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Prevention of Injuries Among Male Soccer Players: A Prospective, Randomized Intervention Study Targeting Players With Previous Injuries or Reduced Function


Abstract and Figures

This study was conducted to investigate whether the most common injuries in soccer could be prevented, and to determine if a simple questionnaire could identify players at increased risk. Introduction of targeted exercise programs to male soccer players with a history of previous injury or reduced function in the ankle, knee, hamstring, or groin will prevent injuries. Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 2. A total of 508 players representing 31 teams were included in the study. A questionnaire indicating previous injury and/or reduced function as inclusion criteria was used to divide the players into high-risk (HR) (76%) and low-risk (LR) groups. The HR players were randomized individually into an HR intervention group or HR control group. A total of 505 injuries were reported, sustained by 56% of the players. The total injury incidence was a mean of 3.2 (95% confidence interval [CI], 2.5-3.9) in the LR control group, 5.3 (95% CI, 4.6-6.0) in the HR control group (P = .0001 vs the LR control group), and 4.9 (95% CI, 4.3-5.6) in the HR intervention group (P = .50 vs the HR control group). For the main outcome measure, the sum of injuries to the ankle, knee, hamstring, and groin, there was also a significantly lower injury risk in the LR control group compared with the 2 other groups, but no difference between the HR intervention group and the HR control group. Compliance with the training programs in the HR intervention group was poor, with only 27.5% in the ankle group, 29.2% in the knee group, 21.1% in the hamstring group, and 19.4% in the groin defined as having carried out the minimum recommended training volume. The players with a significantly increased risk of injury were able to be identified through the use of a questionnaire, but player compliance with the training programs prescribed was low and any effect of the intervention on injury risk could not be detected.
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Although differences in study design and injury definitions
make a direct comparison between studies difficult,
incidence of injuries among adult male soccer players on
the elite level has been estimated to range between 25 and
35 per 1000 game-hours.
Thus, the injury risk is
considerable and high compared with most other team
Studies from the professional leagues in Europe
(Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Britain, Fédération
Internationale de Football Association [FIFA], and Union
of European Football Associations [UEFA]) agree that
injuries to the lower extremities constitute the biggest
The 4 dominating injury types in soc-
cer are sprains to the ankle and knee and strains to the
hamstring and groin. These account for more than 50% of
all injuries, and prevention programs for soccer should
therefore target these.
Prevention of Injuries Among
Male Soccer Players
A Prospective, Randomized Intervention Study Targeting
Players With Previous Injuries or Reduced Function
Anders H. Engebretsen,
Grethe Myklebust,
PT, PhD, Ingar Holme,
Lars Engebretsen,
MD PhD, and Roald Bahr,
Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences,
Oslo Norway, and the
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Ulleval University Hospital,
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Background: This study was conducted to investigate whether the most common injuries in soccer could be prevented, and to
determine if a simple questionnaire could identify players at increased risk.
Hypothesis: Introduction of targeted exercise programs to male soccer players with a history of previous injury or reduced func-
tion in the ankle, knee, hamstring, or groin will prevent injuries.
Study Design: Randomized controlled trial; Level of evidence, 2.
Methods: A total of 508 players representing 31 teams were included in the study. A questionnaire indicating previous injury
and/or reduced function as inclusion criteria was used to divide the players into high-risk (HR) (76%) and low-risk (LR) groups.
The HR players were randomized individually into an HR intervention group or HR control group.
Results: A total of 505 injuries were reported, sustained by 56% of the players. The total injury incidence was a mean of 3.2
(95% confidence interval [CI], 2.5-3.9) in the LR control group, 5.3 (95% CI, 4.6-6.0) in the HR control group (P = .0001 vs the
LR control group), and 4.9 (95% CI, 4.3-5.6) in the HR intervention group (P = .50 vs the HR control group). For the main out-
come measure, the sum of injuries to the ankle, knee, hamstring, and groin, there was also a significantly lower injury risk in the
LR control group compared with the 2 other groups, but no difference between the HR intervention group and the HR control
group. Compliance with the training programs in the HR intervention group was poor, with only 27.5% in the ankle group, 29.2%
in the knee group, 21.1% in the hamstring group, and 19.4% in the groin defined as having carried out the minimum recom-
mended training volume.
Conclusion: The players with a significantly increased risk of injury were able to be identified through the use of a questionnaire,
but player compliance with the training programs prescribed was low and any effect of the intervention on injury risk could not
be detected.
Keywords: football; injury prevention; ankle injuries; knee injuries; hamstring injuries; groin injuries; risk factors; randomized con-
trolled trial
*Address correspondence to Anders H. Engebretsen, Oslo Sports Trauma
Research Center, Norwegian School of Sports Science, PO Box 4014 Ullevål
Stadion, N-0806 Oslo, Norway (e-mail:
No potential conflict of interest declared.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine, Vol. X, No. X
DOI: 10.1177/0363546508314432
© 2008 American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine
AJSM PreView, published on April 3, 2008 as doi:10.1177/0363546508314432
Copyright 2008 by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine.
2 Engebretsen et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
As early as 1983, Ekstrand et al
showed a significant
reduction in the overall number of soccer injuries through
a 7-part prevention program. The rate of the most common
types of soccer injuries, sprains and strains to ankles and
knees, was reduced significantly. However, in more than 20
years, only 9 more injury prevention studies have been
published in soccer, and only 5 of them among men at the
senior level.
Tropp et al
showed that a balance
training program or the use of orthoses resulted in signifi-
cantly fewer ankle sprains than for a control group. Later,
orthoses and proprioceptive training were proven useful to
prevent ankle and knee injuries, respectively.
Askling et al
and Arnason et al
have recently observed a
reduction in hamstring strains among male players
through eccentric strength-training programs.
Although the incidence and pattern (injury type, local-
ization, and severity) of injuries in soccer have been
described in detail,
much less is known about their
risk factors. Therefore, we do not know which players should
be targeted, for instance through specific training programs.
The risk of injury seems to be influenced by age,
and level of play.
In addition, a history of previous
injury was shown to be a significant risk factor for ankle
sprains in soccer as early as 1985.
This was recently con-
firmed by Arnason et al
in the largest cohort study from elite
soccer to date, in which the main risk factors for the 4 main
injury types were previous injury and age. We therefore
hypothesized that players with a history of previous injury or
symptoms indicating reduced function would represent a
group with an increased injury risk, who should be targeted
with specific prevention programs addressing their reported
deficits. A previous injury could compromise joint function
through reduced mechanical instability or neuromuscular
control, or muscle function through scar tissue formation,
reduced strength, or more subtle changes in the length-
tension relationship.
One aim of this study was therefore to examine whether
we could identify players with an increased risk of injury
using a questionnaire focusing on history of previous
injury and joint/muscle function. We also wanted to exam-
ine if exercise programs targeting players with an
increased risk of injury could prevent the 4 most common
injury types in soccer, ankle and knee sprains and ham-
string and groin strains.
