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Bone quality: Emperor's new clothes

J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2008; 8(1):2-9
it has been proposed that increased bone turnover (i.e., rapid
bone remodeling resulting in negative balance in the bone
multicellular unit) would underlie a loss in bone strength and
lead to higher susceptibility to fractures through deteriorat-
ed bone microarchitecture, a trait that cannot be captured by
the BMD measurement
. However, as fascinating as this
approach might be filling the information gap in the frac-
ture prediction not revealed by BMD – there are fundamen-
tal concerns that need to be elaborated. To begin with, we
need to comprehend the complex interrelationship between
BMD, bone strength, and fractures (bone fragility).
While there is indeed a high correlation (up to 0.9 or even
more) between BMD and bone strength in laboratory test-
ing, one should recall that:
1) Correlation does not mean straight agreement but only
group-level association between these two measures; and,
the wider the range in these variables, the stronger the
group correlation despite unacceptably large individual
differences. This means that in two individuals with the
same BMD, the actual bone strength can differ consider-
ably, even tens of percents.
2) The high correlation between BMD and bone strength
has been obtained in in vitro measurements, whereas in a
real clinical setting, BMD measurements on individual
patients are subject to sizable inaccuracies and substan-
tial uncertainty.
3) Susceptibility to fractures ("bone fragility") is attributable
not only to declined bone strength but especially to
extraskeletal etiological factors of fractures (falling).
What is BMD?
Given the strong association between DXA-derived areal
BMD and bone strength in cadaver biomechanical experi-
ments, it is tempting to conclude that BMD is a valid meas-
ure of bone strength. However, considerable inconsistency
between DXA-derived "density" and actual whole bone
Only reasonable theory and well-defined concepts can
underpin the knowledge on which new scientific applications
and procedures (e.g., evidence-based treatments) can be
built. Otherwise, any new concept or method, irrespective of
its potential, may remain loose and not transferred into the
form of truly working knowledge and useful applications.
The common notion that DXA-derived BMD would rep-
resent a valid predictor of bone strength is based on high
correlation (r values up to 0.9 or even more) between these
two variables in controlled laboratory experiments.
However, when large multicenter clinical trials on the effects
of antiresorptive bisphosphonate therapy (alendronate and
risendronate) or selective estrogen receptor modulator ther-
apy (raloxifene)
reported consistently greater reductions in
fracture incidence than could be anticipated from changes in
BMD, speculations on possible additional effects of antire-
sorptive treatment on something yet unknown, called "Bone
Quality", were inspired
. "Bone Quality" was defined as
"The sum total of characteristics of the bone that influence
the bone’s resistance to fracture", suggesting that BMD and
"Bone Quality" together would independently account for
bone fragility in totality (Figures 1A and 1B).
The "Bone Quality" concept has since been embraced
among the clinical osteoporosis community, as it seems to
offer a panacea for the clinical paradox that while clinical
BMD measurements can predict the relative fracture risk at
the population level, the predictive value of BMD in individ-
ual patients remains quite marginal; one will fracture but
another will not, despite similar BMD values
. Accordingly,
Bone quality: Emperor’s new clothes
T.L.N. Järvinen
, P. Kannus
, H. Sievänen
Department of Surgery and the Institute of Medical Technology, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland;
Division of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Department of Trauma, Musculoskeletal Surgery and Rehabilitation,
Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland;
Bone Research Group, UKK-Institute, Tampere, Finland
Keywords: Aging, Bone Density, Bone Remodeling, Clinical Trials, Diphosphonates, Osteoporosis, Risk Factors
Black Forest Forum
May 10-13, 2007
Castle Bad Liebenzell, Germany
The authors have no conflict of interest.
Corresponding author: Teppo Järvinen, M.D., Ph.D., University of Tampere,
Department of Surgery, 33 014 University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
Accepted 1 June 2007
T.L.N. Järvinen et al.: Bone Quality - an impasse
strength arises from the fact that the DXA measurement is
"planar" by nature; that is, DXA scans the three-dimension-
al structure of bone only from one direction (as if it were a
two-dimensional sheet). Accordingly, DXA-derived BMD
does not directly represent a volumetric density of any kind,
but rather is an ambiguous, lumped parameter depending
strongly on volumetric bone mineral apparent density
(BMAD) and bone size (i.e., the larger the bone, the higher
the BMD at given BMAD)
and also on the scan projec-
tion (i.e., the thicker the bone in the scan direction, the high-
er the BMD at given BMAD and bone size)
. In fact,
BMD reflects nothing but the mean thickness of bone min-
eral within the given bone region without knowledge of the
true spatial bone mineral distribution in the depth direction
– at its best (Figure 2).
