml concentration were recorded for aqueous extracts of green pepper. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis revealed tannic acid as the major phenolic compound in all three pepper samples. Thus, it is envisaged that the microwave drying/heating technique can improve the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of the pepper.
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Salvia officinalis L. (sage) is one of the most appreciated plants for its plethora of biologically active compounds. The objective of our research was a comparative study, in the Mediterranean context, of chemical composition, anticholinesterases, and antioxidant properties of essential oils (EOs) from sage collected in three areas (S1–S3) of Southern Italy. EOs were extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) inhibitory properties were investigated by employing Ellman’s method. Four in vitro assays, namely, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), ferric-reducing ability power (FRAP), and β-carotene bleaching tests, were used to study the antioxidant effects. Camphor (16.16–18.92%), 1,8-cineole (8.80–9.86%), β-pinene (3.08–9.14%), camphene (6.27–8.08%), and α-thujone (1.17–9.26%) are identified as the most abundant constituents. However, the content of these constituents varied depending on environmental factors and pedoclimatic conditions. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed. Based on Relative Antioxidant Capacity Index (RACI), S2 essential oil exhibited the highest radical potential with an IC50 value of 20.64 μg/mL in ABTS test and presented the highest protection of lipid peroxidation with IC50 values of 38.06 and 46.32 μg/mL after 30 and 60 min of incubation, respectively. The most promising inhibitory activity against BChE was found for S3 sample (IC50 of 33.13 μg/mL).
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Pepper originated from Capsicum genus, which is recognized as one of the most predominant and globally distributed genera of Solanaceae family. It is a diverse genus, consisting of more than 31 different species including five domesticated species, Capsicum baccatum, C. annuum, C. pubescen, C. frutescens, and C. chinense. Pepper is the most widely used spice in the world and is highly valued due to its pungency and unique flavour. Pepper is a good source of provitamin A, vitamins E, C, carotenoids, and phenolic compounds such as capsaicinoids, luteolin, and quercetin. All of these compounds are associated with their antioxidant as well as other biological activities. Interestingly, Capsicum fruits have been used as food additives in the treatment of toothache, parasitic infections, cough, wound healing, sore throat, and rheumatism. Moreover, it possesses antimicrobial, antiseptic, anticancer, counterirritant, appetite stimulator, antioxidant, and immunomodulator activities. Capsaicin and Capsicum creams are accessible in numerous ways and have been utilized in HIV-linked Neuropathy and intractable pain.
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The valorisation of food wastes is a challenging opportunity for the green, sustainable, and competitive development of industry. The recovery of phenols contributes to the sustainability of olive waste sector, reducing its environmental impact and promoting the development of innovative formulations of interest for pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, and cosmeceutical applications. In this work, olive mill wastewater was treated through a combination of microfiltration (MF), nanofiltration (NF), and reverse osmosis (RO) in a sequential design to produce polyphenol-enriched fractions that have been investigated for their chemical profile using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), and their potential antioxidant, hypolipidemic, and hypoglycaemic activities. RO retentate exhibited the highest content of hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleuropein, verbascoside, vanillic acid, and luteolin. In particular, a content of hydroxytyrosol of 1522.2 mg/L, about five times higher than the MF feed, was found. RO retentate was the most active extract in all in vitro tests. Interestingly, this fraction showed a 2,20 -azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic) acid (ABTS) radicals scavenging activity with an IC50 value of 6.9 µg/mL and a potential inhibition of lipid peroxidation evaluated by the β-carotene bleaching test with IC50 values of 25.1 µg/mL after 30 min of incubation. Moreover, RO retentate inhibited α-amylase and α-glucosidase with IC50 values of 65.3 and 66.2 µg/mL, respectively.
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The goal of this study was to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and the number of people of all ages with diabetes for years 2000 and 2030. Data on diabetes prevalence by age and sex from a limited number of countries were extrapolated to all 191 World Health Organization member states and applied to United Nations' population estimates for 2000 and 2030. Urban and rural populations were considered separately for developing countries. The prevalence of diabetes for all age-groups worldwide was estimated to be 2.8% in 2000 and 4.4% in 2030. The total number of people with diabetes is projected to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030. The prevalence of diabetes is higher in men than women, but there are more women with diabetes than men. The urban population in developing countries is projected to double between 2000 and 2030. The most important demographic change to diabetes prevalence across the world appears to be the increase in the proportion of people >65 years of age. These findings indicate that the "diabetes epidemic" will continue even if levels of obesity remain constant. Given the increasing prevalence of obesity, it is likely that these figures provide an underestimate of future diabetes prevalence.
This Scientific Status. Summary addresses the primary plant and animal foods that have been linked with physiological benefits.