Teams playing in the Norwegian 1st, 2nd, or the top of the 3rd
division that were geographically located in the proximity of
Oslo (n = 35 teams, 769 players) were invited to participate in
the study. The 8 3rd division teams included either won their
league or finished as first runners-up the previous season,
resulting in a relatively homogeneous group of teams, even if
they competed in 3 different divisions.
Three of the teams (n = 60 players) declined the invita-
tion to participate, 177 players did not show up for testing,
3 players did not speak Norwegian and could therefore not
complete the questionnaire, and 4 players were excluded
for other reasons (Figure 1). Hence, 244 of the players
invited could not be included. In addition, 1 team (n = 17
players) was later excluded because the physiotherapist
did not instruct the intervention group players nor record
Invited to the study
(n = 769) (35 teams)
Players participating in the
study (n = 525) (32 teams)
Declined invitation
(n = 244)
High-risk group
(n = 401)
Individual randomization
within each team
Low-risk group
(n = 124)
High-risk criteria
-Injury previous 12 months
- Reduced function
High-risk intervention group
(HR intervention) (n = 193)
High-risk control group
(HR control) (n = 195)
Low-risk control group
(LR control) (n = 120)
Excluded (n = 17)
n = 4
n = 13
Figure 1. Flow chart showing movement of patients through the study.
Vol. X, No. X, XXXX Injury Prevention in Soccer 3
injuries, resulting in a final sample of 508 players repre-
senting 31 teams.
The teams were tested during the preseason (January
through March 2004) at the Norwegian School of Sports
Sciences. The players were asked to fill out a questionnaire in
5 parts. The first section consisted of general information
(date of birth, team, field position, and player experience). The
second through fifth sections included information on the
ankle, knee, hamstring, and groin, respectively. Each of these
sections covered the history of previous injuries (severity,
nature, and number of months since the most recent injury,
use of protective gear such as tape or brace, and if the injury
had caused the player to miss matches), and a function score
for each region. The questionnaires used to assess function
were the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) and Knee
Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) score, which were
translated to Norwegian.
For the hamstring and groin,
we developed similar function scores, Hamstring Outcome
Score (HaOS) and Groin Outcome Score (GrOS), based on
the same principles as FAOS and KOOS, only specific to these
regions and their typical symptoms (see Appendix, available
in the online version of this article at http://ajsm.sagepub
.com/cgi/ content/full/X/X/X/DC1/).
Based on the questionnaire, the 508 players were
divided into 2 groups (Figure 1), a high-risk (HR) and a
low-risk (LR) group. The criteria for classifying a player as
having an assumed increased risk of injury were a history
of an acute injury to the ankle, knee, hamstring or groin
during the previous 12 months or a reduced function with
an average score of less than 80% for any of the body parts
mentioned. A player fulfilling any of the inclusion criteria
for any of the 4 body parts was assigned to the HR group.
The players in the HR group were randomized individu-
ally, but stratified within each team, into 2 groups, the HR
intervention group and the HR control group (Figure 1). In
this way, each team would normally have players from all
3 groups (HR intervention, HR control, and LR control).
The players in the HR intervention group were only
included on the basis of the inclusion criteria they fulfilled,
meaning that they only received a training program for the
body part(s) to which they were assumed to have an
increased risk of injury. In a situation in which a player
Figure 2. Example of an ankle exercise. The exercise was
prescribed to be performed with a straight leg and with a
gradual progression in difficulty (see Table 1).
Figure 3. Example of a knee exercise. The exercise was
prescribed to be performed in the knee-over-toe position and a
flexed knee, with gradual progression in difficulty (see Table 2).
Figure 4. Groin exercise. A variety of different exercises were
prescribed for strengthening of the groin muscles. In this
example, the player is pushing the legs together for 15 sec-
onds while keeping a ball between the knees (see Table 3).
4 Engebretsen et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
ended up with 4 programs, the team physical therapist
was asked to merge the programs into 1 continuous pro-
gram. However, even if a player fulfilled the inclusion cri-
teria for 1 body part on only 1 side, he was asked to
perform the prevention exercises for both legs.
The players were asked to complete the ankle, knee, and
groin training programs (Tables 1 through 3, Figures 2
through 4) 3 times a week for 10 weeks during the presea-
son, in separate training sessions done in addition to the
regular team training. For the hamstring program (Table 4,
Figure 5), a 10-week progression was prescribed.
The inter-
vention players were also asked to perform the exercises
once per week for the rest of the season as maintenance. The
programs were meant to progress in difficulty, to challenge
the players as their performance improved. The players
were also asked to report all exercises they performed on a
form, checking a box if they had carried out the preventive
training that day. The form covered all 10 weeks for com-
pliance assessment.
Most of the teams from the 1st and 2nd divisions already
had a physical therapist working with the team. When
there was no physical therapist attached to the team, we
provided them with one. Each physical therapist was
rewarded with a stipend (10 000 NOK, or approximately
1900 USD). In addition to reporting injuries throughout
the preseason and season, the physical therapist was
The Ankle Exercise Program
Weeks 1-2
Balance board Both legs on the board, with arms crossed. Attempt to stand still and maintain the balance.
Similar exercise, but now performed on 1 leg.
Both legs on the board, bouncing a ball alternately with both hands, standing as still as possible during the exercise.
Both legs on the board, throwing the ball and catching it.
Balance pad One leg on the pad, maintaining balance for 30 seconds on alternating legs.
Jumping exercise—from outside the pad, landing on alternating legs.
Weeks 3-5
Balance board Ball juggling performed while standing on 1 leg.
Balance pad Bouncing the ball around the pad while standing on 1 leg.
Calf raise while standing on both legs on the pad.
Weeks 6-10
Balance board Soccer-specific exercises, juggling the ball while standing on 1 leg, also combining both the balance board and
balance pad, placing the pad on top of the board.
Balance pad Closing the eyes while standing on 1 leg, and other exercises including landing on 1 or 2 legs while jumping
from a box/stairs.
All exercises were prescribed to be performed with a straight leg (no knee flexion) (Figure 2) and with a gradual progression in difficulty.
The players were instructed to switch between the balance board and pad, and, as they became more proficient, to include ball-based exer-
cises while keeping their balance.
The Knee Exercise Program
Weeks 1-2
Balance board Both legs on the board, with arms crossed, always keeping the knee-over-toe position.
Similar exercise, but now performed on 1 leg.
Both legs on the board, bouncing a ball alternately with both hands, standing as still as possible during the exercise.
Both legs on the board, throwing the ball and catching it.
Balance pad One leg on the pad, maintaining balance for 30 seconds on alternating legs.
Walk onto the pad, stopping and keeping the balance.
Jumping exercise—from outside the pad, landing on alternating legs.
Weeks 3-5
Balance board Ball juggling performed while standing on 1 leg.
Two-legged squats, with knee-over-toe position.
Balance pad Bouncing the ball around the pad while standing on 1 leg.
Weeks 6-10
Balance board Soccer-specific exercises, juggling the ball while standing on 1 leg, also combining both the balance board and
balance pad, placing the pad on top of the board.