The other crucial limitation of DXA pertains to its inher-
ent inaccuracy which arises from the "two-component
assumption" of the method. In short, taking bone material as
the first component, DXA assumes that the composition and
distribution of all extra- and intraosseus soft tissues and
other body constituents within the scanned region constitute
an absorptiometrically homogeneous second "component".
Not surprisingly, this two-component model does not mirror
true anatomy, and thus, DXA-derived BMD is inherently
Figure 1. Schematic representation of associations between different factors underlying bone strength and fragility. Traditionally it was sim-
plistically believed that the DXA-derived areal BMD, given the strong correlation between BMD and bone strength in biomechanical exper-
iments of cadaver bones (r values up to 0.9 or even more), would represent a valid measure of whole bone strength (Figure 1A). Later it
was observed in several large multicenter clinical drug trials that the reductions in fracture incidence and BMD are inconsistent indicating
that BMD alone is not enough, but BMD together with "Bone Quality" would independently account for bone fragility in totality (Figure
1B). However, given the physical ambiguity of both of these factors
, it is obvious that BMD and most of the alleged quality characteris-
tics, measurable in vivo, are largely inseparable (Figure 1C). Finally, it must be underscored that an elderly person's bone fracture depends
on not only whole bone strength but especially fall-induced external loading, the latter, in fact, accounting much more for the fragility frac-
tures than bone strength (Figure 1D). Fall biomechanics and the concomitant bone loading is the major determinant of these fractures. For
example, over 90% of hip fractures are a direct consequence of falling
. Of note, this schematic presentation is not an exhaustive descrip-
tion of all possible factors underlying bone strength, bone fragility, and their interactions but is intended to illustrate the complexity that
needs to be taken into account when assessing skeletal fragility in general.
T.L.N. Järvinen et al.: Bone Quality - an impasse
inaccurate, either under- or overestimating true BMD to
some indeterminate extent in any given patient, the actual
magnitude of this error ranging as high as 20 to 50%
. The
adverse effect of these inaccuracies on the validity of BMD
as a measure of whole bone strength of an individual is
shown in many biomechanical studies and on the BMD
measurement per se in careful cadaver studies (Table 1).
BMD – a valid surrogate of whole bone strength?
Since BMD depends on bone cross-sectional size (
bearing area) and apparent density (
indicator of bone tis-
sue strength), it is, in principle, mechanically plausible why
BMD is a relatively good surrogate of bone strength in a lab-
oratory setting. On the other hand, this dual nature of BMD
also complicates its precise interpretation
. Obviously,
BMD reflects the amount of bone mass, and bone mass in
itself cannot be indicative of actual bone structure, whereas
many structural particulars (i.e., overall bone size, cortical
thickness and porosity, trabecular thickness and number,
mineralization) contribute directly to bone mass. This simply
means that BMD and most of the structural (alleged quali-
ty) characteristics, measurable in vivo, are largely inseparable
(Figure 1C). In other words, BMD is virtually an average
measure of almost everything within the measured bone site,
but nothing specifically. Accordingly, there is not much left
for subtle structural particulars to account for in the statisti-
cal sense. So, why don’t we ask what would the bone mass
add if we knew the bone structure? At the moment, the par-
adigm is upside down.
Bone Quality – the newly introduced concept
As of today, we do not have a universally accepted meas-
urement or indicator of "Bone Quality" (neither a single
measure nor a combination of different bone parameters),
or a unit for bone quality, or even a criterion for "good or bad
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the meaning of common DXA parameters. Bone is a three-dimensional structure, made of a given
amount of bone mineral (BMC). In the primary BMD measurement, the information describing the bone structure is reduced into a single
value, BMD. In essence, BMD denotes the mean thickness of bone mineral (x), as if the BMC measured within the region-of-interest (ROI)
was of uniform true material density (Ú) and further tightly and evenly packed into a box whose length (L) corresponds to that of the ROI
and width (W) to the mean bone width within the ROI. Note that BMC is a more reasonable measure of bone structure than BMD, since
it denotes the cross-sectional area occupied by bone mineral. Since DXA measurement is subject to inherent inaccuracies
, there is
always uncertainty regarding the true amount of BMC within the ROI.
Table 1. Correlation (r) between the DXA-derived BMD as
obtained in in situ (all soft tissues intact) and ex situ (water bath)
measurements of cadaver bones and the failure strength of lumbar
vertebrae and femoral neck.
DXA site In situ Ex situ Ref.
Lateral spine 0.45 0.71
AP spine 0.48 0.51
0.72 0.77
Femoral neck 0.64
T.L.N. Järvinen et al.: Bone Quality - an impasse
bone quality". According to the Webster’s dictionary, the
word "quality" is defined as: 1) any of the features that make
something what it is; characteristics element; attribute, 2)
basic nature; character; kind, 3) the degree of excellence
which a thing possesses, or 4) excellence; superiority. In busi-
ness and industry, the concept "quality" has been classically
defined as "fitness for use"
or "conformance to require-
. Coupling the arguments behind the "Bone Quality"
concept with different definitions of quality, one is inherent-
ly left with the impression that a good quality of bone equates
to good bone strength, or even as broadly as high resistance
to fractures.
