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Inter-relationship between growth analysis and carbohydrate contents of sweet sorghum cultivars and lines



The carbohydrate contents of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is an important industrial factor for crystal sugar or bioethanol production. In this study the relationship between growth analysis and carbohydrate contents were studied to recognize the best growth stages for sweet sorghum harvesting. Five sweet sorghum cultivars and four sweet sorghum lines were evaluated for leaf area index (LAI), net assimilation rate (NAR), relative growth rate (RGR) and stem crop growth rate (CGR) in relation to sucrose content, invert sugars and total sugar at booting, soft-dough, hard dough and post grain maturity Except at post grain maturitystage, the correlations among LAI, NAR and RGR forsucrose content and total sugar were positive and forinvert sugars were negative. The relationship between invert sugars including glucose, fructose, maltose and xylose athard dough stage regarding LAI, NAR and GRG were negative. As plant grows LAI, NAR and RGR increases which consequently increases sucroses content and decrease invert sugar.
Journal of Environmental Biology
July, 2007
Inter-relationship between growth analysis and carbohydrate
contents of sweet sorghum cultivars and lines
A. Almodares*, R. Taheri and S. Adeli
*aalm odar es@yah
Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Isfahan-81846-73441, Isfahan, Iran
(Received: January 06, 2006; Revised received: October 18, 2006; Accepted: November 11, 2006)
Abstract: The carbohydrate contents of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is an important industrial factor for crystal sugar or bioethanol
production. In this study the relationship between growth analysis and carbohydrate contents were studied to recognize the best growth stages for sweet
sorghum harvesting. Five sweet sorghum cultivars and four sweet sorghum lines were evaluated for leaf area index (LAI), net assimilation rate (NAR), relative
growth rate (RGR) and stem crop growth rate (CGR) in relation to sucrose content, invert sugars and total sugar at booting, soft-dough, hard dough and post
grain maturity. Except at post grain maturity stage, the correlations among LAI, NAR and RGR for sucrose content and total sugar were positive and for invert
sugars were negative. The relationship between invert sugars including glucose, fructose, maltose and xylose at hard dough stage regarding LAI, NAR and
GRG were negative. As plant grows LAI, NAR and RGR increases which consequently increases sucroses content and decrease invert sugar.
Key words: Sweet sorghum, LAI, NAR, RGR, CGR, Sucrose, Invert sugar
PDF file of full length paper is available with author
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is one of the 5
major cultivated species in the world. It can outproduce most other
cereals under marginal environmental conditions, especially dry
and hot climatic conditions which prevails the most parts of the
country (Almodares and Darany, 2006). Sorghum tolerates drought
relatively well, and it responds to adequate fertility and soil moisture
with faster growth (Wayne and Frederiksen, 2005). Many types of
sorghum are suitable for grain and forage production (Showemimo
et al., 2002) , as well as, alternative uses, such as energy, pulp for
paper, food products and sugar or ethanol products (Gnansounoua
et al., 2005 and Dolciotti et al., 1998). Three valuable growth
analysis functions are relative growth rate (RGR), crop growth rate
(CGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) (Borras’s et al., 2007). Leaf
area index (LAI) is a dimensionless variable and was first defined
as the total one-sided area of photosynthetic tissue per unit ground
surface area (Inge et al., 2004). LAI is the component of crop
growth analysis that accounts for the ability of the crop to capture
light energy and is critical to understand the function of many crop
management practices. Leaf area index can have importance in
many areas of agronomy and crop production through its influence:
light interception, crop growth, weed control, crop weed competition,
crop water use, and soil erosion (Welles, 1990 and Sonnentag et
al., 2007). NAR measures the mean photosynthetic efficiency of
leaves in a crop community. The integration of weight and leaf area
measurement over time provides value that is highly useful for
studying the growth of crops (Shipley, 2006). According to Patterson
(1982), relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR),
and leaf area ratio (LAR) are good measures of solar radiation
capture during growth with NAR and LAR for an individual plant
and LAI for population helping to explain differences in RGR.
Samba et al. (2003) found that interception of PAR is closely
followed by LAI. Reduced NAR interception causes reduction of
the RGR, NAR and LAR. Mansab et al. (2003) reported that for
maximum crop growth, enough leaves must be present in the
canopy to intercept most of the incident NAR. Therefore, growth is
often expressed on a leaf-area basis. According to Tsuni and
Fujise (1965), there is a linear relationship between leaf-area
and net assimilation. Growth analysis of sweet sorghum in relation
to sucrose has not been reported so the purpose of this experiment
was to study the relationship between growth analysis and
carbohydrate content of sweet sorghum cultivars and lines.