Balance pad Closing the eyes while standing on 1 leg, and other exercises including landing on 1 or 2 legs while jumping
from a box/stairs.
One-legged squats, and balance exercises while closing the eyes.
Floor exercise One-legged jumping on 1 foot in an imaginary zig-zag course.
All exercises were prescribed to be performed with the knee-over-toe position and a flexed knee (Figure 3) with gradual progression in
difficulty. As with the ankle program, the players were instructed to switch between the balance board and pad, and include ball-based exer-
cises as they progressed.
Vol. X, No. X, XXXX Injury Prevention in Soccer 5
responsible for instructing all the players who were ran-
domized into the HR intervention group in their training
programs. Each player was given a folder describing the
exercises he was asked to do, as well as any necessary
equipment such as balance mats and balance boards.
An injury was defined as any physical complaint sus-
tained by a player that resulted from a soccer match or soc-
cer training, resulting in a player being unable to take a full
part in future soccer training or match play (“time-loss”
injury). Acute injuries were defined as injuries with a sud-
den onset associated with a known trauma, whereas over-
use injuries were those with a gradual onset without any
known trauma. Injuries were classified into 3 severity cate-
gories according to the time it took until the player was fully
fit to take part in all types of organized soccer play: minor
(1-7 days), moderate (8-28 days), and major (>28 days).
Match exposure was defined as play between teams from
different clubs, while training exposure was defined as
team-based and individual physical activities under the
control or guidance of the team coaching or fitness staff
aimed at maintaining or improving soccer skills or physi-
cal condition. All injuries were categorized by the authors
based on the injury reports from each physiotherapist.
The main outcome measure was the sum of the risk for an
ankle sprain, knee sprain, groin strain, or hamstring strain.
Statistical Methods
Exposure was calculated in hours as the sum of all indi-
vidual exposures recorded during training and match play
The Groin Exercises
Warm-up Keeping a ball between the extended legs, pushing the legs together for 15 s, while lying on the ground. Repeated 10×.
Similar exercise, only difference having the knees flexed and the ball between the knees.
Transverse abdominal Lie facing the ground, only resting on the forearms and toes in a straight position, contracting the abdominal
muscles muscles, “forcing the umbilicus inwards.” Performed in 20 s, repeated 5×.
Sideways jumping Knee-over-toe position while jumping sideways with arms resting on the hips.
Sliding Wearing only socks, slide a leg alternately away and towards the other that is bearing the weight. The exercise
can be performed both sideways and diagonally for 30-60 s before switching legs.
Diagonal walking Exercise described by Holmich et al
performed 5 × 15 s on each leg.
The players were instructed to perform the exercise 3 times a week for approximately 15 minutes. A ball was needed for some of the exer-
cises (Figure 4), and the exercises could be performed without warming up.
The Hamstring Exercise Program
No. of Training No. of
Week Sessions Per Week Repetitions
115 + 5
226 + 6
333 × 6-8
433 × 8-10
5-10 3 12 + 10 + 8
The Nordic hamstring exercise is performed standing on the
knees on a soft foundation, slowly lowering the body toward the
ground using the hamstrings while the feet are held by a partner
(Figure 5). Progression is achieved by increasing the initial speed,
and eventually having a partner push forward.
Reproduced with permission from Mjolsnes R, Arnason A, Osthagen T,
Raastad T, Bahr R. A 10-week randomized trial comparing eccentric
vs. concentric hamstring strength training in well-trained soccer
players. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2004;14:311-317.
Figure 5. The hamstring exercise program. (A) start position.
The player stands on his knees on a soft foundation with the
feet being held by a partner. (B) slowly lowering the body
toward the ground using the hamstrings while focusing on
keeping the body straight (see Table 4).
6 Engebretsen et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
during the season. The injury rate was compared between
the HR control group and the HR intervention group, and
the HR control group and the LR control group, respec-
tively, using a z test, reporting 95% confidence intervals
(CIs) based on the Poisson model. Chi-square tests were
used to compare the proportion of injured players between
the HR intervention group and the HR control group, and
between the HR control group and the LR control group,
respectively. Otherwise, results are presented as the
means with standard deviations.
Screening and Randomization
Of the 508 players included in the study, 388 (76%) were
assumed to have an increased risk for 1 or more injury
types based on their history of previous injury and/or func-
tion scores. Of these, 195 players were randomized to the
HR control group and 193 players to the HR intervention
group (Figure 1). In the intervention group, 2 players were
asked to perform all of the 4 training programs; 22 players,
3 programs; 62 players, 2 programs; and 107 players, 1 pro-
gram. Of the 305 training programs prescribed, 102 were
for the ankle, 65 for the knee, 76 for the hamstring, and 62
for the groin.
Player Exposure
The total exposure to match play and training was 108 111
player hours (Table 5), and there was no difference in
mean player exposure between the HR intervention group
(217 ± 94 hours), the HR control group (210 ± 103 hours),
and the LR control group (211 ± 88 hours).
A total of 505 injuries were reported (Table 5), sustained
by 283 (56%) of the 508 players included in the study. In
the LR control group, there were 82 injuries, while there
were 216 injuries in the HR control group and 207 injuries
in the HR intervention group. There was no difference in
the incidence of injuries between the HR intervention
group and the HR control group (relative risk [RR], 0.94;
95% CI, 0.77-1.13), while the incidence was lower in the
LR control group than both other groups (RR, 0.65 vs
the HR intervention group; 95% CI, 0.51-0.85; RR, 0.61 vs
the HR control group; 95% CI, 0.48-0.79).
During the season, 45.8% of the players in the LR control
group (55 of 120 players) sustained 1 or more injuries, com-
pared with 58.5% in the HR control group (114 of 195 players;
P = .029 vs the LR control group; χ
test) and 59.1% in the HR
intervention group (114 of 193 players; P = .90 vs the HR con-
trol group).
There was no difference in injury severity among the 3
groups (Table 6).
Intervention Outcome: Intention-to-Treat Analysis
For the main outcome measure, the sum of injuries to the
ankle, knee, hamstrings, and groin, the total incidence was
2.3 injuries per 1000 playing hours (95% CI, 2.1-2.6). The
corresponding figures were 1.3 (95% CI, 0.9-1.8) for the LR
control group, 2.8 (95% CI, 2.3-3.3) in the HR control
group, and 2.6 (95% CI, 2.1-3.0) in the HR intervention
group. There was a significantly lower injury risk in the LR
Match, Training, and Total Exposure, Number of Injuries, and Injury Incidence
(With 95% Confidence Intervals) for the 3 Groups Throughout the Season
Training Match Total
Exposure Incidence Exposure Incidence Exposure Incidence
(h) Injuries (per 1000 h) (h) Injuries (per 1000 h) (hours) Injuries (per 1000 h)
HR intervention 34 422 100 2.9 (2.3-3.5) 7434 93 12.5 (10.0-15.1) 41 856 207 4.9 (4.3-5.6)
(n = 193)
HR control 33 757 103 3.1 (2.5-3.6) 7156 100 14.0 (11.2-16.7) 40 913 216 5.3 (4.6-6.0)
(n = 195)
LR control 20 925 40 1.9 (1.3-2.5) 4417 34 7.7 (5.1-10.3) 25 342 82 3.2 (2.5-3.9)
(n = 120)
Total 89 103 243 2.7 (2.4-3.1) 19 008 227 11.9 (10.4-13.5) 108 111 505 4.7 (4.3-5.1)
HR, high risk; LR, low risk.