Bone Strength = BMD+Bone Quality?
At present, "Bone Quality" denotes an obscure term
incorporating a pool of various non-BMD indices of bone
strength. Needless to say, it is impossible to measure direct-
ly the bone strength in patients in vivo, whereas in pre-clini-
cal animal experiments the bone strength can be measured.
Then, if "Bone Quality" had accounted independently for the
bone fragility (as implied by several clinical fracture
tion studies), we should have observed the similar discor-
dance between the changes in bone mineral density or mass
and bone strength in numerous well-controlled preclinical
studies. However, the discrepancy is not there! In fact, the
effects of bisphosphonates on bone strength have been per-
fectly commensurate with changes in bone mass in virtually
life-long animal experiments of different species
Bone fragility (Resistance to fractures)=
BMD+Bone Quality?
More recently, the term "Bone Quality" has been defined
as broadly as: "Bone quality recognizes the unpredicted por-
tion of fracture risk with respect to the predicting variables"
In essence, this "extended definition of Bone Quality" not
only suggests that together BMD and "Bone Quality" would
independently account for bone fragility in totality, but also
implies that the bones are primarily designed and adapted to
resist fractures. However, there are major conceptual flaws
in this approach, too.
First, while the high correlation between BMD and bone
strength in the laboratory setting, as well as the increased rel-
ative risk of osteoporotic fractures among patients with low
BMD, are indeed established, one should keep in mind that
at various skeletal sites the overall proportion of elderly peo-
ple's fractures attributable to low BMD remains modest
(ranging from <10% to 44%)
. In other words, more than
50% of fragility fractures occur in the population which is
not classified as osteoporotic in the sense of the current
WHO operational definition of osteoporosis (i.e., BMD 2.5
standard deviations or more below the young sex-matched
adult reference level). In this respect, we have to recall that
BMD in itself is only a modest risk factor of fractures - some
85% of the contribution to the rise in fracture risk with age
is unrelated to BMD
According to several well-designed studies on risk factors of
fractures among elderly people
, falling with its determi-
nants - not the BMD-based osteoporosis - has been shown to
be the strongest single risk factor for a fracture, and when a
person falls, the type and severity of falling (fall height and
energy; fall direction; fall mechanics; anatomical site of the
impact; and energy absorption capacity and impact force atten-
uation of the body-landing surface complex) are crucial in
determining whether or not a fracture occurs
. Compared
with the modest association between BMD and risk of frac-
ture, the relative risk of hip fracture for a sideways fall is about
5, and if the fall impacts directly the greater trochanter of the
proximal femur, the relative risk rises up to 30
. Similar
results have been obtained for upper extremity fractures
With this in mind, it is quite utopian to envision that a purely
bone-derived measure (such as BMD or bone turnover mark-
ers) alone could explain the occurrence of fractures, as implied
by the broadest definitions of "Bone Quality" at present.
Now, regarding the notion that bones would primarily be
designed and adapted to resist fractures one should recall the
following facts. The human skeleton is basically and contin-
ually adapted to habitual locomotive loadings (Figure 3A),
and is particularly fit for endurance running
, but not to
loadings caused by falls onto the ground (or by other similar
trauma-related events) that cause fractures
. Clearly, there
is a tradeoff between the bone strength and other factors,
including the metabolic pressure to keep the weight of these
locomotive organs light. In support of this, there is over-
whelming evidence that the variation in the apparent
strength of human bones is attributable to variations in the
loading environment the bones are subjected to during daily
habitual activities
. As regards the capacity of the skeleton
to resist fracture during accidents one must distinguish
between two situations: whether the loading experienced
during a traumatic incident is just a magnification of the
loading experienced during habitual activities (but in this
case just exceeding the bone's capacity to withstand the load-
ing) (Figure 3B), or the loading and its direction are com-
pletely different from that the bones are customarily adapt-
ed to. In many cases of older adults' fractures (even those of
vertebrae that are commonly considered "spontaneous"),
they are indeed different (Figure 3C)
Are we hostages to the ambiguous BMD?
Since the whole bone strength provides the ultimate
measure of bone mechanical competence, the clinical osteo-
porosis paradox seems to simply stem from our inherent
inability to determine the actual bone strength or fragility of
an individual in vivo. We should not remain hostages to the
ambiguous BMD and cursorily reduce the bone fragility into
two seemingly independent factors: 1) The familiar/conven-
tional BMD, and 2) the new and fascinating "Bone Quality"
denoting the vague provisions of (all) non-BMD factors,
T.L.N. Järvinen et al.: Bone Quality - an impasse
which together would perfectly explain the bone fragility
(Figure 1B).