Materials and Methods
Field experiment was conducted at the University of Isfahan
Experimental Station. Five sweet sorghum cultivars (Soave, Rio,
Vespa, Turno and M81-E) and four sweet sorghum lines (IS-6962,
IS-18154, IS-4546 and IS-16054) were assessed in a complete
block design with four replications. Plots consisted of 8 rows, 5 m
long and 0.80 cm apart. Plots received 300 kg/ha of diammonium
phosphate and 100 kg/ha of urea disced into the soil before planting.
Plots were side-dressed with 100 kg/ha of urea subsurface banded
30 days after planting. Three meters from two centre rows were
harvested when the plants reached at booting, flowering, soft-dough,
hard-dough and two weeks after seed maturity. The fresh stalk,
after removing the panicles and leaves, were weighed and crushed
in a sugarcane crusher to extract the juice. After filtration through a
sieve to remove chaff, etc., reducing sugars were measured
according to Lane-Eynon (1970). The soluble solids (brix) and
sucrose (pol%) were measured according to Varma (1988). HPLC
Journal of Environmental Biology July 2007, 28(3) 527-531 (2007)
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Journal of Environmental Biology
July, 2007
528 Almodares et al.
was used for determination of glucose, fructose, maltose, xylose,
mannose, galactose and arabinose. The HPLC separation was
accomplished by using an aminopropyl column (4.6 x 250 mm) with
a mobile phase of 80% acetonitrile/ 20% water (Biermann and
McGinnis, 1989). Quantitation was accomplished by using three
point calibration curves. Growth analysis were performed by
determining mean LAI, NAR (g/m
day) and RGR(g/g day)
according to methods outlined by Hunt (1990) . Parameter results
are presented graphically with best-fit polynomial equations plotted
against growth degree days (GDD), calculated from emergence
using a base temperature of 10 degree centigrade. Leaf area was
determined using leaf area meter, then the samples were dried at
65 degree centigrade for 48 hr and then their dry weights were
Results and Discussion
To study th e correl ati o ns be tween growt h and
carbohydrates, growth indexes such as LAI, NAR, RGR and stem
CGR at different growth stages were used. The relationships among
LAI, for sucrose, invert sugar, and total sugar of sweet sorghum
cultivars and lines at different growth stages are shown in Table 1.
This correlation became significant after booting. As number of leaves
increase, the amount of photosyntate such as sucrose increase.
The leaves are the primary organ for light interception and
photosynthesis in crop plants. According to Gardner et al. (1994),
as the leaf area develops radiation interception by leaves increase.
Sweet sorghum leaves are staying green after flowering which
increase photosynthesis. Bulk of translocated substances, other
than water, is the result of photosynthesis and 90% of the total solid
in the phloem consists of carbohydrates, mostly. The predominant
sugar, translocated in the phloem of most crop species is sucrose.
The results show that at all growth stages, invert sugars are
negatively correlated to LAI except at hard-dought post grain maturity
stage (Table 4). As plants grow, there are more leaves which
through photosynthesis, produce more sucrose and less invert
sugar. The correlation among LAI, NAR and RGR with glucose,
fructose, maltose and xylose at hard dough stage is shown in Table
5. The correlation among LAI and all the above mentioned sugars
are negative which means that as a number of leaves increases,
the amount of all the above mentioned sugars decreases. Table 2
shows significant (p<0.01) relationship between RGR and sugar
content at soft dough. The relation between NAR and sugar content
is presented in Table 3. Table 4 shows the relationships between
stem CGR and the above sugars at booting and soft dough stage.
In this study, CGR is presented on a 10 degree-day basis. At the
end of the season, CGR will decrease. CGR in the beginning of the
season increases because of the increase in leaf size and stem
weight. According to Davidson and Campbell (1984) reduction of
CGR at the end of the growing season is due to the reduction of
photosynthesis rate and leaves abscission. In this study stem CGR
at the end of growing season was not reduced due to the stay
green conditioned leaves of sweet sorghum cultivars and lines.