Injury Type and Injury Severity
(Based on Time Loss) in the 3 Groups
HR Intervention HR Control LR Control
Group Group Group
(n = 193) (n = 195) (n = 120)
Injury type
Acute (%) 143 (41) 153 (43) 57 (16)
Overuse (%) 62 (42) 61 (41) 25 (17)
Other (%) 2 (50) 2 (50) 0 (0)
Time loss
1-3 days (%) 37 (7) 54 (11) 24 (5)
4-7 days (%) 47 (9) 42 (8) 13 (3)
1-4 weeks (%) 81 (16) 66 (13) 27 (5)
>4 weeks (%) 30 (6) 40 (8) 12 (2)
Not specified (%) 12 (2) 14 (3) 6 (1)
Percentages are shown within each group. HR, high risk; LR,
low risk.
Vol. X, No. X, XXXX Injury Prevention in Soccer 7
control group compared with the 2 other groups (RR, 0.49;
95% CI, 0.33-0.71 vs the HR control group; RR, 0.53; 95%
CI, 0.36-0.77 vs the HR intervention group). However, no
difference was seen between the HR intervention group
and the HR control group (RR, 0.93; 95% CI, 0.71-1.21).
When the players in the HR intervention and HR control
groups with increased risk of injury were compared, we
found no significant differences in the risk of injury to the
body part in question between the 2 groups for any cate-
gory (ankle: RR, 0.64; 95% CI, 0.32-1.29; knee: RR, 0.96;
95% CI, 0.35-2.64; hamstrings: RR, 1.55; 95% CI, 0.83-2.90;
and groin: RR, 1.18; 95% CI, 0.55-2.54) (Table 7).
Compliance With the Training Program
and Per-Protocol Analysis
Compliance with the training programs in the HR inter-
vention group was poor, with only 27.5% (28 players) in the
ankle group and 29.2% (19 players) in the knee group hav-
ing completed 30 or more training sessions. For the ham-
string and groin exercises, compliance was even less, with
only 21.1% (12 players) and 19.4% (16 players) completing
20 or more training sessions, respectively. Hence, the com-
pliant (more than 30 exercises for ankle and knee, and
more than 20 training sessions for hamstring and groin)
groups are small. As many as 15.7% (16 players) reported
not having done any ankle exercises; 11.8% (12 players), 1
to 9 exercise sessions; and 24.5% (25 players), 10 to 19 ses-
sions; while 20.6% (21 players) reported having carried out
20 or more sessions, but less than the target number of 30.
The corresponding figures for knee exercises were 23.1%
(0 exercise sessions reported), 9.2% (1-9 sessions), 13.8% (10-
19 sessions), and 24.6% (20-29 sessions). For hamstring exer-
cises, the figures were 63.2% (0 exercise sessions reported),
7.9% (1-9 sessions), and 7.9% (10-19 sessions); and for groin
exercises, 67.7% (0 exercise sessions reported), 4.8% (1-9 ses-
sions), and 8.1% (10-19 sessions).
In a per-protocol analysis on ankle injuries, the inci-
dence of ankle injuries in the compliant group, who sus-
tained 3 injuries (2 of 28 injured players), was 0.5 (95% CI,
–0.1 to 1.0) injuries per 1000 hours, compared with 0.9
(95% CI, 0.5-1.3) injuries per 1000 hours among players
with an increased risk of ankle injuries in the HR control
group (RR = 0.51; 95% CI, 0.2-1.7). Similarly, we could not
detect any difference in the risk of knee injury between
players in the HR intervention group who were compliant
with the knee program (0.2 [95% CI, –0.2 to 0.7] injuries
per 1000 hours) and the HR players in the HR control
group (0.5 [95% CI, 0.2-0.9] injuries per 1000 hours; RR =
0.46; 95% CI, 0.1-3.7). In the same way, no difference was
observed in the incidence of hamstring (RR = 0.94; 95% CI,
0.3-3.2) and groin injuries (RR = 1.6; 95% CI, 0.5-5.6)
between players in the HR intervention group who were
compliant with the respective training programs and the
HR control group.
The main finding of this study was that, although we were
able to identify players with an increased injury risk through
a comprehensive questionnaire, there was no effect of the tar-
geted intervention on injury risk. The most likely explanation
for this is the low compliance with the exercise programs.
With such low compliance in the intervention group (ranging
from 20% to 30% for the different exercise programs), no effect
could be expected on injury rate.
In contrast to most previous intervention studies, we
chose to randomize players individually to the intervention
or control group. We relied on the team physical therapists
to instruct the players in the intervention program. However,
to avoid contamination, the players were asked to do the exer-
cises outside the regular team training sessions—before or
after training or at home. The low overall compliance in
the intervention group indicates that significant contami-
nation between groups is unlikely to have occurred. As
seen in previous studies, the main challenge is getting
players in the intervention group to follow preventive
training programs, not keeping other players from train-
However, a potentially bigger risk of contamination
is the fact that 19 of the 31 teams did team-based preven-
tive exercises similar to ours regularly throughout the pre-
season, and 16 of these reported good training regimens. We
could not, of course, keep the teams from carrying out their
normal preventive exercises. Although these team-based
exercises were done by players in both groups, the fact that
players from the control group trained with exercises similar
to our intervention exercises does, of course, reduce the poten-
tial of showing a positive preventive effect of our intervention
Intention-to-Treat Analysis for Ankle, Knee, Hamstring, and Groin Injuries
HR Intervention Group HR Control Group
Players at Injury Players at Injury P Value
Increased Injured Incidence Increased Injured Incidence (Control vs
Risk Injuries Players (95% CI) Risk Injuries Players (95% CI) Intervention)
Ankle 102 13 10 (10%) 0.6 (0.3-0.9) 107 20 14 (13%) 0.9 (0.5-1.3) .21
Knee 65 7 6 (9%) 0.5 (0.1-0.9) 66 8 7 (11%) 0.5 (0.2-0.9) .93
Hamstring 85 23 17 (20%) 1.5 (0.9-2.0) 76 17 14 (18%) 0.9 (0.5-1.4) .17
Groin 62 11 10 (16%) 0.9 (0.4-1.4) 98 16 13 (13%) 0.7 (0.4-1.1) .67
The number of players with an increased risk of injury to the different body parts (ankle, knee, hamstring and groin) within the two high
risk groups and the number of injuries that occurred to the same body part among these players. HR, high risk; LR, low risk; CI, confidence
8 Engebretsen et al The American Journal of Sports Medicine
and represents a limitation in this study. Moreover, exer-
cises carried out by each player on his own are probably
not as effective as when they are carried out under quali-
fied supervision,
not just because of a lower compliance,
but also because the quality of the exercises performed can
not be ensured in the same way. Potentially negative fac-
tors such as initial muscle soreness or eventual boredom
could possibly be overcome more effectively in a group
training session with a qualified instructor.