A rapid, reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatographic method is presented that will identify and quantitate the major heat principles (capsaicinoids) in red pepper products. The capsaicinoids are extracted from the ground spice with ethanol, separated by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and detected by ultraviolet absorption at 280 nm. The concentration of the individual capsaicinoids is determined relative to that of a commercially available external standard, N-vanillyl-n-nonamide (AT-[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methyl]-n-nonamide). The data obtained by this method can be mathematically transformed into a sensory value.
This paper describes a new, accurate method for determination of glucose in soil enzyme assays. The low limit of detection of glucose by the peroxidase-glucose oxidase (PGO) system is 0.004 mg glucose · g soil−1. Comparisons of PGO with the anthrone and phenol-sulfuric acid methods revealed no differences in the detection of glucose standard solutions. By eliminating the use of large volumes of H2SO4, the PGO system reduces laboratory hazards.
Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus) is used in European cuisine for its distinguishing flavour. J. oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus berry and wood essential oils were tentatively identified by GC and GC/MS. Fifty compounds were identified in the berry oil and 23 compounds were identified in the wood oil. The J. oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus berry oil was characterised by high contents of α-pinene (27.4%) and β-myrcene (18.9%). Other important compounds were α-phellandrene (7.1%), limonene (6.7%), epi-bicyclosesquiphellandrene (2.3%) and δ-cadinene (2.2%) while, in the wood oil, δ-cadinene (14.5%) is a major main component, together with cis-thujopsene (9.2%) and α-muurolene (4.9%). In vitro evaluation of antioxidant activity by the DPPH method showed a significant activity for both oils with IC50 values of 1.45 μl/ml for wood and 7.42 μl/ml for berries. Hypoglycaemic activity was investigated through the inhibition of α-amylase. The results revealed that oil obtained by hydrodistillation from J. oxycedrus ssp. oxycedrus wood exhibits an interesting activity with IC50 of 3.49 μl/ml.
The aim of the present work was to evaluate the chemical composition and the radical-scavenging and antioxidant activities of hot pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L. var. acuminatum) at three maturity stages (small green, green and red). GC–MS analysis of n-hexane and chloroform fractions showed a different composition between the three stages of ripening. The first stage of maturation (small green) showed the highest radical-scavenging activity (IC50 of 129 μg/ml). Using the bovine brain peroxidation assay, the methanolic extract of green pepper showed significant antioxidant activity (IC50 of 522 μg/ml). Addition of methanolic extract of red and green pepper inhibited oxidation of linoleic acid. Methanolic extract of red pepper showed greater antioxidative potency than the others (IC50 of 3 μg/ml). The different composition of lipophilic compounds and the various amount of phenolics, showed in the three stage of ripening of C. annuum var. acuminatum fruits, modifies the antioxidant activity.
Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors are antihyperglycemic agents that lower blood glucose by delaying the digestion and absorption of complex carbohydrates. They are competitive inhibitors of the enzymes in the brush border of enterocytes that cleave eligosaccharides to monosaccharides. Their major action is to reduce the rise of postprandial plasma glucose. In non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus patients, these inhibitors decrease postprandial plasma glucose by 40 to 50 mg/dL and hemoglobin A1C by 0.5% to 1.0%.
A method has been developed to determine the false-positive effects on acetylcholinesterase inhibition in the TLC assay based on Ellman's method. Various aldehydes and amines have been tested in order to determine whether the observed inhibition is due to a true enzyme inhibition or due to the inhibition of the reaction between thiocholine and 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid). 4-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde, 3-ethoxy-4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, diethylamine, triethylamine, triethanolamine and tyramine showed real enzyme inhibition, although their activity was about 10(3) times lower than that shown by galanthamine. Heptanal, decanal, cinnamaldehyde, anisaldehyde, benzaldehyde, hexylamine and tryptamine appeared to show a non-specific chemical inhibition. By checking this chemical inhibition on the TLC assay, the true enzyme inhibition could be distinguished from the false-positive chemical inhibition observed in the toluene extract of Nerine bowdenii in the course of isolation of active compounds.
Capsicum frutescens has been used to treat diabetes mellitus by traditional healers in Jamaica. Purification experiments employing thin layer chromatography (TLC) and high performance liquid chromatography led to the extraction of the active principle, capsaicin. Purified capsaicin caused a decrease in blood glucose levels to 4.91 +/- 0.52 (n = 6) mmol/dL versus 6.40 +/- 0.13 mmol/dL (n = 6) for the control (p < 0.05) at 2.5 h in an OGTT in dogs. There was a concomitant elevation in plasma insulin levels (p < 0.05). In conclusion, it can be stated that capsaicin is the major constituent of Capsicum frutescens that is responsible for the hypoglycaemic episodes seen in the dogs. It is also apparent that the latter is mediated by insulin release.