As a properly defined concept, the "Bone Quality" should
equate nothing but the capacity of bones to withstand a wide
range of loading without breaking. Because bone structure is
the ultimate determinant of whole bone mechanical compe-
tence and pertains to the endpoint of all interim biochemical
processes within the bone tissue
, the adequately compre-
hensive in vivo assessment of the bone structure is what we
should pursue.
"We measure things because we CAN. Accordingly, it is cru-
cial to fully understand the context of one's measurements."
Bone Quality – An empty term
We can assess the whole bone strength quite well in a lab-
oratory setting. In real life, our abilities to do so are much
more limited. Nevertheless, the mere inability to do so with
actual patients in vivo cannot be taken as a justification to
introduce new, obscure and ill-defined terms that are antici-
pated to fill the bill. Launching a new ambiguous concept
with loose attachment to the actual clinical problem will not
facilitate its solution on the contrary, it can cause confusion
and exacerbate the situation at its worst. Prediction of a frac-
ture of an individual (or any other medical event, such as
heart attack or stroke) will be a formidable task given the
Figure 3. Analogous to automobiles designed to run on their wheels, the human skeleton is adapted to bipedal gait and the resulting habit-
ual locomotive loadings (Figure 3A). In terms of safety, the design of the cars is optimized to keep the drivers and passengers in the cock-
pit intact during collisions from the typical directions of impact, the front-rear directions (Figure 3B). However, a considerably smaller force
can cause profound damage to the cockpit if subjected from atypical (unforeseen) direction (Figure 3C). Similarly, the capacity of the skele-
ton to resist fracture during accidents is generally good when the loading experienced during a traumatic incident is a moderate magnifica-
tion of the loading experienced during habitual activities (i.e., within the inherent safety margin of bone), except in some cases exceeding
the bones' capacity to withstand the loading without breaking (Figure 3B). However, in many cases of older adults' fractures, the loading is
completely different from that the bones are customarily adapted to (Figure 3C). Originally published in
T.L.N. Järvinen et al.: Bone Quality - an impasse
overwhelming dominance of chance over all measurable
"risk factors". No matter how sophisticated methods we use
and how hard we try, the life of an individual is often just too
complicated to be predicted and it will always run its own,
largely unforeseen paths.
Taken together, we see that the term "Bone Quality" is an
empty term
identical to Emperor’s new clothes in the
famous fairy tale and thus, should be abandoned. If it really
must be used, the term "Bone Quality" should, as said, refer
only to the capacity of bones to withstand a wide range of load-
ing without breaking. And, for such capacity we already have a
proper term or the whole bone strength
. Our real challenge
will be to reliably estimate the whole bone strength in vivo.
The study was supported by the Competitive Research Funding of the
Pirkanmaa Hospital District, the Research Council for Physical Education
and Sports, Ministry of Education, Academy of Finland, and the AO Re-
search Fund, Switzerland.
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... The other parameter included in the analysis of the variability of BMD was the depth of the proximal femur, calculated as an arithmetic mean from three measurements: the transverse diameter of the head (M19), the anteroposterior diameter of the neck (M16), and the maximum projected anteroposterior diameter of the greater trochanter in the middle of the intertrochanteric crest and perpendicularly to the long axis of the neck. The inclusion of this variable corrects the twodimensional ("planar") nature of DEXA measurements, which in fact provide information about mean bone mineral thickness within the analyzed region, but not about bone mineral distribution in the depth direction, or true volumetric density (Nielsen, 2000;Järvinen et al., 2008). ...
Alterations in the region of the pubic symphysis and of the sacroiliac joints referred to as pelvic scarring are investigated by forensic scientists as potential indicators of pregnancy and parturition. Although pelvic scarring is not exclusively related to obstetrical events, the analysis of the relationship between this trait and skeletal mineral density in archaeological samples can give us a new insight into women's lives. The present study analyzes the relationship between the presence and the degree of pelvic scarring observed on the pelvic bones and bone mineral density (BMD) measured in the proximal femur in 190 skeletons of adult females representing archaeological populations from the region of Kujawy in north-central Poland and dating from 4500 BCE to the early 19th century CE. Multiple regression analysis has shown that 48% of the variability of bone mineral density of the female skeletons is explained by the time periods of the archaeological population, the individual's age at death, the depth of the proximal femur and the pelvic scarring. In all the analyzed skeletal samples, the females with a high degree of pelvic scarring regardless of age at death were characterized by higher bone mineral density than the females without such alterations. A high degree of scarring explains over 3% of the variability of BMD in the analyzed female skeletons. It seems that pelvic scarring together with bone mineral density can shed some light on reproductive phenomena in past populations.