Because the compliance was low, the statistical power is
also too low to assess the effect of the training programs in
the subgroups that did follow the training protocol (ie,
through the per-protocol analyses). The 4 programs used
were selected either because there was evidence from pre-
vious prevention studies to indicate that they are effective
or because they have been shown to be effective as reha-
bilitation exercises after injury. To prevent ankle and knee
injuries, various forms of balance-training exercises have
been shown to be effective in other study popula-
Strain injuries to the hamstrings have
been effectively prevented through eccentric strength train-
ing, such as that used in the present study.
A program of
strength training and core stability exercises has been shown
to be highly effective in the treatment of long-standing groin
pain in a population consisting mainly of soccer players.
This program formed the basis for the present program, but
because we thought it would be unrealistic to implement the
entire groin program, we prescribed an abbreviated 10- to
15-minute session to increase compliance. In other words,
each of the program components were based on studies indi-
cating their effect in prevention or rehabilitation of the 4
main injury types. However, previous injury as a risk factor
is not fully understood; it may be that ankles and knees are
not fully restored structurally or functionally. Although the
injury prevention literature supports several different exer-
cises, there is limited evidence that reinjuries can be prevented
through the same exercises. We do not know which exercises
should be chosen to prevent reinjuries and which have poten-
tial for primary prevention of the same injury types.
It is possible that the compliant players may have bene-
fited from the programs if they had carried out more ses-
sions. We know that a certain minimum of exercise must
be performed before an effect may be expected.
For the
purposes of data analysis, we suggested that at least 30
exercises (20 for hamstring and groin) needed to be carried
out. However, this number is arbitrary, as there is no evi-
dence on the dose-effect relationship for any exercise pro-
gram to prevent injuries.
Although the intervention was ineffective, this study
demonstrates that the players who had the most to gain from
preventive exercises could be identified. The risk of injury was
approximately twice as high among athletes with a history of
previous injury and/or reported reduced function. This identi-
fication was achieved through the use of a simple question-
naire only, and the addition of more elaborate functional tests
did not increase the predictive value of the screening (data not
shown). The rationale for the approach used, employing a self-
completed questionnaire, provided the potential for expand-
ing the range of application of the athlete screening process.
The questionnaire represents a cost-effective means of
player screening, which could also be done using Web-
based solutions. In this way, teams and players with no
medical staff could do a self-test in the preseason to find
out whether they have an increased risk of injuries.
The increased risk associated with a history of previous
injury and reduced function also has other implications. One is
that preventing the first injury should be a high priority, to
keep players from entering the vicious cycle of repeated
injuries to the same body part. This cannot be achieved only at
the team level; more research is needed and effective injury
prevention may also involve changes to the rules of the game
and more specific training of referees.
The most likely expla-
nation for previous injury being such a consistent risk factor
for reinjuries is that the joints or muscles in question are not
fully restored structurally and/or functionally. Based on this, it
seems reasonable to suggest that one thing teams can do, even
at lower levels of play, is to focus on improving rehabilitation
after injury and implementing adequate return-to-play guide-
lines. Players with reduced function after previous injury
should undergo a structured rehabilitation program until full
function is established. However, it remains to be proven
whether this would reduce injury risk significantly. The pres-
ent study also shows that this cannot be left to the players
themselves; adequate supervision is necessary.
One limitation of this study is the difference in physical
therapist contact between the HR intervention players and
the other groups. To instruct in the intervention exercises, the
physical therapist became well acquainted with each of the
intervention players, and not always to the same extent
with the other players on the team. Thus, there was a
potential for a bias in injury reporting, as the same physi-
cal therapist also was responsible for reporting injuries.
We were able to identify the players with an increased risk
of injury through a questionnaire on previous injuries and
joint and muscle function only. However, the introduction
of individual specific preventive training programs did not
affect the injury risk in this intervention, most likely due
to a low compliance with the training programs prescribed.
The Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center has been estab-
lished through generous grants from the Eastern Norway
Regional Health Authority, the Royal Norwegian Ministry
of Culture, the Norwegian Olympic Committee and
Confederation of Sport, and Norsk Tipping AS. We thank
all personnel for making this study possible.
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... Matías Sampietro 1* , Andrés Cravero 2 , Andrés Eduardo Thomas 1 , Cristian Gays 1 tados de pie y tobillo (FAOS, por sus siglas en inglés) y del puntaje de resultados de oesteoartritis de rodilla (KOOS, por sus siglas en inglés). (9,10,11) Mide cinco do minios: molestia, síntomas, dolor, actividades deportivas y calidad de vida. Los primeros cuatro dominios son cru ciales tanto para la vida diaria como para las actividades específicas del fútbol. ...
... (1,7) A pesar de sus aplicaciones en la in vestigación, su uso en la práctica cotidiana del fútbol no ha sido examinado. (8,9) El HaOS fue desarrollado si guiendo los principios del ampliamente utilizado y va lidado puntaje de resultados de cadera y región inguinal (HAGOS, por sus siglas en inglés), del puntaje de resul Lectura rápida ¿Qué se sabe? ...
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Objetivo: Traducir y adaptar transculturalmente el cuestionario de resultados de isquiotibiales (HaOS, por sus siglas en ingles) para sujetos argentinos con antecedentes de lesiones de isquiotibiales y analizar su consistencia interna y confiabilidad. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio prospectivo y longitudinal en tres fases: (1) traducción del HaOS del inglés al español, (2) adaptación transcultural para la población argentina y (3) evaluación de sus propiedades psicométricas. Se analizaron las correlaciones ítem-ítem e ítem-total mediante los coeficientes de Pearson o Spearman, y se evaluó la confiabilidad mediante un modelo de efectos aleatorios de dos vías (ICC2,1). La confiabilidad se clasificó como pobre (ICC <0,50), moderada (0,50-0,75), aceptable (0,75-0,90) o excelente (>0,90). Resultados: Veintiocho sujetos (93 %) no encontraron dificultades para responder el cuestionario en la prueba piloto. Diecisiete (56,6 %) lo consideraron normal, diez (33,3 %) fácil, y cuatro (13,3 %) muy fácil. La consistencia interna del HaOS fue alta, con un alfa de Cronbach de 0,935 (IC 95 %: 0,903; 0,967) y una correlación ítem-ítem promedio de 0,317, lo que indica una homogeneidad razonable. Las correlaciones ítem-total variaron de -0,119 a -0,707, con una media de -0,534. La confiabilidad test-retest fue excelente, con un ICC de 0,982 (IC 95 %: 0,969; 0,989). Conclusión: La traducción, adaptación transcultural, consistencia interna y confiabilidad del HaOS para la población argentina demuestran que es una herramienta confiable para evaluar la función en sujetos con lesiones de isquiotibiales.