The relationships among LAI, NAR, RGR and stem CGR for sucrose
and total sugar were positive and for invert sugar were negative
Table - 4: Coefficient of correlation (r) between stem CGR and sugar
contents of sweet sorghum cultivars and lines at booting and flowering- soft
dough stages
Carbohydrates Booting Soft dough
Sucrose 0.98** 0.97**
Invert sugar -0.85 -0.98**
Total sugar 0.93 0.97**
* significant at 0.05, ** significant at 0.01
Table - 5: Coefficient of correlation (r) between LAI, NAR, RGR and invert
sugars of sweet sorghum cultivars and lines at soft dough- hard dough
Carbohydrates LAI NAR RGR
Glucose -0.99** -0.97** -0.85
Fructose -0.95** -0.96** -0.75
Maltose -0.87 -0.86 -0.65
Xylose -0.98** -0.93* -0.82
* significant at 0.05, ** significant at 0.01
Table - 3: Coefficient of correlation (r) between NAR and sugar contents of
sweet sorghum cultivars and lines at different growth stages
Carbohydrates NAR
Booting Soft Hard Post grain
dough dough maturity
Sucrose 0.95 0.94* 0.96** 0.95**
Invert sugar -0.64 -0.92* -0.89 0.83
Total sugar 0.90 0.98** 0.97** 0.89
* significant at 0.05 ** significant at 0.01
Table - 1: Coefficient of correlation (r) between LAI and sugar contents of
sweet sorghum cultivars and lines at different growth stages
Carbohydrates LAI
Booting Soft Hard Post grain
dough dough maturity
Sucrose 0.93 0.94* 0.98** 0.99**
Invert sugar -0.84 -0.91* -0.93* 0.95**
Total sugar 0.85 0.95** 0.98** 93.3*
* significant at 0.05, ** significant at 0.01
Table - 2: Coefficient of correlation (r) between RGR and sugar contents of
sweet sorghum cultivars and lines at different growth stages
Carbohydrates RGR
Booting Soft Hard Post grain
dough dough maturity
Sucrose 0.65 0.95** 0.83 0.41
Invert sugar -0.65 -0.88 -0.74 0.21
Total sugar 0.59 0.84 0.81 0.69
* significant at 0.05, ** significant at 0.01
Journal of Environmental Biology
July, 2007
529Growth analysis and carbohydrate contents of sweet sorghum
Fig 1: Correlation between LAI and sucrose content at physiological maturity
Fig 2: Correlation between RGR and sucrose content at physiological maturity
except during post grain maturity. During this stage, the amount of
invert sugars was small. The relationships indicates that as the plant
grows the amount of sucrose and total sugar increase while the
amount of invert sugar decreases. Almodares et al. (1994) found
that at all growth stages, total sugar and sucrose were higher than
other carbohydrates. The relationships among LAI, NAR, RGR
and invert sugars (glucose, fructose, maltose and xylose) are shown
in Table 5. The coefficient of correlation for all these carbohydrates
are negative which indicate that the plant grows LAI, NAR, and
RGR also increase and the amount of these carbohydrates
decreases. The correlations among LAI, RGR, NAR and CGR
with sucrose for sweet sorghum cultivars and lines at hard dough
stage are shown in Fig. 1-5 respectively. The relationships have
linear and positive responses which indicate that as the plant grows,
there are more leaves, more photosynthesis (NAR), and more
growth (RGR and CGR) which increase sucrose content in the
stem. The results showed as sweet sorghum cultivars and lines
grow, LAI, NAR and RGR will be increased. As a result, the amount
of sucrose increased while the amount of invert sugar (glucose,
fructose, maltose and xylose) decreased. The results indicate that
Sucrose (g/kg F.W.)
Sucrose (g/kg F.W.)
Sucrose = 15 (LAI) + 0.38
Sucrose = 2837.56 (RGR) + 15.52
RGR (g/g) 10 GDD
Journal of Environmental Biology
July, 2007
Fig 3: Correlation between NAR and sucrose content at physiological maturity
Fig 4: Correlation between stem CGR and sucrose content at physiological maturity
the time of harvesting sweet sorghum, cultivars and lines is dependent
on the purpose of planting. If the purpose of planting is to produce
crystal sugar, it is suggested to harvest sweet sorghum cultivars
and lines at hard dough- post maturity stage when plants had the
highest sucrose and lowest invert sugars, since invert sugars
interfere crystallization. Harvesting sweet sorghum cultivars and
lines at other growth stages are more suitable for liquid sugar
production. It should be mentioned that as plants grow, biomass
increases and plants at early growth stage had lower biomass than
other growth stages.