... In contrast to hip fracture, radius fracture is not associated with increased mortality, but is an important predictor of fracture risk for hip and vertebral fractures [4][5][6] . As shown in previous studies, by identifying persons with low bone mineral density (BMD) and a tendency to fall, new fractures can be prevented 7 . ...
Objective: Elderly patients suffer fractures through low-energy mechanisms. The distal radius is the most frequent fracture localization. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) plays an important role in the maintenance of bone mass and its levels decline with advancing age and in states of malnutrition. Our aim was to investigate the association of IGF1 levels, bone mass, nutritional status, and inflammation to low-energy distal radius fractures and also study if fracture healing is influenced by IGF1, nutritional status, and inflammation. Methods: Postmenopausal women, 55 years or older, with low-energy distal radius fractures occurring due to falling on slippery ground, indoors or outdoors, were recruited in the emergency department (ED) and followed 1 and 5 weeks after the initial trauma with biomarkers for nutritional status and inflammation. Fractures were diagnosed according to standard procedure by physical examination and X-ray. All patients were conservatively treated with plaster casts in the ED. Patients who needed interventions were excluded from our study. Fracture healing was evaluated from radiographs. Fracture healing assessment was made with a five-point scale where the radiological assessment included callus formation, fracture line, and stage of union. Blood samples were taken within 24 h after fracture and analyzed in the routine laboratory. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Results: Thirty-eight Caucasian women, aged 70.5 ± 8.9 years (mean ± SD) old, were recruited. Nutritional status, as evaluated by albumin (40.3 ± 3.1 g/L), IGF1 (125.3 ± 39.9 μg/L), body mass index (26.9 ± 3.6 kg/m2 ), arm diameter (28.9 ± 8.9 cm), and arm skinfold (2.5 ± 0.7 cm), was normal. A positive correlation was found between IGF1 at visit 1 and the lowest BMD for hip, spine, or radius (r = 0.39, P = 0.04). High sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP) and leukocytes were higher at the fracture event compared to 5 weeks later (P = 0.07 and P < 0.001, respectively). Fracture healing parameters (i.e. callus formation, fracture line, and stage of union) were positively correlated with the initial leukocyte count and to difference in thrombocyte count between visit 1 and 3. Conclusions: In elderly women with low-energy distal radius fractures, an association between IGF1 and lowest measures of BMD was found, indicating that low IGF1 could be an indirect risk factor for fractures. Fracture healing was associated with initial leukocytosis and a lower thrombocyte count, suggesting that inflammation and thrombocytes are important components in fracture healing.
... Technically, DXA-derived BMD is not a standard volumetric BMD (vBMD, g/cm 3 ) but an areal BMD (aBMD, g/cm 2 ). [83][84][85] Hence, thicker bone tissue would have a higher aBMD under a given vBMD (Fig. 2). Most reports that have shown a significant relationship between bone strength and BMD did not exclude this size-related confounding effect of DXA. ...
Caloric restriction (CR), protein restriction (PR), and specific amino acid restriction (e.g., methionine restriction (MR)) are different dietary interventions that have been confirmed with regard to their comprehensive benefits to metabolism and health. Based on bone densitometric measurements, weight loss induced by dietary restriction is known to be accompanied by reduced areal bone mineral density, bone mass, and/or bone size, and it is considered harmful to bone health. However, because of technological advancements in bone densitometric instruments (e.g., high-resolution X-ray tomography), dietary restrictions have been found to cause a reduction in bone mass/size rather than volumetric bone mineral density. Furthermore, when considering bone quality, bone health consists of diverse indices that cannot be fully represented by densitometric measurements alone. Indeed, there is evidence that moderate dietary restrictions do not impair intrinsic bone material properties, despite the reduction in whole-bone strength because of a smaller bone size. In the present review, we integrate research evidence from traditional densitometric measurements, metabolic status assays (e.g., energy metabolism, oxidative stresses, and inflammatory responses), and biomaterial analyses to provide revised conclusions regarding the effects of CR, PR, and MR on the skeleton.
... It is also possible that the vertebral architecture of endurance runners represents a structure that is particularly adapted to a large number of monotonous moderate vertical impacts, and this specific textural feature is captured by TBS. In contrast, bone structural information representing specific spatial distribution of bone tissue cannot be captured by the DXA-measured areal BMD which basically reflects the mean effective thickness of bone mineral within the bone volume of interest but is unable to separate spatial structural features from each other neither within the plane nor in depth direction 4,20 . ...