... These biomechanical features, combined with inadequate neuromuscular adaptations, amplify shearing forces on the knee and increase NC-ACL susceptibility [17,[25][26][27][28]. Consequently, optimal ACL injury prevention programs should address these high-risk landing mechanics and enhance neuromuscular control to mitigate ACL stress [29]. Since contact ACL injuries are often unavoidable and stem from different causes compared to NC-ACLs, ACL rupture prevention strategies predominantly target NC-ACLs [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]. These strategies focus on mitigating NC-ACL-related risk factors and enhancing physical attributes that may predispose individuals to such injuries. ...
... Consequently, athletes at risk for NC-ACLs should thoroughly adhere to prevention programs to reduce the risk of injury, with the main aim of reducing the effect or even eliminating the risk factors associated. Improved proprioception and neuromuscular training, increased trunk/core control, plyometric training, proportional strengthening of hamstring and quadriceps muscles, stretching, and awareness of high-risk positions during sports activities are essential elements to prevent NC-ACL [30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39]. Previous studies in this field have introduced various programs aimed at decreasing the impact of modifiable risk factors for NC-ACLs and/or reducing the rate of NC-ACLs, which are reviewed below. ...
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Non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries (NC-ACLs) represent a significant concern in sports medicine, particularly among athletes and physically active individuals. These injuries not only result in immediate functional impairment but also predispose individuals to long-term issues such as recurrent instability and early-onset osteoarthritis. This narrative review examines the biomechanical, neuromuscular, and environmental factors that contribute to the high incidence of NC-ACLs and evaluates the effectiveness of current prevention and rehabilitation strategies. The review identifies key risk factors, including improper landing mechanics, deficits in neuromuscular control, and muscle imbalances, which are pivotal in the etiology of NC-ACLs. Prevention programs that incorporate plyometric exercises, strength training, and neuromuscular education have shown efficacy in reducing injury rates. Rehabilitation protocols that emphasize a gradual return to sport, focusing on pain management, restoration of range of motion, and progressive strengthening, are critical for successful recovery and prevention of re-injury. The evidence suggests that an integrated approach, combining prevention and rehabilitation strategies tailored to the individual, is essential for minimizing NC-ACL risk and improving outcomes in affected populations.
... These types of boots can reduce the risk of sprains and other joint problems by providing a more solid and secure grounding during rapid movements and changes of direction. The inclusion of the type of soccer shoe in the predictive model of the risk of developing muscle injury is in agreement with previous studies where the importance of using specially designed equipment to reduce the risk of injuries is underlined [34,35]. ...
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(1) Background: Soccer accounts for 30% of all sports injuries. Muscle injuries in soccer, not caused by trauma or contact, are the most common. The objective was to assess the risk of injury based on the footwear used by soccer players and the playing field and to identify the best predictive model of muscle injuries; (2) Methods: An ambispective cohort study. The primary variable was the number of muscle injuries in the last three seasons. The secondary variables were age, body mass index, type of soccer shoes and turf, training load and position on the field. The possible confounding variables were motivation for the choice of footwear, date of injuries, time playing and regular first-team player status; (3) Results: 156 players were recruited. The risk of injury is 1.03 (95% CI: 0.83; 1.27) times more frequent in players competing on artificial turf. The risk of injury is slightly higher in first-team players than in substitutes (RR = 1.02; 95% CI: 0.79; 1.32). There was no statistically significant relationship between the position on the field (p = 0.91), the type of shoe (p = 0.69) and the motivation to buy the shoes (p = 0.82), regarding the risk of muscle injury in these athletes. The best model to estimate risk of injury includes age, training load and soccer shoe type as confounding variables (AIC = 190.5; p = 0.10; χ2(3) = 10.14; p = 0.02); (4) Conclusions: The risk of muscle injury is higher in non-professional soccer players competing on artificial pitches and in those who are regular starters on their teams. Field position, soccer shoe and motivation to purchase the soccer shoe are variables that do not increase the risk of muscle injury in these athletes. The best predictive model of injury includes age, training load and shoe type.
... Therefore, regular monitoring of hamstring condition may be important for preventing injury. We hypothesized that an indicator used for this purpose could be the hamstring outcome score (HaOS), which was developed by Engebretsen 12 . HaOS is assessed using a self-administered questionnaire based on the subjective assessment of the hamstring and is calculated according to the history of HSI and the current hamstring condition of the athlete. ...
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This study aimed to translate a web-based hamstring outcome score (HaOS) questionnaire to the Japanese context. First, the validity and reliability of the translated questionnaires were examined among Japanese athletes. Second, the association between the previous history of hamstring strain and HaOS was examined. The translation was performed according to internationally recognized methodologies. A total of 233 athletes were asked to complete the HaOS questionnaire, and four questions were added to examine the content validity of the questionnaire. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calculated to evaluate the test–retest reliability. Internal consistency was determined by calculating Cronbach’s alpha values. The translated questionnaires had high acceptance and compliance rates, with a response rate of 84.4%. The ICC for each scale ranged from 0.80 to 0.93, and Cronbach's α from 0.72 to 0.96, confirming good reliability and high internal consistency. HaOS of the previous injury group (93.4 [78.9, 100]) was significantly lower than that of the healthy group (86.2 [68.1, 100]) (p < 0.05). The translated HaOS questionnaires were valid, reliable, and acceptable for monitoring hamstring conditions in Japanese athletes.
... Several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses reported the efficacy of different EIPPs to reduce injury risk [2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. However, for some EIPPs reportedly efficient in meta-analyses [6][7][8], there were some individual RCTs testing these EIPPs which did not report any efficacy to reduce the injury risk [9][10][11][12][13][14]. Also, RCTs evaluating other proposed EIPPs have shown no efficacy [15][16][17][18][19]. ...
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Despite exercise‐based injury prevention programs (EIPPs) being widely researched and used, several randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have failed to show their protective effect on injury risk. This is potentially due to underappreciating the EIPP dose–response relationship, by not controlling the analysis for the injuries sustained during the early EIPP implementation period, before the EIPP becomes efficacious. To determine the dose–response relationship of EIPP by controlling for the effects of injuries sustained before it became efficacious. We conducted a secondary analysis of an RCT analyzing the EIPP efficacy in athletics over a 39‐week follow‐up on 840 athletes, by including only those with 100% response rate. We controlled the statistical analyses for a range of lengths of early EIPP implementation period by either excluding the athletes with early injuries (i.e., exclusion approach) or adjusting for the early injuries' effects (i.e., inclusion approach). We estimated the EIPP's dose–response relationship by measuring the EIPP's effect at each length of the controlled period. When we considered no early controlled period, the EIPP showed no effect (OR = 0.85 [95% CI: 0.67–1.09]; p = 0.209). However, both exclusion and inclusion approaches showed that the EIPP effect increased significantly after 5–6 weeks of controlled period. This relationship plateaued at 7–12 weeks of controlled period, peaking at 10 weeks with the exclusion approach (OR = 0.28 [95% CI: 0.16–0.48]; p < 0.001), and 7 weeks with the inclusion approach (OR = 0.37 [95% CI: 0.25–0.55]; p < 0.001). Acknowledging the dose–response relationship of EIPPs could help researchers to design and analyze RCTs and practitioners to plan EIPP implementation timely. Trial Registration: Identifier: NCT03307434
... For example, it was found that when compliance rates were high (91%), NHE decreased the hamstring injuries [13]. Conversely, little benefit was achieved when compliance rates were low (21%) [43]. Therefore, to increase compliance and subsequently reduce injuries, NHE should be included in injury prevention programs, such as FIFA 11+ [24]. ...