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Growth analysis and carbohydrate contents of sweet sorghum
... It's a C4 crop in the grass family, capable of producing high biomass and sugar yield and the only crop which produces grain and sweet stalk that can be used as a substrate for the production of sugar, ethanol, syrup, fodder, fuel, bedding, roofing, fencing and paper (Laopaiboon et al., 2006). It possesses characteristics such as short growth cycle(4 months), low fertilizer requirement, high water use efficiency, ability to adopt well to diverse climatic and soil conditions and accumulate sugars in the stalks (Almodares et al., 2007). The juice which extracted from the fresh stalks composes of sucrose, glucose and fructose that can be readily fermented to bioethanol. ...
... The data in Table 5 also showed that the addition of nitrogen fertilizer increased yield by 30.93% and 34.44% for the nitrogen level N1 and N2 respectively compared to control at Shambat location while in Soba location only N2 increased yield by 7.43 % compared to control without significant differences due to added nitrogen fertilizer in both location. Similar findings were recorded by Almodares et al (2007) who reported that the effect of nitrogen fertilization on stalk yield was non significant .In contrast to this Chittapur et al .(1994) ; Kurbanov (2001) The obtained results showed that, addition of nitrogen fertilizer increased the juice yield significantly (P≥ 0.05) compared to control in the two locations (Table 6). ...
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Field trials were carried out to test the effect of nitrogen fertilization on the growth, stalks and juice yield, sugar content and ethanol production of sweet sorghum. The experiments were carried out on winter 2013 in the Domonstration Farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Shambat and Experimental Farm of the Soba Research Station for Reclamation of Saline and Sodic soils. The treatments comprised the addition of nitrogen fertilizer (urea) at three levels (0, 43 and 86 Kg N ha-1) and two sweet sorghum genotypes (Baladi and RSSS.11), arranged in randomized complete block design replicated 4 times. Results indicated that there were significant (P ≥ 0.05) differences between genotypes in stem diameter at Soba location, stalk height and leaves area at Shambat location, number of green leaves per plant, stalk juice and ethanol yield in both locations. With the genotype RSSS.11 generally superior over genotype Baladi. Nitrogen fertilization increased significantly (P ≥ 0.05) number of green leaves per plant and leaves area at Shambat location and plant height and juice and ethanol yield in both locations. With the Soba location recorded the highest values over Shambat location and 86 kg N ha-1 recorded the highest ethanol yield (255.6l h-1).
... Sorghum is a warm-season grassy C4 plant grown in different ecological conditions. It requires less fertilizer than many economically important plants and is tolerant to drought, high temperature, and salinity (Mastrorilli et al., 1999;Gnansounou et al., 2005;Tesso et al., 2005;Almodares et al., 2007). Its successful cultivation in semi-arid and arid regions makes sorghum an important component (Murungweni et al., 2016;USDA-FAS, 2018). ...
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The sorghum plant, which is one of the most important plants of the world, was used as material. It was grown in Konya province of Türkiye, which has semi-arid climate conditions. Plant height, fresh weight and dry weight were determined for 11 weeks during the vegetation period. Some growth models were used and the parameters of the models were tried to be defined. The coefficient of determination (R2), Pseudo R2, Mean Squares of Error (MSE) and Akaike Information Criteria (AIC) statistics were taken into account in comparing the performances of the models. It was concluded that the most suitable model was the Gompertz model for plant height, the Von Bertalanffy model for wet weight, and the Log-Logistic model for dry weight. The R2, Pseudo R2, MSE and AIC values of the Gompertz model found suitable for plant height were found to be 0.998, 0.999, 23.162 and 21.013 respectively. The R2, Pseudo R2, MSE, and AIC values of the Von Bertalanffy model, which was found suitable for wet weight estimation, were obtained as 0.995, 0.998, 1817.141 and 41.993 respectively. The R2, Pseudo R2, MSE, and AIC values of the Log-logistic model, which were found suitable for estimating the dry weight of the plant, were calculated as 0.998, 0.9993, 51.007 and 24.784 respectively. It can be suggested that nonlinear mathematical growth models are useful methods in terms of describing important plant characteristics such as plant height, fresh and dry weight, calculating maximum plant height and weight and determining the average growth rate.