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Objective: To examine whether different exercise loading is associated with lumbar vertebral texture as assessed with Trabecular Bone Score (TBS). Methods: Data from 88 Finnish female athletes and 19 habitually active women (reference group) were analyzed. Participants' mean age was 24.3 years (range 17-40 years). Athletes were divided into five specific exercise loading groups according to sport-specific training history: high-impact (triple jumpers and high jumpers), odd-impact (soccer players and squash players), high-magnitude (power lifters), repetitive impact (endurance runners), and repetitive non-impact (swimmers). TBS-values were determined from lumbar vertebral L1-L4 DXA images. Body weight and height, fat-%, lean mass, isometric maximal leg press force, dynamic peak jumping force and lumbar BMD were also measured. Results: Endurance runners' mean TBS value differed significantly from all other groups being about 6% lower than in the reference group. After controlling for body height, isometric leg press force and fat-%, the variables found consistently explaining TBS, the observed between-group difference remained significant (B=-0.072, p=0.020). After controlling for BMD, the difference persisted (B=-0.065, p=0.016). There were no other significant adjusted between-group differences. Conclusion: Exercise loading history comprising several repeated moderate impacts is associated with somewhat lower TBS, which may indicate specific lumbar microarchitecture in endurance runners.
... BMD necessarily combines cortical and trabecular bone densities, thus will not be as sensitive to trabecular bone turnover rates as three dimensional modalities [63]. Even with all of these negative influences, BMD still explains 70% of the variance in stiffness for femur and tibia bones, 73% of the ultimate strength and 81% of the penetration strength of trabecular bone in vitro [60,64,65]. This does not completely translate into fracture risk in vivo: 60% of fracture risk is explained on a population scale, as proven in large epidemiological studies [66,67,68]. ...
... This period is potentially important for secondary prevention. Several researchers have stressed the importance of detecting individuals with low BMD and a tendency to fall, in order to consider treatment or other measures to prevent new fractures [27][28][29] [30]. However, a single BMD measurement alone cannot specifically detect those, who will actually sustain a fracture [31], but has to be combined with clinical risk factors [32]. ...
... Use of both a subjective self-reported quality of life questionnaire and objectively assessed physical functioning tests allowed an accurate and relevant assessment of physical functioning. Weaknesses of the study include a lack of longitudinal data on physical functioning and quality of life outcomes, a lack of power to detect small differences in the mental health domains of quality of life, measurement of bone density rather than bone quality (an important determinant of fracture susceptibility [42]), and possible confounding by a number of lifestyle factors, including the level of physical activity. However, the study's objective was to determine body composition changes and not their cause. ...
To determine the effect of 6 years of routine management on body composition, physical functioning, and quality of life, and their interrelationships, in men with idiopathic vertebral fracture. Twenty men with idiopathic vertebral fracture (patients: mean ± SD age 58 ± 6 years) were age and height matched to 28 healthy controls with no known disease. The primary outcome was skeletal muscle mass (appendicular lean mass by dual x-ray absorptiometry) assessed at 2 visits (0 and 6 years). Physical functioning and quality of life domains were assessed by the Senior Fitness Test and Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire at visit 2 only. Data were analyzed by repeated-measures analysis of variance, independent t-tests, and correlation. At visit 1, appendicular lean mass was 9% lower in patients than controls. Although patients better maintained appendicular lean mass between visits (interaction P = 0.016), at visit 2 appendicular lean mass remained 5% lower in patients than controls. Furthermore, patients' appendicular lean mass change was correlated with femoral neck bone density change (r = 0.507, P = 0.023). Physical function tests were 13-27% lower in patients compared with controls (P = 0.056 to 0.003), as were SF-36 quality of life physical domains (13-26% lower; P = 0.028 to <0.001). Despite an association between changes in muscle mass and bone density, routine management of men with idiopathic vertebral fracture does not address muscle loss. Combined with the observation of reduced physical functioning and quality of life, this study identifies novel targets for intervention in men with idiopathic vertebral fracture.