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Due to their potential positive outcomes, hamstring eccentric exercises are becoming increasingly popular in training regimens. Among the various exercises, the Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) is the most common. Despite its popularity, there are still some doubts about its benefits and risks. So, the aim of this umbrella review was to summarize the effects of NHE on performance and injury prevention. Following the PRISMA guidelines, a comprehensive literature search was conducted across multiple e-databases, according to the P (injured and non-injured athletes or recreationally active or healthy individuals) I (NHE) C (no intervention, placebo, or other interventions) O (performance or injury) S (systematic reviews) model. The quality of the studies was accessed with the AMSTAR-2. From the 916 systematic reviews found, only 10 could be included. They encompassed 125 studies, enrolling 17,260 subjects. The results from the studies indicate that NHE interventions demonstrated positive effects on sprint performance, muscle activation, eccentric strength, and muscle architecture (fascicle length, muscle thickness, and pennation angle). Furthermore , NHE is effective in preventing hamstring injuries (up to 51%). In conclusion, NHE should be integrated in training (especially, in the warm-up phase) for both enhancing athletic performance and preventing hamstring injuries. For achieving more positive results, it is recommended that high-volume is followed by low-volume maintenance, targeting 48 reps/week.
... Upper and lower limb isometric strength and endurance tests routinely form part of pre-season 76 screening protocols to identify potential injury risk factors. 18 Similarly, a growing body of 77 evidence now supports including cervical muscle strength and endurance tests. 10,22,29 Previous 78 studies measured cervical muscle strength using different devices in different settings, 30,40 while 79 investigating various test positions, including flexed trunk replicating the tackle, 41 seated 1,28 and 80 prone. ...
Conference Paper
Objective Is neck strength a risk factor for concussion in professional rugby players. Design Prospective study. Setting Professional rugby. Participants 136 senior and academy male, professional rugby players. Assessment of Risk Factors An isometric ‘make’ test and an endurance test were used to measure cervical peak isometric strength and endurance in the pre-season. Outcome Measures Electronic medical records containing player injury data were analysed for head and neck injury data at the end of the season. Participants completed a concussion screening questionnaire at the time of testing. Main Results 40 players suffered from 51 concussions during the season and 12 players suffered from 13 neck injuries. A history of previous concussion was reported by 64.7% of the cohort. Multiple logistic regression analysis found that neither peak isometric flexion nor extension were associated with risk of concussion. Players with a self-reported previous history of concussion were three times (OR 3.2; 95% CI 1.12–9.11) more likely to suffer from a concussion. More than two concussions in the past twelve months were significantly associated with increased risk of concussion representing an almost ten-fold increase in risk (OR 9.57; CI 1.88–48.64). Conclusions The greatest predictor of concussion injury was previous injury. Those with two or more concussions in the prior 12 months were significantly more likely to sustain a concussion than those with no injury history. Those with a previous history of concussion had similar neck strength to those without.
... Upper and lower limb isometric strength and endurance tests routinely form part of pre-season 76 screening protocols to identify potential injury risk factors. 18 Similarly, a growing body of 77 evidence now supports including cervical muscle strength and endurance tests. 10,22,29 Previous 78 studies measured cervical muscle strength using different devices in different settings, 30,40 while 79 investigating various test positions, including flexed trunk replicating the tackle, 41 seated 1,28 and 80 prone. ...
OBJECTIVES: To (1) provide position-specific normative data for isometric cervical muscle strength and endurance in professional, male rugby players and (2) assess the relationship between age, height, weight, and playing position with cervical muscle strength and endurance. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. METHODS: Professional rugby players completed peak isometric cervical strength testing followed by a test of cervical muscle endurance. Descriptive statistics for continuous variables with strength normalized to body weight were performed. Multiple linear regression was used to estimate associations between strength measurements. RESULTS: In total, 136 players participated including front-row forwards (27%), other forwards (28%), and backs (45%). Front-row forwards had significantly greater peak isometric cervical muscle strength than other position groups, with backs having the lowest strength. Extension produced the highest force for all 3 position groups (429 N ± 104 N), whereas flexion produced the least (275 N ± 65 N). Age was associated with increased isometric cervical muscle strength. There was a statistically significant relationship between peak flexion strength and flexion endurance ( P = .003). The average time for the endurance tests were 55.7 (±17.1) seconds and 52.9 (±20.1) seconds for extension and flexion, respectively. Other forwards had lower cervical extension muscle endurance than backs and front-row forwards. CONCLUSIONS: Normative values for peak and endurance isometric strength in professional rugby players illustrate significant differences between playing position. Consider age, body weight, and intraindividual variability when interpreting cervical strength and endurance results. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2024;54(3):201-208. Epub 29 January 2024. doi:10.2519/jospt.2024.11830
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Purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of specific SportsMetrics training on core stability, tuck jump scores, and hops in soccer players. Methods: The present study is a randomized controlled trial. The subjects of the study were 29 soccer players with three years of experience in soccer clubs. Subjects were randomly divided into experimental (n = 14) and control (n = 15) groups. The experimental group performed soccer-specific SportsMetrics exercises for six weeks. The control group continued normal exercises. For assessment, McGill tests, tuck jumps, and hop tests were used. Data was analyzed using a Repeated Analysis Variance Measure (p≤0.05). Results: The results of the repeated analysis of the variance measure showed a significant difference between the scores of trunk flexion (p = 0.001), trunk extension (p = 0.001), right side plank (p = 0.001), left side plank (p = 0.013), tuck jump score (p = 0.000), hop (p = 0.001), and in the experimental and control groups after six weeks of training. Conclusion: The results of the present study showed that football-specific sports metric exercises improve core stability and lower limb function. Due to the relationship between core stability and lower extremity function and injuries, especially ACL rupture, to prevent injury and improve the performance of soccer players, it is recommended to use a football-specific injury prevention training protocol.
We studied the validity and reliability of the Foot and Ankle Outcome Score (FAOS) when used to evaluate the outcome of 213 patients (mean age 40 years, 85 females) who underwent anatomical reconstruction of the lateral ankle ligaments with an average postoperative follow-up of 12 years (range, three to 24 years). The FAOS is a 42-item questionnaire assessing patient-relevant outcomes in five separate subscales (Pain, Other Symptoms, Activities of Daily Living, Sport and Recreation Function, Foot- and Ankle-Related Quality of Life). The FAOS met set criteria of validity and reliability. The FAOS appears to be useful for the evaluation of patient-relevant outcomes related to ankle reconstruction.