... According toVillar et al., (2005) and Almodares et al., (2007), the older age of plant, so the lower of RGR. The RGR is also closely related to the use efficiency of light by leaves, in this case, LA and NAR will affect RGR. ...
Red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L) is a horticultural vegetable that contains anthocyanins, protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C, and B vitamin. However, this plant has not become a major commodity, so it is generally grown in lands with a low level of soil fertility. Application of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in powder dosage form can help plant growth with a positive effect. However, this dosage form has several weaknesses, so a study aimed at knowing the effectiveness of AM fungi in different dosage forms is needed in physiological studies to analyze plant growth and the level of colonization of red spinach roots in the vegetative stage. This research was carried out using the model of the Latin square design (LSD) with three treatments for AM dosage forms of fungi: tablets, sachets, and powders, and without mycorrhizal application (control). The results showed that AM fungi in sachet dosage form could colonize the roots of spinach plants with the highest percentage, although physiological studies have not given consistent results. The sachet dosage form of AM fungi is the novelty of this study. AM fungi in a sachet dosage form can are recommended as the dosage form the most attractive, efficient, and effective to be applied and mobilized to farmers' fields.
... Порівнюючи різні зразки сорго, було виявлено, що кореляції між LAI, NAR та RGR із вмістом сахарози та загального цукру були позитивними, тоді як для вмісту глюкози, фруктози, мальтози та ксилози ці зв'язки були негативними. З ростом рослин LAI, NAR та RGR збільшуються паралельно із накопиченням сахарози та зменшенням інвертованого цукру (Almodares et al., 2007). ...
Nowdays global trends in climate change have drawn attention of the scientific community to crops with wide range of plasticity to abiotic environmental factors. Sorghum crop is a species with properties like these. Moreover it is a crop with great potential of yield and versatility of use. Grain sorghum belongs to the plants with ability to form the high level of productivity under various growing conditions, providing moisture, soil, and temperature regimes. Sorghum is the undisputed leader among field crops in its ability to withstand to prolonged droughts, high air and soil temperatures. Aridization as the result of climate change causes in expanding the potential region for grain sorghum growing. In recent years, due to global climate change towards warming, there is an increase in the likelihood of droughts not only in the Steppe zone, but in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine as well. This causes the inclusion of drought- and heat-resistant species in the crop range. The main argument for more intensive involvement of grain sorghum in the region agrocenoses - its high ecological plasticity, which can be a full-fledged alternative to other spring grains (such as barley, corn, sunflower, millet) in unfavorable terms of hydrothermal coefficient of the growing season. The basic technology elements of grain sorghum cultivation for ensuring high and stable yields in the southern regions of Ukraine have been studied in many researchers. However, the technological elements of grain sorghum cultivation in the North-Eastern region of Ukraine require detailed research to guarentee the high level of yields. The breeders established new modern varieties and hybrids of this crop, their reaction to the factors of the yield formation (sowing time and plant density, nutrients, etc.) were studied fragmentarily. The relevance of these problems, the insufficient level of their scientific substantiation, determined the scientific feasibility, practical significance of the study of the peculiarities of growing grain sorghum in the conditions of the North-Eastern region of Ukraine. Prospects for further research are based on the development of scientific principles for ensuring high productivity of grain sorghum with high quality indicators in the North-Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
... Wider leaf expansion (high LAI) resulted in higher radiation interception so that plant NAR also increased. The NAR value is influenced by ILD where the leaf is the main organ in light interception that plays a role in the photosynthesis process [15]. The seeds of the Super Philip F5 variety have a high LAI, thus supporting higher assimilate production during growth. ...
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Shallots are important horticultural commodities that have high economic value in Indonesia.One of the efforts to increase the yield of shallots is the use of quality seeds supported by improvement cultivation technology. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of seed sources and cultivation technology that can produce the best growth and yield of shallots. The field research was carried out in the village of East Penfui. Kupang Regency, in May–October 2021. The design used was a split plot and 3 replications. The main plot is the source of seeds used by farmers (Super Philip F5 Variety, Semau 1 Local Variety and Super Philip F3)and sub-plots are cultivation technology (farmers and Good Agricultural Practices/GAP). Results of research showed, the interaction of Semau 1 Local variety seed source and GAP technology had significantly affect on plant growth rate, bulbs weight/plant, yield/plot and productivity. GAP technology provides higher growth and yields compared to farmer technology. Semau 1 Local variety has the highest tissue N content, bulbs weight/plant, yield/plot and productivity compared to Super Philip F5 and Super Philip F3 varieties. The Semau 1 Local variety and GAP technology applied together can increase the yield and productivity of shallots by 45-59%.