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Osteoporosis is defined as low bone density, and results in a markedly increased risk of skeletal fractures. It has been estimated that about 40% of all women above 50 years old will suffer from an osteoporotic fracture leading to hospitalization. Current osteoporosis diagnostics is largely based on statistical tools, using epidemiological parameters and bone mineral density (BMD) measured with dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). However, DXA-based BMD proved to be only a moderate predictor of bone strength. Therefore, novel methods that take into account all mechanical characteristics of the bone and their influence on bone resistance to fracture are advocated. Finite element (FE) models may improve the bone strength prediction accuracy, since they can account for the structural determinants of bone strength, and the variety of external loads acting on the bones during daily life. Several studies have proved that FE models can perform better than BMD as a bone strength predictor. However, these FE models are built from Computed Tomography (CT) datasets, as the 3D bone geometry is required, and take several hours of work by an experienced engineer. Moreover, the radiation dose for the patient is higher for CT than for DXA scan. All these factors contributed to the low impact that FE-based methods have had on the current clinical practice so far. This thesis work aimed at developing accurate and thoroughly validated FE models to enable a more accurate prediction of femoral strength. An accurate estimation of femoral strength could be used as one of the main determinant of a patient’s fracture risk during population screening. In the first part of the thesis, the ex vivo mechanical tests performed on cadaver human femurs are presented. Digital image correlation (DIC), an optical method that allows for a full-field measurement of the displacements over the femur surface, was used to retrieve strains during the test. Then, a subject-specific FE modelling technique able to predict the deformation state and the overall strength of human femurs is presented. The FE models were based on clinical images from 3D CT datasets, and were validated against the measurements collected during the ex vivo mechanical tests. Both the experimental setup with DIC and the FE modelling procedure have been initially tested using composite bones (only the FE part of the composite bone study is presented in this thesis). After that, the method was extended to human cadaver bones. Once validated against experimental strain measurements, the FE modelling procedure could be used to predict bone strength. In the last part of the thesis, the predictive ability of FE models based on the shape and BMD distribution reconstructed from a single DXA image using a statistical shape and appearance model (SSAM, developed outside this thesis) was assessed. The predictions were compared to the experimental measurements, and the obtained accuracy compared to that of CT-based FE models. The results obtained were encouraging. The CT-based FE models were able to predict the deformation state with very good accuracy when compared to thousands of full-field measurements from DIC (normalized root mean square error, NRMSE, below 11%), and, most importantly, could predict the femoral strength with an error below 2%. The performances of SSAM-based FE models were also promising, showing only a slight reduction of the performances when compared to the CT-based approach (NRMSE below 20% for the strain prediction, average strength prediction error of 12%), but with the significant advantage of the models being built from one single conventional DXA image. In conclusion, the concept of a new, accurate and semi-automatic FE modelling procedure aimed at predicting fracture risk on individuals was developed. The performances of CT-based and SSAM-based models were thoroughly compared, and the results support the future translation of SSAM-based FE model built from a single DXA image into the clinics. The developed tool could therefore allow to include a mechanistic information into the fracture risk screening, which may ultimately lead to an increased accuracy in the identification of the subjects at risk.
In survey research, race is often treated as an exogenous control variable, which assumes that response instability in racial self-classification represents random response instability only (error). With census figures suggesting that only 3% of Americans change their racial self-classification in the short-term, potential violations of this assumption may seem harmless. Advances in genetic research together with other factors, however, may render racial self-classification increasingly flexible in the future, which in turn may increase the risk of observing systematic response instability.This study subjects the research hypothesis of systematic response instability to conservative empirical testing using a representative telephone survey with repeated race questions (n=1200). The results suggest that knowledge about ancestors of other backgrounds (‘ancestral ambivalence’) may predict response instability in racial self-classification. Results of a college student experiment (n=555) further suggest that survey content can induce ‘ancestral ambivalence’ and short-term racial self-classification change. The implications of these findings are discussed. __________________________________________ The full-text version of the article is not uploaded to ResearchGate. But you can request a copy from me by downloading the pdf-file under the 'Full-Text' heading and clicking the link provided in it. This will take you to my personal website where you can enter your e-mail address so that I can send you a personal copy of the article.
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Wolff's law was proposed in 1892 by Julius Wolff, a German anatomist and surgeon, as a mathematical law that described the response of bone to mechanical loading. The mathematical aspects of his law do not fully describe the process of mechanically induced bone remodeling; however, the general process, often called bone functional adaptation, is well supported by experimental and comparative studies. Increases in the loading of living bone tissue are known to generate deposition of new bone, which increase mechanical rigidity. Similarly, decreases in mechanical loading, particularly associated with prolonged bed rest or weightlessness, lead to adaptive resorption of bone tissue and a decrease in mechanical rigidity. The basic principles of bone functional adaptation, which stem from Wolff's law, have led to research that demonstrates the existence of differences in the mechanical properties of bone, namely differences between species and associated with locomotion and posture; differences within species and associated with habitual activity and cultural change in the past; and differences among modern humans and associated with patterns of habitual activity during life.
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We assessed the bone mineral density (BMD) of 16 matched sets of cadaveric proximal femurs and feet using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). We also estimated the femoral neck length from the DXA scans. Quantitative ultrasound densitometry was used to measure the velocity of sound and broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) in the calcaneus of each foot. The proximal femurs were then tested to failure in a loading configuration designed to simulate a fall with impact to the greater trochanter. Femoral neck BMD and trochanteric BMD were strongly associated with the femoral failure load (r2 = 0.79 and 0.81, respectively; P < 0.001), whereas femoral neck length was modestly correlated with femoral failure load (r2 = 0.27, P = 0.04). Calcaneal BMD (r2 = 0.63, P < 0.001) and BUA (r2 = 0.51, P = 0.002) were also significantly associated with femoral failure load. Given the small sample size, we were unable to detect differences in the strength of the correlations between the independent parameters and femoral failure load. Using linear multiple regression analyses, the strongest predictor of femoral failure load was a combination of femoral neck BMD and femoral neck length (R2 = 0.85, P < 0.001). Thus, it appears that both femoral and calcaneal bone mineral properties may be useful for identifying those persons at greatest risk for hip fracture.