Background The injury risk in football is high, but little is known about causes of injury. Purpose To identify risk factors for football injuries using a multivariate model. Study Design Prospective cohort study. Methods Participants were 306 male football players from the two highest divisions in Iceland. Before the 1999 football season started, the following factors were examined: height, weight, body composition, flexibility, leg extension power, jump height, peak O2 uptake, joint stability, and history of previous injury. Injuries and player exposure were recorded throughout the competitive season. Results Older players were at higher risk of injury in general (odds ratio [OR] = 1.1 per year, P = 0.05). For hamstring strains, the significant risk factors were age (OR = 1.4 [1 year], P < 0.001) and previous hamstring strains (OR = 11.6, P < 0.001). For groin strains, the predictor risk factors were previous groin strains (OR = 7.3, P = 0.001) and decreased range of motion in hip abduction (OR = 0.9 [1°], P = 0.05). Previous injury was also identified as a risk factor for knee (OR = 4.6) and ankle sprains (OR = 5.3). Conclusions Age and previous injury were identified as the main risk factors for injury among elite football players from Iceland.
Background Standardized assessment of sports injuries provides not only important epidemiological information, but also directions for injury prevention, and the opportunity for monitoring long-term changes in the frequency and characteristics of injury. Purpose Development and implementation of an easy to use injury-reporting system to analyze the incidence, circumstances and characteristics of injury during major international football tournaments. Study Design Prospective survey. Methods A comprehensive injury report form was developed, and implemented during 12 international football tournaments. The physicians of all participating teams were asked to report all injuries after each match. The response rate was 84% on average. Results A total of 901 injuries were reported from 334 matches, which is equivalent to an incidence of 2.7 injuries per match. Approximately one injury per match resulted in a player's absence from training or matches. On average 86% of the injuries arose as a result of contact with another player, and approximately half of all injuries were caused by foul play. The number of injuries per match differed substantially between the tournaments for players of different age, sex and skill-level. Conclusion An injury-reporting system has been implemented as matter of routine in FIFA tournaments. The consistent findings in the present study demonstrate the high quality of the data obtained.
This prospective randomized intervention investigated whether training on a balance board could reduce the amount of traumatic injuries of the lower extremities in female soccer players. A total of 221 female soccer players from 13 different teams playing in the second and third Swedish divisions volunteered to participate in the study. Seven teams (n=121) were randomized to an intervention group and six teams (n=100) to a control group and were followed during one outdoor season (April-October). Before and after the season muscle flexibility and balance/postural sway of the lower extremities were measured in the players. There were no significant differences in age, height, weight, muscle flexibility and balance/postural sway of the lower extremities between the intervention and the control group. During the season the players in the intervention group performed a special training program consisting of 10-15 min of balance board training in addition to their standard soccer practice and games. After a 37% drop-out the intervention group consisted of 62 players and the control group of 78 players. The results showed no significant differences between the groups with respect either to the number, incidence, or type of traumatic injuries of the lower extremities. The incidence rate of "major" injuries was higher in the intervention group than in the control group. Four of five anterior cruciate ligament injuries occurred in the intervention group, which means that we could not prevent severe knee injuries in female soccer players with balance board training. However, among the players who had been injured during the 3-month period prior to this investigation there were significantly more players from the control group than from the intervention group who sustained new injuries during the study period.
Studies on the incidence of soccer injuries have produced a variety of sometimes conflicting results. This may be explained by differences in the definition of soccer injury and the methods of data collection being used, and by selection mechanisms in the study populations. The incidence of injuries, therefore, depends on the population being studied. High risk groups exist with respect to age, gender and level of competition. Competition produces a higher risk of injury than practice, even when corrections for exposure time are made. The range of results of studies concerning different aspects of the severity of injuries may also be well explained by differences in the definition of injury, research methodology and selection with respect to age, gender, level of play and sociocultural background. In countries where soccer is very popular, the healthcare and social security systems are taxed considerably. On the other hand, soccer injuries appear to be no more serious than injuries resulting from other sports activities. A general conclusion is that the epidemiological information of the sport medical aspects of soccer injuries is inconsistent and far from complete. More research is needed to identify high risk groups and independent predictor variables of injury within those subgroups. Preferably, such studies should include uniform definitions of injury and should be based on sound epidemiological methodological principles.
Variations in definitions and methodologies have created differences in the results and conclusions obtained from studies of football (soccer) injuries; this has made interstudy comparisons difficult. An Injury Consensus Group was established under the auspices of Fédération Internationale de Football Association Medical Assessment and Research Centre. Using a nominal group consensus model approach, a working document that identified the key issues related to definitions, methodology, and implementation was discussed by members of the group during a 2-day meeting. After this meeting, iterative draft statements were prepared and circulated to the members of the group for comment before the final consensus statement was produced. Definitions of injury, recurrent injury, severity, and training and match exposures in football, together with criteria for classifying injuries in terms of location, type, diagnosis, and causation are proposed. Proforma for recording players' baseline information, injuries, and training and match exposures are presented. Recommendations are made on how the incidence of match and training injuries should be reported and a checklist of issues and information that should be included in published reports of studies of football injuries is presented. The definitions and methodology proposed in the consensus statement will ensure that consistent and comparable results will be obtained from studies of football injuries.
Unlike American football and rugby, serious injuries leading to permanent disability occur seldom in soccer. The over-all injury rate of adult professionals is approximately one injury per player per season. Surprisingly little is known, however, about the injury rate, type, and severity of injuries sustained by adolescents playing soccer. The purpose of this paper is to present an investigation made in order to clarify this question. The need for such an investigation had developed from an earlier study, which showed that adult players suffered more than five times the number of fractures as did adolescents.
We registered all new injuries among 496 male youth soccer players, aged 12 to 18 years, during the course of one year. The incidence of injury was 3.7 injuries per 1000 hours of soccer per player. The incidence in creased with age, and at the higher ages within the youth players, approached the incidence rate of senior players (age ≥18 years). Seventy percent of the injuries were located in the lower extremities, particularly the knee (26%) and ankle (23%). Back pain occurred in 14% of players. Fractures, which accounted for 4% of injuries, were most often in the upper extremities. We conclude that youth soccer is a relatively low-risk sport with an injury pattern that differs slightly from that of senior players.
This study investigated the relationship between exposure time and ankle sprains in soccer. Forty-one teams (639 players) from four male senior soccer divisions at different levels of skill (divisions I-VI) were followed prospectively for 1 year. The exposure to soccer and the number of injuries per player were higher in higher divisions, but the injury incidence, percentage of ankle injuries and incidence of ankle injuries were the same at different levels of skill. Of all injuries 17 to 20% were ankle sprains and the incidence varied between 1.7 to 2.0 ankle injuries per 1,000 hours of exposure. Since players with previous ankle problems run an increased risk of reinjury we suggest that these players receive preventive advice.