... -wide adaptation ability, -more resistant to drought and high temperatures, -resumption after harvest, -nutrition value is close to maize, -to be able to give more yield products than maize in the same -they are species that can be an alternative to maize with their features such as using less fertilizer than maize and having a biomass yield varying between 4.5-11 t/da (Reddy and Sanjana, 2003;Gnansounou et al., 2005;Tesso et al., 2005;Almodares et al., 2007;Karadağ and Özkurt, 2014;Dweikat, 2020;Kaplan, 2021). ...
... Sweet sorghum is one of the 5 major cultivated cereal species in the world. It is consumed as food and feed (Almodares et al., 2007) and used for sugar, ethanol, and paper pulp production (Almodares and Mostafafi, 2006). The biomass and sugar content of sweet sorghum are important factors for food and industrial production. ...
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The present study was an effort to compare the performance of fodder open-pollinated and hybrids sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.)] in the Grid region. Two advanced sweet sorghum genotypes of open-pollinated (SPSSV15; SPSSV20), and two hybrids (PAC52093; SPSSH19) were planted at four locations of Grid region viz. two each at Sithouli (26.140° N, 78.196° E; 27.205° N, 77.498° E) and Turari (26.122° N, 78.177° E; 26.138° N, 78.207° E) of Gwalior District during rainy season of 2021. The seeds were sown using the manual dibbling method at a uniform depth of 5 cm during the second week of June in 3 replications. The recommended dose of fertilizers was applied in the form of urea, single super phosphate, and muriate of potash. Data on plant height, biomass accumulation, days to flowering and physiological maturity were recorded using standard procedures. At the 50 per cent flowering stage, ten representative plants from the four central rows of each plot were sampled. The plant biomass was oven-dried, ground and used for chemical estimation. Suitable statistical methods were used to analyze the data. The hybrid SPSSH19 proved superior to the rest of the genotypes under study in terms overall fodder performance and can be recommended as a fodder crop in the Grid region. Keywords: Grid Region, Hybrid sorghum, Nutrient Yield, Open-pollinated sorghum, Sorghum Fodder, Sweet Sorghum.
... Juice sugar content was reported as about 12.5% at the beginning of the harvest and the value increased up to 17% at maturity (Prasad et al., 2007). Almodares et al. (2007) reported low sugar content at flowering period mostly because of high quantities of acid invertase enzyme. Hunter and Anderson (1997) reported about twice as much sugar content at dough stage as compared to milk stage. ...
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In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the effects of different lateral depths and irrigation treatments on the bioethanol yield and yield components of the sweet sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L.) in the subsurface drip irrigation method. The experiment was carried out in three replications in a randomized block trial design in 2020 and 2021 in Antalya, Turkey. In irrigation treatments, three different irrigation water levels in which 100%, 66% and 33% of the amount were applied as irrigation water (I 1 , I 2 , I 3 , respectively), when the cumulative reference crop evapotranspiration reached 25±5 mm and lateral depth combinations in which the laterals were placed at two different depths, 25 cm and 50 cm (D 1 and D 2 , respectively) were used. At the end of both years, a statistical difference (p<0.01) was determined between the mean yield components (forage, hay, juice and sugar yield) of different irrigation water levels. As the applied irrigation water level increased, the yield components also increased. While the interaction of lateral depth and irrigation water level affected forage and hay yield in the second year, sugar and juice yield values in the first year. In this study, it was determined that the difference in the effects of the interaction between the years was due to the irregular temperature increases in the second year climate, and the lateral depth of 50 cm was more suitable in drier conditions. At the end of two years, the bioethanol yields and evapotranspiration (ET) obtained in D 1 treatments at different irrigation levels varied between 440-2962 L ha ⁻¹ and 105.1-473.0 mm, respectively, while it varied between 440-3222 L ha ⁻¹ and 105.1-473.0 mm in D 2 treatments, respectively. The highest bioethanol yield in the first year was obtained from D 1 I 1 , D 2 I 2 , D 2 I 1 treatments, while in the second year, from D 2 I 1 was obtained. Considering the I 1 treatments, more evapotranspiration was realized in the D 1 despite the same amount of irrigation water applied in both years. In addition, when the applications that were irrigated at the same amount at 25 and 50 cm lateral depths in both years were compared, it was determined that water productivity (WP) and irrigation water efficiency (IWP) values obtained at 50 cm lateral depth were higher, except for I 3 . In this study, it was determined that a lateral depth of 50 cm was more suitable for maximum bioethanol yield, especially in warmer climatic conditions. At the same time, I 1 and I 2 irrigation levels have been suggested, depending on climatic conditions.