Striding bipedalism is a key derived behaviour of hominids that possibly originated soon after the divergence of the chimpanzee and human lineages. Although bipedal gaits include walking and running, running is generally considered to have played no major role in human evolution because humans, like apes, are poor sprinters compared to most quadrupeds. Here we assess how well humans perform at sustained long-distance running, and review the physiological and anatomical bases of endurance running capabilities in humans and other mammals. Judged by several criteria, humans perform remarkably well at endurance running, thanks to a diverse array of features, many of which leave traces in the skeleton. The fossil evidence of these features suggests that endurance running is a derived capability of the genus Homo, originating about 2 million years ago, and may have been instrumental in the evolution of the human body form.
ABSTRACT ‘‘Wolff ’s law’’ is a concept that has sometimes been misrepresented, and frequently misunderstood, in the anthropological literature. Although it was originally formulated in a strict mathematical sense that has since been discredited, the more general concept of ‘‘bone functional adaptation’’ to mechanical loading (a designation that should probably replace ‘‘Wolff ’s law’’) is supported by much experimental and observational data. Objections raised to earlier studies of bone functional adaptation have largely been addressed by more recent and better-controlled studies. While the bone morphological response to mechanical strains is reduced in adults relative to juveniles, claims that adult morphology re.ects only juvenile loadings are greatly exaggerated. Similarly, while there are important genetic in.uences on bone development and on the nature of bone’s response to mechanical loading, variations in loadings themselves are equally if not more important in determining variations in morphology, especially in comparisons between closely related individuals or species. The correspondence between bone strain patterns and bone structure is variable, depending on skeletal location and the general mechanical environment (e.g., distal vs. proximal limb elements, cursorial vs. noncursorial animals), so that mechanical/behavioral inferences based on structure alone should be limited to corresponding skeletal regions and animals with similar basic mechanical designs. Within such comparisons, traditional geometric parameters (such as second moments of area and section moduli) still give the best available estimates of in vivo mechanical competence. Thus, when employed with appropriate caution, these features may be used to reconstruct mechanical loadings and behavioral differences within and between past populations. Am J Phys Anthropol 129:484–498, 2006. VVC 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
To assess the influence of bone turnover on bone density and fracture risk, we measured serum levels of osteocalcin (OC), bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP), and carboxy-terminal propeptide of type I procollagen (PICP), as well as 24-h urine levels of cross-linked N-telopeptides of type I collagen (NTx) and the free pyridinium cross-links, pyridinoline (Pyd) and deoxypyridinoline (Dpd), among 351 subjects recruited from an age-stratified random sample of Rochester, Minnesota women. PICP, NTx, and Dpd were negatively associated with age among the 138 premenopausal women. All of the biochemical markers were positively associated with age among the 213 postmenopausal women, and the prevalence of elevated turnover (>1 standard deviation [SD] above the premenopausal mean) varied from 9% (PICP) to 42% (Pyd). After adjusting for age, most of the markers were negatively correlated with bone mineral density (BMD) of the hip, spine, or forearm as measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and women with osteoporosis were more likely to have high bone turnover. A history of osteoporotic fractures of the hip, spine, or distal forearm was associated with reduced hip BMD and with elevated Pyd. After adjusting for lower BMD and increased bone resorption, reduced bone formation as assessed by OC was also associated with prior osteoporotic fractures. These data indicate that a substantial subset of elderly women has elevated bone turnover, which appears to adversely influence BMD and fracture risk. Combined biochemical and BMD screening may provide better prediction of future fracture risk than BMD alone.
Bone densitometry using dual-photon absorptiometry (DPA) or dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has become a standard method for assessing bone mineral content in the spine and other skeletal regions. A projected areal density, referred to as bone mineral density (BMD,g/cm2), is normally calculated to assess regional bone density and strength. We demonstrate that this measure can be misleading when used to compare bones of different sizes due to inherent biases caused by bone thickness differences. For example, assuming that volumetric bone density remains constant and bony linear dimensions are proportional to height, a 20% increase in height would result in a 20% increase in both the thickness and the BMD of any bone. We describe new analysis methods to reduce the confounding effect of bone size, and we introduce a parameter, bone mineral apparent density (BMAD, g/cm3), that better reflects bone apparent density. Using this parameter, we calculate a quantity that serves as an index of bone strength (IBS, g2/cm4) for whole vertebral bodies. These analyses were applied to lumbar spine (L2-4) DXA measurements in a population of women 17-40 years old and appear to offer advantages to conventional techniques.