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In order to investigate the possibility of decreasing the water requirements forage sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. var speedfeed) with applying of superabsorbent (SAP), without decreasing the dry matter yield and increasing the water use efficiency, and also to investigate the economic efficiency of applying superabsorbent (SAP), this experiment was conducted in Dashtak region of Zahedan during 2013 and 2014 seasons in a split plot with four irrigation regimes, providing 40, 60, 80 and 100% of the water needed sorghum, calculated from pan evaporation as main plots and four amounts of SAP (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1) as subplots based on a completely randomized block design with three replications. The results showed that the effect of irrigation regimes, SAP levels and their interaction on dry matter yield, water use efficiency as well as the economic efficiency were significant. The regression models estimated showed that SAP in 100% ETc treatment had no effect on the dry matter yield and water use efficiency but in the other irrigation treatments caused an increased in these traits. Therefore, applying 75 kg SAP per hectare along with a 20% decrease in the sorghum’s water requirement in arid regions, the dry matter yield and water use efficiency is maintained similar to 100% sorghum’s water requirement. Also the hightest economic efficiency of SAP was secured at 75 kg SAP per hectare SAP level and 80% of sorghum’s water requirement.
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A comparative analysis of the growth and yield performances of two late maturing and productive sweet and fiber sorghums has been conducted, with the perspective of their introduction in temperate Italian climate areas as competitive multi-product crops. Sweet type sorghum `Wray' (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench ssp. bicolor), and the nonsweet type, `H173' (hybrid Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench×Sorghum docna var. technicum), were grown in a field trial under well-watered conditions in northern Italy (latitude 44°3′N, longitude 11°2′E). During the crop cycle, growth analysis were performed by collecting data from both non-destructive and destructive samplings. Fundamental growth indexes were calculated as a function of accumulated growing degree days (GDD) from sowing. Yield traits were evaluated at soft dough maturity. Sweet and fiber crops reached soft dough maturity after 1250 GDD and did not statistically differ for total and main stem yields. Mean values of 27 and 20 t ha−1 dw, respectively, were detected. The sucrose content was more than three times higher and the cellulose and lignin contents 40–50% lower in `Wray' as compared to `H173', whereas the level of reducing sugars was similar. Both sorghum types can be considered as interesting new crops which might provide an energy production higher than 10 000 kcal m−2, a potential production of around 6000 l ha−1 of ethanol (sweet), and up to 15 t ha−1 of structural polysaccharides (fiber). The rate of leaf formation on the main stem and their final number were similar between the two genotypes. Until the growing differentiation point, one new leaf was visible every 40.5 GDD, thereafter the same growth process required around 123 GDD. During the period of early leaf formation, the fiber type showed a greater tillering ability which positively affected early canopy area and growth parameters. On the other end, the sweet sorghum crop presented enhanced dry matter accumulation capacity after the growing differentiation point as compared to the fiber crop (42.7 and 27.7 g m−2 d−1, respectively). This could be the result of higher leaf thickness and leaf area duration.
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Data were compiled consisting of 1240 observations (614 species) from 83 different experiments published in 37 different studies, in order to quantify the relative importance of net assimilation rate (NAR, g cm ⁻² day ⁻¹ ), specific leaf area (SLA, cm ² g ⁻¹ ) and leaf mass ratio (LMR, g g ⁻¹ ) in determining relative growth rate (RGR, g g ⁻¹ day ⁻¹ ), and how these change with respect to daily quantum input (DQI, moles m ⁻² day ⁻¹ ) and growth form (herbaceous or woody). Each of ln(NAR), ln(SLA) and ln(LMR) were separately regressed on ln(RGR) using mixed model regressions in order to partition the between‐experiment and within‐experiment variation in slopes and intercepts. DQI and plant type were then added to these models to see if they could explain some of the between‐experiment variation in the relative importance of each growth component. LMR was never strongly related to RGR. In general, NAR was the best general predictor of variation in RGR. However, for determining RGR the importance of NAR decreased, and the importance of SLA increased, with decreasing daily quantum input in experiments containing herbaceous species. This did not occur in experiments involving woody species.
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Rapid, reliable and objective estimations of leaf area index (LAI) are essential for numerous studies of atmosphere–vegetation interaction, as LAI is very often a critical parameter in process-based models of vegetation canopy response to global environmental change. This paper reviews current knowledge concerning the use of direct and indirect methods for LAI determination. The value of optical LAI measurements by means of hemispherical photography has already been demonstrated in previous studies. As clumping seems to be the main factor causing errors in indirect LAI estimation, we suggest that the use of a digital camera with high dynamic range has the potential to overcome a number of described technical problems related to indirect LAI estimation. Further testing and defining of a standardised field protocol for digital hemispherical photography is however needed to improve this technique to achieve the standards of an ideal device.
Manitou spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) was grown at combinations of three day/night temperatures (27/12 °C (T27), 22/12 °C (T22) and 17/12 °C (T17)), three levels of fertilizer N (58, 116 and 174 kg/ha), and three moisture stresses (nominally −0.03, −1.5 and −4.0 MPa) applied for four durations (viz., no stress throughout, stress from (i) four-tiller (Tg), (ii) near ligule of last leaf visible (LLV), or (iii) flowering (F1) stages to harvest (Hvst)). Weights of plant parts and photosynthetic area of leaves and stems were measured at eight growth stages. Mean net rate of photosynthesis was estimated by dividing plant dry weight by photosynthetic area duration. Temperature was the main factor affecting net photosynthesis and growth. Under optimum moisture and fertility, net photosynthesis was inversely related to temperature being 1.15, 1.19 and 1.29 μg∙cm−2∙day−1 at T27, T22 and T17, respectively. However, absolute growth rates were highest at T22. For example, at low moisture stress and N174, absolut...
Weed competition studies with grain sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] are limited. Improved knowledge of growth in response to weed competition could contribute to development of sorghum hybrids that compete better with weeds. Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti Medic.) competition with sorghum hybrids was evaluated in field experiments on a Sharpsburg silty clay loam soil (fine smectitic, mesic Typic Arguidoll) in 1996 and 1997 at Lincoln, NE. The objective was to determine the effects of velvetleaf competition on interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), growth, and yield of sorghum hybrids with different heights. Sorghum hybrids used were 'FS2' (1.8 to 2.4 m tall) and 'DK54' and 'X260' (1.2 to 1.5 m tall). Weed treatments included sorghum in monoculture and grown in mixture with velvetleaf. Medium-height hybrids had 0.4 greater mid-season leaf area indices (LAIs) than the tall hybrid in 1996, and in 1997, DK54 had 0.4 to 0.6 greater LAI than the other hybrids after 500 growing degree days. Interception of PAR was similar among hybrids except for 2 to 10% less for X260 in mixture in 1996. In 1996, when weed pressure was greater, the tall hybrid had greater relative growth rate and net assimilation rate but lower leaf area ratio than for the medium-height hybrids. Sorghum intercepted more radiation and produced more biomass in monoculture than in mixture, but the reduction in growth and yield in presence of velvetleaf was less for the tall hybrid. Development of tall sorghum hybrids with high LAI would be useful for integrated weed management.
Genotypic response of five sorghum cultivars to Striga in Striga-infested field at five levels of nitrogen fertilizer was studied for two years in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Highly significant differences were obtained among nitrogen levels for stem girth and dry matter weight, while significant for plant vigour, root weight and Striga count. Highly significant differences were detected among cultivars for plant vigour, dry matter weight, root weight and Striga count. Interaction between nitrogen levels and cultivars for dry matter weight and Striga count were significant. The cultivars response to Striga revealed that SK-5912, KSV-4, NR71150 and NR71182 are suspected to possess some level of Striga tolerance. A combination of nitrogen fertilizer between 50 and 100 kg/ha and some level of Striga tolerance will be an ideal control package of Striga menace.